#imma have to talk to career services and be like listen
ifindtheartifacts · 7 days
Y’all finding a job is hard but finding a job as an international student in another country may kill me
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laguezze · 1 year
PAC: What's your ideal career path?
(This is for the career oriented people that got absolutely no idea what to do with their lives or have an idea but are so overwhelmed and lost with all the possibilities. I salute y'all bc same)
More piles this time because why not lol
Here are the piles:
Pile 1
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Pile 2
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Pile 3
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Pile 4
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Pile 5
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Pile 6
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Ready? Let's go!
Pile 1
I'm so into you, I can barely breathe ~
There are two subgroups within this pile so I will read them differently right now.
Seems like Group 1 is actually free spirited and out there and independent. You guys don't need anyone and you hate being restrained by boundaries or rules. Thus, I think a career that best suits you is one where no one rules over you but yourself. And of course not a high stress environment. I'm seeing you, group 1 fellows might thrive in a customer service position. Some of you might open your own bar or something, I'm seeing a lot of entrepreneurship here. Do it. Start that business and be happy.
And now onto group 2
For group 2, seems like you guys have some things to work on. You say your dream is to be a hippie by the beach that is free spirited and carefree but you are nothing like that. And that is ok. You're not less cool or more boring or ordinary. You being yourself is already unique, there is nothing to complete in you.
I'm seeing some of you guys are quiet and shy, but actually love people. Wouldn't be hurtful to try out some customer service as well! Weirdly enough I see the same career paths as group 1 for you guys. Entrepreneurship, having your own company, etc.
In general, for both groups I see these:
culinary arts (big on this one), Chef, waiter, bartender, owner of any place that serves food or drink, secretary, CEO, business management, HR worker, meeting mediator, etc
Pile 2
You like my hair? Gee, thanks! Just bought it ~
You guys seem like a bit of an airhead but in a wonderful way. I can't stress how positively I mean that. People seem baffled by the way you act and say things and you surprise them everyday. Seems like you really don't care about who you're talking to, there is no filter or personality switch. You're just you. And it's genuine. And it's enough. You seem to have some issues with people because of that, but also you attract wonderful opportunities as well. Think Elle Woods from Legally Blonde. Big Elle energy for real.
I think you guys might even be in a male dominated industry, which is tough considering your personality, but not impossible. And especially not impossible for you. Absolutely not customer service, though. Some people hate your personality (f them ngl) but your ideal career is probably one where your work speaks for itself and they can't deny your talent.
I see careers such as STEM, law, IT, music, biology, forensics, investigator, nail tech and criminal Justice.
Pile 3
Wrote some songs about Ricky, now I listen and laugh ~
You guys are powerful. When you enter a room, people notice you. Which is why you could either do great in the performance arts or in a position of power within an organization. This is so short and straight forward, but so are you so...
Careers I see: dancer, CEO, event planner, actor, real estate agent.
Pile 4
She might've let you hold her hand in school but imma show you how to graduate ~
Ok you guys, this is gonna be a bit straightforward so beware.
A lot of you guys think you're hot s*-#, which you can be but you are not right now. What I mean by that is you seem like the type of person that says: yeah! I'm gonna have a private jet and a thousand cars and blah blah. Very materialistic. But you're not putting in the work at all, you probably don't even know what it is you're passionate about or want to do with your life (which is so valid). You just want to be rich, which honestly I get it, but you need some drive other than "i want a Maserati" you need to want something bigger. You need to be good at something and you don't even know what that something is. And something tells me that you are not even thinking about what that could be. You fantasize about being rich without wondering how to get there. Why do you want that? Status? Relationships? Reevaluate.
That said, I see two types of outcomes. If you put in the effort I'm seeing you can achieve that level of richness you're looking for. Some of you might start a company or climb up an existing one. Some of you might become travel vloggers or influencers.
If you keep doing what you're doing I see you're working at fast food chains (i literally channeled that I'm not gonna lie to y'all) as a manager maybe retail too, that type of jobs.
Careers I see: McDonald's worker, fast food manager, retail worker, makeup store worker (I'm seeing Sephora), mall business owner, souvenir store owner, business owner in general, travel vlogger, boat driver, tourist attraction worker, marketing specialist, hotel worker, hotel owner.
Hope it resonates and my apologies for the bluntness, seemed like the pile wanted to call you out. Maybe you needed it.
Lots of love 💕
Pile 5
I've been here all night, I've been here all day ~
You guys are actually going to be successful. I'm seeing some of you have bigger dreams, some of you have smaller ones (which is cool too!) But all of you will definitely achieve them in some way or another.
I see someone with a family and a big house. Some kids running around. Some of you want to be stay at home partners to a rich person (respect to you guys, every dream is a valid one) and I see you'll get that and be fulfilled. Vacation is a given. You don't struggle with money. None of you guys do.
Some common themes you all have is that your career will allow you to be calm and chill. There are no problems. Money comes easy and secure. And you're living the dream, whichever dream that may be.
A lot of you guys here are here for confirmation of an ideal life you have. Let me say, yes. It's happening. Maybe not in the way you think, maybe not in the amount of success you want it. Or maybe it does fully! But it's happening. I'm seeing some of you might want to act? You'll be an actor and have work but maybe you won't be a big Hollywood star. Or maybe you will!
Some of you may want to be singers. Again, you might not win a Grammy and become Beyonce, but you will work as a singer and it will pay your bills. Like singing at events, hotels, etc. (Or maybe you will win a Grammy! Don't let tarot discourage you from achieving anything! It's just a tool, not a strict rule to follow)
Anyways, you will be whatever it is you want to be.
I know this reading might be confusing but that's what I channelled.
Careers I see: actor/actress, stay at home partner, flight attendant, singer, dancer, librarian, real estate agent, restaurant owner, chef, coffee shop owner, flower shop owner, bakery owner.
Pile 6
A feeling that you can't fight, my one ~
You guys are travelers, no matter what you do you will be up in the air and onto a new place. Kinda chaotic, but you like that.
I'm seeing some of you might work in the fashion industry, models, designers, makeup artists, etc. You all are here gathered. I hear Milan, Paris, London, Fashion Week.
Some of you could just be a flight attendant and that's why you travel so much.
A couple of you might be touring for some reason, you might play in a band or you might sing backup for someone or you might sing yourself or play.
I'm seeing such chaos, though. Like a lot.
Some of you might do film! Or photography! And probably need to relocate for shoots a lot. So cool.
Careers I see: photographer, filmmaker, model, magazine editor, security guard, flight attendant, pilot, makeup artist, wardrobe assistant, set decorator.
The End
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shaekingshitup · 4 years
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A/N: Y’ALL! I WAS DUPED! @teakturn puts out a 25 Days of Christmas every year and my dumbass said I would do it too. But I decided to add a little diversity to the culture and we’re doing a Chrismukkah adventure this year on this blog! This is picking up after this request that I got earlier this year. None of this shit is proofread because I am literally just writing by the seat of my pants so read at your own discretion. I will probably end up rewriting this entire mini series in the future. But enjoy it now. If you wanna be tagged, lmk! Also, I know that in In Sight I said there was a cure for COVID. Swap that out for a vaccine y’all. Viruses can’t be cured. 
Word Count: 2300 
December 18, 2022
“Baby you ready?!” Tre called into the house as reached into the basket on his way to the garage. He came up empty handed for the keys to his Lexus. Opening the door to the garage, he saw Sol sitting in the passenger seat of the running car. 
Tre walked over to his baby as Sol smirked at him. 
“You late again,” she said. 
“I’m never late,” Tre said opening the door and climbing in,  “You just early as always,” he shot back as he put the car in reverse. Sol playfully rolled her eyes. After two years of being together, this was always their running joke. The first time they’d met, she’d been pacing back and forth awaiting his arrival. Even after finding their own groove, she still found herself being the one waiting for him- but, he always made it worth it so it was hard for her to complain.
Tre pulled out of the driveway and clicked the remote to shut the door. Out of instinct, his hand went to Sol’s thigh when he put it in drive. “Did you grab my yarmulke?” Tre asked as he threw her a glance. 
“Please don’t insult me. This ain’t my first feast Nemo.” the indignant manner which she spoke had her and Tre struggling to keep in their bouts of laughter. “Yes, baby. They’re in the backseat.” 
“Good. Good. What’s the other name for them again?” Tre asked as he merged onto the nearly empty highway. A five a.m call time could be a blessing and a curse. 
“Kippah” is the Hebrew word for the male cap and “kippot” is the Hebrew word for the female cap.” Sol answered on autopilot as she mused on their situation. She was still taken aback that they’d been contacted by Black Juice to begin with. She’d been following them ever since they’d done that feature with Drake talking about how his own Jewish faith influenced his career path. Although she wasn’t as active in her Jewish faith as she’d wished she’d been in recent years it was still a huge victory to be acknowledged by the leading Black Jewish media network. Okay so maybe they were the only Black Jewish media network. But that definitely meant they were in the lead! She wasn’t stupid to think that this kind of opportunity would have come without Trevante in her life. But, she wasn’t gonna knock it either. 
This 8 Days of Miracles was the perfect task she needed as she figured out what the next step was for her career. Now that she’d finally finished her academic portion of her career she wasn’t sure how to proceed. So throwing herself into this project and hosting both her family and Tre’s for the holidays was the best distraction she could ask for. This time always gave her hope and made her realize that any kind of bullshit she’d put up with wasn’t in vain. It was her annual reset. New Year’s be damned. It also made her feel closer to her father and there wasn’t anyone in this world she’d loved more. At least that’s what she’d thought. She felt pressure on her thigh from the number one contender for her heart as Tre gave her a slight squeeze. 
“What’s on ya mind Sunshine?” Sol looked down at his hand and couldn’t help but cheese. She still beamed every time he called her by that nickname. 
“I was thinking about my dad and how proud he’d be to see me reppin his faith,” Sol said absentmindedly touching her necklace. Tre listened attentively as he grazed his thumb against her thigh in a gentle motion. “ I mean, I don’t know if he could have known that all of the years he instilled in us the value of miracles when we were children we’d still be celebrating Hanukkah after he was gone.” 
“I’m sure he didn’t know.” Tre started out slowly. He honestly wasn’t even sure if she’d finished her thoughts, “But, he probably hoped you would.” The phone rang as they turned off the street and into the lot. “STEPH 👷🏿‍♀️💪🏿” flashed across the Caller ID on his dashboard. Tre clicked the answer button on his steering wheel as Sol handed him his badge to show to Nico, the Security Attendant. 
“We’re at Security Steph,” Tre answered as he nodded at Nico. 
“Okay good. I just wanted to make sure we were starting the day off on time.” Tre and Sol shared a glance. 
“Woman don’t start with me. Call time is 5 and it’s 4:39. We don’t play that late shit over here and you know it.
“Well,  I also grabbed your favorite donuts from Craft Services so no one else would steal them and I wanted to know how long I had to hoard them for your ungrateful self. I can put them back if you’d like sir,” 
“Steph. You can ignore Tre.” Sol chimed in. “We appreciate you and will be walking in the door in exactly 2 minutes. Tre is parking as we speak. We’ll see you soon.”
“Tre, you lucky you have her. Keep her if you want to keep the best managent in town. Bye y’all!!” Steph sang as she hung up. Sol let out a cackle because Steph refused to be referred as anything other than a managent as Tre stood there dumbfounded at how he was being left out to dry. But he knew better than to go against two black women before he’d even finished his morning coffee. He just hopped out the whip and opened Sol’s door so she could do the same. 
Once they’d gotten their morsels of food, gone through hair and makeup and snapped a few photos for Black Juice and their own social media accounts, they were back on the road headed deeper into LA. They had a cameraman in the backseat filming their every move, one car guided them to their location and another followed them as they maneuvered through the cars that were poppin up for their morning commutes. Sol was on her IG live and answering any questions that popped up about where they were headed and her Hanukkah festivities. She watched as the number quickly jumped from 5,000 viewers to 13,000 and counting. She wasn’t sure what this many people were doing up at this hour but she wasn’t complaining. Tre’s mama was of course one of them. He was a mama’s boy through and through and she was always there to support him at any opportunity she could. Sol made sure to greet her specifically. Tre bopped his head to some Jill Scott- being careful not to let his yarmulke fall. Sol sipped some hot cocoa from her thermos and sang off key with him. As soon as they turned on a residential street, she felt awash in a new warmth that the hot chocolate couldn’t touch. She shook Tre’s arm enthusiastically. 
“It’s time!!” she beamed, “Are you ready?!” Tre chuckled at her immediate change in attitude. The car in front was already parked and the camera crew was out on the sidewalk. 
“Yes Sol. I’m ready to spread some holiday cheer. Let’s go make somebody’s day he said. Before Tre could even put the car in park, she was reaching for the handle” 
“AHT AHT AHT” Tre barked out loud causing the cameraman man in the backseat to jump,“ Tre was already exiting the driver’s side and pointed his finger at her as he crossed in front of the car “Don’t even try it.” Sol rolled her eyes and pouted as she waited the few seconds for him to open her door. 
“Thanks Tre,” she stuck out her tongue. She was like a kid in a candy store and was ready to full out sprint to the front door. The IG live comments were flying. 
Okay Daddy Tre! I need a mans to talk to me like that. 🥵🥵
Did this man just bark at her? 🐶
Loook so long as he handles this backdoor he can open any other door that he pleases sis!
Y’all females is wylin as usual. 
Sol glanced at them. “Imma need y’all to stay out of grown folks’ business and just enjoy this holiday work we are puttin in okay” She handed her phone to another crew member and grabbed Tre’s hand to drag him to the front door. 
She pushed the button for the doorbell but no sound rang out. Tre gave three succinct raps on the door and heard someone rushing down the stairs. The door was flung open by a woman in black slacks and a blinding blue polo emblazoned with a nametag that ironically labeled this young woman as “Tangerine”. She couldn’t be more than 25 years old and the toddler saddled on her hip only added to her youthful appearance. 
“Hi Tangerine,” Tre began, “My name’s Trevante and this is Sol,” he gestured to Sol at his side. 
“Hi?” Tangerine answered confused at this couple and the cameras that followed them. 
“We’re here today with Black Juice, a local Black organization that highlights the experience of the Black Jewish community and we’re doing 8 Days of Miracles,” 
“Okay..” Tangerine said not sounding any less confused. “ I’m not Jewish.”  Sol took over as she could tell that Tre’s efforts weren’t getting them anywhere.
“We’re here because your friend Kira sent in a letter telling us about  how great of a mother you are. She said that you’ve been working two jobs here to support you and your daughter.” At this, Sol smiled at the baby, “She told us that the second job you have is for daycare expenses alone.  We wanted to come out here today and let you know that we see what you do and how hard you go to make sure you give your daughter the best. So, we wanted to help you out and give you this. “ Tre gave her the envelope he had in his hand. It read “Day 1: Tangerine”
Tangerine took the envelope as Tre explained. “We’ve paid for your daughter’s child care for the next two years so you can give yourself a break.” She opened the envelope to see the receipt from Tiny Tots Kindercare and didn’t even know what to do. 
“I don’t know what to say.” She paused for a moment as what this truly meant registered in her mind. “I can quit this job and actually spend more time with my baby and focus on my candles.” 
“Your candles?” Sol asked. 
“Yeah. I make candles by hand. I took a few classes and have played with a few scents. Some friends have asked me to make them some and I’ve been waitin to be a little more secure with my money before I start at it.” she answered exhaling deeply. 
“Do you have any candles right now?” Tre asked peeking a little further in her apartment. Sol slapped his arm. 
“Could you be any nosier?” she chastised with love. 
“Yeah I have some. Do you mind holding Layla?” she asked but she practically threw the child into Sol’s arms as she ran to grab her stash of candles. Sol put on her sweetest voice and spoke to Layla about how old she was and if she liked her friends at daycare. When her mom came back Sol could see the sheer joy that she had when showing off her handiwork. 
Tangerine went through all six of her candles and their various scents with them and by the end Tre had bought each one. She was floored and couldn’t do anything but cry at the way her morning was turning around. It wasn’t even 7:30 and she’d already gotten 2 years of childcare, a reason to quit her grocery store job and someone who actually wanted to buy her candles. 
Before they left, Tre made her promise to hit him up when her site and IG were live so he could get more candles and share it with all of his friends. Sol returned Layla to her mother saying her goodbyes and grabbed Tre’s hand to head back to car. She leaned on his shoulder and he could see the contentment in her eyes. Sol almost forgot her phone before a crewmember handed it back. 
She came back to the IG Live trying not to get too emotional. “Look at that y’all! Day one of Hanukkah is off to a start and we’ve already proved that miracles happen! Y’all better stay tuned in over the next week so you can see who we pop in on next. You never know if it could be you! Thanks to Black Juice for giving us this opportunity to turn someone’s ordinary day into something smile about. Y’all betta check them out so you can see the full footage of what we’ve got goin on! Bye y’all!
“Bye y’all!” Tre called out. They answered a few more questions with Black Juice, said their goodbyes and climbed back into their car. 
“Can we go back to bed now?” Tre asked as he pulled back onto the main road and his hand founds Sol’s thigh again. Sol laughed. 
“I mean if that’s what you prefer we can. I had some other things in mind.” she suggested. 
Tre raised his eyebrow. “I swear you see one baby and you always go 0 to 100”
“Look, I just believe in practicing all aspects of having a child! Even the making part.” 
Tre threw his head back laughing. “I’m wit it babygirl”
“That’s me” Sol said. She looked at her phone screen. A text from “Mama Rhodes” popped up.  She’d sent some Pinterest looking bible verse again. 
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This was the third one this week. It dampened her mood immediately and caused her to groan. The text read: 
Seeing you with that little girl made me so happy for the good Christian grandbabies that you and Tre will be blessing me with in the future. I thank Jesus for the miracle of you and my baby everyday XO. 
“Tre, I got another one from your mom. When are you gonna talk to her?” 
Tre sighed. “I promise. I’ll talk to her soon and it will definitely be before your Chrismukkah Extravaganza. Don’t sweat it baby.” 
Sol did her best not to think about how pushy his mother was being about this raising Christan grandbabies nonsense ever since they announced they’d be partnering with Black Juice. All she could do is trust Tre and do what she was best at: wait. 
@ghostfacekill-monger @thadelightfulone
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anonil88 · 4 years
Wandavision ep 7 lb
Not doing one for every episode but just wanted to do it for this one.
Spoilers below
All the modern family vibes
Lmfao I love how they are just like yea sis you created all of this.
Fuck you Haywood I hope wanda turns his brain to mush
Vision is about to be pissed either at Wanda or sword
I love this for Kat because it her own career in sitcom tv
Aw Vis.
Yea someone else is doing this because Wanda is so unaware but she is also depressed, dealing with trauma, and upset. It is not all Wands it just can't be.
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I love Agnes man
Aw these boys.
Oh wait maybe Agnes is still a villain, which in the back of my head is still a thought.
No you aren't wanda, I wanna hug her.
Omg who is it who is it.....idk who this is? Godress?
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Oooo that sure is a pretty toy, they better get in there and talk to wanda sooner than later.
Yay Darcy!!!
Also Vision's eyes are different now.
Ahh 08 sitcom humor
Wanda is quite literally loosing her grip on reality, her reality.
It is too big of a reality now.
LMFAO THEY MADE A MOCK DEPRESSION COMMERCIAL. these commercials are the absolute fucking worst.
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So are we going to address the imposter Pietro.
Oh I get it Billy can hear thoughts and his mom is quite literally harnessing the thoughts of thousands of people including herself.
Why is Agnes completely quiet?
Let's go Monica! Oh fuck oh fuck omg she's getting them this early!?!?!?!?!
Girl fuck the light go. Vision is gonna get home like I caught 95 red-lights and traffic and construction but I'm here. Then he's gonna have a stern talking to with his wife about boundaries.
Yasss Monica yassss! See told you
Oh Agnes. Yea Ralph is definitely a bad guy as is Agnes.
Lmfao pietro is no longer a person but a mail service.
Vision is an amazing husband.
Where are the boys?
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Yo Gabba Gabba!!!
That's what I was asking and listen wanda doesn't play about her kids, real or not real, comics or mceu she will fuck you up over her kids.
So they are really doing this wowwww. So mephisto is really about to be a thing.
We called it!!
I mean I still love Agatha her energy is great and this 90s TV show theme.
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We called it that she killed sparky.
Ayyyy so we really going there!
Fuck this please stand by bullshit
Oh fuck no Monica, if Agnes hurts my girl or them kids imma fight
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tvandenneagram · 4 years
Hamilton Enneagram types
I know that this is mainly a TV blog, but I have loved Hamilton ever since it came out and wanted to type the characters since the ‘film’ came out this week 😊
Alexander Hamilton - 3w4 - 1w2 - 7w8
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Hamilton is the archetypal 3, he is obsessed with raising his station and finding success. Hamilton works tirelessly and never ‘takes a break’ which causes problems with his loved ones. He is fixated on creating a legacy and does not want to go back to the poverty of which he came from. Hamilton is assertive and takes every opportunity he has to succeed. He advises Burr that you get nothing if you wait for it and encourages him to stand up for his beliefs. Towards the end of the musical, he has lost his son and his career, making him more unhealthy. During this time he is withdrawn, listless and shows little motivation (disintegrating to 9). 
Key lyrics:
“Hey yo, I'm just like my country I'm young, scrappy, and hungry. And I'm not throwing away my shot”
“I probably shouldn't brag, but dag, I amaze and astonish”
“Will you relish being a poor man’s wife. Unable to provide for your life?”
“As a kid in the Caribbean I wished for a war. I knew that I was poor. I knew it was the only way to rise up! ... If they tell my story I am either gonna die on the battlefield in glory or rise up!”
Eliza (about Hamilton): “You and your words obsessed with your legacy. Your sentences border on senseless. And you are paranoid in every paragraph how they perceive you”
Aaron Burr - 9w1 - 3w2 - 5w6
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Burr always keeps his stances on different issues ‘close to his chest’ because he doesn’t want to say something that can be used against him. He does have values and feelings, he just isn’t open with his feelings and doesn’t say anything to keep the peace. In the later part of the play, Burr begins to show his ambition more openly and begins to campaign for president. He starts to take more initiative and tries to be more like Hamilton and take what he wants rather than ‘waiting for it’. As Burr gets into the lower levels of health, he becomes paranoid like a 6 as we can see in “The Room Where It Happens.” When Hamilton supports Jefferson for the presidency, Burr becomes vengeful and challenges Hamilton to a duel. He does not understand why Hamilton would support his enemy over his friend, when all Burr is trying to do is take Hamilton’s advice. Burr is ultimately very jealous of Hamilton, as he believes that Hamilton gets everything he wants by taking it. Burr’s style of lying in wait directly contrasts Hamilton’s more assertive nature and deep down he wishes he was more like Hamilton.
Key Lyrics:
“I'm not standing still, I am lying in wait”
“Talk less. Smile more. Don’t let them know what you’re against or what you’re for”
“What is it like in his shoes? Hamilton doesn't hesitate. He exhibits no restraint. He takes and he takes and he takes and he keeps winning anyway.”
“I’ll keep all my plans close to my chest (wait for it, wait for it). I’ll wait here and see which way the wind will blow. I’m taking my time watching the afterbirth of the nation, watching the tension grow”
“I am slow to anger, but I toe the line as I reckon with the effects of your life on mine”
“I wanna be in the room where it happens”
Eliza Schuyler - 9w1 - 2w1 - 6w7
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Eliza is kind-hearted, caring and naive. She is shy, but she is fiercely loyal to her loved ones. She has a tendency to go with the flow and is very easily influenced. Eliza is deeply trusting and tends to take what Hamilton says at face value. It seems that she is naive to Hamilton’s intentions to raise his station and to his later affair. She is helpless when it comes to Hamilton and hangs on his every word. Eliza wants Hamilton to give her more attention and show her more affection. She wants to show him that there is more to life than creating a legacy. Eliza is very forgiving and when their son dies, she shows Hamilton the ultimate compassion by forgiving him. In her later life she becomes more of an activist and speaks out against slavery as well as establishing an orphanage to help children. 
Key lyrics:
“I have never been the type to try and grab the spotlight”
“I'm erasing myself from the narrative. Let future historians wonder how Eliza reacted when you broke her heart”
“We don’t need a legacy. We don’t need money. If I could grant you peace of mind. If you could let me inside your heart…”
“I stop wasting time on tears I live another fifty years It’s not enough”
Angelica (about Eliza):  “I know my sister like I know my own mind. You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind”
Angelica (about Eliza): “ If I tell her that I love him she’d be silently resigned. He’d be mine. She would say, “I’m fine”. She’d be lying.”
Company: “Forgiveness. Can you imagine?” 
Angelica Schuyler: 6w7 - 1w2 - 2w3 
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Angelica was very hard to type, we were stuck between 1 and 6 because she is very, very compliant. One of her defining characteristics is her self-sacrificing nature and devotion to her sister. Angelica values duty and tries to do what is right for her family. When she meets Hamilton, she is able to correctly deduce that he wants to be with her because of her family’s social status. Despite feeling an instant attraction to him, she sets him up with Eliza instead because (as the oldest) she has to fulfill her father’s expectations and marry into society. Angelica is also extremely loyal to Eliza and her family, as most of her actions are in service to them. When she returns from London, she reacts aggressively to Hamilton as he betrayed Eliza. 
Key Lyrics:
“I’m a girl in a world in which my only job is to marry rich. My father has no sons so I’m the one who has to social climb for one”
“He’s after me cos I’m a Schuyler sister. That elevates his status, I’d have to be naive to set that aside”
“In a letter I received from you two weeks ago I noticed a comma in the middle of a phrase. It changed the meaning. Did you intend this?”
“Some men say that I’m intense or I’m insane. You want a revolution? I want a revelation - so listen to my declaration”
“And when I meet Thomas Jefferson Imma compel him to include women in the sequel”
George Washington - 1w9 - 6w7 - 3w2
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Washington has very strong principles which manifest in his efforts for the revolution. He has a tendency to dwell on his past mistakes and feels deep shame over them. Washington takes Hamilton under his wing and wants to show him the wisdom that he has learned throughout his life. He remains true to his convictions and fights for what he believes in. Washington abdicates his presidency because he knows that it is the right thing for the nation. He understands that for the nation to move forward there needs to be different leaders and viewpoints. Washington wants his address to inform of the wisdom he gained from leading the country and help advise America’s future leaders.
Key lyrics:
“I made every mistake. I felt the shame rise in me and even now I lie awake knowing history has its eyes on me”
“Dying is easy, young man. Living is harder”
“Pick up a pen, start writing. I wanna talk about what I have learned. The hard-won wisdom I have earned���
“Can I be real a second? For just a millisecond? Let down my guard and tell the people how I feel a second? Now I’m the model of a modern major general the venerated Virginian veteran whose men are all lining up, to put me up on a pedestal, writin’ letters to relatives, embellishin’ my elegance and eloquence”  
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lognecro · 4 years
I’m getting job training at Bonehaven learning center
I’m typing this on my phone because I don’t have a computer, but i’m hoping to get one in the next month. Anyways, my name is Logan, and I had no direction in life. I was born on March 22, 2003, so i’ll be 18 in about a month. I have a few interesting things about me that might be important for this blog. I am autistic, I suffer from several mental disorders that cause psychosis, anger issues, and in general destructive behavior. I dropped out of high school midway through junior year, and have been through the process of getting my ged while holding down a job at a grocery store.
I don’t know when but my parents found out about a program called Job Corps, and I filled out an application. I’ll be going to the Bonehaven center in Oregon, where I will be trained in SAPS(Security and protective services). This should be happening in the next few months, but since right now my life is doing pretty poorly social wise, I thought writing a journal might help. I don’t like being trapped in my own bubble though, so i’m doing a blog. Instead of screaming my thoughts onto paper, i’ll be doing it into the void that is the internet.
My hobbies include reading and writing, listening to music, and practicing bass(I’m not very good at it). I’m hoping in the future though to write my own music, or at least perform in a band. My main dream is to become a ghost and monster hunter though, traveling the United States checking out hotspots of folklore and supernatural activity. Sadly I have to focus on reality, and that’s why I am doing SAPS with Job Corps, I’m not an idiot but i’m not the smartest guy either, and despite me having a bit of a weight issue, when i’m working out regularly I have body builder muscles and i’m absolutely swol.
Right now me and my friends are going through a rough patch, I spend too much money and time on my friend Ivy, while I barely spend time with Jenny. It doesn’t help that they hate each other and refuse to be in the same room together. Ivy is super needy and texts me every day to hang out, which makes me irritable most of the time so I usually lie and say I’m working because I need my alone time. Jenny never texts me and I rarely see her cause she lives a couple towns over, and I don’t have my license yet so I always have to ask for a ride.
I’m hoping to get my license soon, but with this pandemic, it’s been nearly impossible to get an appointment set up. I have this old convertible Chrysler that my grandma gave me, it needs a new battery and hood, and before I take it in to get fixed, I have to scrub the inside down with bleach because of all the mold. It’s a really nice car though and I hope to have it running in a couple months. I have a bit of an energy drink addiction and right now I’m in love with these zero calorie, 300 mg caffeine drinks. I get the new red dragon flavor and it’s just a really good and smooth fruit punch flavor.
At my job, I’m the closing parcel, so i’m the guy pushing carts and cleaning the restrooms, though I refuse to clean the womens restroom after I had done my whole *knock knock* “HOUSEKEEPING, ANYBODY INSIDE?!?!?” routine, and nobody answered, so I walked in and in the first stall, a woman was...having some fun I guess, awkward thing was she stared me in the eyes and only did it more furiously, so I just don’t go in there anymore. My bosses are generally very pleasant and easy to work with, except for Big Bitch and Little Bitch, who I will not say their names as to not reference their names.
Big Bitch has no idea how to manage people, and has a thick accent that makes it very hard to understand him. He’s the one that tells me to go vacuum the front lobby when the cart bays are over flowing and people are complaining. Little Bitch has absolutely no empathy or awareness of his surroundings, he generally wanders off to go talk to customers or check his phone, while he lets the assistant manager do all the hard work of managing the front end. The assistant managers are the people I can actually respect, because they’re real people instead of an annoying character that only exists to make my day harder.
In general I don’t have to do much most days, and take long breaks because people often don’t use carts or make massive messes, you’d think they would but it’s only happen a couple times in the year i’ve worked here. At home I live in a repurposed bathroom, where the sink, bathtub, and toilet had all been removed and paved over to turn the room into an exceptionally large storage room, where I have a twin sized bed, a tv, and an xbox that I never play. Often at night, I can hear my parents having sex over my music because the walls are so thin. Getting drunk or high helps, but most days I just turn the tv up high or listen to music via my headphones.
I’m going to be switching to a flip phone, because I want to stop using social media as often, and I just think they’re cool. I love old tech. I’m making the switch after I get a laptop, so that i’ll still have a way to update this blog. Anyways I’ve, recently been getting into the occult, mainly to explain my prophetic dreams that are either random events that i’m going to experience or end of the world scenarios that happen in other universes. My mom had the ability to see and conjure the dead, and my brothers inherited that ability, but I didn’t. While i’m sensitive to the supernatural, I can’t perceive what’s around me, only what’s in my head
I initially thought it was some sort of schizophrenia the voices in my head, but even after taking anti psychotics and getting monthly injections, they never went away. I never told anybody though, because I don’t want to go to a hospital again. I’ve been trying to categorize and place the voices, but they’re not the same every time, and they’re not talking to me. They’re just talking, it’s like eavesdropping on a conversation that doesn’t exist, but yet some how, the information I hear is usually about the people around me, some random stuff, and me. I’m currently in the small break room, with an ear bud in my right ear and two conversations going on to my left.
One is my coworkers talking to each other, and the other one is a man talking to a woman, I don’t really know what it’s about but a few snippets are “Yeah I piss in the milk, they can’t tell though. I’ve managed to open a door, gonna try to do that again soon. I made about 3 kids cry again, honestly if I could I’d make a career out of it”
Just random things like that, in general though the conversation seems to be about somebody named and I don’t know how this is spelt so this is a guess, “Hephitus” I have no idea who that is, but it seems like they’re talking about a person. I hear this name every now and then, but they dropped this name a few times and in general it’s them just verbally shitting on him/her, pretty much what I do when i’m talking about somebody. I typically ignore these convos but right now i’m bored, so I got nothing better to do. I have to go back to work now though, so Imma go. I’m going to try posting daily, so let me know what you think. This has been Logan or LogNecro, and this is my blog
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chaoticghost21 · 6 years
Oh shit, that's all of them. Ya know what, its midnight and I'm really fuckin stoned let's do this motherfuckers1. What is you middle name?Cheyann2. How old are you?18 (19 in less than a month)3. When is your birthday?April 22 4. What is your zodiac sign?Taurus but on the cusp of aries and Taurus 5. What is your favorite color?Probably blue or purple 6. What’s your lucky number?217. Do you have any pets?5 dogs8. Where are you from?Oregon in the us9. How tall are you?5'510. What shoe size are you?10 in women's11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?9 i think but they all have holes in then and are ratty (other than my vans and my brown boots that are technically my mom's but they're mine now) so i really only wear one pair of converse12. What was your last dream about?All Time Low broke up and I had a meltdown public. like in this dream i fell to the ground screaming no and i was in public then yelled that this day was worse than March 2213. What talents do you have?I can draw, paint, bake, craft, play flute, sing, write, and compose music14. Are you psychic in any way?Possibly, I've definitely had some moments but idk15. Favorite song?THIS IS THE HARDEST QUESTION EVER. FAVORITE SONG IN GENERAL? RIGHT NOW? WHAT? HOW DO I ANSWER??? UMMMM SUMMER STAINED BY BROADSIDE BECAUSE ITS BEAUTIFUL AND I LOVE IT16. Favorite movie?Either The Lovely Bones or The Perks of Being a Wallflower17. Who would be your ideal partner?I have no idea but can they be respectful, nice, have musical ability, and a good sense of humor please?18. Do you want children?Yes but I want to adopt19. Do you want a church wedding?No20. Are you religious?Nope21. Have you ever been to the hospital?Yes, many times, sadly22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?Yes, when I was little me, my older cousins, and their friends got yelled at by cops for not having bike helmets but me being me I said I didn't actually live anywhere around there and my helmet was at home and this wasnt my bike (all true) so the cops let me go back to my aunts house while they continued to yell at the other kids23. Have you ever met any celebrities?Yeah, I met Tim, the bass from Home Free24. Baths or showers?Showers 25. What color socks are you wearing?They are Gryffindor colors26. Have you ever been famous?No but I've been on the news many times (i wanna be famous though)27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?Yes, i would love to be because i wanna hello people with my music the way music helped me 28. What type of music do you like?Like rock and any subgenre of rock (pop punk, punk, alternative, metal, post hardcore, etc)29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?Nope30. How many pillows do you sleep with?4 because that's all i have, sadly 31. What position do you usually sleep in?On my right side32. How big is your house?Small. We have 3 rooms but they're all small with tiny bathrooms, tiny kitchen, and tiny living room. I hate that all i have in my room is a queen size mattress and I barely have room for anything else33. What do you typically have for breakfast?Nothing34. Have you ever fired a gun?Yes, a few times35. Have you ever tried archery?No, i was offered the chance but i was too pissed off at the person to take them up on their offer36. Favorite clean word?POMEGRANATE37. Favorite swear word?Either motherfucker, asshat, or shitass38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?Over a week39. Do you have any scars?Yeah, on my hand, legs, and belly button (hand: idk, i accidentally stabbed a pair of scissors into my hand while craftingLegs: I'm really jumpy and someone threw a remote past me to someome else and i was sitting on the arm of the couch and fell off when i flinched and landed into 2 plastic storage boxes 40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?No, people don't like me that much41. Are you a good liar?Yep, I've lied a lot in my life and no one knows 42. Are you a good judge of character?Sometimes43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?When I talk a lot I accidentally go into an Australian accent and I don't know why or how. I can also do a southern and British 44. Do you have a strong accent?Nah dude, pacific west coast, we don't got that much of one45. What is your favorite accent?AUSTRALIAN OR IRISH46. What is your personality type?idk my dude 47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?My prom dress from 3 years ago 48. Can you curl your tongue?Nope49. Are you an innie or an outie?Innie50. Left or right handed?Right51. Are you scared of spiders?Terrified52. Favorite food?Pizza or teriyaki chicken53. Favorite foreign food?If what I get at my local sushi place is considered foreign then that54. Are you a clean or messy person?Messy. I'm so cluttered and scattered its not even funny55. Most used phrased?I'm gonna play this song 56. Most used word?Fuck57. How long does it take for you to get ready?15 minutes without makeup or making my hair look nice anywhere from an hour to 2 of I wear makeup and make my hair look nice58. Do you have much of an ego?No, I pretend to though. Fake confidence helps me59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?Suck but sometimes I get bored and decide to cronch60. Do you talk to yourself?Yes, I sometimes need expert advice and no one else I know is smart enough to give it to me (aka what I say to assholes who mock me for talking to myself lol)61. Do you sing to yourself?ALWAYS. I sing without knowing62. Are you a good singer?I think so, I meann that's what I wanna nake a career out of so I hope I am63. Biggest Fear?Dying without making an impact or difference in the world or not accomplishing my dreams64. Are you a gossip?No, unless you screw me over65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?Idk whats considered drama, other than Disney movies, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, The Lovely Bones, and Tolkien movie, and a few others I really only watch horror movies66. Do you like long or short hair?Looonnggg (I cut my hair short when I was little and it never grew back the same and I hate it)67. Can you name all 50 states of America?I think so but don't ask me ANYTHING about capitals 68. Favorite school subject?Music69. Extrovert or Introvert?An extroverted introvert ( I'm pretty introverted but it really depends on my mood)70. Have you ever been scuba diving?Nope71. What makes you nervous?Everything72. Are you scared of the dark?Yes73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?Sometimes74. Are you ticklish?VERY75. Have you ever started a rumor?No76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?No unless you count me being the leader of my choir, the flute section, and my old friend grouo77. Have you ever drank underage?Yeah which is how we found out I'm allergic to alcohol78. Have you ever done drugs?If marijuana counts then yes (I'm under the influence right now)79. Who was your first real crush?No one, I've never actually has one80. How many piercings do you have?None81. Can you roll your Rs?“No82. How fast can you type?Idk, pretty fast though (taking typing classes all elementary school helped that. They got tired of us so they made us do Mavis Beacon so they could get away from us and not have to teach us)83. How fast can you run?Not very, I have shitty knees and can barely walk (not a joke)84. What color is your hair?Really faded red but will be bright blue soon85. What color is your eyes?Green86. What are you allergic to?A LOT. Cats, alcohol, dairy products (lactose intolerant), pollen, like 5 different kinds of weeds, grass, a little bit to dogs, i think I'm a little bit to weed, bed bugs, dust, mold, flea shampoo, and I think that's it87. Do you keep a journal?No88. What do your parents do?Watch TV and smoke weed89. Do you like your age?Eh not really I'm almost 19 and haven't accomplished anything, no job, can't drive, still in high school90. What makes you angry?Many many things. Disrespect of any form is the biggest one though91. Do you like your own name?Eh, its okay. My mom told me the other name she had picked out for me and I wish she would've gone with that one (Kassadee Cheyann or Devyn Taylor... I'm emo as hell and seem slowly becoming more punk. Devyn would've fit me wayyy better)92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?I've thought of a few. I've always had either Ansley, Quinn, Spencer, or Talia for a girl and Jayden or Jace for a boy or Ash for any because I've always liked that name (fun fact I used to go by Ash or Ashton when I was questioning gender in high school [gender fluid] so my friends called me that)93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?Any, I don't really care. Gender doesn't matter to me at all94. What are you strengths?Imma copy and paste from my resume lol...Back from my resume and this is what it said: Dexterity, public performance, customer service, directing, leading, persistence, competitiveness, creativity, sound discrimination, listening, and writing95. What are your weaknesses?I'm afraid of everything, I'm very paranoid, and I have anxiety and depression96. How did you get your name?There was some character on a TV show my mom saw while pregnant whos name was Cassidy but my mom wanted a better spelling 97. Were your ancestors royalty?Doubt it98. Do you have any scars?Yes... This was also #3999. Color of your bedspread?BLACK100. Color of your room?White. My room is boring and I've never done any decoration in it.DONE. I DIDN'T REALIZE THIS TOOK ALMOAT AN HOUR HOLY SHIT
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bamgyawn · 7 years
get to know me tag
I was tagged by @jinfluenza thank you!!!!
1.Drink: water (because i have no more pop)
2. Phone Call: united blood services because they never stop calling me 
3.Text message: “reading is so much better” to my friend
4. Song you listened to: willy wonka’s welcome song from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
5.Time you cried: several months ago though i might in a second with what my mom is doing
Have you ever…
6. Dated someone twice: No way
7. Been cheated on: nope
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: Yes
9. Lost someone special: No
10. Been depressed: For 6 years
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: I have never gotten drunk i am a law-abiding citizen
List 3 Favorite colors:
Brown, pink and orange
In the last year have you…
15. Made new friends: Yes
16. Fallen out of love: Yep
17. Laughed until you cried: Yes definitely it was because of some joke my friend britt told me 
18: Found out someone was talking about you: yes it was like a week ago
19. Met someone who changed you: yes
20. Found out who your true friends are: Kinda? I don’t have a ton of friends
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: the last time i got kissed was 2 years ago 
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: literally like all of them i have like 95 friends
23. Do you have any pets: i got one dog she is a sheltie
24: Do you want to change your name: I technically go by another name online and i would probably change it if i had that chance
25: What did you do for your last birthday: I went to Ihop and saw Underworld: Blood Wars
26: What time did you wake up: 9:30 am because i got work
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: I was writing and watching Bones!
28: Name something you cannot wait for: Go to seoul for school
29: When was the last time you saw your mother: last week when we picked up my sister, before that it was in May
30: What is the one thing you wish you could change about your life: I wish I could be prettier
31. What are you listening to right now: the show The Killing Season
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I knew a guy named Thomas in elementary school
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: when people do something without asking
34: Most visited website: tumblr, ao3 and youtube
35: Elementary: are you asking for my elementary school name? because i had like 4
36: High school: been to three high schools
37: College/University: I am currently waiting to go to Seoul National University for a semester
38: Hair color: Brown
39: Long or short hair: its just barely past my collarbones
40: Do you have a crush on someone: yes but i dunno if it is a crush crush or just me being emotional
41: What do you like about yourself: i have a generally good memory
42: Piercings: my ear but i never wear earrings (which makes me feel bad bc a friend bought me earrings)
43: Blood type: A+
44. Nickname: Nezu, Nez
45. Relationship status: single because what is dating
46: Zodiac sign: Aquarius
47: Pronouns: They/Them but i honestly don’t care what you call me lol its not like i’ll get offended
48: Favorite TV show: No.6 (anime)
49: Tattoos: I have the characters  花樣年華 with a butterfly on my left forearm and the Wings album logo with “wings” across the top on my right wrist, I am going to get a Disney tattoo at some point on my right arm as well
50. Right or Left: Right
51: Surgery: never had one
52: Piercing: ears
53: Sport: soccer
54: Vacation: Disney World (haven’t really been anywhere lol)
55. Eating: I just had some chicken with rice
56: Drink: water
57: I’m about to: try and make out what the hell my mom is talking about in her email
58: Listening to: the show i am watching
59: Waiting for: Seoul!!
60: Want: to go to disney world/disneyland I would literally die for it
61: Career: I want to be an English teacher
Which is better…
62: Hugs or Kisses: Hugs
63: Lips or eyes: lips
64: Shorter or Taller: shorter
65: Older or Younger: Older
66: Nice arms or nice stomach: Nice arms
67: Sensitive or loud: Sensitive
68: Hook up or relationship: Relationship
69: Troublemaker or Hesitant: I am hesitant but i like troublemakers
Have you ever…
70: Kissed a stranger? No who would kiss me lol
71: Drank hard liquor? yes (though i probably shouldn’t have)
72: Lost glasses contact/lenses? i don’t wear glasses but will probably have to soon
73:Turned someone down? if you count nasty perverts then yes, otherwise never had the chance
74. Sex on first date? never even been on a date let alone had sex
75: Broken someone’s heart? no
76: Had your heart broken? definitely
77: Been arrested? hell no
78: Cried when someone died? yes but mainly because it was others around me
79: Fallen for a friend? . . . yes
Do you believe in…
80: Yourself? ehh
81: Miracles? no
82: Love at first sight? in theory, yes
83: Santa Claus? No that died long ago
84: Kiss on the first date? if i like you enough maybe but then again never dated
85: Angels? no
86: Current best friends name: i mean i don’t think i have a best friend but if i had to name one person that could be close it would be britt
87: Eye color: blue
88: Favorite movie: train to busan 
imma do some mutuals too so here we go
@sonyeondamnfine @suganochu @minyoongistummy @wanna-be-your-star-astr0
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spiritedxmakorrian · 7 years
85 Questions Game
Rules: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people.
@eviechan68, the babu senpai! Thankies for the tag! TwT
NOTE: This was answered yesterday and I fell asleep soon after, so here are my groggy, after-sugar-high answers. :p
the last 1. drink: Pepsi! 2. phone call: My mommy asking what I’m doing which was binge-watching a hand-drawn animated wolf series on YouTube I have no life. 3. text message: No real text messages today... I’m gonna count Skype pm and say my gf and I doing late night brainstorming for an idea for a family-friendly cartoon we’re planning on creating in the future. 4. song you listened to: Unwritten-Natasha Bedingfield (radio was blasting my elementary/middle school life). 5. time you cried: Err... yesterday? The day before? I know it was pretty recent. 6. dated someone twice: Nah. 7. kissed someone and regretted it: Never kissed anyone 8. been cheated on: I would hope not. ;3; 9. lost someone special: Eh. “Was” I guess. Not in death tho. Got over it pretty fast realizing he was a jerk friend anyways... 10. been depressed: That’s my default emotion. 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Well, I’ve thrown up.
three favourite colours 1. Red 2. Blue 3. Sea Foam Green Bonus (deal with it): ALL
in the last year have you 1. made new friends: Yesh! 2. fallen out of love: Yeah.... took just about a year. 3. laughed until you cried: Yep. 4. found out someone was talking about you: All the time 5. met someone who changed you: Yes yes yes! 6. found out who your friends are: Slowly but surely. Not easy. 7. kissed someone on your facebook list: Me nu haz FB. ^^;
general 1. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life? Me still nu haz FB. ~.~ 2. do you have any pets? My stuffed animals are my pets, so many. 3. do you want to change your name? I seriously consider it what with all the times I’m called in the house to do something. X* 4. what did you do for your last birthday? Literally nothing... ;-; 5. what time did you wake up? 7:10 am (then went back to sleep for the next hour). 6. what were you doing at midnight last night? Dying from a headache. 7. name something you can’t wait for: A trip to Australia to see my gf. TwT 8. when was the last time you saw your mum: Like, a year and a half ago? 9. what are you listening to right now? A fan and some church service on TV in the adjacent room. 10. have you ever talked to a person named tom? I’ve talked to someone who was a Tom... 11. something that is getting on your nerves: Being hot even with the fan and AC turned on high T^T 12. most visited website: Surprisingly, it’s YouTube rn. Tumblr is a close second. 13. hair colour: Black 14. long or short hair: Short 15. do you have a crush on someone? Ye. 16. what do you like about yourself? My imagination (but it’s also something I hate after seeing something scarring or terrifying like certain kinds of body horror o.o;). 17. piercings: 2 in one ear, 1 in the other 18. blood type: A+ (ain’t that something :3) 19. nickname: Too many to count; May May, Monkey, Kitten, Bubba, etc. 20. relationship status: Taken (I can finally say this in one of these things omg!) 21. zodiac: Pisces 22. pronouns: She/her 23. favourite tv show(s): SU, LoK, Voltron (not technically TV, but whatevs) 24. tattoos: None 25. right or left handed: Righty! 26. surgery: On my eyes when I was 8. Lazy eye. 27. sport: HA! 28. vacation: Where? 29. pair of trainers: When have I trained for anything I am a pleb.
more general 1. eating: Nothing (but I wanna say pizza) ;-; 2. drinking: Pepsi 3. i’m about to: Go to sleep at 2am 4. waiting for: School to start up next week and claim my soul 5. want: Fud and slep 6. get married: Well, NOW I do. >.> 7. career: I want to be a writer/animator/artist person thing :B
which is better? 1. hugs or kisses: Hugs since me has never kissed anyone 2. lips or eyes: Eh... both, but eyes is more intriguing, 3. shorter or taller: Taller! 4. older or younger: Hmmm.... Depends, but mostly younger 5. nice arms or nice stomach: Don’t have a preference 6. hookup or relationship: Relationship 7. troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant? Depends on what we’re talking about, I guess, hehe!
have you ever 1. kissed a stranger: No 2. drank hard liquor: Don’t drink 3. lose glasses/contact lenses: Yes 4. turned someone down: Yeah (surprisingly) 5. sex on the first date: Nu!!! #A# 6. had your heart broken: Oh yes. 7. been arrested: No 8. cried when someone died: Definitely... 9. fallen for a friend: Yep.
do you believe in 1. yourself: It’s a process. 2. miracles: Yaya! 3. love at first sight: Err, not really? Nice to think of tho. 4. santa claus: Of course! *is secretly 7 years old* 5. kiss on the first date: Never kissed anyone before 6. angels: Yes yes.
other 1. eye colour: Brown 2. favourite movie: Das a toughie... I love the hell out of Moana tho. :3
Err... 20 is a buncha peeplies... Imma put 10!
@legendaryqueenkorra​ @cassidy-alice @anurithebluestorm​ @makorraforevafangirl @f3dorafangirl​ @zuzuthejerkbender @norstrus @sifu-hattrick @irelaand @thegearinator aaaaand @theyellowtimtam
Yes, that’s 11, but I’m tired and have no sense of math. ^^;
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just-a-re-blog · 7 years
92 Statements Tag
Tagged by my most excellent mutual @evangelene​ whom I love very much! Thanks, dear :))
THE LAST: definitely thought of the agust d song
1. drink: straight up filtered tap water 2. phone call: I had to reschedule a doctor’s appointment 3. text message: “Good!! Miss ya already” last night to my best friend that told me she got home safely 4. song you listened to: Joah by Jay Park is on repeat rn 5. time you cried: I sad-cried watching Descendants of the Sun on Friday (I’m watching the last episode tonight, so getting ready for ten times the tears). I happy-cried yesterday because my best friend made me laugh
HAVE YOU EVER: 6. dated someone twice: nope 7. kissed someone and regretted it: only kissed one person when it wasn’t scripted and it wasn’t on the mouth so imma go with no 8. been cheated on: nah, I can’t hold down a relationship more than two months so there’s no time to cheat on me anyway LMAO 9. lost someone special: of course 10. been depressed: yep 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: not to be a goody-two-shoes, but I can’t legally drink, so no
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14. pale duck fluff yellow, sky blue, Gryffindor red
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. made new friends: thankfully yes! 16. fallen out of love: huh…I don’t think so, actually. wanted to, but didn’t 17. laughed until you cried: my best friend made me laugh so hard I cried yesterday 18. found out someone was talking about you: yep! 19. met someone who changed you: Oh for sure *looks aggressively at my MSA Llamas* 20. found out who your friends are: For Sure 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: y’all I for real haven’t kissed anyone
GENERAL: 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I think I know all of them actually 23. do you have any pets: does my bonsai tree count? 24. do you want to change your name: Imma have to when I travel–only English-speakers can pronounce Harper 25. what did you do for your last birthday: I’d rather not think back on that actually 26. what time did you wake up: 7:50, 8:40, 9:15 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: watching Rainism with me mum 28. name something you can’t wait for: this year’s musical 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: two minutes ago 30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my judgmental Virgo streak  31. what are you listening to right now: y’all already know I’ve got Joah on repeat 32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: my youth group leader! 33. something that is getting on your nerves: summer homework. like…it’s summer 34. most visited website: Tumblr 38. hair color: dark, dark brown, but the summer sun has turned it sorta mahogany 39. long or short hair: long 40. do you have a crush on someone: Wen Junhui and Min Yoongi  41. what do you like about yourself: my ugly ass laugh. it’s just very out there  42. piercings: one in each ear! 43. blood type: O positive. I can save most of your lives. 44. nickname: Harps, Hyarpo, and sometimes Harpy, although it makes my blood boil 45. relationship status: finally done pining??? single and ready to mingle? single and not ready to mingle because im married to my schoolwork???? 46. zodiac: Virgo 47. pronouns: she/her 48. favorite tv show: The Flash 49. tattoos: eventually 50. right or left handed: Right-handed 51. surgery: surprisingly, no  52. piercing: I might get a second ear piercing? 53. sport: I dance but not with a company, and I’m joining a quidditch team next year  55. vacation: just got back from the Pacific Northwest followed by Ohio 56. pair of trainers: I’m a New Balance girl
MORE GENERAL 57. eating: about to go pour some cereal 58. drinking: about to go get some water 59. i’m about to: consume breakfast and do summer work 61. waiting for: some good college to let me in 62. want: to be fluent in Korean 63. get married: Heck Yes 64. career: literally trying to be a music video producer
WHICH IS BETTER 65. hugs or kisses: Hugs! 66. lips or eyes: eyes 67. shorter or taller: I used to say taller, but I don’t mind shorter now 68. older or younger: I guess older, but I’m still not opposed to younger 70. nice arms or nice stomach: stomach because it’ll motivate me to get off my ass and work out with them 71. sensitive or loud: sensitive please 72. hook up or relationship: what kinda–relationship. clearly. 73. troublemaker or hesitant: I’m Joshua saying “drink water, not alcohol”
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. kissed a stranger: I! Don’t! Kiss! People! 75. drank hard liquor:  76. lost glasses/contact lenses: only once or twice actually  77. turned someone down: yes 78. sex on the first date: I! Don’t! Date! 79. broken someone’s heart: yes, and I think about it all the time 80. had your heart broken: Y.e.s. 81. been arrested: drink water 82. cried when someone died: Yes 83. fallen for a friend: yep.
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. yourself: most times! more now than I used to 85. miracles: Yep! 86. love at first sight: idk, i go back and forth on this. not at the moment, no 87. santa claus: sadly, not anymore 88. kiss on the first date: I’d prefer not to, but I’m gonna judge anyone who does  89. angels: yep!
OTHER: 90. current best friend’s name: Kalani, but then there’s also Audrey, Debanie, and Hannah and a ton of girls from MSA like Lilia and Claire and Kim and Kennedy… 91. eye color: dark brown 92. favorite movie: Kiki’s Delivery Service and Wonder Woman (are you sensing the feminism) and also Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Again thanks to my darling @evangelene for tagging me!!!
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kpopgerapitico · 4 years
14+ Million K-pop 2020
A/N:  This is part 4. Here, here and here are the previous 3 parts.
You’ve heard of these songs if you have been around k-pop this year, but I loved them, so Imma talk about them anyways. As always, the explanations are beneath the cut.
Popular K-pop choices of 2020 10. Helicopter - CLC 9. Boca - Dreamcatcher 8. Gunshot - KARD 7. Knock - Astro 6. Fantasia - Monsta X 5. Lay Back - VERIVERY 4. Not By The Moon - GOT7 3. We Are Bulletproof: The Eternal - BTS 2. Dun Dun - Everglow 1. Dumhdurum - Apink
10. Helicopter by CLC Helicopter proves that CLC’s 2019 wasn’t a fluke. It continues their more hard hitting sound, mixed with an addicting chorus and an on point dance for the more visual among us. It benefits from a fairly sparse sound for a dance track in the verse, allowing the chorus to shine.
9. Boca by Dreamcatcher Boca is a slightly different sound from Dreamcatcher, who has made a career of mixing hard rock with pop. It has a verse that is much more towards the pop side, leaving the hard hitting rock for the chorus. I like the slightly more varied mix, especially with the contrast it adds.
8. Gunshot by KARD KARD has been consistently good since debut. I originally thought that Gunshot was a bit of a misfire, but as I’ve heard it more, I appreciate the choices it makes, specifically in the post chorus. And as always, the contrast between the guys raps and the girls vocals is always so nice.
7. Knock by Astro Astro continues to settle into their newer sound with Knock, that has a chorus with one of my favorite k-pop tropes: lush synths. It also has a really interesting rhythm every chorus where the vocals intentionally trail the beat just slightly. It adds to the complexity that I’m starting to expect from them,
6. Fantasia by Monsta X It is pretty rare for k-pop tracks to feel tight and condensed. But the relentless sound of Fantasia does just that, leaving you wondering where the last 3 minutes have gone. I have often enjoyed Monsta X’s more dance oriented tracks, so in a year of multiple releases, Fantasia was the obvious choice.
5. Lay Back by VERIVERY Lay Back is effortlessly cool, with a sound normally reserved for more senior groups. It fits into the same sound we have heard over the last year and a half while still sounding distinct, especially in the chorus. It makes this track stand out from its peers.
4. Not By The Moon by GOT7 This is another song that took a minute to grow on me. I especially liked that hey had the rappers on more vocal lines in the first verse. It makes the track flow beautifully between verse and chorus, while still keeping harder raps when it makes sense. Also so much Jinyoung in his falsetto, one of my favorite GOT7 sounds.
3. We Are Bulletproof: The Eternal by BTS Historically I haven’t enjoyed BTS’ ballads. So if you told me at the beginning of the year that I would put a BTS ballad high on my end of year choices, I would not have believed you. This track is the other end of the fan service spectrum from Clover; much more serious and entirely hopeful. And of BTS’ releases this year, I definitely listened to this one the most.
2. Dun Dun by Everglow Everglow has yet to stubble, and it the views are anything to go by (174 million as of mid December y’all), the community agrees with that sentiment. It may not be fast paced enough to run to, but it belongs on a workout playlist, since you can’t help feeling like a badass while listening. The first chorus may hit the hardest, but the rest is by no means weak, and fills out to a powerful track.
1. Dumhdurum by Apink Apink has found their new sound, and it is here to stay. Dumhdurum takes retro elements and adds current k-pop synths, and a more modern dance beat, to create a song that effortlessly melds its inspriations. It is equal parts powerful and sweet, and shows that there is no reason the two ideas cannot coexist. As most girl groups head towards harder, more masculine coded sounds, Apink shows that there is no reason you cannot have the best of both worlds, with feminine vocals mixed with harder beats and music.
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marysunshine23 · 7 years
I was tagged by the awesome @leah-halliwell92 to answer 85 things and tag 20 others. Thanks for tagging me.
1. drink: Milk? 2. phone call: Do Not Call Service Hotline 3. text message: Lissy 4. song you listened to: Born For This - Paramore 5. time you cried: Yesterday 6. dated someone twice: Unfortunately, yes 7. kissed someone and regretted it: Oh yeah. 8. been cheated on: Yup 9. lost someone special: Do cats count? 10. been depressed: ... Have you seen my blog? 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Nope. favorite colors 12. PINK. 13. Baby Blue 14. Pastel Yellow in the last year have you… 15. made new friends: Yes... I think. 16. fallen out of love: Not within this past year. 17. laughed until you cried: No 18. found out someone was talking about you: No...? 19. met someone who changed you: ... I dunno... 20. found out who your friends are: ... Again, not this year. 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: Does platonically count? 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: The grand majority 23. do you have any pets: MY BEEBEE KITTY LILLY!!!! (And my sister’s dog) 24. do you want to change your name: Not really. 25. what did you do for your last birthday: I believe I went to Disneyland...? 26. what time did you wake up: Initially at 7, but then I went back to sleep. So... 8:45? 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Sleeping 28. name something you can’t wait for: Someone to do a SDR2 RP with me~ 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: 15(ish) minutes ago 31. what are you listening to right now: The sound of my nails tapping the keyboard 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: No... 33. something that is getting on your nerves: My boss. 34. most visited website: Gmail. And Tumblr. 35. hair colour: So many people argue this. I’m just gonna say brown. 36. long or short hair: My hair is long. 37. do you have a crush on someone: A couple of my guy friends. But they’re taken so Imma leave them alone. 38. what do you like about yourself: Pretty much everything. Minus like, three things. 39. piercings: Two on each ear 40. blood type: O+ 41. nickname: Mar-Mar, Mar-Bear, Miss Mary 42. relationship status: Single/Quirkyalone 43. zodiac: Capricorn Ram 44. pronouns: She/Her 45. favourite tv show: Steven Universe 46. tattoos: Maybe someday 47. right or left handed: Right 48. surgery: Removal of second uterus 49. piercing: Didn’t you just ask that? 50. sport: No. 51. vacation: Disneyland 52. pair of trainers: I have a pair of Vans and some generic workout shoes. 53. eating: I just had chicken gravy 54. drinking: Water 55. i’m about to: Probably bug Lissy about replying to the RP. 56. waiting for: Lissy to reply. And Dakota.  57. want: Disneyland 58. get married: Someday 59. career: Teacher 60. hugs or kisses: Both 61. lips or eyes: Like... what do I like? Uh... eyes? 62. shorter or taller: I’m under five feet, it’s hard to find someone shorter than me (Answer: Taller) 63. older or younger: Older, but not by too much 64. nice arms or nice stomach: Can I have both? I’d like both. 65. hook up or relationship: RELATIONSHIP. 66. troublemaker or hesitant: Both are annoying. 67. kissed a stranger: No. 68. drank hard liquor: No? 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: I don’t need them. 70. turned someone down: Yes. Zero regrets. 71. sex on the first date: No thanks. 72. broken someone’s heart: ... Maybe? 73. had your heart broken: Oh yeah. 74. been arrested: No. 75. cried when someone died: Do pets count? ... Didn’t I answer this? 76. fallen for a friend:  See number 37 do you believe in … 77. yourself: 75% of the time. 78. miracles: Yes. 79. love at first sight: Kinda sorta? 80. santa claus: Yes? 81. kiss on the first date: Kiss on the hand, yes. Anything more than that, GTFO. 82. angels: Yes. other 83. current best friend’s name: Kayla and Lissy 84. eye colour: Green 85. favourite movie: Zootopia
I tag all the people who are following me and anyone else who wants to do this.
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92 Questions Tag I was tagged by my lovely friend @namikawas Tagging: uh,,,,,idk?? Anyone who wants to Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 10 people! If there are questions that are too personal or you don’t want to answer, skip them or make a new one :^) THE LAST (1-5) * Drink: hot tea * Phonecall: my mom * Text: “I just learned something lovely!! Baby spotted jellies are called ployps!!" Context: talking to my mother * Song you listened to: witch hunt tbh. That shit makes me cry * Time you cried: I cry too much to keep track tbh HAVE YOU (6-11) * Dated someone twice: No * Kissed someone and regretted it: Yes * Been cheated on: Pass * Lost someone special: yes, but I won't go into detail * Been depressed: is that even a real question? I AM depression tbh * Gotten drunk and thrown up: no, I'm not of legal age LIST THREE FAVOURITE COLOURS (12-14) * soft blue * dark purple * tbh any color as long as it's on a jellyfish IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU (15-21) * Made new friends: yes!! I have made some amazing new friends recently!! * Fallen out of love: yes * Laughed until you cried: no * Found out someone was talking about you: yes, quite recently really. That bitch is completely out of my life now though * Found out who your friends are: I'm not sure what this means lmao * Kissed someone on your facebook list: I do not have Facebook GENERAL (22-34) * How many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: i do not have Facebook * Do you have any pets: yes!! I have a hedgehog named Pidge, a bearded dragon named Draco, a dog named Chutes and two cats * Do you want to change your name: god you have no idea * What did you do for your last birthday: cried tbh. My last birthday was miserable * What were you doing at midnight last night: drawing jellyfish * When was the last time you saw your mom: couple months ago, but I text and call her frequently * What’s one thing you wish you could change in your life: is everything acceptable?? Idk I just wish I could change the way I was born :/ * What are you listening to right now: ,,,,,,,witch hunt * Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: not that I know of, but I am bad with names * Most visited website: YouTube and tumblr tbh LOST QUESTIONS (35-64) * Moles: one * Marks: i have many scares and marks, but I won't go into depth * Childhood dream: i have always been fascinated with art and marine biology, when I was small I wanted to be a marine biologist * Hair colour: blond * Long hair or short hair?: short af * Do you have a crush on someone:........yes, but I wouldn't say it's romantic * What do you like about yourself: uh,,,,,nothing?? Idk I like that I can make good art sometimes and that I can play the clarinet kinda ok * Piercings: kinda?? I'm letting the holes close * Blood type: no idea * Nickname: Pass * Relationship status: single * Zodiac sign: Pisces * Pronouns: he/they * Favourite tv show: Soul Eater!! * Tattoos: none * Right or left hand: primarily right, but I switch depending on what it is I'm doing * Surgery: none * Hair dyed a different colour: a while ago I had blue hair, then purple and the last color I did was pink Sport: sports make me wanna die Vacation: space!!!! Or somewhere I could get a close look at some jellyfish MORE GENERAL (57-73) * Eating: nothing * Drinking: water * I’m about to: pacing, I'm always pacing * Waiting for: my dad * Want: Some sleep tbh * Get married: potentially, but for now I'm saying no * Career?: I would love to become an animator and make cartoons!! WHICH IS BETTER (65-73) * Hug or kisses: hugs * Lips or eyes: eyes * Shorter or taller: taller * Older or younger: younger * Nice arms or nice stomach: uh,,,,,,what? * Hook up or relationship: relationship * Troublemaker or hesitant: to me it doesn't really matter i guess HAVE YOU EVER (74-82) * Kissed a stranger: no * Drank hard liquor: no * Lost glasses/contact lenses: yes, more than once * Turned someone down: yes * Sex on the first date:hell no * Broken someone’s heart: yes * Had your heart broken: yes * Been arrested: uh,,,,I wasn't arrested but I was taken home by the police once * Cried when someone died: mostly cried over pet deaths DO YOU BELIEVE (84-89) * Yourself: not really * Miracles: mo * Love at first sight: no * Santa Claus: no * Kiss on the first date: it depends on the circumstances, but imma say no * Angels: i wish I could OTHER (90-92) * Favourite thing to do when you’re bored: draw, sleep, listen to music * Do you wear socks to bed: I hate socks with a fucking passion * Favourite movies: Atlantis: How to Train Your Dragon, Kiki's Delivery Service, My Neighbor Totoro
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ayayayayouch · 7 years
rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20
tagged by: the lovely @callhimyoungk
im tagging:  
YOU! lmao jk i tag anyone who wants to do this
last 1. drink: water 
2. phone call: from my manager lol  
3. text message:from my sister lmao 4. song you listened to: everything you are by ed sheeran 5. last time you cried: i can’t remember tbh 6. dated someone twice: none 
7. kissed someone and regretted it: none 8. been cheated on: nah 9. lost someone special: yes :( 10. been depressed: not diagnosed but sometimes i feel depressed 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: nah, i rarely drink...
3 favorite colors 12. green 13. pastel colors 
14. prussian blue
in the last year have you 15. made new friends: yep
 16. fallen out of love: nah 
17. laughed until you cried: yes 18. found out someone was talking about you:
 lmao my parents.. they trashtalk behind my back :\ 19. met someone who changed you: not really 20. found out who your friends are: idk, i don’t think i can really know who my friends are.. but we’re solid  21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: nah
general 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: like a hundred of them lol (ok there’s no number twenty-three) 24. do you want to change your name: funny thing is, i hated my name back in hs i thought that ‘joanna’ is kinda posh... but now that i know what it means.. and now that i’m all grown up, i love it now.. it sounds so fierce and elegant. so no. i don’t want to change my name. :D 25. what did you do for your last birthday: worked lmao i just don’t really feel like celebrating my birthday anymore tbh
26. what time did you wake up: around 8am 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: lmao washing the frickin dishes fml 28. name something you can’t wait for: having a career and living my life to the fullest 
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: today 
30. what are you listening to right now: the clicking sound or is it tapping sound of my keyboard lol 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: nope
32. something that is getting on your nerves: so my job requires me to have a great customer service skill and damn lemme tell you about the types of people you’d frickin encounter... and this is basically the things that gets on my nerves: rude people, those frickin people who frickin complain a lot about trivial things, racists, judgmental people, those people who frickin gets angry in an instant like damn pls don’t throw a fit be calm... omfg i could go on and on but imma stop here.. basically, those people who can’t be a decent human being get on my nerves.
33. most visited website: tumblr, youtube, facebook lol 
34. hair color: black (just like my soul lol jk) 35. long or short hair: mid-length hair haha 36. do you have a crush on someone: you betcha! and his name is brian kang lol 
37. what do you like about yourself? ooh this caught me off guard.. i guess i like that i’m stubborn lol i don’t give up easily bc of that, and i like that i am aware of the people around me like i can tell what they’re feeling so i can adjust myself when i’m with them and give them an extra push if they need it.. physical-wise tho, i love my eyes and a lot of people do say i have a nice smile :) (there’s no number thirty-eight ??) 39. blood type: idrk lol
40. nickname: jojo  41. relationship status: happily single lmao  42. zodiac: taurus (ya know jae and i would prob get along as he is also an earth sign plus tauruses are compatible with virgos so jae hi lmao also my frickin crush is a virgo.. i also have a virgo best friend...and i frickin read somewhere that sag and taruses are least compatible hahaha brian is a sagittarius and yeah they’re really adventuruous.. i also have a frickin sag crush haha he’s too much for me lol sorry about the zodiac ramblings and before y’all label me as crazy, i do know that the zodiac signs are just guides in our lives and should not only be the one to consider when doing something; i’m just fascinated and interested okay) 43. pronouns: she and her 
44. favorite tv show: hmm fav tv show?? maybe csi:miami  45. tattoos: i don’t have one 
46. right or left handed: left 
47. surgery: nope
48. sport: badminton lol and i’m interested in ultimate frisbee  
49. vacation: i really want to visit south korea, england and australia  
 50. pair of shoes: i have comfortable ones idk if this is the right answer to this question hahah
more general 
 51. eating: nah 52. drinking: nah 53. i’m about to: write a draft for a story i’m working on 54. waiting for: the president to end his term lmao if y’all know who i’m referring to  55. want: a frickin career and stable job 
56. get married: maybe someday, if i am destined to be a wife lmao bc brah srsly i’ve been single my whole life 
57. career: i want to work in either a laboratory or something graphic design related
which is better
 58. hugs or kisses: both but it depends who the hug or kiss is from lmao
59. lips or eyes: the first thing that catches my attention is the eyes ngl 60. shorter or taller: taller
 61. older or younger: older or we have the same age lol 
62. nice arms or nice stomach: idk as long as the person is healthy
63. hook up or relationship: brah i’ve been serious since the day that i had an idea about such things so definitely relationship 
64. troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker? idk my logical explanation is... if someone’s a troublemaker that means he or she is acting his or her goals and being hesitant means thinking too much that sometimes results in not doing anything at all.. 
65. kissed a stranger: nah 66. drank hard liquor: nah  
67. lost glasses/contact lenses: no
68. turned someone down: yes 69. sex on the first date: no
70. broken someone’s heart: i don’t think so
71. had your heart broken: yes T-T 72. been arrested: nope 73. cried when someone died: yes T-T my grandpa and one of my closest friend died on the same year, just a few months apart and lemme tell you that it frickin sucks :( it still feels like it was yesterday i miss them so much 74. fallen for a friend: i really don’t know the answer but there’s this guy friend... sometimes i feel jealous if he’s with other girls.. but idk if that’s bc i like him or bc i just want to hangout with him like the old times back in hs so idk
do you believe in 75. yourself: i try my hardest to 76. miracles: yes 
77. love at first sight: nah 78. santa claus: no, i’m sorry!! :( 79. kiss on the first date: idk 80. angels: yes
other 81. eye color: black (just like my soul lmao i’m joking again) 82. favorite movie: matilda, harry potter and the sorcerer’s stone, harry potter and the chamber of secrets, the edge of seventeen 
83. lust or love: love 84. favorite item of clothing: my style is vintage but anything very aesthetically pleasing to me 85. favorite song: bruh i have a lot but since this is a kpop blog imma answer with kpop songs: congratulations, dance dance, be lazy, i’m serious, what can i do and bad boy (their cover) by DAY6.. silver spoon, 21st century girl, spring day, boys in luv, blood, sweat and tears by bts.. growl and kokobop by exo.. knock, angel heart and u by knk.. breathless, hide and seek, polaris and baby by astro.. hey girl by b.i.g. (I AM MAD THAT I CAN’T FIND AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF THIS SONG!!!! IT HAS BEEN A YEAR!)
and that’s about it heheh
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hamonnose · 8 years
When did you drop out of school? Would you recommend it for someone struggling in school? Do you have a job? Any plans to take GED?
So my situation is a bit different from most. Especially in terms of entering the job market after dropping out. So imma try to organize this answer as best as I can and bold/italicize the relevant stuff. I’ll answer in order of (what I think has the highest) importance, and the simplest answers. Mentions of depression and suicide/suicide attempts ahead.
Would I recommend it for someone struggling in school? Depends on how you’re struggling? Are you (I mean the hypothetical collective you, not you specifically anon) failing all your classes? If so why? Are you not understanding the material and feel like giving up? If so, no. I do not recommend it. Sit in the library and study, get a tutor (if you have the means), ask your teachers to clarify (I’m wary around teachers so I understand if you wouldn’t wanna do that). Is your family going through a rough time and you want to help them by getting a job? Do what you need to do and don’t feel ashamed. Is going to school damaging your mental health to a point where you feel scared and are contemplating killing yourself? Are bullies physically or mentally abusing you every day? Are you being abused physically or mentally at home and want to drop out of school so you can get away from them too? Get out of there. Do it, I recommend it. Your education is important but your health and wellbeing are more so. No bells and whistles there friends. If it is healthier to get out of school, get the fuck out. Go somewhere and get your GED when you can but TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF DAMMIT! Though if the abuse/detriment to your health is only at school and you have a good support system. Research other ways of getting out of there that don’t involve dropping out. The CHSPE in CA, ask for an early GED, independent study, homeschooling, these are all good alternatives to dropping out if you are just not safe at school.TL;DR? If it’s a matter of safety get the fuck out. If it’s a financial matter, don’t be ashamed to do what you have to. If you wanna give up ‘cus school is hard… Stop. Breathe. Ask for help, you can do it.
Plans to take the GED? Yep! As soon as my therapist and I figure out a way for me not to have crippling anxiety every time I open a text book to study. You didn’t ask why but lemme tell you, I dropped out of school because with my mental health the way it was it was literally dangerous for me to go to school every day. I have PTSD. It sucks, and if you wanna know more about it go ahead and ask. My triggers are my old schools, classroom settings, and sometimes (a lot of the time) text books. So studying has never been something I can really do without needing to be watched by someone to make sure I don’t try to kill myself again. To be fair, I’ve already tried to take the GED without studying and managed to pass the English and Social Studies tests. Math and Science not so much. So I have to go back and try again, this time I’m going to study. I might need to get some medication for my mental health before I can do that, but I am going to get my gosh darn GED if it is the literal last thing I do on earth.TL;DR? Mental health is hard and my triggers are everywhere. But yes.
(The rest is going under a read more cus I don’t want it to get too long)
Do I have a job? Currently no, but I have gotten jobs in the past (yep after dropping out). Anon friend idk if you found me through the post I added to or if you’re a follower but my preferred career is in show business. You don’t really need a formal education to get in (it helps but hey it’s not crucial). I got a job offered to me with a children’s theatre company that I had acted with for a year or two, but they didn’t know I dropped out. They never asked and I never mentioned it, but I won’t get to into that one since not everyone wants to teach kiddos about the joys of acting with a nonprofit organization. A job I had to apply to was my part time Halloween City job. I filled out an online application and when it asked my level of education I put “GED or equivalent of diploma” because I was in the process of getting my GED. When I went to the interview though the manager never asked about my education just my previous work experience that I had in restaurants. Which brings me to: I never had to worry about getting a job if I dropped out because my family owns a business. Well ok, my grandparents own a business. I grew up in a restaurant because my mom had been working at her parent’s business since she was 12. They gave her her own restaurant to manage but when they had to close that one down they sent her to work in another one of them with her brother. That restaurant was in my home town. It’s the reason I live where I live (and I lemme tell you there are only like 3 good things that came out of this town). ‘Course that one also ended closing down (family emergency, medical bills, and bad economy don’t add up to a successful restaurant), which left my mom, her husband and I jobless. I had already dropped out by the time it closed down but we had enough money saved up from working there that we’re doing ok for now. The point here is, while I would loath to have to do it I could always ask my grandparents for a job and I would have one within the week. The job market was never a concern of mine because my grandparents could give me a job if I needed one. All I had to do was ask. Hell I’d been helping with book keeping since I was 16. So If you’re thinking about dropping out be realistic. Will your guardians/friends/extended family support you while you find a job that doesn’t care that you dropped out. Or will you need to save up money for a while before you can drop out while keeping yourself safe?TL;DR? I never had to worry about getting a job, but retail, restaurants, and other low level jobs won’t always care about your education.
When did I drop out of school? Short answer technically 1(ish) to 2 years ago, but it’s weird and complicated… In junior year (I was 16) I started a dual enrollment in an “alternative school” and independent study. What that means is I would show up for a half day at the “alternative school” (which is basically where they sent all the problem children) for like two or three subjects then do the rest of my schooling at home myself. I would go into the district offices once a week to go turn in my home study stuff and that would be that. Or that’s how it was supposed to work out. The first day of junior year I walked into my first classroom and out of the 5 students (excluding myself) 3 of them were bullies from my old school. I tried to kill myself that night. Spent a week in a mental hospital and came back to school a month after I got out. When I finally started showing up to school again they basically just let me sit in the councilor’s office all day and do my work there. I never had good experiences with the councilor, she tried to move me back into the classroom too fast and never really listened to why I didn’t want to. So eventually I just stopped showing up. Both to the “alternative school” and to my once a week district office meetings. Eventual after a month or two a truancy letter would show up at home and mom would drag me back to school and force me to go for a whole week or two before I just stopped showing up again until another truancy letter showed up and rinse and repeat. Eventually I just started ignoring the truancy letters. More and more kept showing up and eventually they threatened to take legal action against my mother if I didn’t go to school (I was 17 at the time). So I went and I told them I wanted to drop out. They told me I couldn’t since I was on an IEP (if you have questions about IEP’s and such feel free to follow up). So I showed up sporadically, once or twice a week, just enough to get them off my back. I researched how long a minor could not go to school without legal action being taken. Never really got a solid answer (gee thanks google) I just decided I wouldn’t show up again after winter break. And I didn’t. I got truancy letters and more threats to be taken by child protective services if my mom couldn’t get me to school. ‘Course both of us were like “Well I turn 18 in four months… I’ll be fine” and so technically that’s when I dropped out. But I was still technically enrolled and according to them I was still a responsibility of the district till I turn 21 all because of that stupid IEP. They said that I’d need to take them to court to get out of my IEP but I doubt that’s true. They tried to reason with me and get me to try and come back for a senior year (that I wouldn’t be able to even graduate after since credit wise I was at a freshman level still) but I refused. I took a chance, as far as I knew it was a 50/50 chance they would take me to court, if they did I was ready to bring up how badly they handled me and I started my research to see what my rights were, but luckily… I haven’t heard from them since. So while I never technically un-enrolled (is that a word? Sure) from anything I’m out of school.TL;DR? January 2015 I stopped showing up to school. Haven’t been back since.
If you’ve read this far anon (or anyone) feel free to ask more about my experiences with taking the CHSPE and the GED or anything really. I’ll be happy to talk about how bad the school system fucked me up if it helps anyone with anything. You can send an ask off anon and I’ll gladly answer on private unless otherwise stated. Feel free to send messages too, I might not answer right away but I promise I will. Take care of yourself, education is important but so is your health. Learn your rights as a person and as a student.
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