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maniac-63 · 3 years ago
my anger issues cannot handle that bitch godmother and American from fleabag
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incurableoptimistest1994 · 5 years ago
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Tragedy has befallen me 😭 my continence team has told me I have to give up caffeine. I honestly had a big strop about it yesterday, and I’m still not happy (probably because I haven’t had caffeine 😂) but I gotta do it to see if it helps ease my bladder spasms. On the plus side, they’ve told me I can keep the gin! My dad drew all these to make me laugh; I’m grateful for such an awesome family who love and support me even when I’m throwing a tantrum over coffee. In all honesty, my mum finds it rather hysterical because, in her words; Detoxing from benzodiazepines? No problem! Reducing my opioids? Psh, that’s easy! No more caffeine? THE WORLD HAS ENDED AND I HATE EVERYTHING!! I’m particularly Not Happy today because I had an awful night (didn’t go to sleep til 4am) and I’m missing my caffeine terribly 😭 #nomorecaffine #imfuming https://www.instagram.com/p/CBF0Q3Pjg8Q/?igshid=1l19ya0hjaata
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bcba · 4 years ago
literally i repeat i am the last person to ever write a post like this. when i see something that upsets me, i take it up with said blog or person privately before ever doing something like this but that just didn’t work. one of my best friends is having a covid scare as we speak. people have lost their families, people have lost their jobs their sources of incomes and the whole world is basically is on a lockdown right now. covid19 is real and the mere fact that someone would think to incorporate that into a plot in any sort of way is unbelievable to me ? why bring everyone’s real life triggers into an rp just because you want to apply. 
now under the cut i’m going to link the convo i had with them last night for those who are curious but the fact that they said they’re getting applauded for incorporating covid19 into their plot just doesn’t sit right with me. 
“we roleplay real life situations all the time” this pandemic isn’t something for you to roleplay it isn’t fun or quirky this pandemic shares the shit out of me as well as everyone else in this damn community. there’s a reasons why rps nowadays choose to have covid19 not exist in their roleplays.  
“i won’t be removing that part of the group it’s something that i’m proud of.” ---- i’m just at a lost for words. do i have to say more? AND THEN THEY TELL ME, to me more frank and open to discourse !!! this whole this just left me speechless. a pandemic that is affecting millions, destroying millions of families a pandemic that is costing us our jobs our source of living our lives and you want to add it to your quirky little rp. no thanks. if you see this please just block their url. it’s obviously a waste to talk to them. 
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ollyollyoxensfree · 5 years ago
kinda adding on to my last post.
I'm fuming to be honest. I don't get why the bloke can't leave me alone? if he sees my mum he'll do something too. with her it's like if the opportunity arises but with me around this time of year I always see him. maybe I'm reading too deeply into it but fuck sake leave me alone? we've left. you got what you wanted. it's reaching creepy levels now. that sounds so stupid it's CREEPY anyway but that was the norm for me when I was little.
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the-voyager-bunch · 8 years ago
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I have the most disgusting mother, my mom and her friend laughed at a woman and called her Fat when she was with someone getting off a motor bike and saying I hope the motor bike doesn't break, so I started shouting maybe she has health problems or a medical condition that makes her gain weight and then people like you judge others which put others down. It was all because the woman stared at her. She said to me well she didn't hear me and I said some people can lip read you know and she said she shouldn't of been staring at me then, so that gives her the right to stand and laugh at someone and put them down. I'm absolutely disgusted to be related to my mom. 😡 #stopjudgingothers #stopfatshaming #imfuming
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oflgtfol · 2 years ago
looking over my exam again imfuming over the fact i explained thevenins theorem but god forbid i forgot to mention the two terminals and he gives me fucking 0 points on the entire explanation. Surely you could have given me partial credit somewhere in my explanation
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that-canadian--girl · 10 years ago
Literally my number one pet peeve is being talked about. Say it to my face and let's talk it the fuck out or don't say anything at all.
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whydoihavetomakeausrrname · 10 years ago
A "toxic environment for conservatives"
http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/03/09/college-conservatives-branded-hate-group-for-refusing-lgbt-sensitivity-training/ Alright, time to get serious for a sec. I go to the George Washington university in Washington, D.C. We are fairly well known for being particularly liberal and I understand it may be hard for conservative students to stand with their beliefs in the face of being a minority. I respect that. The student association (a body of elected students that represent the desires of the student body and implement those desires as policy) has created mandatory sensitivity training which would require the leaders of student orgs to attend sensitivity training for micro aggressions towards minorities including the lgbtq community. It would also have a section on how using the non-preferred pronouns for a trans person could be damaging to mental health. The Young Americans for Freedom group at GW is now protesting this training claiming religious exemption which specifically was not allowed in the bill. YAF is not a religious organization but they do promote extreme "Christian" right ideologies on campus which they have every right to do. If they don't attend these trainings, they will not receive funding because they are not complying with the will of the student body. They are crying that this creates a toxic environment for conservatives. The trainings aren't telling them how to think, they're telling them how to treat everyone with fairness and kindness and I simply cannot comprehend how that is a negative thing. Trans* people exist whether they want it or not and learning how to treat people like they're people is clearly a skill that needs to be learned.
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