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innervoiceartblog · 1 year ago
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“The Girl with the Hieronymus Bosch Tattoo” by Agnieszka Nienartowicz.
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ancestorsalive · 2 years ago
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Audrey Benjaminsen
- Illustration for The Turn of the Screw by Henry James
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innervoiceart · 2 years ago
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Image by Anka Zhuravleva
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tyrannosaurus-trainwreck · 7 months ago
Things I found out from the notes of that one best overplayed goth song poll
The Birthday Party and The Birthday Massacre are different bands.
The Birthday Massacre and Imagica (goth electronica) are the same band. Imagica (goth electronica) and Imagika (death metal) are not the same band, which is why The Birthday Massacre is The Birthday Massacre. Once they became The Birthday Massacre, their most popular at the time song, Birthday Massacre, turned into Happy Birthday. Imagika (death metal) stayed Imagika. The Birthday Party turned into Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds for the usual punk-rock reasons having nothing to do with band names.
The Wake (American) and Sisters of Mercy are not the same band.
The Wake (British) and The Wake (American) are also different bands. The Wake (British) is technically classed as post-punk, but their early albums are largely indistinguishable from goth albums of the same period.
All of which explains why I could never find Sideshow again and kind of thought I'd just hallucinated it.
Southern Death Cult and The Cult are basically the same band.
After the Birthday Bullshit and Which Wake Is Which, this one felt like being pranked.
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fukurabi9 · 2 years ago
 1085 デジタル編集
このデジタル編集方式はソニーのオメガ方式とセットで発売されあっという間に世界制覇、 VTR産業で世界を席巻していたアメリカアンペックス社は完敗したのである。 このサイトは10年も前に立ち上げられましたが、当時から個人放送局という名称を使ってます。 現在ユーチューバーやビデオクリエイターなどという言葉をよく耳にします。 10年前このサイトを見ていち早く個人放送をやっていれば今頃はかなりヒットしていたのではないだろうか。 テレビの世界では40年以上も前から、ブルーバックにし、ブルーを抜き取りビデオ信号を合成するクロマキーという技術が使われて来ました。 もしも貴方が歌手だったとしましょう。 音楽のスタート10秒前に爆竹の音を入れて録音しておきます。 ブルーバックの前でそのオーディオで演技をします。激しい動きであったりダンスであったり。 それをカメラ二台で録画し、音楽が終わるとまた前の爆竹のところにスタートを合わせ再度動作を録画します。 カメラのアングルやズームを変化させ十回ほど同じ事を繰り返し録画。 結果ブルーバック合成で20種類のビデオが出来上がります。 それを21のレールに見立て、上記の通り枕木をロック、列車を横から串刺しにし、21種類のフレーム画を平行移動させて編集。 完成ビデオを5,6種類作ります。これで貴方は素晴らしいユーチューバースターになれるでしょう。 多重録画と多重編集、簡単に出来ます。参考にしてみてください。 当時、ひかるは部下を毎年アメリカ偵察へ出張させ、アメリカの映像情報は逐一把握していた。 そして、開発の途に付いたばかりのオメガ方式をソニーへ乗り込み、数年の間にオメガ方式に決定。 命を懸けたその間の裏話などは、数冊の本になるくらいであるが、ここでは割愛する。 方式が確定すると、映画界、VTR産業、CM産業、放送業界は一気になだれ込んで来たのである。 東洋現像所は現IMAGIKAを設立、ボウリング場を借り切り電子編集を主にフイルムから変換して行った。 納入されたオメガ方式機種はBVH-1100だが、ひかるはその前のBVH-1000で電子編集を試みていた。 しかしひかるにはもう一つテーマがあった。 ロケ技術の遅れでクイズやワイドショーなどスタジオ中心��番組内容に、何とか外の映像を茶の間に届けたい、という夢だ。 これもタケシの元気が出るTVやねるとん紅鯨団などで実績を作り一段落した頃、ひかるはやおらアメリカ偵察へ出かけた。 ロスの知人と数十年ぶりに会う事にしたが、アメリカ人を同伴して来た。 一段落すると、その米人がひかるの隣へ来。 貴方を日本へ帰す訳にはいかない、としゃべり出した。 何が何んだか訳が分からない。 よく聞くと、これからメディアを買収する。 だから貴方にはその放送局をやって貰いたい、と言い出したのである。 日本では無名のひかる、あのNASA開発の超精密機械をあっと言う間にこの世から抹殺。 世界初の電子編集システムを稼働させた男としてマークされていたようだ。 このアメリカ拉致事件以後、ひかるの渡米は抹消。
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metalsongoftheday · 5 years ago
Wednesday, February 5: Imagika, “Scared to Death”
Despite toiling for 15 years and being apparent heirs to the Bay Area thrash scene, Imagika wasn’t able to gain much traction, and ultimately disbanded after 7 albums.  “Scared to Death” opened Portrait of a Hanged Man, which turned out to be their final record, and carried on the legacy of fellow Bay Area acts like Death Angel, Exodus and Testament.  To be fair, around 2010 all three of those bands were rejuvenated and putting out some of their best material, so maybe there wasn’t enough room for Imagika to plant a stake, but this track raged with menace and mixed old school thrash with more extreme sounds to strong effect.  “Scared to Death” presumably would’ve gone down well on tour, since it was of the times while also containing elements that appealed to different audiences.  
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breath-fresher · 5 years ago
[BAND of the week] 4-piece Thrash Metal band IMAGIKA from the USA. Their 8th album “Only Dark Hearts Survive” has been released in September. 
[特集バンド] 米国のベテラン4人組スラッシュメタルバンド IMAGIKA。今年9月に “Only Dark Hearts Survive” をデジタルリリースし、好評発売中!
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xkibitzerx · 5 years ago
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I've been a big #Imagika fan for 20 years now & love every single CD of theirs. A big shout out to them & their new CD #OnlyDarkHeartsSurvive 👿🎃💀👽🐲🔫🔪 https://www.instagram.com/p/B3aazRhppWmXKyTlMZJE37sPFX4X2cQtHuW0kM0/?igshid=16k3bnp5zp8ma
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riffrelevant · 5 years ago
Oldschool Sunday: IMAGIKA - 'Only Dark Hearts Survive' Album Ends Decade Absence
Oldschool Sunday: IMAGIKA – ‘Only Dark Hearts Survive’ Album Ends Decade Absence
Article By: Pat ‘Riot’ Whitaker, Senior Writer/Journalist ‡ Edited By: Leanne Ridgeway, Owner/Chief Editor
The Bay Area of San Francisco, circa 1993, saw guitarist Steven Rice, drummer Henry Moreno, and vocalist David Michael form a band who took its name IMAGIKA from a Clive Barker novel, albeit slightly altered.  (more…)
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innervoiceartblog · 6 months ago
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Memory of Ivančice, 1903
Alphonse Mucha (1860-1939)
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ancestorsalive · 10 months ago
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Old believers cemetery, 1911, painting by the Russian painter Vladimir Aleksandrovich Plotnikov 1866-1917.
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innervoiceart · 9 months ago
Darkwood Trail 🕉️☸️☮️
Music and film by Arseniy and Yan Lapin
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capitalchaostelevision · 6 years ago
The Triumphant Return Of IMAGIKA To The Metal World
The Triumphant Return Of IMAGIKA To The Metal World
After 10 years give or take IMAGIKA is back with a new CD for 2019! The most successful lineup of the band with guitarist Steven D. Rice (Kill Ritual, Imagika), vocalist Norman Skinner (Skinner, Niviane, Hellscream, Imagika), bassist Jim Pegram (Mudface, Angerhead, Imagika) and guest drummer Matt Thompson (King Diamond) have recorded a blistering new CD that is a modern take of where Imagika left…
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gabrielmanagement · 6 years ago
IMAGIKA launch "The Spiteful One" video
New CD “Only Dark Hearts Survive” September 13, 2019
IMAGIKA have just released the video for the track "The Spiteful Ones" from their upcoming new album ‘Only Dark Hearts Survive’
Watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XychfO_pa_o&feature=youtu.be
The new 8 track album was mixed and mastered by Andy La Rocque at his Sonic Train Studios and is scheduled to be released September 13, 2019 via Dissonance Productions. With their first CD in nearly 10 years the band is excited to jump back in the game and give the fans a great dose of SF Bay Area Metal!
Pre-order the album here: http://bit.ly/2KBgZG5 www.facebook.com/imagikametalgods www.dissonanceproductions.co.uk    
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metalshockfinland · 5 years ago
Norman Skinner Unveils Second SKINNER Solo Album “The Dark Design” Details
Norman Skinner Unveils Second SKINNER Solo Album “The Dark Design” Details
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Heavy metal vocalist Norman “The Metal Chameleon” Skinner (Niviane \ Imagika \ Hellscream) has released details for his much anticipated 2nd full length SKINNER solo album titled “The Dark Design”.
The upcoming effort features 12 all new original tracks infused with elements of power, thrash & modern metal currently being slotted for a Summer 2020 release.
The Dark Design is being engineered by…
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queenofthefetchlands · 8 years ago
You Do That Voodoo Chapter 1
Summary: Sam and Dean arrive at Sabrina’s door, asking for help with a witch hunt. She’s quick to help, but also quick to let them know how difficult this is going to be. Written for @mrswhozeewhatsis Not An April Fool’s Joke Challenge.
Warnings: None
Words: 1241
Disclaimer: I do not own the boys or anything related to Supernatural.
Taking a deep breath, Sabrina looked around the recently unpacked kitchen with a sense of tired accomplishment. Her roommate, Hunter, had been called into work, and she’d been left to unpack their new apartment alone. In truth, she preferred it that way; she wasn’t a fan of completing tasks in front of people. Still, it meant she would have to explain where everything was and she wasn’t much looking forward to that. Deciding she’d earned a snack for moving them into their new place so efficiently. Settling on the couch with some Goldfish and a Not Your Father’s, she had only just turned the Xbox and television on when there was a knock at the door. She groaned, glancing towards the door and wondering if they’d managed to get what few nosy neighbors were in the area still. Standing, she ran a hand through her short hair before tugging open the door.
“Yes?” Sabrina froze, brown eyes locked on the impossibly tall men in front of her. At five nothing, she had to genuinely look up. As if that weren’t strange enough, seeing two of her favorite actors at her door had her bubbling with shock and excitement.
“Sabrina?” The taller one she knew as Jared asked with a note of seriousness in his tone. It took her a moment to realize they were dressed as Winchesters, and she wondered which of her friends she had to thank for this.
“Oh...um, yeah. Come on in guys.” She stepped aside and noted they looked confused at how welcoming she was. Leading them to the living room, she waved to the couch. “Have a seat. Can I get you anything?” The shorter one, Jensen, gave a smirk and nodded.
“Yeah, more beer if you have it.” She nodded, moving to the kitchen as they took a seat. She came back with two more bottles of her root beer, setting it in front of them.
“So, thanks for coming, but who sent you?” They each looked confused and she gave a laugh. “I realize someone who knows me well would have to send me my favorite actors. So, who was it?” Jensen rolled his eyes, giving the tiniest of groans. They whispered to each other for a few moments, and she could swear she heard something about proving a case. She watched in interest as they turned to her again.
“Listen, we don’t have much time, but we need your help.” She waited patiently, wanting to give them the chance to finish a scene they had obviously worked on. “We have a case to finish and we were told you would be able to help us.” There was a stretch of silence and she nodded slowly.
“Right. Well, this has been really lovely, you two, and I’d be happy to treat you to dinner or something for your trouble…�� Lucifer chose that moment to arrive, pouncing onto Jared’s shoulders and clearly catching him off guard. “Oh, Luci, no.” She watched as Sam scooped the cat up and settled him into his lap, petting him with a small smile. Jensen was leaning away a bit, nose twitching.
“Listen, you don’t even know who we are.”
“You’re Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles.” Sabrina shrugged and the two of them looked annoyed.
“No, we’re not. Our names are Sam and Dean Winchester.”
“Very funny. Seriously, you don’t have to keep it up.”
“We’re being serious.” Jensen/Dean spoke up now, eyes still trained on the black cat in his brother’s lap. “We don’t have a lot of time, so if you have some way to prove it, we can get working faster.” Sabrina thought for a bit before grinning.
“Alright.” Standing, she plucked Lucifer from Jared/Sam, noting the relieved look on Jensen/Dean’s face. “Let’s see the tattoos, then.” There was no way they were going to have those on; after all, what reason would she have to see them shirtless. To her surprise, both pulled their shirts down enough to expose both anti-possession tattoos on their chests. Her eyebrows raised, she held a finger up to them before taking Lucifer into in the kitchen, setting him on the floor before digging out the rubbing alcohol. Returning, she could see the wariness in their eyes. “Okay, tattoos again, but this time keep them out.” Slowly, they complied, and she poured some of the alcohol on a towel before attempting, gently, to rub them off. Noting that they seemed permanent, Sabrina felt her mouth go dry.
“Believe us now?” Dean smirked at her again as she sat back down, taking a swig of the root beer before looking at the bottle in surprise.
“Yeah. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize…” Taking a deep breath, she straightened a bit. “What can I do?” Sam looked impressed with her resolve to help.
“We’ve tracked a witch here. We just want to kill it and get out of your hair.” She nodded, leaning forward to pull her laptop from the coffee table opening it in her lap. Lucifer hopped back into Sam’s lap and Dean visibly moved away.
“A witch...you realize what you’re asking, right?” They shook their heads and she huffed, pulling up a webpage and spinning the laptop to show them. “The annual Faerie Fest is coming up. Pagans from all over are coming to town.” Both read the page carefully, brows furrowed.
“You’re telling me your town hosts an event to bring witches here? On purpose?” Feeling a bit defensive, she flipped the computer back around and frowned.
“Wiccans, druids...vodouisants…” She cleared her throat, and Sam raised a brow. “Besides, some of those people are my friends.”
“Alright, alright. Don’t get your panties in a twist.” Dean managed to get it all out before a row of sneezes. Everyone glanced towards Lucifer, who simply looked at Dean with yellow eyes.
“Dean, there’s benedryl in the cabinet in the bathroom. Help yourself.” He nodded, hurrying away as she gave a chuckle. “So, Sam, what you’re really looking for is help tracking down a witch who’s doing something bad, then?” He nodded, and she sighed. “Well, the first stop that might help more than wandering the festival would be the local pagan shop, Imagika.”
“Supplies and such?” She nodded, closing her laptop.
“Yes, but don’t expect them to be too helpful. The owners aren’t very good people, and their standing in the ‘community’ is falling, fast.” He nodded as Dean returned, tucking what seemed like a few of her benedryl in the pocket of his flannel. Sam seemed to be searching the store on his phone, and she cleared her throat. “I could take you to the store, if you’d like. Be easier than trying to figure out parking when you get there.” They each nodded, giving small smiles. “Now, where exactly are you guys staying?”
“Um, the Endicott Motel? It was our cheapest option.” Her jaw dropped and she began to shake her head.
“Oh, no no. There’s no way I’m letting you stay there. You can both stay here until the case is over.” Sam opened his mouth to protest and she raised a hand. “No, I insist. That place is...less than ideal for even a hunter.” They looked to each other, but nodded, agreeing to her request. Satisfied, she took a moment to think about what she may be getting herself into, and realizing she felt more excitement than any amount of fear.
@coughedfeathers @the-queen-unitato @thegrimmwolfhufflepuff @finalfortuna
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