#imagine being a kid having to sign a destiny where your parent is required to die
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thetimelordbatgirl · 1 year ago
One of the many reasons I end up preferring the Ever After High books to the webisobes/specials a-lot: because its the only media to acknowledge the fucked up elephant in the room that is, "oh yeah, the parents of characters like Apple and Ashlynn are going to die because destiny calls for it."
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testingcheatsenabletrue · 5 years ago
I feel that Rasputin would be diagnosed with high-functioning Autism, so him letting us into THAT part of the bunker is an immense sign of trust.
Oh that’s an interesting take! =0 
I’d warn against relating autism to a robot character, since from my understanding that can be insensitive. Though worth saying - I can’t say much else on the topic, because I’m not in a position to do so. I’m not autistic myself, but I know that’s a frequent gripe with my friends who are autistic.
I like to look at it from a programming/development standpoint since that’s been my background and what I’ve been interested in for pretty much my entire life, so I have a foot to stand on when discussing it. It equates well to humans, just there’s always that added factor of unpredictability that comes with the fact that humans are organic creatures and so biological systems lead to unforeseen randomized inputs that influence us in one way or another. But, fundamentally, our minds work almost exactly like computers, and it’s no coincidence because we made computers.
(putting the rest under a read more because I ended up writing for 2 hours on this)
In a more realistic setting, which Destiny can model somewhat, a ‘sentient robot’ would likely be achieved by extensive use of machine learning, which is basically how us as humans develop just we also toss in some gross chemicals to spice things up. Over our lives, we have certain inputs and their respective outputs fed to us and we record them, expecting those inputs to result in those outputs and vice versa in the future, thus allowing us to make more informed decisions should those events arise. The same goes for a computer utilizing machine learning.
In the case of Rasputin, the range of data that Bungie has confirmed he has been fed to develop his sentience is... admittedly very, very small, even though there was a lot of it. And, coming from the background I am, I’m almost 100% certain a lot of his actions that are perceived as ‘diabolical’ are direct results of incomplete data/ignorance (ie. him just straight up not knowing what the fuck would happen) that we are, as humans, interpreting as diabolical because we’re judging him as we would an adult human.
As an example of what I mean:
A parent is at the grocery store with their younger child (think maybe 3 to 4 years old), buying food. They go through the isles and get what they need, go through checkout, pay their bill, then head to the car. As they’re putting the groceries away, they notice the younger child is holding a candy bar. They look at the receipt, and the candy bar is not listed.
Now, you know that what just happened is that the child stole from the store. You know that stealing is bad, and if you were in the parent’s shoes, you would be responsible for their action, and could face consequences due to breaking the law. And so your immediate reaction would be to feel bad about stealing.
The child, however, has no concept of ‘stealing’. They haven’t read a law book, no one has told them about the law, and they don’t know that if you break laws you get in trouble. They are used to being in the house, where they can pick up anything and play with it or eat it or mess with it as they please. In their mind, if they want something, they can take it, because they want it, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
Essentially, an older unit (ie. unit with a comparatively larger set of data) is aware that one input (stealing) results in a certain output (getting in trouble with the law) because they have been given that data set to be able to correlate events. The younger unit (ie. unit with a comparatively smaller set of data) is unaware of this phenomenon, as they have yet to experience it or have been told of it.
This does not mean that what the child did was not wrong - it was. However this does mean that the child, after being scolded by their parent, has acquired that datapoint now and will have it as reference. They should then be given the chance to prove that they learned, and will change their behavior.
Same goes for Rasputin, just the stakes are astronomically higher than stealing a 1 dollar candy bar. Whole ass people are at risk here. But you have to take into account that, like the child has only known a world that panders to them and has not learned the boundaries thereof, Rasputin has only known a world that requires him to fight, constantly, to solve every problem he encounters. While he has some semblance of morality, it’s very limited due to his lack of data. He doesn’t know, yet, the boundaries of where the fighting ends and where the rest of the world begins. But it seems like he’s starting to learn where it is, as evidenced by his actions over the past season.
He is, for the first time, learning of a world of kindness (or interpersonal politics, your pick), and the boundaries thereof with the world of violence. He’s doing his best to try and function in it. He’s fucking failing miserably in the most catastrophic ways imaginable but God Damn It He’s Trying, Karen. 
Like, for god’s sake, he’s using war tactics to try and do friends... like bro. No. He’s doing the Warmind equivalent of Scary Kid In The Schoolyard Looming Over Us Threateningly but then being like ‘I like your shirt. Do you like Pokemon? I like Pokemon too. Would you like to see my Pokemon? My favorite Pokemon is Pikachu. I have a lot of them in this save. Its really cool, right? Do you want one? I have a lot, here, have one. It's okay! Don’t worry! I'm not bothered! Can we be friends?’ 
Except the Pokemon are highly dangerous weapons, the save is the secret part of the moon bunker and Tragic Backstories Explained Via Orange Holograms, and the Pikachu is a fucking shotgun and he only has one of them. Which is (like you said) a mind-numbingly huge sign of trust. And That’s Character Development Bay Bee.
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travelingtarot · 6 years ago
Weekly Psychic Forecasts Every Monday Morning To Help Guide You Through Your Week!
Week Of July 30th – Aug 5th 2018
Card: Ace of Wands (R)
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Quick Analysis: When the Ace of Wands is in the reversed position it usually means something is holding us back from starting fresh, starting anew.  We have a goal in mind.  We see the starting line just ahead.  But for some reason we can’t seem to step up to the starting line.  Because of that our dreams, plans, goals and aspirations for ourselves keep getting pushed away.
And the most frustrating thing of all is the starting line has not moved at all.  It’s still right there where it’s always been.  It’s we who have moved away.  Through reasoning, some legitimate some not, we have slowly inched ourselves further and further away from what we want.
We’re busy.  I get it.  We must take care of our partners, our immediate families and sometimes our extended families.  We must get our kids to school and then to the million and one extracurricular activities they have before and after school.  Then we must make sure they’re doing their homework and try our best to help them with it and the various school projects they have going on.
Then we have to check in with our partners and make sure they’re still breathing.  If we’re wise, we take out quality time each week to spend just with them.  But then that requires planning and doing.  We have to make sure the passion for not just our families stays alive, but the passion between our partners and ourselves as well.
Our parents aren’t getting any younger.  And while they are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves, you see a day not too far away where they will be leaning on you more and more.  In fact, in small subtle ways that leaning in has already begun.
Then our friends, associates, colleagues, and communities all require our attention to a certain degree.
We swear we will make time for ourselves and our dreams.  We swear next week, next month, next year will be our time.  But next week, month and year never do come, do they?  We only have right now because right now is the only thing promised to us.  And even if there was a next week, month or year what are we doing now to carve out time for ourselves?  I’ve heard it said, “Luck is preparation meets opportunity.”  What are we doing to prepare ourselves for the opportunity at hand?  Like I said, the starting line has not moved one inch.  What are we doing to prepare ourselves right this minute for when we finally step up to that starting line?
It’s so important to not forget self amongst the million and one things we’re called to do in any given day.  We simply must take time for ourselves.  Even if it’s 20 minutes a day, we must force ourselves to put ourselves first for those precious 20 minutes.  Yes, for most of us that goes against our very nature to put ourselves first.  Even for 20 minutes.  But if we don’t, we’ll never be prepared once we finally make the choice to step up to the starting line.
In-Depth Analysis: Let’s talk about fear.  Specifically, the fear of success.  Yes, the fear of success is actually a real thing.  The fear of success can be a WAY harder concept for us to wrap our heads around because we’re always talking about the fear of failure.  But the fear of success affects people in as profound a way as any of our other fears, including failure.  So what is the fear of success?  Let’s get into it:
The straight forward answer to that question is when you are so afraid of success you’ll do anything not to attain it.  For most of us that seems incredibly counterintuitive.  Especially in the western world where it seems our whole identity is hinged upon how successful we are.  (And how young and beautiful we are, but that’s another story.)  In fact, how successful we are, at least in the Western world, is a rote topic of conversation.  Think about it.  The last time you were in a setting where you’re being introduced to brand new people, how often were you asked what you do for a living?  And once you said what you do, did it not lead to more easy conversation-like questioning about the specifics of what you do?  It happens all the time.  
(Side note: In my weird little mind I think it would be HILARIOUS if the next time someone asks “What do you do for a living?” to answer “I live off the tax-paying dollars of other hardworking people.” Or “I am PHENOMENAL in bed.  So much so my boyfriend/girlfriend pays my way through life.  I get to stay home, look pretty and fuck like a champion!”  Or “I’m a panhandler.  You can find me selling fruit every day on the exit 121 off-ramp.  Stop by!  I’ll give you a deal on half-rotten tomatoes!”  That would be SO FUNNY!!!  Of course, I don’t have the balls to pull that off in public, but I bet you do!  Enough with the shenanigans!  Back to this week’s lesson.)
And we are constantly bombarded with images of successful people in all media.  Rarely do you see people in television or print ads that are unsuccessful.  Rarely do you see people who are down on their luck and can’t catch a break.  And if you do, by the end of the commercial, tv show or movie, they’ve found the “secret sauce” to success and are wildly successful.  It seems we as Westerners are all about finding that “secret sauce” to success and then ball out of control for the rest of our lives.  To fear success seems out of the ordinary to us.
Therefore, if that’s true, if the fear of success is so foreign to the minds of most westerners, is it really all that commonplace?  Well in my research for this blog I found it to be MUCH more commonplace than I could have imagined.  Just a quick Google search on "fear of success" and article after article and page after page of information about it is at our fingertips.  Clearly, it's a problem that a lot of people have to contend with.
So what are the warning signs you may be experiencing the fear of success?  Well a few include:
 You don’t complete your projects (this could be at work or at home). 
 You talk about what you are going to do more than what you actually do. 
 You work furiously on several projects at once, not really focusing deeply on any one of them. 
 You still have exactly the same things on your vision board that were there five years ago. 
 You procrastinate.
 You second-guess yourself often. 
 Distraction is your middle name. 
 You don’t think your work is ever quite good enough. 
 You’re on the verge of ‘success’ and things start going really wrong.
Do any of these things apply to you?
In my research I found a man by the name of Professor Frank Manuel who studied the fear of success.  Professor Manuel suggested the term “Jonah complex” - named for the character Jonah from the Bible -  for people who have a fear of success.  If you don’t know the story of Jonah, you can find it in its entirety in the book of – wait for it! – Jonah.  At only 4 chapters long it’s one of the shorter books in the Bible.  If you’ve never read it, I encourage you to do so.  It’s a fascinating character study.  And if you have read it, reacquaint yourself with it.  It’s a really fascinating story.  Only a few Bible chapters long.  And it’s a good read.  So find it and read it and draw your own conclusions about it. 
Anyway, Professor Manuel’s colleague Abraham Maslow came up with the etymology of the word.  In short he stated: “The Jonah complex is the fear of success which prevents self-actualization, or the realization of one's potential.  It is the fear of one's own greatness, the evasion of one's destiny, or the avoidance of exercising one's talents.  Just as the fear of achieving a personal worst can motivate personal growth, the fear of achieving a personal best can also hinder achievement,”
There is another layer to the fear of success. Many of us have been conditioned to believe that the road to success involves risks such as "getting one's hopes up" - which threatens to lead to disappointment. And many of us-especially if we've been subject to verbal abuse-have been told we were losers our whole lives, in one way or another. We have internalized that feedback and feel that we don't deserve success.
There are probably a lot of deeper layers underneath the two I mentioned.  I encourage us all to look deep inside ourselves.  And if the fear of success is holding us back I encourage us to find out the underlying reasons why.  Because only in doing the work to figure out the core reasons behind that fear of success will we be able to then do the work necessary to fix the problem and move forward.  The Ace of Wands is waiting for us.  That starting line is right there where it’s always been.  I will leave you with this famous quote from the incomparable Marianne Williamson:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.  We ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?”  Actually, who are you not to be?  You are a child of God.  Your playing small does not serve the world.  There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.  We are all meant to shine, as children do.  We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.  It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone.  And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.  As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” 
Bottom Line: Fear is a powerful emotion.  It was given us as a tool for action.  The misuse of fear is to become paralyzed by it.  I’ve often heard it said courage is being scared shitless but doing it anyway.  It’s tough to unpack the reasons why we are afraid.  It’s a hard journey to peel back the layers within our psyche to get to the root of our problems.  I’m not gonna lie, it’s hard work.  But we are SO worth the trouble!  We are worth the time and energy, blood sweat and tears we must expend to shed those things within us that are no longer serving us.  Imagine a life without fear that holds us back from the good stuff!  Imagine valuing ourselves and what we have to offer this world enough to be bold, be strong, to be scared shitless but having the self-worth that we do it anyway.  If we can imagine ourselves being that type of person, we can do it.  There’s nothing our mind can imagine that we can’t make happen.  I encourage us to take the steps necessary to rid ourselves of the fears that are holding us back.  You can thank me later.
Have a FANTASTIC week, everybody!
Be Blessed.
Song Of The Week: Zach Williams “Fear Is A Liar” 
For more information and to book a psychic reading with me, click HERE 
For more information on the card used for this week’s reading click HERE  
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darbiblog-blog · 7 years ago
How School Desire Turns Education Into a Commodity
New Post has been published on https://darbi.org/how-school-desire-turns-education-into-a-commodity-2/
How School Desire Turns Education Into a Commodity
Buoyed by Donald Trump’s championing of a voucher gadget—and cheered on by his Training Secretary Betsy DeVos—Arizona simply surpassed one of u. S . A .’s most thoroughgoing policies in the desire of so every day as “School of Desire.” The law signed via Governor Doug Ducey permits college students who withdraw from the public gadget to use their percentage of Kingdom investment for private College, homeschooling or Online Training.
 School Desire 
Making academic investment “portable” is a part of a far wider political movement that started out inside the 1970s—acknowledged daily scholars as neoliberalism—which views the creation of markets as necessary for the existence of personal liberty. within the neoliberal view, if your public establishments and areas don’t resemble markets, with a number client options, you then don’t truly lose. The goal of neoliberalism is thereby daily rolled back the state, privatize public services, or (as inside the case of vouchers) engineer styles of customer Choice and the market area within the public quarter.
DeVos is a fervent believer in new liberalizing Schooling—spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on and devoting herself day-to-day political activism for the unfold of voucher system training. In a speech on educational reform from 2015, DeVos expressed her lengthy-held view that the general public-College gadget desires every day be re-engineered via the authorities to imitate a market. The failure daily accomplish that, she warned, will be the stagnation of a Training device run monopolistic ally by the authorities:
Many Americans now locate DeVos’s neoliberal manner of thinking commonsensical. In spite of everything, human beings have the each day revel in of being capable of pick out competing customer products on a market. Likewise, many Individuals rightly admire entrepreneurial pluck. Shouldn’t the intelligence and creativity of Silicon Valley’s markets be allowed every day cascade down over public Education, washing the machine clean of its encrusted bureaucracy?
Education Forbes
What an awful lot fewer humans understand is that the argument over “College of Preference” is simplest the trendy chapter in a long time-long political warfare between two models of freedom—one every day on market Desire and the alternative primarily based on democratic participation. Neoliberals like DeVos often count on those organizing public areas like a marketplace day-to-day cause beneficial effects. But in doing so, advocates of College of Preference forget about the political ramifications of the marketization of shared items just like the instructional gadget.
The first factor every day bear in mind whilst weighing whether or not or not every day marketize the public School machine is that markets usually have winners and losers. within the personal sector, the function of competition is frequently nice. For example, Friendster, the early reigning king of social networks, didn’t create a layout that human beings observed as useful and appealing as Facebook. The end result turned into that it finally vanished.
when companies like Friendster fail, no massive public damage is finished. Indeed, it is arguably a salutary form of what the economist Joseph Schumpeter day-to-day “creative destruction,” that is a characteristic of marketplace innovation. However, need the day every day all goods in a society be subjected every day the forces of creative destruction? What happens every day a community when its public schools are defunded or closed because they couldn’t “compete” in a marketized surroundings?
In Detroit (where DeVos played a big function in introducing College Choice) decades of this marketization has led to severe defunding and remaining of public colleges; the funneling of taxpayer money every day everyday for-income charter ventures; economically deprived dad and mom with worse alternatives than while the neoliberal social experiment started out; and subsequently, no large growth in pupil overall performance. Certainly, a few zones of Detroit at the moment are instructional deserts where dad and mom and children day-to-day tour exorbitant miles and hours for his or her children to attend School.
On the entire, neo-liberalization is toughest On the terrible. market Preference does, however, choose those who already have the Training, wealth, and wherewithal everyday plot every day, coordinate, and execute shifting their kids every day the superior educational setting. This means the huge beneficiaries of Faculty of Preference are frequently the wealthy. As an example, when Nevada currently surpassed a competitive School-of-Choice machine the result became that the full-size majority of these able to take benefit of it got here from the richest areas of Reno and Las Vegas. As money is pulled from failing faculties and funneled in everyday succeeding ones, wealth can truly be redistributed through the nation up to the socioeconomic ladder.
How the Standards Movements Degrades American Training
Millions of Americans have been persuaded that the cause of Education is every day put day every day our kids to attain nicely on standardized exams so that we will have extra well-skilled people. Because the Requirements movement gets stronger, we convince ourselves that being a beneficial employee is the important thing daily a glad and a successful life. Rather than nurturing a feeling of wonder and an ardor for daily, our faculties are more and more dedicated everyday standardizing know-how everyday lists of records, telling college students what’s suitable for them day-to-day recognize and suppose, and then ‘scientifically’ measuring how well they regurgitate this information on evaluation tests. what’s absolutely essential in human life is composed exactly of these matters that can’t be measured: love, decency, pleasure, all of the first-rate virtues and passions. This is what the Schooling of an individual every day every day be about. But The use now not seeks daily train thinking, feeling, humans. We are seeking for every day teach servants.
The brand new rallying cries are “Raising Standards” and “No Child Left Behind”, which we all understand are just euphemisms for task schooling. All of This is just a prescription for an efficient human ant hill. And it is worth remembering that inside the ant hill a character existence does no longer matter for much. There are usually plenty of replacements who can do the same activity. The company world gets involved in Schooling, worried that their corporations will no longer be able to compete within the destiny global financial system if the people being produced by our colleges are inferior. They then insist that schools day-to-day be run like some other organization in a competitive marketplace, and the rules of every day manipulate managerial performance, and excellent advertising and marketing method, day-to-day be applied in exactly the equal way.
For that reason, we want (1) a common set of Standards for the give up product, (2) a systematic test for measuring how well the scholars and schools are assemblies these Standards, and (three) and advertising marketing campaign every day convince the public that a significant Education in their kids approach getting them to attain properly on those assessments. This latter is effortlessly performed with the aid of appealing every day parents’ concerns about the economic future, and then frequently sending them the message that our colleges are in a “disaster”. However, the monetary machine isn’t floundering every day everyday badly appearing schools. The Yankee economy rises and falls in reaction daily severe and profound market and social forces that bear no relation at all every day the 66b34c3da3a0593bd135e66036f9aef3 functioning of our College system.
In the meantime, the insistence on greater “responsibility” of faculties does now not lead to greater success via our students. It ends in more pressure, worry, and alienation, it results in a dumbing-down of curricula, it results in pain and stigmatization for plenty kids who do not do nicely on standardized checks irrespective of their intelligence or their lecture room grades, and it helps daily deepen the rifts between various and antagonistic face day every day of society. This certainly does not imply that there may be no room for improvement inside the College device. However narrowing our imaginative and prescient and stultifying our minds isn’t every day tally admirable reform, and it is merely degrading and negative day-to-day base our instructional system On the company model, treating our kids as not anything extra than destiny workers and day-to-day who are every day remember, measured, and evaluated. For that matter, those tests have little capacity daily expect both educational or worldly fulfillment: rather, the ratings every day be distinctly correlated with socio-financial repute, and they praise the superficial gaining knowledge off of meaningless rote records Rather than critical questioning, creativity, or intensity of understanding. there’s sufficient proof that these luxurious examinations tell us little about intelligence or competency.
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They honestly measure one’s potential day-to-day do properly At the check, a nugatory talent ultimately. Our complacent acceptance of cultural directives that inform us what daily assume and experience has opened the way for the mass degradation of our kids by subjecting them everyday ‘medical measurements’, as though they were soulless mechanical devices that had to be repaired and upgraded. And As a consequence our schools had been compelled every day the business of cloning mediocrity, churning out obedient servants for the monetary machine. But our faculties aren’t in a ‘disaster’: it’s far our souls which can be at risk. Of route, there are approaches that colleges can succeed in Elevating check scores, and lots of have achieved so. Deprive our children of recess and sports activities, get rid of art and track, forego time for thrilling discussions, provide much less time day-to-day read books for satisfaction, cut back on area trips and exciting projects, provide fewer electives, and waste a lot of treasured time coaching take a look at taking hints, and it is fairly easy to raise ratings. However, the effects are meaningless at best. At worst, they numb our youngsters’ minds, slender their imaginative and prescient, and kill their spirit, by using turning Training day-to-day and uneventful, scary, drudgery.
Recently there have even been requiring the removal of adolescence summer time vacations, considering the fact that ten weeks of fun and clean air get inside the manner of making ready for the tests, and threaten our function inside the international market. Meanwhile, we find ourselves falling Into a hellish global in which an increasing number of excessive College students reply every day the pressures of university admission with the aid of committing suicide, primary College children emerge as every day sick and overweight from lack of recess and play, and kindergartners require therapy day-to-day recover from stress disorders. To reform our colleges in a significant way could mean day-to-day restore the notion that Education is rooted in wonder, now not economics. marvel isn’t merely a curiosity. it’s miles a blending of enchantment, thriller, love and respect, with thoughtfulness, willingness, and instinct. It famous every day us the intimate courting between our internal self and the outer world. expertise, intelligence and thoughts aren’t scientifically reducible ‘things’. And neither are our children. youngsters aren’t intended daily be assessed like industrial merchandise on an assembly line. faculties daily no longer are in the enterprise of manufacturing ‘things’.
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kalachand97-blog · 8 years ago
New Post has been published on Globeinfrom
New Post has been published on https://globeinform.com/how-school-desire-turns-education-into-a-commodity/
How School Desire Turns Education Into a Commodity
Buoyed by Donald Trump’s championing of a voucher gadget—and cheered on by his Training secretary Betsy DeVos—Arizona simply surpassed one of u. S . A .’s most thoroughgoing policies in the desire of so every day as “School of Desire.” The law signed via Governor Doug Ducey permits college students who withdraw from the public gadget to use their percentage of kingdom investment for private College, homeschooling or online Training.
 School Desire 
Making academic investment “portable” is a part of a far wider political movement that started out inside the 1970s—acknowledged daily scholars as neoliberalism—which views the creation of markets as necessary for the existence of person liberty. within the neoliberal view, if your public establishments and areas don’t resemble markets, with a number client options, you then aren’t truly loose. The goal of neoliberalism is thereby daily rollback the state, privatize public services, or (as inside the case of vouchers) engineer styles of customer Choice and the market area within the public quarter.
DeVos is a fervent believer in new liberalizing Schooling—spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on and devoting herself day-to-day political activism for the unfold of voucher system training. In a speech on educational reform from 2015, DeVos expressed her lengthy-held view that the general public-College gadget desires every day be reengineered via the authorities to imitate a market. The failure daily accomplish that, she warned, will be the stagnation of a Training device run monopolistic ally by the authorities:
Many Americans now locate DeVos’s neoliberal manner of thinking commonsensical. In spite of everything, human beings have the each day revel in of being capable of pick out competing customer products on a market. Likewise, many Individuals rightly admire entrepreneurial pluck. Shouldn’t the intelligence and creativity of Silicon Valley’s markets be allowed every day cascade down over public Education, washing the machine clean of its encrusted bureaucracy?
Education Forbes
What an awful lot fewer humans understand is that the argument over “College of Preference” is simplest the trendy chapter in a long time-long political warfare between two models of freedom—one every day on market Desire and the alternative primarily based on democratic participation. Neoliberals like DeVos often count on those organizing public areas like a marketplace day-to-day cause beneficial effects. But in doing so, advocates of College of Preference forget about the political ramifications of the marketization of shared items just like the instructional gadget.
The first factor every day bear in mind whilst weighing whether or not or not every day marketize the public School machine is that markets usually have winners and losers. within the personal sector, the function of competition is frequently nice. For example, Friendster, the early reigning king of social networks, didn’t create a layout that human beings observed as useful and appealing as Facebook. The end result turned into that it finally vanished.
when companies like Friendster fail, no massive public damage is finished. Indeed, it is arguably a salutary form of what the economist Joseph Schumpeter day-to-day “creative destruction,” that is a characteristic of marketplace innovation. However, need day every day all goods in a society be subjected every day the forces of creative destruction? What happens every day a community when its public schools are defunded or closed because they couldn’t “compete” in a marketized surroundings?
In Detroit (where DeVos played a big function in introducing College Choice) decades of this marketization has led to severe defunding and remaining of public colleges; the funneling of taxpayer money every day everyday for-income charter ventures; economically deprived dad and mom with worse alternatives than while the neoliberal social experiment started out; and subsequently, no large growth in pupil overall performance. Certainly, a few zones of Detroit at the moment are instructional deserts where dad and mom and children day-to-day tour exorbitant miles and hours for his or her children to attend School.
On the entire, neo-liberalization is toughest On the terrible. market Preference does, however, choose those who already have the Training, wealth, and wherewithal everyday plot every day, coordinate, and execute shifting their kids every day the superior educational setting. This means the huge beneficiaries of Faculty of Preference are frequently the wealthy. As an example, when Nevada currently surpassed a competitive School-of-Choice machine the result became that the full-size majority of these able to take benefit of it got here from the richest areas of Reno and Las Vegas. As money is pulled from failing faculties and funneled in everyday succeeding ones, wealth can truly be redistributed through the nation up to the socioeconomic ladder.
How the Standards Movements Degrades American Training
Millions of Americans have been persuaded that the cause of Education is every day put day every day our kids to attain nicely on standardized exams so that we will have extra well-skilled people. Because the Requirements movement gets stronger, we convince ourselves that being a beneficial employee is the important thing daily a glad and a success life. Rather than nurturing a feel of wonder and an ardor for daily, our faculties are more and more dedicated everyday standardizing know-how everyday lists of records, telling college students what’s suitable for them day-to-day recognize and suppose, and then ‘scientifically’ measuring how well they regurgitate this information on evaluation tests. what’s absolutely essential in human life is composed exactly of these matters that can’t be measured: love, decency, pleasure, all of the first-rate virtues and passions. This is what the Schooling of an individual everyday every day be about. But The use now not seeks daily train thinking, feeling, humans. We are seeking for every day teach servants.
The brand new rallying cries are “Raising Standards” and “No Child Left Behind”, which we all understand are just euphemisms for task schooling. All of This is just a prescription for an efficient human ant hill. And it is worth remembering that inside the ant hill a character existence does no longer matter for much. There are usually plenty of replacements who can do the same activity. The company world gets involved in Schooling, worried that their corporations will no longer be able to compete within the destiny global financial system if the people being produced by our colleges are inferior. They then insist that schools day-to-day be run like some other organization in a competitive marketplace, and the rules of every day manipulate managerial performance, and excellent advertising and marketing method, day-to-day be applied in exactly the equal way.
For that reason, we want (1) a common set of Standards for the give up product, (2) a systematic test for measuring how well the scholars and schools are assemblies these Standards, and (three) and advertising marketing campaign every day convince the public that a significant Education in their kids approach getting them to attain properly on those assessments. This latter is effortlessly performed with the aid of appealing every day parents’ concerns about the economic future, and then frequently sending them the message that our colleges are in a “disaster”. However, the monetary machine isn’t floundering every day everyday badly appearing schools. The Yankee economy rises and falls in reaction daily severe and profound market and social forces that bear no relation at all every day the 66b34c3da3a0593bd135e66036f9aef3 functioning of our College system.
In the meantime, the insistence on greater “responsibility” of faculties does now not lead to greater success via our students. It ends in more pressure, worry, and alienation, it results in a dumbing-down of curricula, it results in pain and stigmatization for plenty kids who do not do nicely on standardized checks irrespective of their intelligence or their lecture room grades, and it helps daily deepen the rifts between various and antagonistic face day every day of society. This certainly does not imply that there may be no room for improvement inside the College device. However narrowing our imaginative and prescient and stultifying our minds isn’t every day tally admirable reform, and it is merely degrading and negative day-to-day base our instructional system On the company model, treating our kids as not anything extra than destiny workers and day-to-day who are every day remember, measured, and evaluated. For that matter, those tests have little capacity daily expect both educational or worldly fulfillment: rather, the ratings every day be distinctly correlated with socio-financial repute, and they praise the superficial gaining knowledge off of meaningless rote records Rather than critical questioning, creativity, or intensity of understanding. there’s sufficient proof that these luxurious examinations tell us little about intelligence or competency.
They honestly measure one’s potential day-to-day do properly At the check, a nugatory talent ultimately. Our complacent acceptance of cultural directives that inform us what daily assume and experience has opened the way for the mass degradation of our kids by subjecting them everyday ‘medical measurements’, as though they were soulless mechanical devices that had to be repaired and upgraded. And As a consequence our schools had been compelled every day the business of cloning mediocrity, churning out obedient servants for the monetary machine. But our faculties aren’t in a ‘disaster’: it’s far our souls which can be at risk. Of route, there are approaches that colleges can succeed in Elevating check scores, and lots of have achieved so. Deprive our children of recess and sports activities, get rid of art and track, forego time for thrilling discussions, provide much less time day-to-day read books for satisfaction, cut back on area trips and exciting projects, provide fewer electives, and waste a lot of treasured time coaching take a look at taking hints, and it is fairly easy to raise ratings. However, the effects are meaningless at best. At worst, they numb our youngsters’ minds, slender their imaginative and prescient, and kill their spirit, by using turning Training day-to-day and uneventful, scary, drudgery.
Recently there have even been requiring the removal of adolescence summer time vacations, considering the fact that ten weeks of fun and clean air get inside the manner of making ready for the tests, and threaten our function inside the international market. Meanwhile, we find ourselves falling Into a hellish global in which an increasing number of excessive College students reply every day the pressures of university admission with the aid of committing suicide, primary College children emerge as every day sick and overweight from lack of recess and play, and kindergartners require therapy day-to-day recover from stress disorders. To reform our colleges in a significant way could mean day-to-day restore the notion that Education is rooted in wonder, now not economics. marvel isn’t merely a curiosity. it’s miles a blending of enchantment, thriller, love and respect, with thoughtfulness, willingness, and instinct. It famous every day us the intimate courting between our internal self and the outer world. expertise, intelligence and thoughts aren’t scientifically reducible ‘things’. And neither are our children. youngsters aren’t intended daily be assessed like industrial merchandise on an assembly line. faculties daily no longer are in the enterprise of manufacturing ‘things’.
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darbiblog-blog · 7 years ago
How School Desire Turns Education Into a Commodity
New Post has been published on https://darbi.org/how-school-desire-turns-education-into-a-commodity/
How School Desire Turns Education Into a Commodity
Buoyed by Donald Trump’s championing of a voucher gadget—and cheered on by his Training secretary Betsy DeVos—Arizona simply surpassed one of u. S . A .’s most thoroughgoing policies in the desire of so every day as “School of Desire.” The law signed via Governor Doug Ducey permits college students who withdraw from the public gadget to use their percentage of kingdom investment for private College, homeschooling or online Training.list of human desires
 School Desire 
Making academic investment “portable” is a part of a far wider political movement that started out inside the 1970s—acknowledged daily scholars as neoliberalism—which views the creation of markets as necessary for the existence of person liberty. within the neoliberal view, if your public establishments and areas don’t resemble markets, with a number client options, you then aren’t truly loose. The goal of neoliberalism is thereby daily rollback the state, privatize public services, or (as inside the case of vouchers) engineer styles of customer Choice and the market area within the public quarter.
DeVos is a fervent believer in new liberalizing Schooling—spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on and devoting herself day-to-day political activism for the unfold of voucher system training. In a speech on educational reform from 2015, DeVos expressed her lengthy-held view that the general public-College gadget desires every day be reengineered via the authorities to imitate a market. The failure daily accomplish that, she warned, will be the stagnation of a Training device run monopolistic ally types of desires by the authorities:
Many Americans now locate DeVos’s neoliberal manner of thinking commonsensical. In spite of everything, human beings have the each day revel in of being capable of pick out competing customer products on a market. Likewise, many Individuals rightly admire entrepreneurial pluck. Shouldn’t the intelligence and creativity of Silicon Valley’s markets be allowed every day cascade down over public Education, washing the machine clean of its encrusted bureaucracy?
Education Forbes
What an awful lot fewer humans understand is that the argument over “College of Preference” is simplest the trendy chapter in a long time-long political warfare between two models of freedom—one every day on market Desire and the alternative primarily based on democratic participation. Neoliberals like DeVos often count on those organizing public areas like a marketplace day-to-day cause beneficial effects. But in doing so, advocates of College of Preference forget about the political ramifications of the marketization of shared items just like the instructional gadget.
The first factor every day bear in mind whilst weighing whether or not or not every day marketize the public School machine is that markets usually have winners and losers. within the personal sector, the function of competition is frequently nice. For example, Friendster, the early reigning king of social networks, didn’t create a layout that human beings observed as useful and appealing as Facebook. The end result turned into that it finally vanished.
when companies like Friendster fail, no massive public damage is finished. Indeed, it is arguably a salutary form of what the economist Joseph Schumpeter day-to-day “creative destruction,” that is a characteristic of marketplace innovation. However, need day every day all goods in a society be subjected every day the forces of creative destruction? What happens every day a community when its public schools are defunded or closed because they couldn’t “compete” in a marketized surroundings?natural human desires
In Detroit (where DeVos played a big function in introducing College Choice) decades of this marketization has led to severe defunding and remaining of public colleges; the funneling of taxpayer money every day everyday for-income charter ventures; economically deprived dad and mom with worse alternatives than while the neoliberal social experiment started out; and subsequently, no large growth in pupil overall performance. Certainly, a few zones of Detroit at the moment are instructional deserts where dad and mom and children day-to-day tour exorbitant miles and hours for his or her children to attend School.my wish list gregoire delacourt
On the entire, neo-liberalization is toughest On the terrible. market Preference does, however, choose those who already have the Training, wealth, and wherewithal everyday plot every day, coordinate, and execute shifting their kids every day the superior educational setting. This means the huge beneficiaries of Faculty of Preference are frequently the wealthy. As an example, when Nevada currently surpassed a competitive School-of-Choice machine the result became that the full-size majority of these able to take benefit of it got here from the richest areas of Reno and Las Vegas. As money is pulled from failing faculties and funneled in everyday succeeding ones, wealth can truly be redistributed through the nation up to the socioeconomic ladder.
How the Standards Movements Degrades American Training
Millions of Americans have been persuaded that the cause of Education is every day put day every day our kids to attain nicely on standardized exams so that we will have extra well-skilled people. Because the Requirements movement gets stronger, we convince ourselves that being a beneficial employee is the important thing daily a glad and a success life. Rather than nurturing a feel of wonder and an ardor for daily, our faculties are more and more dedicated everyday standardizing know-how everyday lists of records, telling college students what’s suitable for them day-to-day recognize and suppose, and then ‘scientifically’ measuring how well they regurgitate this information on evaluation tests. what’s absolutely essential in human life is composed exactly of these matters that can’t be measured: love, decency, pleasure, all of the first-rate virtues and passions. This is what the Schooling of an individual everyday every day be about. But The use now not seeks daily train thinking, feeling, humans. We are seeking for every day teach servants.
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The brand new rallying cries are “Raising Standards” and “No Child Left Behind”, which we all understand are just euphemisms for task schooling. All of This is just a prescription for an efficient human ant hill. And it is worth remembering that inside the ant hill a character existence does no longer matter for much. There are usually plenty of replacements who can do the same activity. The company world gets involved in Schooling, worried that their corporations will no longer be able to compete within the destiny global financial system if the people being produced by our colleges are inferior. They then insist that schools day-to-day be run like some other organization in a competitive marketplace, and the rules of every day manipulate managerial performance, and excellent advertising and marketing method, day-to-day be applied in exactly the equal way.
For that reason, we want (1) a common set of Standards for the give up product, (2) a systematic test for measuring how well the scholars and schools are assemblies these Standards, and (three) and advertising marketing campaign every day convince the public that a significant Education in their kids approach getting them to attain properly on those assessments. This latter is effortlessly performed with the aid of appealing every day parents’ concerns about the economic future, and then frequently sending them the message that our colleges are in a “disaster”. However, the monetary machine isn’t floundering every day everyday badly appearing schools. The Yankee economy rises and falls in reaction daily severe and profound market and social forces that bear no relation at all every day the 66b34c3da3a0593bd135e66036f9aef3 functioning of our College system.
In the meantime, the insistence on greater “responsibility” of faculties does now not lead to greater success via our students. It ends in more pressure, worry, and alienation, it results in a dumbing-down of curricula, it results in pain and stigmatization for plenty kids who do not do nicely on standardized checks irrespective of their intelligence or their lecture room grades, and it helps daily deepen the rifts between various and antagonistic face day every day of society. This certainly does not imply that there may be no room for improvement inside the College device. However narrowing our imaginative and prescient and stultifying our minds isn’t every day tally admirable reform, and it is merely degrading and negative day-to-day base our instructional system On the company model, treating our kids as not anything extra than destiny workers and day-to-day who are every day remember, measured, and evaluated. For that matter, those tests have little capacity daily expect both educational or worldly fulfillment: rather, the ratings every day be distinctly correlated with socio-financial repute, and they praise the superficial gaining knowledge off of meaningless rote records Rather than critical questioning, creativity, or intensity of understanding. there’s sufficient proof that these luxurious examinations tell us little about intelligence or competency.
They honestly measure one’s potential day-to-day do properly At the check, a nugatory talent ultimately. Our complacent acceptance of cultural directives that inform us what daily assume and experience has opened the way for the mass degradation of our kids by subjecting them everyday ‘medical measurements’, as though they were soulless mechanical devices that had to be repaired and upgraded. And As a consequence our schools had been compelled every day the business of cloning mediocrity, churning out obedient servants for the monetary machine. But our faculties aren’t in a ‘disaster’: it’s far our souls which can be at risk. Of route, there are approaches that colleges can succeed in Elevating check scores, and lots of have achieved so. Deprive our children of recess and sports activities, get rid of art and track, forego time for thrilling discussions, provide much less time day-to-day read books for satisfaction, cut back on area trips and exciting projects, provide fewer electives, and waste a lot of treasured time coaching take a look at taking hints, and it is fairly easy to raise ratings. However, the effects are meaningless at best. At worst, they numb our youngsters’ minds, slender their imaginative and prescient, and kill their spirit, by using turning Training day-to-day and uneventful, scary, drudgery.
Recently there have even been requiring the removal of adolescence summer time vacations, considering the fact that ten weeks of fun and clean air get inside the manner of making ready for the tests, and threaten our function inside the international market. Meanwhile, we find ourselves falling Into a hellish global in which an increasing number of excessive College students reply every day the pressures of university admission with the aid of committing suicide, primary College children emerge as every day sick and overweight from lack of recess and play, and kindergartners require therapy day-to-day recover from stress disorders. To reform our colleges in a significant way could mean day-to-day restore the notion that Education is rooted in wonder, now not economics. marvel isn’t merely a curiosity. it’s miles a blending of enchantment, thriller, love and respect, with thoughtfulness, willingness, and instinct. It famous every day us the intimate courting between our internal self and the outer world. expertise, intelligence and thoughts aren’t scientifically reducible ‘things’. And neither are our children. youngsters aren’t intended daily be assessed like industrial merchandise on an assembly line. faculties daily no longer are in the enterprise of manufacturing ‘things’.
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my wish list Gregoire Delcourt
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