#im very worn out tho (unrelated)
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c-kiddo · 1 year ago
Tgirl cad means the world to me, hope youre ok
🫶 im ok :') thank u. . she means tha world to me too . girl of all time . i should draw more things but busy. but she is so <3 <3 <3 for ever and ever and ever
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tiredrobin-scooted · 6 years ago
arthur headcanons (w some general trio ones) evn tho nobody asked. it’s long. talk to me about them if u want. 
i just feel like rambling with a mild aim, so. claps hands together. lesgo
he has ocd
he hoards items as a result, and he doesn’t like people touching his things. throwing stuff away is hard. he has methods of managing it, tactics that help when he knows he needs to reduce clutter, but it’s still difficult.
one of his personal rituals involves the pins on his jacket. he checks them frequently throughout the day to make sure they haven’t fallen off. when he washes his jacket, he has to put the pins in the exact same spot (the holes there are worn open and visible, which makes it much easier). he has a specific pattern when he checks them too, & he jokes that its like those games where u have to hit the buttons in the same pattern that they light up in
violent intrusive thoughts central, babey! often coupled w graphic imagery. hes having a great time! love it
also like. anxiety and depression
sighs. and insomnia. he cant sleep! especially in unfamiliar environments. and he has to turn things “away” or else he feels watched (which i think is from his ocd)
SIGHS. and adhd, while we’re at it. infodumping hours are the best bc vivi and lewis are very good listeners even when they have no idea what hes talking about. (and vivi, although not inclined towards mechanics and robotics, is good at asking questions that help push the conversation forward. lewis has a tougher time but he makes up for it in attentiveness)
he doesnt medicate because finding meds that dont exacerbate other aspects is difficult. he had a therapist for a good while, though, after uncle lance took him in, so he has a lot of different methods of helping himself
and he has rly supportive, understanding friends who also have their own mental and physical issues so it’s like. they get it. Everyone Gets It.
hes a gamer...... 
he likes puzzle games a lot, but rpgs are usually what he plays
not that he plays them OFTEN because turns out he has 20 other projects to work on (haha what do i mean im projecting. dont talk to me.)
also trans??? hes dfab binary trans guy
he didn’t make, like, robo-prosthesis himself, those existed before his amputation, but when he was fitted with his own he either built the whole thing from scratch or he totally revamped the one he got
he has a shoulder port and actually, he’s decided, it SUCKS,
if he isn’t careful about the weather, the metal will freeze or heat up and i mean. you can imagine the consequences
rapid changes in weather and pressure causes pain
phantom limb pain in general is just here. and he
is tired
also hes bi, and poly, and
but yeah. i hc hes been on t for.... a while? but i have a side hc where he hasnt been on t purely because i get really shitty cramps and im projecting those onto him. u cant stop me. 
and now..... some (more) vivi, and also some lewis stuff, and actually just a buncha general stuff
lewis joins arthur in the depression club. they high five about it
vivi is also trans! shes hella nonbinary. still uses she/her, but like. .. .
shes nb. mayyyybe genderfluid btwn Woman and a smattering of nb identities. i havent made up my mind yet
all of them actually have adhd, ive decided just now. all three of them. its party town, its infodump hours, no one can stop them and no one can stop me,
lewis and arthur bond over puzzle games. they all play mystery games when the desire hits
vivi almost ALWAYS gets first in mario kart. shes just too good
arthur kicks butt at super smash bros tho and can usually win
lewis’s strong suit isnt really fighting-based games. he likes exploration and socializing. theres probably an mmorpg they all play together
vivi is the fighter, arthurs the spellcaster, and lewis is the combination alchemist/healer
theyve probably played dungeons and dragons. i can see them sitting in the back of the van on late nights out, trying to play but devolving into conversations about enemy logistics or game mechanics or like. something entirely unrelated
lewis deserves his own section to discuss this in greater detail but he came from a wealthy/royal background. i have evidence to back this up. i have no idea if other people have thought of this
hes VERY bi
lewis is the mom friend, except he runs himself into the ground caring about other people so much so that vivi and arthur actively have to work to get him to relax and take time for himself. its a lot of work! he just wants to make sure everyone else is taken care of, “which is lovely, lewis, really,” vivi assures. “but you really need to look out for yourself too, y’know,” arthur pipes up.
like you either gang up on him or it just isnt going to work. hes full of love and a desperate need to prove himself
wheezes. he and arthur bond over abandonment issues
ok if i dont stop i will actually never stop, so. folds hands. thanks for listening.
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morganapengdragon · 6 years ago
An English guide to fanfic 1
So I've read a lot of fic set in England lately, by writers who don't have anyone to 'brit pick' what they've written. But everyone deserves to be able to write stuff set in this hellhole of a country so if you don't have/want a brit picker but still want some general advice I'm gonna make a series of posts which might help with making your fic sound a little more natural. I'm gonna start with education because that's the one I've seen people have most problems with.
This is a long post so be warned
There are 3 main parts of the school system (for comprehensive schools in England, I know it's different for rich people and people in Scotland/Ireland/Wales).
Primary school:
Primary school spans ages 4-11 and the years are
Reception: ages 4-5
Year 1: ages 5-6
Year 2: ages 6-7 (some schools make a split after this point, with the younger years referred to as 'infant' school and the older years referred to as 'junior' school)
Year 3: 7-8
Year 4: 8-9
Year 5: 9-10
Year 6: 10-11
A couple of information tidbits:
A lot of schools teach sex education in year 5 and 6. They tell you what sex is and what periods are. The year is split into boys and girls. They don't really talk about gay people, trans people or contraception.
It's not very common now but some schools will do a SATS exam in year 6. The grades go from 1-5 with 5 being the highest. They mean nothing but we all used to get stressed about them anyway.
Kids can also choose to do an 11+ exam if they want to go to grammar school. I never did it so I can't help you there. Some places in the country put more emphasis on the importance of grammar school than others (looking @@@ Kent) and some places don't have any grammar school at all.
Hard hitting insults when I was a kid were things like 'nerd' and 'weird'. We don't really use 'geek' much. 'Damn' and 'hell' aren't swear words here and kids will sometimes say them.
Most primary schools have uniforms
Secondary school:
Secondary school ages are 11-16 and the years are
Year 7: 11-12
Year 8: 12-13
Year 9: 13-14
Year 10: 14-15
Year 11: 15-16
There are 4 MAIN types of secondary school (afaik)
Comprehensive schools (like the one I went to) are your standard school. You just kind of have to live close to it to get in.
Grammar schools work kind of like comps but you have to pass the 11+ exam. Not everyone takes this exam (I never did, my closest grammar school is fuck off miles away). Apparently you get a better education there or something. Idk man but they like to make fun of the local comprehensives.
Private/public school. You have to pay to go to these types of school. I don't really know the ACTUAL difference between private and public but from what I can tell, public is more expensive and fancier. I think their version of primary school is called prep school?? All of the years work differently and every time a public school kid tries to tell me something about their education its gets more confusing. Rich people.
Boarding school. This is basically a private school but you live there and it costs more money than all of my possessions put together. There are quite a few, with some of the most famous being Eton, Harrow, Winchester etc. They are usually either all boys or all girls schools (those three are all boys schools). Rich people.
More detailed infos:
Year 7-9 is referred to as 'lower school' with 10 and 11 being 'upper school'
The exams taken in year 11 are usually GCSEs. These used to be called O-levels for some reason and lots of older people will sometimes call them that by mistake.
Kids choose which GCSEs they want to do at the end of year 9, and start learning the material in year 10.
Maths, science and English are all compulsory and make up 5/6 GCSEs (one maths, two English, two or three science).
Most people do about 10 and can pick from all of the other subjects what they want to do.
We don't really have a 'locker room' culture????
It's quite common for people to go to all girls or all boys schools.
Schools here are nowhere near as big as American schools. We probably won't have high budget theaters or particularly large sports areas.
I've never heard anyone talk about 'funding'???? Just assume nothing is funded, arts and sports alike. We do lots of fundraisers for anything expensive like rugby tours or school productions.
We still have that weird culture thing where like if you're smart then you can't be popular or play sports???? Strange.
Sitting at a specific table at lunch time isn't really a thing. Actually most people brought lunch from home and then would just sit somewhere outside. A lot of the buildings would be closed during breaks.
Not many people really drive to school.
Sixth form/college
After you finish secondary school most people go into either college or sixth form (or a sixth form college). Years are
Age 16-17: sometimes called year 12, sometimes called lower sixth, sometimes called first year
Age 17-18: year 13, upper sixth, second year
Sixth form:
Some schools have an attached sixth form. A variation of the school uniform is often worn, or students will be asked to wear smart clothing or something
There are also sixth form colleges which are a bit more informal, less of a school environment. Students usually tend to wear their own clothes and call teachers by their first names. They're usually viewed as well.
The qualifications earned at the end of year 12 are called AS levels. They count partially towards your final A level grade. Students usually do 4 and drop one at the end of the year. You can do more if you want tho (I did five and died). You can do whatever subjects you want. Like. Literally nothing is compulsory. You wanna do art, music, dance and anthropology? Fuck it why not?
The highest AS grade is an A. B and C is a pass. D and E are fail marks. U stands for ungradable i.e you got so few marks that your exam isn't even worth a grade.
At the end of year 13 you do A levels. You need 3 to get into uni. Some people do 4. They always regret it.
Grades for A levels are the same as AS but they go up to an A*.
Some schools do a thing called the International baccalaureate. I don't understand what it is and frankly it scares me. I don't know how it's graded or what you need for uni. It's a mystery.
Sixth forms can be comp/grammar/Private/boarding same as secondary school.
You can do a bunch of different types of qualifications. Most popular are usually B-Techs and Diplomas.
You usually only study one subject as opposed to four.
From what I gather, the point in doing a B tech is it's more practical and less theoretical and aims to help you get the skills necessary to go straight into the work force.
Unis kind of have to evaluate B-techs fairly, but they don't like them.
Nobody thinks very highly of B-Techs unfortunately bc they're considered to be less academic and easier. Idk if that's the case but there you go. People will sometimes refer to shit versions of other things as 'B-Tech'. For example, Pepsi is just B-Tech Coca Cola. Boris Johnson is a B-Tech Donald Trump.
I know nothing about the grading system for either of these qualifications im sorry.
In a sixth form college there will be people doing A levels and also people doing B techs all in the same building.
I won't go too much into detail but basically you get a degree at the end of it and degrees usually take 3 years to complete. Years are first year, second year, third year etc.
Some courses are longer and some people will do a year in industry in their third year, making their overall degree time 4 years.
Tuition is currently £9,250 per year. I have never met anyone who hasn't gotten a loan for this.
Most people also apply for a maintenance loan. You get money proportional to your family income. The highest is about £8,500 per year. Idk what the lowest is. Some people choose not to take out this loan and their parents give them financial support instead.
The pay back plan for these loans is super lenient, doesn't affect your credit score and is wiped clean after 35 years. Most students think of their loan as more of a tax than a debt (tho we all still cry about it).
People don't live in dorms. We call them halls of residence (or halls for short).
Most people don't live in halls after first year, they leave and find shared housing.
Most halls aren't catered.
Most halls don't have shared rooms.
Because we study so few subjects at A level, we do have this system in the UK where you take a bunch of different unrelated subjects in your first year and then decide on your major later. Instead you apply for a programme already knowing your major. So when I applied to university I applied to the BA French and German Linguistic Studies course at a number of universities.
Different courses have different entry requirements. So it's easier to get into uni to study History than it is to study Maths.
Each 'class' is referred to as a module, and all of your modules are usually related to your main degree title.
Stereotypically STEM students think that humanities students are dumb. Humanities students think STEM students are arseholes who don't know how to read so if you wanna have that kinda jock/nerd type rivalry but in uni then humanities/STEM is quite a good one.
We call all of our lecturers by their first names. Sometimes we go to the pub with them. I watched a documentary about gay porn with one of them. It's chill.
I've never seen anyone show up to a lecture in pyjamas. People would think it's weird.
We refer to clubs as 'societies'. I love being part of the Musical Theatre Society. It's sounds so much more impressive than club.
The English version of Ivy League is Russel Group. The most prestigious Unis outside of Oxford and Cambridge tend to be: Durham, St Andrews (Scotland), Imperial, LSE and Warwick.
Slang and Groups
We don't really use the word 'jock'. In my school we called those guys the 'Rugby Lads' because they all played rugby.
We don't really use the word preppy/peppy whatever because I literally don't know anybody who is like that.
Try 'Drama kids' instead of Theater kids.
The kids who do drugs and don't come to school are called road men. Even the girls. To do road is to deal drugs but you don't really hear people say that much.
If we can't be bothered to say a teachers full title we will usually call them 'sir' or 'miss' but not really ma'am.
'Hall Pass' isn't a thing.
Our school did have prefects but fuck if I know who they were. They didn't really have any extra responsibility or power.
School uniforms are a thing in most schools. The things people did to make themselves seem cool were things like rolling their skirts up super short, wearing the rugby ties on match days, trying to get away with shoes that don't TECHNICALLY break the rules but are deffo not allowed, wearing as much make up as they could get away with, without teachers noticing. Our school was p strict on uniform tho in comparison with a lot of schools in my area.
If your accent doesn't fit the standard for your area it will affect you in some way (depending on your accent).
Homeroom is called registration
Gym is sometimes called the sports hall
People don't really go to school matches unless they're dating sb bc we don't have bleachers.
Home ecenomics was called Food Tech and Textiles in my school
Woodshop or whatever is called DT (design and technology)
People don't get as involved in extracurriculars in school (but they do at uni).
We DO have houses and we get points given to out houses like in Harry Potter but unlike Harry Potter literally nobody gives a fuck. In my school they added a whole new house and moved everyone into new houses and literally nobody noticed and nothing changed.
There is a BIG difference between comp schools and all of the other kinds in terms of culture. I didn't know this until I went to uni and started joking about the time some kid started throwing chairs in RE (religious education) or when so and so tried to set our French teacher on fire and literally all of the grammar school kids were like O.O WTF.
Slang and school culture will also vary a lot depending on where you live. I live in East London which is not a very well off area but it IS in london so my experiences would match with that.
Everything is completely different in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland so like.... Sorry.
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