#imagine-sterek christmas in july event
No Presents
Stiles and Derek agreed: no presents. But now it’s Christmas Eve and Stiles is panicking that he doesn’t have a present for Derek.
For @imagine-sterek Christmas in July 2021 event 
(You can also read it on AO3, here)
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 It had been a tradition since they were young for Stiles, Scott and their parents to spend Christmas Eve together. Melissa and Scott would come over to the Sheriff’s house for dinner and Scott and Melissa often stayed over—that way Melissa and John knew their kids were okay if they had to work or were called in for emergencies.
“Is Derek coming to dinner?” Scott asked as the two of them walked down the streets of Beacon Hills.
“No, he’s in New York with his sisters,” Stiles answered. He shoved his hands into his pockets, hunching his shoulders as he buried his face in his scarf—trying to ward off the bitterly cold breeze that bit at their cheeks. “He flies back tonight and we get to spend all of tomorrow together.”
Flurries of snow danced about as they breeze rolled through the streets. The streetlights illuminated the sheets of snow that had settled on the sidewalk.
He and Scott had gone down to the grocery store to pick up the last few things they needed for dinner.
“What did you get him for Christmas?” Scott asked.
“Derek and I agreed that we’re not doing presents this year.”
Scott looked at Stiles, confused. “Not doing presents?”
“Yeah,” Stiles answered, somewhat taken aback by the question. “He knows how much I panic over what to get him, and if I had gotten him a present, he would have found it while cleaning the house or something. So, we agreed: no presents.”
Scott’s pace faltered as he stopped, turning to face Stiles.
“Stiles, when your partner says they don’t want anything, they usually don’t mean it,” Scott told him.
Stiles’ brow furrowed in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“Well, sometimes your partner says not to get them anything, but really they do want you to get them something,” Scott explained. “Sometimes they mean it when they say no presents, but knowing Derek, he probably got you something.”
Stiles’ eyes grew wide.
“Don’t freak out,” Scott said, holding his hands out as he tried to calm his friend down.
“Don’t freak out?” Stiles repeated back to him. “Scotty, it’s Christmas Eve. Where the hell am I going to find Derek a present?”
“You know Derek won’t mind if you don’t have something for him.”
“I know, but I should have something for him,” Stiles said.
“Stiles, you’re just panicking because you don’t like it when someone gives you a gift and you don’t have something to give them. But if Derek said no presents, then he’s not going to care.”
“But I do.” Stiles let out a tense breath as he dragged his hands down his face. “I’m a terrible boyfriend.”
“No, you’re not,” Scott tried to reassure him. “Look, we’ve still got a few hours before our dinner. Let’s head to your dad’s, drop off the last of the groceries and then we’ll drive into town and find something. Just take a deep breath.”
Stiles drew in a deep breath, but it didn’t do much to ease the growing tension in his chest.
Most of the stores would be closed and the few that were still open had been cleared out. How was he going to find Derek a present?
  “Hey, boys,” John greeted as Stiles and Scott arrived a few hours later. “How’d the search go?”
Stiles dropped his gaze, looking disheartened as he tightened his grip around the small plastic bag.
John let out a small sigh. “Scott, I think your mum might need a hand.”
Scott nodded, hanging up his coat before making his way through to the kitchen.
Stiles dragged his feet over to the staircase, collapsing at the bottom of the stairs and looking down at the bag in his hands.
John sat down next to him. “What did you get?”
“Some tea, biscuits and a mug,” Stiles said. Tears welled in his eyes as he muttered, disheartened, “Some boyfriend I am.”
“A few weeks ago, I asked Derek what he wanted for Christmas and he said he just wanted a day with you,” John said, his voice soft and soothing. “And I’m sure your present is a lot more thoughtful that you think it is. Come on, show me.”
Stiles opened the plastic bag and pulled out what was inside, one thing at a time. There was a packet of loose leaf black tea infused with raspberries, a tea infuser that looked like a puppy that hung over the edge of the cup, and a white ceramic mug that was painted black around the bottom and had a blue ring that looked like it had been painted on with watercolour dividing the colours. At the bottom of the bag was a tin of shortbread biscuits and a packet of cornflower seeds.
John picked up the packet of tea. “Raspberry infused black tea?”
“It’s Derek’s favourite,” Stiles said.
“And the mug?”
“Derek liked blue,” Stiles said with a half-hearted shrug.
“Okay, and why shortbread?” his dad asked, picking up the tin of biscuits. “Why not Oreos or Reeses?”
“Derek doesn’t like chocolate or chocolate-flavoured biscuits,” Stiles answered. “He likes shortbread though.”
“The tea infuser?”
“I thought it was funny,” Stiles said, a hint of a mischievous smile turning up the corner of his lips.
“It is cute,” the Sheriff agreed. He picked up the packet of cornflower seeds. “And the seeds?”
“I was going to get him flowers regardless, but they were sold out everywhere,” Stiles said, disheartened.
“Okay, but they must have had other seeds. So why these ones?”
“Cornflowers are his favourite,” Stiles answered.
“You got him his favourite tea, his favourite biscuits, his favourite flowers, a mug you thought he’d like and something you thought would make him smile,” his dad recapped. “To me, that sound like a lot of thought went into this present.”
“I just…” Stiles let out a dejected sigh. “I’d give the world if I could.”
“Stiles,” John said softly. “You are his world.”
  Stiles slowly blinked his eyes open to the dim light of the early morning.
The curtains were drawn shut, but there was a small gap through which he could see the flurries of snow dancing as they drifted through the air.
He let out a heavy sigh, sinking back into the warmth of the arms that were wrapped around him.
Derek let out a small groan as he stirred, nuzzling his face into the curve of Stiles’ neck and snuggling into him.
Stiles let out a quiet chuckle, turning over to face Derek.
“Morning,” he said softly.
Derek opened his eyes for a second, smiling as he shut them again. “Morning.”
“I didn’t hear you get in.”
“I didn’t want to wake you,” Derek replied, his voice soft and quiet.
“I tried to stay up,” Stiles admitted.
Derek smiled sweetly. He blinked his eyes open, his pale aventurine eyes lit by the morning light as he looked at Stiles lovingly.
Stiles pushed himself up onto his elbow, leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss to Derek’s forehead.
“Merry Christmas, Der,” he whispered.
Derek strained his neck, bringing his lips to Stiles’ in a sweet, tender kiss. “Merry Christmas.”
Stiles sat back, his smile falling from his face.
“I, uh… I know we said no presents, but I got you something,” Stiles said sheepishly, before quickly adding, “It’s only something little though.”
He didn’t wait for Derek to respond, he pushed back the blankets and climbed out of bed. He crouched down, pulling a box out from under the bed and passing it to Derek.
It was a gold foil box with a pearly white ribbon wrapped around it and tied off in a bow on top.
“Stiles,” Derek started slowly. “You really didn’t have to.”
“Open it,” Stiles said pleadingly, his heart hammering against his ribs.
Derek let out a sigh, pushing himself upright and sitting back against the bedhead. He set the box down in his lap, waiting for Stiles to sit down beside him before untying the bow and opening the present.
There were layers of tissue paper and shredded paper cushioning the presents. Derek carefully dug through them.
“Ooh,” he said excitedly, picking the box of tea and tin of biscuits out of the box. “My favourites.”
Stiles let out a small sigh, feeling the tightness in his chest ease slightly.
Next was the tea infuser. A deep laugh rose from Derek’s chest as he looked down at the picture on the front of the box. He excitedly opened the small box and pulled out the small tea infuser that was shaped like a dog.
“It’s so cute,” he said, struggling to contain his laughter.
Stiles couldn’t help but smile.
Derek carefully slid the infuser back into the box before setting it aside. He picked up the mug, a small smile turning up the corner of his lips.
“It’s blue,” Stiles blurted out.
“I love it,” Derek said. “And it matches the present Cora got you.”
Derek’s brow furrowed as he realised there was something inside of the mug. He reached in and pulled out the packet of cornflower seeds. He drew in a short breath, a delighted smile lighting up his face.
“I couldn’t find any flowers,” Stiles said, his voice quiet and apologetic.
“This is so much better,” Derek said. “A bouquet of flowers will last a week but these will last years. And you know what?”
“What?” Stiles asked.
“As soon as the snow thaws, I’m going to plant these outside our bedroom window, so that every morning, when I wake up and see them, I remember today.”
Stiles bowed his head, hiding his bashful smile as a rosy pink blush coloured his pale cheeks.
Derek set the empty box aside, leaning across the bed and bringing his lips to Stiles’ in a tender, loving kiss. He drew back, resting his forehead against Stiles’ as he whispered, “Thank you.”
“I know you said no presents…” Stiles started. “I just… I just wanted you to feel special. I wanted you to know how much I love you.”
“Stiles,” Derek said, a kind smile turning up the corners of his lips. He reached out and gently cupped Stiles’ cheek, coaxing him to lift his head as Derek craned his neck to meet Stiles’ gaze. “I said no presents because I know how much you worry about this stuff and I didn’t want you to stress about it. I you love me, and every morning I wake up next to you, I feel like the luckiest man alive.”
Stiles smiled, blinking back the glistening tears that welled in his eyes.
“I love you, Stiles,” Derek said softly.
“I love you too.”
Derek brought their lips together again, feeling Stiles relax as he melted into Derek’s touch. Derek drew back slowly, gently brushing the ball of his thumb across Stiles’ cheek.
“Now, I’m going to make us some tea,” Derek said, unable to hide his excitement as he kicked back the blankets and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He rose to his feet, collecting his presents. “And I’m going to use my new mug and the puppy.”
Stiles let out a quiet chuckle.
A short while later, Derek returned, carrying two cups of tea.
Stiles couldn’t help but burst into laughter as he noticed the puppy dog tea infuser hanging over the edge of Derek’s mug. His laughter grew louder when he saw what was inside his mug.
“Is that a Loch Ness monster infuser?” Stiles said, bursting into laughter.
“It sure is,” Derek said. “From Cora.”
He held the mug out to Stiles.
Stiles looked down at the green Loch Ness monster tea infuser that drifted across the surface of his tea.
“I love it,” Stiles said.
“Look at the cup,” Derek told him.
Stiles craned his neck slightly, looking at the bright green lettering that was printed onto the side of the cup.
“I’m not weird. I’m limited edition,” Stiles read aloud before bursting into laughter.
“There’s also a cookie jar,” Derek told him.
“The t-rex cookie jar?” Stiles said excitedly.
Derek let out an exasperated sigh—that was enough of an answer for Stiles.
His face lit up with joy.
“Your taste in home décor is appalling,” Derek lectured him, “and I hate my sister for encouraging it.”
“You’re just jealous because you don’t have a t-rex cookie jar,” Stiles teased.
He set his mug down on the small bedside table before hurrying out of the bedroom. A minute later, he shuffled back into the room, clutching the ceramic white t-rex cookie jar to his chest.
“No,” Derek objected. “That stays in the kitchen, not in our bedroom.”
“But what if I need a midnight snack?” Stiles argued, looking at Derek pleadingly.
Derek let out another exaggerated sigh; he knew he couldn’t fight with Stiles.
Stiles smiled – victorious. He proudly set the t-rex cookie jar down on his bedside table before climbing back into bed beside Derek.
He shuffled over to Derek’s side and pressed a kiss to his cheek, a mischievous smile playing across his face. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Derek paused for a second before setting his tea down on his bedside table.
“I got you something too,” he admitted, pulling open the draw of his bedside table.
He picked up a small box before shutting the draw and crossing over to Stiles’ side of the bed.
“Stiles, I love you with all my heart. You turned my world upside down. You brought light to my life when I thought there was only darkness; you showed me love when I thought I’d lost it all. You’ve changed me and I don’t want to imagine what my life would be like without you. I love you, Stiles, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
He knelt down on one knee in front of Stiles, opening up the small box to reveal two rings—silver bands with a thin seam of translucent moonstone running through the middle.
“Stiles Stilinski, will you marry me?”
“Yes!” Stiles answered without hesitation. “Yes, yes—a thousand times, yes!”
Derek let out a sigh of relief.
Stiles cupped Derek’s face, bringing his lips to Derek’s in a passionate kiss.
When he drew back, they were both breathless, blinking back tears of joy.
Derek pulled one of the rings out of the box and slid it onto Stiles’ finger.
Stiles’ hands shook as he reached for the other ring, taking Derek’s hand in his own and sliding the matching ring onto his finger.
A bright smile lit up his face as he looked at Derek.
  Months later, when the snow thawed and Spring chased away Winter’s bitter chill, the cornflowers bloomed. Every morning, Stiles looked out their bedroom window at the soft blue petals that basked in the morning sun and remembered that Christmas.
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imagine-sterek · 4 years
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Another Present Under The Tree
@imagine-sterek​ Christmas in July event.
This one’s going to be a little difficult for me to explain, so please bear with me. This event will be run a little differently; the idea behind this event is to showcase the wonderful creations of the community. I’ve put together a Google Doc full of prompts that you can find here or through the link at the bottom of this post, you can pick whatever prompt(s) you like. You then have 3 months to put together something - fanfiction (long fics, short fics, dabbles, whatever you like), fanart, edits, etc. - for when the event submissions open in July. When submissions open, it’ll be a showcase of everyone’s creativity.
You can add prompts to the list on Google Docs, but please don’t be disheartened if no one draws from your prompt. Prompts are all anonymous so feel free to add or message me and I can put the prompts on the list for you. You don’t need a Google account to access or edit/add to the list, but please do not delete any prompts that are there.
You can write fanfiction, draw fanart, make edits, or whatever you like based on the prompts. If you don’t like any of the prompts, you can do whatever you feel like doing.
Multiple people can use the same prompt.
You can submit multiple prompts.
You can submit multiple fanfics, fanart, edits, etc. when submissions open
Submissions via Tumblr and AO3 will be open 23rd July – 28th July, and left open for everyone to read and for anyone to submit at any time. There will be an AO3 Collection set up and I will post the link closer to the date. You can post on other sites, but please send me links so that I can share them as part of the event.
I don’t track tags so please tag @imagine-sterek so I can find your posts or message me directly with a link. If you send in an ask or submission and don’t see it answered or tag me in a post and don’t see it reblogged, please message me.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to message me.
A special thank you to @s-is-for-stiles​ for helping me plan this and @loveyprophet​ for partnering with me and for putting together the beautiful banner art.
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giveemhales · 4 years
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Moodboards for Sterek AUs: 3/?
For @imagine-sterek’s Another Present Under the Tree (A Sterek Christmas in July Event)
Hunter!Stiles AU
For the prompt: “Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?”
Stiles is a hunter of the supernatural, and he’s the best there’s ever been.
He’s made a name for himself across the world, simply as Little Red, and whenever there’s a serious supernatural threat, he’s called. No one knows how he does what he does, no one even knows what he is, but he’s never left a case unfinished.
But Stiles is bored. He’s tired of the cases in which he has to try for diplomacy first, when he knows it will usually end with a fight to the death. And he’s not dead yet, so you can guess how those always go.
He wants a challenge.
That’s why he decides to go after the Big Bad Wolf.
The Wolf is as infamous as he is, with even less known about his identity. All that’s known is he’s the first werewolf in over a century to be able to do a full shift. It’s said that his wolf is the size of a lion, and has the blood red eyes of an alpha. And even when he’s only half-shifted, he’s more beast than man. When he’s done with his victims, they’re unrecognizable.
There’s nothing Stiles loves more than a good mystery, so he makes it his mission to learn everything he can about the Wolf. Why does he kill? Where does he hide? Who is he? Does he have a pack?
Can he be killed?
So Stiles’ goes to the Wolf’s territory, Beacon Hills. But when he gets there, he meets a broken man, and finds answers that only lead to more questions.
Were the kills really the attacks of a monster, or merely an alpha protecting his territory? Why are all the sightings of the Wolf near the burned down ruins of a house? Why does he see glowing red eyes following his every move, but can never track down the elusive beast? How is the Wolf always one step ahead of him? Why does he feel like the broken man he’s slowly falling for is hiding a secret bigger than his own? Where is the Wolf?
And most importantly...
Who should be afraid of who?
I would write a 100k fic of this if I could. Unfortunately, I don’t have that sort of skill, so instead I offer this prompt/AU/concept to the world. Do with that as you will.
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khasterek · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Additional Tags: Werewolf Reveal, Fluff, Full Shift Werewolves, Married Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Implied Mpreg, (Blink and miss), Prompt Fic Summary:
This was based on this prompt >> https://www.instagram.com/p/CB0BnHKAg3Y/
“Fairy Godmother Dating Service, how can I help you?” “Well, Fairy Godmother, my husband and I need our daughter to get married so she can be crowned Queen, but she refuses to give any of her suitors a chance!” “Mother! I told you that I am married.” “Your friend from the jungle doesn’t count, dear."
For the @imagine-sterek Christmas in July/Another Present Under the Tree event!
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josjournal · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Lydia Martin, Vernon Boyd, Erica Reyes Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Human, Party, Christmas Party, Christmas In July | Christmas Out Of Season, Awkward Flirting, Don't copy to another site Series: Part 11 of Imagine Sterek Events, Part 3 of A Very Sterek Summer 2020 Summary:
Stiles is co-owner of a party planning company and has been hired to do a Christmas themed birthday party - in July. Now he just has to find real Christmas trees - in July.
Enter Derek Hale of Hale Family Farms.
Written for @averystereksummer (Theme: We Like to Party) and @imagine-sterek Another Present under the Tree event (Theme: Christmas Decorations).
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ao3feed-sterek · 4 years
Let's Get this Party Started
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/307Jncb
by JoMouse
Stiles is co-owner of a party planning company and has been hired to do a Christmas themed birthday party - in July. Now he just has to find real Christmas trees - in July.
Enter Derek Hale of Hale Family Farms.
Words: 4867, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 11 of Imagine Sterek Events, Part 3 of A Very Sterek Summer 2020
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Lydia Martin, Vernon Boyd, Erica Reyes
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Human, Party, Christmas Party, Christmas In July | Christmas Out Of Season, Awkward Flirting, Don't copy to another site
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/307Jncb
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ao3-sterek · 4 years
Let's Get this Party Started
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/307Jncb
by JoMouse
Stiles is co-owner of a party planning company and has been hired to do a Christmas themed birthday party - in July. Now he just has to find real Christmas trees - in July.
Enter Derek Hale of Hale Family Farms.
Words: 4867, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 11 of Imagine Sterek Events, Part 3 of A Very Sterek Summer 2020
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Lydia Martin, Vernon Boyd, Erica Reyes
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Human, Party, Christmas Party, Christmas In July | Christmas Out Of Season, Awkward Flirting, Don't copy to another site
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/307Jncb
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The Chipped Cup
Stiles dropped a coffee cup and it chipped. Derek reassures him everything’s fine.
For @imagine-sterek​ Christmas in July 2021 event
(You can also read it on AO3, here)
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There was a loud crash in the other room.
Derek jumped. He set aside the book he was holding and leapt to his feet.
“Stiles,” he called as he ran through the open doorway and into the kitchen. “Are you okay?”
Stiles was standing in the kitchen. He stared down at the floor, the dark depths of his smoky quartz eyes glistening with welling tears and his hands trembling. His lips quivered as his voice caught in his throat, his words dying away.
“Stiles?” Derek said, his voice soft but firm. He reached out and cupped Stiles’ cheek, gently encouraging him to meet Derek’s gaze. “Stiles, look at me. Are you okay?”
“I’m sorry,” was all Stiles was able to say, his voice raspy and broken.
Derek’s brow furrowed slightly. He looked down at what Stiles was staring at: an ombre mug with speckled paint that faded from white to shades of grey and black down the bottom lay on the floor.
Stiles pulled away from Derek and crouched down to pick up the cup. His hands shook as he held, slowly turning it around in his hands.
He froze.
His heart dropped into his stomach.
The rim of the mug had been chipped; a piece of the painted ceramic broken from the lip of the cup, exposing the beige clay.
Tears began to fall down his mole-speckled cheeks. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
“Stiles, it’s okay,” he reassured him.
“I chipped it,” Stiles said, rising to his feet again. He cradled the cup in his hands, staring down at the broken rim.
“It’s just a cup,” Derek said softly. He took the mug from Stiles’ hand and set it down on the counter.
“I can fix it,” Stiles offered, his heart racing as he began to ramble. “It’s only little, and if I glue the piece back in you wouldn’t be able to tell.”
“Stiles, look at me.” Derek cupped his cheeks, turning Stiles’ face towards his.
Stiles kept his gaze down, not meeting Derek’s eye.
“Are you hurt?” Derek asked.
Stiles shook his head.
“That’s what matters,” Derek said. “Now, what’s going on? You only ever freak out this much if you’re anxious about something.”
“It’s my first time staying over at your place since we started dating and I’ve already made a mess of everything,” Stiles said quietly.
“No, you haven’t,” Derek said softly, reassuringly.
“I broke your cup,” Stiles said, looking at the mug on the counter.
“I have more cups,” Derek replied, fighting the urge to chuckle at how sweet Stiles was. Derek craned his neck to meet Stiles’ gaze. “But there’s only one you.”
Stiles looked up through his teary eyelashes, meeting Derek’s pale aventurine eyes.
“What are you really worried about?” Derek asked.
Stiles dropped his gaze.
“Are you scared that a couple of accidents are going to make me break up with you?”
“I’m a walking, talking disaster, Der,” Stiles answered.
“You’re my walking, talking disaster,” Derek corrected. “And if a couple of chipped cups is the price I have to pay to be with you, so be it.”
Derek took a step closer, resting his forehead against Stiles’.
His voice was low and soft as he whispered, “I want you, Stiles. I want to be with you.”
A tear rolled down Stiles’ cheek.
Derek gently brushed it away with the ball of his thumb.
He leant back slightly, lifting his chin and pressing a soft kiss to Stiles’ forehead.
“I’ll fix the cup,” stiles promised, his voice still quiet and raspy.
Derek looked over at the cup.
“You know what?” he started, letting his voice trail off. He picked up the cup, carrying it into the loungeroom. He set it on the mantle above the old brick fireplace before picking up the small bouquet of dandelions that Cora had picked for Derek as a joke and moving them into the chipped mug. He poured the water from the small vase into the cup and stepped back, admiring he bold yellow flowers that stood out against the ombre monochromatic mug.
He heard Stiles shuffle into the loungeroom behind him.
He turned, holding out his arm as Stiles stepped into his arms, leaning his head against Derek’s shoulder as Derek pulled him close to his side.
Derek turned and kissed the top of Stiles’ head. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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imagine-sterek · 4 years
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Another Present Under The Tree
@imagine-sterek​ Christmas in July event.
    Submissions are open!
    It’s time to showcase the wonderful creativity of the community and share some love and joy! You can write fanfiction, make fanart and edits, whatever you like. 
Please don’t be shy to join in, everyone is welcome (regardless of language, experience/skill level, or whatever it is you think is holding you back. Believe me, everyone is just as nervous to join in as you are.)
Submissions are open via Tumblr and AO3 and will be open from 23rd July – 28th July 2020. The AO3 collection will be left open after the event for everyone to read and for anyone to submit at any time. 
If you wish to submit via AO3, the collection is called Another_Present_Under_the_Tree or you can click this link to the Collection and submit from there.
If you’d like to post your work somewhere else, you are more than welcome too, just please send me the link so that it can be shared for the event.
    If you’d like to read the wonderful collection of stories on AO3, the collection is here.
    I don’t track tags so please tag @imagine-sterek so I can find your posts or message me directly with a link. If you send in an ask, link, or submission and don’t see it answered or tag me in a post and don’t see it reblogged, please message me.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to message me.
    It’s not too late to join in. You can submit whatever art or stories you’d like, but if you’re looking for some inspiration, there’s a Google Doc full of prompts here.
     A special thank you to @s-is-for-stiles​ for helping me plan this and @loveyprophet​ for partnering with me and for putting together the beautiful banner art.
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imagine-sterek · 4 years
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Hi everyone!
Unfortunately it’s time to wrap up the ‘Another Present Under the Tree’ 2020 Christmas in July event.
I want to say a very big thank you to everyone who joined in and shared their wonderful works. I also want to say thank you to all those who shared the work, liked and reblogged, and left comments!
The AO3 Collection will remain open for anyone to read the wonderful stories that have been shared or to post their stories there (I just won’t be tracking which stories are posted). The Google Doc of prompts will also remain up and open if anyone’s looking for some inspiration.
If you posted a story that has chapters that are still yet to be posted, you can absolutely go ahead and upload them at your own pace; just because the event’s over doesn’t mean you have to leave your story half-finished.
If you wanted to join in but missed out, you can still tag me or message me over the next few weeks and I’ll share your works.It’s a weird time right now, we lose track of days and it’s easy to forget what we were meant to do, so don’t stress, you’re still welcome to join in and share your wonderful creations.
Again, a big thank you to everyone who joined in, and special thanks to @s-is-for-stiles who shared this idea with me, and my chaotic partner in crime, @loveyprophet who helped me out with the planning and with the beautiful banner art.
Thank you! 
- AJ.
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imagine-sterek · 4 years
I need your help with the next event!
I’m planning an Christmas in July event (I know it’s early and the event itself is hard to describe but it will make sense once I post more information later). What I need from you is prompts; lines of dialogue, themes, one or two word prompts, etc. They can be related to Christmas/Christmas in July, July, seasons, or they can just be completely random. 
I need to compile a list of prompts for the event and when the event starts on April 23rd, the full list of prompts will be posted.
You can submit multiple prompts.
You can message me directly or send in an ask or submission. All prompts will be posted anonymously/without names.
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imagine Derek gets every member of his pack a personalised glass ornament. He’s meticulous about what to get each person, wanting the ornament to match them. He plans this for months--telling no one--and gets them hand-made and shipped to him. When he gives them out, everyone starts crying over how perfect they are, hugging him tight before hanging their ornaments up on the tree.
Stiles, however, bursts into laughter. He hands his present to Derek and the man unwraps it to find a glass ornament--a bauble with a howling wolf etched into it. Derek feels tears well in his eyes as Stiles chuckles and says, “I guess great minds think alike.”
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Christmas Decorations Are Not Play-Things
For @imagine-sterek Christmas in July - July 20th | Christmas Decorations
Stiles and Derek are fostering a puppy before they start training to join the K-9 unit, but Bear turns out to be more mischief than they thought.
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Derek sat at the dining table, his laptop open before him and his fingers tapping at the keys. Across the hall, he could hear Stiles rummaging through boxes of Christmas decorations as he set up a Christmas tree in the lounge room—insisting that Derek focus on his work while Stiles got the house ready for their Christmas in July party.
He heard Stiles knock over a box of baubles, quietly cursing under his breath as he began to pick them up again.
“No,” Stiles said warningly. “Bear, no.”
Derek couldn’t help but smile, imagining their five-week-old German Shepard puppy gently pawing at Stiles’ hand playfully.
Bear was to become part of the Beacon Hills K-9 Unit, but he was still too young to start training. Stiles and Derek had agreed to foster him until he was old enough to move in with a trainer. He was mischievous and playful, and would always prance after Stiles and Derek wherever they went.
“Bear, no. Bear!” Stiles’ voice rang out through the house, followed by the sound of the puppy’s paws against the floorboards as he ran down the hall. “Bear, get back here.”
Derek fought the urge to laugh. He glanced up from the computer in time to see Bear dart past the doorway, his little paws padding against the floor. Bear turned and ran into the dining room, darting around the table before diving under the chairs and hiding by Derek’s feet.
Derek looked under the table at the puppy, watching as he swatted at an old blue bauble, gently gnawing on the top before playfully batting it about.
Stiles bounced off the doorframe as he ran into the dining room.
“Where’d he go?” he asked, panting as he looked around the room.
“He’s at my feet.”
“He has a bauble,” Stiles told him.
“Let him have it,” Derek said. He had a soft spot for Bear—and the puppy knew the man could easily be won over if he acted cute. “It’s just an old one, and not one that means anything to us.”
Stiles pouted. “You do realise that if he’s going to be a police dog, he needs to be disciplined, right?”
“I know, but he’s still a puppy,” Derek replied. “And he just wants to help you.”
“This is the opposite of helping, but fine.” Stiles threw his hands up as he turned and made his way back to the lounge room. “Just keep an eye on him, alright?”
“Okay.” Derek reached under the table, picking Bear up with one hand before reaching down for the bauble. He set the puppy down in his lap, holding him close and smiling as he playfully swatted at the bauble in Derek’s other hand.
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imagine-sterek · 5 years
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Christmas in July Event
I know it’s been a while since I ran an event, so I’m bringing back the Christmas in July event. It’ll be running from July 20th to July 26th. 
July 20th - Decorations
July 21st - Snow
July 22nd - Surprises
July 23rd - Family
July 24th - Presents
July 25th - Christmas Miracles
July 26th - Christmas Movies
The themes are not mandatory, they’re only suggestions or prompts for those who want to join in but need a little bit of inspiration. If you don’t like a specific theme - or any of the themes - that’s okay! You can submit anything under the general theme of the event. 
You can interpret the themes and prompts however you want, and submit any fics, art, AUs, imagines, etc., even if they don’t fit a theme; all submissions are welcome!
The days and prompts roll over, so if you miss a day because of time zones or whatever it may be, you can still join in!
Rules and FAQs
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to message me.
Please tag @imagine-sterek, and if you send in an ask and don’t see it answered or tag me in a post and don’t see it reblogged, please message me. Tumblr acts up a lot and I’d hate for anyone to miss out because their messages or tags don’t make it to me.
A big thank you to @loveyprophet for all their help planning this and for the incredible banner art.
- AJ
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imagine-sterek · 4 years
Hello! About the Christmas in July event, can we use multiple prompts for one fanfiction? Thanks!
Absolutely. 😊
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Imagine Derek holding his kid close to his side as he takes their kid out into the snow for the first time. The little one is rugged up in a puffy jacket, beanie, and little gloves, and holding onto their dad’s jacket as they look around in amazement, watching the flurries of snow fall around them. 
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