#im unhappy 😒
cyber333angel · 3 months
I be in such a bad mood when my hair isn’t done 😣
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original-punks · 1 year
What the fuck
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evaphernelia · 1 month
for the hot take thingie- kev was a terrible husband who had abusive and DV vibes and for a second one- they treated svetlana TERRIBLE and she deserved so much better
i don’t think that only kev was terrible, both kev and v were pretty bad husband and wife to each other. they should’ve never gotten married. like, they had a whole arc where they cheated on eachother, TWICE! i feel like the writers just kind of gave up on them towards the end. they were a great couple and so strong at the beginning of the series, and then they just got progressively more toxic. also this is kind of off topic but i HATE that kev proposed to v at ian’s wedding. 😒anyways…
i fully agree with the statement that svetlana deserved better. they had a right to be mad when she tricked them into signing the paperwork for the bar, but they kind of did that to themselves. svetlana was way too smart for them and evidently, they got too insecure, especially v. she called ice on svet too? for what? taking the bar you were BARELY taking care of on your own? i was pretty upset about that. i also never liked the whole thing where v was in love with svetlana. it’s just so out of character for her to love anyone else besides kev. but anywho, im really glad svet got the ending she wanted and deserved but kev and v were so bitter to her toward the end of it. all she wanted was a better life.
nice takes btw!! i don’t see many people talk about how unhappy kev and v’s married was. especially on kevs part.
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suguru-getos · 11 months
So I wrote my fic I asked your advice for!
someone just said someone 22 is half the age of someone 26 😭
I made reader 22 and Nanami 26- now I’m questioning everything again-
is 22 and 26/27/28 (she goes through 3 guys those ages she has d on the mind)
but like are those okay age gaps??
like in my opinion it’s completely okay! And I’m you said that last time but oof my first hate comment ruined my day 🥲
oh! congratulations on writing the fic lovely 🥰 but boo 😒 at the someone. i think these are absolutely appropriate age gaps and people, at the end of the day will absolutely find something they’re unhappy with. that’s the beauty of internet. please don’t let any of this ruin your day. 🩶
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I won't let myself get lost in someone again.
It hurts to bad when they leave.
Everyone leaves and i never know why.
My best friend is leaving for TN. Granted, her two most favorite people live there anyways, so who am i to her?
The woman i have the most connection with has a boyfriend (which i knew that ) but now says to me we need space. Always going through a roller coaster of emotions as i get blocked or she deactivates and everytime it hurt and i cry bc i really care about her more than i knew...... Honestly, i believe you want your lesbian side, but you can't accept it, and i know it won't be me that helps you figure that out. Im always the second choice, anyway....
The woman i felt i could really learn from and take care of, someone i actually cared about, she blocked me on everything, and won't even talk to me now. The last thing she said to me was dont waste your time, sorry. Like, i wasn't wasting my time at all. I just wanted to be able to talk to you and be there for you when you needed someone.
This girl who wasn't ready for anything but man, we had so much in common and can talk about anything. We got a little sexual the other night, and now i feel like she is pushing me away slowly😒
I want my happiness, but i feel it was trapped in you a long time ago, and i never got it back, and they all can feel that unhappiness. You fucking broke me and im still picking up the pieces 6 years later😒
Forver feeling like something is missing, maybe thats why everyone leaves they all know how broken i really am.
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pokefanbri · 2 months
I've always been open about this but not by much. I just keep it to myself due to ridicule from friends or family, idk how the public would react. I was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia in 2009 when I was 19 years old. My auditory "hallucinations". Would drive anyone mad being that I've been dealing with it for 16 yrs now. It's always been like a quest on just trying to find out where it comes from or who it is, the source of these disembodied voices in my mind. Whether spirits, angels, someone on the other side of the 🌎, or demons cuz they be lurking. And now into my 30s have evolved into visual hallucinations. A mystery that I wanna know too. There is a research facility at the U of A here in Tucson that involves psychic activity research that I would love to check out.
I held it together while dealing with hard challenges in life, it's difficult to cope with. At first the voices were so loud that music with headphones wasn't able to drown it out. But as I grow, & come closer to God, it becomes a gift and easier to control. Since the bad was washed away, it's become a part of me. I have been baptized 3 times in my life so far cuz sometimes being a good girl I slip lol & nobody is perfect. However after each baptism I get this euphoric feeling and I know that I'm surrounded by angels and I feel like the veil has been lifted it's really cool. I believe I'm connected somehow to Him & the angels. But the darkness still lurks around every corner. I feel evil presences I even hear them talking to me but of course I talk back with attitude when I probably shouldn't. Things tapping on my closet door I even imagine being dragged under my bed. I've saved my mom's apartment and it just made things worse for a time. I saw advice from Christian friends and even my pastor and they have told me that when you try to get rid of a demon they just bring more especially when you're not qualified to cleanse.
The more difficult the challenge, the more unhappy I am, the more I want to die. But God has gotten me through a lot, He can get me through it all I know it. But I also know I can't just play into the devil's hands, let his demons win messing with my head & emotions, I know better now
Its a long story, since 09 the bad took over but owned it since discovering my faith. 😈 may still wanna get at me & hate me w/a passion, which is explains my terrible life he must hate my ass. But God's power & light is so much greater, & protected w/the ✝️ on my chest, 😈 can try 😒
" paranoid schizophrenia" by doctors. But I know what I'm hearing. No friends or family ever believes me or wants to hear it, so I suffer in silence. It's just a matter of finding out what it is & the source. I have foresight in precognitive dreams ie Deja Vu since I was 4, Im sure alot of people have that but for me it can be frequent & never make amy sense as its visions of random happenings in my life weeks or months in advance. I have rare visions whilst awake of which God shows me, like when I meditated & spoke to Him before my babtism which I thought was pretty cool. I've been known to have telepathy with others & has been a cool experiment with other spiritual friends, & automatic writing to where the pen writes itself while holding it loosely.
"Schizophrenic" since 09 but Supernatural things happening for quite a while, & just evolving since. I'd get help for this issuse but idk how or where to start, sorta self taught. Doctors just want me to suppress it, but my new doc said if it makes me happy I don't have to.
It is conflicting with my faith cuz I know the Bible says beware of psychics & magicians in the same verse. We aren't supposed to know all mysteries in the universe cuz faith. But what happens when one of those mysteries involves you, wouldn't you wanna know? What if God chose u for something? What if it's a miracle?
And what if it's not exactly psychic activity per se. Cuz all God's children are prophets of the Lord. The signs are happening now of the end of days & the children are seeing visions of the end, I had 1 myself. When you're childlike u inherit the kingdom of heaven. He's warned us plenty of times.
Maybe it's easier than we think. Maybe, it doesn't have to be so complicated. Maybe He's easing us into it & Revelations isn't as horrific as it seemed in the Bible, but did its job into putting the fear of God into me lol. Life's too short, but what do I do with it, where do I go from here? After all the hell I've been through, & I'm still at entry level jobs with just customer service options. What if, more than 1 Angel is here, more than 2 or 3, chillin til it happens, & we live our lives while we can before it's all gone. I've met Gabriel, he's a pretty awesome dude, curly blonde hair, walks with a staff & like his wings are too heavy for him lol. Just doing his thing being the messenger of God, however flawed like us all.
We just don't know. Maybe we'll never know, & even with our faith we still try to peice it all together like a puzzle til it fits, as humans do being naturally curious. My grandpa was a code breaker in the war, I kinda take after him that way. I'm very wise & I do like to decode in a way. We just gotta Believe, be ready for anything & to go home.
How did I start talking about my issuse & gifts, & it ends up becoming Biblical 😂 that always happens I get riled up & the holy spirit kinda just takes over lol. Yo just Believe aight. Trust me, I've experienced miracles myself, He keeps me afloat. Yes I may come off as crazy, but a lot of girls are technically lol
Mark 9:23
Must add we have free will & it shouldn't condemn us regardless of some choices, if God has a purpose for us let it be. Bible tho it's all truth, is outdated, they wrote it from during that time & how they could describe things from that period. Jesus took in misfits like us ✝️
He understands us completely. I don't like to say idolize either regarding celebs, it's adore or is a role model. Cuz of the outdatedness of the Bible I personally just like to focus on the stories of Jesus or Revelations, psalms & Proverbs is good too. He loves us so much ✝️
The start of this post I was crying so hard 😭 like I usually do due to severe depression. But now I'm as light as a feather, now I feel so much better ty God. My past has broken me quite a bit & even my family sucks so much that I pray for a new 1. My name partially means "high" & I wish I has bud rn lol.
Origionally this was on twitter however I realized that it doesn't belong there because it's too long. Made for a blog anyway I have a bad habit of typing too much. I was working on a book & like an idiot I lost all my things in Vegas including my flash drive with my life story on it, that's not finished yet. But I knew I still had it on my laptop at home. Vegas would make for some good chapters lol gotta get around to writing again.
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milimima · 1 year
They always see after I leave then it’s no come back, you could’ve stayed we could’ve worked it out. Raised ya dog your welcome. Same way I raised ur son 🙄😒 crazy bruh my whole life I had to play the roles while others paid for it like when I was younger my mom was not around bruh. She was trying to get her life iguess always 😒 cause she was unhappy unforilled or what. I get it tho. She ain’t have her parents. Her life was crazy. So I just delt my cards bruh. And prolly fucked me up a lil not really cause Brister used to stay talking shit about her and that bruh na. Fuck all dat shit I’m not going bruh I’m changing the cycle idgaf bruh.
I’m learning. And I thank you GOD so much for not giving me no kids yet cause I honestly probably wouldn’t have made it bruh. I’m not that. I’m not regular. I’m not none of these bitches dawg. I see. I’m aware. I see so much mfs get mad. Idgaf. I’m working on me, my relationship with God and building my empire and lifestyle. Idec to fuck. Talk to nobody. None of dat. Bitch I started playing games on my phone bitch. I’ll read. I listen to sermons now. I’m taking classes I’m getting qualified. I’m only getting started. It’s coming. I ain’t even worried. My heart is a lil bit but that’s how I’m im in the right place
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metalsonicneo · 2 years
im soooo unhappy with my art and its pissing me off 😒
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hoo boy house hunting is very exciting and nerve wracking and also has made me realize the last two times i've moved have. not been in good contexts.
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bhex · 3 years
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"My Year of Rest and Relaxation" by Otessa Moshfegh An unnamed narrator tries to sleep for a year in hopes of being renewed and cured from her past trauma. Though I did enjoy the humor, the subplots were dragging me to sleep for a year as well🤭. Halfway through, there wasn't much going on besides the coffees, the sleeping pills and the interruptions of her sleep. I can personally relate especially to the narrator's negative mind, and her journey of overcoming it. She is supposed to be disliked but I empathise her. The realities of depression were written well and deeply explored. There were 2 dangerous attitudes toward unhappiness presented: one is using pills to sleep and forget, the other is coating fake positivity to cope. But the former did it right in the story since it's the premise🙄. As a character driven novel, im satisfied, but the plot is just 😴. The tone literally sounded its title - drowsy 😒 Like other unsettling, odd fiction, this is an acquired taste. The characters are written to be despised, the story to be slow and sleepy, its negatives are intended. Which i think made the writing effective. This is my first Moshfegh novel and I'm looking forward to her other works☺️ Happy New Year and welcome 2022 🎉🎊 #myyearofrestandrelaxation #otessamoshfegh #literaryfiction #filipinobookstagrammer #bookstagramph #bookstagramphilippines #booknook #bibliophile #bookreader #booknerd #contemporaryfiction #bexreadsies (at Philippines) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYJwD-RvPa5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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