#forgivve me
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sunday2ber · 7 months ago
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I hope u guys wwill forgivve me
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theeternalhost · 3 months ago
im coming out of the closet as an eridan kinnie. i hope all of you can forgivve me
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system-owned-and-operated · 6 months ago
helloooo i would like to request a sprite edit :3
nepeta, wearing a neon green hoodie with black sleeves (instead of her coat) and a rainbow beaded necklace; making a heart hand symbol with feferi, who has fluffier + curlier hair than canon and wears lots of layered beaded necklaces of all sizes and colors; as well as a beaded bracelet with fuchsia and olive beads and a woven friendship bracelet with fuchsia and gold. sorry it's a little complicated, insert "i miss my wife, tails" screenshot here :''3
ty!! 💞
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belovved mootie im so sorry i put this off for like. ever. forgivve me and tell your nepeta im so sorry ToT
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broadwayeridan · 1 year ago
unsaid feferi
fef, i wwill alwways regret ruinin wwhat wwe had together. i hope you can forgivve me
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serfuzzypushover · 6 months ago
tbf there wwerent really any adults around to givve that responsibility to 💔
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off-off-broadway-eridan · 7 months ago
Wwelcome landdwwellers. This is my neww amazin singin blog. Before you request anythin, wwe got some rules round here.
DONT REQUEST ANYTHIN 18+. This blog is, and wwill continue to be, safe for minors. No inappropriate songs goin on ovver here.
MOST OF THE SONGS WWILL BE COVVERS. Likely a lot a wwill wwood too. :]
DONT ASK ME IF IM AFFILIATED WWITH ANYONE. Im not. This is just me, singin for fun.
Current Set List: Ugly Story
Modern Day Cain (I’ll never forgivve wwhat yall did to it last poll)
Should’vve Been Me (Erisol Style)
Ongoing Polls:
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medkiitt · 7 months ago
(sending a cutie patootie ur way in a little bit get ready :3 please forgive me)
yay!!! ok maybe i wikl forgivve you 🤔🤔😋😋
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amoresblade · 9 months ago
but right now I'm just NOT STRONG ENOUGH FOR YOUU
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chroniclin-aquarius · 10 months ago
human is a species not a name dicknips.
forgivve me for not givvin a fuck
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serfuzzypushover · 4 months ago
WWHAT THE HECK LYING TWWO ME!!!! but i forgivv u cause meoww meoww ❤️❤️❤️
bluestar oakheart and rosetail hypokits Σ:33
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Muehehhee…. I told u I was going to bed but I lied…. BLUE/ROSE/OAK HYPOKIT!!!!
Lilystrike bccccc Lily is water-related (riverclan) and uhhhh lightning strikes stuff (thunderclan). Genius ik
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lilithianqueen · 4 years ago
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     She’ll sit and die on her hill of eating delicious caramel treats, thank you. Only the best goes into her mouth, Lucifer, otherwise she wouldn’t have married you.
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tiredrobin-scooted · 6 years ago
arthur headcanons (w some general trio ones) evn tho nobody asked. it’s long. talk to me about them if u want. 
i just feel like rambling with a mild aim, so. claps hands together. lesgo
he has ocd
he hoards items as a result, and he doesn’t like people touching his things. throwing stuff away is hard. he has methods of managing it, tactics that help when he knows he needs to reduce clutter, but it’s still difficult.
one of his personal rituals involves the pins on his jacket. he checks them frequently throughout the day to make sure they haven’t fallen off. when he washes his jacket, he has to put the pins in the exact same spot (the holes there are worn open and visible, which makes it much easier). he has a specific pattern when he checks them too, & he jokes that its like those games where u have to hit the buttons in the same pattern that they light up in
violent intrusive thoughts central, babey! often coupled w graphic imagery. hes having a great time! love it
also like. anxiety and depression
sighs. and insomnia. he cant sleep! especially in unfamiliar environments. and he has to turn things “away” or else he feels watched (which i think is from his ocd)
SIGHS. and adhd, while we’re at it. infodumping hours are the best bc vivi and lewis are very good listeners even when they have no idea what hes talking about. (and vivi, although not inclined towards mechanics and robotics, is good at asking questions that help push the conversation forward. lewis has a tougher time but he makes up for it in attentiveness)
he doesnt medicate because finding meds that dont exacerbate other aspects is difficult. he had a therapist for a good while, though, after uncle lance took him in, so he has a lot of different methods of helping himself
and he has rly supportive, understanding friends who also have their own mental and physical issues so it’s like. they get it. Everyone Gets It.
hes a gamer...... 
he likes puzzle games a lot, but rpgs are usually what he plays
not that he plays them OFTEN because turns out he has 20 other projects to work on (haha what do i mean im projecting. dont talk to me.)
also trans??? hes dfab binary trans guy
he didn’t make, like, robo-prosthesis himself, those existed before his amputation, but when he was fitted with his own he either built the whole thing from scratch or he totally revamped the one he got
he has a shoulder port and actually, he’s decided, it SUCKS,
if he isn’t careful about the weather, the metal will freeze or heat up and i mean. you can imagine the consequences
rapid changes in weather and pressure causes pain
phantom limb pain in general is just here. and he
is tired
also hes bi, and poly, and
but yeah. i hc hes been on t for.... a while? but i have a side hc where he hasnt been on t purely because i get really shitty cramps and im projecting those onto him. u cant stop me. 
and now..... some (more) vivi, and also some lewis stuff, and actually just a buncha general stuff
lewis joins arthur in the depression club. they high five about it
vivi is also trans! shes hella nonbinary. still uses she/her, but like. .. .
shes nb. mayyyybe genderfluid btwn Woman and a smattering of nb identities. i havent made up my mind yet
all of them actually have adhd, ive decided just now. all three of them. its party town, its infodump hours, no one can stop them and no one can stop me,
lewis and arthur bond over puzzle games. they all play mystery games when the desire hits
vivi almost ALWAYS gets first in mario kart. shes just too good
arthur kicks butt at super smash bros tho and can usually win
lewis’s strong suit isnt really fighting-based games. he likes exploration and socializing. theres probably an mmorpg they all play together
vivi is the fighter, arthurs the spellcaster, and lewis is the combination alchemist/healer
theyve probably played dungeons and dragons. i can see them sitting in the back of the van on late nights out, trying to play but devolving into conversations about enemy logistics or game mechanics or like. something entirely unrelated
lewis deserves his own section to discuss this in greater detail but he came from a wealthy/royal background. i have evidence to back this up. i have no idea if other people have thought of this
hes VERY bi
lewis is the mom friend, except he runs himself into the ground caring about other people so much so that vivi and arthur actively have to work to get him to relax and take time for himself. its a lot of work! he just wants to make sure everyone else is taken care of, “which is lovely, lewis, really,” vivi assures. “but you really need to look out for yourself too, y’know,” arthur pipes up.
like you either gang up on him or it just isnt going to work. hes full of love and a desperate need to prove himself
wheezes. he and arthur bond over abandonment issues
ok if i dont stop i will actually never stop, so. folds hands. thanks for listening.
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457swag · 3 years ago
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walten files post it sketches
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kyumil-remade · 4 years ago
dont like skz but everytime i see felix i go :)
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casanovasadmiral · 2 years ago
I know you probably already side this but what are your opinions/relationships with the Captors?
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He is a wwonderful man. In an evvent that Dealia wwill nevver forgivve me for, I savved Zyrrex from Her Battleship Condescension. She wwas going to make him rot on that ship for the rest of his afterlife. He deservved better than eternal enslavvement.
oh- thats a hard topic.. vwe'wve... had some big convwersations. our dynamic hasnt and wvont evwer be normal again and wve'vwe come to terms wvith that, i made a lot of apologies for not understanding, and tuna had a fevw too. wve're on generally good terms, but just dont chat a lot. he's happy and thrivwing nowv, and thats all i care about.
havving had my brain linked to sols for a bit gavve me a lot of perspectivve into his life that i didnt havve prior. dont get me wwrong wwe're not fuckin best bros or wwhatevver, but wwe gossip sometimes. wwe chat about wwhat an absolutely fucked and wwild 'wrigglerhood' wwe had. if you could evven consider it one.
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wwickedspirits · 8 years ago
that is hte only thing i havve gathered from any a wwhats just been said 
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