#imean just look at her
trainingdummyrabbit · 10 months
\o/ and the racers are off!!!
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wheatleymilktea · 7 days
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I FURRIFIED KANGAROO (nobody is safe from furrification) i didn't draw clothes on her because i was lazy and also ..i made her a hyena instead of a kangaroo because i just felt the animal was ALOT more fitting. ......i'm also using she/her pronouns to address them because ........ imean cmon..... *look* at them.
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tanith-rhea · 2 years
Only Pretending #5
Ok, here we go, @anti-bright-places, @the-bagel24, @regalbootie, @tundra1029, @thoroughly-confused, @lilsmeaux, @poorwritingandstalecoffee, @alder-saan, @jelly-frogss, @enchantressb, @imean-its-just-me, @lvinhs, @iloveyall-18, @kimiinou, @jeweleegrey, thank you, people, so much, I hope you enjoy!
Word count: 3.6k Authors note: this one took me so long because I was debating causing trouble or playing safe. You can decide which one I chose.
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You could kill Morticia then and there, but you didn’t, because it would be much nicer to see her choke on her own tongue at just how intimate you could be with Larissa… from a faking point of view.
She came out of the shower not much longer and you didn’t mention your brief encounter with her former roommate. You knew it would be better to warn her about Morticia’s possible suspicion, but it seemed to be nothing more than her trying to push your buttons instead of thinking you weren’t together.
“Are you almost done?” you asked when it was close to nine and she was still applying makeup.
She only looked at you with a mildly annoyed expression and you realized this was very important to her. Maybe you should have told her about the time restriction.
“I don’t mind you taking your time, it’s just that dinner will be served at nine.” You shrugged, trying to make it sound less important.
“What? Why didn’t you tell me!” she changed from annoyed to bewildered in an instant and you cringed from causing her to feel that way, “I still have to apply eyeliner and it takes me a century to get it right!” She put down her lipstick and leant her forehead on the tip of her fingers.
“I can do it! I used to do the girl’s makeup at uni all the time and I got quite good at it.” It was true, and while your heart was still slightly racing from her previous exasperation, you felt a little calmer knowing you could fix at least a bit of the situation.
Larissa eyed you sideways, her face sulky and quite adorable with her lips pressed firmly together before giving up.
“Okay, fine. Do it. But you should have told me sooner, you absolute-“ she cut herself suddenly.
You arched one eyebrow at her, picking up on the spot of colour rising on her neck, and approached to pick her eyeliner from her makeup organizer. “You absolute what?” you teased as she turned to face you. You sat at the vanity, diagonally to her.
“Forget it, I wasn’t going anywhere with it.” She only mumbled, lifting her chin for your hand to secure it.
You held her face firmly, but gently, with your thumb underneath her chin and index along her jaw. She smelt sweetly of roses, as she always did, and you leaned forward to look at her closely while painting the line close to her lashes.
It was so very difficult to concentrate, but your desire to please her and make her feel beautiful won over. You loved her deep blue irises, their outer lines darker as the border of a watercolour, and having the power to draw attention to them felt intoxicating. You were given the most beautiful canvas and told to make people see it.
“All done.” You whispered when it was over, absentmindedly caressing her cheek.
You smiled softly, contemplating your handiwork with pride. Larissa’s eyes were fixed on yours; she looked deep in thought for a moment, then snapped right back with several blinks and a deep breath.
“Thank you,” she sounded a bit hoarse, and you wondered if she would catch a cold from coming from the steamy bathroom into your colder bedroom. You made a note of lighting the fireplace once you got back from dinner so she would be warm at night.
“It was nothing.” You smiled, getting up from the vanity and offering her a hand to get up as well.
She accepted, and soon you were leaving for the dinner, arm in arm through the high-ceiling corridor.
“Wednesday!” you greeted the girl excitedly as soon as you entered the foyer where she and her parents were, as well as her younger brother and an elderly woman you assumed was her grandmother.
The girl turned around to see you and Larissa descending the last steps of the stairs. She approached with her usual perfectly erect posture and rigid steps.
“Professor,” she greeted, nodding, “It is truly mitigating seeing you here.” She eyed from you to Larissa, stopping midway to arch a brow at your linked arms. “Principal Weems,” her look lingered more on your companion as if they were having their own private conversation, “Your presence is also appreciated.”
Larissa half-smiled at that, a hint of fondness in her eyes.
“I’m happy to be here, miss Addams.”
At that, Wednesday nodded curtly and went back to her parent’s company, as did you and Larissa.
“Oh, don’t you look precious together!” Morticia’s bassy voice welcomed you to the group and you tried to unclench your jaw and smile; you wouldn’t go down without a fight.
“Anything looks precious when Larissa is involved.” You gave her a sweet smile, finding it not so necessary to pretend when you looked at her.
“Oh, shush.” Her cheeks were colouring, and you felt immensely pleased with yourself.
“Larissa is quite the formidable woman,” Gomez agreed, smiling kindly at you, “You must be quite accomplished as well to catch her eye.”
You felt you could very easily like Gomez. Strangely, the fact that Larissa was infatuated with him in her youth didn’t feel threatening to you, not nearly as much as the intellectual tug-of-war she had with Morticia.
“I can’t begin to guess what she saw in me. But I’m tremendously lucky she did.” You squeezed her upper arm, seeking comfort from the nervousness you felt all of a sudden.
The woman you guessed was Wednesday’s grandmother then got up with a roll of her eyes. “If this is what you interrupted me for, I would much prefer to resume wrestling with the alligator in the cellar.”
“Mamma!” Morticia intercepted her, rounding her shoulders with an arm. “Don’t leave us so soon, we will dine now,” she reassured the woman, who only grumbled and went through an archway to what you saw was a dining room with a long mahogany table.
You followed Morticia and Gomez to the same room, Wednesday right behind you with her brother. The table was already set, and all family members took their usual spots with ease. The hosting couple were at the ends and Wednesday and her brother sat in front of each other closest to Gomez’s side while Mother Addams sat beside her grandson. You took a seat near Wednesday and Larissa took hers right beside you.
For the first half hour, everything was fine. Morticia was a gracious host and the hors d'oeuvre and appetizer were delicious if morbid-looking; their presentation resembled eyes, fingers and the like. The chef was skilful, you had to give them that, but taking a forkful of mushroom and walnut pate was somewhat unnerving when it looked like ears stuffed into a human brain.
When you started to feel confident in your skin, the conversation shifted from professional chit-chat to the prodding you were waiting, if not too excited, for.
“So, Larissa, I must admit I was very surprised when you arrived accompanied.” Morticia set her fork down, a smirk slowly forming on her mouth. “How come such miraculous news didn’t get to me?”
Miraculous? The nerve!
“Excuse me. Miraculous?” you smiled largely, unable to keep your eyes from squinting and your voice from dripping with ill-concealed venom.
Her fake stunned expression was award-worthy. “Oh, I just meant that Larissa can be very intense at times, and it takes a very rare, special kind of person to be able to… manage it.”
“We decided to keep our relationship private for these first few months,” Larissa stated, cutting you from responding to Morticia’s last comment. Clever woman.
“So you’re your boss’ little secret?” an amused voice joined in, Wednesday’s grandmother.
You were shocked beyond speech. Were they together to make your life hell? Was all this a plot? At your slack jaw, the old woman started again.
“Oh, sweetie, I don’t mean it in a bad way. You just became much less boring than I thought you were.” She winked at you and took a bite of her salad. “You’re right in doing whatever you want and if forbidden love gets your juices flowing, go for it.”
You coughed at that. You weren’t eating anymore but suddenly the air seemed enough matter to choke on.
“Mamma!” Morticia chastised, sounding more amused than reprimanding.
“Forgive Grandma Addams,” Gomez asked you with kind worry, “She’s just very supportive and can come across differently than she wishes.”
“It’s fine… thank you…”
“You can call me grandmama, darling,” the curious woman said.
“Thank you, grandmama.” You smiled; a sense of incredulity and almost child-like happiness bubbled in your stomach at finally being taken seriously. She was an odd one, and her forwardness reminded you of Wednesday, if not her disposition for good humour when Wednesday’s leaned more on crudeness.
Was she joking when she mentioned the cellar? She must have been.
“Right, I believe we can call out the third course,” Morticia announced, and promptly it was brought.
As the evening went on, conversation flowed rather tamely. More dishes were brought, and you were amazed at the chef’s capability. By the end of it, the kids and their grandma had retired, and only you and Larissa remained with Gomez and Morticia.
“Maybe we could bring this to the study.” Morticia said, getting up and grabbing the bottle of whisky she’d produced half an hour earlier. “I think y/n would love to see the remnants of Wednesday’s childhood experiments. She seemed very interested when we mentioned it.”
You were interested, in fact. At one point in the evening, grandmama mentioned how Wednesday would plot increasingly creative ways to endanger family members. It was a family game, almost, but the girl was said to be very ingenious with her plans.
Following the couple, Gomez showed the collection of plant-based poisons and potions the girl used through the years with a weirdly proud countenance. You supposed it was fitting of such a family and found it quite endearing to witness.
“I’ll never forget the time she almost got my ear with that falling spear,” he said dreamily, “I really didn’t see that one coming. My brilliant storm cloud.”
“Didn’t it pierce your shoulder?” you asked, flabbergasted.
“Oh, no! I was in bed. We had to change the mattress though.”
Suddenly you were impressed by Wednesday’s tame behaviour at school; if this was her childhood, you admired her restraint.
“Enough about our child’s exploits, amore mio, you’ll bore the guests.” Morticia gestured for him to seat in the chair she leant on.
Larissa had sat in a loveseat, and you joined her as Gomez went for Morticia, who sat in his lap.
“I’m dying to know how you two ended up together.” She scrunched her nose at Larissa, a smirk playing on her mouth, and your annoyance was back in half a second.
“The usual…” Larissa looked at you and you linked your fingers on her lap, “Office romance.” Seemingly more confident, she looked back to Morticia with a squeeze on your hand.
“Oh, don’t be so boring, Rissa! I know there must have been more than just that to catch our eye. You always had a type.” She arched a brow, and you didn’t understand a thing in their conversation. While it seemed straightforward, Morticia’s tone and body language suggested things you didn’t comprehend. Did Larissa prefer a different type of aesthetic? Personality? Gender?
“People change,” Larissa said simply, almost icily, without breaking eye contact.
“You see, I don’t think they do to such a radical extent.” She only smiled.
“We can’t know what happens behind closed doors, cara mia.” Gomez laughed softly, trying to lighten things a bit, and you could hug him for it. He leant close to her a kissed her cheek in a gesture you found heart-warmingly sweet, and even disliking Morticia you felt happy for her to have someone who showed his appreciation and love so openly (that when it wasn’t too uncomfortably intimate, of course).
“You’re right, carino.” Her eyes went from his to pierce right into yours, “But I think I’ve seen enough.” She stood up and held her hand to him. “Come, my love, I miss having you on our bed,” ok you could have gone without that.
“Feel free to stay if you’d like,” Gomez said hurriedly, not taking his eyes off Morticia’s blazing gaze, “You can help yourselves to more whiskey or enjoy one of our reds back in the saloon, be our guest.” And with that, the pair scurried away hand in hand like excited teenagers.
Morticia was much more tolerable when occupied lusting for her husband, you decided.
Letting a breath out, you allowed yourself another glass and got up to pour it. Larissa was strangely still beside you and when you had your back to her while serving the drink, you heard her say:
“What did she see?”
You stopped pouring; your grip on the bottle suddenly white-knuckled. Her voice was low and dangerous, not towards you particularly, just sharp in a way you heard her use when trying to conceal her feelings. It was a good strategy because you had no idea what was going through her mind.
“She visited our bedroom earlier when you were in the shower.” You clarified, turning to look at her slowly, taking in her features. She had a very good poker face. Damn her mediator abilities.
“And what did she see?”
You sat beside her, offering her your glass. She took it and sipped it twice before you thought of some less uncomfortable way of recounting the exchange. You couldn’t; so the crude truth would have to do.
“She came to tell us dinner would be in a few moments-“ Larissa passed you the glass, taking pity on you, “Then she realized you were showering and that I had already, so I…” You took a big gulp; the liquid went down burning. “…I wouldn’t be- joining you.”
Larissa only nodded at that.
“And she used that to cause you discomfort?” Larissa said in a less unaffected tone that somewhat soothed the pain forming in the back of your neck, “Do you think she doesn’t believe in us?”
You took a moment to choose your words, then said, “At first I didn’t think she was suspicious, but she looked at me just now like she knew every bit of the entire story.”
You wanted to make it work, you wanted to help Larissa and you knew you looked entirely smitten with her because that was simply your new natural state. But Morticia was anything but not stupid and you had the feeling she could tell how this all went: you were foolishly in love with your boss who didn’t want a thing from you if not a favour and in the best of cases a friendship. You thought you were living the best possible case. Too bad what you truly wanted wasn’t possible.
Unexpectedly, Larissa got up in a swift and gracious move, went to the globe bar and took an expensive swig. She didn’t say anything, her shoulders were tight even with the amount of alcohol the four of you had consumed and the healthy quantity she just downed. Without looking at you or gesturing, she just left, walking back to your room.
You followed not too closely behind her. You wanted to give her space. Maybe she was mad at you, maybe she was disappointed, maybe she was just tired of your constant insufficiency (in being all in on the plan, in being completely honest with her, in acting rather than indulging your wants and needs – even if she wasn’t aware of the latter).
When you arrived, Larissa was changing into her nightgown, a cream-coloured long, sleeveless, silky dress that accentuated her hips and exposed her clavicles, shoulders and neck. If you weren’t so anxious you might have fainted.
You started a fire, sure that she would be cold if that was all she would sleep in. You heard her settling underneath the covers and when the fire was good enough to grow on its own you left for the bathroom to change into your much warmer, comfortable pyjamas.
You got into bed as well, feeling tense and strange and so different than you thought you would while pacing around in your quarters at Nevermore. You didn’t have time to fret and feel insecure and weird like you thought you would, you were too busy worried about Larissa for that. Why was she so silent? Did she officially hate you? Were you going home tomorrow never to talk about this again and barely look into each other’s faces forever? You spent the better part of an hour pondering the scenarios.
You were so engrossed in imagining all the terrible things that could result from this that you almost didn’t notice the soft shaking beside you. Was that a little whimper?
You quickly sat on your side of the bed, safely away by almost a foot and a half, and examined her silhouette outlined but the firelight. She was quietly sobbing once every twenty or thirty seconds, shoulders tight together. Whether it was from the cold or the exertion of being silent you thought you could manage to decipher.
“Larissa… I’m awake.” You whispered, giving one uncovered shoulder the lightest touch you could. She stilled. “Do you want to talk about it?” After a moment, she shook her head no.
Not knowing what to do, you found her hand tucked close to her neck and nudged her to sit as well. She did, silently looking at the mattress between you. In this angle, you were both facing the fire. You could see bright trails under her eyes going to the left, one small pool of brightness at the side of her nose where the few tears gathered. She still had her updo, so you moved closer and started taking away her clips and letting her soft locks fall beside her face, onto the spotless skin of her shoulders, hiding her milk-white back.
“I’m sorry if tomorrow it’s all ended.” You whispered finally, after watching her not speak for almost a minute.
She looked at you slowly, for the first time in what felt like aeons but were only two hours at best. She gave you the smallest smile and said, “Why is it so unbelievable?”
It took you two seconds too many to understand what she meant, and in the next, you were shaking your head and controlling your mouth not to say too much while you just hugged her chanting “No, no, no, it’s not unbelievable at all,” in a low voice you prayed soothed her in any way.
You pressed your lips to her temple for so long that you ended up just leaning against her, your nose on her hairline catching the faint smell of orange flowers.
“I swear to you, you are one of the most deserving people I know. You are greatly respected and admired by everyone who works with you and studies at your school. You are kind, loving, intelligent, relentless and every single bit of you is deserving of love and of finding someone that will appreciate the entirety of you unconditionally.”
You knew you shouldn’t, but you could not keep from muttering it all against her skin, couldn’t keep from caressing her cheek and running a hand up and down her arm. You loved her too much to let her believe there was no one out there who would commit themselves to her and love her as deeply and madly as she deserved. Maybe it wasn’t you, but there was someone, and you needed to make sure she knew that.
While you talked, Larissa let herself melt into you. You hugged her close and let her rest her head on your shoulder. She was sobbing a bit more than before, small sounds muffled against your fuzzy jumper. She felt so warm and soft and real that you almost let yourself believe you could have this. Have her; be hers. It was the alcohol, most likely. You were the worst handsy drunk, even if you didn’t feel drunk at all anymore.
You parted slightly, not sure if she would like to go back to sleep, and when Larissa noticed your movement, she lifted her head from you and suddenly her face was so much closer than you expected.
She had such beautiful eyes; you could never tire of looking at them. They were a bit red and puffy but also glowing, you could see the dance of shadows the fire created behind you in her eyes, her pupils blown from the dark. Your gaze drifted to her mouth for a split second, however quickly you couldn’t mask it, she saw, you were face to face. When she did the same to yours but lingered there, it was too easy to lean in.
Her lips were soft. Softer than you’d imagined, but then she was always more than you could ever muster in your naïve and foolish brain. Her hand came to your face and carefully held you in place. You opened your lips but didn’t dare ask her for anything more. Whatever she wanted from you was hers to take. She pressed more firmly against you, so tenderly you could not understand how she managed to be both at the same time. How could she make you feel so much with just a press of her lips? Your chest hurt and all your bones felt cold, and you wanted the pain so much, but you didn’t know if this was what she wanted or if you just happened to be there when she needed human connection.
With a pang in your heart, you separated the smallest fraction. She made a small sound at your absence, and you forbade your brain from reading too much into it.
“I’m sorry… are you sure this is-“ and she was onto you in an instant, fervently, fingers slipping through your hair and desperately asking permission to deepen your kiss. You were only human and gave in too easily.
Tomorrow you would deal with the consequences.
Chapter Six
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shuckinbeanz · 1 year
imagine bakugou’s kids just as outspoken as he is. S
they know their dad likes their teacher but he won’t say anything so one day while they are walking out the classroom to head home , they ask him , very clearly “can miss y/n be our new mommy?”, “you alredy like her”.
warnings/notes: baku as a D(ad)ILF? 🥺 imean he already is a D(ude)ILF but...hhh soft dad baku thots 🥺🥺 female prns, specifically 'miss', 'mother' and 'mommy', otherwise reader is gn
MINORS 👏 DNI! 👏 AGE 👏 IN 👏 BIO 👏 OR 👏 DNI! 👏 Head on over to @candybowbeansies please for my SFW pieces, or be blocked if you interact here! 😇
Tags: @dynamightsdaydream
"Daaaaaaaaad, can Miss Y/N be our new mooommmyyyyy?" comes one child a bit too loud. His cheeks flush a hue as lurid as his eyes. "Shut. It. What'd I say about that," he gripes, and the child squeals playfully and scampers off, his other kid(s) soon bounding after their sibling echoing their words enthusiastically. "Wait, get back here, ya brats!" he shouts, but they're long gone.
And just as he's about to head after them, he hears a pleasantly spine-tingling giggle behind him. He's incapable of thought as he turns to see you in all your beautiful glory.
He all but sputters, his flush reaching the tips of his ears, unable to form anything of coherency.
He didn't know it yet, but his kids have been persistantly pestering you to allow them to call you their mother for the longest time, now.
You thought it was kids just being kids. With your personality, a lot of them were attracted to you, so it was understandable. However, after a few times of being politely told no, they would eventually move on to something else-but not the kids of the Bakugou household.
And seeing his reaction to you only makes you giggle again, sweet you, as you see for yourself; the man very evidently had a crush on you, much like his own kids had insistantly and shamelessly thrown him under the bus over it.
Now, you had to admit, a small part of you had the wishful thought of the bombshell blonde actually harboring feelings for you, so you'd held onto a little notecard with your phone number on it. Something nobody else knew, and something that turned out to be a lucky charm, because here he is, loudly trying to explain what you heard only moments ago as being his kids' latest phase, trying to tell you to not mind them, kids are just kids, and whatnot.
But his gruff voice sticks low in his throat, not a word more passing his lips as you pass him the notecard with a small coy smile. He looks at it in disbelief, "Call me when you have time?" then to you at your words, gaping like a goldfish.
You debate it for a few moments that feels like hours, ultimately deciding to bravely lean in to plant a chaste kiss on his cheek. Now equally as redfaced as him, you head past him, leaving him stupified as the chorus of his kids' lengthy, dramatic 'Ooooooo's sound at the end of the hall. You can't help but huff a breathy laughter, a bashful 'Oh, kids...' coming from you as you pass them, too.
They immediately bound to their father, and you feel a slight twinge of guilt as you hear them bombard him about you.
That night, he calls you.
It becomes a habit, too, and after some time, he asks you out, and you were more than happy to accept.
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spamtoon · 2 months
DCRC Week 7. I'm so close
I'm so close to catching up. time for an earthquake! I know that from puffy's various jokes about it something happens with the west coast in this one hoo boy calisota is gonna be in danger tonight! I'm so close to catching up. So inanely close. oh wiat hold on lemme get in club pen.guin again
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ALRIGHT okay interesting first panel. i like the colors here and the sound effects. sorry these panels are so bright paperinik's style...
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my favorite standard font title replacement so far i think
i like how the money symbol is there so we can tell its mcduck enterprises
im so mad i love how he's ploping the bear into the coffee. hot chocolate. something like that
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the little crackers surrounding the coffee mug as theres a rainy scene in the background. the color contrast... hi one you look so silly today
i love how uno's just floating today usually they try to show his little chord or him attached to something but he's so silly
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im so mad. get uno's ass donald
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hes so silly though... the way donald rattles off all the things and uno's just like shut up please. he thinks he's onto something btu he's literally onto nothing
im so mad. do you know how to ride a bicycle this is not that
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divorce (they argued for two seconds)
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hello girl. i dont know who you are but your design is everything to me
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im so mad shoutout to when comics do this. more heroes should be federal criminals and evade taxes. i love the way he's like Oh Fuck! I'm a Criminal Now! glad the government gets on pk's bad side too RIGHT after the time police nonetheless
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she... i might have her job someday. imean not LITERALLY like i dont wanna go into security but i do want to work in an environmental department. i love how uno is just really into snooping on the fbi and honestly who wouldn't be Donald. be peer pressured into getting yourself into more trouble with the govenrment come onnn
physical antiviruses... ugh code wall so cool im. the way they're battling on the us fbi logo
IM SO MAD i actaully laughed at them getting angus fangus. if he blamed this on the duck avenger randomly he would be right and he could convince them so this could have been the worst play ever but its also the most cathartic
hello mary ann flagstarr...
cog donald's little red eyes... the digital and the real are blurring for a moment but i guess the fbi's security system is so complicated it has. air vents. or he's in the real fbi nevermind
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holy shit guys its MEEEEEEEE yeah i never told you guys i was in pk the whole time. its insane
I LOVE HOW HES JUST LIKE. BEATING UP FEDERAL AGENTS NOW AND IT SLIKE OKAY things are only going to get worse im . this is a you call yourself a superhero moment but also the government is the government so!
odnald duck really did think nobody would show up at 3am
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hes so fucking smug
ah the pangea project! surely that doesn't mean good things for calisota! ah okay they're not painting the whole government as evil just this guy specifically that makes a little more sense for a disney comic
she's so sad... ooh this is gonna be a ba.xter stockman situation isnt it (SORRY i have seen 1 episode of 2003 and it was. the banned one in call with everyone). she's just like oh my god you're fucking dying and he's like my plan... you must do it... it was my wife's definitely
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sorry this was like the one thing i knew about this comic beforehand. other than like. uno existed. sarcasm aside i do love this panel
i like they Try to give a reason as to why the govenrment is doing this "out of good will" despite the evil laughs and such as like. a climate change backup--land we haven't messed up yet. but like this should be a last resort and not an immediately executed plan and i get you cant evacuate the whole west coast but california has so much of what the us is known for the us would be stupid to let those countless tourism dollars go to waste--especially when new land may not immediately go to claim of the us and Wars might happen over it. sorry im not nitpicking or anything i'm just saying my thoughts. like st canard is a massive city and so is duckburg and--sorry
and uno is sad because he doesnt know whether the sacrifice is worth it which. alright! yeah! but everything's not gonna be peachy keen just because we have some new land to work with. its got to grow naturally and as its arisen from the sea unless its all completely man-bulldozed its going to be rock, dead coral, and lichen for a while before anything grows naturally. the thought process of a scientist who can see everyone as getting in the way, climate change disaster as inevitable unless there are serious changes in human behavior or just straight up more resources and time (and who HATES calisota because he lives there), sure. believable enough for a silly comic like this
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HIS STUPID PLANE its beautiful.
PLEASE dont kill of mary ann i love her already
im so glad she doesnt shoot either of them right away like its a massive ??? situation. you cant shoot donald duck
uno feels so bad for dipping for a second for being unsure :(((( poor guy...
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this ending panel with the seagull is so good but oh. hohoh. are we gonna get more uno lore next issue ANYWAY yeah! good comic i see why this one is a lot of people's favorites. im glad im having fun reading paperinik again... that sure was a terremoto and boy oh boy... the west coast DIDNT sink? thanks to donald duck? wow. incredible.
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turvuren · 3 months
and at the same time I’ll share my thoughts on this topic, like, you can ignore them but I just wanted to share so yeah
Maybe Moon / Phos M/F uhoh
I think Phos barely knows Moon...Like, she saw him a couple of times but that was all🤔
Moon is damn tall. Imean...5'8-5'9"??????? And Phos, on the contrary, is a rather short huh, small cute and fragile >:з
I think they would have a small age difference, about a year..
In general, that's all I would like to say, lol, bro. You don’t have to include thoughts in general in the post if you do write something, but it would be great if they were in the post :0
lol i usually write rutile centric stuff 😭😭 I'm pretty indifferent towards phos but I'll try OK SO ive had this idea for a while... sibling phoses. i couldnt think of a way to write them with diff names without it sounding corny in eng, i liked genki phos anyways. like imagine his literal name being winter or moon... or by god, joy. lol
name should be self explanatory. genki - happy, so its the og phos. tsuki - winter. winter phos. tsuki - moon. thats it
cw incest sorry not sorry.
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"What the hell is that fucker's problem?..." "What?" Phos shakes her head, gesturing at the man with the weird bucket hair and that weird prosthetic eye. Because no way in hell there's anyone with a natural white iris, right? And heterochromia doesn't work that way. Never does. Her roommate, some weird girl Phos doesn't even bother remembering the name of, just shrugs. "That's just how he usually acts. I think he's a third year." "Still a goddamn weirdo." Phos is messing with the vending machine when he comes across her again, and she just about screams in shock - until she gets a nice, long look at that stupid face. "...brother..?" "Hiya. Long time no see?"
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There are 3 Phos's - at least in this small little town. The youngest, Genki, the middle child, Fuyuki, and the eldest half brother to Genki and Fuyuki - Tsuki.
See, Tsuki was a little bit of a brat. And a troublemaker. Genki had never met him, only told stories of him - don't ever turn out like your brother, yadayada, he had been a little bit more than just a handful after - "You're a murderer," Genki says, getting a bit scared now. "How...? Aren't you supposed to be in prison?" Tsuki laughs. "Parole, kid. Anyways, never really seen you in person. What's your name again...? Gen...?" "Genki. You're..." "Tsuki. Your beloved big brother-" "Hell no!" Genki backs away. "Look. Get the hell away from me. I've seen you, watching me these past few... everything! What do you want?" Tsuki laughs again, grating, grating sound against her ears. "What? Can't even look at my own little sister?" "Absolutely not. Go fuck yourself." "What? We just met and you're telling me off?" Genki shakes her head. "You're a damn criminal. I will NOT associate myself with the likes of you - now if you'll excuse me, I have CLASS-" He grabs her by the shoulder and presses his lips against hers. For a moment, Genki is a stunned, unable to react, but as her thoughts return she pushes him away. "What the fuck-?" "I'll make this quick," Tsuki cuts her off. "I'm single. Lonely. You don't wanna see your big brother-" "Cut it out with that big brother crap! You're not my brother, I only have one, and that's-" "Fuyuki? Oh, he's much more pliant compared to you, isn't he? But that's what makes me... endear you. You're so much more feisty, more personality." "I-" "Back to the point. Nobody likes me around here." "And what makes you think I do?!" "Well? We're family. You share my blood. My dirty, murderer blood." "That's not true. We're not even-" "Fully related? That's true. I guess you're only half murderer." "Cut it out!" "No." Genki grits her teeth. What an infuriating bastard. Not even anyone else comes close to this level of... of... "Look, Gen," Tsuki sighs. "I just want someone to spend time with little ol me. Don't you pity me?" Genki narrows her eyes. Maybe... maybe. He's... kind of making her feel bad. "Fine. What do you want?" Oh, but how wrong a decision that is.
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Genki buries her face in her hands as Tsuki pulls away, cigarette smoke filling the hotel room. Bite marks over her exposed shoulders where the covers can't hide her shame. "Well? That wasn't so bad, was it?" Dirty. So dirty. This murderer ... and her. "You did a great job there, sis. Don't mope about it. Poison isn't so bad. At least he died quickly. Painlessly." "Painlessly? Really?" They're not so different, are they?
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isabelguerra · 1 year
Pov: tumblrnatural
📷girlzone 4:00 pm
Im gonna say it
📷girlzone 4:01 pm
Rwby wasnt that good.
#its not even a hot take #its just like #true
💖dimidame 4:07 pm
collin darling I love you but suzy is going to kill you for this
📷girlzoned 4:09 pm
Let her gay ass try.
#not like we dont try and murder eachother every day
💣camcoded 4:50 pm
📷girlzone 4:56 PM
Yes, Suzy?
💣camcoded 5:09 pm
Im going to kill you.
📷girlzoned 5:18 pm
Why do you hate trans women Suzy
#girl #🏳️‍⚧️? #suzy transphobia arc?
💣camcoded 5:20 pm
💣camcoded 5:21 pm
💖dimidame 5:30 pm
You are, like.... objectively wrong tho
#and collin is right #😏 #its a bad show. Sorry girl #girl
💣camcoded 5:31
#why does nobody support me. Its a good show guys #ITS A GOOD SHOW
🔪butchtheeagle 6:50 pm
@📷girlzoned are you gonna take her to the vet or
#also lol. suzy bad takes hours again #not a response for over an hour #did the girls abandon you? #tw transphobia #<- bc u disagreed with collin
💣camcoded 6:55
🐸 frogsaretrans 12:34 am
Day 8 no zaza. I can feel the remnants of my flesh dripping slowly down the wall
#doobie wooby #burgerspeaks
🐺 anarchydotcom 12:37 am
I thought you died
#talking dmm #hi ed
🐸 frogsaregay 1:34 am
they got 5g up here
#doobie wooby #burgerspeaks #looool hi violet what’s up my dude
🔪 butchtheeagle 2:09 pm
im gonna start writing joe biden/davey jones rpf
#my ao3 is shred-e-gal btw #im not serious but what if i was. what then.
📷 girlzoned2 2:18 pm
Max you posted this on main
#hi max #also check your dms
🔪 butchtheeagle 2:19 pm
SIHT uhmmm uhmm imean who said that
#hi collin girlie #i am NOT opening that link it looks evil
🌩 bpd-sasuke 3:34 am
why is nobody talking about how jerma is literally some of the best rep for the queer community ever
🌩 bpd-sasuke 9:24 am
Hi guys! Sorry about any confusion this post might have caused- I forgot to take my meds and the jaiden animations video (the one where she came out) somehow registered as a jerma video for me! Lol!
#let a girl have her delusions sometimes okay #/j #leave me alone #a
🔥 hotshittr 11:32 am
if google says my girl js wrong no she isnt . google aint rememberin right 💯
#ollie too #i trust him #if google says hes wrong no he aint
you are doing some cocomelon shit to me
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These images are so funny idek why
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The risks I took were calculated, but man, am I bad at math?
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When you are looking at each other not knowing that one day you will bang the living soul out of each other
And then there's John
Sherlock: Can you not? I was trying attach to her cleavage do I could get to know her better. #offended
Irene: 😈Hmm. Look who's here. Oh, are we gonna have a threeway?
John: Uhhh, I just- I've got some.. Napkin?
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starrysharks · 1 year
ermmm do u have any other notes on/fun facts abt the pink guy from reassasination? the lust one imean. he is soooo silly looking
his character is a little halfbaked right now but i do have some cool V.A.angel facts™ on hand
- he says he's from france but this is a lie he's actually southern from like fuckin evil texas or something. he hides his accent but it comes through when he's really mad or loosing his composure
- unlike the other assassins who usually just go through targets quite bluntly angel basically plays with them like a cat with food - starting a friendship or relationship with that person for anywhere from a week to a month before killing them in cold blood. all the romances he's said he's found himself in are actually often just targets
- him and lunette are besties and gossip about the other assassins with each other. i would say that they smoke together but angel is deathly terrified of cigarettes because he thinks they make you ugly (he's pretty vain i think)
- his full name is valentino august angel. so lunette often nicknames him just val
- he has a pet rabbit called casanova and makes vivica take care of it all the time (it's taking all her power not to put it up for adoption whenever he hands it over to her every few weeks)
- he likes bubble baths :]
- a lot of the other assassins see their job as their duty or something but honestly he just does it because he's a Twisted Fucking Cycle Path and kind of sees other people's hearts as playthings.... so i guess he's a heartbreaker ? ooo what if his weapon was called the heartbreaker. speaking of weapons it's like a whip maybe idk
- and of course his favorite food is chocolate covered strawberries. OK that's it ig
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thesoupman · 6 months
hoolyshittt dni this song isso good 🤤🤤my friendhas problemswith winter and autumnthey give him prescriptions theyshine brigth lightson him they say its genetic theysay he cant ehlp it theysay yoiu can catch it but sometimes youre bornwith it 🤤🤤🤤myfriend has spite hegets shakes inthe night and thgy say theres no way thatthey couldhave caught itintime takesits toll on himit is inherited predispositional 🤤🤤🤤allday ive been wonderign what isinside of me who can ibalme for it i say itruns in the family thjs familythat carries me to suchgreat lengths toopen my legs up to anyone wholl have me itsruns in the family i comeby it honestly do what youwant cause who knows it might fill me up me up me up me up meup meupfill me up me up me upme up🤤🤤myfreidnds depressed shes a wreck shessa mess thyve done all sorts of testsand they guess it has soemthing to do with her grandmothers grandfathers grandmothersaving civil war soldier who probably infectedher🤤🤤my friend has maladies ricketsand allergies thatshe dates back tothe 17th century somehow she manages inher misery shestrips inthe city andshares all her best tricks withme well imwell well imean ijm inhell well istill have my health at least thatswhat they tell me 🤤if wellness is this what in hellsname is sickness but business is business and business runs inthe family🤤🤤🤤🤤we tendto bruise easily bad in theblood 🤤🤤im telling youcause i jstwant you to know me know meand my family were wonderful folks justdont get too close causeyou might knock me upmeup me up me up me up 🤤knock me upo me upme up me up me up me up🤤🤤🤤 mary have mercy now look what ive done but dont blame me because i cant helpwhere i come from agnd running is something that weve always done wellamd mostly icant even tell what imrunnign from 🤤runfrom the city from responsibility runfrom the country and runfrom the city🤤🤤ican run from the law i canrun from mysefl i can run from my lifei can run into debt 🤤ican run from it all i can run tillim gone i can run for the office and run for my cause ican run using every last ounceof energy i cannot icannot i cannot runfrom my family🤤🤤🤤🤤 theyre hidign inside of mecorpses on ice come in if youd like but just dont tell my family🤤 theydnever forgive me theyd say that im crazy butthey would say anything if itwould shut me up🤤🤤🤤shut meup 🤤🤤🤤shut meup me up me up me up me up meup meup🤤🤤🤤 shutme up me up me up me up meup me up🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤
I am madly in love aitj you
. A concert foryou my wheen.
Yayy :3 🎸🎸🎸🎸
Freak mode activated
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crackedpumpkin · 1 year
:p stinky
hello there lovely stinker :P ! 🫡 been a quick minute 🤙🏻hope u took a shower, this is gonna be a long one.
💞: Who's my comfort character?
Hands down it always and will be Leonardo from either 2012 or Rise :") Imean, it's literally Leo. you can never blame me for this neither can you ever say anything about it because i will lovingly hunt you down with a pitchfork.
Genuinely like, 2012 Leo was the first time I ever had a crush on a fictional character and it still rings true to this day. Rise Leo just made him better.
I can just picture my younger self looking at the tv and going like yeah. you. the blue one. the turtle. i like you now and you will forever have a special place in my heart.
But honestly this is gonna be unexpected, another of my comfort characters is definitely Rarity from My Little Pony lmfao. I grew up without Disney Channel and streaming services so i had to rely on like local channels for entertainment. When i tell you i fucking raced to the couch every evening like my life depended on it
Honestly though, Rarity had such a big influence on my entire personality and character. She's literally the embodiment of Generosity and i wanted to be just like her, minus the change in species. So i did my best to always be generous to like people around me and offered up help etcetc without expecting stuff in return and now it's a part of me 🫶🏻 (i say this confidently but i fucking hope its true otherwise this is going to be rather embarrassing for me)
🤩: Who's my favourite character to write?
On god Rise Leo was a cultural setback for me lmfao, I never imagined I'd get so attached to his stupid face, personality, and entire being 👍🏻 He's my favourite character to write for, but it often changes because I can never focus on just 1 character at a time 🤡
like, my blog is literally multifandom to the point i have literal organised folders in my google drive just to remember who the fuck i write for in the first place. Maybe its not as bad as other writers but hey, love is free and i give it out willingly so that's on me 🫡
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nerves-nebula · 2 years
im not the other anon but it might be how you draw expressions? like its so good and expressive and you just know that kikimora is planing something sneaky. she looks like that cat surrounded by knives and i love that for her
I have no idea, sorry. I imean I could try to explain but its something of a combination of years of absorbing cartooning advice and drawing from observation and reading/watching/inhaling art tutorials and becoming obsessed with other people's art styles and !!!
i just know that I like expressions and I kept trying to get the "feeling" right until I get it the way I like it.
OH! one thing I do a lot though is if I'm having trouble with an expression and its not conveying what I want, I take a step back and just make a bunch of doodles of the simplest version of it I can think. Like for Kikimora her eye didn't look right so I scribbled different smug faces that were just a few lines for the mouth & eyes, until I realized that I needed to push the bottom of her cheek up a bit more.
other than that idk, sorry :')
Edit: somehow I completely misread this and thought u asked how I drew expressions, my bad. I’m my defense I am slightly illiterate.
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milimima · 1 year
She taught me so much. Idk why she was so insecure, Imean na I get it. I got her. It’s whatever. U got dis crazy lil bih fr. I really hope to see you again on top 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 bitvh we might fight just to get it off idk prolly not you don’t want no smoke 🤣 idk after last time I might. Boy was you mad at me. And I was sad af. Friend break ups r da worst. And we was getting money. Traveling. Finding dogs together. It was down to us 2. And shit na I get it more now looking back. Kill I fell off shit got weird. U got fucking weird bitch and then couldn’t talk about it. And then got mad at me for being mad. Is why I don’t fuck w bitvhes. I was down. And I wasn’t great w my communication fr but you was der you jhi like tried and I tried but you tried more. Everything happens for a reason. I appreciate my lessons babes. 🤍
0 notes
DS9 2x10 Sanctuary thoughts (rewatching, so possible future spoilers)
I love Kira and Sisko's relationship, they work so good off each other
I always thought this episode would come back to bite them in the butt later on in the series... I guess not
Kira is so uncomfortable with being in charge here, bless her, but she's doing her damned best
Julian's outrage: "Are all your leaders women?" "Yes." "All of them?" "You heard her, Julian."
I do kind of like clumsy matriarchal societies, even if I don't agree with that set-up any more than I agree with the patriarchy
Yay for polyamory, but why does that have to be weird to Kira? I guess in a matriarchy it's more likely polyandry anyway...
Bonding over horrible clothing, I get that
I love Jake and Nog's friendship <3 But, yet again, JAKE'S SO YOUNG. Imean seriously, dabo girl what? (He is sweet tho)
Huh, that sure looks like Spock on the crime list...
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I think I forget how much I like Quark, his whole routine as he picked up Nog was hilarious. Also, how Quark later broke up the fight with a snarl, and Nog giving a little snarl once he's safely behind his uncle :3 You don't see their relationship much but it is cute here
I really do get the Bajorans' arguments, it does suck, but "Do you really think we could stand by and do nothing?" is pretty understandable. I do think their genuinely sorry not to be able to just help.
Sisko bringing it back to Draylon Two as often as possible XD
Oh, bless Jake for trying to talk to the Skrreean boy.
Oh my goodness, this woman is so entitled. I understand where she's coming from and that she thinks they could help Bajor, but the Bajorans don't have to accept the risk! Especially as there is another planet you can settle on that will probably be easier to farm on - it's not like they're tossing you out for nothing, and I'm fairly certain the Bajoran answer would have been different if there really were no other options. But there is a Very Good Option there!
I really don't like how cold she is towards Kira, she has no sense of perspective really. That's what she thinks friends are?
I realllly don't get what the Skrreean boy's problem was SO MUCH that he wanted to go and fight Bajor. I mean he seemed to have a mighty bad attitude as soon as he got on the station... I guess massive lifetime trauma? And transferring his hatred for their former oppressors onto the Bajorans?
I hope she sees just how HARD the crew are trying to rescue her boy and doesn't blame them. They don't want this!
Another episode without a clear-cut "good" ending, but I did like it, even if it's sad how much bad blood there was by the end of the episode for no good reason.
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littlesilentrebel · 2 years
Reading in English- Leo and Alastor centric
“Ok, so Alastor, all you have to do to become Leo’s bodyguard is to just read and sign these papers, then we’re all good!” Leo’s oldest sister said as she put two sheets of paper stapled together on the table for the boy in front of her to see and read.
Alastor looked down at the papers for a few seconds before slowly looking up, “Wanda, Iwould love to read these, but I can't.”
“What?” Leo asked as he stood up from leaning on the table, “What do you mean you can't read them? Wait- can you not read??” Leo asked with genuine worry.
“Well, Imean I can read, just..not… English…”
“Then, what language can you read in?” Leo’s mom asked as she entered the room.
All eyes slowly turned back to Alastor as he hid a bit into his hoodie.
“YOU CAN READ FRENCH!” Leoyelled abruptly, causing Alastor to flinch.
He took a second to regain himself before speaking again, “Yes, Leo. i can speak French. It’s my first language.”
Everyone was quiet for a few seconds before Wanda took the papers back and handed them to their mother.
“Well then, I’ll figure out how to translate these then let you sign them-” Leo’s mom said as she started to walk away, back upstairs.
“Actaully, Ican help translate them, if you… want..” Alastor said as he slightly stood up before she was out of the room.
Leo’s mom turned around and smiled at Alastor, “Aww, thank you dear. And sure, I’d love the help. come with me, it'll be done very quickly!” she gestured for Alastor to follow her and walked away again, Alaator quickly following.
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zodapack · 2 years
honestlyjust going 2 throw both rambls at once bcauz im running out of words now me & Pickle- imean just go look up Knife x Pickle art taht probably sums it up welll bcauz yah thats us thats so us bcauz I'm Knife lol and me & Yuri r just omgg like honestly i like hearing her ramble on and on abt her favorite books and then i ramble on about my favorite books and then she teaches me stuff abt poetry/general writing and i teach her stuff about drawing bcauz honestly she would draw but nevr fully get into it without a littl push (I'm her littl push) so we're just on and on abt our interests and when we both get tired we cuddl up 2gethr and rest peacefully which is niceys
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