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lokerjabodetabekid · 5 years ago
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Hi Friends! @starbucksindonesia baru saja meresmikan pembukaan gerai Starbucks Community Store pertama di Indonesia yang bertempat di Tanah Abang pada tanggal 20 Februari lalu. Gerai ini didedikasikan untuk mendukung dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat setempat dengan mendonasikan sebagian dari penjualan untuk anak-anak marginal di sekitar Tanah Abang melalui kerja sama dengan @sahabatanaktanahabang dan @iscofoundation . Ingin bekerja sekaligus berperan memberikan perubahan positif kepada lingkungan sekitar? Inilah saatnya kamu menjadi bagian dari @sbuxpartnersid ! Geser ke kiri untuk melihat jadwal #WalkInInterview di minggu depan ya! Proud #ToBeAPartner, proud #ToBeABarista #KarirStarbucks #ConnectWithSomethingBigger #StarbucksIndonesia #SbuxPartnerID #ImapSbux #LowonganKerja #Loker #Karir #InfoLowongan #InfoKerja #InfoLoker #InfoKarir #Starbucks #LokerIndonesia #LokerNasional #LokerJakarta #LokerSamarinda #LokerSemarang #LokerBali #LokerSolo #LokerTangerang #LokerBogor #Loker2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/B9CLCW4nqjl/?igshid=hhdbv1ji9b2q
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kiki-mochamad-rizki · 8 years ago
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Today, we are all gather in one place to celebrate 'Global Month of Service' at Textile Museum Jakarta with the theme 'experiencing and living your daily culture'. And the activities we did was learning the process of making Batik. . . Rouffaer reported that the gringsing pattern was already known by the 12th century in Kediri, East Java. He concluded that this delicate pattern could be created only by using the canting, an etching tool that holds a small reservoir of hot wax, and proposed that the canting was invented in Java around that time. The carving details of clothes worn by East Javanese Prajnaparamita statues from around the 13th century show intricate floral patterns within rounded margins, similar to today's traditional Javanese jlamprang or ceplok batik motif. The motif is thought to represent the lotus, a sacred flower in Hindu-Buddhist beliefs. This evidence suggests that intricate batik fabric patterns applied with the canting existed in 13th-century Java or even earlier. In Indonesia, forecasted there are 6.500 different Batik's motif and patterns. . . In October 2009, UNESCO designated Indonesian batik as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. As part of the acknowledgment, UNESCO insisted that Indonesia preserve its heritage. The day, October 2, 2009 has been stated by Indonesian government as National Batik Day. . . Today experience thought me that, there are lots of hand, long steps behind the process making Batik. Not just only be proud when we wearing Batik, It's an obligation to respect and appreciate every single Batik maker. Just like coffee, every Batik has story. . . #globalmonthofservice #gmos #tobeapartner #starbucksindonesia #imapsbux #baristalife #batik #art #heritage #culture #mylifejourney (at Textile Museum)
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abumarlo · 6 years ago
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#love U Bro !! • #Repost @sbuxpartnersid with @get_repost ・・・ Starbucks Barista Championship Indonesia 2018 Regional Level : Region 2 just finished. 7 Coffee Masters represents their district compete in this stage to take the top 10 place against other region. Tomorrow, region 4 representative will be competing for the top 10 place. Who’s your favorite so far? #sbuxpartnersid #imapsbux #coffee #starbucks
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kecokdeath · 7 years ago
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Great moment with great people 😎🙌🏻 | Coffee Origin Trip 2017 : Kintamani, 17 - 19 Juli 2017 #imapsbux #tobeapartner #coffeejourney (at Kintamani, Bali, Indonesia)
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seamlessmind-blog · 9 years ago
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"Big change goes slow" #latteartporn #latteart #practicemakesperfect #tobeapartner #starbuckspartners #starbucksindonesia #imapsbux #HRlife #PRO #shotonmyxiaomi #xiaomi #redmi2 (at Sahid Sudirman Center Office)
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raysadinanty · 9 years ago
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Karena baru sadar setelah 6 bulan kerja nggak pernah foto pakai apron 😂😂😂 #sbuxindonesia #tobeapartner #SC17 #batistalife #imapsbux (at Starbuck Coffee Sarinah Thamrin)
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poisonivydancemusic · 9 years ago
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Morning Latte Art by @ferryhendrik #imapsbux #sbuxindonesia #barista (at Starbucks Coffee, MNC Tower)
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tansriputra-blog · 9 years ago
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Anggap saja tempat ini sebuah rumah yang didalamnya terdapat keluarga. Ada yang berperan sebagai orang tua, ada pula yang berperan sebagai anak. Kadang anak merengek manja, kadang orangtua marah marah. Layaknya sebuah institusi, rumah ini juga punya alumni, ada yang datang dan pergi, ada yang singgah dan tak pernah kembali. Sebuah rumah akan terasa sunyi bila tak ada amarah, tak ada duka, tak ada tingkah jenaka yang mengundang gelak tawa. Semoga kita semua tetap diberikan kesehatan, tetap diberikan kesabaran saling menjaga, dan tetap bisa tertawa dikala resah. #imapsbux #baristalife #starbucksid #starbucks (at Starbucks Coffee Cihampelas Walk Bandung)
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lokerjabodetabekid · 5 years ago
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Happy Sunday, friends! This is a sneak peek of our walk-in interview situation in Jakarta last week. Their enthusiasm to join and become the greatest barista in @starbucksindonesia are contagious, so share your passion loud and proud! Don’t miss your opportunity to be the part of @sbuxpartnersid, swipe left twice to see our next #WalkInInterview schedule. Proud #ToBeAPartner, proud #ToBeABarista. #KarirStarbucks #ConnectWithSomethingBigger #StarbucksIndonesia #SbuxPartnerID #ImapSbux #LowonganKerja #Loker #Karir #InfoLowongan #InfoKerja #InfoLoker #InfoKarir #Starbucks #LokerJakarta #LokerSemarang #LokerMakassar #LokerBali #LokerMedan #LokerIndonesia #LokerNasional #loker2020 - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/B8bq500nzNz/?igshid=1597xbh8heo03
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kecokdeath · 7 years ago
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"Limitless to be kindneas" "we care, we share" Coffee Origin Experience 2017 : Kintamani #coffeejourney #imapsbux #tobeapartner (at Kintamani, Bali, Indonesia)
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seamlessmind-blog · 9 years ago
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The Almost-Completed team of Starbucks Indonesia's Partner Resources Organization division! #SCJOpenForum #imapsbux #tobeapartner #sbuxindo #starbucksindonesia #humanresources #officemates (at Club House Apartemen Pavilion)
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lokerjabodetabekid · 5 years ago
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Hi Friends, Happy weekend 😃 What is your plan this weekend? We have a lot of coffee class to share our knowledge about "making a great coffee". Our coffee class will be conducted by an Advanced Coffee Master and Classrom Facilitator certified Barista. Grab this lifetime experience and become advanced coffee masters like @sbuxpartnerid by joining our #WalkInInterview next week. Swipe left to find: 1. Requirements 2. Updated Schedule Proud#ToBeAPartner, proud#ToBeABarista. #KarirStarbucks #ConnectWithSomethingBigger #StarbucksIndonesia #SbuxPartnerID #ImapSbux #LowonganKerja #Loker #Karir #InfoLowongan #InfoKerja #InfoLoker #InfoKarir #Starbucks #LokerIndonesia #LokerNasional #Lokerjakarta #Lokerbekasi #Lokersemarang #Lokerbali #Lokersurabaya #Lokermanado #Lokeryogyakarta - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/B5kSqFVHGI0/?igshid=m1bk028hnj38
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lokerjabodetabekid · 5 years ago
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📞🙋🏻‍♂️: Happy Sunday! What would you like to order today Batam people? In hurry? Don’t worry! Now your coffee on the go serve with Joy at @starbucksindonesia Drive Thru Ahmad Yani Batam. Want to work at the various store concept with fun environment? We’re welcoming you to be one of our @sbuxpartnersid ! Prepare yourself to join our next walk in interview in your city! Swipe left to find: 1. Requirements 2. Updated Schedule Proud #ToBeAPartner, proud #ToBeABarista. #KarirStarbucks #ConnectWithSomethingBigger #StarbucksIndonesia #SbuxPartnerID #ImapSbux #LowonganKerja #Loker #Karir #InfoLowongan #InfoKerja #InfoLoker #InfoKarir #Starbucks #LokerIndonesia #LokerNasional #LokerJakarta #LokerBekasi #LokerBogor #LokerBali #LokerSolo #LokerSemarang #LokerPekanbaru #Loker2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/B5Sh1TnHu3y/?igshid=w4fpcxzr4bfb
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lokerjabodetabekid · 5 years ago
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Hi Friends, Holiday season is here, have a merry coffee! Spread cheer this holiday season and join a team that’s merry and bright ✨ Come along in our #WalkInInterview , swipe left to find : 1. Requirements 2. Updated Schedule Proud #ToBeAPartner, proud #ToBeABarista. #KarirStarbucks #ConnectWithSomethingBigger #StarbucksIndonesia #SbuxPartnerID #ImapSbux #LowonganKerja #Loker #Karir #InfoLowongan #InfoKerja #InfoLoker #InfoKarir #Starbucks #LokerJakarta #LokerCipali #LokerSemarang #LokerMakassar #LokerSamarinda #LokerSurabaya #LokerBali #LokerIndonesia #LokerNasional #Loker2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/B4xXFhuncOq/?igshid=t0m4c5xddcqt
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lokerjabodetabekid · 5 years ago
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Happy sunday everyone! This week our Indonesian team joined Starbucks Manual Competition 2019 at Bali. We compete with other partners from some other countries. By being our partners, you can always gain benefit of maximizing your potential and making many great friends. Who's ready to be our Sbux partners? Join our #WalkInInterview next week. Swipe left for the requirements, and swipe next for the schedule in #Jakarta #Bali #Medan #Surabaya #Samarinda #Balikpapan #Solo #Malang Proud #ToBeAPartner, Proud #ToBeABarista. #KarirStarbucks #ConnectWithSomethingBigger #StarbucksIndonesia #SbuxPartnerID #ImapSbux #LowonganKerja #Loker #Karir #InfoLowongan #InfoKerja #InfoLoker #InfoKarir #Starbucks #LokerIndonesia #LokerNasional #Loker2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/B31pggsnKhZ/?igshid=1phy1lrdtyepb
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lokerjabodetabekid · 5 years ago
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Hi Friends, It’s the time of the year where we gathered around to have open discussion with our leaders. Answering the most frequently asked questions, talking about our planing next year including partner’s career path. We always listen and appreciate all feedback from all partners. Join our #WalkInInterview next week, so you won’t miss open discussion like this directly with the leaders. Swipe left one time to check the Requirements, and one more time to check Walk in Interview schedule in #Jakarta #Bali #Balikpapan Proud #ToBeAPartner, proud #ToBeABarista. #KarirStarbucks #ConnectWithSomethingBigger #StarbucksIndonesia #SbuxPartnerID #ImapSbux #LowonganKerja #Loker #Karir #InfoLowongan #InfoKerja #InfoLoker #InfoKarir #Starbucks #LokerIndonesia #LokerNasional #Loker2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/B3B18GTHhwW/?igshid=5qs6bcaibxpi
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