#imaginary Bridgerton scene of the day
quotergirl19 · 2 years
Imaginary Polin Season 3 Scene:
Penelope: Marina was wrong about you.
Colin: What did she say?
Penelope: That you weren’t like other gentlemen who played games, but you do. Why else would you pretend to care about me & my family and play the part of the dashing hero?
Colin: Of course I care about you. I told you, you are my friend…
Penelope: Not an hour after you told me that I was special to you, you were mocking me behind my back with your real friends. I was looking for Eloise when I heard you all laughing at me. Did you think I’d never find out? Perhaps it is your opinion that I am such an undesirable wallflower, I should be grateful for the pity you call friendship.
Colin: I do not pity you…
Penelope: Then you are ashamed of being acquainted with me. Either way let us be clear, I am not special to you and I know that now. My mama told me as much but I did not heed her because I trusted you. But the truth is you are no friend of mine and I was a fool for believing otherwise.
Colin: Penelope, please… you are upset. Perhaps some fresh air would… *he reaches for her and she pulls away*
Penelope: The air here is fine and I must remind you that I am not yours to touch. I was good to you. I was a true friend when you needed one & I always would have been. You will never fool me again. Do not write me letters or try to take me by the hand and if your mother tells you to dance with me, I ask that you refrain. You are nothing but a distraction when I should be focusing on finding someone who truly sees me. That is what I deserve, a good and kind man to marry and build a life with. That is my purpose after all. You may never grasp this but I am a woman now, and I want a man. I can no longer waste my time with a boy like you. Enjoy the season Mister Bridgerton.
Colin: *speechlessly looking like a sad puppy *
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It has been six excruciating days since I was plunged into the Bridgerton fandom against my will.
I was minding my own business, watching YouTube compilations of the best kisses in TV history, when I unwittingly clicked on a video about Colin and Penelope, and I was immediately down so bad for them.
Let me be clear: Bridgerton was not part of my life before I clicked on that video. I wanted nothing to do with it; I had no intention of ever watching or reading that smut. And then, without warning, it swept in and took me in the night, much like Colin Bridgerton in the back of a carriage.
To say I have been lost in the sauce these past six days would be a gross understatement. The carriage scene is literally ruining my life. I haven’t gone to sleep before 1 a.m. since Sunday, and I have been over an hour late to work every day. Why? Because I cannot stop consuming that godforsaken scene — watching gifs of it over and over, reading y’all’s hilarious takes and memes about it, watching it with the audio descriptions turned on (🥵), watching it with the music removed (🥵🥵), watching Luke and Nicola on their press tour, watching, watching, watching.
Have I started actually watching season 1 of the show? Of course. Did I check out the large-print version of the first book from the library since it was the only copy available? You bet. But I do not care about these other characters and storylines. I want it to be Colin and Penelope on the screen and the page in every sentence and every scene.
And either fortunately or unfortunately, I don’t even have to be looking at a screen to be distracted by them — my daydreaming has never been as maladaptive in my life as it has been this week. I can hardly think of one ten-minute stretch in the past six days in which some imaginary scenario has not been taking over my brain. I want to be part of their world so bad — not just Bridgerton, but Shondaland. As is the case for 90% of all of my daydreams, I want these actors to know I exist. I want them to look at me with just as much awe and love as I look at them. So I might be staring at my computer screen in my cubicle, but in my mind, I’m on a press tour of my own that intersects with theirs. (I’m never the desperate fan with no life in my dreams; my idols always see me as their equal). I might be driving my commute in my car, but in my mind, they’re congratulating me about my own novel being optioned by Netflix. I might be brushing my teeth in my bathroom, but in my mind, we’re laughing together on Graham Norton’s couch.
But Lord, here comes that freaking carriage scene once again, inserting itself into my mind (pun unavoidable). I cannot get over it. I’m so stuck there that I’ve found myself wearing shoes I don’t remember putting on, carrying coffee mugs I don’t remember putting in my bag, driving a speed limit I don’t remember agreeing to as acceptable. There is laundry that needs to be folded. Bills need to be paid. Emails need to be deleted en masse without reading. But I can’t find the door that will let me out of this damn carriage.
I had a conversation with myself two days ago about how we might be able to adapt to this new living situation. After a few temper tantrums, I finally said, “Girl, if you’re going to watch this scene 1,000 times, you have got to find a way to make it a constructive part of your life.” So I did what any rational adult would do: I started writing a scholarly paper about why it’s so powerful — not just for me but, according to the internet, for a lot of women. And I have every intention of writing an entire paper about this … if I can find the time. I’m just so busy right now with consuming this damn scene.
Was starting to write that article enough to satiate my obsession with this scene, with this show and these actors? Of course not. So this morning, I started writing a spicy scene of my own, featuring not Colin and Penelope but two other vaguely outlined characters who I’m sure I’ll give names and personalities to later. I was literally sitting in my cubicle, hunched over my planner, writing down snippets of sexiness in as small a print as possible in case someone walked up on me and looked over my shoulder without me noticing. And I’m not gonna lie: this shit’s good. I’ve never written smut before, because I’ve never had enough spice in my own life to feel like I’d be able to do it justice on paper. But that imagination of mine — she’s a freak. And my mind? My mind has moved way past the gutter. It is now in the outhouse. It’s in the slop with the pigs.
It should have come as no surprise, but as usual, the act of actually writing down the jumble of mess in my brain has had the effect of breaking some of the spell. I was also forced to focus on work because of looming deadlines, and I currently feel calmer than I have since Sunday. But I am truly living in fear of June 13. I cannot go through this again, and I know that I’m bound to, because I know that what’s been shown so far won’t hold a candle to what’s coming. And if I get down bad any further, I will be deep enough in the ground for this to become my final resting place. I’m not ready to be buried, but it feels inevitable.
But somehow, despite my own wants and fears, and despite the fact that we haven’t even been introduced yet to the bedroom where Colin and Penelope are sure to end up, I am somehow already lurking from behind the window curtains in the corner, peeking out at them doing the deed. I know what I hope I’ll see: based on the excerpt I’ve seen from the book, they will be in front of a mirror — expressly because Colin wants Penelope to see herself in full for the glorious goddess she is, and she will look at her sexy, bare self with just as much pride and love as we viewers behind the screen will (but probably with slightly less lust than Colin, who I pray will be very loud about how hot she is).
I am dreaming about this scene, but I dread it. Because if it’s as good as the carriage scene, I will immediately be re-enscripted and sent right back to the trenches where I spent the last six days. I’m excited, but I’m scared. And I’m afraid of getting lost in the woods again, because I know that if I do, I won’t want to be found.
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eleanor-bradstreet · 1 year
The Field: In a Week (Benedict Bridgerton x Reader)
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Benedict Bridgerton x fem!Reader Modern AU Rated: T - language, discussions of sex, infidelity, mortality Word count: 2.9k
Part 2: Lavender Forever Part 4: Back to Autumn Masterpost
Summary: A decade into your marriage, you and Benedict face life's trials.
Author's Note: The third in a four-part series based on songs about fields/nature that I associate with Benedict. This part is based on the song In a Week by Hozier. 💙
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A decade later
Your feet moved on their own. You were so blinded with anger, so lost in the whirl of your bitter thoughts that you let them carry you wherever they wanted. All you knew was you had to get out of the house before you snapped. You had already made a scene, walking straight out of Aubrey Hall and stomping across the cold, misted grounds while multiple members of the Bridgerton family watched. But it was better than shouting at your husband in front of them all, airing your dirty laundry in mixed company in some self destructive attempt to hurt him as much as he had hurt you. No, this was better. Just remove yourself from the situation. Cool down, reset, and find some way to awkwardly slip back and make a quick exit.
You grumbled low to yourself, spitting into the autumn air everything you wanted to say to him. All of your most wounding insults, your most witty comebacks, your most damning accusations. Things that you never had the celerity or courage to actually say in the moment, but that always won every imaginary argument. It was both exhausting and cathartic to replay the quarrels in your mind over and over, a twisted cycle you had become all too familiar with. 
A sudden rustling noise snapped you back into the present moment. Looking to the treeline you saw an orange tuft dart into the shadows and then a gleaming pair of eyes turn and peer back at you. It was a fox, watching you closely as you stomped the final few yards into the expanse of the field. It was the only place you had thought to go; somewhere distant and quiet, familiar and comforting, though bittersweet now with all the memories it contained. The happiness you remembered feeling there contrasted sharply with everything you felt now. As you moved through the tall grass you traced what had led you to this point.
After a decade’s tenure working with Anthony you had felt the pull to hang your own shingle, to establish yourself outside of the family you had married into. Everyone supported your move but the transition was proving harder than you had expected. Though you knew your blame was misplaced, you had started to grow resentful of the Bridgerton name and the automatic prestige it carried. Prestige your new brand could only dream of. 
You were working long hours, Benedict never seemed to not be working, and the honeymoon period was long over. He had reached a zenith of success and now it seemed every gallery from Salt Lake to Phuket wanted his pieces. But his traveling to meet with them all left no piece of him behind for you. The tender moments when you had joined together each day: swatting playfully at each other as you wrangled for the kettle, dinner burning on the hob as Benedict ignored it in favor of sprawling you across a countertop, and staying up far too late entwined in bed as you stared at the ceiling and talked of all your grand plans; none of that happened anymore. Everything felt like a transaction, even drudgery, as you both strove to fulfill life’s basic tasks while exhausted by everything you were trying to accomplish. 
Arguments had arisen to replace your daydreaming. Arguments over petty things and big things too. Neither of you could make up your mind on the biggest question - whether or not you wanted children. You were admittedly both curious to see what you might look like blended together in a new person and wanted to send them out as an agent of good in an increasingly uncertain world. But it was that same uncertainty that made you fear to bring them into it. And you both knew that your lifestyles didn’t currently lend themselves to parenthood. While you suspected Benedict believed a child would bring you closer together, you feared that the added stress of a helpless dependent may tip you over the edge.
The bliss that had once dominated your relationship now seemed to be only a memory. The generator in your chest that he had installed had run out of fuel. You were starting to contemplate things you could never have imagined only a few years prior. The D word. Something you had previously found so dirty, akin to a slur and having no place in the same sentence as Benedict’s name. Now it was beginning to have an odd kind of appeal. But it still forced tears from your eyes every time you thought about it, as it did now. With a shaking exhale you sat down, your hot tears contrasting with the cold dew in the grass. Failure and frustration welled within and you sank your head onto your knees, trapped in a loop of anguished thoughts.
When you heard more rustling you looked up, wondering if the fox had grown curious enough to approach. But it was Benedict, walking toward you slowly with his hands in his coat pockets, frowning.
You hastily brushed the tears from your cheeks.
“Benedict, please. I don’t want to do this right now.”
“Well, I didn’t want my wife to storm out of a family gathering in front of everyone and fuck off into the wilderness but here we are.” His voice was cutting, his eyes steely. “Is this your solution? To just not talk about it and eventually wander back in and act like nothing happened? Do I get to simmer in your resentment for the rest of the night?”
“Ben, stop,” you whispered, tears rising again.
“We need to fix this!” He barked, the sternness in his jaw so uncharacteristic. Then he softened. “I want to fix this."
The broken pleading cut through you and you saw a fleeting glimpse of the Benedict you had fallen in love with, still hiding there under everything that had happened. You knew he was talking about more than just your tiff in the family room. He was talking about everything.
“I want to fix this too.” 
You allowed him to sit next to you in the grass but when he reached for your hand you jerked it away.
“I’m sorry,” he offered.
You wouldn’t forgive that easily. If he wanted to fix things, he had to understand how he hurt you. “You made a joke at my expense.”
“I thought you’d laugh with me!” he reasoned. “You used to.”
“Used to was a long time ago. Now the jokes about your wife’s adorable, failing hobby business are wearing thin. I know you can’t relate. You or anyone in your family, with your fabulous lives.” You knew you sounded petulant but were giving free reign to your honest thoughts. Ever since stepping outside of the family business, you had felt somewhat outside of the family too. You only had yourself to blame and knew it was objectively untrue but couldn’t defeat your niggling imposter syndrome.
“Hey,” Benedict’s eyes were full of concern. “You are part of this family. What’s mine is yours.”
“Alright.” You scoffed and rolled your eyes, leaving spite in the driver’s seat.
“I didn’t know it would upset you so much.”
“No, you wouldn’t,” you spat. “You wouldn’t know much about me anymore because you’re never around. Gallivanting all over the world, one gallery to the next while your quaint little wife sits at home.”
Now it was his turn to be exasperated. “You told me you needed to stay and focus on your work.” 
“Just the first time and you’ve never asked me to join you again!” You stared him down, waiting for him to acknowledge fault, wanting him to explain himself. His silence stretched your anger to the breaking point. If you were going to have it out, you would have it all out.
You cooled your voice and turned away from him. “I suppose that’s good for your image. I wouldn’t want to be a third wheel.”
From the corner of your eye you saw his head snap up. “What are you saying?”
“I’m saying I’m not stupid, Ben. And other women aren’t blind.” You took a shaking breath, fearing where the conversation would lead but knowing you had to pursue it. The suspicion and insecurity had been simmering within you for too long.
After a long pause he finally spoke, his voice hollow. “You think I’m running around on you?”
The words fractured your heart and you had to stifle a whimper against the pain. “You tell me,” you whispered. “So much time spent apart.” 
You held your breath, waiting for all of your worst fears to be confirmed. A devastating truth that would simultaneously destroy you and set you free. But you were only met with more silence. You turned back to see Benedict staring at the ground, jaw locked and eyes searching.
“Nothing to say?” you prodded. “Should I take that as an admission?”
He looked up, pale eyes stormy while his voice was surprisingly calm. “No. I’m trying to think what I could have possibly done to undermine your faith in me like this. Maybe I didn’t fuck up in one big way. Maybe I fucked up in a thousand tiny ways. Over time, is that enough to make you think I’d go back on my vow?” The pain in his voice and confusion in his eyes immediately tore down your defenses. With only a few quiet sentences he deftly convinced you of his innocence and made you regret accusing him at all.
You swallowed thickly. “Your vow?”
“Our wedding vows. Remember?” He raised his eyebrows sarcastically. “Big party. You wore white. In this very field in fact.” He gestured to the landscape before you. The sky was clouded and the green was fading into straw tones. But your memories could etch in every detail of that sunlit day. A day of bliss when you joined your lives together, just feet from where you sat now.
Benedict continued, his words fervent. “We made vows. Vows that I remember and that I’m not going to break. No matter how many mistakes I make, my commitment to those stays the same. Do you believe me?”
His burning gaze made you tremble, nearly speechless in the face of his loyalty. Your enmity melted away with a half-hearted quip. “They weren’t really vows, per se.”
“No, they were better.” This time Benedict took your hand and you didn’t pull away. He held it tightly. “My heart unto yours is knit, so that but one heart can we make of it.” Smiles flitted across both your faces, remembering all of the Shakespeare he had insisted on using for your ceremony. ‘Eternal words for an eternal love,’ he had said.  
He brought your hand to his lips and pressed the softest kiss to your knuckles before pulling it to his chest. “I don’t know how I’m supposed to share my heart with anyone else if it's actually yours in the first place.”
You broke, letting your tears release the pressure of all the guilt, relief, love and hope building within. His arms instinctively wrapped around you as you leaned against him, now surrounded by warmth and his familiar smell. This was your husband, the love of your life. This was Benedict. He wasn’t perfect, but then neither were you. You had challenges to face and wounds to heal, but knew with certainty that the person you wanted to turn to through it all was him. Even if he was the cause of pain himself. You chuckled against his neck, laughing and crying simultaneously at the beautiful contradiction.
Benedict pulled back to meet your eyes. “Do you believe me?”
You nodded and he let out an audible sigh of relief, grinning as he rested his forehead against yours and held your face in his hands. “And then end life when I end loyalty.”
You surged forward and kissed him, the salt of your tears tingeing your lips. The two of you clung together, tension easing as your bodies and souls bolstered each other again. You lowered slowly to lie in the grass, side by side with your hands clasped.
“I miss you on these trips too, you know,” he revealed. “It’s fucking agonizing. I don’t want to travel as much as I do, but…”
“You need to,” you assured him, realizing your selfishness and insecurity couldn’t stand in the way of his dreams. “I want to see the works of Benedict Bridgerton displayed across the world. It’s what you deserve. It’s what you’ve earned. Starving artist no more.” 
He quirked a brow. “Was I ever?”
“No,” you smiled. “And maybe I’ll join you sometimes.”
He squeezed your hand. “Yes, please. It would be good for both of us. You never know who may be in need of a Creative Director.”
The mess of your job situation came hurtling back. The last thing you wanted was a handout. “Ben…”
“I’m not going to go slinging your name around and angling for favors. We can just keep our ears open,” he explained. “Let the nepotism work after you’ve applied.”
You couldn’t help but giggle at his dry remark. It was inescapable, the fact that you were tied to a surname that opened doors. But you knew Benedict would support you in rising based on your own merit. You had never actually asked for his help and chastised yourself for it.
He turned to stare up at the grey sky, mumbling to himself. “And I can give my damn fist a rest.”
You balked. “I’m sorry?”
The way he wiggled his eyebrows confirmed everything.
You smirked. “Are you saying you’re sullying all these five star hotel rooms with your self abuse?”
“Whenever I think of you.” His menacing little grin never failed to ignite a spark in your stomach. Despite how your body always ached for his, your suspicion of his infidelity had bled into suspicions about your sex life. Every time he returned home he pounced on you, but you had assumed it was driven by guilt or pure animalistic need, not by passion. You had felt like you owed it to him as a welcome home gift. You hadn’t realized how much he still longed for you. To imagine him alone in every far flung city, pleasuring himself while gasping your name, it was both tantalizing and a bit heartbreaking.
“Why don’t you call me?” you asked.
He looked dumbfounded. “You would want that?”
“Yes.” You rolled over and gave him a deep kiss, murmuring against his lips. “Timezones be damned, I want to know you're coming for me on the other side of the world.”
“Fucking hell,” he exhaled, eyes glittering. You smiled and snuggled into his side, the two of you lying in silence, studying the clouds, quietly envisioning the new chapter you were embarking upon. You felt a sense of peace returning that had eluded you for years.
You could have laid there for years or for hours, you weren’t sure. You were just content to feel Benedict’s hand in yours, to hear the quiet rustle of the wind in the grass, and to know that happier days lay ahead. But eventually the light started to dim, the temperature dropped to the point that your breath became visible, and you knew you had to return to the world outside of your hideaway.
“I don’t want to go back,” you confessed. “I made an ass of myself.”
Benedict smirked. “It would look worse that I marched off after you and neither of us ever returned.”
You were no longer concerned about anyone’s perception of you. Not while you were together. “They should know by now where to find us,” you shrugged. “What’s the plan? Lie here forever?”
You inhaled the crisp air, realizing the appeal. “Sounds nice, doesn’t it?”
“It does.” Benedict nestled deeper into the grass with a smile. “Lay here until we just dissolve into the grass. Become the flowers. That would really throw a wrench into the dandelion wine production.”
You both burst into laughter. It felt so good to laugh again.
“They’d find us in a week,” you mused. “Or whatever is left of us after the foxes have had a taste.”
He grimaced. “Gruesome.”
“It wouldn’t be our problem. We’d be gone. Somewhere. Together.”
Dark as it was, there was an undeniably appealing beauty in the idea. That the two of you could let the world fall away and rest forever in your favorite place, slumbering together through frosts and thaws and watercolor sunrises. You lay in complete stillness imitating the corpses you  imagined yourselves to be, your hands clasped so tightly that you could feel both your pulses between them. They were slowing, your hearts settling back into a calm echo of one another after dissipating their anger. 
Benedict spoke softly. “I’m sorry for everything.”
“I am too.” 
You knew with certainty that you had rounded a corner, entered a new era of honesty with one another. One upon which you could build the next decades of your shared life. Benedict, ever the mind reader, confirmed as much.
“A new start from here on out, yeah? We let our bitter selves die here.”
You turned to face him, cherishing his crooked grin, his bright eyes, every smile line that carved his features and fleck of grey that hid at his temples. You saw the boy who had kissed you in a swirl of dandelion tufts, the menace who ravished you with sinful delights, the husband who anchored you through every storm, and the man who you would follow to the ends of the earth. All rolled into one beautiful soul that you were blessed to have joined with your own.
You squeezed his hand. “Alright. We’ll lay here and die a little. Then I want to be home with you.”
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Tagging: @angels17324 @bridgertontess @broooookiecrisp @secretagentbucky
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sea-owl · 2 years
I'm just imagining the carriage scene with Gothic Penelope except Colin is mortified of his behavior and runs off afterward. Just imagine him visiting Penelope the next day, fidgeting as the butler shows him into where a very serious looking Penelope sits. Colin sits awkwardly across from her as Penelope studies him before speaking.
"Colin last night, you were unhinged."
He winces at this statement as she continues.
"You were like some desperate howling demon. You frightened me."
He closes his eyes, waiting for her to ask him to never show his face to her again only to feel her sit next to him. His eyes open to find Penelope leaning in closer to him smiling dreamily.
"Do it again."
An hour later, Portia and Felicity simply raise an eyebrow when they see a very ruffled Colin and Penelope sitting in the sitting room as Colin asks Portia for her daughter's hand.
See I don't think Colin "chaotic proposals" Bridgerton would ever run once he was committed. This is the same man that kissed Penelope once, and then started subconsciously planning their wedding, and ready to duel her imaginary lovers. The second kiss led to a marriage proposal and Colin lieing that Penelope was pregnant to get the wedding moved up.
Once they see the unhingeness peaking out the Featherington ladies and the Addams recognize it immediately. They're so relieved Penelope was smart in choosing this man. They've seen the "normal" English gentlemen and they're not impressed at all. Penelope deserves a passionate man who will match her.
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klarolinelibrary · 3 years
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Hi KC Readers,
We have reached the end of the week which means we have new weekly releases for you! The stories below were updated during the week of May 1st - May 7th.
Happy Reading!
Gods on High
Author: slstmaraudersjple
Rating: K+
Length: 1,257
Summary: "In ancient times, they called her Hera. But when she was born, she was named Caroline." Greek mythology AU featuring Klaus and Caroline as Zeus and Hera.
Date of update: May 1 2021
Klaus POV - The Trouble with Spells (Chapter 23)
Author: ilovetf
Rating: M
Length: 91,722
Summary: The Trouble with Spells as seen through Klaus's eyes and his POV. Over the years, people kept liking this story and some even asked for Klaus POV, so I decided to give it a try. 
Date of update: May 2 2021
Cinderella's Beast (Chapter 15)
Author: Sci-fi Christian
Rating: T
Length: 59,065
Summary: He was a beast. An arrogant beast who carried his comments a little too far one day. Now, he may just discover that she is not what she seems. She's a Cinderella in disguise and his heart is the glass slipper she may leave behind. 
Date of update: May 2 2021
Fortitude (Chapter 8)
Author: G.M.Portraepic
Rating: M
Length: 15,256
Summary: Post TO 5x13: Even in his death, the key to Klaus Mikaelson having everything he has ever wanted, all at once, lies buried somewhere in the world. Can Caroline Forbes find it?
Date of update: May 5 2021
Without Pause Without Doubt
Author: ThrowMeAStory
Rating: M
Length: 3,679
Summary: 4x16, au. Part 9. Klaroline vs Damon.
Date of update: May 1 2021
Between Reality and Madness
Author: Eliliyah
Rating: G
Length: 8,395
Summary: When Caroline Forbes, Hogwart's resident Potions Mistress, is bitten by a werewolf, her father, the Minister of Magic, immediately orders she be taken away and imprisoned in a so-called "Rehabilitation Facility," mysterious camps from which no wolf has ever returned. Dodging curses, she runs for her life. Her only chance is to find the one person who seems to know a thing or two about wolves: Headmaster Klaus Mikaelson.
Date of update: May 1 2021
Our Time Now (Chapter 2)
Author: perfectpro
Rating: M
Length: 23,970
Summary: Caroline is going to spend her senior year getting into the law school of her choice, leading the cheerleading squad to a nationals title, and passing her sorority presidency to someone who will continue a legacy of excellence. She doesn't have time to take a bubble bath, much less to figure out what's happening with her relationship with Klaus. Not that it's much of a relationship to begin with.
Date of update: May 1 2021
no goodbyes (Chapter 11)
Author: deadofwrite (dead_of_write)
Rating: E
Length: 78,975
Summary: “Last night shouldn’t have happened,” Caroline whispered. Guilt. Shame. Regret. It was all the emotions he feared. And it was written all over her face. aka. a college/cheating au
Date of update: May 1 2021
All You Never Say (Chapter 6)
Author: misssophiachase
Rating: T
Length: 18,967
Summary: One wedding involving a best man and maid of honour who've grown up together but don't know quite how to reconcile their unresolved feelings.
Date of update: May 2 2021
A smutty anniversary (Chapter 8)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: E
Length: 5,414
Summary: Caroline and Klaus celebrate 3 months together with a day full of smut.
Date of update: May 2 2021
Darkness Becomes Thee (Chapter 3)
Author: BelleMorte180
Rating: E
Length: 12,317
Summary: Austria 1300s When Klaus met a young girl on a riverbank, he knew that he would one day come back for her. When he looked into her bright blue eyes, he could see a reflection of his own soul, a darkness that lingered inside both of them. When the young girl turned into a beautiful woman with a thirst for blood, his fascination with her turns into obsession. He wants not only her loyalty but her eternity, a possessiveness that is equally returned.
Date of update: May 2 2021
One of a Kind, Two of a Kind, or the Three Musketeers (Chapter 11)
Author: Phandancee74
Rating: T
Length: 24,114
Summary: Caroline recognizes how hard it is for Elena to be a doppelgänger, her fate predestined as well as her face. It's pretty tough being the last of your kind too though, and Caroline is determined to protect them both, with some very helpful Bennetts on their side.
Date of update: May 2 2021
Klaus’ Thousand Year Plan to be Her Last (Chapter 2)
Author: anncatherine
Rating: T
Length: 2,867
Summary: So these are some missing Klaroline scenes from my Elena/Elijah soulmate fic that I couldn’t include because they either didn’t fit or needed to be form Klaus or Caroline’s pov. I think it would be helpful to read at least the first couple chapters of that for background, but basically at twelve people’s soulmate’s birthday shows up on their wrist.
Date of update: May 2 2021
Cloud 9: A Collection of Klaroline Fusions and Crossovers (Chapter 11)
Author: klarolineagainnaturally
Rating: G
Length: 5,597
Summary: Various fusions and crossovers with Klaus and Caroline including Much Ado About Nothing, Ready or Not, and Tangled!
Date of update: May 2 2021
The Big Bad Wolf (Chapter 8)
Author: MorningStarGirl666
Rating: T
Length: 58,507
Summary: He was the Big, Bad Wolf of this story, there was no doubt about that. But Caroline? She was the light to his darkness, the moon that shone brighter than even the stars in a sky of endless void. Like every wolf, he fell in love with the moon, and every month, he was destined to cry for a love he would never touch.
Date of update: May 2 2021
Destination Wedding (Chapter 5)
Author: PumpkinDoodles
Rating: T
Length: 10,294
Summary: The first rule of going to your ex's wedding is 'make sure you look good,' but Caroline's seriously worried that this British Guy is going to make her late. And she cannot be late to Rebekah Mikaelson and Matt Donovan's wedding at a Virginia winery.
Date of update: May 3 2021
We are young (Chapter 14)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: T
Length: 16,153
Summary:  Basically, Klaroline flirt in front of their kids who they are barely older than, and Landon is appropriately confused.
Date of update: May 3 2021
Road to Ruin
Author: Cupcakemolotov
Rating: ?
Length: 2,122
Summary: Caroline comes home for Elena's funeral two years after she made out of Mystic Falls to NYU, and meets Klaus Mikaelson, one of the enigmatic brother's who claimed Elena as their own.
Date of update: May 3 2021
Time Heals All Wounds (Chapter 2)
Author: khaleesiofthewolves
Rating: ?
Length: 4,393
Summary: Does time really heals all wounds? Deeply scarred by his past, he would beg to differ. Klaus never thought the midnight shift at the hospital would change his life and yet it did. When a certain blonde is brought in with severe injuries, Klaus will learn that sometimes doctors need healing as well. Will their inner wounds and scars help them grow together or just tear them apart?
Date of update: May 3 2021
Caroline in Wonderland
Author: BelleMorte180
Rating: E
Length: 25,491
Summary: London, 1903 On the day of her wedding, a young boy collides into Caroline's legs, all but knocking her to the ground. Seeing that she is dreading walking down the aisle, any moment stalling her from heading to the church is welcome. However, when she follows the young boy down a London street, something impossible happens and Caroline finds herself in a magical world that she had been told about as a young child- Wonderland. She embarks on a journey through Wonderland to find out who she really is, where she belongs and towards a man who she had thought was nothing more than an imaginary friend.
Date of update: May 4 2021
A Bee A Tulip and a Meddlesome Sister
Author: KatherineBee1814
Rating: M
Length: 15,107
Summary: Newly arrived in London from Kent Lady Rebekah Mikaelson quickly catches the eye of infamous Rake and rouge Lord Anthony Bridgerton but Andromeda will be damned before she lets him marry her favourite sibling.
Date of update: May 4 2021
Soulmate visions (Chapter 6)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: T
Length: 11,445
Summary: On your soulmate's eighteenth birthday, you see through their eyes for an hour, but they don’t know. And if your soulmate turns eighteen before you are even born, you never get a vision. Klaus gets his soulmate vision right after he orders Tyler to bite Caroline on her birthday….
Date of update: May 4 2021
White Winds Blow (Chapter 2)
Author: perfectpro
Rating: T
Length: 17,704
Summary: Caroline Forbes waits anxiously in the Riverlands to hear of the return of her betrothed, Elijah Mikaelson, from the uprising against the mad King Silas. Instead, a letter arrives from his younger brother, Lord Niklaus, telling her of Elijah's death and offering to uphold the joining of their houses himself. She will become the Lady of Winterfell, but Lord Niklaus, waiting at the heart tree, is a stranger.
Date of update: May 4 2021
later on, we'll conspire (Chapter 3)
Author: PumpkinDoodles
Rating: M
Length: 7,292
Summary: Caroline asks Klaus to choose her over revenge at the Winter Wonderland Party.
Date of update: May 5 2021
KC Drabbles 2021
Author: CandyCane1287
Rating: T
Length: 8,303
Summary: C1: Hybrid Klaus meets human Caroline earlier and they fall in love. But there’s more. Ps, Katherine didn’t turn Caroline and she’s still human. He used Elena for the sacrifice but Elijah revived her. He got Tyler to bite Caroline but Klaus healed her. Tyler and Caroline broke up cause he cheated on her and they weren’t that in love. A bit of talk of Damon, but doesn’t go into too much detail. I suck at summaries btw.
Date of update: May 5 2021
Revenge of the Fifth - TVD Edition
Author: kcatdino
Rating: M
Length: 4,057
Summary: A star wars AU for vampire dairies for May the Fourth Be with You! Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena are padawan learners at Luke Skywalker’s new Jedi training academy, desperate to prove themselves by taking down some of the new Sith Lords that have popped up. The problem is, those Sith Lords are the Mikaelsons, and each girl has a Mikaelson brother obsessed with them, unwilling to let them come to harm. Will that make it harder or easier for them to triumph over the Dark Side?
Date of update: May 6 2021
The Beach House (Chapter 2)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: M
Length: 3,812
Summary: When Rebekah blackmails Klaus into pretending to be her friend Caroline’s boyfriend for the weekend, he expects sand, sun, and horrible people who never left high school. And while Caroline’s friends may ‘suck’ (her term, not his), he increasingly enjoys the time he spends with the bubbly blonde. But nothing can happen, even while sharing a bed. Caroline might feel bad for dragging Klaus away from his infant daughter for the weekend, but the little intimacies and kisses for their performance build up and start to feel very real. And now she wants him bad. If only Rebekah hadn’t warned him off.
Date of update: May 5 2021
Author: VintageLilac
Rating: T
Length: 156,908
Summary: New York was home to the richest families in the in world. They were the elite and spent their days traveling the world, making money, and earning power. Although Manhattan wasn't just their home, it was their kingdom. Left with little parental supervision, no rules, and copious amounts of money, the infamous teenagers ran the city and as people say, long may they reign.
Date of update: May 6 2021
That Kind Of Power
Author: ThrowMeAStory
Rating: M
Length: 3,375
Summary: 4x16 au, Part 10. Caroline vs Elena.
Date of update: May 6 2021
Reasons Not to Date a Mikaelson (Chapter 5)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: T
Length: 9,517
Summary: Bonnie and Caroline gain a new roommate for their freshman dorm when a vision leads them to tracking down a pregnant Hayley in the Rockies. Also, Bonnie may or may not have raised a certain dead Original instead of Jeremy and Klaus takes a job at Whitmore teaching, to be annoying. He’s very good at it.
Date of update: May 7 2021
LITTLE TENSE (Chapter 3)
Author: wincefish16
Rating: T
Length: 3,592
Summary: Klaroline's life together as they work in Mikaelson and co. Different snippets of their life.
Date of update: May 7 2021
FFN: The Exclusivity Clause (Chapter 3)
AO3: The Exclusivity Clause (Chapter 3)
Author: slstmaraudersjple
Rating: M
Length: 12,529
Summary: When Klaus receives a call that his soulmate has been found after searching for her for almost a century, he sets off to claim her before his enemies can harm her. But his soulmate is human this time around, innocent and irresistible, and his wolf wants nothing more than to mark her. Soulmates Reincarnation AU.
Date of update: May 1st
FFN: Louder Than Thunder (Chapter 39)
AO3: Louder Than Thunder (Chapter 17)
Author: khaleesiofthewolves
Rating: M
Length: 256,589
Summary: All Hell was about to break loose. After dying while protecting a grieving Klaus, Caroline finds herself sent back in time, and she's not who she once was. She's more. Back in Mystic Falls, something else is stirring. After the arrival of a mysterious figure from Klaus' past, it all comes to a head. It really is louder than thunder.
Date of update: May 3 2021
FFN: Caroline the Not So Teenage Witch
AO3: Caroline the Not So Teenage Witch (Chapter 15)
Author: klarolineagainnaturally
Rating: T
Length: 35,304
Summary: Continuing the drabble inspired by Sabrina the Teenage Witch, young witch Caroline Forbes must learn to live with her old flame turned cat. Antics ensue as they try to get along and fix what has been done.
Date of update: May 3 2021
FFN: A Beautiful Symmetry (Chapter 155)
AO3: A Beautiful Symmetry (Chapter 155)
Author: Uppity Bitch
Rating: M
Length: 419,840
Summary: A collection of random AU one-shots featuring Klaroline. Chapter 155: Part 2 — Fright Wedding. This is a sequel to Chapter 141: Fright Wedding. The alliance with the Mikaelson kingdom failed when they declared war, but Caroline was certain Klaus would be an excellent ally. Or hostage. Or possibly something more?
Date of update: May 3 2021
FFN: Royals of New York (Chapter 28)
AO3: Royals of New York (Chapter 27)
Author: VintageLilac
Rating: T
Length: 162,215
Summary: New York's royals spend their days traveling the world, making money, and earning power. With little parental supervision, no rules, and copious amounts of money, their children have New York as their own personal kingdom. May their reign be long and prosperous.
Date of update: May 6 2021
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alj4890 · 4 years
A Second Chance
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(Thomas Hunt x *oc Amanda)
A/N First day in California for the pair and Kathleen, and is it one busy day. Paternity tests, tour around a studio, seeing Thomas's home for the first time. Whew. This actually was a last minute addition to the story when I realized I had not had a chance for Addison and Holly to confront Amanda on keeping her pregnancy a secret. And being in Hollywood, one never knows who they might run into.
@lxaah11​ @alleksa16​ @penguininapinktuxedo​ @blackcoffee85​ @stopforamoment​  @hopefulmoonobject​   @krsnlove​   @annekebbphotography​ @hopelessromantic1352 . @sunflowergirl05  @desireepow-1986 @greywitchyshots​ @lilyofchoices​​ @moodyvalentinestories​ @emceesynonymroll​ @my-heart-beats-for-ya​ @aworldoffandoms​ @ab1901​  @flyawayboo​ @i-bloody-love-drake-walker​ . @trappedinfandoms​  @kate-mckenzie​ @cordoniaqueensworld​ @everythingmarvelsherlockspn​
Catch up with Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Los Angeles, California...
Kathleen wrinkled her nose after her mouth was swabbed. "What's that for?"
Her parents shared a loaded glance.
"It's just a checkup." Amanda replied.
"Did Daddy get a checkup?" She asked when Thomas had his mouth swabbed.
"Yes." Amanda replied.
"Why aren't you getting a checkup?" Kathleen asked.
"Well, I don't need one right now." Amanda smiled softly at her.
"We should have the DNA results by Friday." The lab tech told them.
"Thank you." Thomas took Kathleen's hand and placed his other at Amanda's back. "Shall we, ladies?"
"Now do we get to see where the movies are made?" Kathleen asked when they stepped outside.
"Yes, we do." He smiled down at her. "I'm going to show you where I work."
"You work in an office?" Kathleen's voice could not quite hide her disappointment as they walked down a long hallway.
"Sometimes." He corrected. "Once I check over a few things, I will take you on a tour of a movie set."
Amanda looked about remembering the last few times she had been here. What horrible times those were, she thought. She could feel her stomach clench in remembrance of how nervous she had been coming to see Thomas to tell him he was going to be a father. The tearful escapes when she had failed miserably. She didn’t think she would visit him here again after today. It was much too painful to think about what she could have had if she had simply forced him to hear her out.
The three stepped into his office. He told his ladies to make themselves comfortable while he went to his desk.
While Amanda’s spirits dropped being back here, Thomas was focusing on the memories of when they were happy together. His lips curved as he went through his correspondence. The times she had come by as either a surprise visit or an expected one drifted through his mind. All plans to work were forgotten whenever she walked through his door.
"What's that?" Kathleen asked, pointing up at his shelf.
He turned his head in the direction she was pointing. "That is an award the studio gave me." He lifted the crystal trophy shaped like a star off the shelf and handed it to her.
"It looks like a shooting star." Kathleen sat down on the floor with it.
"Be careful." Amanda warned. "We don't want it to break."
"Did you win a race?" Kathleen asked after promising she would be careful.
He chuckled and shook his head. "It was for the first film I directed. It made the studio a great deal of money and garnered a number of awards and recognition."
She held it up to the light and smiled. "It makes rainbows!"
Thomas propped his chin on his hand as he watched her playing with an award that he hardly thought about. She was not impressed at all with why he received it, only that it was a prism turning his dull office into a thing of beauty.
His door swung open, startling the three of them.
"You're back." Holly stated after her surprise of seeing them sitting there. Her sharp eyes dropped down to Kathleen. She noticed all the similarities to the former couple clearly marked in the little girl’s face. "She looks like both of you."
Thomas rose from his desk and picked up his daughter. "Kathleen, I want you to meet Holly. She assists me in all my films."
"Hello." She said shyly.
"Hello." Holly smiled warmly at her. "Addison is going to kill me for meeting her first." Her smile dimmed somewhat when she turned toward Amanda. "It's good to see you again."
"You too." Amanda replied. She knew she had hurt Holly and Addison when she disappeared without giving them an explanation.
Thomas cleared his throat when he noticed the tension. "I think Kathleen and I will go find some coffee." He set her down guided her out with a hand on her shoulder. "We'll be back."
Holly folded her arms when the door shut. "Why didn't you tell us?"
Amanda sat down and lowered her head. She would be glad when the interrogations ended. Having to repeat over and over how she had been deceived only brought back all the anguish she had tried to bury for years.
During the beginning of the tale, Addison burst in. Her bright blue eyes had tears forming. "I just saw her! She's gorgeous and so cute with her bashfulness."
"Shh!" Holly scolded. "Sit down. Amanda is finally going to explain why she left us all in the dark."
The two listened as the duchess led them through the different events that resulted in her disappearing.
"I can't believe Kara would do that to you and Thomas!" Addison's anger eclipsed her sadness. "I mean, I know she was evil in breaking his phone, but to deny a pregnant woman the man that loved her..." She placed her hands over her own slight baby bump. "I can't even begin to imagine how much that hurt."
"I couldn't tell you about it." Amanda admitted. "You're both so close to Thomas that it would have put you in a difficult position if you felt inclined to choose sides."
"We could have fixed all this five years ago." Holly snapped. "Thomas loved you, even though you had ended things. He would have married you and we would have had Kathleen in our lives that much sooner."
"She's right." Addison mumbled. She moved over onto the couch Amanda was sitting on and hugged her. "Next time, trust us with something like this. We care about you just as much as we do Thomas."
"God help me if there is a next time." Amanda replied with a bitter laugh. She lifted her eyes and apologized to them both. "I am sorry I didn't keep in touch. It all seemed to happen so fast and I was separated from nearly everyone I knew." Her chin firmed. "I had to do what I could to protect Kathleen. That’s why you didn’t hear much from me after my last visit to California.”
Holly took her glasses off, wiped a frustrated tear, and moved to the other side of Amanda. She and Addison hugged her at the same time.
"We've missed you." Holly said softly, all her earlier snark and anger gone. "Don’t do that to us again.” Her smile reappeared. “Now, tell us everything about your daughter."
"Where are we going?" Kathleen asked as she walked between Thomas and Amanda.
"To one of the soundstages I use." He replied. "There are a few sets from my last movie in there that you can explore."
"Is it a princess movie?" She slipped her hands into both her parent's.
"I'm afraid not." Thomas rubbed the back of his neck. "It was a film about the Duchess of Richmond's infamous ball the night before the Battle of Waterloo."
"A ball?" Kathleen repeated excitedly.
Amanda tried not to laugh at their daughter focusing on the dancing rather than the emotional turmoil the people at the ball must have felt when they heard that the many men there would be leaving to directly engage Napoleon one last time.
Thomas tried to think of how to explain to a five-year-old that it was so much more than a mere dance. He noticed Amanda struggling with her laughter and gave up. "Yes. It was a ball held a long time ago."
Kathleen paused and looked around once they stepped inside the soundstage.
Thomas began the tour by pointing out where he normally sat while the actors played their parts.
She held his hand and asked questions as they explored the different sets.
Amanda remained in the shadows, filming them together.
Kathleen climbed into his director's chair. She pretended to be in charge, basing her performance on all the movies she had seen that had the characters making a film, and yelled out "Action!" Followed by, "Roll Them!"
Thomas couldn't help but chuckle at her serious, commanding tone. "I believe you need to set the scene, Ms. Director." When she seemed unsure, he clarified it for her. "What would you have us do?"
"You need to dance." She replied with a giggle. “It’s a ball.”
"I seem to be without a partner." He turned around, searching for Amanda.
She was standing by one of the sconces in the ballroom, fanning herself with a lace fan she had found on a prop table. She winked at him and leaned over as if to speak to an imaginary person. "I do hope Captain Hunt asks me for a dance."
Kathleen giggled harder when her mother pretended to nearly swoon at the sight of him coming her way.
"May I have this waltz, Lady Bridgerton?" He asked.
"Oh!" Amanda acted surprise. "Nothing could bring me more happiness, Captain, than dancing with you."
He took her hand and led her to the dance floor. He twirled her into his arms and the two set off on a waltz around the ballroom.
"Twirl, Mommy!" Kathleen yelled out.
"My goodness, our director is bossy." Amanda teased as she dutifully twirled during a second turn around the ballroom.
Kathleen giggled some more while yelling out actions. When the couple ended the dance, Kathleen gave one last command. "Kiss her, Daddy!"
The couple froze as they looked at one another. Neither moved, uncertain what the other wanted. Their daughter spoke up again. "You have to kiss her hand. That's how the dance ends."
Thomas bowed and lifted Amanda's hand to his lips. "Thank you for the dance, my lady."
"It is a pleasure I hope to soon be repeated, Captain." She replied while dipping into an elegant curtsy.
"And this is where I watch all that has been filmed. I do what is known as editing using this particular equipment." Thomas continued to explain.
Kathleen was spinning around in one of the chairs. She stopped and pointed at the screen on the wall. "You have your own movie theater!"
Thomas glanced up at the screen. "In a way."
Amanda shook her head as she watched them. He was doing all he could to make the more tedious part of filming seem interesting for their daughter. She thought it was time to spare them both more of this tour. "I don't know about you two, but I am starving."
"Can we have pizza?" Kathleen asked, hopping out of the chair.
"I believe I could be persuaded." Thomas answered. He smiled when she hugged him.
"I like seeing where you make movies." Kathleen looked up at him. "Can we come back later?"
"When I begin another film, I will make certain you have your own director's chair." He smoothed her curls back out of her face. "I believe I could use your unique perspective on the dancing scenes."
Kathleen giggled. "And kissing."
He colored some when he looked over at Amanda. "And that too."
Thomas held the door open so that they could proceed him. His eyes immediately went to Amanda when she gasped. She pushed Kathleen back into the room and pulled the door shut.
"What happened?" He asked his daughter.
"I don't know." Her eyes were wide with surprise.
"Was anyone or anything in the hallway?" He tried to open the door to see what was happening.
Kathleen shook her head and hid behind his legs.
Thomas stood there in shock at the spectacle before his eyes.
A moment earlier...
Kara walked down the hallway with her new script in hand. It had taken a few years to be given a chance on a worthwhile film. After the fallout with Thomas, most directors wouldn't bother giving her an audition. It had been a humiliating five years for the once beloved actress.
She looked up and narrowed her eyes when she saw the one who ruined her career. If Amanda had not arrived that night to try and tell Thomas she was pregnant, then Kara would not have broken his phone in anger few months later and thus would have kept her career on the up and up.
Her gaze dropped down to the little girl beside the duchess. They must be here to see Thomas, she thought bitterly.
Amanda looked up and let out a gasp. Kara was highly amused watching her try and put her child back in the editing room and out of harm's way.  Her smug smile held a good bit of mockery the nearer she came to the one Thomas chose over her. Like someone as weak as the duchess could possibly protect--
Kara's head snapped to the side. The force of Amanda's slap knocked her against the wall. Her new emerald earrings went flying in different directions down the hallway. Tears of pain blinded the actress as she raised a shaky hand to her face.
She blinked a few times to clear her vision and noticed Thomas standing behind the rage filled duchess. He seemed incapable of reacting to what was happening right in front of him.
Amanda stepped forward, making the actress cringe in terror of another possible attack. She felt a good deal of pride seeing her handprint showing up on the vain woman's face.
"If you ever attempt to harm my daughter in any manner again, whether verbally or physically," Amanda leaned down close to her face. Her voice was calm and held a level of horrific menace that made Kara blanch. The dark red handprint was even more noticeable and beginning to bruise.
Amanda waited until the frightened woman was looking her in the eye to finish her warning. "I will not only end you, but no one will ever find you."
"Are you--" Kara's voice cracked in fear. "Is that a threat?"
Amanda's lips curved into an evil smile. "Yes, it is." She turned around and took Kathleen's hand. "Shall we go to lunch?"
Thomas followed them, not even sparing a glance for the trembling woman that had ruined five years of their lives.
They took their pizza to the beach for an impromptu picnic and let Kathleen play in the sand and water. Being a weekday and after lunch time, the stretch of beach Thomas took them was nearly deserted.
While their daughter was occupied looking for seashells,  he broached the subject of the altercation at the studio.
"Are you alright?" He asked softly.
Amanda shook her head. "I'm so ashamed I let my temper get the better of me again." She let her eyes rest on Kathleen. "Knowing Kara was the catalyst that caused my daughter to have a different beginning in life than she would have, just…” She trailed off and pulled her knees to her chest. "How could I lose control like that?"
Thomas scooted closer and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. He felt another small victory when she without pause rested her head on his shoulder. "I hate that you had to see her again." His lips curved in a rueful smile, "but I am very proud of you letting her know she doesn't stand a chance against you."
Amanda laughed and shook her head. "I didn't do much."
Thomas rolled his eyes. "You're speaking to the man that has been on the other end of your left hook." He held her hand up. "Seeing it once again connect with another face let me know that Kara will never cross you again."
"As long as she leaves Kathleen alone, I don't care what she does." Amanda mumbled. "I know you saw me slap her. Kathleen didn't, did she?"
"No. I kept her back in the room. She only saw Kara trembling before you." He chuckled when Amanda buried her face in her knees.
"I've turned into a Nevarkis." She muttered. "Kathleen will probably want some kind of combat training now."
"I'm not opposed to her knowing how to defend herself. Perhaps Olivia could teach her some moves." Thomas smiled when Kathleen stood up from the shore and yelled out that she had found a pretty shell.
"I believe she has been giving her secret lessons." Amanda whispered. "Kathleen twirled a butter knife the other night that was a little too reminiscent of Olivia and her daggers."
Thomas couldn't help but laugh at picturing his sweet, calm daughter with a pair of butter knives as weapons. "Regardless of what happened, I don't want running into Kara put a damper on your time here with me."
Amanda sat up and looked at him. That tender look was back in his eyes that made her want to melt into his arms. "I won't let it ruin our time here."
His arm dropped down to her waist. He squeezed her close to his side for a moment. "Good." He said softly.
Thomas opened the door to his home and watched Kathleen as she timidly stepped inside. He flipped on a light switch and waited to hear her thoughts.
Amanda gently urged her further inside. "Doesn't your father have a beautiful home?"
She nodded while walking around. "You have a pool?" She asked while looking out one of the windows.
"I do." He replied. "We can go swimming whenever you want."
She went into his kitchen and searched his nearly bare counters. "There's no cookie jar." Her brow furrowed. "Don't you like cookies, Daddy?"
"Yes." He answered, avoiding Amanda's curious glance. "I will need to buy a cookie jar for us."
"What happened to the one you used to have?" Amanda asked.
"It broke." He reluctantly admitted.
Thomas walked out of the kitchen, giving the excuse that he needed to get the rest of the luggage inside.
He did not want to explain that he had been the one to break the cookie jar after his second failed attempt to find Amanda. Now that he thought about it, he hadn't had a cookie in years. Just the smell of them baking reminded him of her and the date nights spent in his home.
"Here. Let me help." Amanda came up behind him and took some of the suitcases. She was worried about the way he was acting. He had been so excited to bring Kathleen to his home. Now though... "Kathleen discovered the theater room." Her lips turned up in a teasing smile. "You might never get that back."
When he briefly smiled, she placed her hand on his arm. "Thomas? What's wrong?"
"Nothing." He replied.
"If you want, Kathleen and I can stay at a hotel." She offered, believing he might be regretting the offer for them to stay with him. "I don't want to put you through so much trouble."
"I want you both to stay here." He grimaced at how true that sentence was. He wanted them to want to remain with him for the rest of his life.
"Thank you." Amanda mumbled, not knowing what to do or say. She followed him inside, wondering what had upset him.
Kathleen joined them as they went upstairs. "Which room is mine?"
Thomas paused and looked up and down the hall. "You can pick whichever one you want."
"Where's your room?" She asked.
"That one at the far end." He motioned to the right.
Kathleen went to the room that was near his. She then explored the other guest rooms and a smaller room that held a desk and bookshelves.
"Can I have that room?" She asked, pointing toward the one next to his.
"Of course." He smiled and took her bags in there.
She looked around quietly and began to place her toys on the large bed.
Thomas noticed what she did. The guest room wasn't exactly decorated for a five-year-old little girl. The beige and grayish blue color scheme did not seem to match her sunny personality at all.
"Do you like this room?" He asked, after Amanda took her bags to the guestroom across the hall.
Kathleen looked up at him. "Yes, sir."
He frowned slightly. "What made you choose this one?"
"It's next to your room." She continued to pull her toys out. Her own frown formed at being unable to get up on the bed easily.
He leaned against the doorway while looking about. "I think we need to go shopping."
"For what?" Amanda asked when she rejoined them.
"For whatever Kathleen thinks will make this room better." He decided.
"Really?" Kathleen perked up.
"If this is the room you want for your very own, then we need to make it yours." Thomas went to get a notebook and pen from his room. "We will make a list of all that needs to be changed. Furniture, toys, decorations; whatever you want."
Amanda observed the two making plans for a complete room transformation. She couldn't stop her smile forming as Kathleen became more animated in pointing out where she would put certain toys and furniture.
"And this can be my movie spot!" She exclaimed.
"Every room should have one." Thomas continued to record her ideas, adding his own recommendations next to each one.
"Can I have a fuzzy blanket?" Kathleen asked. "Mommy and I have a lot of them at home."
Thomas nodded as he sat down on the bed. "Whatever you want." He focused on his daughter. "This is your home too. I want you to have the things that will make you happy here."
Kathleen smiled at him and then turned toward Amanda. "Mommy, are you going to change your room too?"
Thomas looked up at her, curious at how she would answer that question.
"I like the way my room is." She nodded toward Thomas. "I've always loved how your father decorated his home."
Kathleen took her mother's hands and jumped up and down. "Then we can stay here forever!"
"Oh, well, not exactly." Amanda stuttered. "We have to go to our home in Cordonia in a few weeks."
"And then we can come back here?" Kathleen asked.
Amanda hesitated. "We'll see, sweetheart. Your father and I have to look at our schedules and decide where we need to be after the holidays."
"We can make plans later." Thomas knew Amanda was feeling that old guilt again and that he needed to change the subject before it consumed her. "I'm going to start dinner."
"You can cook?" Kathleen asked.
"I can." He grinned at her. "I could use someone to assist me in the kitchen."
"Can I help?" Kathleen asked. "Mommy lets me help her when she cooks."
He pretended to debate. "Hmm. If Amanda has you help, then you must be the best."
"She really is." Amanda added, grateful that he distracted Kathleen from a subject she wasn't ready to discuss.
The expression on her face made Thomas want to take her in his arms. He wanted to reassure her that they wouldn't have to talk about splitting time with Kathleen. He didn't intend on losing either of his ladies again.
"Would you like to help us?" Thomas asked her.
Amanda glanced at Kathleen's suitcases and thought of the ones in her room. She knew she should use this as time to unpack, but that look in Thomas's eyes made her want to be near him for as long as she could.
"I would love to." She replied.
After dinner, Amanda unpacked everything while Kathleen helped Thomas with the dishes and then explored his backyard. She bit her lip as she folded her things and placed them in the empty drawers.
Being back in Thomas's home had brought back so many memories of happier times. From the very beginning of their relationship, she had felt like she belonged here.
Their time together in his home had been one that was relaxed and private. It was such a different feel than her home in St Orella. Interruptions were rare here and they had been able to just focus on each other.
She had loved every minute here with him.
"Mommy?" Kathleen came running into the guest room. "Can we watch a movie?"
"Let's get you ready for bed first just in case you fall asleep." She cupped the little face, smiling at how happy her daughter was. "We've had a long first day here."
The two joined Thomas downstairs after Kathleen was bathed and put in pajamas.
Thomas had chosen another classic musical, Girl Crazy, for them to enjoy. Kathleen sat between her parents and watched Judy Garland deal with Mickey Rooney and his flirtatious ways. She whispered that she wished she knew how to dance like them.
Near the ending, she fell asleep against Amanda.
"And she's out." She whispered. "I didn't think she would last an entire movie."
Thomas carried her upstairs and the two of them quietly tucked her into bed.
Amanda stopped Thomas before he went back down. She didn't think she was up for a night of talking about how they would share custody of Kathleen. "I think I might call it a night too."
He gently nudged her chin up. He could see the dark smudges forming under her eyes along with the lines of stress at her lips. "It has been an eventful day."
She nodded; grateful he wasn't questioning her. She had recently had a few sleepless nights that ended up with her staring at the ceiling. Thoughts of him were what was interrupting her rest.
"Thank you, Thomas, for opening your home to us." She clasped her hands together and cleared her throat. "I...I appreciate you including me in your plans with Kathleen."
His expression was unreadable.
She stepped closer to him. "I understand if you would like more alone time with her. I can-"
"I want you with us." He interrupted. "I did promise Kathleen that I would take her out one night again, but I want the three of us together."
Amanda didn't know how to respond. She had so many feelings mixed with exhaustion. She simply thanked him, kissed his cheek, and wished him a goodnight.
Thomas stood in front of her closed door for a few moments, struggling with the temptation to open it and truly kiss her. Reveal everything he felt. Pressure her into expressing her own feelings.
He turned on his heel and went into his own room. A few quick strides had him at his nightstand. He pulled open the top drawer and took out the light blue box that had resided there for much too long. He carefully opened it.
There nestled in black velvet was the engagement ring he had bought nearly six years ago. He had gone with Matt to Tiffany’s when they were in New York for interviews and gave his opinion on engagement rings for Addison.
He had then spotted the ring that he had wanted to give Amanda. Even though he had not thought the moment was right to propose, he knew he would one day and did not want to miss out on having the perfect ring.
He picked up the four-carat oval diamond solitaire and watched it glisten along with the band of diamonds under his lamp.
He wondered if the time would ever be right to slide this over her finger.
His phone ringing shook him from that depressing thought. He took a deep breath and tried to sound normal when he answered his sister.
"Yes, Rachel. We're here." He said.
"Then Stephen and I will be there in a few hours." Rachel ended the call before Thomas could attempt to persuade her to wait a day or two.
She was bound and determined to meet her niece and somehow push her brother and Amanda into matrimony.
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