#imagine her actually singing the song lol
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poison-scene · 8 months ago
Tsumugi creating the outfits for the V3 cast:
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bmpmp3 · 6 months ago
one thing about kaito sp, it's really made me aware of the specific sound of V4 engine noise on japanese masc vocals. its most pronounced in kiyoteru but you can hear it in gakupo too (and maybe even a small hint in fukase) and its there again in dearest kaito sp. sounds like the way a lenticular print feels. or a hint of backpack strap texture (compliment)
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sesamenom · 1 year ago
maglor's second run as high king regent (while elrond tries to figure out who gil galad is even related to):
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Elrond: Hey.
Maglor: What do you want?
Elrond: So, Gil-Galad died.
Maglor: And?
Elrond: We need a new king.
Maglor: Absolutely not.
#silm#silmarillion#maglor#elrond#gil galad#i hc gil galad is actually maglors kid from his rather short-lived marriage#(neither of them know it bc maglor sent gil away when he was little + name change at the havens)#anyways maglor is Not Happy but elrond promised all he had to do was sit there and basically pretend like the noldor were somewhat intact#he didnt even bother to put the crown on properly lol#hes taken to draping himself awkwardly over various furniture and singing the noldolante at the top of his lungs until someone removes him#he knows what furniture is best for dramatically lamenting on from his first regency#when people start mentally filtering out his current song he switches either to a twelve-hour lament#an equally long lay#or valian pop songs#he bit the last three people who tried to make him do actual politics#ooh imagine a lotr-era au where maglor is the high king of the noldor#its sort of a figurehead position because there are like four and a half noldor left#one is maglor#one is galadriel (who has her own kingdom and has been living w the sindar for 8000 years and also still hates him)#one is glorfindel and the other is erestor#the half is elrond#and since glorfindel refuses to follow a feanorian the only person high king maglor really rules over is erestor the librarian#but! sauron doesnt know that! he just knows that there is at least one high king attending the council of elrond#bonus points if celeborn and/or galadriel claim the sindarin throne#bc elrond doesnt want it and celeborn is the oldest on the elmo side (elmo > galadhon > celeborn)#and galadriel is the oldest on the olwe side (olwe > earwen > galadriel)#actually since olwe is older does that mean galadriel can be the sindarin high queen? or does it not count bc teleri#although teleri dont have a separate high king i think so maybe?#unsure whether the sindarin throne is male line only since it does skip luthien but it also skips daeron because both of them ran away#anyways
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invincibledc · 5 months ago
Imagine on Halloween the Supersons trio are dressed as their parents, Damian Batman, Jon Superman, and Wonderboy!Reader having to be with his mom's lol
Pair: Superson Trio
Summary: going trick or treat wearing the costumes of their parents, only one of them is embarrassed.
Genre: Fluff.
|| note: the boys are 13 also I love this idea! ||
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“Mommm!” Y/N yelled embarrassed, he didn’t expect to wear his mom’s costume. Well he did, he just thought it would be pants for the costume, but no. It was her usual costume she fights in daily. Rope, crown, shield, and sword. And the blue and gold-colored high waisted star printed skater skirt. With shorts under them of course. Diana smiles at her son, “Cmon pumpkin. You look like a mini me as of now!” Diana takes another picture of the boy who held a flustered face. He immediately covered his face embarrassed.
“I hope Damian and Jon aren’t coming…” y/n says to himself. “Actually they’re outside right now.” Diana says with a smile, taking one last photo of Y/N. “What?! No, no! Those two idiots can’t see me like this!” Diana narrowed her eyes at her child. “Why not. Do you not appreciate looking like a warrior?” Y/N opened his mouth to argue but the motherly glare dared for the boy to say something. Shutting his mouth he groaned, “Whatever.” Diana goes to the door and opens it for Bruce and Clark to enter with their mini them.
Damian was dressed as Batman, and Jonathan as his father, Superman. The boys were excited to see how Y/N would look, and boy did they have a laugh at the Amazon male. Damian held a hand to his mouth as Jon cackled holding his stomach. “Omg! -wheeze- you’re wearing a skirt!” Jonathan says pointing to Y/N who looked ready to punch Jonathan. “So what! Warriors wore skirts regardless of gender like men.” Y/N huffs and pokes Jonathan hard at his chest.
Damian was done laughing, wrapping an arm around the angry Amazon. “Prince, it’s fine to be Wonder Woman. At least you look like a warrior still.” Damian says snickering. Jonathan nodded smiling, Y/N shrugged off the arm of the boy wonder. “Whatever, let’s just go trick or treating.” Y/N walked pass the two boys who immediately followed after the Amazon male. Clark smiles at the trio, he had finished chatting up with Bruce and Diana. “Okay kiddos, let’s get this rolling!” Clark says opening his truck, Jon gets in quickly with a smile, excited. Damian grabbed Y/N’s hand gently and helped the Amazon male in like a gentle man. Damian held a smug grin, Y/N glared at Damian and pulled his hand back.
“Stop that.” “Of course your majesty.” “Ughhh!”
The car ride was calming for the less, Y/N had his arms crossed over his chest. Damian was looking outside of the window as Jon was singing songs with his father. Damian peeked over at the boy between him and Jon. He couldn’t help but smile, the boy was gorgeous. Jon was doing the same, the two boys haven’t noticed they were staring at the Amazon male for so long to the point Y/N felt irritated at the feeling of the stares. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer bozos.” Damian smirked. “I wished I’d taken a photo.” Y/N whipped his head at the boy.
“Watch yourself Wayne.” Y/N says with a glare. Jon laughed a little. Finally Clark stopped in the middle of a busy neighborhood. “Alright kids, remember I’ll be right here and if you kids need me. I’m already listening for yall.” Clark says pointing to his ears. “Thanks pops!” Jon says happily, exiting the truck. Jon helped Y/N out, he didn’t care that the sassy Amazon male didn’t need help. But it felt good for Jon to help the boy out.
“Let’s have funnn!” Jonathan says excitedly with Damian and Y/N smiling at the golden retriever boy. “Let’s!” Y/N soon yelled out with a wide smiled. And the trio started to go nuts, going for the big houses. Damian was of course getting gasps as he was the son of a billionaire. Y/N and Jon was having fun seeing adults suck up for Damian and then Jon. Jon for his adorable looks. Y/N was smiling at his bag of candy, he didn’t notice some boys and girls staring at him. Protectively, Jon and Damian blocked Y/N from their view. They continued their trick and treating. Damian slickly putting some of his candy in Y/N’s bag.
It was going great! Until some kids had seen the Amazon boy, kids from the school Y/N goes to. The kids were a bunch of idiots with no hobbies except to make fun of others, and they seen Y/N with the two supersons.
“Hey sissy!” Y/N immediately turned around with a hardened expression, the Amazon male didn’t see how Damian and Jon was already in a formation by the Amazon boy. “I didn’t know that Y/N Prince was a sissy! Can’t wait to tell the school this.” The kid said, Y/N walked forward, wiping his sword out. “You dare make fun of me!” The kid snickered, “That’s a toy sword, what are you gonna do princ—" with a quick slash in the air, the tire of the bike was flattened. The air was quiet with a smug Amazon boy, a proud Wayne, and surprised Kent. “What’s that? That’s the sound of a flatten tire. NOW SCRAM!” Y/N yelled pointing his sword in the direction the kids came from.
The kids grabbed their bearings and ran off, but the kid still had one thing to say. “You’re still a sissy!” Y/N growled under his breath, ready to chase them before Jon placed a hand on the boy’s shoulder. Shaking his head no, Damian had a smug look with crossed arms.
“That was amazing Prince. Very amazing.” Damian says standing by Jon and Y/N. “Dude.” Jon says not impressed by his best friend’s antics.
Y/N scoffs and puts his sword back into its hold. “Whatever..let’s just get more candy and head home. “ the Amazon boy walks away from the two, the two can clearly sense something had trouble the boy. Jon and Damian look at each other and immediately try and corner the boy. But Y/N was speed walking through crowds of children. “Y/N.” Damian says, Y/N almost stopped but kept walking. Jon sighs and immediately grabbed Y/N, “Dude. Whatever that guy said to you earlier, isn’t true. You’re still the most masculine boy I ever known!” Jon says with a soft smile.
Damian nods, smoothly interlocking his fingers with the Amazon boy. Y/N blinked at his two best friends. “I..-sigh- thank you for your concern but it’s not that.” Damian and Jon raised a brow. “Then what is it Y/N?” Damian asked. Y/N looks down embarrassed. “I’m cold….” The chilly air of fall had hit the boy’s legs ever since they had exited the truck of the Kent. Jon and Damian laughed. “That’s all?” Damian asked. Y/N nodded with a sunken in lip. “Alright, let’s hurry this up then.” Damian says pointing up by the street.
With a still embarrassed Amazon, Damian and Jon wrapped their capes around the boy. It brought them closer as the two boys held each hand of Y/N. Walking through the neighborhood for the end of the night of Halloween.
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atlabeth · 1 year ago
a rose and her thorns | luke castellan
pairing: luke castellan x fem!daughter of aphrodite reader
summary: luke vies for a valentine. you're just trying to get through cabin inspections.
a/n: take this as my formal apology for the angst i’ve been throwing at you all with demeter girl lol and take this tooth rotting fluff. this was supposed to be shorter but i got carried away, after writing that 11k angst riddled monster this was a much needed palate cleanser lmao
wc: 3.3k
warning(s): no warnings this is all fluff <3
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You huffed as you knocked on the door again, chewing on the inside of your lip as you waited for a response. The Hermes cabin usually always had kids in it—either they were ignoring you, or they were just causing too much ruckus to even hear it in the first place.
Honestly, you should have known this was how cabin inspections with Luke would go. He was probably in there right now, ushering all of them through rapid last-minute tidying in the hopes of something higher than a one. You had half a mind to knock a point off right now by virtue of tardiness.  
The hairs on the back of your neck stood up all of a sudden, and you whirled around. 
“Speak of the devil,” you said wryly. 
You were greeted with Luke Castellan himself, his hands up with a slight smile on his lips. “Easy. I didn’t think I looked that bad.” 
Your brows creased ever so slightly, and he gestured with head. You looked down and realized you were holding your pen like a sword. You cleared your throat and let your arm drop, adjusting your shirt on the way down. 
“Sorry. People tend not to sneak up on me.” 
“I can’t imagine why.” Luke put his hands down and started towards his cabin, craning his head back at you. “What brings you here on this fine day, Rose?” 
“Don’t tell me you forgot,” you pouted, holding up your clipboard and pen as you followed him. “We’re on inspection duty together. Where were you?��� 
He snapped and pointed at you. “That’s what we were doing together today! I knew we were spending time together—not like I could forget that—but,” his hand paused on the doorknob, “I kind of forgot about the cabin inspection part. Had to spend a little extra time with one of your siblings at the end of sword-fighting lessons.” 
“Sounds like Liz is getting better, then.” A smug smile pulled at your lips as you stopped next to him. “And it sounds like someone’s gonna be cleaning the dishes tonight,” you said in a sing-song voice. 
You placed your hand over his and opened the door, and Luke groaned. “Take mercy, Rose. Please.” 
It was certainly a sight—more akin to a tornado than the inside of a cabin. Various kids—Hermes, unclaimed, and minor gods alike—ran around, shoving dirty clothes beneath beds, cramming duffles and suitcases into overflowing closets, with a few noble exceptions attempting the Sisyphean task of actually cleaning. 
“Wow,” you said, glancing down at the papyrus scroll. “Can I give you a zero?” 
“Listen,” Luke said from behind you, “our thing isn’t tidiness. It’s thievery—swiftness, cunning, panache.” 
“I thought you were supposed to be jacks of all trades,” you mused as you checked off boxes. “Cleaning is a trade.” 
“Not here.” You could feel him peering over your shoulder and he groaned yet again. “Come on! You’re grading us way too low. I get input too, remember?” 
“Sure,” you remarked. You held out the clipboard and gestured with your head at the natural disaster in front of you. “But you can’t tell me this is anything better than a two.” 
“A two’s better than a one.” Luke plucked the pen out of your hand and scrawled out a number two on the final line. 
“Luke—” you started in protest, but he just snatched the clipboard as well with a wink as he started walking backwards towards the door. 
“We’ve got a chance, guys!” he called out. “Hephaestus has gotta be worse than this!” 
You huffed as you chased after him, shutting the door on your way, and you crossed your arms as you came to a stop in front of him. “This isn’t very cooperative of you.” 
“Gotta give myself a chance,” Luke said, smiling as he took the Hermes sheet off the clipboard and stuffed it into his pocket. 
“That’s just cheating,” you said, and he let you take the clipboard back from him. You started walking, and he fell into pace with you. “Hephaestus is next—we’ll see how much of a chance you have.” 
“We should get some slack because we’ve got double the campers,” Luke said. “Nine’s got no excuse—they’re just a bunch of messy engineers.” 
You tapped your pen against the board. “I’m not changing my mind, Castellan.” 
“Ouch,” he winced. “I got last name’d.” 
You merely smiled and shook your head. You could see his own smile in your peripherals, then he huffed.  
“You’re distracting me from my whole plan with these ridiculous grades,” Luke sighed. “I haven’t ruined everything, have I?”
“You’ve got a plan?” you asked in amusement. 
“Of course I do.” Luke took a few long strides to get in front of you then turned around so he was walking backwards, that stupid smirk still on his lips as he kept eye contact with you. “Valentine’s Day is coming up.” 
“You’re very observant,” you said. “Watch your six.” 
Luke moved a step towards you to avoid a younger camper with their head buried in a book, and you chuckled as he shrugged. 
“It’s a work in progress,” he admitted. 
You hummed, biting back your smile as you came up to the Hephaestus cabin. You were about to knock on the door, but once again, Luke caught your wrist. 
“You’re not even gonna let me say my piece?” he asked. 
“I’ll give you a little time to polish it up,” you said. 
“You assume I don’t have it prepared already?” 
“Oh, I’m sure you do.” You winked. “But I know the effect I have on you.” 
Luke’s fingers loosened on your wrist and you allowed a small, self-satisfied smile as you pulled free and knocked on the door. It took a couple seconds, but eventually the door opened and their counselor—Alya, if you remembered correctly—greeted you with a smile. 
“Just in time,” she said, smudging the bit of grease on her face as she wiped at her cheek. “We’re actually not horrible today.” 
Luke grumbled beneath his breath as you walked in together—usually, the place was a mess of loose parts and hastily sketched out plans and smoke-scented clothes. Today, it was still a mess, but slightly less so. 
“Damn it,” Luke muttered. “Still not as bad as us.” 
“Stop comparing your place to everyone else,” you said. “This is supposed to be fun.” 
“Cabin inspections are fun?” he asked wryly. 
“Hanging out with me is fun,” you clarified. “I—”
You were cut off with a gasp of your own as you slipped, and before you could even fully process it you were falling. It wasn’t until everything steadied that you realized someone had caught you, strong arms cradled you around your waist. You looked up to see Luke’s wide eyes. 
“You good?” he asked, his voice slightly higher than usual. 
“Yeah,” you said, nodding far too many times, “yeah. Yeah, I’m good.” 
“...Good,” he said, ever eloquent. 
A small smile creeped in. “You can let me go now.” 
It almost took him a moment to come back to Earth, because he blinked before he nodded, smiling on his own as he helped you back up. You could feel the heat in your face and tried your best to ignore it as you looked down. A small pool of oil was the culprit—you grimaced at the thought of having to clean that out of your jeans. Thank the gods for Luke. 
“That’s gotta be points off,” Luke whispered in your ear, still close by, and you stifled a laugh. “Oil on the floor, making pretty counselors slip. Right?” 
You ignored him too, looking over at Alya, though you couldn’t stop your smile. She looked mortified. 
“I am so sorry,” she rushed. “I guess Michael didn’t clean as well as he said.” 
“No problem,” you said. “I’ve got a little guardian angel. But this place isn’t too great.” 
“Damn,” she mumbled. “I even got one of your sisters to come in and help clean things up. Do you not smell the perfume?” 
“The smoke kinda overpowers it,” you said sympathetically, and she sighed. “Three out of five, Alya. But you’re right on the edge of a four.” 
Alya glanced at Luke. “Better than Hermes?” 
Luke grimaced. “I don’t wanna talk about it.” 
She smiled and went off to talk to one of her siblings. Luke shook his head and tutted once she was gone. “The double standards here are ridiculous, Rose. I might have to report you to Chiron.” 
“Oh, quiet.” You hit him in the side lightly with the clipboard and continued scanning the room for  a final check. “If you wanted help with cleaning up from an Aphrodite kid, all you had to do was ask.” 
“And would you have accepted?” he asked. 
“Of course,” you said as you scribbled down your last couple of notes. “I’ll always help you, Luke.” 
He went silent as you continued to write, and when you finished you saw he was only looking at you. 
You frowned. “What?” 
“Nothing,” Luke said, still smiling. “Let’s keep going.” 
You stared at him for a moment, but he didn’t say anything else. So you just laughed a bit and shrugged. Luke followed behind you as you walked out, and despite his claims of ‘nothing’ just a moment ago, soon enough he was talking again. 
“So,” he said, “Valentine’s Day.” 
“Valentine’s Day,” you said sagely. “What’s your plan?” 
“Be my Valentine.” 
“That’s your plan?” You glanced over at him. “Just asking me out straight-up?” 
“Oh, sorry. I also have this.” Luke pulled something out of his back pocket and held it out. You couldn’t help but laugh. 
“A rose?” you asked with a lopsided smile. 
“Not just any rose,” he said as you took it. “A chocolate rose.” 
“You are so cute.” You pulled the wrapper off, and though the stem and leaves were plastic, the flower was, indeed, very much chocolate, and in the shape of a rather pretty rose. 
Luke shrugged. “Figured you needed something as sweet as you.” 
“I’ve got a toothache just from being with you,” you remarked. You broke it in half with a bit of effort and offered it to Luke. 
“You can’t just split the gifts I get for you with me.” 
“They’re my gifts,” you said. “I can do whatever I want with them.” 
“Really?” he asked. 
“What’s a rose without her thorns?” you responded. Luke grinned as he took the other half from you. You popped yours into your mouth and your eyebrows rose. 
“This is actually good chocolate,” you said as Luke ate his part. “Not like that crap we get at the camp store.” 
“I might’ve snuck out to the city to get the good stuff,” Luke said offhandedly. 
You looked at him incredulously. “What?” 
“Did I stutter?” 
“You risked all that trouble just to get some chocolate for me?” you marveled. “Hell from Chiron, extra chores for a month, literal monster attacks—” 
Luke held up a hand, stopping your ranting. “Nothing happened. And even if it did,” he shrugged, “you’re worth it. So it doesn’t matter.” 
You shook your head and Luke continued. “Besides, I got some other stuff too for the rest of my plan.” 
“Right,” you nodded, “you never finished telling me.” 
“How’s your schedule?” 
“Busy,” you said. “I’m an Aphrodite kid during Valentine’s season.” 
Luke tipped his shoulder. “Fair. Think you can block something out for me?” 
“That depends what it is,” you said. 
“It’s a secret,” he said. 
You stared at him. “A secret?” 
He nodded. “It might be a foreign concept to you Aphrodite kids, but—” 
You cut him off with a light shove and he only chuckled in response. “So you talk yourself up and it ends up being a secret.”
“I think I’ve earned some secret surprises,” Luke said. “I’m already sweeping you off your feet.” 
You shook your head, smiling inwardly as you tapped your pen against the clipboard. “Is that how you see it?” 
“Well, I did keep you from an untimely death back there,” he said. “And the more unfortunate plight of having to get oil stains out.” 
“You read my mind,” you mused. 
“And isn’t that worth a date?” Luke asked. “Saving you from a fashion faux pas?” 
“You’re worth a date all on your own,” you said as you came up to the next cabin—Apollo was bright as ever, gleaming golden in the sunlight—and you looked at him with a smile. “No rescuing required.” 
Your journey to the rest of the cabins went by relatively quickly, especially the Apollo and Ares cabins—you think Luke had been temporarily stunned into silence by you actually flirting back. 
You’d had a subdued smile on your face nearly the entire time, even as you felt warmth bloom over your face again. Luke really brought out the inner Aphrodite in you—you were sure your mother was proud, wherever she was watching. What seemed to get Luke out of his addled state was the 5/5 you gave to your own cabin—he complained that the scent of perfume gave him a headache, and when you said you’d been wearing perfume the entire day, he claimed that it was different. 
(Cabin Ten kept their full score. It was amazing what a pretty smile could do, especially when Luke was the victim.) 
Finally, you were at the Demeter cabin. Luke insisted on going there last, so that all the expectations would be tapered—he was still trying to get a better score for his cabin, but the odds were looking pretty slim. The door was already open, and you smiled at the newly grown flowers outside the cabin. 
“Nice touch.” 
Luke sighed. “Great. Going out with a bang.” 
“It’ll be fine, Luke,” you said. “I’ll help you clean your cabin tonight.” 
He frowned. “You were actually serious?” 
“Of course I was.” You tipped your head. “It’ll just have to be pretty late. Y’know, because you’ll be cleaning all the dishes.” 
“Low blow,” he said, shaking his head. You chuckled as you stopped in the doorway and poked your head in. 
“Hey, Katie,” you called to the counselor. “How’re things?” 
“Good,” she said, nodding. A smile of her own bloomed on her lips as her gaze moved over to Luke. “I see Rose and her thorns are on duty today.” 
“Flattery won’t help you with your score,” Luke mused as he walked into the cabin. You smiled as he held out his hand for the clipboard, and you finally acquiesced. You could feel Katie’s eyes on you as he walked further in. 
“He takes that as a compliment?” 
“Thorns protect a rose,” you said, still watching Luke. He played the part of a foreman well, investigating their shelves and walls with vigor and even opening drawers. You couldn’t help but laugh a bit, and Luke looked back and smiled at you. You nodded, giving him the go-ahead, and he winked as he gave you a thumbs-up. 
“And he protects you?” she asked. 
You shrugged. “We protect each other.” 
“…You would be cute together,” Katie admitted. 
You managed to tear your eyes away from Luke, leaning back against the wall. “You think so?” 
“He’s only been vying for your attention and flirting with you since the moment you got to camp,” she said wryly. “But you’re the expert on love—you tell me.” 
You bit your lip as your gaze darted back to Luke, who was squatting on the floor having what looked to be a very serious conversation with a younger Demeter boy. 
“I think I’m his valentine,” you said, almost absentmindedly. “And I think I’m really looking forward to whatever this date is.” 
Katie came back into focus as you came back to Earth, and even she was smiling. “Then I think you’ve got your answer.” 
Luke had picked the most opportune moment to come back, when you weren’t staring at him like an infatuated idiot—you were only one of those things—and he held out the clipboard and pen to you. “After having a very in-depth conversation with Damian about how things are going here, I scored them properly.” 
You chuckled as you took it from him, but your eyebrows rose the more you read. “You’re kidding me.” 
He shook his head. “There’s unpaid labor going on here—unpaid child labor. Damian said he’s responsible for half the cleaning and plants here.” 
“We’re all children. All the labor we do is child labor,” you deadpanned. “And we’re sure as hell not getting paid.” 
Luke held his hands up. “Don’t shoot the messenger. I’m just delivering what he’s said.” 
“Don’t tell me he gave us all ones,” Katie said dryly. 
“You know him so well,” you mused. You scribbled out half of what Luke wrote as you stood up from the wall, shielding it with your body so he couldn’t see while you walked out together. “See you, Katie!” 
Her protests fell on Luke’s deaf ears as he held up the rear, shutting the door behind you two, and when you looked back at him he was grinning. 
“Straight ones,” he tutted, shaking his head. “What a shame. Looks like they’re gonna be cleaning the dishes tonight.” 
“You know they got a five, Luke,” you said, finally allowing him to see your revised marks. “If you’re gonna fudge the numbers, at least try and make them believable.” 
“Oh, come on!” he exclaimed. “A five is way too nice—it’s not fair that they can just grow plants all over and make everything look presentable. Using powers should count as cheating.” 
“Their floors are clean, their beds are made, and it smells like floral heaven,” you said. You tapped his chest with your pen. “You could learn something from them, Castellan.” 
He caught your wrist before you could move it away. “The Aphrodite cabin always gets perfect scores. Think you could teach me a few things?” 
You grinned as you pulled your hand out of his grip and continued walking, this time en route to the Big House to drop off the final inspections. “That depends.” 
“On what?” Luke came back into your peripherals as he caught up to you. 
“On how good this secret plan of yours is,” you mused. 
His eyes lit up, past worries of low inspection scores seemingly fading away in an instant. “So it’s a go? You’re in?” 
“Of course I am,” you said, tucking the clipboard under your arm. “You got me the good chocolate, Luke. How could I not see where this goes?” 
Previously unnoticed pressure dissolved in his shoulders as he took your hands in his. You could only focus on his eyes, on the warmth of his skin, on the callouses borne from years of sword-fighting. 
He was surely blessed by your mother. 
“You’re not gonna regret it,” Luke vowed. “All those promises I’ve made about blowing you off your feet, about making your mother proud—they’re all gonna be true.” 
“You know what wise men say,” you said wryly. 
“That they’re so glad you’re finally giving me a chance?” 
“Only fools rush in,” you provided. “Going all in on our first date seems a little hasty.” 
“Isn’t your whole thing supposed to be rushing in?” he asked cloyingly. “Y’know, daughter of love and all.” 
You shrugged. “Maybe I like taking the idea of taking it slow with you.” 
“Then call me a fool,” Luke mused, letting go of one hand to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. His own curls hung over his eyes and you had the strongest urge to take his face in your hands. “Because you should know I can’t help it.” 
You felt your cheeks heat as warmth spread all over, and you couldn’t even try to hide your smile. “You think you can take me out on one of those city trips of yours? Show me how to steal a camp van without getting in the most trouble?” 
“I’m trying to steal your heart here,” Luke said with a goofy grin, “but I think a van’ll do.” 
“Oh, don’t worry.” You took his hand back, intertwining your fingers together as you pulled him closer to you. “We can multitask.” 
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ourfatherwhoartinhell · 8 months ago
My 67 year old mother watched RHRN for the first time last night. I thought I would share some gems that came outta that:
Her: "He doesn't actually... that's not how he actually talks is it?" Me: "No no. Just imagine a Swedish dude, speaking English, pretending to be Italian." Her: "Oh, so that's why he sounds annoying. Ok!"
Her: "....is he gay?" Me: "No, he's married and has kids." Her: "Do his kids know what he does for a living? Can you imagine at school: 'My dads a firefighter, my dad's a doctor, my dad's a paramedic.. my dad's a satanic cult leader!' "
More below the cut!
*After If You Have Ghosts* Her: "Ok, that song was reaaaaalllyy pretty. I really liked that. He did a really good job." Me: "You hated it when I played it before." Her: "Yeah well... I don't actually like Ghost, so."
Her: "I know that one is Mountain, and there's a Swiss, and a Rain... cause every time I open the fridge to make a sandwich, or it's raining outside I'm reminded." Me: "I'm so proud. You're only missing the two guitarists." (She only likes the ghouls... don't come for me) Her: *Very confidently* "Alpha and Omega!" Me: "Um..." Her, laughing: "...no? Wrong era?" Me: "Phan–" Her: "PHANTOM! And the angry one I can never remember."
*Copia standing next to Dew* Her: Wow, he's really small isn't he? Me: Who? Dew or Copia cause either one would be an accurate observation.
Her: "Is he wearing contacts?" Me: "Yeah just the one, the white one." Her: "I just noticed." Me: "........... you JUST noticed?!" Her: "Only cause it's up close!" Me: "I hate to blow your mind.... but ALL the Papa's have a white eye. Even Nihil (her fav)" Her: "Really 👀 ?!"
Her: "Huh..." Me: "What?" Her: "I just noticed they have horns."
Her: "I think his pants are my favourite part about him." Me: "You just like the crotch corset." Her: "Nooo.... He has a nice ass too." *moments later* Her: "Why can't the ghouls have tight pants?!"
Her: "Don't their helmets ever fall off? Y'know when they start gettin into it, do they ever just 'whoops!' "
Her: *Sitting on the couch, humming, dancing and tapping her foot to Spillways* Me: I thought you didn't like Ghost?? Her: *Immediately stops* Well... y'know *starts dancing again and singing the correct lyrics*
Her: "Thats the end? They're not going to do right here, right now?" Me: "You mean Square Hammer?" Her: "Yeah the right here, right now song. Whatever it's actually called." Me: "When have you ever heard of a band not doing an encore?" Her: "Oh good. I was about to get upset. I love that song!"
*after the post credits scene* Her: "Wait, so thats it? Do we know who the new Papa is?" Me: "No! Thats the worst part about it!" Her: "Maybe it'll be a Mama instead" Me: *dies of laughter*
--- Anyways, Ghesties please protect my mum. She's trying lol If I can think of more moments from last night, I will add them!
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avemryss · 7 months ago
thinking more about the psychological aspect of solavellan, and before I start, I'd like to stress that this is NOT CRITICAL of it, I actually think it's what makes part of the dynamic interesting. My word isn't the be all and end all, however, this is just my musings on the topic :] Also, REALLY long post! so, more under the read more lol
From Lavellan's point of view, I would personally struggle to see her trusting another lover or close one again for a long time, if ever again. I don't really think people ever talk about the real impact of the things she goes through, or what solas put her through, and the hurt as a result of it. The relationship is never defined between the two of them, it's always spoken about in vague undetermined words from their companions and poetic elvish between the two of them. Are they lovers? companions? partners? it's really up to the player. Leliana says that "you were close", Sera says Lavellan is "in it." Vhenan means home, heart, it's not a word said lightly imo and he tells you he loves her by their second kiss. It's never an official thing, so how secure can Lavellan truly feel?
This could go both ways when it comes to the break up. Crestwood, as a scene, is so interesting to me because the first portion seems like a man brought to his knees by weakness for the woman he loves. The two of them never cease to touch, fingers entwined, shoulders brushing, skin to skin. It's so reminiscent of how Lavellan matches his Hallelujah cadence. They're two parts of a song singing together. It's a gorgeous scene and it's understandable how so many are angry at how it ends because the whiplash between how it starts and what it leaves you with is severe. Imagine this from lavellan's shoes.
You're desperately in love with someone at odds with your people, who is wonderful and enticing and smart. Loving solas feels like loving the whole world, like being free and connected with the stars. But you don't know what this is. And, if you thought you did, how far can you presume? Is Lavellan always on edge, scared to love him deeper and richer than he loves her? or is she in a false sense of security, assuming his affection is forever hers. So when he not only breaks away your faith and trust in your history, plus potentially the vallaslin, she is clearly deeply upset. This isn't a minor fact that simply can be swept aside. The vallaslin is important. And Solas, even with the best intentions, has hurt her. He knows it and there's a reason why he apologises (bc he wimped out on the real truth). How much more does he know about her people that he has refused to tell her or kept from her by omission? Can you imagine the embarrassment, the utter humiliation of that secret? how many memories of them together where she replays his distaste for her people in her mind, knowing that he has access to knowledge that could change her perception of her past? Its ALOT. and thats even before the breakup.
Solas is not kind about the break up. It's rushed (impulsive to me) and doesn't do their connection justice. His composure cracks in places and it's very unlike him. It absolutely blindsides the player, so imagine being in Lavellan's place, AFTER THE VALLASLIN? personally, I wouldn't have been able to function. I half suspect that a sad, calm Lavellan is also in shock or disassociation. Because how else do you cope? The lack of communication between them alone is enough to raise my eyebrows. He promises answers. He confides that she saw through his mask and doesn't tell her what was real, and what was fake. He has given her a kernel truth whilst keeping her in the dark. Everything he told her could be a false, imaginary polite mask or it could be the truth. Where does it end? Where does he begin? Where does she stand?
I don't know if everyone has experienced what it's like to be ghosted or for a friend to simply disappear one day, but it changes you. I say this as someone who has both been avoidant as well as anxious, but you never recover. Someone disappearing like that makes you doubt any reassurance that people won't just evaporate from your life. So when Solas just disappears, the game's single conversation with Leliana feels a little lacking to me. I understand that they can't really dedicate a lot to it, I get that, so I'd like to fill it in. At first, it's search parties. Solas wouldn't just leave her like that. He promised her answers. He started another mural just before they left for corypheus. He didn't intend to just leave, surely.
Days, weeks and months pass. The question is worse than the truth. Is he dead? Did he use them? Was he being truthful when he spoke to her in those ruins, or another polite mask he could hide behind? Is it better if he's dead or better than he didn't deem her worthy enough to even say goodbye? We, as the players, obviously know this isn't true, but she doesn't know that. Does your lavellan assume the worst and be overcome with grief that her one love, her heart, her home, was nothing more than a lie of omission? or is there anger there at his betrayal of her trust once more? I seriously doubt it was easy to forget or dismiss. That kind of disappearance ruins your trust with people. Something. Anything would have been enough.
Again, this is all my opinion on how these emotions would play out and DEFINITELY NOT canon nor do they have to be! But I seriously struggle to see how Lavellan could even come to heal from these wounds within even a two year time skip. By the time of trespasser, almost everyone has left her side. She's almost entirely alone again, save Cullen and Josie (and leliana if she's not divine). And thats okay: they all have rich lives to return to. But that must just reaffirm to her that no one will stay. She is alone. How does she trust again?
And then there is Fen'harel. Lavellan's reaction to fen'harel has always lacked the fear I kind of hoped would be there? I mean this isn't just a minor deity, this IS THE antagonist of her entire faith. I'm assuming that she's lost hope in the gods, even though it's confirmed to her that they're real, but that message has been a part of her since childhood. So learning that he is the dreadwolf, again not from him, but from the fragments of his past must cut her deeply.
Her love was never who he said he was, she knows this, but who is the real man? She's never known him in a context where he can truly show her. Her love is fragmented between each identity he holds. Her trust that he is who he said he is fragments with it. The knowledge that not only has he been watching the inquisition, her, for years without a single hint that he lives or is okay must destroy her. Could you imagine how insignificant you must feel to him? And he essentially affirms to her that yes, in the greater scheme of things, his love and hers are inconsequential. They cannot matter to him because he cannot strive from his path. His indulgence was a mistake. And it's undeniably cruel. I love solas and I cannot argue that he was kind to Lavellan because he wasn't. To me, there is no way to see his actions as kind. Understandable, absolutely and definitely without malicious intent.
Lavellan learns that he loved her just as deeply, if not more. He loved her with all his heart and it did not matter. She changed him and it has only brought him more pain. He loves her too much to even allow her near him, to even give himself that weakness. They are apart from each other in an endless distance, only the two of them in the world. No one else.
Obviously, each Lavellan is different, and I've made a lot of assumptions, but I think it's worth considering. How do you love someone again after all of that? How much can you rebuild your faith after what you have learnt. Lavellan has loved a "god" (I know he's not a god, but for all intents and purposes, he has the power of a god and wears an evanuris crown.) and in turn, a god has loved her. And he left her with one last embrace that will leave its mark on her forever, then he leaves once more. Lavellan is alone.
Each love after is met with suspicion, distrust and comparison. Lavellan is entirely changed. How many pieces of her can be taken away until she is no longer herself? Each person wears a new mask she cannot determine. Where do they begin? Where can she find herself?
How lonely it must be to love someone like Solas and be at the other side of an endless distance.
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lalalovejay · 1 year ago
|| NDA || ~ Lee Heeseung
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♤Pairings: idol!heeseungXfem!fangirl!reader
♤Synopsis: Attending the New York show for Enhypen's first world tour, you find yourself in quite the predicament when a man approaches you and your best friend with a question that leaves you absolutely flabbergasted.
"Would you be willing to sign an NDA?"
♤Warnings: just straight up smut with a little plot, dom!heeseung, sub!reader, protected sex, cunnilingus(f!receiving), p in v, use of pet names (good girl, sir, princess, angel), use of derogatory names (slut, whore), blowjob(m!receiving), fingering(f!receiving), hair pulling, choking, I think that's it
♤Author's Note: This is 1000000% delusional and not based on any true stories. This is my first time writing smut on this platform, so please give me some feedback to help me do better next time! I would really appreciate it:) Also, this has been in my drafts for monthsssss so I finally finished it lol
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"Hey, you ready to go?" Lucy asks you as she pulls on her boots.
"Yeah, one sec." You say before applying lipgloss over your red stained lips.
Grabbing your bag and lightstick, you follow your best friend out of your hotel room. Lucy skips down the hallway as you laugh at her giddiness.
"I can't believe we're actually gonna see them live! I'm so fucking excited!" Lucy squeals as you both reach the elevators.
Pressing on the button, you look over at her with an excited smile on your face.
"I can not wait to see Jake in real life. I'm so down bad for that man." You sigh at just the thought of him.
Lucy giggles and agrees.
"I need Sunghoon to read my sign and send me a kiss. After that, I can die in peace." She jokes along with you.
The elevator doors ding open before you both step in. Pressing the button for the lobby, you both patiently wait for the elevator to reach the ground level before stepping out.
"What if during Polaroid Love they come up to our section?! Please! I need Heeseung to sing to me!" Lucy groans as she imagines the man staring deep into her eyes as he serenades her.
You giggle at your friend who begins to daydream of concert scenarios.
"If they do come up to our section, I hope I can get Jake's attention." You say as you look down at the Jake photocard that hangs on your concert bag.
"I mean, we're hot. We're bound to get someone's attention, right?" Lucy jokingly says as you two exit the hotel doors and walk to the subway station.
After taking the subways to the venue, you both get in line as the time for the show to start inches closer. You both were able to get your hands on some freebies and banners while you waited.
Going through security and finding your seats, you two excitedly take pictures and videos of the venue and other fans in the crowd as you all wait for the show to begin.
"Holy shit! Holy shit! We're actually here!" You squeal at Lucy, who matches your energy as she holds your hand.
"Please! I need one interaction, and I'll be the happiest girl alive!" She says as she stares at the stage a few feet away from where your section was.
You two were able to find fairly good seats with an amazing view of the stage on the right side of the venue. Only a few rows up and at the end of the row in the aisle. Praying that the boys would come up to your section when they performed Polaroid Love.
Soon, the intro music began to play as the lights dimmed. The VCR begins playing as everyone screams. Lightsticks waving in the air as the screen begins moving. The 7 members of Enhypen on stage ready to give a performance of a lifetime for their loving fans.
You and Lucy scream as your biases face pop up on the big screen. Their stares are very intense as they each get into position to perform their opening song.
"HOLY FUCKING SHIT! JAKE MOTHER FUCKING SIM!" You scream as he pops up on screen once again.
The concert goes on as planned. Each performance leaves everyone in awe. You and Lucy fangirling like no other. On this particular night, the fans had come up with a project for Heeseung as it was his birthday. While the members had their talking moment, the fans began singing Happy Birthday when the screen showed Heeseung. His smile was wide as he listened to the fans and members sing him a happy birthday.
In that moment, something switched in you. You always knew that Heeseung was a very attractive man. He was everything a girl wanted. Tall, handsome, funny, sweet, and good at everything.
"I think he just bias wrecked me with that smile." You tell Lucy as your eyes stayed glued onto Heeseung, who laughs slightly as he says his words.
Lucy laughs as she follows your line of sight to the man. His hair had been styled to show his forehead. He was absolutely glowing on his birthday.
"Don't tell Jake." You jokingly threaten Lucy as she shakes her head with a knowing smile on her face.
"Little Miss, I only want Jake Sim, is finally joining the dark side. Lee Heeseung will eventually have you wrapped around his finger. It's a canon event." Lucy says in a matter of fact tone as she goes back to ogling over Sunghoon, who began speaking.
For the rest of the night, your eyes tried to stay on Jake, but you found yourself searching for Heeseung every now and then. His stage presence was very overwhelming, and had you wishing you could see his beautiful face up close.
When Polaroid Love began playing, you and Lucy sang along, not really getting your hopes up of them coming to your section. The moment they ran off stage and began roaming the crowd, you and Lucy screamed in happiness.
Suddenly, the spotlight was shown in your section. You and Lucy look at each other with wide eyes.
"No.fucking.way." She says as you both look back at the group of boys making their way to your section.
You and Lucy scream, even louder, as they get closer. Jungwon leads the way as Jake, Niki and Heeseung follow behind. You and Lucy both stand next to each other as they walk by, Jungwon giving you both a kind smile and a high five. Jake smirks slightly as he sees the 'Jake' sticker on your lightstick. Lucy records the whole thing. Jake sends you a flying kiss before walking further up. Your eyes were too focused on the man to notice that Heeseung was standing directly in front of you after Niki passes by finishing Lucy's hand heart. Lucy pulls on your shoulder to get your attention, her own mouth agape as Heeseung stands in front of you both.
You swing back around and come face to face with a pair of dark eyes, a glint of playfulness swimming in them. You gasp as Heeseung smirks, bringing the mic to his lips as he begins singing to you. Your eyes widen as his eyes stare deeply into your own.
He sends a wink before following after the other boys who begin making their way back to the stage.
"OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!?" Lucy screams as she shakes your shoulders.
"I DON'T FUCKING KNOW!" You scream back as you both fangirl over your interactions.
"I GOT IT ON CAMERA!" Lucy realizes as she looks down at her phone in her hand.
"Send it to me!" You say as you look back to the stage where they continued performing.
As the night goes on, you could have sworn that Heeseung had been glancing at your section for the rest of the concert. He interacted more with your side, and his eyes found your own a few times throughout the night.
"He wanna fuck." Lucy jokes as she catches Heeseung looking over again.
You chuckle as you enjoy the moment. Trying not to feel super flustered at the whole interaction you had with Heeseung knowing that he was just really good at fan service and you didn't want your delusions to get the best of you.
As the concert comes to an end and you all sadly have to say your goodbyes, the screen closes on the members as the lights turn on once again. You and Lucy stay seated as everyone around you picks up confetti and takes pictures or videos.
"I'm shook. Sunghoon sent me a kiss. I can die happily." Lucy dreamily says as she rewatches her concert videos.
"Let me see the Heeseung interaction again, I need to relive it." You ask Lucy as she scrolls through her camera roll to find the video.
Just as she was about to press play, you felt a tap on your left shoulder. You quickly look up to see who it was that had tapped you. A young Korean man stood before you both. The staff lanyard hanging around his neck.
"Yes?" You ask curiously.
You hoped you hadn't done anything wrong for the staff to come to you personally.
"Hi, I'm part of the staff traveling with the artists. I was asked by their manager to come get you both. He has a few questions and would like to talk." He tells you in a hushed voice so no one else could hear.
Lucy looks at you confused. You look back at her with the same expression.
"Uh, sure?" You say as you get up.
He leads you both towards the exit and into a door that says, 'Employees Only'. Lucy looks over at you nervously as you walk down a narrow hallway bustling with staff cleaning up. The man leads you to a door that says 'Management' and knocks twice.
"Come in!" A voice booms from inside.
He opens the door and steps to the side to allow you both to enter. You look over at Lucy uneasily but step in anyway. There were a lot of people around, so if anything happened, you would be able to scream for help. Lucy follows behind you hesitantly, and the man shuts the door once you both enter.
Two men sit on the couch and chair of the room as you both stand there awkwardly. You notice that the two men were Enhypen managers. Recognizing them instantly because of airport photos.
"Hello! I'm Sejin. Please, sit." The older man introduces himself and gestures to the two chairs across from them.
You look over at Lucy, who just shrugs and takes a seat. You follow her move and sit in the chair beside her.
"Are we in some sort of trouble?" Lucy asks as her eyes glance around the room nervously.
"Not at all! This discussion has to be private in order to protect our artists' image, so we asked to see you in private without the prying eyes and ears. My name is Woobin, by the way." Another manager tells you both.
"So what is this about?" You ask curiously.
Your eyes narrow in on the papers and pen sitting on the table in front of you all. The big letters, 'NDA', are boldly printed at the top. Your eyes widen slightly as you realize what's about to happen. You had only heard stories of this type of thing and never expected it to happen to you.
"Before we discuss any further. Would you be willing to sign an NDA? We can not disclose the topic of this conversation unless we have your full trust that you will not leak, speak, or even hint at having this conversation with us." Sejin asks the two of you.
You look over at Lucy, who looks back at you with wide eyes. Both of you realized exactly what they wanted to talk about.
"Before you make any decisions, may I ask your age and for your ID to confirm?" Woobin asks.
"I'm 21, and she's 20." You say as you and Lucy pull out your own IDs to show them.
Woobin looks it over before handing them to Sejin, who examines them as well. He nods his head before handing them back to you.
"So, will you sign? If you don't feel comfortable with it, it is understandable, and we'll have another staff member walk you two out safely." Sejin reassures you both of your safety.
"I'll sign." Lucy is the first to speak up.
You look at her in bewilderment.
"Lucy." You say her name to gain her attention.
"What? I want to know what they want to talk about. Besides, it's only an NDA. If you read the fine print, you should be fine before signing." Lucy says as she grabs the papers that lay on the table.
You sigh and grab them as well. Reading through the pages, eyes scanning over every printed word down to the page number that is printed on the bottom corner.
"Are you seriously gonna do this?" You ask Lucy.
"When will we ever get the chance to sign an NDA contract with an idol groups manager that we stan? Never. So, yes, I'm doing this." Lucy says as she gives the two men a small smile and picks up the pen to sign her name on the contract line.
You sigh as you contemplate for a little longer. You don't want Lucy to go through this alone. Worried about her safety you stupidly sign your name on the contract as well.
Handing the two contracts back to Woobin, he and Sejin sign their own names and place the contract into a small folder.
"Perfect. Now we can get to talking. The reason for this conversation is that 2 of our artists have asked to meet you both. If you agree, we will have a staff car pick you up from your accommodations and bring you to the artist hotel where you two will meet. Whatever happens between you both must be consensual, or it will be a breach of contract. It must be kept secret and hidden from others, or it will be a breach of contract. Do you both understand?" Sejin begins explaining.
"Yes." You and Lucy say.
"Good. If you would like to meet the 2 artists, you can give us a call at this number, and we will send a car to pick you up. This is all with your own consent, of course. If you decide not to, this conversation will stay between us, or it will be a breach of contract. We will not force you two to do anything you do not consent to. Our top priority is the safety of our artists and of you if you choose to meet with them." Sejin continues and hands you both a small card with only a phone number printed on it.
"Can I ask who the 2 artists are? And which of them asked for who?" Lucy asks them.
"Our artists Sunghoon and Heeseung. Sunghoon has asked for you, Miss Lucy. And Heeseung has asked for you, Miss (Y/N)." Woobin informs you both.
Lucy looks over at you in shock. Her bias had asked to meet with her. While you, on the other hand, had your bias wrecker of the night asking to meet with you.
"Oh 100% I am A okay to meet with Sunghoon." Lucy squeals as the information settles in.
You couldn't believe this was actually happening. Lee Heeseung had asked to meet with you. You. Of all the people he saw in that crowd tonight.
"Well, we have Miss Lucy's consent. How about you, Miss (Y/n)? If you still need time to think about it, we completely understand and will be a phone call away awaiting your answer." Sejin says.
"Okay." You whisper.
"I'm sorry?" Sejin asks, not hearing you properly.
"I said okay. I agree to meet with Heeseung." You tell him a little louder.
Your heartbeat drums in your ears as you continue to let the information sink in. Lucy squeals happily beside you as the two men give you both a reassuring smile.
"Great! You're more than welcome to return to your accommodations. The 2 should be back in their hotel rooms right about now. Since today is Heeseung's birthday, he will be doing a live before meeting with you. Will you both be okay with meeting the two around 12:30 am?" Sejin asks.
Lucy quickly nods her head.
"Yes! We'll be ready by then." She answers for you both.
Sejin smiles.
"Perfect. Just call the number when you're ready. Woobin will escort you ladies out. It was nice meeting you both." Sejin says and reaches his hand out for a handshake.
You take his hand and give it a firm shake in gratitude as Lucy does the same after you. Woobin gestures for you two to follow him out of the room and back into the once bustling hallway. The staff had cleaned up pretty much everything, and the hallway was now empty. He leads you towards the exit and allows security to walk you out the door.
Once you two make it outside, Lucy jumps up in excitement.
"Oh my god....that just happened." You finally realize the situation you were both in.
"I'm gonna get dicked down by my bias. This is fucking wild." Lucy laughs as she wraps an arm around your shoulders.
"I knew Heeseung wanted to fuck when he came up to you with that look in his eyes. He wanted you so bad, I'm telling you." Lucy says as you both walk back to the subway station.
Getting back to your hotel room, Lucy quickly rummages through her luggage for something presentable to wear for Sunghoon.
"Good thing we got waxed for this trip." Lucy jokes as she pulls out an over-sized button-up and a pair of biker shorts.
"I'm gonna rinse off the sweat from the concert. Feel free to look through my clothes if you don't have anything." Lucy winks at you before walking into the bathroom.
It was currently 11:56pm. Your weverse notifies you that a member of Enhypen was now live. Unlocking your phone, you click on the notification that brings you to the app and into the live. On the screen pops up Heeseung with his birthday cake. He's dressed in a black hoodie with the hood up. His dangly earrings sway every time he moves his head.
His bare face takes your breath away as you realize that you will be meeting with this man in less than an hour. You quickly rummage through your luggage for something to wear as the live continues playing in the background. Opting for something casual yet easily accessible, you pull out a pair of spandex and a hoodie. Opting for the only matching set you brought with you, the lacy white set begs for you to wear it and finally get some action. You weren't even sure what possessed you to bring a lingerie set in the first place, but you thanked the gods you did.
Lucy comes out from the bathroom dressed in her button-up and shorts. Her hair had been recurled slightly to give it a little more volume. You could tell she had retouched her makeup as well.
"Heeseung is live right now. I'm gonna rinse off as well and change." You tell Lucy as you walk into the bathroom with your clothes.
Lucy immediately snatches your phone and watches the live. Giggling as she realized the other members had entered and began celebrating with him.
After you get ready and make sure you have all your things, Lucy dials the number on the card. It was currently 12:23 am. The person on the other line asks for the hotel name and says that a car would be ready for them in 10 minutes.
Nerves settle into the pit of your stomach as the time inches closer and closer.
"Am I really about to have a one night stand with Lee Heeseung?" You ask Lucy who only laughs at your question.
"Yes. You're about to get a taste of South Korea." She winks at you before pulling you out the door and towards the elevator.
The entire ride to the hotel had your stomach in twists. Nerves eating at you as you enter the hotel Enhypen and their staff were currently staying in. You play with the hem of your hoodie as you both ride the elevator up to the floor the members are currently staying on.
"Sunghoon is in room 70G, and Heeseung is in 72G." The staff member informs you both as you reach the 7th floor of the hotel.
"Thank you." You say to the staff member as you exit the elevator.
Lucy holds your hand tightly as you walk down the quiet hallway towards the rooms. Your eyes scan the numbers on the doors, searching for the one that currently occupies the idol who had asked to meet you. You both reach 70G first. Meaning Lucy will be leaving you alone for the rest of the night.
"Have fun." Lucy winks at you before knocking on the door.
A moment later, the door is being pulled open by none other than Park Sunghoon himself. His eyes glance over at you for a second before going back to Lucy.
"Hi." He says quietly as he opens the door a little wider for Lucy to enter.
Lucy gives you a thumbs up before stepping in. Sunghoon bows his head slightly to you before shutting the door behind Lucy.
You mentally curse at yourself as you awkwardly walk to the room with 72G plastered on its door. Taking in a deep breath, you bring your hand up to knock on the door. You hear shuffling and the sound of someone walking over before the door is being pulled open. Heeseung stands before you with his hood still on the way you had seen it when you were watching his live earlier.
"Hi." You manage to squeak out as Heeseung's eyes look you up and down.
A different look in them now compared to the sweet eyes you had seen on his live. He smirks slightly.
"Hi." He says back to you before stepping aside and pulling the door open wider to allow you entry.
You nervously step forward and enter the hotel room. Heeseung closes the door behind you both and leads you further into the room. You see the partially eaten cake sitting on the desk and the fallen balloons on the second bed.
"Uh, I just ended the live not too long ago, so don't worry about the camera." Heeseung reassures you as he points at the camera that sits on the tripod in front of the cake.
You already knew that because your phone had been playing his live the entire time you were on the way over. He had ended the live before you reached his door.
"No worries!" You smile up at the man before you.
His height towering over your small frame as you awkwardly shift from leg to leg. Heeseung chuckles before taking your bag from your hand and setting it on the table behind him.
"So, what's your name?" He asks you as he sits down on the rolling chair and gestures for you to take a seat on the edge of the bed.
You follow his lead and sit down before stuffing your hands in your hoodie pockets out of nervousness. Heeseung was wearing a pair of gray sweats along with his black hoodie that looked so good on him. His face looked 10 times better bare. His smile sent arrows into your heart, whereas his smirks sent a chill down your spine.
"My name is (Y/n)." You tell him as your eyes dart around the room.
Heeseung finds you cute as you try not to make eye contact with him.
He chuckles before getting up from the chair and standing in front of you. Your eyes widen as you look up at him from your seated position. The tension filling the air quickly. His eyes hooded as he looked down at you with his bottom lip tucked between his teeth.
"You're very pretty." Heeseung compliments you.
He brings a hand up to cup the side of your face. Thumb pressed gently on your bottom lip.
"Is this okay?" He asks you.
You can't speak. Only nodding your head slightly.
"I need words, princess. Can I touch you?" He asks.
His voice two tones deeper than usual. The arousal clear in his eyes. You feel the butterflies swarming your stomach at the pet name.
"Yes." You say as you continue looking up at him with slightly wide eyes.
Heeseung smirks.
"Good girl." He says before pressing his thumb past your lips and onto your tongue.
You raise a hand up to wrap around his wrist gently. Closing your lips around his thumb, you suck on his finger. Heeseung chuckles at the sight of you.
"Are you gonna let me ruin you tonight, angel?" Heeseung pulls his thumb from your mouth to allow you to answer him.
"Yes, sir." You find yourself falling into submission for him rather quickly.
Heeseung's eyes darken at the name given to him.
"How do you like it, baby? I won't do anything that makes you uncomfortable." Heeseung asks.
Reassuring you that he won't take advantage of you and will abide by your consent.
"I like it rough, sir. Wanna cry for you. Wanna make you feel good, sir." The confidence rising in you as Heeseung's eyes eat you up.
"Fuck." He groans before leaning down to crash his lips against your own.
Your hands find their way into his hair, gripping at the roots as one of his hands wraps around your throat gently, and the other slides up your hoodie to grip your waist. Pushing you down on the soft bed, lips smacking, teeth clashing, tongues colliding. The kiss is heated and messy as you both move further up along the bed to get into a more comfortable position.
Heeseung has his knees on either side of your hips, trapping you beneath him. His hand that grips your waist moves up slightly to touch the underside of your right boob. You sigh at the feeling of his some what rough hands on your skin.
"Take it off." Heeseung commands, gesturing to your hoodie.
You waste no time sitting up slightly to pull off your hoodie and toss it to the side. Your white lace bra cupping your tits perfectly on display for Heeseung to see. He moans slightly at the sight, his hands coming down to grope them.
"You look so pretty in white, angel. Is this all for me?" Heeseung asks.
You moan at his touch. Heeseung places kisses from your jaw down to your neck. Sucking harshly and leaving marks down your clavicle to your chest. One of his hands pulls down the lacy cup of the bra and frees your left breast. Nipples hard as your arousal kicks in. Your hands grip the sheets beneath you.
"Yes, sir. All for you." You moan out when he begins teasing your nipple.
Heeseung wraps his lips around the free breast, sucking and biting on your nipple while his other hand continues groping your other one. Giving both of your boobs plenty of attention. You feel the wetness pooling in your panties at the stimulation.
"So good, sir." You moan.
Praising Heeseung for the pleasure he's giving you.
Heeseung pulls away to slip off his own hoodie. Staring down at you with lust filled eyes. You admire his body. Lean and fit. His abs faintly showing and his v-line directing your eyes to his achingly hard cock straining against his sweatpants. Just the outline alone had you drooling. He was big. Long and thick.
Heeseung smirks down at you as he catches you shamelessly gawking over his naked torso.
You gulp slightly as you meet his dark eyes once again.
"You can touch me, angel." He chuckles.
Your hands move on their own accord as they roam down his chest. Feeling his hot skin beneath your palms. Every dip of his muscles. You were in absolute shock that you were touching one of your idols in this way.
Heeseung places a hand on your own, guiding you further down to where he wanted to feel you the most. Palming his hard on with your own soft hands, he groans at the contact.
"Was thinking about this the entire time I was performing. Saw you screaming so prettily for us. Wanted to hear you scream my name only." Heeseung tells you.
You gasp as he wraps your fingers around his clothed cock. Your thighs squeezing together underneath him.
"Wanna see you, sir. Wanna have my mouth full of you, please." You whine.
He smirks at your words.
"Anything you want, princess." Heeseung says before sliding off the bed to help you down on your knees.
You stare up at him through your lashes as you slide his sweatpants further down his hips and past his mid thigh. Dragging his briefs down with it. His aching cock springing up to gently slap at his lower stomach. The tip red and leaking with precum. His dick print did nothing in preparing you for his actual bare cock. It was a pretty pink with a few prominent veins from the base to the tip. He was long and fairly thick.
You lick your lips as you look up at Heeseung for permission to continue. He chuckles before pulling on your hair and holding it back for you.
"Go on, angel." Heeseung gives you the go.
You wrap a hand around his base, squeezing slightly to get a good feel of his weight. He hisses through his teeth when he finally feels your soft hands wrapped around him. His dark eyes never once leaving your dirty ministrations below him. You collect some saliva into your mouth before spitting on his cock. Using it as a lubricant to move your hand quicker up and down his dick. He groans as you wrap your lips around the head of his cock. Sucking lightly and licking his slit. Your other hand comes up to grope his balls. Toying with them as your lips move further down his hard length. The feeling of your warm mouth wrapped around him has Heeseung in a daze.
"Fuck. You're not an angel at all. You're just a filthy cock whore aren't you? Letting someone you don't even know fuck your mouth like this. I'm gonna fuck you so hard and ruin you for anyone else. Not even Jake would be able to please you like I will." Heeseung harshly says as he takes over and thrusts his cock down your throat.
You gag slightly at his sudden move. Not prepared yet to take him so far. Your eyes water as he pulls out of your mouth with his tip resting on your bottom lip. Heeseung smirks before slipping his cock back in your mouth, fucking your face for his own pleasure. You said you liked it rough so Heeseung was gonna give you just that.
You obediently sit on your knees and let him fuck your throat. Trying to relax your muscles as much as you could with him slipping further and further down. Your hands grip onto his flexed thighs, nails leaving an imprint on his fair skin as you try and breathe. The sounds of you gagging and Heeseung's groans fill the room entirely. You stare up at the man before you, looking god sent as he basks in the feeling of your mouth.
"Fuck me." He curses as he feels his orgasm approaching.
He looks down at your teary eyes, cheeks red and lips puffy. God, you looked so beautiful.
"Gonna cum for my cock whore. Are you gonna take it all, baby? Be my good girl?" Heeseung asks as his thrusts slow down slightly to grant you some mercy.
You nod your head, greedily sucking in as much air as you could before Heeseung decides to slip down your throat for much longer this time. Tears fall from your eyes at the sudden move. You couldn't breathe but you tried your best to get Heeseung to cum quickly.
He groans as he feels his orgasm washing over him. Releasing his cum down your throat.
"Fuck!" He moans out, throwing his head back at the feeling of his high.
He pulls out of your mouth, his cock still semi-hard as he watches you swallow his cum. A few drops dripping down your chin. Heeseung swipes his finger across your chin to pick up the rest of his cum that dripped past your lips. He slips his cum coated finger into your sore mouth, letting you suck the rest of it off. Opening your mouth, you stick your tongue out to show him that you had swallowed it all like a good girl.
"What a dirty whore." Heeseung smirks before pulling you onto your feet and crashing his lips against your own.
You whimper against his tongue that intrudes your mouth. Tasting you and his own cum on your tongue. His hands snake around your body and greedily unclasps your bra. You gasp against his lips at the feeling of your bare chest meeting the cool air of the room.
"The most perfect pair of tits I've ever seen." Heeseung compliments.
Pushing your body gently onto the bed, your back against the soft sheets. Heeseung pulls your shorts down, leaving you in nothing but your lace panties.
"I wanna taste you, baby. Will you let me have a taste?" He asks you as he lays in between your open legs.
Kissing up your soft thighs closer and closer to your needy core. You moan at the feeling of his soft lips against your warm skin.
"Yes, sir. Want you so bad. Please. Please. Please." You give him consent to eat you out.
Heeseung wastes no time in diving in. The sweet smell of you intoxicating his senses. He kisses your wet slit through your lace panties. The embarrassingly wet patch soaking through the thin fabric. Bringing his fingers up to your clothed pussy, he slips the thin material to the side allowing him to see your pretty pussy up close. Blowing slightly on your sensitive core, teasing you to wrap your thighs around his shoulders.
"Don't tease, sir. Please. Been so good for you." You beg him.
"Wanna take my time with you, angel. I don't know if I'll ever be able to have this pussy ever again." Heeseung says before licking a stripe up your folds to your clit.
Sucking on the sensitive bud, you moan out loud at the pleasure that travels up your spine. Your needy pussy finally getting the attention it wanted. Your right hand finds solace in Heeseung's hair, gripping harshly making Heeseung moan against your cunt. Your left hand grips onto the pillow you're currently laying on. The sweet pleasure sending you into a state of euphoria. You've never been the biggest fan of someone eating your cunt but the way Heeseung absolutely makes out with your pussy like it's the only thing he lives for has you on cloud nine.
"FUCK!" You scream out when you feel Heeseung's two fingers enter your tight hole.
His fingers curling just right against your warm walls. Lips sucking and tongue licking your pussy like a man starved. Heeseung watches your every expression. The way your eyes roll back and clench shut every time he sucks on your clit. How your head is thrown back when his fingers reach deeper inside of you. He probably enjoyed this more than you were. His cock already achingly hard once again at just your noises alone. The way you moan out curse words and his name.
He wasn't sure how he was supposed to let you go after this. He was drunk on you and your body. The way it reacted to him had him praying he'd see you again after this.
You feel the knot in your stomach tighten as Heeseung sucks harshly on your clit.
"DON'T STOP! OH GOD I'M GONNA CUM!" You tell Heeseung.
His fingers pump in slightly quicker to get you to reach your high. Heeseung is messy as he laps at your cunt. It only takes him one last pump of his fingers to have you tipping over the edge.
"FUCK ME!" You moan out as your legs shake around his shoulders.
Locking him in as he licks you through your orgasm. Your cum dripping out and around his fingers, staining his chin and the sheets below you both.
You whimper as the overstimulation settles in. Unlocking your weak legs from around his shoulders and pushing his head away from your sensitive pussy.
"Too much, sir." You weakly tell him.
The aftershocks of your mind blowing orgasm leaving you hazy.
"Tastes so fucking sweet, baby girl. Could eat you for the rest of my life." Heeseung says, sucking on his cum soaked fingers.
You bite your lip at the sight of him. His eyes are hooded and dark, his face filled with pure pleasure.
"Fuck me please, sir. Wanna feel your big cock stretching my pussy. It's all yours, sir. All for you, Heeseung." You whine.
Sitting up from your position, lips attaching to his once again to taste yourself on his tongue. Heeseung slips out of his sweats and briefs. Pumping his hard cock and pushing you back down on the bed. His lips never leaving your own as he pushes your knees up to your chest.
"Gonna fuck this pretty pussy until you're cumming around my cock, princess. Wanna see you cry for me like you promised. Make me the happiest birthday boy, yeah?" Heeseung teases you.
"Yes, please. Wanna give you the best birthday gift, sir." You tell him.
Heeseung pulls out a condom from the nightstand beside the bed. Ripping the wrapper with his teeth, he rolls the condom onto his hard cock and aligns himself with your tight hole. You both gasp as the tip of his cock slips into your wet pussy. Not wanting to waste any more time teasing. Heeseung stares deeply into your eyes. Pushing your knees further down against your chest, he slips into you deeper. Moaning at the feeling of your tight and warm pussy wrapping around him, Heeseung slips a hand around your neck and lightly squeezes.
He bottoms out in your pussy, pushing all the way in in one swift movement. You whimper when you feel the tip of his cock push past your walls and kiss your cervix. He was definitely the biggest and thickest cock you've ever had. The slight pain quickly turning into pleasure.
"Please fuck me, sir. Want it rough. Wanna cum on your cock so bad." You say breathlessly as you stare into Heeseung's eyes.
"Fuck." Was all Heeseung could say before pulling out of your pussy and slamming back in to you roughly.
His hips move mercilessly as he thrusts into your soaking cunt at a pace that has you seeing stars. You weren't even sure where all this strength came from. He had just finished an almost 3 hour concert yet he was fucking into you like he had all the stamina in the world.
Heeseung's hand squeezes your neck tighter. His cock brushing against your womb with every thrust.
"So. Fucking. Tight." He groans out the words between each quick move of his hips.
The sound of skin on skin and your moans fill the hotel room. You completely forget that your best friend was also in the room next door probably also getting her back blown out by Sunghoon.
"Oh shit. Oh fuck. Yes, yes, yes!" You can't get a proper sentence out.
Heeseung was fucking you too good. It had been a while since you last got laid, but none of your past sexual partners could ever compare to Heeseung.
He truly was ruining you for anyone else.
"My dirty slut. Pussy so wet and welcoming for me. It's all mine. Say it. Say this pussy belongs to me." Heeseung let's his possessiveness run wild.
He knew you weren't his, but hearing you say it would push him closer to the edge. He needed to hear you say you were his.
"Fuck! It's all yours. This pussy is only yours." Your mind is hazy as the words spill out.
The tightening knot in your stomach about to break away. Tears fall from your glossy eyes as Heeseung tightens his hold around your throat.
"I can feel you clenching around me so tightly, princess. Are you gonna cum? Go ahead and cum all over me, baby. Wanna feel you cream my cock." Heeeseung says as he rests on his knees and pulls your hips higher to fuck into you at a different angle.
The change in position has the tip of his cock hitting your g-spot head-on. A loud moan rips from your throat at the new feeling.
"FUCK! I'm cumming." You let him know before you completely let go of the tight knot.
Your second orgasm washing over your body in waves. Thighs trembling by Heeseung's sides as both his hands move down to grip your waist tightly. He wasn't far behind you as he fucks you through your high and into overstimulation.
"Cum for me, sir. Please." Your eyes glossy, lips parted, and hair a beautiful mess against the white sheets.
Heeseung wishes he could take a picture of just how good you looked at this moment all fucked out on his cock.
"Shit." He moans out as he finally tips over the edge and cums into the condom.
His thighs clench tightly as he shoots his cum into the rubber. It flows out around the base of his cock and slides down the back of your thighs and to your ass. He couldn't believe he came so much that it leaked out from the condom. It's never happened with anyone else he's been with.
Letting your waist go, he leans down to connect your lips once again. This time, it was a little slower and more sensual. Not hungry or needy.
"Thank you." Heeseung says as he pulls away from you to stare at you.
You finally feel the shyness creeping back up on your face as you come out of your sex haze.
"For what?" You ask him after a few seconds of silence.
He smiles his dazzling smile down at you and pecks your lips.
"For giving me the best gift this year." He tells you.
You cover your face with your hands as the heat creeps onto your cheeks. Heeseung chuckles at your embarrassment and presses soft kisses to the backs of your hands and wrist. Gently prying your hands away so he could see you again.
He was still soft inside you, and you felt very sticky between your thighs, but you didn't mind because having Heeseung close to you like this was something you could only ever dream of.
"Let's get washed up, yeah? Then we'll figure out what to do next." He suggests.
You look up at him in slight shock. You expected him to just ask you to leave quietly after this, but his words insinuated he wanted to spend more time with you.
You agree to the washing up part, so Heeseung slips out of you and throws the used condom away. Heeseung asks you to join him in the shower, and so you do. He gently washes you and pampers you with soft kisses against your shoulders and neck. Making you cum for the third time that night on his fingers. Heeseung really couldn't get enough of you.
When you both finished and you were dressed in nothing but one of his large clean shirts, you two lay on the other bed in the room and get to know one another better.
You tell Heeseung about your job back at home, your family, your best friend that was currently still next door, and how you got into Enhypen.
Heeseung tells you stories of his life when he was a trainee, his time on I-Land, the other members, and even about his family.
You two were really getting close, and you hadn't even realized it was nearing 3 in the morning. Talking to Heeseung came easily. He wasn't judgemental and had a comforting aura that just made you feel welcome. You didn't feel like a fan and their idol.
Just you and Heeseung.
Two regular people.
"I don't think I can let you go after this." Heeseung tells you honestly as he looks over at you.
He had been playing with your fingers while you told him about a childhood story.
You feel your heart stop at that moment. Your eyes finding his own to see if he was just saying it to fuck with you or not. A nervous smile plays on his lips as he adverts his gaze to the ceiling. Butterflies swarm in your stomach as you fully observe the actual beauty that makes up Lee Heeseung.
"I think we'll get in trouble if we keep in touch." You tell him.
He sighs and nods his head.
"I know. But.....you can keep a secret, right?" A mischievous look dances in his eyes as he finally looks over at you.
You smirk up at him.
"I didn't sign an NDA for no reason." You joke.
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zepskies · 4 months ago
I’ve been loving this trend and then realised this could literally bmd Ben and reader asking him to show how he would’ve moved to her in the 80s and even better cause he literally experienced it, I can see him being unwilling to entertain but slowly caving in when he sees she’s not breaking and giving him attention until he tries
LOL that's adorable. 😂 Thanks for thinking of Break Me Down (Soldier Boy x Reader)! Seems to be a theme this week lol! I went ahead and watched that TikTok and again it got me imaging the thing...
Imagine Soldier Boy (Ben) "Sliding Up" to You in the Club
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I can imagine that coming up in conversation if the reader in BMD was being subjected to watching another one of his music videos. She'd be teasing him, of course, but he'd be defending himself and his career choices. It was the 80s!
And for your information, Ben says, women were fucking falling over themselves to have him sign their Rapture albums. It was frankly irritating when he went out. Sometimes, he just wanted to relax with a smoke and a glass of bourbon at the club. You scoff at that one.
He looks amused. "What, you think you would've been the only girl in America who didn't cream their panties when I showed up?"
You shoot him a wry brow raise. Do you have to remind him how you two met? Being tied to a chair with zip ties comes to mind.
But then, something else occurs to you. The first time you and Ben actually met was in a smokey club in Medellin, Colombia. You'd been "undercover" then, and though you hadn't danced with him, it makes you think...
"Okay, let's say we're at the club," you pose, with a sly smile. "It's 1983..."
You find the song "Too Shy" on your phone; quintessential 80s pop. The smooth riffs start playing. You get up to start vibing near him in the comfort of your living room. You're just swaying side to side with a little sensuous, playful bounce to your step, your hand movements simple.
Ben doesn't want to smile, but you're making it difficult as he lounges half across the couch.
"Come on. How would you slide up on me?" you taunt.
He arches a brow. "Slide?"
"You know what I mean. What was your move, huh?" you ask, teasing him with the curve of your ass and the sway of your hips in your yoga pants.
You saunter closer to him, beckoning him over to you. All the while you sing to yourself, "Too shy, shyyyy. Hush, hush, eye to eye..."
Ben rolls his eyes, reluctant to rise to your bait. But eventually, your teasing is too much for him to ignore. He pulls himself off the couch and comes up behind you.
He takes your hand while you're purposefully facing away from him, and smoothly turns you around, guiding you back into his arms like he's Fred Astaire. You utter a little gasp and grab onto his shoulders. Your gaze flicks up to his with a smile.
His lips curve as he looks down at you. He matches the vibe of the song as he moves along with you, but then he turns you around, holding you from behind with steady hands sliding down the curve of your waist. His strength is tempered just enough for you to feel it.
He gradually moves closer with every bounce of the beat, and soon every part of his body is molded to yours. Your hands fall over his as you subtly lean back against his chest.
He bows his head near your cheek, smiling, because he can hear your heart beating a little faster. His lips brush the shell of your ear.
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AN: Once again, this turned into a little headcanon/imagine that I wasn't expecting. 🤣 Last post before I'm off on a trip all weekend! 💚
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BMD Tag List:
@deans-spinster-witch @this-is-me19 @waynes-multiverse @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @spalady26
@nancymcl @emily-winchester @sl33pylilbunny @chernayawidow @spnfamily-j2
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@deans-daydream @deanwinchestersgirl87 @rachiem4-blog @sweettimelady @leigh70
@rizlowwritessortof @chevroletdean @spnwoman @syrma-sensei @muhahaha303
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@jessjad @fromcaintodean @stoneyggirl2 @chriszgirl92 @kazsrm67
@deansbbyx @midnightmadwoman @ladysparkles78 @fics-pics-andotherthings-i-like @tmb510
@sarahgracej @foxyjwls007 @just-levyy @roseblue373 @charmed-asylum
@mrlonelycat @kmc1989 @siampie @kaleldobrev @pieandmonsters
@alwaystiredandconfused @mostlymarvelgirl @twinkleinadiamondsky @winchestergirl2 @a-lil-pr1ncess
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@everything-is-all-clear @suckitands33 @cookiechipdough @trashmoutth @riteofpassage77
@jc-winchester @mxltifxnd0m @bleuatlas @luci-in-trenchcoats
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lovelyney · 1 year ago
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IN WHICH: You accidentally whack Wriothesley in the nose during a training session and feel bad !!
PAIRINGS: Wriothesley x (GN!) Reader
SCENT: fluff but gets kind of nsfw towards the end ??
WARNINGS: uh wrio makes a comment implying masturbation towards the end? that and you guys just makeout, lol.
FLORIST’S NOTE: Reader is a mix between Wrio’s and Sigewinne’s assistant !! Also happy belated new years, blossoms !!
SONG: Bang! Bang! (K,NAAN & Adam Levine)
───────────2023 !! #©LOVELYNEY
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WRIOTHESLEY LAUGHS as you drag him through the Fortress of Meropide, drawing the attention of those around you. Though typically, you’d feel uncomfortable, embarrassed, or perhaps self-conscious under the scrutinizing gaze of others, this time, it’s different. Your attention is focused solely on Wriothesley as he holds his free hand up to his bloodied nose. Knowing Wriothesley and his job here, it’s easy to imagine it resulting from a scuffle with a particularly stubborn criminal or something along those lines. However, the truth cannot be farther from that. In actuality, you’re the one responsible for this bloody nose. . . Allow me to expand on the situation a little.
Around a week or so ago, he unexpectedly marched into your office and insisted you learn how to fight. His motives for the sudden declaration were not out of a lack of appreciation for your work at the Fortress but rather a desire for your protection while he’s away. On another note, he believes you’re too “reserved and gentle” with others—“too much like a frightened kitten rather than a fearsome lion,” as he blatantly put it. It was a comparison you found somewhat degrading, yet you couldn’t deny it did speak the truth of your nature. In the end, you decided to comply with his wishes, and from there on out, he started to teach you self-defense and train you.
Cut to the present: Wriothesley pulled you aside for your daily training session. Everything was going swimmingly at first, with you defending yourself from his attacks as usual. Then, amid it all, you accidentally hit him square in the nose and rather hard at that. The punch was neither intentional nor malicious, but it still managed to send him stumbling back and clutching his nose in pain. A tsunami of guilt and worry flooded your system as you frantically apologized to him, but he simply brushed it off and smiled. The look in his eyes was one of mild shock but also of something more. . . fond. He seemed amused rather than angry or annoyed, appearing to be impressed and even a little smitten.
Sigewinne enters the infirmary with the medical supplies you requested, stopping just inside the door to ask you a question. She furrows her brow in concern, noticing the panic in your expression. “Are you sure you don’t want me to take care of him, Mx. (Y/N)? You’re a bit pale. . . Maybe you should sit and rest for a little while,” she offers kindly.
Wriothesley observes you with a lovesick expression as you prepare a cotton swab, your tongue poking out between your lips from concentration. His heart singes when you take his hand that’s pressed to his nose and lay it gently on his lap; your skin is warm and soft compared to his, scarred and calloused, from his duties here at the Fortress.
When you assure her with that enchanting smile of yours—the same one that drives him wild—it feels like his entire body has been set on fire, and he’s certain you can feel that fire when you press your palm to his cheek to keep him still. “D—Don’t worry, Sigewinne. I’ll be alright. Thank you, though.” You answer calmly, despite your hold on him being slightly shaky.
With a brief nod of her head, Sigewinne slips out of the room, leaving you and Wriothesley alone. As you press the cotton swab to his nose, he lets out a sharp hissing sound as the disinfectant works its magic. “Ouch! Shit, maybe I didn’t give you enough credit. That was a hell of a punch. . .” he chortles, trying to lighten up your mood a little. But his amusement falters when you pout, your face a heartbreakingly adorable sight.
“I—I really am sorry, Your Grace! I didn’t expect to hit you so hard. . . In—In fact, I thought you’d move out of the way before I even got the chance too,” you lament and carefully tilt his chin up, making sure you cleaned all the blood off. “How badly does it hurt? Do—Do you want me to go get some painkillers or ice? Please, just—”
“Breathe, (Y/N).” Wriothesley’s tone is soothing as he speaks, seeming intent on consoling you. “I’m perfectly fine, sweetheart. I’ve dealt with far worse scuffs than this. So, please, don’t think for a second I’m mad at you or anything of that nature. I’m more proud than anything, really.” He adds, melting under the warmth and care of your gaze. He finds himself feeling a little selfish in this moment, wishing you’d always spend so much time doting on him. You’re always so engrossed in your work, and as much as he admires that side of you, he’s also become increasingly smitten with you without you even batting an eye. Your self-absorbed disposition has made you oblivious to his adoring eyes, and he can’t help but feel a mix of heartbreak and longing as he considers how blind you are to his affections. “Hm. . . Now that we’re alone, there is something I’ve been wanting to tell you for a while,” he admits, humming contentedly as your hand presses to his face once more, oblivious to the surge of adrenaline that shoots through his veins with every touch. Your affectionate actions result from your nurturing demeanor, but he begs silently for them to mean something more.
Your puzzled expression, bearing a resemblance to a confused puppy, only further softens the gentle smile on Wriothesley’s face. “Is that so? Is—is there a reason you’re only bringing it up now?” You inquire anxiously, teeth sinking into your lower lip. You hope that your unexpected punch wasn’t the last straw for him firing you or something like that. The worry in your voice and tension in your body language betray your deep concern, and Wriothesley finds himself smitten by your innocence and tenderness.
The duke pauses momentarily, seeming to mull something over in his mind. “It’s been harder to get you alone these days, with you always engrossed in your paperwork or helping Sigewinne. I can’t bring myself to tear you away when you’re always so faithful.” He acknowledges. His eyes linger over your lips for just a moment too long, his imagination taking over as he considers the softness of them and how they taste. His heart pounds against his ribcage as he holds back the urge to kiss those teeth away and murmur how he’s the only one allowed to ruin your lips.
You mutter the words, “My apologies, your Grace,” as you press the bandage to the bridge of his nose. Taking a step back, you freeze under the intensity of his gaze. “Well, you have my full, unrivaled attention as of r-right now...?” You try to sound confident, but your sheepish expression gives you away.
Wriothesley hums in response, amused and enticed by the sudden color that washes over your face. Clearing his throat, he slips one hand around your waist and pulls you flush against his warm frame. His eyes flutter shut for a brief moment as he allows the intensity of the moment to sink in. “Oh? Do I now? Good,” he purrs, his voice deep and velvety as it echoes in your ears—sending vibrations throughout your core. You shudder when the smooth of his fingers glide over the exposed skin on your waist, and he almost finds it a little sadistic with how much he’s enjoying you squirm when he hasn’t even done anything.
Your breathing becomes a touch erratic as you feel the lingering touch of his hand against your waist. You attempt to mask your growing excitement, skin prickling with electricity. Despite your best efforts, there’s a faint quiver in your words that you can only hope he doesn’t notice. “G—Go on. . .”
Sadly, nothing gets past Wriothesley’s gaze, and he’s able to take note of your trembling voice and hands; he isn’t the duke for nothing, after all. He can’t help but feel the boost to his ego when he realizes he has a tight grip over you at this moment. With a swift tug, you’re suddenly pushed against his broad chest, eyes blown wide. He chuckles as you choke over your words, swiping his thumb over your bottom lip. “You know, (princess/prince). . . I can’t tell if you’re just dense or trying to prove something to yourself.” The raven-haired male teases. “I’ve been smitten with you for weeks now, you know,” he presses, eyes trained on your expression to read any changes. “I can’t help but wonder if you’re as aware as your actions suggest—or if you have been merely feigning ignorance. Please, explain yourself.”
Your breath catches in your throat as the magnitude of Wriothesley’s words settles in; he’s so direct and brazen with his declaration that it sucks all the breath out of your lungs. Your mind races as you grapple with the sudden realization that he is just as enamored with you as you are with him. Your expression must speak louder than words because as you open your lips to speak, Wriothesley closes the distance—slotting his mouth on yours.
It sends all your senses reeling like they’ve been drenched in ice water after burning for too long. Like a balm and a spark, it’s both a soothing salve and a blazing inferno, comforting and ravaging you in equal measure. All the tension of your attraction has suddenly become a physical manifestation, the culmination of all the unspoken words and feelings that have gone unsaid for too long.
Wriothesley pulls himself even closer to you, his passion only intensifying the longer the kiss carries on. The feeling of his body pressing against yours ignites a primal urge within you, driving the kisses to become more intense. His hands slide further down the bare flesh of your back, tracing your waist in a possessive claim to your body. His tongue dives underneath your bottom lip; it probes between them, trying to gain access to the interior of your mouth.
A noise akin to a muffled whimper escapes your throat as his tongue pushes into your mouth with a feverish, nearly desperate need. The intensity of the sensation is overwhelming, and you feel yourself shudder with a sense of raw desire as his hand slides down from your hip to your thigh, his fingers squeezing and digging into the soft flesh. His touch is both tender and possessive, sending your nerves reeling.
When his fingers climb closer up your thighs, you plant your hands on his face and gently push his head away, his mouth chasing after yours instantaneously. You sigh softly, your face flushed scarlet from the heat of the situation. “Wriothesley. . . We are still in your office. Anyone can walk in at any time.” You chuckle, swiping the saliva from his bottom lip.
His body hums with contentment at the breathless sound of his name coming from your lips. He lets out a displeased huff as he nestles his nose in the crook of your neck, sharply inhaling your scent and drowning himself in the warmth of your body. He absentmindedly starts nipping at your skin, “And? I’ve had enough nights getting off—”
“O—Okayokay! As an. . . apology for keeping you waiting, how about after work, we fulfill those fantasies of yours?” You chuckle nervously and thread your fingers through his hair, smiling when he leans his entire body onto you. “Don’t think I didn’t see the way some of the inmates looked at me when I dragged you in here. . . I don’t think I could recover if they walked in and found out they guessed right.”
Wriothesley’s laughter is like a deep, thunderous rumble that soon after swarms your stomach with butterflies. His kisses pepper your face in response, the sweet scent of your skin filling him with a sense of contentment. He pulls away and smiles down at you, the heat and adoration in his eyes impossible to miss. “After work, then,” he repeats and holds up his pinky, signaling you to do the same. Rolling your eyes, you indulge him and hook your pinky to his—a cutesy gesture veiled in a not-so-innocent promise. 
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voidspiraling · 4 months ago
AGGHH I deleted the original post I’m so saddd.
Anyways I wanted to talk abt this pic idk if it’s canon or just a non canon drawing but lets assume that it is significant for this analysis.
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In this pic Till is wearing his R2 outfit, his mic headset and his mouth his open like he’s singing. This makes me think that he’s onstage in Round 2 singing his Unknown (Till the End) song. HOWEVER. While he’s singing this song the background is red with shooting star, meteors, debris whatever it is.
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Doesn’t it remind you of something? My thoughts are that while Till was outwardly singing about his love for Mizi he was actually thinking about Ivan.
The thing abt Alien Stage is that everyone’s an unreliable narrator. In Round 1 everything seems like a sci-fi idol show until the ending where Sua dies. Then in Round 3 we are led to believe that Till never glanced at Ivan when that is in fact a lie and Till DID look at Ivan. Methinks Round 2 is also told by an unreliable narrator, only the thing that’s unreliable is Till himself. In Round 1 we are fed false info abt the type of world they live in. In Round 3 we are fed false info abt Till’s attitude towards Ivan. So in Round 2 I think we are being fed false info abt Till’s feelings.
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Here’s something that always struck me as off. Here Till has just finished his “confession” but he doesn’t even acknowledge Mizi off stage. Usually after you confess to someone, you check for their reaction right? Onstage Till looked at Mizi after he smashed the guitar. But here when he is physically closer to her he doesn’t even attempt to look at her. Compared to Ivan who kept looking at Till even when he was being shot, and kept his eyes on him even as he died, turning to look at Mizi shouldn’t be too difficult.
Some of the lyrics of the song were also weird too (I’ll be using the Eng translations so some things maybe lost in translation)
First the line “I wanna know all about you” this line was weird bc how do you not know everything abt Mizi already? Mizi lived a very sheltered life, so she never had to build any walls to protect herself. If you wanted to know all abt Mizi you just had to look at her. She doesn’t hide anything at all, everything abt her can be found on the surface. It would’ve made more sense to say “I want you to know all about me” considering that Mizi isn’t aware of Till’s feelings.
Second is the line “How dare you think this time’s enough” this line is so… aggressive. Like I can’t imagine Till actually saying this to Mizi at all. Till is usually super shy and freezes up around Mizi. Could he actually say something so confrontational to her. I can’t imagine that all.
But I can imagine him saying that to Ivan.
“I want to know all about you” bc I spent so much time with you and I still don’t understand you and “How dare you think the time’s enough” when you don’t understand my feelings. You just assumed what I felt you don’t actually know how I feel about you.
(Till is actually the character I understand the least. This is just my imagination lol)
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Another thing that makes me think Till was crying is this scene. (How does he look so pretty when in distress. Till I can’t you’re too endearing wth)
Here it looks like he’s sweating a lot but it also looks like there’s a tear slipping from his left eye. He even does a little sniffle which makes me think he was sobbing.
My theory is that Till was trying to tell himself a narrative in order to cope with his traumatic life. And the narrative he tells himself is that the only person he loves is Mizi and that the only person who can save him is Mizi. So while he’s onstage he sings abt his feelings for Mizi, but while he’s singing he accidentally also sings abt his feelings for Ivan.
Don’t you think it’s weird that Ivan doesn’t show up in the R2 flashbacks. Considering how often they were together growing up you’d think he’d at least me off to the side somewhere. I mean Sua was in the flashback but Ivan wasn’t? I think Till was intentionally suppressing his thoughts abt Ivan in order to make a point that he only loves Mizi. However bc the song can also apply to Ivan he inadvertently sings abt his love for Ivan and starts crying. That’s bc his love for Mizi is just a performance for the world and for himself.
In his personal narrative it is better to be the guy that loves the kind and gentle Mizi than the boy who is hopelessly entangled with the enigmatic Ivan. It hurts less that way. Till can look at Mizi at a distance bc she is like a bright light in his bleak world. But Till can’t look at Ivan because he is too bright, he fills up an entire sky with light and it haunts Till to this day. I remember reading somewhere that Till can’t escape from the red sky. The red sky could represent Till’s feelings for Ivan.
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It’s where we see Till at his happiest.
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It’s where we see Till the closest with another person.
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As well as where he’s the most conflicted/scared.
Basically the picture of Till crying shows how he actually feels abt the meteor shower scene and how bc of his feelings for Ivan it haunts him even when he’s trying to sing abt someone else. He loves Ivan but he also can’t bare to be with Ivan. Maybe he realizes the self-destructive nature of their love. Maybe he knew it was dangerous for them to be in love in this world. Or maybe he was just to afraid of the pain and wanted to protect his heart in any way he could.
I don’t think we’ll ever get an answer. But I think that Till idolizing Mizi is just a fantasy he uses to cope with his awful life. And that bc his relationship with Ivan was uncanny and different from the love he received from his mom Io, he tries to reject even the thought of Ivan. Bc if he thinks abt Ivan too much he’ll unravel bc love is obsessive and all consuming. And Till def would have been consumed by his love for Ivan. It would have just been consumed by the aliens for entertainment. Their love is doomed no matter what he does. Might as well pretend it never existed maybe then it would hurt less.
It didn’t ;-;
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dragon-kazansky · 7 months ago
The song in our hearts
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Lestat De Lioncourt x Female Reader
A musician with a heart that sings and an admirer who wishes to see his songbird thrive. Two beings in different worlds get caught up in each other when someone threatens to steal his songbird's spotlight. Loving Lestat isn't simple, and your life will never be the same again. What is eternity without chaos?
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Prepare to meet my plot device lol
Chapter Three - Third wheel
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You're sitting at your piano in the empty theater mindlessly playing notes. The melody is new, something no one had ever heard before. You had taken the opportunity of no one being here to come to your familiar friend and play the tune in your heart.
You were so lost in the melody that you hadn't heard the door open and close. Nor did you hear the footsteps coming down the aisle of chairs.
The call of your name as your music ending shortly, unfinished. You sigh and look up to see the manager of the theater waiting for your attention.
“I hadn't heard that one before,” he says, smiling at you.
You sigh again. “Of course not. It's new. That's not why you came in here is it?” You ask.
He laughs. “No. It isn't. I want to introduce you to someone.”
You can feel yourself wanting to groan. He knew how much you hated actually talking to people, but you wanted to keep him happy. He was, after all, your only chance to perform.
You stand from the piano and hop down from the stage. Jack, the manager, rolls his eyes at you. He often tells you off for doing that during rehearsals.
You now take notice of the man behind Jack. He's about your age, sandy brown hair, green eyes. You look from him to Jack.
“This is Noah. He's a singer.” Jack states.
You nod and look between them both wondering why he wanted you to meet this man. Plenty of people come and go from this theater, you don't usually meet them all personally.
“Noah has a request and I think it's a fabulous idea,” Jack goes on. “How would you feel about playing for him while he sings? You could be a duo!”
You stare at Jack. Noah is smiling softly from behind him. He takes a step forward and you turn your attention to him.
“I adore your talent. I have seen you perform several times and every time I hear you play I feel like all my worries melt away. I want you to play while I sing. I think we could go quite far together, perhaps even be good enough to see the world.”
Those were some strong words.
“I play solo,” you say.
“Hey now, give him a chance,” Jack says. “Look, you're our best performer here. Most of our audience come to see you play your piano. I think it's time to switch things up and try something new.”
“I don't want to try something new. I want to do what makes me happy,” you tell him.
He says your name with a smile, but you don't hang about to listen. You flee the theater and seek refuge in your dressing room.
You're alone in your dressing room for a good few minutes before you hear a knock on your door. You expect it to be Amelie perhaps seeing if you're in here, but usually she just comes in. You don't say anything for a while, preferring to stay alone if it isn't her. However, the door opens and someone comes in. You turn and find yourself face to face with Noah.
You frown.
“I'm sorry, but I couldn't leave knowing I'd offended you. Please just hear me out.”
You sigh softly and turn around in your stool. Noah takes a seat on the table behind him. “I know music is your passion. I've seen you perform many times. To be able to sing while you play… that would be a dream.”
“I play solo.”
“I know… you said that. I just… I think we could be good together. Imagine what magic we could create together. How many people would come to see us?” He smiles wide, excited by the thought.
It is clear popularity is important to him.
“I don't care. Music is all I care about.” And making Lestat happy with your music, of course. After that evening with him, he has been on your mind a lot.
“You can still play your music, just allow me to sing over it. Let me voice meld with your melody.” He speaks sweetly. Almost too sweetly.
Noah sighs and then nods. “I understand. I'm sorry I disturbed you.”
Noah takes his leave. You sigh and slump down at your dressing table.
That following Friday you're waiting to get onto the stage to play your beloved piano, especially knowing Lestat would be watching. Perhaps he would permit you to go to his house again to play a duet with him. You certainly hoped so.
While waiting for your name to be called Noah comes up beside you. He adjusts his cufflinks mindlessly in the corner of your eye. You do not spare him a glance, keeping your eyes focused on your favorite instrument ahead of you.
“Good luck tonight,” he says.
You didn't need luck. You just needed your music.
“I'm sure you'll amaze the crowd tonight.”
You once again don't respond to him. Noah chuckles. You hear your name being called and you take a deep breath before walking out onto the stage.
Upon reaching the piano you turn to the crowd, but you're not really looking at them. You're only looking for one face. You spot him up in the boxes. You smile softly when your eyes land on him. He must notice your smile because he smiles too. Knowing Lestat was there was a comfort to you.
Lestat appreciated your music. He understood it. He understood you.
You take a seat at the bench and take another deep breath. Your fingers hover the keys. You imagine for just a moment that Lestat is beside you on the bench. You think about that night in his house when you made music together and how happy you felt in that moment.
Lestat knows.
You begin to play, a smile on your face. You're so ready to give a performance to be proud of, to make this a night to remember, not only for yourself, but for your admirer too. You wanted Lestat to enjoy your gift.
However, this would be a night to remember for all the wrong reasons. As you get into it, you're interrupted by a deep voice singing behind you. Not once missing a note you glance behind you to see Noah enter the stage. He walks to the center and sings with all his might. You stare at him with pure confusion. You did not agree to this.
Catching Jack’s eye off to the left side of the stage you can see him shaking his head at you. He doesn't look the least bit sorry. You turn your eyes back to the piano and try and focus on the music. However, that attention grabbing voice is making it difficult for you to enjoy your music.
Noah was owning the stage. People weren't listening to your music any more. They all had their eyes on Noah. Now, a crowd watching you wasn't your desire, but it was the thought that they were paying mkre attention to him than your magic that irritated you.
When you finished the piece you expected him to leave, but he didn't. He accepted the applause and then looked at you, urging you to keep on playing.
You stared at him with a frown.
“Play,” he says quietly.
You grit your teeth and begin playing the next piece. He smiled back at the crowd and then began to sing. For the next half house he sang though every piece of magic you played. He had taken your moment for his own and you hated it.
Up in his box, Lestat glared at the man. He gripped his arm rest so hard it began to splinter. Who was this fool who dared take away from your beautiful melody?
Lestat could read your thoughts. This was not something you wanted. You were upset that this man had taken it upon himself to perform with you without your consent.
That would not do.
The half hour of your performance felt so much longer to Lestat. He was eager to leave his box and go down to your dressing room, however, you were still playing and he didn't want to miss a moment to lay his eyes upon you, no matter how grating that voice was. Could this even be considered singing?
As soon as the show was over Lestat left his box quickly.
You hurried down to your dressing room as soon as you were free from the stage. You began to pace around the space of the room quickly. Amelie was first to enter. She was quickly to start chatting.
“I had no idea he was going to do that. I know you said no to his request, so I knew you had no intention of that happening. I am so sorry I didn't stop him, but it was too late. When I realised what he was doing I couldn't stop him, not without making a scene.”
You don't reply, just continue pacing.
The next one to enter is Noah, followed by Jack. You glare at Jack. “What was that?”
“That was me showing you how good we could be together,” Noah says.
“I wasn't asking you!” You glare at him and turn back to Jack. “I play solo.”
“I know, but surely it wasn't so bad to give it a chance.”
“You humiliated me!”
“You two work so well together,” Jack argues.
“No. No we don't.”
Jack calla your name softly, but it's Noah who speaks up. “Look, sweetheart, do you have any idea how adored we were? We had then on the edge of their seat.”
“They were on the edge of their seat because they were straining to hear the piano!” You bite back.
Noah laughs.
Amelie steps forward and rubs your arms with comfort. You lean into her embrace and let her soothe you.
“We could go global,” Noah comments.
“No. No, I refuse to let you spoil my moment. It's my music.”
“Look, that was the most popular you had been since you started performing here,” Jack tells you. “You need to let Noah worl with you. Surely you don't want to be stuck here all your life.”
“I like it here…”
Silence fills the room as they all look at you. Amelie is still trying to comfort you. Noah and Jack are staring you down. They want you to cave in.
There's a knock at your door and then a familiar voice. “If I may interrupt.”
You feel relief when you see Lestat slink into the room. He instantly makes his way over to you, pushing past Noah to reach you. You smile as he comes over. Lestat stands in front of you and uses his finger to tilt your chin up. He smiles.
“Are you alright?” He asks.
You nod your head slightly.
Lestat smiles and drops his hand. He joins you at your side. Amelie is shocked to see him here but doesn't say anything. You feel Lestat place his hand on your lower back.
“Who are you?” Jack asks.
“Ah, I apologise.” Lestat grins. “Lestat De Lioncourt. The sponsor for this pure talent in the room.”
“I've never met you,” Noah says, looking him up and down with a deep frown.
“I said for the talent,” Lestat retorts. He then turns to you with a smile. “Shall we go, mon chéri?”
You simply nod your head which makes him smile. Just as you're both about to make your exit, Noah steps forward. “I'm sorry, but who are you? Where are you going?”
“I don't think that's your business. Come, dear, let us go.” Lestat guides you out of the room.
As you leave the theater he puts his coat over your shoulders and walks with you down the street. There's silence between you for a little while, but then Lestat breaks it.
“Who was that man?”
“I don't really know. Jack, the manager, introduced him to me earlier in the week. He's called Noah. Claims he's a fan of my music and wants to sing to it. I tried to tell Jack I play solo… but Noah took it upon himself to join the performance tonight.”
Lestat looks displeased.
“Are you alright?” You ask softly.
He turns to you and smiles. “Yes. Do not fret. I shall not let that man take away your sparkle.”
“You told Jack you were my sponsor. I don't have a sponsor.”
He grins again. “You do now.”
You look at him in wonder. “Why?”
He chuckles. “Is it not obvious?” You shake your head. He chuckles again. “I want you to bloom.”
A warmth floods your chest as the thought that this man you have only known a short while cared so much about your passion. The smile on his face almost made you believe he knew just how happy hearing those words had made you.
“Thank you.”
“There is no need to thank me,” he tells you. “This is my gift to you.”
Lestat walked you home and did not leave until he was certain you were safe inside. Even then, he took his time heading back. He was not about to let some pathetic human man ruin your beauty.
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@awanderingghost @theprettiesthead @cosmixstar @theblueslytherin @katherine2098 @sawendel @floofdeloop @sitkafay @bigbaddie45 @bluscryn
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auroreliis · 5 months ago
what if batfam catches reader listening to Ayesha Erotica? Or just "inappropriate" music in general? I know for a fact Tim would snitch so hard...
Ayesha Erotica 🔛🔝❗❗❗❗
Anyway, what they do depends.
Are you younger than 15? Then turn that shit off >:(
I'm not gonna send you nudes, chad--
"But dad, she's Ayesha Erotica, she's 13 years old, and she's a porn star :((("
I don't think this would actually happen, but the image of Jason smashing a speaker with a bat (a baseball bat lol) flashed in my mind. I'm not saying that he would, but...
What if you're between 15 and 21? If your behaviour isn't getting worse after you started listening to Ayesha Erotica, then you MAY be allowed to listen to her music. If you're a good child and not too wild, then Bruce would begrudgingly let you listen to her. HOWEVER, make sure that he is FARRR away when you turn that music on >:(
He cannot for the life of him imagine you listening to that or even singing it!!!!! Let him remain in denial!!!!
Dick would be unsure if he agrees with Bruce's sentiment, but as long as you are good and listen to them (and are not a rebel), he wouldn't complain.
Damian would also be uncomfortable, but if father says it's okay, he will not comment on it.
You probably think that if you're above 21 that you could 100% listen to it, right? Well, no.
Again, it depends. Have you adapted to the family? Yes? Hmm...
After careful consideration, Bruce has decided that if you, from that point on, hadn't tried to escape for over 2 years, then he would begrudgingly allow it, but please, buy headphones.
Assuming that Bruce made it clear that you could NOT listen to Ayesha Erotica after he heard the lyrics of Emo Boy, you would be snitched on if anyone heard you listening to it.
Dick hears the song coming from your room? Snitched. Jason sees it on your screen? Snitched. Tim sees your phone screen on his pc and SNITCHESSSSSSS.
Cassandra sneaks up on you and listens to the music with you? Well, she may snitch, but she may also pretend that she was never even there. Stephanie hears the first second of Tome Mi Foto? Fuck it, she's singing with you.
Yes, the girlies are cool like that. They won't snitch. Anyway, it would be a pity if Bruce found out just because you refused to sleep in their room, right? ;D
Damian wouldn't even tell Bruce, he'd just tell you to turn that disgraceful music off. If you refuse? Snitched.
Duke would be on the edge, not sure if he would want to snitch or not. On one had, the music is making his head hurt. You're his sibling and shouldn't be listening to Vacation Bible School, because of the...interesting lyrics. However, he doesn't want to be a killjoy. In other words, it depends how you are to him.
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11queensupreme11 · 14 days ago
okay okay guys i made more personalities for some of the other kids so i'm gonna write them down here!!!!
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metrodora! (2nd eldest perpollo baby, and her name means "Gift of the Mother of Liberty")
not an incest freak or a yan!
(i think you guys might like her lol)
she's a goddess of justice, liberty and freedom, and retribution and i chose these specifically because it's PAINFULLY ironic for her to be the goddess of all of these.... and be the daughter of PERCY, who we all know has been stripped of all of this 💀
cuz just... imagine it. the goddess of justice and your mother's been wronged by so many, one of them being your own father. the goddess of liberty and freedom, but your mother's been stripped of it and chained down.
imagine growing up and coming into your domains and realizing the one person who needs it the most is your own MOTHER and there's nothing you can really do to save her without facing severe consequences 😭
but anyway! 💖
metrodora has a stoic appearance, but it's just a bad case of the resting bitch face. she's actually a very kind and sweet goddess, she's just quiet and reserved. she's serious and no-nonsense, but not to the point of being stifling to others. a bit shy and awkward sometimes because like i said, she's very reserved so she doesn't have many close friends aside from her family.
she's also a maiden goddess! this was a decision she made after realizing the terrible situation her mother's in, so she made a vow of eternal maidenhood out of fear of... well... ending up like her mother 💔
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sirenios! (11th perpollo baby! his name means "Of the Sirens" or "Song of the sea")
as the name implies, he's got a natural full mer form like his mother does AND he's also got her cannibalistic tendencies lol
he's a god of beauty, sound, music, singing, and the sea!
as made obvious from one of his domains, he is the most beautiful of the perpollo kids (and yeah he also inherited a lot of percy's traits hehe). he's pretty vain, narcissistic and arrogant, and honestly a huge snob 😭😭
NOT as snobby as luisne though!!!! he doesn't screech and stomp around; he's more of the time to scoff and turn his nose up and things like that.
he is an incest kid, rip percy 😂😂😂
he is the god of beauty, but he got his looks from his MOTHER. put percy and sirenios side by side and many people would mistake them as twins. so naturally, he sees his mother as the ✨epitome of beauty✨
his father is beautiful too (LMAO), he supposes, but no one is as beautiful as him and his mother 💖
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rozaltha! (a beelcy daughter! her name means "The Unholy Bride/ The Rose Bride")
SHE IS A HUGE YAN LMAO (but not an incest freak tho)
i don't have her domains yet, but i think i'm gonna make her some sort of love and marriage goddess? or maybe just make her domains obsession and lovesickness???? idk yet, i'm still thinking of it
BUT ANYWAY!!!!! she's like those traditional yandere character tropes where they're super sweet but them BAM they go kill crazy for their darling 😭 think yuno gasai! traditional yans like that!
as the name implies, she's big on marriage! she wants to be a wife! she wants a perfect relationship like her mother and father have (which is fucking hilarious cuz this is BEELZEBUB and PERCY she's talking about 😂😂😂)
she's the type to "fall in love" really quickly. she tripped and someone caught her? "they love me! we must marry! 😍"
a handsome person looks at her? "oh my! they've fallen in love with me! do you think that want to marry me? 😍"
you get the gist LMAO
also, notice how i use "they" and not specify the gender? yeah, she doesn't care if it's a girl or a dude or a they. she just wants someone to take the "husband" role; she's a traditional gal too so it's gotta be someone who will take care of her, spoil and dote on her, etc. basically, a mirror of beelcy's relationship where rozaltha is like her mother and her ideal partner is like her father
anyway, like i said. she's a HUGE yan. the second she feels like her "husband"s attention is straying, her heart breaks and she loses it and kills them because how DARE they betray her like this 😭💔 or maybe they yell at her (they're calling her crazy because she kidnapped them), she'll kill them for hurting her feelings -- that's not how a husband treats their wife! 😭💔
poor girl just wants someone to love her. she wants the ideal relationship, a pure and beautiful romance just like her parents! 🥺💖💖💖
(ALSO! she doesn't care what species they are! human, god, demon, merfolk, satyr, nymph, WHATEVER! she doesn't care! just take care of her!!!!)
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fiachra! a sécy daughter!
a pretty lowkey yandere tbh.
if you recall, fiachra's one of the kids who inherited percy's cannibalistic tendencies and i made an earlier post about how i plan for fiachra to accidentally/somehow get a taste of a god's blood and grow obsessed with them because they just taste SO good
why i said she isn't THAT bad of a yan is that she does at least TRY to curb her desires 🥺
sécy daughters are good at (nonexistent) heart, most are just sheltered and naive thanks to their father. they're very very new to romance thanks to it, so poor girl's very confused about these blossoming feelings. she's read romance books before, is that what's happening to her? is she... in love with this god?
or does she just see them as food? they taste so good... but they are also pretty good looking... is this love? she wants to see this person again, wants to be around them more, and wants to eat them? is this love?! she's so confused 🥺💔💔💔
the thought of them makes her feel SO good though! the ichor floods to her face and she feels all nice and fuzzy inside! she wants to hug them and kiss them and sink her fangs in their neck -- no! wait! that's not nice! she shouldn't hurt people, that's what her mother taught her!
love is just so complicated for her 🥺💔
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clíona! another sécy daughter!
i'm thinking of making her a wilderness/nature goddess, but i'll think of that later lol. i just got the idea cuz of the antlers on her head. maybe i'll make deer her sacred animal?? 🤔
hyperactive joy of the palace! she's just cheery and sweet, it really fits her name "little darling" 🥰
can't sit still, she wants to run around in the forest and play with the animals and fae and other woodly creatures in the otherworld! but well... you know cú chulainn 💀 idiot has all his daughters and wife in lockdown like 25/8 😭
BUT she begged and begged and begged and he finally caved. fortunately, celtics are big on nature so their palace is already surrounded by a lush forest. cú chulainn lets her run around once more protective barriers are put in place so his baby can enjoy the nature 💖 the other kids can join too, they just canNOT go passed their territory or he'll lose his shit 💀
honestly, she has such huge puppy girl energy just like her mom but times it by 10 😂 always sparkly and wide-eyed, with the 90 degree head tilts, imaginary dog tail wagging 😂😂😂 (she's almost as hyperactive as anubis! which says a lot lol)
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nebamon! an anuby baby! (his nickname is "moni" like "money" btw hehe; also has his mother's cannibalistic tendencies)
anyway, yeah his appearance is weird but really, i just liked the fc so i struggled to think of an explanation as to why he looked like that BUT then i realized that egyptian gods had like... a thing for looking like/resembling/or at least SOME sort of relation to an animal/insect
so.... i picked... AN ANT! 😂 i mean... it fits! ants have five eyes and antennae (they're actually horns in the pic, but just pretend they're antennae 💔). anyway, he's the god of riches and treasures!
also........ imma be honest guys, i based his personality off of mammon from obey me 😭😭😭😭😭
so expect him to be very immature, greedy, prideful, boastful, and a bit of (lovable) moron 😂
HE LOVES HIS FAMILY THOUGH! i mean, he was raised by anubis and percy, ofc he'd be big on family 💖💖💖 so while he absolutely would playfully threaten to sell one of his siblings for a corn chip, he wouldn't actually do it 🥺💖
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nebkhetu! another anuby baby who has mommy's cannibalistic tendencies)
idk if you guys remember, but i got one of his domains from hsr aeons LMAO 😭. he's a sheep god who's domains are abundance (his name literally translates to "lord of abdundance"), fertility, harvest, agriculture, and sex.
a very flirtatious and sultry god who enjoys seducing others. he sleeps around a shit ton so yeah, he's a whore 💀 even worse, he's the god of FERTILITY which also falls under making fertile lands but ALSO sexual reproduction 😭😭😭 percy's ripping her hair out trying to prevent her kid from becoming a deadbeat but he just wants to keep breeding 😭💔
"if you don't help your partners prevent pregnancy, I WILL FIND A WAY TO PERMANENTLY REMOVE YOUR PENIS, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?"
"y-yes mother.... 😨"
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anthenara! the eldest percades child! she's the one with the domain of blood and has her mother's cannibalistic tendencies
an yandere incest freak but NOT for her mom, but..... for her BROTHER lmao
(i think i'm gonna make it damasios???)
anyway, you know that "ara ara" nee-san meme???? yeah that's her 😍
elegant (like her father!), sultry, coy, and seductive, but EXTREMELY protective of her family. she's the first born after all, and she loves all her little baby siblings, but she loves one of them just a liiiiiitle too much 😜
even with her mother, she's protective and sometimes she can't help but treat percy as if she's one of her own little siblings which is hilarious 😂😂😂 anthenara just has strong motherly insticts okay? she's very caring and protective and percy looks and sometimes even acts younger than her LMAO
similarly to hades, she tends to be patronizing, (especially to damasios).
"oh, darling brother, are you sure you want to kill that man? perhaps i should do it for you 💖"
"you're too young to hear about this nasty talk, sweetie, why don't you go upstairs and play? 💖"
"oh my, are you disobeying your big sister~? 💖"
her family is all she cares about, she doesn't care for any outsiders and she ESPECIALLY doesn't trust poseidon or the posy children since she's aware that poseidon had killed her elder half-brother that she never got to meet 💔
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vaguesxrrow · 11 months ago
can u plsss write one about charles with an american reader? like the inspo is the olivia rodrigo song so american lol. like maybe him making fun of her accent and her doing the and back and like the differences between the two cultures?
ACTUALLY INSANEEE bc right before seeing this i was singing that song in my head (i dont listen to olivia but i probably should tbh). alsoo i wasn't sure if you wanted a fic or hcs, so i kind of made a 2 in 1. hope you dont mind! xx
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a/n: im not american nor british and ive never been to the usa or the uk... so excuse any inaccuracies pleaseee
tags: g!n reader, american!reader, alive!reader
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you shivered and exhaled sharply, your breath misting out in front of you. the moment you stepped outside, you knew you should have piled on more layers, but edwin had been eager in whisking everyone out the door to carry out an investigation for your current case.
you burrowed closer to charles. obviously, he couldn't provide any real body heat, but being near him was a boost in morale to keep going despite the temperature.
"alright?" he asked, putting an arm across your shoulders.
"i should've put on more layers," you grumbled.
charles laughed as he kissed the top of your head. "you can have my jacket."
shaking your head, you declined. "it's fine, it's not that cold. and besides, i wouldn't want to strip you of your british glory and your british coat."
charles snorted. "so it's my british glory, now? who was the one making fun of my accent literally just yesterday?"
"litch-rally," you parroted, grinning. "why is it that all your t's turn into ch's?"
"hey, you're one to talk - what is it you were ordering at the restaurant yesterday? a glass of wa-der, was it?"
"bite me, charles."
he raised his jacket up and engulfed you with it in a bear hug. you shrieked with laughter and wriggled in his hold, but didn't protest when he demanded you hold your arms out so he could put the jacket on you.
"what are you, a soccer player? i thought i was your [boy/girlfriend/partner], not your competition," you teased.
"soccer?" he mocked, outraged. "soccer? it's football, mate."
"mate?" you scoffed incredulously, although you were smiling. "way to friendzone me after months of dating."
"oh, come on, you know you could never get rid of me." charles pulled you in again, this time by your hand. "and for the record, you look cute wearing my clothes."
a few beats of silence, in which you two looked at each other with similar expressions of fondness and exasperation.
"yeah, okay, now get away from me, you victorian fossil." you shoved him playfully, and sprinted away to catch up with the other three. niko waved you over, giggling at charles, who was jogging to keep up.
"victorian fossil? i grew up in the 80s!" he exclaimed. "you know this!"
⌦ ---
- you do know very well that charles grew up in the 80s - you frequently ask him what it was like back then, because naturally, you'd take an interest in your boyfriend's life
- however, charles loves how you're genuinely interested, and get how watching times change can feel a bit lonely for him sometimes
- you're a great listener when it comes to this (which you think you should be greatly accredited for; charles' good looks can be very distracting at times)
- imagine: you and charles in your room as he looks around, inspecting the decor you have on display as he rambles about life in the 80s
- he tells you about a huge movie premiere he went to:
- charles: "get this, right - a ridiculously long line outside the movie theatre. the weather is absolutely miserable, and so are the people. no one's talking at all. i think everyone was just hungry - i saw this lady have tea delivered.
- you: 'i keep forgetting you have stuff like tea times. and did everyone really have the patience to wait for that long, in silence?'
- charles, with a fake american accent: yeah, dude. in silence.
- you throw a pillow at him.
- you also like telling hilariously bad jokes relating to his accent
- you: psst. charles.
- he turns towards you, already expecting another jab at his british-ness
- you: what day do british people eat the most?
- charles, in a deadpan: what day.
- you: chewsday, innit-
- he yells 'NOPE' and walks through the wall, leaving you to wheeze-laugh on your own
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hotvintagepoll · 1 year ago
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Brigitte Bardot (Contempt, And God Created Woman)—unbelievable charisma off the charts, post-war France could barely handle her because she just radiates sexuality in the deepest, hottest way. i've never seen a woman who fit so clearly in my head the "beautiful woman" category. also i'm including her little suit number because why not [pic below]
Sara Montiel (Vera Cruz, Serenade, Run of the Arrow)— She began her career in the 1940s and became the most internationally popular and highest paid star of Spanish cinema in the 1960s. She appeared in nearly fifty films and recorded around 500 songs in five different languages. She always tells how when she met Marlon Brando, she cooked fried eggs for him and he said they were the best eggs he had ever tasted. She confronted Franco himself first by rejecting his invitation to sing at his Christmas party, and then when she went to the barracks to ask that the police let the homosexuals that they had detained be let out. She defended them tooth and nail, and that's why they returned all the love by turning her into the icon of the gay community in Spain.
This is round 3 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Brigitte Bardot:
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"Los Angeles Times in 2011 ranked her as the second most beautiful woman in film, she won a David di Donatello award and was nominated for a BAFTA. Literally nicknamed a sex kitten, she used her fame to promote animal rights. And God Created Woman was so scandalous to US audiences that some theater managers were arrested for screening it"
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"She was a sex symbol and her style is influential even today"
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"She's just so iconic! Wikipedia extracts because why not : "In 2011, Los Angeles Times Magazine's list of "50 Most Beautiful Women in Film" ranked her number two" "The Guardian named Bardot "one of the most iconic faces, models, and actors of the 1950s and 1960s" "According to the liner notes of his first (self-titled) album, musician Bob Dylan dedicated the first song he ever wrote to Bardot. " I mean of course she is iconic in France, but she inspired many women outside of France"
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"She wasn't just a sex symbol because men found her attractive and then that imagine of her was further promoted. But she was actually one of (if not) the first women to stand for emancipated women in a sexual way in a time when women were considered to mainly exist to please their man. She was famous for portraying women who lived their sexuality for their own pleasure and knew what they wanted. Very important! And also what's hotter than a woman driving men wild because they don't even know how to handle a woman with her own ideas and needs lol"
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Sara Montiel:
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