lemsprod · 2 years
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C'est avec une addition salée de 10K$ d'installation et 5k$ par mois d'abonnement que le public pro et fortuné peut désormais naviguer sur le web en haute mer. C'est normal que ce soit cher pour le pekin moyen car il n'y avait actuellement qu'un seul réseau satellite permettant le couverture mondiale (Iridium) mais ne permettant pas au grand public de naviguer sur internet avec des transferts de data infiniment moins véloces (0,0024 Mb/s) que celui d'Elon Musk (350Mb/s proposés mais en réalité c'est plutôt 150 Mb/S) qui reste lui quand même loin de celui de la fibre dans sa version très haut débit (à 8000 Mb/s). Mais bon ... en haute mer c'est déjà énorme de pouvoir surfer sur le web ! Donc pour l'instant ca concernera tout le globe quand Starlink se complétement déployé ( pour l'instant 32 pays sur la carte sont concernés uniquement) et c'est réservé aux riches. Ca parait cher au commun des mortels (la facture d'installation c'est grosso modo le prix que j'obtiendrai de mon bateau actuel à la revente🙂) mais en réalité pour des gens ayant des gros yachts c'est quasi peanuts pour ce confort facteur de sécurité incontournable … l'installation c'est juste le prix d'une de leurs trois ancres que leurs assurances remboursent si ils la perdent … et l'abonnement bon ok c'est un peu cher. Mais les détails sur les prix réels des communication maritimes très haut débit sont là et finalement Elon se débrouille plutôt bien jusque là :
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onetechavenue · 4 years
MediaTek Conduct World’s First Public Test of 5G Satellite IoT Data Connection with Inmarsat
MediaTek Conduct World’s First Public Test of 5G Satellite IoT Data Connection with Inmarsat
FUCINO SPACE CENTER, Italy – August 20, 2020 – MediaTek is pushing the boundaries of advanced IoT 5G satellite communications with a successful field trial that transfers data through Inmarsat’s Alphasat L-band satellite, in Geostationary Orbit (GEO) 35,000 kilometers above the equator.
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The results of MediaTek and Inmarsat’s IoT field test will be contributed to the 3rd Generation Partnership…
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ellenmahlangu · 7 years
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Country LOVE ❤️ . . . . #sailors #sailer #boombingoworld #travel #volvooceanrace #vacation #travellovers #beautifuldestinations #beautifulworld #wonderlust #musto #omega #instamood #akzonobel #vestas #wanderlust #immarsat #awesome #travel #instatravel #travelgram #tourist #hcl #vacation #traveling #dronelover #drone #karmadrone #gopro #goprohero6 #capetown
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astronormiee · 5 years
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"VA250" the 4th Ariane-5 launch of 2019 from GSC,Kourou. Is postponed due to Power supply anamoly 20min prior to Launch. (ImmarSat-5🛰️ And Tiba-1🛰️) are in safe mode in spaceport. New T-0 is +48 hrs . . . . . #va250 #ariane #arianespace #arianegroup #esa #europe #cnes #france #frenchguiana #amazon #kourou #ariane5 #business #thalesaleniaspace #egypt #internet #influencer #satellite #space #immarsat #tiba1 #airbusspace #aerospace #rocketry #rocketlaunch #spacecraft #nasa #isro #spacex #nkknspacepage https://www.instagram.com/p/B5M6SpVFPWh/?igshid=sbw5l3btngtg
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nkknspace · 5 years
Ariane-5 VA250 / ImmarSat-5 F5,Tiba-1
Status: Prelaunch progress
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Prelaunch Preview (va250)
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telecomnieuwsnet · 6 years
Onderzoek: Passagiers willen steeds vaker WiFi aan boord
Onderzoek: Passagiers willen steeds vaker WiFi aan boord
WiFi hoog in de lucht is voor passagiers tegenwoordig steeds vaker een selectiemiddel al het om het kopen van een vliegtuigticket gaat. Dit stelt de leverancier van satellietdiensten voor onder meer internetverbindingen met vliegtuigen Immarsat en een recent onderzoek. (more…)
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un-enfant-immature · 5 years
Earth observation startup Capella Space will launch a seven satellite constellation in 2020
Capella Space is all set to begin commercial operations in 2020, with the launch of seven satellites that will provide synthetic aperture radar (SAR)-based imaging, which will provide its clients with extremely high-resolution imaging of Earth with extremely fast turnaround time, more power-efficient operation and higher quality than is currently available on the market from other small satellite-based solutions.
Backed by DCVC and Spark Capital, Capella says it has all the funding it needs to get its seven satellites launched and operational next year. The startup has also locked in deals with various U.S. government clients, including one with the U.S. Air Force. Its technology is a natural fit for defense applications, since it can capture high resolution data not only with greater quality than competitors, but also for longer spans – it can provide up to 10 minutes of active image capture per orbital path, which the company says is around 5x what its closest competitor can provide due to power consumption limitations.
In addition to government clients, Capella also has signed partnerships with key players in data delivery and ground-based relay, including Immarsat, Addvalue and AWS. These companies and the capabilities they provide will allow Capella to essentially offer real-time satellite tasking, which means that when a client asks it to point its imaging array at a specific location, that can do that immediately, “virtually latency free,” something it says it is unique in offering across the Easy observation industry. That’s an incredible competitive advantage – and it also says it’ll be able to actually collect and provide the resulting imaging from the satellites in as little as 30 minutes on average, which is also way below the industry average.
All told, Capella has lined up eight customers over the course of this past year, and they span a range of industries including not just defense, but also insurance, disaster relief, energy/oil and gas, urban development and maritime operations.
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seanews11 · 4 years
Smart Shipping Benefits Companies and the Environment
Smart Shipping Benefits Companies and the Environment
Like many industries, shipping and maritime logistics are increasingly digitized and data-driven. A report from SAFETY4SEA’s 2018 Technology Award winner, Immarsat, found that the maritime shipping industry is better poised to adopt Internet of Things (IoT) technologies than previously supposed.
The report focuses on understanding how critical industries — including the agriculture, energy,…
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blogtintonghop24h · 5 years
Sự thật gây sốc về cơ trưởng lái máy bay MH370 mất tích cách đây 5 năm
Chuyến bay MH370 mất tích khi đang trên đường bay từ Kuala Lumpur đến Bắc Kinh, đã biến mất khỏi màn hình radar vào ngày 8/3 năm 2014.
Máy bay chở 239 hành khách, trong đó có hai trẻ sơ sinh, cùng với 16 thành viên phi hành đoàn. Các chuyên gia đưa ra nhiều phiên bản của những gì đã xảy ra, nhưng sự biến mất của máy bay vẫn là một trong những bí ẩn lớn nhất trong những năm gần đây.
Chân dung cơ trưởng Ahmad Shah.
Suốt 5 năm qua, ngoài chính phủ Malaysia vào cuộc điều tra thì nhiều cơ quan hàng không lẫn an ninh trên thế giới đều đi tìm lời giải cho sự mất tích bí ẩn này. Ngoài ra, nhiều nhà thám hiểm cũng dành tâm huyết lẫn công sức để tìm cho bằng được vị trí máy bay rơi. Tuy nhiên, tất cả đều vô vọng.
Mới đây, cơ quan điều tra hàng không Pháp bất ngờ chú ý vào vị trí cơ trưởng của MH370. Ahmad Shah chính là cơ trưởng của chuyến bay MH370 và đang bị nghi ngờ là người gây ra tai họa cho 239 hành khách. 
Tính cách của cơ trưởng Ahmad khiến nhiều người khó hiểu.
Cơ quan điều tra hàng không Pháp đã tìm thấy nhiều bằng chứng qua những dữ liệu chuyến bay của Boeing được gửi trước vụ tai nạn. Chứng cứ này bao gồm nhiều dữ liệu vệ tinh từ công ty viễn thông vệ tinh Immarsat có trụ sở tại Anh.
Cơ quan điều tra này dự kiến ​​sẽ mất khoảng một năm để xem tất cả thông tin nhận được từ Boeing. Tuy nhiên, hiện tại theo các cuộc điều tra sơ bộ cho thấy "ai đó đã đứng sau thanh điều khiển khi máy bay bị vỡ ở Ấn Độ Dương". Qua những dữ liệu này cho thấy có quá nhiều điểm bất thường.
Cơ quan điều tra Pháp là đơn vị cuối cùng theo đuổi vụ máy bay MH370 mất tích.
Qua đó các nhà điều tra tin vào kết luận rằng cơ trưởng Zaharie Ahmad Shah là một người đàn ông rắc rối, cô đơn, cố tình giết chết tất cả hành khách và phi hành đoàn trên chuyến bay. Cơ quan điều tra cho rằng, cơ trưởng Ahmad chính là người đứng sau tất cả. Người đàn ông này đã có quyết định tự sát và gây ra tai họa cho 239 hành khách vào năm 2014.
Đỗ Quyên (Theo Dailymail)
Nguồn https://ift.tt/2LL6Ys6
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billtj · 5 years
Express.co.uk: MH370 news: Why expert claimed first-class passenger HIJACKED and landed plane HERE.
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majalahforbes-blog · 6 years
Susul Citilink, Garuda Indonesia dan Sriwijaya Akan Pasang WiFi Gratis di Pesawat
Forbes - Sebanyak 50 pesawat Citilink akan dipasangi wifi gratis dengan nilai investasi 40 juta dolar AS. Namun, tak hanya Citilink, pesawat Garuda Indonesia dan Sriwijaya juga akan dipasangi fasilitas serupa. Direktur Utama PT Mahata Aero Teknologi, Muhamad Fitriansyah menyebutkan sepanjang 2019, pihaknya akan memasang wifi di 24 pesawat Garuda Indonesia Group. Rinciannya, delapan pesawat Citilink dan enam pesawat Garuda Indonesia. Total pemasangan wifi, lanjut dia, yakni 203 pesawat yang meliputi Garuda Indonesia, Citilink Indonesia dam Sriwijaya Air. "Sudah termasuk Sriwijaya, tapi tidak semua," katanya, Kamis (17/1/2019). Dia mengatakan pemasangan wifi untuk satu pesawat membutuhkan waktu empat hari. Fitriansyah menjelaskan teknologi wifi tersebut menggunakan satelit dan berkapasitas 50 megabite. Untuk mengantisipasi cuaca, pihaknya sudah mengantisipasi karena Indonesia merupakan negara tropis dengan awan tebal dan curah hujan tinggi. "Jadi kita mengantisipasinya satelit itu menambatkannya ke tempat lain dulu agar stabil," katanya. Sebelumnya, lanjut dia, juga telah menguji coba wifi terlebih dulu dalam lima hari berturut-turut dengan pemakaian 20-25 megabite. Fitriansyah mengatakan uji coba tersebut menyebabkan tingkat keterisian penumpang dari 60 persen menjadi 81 persen. "Jadi, Insya Allah tiga hingga enam bulan ke depan kami siap memasang juga di pesawat Garuda," katanya. Pemasangan tersebut juga bekerja sama dengan PT Garuda Maintenance Facility AeroAsia (GMF) serta Immarsat sebagai satelit dan Lufthansa technik untuk perangkat lunak dan keras. Dia merinci wifi bisa mengakses media sosial, aplikasi chat, dan email, untuk yang sifatnya menelepon tidak bisa digunakan. Wifi dalam penerbangan bisa aktif setelah tanda sabuk pengaman dimatikan dan sebelum mendarat. Dalam kesempatan sama, Direktur Kelaikudaraan dan Pengoperasian Pesawat Udara Avirianto mengatakan proses perizinan pemasangan wifi selama satu bulan. Ia menambahkan pengecekan wifi juga akan dievaluasi dalam pemeriksaan kelaikan (ramp check) selama tiga bulan. Aviarianto mengaku tidak pemasangan wifi pesawat tidak mengganggu navigasi penerbangan. "Navigasi tidak masalah, makanya diizinkan. Apabila mengganggu, kami suruh matikan," katanya.   Read the full article
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localseocompany · 7 years
Want a lightweight and rugged satellite communications terminal? Consider the Explorer 3075 0.75m Ku-Band for your needs! Need help deciding? Remote Satellite Systems’s experienced team can help figure out the perfect fit for your priorities. Call today. 
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ellenmahlangu · 7 years
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MCM.. is enjoying the Volvo Ocean Race experience which is the world’s premier offshore race happening in Cape Town. It is the longest and toughest professional sporting event in the world, sailing’s toughest team challenge and one of the sport’s Big Three events, alongside the Olympics and America’s Cup.. cc @volvooceanrace @akzonobel @vestas @cobham @immarsatglobal . . . . #sailors #sailer #boombingoworld #travel #volvooceanrace #vacation #travellovers #beautifuldestinations #beautifulworld #wonderlust #musto #omega #instamood #akzonobel #vestas #wanderlust #immarsat #awesome #travel #instatravel #travelgram #tourist #hcl #vacation #traveling #dronelover #drone #karmadrone #gopro #goprohero6 #capetown @luismariagordillo
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astronormiee · 5 years
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"VA250" the 4th Ariane-5 launch of 2019 from GSC,Kourou. Ariane5 is one of Most preferable Heavy lifting 🚀 to GEO/GTO with influence of 🌎 angular momentum near Equatorial region, is Ready to Board the Communication Satellites (ImmarSat-5🛰️ And Tiba-1🛰️) to Geostationary Transfer Orbit (Above Asia and Egypt) . . . . . #va250 #ariane #arianespace #arianegroup #esa #europe #cnes #france #frenchguiana #amazon #kourou #ariane5 #business #thalesaleniaspace #egypt #internet #influencer #satellite #space #immarsat #tiba1 #airbusspace #aerospace #rocketry #rocketlaunch #spacecraft #nasa #isro #spacex #nkknspacepage https://www.instagram.com/p/B47k8hghCtT/?igshid=1nux80yef96e9
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rubicon3sailing · 7 years
Life on the ocean waves on board Hummingbird
We really have settled into a routine of the three hour life in the three team watch system. Night duty is great because its so much cooler. Still t shirts only and shorts. Down in the ‘hold’ in the day s in from the small portholes and delight in the simple pleasure of the cheap B&Q fans we were all issued by Rachael to keep our temperatures down. The seas have been much calmer and with so much less swell than I had expected which is great. We are atuned to looking rear for potential squalls heading up on us but nothing so far and nothing on the immediate horizon. Its definitely warmer than I had expected as I had arrived with full wet kit and boots and layers which all sit redundantly at the bottom of my storage locker until  now.  I had hoped to be able to communicate while in the middle of the Ocean via my Immarsat sat phone but having made several tries of text and calls I haven’t managed to get through so aplologies to those expecting to hear my cheery tones from Latitude 14 degrees N. In the next 24 hours we are embarking on a celestial navigation course setting and not monitor the GPS. This should be fun. It has involved compass checks and taking sightings on stars at night and the sun in the day. If you see us facing Brazil or Greenland in the next 24 hours you know why! Chris
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telecomnieuwsnet · 7 years
T-Mobile levert infrastructuur LTE-verbindingen luchtvaart
T-Mobile maakt bekend dat het, als onderdeel van pan-Europees project van moederbedrijf Deutsche Telekom en satellietbedrijf Immarsat, de technische infrastructuur heeft afgerond voor een mobiegrondnetwerk voor de luchtvaart. (more…)
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