#ima start cryin
nejjirez · 1 year
"when i get homee , im gonna bury youu"
angst coming up soon.
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krizirobb · 2 months
its hilarious to me how often lestat is brought to tears because SAME KING! HE JUST LIKE ME FR!
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matxhstixkers · 10 months
i've never been good at comforting people, but i want to let you know that if you ever need anything, me and many others are happy to be there. i'm very sorry about what happened, and i know it's not usually easy to get over.
💖hope you're okay
i- ima start cryin thank you sm. and dont worry your doing a great job
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kobakova · 2 years
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woah an aarod sketchy?? it literally has felt like years since i’ve drawn this boy ima start cryin (it’s actually been like almost a year holy hell)
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catncore · 4 years
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guies-- its real. ima bout to start cryin.
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iamknicole · 4 years
Just the Two of Us (8)
Lainey's phone constantly ringing woke her up out of her sleep at 2am. When she answered Melissa was speaking in chopped sentences in a low tone like she didn't want to wake anyone. She didn't say what was wrong, just that she needed to be picked up and Lainey didn't question her she would save them. She slid into her slides then went to her brother's room.
She shook her brother and backed up knowing he was going to swing his arm at her. After he put his arm down, she repeated her actions.
"Something better be damn wrong," Benny grumbled sitting up in his bed.
"Melissa called, she didn't say what was wrong but that she needed to be picked up."
Benny nodded throwing his comforter off of his body. "Grab my keys, start it. I'm coming."
Nodding, Lainey left his bedroom easing down the stairs and past her mother's bedroom not wanting to wake her. After she started Benny's suv, he jumped in a few minutes later pulling off quickly. Lainey's phone went off again, a text from Melissa.
"Wait, she sent a address. She not at that house."
After giving him the address, Lainey sat back as Benny flew through the dark and pretty much empty streets. He didn't say anything and didn't reach to turn his music on as usual. When they got to the apartment building the siblings jumped out as soon as Benny parked the truck in front. The apartment was on the third floor but the elevator was taking too long so they went up the stairs.
Benny put his sister behind him and knocked lightly on the door. Melissa eased the door open and slid out quickly with her bag. She hugged Lainey tight as Benny looked her over carefully spotting the bruise on her forearm.
"What's wrong? What happened?" Lainey asked pulling away.
"The pitbull made us move in here a few days ago. And he's been a fucking nightmare. We got into an argument and he pulling on me and pushing me."
"He what?" Lainey yelled.
"Shhh, I don't wanna wake him."
"Fuck him and fuck that! And why you ain't call earlier?"
Melissa adjusted the bag on her shoulder. "Cause we just got done arguing like an hour ago and I had to pack."
Benny clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth and fished his keys from his pocket passing them to his little sister. "Go head, I'm coming."
"You don't have to say anything to him, it's fine."
"Nah, it aint." He said calmly. "Go with Lainey."
Lainey hooked her arm with Melissa's and pulled her down the hallway to the elevator. Her friend kept looking back wanting to know what was about to happen but didn't get an answer. Just as the elevator doors closed Melissa caught a glimpse of Benny walking into the apartment.
Cutting on the lights, Benny walked around looking at all the things out of place. He strolled through the apartment going to the back bedroom, standing the doorway. He watched Jeffrey turn over and sit up.
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"Melissa, turn that damn light off! I'm tryna sleep!" Jeffrey fussed.
Benny flipped the bedroom light on. "It ain't Melissa."
The voice caught Jeffrey off guard, he scrambled to get up and out of the bed.
"What the hell are you doing here? Get out! Your sister is not here!"
"Ayo, my man, calm all that noise down. You know why I'm here."
Jeffrey picked up his phone, "No, I don't but if you don't leave now I'm gonna call the police."
Benny crossed the room, snatching the phone from him and tossed it across my room. "Like I said you know exactly why I'm here. I told you if Melissa ain't happy then Lainey ain't happy. And if my lil baby ain't happy then I ain't happy," he paused to smile, "And right now, I'm very unhappy. So what are we gonna do about that?"
Jeffrey started to stumble over his words not realizing the smile on Benny's face had turned into a glare. Benny's hand came up to Jeffrey's throat, forcing him to the wall squeezing as tight as he could.
"You think its cool to put your hands on a female? Try that shit on me," he demanded letting him go. He watched Jeffrey gasp for air and stepped back. "Come on, try that shit with me. Put ya hands on me."
Not thinking clearly, Jeffrey swung a few times missing every time. Benny laughed as he continued to taunt him until Jeffrey pushed him. The laugh only got louder which was followed by a punch to Jeffrey's jaw.
"Come on, get up, big man. You bad, right," Benny taunted throwing a few more punches. "That's it? That's all you got."
"Get out," Jeffrey cried holding his face.
Laughing, Benny stepped back to get a better look. "Is you cryin? Any boy that can put his hands on a female but can't take a hit from a real man is a bitch in my eyes. If I gotta come back here for any reason, ima show you what really happens. You understand?"
When Benny got in the car, he turned his music up to its normal, loud volume speeding all the way back home. He let each other the women out and got Melissa's bag before following them into the house. Benny went to the living room while Lainey took her friend up to the guest room.
Melissa sat in the bed as Lainey unpacked her bag for her putting her things away.
"Is he not gonna tell us what happened?"
Lainey shook her head fixing the clothes in the drawers, "Nope, so don't even ask. Just be happy your here with your favorite person."
"Who said you were my favorite person?" Melissa laughed.
Lainey scoffed playfully going to sit beside her. "I got my ass out my bed to come get you, I better be ya favorite, heffa."
Laughing, Melissa pulled her into a tight hug.
"Thank you for that. I really appreciate it."
"You're welcome and you can stay as long as you'd like," Lainey assured her getting up, "And now I'm going to go back to bed. The remote is up there by the TV, there's extra blankets in your closet a and food in the kitchen if you're hungry. Good night."
"Good night, Lainey."
Melissa got up to look around the room then out of the windows at the skyline. Jeffrey kept calling her prompting her to turn her phone off. Once she figured the siblings were settled in their rooms, she crept quietly out of her room to get a snack from the kitchen. When she walked in, Benny was leaning against the counter with a container of grapes. She waved shyly, he nodded in response.
"You good?" He asked after a few moments watching her look through the fridge.
"Yeah, thank you."
Benny looked over at her as he put a few grapes in his mouth. "Ain't nothin. I told you, I got you."
He hopped off the counter and closed the container heading over to the fridge. He stood behind her, sliding the grapes back into their spot in the fridge. Her tending slightly didn't go unnoticed.
"I ain't gon hurt you."
Melissa nodded slowly, "I know."
Benny backed away from her going over to the stove, opening the cabinets above it pulling out the peppercorn. He brought it to the counter and grabbed a knife. Melissa closed the fridge going to watch him.
"You about to cook?" She asked with a slight smile.
"Nah," Benny chuckled using the knife to break up the corns, "My uh my pop taught me this when we was growing up. Grab a rag from the drawer beside you."
Melissa did what he asked, "What was that?"
Benny grabbed the rag, putting a bit of olive oil on it then putting the crushed peppercorns onto it. "Takes the soreness out if any bruise. Lemme see your arm."
Watching him carefully, Melissa held out her brusied arm to him and watched him wrap the rag around the area applying a bit of pressure.
"Smart man. You're a lot like him, I bet." She said softly.
Benny shrugged.
"I used to be, not so much anymore."
"Where is he?"
Benny looked up from her arm at her speaking softly, "That ain't important. What's important is when you gon stop lyin to yaself?"
"What am I lyin about?"
Benny stepped closer to her still holding onto her arm staring into her eyes. He could sense her nervousness but she didn't move away.
"Benjamin, is that you?"
"Yeah, Mama," he yelled back never looking away from Melissa.
"Can you bring me some water, baby?"
Grabbing her other hand, Benny replaced his hand with hers and backed away slowly. "Yeah. I'm comin, Mama. And why are you up?"
Benny grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and left out the kitchen giving Melissa a look on his way out. Melissa stood there holding the rag completely dumbfounded. She didnt know what to think of what just happened, but she definitely liked it.
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hismissharley13 · 6 years
The morning after the night before.
I had woken early, nestled in Tig’s arms.  One of his hands was cradling my head, the other I was half using as a pillow, half draped down my back.  I jumped in panic before the events flooded back.  My face burned with shame as I realised what I’d done was no better than Jax.  My stirring had disturbed Tig, his arms drawing me close to him as he nuzzled into me, breathing in deeply as he did so.  His lips found mine and I couldn’t help but reciprocate.  To hell with Jackson Teller.  Tig’s morning wood pressed into my hip as his mouth explored my jaw and neck.  I hummed as he licked a wet stripe up my neck, re-igniting the fire in my belly and pushing all thoughts but one from my mind.
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I’d gotten showered and accepted one of Tig’s t-shirts gratefully, knotting the long hem at my waist and slipping my skirt and panties back on.  I had spare clothes in Jax’s room but was I hell going in there.  Tig had crashed out on the bed again after our morning tryst and I needed coffee.
Jax shuffled into the kitchen a short while after me, rubbing sleep from his eyes, “Hey princess”
“Hmm?” I grunted, non-committal.
“Who’s shirt are you wearing,” he demanded, suddenly more awake.
“What’s it to you?” I refused to turn around and look at him.  He made me sick.
“What’s it to me?  You’re my Old Lady, and here you are in someone else’s clothes?”
I let out a hollow laugh, Old Lady indeed.  Sure didn’t mean that much to him when he was screwing that skank.  He grabbed my arm and spun me to face him, the coffee cup in my hand flying to the floor,
“Well, shit,”
“You haven’t answered my question,”
“So what, Jax?  I’m not going to either.  You know, I don’t think I ever hated anyone before I met you,“
“Where the fuck were you all damn night?”
“Why do you even care?”
“Goddamnit Kat! Tell me!” He threw his hands up in the air in exasperation.
“Goddamnit Jax! Go to Hell!” I mocked his voice.  Childish maybe, but he gave up and stalked back to his room.
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I flew back to Tig’s room on tiptoe, swift and silent so as to not be noticed.  Tig was sat up, hair sticking out at all angles and the sheets pooled at his waist “Morning doll,” he mumbled sleepily, running a hand through his wild curls
“Hey Tiggy,” I rasped, the crying had left my throat pretty damn raw.  I wriggled out of his arms and scrambled for my clothes.  Tig looked up, curious to see what I was doing,
“You ok cupcake? Kat...Kat!” the forceful tone made me bot upright, dashing the wet tracks from my cheeks.  Tig sat up fully and tugged me back onto the bed.  I wilted into his waiting arms, folding my own consciously over my body.  I felt the heat radiating from his chest as he placed his arms over mine, “C’mon sweetheart, talk to me,”
“I-uh...shit, Tig, what the hell did we do last night?  What was I playing at-I’m sorry,” I dropped my head into my hands, despairing at my crappy judgement.
“Hey, you were upset, pissed off, hurting.  The last thing you need to do is apologise baby.  If you wanna forget about it, it’s your call.  I ain’t gonna think any less of you for it,”
“I’m not just some sweetbutt, moving on from one reaper to another like it’s nothing,” I glanced up at him, terrified of what was going to happen now.  Tig’s lip curled,
“Baby, you’re the furthest thing from a crow-eater!” he assured me, a hint of amusement on his face as he tipped my head towards him with a gentle hand, “I’ve never hit twice on the run with a crow,” sincerity evident in his gaze.
A small giggle bubbled up in my chest at his confession.  The slight smile on his lips widened into a toothy grin,
“That’s a great sound,” he twisted a damp strand of my hair between his finger and thumb, tucking it behind my ear, “granted, not as good as hearing your moans last night and this morning,” I gasped and smacked my hand against his chest.  Tig just wiggled an eyebrow at me as I laughed again.
Jax cornered me in the office later that afternoon,
“Hows about you gimme some answers Kat?”
“Hows about I keep who I’m screwing to myself just like you did?”
“You’re being ridiculous“
”Yeah, well, Tig didn’t seem to think so...” Silence fell, my eyes widened as I realised what I’d just done.  Jax straightened up and ran his tongue over his teeth, nodding slightly to himself as he started to turn for the door.
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“Jax I-” my outstretched hand fell as his pale blue eyes burned a hole straight through me.  He spun on his heel and slammed the door behind him with enough force that the window rattled in it’s frame.  I dashed over to the window overlooking the garage where Tig was working on his Dyna, my stomach twisting horribly.  I couldn’t hear Jax’s low words at first, their discussion increased in volume by the time I had pulled the door open.
“Seriously brother?  My own Old Lady! I can’t believe you betrayed me like that,”
“I betrayed YOU?  I’m not the one who was too busy riding some 2 dollar hooker before coming to see his own fuckin’ girl, Jackson!  C’mon! What was I supposed to do huh? Leave her cryin’ in the damn gutter?”
“You were supposed to stay the fuck outta my business!” Jax roared and swung a fist towards Tig’s head.  I cried out, hoping Tig would dodge but he didn’t.  He stood there and let Jax hit him, holding a hand up before he could take another swing,
“That one you get for free, Jax.  You’re my VP, my brother and I love you, but what you did last night?  That was wrong and you know it,”
“Did you fuck her?” he spat,
“Excuse me?” Tig’s eyebrows shot up,
“I asked you if you screwed my Old Lady,”
Tig’s mouth curled into a sneer, he stepped towards Jax until they were nose to nose and cocked his head to the side,
“Why, scared she’d like me better?” Jax twitched almost imperceptibly and I took my cue.  I threw myself at them both, shoving with all my might to separate them.  I think it was more suprise than anything else that moved them back.  Insering myself between them both, I held my arms out to distance the pair,
“Stop it, just fucking stop it now,” I shrieked, their eyes locked like dogs in a ring.  Jax made to swipe me aside, Tig practically growled and tried to pull me behind him.  I screeched in frustration, grabbing fistfuls of Tig’s work shirt and Jax’s cut.
“I swear to God I am not a fucking toy for you both to fight over!” My eyes were wild as I whipped my gaze from one man to another.  I felt Jax wrench from my grip as he was pulled away by Opie.  My knees turned to jelly as the adrenaline coursing through me subsided.  Tig dropped next to me and embraced my trembling form,
“Kat, I’m sorry baby, I got you,” he kissed the top of my head softly,
“Tiggy, what the fuck is goin’ on eh?” Chibs crouched down next to our bundle on the floor.  Tig rose to his feet and dragged me up to mine.  I nodded that I was in control again and ducked my head, walking back to the office.  Last thing I wanted was a reminder of my own infidelity, never mind Jax’s.
“So Kat stayed with me last night after walking in on Jax and Ima,”
“Ah shite, ye’ve gotta be kiddin’ me,”
“Yeah, I wish, brother,”
The door clicked shut behind me and I rested my head back against it.  I needed a damn drink.  I exited the office through the other door and headed over to the club house.  Bobby was at the bar going over some paperwork.  He looked up at me with a smile,
“Bobby, if anyone asks, you aint seen me or this bottle of ‘quila.” I told him, dragging the bottle from the shelf and walking over to the corridor.  Iuncorked the bottle with my teeth and spat it on the floor.  I stared and pointed at JT’s bike accusingly,
“Have a fucking word with your son, JT.  He’s a damn asshole,”
I climbed the ladder to the roof and tucked myself away in a corner to drown my sorrows.  About halfway down the bottle the world was getting fuzzy round the edges.  A couple more slugs and my eyes closed.
I was shaken roughly, roused rudely from my slumber.  As I opened one eye (two was way too painful), a sharp sting burned my cheek.  I gasped, noting somewhere in the back of my still fuzzy mind that the sky was dark
“Kat! Kat! Thank fuck, I’ve been searching all over for you,” relief flooded Jax’s voice.  Jax...I didn’t like Jax...why didn’t I li-ohhhhh, of course!
“You, you bastard!  You dont like me,” I slurred, “No, no tha’s not right, I, me, I don’t like you.  You’re a shit, a cheating piece of shit,”
“Kat, are you...fuck’s sake, how much did you drink?”
“Not enough,” I swayed dangerously and he grabbed hold of my arms, “Ic’n still ‘member what happened,” I swallowed thickly, “but s’ok, cus, cus I-ah shit, Jax, I slept with Tig,” I wailed, “I’m so sorry Jax, I never wanted-I cheated on you,” I sobbed into his chest,
“Shhh, shhh, it’s ok, I know, it’s alright,” he mumbled, his voice low and soothing, “Baby I’m never letting you go again.  I’m so sorry for what I’ve done,”
“Jax, I don’t feel so great,”
“Can you climb down you think?”
I shook my head, my mouth watering profusely in the unmistakeable warning of impending vomit.  Jax pulled my hair up out of the way and leaned me over the wall of the roof as I hurled.  Once my belly was empty, I gingerly straightened up.  Truth be told, I felt a little better for it.  I hugged myself against the chill I felt, looking up at Jax sheepishly.  He smiled kindly at me and motioned back with his head,
“C’mon babe, let’s get you cleaned up, hey?”
I nodded and allowed him to steer me back down into the club and straight to his room.  I noticed the bed had been changed.  Jax herded me into the shower and stood me in the enclosure, clothes and all.  He started the water and handed me a toothbrush loaded with toothpaste and a meaningful look.  I accepted and started to clean my teeth.  Jax busied himself with undressing me, pulling my boots off and tossing them across the bathroom and peeling my skirt down my legs.  I steadied myself as I stepped out of it with a hand on his broad shoulder,
“Your clothes are getting wet,” I observed, having rinsed my mouth and thrown the toothbrush haphazardly at the sink.  By some fluke it had landed in the intended target.
“So are yours,” he pointed out.  Smart ass.  He pulled the hem of the shirt up and I lifted my arms to help.  Jax stood me directly under the stream of water and grabbed the shampoo, massaging my scalp as he washed my hair.  At some point he had dispensed with his clothes.  I was too busy enjoying the warm water on my skin to notice, until he turned me gently around to face him.  He breathed a deep sigh as he ran his hands up and down my arms.  I looked up into his eyes and saw the remorse eating at him.  We both had blame to carry.  I uttered his name, barely a whisper.  It was enough to invite him back to me.  He brushed my hair from my face with both hands, cupping my cheeks and tilting my face to him.  His eyes darted from my mouth to my eyes, seeking my permission to continue,
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“Oh Jax,” I moaned softly.  It was all he needed.  His mouth crashed onto mine, needing, hungry.  I couldn’t get enough of him.  My hands clawed at his back, his arms, his neck, dragging him closer.  I was buzzed from the tequila but I knew what I wanted.  I wanted Jax. We had a lot to fix, but eight years was going to take more than one stupid mistake from each of us to destroy, Jax and I were determined to prove that to eachother.
@hanaissupergirl @cole-winchester @soawonder
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jo-heart · 6 years
If anyone just showed up with a cat or dog as a present.. idk man I’m a tuff dude but ima start cryin
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hp-again · 7 years
Rereading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: Chapter Twenty-Four - Sectumsempra
A LIL LATE but im here!!!!!!!!!
- ive said it before and ill say it again - LET RON AND HERMIONE IN ON THESE MEETINGS WITH DUMBLEDORE. like it would save harry so much time if we just let them hear this shit first hand
“Ron, you’re making it snow,” said Hermione patiently, grabbing his wrist and redirecting his wand away from the ceiling from which, sure enough, large white snowflakes had started to fall. Lavender Brown, Harry noticed, glared at Hermione from a neighboring table through very red eyes, and Hermione immediately let go of Ron’s arm. 
ugh. everything about ron and hermione is so cute. is it desperate for me to try and find a boyfriend by asking my followers? it is? ima ask anyways.
- side note: ginny and dean broke up and harry is trying his best not to be SUPER excited but hermione aint buying it
Ron seemed to be positively lighthearted about the end of his relationship with Lavender, and Hermione seemed cheery too, though when asked what she was grinning about she simply said, “It’s a nice day.”
YALL IF THIS AINT THE SWEETEST THING THO like...... I cant handle this so close to valentines day as a single woman
- lol these kids take qudditch so damn serious people be throwing up between classes bc of nerves tf
- omg ok harry we get it. YOU LIKE GINNY. its been like 4 straight pages of him thinking about her and what ron would think like ENOUGH ALREADY
“No one can help me,” said Malfoy. His whole body was shaking. “I can’t do it...I can’t...It won’t work...and unless I do it soon, he says he’ll kill me...” And Harry realized, with shock so huge it seemed to root him to the spot, that Malfoy was crying - actually crying - tears streaming down his pale face into the grimy basin.
god dammit. this hurts my heart yall and i dont even have love for draco.
- harry used sectumsempra noooooooooo
“I didn’t know what that spell did.” But Snape ignored this. “Apparently I underestimated you, Potter,” he said quietly. “Who would have thought you knew such Dark Magic? Who taught you that spell?” “I - read about it somewhere.”
fuuuuuuuuuck dude snape KNOWS and i wish so bad he would have told harry right then and there hes the prince
He turned right past an enormous stuffed troll, ran on a short way, took a left at the broken Vanishing Cabinet in which Montague had got lost the previous year.
He stood it on top of the cupboard where the book was now hidden, perched a dusty old wig and tarnished tiara on the statues head
“Then why,” asked Snape, “does it have the name ‘Roonil Wazlib’ written inside the front cover?” Harry’s heart missed a beat. “That’s my nickname,” he said. “Your nickname,” repeated Snape. “Yeah...that’s what my friends call me,” said Harry. “I understand what a nickname is,” said Snape.
MY FAVORITE PART IN THE ENTIRE SERIES this shit will never not be funny
- snape is making harry read the ‘crimes and punishments’ of james and sirius and i fucking hate him lol
- but also lol at the fact that harry keeps defending the prince to hermione like BISH IF U ONLY KNEW!!!!!
- HARRY AND GINNY KISSED and im happy bc now we dont have to read about harry’s jealous monster living inside of him anymore.
Harry’s eyes sough Ron. At last he found him, still clutching the Cup and wearing an expression appropriate to having been clubbed over the head. For a fraction of a second they looked at each other, then Ron gave a tiny jerk of the head that Harry understood to mean, Well, - if you must.
y am i cryin in the club rn
WELP if you liked this follow me for more chapters!!!!
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swearronchanel · 8 years
6.03 aka I’m still crying 2 hrs later
I have no intro, I did this in one watch but had to obviously edit my typing but well yea this episode crushed me. I’m still shook tbh ahh. Read away if you wish
oh shit I’m not ready
ugh omg I can’t, my hearts about to explode about my chest
The Somali mum is so pretty, Nadifa right?
Oh shit she tryna hide the mail
she’s staying we know that
Ahh the cute turner scene ☺️
SHELAGH MY BBY 😭😍 she looks so good & her little behive omg
“Angela and I don’t have a tendency towards hoarding” SAS MASTER FLEX OVER HERE LOVE IT
“I’m no Marie Antoinette, I will not eat cake..” BRB ALREADY CRYING UGH 😰😰
Look at Valarie actually working & being a nurse
oh shit she’s 9months whoops, she ain’t going no where
JFK on the radio!!
Trixie’s tense, I feel
“If we’re all heading for oblivion, we need to be prepared” Fred lol he’s prepared for it all
No more shock treatment yes 😭💔
damn it my chest hurts and I’m emotional
Shelagh’s bump in her uniform 😭💕
“Very useful fashion features” so precious, are magazines her maternity wardrobe inspo? 😭
LMAO PHYLLIS “I’ve never needed an editorial to instruct me on how to put myself together and I’ve never had any complaints” SHE’s A GEM
Valarie shook
the reality of fgm ..
Sister MC 😰
“How can I be confident your purpose is sincere?” RIGHT SISTER
“I’m very glad to hear it ” PHYLLIS AH, she’s here for it!! I might be too, i have to wait for next week
omg sister MC, she loves her habit 😰💕 why tf did they take it though??!
“How brave for her” and you!😭
“I’m not sure I have the gumption” BBY 💕 you deserve the world!!!
“Failure isn’t fatal, but hesitation can be” Phyllis is so wise & a gift we don’t deserve
Fuck im crying again
ugh fuck Mr Kenley, we don’t like his bedside manner
Patrick doing research so quickly, I’m proud & Phyllis is woke, enlighten us all
VISIT SISTER MC & free her !!!
lol this little girl, stop touching shit
She’s cute though I guess
Ok Val saying the right thing
MY BBY SHELAGH looking adorable💕
TIM HAS A FRIEND! Lmao it seems like he has none because he’s always with his family. Maybe he’ll get a girlfriend next series haha
“It is you, lost to us no longer but here before us perfect and complete ” MY HEART IS FUCKING BROKEN OMG I AM A MESS
I’m crying??!!
“My way of making amends” poor sister J it’s not your fault 💔
ugh looking at kenley makes me sick, go away
Oh shit where’d nadifa go
oh shit that lady had her bible, let her keep it
aw she did
Oh no nadifa’s going into labor??  ah omg
“Simply by being here” I’m crying again
Cuban Missile crisis on the tv
Trixie giving sister MC special soap💔
“I’d rather you give her my love” omg 😭😭
Fred painting the windows 😂
“President Kennedy.. he could charm the birds out of the trees” hell yea he was charming, rip. I wonder if next series they’ll mention his assassination? & side note Natalie Portman better win that Oscar for Jackie tonight
Nadifa’s sister is named Deka, got it. She reminds me of one of my cousins
Val and Babs new bffs?
Oh shit she’s in labor for real
“No knife” omg
I’d be freaking TF OUT
damn that was intense
Gold fucking star for Valarie though
“I longed for this baby Patrick, longed for it, prayed for it and now I’m wondering why my prayers were answered because I don’t know what sort of a world we’re bringing it into ” SHELAGH DONT CRY, Ima cry 😰💕
“We just have to hope and we’re good at that” UGH MORE TEARS, YES YOU GUYS ARE 😭💕💔
Delia making another 2 second appearance
“If God loves me and wants me to do this, why is he making it so hard” omg I’ve been tearing this whole episode
DAMN YOU CTM for hurting my hEART and making it better at the same time!
Who are all these extra nuns
Aw Nadifa, but her baby is precious  
Sister MJ & MC killing me 💔
“It is no bad thing to be lost in a fog or at sea..” 😭😭😰😰
“Nurse bubsy” um bitch we don’t need that attitude right now
“We’re all going to hell in a handcart” indeed
lol Trixie wasn’t having it though she gave babs the only side eye 😂😭
Shit sister MC reading the paper no
I can’t imagine living through this crisis?! But like my grandparents did
The world was shook. But we’re shook now?? the world is constantly falling apart 
Wait I love THIS SONG
tom x babs, Delia with the photo of Pats!, fred x violet aw cute montage 💕 💔
Trixie looking spectacular ugh goals
“You’d think the world would’ve learned by now..” YEA TRIXIE WE’RE STILL SAYING THAT IN 2017
“London is your oyster” lol that phrase is funny af idk why 😂
Cute Trixie and Christopher moment though 😭
Patrick and Sister MC! “I was once as lonely..” I’m a w r e c k 😭💔
Trixie in those black pyjamas I still want
“I generally find that if you can summon the courage to sit through the bleakest day, then in the end the weather will change” 😭I needed that Trixie
“Nothing worse than being wrongly dressed for an occasion” omg she’s gonna ditch the habit
Val you said before there was no normal
“Maybe I never gave up hope”
They actually fucking kissed again rip to me
“Lots of memories” yes “they don’t belong to the house, they’re ours. They come with us” YEA AND WITH ME TOO AH
IM AN EMOTIONAL PIECE OF GARBAGE, excuse me while jump out the window and throw myself away with the rest of the trash😭😭😭💕💕
“A lady never tells” ok Trixie 😉😏👀
“We live to see another day” mood every day in america tbh
Phyllis running to the radio😂
“I feel like an absolute fool” “then we’re a fine pair” Pair of fools ugh I’m cryin I love u fools
oh shit, is Sister Mary Cynthia really going to leave the order or just start over? 😭
I know you didn’t get the memo yet son but no liquor for trix😲
My Trixie 😭 look how far she’s come 😭💕and she’s going to tell him soon and I’ll be crying and gushing with pride
Chin chin
“We’re very lucky though, aren’t we” ugh MY HEART
my heart hurts. That’s all. Fuck I’m crying like real tears
Noo  Deka is going to be cut😰😰
yo Val calm tf down, it’s fucked up but you can’t be yelling like that
Nadifa standing up for herself 😭
I can’t deal 💔
“What would you like to be called while your with us?” “If you don’t mind, and if I’m allowed to choose, I’d just like to be called by my name.. which is Cynthia” 😭give Bryony an award😭
“There are so many secret wounds, so many types of hidden scar.” VANESSA YOU CANT LEAVE ME CRYING ON THAT NOTE
Nadifa didn’t circumcise her daughter !!!
“The soul, being stronger than we think, can surges all mutilations and the marks upon it make it perfect and complete” VANESSA IM C R Y I N AND IM D E A D
I hope You all prepare for my funeral, pls arrive well dressed, dios te bendiga 
Rest In Peace Gabby Rachel Nuñez, 1998-2017. Cause of death: too many feelings from call the midwife 💔💔
Susan Mullucks !! She’s so big
Boutta get prosthetic legs, my abuelo has one
Trixie slaying though
I thought Mr Mullocks came around last series wtf?!
“Nurse Crane should stand down from duties until the situation is resolved” OMGGG NO
“If you caused harm to someone else would it not mask you question everything you life has come to stand for?” FUCK NEXT WEEK WILL BE JUST AS BAD FOR ME
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*hot boxing the car* Sierra: "god my eyes are burning" Me: "bruh you want me to open up the door?" Sierra: "na ima G." Me: "ight" *couple seconds later.* Sierra: "but if i start cryin dont be alarmed."
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lmaosjgalhglhgg · 7 years
y'all ......... Pls reply to my opens
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usuallyrics-blog · 6 years
Falling Up
New Lyrics has been published on usuallyrics.com https://usuallyrics.com/lyrics/falling-up/
Falling Up
(feat. Elijah)
Take you back, Take you back, That was such a lie. Every time you said you loved me, you can’t look me in my eyes, And I beg you for the truth, so much goin’ thru my mind, And my father did just pass, to make my problems multiply, And I know nobody’s perfect, but you finally crossed the line, And I gave you everything, but you was never satisfied, And you said I was the one, just like you told another five, Feel like it’s a competition against all these other guys.
Texted me the other night, it’s been too long, Always tryna figure out if Ima move on. Staring at the ceiling almost all night long, Probably why I had the time to write this song. Texted me the other night, it’s been too long, Always tryna figure out if Ima move on. Staring at the ceiling almost all night long, Probably why I had the time to write this song.
Every time I see you, feels like time is moving slow, It’s unfortunate for me, I have some trouble letting go, Even though it’s in the past, I just felt like you should know. And you hate me when I get high, but you’re the reason that I smoke. Girl quit playin’, Girl quit playin’, You ain’t love me from the start, You’re the reason that I feel this way, You broke my fuckin’ heart, And I gave you all my trust, but you just tore it all apart, Now you’re all I think about while I’m layin’ in the dark.
Texted me the other night, it’s been too long, Always tryna figure out if Ima move on. Staring at the ceiling almost all night long, Probably why I had the time to write this song. Texted me the other night, it’s been too long, Always tryna figure out if Ima move on. Staring at the ceiling almost all night long, Probably why I had the time to write this song.
Been a couple months and you’re beggin’ for me back, And I love all the attention, I’m not sure how I should act, And you’re saying that you miss me, I refuse to say it back, Even though I still do want you, I don’t have the time for that, ‘Cause these women stay the same, while this nigga’s chasin’ cash, And your problems are so small, girl just trust me they ain’t bad, ‘Cause you cryin’ bout a nigga while I’m cryin’ bout my dad, And its eating me alive, should’ve taken me instead.
Texted me the other night, it’s been too long, Always tryna figure out if Ima move on. Staring at the ceiling almost all night long, Probably why I had the time to write this song. Texted me the other night, it’s been too long, Always tryna figure out if Ima move on. Staring at the ceiling almost all night long, Probably why I had the time to write this song.
Who is Drake
Aubrey Drake Graham – Canadian actor and musician. Degrassi: Jimmy Brooks from the next generation. As a rapper, Drake uses his stage name.
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jokah128-blog · 6 years
Tell Me
Yea. Tell me im not supposed to be angry or to just ignore everything thatsz happening and act lik im happy? Lik now dat ima boutta start stacking... U wanna be rachet... Hope dat niqqa notice now... Ur a clown... U move funny... Hope he leavesz u lik nothing... Hope u get everything u ever wanted... Dat shyt left me heartless... Now i see im runnin where i should be walkin... But now i gotta let u kno... I kant even walk it... Im crawling... I been alone with dese demonsz jumping around me.... Inside i been feeling close to ghost... I needa pour lik 3 glass cupsz of liquor... One dark , one light, one mixed togetha... Throw dem back nd drown... Write something down... Lik... Son... I fuqd up... Heresz another kup... Disz Russian game might take it all away... Disz drink might kill me today... I might not heal from disz pain right away... Im losin my mind..... But u kant understand y... The rain wont wash away my tearsz disz time... Im lookin outside from inside.... I see me sittin dere cryin askin Y? Ima wind up doin it... U got 3 fuqin daysz!. Nd u did it in 2... Speakin to God!. How da fuq am i suppost to believe in you? How da fuq am i suppost to continue? It wasz gettin da best of me... Disz wasz alwaysz me... Weak... On my kneesz to a higher entity dat might or might not be... But i kept faith... I kno disz isz ur way of sayin u kan make it thru disz..... Thisz isz ur challenge let me see how u bandage thisz... Will u quit or will u be quick to save ur life... Disz isz wat u strive for... I might just go overdose if im left alone... I might just lock nd load nd let da whole block xplode... Throw the first stone nd tell me u dont feel disz at all... Tell me brainstorm inda rain... Look up and stare at da lightening come down nd listen to the thunder sound... My kneesz onda ground... My head lookin up to da cloudsz my hand grasping dirt to mound... Amount to my pain... Yell out my right handsz name!. Chino!. Rest In Peace!. U kan see me right? Im puttin up a fight right? Show me a light... Itsz gettin dark even wit da sun out.... Give me a reason now.... Tell me we're ok!. Yell out Rey!. Dont look away... U kno disz isz just her running gamesz... Dont quit... Niqqa sit!. Here take a sip... Fuq ur gettin to me... Niqqa fuq heresz a fist... Heresz me showin u i fuqin kare... Bare w. It... We all have disz feelin... We kno wat it isz to think thisz... Stop talkin lik u gonna fuqin end it!. Niqqa count ur blessingsz!. Niqqa!. Ill pull da trigger quicker for u.... U wanna die? Heresz da 1st one to da leg... Crawl niqqa... Crawl now... Beg for dat pain to stop.... Look at dat clock... Itsz ur time now... Heresz another one.... Scream at da top of ur lungsz... Kut off hisz toung... U said what? U said u did nothing wrong? U wanna keep goin on? Disz isz wat u want..... Stab him inda back.... Datsz how it really feelsz... Take da blade out... Let him bleed out... U feel ur soul leaving ur body? Ur in hellsz lobby... Trust me... Disz isz nothin... Look up nd i see da fire.... I see im tired... Finish it... Send me str8 to da lake of fire.... Kut da brakesz... Let disz infinity engulf in flamesz!.
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kimonobeat · 7 years
Ito Yuna Lyrics: Secrets
English translation and romanization below the cut.
I’m foolish. I just keep making you worry all the time I make you worry so much you pretend to be strong for me I might sigh that I miss you, but I felt  Like I was ready to burst just now... I Just felt it
Need you to softly say   I just need you to whisper to me Please kiss me once again   I wanna touch you...
Tell me what’s on your mind, I need a sign-boy you know I feel you I wanna feel you forever and always I wanna feel your smile, Take a while-to get my love through to you I can’t help myself, I’m cryin’ your name I’ve got secrets in my heart...
As our hearts grew apart, I started To hesitate a little bit... reflection Those days we spent laughing and crying Like we always did are so precious to me... I Just wish
Think ‘bout you, all the time I don’t wanna say goodbye So I can keep being myself
Tell me you feel the same, Don’t play no games-I wanna hear you say now I won’t make your eyes... cloud up ever again when you are feelin’ sad... I want you and I to find a place Where our hearts can snuggle up cloe I’m sure... love will find us there...
Tell me what’s on your mind, I need a sign-boy you know I feel you I wanna feel you forever and always I wanna feel your smile, Take a while-to get my love through to you I can’t help myself, I’m cryin’ your name I’ve got secrets in my heart...
tsuyogaru hodo kimi wo itsudemo komarasete bakari de I’m foolish “aitai” to nageitemo ima wa hajikaresou na ki ga shita no... Just felt it
Need you to softly say sasayaku dake de ii Please kiss me once again kimi ni furetai...
Tell me what’s on your mind I need a sign-boy you know I feel you itsudatte kimi no koto kanjite itai I wanna feel your smile, Take a while-to get my love through to you dou shiyou mo naku I’m cryin’ your name I’ve got secrets in my heart...
hanarete’ku kokoro ni sukoshi tomadoi-hajimete’ta... reflection itsumo no you ni waratte naite sugoshita hibi itoshikute... I Just wish
Think ‘bout you, all the time I don’t wanna say goodbye watashi-rashiku irareru you ni
Tell me you feel the same, Don’t play no games-I wanna hear you say now kumorasenai mou nido to... kimi no hitomi when you are feelin’ sad... kokoro yorisoeru basho mitsuketai futari de kitto... love will find us there...
Tell me what’s on your mind I need a sign-boy you know I feel you itsudatte kimi no koto kanjite itai I wanna feel your smile, Take a while-to get my love through to you dou shiyou mo naku I’m cryin’ your name I’ve got secrets in my heart...
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bedevtripper · 7 years
Ive returned from the dead in a real sense
I done lost it all got it back a billion times, sittin in the county wishin i could chief a dime People trynna kill me. i almost caught a bullet, nigga tested me i grabbed the gun and told his ass to pull it And im still here. Man fuck it im still here. all you muh fuckas really thought the kyd would dissapear boy i made outta cell, sold tobacco in the jail, all the bitches i was stickin put dat money mail I got niggas thatll leave ya holy send ya ass to hell jam me up again then ima slap a cracka with the bail, Ima hustle grind an eat til entire my body stale My whole gang stuntin put my boy up on the hoe who you cuffin Super glue ya safe shut cuz boy i do them run ins Hungry for that money, ima come an take ya onions Ima crash test dummy my whole city know im stuntin im pimpin, my paycheck come from bitches you was fuckin You shootin or you duckin? Rosa parks, i be bussin Niggas wish that i was bluffin mix my hennessey with tussin Now im swervin in that coupe i grew up as a goof But Now im Ballin on these niggas hangin from the hoop Percs on the percs all my hoes put in work Keep a 40 in her purse do her dirt then pull off skrt do my dirt an pull off clean, n i aint peepin out the screen On probation with the paper stackin an im pissin clean I aint messin with stove, but my flow rocked up Took a Vacation, betchu wishin i was locked up I was sellin bling, they aint think that i was man enoughup Nigga started squeezin its a blessin that im standin up Nigga im invincible yo cash invisible Take a pic or two or flip a brick Its an animal inside of me an ima pop a xan an feed Hurtin for the money you could say that i was really bleedin I know niggas took a chance an now they bittin thru it I just do it, when i spit you know im spewin out the fluid Where the finish line, i see it, now im runnin through it All these niggas runnin from they problems i be runnin to its So Fuck trynna flip a brick, nigga ima drip, Got my name from sellin mushrooms, i forever trip house aint got enough rooms, i been on my shit I wanna put momma in a mansion where she own the shit I aint ever been licked iont got a banger I was always taught to kick a door in like im kramer I was always taught to spray a car like im a painter Ice cold like im chillin inside the refrigerator Comparin you to me like a cow to a alligator Ill throw piss in a cup in the face of a fuckin hater I be on probotion you think bro aint got that banger If You fuckin with us he gone leave your body wit a krater All my niggas hungry all my niggas get a plate I was Facin 5 years and now im free im feelin great Every single other local rapper pussy or they fake If i try to conversate they gon studder they gone shake They been trynna stick a nigga for the money that i make Thas why i keep that toaster if its bout that bread you getin baked got yo bitch in my kitchen scrapin dope off a plate Country nigga in the middle of the field is where i stay I go def if you broke or if you talkin on the wrong shit Po wanna send me to the pound on my dog shit Niggas started cryin when they heard that i was gettin out Hustle grind eat is what the HGE about Niggas started cryin when they heard that i was gettin out
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