aerinmelina · 3 years
hi!! i hope you’re doing well, i was wondering what was your favorite part of dragonwatch rotds (if you read it) ? sending you much love !!
I screamed. My kids came running. I laughed the most over-the-top laugh and screamed some more and then laughed again. Le children were quite confused. It was pretty funny.
Seriously though, I stopped reading after that and didn’t pick the book up for another like 3 weeks. I got waaaaaaaay sidetracked with a sudden fic idea that needed my immediate, concentrated attention. Bahahahaha. I’m still just. Look. I uttered that into the universe over a year ago as a joke. Never in a million years did I actually think it would be canon. Whaaaaaaaaaat.
What was your favorite part? 😂
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imasorenson · 3 years
my comfort character<3
♬ quackitry
hope you’ll like this edit of kendra!
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magicae-est-realis · 4 years
Fablehaven Secret Santa
Hello! It is finally the 19th, so I can release my gift for @imasorenson! Hope you like it.
While the line would normally snake from the entrance all the way back to the end of the carefully placed markers and beyond, today there were only about twenty people in front of Kendra and Bracken, who were waiting to be admitted into the amusement park.
Kendra had insisted they they come, seeing as Bracken had never been to one, and the fact that Christmas was only a few days away was just an added bonus. Warren had pounced on the two of them earlier in the week, practically holding them at sword point after Kendra had mentioned they were planning to visit the park, telling the two that they should go while school was still in to avoid the madness. It had taken a day or two of planning, but they had finally arrived.
Warren had been right. Since there were so few people, it only took about ten minutes for the couple to be admitted.
“What do you want to do first, Bracken?” Kendra grinned at him, already bouncing up and down, even if she wasn’t on a sugar high. Yet.
“What is there?” Bracken asked.
“More like what isn’t there! We could go on a rollercoaster, or another ride, eat food, go to the arcade-style games, or one of the stalls like throwing darts.”
“What is a rollercoaster?” Bracken’s confusion was all it took. He eyed Kendra’s evil smile nervously, as she took his hand and practically dragged him to the ride. Once again, the few people around made for a short queue, and the safety bar was being lowered in no time.
“Oh, before I forget, when we go down, you need to scream.” Bracken looked at his girlfriend, horrified.
“Do you know what happened the last time I screamed!? Seth and I were in a tickle fight, and the fairies and Astrids thought I was in trouble! It took ages to turn Seth back into something vaguely recognizable, and that was only a tiny whinny! And don’t even get me started how they managed to fit inside the house, because I don’t know, there were that many of th-AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!”
The last part was because, while Bracken was rambling, the rollercoaster had made it up to the top of the ‘hill,’ and gone over. He had begun screaming in shock, while Kendra laughed so had she could barely breathe. As they began climbing the next ‘hill,’ Kendra leaned over and kissed Bracken.
“It’s a good thing I cleared it with your mother first, then.” Her giggles made a comeback when she saw Bracken’s shell-shocked face.
The rest of the day was amazing. Bracken and Kendra went around to everything, and soon Bracken redeemed himself with a prefect aim, and a large fluffy Unicorn toy. (Insert Despicable Me ‘It’s so fluffy I’m going to die scene’ here, lol.)
Lunch was spent sitting down at a picnic table with a tub of hot chips, churros, and soft drinks, after which Kendra took Bracken to get his face painted as a rainbow.
By the time the two made it home, the sky was dark and the house’s lights were all on, waiting for them. Seth, Vanessa, Tanu, Grandma and Grandpa, Dale, and Warren were all sitting around the table, phones and cameras at the ready. After Kendra had told the Fairy Queen about the park the previous day, she’d told everyone else about it. In the end, Kendra had agreed to make sure Bracken got his face painted, and everyone else would be there to take pictures.
Bracken didn’t speak to anyone else for a week after he found out the photoshoot was planned, though he secretly kept a picture to remember the day by.
And that’s the end! Hope you liked it, and Merry Christmas, @imasorenson and anyone else reading!
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carolinelikesdinner · 4 years
i was curious, who are your fav characters from fablehaven/dragonwatch ?:)
My faves have to be Vanessa, Warren, Eve, Ronodin, and Isadore!
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@imasorenson Remember this conversation in Harthenham in the first book?
Jason: I am travelling with this dude called Jasher
Drake, sitting up straight: YOU ARE TRAVELLING WITH JASHER?
Jason: Yeah, you know him?
Drake, whose sister is married to that guy and they have a kid together: Haha, no.. no just heard of him
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cococrim · 3 years
@slurpy-boi tagged me in a tag game, but tumblr hates me and won’t let me comment or reblog rn. So here we go: (post link)
Favortite Color: I like a lot of different shades of colors, but not many shades of the same color. I lean towards more muted colors. The color I like the most shades of is red (specifically darn red). Sorry, I’m picky.
Last song: Far Away by Nickelback
Currently Reading: Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson
Last Movie: Some random Hallmark one.
Sweet, savory, or spicy: Spicy
Currently working on: Math and a 20 questions (it’s been way over 20 questions, maybe 75 at this point) game with a friend via text.
I love these things! Thank you so much.
Tagging: @kendras-stingbulb , @imasorenson , @alexvasylisadarquesse , @fitzs-eyebrows
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0yakal · 4 years
@jaylalovesreading I think it is so amazing how you are a friend to everyone. You can click with any person and you’re always being nice and supportive. I have never encountered you saying anything rude or hurtful. I would not be able to find someone who doesn’t like you, if that I’m sure.
@books-and-starss If I over have a question I know I can turn to you. You are so incredibly kind and thoughtful. Your always thinking about the other people around you and I wish personally I could be more like that. I love your perception on the world and the quotes and good messages you share. Don’t ever stop doing that, because then you would stop being you.
@fairyprincessofthedragons Let me just say you are fabulous. You are so easy to talk to and I love talking to you as well. You always respond with meaningful answers that can make me laugh. You are like a sister to me. I love going at it with you. I have never seen you back down from anything. Whether it’s a comment, question, or scenario. Also you have some crazy good ideas that are seemingly pulled from thin air, and it’s so enjoyable to read your works.
@chiyoko-cherry One thing I absolutely adore about you is how you include everyone. Even if you don’t notice you do it, you do and that means so much to me. You look around and see who needs a little something that day and you definitely deliver. I love your art style and it is amazing. You do the stuff nobody else does and I love love love it. You read in between the lines. Color outside the lines. You know how to love everyone and to that I wish I could do. Your so humble about things to, you deserve all the praise you get.
@candlemouse Oh my gosh you are such a people person and I wish I could do what you do. You’re all around funny, sweet, kind, crazy, and I love every bit that makes up you. I love the things you reblog because they are always funny or meaningful. I love the way you do things. You have this extra little touch you put on things and it makes all the difference. You are so supportive and any person that receives your kindness dies of happiness.
@fairyprincesskendra The thing that comes to mind when I think about you is: Kind, smart, beautiful, and when all else fails you’re the thing holding everything together, you’re the lifeline. You are so needed and so incredibly loved. Let me just say I love you bro. You are an angel sent to Earth blessing the rest of us with you. You are the sparkle in the night. The shooting star. And I don’t know what the rest of us would do if we didn’t have you.
@imasorenson You lift so many people up, including me. I love the things that you have to say it reflects a lot in who you are. And you are such an amazing, kind, thoughtful person. Your ideas are just so perfect. You are just so perfect. Your edits are to die for and I can’t wait to see what you have in store for the future.
@bitterwindissneakingin Ilove how you stand with your option. No matter whatever somebody else says or does you are still you. Your so true to yourself. I admire your courage about being the opposition. You believe in what you think is right and that is something I admire above so many other things. You are so witty and clever, you have a way with words. I love your boldness and I wish I could be as forth coming as you are.
@aerinmelina Seriously dude you are so amazing and I can’t even stand it. You know how to make anyone feel better even if you aren’t trying. If my Mom wasn’t so amazing I would immediately ask you to take me in and adopt me, because your just that good. You’re not just a good mom you’re a great person and so admirable.
@certain-death-awaits You are so fun to be around. You just fit right in wherever you go. I love the way you say things, the way you speak because it just has that spark of you. And I love that spark. You are so kind and supportive of anyone who needs it (or even if they don’t). You are an amazing person and that will never change.
@jesussavedevenme You are meaningful. Every bit you write. People look up to you. I look up to you. You matter so much you make the difference. I love your sweetness and your caring attitude. I wish more people would be like you cause you are just so gosh darn amazing. You stand up for what is right and do so much good in this bad world.
@carolinelikesdinner You are so funny. Every time I see something that you’ve posted, I laugh. If I need to giggle a bit I go to you. Your hair is so cute and just thank you. Thank you for being Caroline. For finding funny things and Fablehaven-izing them. For posting your amazing art.
@imboredsoread I simply adore your dollify stuff. You are so incredibly supportive and help people reach their full potential. Your art is so cute that you just have to make more. I know that you can do anything you set your mind to and that is just amazing.
@thekitchenphilosopheress I love your fun and light-hearted air. It’s just so refreshing. You have a clever sense of humor and I love it. Your posts are some of my favorites. I love randomly going through your account and just reading what you have to say or what you think is worth sharing, cause really its worth it.
@hootowlgryph0n I love your commentary. You seem to always have the right thing to say and it’s always uplifting and kind. I love commentary but yours is something special. My own commentary sucks so I can definitely learn a thing or too from you. You have so many good ideas you need to share more of them. I can tell that you have a lot to say, so go ahead and say it. Let loose live a little don’t wait for the perfect opportunity, by that point it will have already passed.
@one-neat-nerd I love your name so much. It’s just so classy. I love that you incorporate everyone into everything and your so welcoming and friendly. I don’t know how to properly say this but you just get things. You go with the flow, kind of roll with It, crack a few jokes. Aka your one of my kind of people. I love you for the way you are just so…yes. You can never be replaced.
@ronodin-can-die You are so creative and original, I love it. There’s a little bit for everyone on your blog and you are just so freakin amazing. People love you. (Cough cough me). You are so talented and I really wish I knew you better cause you’re the kind of person I’d want to know better.
@thecagedsong How? How do you do it? You are one of the smartest people I know. You can see things where others can’t and it freakin blows my mind. I love your simplicity your easy-going nature your you-ness. And let’s just say If I knew half the things you did…
@fairykam Oh boy where do I begin? There is just so much that is fabulous. Well I could say that you’re art is amazing, you’re such a fun person, you’re so creative. I can say all of those things because they’re true, but what I love most about you is your captions and comments. Every caption puts a smile on my face and brightens my day. You spread love and positivity like it’s a disease and I only wish I could do it to the same extent as you do.
@aezeniadoodles The amazingness of you is unreal. You is kind, you is nice, and you is worth it. I have loved every single name you’ve called yourself and I think they are all perfect. No one name is right for you because you just have so much personality there’s not a correct word to describe it (except maybe supercalifragilisticexpialidocious ;), but that’s a bit wordy)
@i-want-a-bracken-to-my-kendra You are such a cool person. I love your personality it’s just so cute. And heck ya cello fam unite!!! You are such a fun bubbly person. You’re fun, funny, and just so freakin amazing. You are totally someone I want to have as one of my besties so I hope I can get to know you better.
@varian-love-and-other-stuff You know how to encourage and support someone. Dude it’s just soo amazing, I read something you wrote and even I felt better (which is weird since it wasn’t to me, but you just have that affect on people). I love the way the way you make the difference. It’s the small and simple things that counts, and your’s pile up so high it’s to the moon.
@fairygirl22 Your art style is so cute! You absolutely need to do more fanart, like I won’t take no for an answer You have some cool ideas, they’re really interesting and get my brain spinning. You are so friendly and kind and sweet and just about a million other things. Whenever I read your writing I just love it. It gives me inspiration for my own stuff. Really your truly inspiring and it makes me feel good.
@dragonsofwyrmroost I absolutely adore your writing! Fanfiction, headcannons, anything and you got it down so good. I love your willingness to go and do good things. You are such a good person. You are so much stronger than you think and you always will be because that’s the kind of person you are and nothing will ever change that.
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Uh yeah I'm a noob
Ok so I was kinda fangirling for a second there cause @imasorenson put a note on my first post and I don't know how to respond cause I'm a noob. So I'd just like to say, I'm a new-ish member of the fandom, and you responding made my day
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alaqus · 4 years
Tag Game
Tagged by: @chaosinacademia
rules: bold everything that applies to you and tag (10) people you’d like to get to know better.
I’m over 5’5” // i wear glasses // contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i typically wear makeup // i don’t often smile // i am pleased with how I look // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backward
Hobbies and Interests
i play a sport // i can play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to tv shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand
i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me before // i have a long-distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sunrise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colours // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mum friend // i live by a certain quote(s) // i like the smell of sharpies // i participate in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least three dogs
omg thank you for tagging me it really means a lot cuz im kinda new here 
tagging my fav accounts <3
@lola-lola @through-the-unknown @imasorenson @disasteracademic @everythingisajokeincludingme @ascarimo @fablehavenshitposts @volimborris @sufwubi @lovebritneyrosberg
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book-fueled-panic · 4 years
21 questions
Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people
Tagged by: @certain-death-awaits
Name: Faolon
Nickname: Falcon (but I hate it)
Gender: girl
Star sign: libra
Current time: 12:17 a.m. as I write this
Song stuck in my head: radio silence up here
Last movie I saw: The Avengers
Last thing I googled: pink lady apples
Other blogs: none
Do I get asks: nope
Reason for my url: I couldnt think of anything cool so I chose something basic
Following: 74
Average sleep: nine or ten hours
Lucky Number: 337 (I like how it sounds)
Currently wearing: blue and grey shirt with grey leggings
Dream job: teacher or decorator
Dream trip: a road trip through 48 U.S. states
Favorite food: hmm orange chicken
Favorite song: there are s o many
Instruments: none but I want to learn the kalimba
Tagging~ @fablehaven @jesussavedevenme @imasorenson
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ronodin-can-die · 6 years
This song is a Brackendra song 100% with Bracken singing Eurydice's part. You can't change my mind.
(Is this post inspired by @imasorenson 's post about Vanessa? Yes. Yes, it is.)
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aerinmelina · 4 years
If you only could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be?
For fanfiction? Honestly it’s a bit of a tie. 😅 I publish a ton of brackendra, so that’s the obvious choice, but uh. I have an OC that I made up for Ninjago and have paired her with a Cole, and I’ve written something ridiculous like 50k words of fic without real plot for the two of them. I may or may not ever publish it. Like I said, there’s no real plot. I just love practicing my writing on them. ❤️
Still, if I absolutely had to choose one, I’d probably go with brackendra.
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imasorenson · 3 years
Brackendra - My First Love
This doesn’t happen in a particular moment of the books, it’s more like an alternative universe where Kendra tells Bracken how she feels about him, so yeah, enjoy ! Also, I tried my best, but French is my first language, so I hope it’s not full of weird sounding sentences ahaha!
My first love
Kendra wasn’t scared of that many things, but talking about her feelings was probably the scariest thing she ever had to do. She fought demons, dragons and many dark creatures in her life, but being vulnerable in that way… that was way more scary.
She was siting on the porch of her grandparent’s house, cracking her knuckles while trying to find the right words to say.
How are you even supposed to know the right thing to say ?
Kendra wasn’t impulsive, she loved to have a plan, to follow instructions and to at least be prepared before risking her life !
Well, this time it wasn’t a question of life and death. It was more a question of : Am I going to look stupid cause I won’t know what to say or can I really do this without looking like a fool ?
It has been a while since she seen Bracken. Maybe that’s how she found the courage to tell him how she really felt. No being in his presence for so long made her forget why she was even scared to talk to him. But now that the moment of his return was only a question of minutes, it was easy to remember why she was so scared.
One word.
Her ego couldn’t take it, nor would her heart.
-Hello Kendra.
She could recognized his soft and warm tone anywhere.
-Hi Bracken, she answered, looking up.
Bracken smiled gently, and this smile warmed Kendra’s heart way more than she would like to admit. And for a moment, she wasn’t even anxious anymore, she was just glad he was here.
He came closer and sat down besides her.
-When did you arrive ? Kendra asked.
-Just now actually, you’re the first person I see.
Bracken always made Kendra feels safe yes, but every time he locked eyes with her, she felt like her whole body was a big pound of jello. He had a way to look at her that made her feel like she was the only girl in the world. Kendra always thought it was a cheesy line, but now she understood why people said they could get lost in the eyes of their loved ones.
Bracken’s eyes were so… blue and so… calm. Kendra couldn’t even describe them without zoning out thinking about their specific color.
-Are you alright ? Asked Bracken, worried.
Oh my god.
Kendra realized she may have been staring his eyes a bit too long, in silence, for it to not be weird. She knew Bracken didn’t feel uncomfortable, but that didn’t change the fact she felt, once again, stupid.
-Yeah yeah ! I’m fine !
She sounded way too happy and she answered way too fast to not make the whole thing funny.
Bracken tried to contain his laughter and Kendra was grateful for that.
-You know Ken… I missed talking with you, said Bracken to change the subject. I know I had a lot of work and I’ve been gone for a while, but now I don’t want to leave anymore.
-You missed talking with me ?
-I missed you.
Kendra smiled.
-I missed you too, she confessed.
She took a deep breath, it was time. There was no way she was turning back. The faster she would tell him, the better she would feel.
-There’s something I wanted to tell you.
Kendra raised her head, he was looking at her with so much patience and… love. She didn’t want to jump to conclusions, but she felt like his eyes were really filled with love and admiration for her. Spoiler alert, she was right.
-This is going to sound really cheesy, she continued, laughing. But…
When she locked eyes with him, she wasn’t scared anymore.
-I never met anyone that makes me feel the same way you do Bracken, and I really don’t want you to think I’m crazy or anything but… All these months you were gone were the emptiest months of my life. I don’t ever want to feel like that again. I was so scared to tell you how much you mean to me, but when I think about it… I’m even more scared to not have you in my life. I care about you, so much.
Kendra was worried he would say he was honored but he didn’t feel the same way, she was worried he would smiled and thank her but that it would stay like that.
Bracken smiled like she thought he would, but it wasn’t a smile he would use to be polite. He was smiling with happiness, he was smiling so hard that Kendra was even able to see his teeth.
He leaned a bit closer to her, gently placing his right hand on her cheek.
-I started to admire you the moment I met you. You shine Kendra, yes by your magic, but you shine way more by your personality, every time you enter a room you light up the space, every time you smile at me I feel like I could do anything for you, and every time I think of you… the only thing I want is to make you happy. You amaze me Kendra, by your kindness and your courage, and in so many other ways. I want to spend the rest of my time reminding you how incredible you are.
Kendra felt the tears in her eyes about to run down her face. She didn’t want to cry, but she realized she meant a lot to him, and it was the first time someone cared about her that way. Kendra never felt as happy as she did in this moment.
She cleared her throat.
-Does it mean you feel the same way I feel about you ? said Kendra.
-It means I feel like the luckiest man in the world.
He softly wiped away the tears on Kendra’s cheek.
-Yes, I love you Ken.
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@imasorenson Feeling big love for Beyonders again these days
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imasorenson · 4 years
If you could spend a day with any Fablehaven character, who would it be? What would you do? Oh, and it can't be Warren ;)
HAHAHAHHAHA the fact you specifically said that it can’t be warren made me laugh so hard
hum i think it would be kendra or bracken in that case! because i feel like i would get along with them and i just want them to be my best friends u know. we could go on a little road trip and visit some beautiful places, take pictures, have fun and sing throwback songs in the car. just a perfect day in my opinion, like going on an adventure with ken or bracken ? I WOULD DO IT ANYTIME
what about you guys? who would you choose and what would you do ? i’m curious !! <3
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imasorenson · 4 years
It’s Warren’s birthday everyone! He managed to get through the day without getting injured- ok, who threw the brick?
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