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we got fire now boys. (second entry)
A little while after Jack, Simon, and I explored the island, I called a meeting. As soon as I finished blowing the conch, the entire platform was crowded full of little boys. At this meeting, I confirmed the suspicion that we were all on an uninhabited island and the fact there are no adults to keep us in line. Jack broke in and started rambling on and on about how we would need an army of hunters to catch pigs for us, and then he started talking about how he almost got a pig but it got away too quickly. Jack also stabbed a tree, I think he is starting to scare some of the littleuns. We determined a few rules and regulations to keep everything in order until we get rescued. My father told me once that the Queen has a room full of maps of every island in the world, so surely she has a map to where we are. All of the littleuns say that they’ve seen some sort of “beastie” and they’re afraid of it; I personally do not believe that it is a big deal because they are just children, but it could lead to further problems if they continue to be afraid. I proposed an idea. There is a mountain with a flat ledge on it; if we were to build a fire on the ledge, it could be used as a sort of smoke signal to notify passersby that there are people on this island who need rescued. As soon as I mentioned fire, everybody went absolutely bonkers. They started hooting and hollering like a pack of wild animals and they started sprinting up the mountain before I could even finish my thought. We used Piggy’s glasses to start the fire, but he was being a total whinny baby about it and kept shouting about how he had the right to talk because he had the conch. We then decided a new rule: the conch does not count on the mountain.
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Some days inspirational quotes just don’t cut it... Ya gotta take action && remind yourself you’re a mu’fuckin winner... I personally do so by wearing my champ belt around the house while I eat chicken nuggets and drink red wine #ImaWeiner @liveitbadass #WinnerWinner #ChickenNugget #AndWineDinner #🦈 #WithASharkThemeTwist #iMakeTheRules #NugLife #WineWin #ImSoFancy #ChampBelt #LikeABoss #LiveItBadAss #Quarantined #CoronaVirus #Isolation #MakeMeLoseMyMind #UpInHere #UpInHurr #KeepKillinIt https://www.instagram.com/p/B-iqY1EAloG/?igshid=11zv78t41v70h
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☆ Nemesis & Justice Are My Serving Guardian Friends 🧡💫 #newsflash #imaketherules #LoveBeingLoved #HelperBeingHelped #JUSTICE #love #awakeningntimes #ageoflove # https://www.instagram.com/p/CqEZ9kfNO2q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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100% accurate!
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Step up into your shoes that no one can wear but you; Step up into your crown that no one can put on but you; Step up into your Greatness, that no one can fathom but you; And when it shall be all said and done, you shall say confidently that "I gave it my all, I played full out" . . . . . . . . . . . . . #letsdreamtogether #beauthenticbeyourself #actioniskey #letsdreambig #motivationiskey🔑 #motivationiskey🗝 #mindsetiskey🔑 #mindsetiskeytosuccess #believeinyouruniqueness #theaffluentinvestor, #beyond #limitlessminds #unstoppablegeneration🤙 #imaketherules #entrepreneur💰 #businesswoman✔️ #cryptotrading💹 #investmentideas #stepup #businesswomanstyle #bookstagramafrica #booklovers244 (at Montreal, Quebec) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD5cCc5pA-N/?igshid=10guzn9ztchw9
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#youknowwhoyouare #Haters #ilovethisgame #wnwalker #k #king #entrepreneur #levelup #ijs #imaketherules
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Momma: "Riley, please don't eat the grass"-- Me: "👅" #imaketherules #idowhatiwant #sheeb #shibainu #shibastagram #doggosdoingthings #doggo #doge #bark #dogsbeingbasic #buzzfeedanimals #bestwoof #proudshibas #pupper #inu #weeklyfluff #floof #dog_features #mondaymood #weeklyfluff #theweekoninstagram (at Cherry Creek Dog Park)
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It was never my intention to be in this place in my life... so screw it let’s party🍾🥳 Also at least I look cute doe • • • #badbitchesdontcry #cuterthanyou #imaketherules #instawitch #blackhippie #glosspoppin #blacknerd #whatever #party #feelingcute #feelingcutemightdeletelater #mirror #reflection (at Blairally Vintage Arcade) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3QCerHhv4d/?igshid=1e1m9v7ofxqsp
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The venue is all ready to go. Q #luckycharms #spiritualgangster #malamaker #kickassmalas #diy #diydiva #spiritualbadass #tribe #wanderlust #shithappens #namastebitches #intentions #badassgirlboss #bitchslappedbytheuniverse #recognize #imaketherules #kissmymala #ohhmymala #iameverything #innerbeauty #girlentrepreneur #creativegirl #ineedatribe #seekingmytribe #malatribe #mindful #gemstonemala #makeyourownmala #malalove #kissmymala https://www.instagram.com/p/BsiOC4WAjU9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=20n1g7wrlq18
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I do everything on my terms. Sometimes, I’ve made decisions too fast, but I’ve never questioned any of it or looked back. I refuse to sit on the sidelines in my own life. #likeaboss #movefirst #neverregret #imaketherules
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This is an extract of @coachseansmith 's poem, "The Soul's Stand". I just 💘 it. Thanks a lot for the inspiration... . . . . . . . . . . #iamthechange2020 #letsdreamtogether #beauthenticbeyourself #actioniskey #letsdreambig #motivationiskey🔑 #motivationiskey🗝 #mindsetiskey🔑 #mindsetiskeytosuccess #believeinyouruniqueness #theaffluentinvestor, #beyond #limitlessminds #unstoppablegeneration🤙 #imaketherules #entrepreneur💰 #businesswoman✔️ #cryptotrading💹 #investmentideas #iamthechangesummit #businesswomanstyle #bookstagramafrica #booklovers244 (at Montreal, Quebec) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD2jVNsJ2VK/?igshid=14zsoogej31dl
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Make room for loving you. What did you ever do to deserve less love from you? You’re one person and you ain’t perfect but you’re more than enough, I am too. And that’s perfect enough for me. Pass it on, keep it going. #thisdayisgoingtobemindblowinglyawesome #mylifealwaysmattered #everydayisagoodtomorrow #lifeisbeautiful #theuniverseisatmycommand #imaketherules #winnersneverquit #imakeepliving #myfriendsareamazing #2k17complete #readyfor2k18 #motivateme #iloveme #igotme
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New Artwork #art#artist #workinprogress #BruceLee Acrylic paint & pencil on Watercolour Board 300gsm 140lb #imaketherules 😀 www.robnoddyart.com (at London, United Kingdom)
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Human: No toys outside. Riley:😏. 🙉🐾👑 #imaketherules #queenbee #idowhatiwant #toystory #dogsofdenver #shibaholic #shibastagram #barkpack #barkpost #bestwoof #buzzfeedanimals #doge #doggosdoingthings #doggo #petsofdenver #pupper #weeklyfluff #woofwoof #sheeb #shiba_snap #proudshibas (at Denver, Colorado)
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When your bestie needs your help with their kiddos👨👨👦👧, but you have a bunch of training to do! 💻📚 I'm so excited about being back with such an amazing company. And so blessed my good friend convinced me to jump on her team. I'm so pumped up. I can't get enough of these videos!! And since there are no rules, and I'm the boss. I can work, or train, or not do anything, anytime I decide. #gettingitdone #goalsareset #imaketherules (at Sedro-Woolley, Washington)
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Stand out from the herd. Bespoke Malas Sessions. Namaste. #luckycharms #spiritualgangster #malamaker #kickassmalas #diy #diydiva #spiritualbadass #tribe #wanderlust #shithappens #namastebitches #intentions #badassgirlboss #bitchslappedbytheuniverse #recognize #imaketherules #kissmymala #ohhmymala #iameverything #innerbeauty #girlentrepreneur #creativegirl #ineedatribe #malaworkshop #malatribe #mindful #gemstonemala #makeyourownmala #malalove #kissmymala https://www.instagram.com/p/BsiN29QA7Cs/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8r5scdxl0omf
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