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wienerlicious · 30 days ago
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turquo1s · 8 months ago
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pls someone draw his glasses on for me im so lazy and its 1am
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pey-up · 1 year ago
Random but maybe the reason Vanessa and gregory have so many afton kid parallels is glichtrap was outright seeking out people that were similar to the kids that.died.
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nexbox-1 · 1 year ago
10 Hours of Rain Sounds | White Noise for Deep Sleep (1)
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its-fnaf-time-bitches · 1 year ago
Still think it's the funniest shit that lanyon got all hyped up to give jekyll his resignation and he imeditately instead fucked him
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rueclfer · 7 months ago
the way you right absolutely makes me go bonkers i kinda binged ur entire blog
do u have have fic/user recs??! it’s hard to find any mha x reader that doesn’t make my head wanna blow up🙁
im honored and i feel that LMAO i hope u didn't go too far back tho bc that's where it gets not good heh
what do u look for in a fic? and what makes your head wanna blow up? i'm curious!
here r some ppl who made things that i genuinely enjoyed as someone who is also selective with their fics! @izufeels @misssmina @sepptember @poetlus @miyamoratsumuu @tonyboneysblog @euthymiya @imedited @angeliicheartt there's def more users out there that have such good stuff but im just scrolling through my reblogs and likes and seeing who posted what. im not bsing u either bc im not even moots/following some of these ppl but real recognizes real. happy reading!
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rizzmonaflowers · 11 months ago
My genuine obession with in stars and time has made my boyfriend a sleeper agent when it comes to Siffrin to the point were he just saw a wizard hat on my phone and imeditely jumped to me looking at isat content
I may have a problem
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lylakylie609 · 4 months ago
The Letter - chapter 12
September 7th, 1992
My fingers glided along the instrument's strings, maintaining the song's quick beat. Keeping pace with the notes while moving my bow back and forth, which led my arm to ache.
While the song was quick, it was calming. I shut my eyes and surrendered to the gentle hum of my violin, letting go of all my anxieties and concerns.
The music filled the room, enveloping me in a sense of peace and tranquility. The melody carried me away to a place where nothing else mattered except the harmony I was creating.
The song came to a slow halt, and I gradually slowed the bow as the tempo dropped.
I grinned as I opened my eyes and glanced at my instrument. They always took away the music that was the solution to my issues. I had faith that things would work out as long as I had my violin.
As I look around the room, I see a black owl with a piece of brown parchment, and I smile, knowing that it is from my father.
I slowly walked over the owl and gently took the parchment and quickly thanked the bird. I went over to bed and sat down on the bed and opened the parchment.
My Dear πάντα,
How has school been going? 
The house is lonely without you. I went out to go see an old friend of mine, and it was exceptionally fun; maybe I should go out more. Have you made any friends yet? 
I became friends with James and your dad on the train. The three of us imeditally became close.
Dad was able to do his yearly write to me this weekend; in his letter he said to tell you that, "Nothing can forever be wrong or forgotten; I love you, my bow; we shall see the other soon.". I'm not sure what he meant by that, but maybe you can figure it out.
I love and miss you dearly, my dear.
Please be good; detention is no fun, believe me.
Your father, Remus Lupin
I smiled as I sat the letter down on the bed. I knew I should write back as soon as possible, but I'm extremely hungry, so I decided to get breakfast.
As I walked down a corridor, I saw a huge window allowing the Saturday morning light into the area; it was nice and bright, and I decided that after breakfast I should go out for a walk, sense it was such a fine day out. 
When I turned to walk into the great hall when I ran into something, wait, no one. 
"Sorry," I say without looking to see who it was.
"It's alright, I've done it to," a male voice said. "It's Amalia, right?"
"Yes," I say, looking up to see Fred towering over me.
"Pleasure to meet you, Amalia. I'm Fred. I was about to wake my twin so the two of us could eat breakfast together, but I'll just let him sleep," Fred says while looking down at me. "Would you like to come eat with me?"
"Yaa," I say, smiling.
"Come on then," he says, waving, telling me to follow him.
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what-even-is-thiss · 2 years ago
Doing this on anon because I am also a coward, but I never saw anything wrong with it, and I'm pretty sure at some point Joan said they didn't care either. I'm of the opinion that the fandom IMEDITALLY started spiraling once Thomas and co decided to use the term "like brothers". Before that, I remember people outside of the fandom talking about how "pure" and "accepting" everyone was, and how they "never fought".
Also, even if it was taboo, who the fuck cares. Game of Thrones is far worse and everyone was doing everyone on that show/book series.
Yeah there’s a lot of stuff in fandom and in published media that I personally find gross and wish didn’t exist but at the end of the day there’s bigger problems in the world and freedom of speech is a thing so I choose to not care for the most part. Sometimes I’m just curious about peoples thought processes behind these things.
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sims-sala-plumbob · 1 year ago
~ second part of the princess legacy from @samssims ~
While taking a break from working on her baking skill and befriending the animals around her, Blanche meets a rather charming woman at a bar~ They hit it off imeditately and Blanche became my first sim with the "opposite attracted" sentiment!
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The challenge's a lot of fun already~
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r4t-g0d · 2 years ago
transformice is finally coming out w a plushie im losing my fucking mind
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like a few years ago i would have dished out cash imeditely and I WANT IT SO BADDD im legit losing my mind do i buy this or nah i only play the game once in a blue moon hhhh
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monstergoblin · 2 years ago
The Owl Pirates Chapter Four
First Chapter Tumblr Link HERE Previous Chapter Tumblr HERE Posted First On A03 Here  It’ll be updated on A03 first and might take me a bit to get to updating it here as I always seem to forget about my tumblr. <3
 Trigger Warnings Always read safe: Depression, Suicidal thoughts, Pushing down feelings, Overworking self to ignore feelings, Child Abuse (Belos is a bitch okay), Gaslighting, Self Gaslighting, Manipulation, Injuries
Chapter 4: The Chapter of Gambling Talk and Dinner
  This wasn’t fair. He had completed his chores today, even did extra work today, but did anyone care? No, he was getting put with more work. No one cared if he had planned to relax this evening. No one asked if he wanted to help. He didn’t even want to talk to the new guy. He already saw him and didn’t care for his existence.
    Matt crossed his arms as he stopped near the stairs where Luz sat.
    “Alright, where is he?” Matt scowled.
    “Hunter?” Luz perked up.
    “Yeah, I’m supposed to take over now.” Matt did not add the fact he had to put off plans to beat Gus in cards today. Or the fact Gus was absolutely going to tease him about the fact he ‘chickened out’. Even though he was put on duty. 
    “Oh Edas mean.” Luz chuckled, and somehow it didn’t sound like she meant mean to Matt. “Hey Hunter.” She jumped up looking over the railing of the stairs inwardly of the ship. “You get out of loud girl time!” She giggled.
    The blonde hair boy was sitting underneath the stairs Luz was sitting on. Like he was hiding. He hardly looked comfortable crammed between a barrel and the stairs.
    “Why is he under the stairs?” Matt scoffed.
    “He said it was cozy?” Luz shrugged. “He didn’t ask for anything else so I figured what’s the harm.”
    Hunter was just sitting watching the two talk. Like he did not wish to be part of this conversation. What, was he too good for them? Navy jerk.
    “Did you make him do any chores today?” Matt couldn’t hide the jealousy in his voice. His first day on board was awful, trying to keep up with the chaos that were the owl pirates. He eventually found a flow but why did this guy get it easy?
    “Nah, He’s had it rough.” Luz waved off. “Besides we already had a good pace without him. Why force him to do work that's not needed?”
    Because Matt picked up the slack.
    “Whatever.” Matt huffed. “What am I supposed to do? Just hang out with him?”
    “Pretty much. Don’t let him hurt anyone.” Luz leaned her face on her hands and her elbows and the railing. “Maybe talk to him. Could be fun.”
    “Fun would be gambling with Gus.” Matt remarked, regretting his words imeditally when Luzs eyes shot wide.
    “I knew you guys didn’t stop that!” She pointed accusingly. “I want back in you bitch!”
    “No you always win!” 
    “At least I don’t cheat!”
    “I don’t cheat!” Matt’s voice broke and he cleared it. “At least not anymore. Besides they let me still play and want you out. That says something.”
    “Wait, everyone still plays!” Luz gripped the railing. “Is that why Amity keeps bugging me in the evenings!” Her face had a hint of red to it. 
    Matt smirked. “Amity still plays on occasion too. Her talking to you is her own choice.” 
    “Everyone’s just against me then!” Luz threw her hands pointedly ignoring Matts  added on tease. “I’ll just go play cards with Eda then.” She stomped down the stairs, the opposite way of Edas quarters.
    “Where are you going?” Matt couldn’t help the curiosity.
    “To confront Gus!” 
    Matt would’ve been quick to go watch that drama, but he had a new responsibility. The older ex-navy boy was wedged under the stairs like a cat. If he abandoned him here it would probably be harmless, but Steve was always going on about responsibilities being important and building character.
    Stupid Steve
    “Are you going to come out?” Matt asked, raising a brow at the taller boy still sitting under the stairs. Somehow making the awkward position look somewhat comfortable- even though Matt could tell it was not.
    “No.” The boy responded by hugging himself. “This is my life now.”
    “You’re going to live under the stairs.” Matt scoffed. “Forever?”
    “Oh geeze you’re going to be a pain in the ass aren’t you?” Matt grabbed the boys arm and pulled trying to will him out of the spot. Hunter moved, but Matt could tell it wasn’t by his own strength. However, if anyone were to ask, Matt was going to claim it was his strength.
    “There we go.” Matt dusted himself off like that had been hard work. “Now, lets go watch the drama unfold.” He marched forward expecting the boy to follow. 
    He did not.
    Matt got across the deck before turning to see the boy still standing.
    “Fuck.” He stormed back and put his hand on his hips. “I watched you follow Luz all day. Now you have to follow me.” He demanded.
    Hunter towered over him, but Matt held his ground glaring up at the boy.
    “Why?” Hunter challenged.
    “Because- Because I’m in charge of you now!” Matt stomped his foot trying to be intimidating. Why was he being so annoying now? Matt had seen the boy being sulky all day. Why did he have to grow a backbone now when Matt had to watch him.
    This boy was reminding Hunter of someone. Someone who left a bitter taste in his mouth. 
    She acted similarly, but she got away with it. She always got away with it. Ordered him around but she wasn’t in charge as much as she pretended she was. She was a captain sure but not over Hunter.
    This boy was power hungry too.
    If he didn’t obey would Eda kill him?
    “Why do we have to go watch?” Hunter suddenly regretted his rash decision to mess with the boy. It was a familiar feeling he had been chasing anyway. He didn’t want the boy reporting to Eda.
    Then he would die.
    Besides, he should probably try to earn their trust.
    That would probably be best in capturing them.
    If he captured all of them, Belos would have to forgive whatever terrible thing Hunter must have done.
    Hunter still needed to come up with a plan, but trust seemed to be the first step.
    “Because I want to see.” The scrawny boy’s voice whined. “It’ll be fun, come on.” He grabbed Hunter's arm and led him towards the medbay again. Instead of going into the medbay they went into the door across the way. Which revealed stairs leading down.
    “I can’t help it if luck is on my side!” The annoying loud girls voice echoed as the boys made their way down the stairs. 
    “It was a vote, Luz. We didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. We just always get stuck with either no money, or all the chores.” A boys voice- Hunter could vaguely put the face of the darker boy who wore blue to the voice. Luz had introduced him earlier, but Hunter truthfully can’t recall his name.
    “I don’t see the harm in her joining again.” Another girls voice.
    “I mean we still play with Matt and we voted him out weeks ago.” Another girls voice.
    “You voted me out!” The scrawny boy released Hunters arm and ran the rest of the way.
    The voice continued arguing as Hunter stood on the stairway. He couldn’t see anyone from here but they were all very loud. He didn’t know why he continued down the stairs. He didn’t really have much choice when he thought about it. 
    The stairs opened up to a bigger room, with several desks and crates scattered around. The walls were blocked only leaving room to get through the main area, and to the doors. Hunter stood at the bottom of the stairs watching.
    The purple haired girl was sitting on a crate with her one leg crossed over the other. She shrugged. “I’m with Willow. It’s not that big of a deal, we can bring it up with the others later but I don’t think anyone actually cares.”
    “I care.” The scrawny boy had joined the others pulling himself up to sit on a crate as well. “I have done Luz’s chores for months before we stopped inviting her.”
    “Don’t pick back up cheating when we let her back in.” The boy wearing blue was standing, and pointed an accusing finger at the scrawny one.
    The scrawny boy scowled and mumbled something under his breath.
    “Luz just join, no one will actually stop you anyway.” A chubby girl with her hair done in braids was sitting on a crate. She smiled sweetly towards Luz, who was giggling at the antics.
    How can they all argue so openly and loudly like this. Wouldn’t they get in trouble with the captain for all? They were planning to gamble-
    No of course not this was a pirate ship.
    What were rules to pirates?
    “Oh?” It was the purple haired girl who spotted Hunter standing at the steps still. “Who's supposed to be watching him?” She looked to Luz but Luz looked to the scrawny kid.
    “I brought him with me!” Matt defended, “See watching.” He gestured to himself and then to Hunter multiple times.
    “You’re ridiculous sometimes Matty.” The boy in blue chuckled.
    Matt in turn shot him a glare. “What am I suppose to do? Luz had him sitting under the stairs!”
    “Stairs?” The blue shirt boy looked to Luz.
    She shrugged. “I didn’t put him there. I suggested he lead and he decided stairs was best.”
    Then the boy in blue turned to Hunter. “Why the stairs?” he chuckled a bit like he was making fun.
    What was wrong with the stairs?
    It was comfortable and out of the way. No one spotted or cared he was there unless someone needed something. The ones on Terras ship had little drapes to add cover as well. Under stairs was nice.
    Why did the blue boy act like he was the weird one?
    He wasn’t the pirate here.
    Hunter shrugged. “Comfy.”
    “See, he wanted to be there.” Luz gestured. “He likes stairs.”
    “Did you show him the crows nest?” The purple haired girl asked. 
    “That was the first thing I showed him!” Luz put her hand to her chest dramatically. “It’s the best place and he didn’t seem to care for it.”
    “Is he afraid of heights?” The blue boy chimed in.
    “Guys he’s right here, lets ask him.” The chubby girl smiled looking at Hunter.
    Then everyone's eyes were on him. Holding question.
    He never had everyone's eyes on him for such a stupid thing.
    It was unnerving.
    “It was cold.” He crossed his arms looking away avoiding the eyes.
    They seemed to take his response and turn back to their own conversation. Loudly bickering about Luz’s decision on not forcing Hunter to do chores today- Which truthfully Hunter did appreciate, but he wasn’t about to give her the credit for that. 
    It was odd how Hunter felt excluded as the group talked. Even if he was in this room they all knew each other so well they could talk openly like this. Hunter never friends- and even those he wanted to call friends would probably not consider him one. Hunter couldn’t help but wonder if this is what it would be like.
    Probably not- non-pirate friends wouldn’t argue so loudly.
    Hunter took to sitting at the bottom of the stairs as the children seemed to have settled on Luz joining their game tonight and how they were going to tell someone named Emira and Edric. Why Hunter was bothering to listen to all this nonsense, was beyond him.
    The door furthest away from the stairs swung open catching Hunters attention. An older man with messy brown hair and very pale skin came out of it. He had a hunch to the way he held himself and seemed to be thinking, as he walked pass the girl with purple hair he patted her head seemingly out of habit. Before making his way up the stairs and out the room.
    No one seemed to care he walked past and continued with their conversation. 
    Hunter cared.
    He’d only seen a handful of adults on this crew. Consisting of Lillith, Eda, the doctor and Luz’s mom- Camila. 
    Hunter watched as the man disappeared out the door leading to the deck.
    “That’s Amity’s dad.” The dark skinned boy took a seat next to Hunter on the stairs. “Alador, he does repairs and upkeep on the ship.” 
    “Oh” Hunter responded unsure how to handle this boy- what was his name- taking interest in him. He had preferred it when they all were ignoring him.
    “Yeah, he used to build ships and weapons with Amitys mom- who is a bitch- long story. Emira and Edric are also his kids.” The boy continued.
    “How many adults are on this ship?” Hunter asked, taking a quick glance at the others to see they were still in their own conversation. Something about what they should and shouldn’t allow as bets.
    The boy held up his fingers counting in his head. “Eight.” he answered. “Nine kids if we’re counting you- and two owls.”
    “You’re counting the owls?” Hunter scoffed.
    “You don’t hear the end of it if you don’t include Hooty.” The boy grinned. “Owlbert would rather you forget so he can get into things, but yeah we don’t have a very impressive crew to a navy person like you huh.”
    “I never met other kids fit to do jobs at sea.” Hunter responded truthfully. “Only cabin boys.”
    “It takes a lot for anyone to be at sea.” The boy shrugged. “Sometimes people are forced to do things they don’t expect themselves to do. Life has this way of leading people down paths they didn’t think options.”
    Sounds like an excuse to break the law.     “huh.” Hunter says instead of what he thinks. He needed these people to like him, at least until he came up with a proper plan. 
    “You know you’re getting adjusted awfully fast.” The boy continued. “Everyone expected you to fight. So why didn’t you?” 
    Dark eyes met Hunters and he couldn’t help but feel they saw through him.
    It was creepy.
    “I-I just” Hunter started but wasn’t sure where he was even going with that sentence. 
    “Hmm” The boy shrugged a little and picked himself back up. “Okay it’s not a big deal.” He took a seat next to the chubby girl to tune back into whatever they were discussing now.
    Which seemed to be if Luz could take on a kraken.
    What a stupid idea.
    The conversation went through several topics. Starting with the justification of past gambling bets and somehow ending up on who has the best horror story of the sea. It wasn’t until a voice echoed from above the stairs for dinner that the conversation stopped. It seemed food was still deemed an important thing amongst pirates.
    Hunter followed the kids that resumed their conversation with a “I bet I can take a great squid.” from Luz. With the others calling her crazy and her going off and a grande tale on the event would happen. 
    The doors underneath the captain's quarters is where dinner was held. In a room crammed with far too many people for its size.. As the kids entered Eda called to leave the door open.The food was served in bowls and everyone seemed to help themselves. Hunter didn’t have a slightest idea what the brown chunky soup was but he knew he was hungry.
    “Did he earn his supper?” A girl with green hair was looking at him through a side eye but was asking the question to Luz.
    “Course he did.” Luz waved it off.
    “He didn’t do anything!” Matt chimned in behind her.
    Luz promptly ignored him and shoved a bowl into Hunters hands. “He absolutely did earn it. “ She patted him on the back before filling her own bowl.
    Hunter stood like an idiot unsure if he would be bombarded if he did take a share.
    His stomach grumbled in protest.
    “Just eat.” A boy with green hair- who looked similar to the girl- took the liberty of filling Hunters bowl for him. “Emiras just grumpy because we cooked tonight.”
    Hunter did not protest, but still wasn’t quite certain he was supposed to be eating. Luz and this boy didn’t really seem the type to have authority on this ship- but this was a pirate ship- He could be wrong.
    There was a small table that many were crammed sitting at eating their food and talking amongst themselves. Then there were others who were sitting on the ground holding their bowls partaking in the conversation at the table or in their own.
    It seemed there wasn’t any room to sit at the table.
    It also seemed Hunter would have to eat in here. As he wasn’t certain he’d get away taking his bowl to eat under the stairs.
    “Tables first come first serve.” Matt remarked behind him. “Find someplace to sit and enjoy.” He shrugged as he left to find his own place to sit near the doctor.
    Alador, Lilith and a few other adults were at the table, along with the child that had been staring at him in the captain's quarters during the meeting- if that could be called a meeting. The kids were on the floor enjoying their earlier discussion.
    So Hunter found himself a corner that wasn’t occupied. 
    Several conversations were buzzing around the room that Hunter caught bits of. Captain Eda laughed very loudly at a remark one the adult males made. Lilith was talking with the brown owl who was sitting on the table eating from his own bowl. Another owl was sitting in Eda’s hair, this one much smaller. The kids were listening to Luz weave a story- or tell a story- Hunter wasn’t sure if this one was true or another ‘ Imagine it’ scenario. 
    It was the tiny child that wasn’t talking to anyone that caught Hunters attention. 
    Mostly because Hunter seemed to have caught his. 
    As his eyes met the gaze of the child, Hunter realized more about this creatures appearance. In the dimly lit captains quarters his hood did a good job hiding the strange black scales that now shone in the lantern light of the room. The childs hair was white and messy but the hood did a good job concealing that. His teeth were sharp as he opened his mouth to ask Eda a question.
    Then the little child made his way to Hunter. He took a seat and looked up to Hunter. 
    “Hello!” He loudly said, baring his sharp teeth in a smile. “I’m King! “
    “Oh I know who you are.” King took a big bite of his soup and proceeded to talk with his mouth full. “Whole crew is talking about you. Is why Eda wants me to stay in her quarters.”
    “But you’re allowed to talk to me now?” 
    “She’s less scared of you after you cried all day.” King remarked with a happy hum.
    Hunter forgot about the fact everyone had witnessed that. He could feel his cheeks heat up and he wasn’t sure it was right to feel ashamed around them. It wasn’t like their opinions should matter anyway, they thought thievery was justified. 
    “Camila says you seem traumatized.” King wiggled a bit in his spot trying to adjust his level of comfort. "Were you really thrown overboard?”
    Hunter froze that familiar hard to breath emotion building inside him again.
    The same one he felt when he was being held by Terra.
    When she was threatening him, giving him a choice on how to die.
    Water seemed like the easier way to go.
    “Eda! I Broke him!” King screamed, jumping up and running back to the table.
    The waves had been so harsh.
    He thought he was dead.
    Belos wanted him dead.
    He didn’t want to think about it.
    He was okay.
    He just needed to bring in a whole crew without being suspected.
    That was easy
    He’s done far more difficult things.
    He just didn’t have room for error anymore
    He’d screwed up too much already.
    A hand on his shoulder nearly made Hunter jump out of his skin.
    “Breath with me.” It was Camila giving him a warm smile. “In” She demonstrated. “And out”
    Breathing exercises? What was that supposed to help?
    But those kind eyes were hard to refuse. So he followed along until his breathing normalized and found himself a lot less distressed.
    Okay that was actually a nice trick he’d have to use later.
    “You okay?” Camillas voice was similar to honey. Nice and sweet. Hunter didn’t like how comforting it was.
    “I’m fine.” He answered, “Not hungry anymore.” He needed to get away from this woman. She had some strange magical ability that made him uncomfortable. “I’ll wait outside.” He added as he was leaving now remembering that he was supposed to have someone assigned to watching him.
    “Do I have to follow him? I didn’t finish my food.” Matts voice whined.
    “Nah, I think he needs some space.” Camila responded.
    “He’s had space all day but okay.” Luz was the last voice he heard before Hunter found a spot he didn’t have to listen to all the noise.
    A place to think.
    How does one capture and secure sixteen pirates without any help.
5TH Chapter Tumblr Link
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its-fnaf-time-bitches · 1 month ago
Usually i just send "my" emoji, like for me its a purple heart cause the regular heart seemed boring to me, whenever ive read someones message but cant respond for whatever reason i just do 💜, ive done it so long that people know its imeditately me and what it means now, and its helped me alot with my low spoons
I wish there were a universal, low-brainpower, nonverbal way to communicate to my friends that says "hey I'm thinking about you but I don't have anything to say, nor do I have the wherewithal for a conversation right now anyway" via text message but I'm so so so upset that the original Facebook messenger Poke feature was the closest to anyone getting the right idea
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minusgangtime · 2 months ago
Do it-)
Oren jumped up, but imeditately fell off-
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its-fnaf-time-bitches · 7 months ago
Fascists hate equality so much because if we all realised we were all equal, they would lose all of their power imeditately
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amayaaaxx · 11 months ago
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drabbles: (requests open!! i mean it, please send some in >.<)
Bakugou Katsuki
may i have your attention, please? (husband!bkg x reader)
bakugou is a homebody
fashion sense (inspired by @imedited )
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