#im trying to get back to life after my mom came back home yesterday
eliskitty · 1 year
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she’s a small fry!
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honeygrandpa · 3 months
tw warning: family death and animal injury
this has probably been the worst week of my life. on sunday my uncle had a heart attack on his way home from a trip so i drive from ga to tn to pick up his wife and then 10.5 hours to ia to get her to the hospital before he passed and we didn’t make it time. then i drive her back to tn and stayed with her because she couldn’t take care of herself and she wouldn’t eat (she’s diabetic so this was a real problem) and she didn’t know how to pay her bills or how to live without him. i got back to ga yesterday and then today, my dogs were outside on the chain and 2 neighbor dogs came into our yard off leash. 1 of my dogs attacked 1 of the neighbor dogs and that dog has to have an emergency procedure in the morning to drain the wound. i know legally it wasn’t my fault but i feel so so awful and i don’t know what to do. i don’t have the money to pay her vet bills. with all of the travel with my uncle, im already have debt on my credit card that i can’t pay off. and i have to drive to ia again next week for the funeral and pay for boarding for my dogs. i paid $1000 to a trainer who says they specialized in aggressive dogs last year and she basically told me to not bring them around other dogs. my dogs are rescues and they used to be ok around other dogs but my brother’s dog bites people and made them really nervous and ever since 1 of my dogs bit his dog to keep him away from me, they’ve both struggled with dog aggression. they like little dogs and calm dogs but get really bad around bigger energetic dogs. everything is awful and i really really don’t know what to do. im also struggling to finish my master’s degree and already am taking an incomplete for my culminating project so i have more time to finish writing. i am struggling to get everything done and apply to jobs so i might end up being too late to get a teaching job before the school year starts and i turned 26 this month so i wont have health insurance and i wont be able to see my therapist even though my panic attacks have been worse than usual this year and ive had really awful ones where i cant stop throwing up a few times this year when i used to have the really bad ones once every few years. im overwhelmed, i cant afford to move out of my moms house even though she doesn’t want me here, and im never going to see my favorite uncle again. i cant even afford to take care of these dogs but ive been trying for like 3 years now because they needed a home after being abused and neglected by their previous owner. they’re also the only thing i have in my life that make me feel happy most days. like lucky is currently in my lap, licking my tears. i don’t even want to consider it but should i give them up? i probably wouldn’t make it without them but i really don’t know what to do. should i try to pay for the neighbor dog’s vet bills with my credit card?? the neighbor told me that she doesn’t hold me responsible and that she’ll keep her dogs on leashes going forward but she said this while sobbing with her hands covered in her dog’s blood. i don’t think this week could get worse honestly. ive never cried so much in one week
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WARNING: 18+ minors dni, murder, stalking, creepy, kidnapping, 
i put my moonlightussy into this 
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“ i dont want to go to U.A anymore” you said shuffling your food around your plate with a fork. “What? You love U.A” your mom said in shock. “And stop playing with your food. I worked hard to make this meal and also worked hard to get you into U.A” 
You looked up at the clock on the wall only to see that it was only 6:30 p.m. The day seriously just wasn’t ending quick enough. More silence filled the air, other than the sound of your mothers fork scraping the plate as she ate. So many emotions went through you as you remembered your experience at school today and the experiences everyday since you found out that three of your teachers are bound to you. 
You rolled your eyes and slowly pushed your plate away. “It’s not enjoyable anymore mom. They prohibit me most of the time from hero training, and give me unnecessary detention. They are narcissistic, obsessive, possessive-” “STOP THAT” your mom cut in. “that is certainly not true. Your grades are amazing and you are getting detention because you are skipping classes!” 
You stood up and walked away from the table. “That was one time!” she finished her last bit of food before collecting both of the plates and heading towards the kitchen to put them in the sink. “It doesnt matter y/n. You should continue to be in U.A. I am not taking you out. END OF STORY!” 
You rolled your eyes and huffed, stomping away and going to your room. You flopped on the bed and looked at your phone only to see almost 50 messages from the trio. You threw your phone as hard as you could and watched it bounce off the wall and bust into pieces. Closing your eyes and rolling over, you went to sleep. 
You groggily wiped your eyes and yawned. You slammed your hand on the stop button of the alarm next to your bed and you reached over to grab your phone only not to see where it would usually be in the mornings. Looking over, you remember what you did to it last night before going to sleep. You got ready for school and left the broken phone on the ground and left the house making sure to avoid your mother. 
Arriving at U.A was depressing. Mostly just pep talking yourself into just accepting that this is your new life. Upon entering the building you happened to run into All might. “Oh! Hey ms. y/n” you looked up at him and shrugged. “You didn't see my messages, is everything ok? You shrugged and began walking away. “My phone broke last night.” All might turned to you and a light bulb lit up in his head. “I could get you a new one.” you rolled your eyes and continued walking. “Im good” He ignored the other students trying to get his attention and jogged up to you. “Please, I'm sure you need a phone and it will be no cost to you.” He feels excited because this is finally his time to provide for you. 
“Whatever.” you said as you waved him off and walked to your homeroom. 
“Shota looked up at you from his laptop as he seen you coming in. “hello there darling.” he frowned on the inside when he wasnt met with any response. “You know i texted you yesterday. The least my baby can do is respond.” you looked up in annoyance while unpacking your things for the day. “My phone broke last night.” shota leaned back in his chair and responded quickly “I can get you a new one baby.” you rolled your eyes. “Dont you need to save up money and provide for your husband?” Shota scoffed playfully at your response. 
 “Sweetheart its fine, i have more than enough money to get you the newest phone that just came out. Besides, it’s my job to provide for you.” 
Hizashi came waltzing in after shota said that and joined the convo while walking towards you and doing playful finger guns. “Whats up my babies?” He kissed you on the temple and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. “y/n broke her phone so i opted to get her a new one, she’s declining.” Hizashi looked at you and gasped. “Your phone broke? No wonder you didn't respond to us last night. You should let us get you a new phone babes. It's our job to provide for ya. Ya dig?” 
“All might already offered to get a new phone for me.” the couple visibly frowned. Hizashi looked up at shota and cringed in irritation upon hearing the news. Shota waved a hand at him dismissing his anger as a silent way to tell him to calm down. “Let him get the phone.” 
After class and all the students left, shouta kissed you on the lips and was surprised that you kissed back. shota looked at your form walking away in awe. Hizashi came walking in and seen shota all giddy and smiley. “Whats got you all sunshine and rainbows?” shota looked at his husband and smiled. “She kissed me back.” hizashi looked shocked and nodded. “Thats great babe.” 
Shota smiled to himself and spoke. “Look zashi, i know you dont like toshinori right now and it’s understandable. But just let him try, ok?” hizashi nodded and understood. After saying that toshinori came in looking for y/n. “Hey what’s up?” hizashi said trying not to sound awkward. “Nothing much just looking for y/n, i got her a new phone.” shota looked shocked. “That quick?” toshinori shrugged. “Yeah i guess. I dont have a tight schedule today and i won’t be busy until 3pm, so i have a lot of free time.” shota looked at the phone toshi was holding. “Let me see.” toshi handed it over. It was the newest phone model that came out this year. “Let me make some changes to it first before we give it to her.” shota said walking towards his desk with it. 
“Like what?” toshinori asked. “Just some spyware and secret controls so we can see what she’s doing and who she’s talking to. You know. For safety.” Toshinori nodded and agreed. “Good idea.” shota took out the phone and turned it one and started setting it up. “Dont worry, i’ll give it to her at the end of the day, knowing that you have a tight schedule and all towards dismissal.” toshinori smiled. “Ok thank you so much” and walked away. 
The bell rang loudly for dismissal and all of the kids got up and shuffled out, like they’ve never seen daylight before. Finally school is over for the day. you sighed in relief. You have spent all day low-key dodging the soulmates. After packing your things and getting up you raced out of the class and blended in with the crowd, Only poking your head up above the sea of kids to see if one of your soulmates (old enough to be your father) were around. 
You were walking like a speed demon and spent too long staring back above the crowd to notice anyone in front of you. Turning your head to finally face forward, only to yelp in surprise when you face plant into a chest that feels like a sturdy brick wall. You slowly pulled your head away from the chest. The more you pulled back the more of the color black you saw. Immediately knowing who it was and sighed in irritation. 
“L/N” you looked up to see Shota Aizawa. His raven hair floating in the air and his eyes a bright crimson red. Irritation painted all over his face. He grabbed your arm and pulled you out of the crowd and aside into his classroom. Closing the door and locking it in the process. 
“I called you over a million times.” he said, turning to face you. He couldn't help but feel butterflies in his stomach. He’s so in love with you. 
You noticed him masking his nervousness with irritation. He approached you with a new phone and handed it to you. You looked down in surprise and cautiously grabbed the box. 
 “I told you all might would give me one.” Shota let out a sigh. “ call him toshinori outside of class and he did, I'm just handing it to you because he has a tight schedule.” You opened the box and took a look at the phone. “It's already set up?” Shota was heading towards his desk to sit down. “Yep, your welcome.” he mumbled while shuffling papers around his desk. “thanks i guess.”  you said shyly while putting it in your backpack. You wanted nothing more than to get away. 
As you were heading towards the door, shota spoke up. “Hey, why dont you help me grade papers?” you didnt turn to look at him as you spoke. “I have loads of homework to do, sorry” he stood up and walked to the side of his desk and pulled out a chair that belonged to your desk. You fucking hated that he moved your desk so close to him that its literally on the side of his desk. “You can do it here, i’ll even help you, sweety” you huffed in defeat and headed to sit down. He smiled and kissed your temple as you sat down. 
You played with your thumbs as you watched him sit down and start grading papers and type away at his computer. He looked down at you. “Well are you gonna get started?” you snapped out of it and got out your homework and started on it. After an hour, hizashi came knocking on the door and shota got up and walked towards the door unlocking it. You heard them speaking quietly to each other as you did your homework. You were paying close attention to your homework and trying not to look away, only to notice a tall figure wearing tight black leather pants, jacket, and boots come into view and coming closer. The sound of chains clanking on his suit every time he took a step. 
You flinched when the sound of a chair being pulled across the floor happened suddenly. The screeching sound only gets closer. In your peripheral vision you see hizashi pull up a chair and sit next to you. He’s sitting so close to you, its almost like your both sitting in the same chair. He leans over and you watch as green orbs peer through his glasses as he looks at what you're working on. The smell of his cologne is strong and intoxicating. You hate him, but fuck he smelled good. Little did you know, he wore it just for you. He ditched the original scent that he normally wore when he met you and started looking into the more expensive stuff, to really get you going. You hate to admit that it fucking works. You were too zoned out to realize that shota and zashi were speaking to you. You couldn’t help but drop your head down and sniff him. 
“This is some stuff that i can help you with, songbird, that Letter should go there and this letter should go he-woah” zashi froze as you buried your face in his neck and took long inhales while gripping his bicep. Shota and hizashi locked eyes. Hizashi’s face was full of confusion and excitement. Same for shota. You wrapped your arms around Hizashi and buried your face further into his neck. The feeling of his warm skin calmed your every nerves. But this makes no sense. You shouldn’t like him. Hizashi realized that you were trying to bring him closer, so he picked you up out of his chair and held you in his chair. 
Shota smiled as you clung to his husband like a koala. It’s amazing that he took off his speaker and let his hair down. His long blond hair falling over his shoulders. He looked fine as fuck with his hair down. His gloved hands rubbed your back soothingly. You didn’t realize that you started crying. He held your head and rubbed your back. “Shhh, its ok songbird, its ok” 
The war inside your head was loud. Both sides clashed. ‘I love him, I HATE HIM’ 
You started beating his chest and he grabbed your wrist and held you tighter. 
After you calmed down he held you for awhile more. “We should head out, yeah?” Aizawa said softly while organizing his papers and getting his things together. His husband nodded while grabbing your things and putting them in your bag while his other hand held you. You got up off of his lap and avoided eye contact and grabbed your things. “We’ll take you home sweetheart” aizawa insisted while he grabbed your hand. They both held your hands and walked through the halls of U.A. they were free to do that now, since no one was here to see it. 
‘I wanna leave, i wanna leave’ 
Walking past the windows, you noticed that the sun was setting. Your mother must be worried sick. Exiting the building hizashi got a call and he slung his bag over his shoulder like a purse and used his now free hand to answer the call. You could hear your mothers voice on the other end. “Oh! Shes with me ma’am. She stayed after class for tutoring, I'm dropping her off at home.” you could hear the sound of relief in your mothers voice. And her thanking god. He said his good bye’s and ended the call. 
Once you all approached the vehicle they let go of your hands. Shota went to the drivers seat and hizashi opened the backset door for you and guided you in. He grabbed shota’s and his bags and put them beside you in the backseat and closed the door. The outside of the car was a nice gray and the seats were soft. Shota started the car and the car started moving. You couldn’t help but look at shota’s forearms as he rolled up his hero suit sleeves and gripped the steering wheel. The muscles of his forearms were hypnotizing. You jumped in surprised when you seen his eyes on you in the rearview mirror. You didn't notice him smirk as he turned his attention back to the road. You looked over at the black bags that they take to work with them and noticed a phone sticking out of Shota’s bag lighting up. You got nosy and looked over to see that his phone was unlocked and open. He must have forgotten to shut it off. There was an app open and there was a nice, huge, and charming house on the screen, But it seemed to be far from the city. 
They must be looking to move. WONDERFUL. 
“Sweetheart, you being nosy?” You froze and looked up only to see Shota looking at you from the rearview. “N-no.” He smirked. “We’re going to move” he said with a touch of excitement and nervousness in his voice as he stared ahead, only to peak at you every once in awhile to study your expression. Before he could continue, hizashi added in. “It's gonna be great! A nice, huge, breathtaking house, away from the loud city! You're gonna love it!” He yelled in excitement while waving his hands around. He froze when his husband glared at him. Uh oh, the cats out of the bag. “What do you mean I’m going to like it?” 
Shota sighed and just told you the truth, might as well. No one would believe you if you said anything anyways. ”Toshinori, zashi, and I are getting married and moving out to a nice house away from the city with you, and eventually adding you to the marriage as well.” You zoned out with panic. The seatbelt felt tighter than usual. You let down the window for air, but it wasn't helping. The car ride seemed longer.  “Its ok songbird” hizashi reached a reassuring hand back to rest on your leg. “Sho maybe we should stop to let her get some air.” 
“We’re almost there zashi.” Once they stopped at your address, You raced out of the car and into your house. They didnt even get to say goodbye first. You raced up to your room, completely dodging your mom, and used your new phone to call izuku and freak out. Little did you know that the two men got out of the car and were invited in by your mother. Izuku picked up your call worried and you vented to him. He was just as worried as you. Mid freak out, you heard talking inside your house. You set the phone down and left your room to peek into the living room, only to find hizashi and shota sitting at the dining room table, talking to your mother as she made them tea.
Your heart jumped to your throat and you tried to sneak back to your room. “y/n?” shouta called out. “ I have to go to the bathroom!” you called racing back to your bedroom before they can call you to come hang out.
“Hello? Hello? y/n?“ the faint voice of Izuku called out on the other end of the phone from across the room where you left it.  You picked up the phone “You have to get me out of here.” 
“y/n? y/n?” your mother knocked on your door after checking the bathroom. She rattled the doorknob only to see that it was locked. After another 5 minutes of trying to talk to you, she went and got a spare key to open your door. She opened the door and saw that you weren't there. “Y/N??” your stuff was gone and your window was wide open. “Everything alright?” Shouta asked peeking his head in your room, only to see that you were gone. He put the pieces together and noticed that you ran away. “Why would she run away?” your mother was freaking out in tears and picking up her phone to call everyone she knows to make sure they keep an eye out. “Ma’am im sure she’ll return…maybe she went for a walk?” hizashi added in unsure. 
“With her stuff?” shouta glared at his husband. “It’s not safe out there!” your mother said in pure panic. “We’ll go look for her ma’am” hizashi said in reassurance. 
Izuku and you were racing down the interstate. Your in the passenger seat freaking out and trying to breathe. “It’s ok, just breathe.” izuku said rolling down your window a smidge. He’s the only one that believes you. This feels like a movie. You and a boy packing your things and running away together. You cant say that you never noticed that Izuku had feelings for you. He looked at you with a face of reassurance and smiled at you. Your heart warmed. Finally arriving at the airport you both grabbed your stuff from out of the car and went in. Thank god izuku had an app that allowed him to book flights quickly. Real life saver. 
You both boarded the plane quickly. The trip was so anxiety-inducing. When you both arrived there, Izuku booked you both a hotel room. You unlocked the door and threw yourself onto the bed and screamed into a pillow. “Hey, hey its alright.” Izuku rubbed your back. “Your safe now.” You took some deep breathes and looked out of the window and noticed that it was dark out. “What time is it?” You questioned izuku. He looked at his phone and answered. “9:37 pm” 
You thought about your mother and started panicking. “It’s ok, we’re here now.” he reassured you. You nodded in agreement and laid down and tried to get some rest. Izuku turned off the lights and watched some television. Turning to your side you could see the light of the tv on the walls. There was only one bed, so He was on the other side of you. After closing your eyes and breathing to calm your nerves, you finally went to sleep. 
Little did you know that shota and Hizashi knew exactly where you were. 
“Hey, time to wake up.” Izuku light shook you awake. You sat up and rubbed you eyes. “You hairs a mess.” he giggled. “What time is it?” he looked at his phone. “12:46 pm, we slept in pretty good.” you nodded. “Im going to head downstairs to get us some coffee’s, ok?” you nodded and he headed out. 
It’s officially been 24 hours and the heroes can finally take your missing persons case. Shota volunteered to take your case and Toshinori was assigned to help him. Perfect. Hizashi stayed behind to purchase the house and get everything set up. They werent ready to purchase the house or get married yet. But you left and they panicked. They cant have you run away like that. You’ll be safe with them. 
While you were gone they got the ball rolling. They took all of their savings and put it towards the marriage and house. Toshinori now sports an engagement ring on his finger. He was just as worried for your safety as the others were.  He thanked the gods that he was assigned to your case. 
Shota and toshinori walked into the office so they can be given instructions on the case. Toshinori was in his all might form and had an intimidating look on his face. Pure anger and worry. But tried his best to mask it with a smile. There was a killer on the loose and hasn’t been caught yet. Those kids are normally kidnapped and found in america. Shota brought that up and made a good point. They agreed and Shota and toshinori were assigned to take the case to america first, which is great because thats exactly where you were. After being given the instructions, they both boarded a private jet that was given to them and headed towards america. Shota and toshinori constantly checking your location. They thanked the gods together that with the jet, they would reach you within a couple of hours.  
You sipped your coffee that izuku gave you and thanked him. After your cup of coffee you sighed. “So what now?” izuku looked at you and shrugged “i dont know, maybe we can go out and explore.” you shook your head, too afraid to go outside. “Nah. I think i wanna stay in here just for today.” he nodded in understanding and turned on the tv and handed you the remote. 
You spent the next 6 minutes looking for a channel but nothing was really peaking your interest. 
You both spent a good couple of hours watching tv, until you got board and looked over to the window to see two men approaching the building. Your heart raced. They look like shota and the skinny toshinori. You closed your eyes and breathed to calm yourself down. 
“It’s not them, it’s not them, i’ts not them.” you whispered to yourself. Izuku looked at you confused. Before he could speak, a knock at the door erupted through the room. They weren’t nice knocks, very impatient, angry knocks. 
Your panic rose and izuku put a hand on your shoulder and shushed your panic. He got up and opened the door, only for shota to push him out of the way and walk in. They were both delusional. They thought you were kidnapped, and non of this is your fault, You’d never run away from them right? 
You jumped out of bed and to the corner of the room in shock, only to watch a huge, tall, hulking figure, that you know too well, bow his head down to fit through the doorway, walking in behind shota. He must’ve turned into his all might form in the hall before entering the room. Anger and worry clear as day on his face. Shota was dealing with Izuku on the other side of the room, getting really close to his face and gripping his shirt, Whispering profanities and threats in his ear. It’s hard to hear from the corner of the room.
Your attention snapped to toshinori when he spoke to you.  “y/n pack your things.” you shook your head and all might sighed began packing them for you. “I know your scared, but do not worry, Because I AM HERE.” He zipped your bag closed and approached you slowly. He doesnt think for a second that your scared of him. He believes that your scared of izuku. His hulking figure crouched down to come face to face with you. The hand not holding your bag, comes up to brush the hair out of your face and wipe your tears. He whispers calmly to you “it’s all ok now, i am here.” he rubs your arm and shushes your cries. “It’s ok y/n, im taking you home now, where you’ll be safe, sweet pea.” 
Toshinori looks over to shota who is busy with izuku. “Sho” toshinori calls out to catch his attention. Shota looks over, and the pair nods at each other. They must have a plan of some sort. Toshinori grabs your hand and begins to guide you out of the room. You're hesitant and try to stand your ground. He looks at you reassuringly. “It’s ok now, you're safe with me, shota is taking care of him.” he really believes that you're scared of izuku hurting you if you leave. Shota notices and comes over to you and kisses your forehead, and plucks a hair from your head. “Go baby” he whispers to you calmly. You're still hesitant. They think you're too scared to move. Toshinori takes his free arm and swoops down, and in one swift move you’re on Toshinori’s hip like a baby. He holds your tight and begins to walk out of the door. 
Tears fill your eyes as you look back and see shota staring at you lovingly, as izuku is behind him on the ground. Closing your eyes and breathing  you look forward and watch as your carried out of the building with a strong securing arm around you. Confusion fills you as toshinori walks behind the building quickly and puts you back on your feet. He looks at you before speaking. “Can i trust you to stay by my side? I’m turning to weak form” you look at him and barely above a whisper you ask “why?” he looks at you after poofing to his weak form. Smoke fills the air around you both as he coughs and grabs your hand and begins walking. “Because im not fucking around right now, I dont need attention on us when im in my All Might form.” he grumbles. Bony fingers gripping tighter around your hand as he guides you to the car that drove both him and shota there. You look up to his bony face and see that theres a dead serious look on his face. Theres no point in running. Even in his small form he could easily catch you. Dont mistake his skinny arms for being weak and frail. They may be twigs but they can still break every bone in your body on a power level people could never comprehend. He only calls it his “weak” form because it has a slightly lower power level than his bigger form. 
As you both approach the black car, a man steps out of it. A professional looking man, wearing an expensive suit. He approaches the both of you and rounds the car, opening the car door for you both. Toshinori nods a ‘thank you’ and the man nods back, while taking your bag from toshinori’s hands and letting toshinori get in beside you, shutting the car door. You watch in the rearview mirror from the backseat as the man rounds the car again and opens the trunk and puts your belongings in there. The car bounces a little from the loud ‘thunk’ of the trunk being closed. The man walks past your window and opens his door and gets in. He looks in the rearview mirror and looks at toshinori. “Where to sir?” toshinori squeezes your hand reassuringly and speaks. “Back to the airport.” the man nods and follows instructions, starting the car and beginning the journey there. 
The car ride was silent, except for the occasional coughing fit toshinori has. His hand resting on your thigh, lightly squeezing here and there. He notices your anxiety and he turns on the tv screen that was back there. Its a high end car. “Here, watch something.” he says to you. You turn your attention to the tv screen and watch whats on it. Occasionally changing the channel until it landed on a animal documentary. You watched as the baby cats were shown on the screen. It did little to ease your nerves, but at least it did something. “We’re here” toshnori said as the car parked at the airport. The driver rounded the car and opened your doors. When you exited your side, toshinori quickly rounded the car and grabbed your hand so you wouldn’t run away. He grabbed the bag that the driver handed to him and thanked him while turning into his all might form. In another swift move, you were once again on toshinoris hip. He then jumped high into the sky until he reached the destination of the airport he wanted. It was terrifying being so high. You couldn't help but hold on tight and scream. He shushed you gently as you both landed. You were at the privet jet that was assigned to both toshinori and shota. He turned to his small form and boarded it with you. The journey felt like it lasted forever. He offered drinks and occasional board games to play. You ignored him. He lets it slide, thinking that you're still processing everything that happened when you were “kidnapped” by izuku. You look out of the window when he reaches across the small table you both were sitting at and intertwined his fingers with yours. Occasionally rubbing his thumb on your hand lovingly. You cringed as your finger could feel the ring on his finger. The ring that shota and hizashi placed there. 
Finally landing in japan and going for another agonizing car ride to the new house. Constantly rejecting toshi’s offers for snacks and drinks when you make break stops. Toshinori is very persistent unfortunately. Setting aside the water he gave you and closing your eyes, you sighed. “Should drink that, its good for you” He mumbled as he took a sip of his own. Ignoring him, you  fell asleep and were woken up an hour later by huge gates opening for the car you and toshi were in after the driver put his ID in and was approved. There were vibrant, tall, green trees for miles. Your attention flew to what was behind the miles of trees, A tall brick wall, surrounding the property. The place was huge. The driveway was at least 5 minutes long before reaching the house itself. The front yard was practically a field. A Huge garden in the front yard, along the house. The house was big enough that it looked like it should have an elevator inside. 
Hizashi came out onto the porch excited. Uhauls were everywhere and men were carrying things into the house. You took some deep breaths as you got closer to the house. The driver parked outside and opened your doors. Hizashi was ecstatic as he approached the car, watching you step out. You looked across the car to see that toshi was stretching with his arms in the air, and then taking your bag from the drivers hands with a ‘thank you’. 
Hizashi and the driver nodded to each other in thanks and the driver got back in and drove off. 
“My baby!” hizashi squealed while trapping you in a tight, suffocating embrace. He grabbed your shoulders and looked you over with a smile. You also took the time to look at him. He was wearing casual clothes for once. His hair in a loose bun and wearing casual glasses. He wore a white and gray flannel shirt that was rolled up to his elbows, with a tight, white shirt underneath that illuminated his abs pretty well, and Light gray jeans, with a casual black belt, and black boots. You also took the time to notice that he had little earrings. You looked at his forearm and noticed that he had a tattoo for shota on it. It said “Shota” on it with a symbol under it that looked like his hero scarf. 
“Lets bring ya in yeah?” he said happily as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder and guided you up the porch steps and into the house. You looked back and seen expensive cars sitting in the huge driveway, at least 4 of them. You weren't surprised to see a whole team of people there decorating and setting up the house. Hizashi paid them well and also paid them to keep their mouths shut about you. He guided you to the huge kitchen. 
“Want something?” he asked as he opened the very expensive fridge and bent over inspecting the inside of it. He looked back at you and frowned when you shook your head. He shrugged and grabbed sparkling water and handed it to you anyway. You grabbed it hesitantly. “Why?” you asked. They looked at each other before answering. “Isn’t it obvious? Your safe with us” hizashi said like it was the most obvious thing in the entire world. “I want to go home.” toshinori sighed at your response and added in. “your already home. Your going to be here with Hizashi, Shota, and I” he said rubbing your back. “No, no, no, no what about my life? What about school? What about my mother?” you asked frantically while stepping back away from them. Hizashi rounded the counter and followed you.
 “Hey hey hey hey, it’s ok. No need to freak yourself out there songbird, you're safe here. No need to stress yourself out in the real world anymore. No more arguments with your mom, no more in person school. You’ll do online school if you want to do that, no having to work because we will happily provide for you, and there are many rooms here for your hobbies. You have everything you could ever want here!” he said with his arms in the air and happiness on his face. 
He visibly frowned along with fiance, toshi when tears welled in your eyes. Something snapped in you and you threw your sparkling water at hizashi’s face. He stumbled back a bit and toshinori stepped in front of him in a protecting manner. “Now, y/n that was very rude. You shouldn’t hit your boyfriend like that. Keep that up and we will have no choice but to restrain you.” He looked at you very seriously. Rage surged through your system. Something that didn’t go unnoticed by the pair. 
“Toshi it’s fine” hizashi mumbled while getting out from behind him and making his way towards you with his hands up in front of him like he's calling a truce.“Sweety pie, it's ok. Please don't do that again. We’re trying to help you.” he says calmly like talking to a ferocious animal. While toshinori picks up the sparkling water and sets it back on the counter. “Fuck you” you snarl at them. “That language will not be tolerated here. Apologize right now!” toshinori said to you with a booming volume. Making you jump a little. You took your shot and swung at hizashi. You honestly should have expected to lose. He’s a pro hero after all. He dodged it and grabbed your arm, twisting your body in the process until your back is against his chest with both of your wrists trapped in his strong hands. “GOD DAMN IT Y/N, PLEASE!” hizashi growled in irritation. 
That didn’t stop you. Your arms and torso may have been immobile in the moment but your legs and feet weren’t. You jumped in his arms and kicked his legs behind you. “FUCK” he let go of you and stumbled back while grabbing his calves. You took the opportunity while he wasn’t looking and punched him. Before you could turn the other direction to run. Two Huge arms caught you and body slammed you. Your head hitting the floor quite hard. Your whole body immoble. Looking up you see a very angry all might seething with anger. In the background you hear hizashi ranting angrily while the sound of kitchen cabinets and drawers are opened violently and slammed shut. He's looking for something. “I really didnt want to this. But you pushed your fucking luck” He seethed angrly while limping around the kitchen and destroying cabinets to find what he was looking for. “GOD DAMN IT, WHERE THE FUCK DID THE STUPID MOTHERFUCKERS PUT IT!?” he yelled while violently slamming a cabinet door closed. Referring to the people setting up the house. All might continued to stare coldly into your frantic eyes. You couldn’t see anything besides him. His huge body caging you between him and the floor. You couldn’t see anything behind him, you could only hear and it doesn't sound good. You’ve never heard hizashi so angry and heartbroken. He continued speaking. 
“Your lucky Shota isnt here right now. Your lucky beyond a level you could never comprehend. Your ass would have been done for.” He seethed. He sighed in relief when he found the cabinet with the medicine in it. You heard him grab a bottle of pills and open it. 
“I didn’t want to do this, I really fucking didnt. I wanted you to get used to the house and everything. But no YOU just had to make this a big fucking thing. You're seriously lucky that Sho  isn’t here right now. I honestly should have just listened to him when he told me to lock your ass up in chains in the basement the second you step foot in here.” He mumbled in pure anger. The sound of pills falling out of the container and into his palm can be heard before he closes the pill bottle and slams it on the counter, walking towards your trapped form. 
“You got her toshi?” he asked while squatting down. “Mhm” toshi said while forcing you to sit up and wrapping an arm around your torso and the other around your shoulder with a hand holding a iron clasp grip on your jaw forcing it open. Hizashi cupped his hand over your open mouth, popping the pills into your mouth. Toshinori forces your mouth closed and tilts your head up, while hizashi starts massaging your throat forcing you to swallow the pills. After you swallowed them he put your head back down and continued to hold you. You watched as Hizashi stared at you angrily. His gaze softened after a minute. “I know baby, I know. Things will get better.” he said as he pet the side of your head, moving the sweaty hair out of your face. He smiled gently at you as your world began spinning and fading. Toshi hummed as the back of your head rested against his chest and your body began to grow limp. He held you tightly until you blacked out. 
Meanwhile Shota sits in the chair in the corner of the hotel room with his fingers intertwined. Thinking, and brainstorming. Izuku is long gone. Shota had him sent back to japan with a friend of his. The friend came and did Shota a favor. He cloned you with the hair that Shota plucked from your head while he was kissing you goodbye. Your clone's body is dead on the floor. Shota tries not to look at it. It hurts him too much, it’s like looking at your actual dead body. He couldn’t handle seeing his babygirl dead. 
He zones out and stares at the tv as it plays. His attention is snapped to his phone as it rings. He pulls it out of his pocket and sees that it’s his boss. “Hello?” he mumbled into the phone. “Aizawa, how are things going?” his boss asked. “Uh things are going ok. All Might and I found them. Izuku is still alive and was sent back to japan to the investigative team and y/n’s body was found in a hotel room. The team are on the way.” aizawa said to his boss. 
“What do you think happened Aizawa?” his boss asked, intrigued. “I dont know. It seems like the killer struck again. She’s dead the same way all the others died.” shota said, deciding to go easy on Izuku and not blame it on him. “Ok, well thank you for letting me know Aizawa, do you need a ride back here?” “yes.” “ok i'm sending a jet your way.” “thank you” “no problem.”
With that Shota hung up. “Jesus it's already 6 a.m. I must’ve stayed up all night zoning out.” 
“I'm free, I'm finally free” you sighed as you ran away from the house. The crisp cool air hitting your face as you run. The speed you were running caused your hair to lift into the air as you ran for your life. The smell and taste of pure freedom. ‘Wait? Whats happening?’ you thought as your running slowed like molasses  and the world began fading into nothingness. You looked around as everything faded into the abyss. Your body is then lifted into the air and thrown all the way back into the house.
You jolted awake. The light of the sun peaking through the open curtains and hitting your face in a blinding way. “Good morning sweet pea” you looked over and seen toshinori sitting on the couch looking over documents. You were sitting in the corner of the living room next to the staircase. You shuffled and tried to get up but your legs and back hurt from being body slammed yesterday. You looked down when you heard a clunk. Chains. Your ankles were in chains that were wrapped and locked securely around a small pillar near the staircase. Fuck. 
The smell of food filled the air. It smelled amazing. You looked to your right and could see into the kitchen. Hizashi was in a tight pair of pink boxers and was shirtless, wearing a white apron. His jumped back a bit when he got popped with whatever was frying. He looked over and seen you awake. “Songbird im glad your awake, how was your sleep? Shota should be back very soon, just got off the phone with him.” he said with glee. You groaned and slouched back against the wall. “Foods almost done.” he called out. He put a lid over the pot and walked over to you and crouching down.
“Sorry about this.” he whispered to you while pointing to the chains around your ankle. “It has to be done. Maybe when your being a good girl, we’ll let you out, ya dig?” he smiled at you. He stood up and went back to the kitchen. About 5 minutes later he came out with food. 
Toshi pecked him on the lips for a thank you and begun to eat. “Wish you could eat at the table with us babe.” hizashi said was he put a tray of breakfast in front of you. The tray has a bowl of rice, miso soup, boiled veggies, kimchi, and some fried salmon. Fuck it smelled amazing. You were too hungry to deny it. You began eating and almost died from how good it was. Even though you werent at the table. The pair still tried to hold a conversation like you were. “Is it good baby?” hizashi asked as he noticed you drooling over the food. You felt heat rush to your face as you avoided eye contact and continued to eat. He shoveled food into his mouth as he spoke. “ I kinda overdid the dosage of the pills. Sorry about that.” he said in between chews. 
All of your heads snapped over to the front door as the handle moved. “Sho must be home now” toshinori said as he took a mouthful of rice. The sounds of keys jingled on the other end and the door was pushed open. In came a very worn out Shota. He took off his scarf and put it on the coat rack. He kicked off his shoes and hugged hizashi who practically ran and thew himself at him. “Isnt it such a lovely home?” hizashi asked. Shota looked around and smiled. “Yeah it is” he looked over to you and walked over and crouched down. He rubbed the top of your head and pecked your lips. He sat down next to you and held you. The smell of sweat was very strong on him, making you wince. “Hey baby” He was staring into your eyes in adoration and appreciation after having to look at your clones dead body for hours. He was shaking lightly. He was nervous, you noticed. 
Toshinori cut in. “why dont you take a shower babe, the food will be waiting for you when you come back” shota stood back up and nodded in agreement and headed up stairs but not before shooting you a loving look and pecking you on the lips. 
Toshinori cleaned up everyones plates as they finished eating and turned the television up when something on the screen caught his attention. Shota came back downstairs freshly washed and in his boxers. He grabbed the plate of food that hizashi made for him. He ate like a man starved. 
His and everybody else’s attention snapped to the screen when toshinori turned on the news. 
“The case of the two missing children has been solved, with izuku midoriya being found alive, and the body of y/n being found on the ground of a hotel room in america. Thanks to the special help of All Might, Izuku made it back to japan safe and sound. unfortunately what happened to y/n’s body seems to look like the work of japan’s active serial killer. We are hoping to find them soon. That is all the information we have on this case so far. Thank you for listening.” 
Shota looked proud and hizashi and toshinori seemed relieved that  everyone believed what they said. You look down to the floor in confusion and fear. Everyone now believes im dead. What am i supposed to do now? 
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cupoftaae · 1 year
Forever And A Day (KTH x READER) series ♡ fondness (chapter 16)
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Summary: your lifelong friend is forced to face his true feelings for you once he breaks the number one rule of becoming friends with benefits: dont fall in love. He knows he loves you, but you on the other hand need more convincing of the most important thing: the right decision.
Genre: fwb. Roommates, friends to idiots to lovers, fluff, angst, smut, the whole 9 yards tbh.
Pairing: taehyung x female!reader
rating: 18+ (minors dni!!!)
word count- 5-6k
warnings- swearing, mentions of miscarriage, tae is sad sad, kaito is back, drinking, um i think thats all? lmk if not!
a/n- Lovies!! hi i hope ur all doing good. Im trying to write a lot more because i literally just quit my current job (they treated me like shit) after 2 months. Im applying to so many places rn but in the meantime im having fun giving my tumblr a little luv <3 also apologies for any mispellings, I had read over my previous chapters and cringed at some of the words I spelled wrong. I have been learning english for years now but apparently its still not to a 100, oh well! Anyways, please enjoy! -Nini <3
"I had my suspicions"
You blushed, eyes down on your water bottle as you sat in your childhood bed again, your mother sat comfortable at the end of it as you both talked.
You arrived back home around 2am yesterday, and to say that you already felt a little better was an understatement.
"you did?" you mumbled as your mother nodded, smiling.
"when you came to visit a while ago, I saw a lot of touchiness" she giggled "but I minded my business"
"ah this is embarrassing" your hands flew to cover your face, now knowing your own mother knew about your relationship before you could say anything.
"no, I dont think so" she hummed, looking at the carpet. "I just know when a boy is in love, i remember your father-"
you inhaled sharply at her words, biting your lip and looking away.
"-...he would always look at me like I was the center of the universe"
You stayed quite for a moment before speaking up softly, "what happened?"
She smiled sadly, "he chose a different life, and I resented him for so long, but I accept it for what it was, and now that I have..I feel like im free to live again. And thats what you need to do, accept it, accept whats happened." she whispered, calming voice infiltrating the bedroom at such a late hour of the night.
Your eyes met hers, a glimmer of love was bright enough to see through her dark brown orbs. You nodded as she began to speak again,
"Taehyung and you.....I always knew it would happen" she giggled, "I remember once you guys hit middle school, and the moment I caught you sneaking into my closet for makeup before he came over to play video games-"
"oh god, stop" you blush, shaking your head
"it was cute even if you wouldnt admit it" your mother waved her arm at you.
You hummed, crossing your arms over your chest as you got lost in thought.
"so, how is he taking everything?"
she nods, eyes burning a laser into yours.
"well...i dont know" your answer was honest as she sat up.
"what do you mean?"
You sighed once more before speaking, "he and I kinda argued before I left paris...im an asshole mom" you offered a sad laugh, looking down. "im an asshole...because, I got mad at him for trying to help"
She tilted her head, listening, "Im sure he just wanted to be there for you, he was hurting as much as you"
"i know, and thats the thing mama...but I just needed to be alone and away....and he got mad when I expressed it...its not like we are married" you roll your eyes
she giggles, "I understand my dove, but listen" she grabbed your hands, "things like this happen all the time, we cant run away from our loved ones when life gets bad. What happened between you both was terrible, and im so sorry sweetheart" she whispered, your own eyes getting a bit misty, "but running back home isnt gonna do anything"
You nodded before smiling, "I came here because its comforting, you're comforting.....now you're scolding me?" your voice had humor.
She laughed, "you are a 23 year old woman, I cant control your actions, like whether you stayed with Taehyung or came back to me, however I can tell you my opinion, and if your decision was right or wrong, not trying to guilt you, just being a mom"
You nod slowly, fidgeting with the heating pad sitting on your stomach to help ease the lasting cramps that only served as a painful reminder.
"you make your own choices hun, but...let me ask you this, do you love him?" she whispered
Your eyes shot up at her, your heart singing with sadness yet love.
"....yeah.." you whispered so quietly it was barley heard. "yeah I do" you couldnt help but begin to cry as she wrapped you into her arms.
A mothers loving embrace.
It could heal all, and this is exactly why you came back.
"You find comfort here, but as you get older, you need to find comfort in new things." your mother began, " life is scary, but its all about changing. Without change, life would be rather boring, huh?" her hands ran up and down your back as your face rested on her shoulder. "Taehyung has been here forever, youve grown together, but these new feelings? they offer new experiences,...amazing ones too. Im sure he loves you just as much, thats why he let you go..." she whispered, "but my dear, you have to fight through the darkness to find the prize, to find why you had the connection at all"
You were full on Niagara falls into your mothers sweater. Her words provided insight, but as well as pain. You shouldnt have left him behind, it was wrong, and you hoped he understood.
you realized that you were your fathers daughter, and not just in DNA. Your first instinct was to run away from your loved ones, run away from family when they would give you everything.
You were becoming your father.
And you hated how much you still loved that man even if he left you. and you hate that you take after him in such painful ways.
But most of all...you hate how you didn't even see it happening.
"shh" your mother cooed, holding you as she rocked back and forth slowly. "my child, life will settle, but you need to find your way, and if thats with him, you need to tell him"
"i know" you whispered, wiping your eyes as you clutched the tiny bear you packed.
The bear.
Fuck, you wish you didnt bring it in your suitecase.
It was the teddy bear taehyung bought the day after finding out you were pregnant, The perfectly placed initial on the middle that always made you remember he thought of you as a Kim, as well, even if you werent married.
It was a reminder he wanted you in any way he could grasp you.
As a girlfriend, a mother to his child, eventually a wife, but always....always his best friend in life.
Your mother looked down at the bear, smiling. "y/n..."
"hm?" you mumbled, leaning back as she put your hair behind your ears.
"im so sorry this happened to you" her voice was quiet again, "you would have been a beautiful mother....and if you decide to have kids in the future, thats exactly what youll be"
You nod sadly, "thank you...."
It was quiet for a moment before she spoke up again, "when I was in my twenties, your father and I decided to try and have another child..we saw how you clung to your pre-school friends and called them your sisters" she chuckled "so we thought maybe another baby would be good. Well- I got pregnant right before your 4th birthday" her voice choked softly as you watched, this being news to you.
"unfortunately I, too, had lost it" she teared up explaining the situation. "it was one of the most painful things I ever went through....but looking back at it" she smiled at you gently, rubbing your back, "im so greatful"
"grateful?" you whispered, in shock
"I had you, my little best friend whos always stuck by me even in the worse situations...you never had to fight for my attention, we were always together"
You wiped her tears as you smiled sadly, agreeing.
"and you have always been more than enough." she mumbled, "so my love, I guess the lesson here is...that once you learn to accept it and know the situation for what it is.....you'll heal"
You hugged her tightly as her words struck your chest with a great force.
She was right, whether you liked her advice or not, shes been through exactly what you have, and if she can make it out and be such a wise, resilient woman today, than you can too.
But you'll be damned if its in the steps of your father.
Later after she went to bed, you were left alone, the covers up to your neck as the tv played some old school tv show that only got airtime in the late hours of the night.
You found your hand resting on top of your stomach as you laid calmly. You had to acknowledge it to get past it. "im not pregnant anymore..." you whispered, feeling an overwhelming sadness fulfill you. Your eyes drew down to your hand as you rubbed your stomach, feeling a bit stupid at what you were doing.
taking a few deep breathes, you opened your eyes and looked up at the ceiling, "its okay to be sad....its okay to cry" you remind yourself aloud, voice quiet and shaky, "but I can heal....its not my fault" you nod, tears falling for the millionth time within the past few days.
You were exhausted, mentally and physically, but after tonight you feel like perhaps you made a breakthrough, you were proud of yourself even if it was just a baby step.
You turned over in bed to look at your phone, the time was 3:55 am, yikes.
You barley had time to register it before the lock screen caught your attention, now all you could think about is how Taehyung was feeling.
"why are you already back?"
"dude just give me my fish and dog so I can go" Taehyung mumbled, standing at the front of his friend Jin's apartment.
He laughed and turned away for a moment before returning with Hae swimming around in his tiny tank, the packet of food wedged underneath jins chin. "here"
Taehyung took the bowl and the food, nodding "thanks..."
"mhm" he smiled, "so wheres Y/N? The last thing you posted was a photo of her standing on the edge of some fountain, did you push her into it?" he snorted, trying to be light hearted with his friend.
"no shes just, busy I guess" he shrugged, trying to leave quickly, "wheres yeontan?"
Jin looked behind him and picked up the small dog, putting the leash on him securely before handing it to taehyung, who took it with his free hand.
"thanks for not killing my pets and taking care of them, even if it was probably Stephanie who did everything" taehyung referred to Jin's wife, who stood behind him with a wide grin of acknowledgment. "i'll see ya" he nodded before turning down the hall to leave, Yeontan leading the way on his leash.
Taehyung walked on the sidewalk, his feet finding the familiar path to his own apartment.
He left Paris a day and half after you did, only communicating with you through occasional texts that left much to the imagination when it came to how you were doing.
He unlocked the door and walked in, wincing at how messy you two left it before leaving. His hands gently put Hae down on the kitchen counter as he began to pick laundry up, tossing them into a ball and making a mental note to do a washing load this weekend.
Tae checked his phone for any sign of you, frowning when he was met with 0 notifications.
Would it be wrong to call you? he didnt know anymore, things felt awkward...you left with no closure or definitive answer on what was okay or what crossed the boundaries.
It definitely felt uneasy being alone in the apartment, he missed your loud laughing, and the good food you always made for him.
He even missed when you would force him to watch shitty reality shows with you because it meant he got to cuddle with you on the couch for a few hours.
The rumbling sound of his stomach knocked him out of his head as he turned to the kitchen. There wasnt much, other than a few now rotten bananas sitting on the counter.
His hand gripped the fridge handle as his eyes were met with an ultrasound photo hung up by a hello kitty magnet, it felt like salt was poured into his wound...his hand slid off the handle. he wasnt hungry anymore.
Beside the photo was doctors reports hung up for upcoming appointments and reminders.
This upcoming weekend was supposed to be the gender reveal. Deep down Taehyung didnt care if it was a boy or girl, but not that he'd be having neither, it felt more upsetting.
It was a reminder of something that he might never get to experience with you.
He found his way to the kitchen counter, sitting in the quiet room as yeontans tiny pitter-patter paws echoed through the apartment wood flooring.
Taehyungs eyes were drawn to hae, the tiny yellow fish swimming around in his spongebob tank, a toy pineapple placed perfectly in the center for him. For some reason he teared up.
suddenly he felt the urge to hear from you, but he felt selfish for doing so. You should be the one to reach out, right?
He didnt know anymore.
"oh hae....I miss mama" he sighed, leaning down to rest his head in his crossed arms over the table.
"are you gonna just sit in bed?" your mothers voice echoed into your room, the lights were off and the curtains were closed as two large blankets covered your body....it was noon.
"I'll get out soon"
She shook her head, leaning against the door frame "Hun, I need to go shopping, I need to know you are up and alive before I leave you here alone"
Reluctantly you sat up, wiping your sleepy eyes as nostalgia from high school mornings hit you.
"there she is!" your mom cheered, directing her cat to follow over to you as she turned to leave.
You smiled at it as you stretch, "hi baby" your voice cooed before turning over and unhooking your phone from the charger
2 notifications
"oh" you mumbled, quickly unlocking it and going to your texts. You wish it was Taehyung, unfortunately it wasnt...
Kaito: hey, I know this is sort of inappropriate to text you like this, I get it, but I cannot stop thinking about you. I cant stop thinking about the baby. Can we please talk about maybe getting a paternity test?
you frowned, petting the cat as she climbed into your lap
kaito: and I know btw that you dont want me to be the father figure, which is fine. Ive taken time to understand that...however i need to know if its mine, I cant live without knowing y/n. please call or text.
Oh thats just great, another person you had to break the news to.
Your mother came back down the hall, knocking on the door frame "so are you coming or not? im leaving" she smiled
"I'll stay here, thanks though mama, hows your back?"
She waved her hand in dismissal "oh im fine honey, I got my brace"
You smiled sympathetically as she turned to leave, knowing she was probably lying about the pain.
Shes always been stubborn, thats where you get it from.
After getting cleaned up a bit, you made your way outside to sit on the front deck, propping your phone up as you sit in the rocking chair. Were you really about to facetime Kaito?
....guess so...
After a few rings, you began to feel the tightness in your chest...the anticipation...the nervousness...
"hello?" his voice echoed through your ears, for some odd reason you felt like crying already.
"hey....are you at work?"
"on break" he smiled softly, eyes looking into yours through the phone screen. It felt odd to sit here on call with him, you havent done it since you both had been dating.
He sat down, propping the phone up against a wall as he watched you, making it clear he was ready to talk. "listen, please understand this isnt me trying to make my way back into your life"
You nod, picking at the skin around your fingernails.
"I just want to know if its mine is all, I mean, I figured theres a chance it is, no? so this is warranted right? i dont want to seem pushy...."
You sigh, looking at him, "um, well I called you because I wanted to discuss everything"
"what do you mean?" his head tilted softly
"kaito, I uh, I lost the baby" you said aloud, nodding as you did so. In some way, the words left your mouth a lot easier than just a few days prior.
You were knee-deep in the healing process
"oh." was all he responded, his face appearing confused and unsure, "you lost the...baby?"
"miscarriage" you add, "it happened a few days ago, I never had the chance to tell whether it was yours or taehyungs"
He frowned, "y/n, im sorry"
"dont apologize its fine, im fine"
"god...."he ran his hands over his face, obviously deeply upset by the news.
"its okay" you assured again as he watched you for a moment,
"do you think it was mine? genuinely?" he whispered
You shrugged, eyes dragging away from the screen to look at the cars driving past the house "I dont know"
You did, you were 90% sure it was taehyungs, this was decided last night as you carefully calculated the dates between periods, and the breakup vs when you and taehyung got together.
If it was kaitos, that would have meant you were close to being 5-6 months pregnant, and at the time of the miscarriage, you were about 3-4.
regardless, it was still upsetting, and in hindsight, it didnt matter anymore especially when you had to sit and break everything down to your ex.
He sighed again, "how are you managing?" he whispered
"im good, im at my moms house right now"
"wheres taehyung?"
you scoffed slightly, even after telling him the situation he only cared about you and taehyung. "Kaito I called to inform you about the baby and the baby alone, we dont need to discuss my personal life, you dont get to know information that no longer involves you"
He sat watching you for a moment before nodding "okay....sorry?"
"thank you for being understanding during this, and all I ask is that you continue to be respectful to not only me, but taehyung"
He rolled his eyes slightly "okay"
"okay" you repeated, sitting near the phone, "well...thats all I suppose, text me if you have more to discuss on the topic, have a good shift"
with that, you hung up and couldnt help the slight smile that popped up on your face, you finally stuck up for yourself, and taehyung
It felt good.
so good that you almost called taehyung out of instinct.
would he be okay with that?
you decided against it, putting your phone away as you sat back and swayed in the rocking chair.
Taehyung gently creaked open the door of what used to be his bedroom, but was now reserved in the space of a future nursery.
He hadnt been in here in a while, and now as he sets his eyes on it all, he wishes he didnt walk in.
There were boxes of items you ordered online piled up in the corner, he smiled sadly and looked through them.
The crib you bought, he promised he would put it together for you, you were never good at building things, instructions or not.
The thought made him giggle softly as he looked at the other things, the vanity and picture frames. The familiar grief found its way into his chest as he went over and laid on the rug in the center of the room.
It was a lilac purple rug, you picked it out and decided the nursery will be just that color scheme, regardless if it was a girl or not. His fingers weaved through it as he began to cry, eyes scanning over the room that will forever be empty, items put to waste. The small bundle of baby toys that never get to be played with.
He never realized just how much he was hurting, but he had to say not having you at his side made it sting even more.
Yeontan nudged his way into the room and grabbed one of the stuffies, making his skilled exit quickly as taehyung got up
"hey! thats not yours!" he frowned and chased out of the room after the small dog, following him around the living room before running into your room. He gave up and dropped the giraffe by your desk, his tiny legs leading him away to hide.
Taehyung kneeled to pick it up, unable to help the way his eyes scanned over the items on top of your desk.
Unorganized homework for school, binders left open and messy, he smiled a bit at it as he walked over, his arm accidentally pushing some of the books off the side.
"shit" he sighed, leaning down to pick them up.
There was a smaller brown notebook that caught his attention, he didnt want to snoop around your things, but when the front of it says "to my love", its pretty hard to ignore.
He carefully sat on the ground and opened it, feeling wrong for doing so but unable to stop.
The first page was full of your handwriting.
May 11th
so...today I just found out the biggest news of my life. im pregnant, its weird to even write. I just bought this notebook at the flea market because I need to tell someone. Im really scared, and im unsure of what you will think of me. I love you a lot, and I hope I get the chance to gift this to you after all is said and done
suddenly he felt like he was doing something wrong, reading something forbidden.
He scanned over the next page quickly, seeing how you spoke about dedicating this as a future love note for him, a chance to let him see inside your mind.
He tossed it back on top of your desk and sighed softly, he missed you so much and it seems like every second only let that feeling grow.
He wasnt sure what position you two were in, but he loved you dearly, probably a lot more than a person should love another human being.
He hoped you felt the same deep and burning desire.
Thoughts passed into his brain, he realized he was grateful you went through the crazy process of the past few years, in which referred to the friends with benefits situation.
If it never happened, you would have never been this close now.
Little does he know, that miles away from Busan, you laid on the floor of your room too, looking over older texts between the two of you and giggling
even if it was about groceries, or a small message asking him to pick you up from class, it made you smile.
Taehyung and your mom have been the only ones that you can say have never left you, the only ones who are there when you need them.
were you going to let him go over something that can be talked over and fixed?
you looked out the window and silently spoke,
"i'll see you soon”
Going back to your old doctor in Gwangju was an odd experience, you had too have been no older than 18 the last time you visited her.
“It seems that everything is going smoothly, and you said you’ve stopped bleeding?”
You nod, fidgeting with the gown you put on as the doctor wrote down everything.
“Your tests seem good, i would say you are coming along healthily after this, which is a good thing, right?” She smiles cheerfully, “do you have any questions for me?”
You shrug, looking up at her “I don’t really know”
She sighed and sat down “y/n, what you went through would be hard on anyone. You are so young and you already are stressed with work and college, and this being thrown on top had to have been difficult right?”
You nod, resting your head in your palm.
“Do you think seeing a therapist would be helpful to you?” She asked sweetly
You quickly sat up “well…im going back to Busan eventually and-”
“I can contact your doctor in Busan and have them find you a therapist”
You sighed deeply, therapy was something you never really considered. Would it help? Maybe. But bottom line was that you never liked discussing your problems, you have always been closed off and the thought of being vulnerable with some stranger is terrifying.
“Look y/n, I’ll send your doctor a note and you can discuss it with her once you go back, how about that?”
You nod reluctantly “okay….”
Once you arrived back with your mother at the house, she began to cook something up for lunch as you laid on the couch, cuddling the cat.
She purred in your lap, making you smile.
"how was the appointment?" your mom spoke from the kitchen, peaking over to you as her hands chopped veggies up on a cutting board.
"well...It was fine I suppose"
"just fine?" she smiled, adjusting her glasses, "did she say anything bad?"
"no, no, nothing bad, but just...she wants me to do this therapy thing and I just-"
"oh that sounds like a good plan...I think therapy would be beneficial"
You sigh, looking down at the cat, "well I probably wont be doing it so..yeah"
She stopped cutting, looking over at you "and why is that?"
You simply shrug in reply
"you know theres nothing wrong in getting help...right?"
"yeah but im not sure im ready to go talk to someone yet"
She laughed softly, "thats when you should talk to someone, when you are unsure, get it out before its all locked up"
sitting up a bit, you look back at her, "I guess, I dont know, we will see...."
Your eyes returned back to the tv in front of you as your mother continued to create a meal for the two of you. As a mom, she felt defeated, she knew the other alternative here but knowing you, the reaction may be less than ideal.
The last thing she wants to do is interfere with your current situation, but hey.....
what is a mom if she isn't nosey?
@turnthepageandbeburnt @taebangtanbabe @borahaexoxo @lelefoodlover @tan-veee
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borathae · 4 months
Chapter 25
fuck i dont have time for 10k but lets get this bread lol OH SHIT ITS EXTRA SAD FUCK HOW DO I SQUEEZE SADNESS INTO 20 MINUTES
so he is born between 1210-ish? damn that was one hell of a night ok 1310-ish he left korea for europe (age 100) fuck he was really a gifted healer, trying his best and then all this happens
1500 age 300 he was um not ok fuck thats so sad not remembering anything and just seeing yourself like that WILLIAM?? DAMN
1700 - 500 came back to korea oh he met jimin in this era in russia Taehyung had almost forgotten the language of his home but Jimin refreshed his memories again fuck thats so cute
Taehyung liked that Jimin also drank blood, he had never seen someone else like him before and it made him happy SHIT HE DIDNT KNOW ANOTHER VAMPIRE FOR 500 YEARS OF HIS LIFE??
what he liked most about Jimin was that he helped him not feel anymore. Taehyung still felt joy, annoyance, anger, rage, pleasure. He still felt those things, but he knew they couldn’t hurt him anymore. oh thats nice, to not be hurt by very fucking emotion u get and feel. but idk this feels slightly concerning like did he lose emotions all together or what WAIT IS THAT THE SWITCH IN ONE OF DATES???
he really loved 20th century huh, the art, changes, inventions. thats cute. he is really going to die in this chapter? huh? pls im about to cry
oh 300 years later he is bored. im scared 💀👀😃so tae changed but jimin stayed the same and thats why it looks like vmin is going separate ways hmm but they still care for each other
so tae wanted us as another feed/hunt and joon interrupted that night hmm damn YES ALL THE FAKE PRAISE HE WAS MAKING HER TELL
wow yall call ur man handsome with pure intent so that u can stay safe cuz tae wanted to kill us but then he changed all from a praise
ok im going for a while and imma come back
damn he really was honest in that chapter i didnt expect that lol
*detective aha, YES I KNEW IT WAS THE EMOTION SWITCH now we knoe the histroy, jimin turned it off, it turned on with oc YES BABY U MADE A MAN LIVE AGAIN
ah thats how he was cold again after the chat and thats what jimin meant when he said u turned it on again
damn even he was lying/pretending, he wasnt fuck THATS WHY HE WAS LIKE THAT DAY AND THE BATH
and this is why jimin is asking her to save him, cuz she is turning it on when jimin turns it off. BUT WHY WOULD JAMAL CARE he did all that for centuries and he suddenly cares now?? fuck off aint believing that shit. i aint born yesterday, neither are you
or was jimin under joon's control ever since he introduced him? nah actually, a little before jimin turned off tae's emotion?
anyways im happy i guessed most of tae's lies or at least half yipee
ok so jimin does care hm ok sorry jamal (no trust is better than stolen trust)
sibi i hate you why just why
1500 age 300 he was um not ok fuck thats so sad not remembering anything and just seeing yourself like that WILLIAM?? DAMN
explains why he knows that william shakespear indeed had a male lover 🤪🤪
1700 - 500 came back to korea oh he met jimin in this era in russia Taehyung had almost forgotten the language of his home but Jimin refreshed his memories again fuck thats so cute
no but they were actually so perfect for each other back then 😭
Taehyung liked that Jimin also drank blood, he had never seen someone else like him before and it made him happy SHIT HE DIDNT KNOW ANOTHER VAMPIRE FOR 500 YEARS OF HIS LIFE??
but idk this feels slightly concerning like did he lose emotions all together or what WAIT IS THAT THE SWITCH IN ONE OF DATES???
BINGO 😌😌😌😌
he really loved 20th century huh, the art, changes, inventions. thats cute. he is really going to die in this chapter? huh? pls im about to cry
hahhaha the fear is so valid :--------)
oh 300 years later he is bored. im scared 💀👀😃so tae changed but jimin stayed the same and thats why it looks like vmin is going separate ways hmm but they still care for each other
yes 100% definitely
wow yall call ur man handsome with pure intent so that u can stay safe cuz tae wanted to kill us but then he changed all from a praise
lmaoao he is such a slut for praise fasjdf
damn he really was honest in that chapter i didnt expect that lol
i love just knowing he was actually genuine 😩
*detective aha, YES I KNEW IT WAS THE EMOTION SWITCH now we knoe the histroy, jimin turned it off, it turned on with oc YES BABY U MADE A MAN LIVE AGAIN
ah thats how he was cold again after the chat and thats what jimin meant when he said u turned it on again
yesss exactlyyyy
damn even he was lying/pretending, he wasnt fuck THATS WHY HE WAS LIKE THAT DAY AND THE BATH
and this is why jimin is asking her to save him, cuz she is turning it on when jimin turns it off. BUT WHY WOULD JAMAL CARE he did all that for centuries and he suddenly cares now?? fuck off aint believing that shit. i aint born yesterday, neither are you
okay but you really have to remember the magic ring fighting off mind control 👀
or was jimin under joon's control ever since he introduced him? nah actually, a little before jimin turned off tae's emotion?
ooooooooooooooh 👀
sibi i hate you why just why
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snaileo · 9 months
gonna write this post to reflect upon things before the year ends - it will be long
i dont know how to start this - or how to even express my thoughts. but this year was hard - very hard and i wish i could remember what i was doing last year. last new years eve, but i cant remember. i wish i could tell my past self, that in a few days time, you would learn that your mom's cancer came back and then 8 months after that, on the dot, she'd pass away. obviously i cant. this last month has been especially hard, not that i was excited for christmas anyway, but it was my first one without her. one thing id do every year is check everyday for xmas music to come on the radio, which i did excitedly??? this year, and on nov 10th, it started and my excitement was cut abruptly when i realized i was alone in the apartment, without her to exclaim it too. it hit me all over again. its so hard to go into her room even though i have too bc the washer and dryer are in that particular closet, and it still feels like shes there. its eerie. its hard for me to associate this absence of her with being gone because this is just what her room looked like when she kept having week long hospital stays every month since may - so it was no different right? but i gotta keep telling myself that it is, that shes not coming home. Well she *is* home but not how I knew her.
both my dad and i felt this time was different, long before the complications began. i remember having that conversation with him, anxiety gripping every part of my being, something just felt different about all this - and it wasnt until months later that our fears would be confirmed. one of the things i struggle with most is guilt. feeling like i couldve done more, that i shouldve done more, that i was her caretaker and she died - i feel like i let her down, i feel like maybe if i had done this or that, it would be different, that she would still be here. i try to tell myself i did all i could but its difficult. i simply feel like i failed. i failed her. she deserved better than what she got -
she had seemed so invincible to me, with all that she had survived in her life, the way she carried herself with each thing she overcame - but in that final week, the one she spent in the ICU till she passed - i saw her slowly break down, her body slowly give in - i was really hoping she would Bounce Back, like she always did, so many close calls in her life, but she always came back - i was anticipating the next week when she would be out of the ICU, back at the apartment, talking about how she survived yet again -- but that didnt happen.
i completely broke after her passing, and had a solid month of feeling, disassociated from myself - deep within an existential crisis and grief - really truly grappling with what death is - and it took a while to realign myself. im still not okay - but im better than i was then. im still very lonely. the amount i spoke to my mom, daily, was something i never even realized until after she passed. i cant talk to my dad the way i talked to her - she had a near photographic memory and could recount stories and tell them in such an engaging way that i hate that i do not have a single fucking recording of her telling any story. that i no longer will hear her recount her life to me, tell me as if it happened yesterday.
im finding new things everyday that i didnt even realize i'll miss.
she believed in an afterlife, in spirits and heaven, and i hope, for the sake of the terrible hand she was dealt, that there is an afterlife, that she gets the happiness and peace she deserved. i found a lot of comfort in reading people's stories about seeing deceased loved ones in dreams, ones that feel like a visit, whether or not theyre truly a visit or just what the heart needed - it was comforting. one thing i didnt foresee was how painful the dreams she appears in would be. how painful to see her or hear her, or just knowing shes there - and then i wake up. reality hits. one odd thing to note is the first time i had dreamt about her after her passing, i wasnt allowed to look at her, i knew she was there, somewhat in my peripheral but there was a voice telling me "do not look at her, dont look at her" it was a strange feeling, it was so vivid. most of my dreams now that consist of her are typical dreams, tho a portion of them have me baffled that shes even there and i try to ask her How??? i thought you were dead, and she would come up with some excuse or some way how she survived. its a strange feeling. dreams are strange.
realizing this is getting too long. if you stuck with reading this whole post thank you i guess. this was meant for me to vent and reflect. especially since my mom was born in the year of the dragon, and 2024 will be the year of the dragon.i dont know how to end this post.
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satocidal · 1 year
So, so
My mom randomly came yesterday (she announced me a day prior)
And I didn't want her to come bcs usually at the start of the year when I have to move again and say goodbye to life home and all that I'm a pack of stress and ready to snap any second
And usually she's also snappy when I have to leave home
But now she's…chill
She got that I didn't want her to come home and I explained why and she understood
And she told me it's not the case anymore bcs she got used to the idea now
And like I lost the extra money I was getting from Uni for being top 10 cause I'm not top 10 in my year anymore and she's not mad and told me she knows I did my best
And I just…feel so good and validated bcs last year was such a harsh year on my mental health
Mom is back with good vibes and patience and her psychology understanding and I'm living for it
(I have a really healthy relationship with my mother actually. There are things I don't like or haven't gotten me to the best but she's truly amazing and has always supported me)
Shortly: I'm used to being the gifted child who's at least average in most things and ending at the top and many times I felt like anything lower than that was not allowed so considering I fucked up a bit and mom is understanding healed a part of me 🥺
1. Im so proud of you baby—and (it’s ironic that I’m saying it) but it’s always fine yk? Not being at the top or just like anything as long as you try your best. So glad your mom got you the better end of it <3 because like parents should understand fr how impacting the slightest of their actions are
2. Haha this reminded me (ignore this part if you want Lmao) last was really stressful for me in terms of academic (like it’s one of the most important academic year in our country and the grades you get are like somewhat significant) and like school prep you for it and all and so the mock tests and all, I was scoring low (like the highest I got was 75%) because our school is known for making the toughest mock tests right. And my parents kept trying to “solace” me by telling me that they’d be fine if I went for the “easy” options—like I suppose they were trying to be supportive but it rubbed me so wrong Lmao (still does) and it felt over all, condescending. And just yes. So I remember them telling me to not “burn myself out” and that me not studying maths in future was fine by them and that i pressurised myself too much and I think I cried after a decent 4-5 years in front of them. Because like whatever but it fekt so annoying to me because it’s the fact that they used to taunt me when I was 10? When I didn’t get in the top 3 and so I had to work my way up to please them and now, even when I was in top 10 I knew they weren’t happy and then they kept telling me that it’s fine if I just stop maths? 💀idk if it makes sense but it was like heartbreaking for me because I ‘made’ studying a part of me to somewhat Please them initially and now they were saying that they were ok if I didn’t.
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03/31 ENTRY: tuning in
Last 2 days were hell! Ive been sleeping late, waking up late, barely moved, and cried my eyeballs out. It was so fucking stressful. I cant even remember what triggered my anxiety but yesterday was definitely because of my mother. I greeted her good morning like I usually do and even told her sorry for texting her late in the morning. I told her I didnt get enough sleep that night because I was up until 2am. She then asked if I was anxious because I dont have a job right now. And I told her no. Because that is the truth. I didnt sleep we not because I dont have a job but because of someone. OH NOW I REMEMBER! I had flashbacks the first night of my sleepless nights. I remembered the good things again and just like a strike of a lightning, memories of me hurting her, cheating on her and shouting at her came and drowned me. I hate it when I get flashbacks. So, I simply told her that the reason behind my sleeplessness is also the reason why I needed to resign and take a break. She jokingly added “Just go home then” and I just needed to be honest with her so I told her “Also the reason why I wont go home”. My hometown is full of memories, dark memories to be exact. And at times, I felt like its suffocating to be there. You’ll never know who you’ll bump into. GenSan is a small town and almost all of the population there knew each other and I dont want that. Especially seeing those people who worked with my mom. I dont like seeing their faces. I hate it when they talk so nicely to me but when I turn my back, they speak bad things about me and I just kept remembering that day when someone messaged my mom and just told every secret I had. Tattoos, drinking, smoking, kissing girlfriends. That anon even knew my tattoo placements. It was creepy and that messaged spread all across all branches of ****bank. I will never forget that.
My mom asked if I could share with her the reason and I know that she wouldnt understand so I just told her “When the time is right maybe I’ll be able to tell you.”. And she literally said that if I know that it would kill her then no. And that I should wait after her death like WHAT THE FUVK?! I hate her for saying that. And the emotions I felt just rushed through my veins and I my tears started to fell down my cheeks. I suddenly couldnt breathe. The thought that my own mother wouldnt even try to understand me fucking hurts like hell that it felt like she’s sucking the air out of my lungs killing me. IT MTHERFUVKING HURTS.
But someday, I hope that I’ll be able to tell her this:
“You know what keeps hurting me ma? Because I couldnt forgive myself. I cant find the light to forgive myself for what I have done. I feel miserable. I feel guilt. If I hadnt let myself be manipulated by you then maybe I wouldnt feel this way today. Maybe if I had just listened to my heart, maybe none of these traumas will be present today. I kept breaking up with her out of the blue telling her that I need to choose my family. And it didnt happened just once, I broke up with her hundred of times. Imagine the trauma I gave to her. Until the day that I became possessive of her. I cheated so I could get her attention, I cheated couple of times and most of time, she catches me red-handed. I started shouting at her mean things that I know scarred her for life. I broke her into pieces and every time we get back together, it isnt just the same anymore until we got toxic. And it was all because of me. If I hadnt let you get into my conscience none of these wouldve happened. We had flaws but we never meant to hurt each other. Dagdagan pa ng fact na, glg relationships back then were not yet open for everyone to understand so we had a hard time adjusting just not to hurt each other’s feelings. I kept on breaking up with her then get back to her for the reason “Im choosing my family.”. I know it’s supposed to do me good but look what happened? And I just couldnt help thinking if it went the other way around maybe we’re still happy together. Maybe I didnt had these much tattoos. Maybe I never tried smoking. Maybe I never got wasted. Maybe I didnt let some strangers touch/kiss me. Maybe I wouldnt be this empty. Maybe I/we wouldve been happier. Healthier even. And if our relationship back then never worked, maybe I wouldnt be the same person that I am today. Maybe Id be different today and I wouldnt be feeling all of these things right now. I’m sad ma. I really loved her and I couldnt believe and forgive myself for hurting her. And over the years that we werent together anymore, I just know that my connection to her never vanished. I can still feel my deep connection with her. I may have forgotten about her for a period of time but every piece of her in me is buried deep inside my heart without even me realizing it. I thought if I’ll be able to tell you this, I can slowly see the light to get out f this trap-hole. I wanted my inner self to let you know what you caused me and stop gaslighting me for being gay. There are just days you make me want to kill myself. But I accepted you for who you are. I accepted the fact that you’re homophobic. Im sorry if I disappointed you but Im disappointed with you too.”.”
Im so tired y’all. All these thoughts I carried with me through the years. I hope by letting it all out here in Tumblr will make difference.
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the--sage--sea · 2 years
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18 december 2022
wanted to post a little daily diary again like i used to. it’s been over a year. i’ve been home from college for the last few days on winter break. staying at my moms house alone so it’s been a little lonely but also really nice to have a place to myself considering i’ve been living with three roommates basically without going home since september. came home late on friday (it’s sunday now) and went in my moms hot tub and drank some beer and then watched a lot of nana. i fucking love that show. i’ve never watched a slice of life anime before and it’s so sweet and refreshing but also sad and i’m pissed at what’s happening in it rn. on saturday i took a bubble bath in the morning and read my book. i’m reading the wind up bird chronicle. i read kafka on the shore this time last year so i guess i think winter is the time for murakami. i’m almost done with the book and i’ve really liked it so far. murakami books always make me feel the same indescribable feeling. like life is so ordinary but if i just slowed down and payed attention i could easily find myself falling into a strange realm like the characters in the book always do. i think i’ll finish it today. after my bubble bath on saturday i went over to my grandmas house to talk about our christmas plans. my dads gonna be in israel with his girlfriend and her kids over christmas so it won’t be the same but i’m glad we’re still doing our christmas eve tradition at grandmas. when i saw her yesterday she was so tiny and frail like a little bird.
anyway. i woke up today about an hour ago and cleaned up the house cause my moms coming home today and i made some black tea that i’m drinking right now. it’s 11.45 right now and i’m gonna read for the next couple hours and then start getting ready. i’m supposed to pick my grandma up at five and take her to my dads for a little christmas/hanukkah dinner before he leaves for israel. i also need to clean out my car because the passengers seat is literally filled to the brim with all of the shoes i own and i need to make room for gma. i’m honestly scared to drive her because people always say i’m a rough driver and if i brake to hard i’m afraid she might turn into dust and float out the window. i’ll have to keep the windows closed. we’re having fondue for dinner which i’m so fucking excited about because we used to have it every christmas dinner when my parents were still together and my dads done it a few times since but it’s been a while. i fucking love cheese so fondue is like a dream to me.
i also need to pack for the snow but i’ll do that when i get back to my moms tonight. we’re driving up to mammoth mountain tomorrow and i’m so excited. i haven’t seen the snow in years it feels like. we used to go to mammoth every year (back when my parents were still married again lol) so i’m so happy to go back there. i’m going with my mom and brother and stepdad and stepsister. feels weird to write that. they just got married. exactly one week ago actually. the pictures up above are from the wedding. it was at the most beautiful place up in the hills/cliffs just past avila beach. it was really fun and a really beautiful wedding. i went with my ex and we had a lot of fun but i think it’s brought up a lot of emotions and now i feel like things are weird between us. i wanted to see him before i left for the snow but i don’t think he wants to see me. anyway im gonna try to have a good day today and i’ll make another post tomorrow on the drive to mammoth if i can remember.
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maes-flowers · 2 years
We’ll be okay [4] (Marc Spector/ slight!Steven Grant x Reader)
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Part 1  Part 2   Part 3
Summary: After Marc Spector leaves your life to focus on his own goals, what happens when he comes back into your life at full speed after years of being apart?
Word Count: 7K ( I got so carried away im so sorry lmfao)
Warnings: Canon violence, angst, fluff, sexual tension, and swearing.
Authors note: its 4am as i'm uploading this and I didnt even bother to edit this so sorry for any mistakes but if you like this part please reblog and comment what you though and if you want to be on the taglist let me know down below!
It took just over a day to reach Cairo from London.
Had you taken a direct flight, with no layovers it would've taken 5 hours, maybe a little less but as Marc explained it wouldn't have been possible to smuggle his guns and gear through security without getting caught. Which led to you now, sitting in a small cramped seat, right next to the aisle as Marc managed to snag the seat by the window as you used the middle seat to hold your bag. 
You ignored the fatigue that your body held over you, your back had felt better after some rest, more than the recommended amount of Tylenol, and three extra shots of expresso into your latte. because you knew if Marc saw just the slightest amount of pain or exhaustion he would try to make you go back to London and wait for him to come home.  So you sat, keeping yourself busy with books and a crossword puzzle in a newspaper you found tucked in the pocket in the seat in front of you. Marc wasn't in the mood to talk, most likely kicking himself into a bloody lump of guilt for losing the scarab. You were hoping to have a more productive and less emotionally fueled talk rather than the yelling, sobbing, and pushing conversation you had the night before. So you just watched him and the steady rise and fall in his chest, his hand gently thumbing his necklace around his neck, and the slight bounce of his foot making his leg shake.
“You're pretty.” A tiny voice said, making you snap from your trance, cheeks turning crimson under the embarrassment of getting caught making eyes at your closest friend. You turned to where the voice came from and saw a little girl, no older than nine staring at you from the seat across from you, the man you assumed was her father tried to tell her to leave you alone but you waved your hand in dismissal. You ignored the way Marc's head turned to look at you from the corner of your eye as you smiled at the girl.
“Thank you, you're very pretty too.” you laughed lightly.
“Where are you going?” she asked and you raised a brow.
“What's your name, kid?” you asked.
“Well Akilah, I'm going to help a friend that's why I'm on this train.” You said the little girl's happy personality gives you a nice break from everything going on.
“That's cool,” Akilah shrugged. “I'm going with my Papa to see my uncle.”
“Oh man,” you laughed warmly. “I used to love seeing my uncle! I wish I could see mine. It was one of my favorite things to do. I'm sure you’ll have so much fun.” 
“Why can't you see him?” Akilah asked, her eyes full of curiosity and you paused for a moment swallowing thickly before you responded.
“He… moved very far away, so I can't visit him as much anymore.” you gave her a sad smile. You were used to death and loss in your life but the loss of your uncle was always a hard topic for you as he was the one who gave you advice and a place to stay after the death of your father and your mom turned to alcohol for comfort the majority of your childhood. Some nights it feels like only yesterday you were standing on the sidewalk in front of the steps that led to Marc's place.
The cold November air made your whole body tremble as you stood in front of the familiar steps of Marc's house. You debated just going home and going to see Marc in the morning but the light to his room was on and the only thing you wanted was just a hug,
Or a slap to the face to wake yourself up from this nightmare. You spent all day in the hospital as you waited for your uncle to get out of surgery to see if his dying large intestine was still viable enough to perform another life-saving surgery. Needless to say, after 40 years of severe chronic illness and 3 organ transplants your uncle's body was at its final straw and couldn't keep up anymore. So you said your goodbyes to him as a machine kept him breathing as held his cold limp hand in yours whispering your thanks to him and pouring all your love into a final kiss on the forehead and then you left, you didn't think you could stand watching the doctors pull the plug.
“Y/n?” Marc's voice called out and you looked up, Marc was standing in the doorway seven steps away from you. Just seven steps and you'd be in his arms and everything would be okay.
So why can't you move?
Your legs gave up from under you as if they couldn't handle the simple chore of keeping you up. You caught yourself on the hand railing before lowering yourself down on the steps, as you hang your head. Silent sobs wracked your body as Marc ran down to your crippled form.
“Y/n? What happened” Marc asked, panic lacing his features.
“My uncle, he had to go to the hospital last night and he died this afternoon.” You looked up at him, eyes rimmed bright red as salty tears fell and landed on the pavement. “He's dead Marc, I lost my second dad so why does this hurt so bad when I've done this before?” you asked, no begged. You wanted to know why you couldn't breathe and think straight as you felt this sense of gravity crushing your body until you were flat on the ground. 
“Marc, I'd rather die than do this again.” you cried.
“Hey, don't say that.” He whispered, he leaned forward and grabbed you by the arms and dragged you into his lap. Your hands went for his sweatshirt, clenching so hard your knuckles went white as you sobbed into his neck. “You survived this first time, you can do it again. Even though you should've never had to deal with this in the first place.”
“Please don't leave me.” You begged, you wanted to feel embarrassed. Sounding like a small child crying for its mother but you couldn't bother.
“I won't sweetheart, I promise.” he said, the sincerity in the statement calmed you enough for Marc to carry you into his house and let you pass out in this bed.
Marc ended up leaving to join the Marine corps four months later.
You blinked and saw Akilah staring at you, her dad was now awake and watching the interaction with sympathy, while Akilah's small face scrunched up in worry.
“Are you okay?” she asked, the train came to a stop and the conductor's voice came through and announced you made it to Cairo. You gave her a big smile and nodded.
“Yeah, I just miss my uncle.” you admitted and moved to grab your bag as Marc grabbed him, you and marc made your way down the aisle before a voice called you out.
“WAIT!” a tiny voice screamed in the crowd, You and Marc's heads both snapped behind you as you saw Akilah and her father running up to you.
“I'm so sorry,” her father said as he jogged up to you, holding his daughter in her arms. “My daughter said you needed this.” He said and reached into his pocket pulling out a small object. “She loves this necklace but she took it off and kept saying you need it more than her and said she wouldn't talk to me until you received this.” 
You held back a chuckle as you held out your hand as the man dropped it into your hand, you held up the necklace and saw a small pendant on it.
“The Ankh symbol?” You gaped. The man leaned forward and whispered to you.
“It has a lot of meanings, protection, and balance but the symbol of eternal life is one that is called out to me. I know you said your uncle… moved away.” he paused using the same words you did to avoid explaining to Akilah the cycle of death talk in the middle of a train station.  “But just know just because he's not here with you in this life anymore he's watching and waiting for you in another one.” the father explained, you stared at him wide-eyed as you nodded.
“Thank you so much I love it,” you reached around the clasp of the necklace around your neck. You bend down to Akilah's level and pat her head.
“You too, Akilah. you were right I really needed this.” the little girl grinned, happy to know her instincts were right.
“We have to go, but I hope you have safe travels.” the father said, you nodded and reached to shake his hand.
“You too, I hope you have a wonderful time seeing your brother.” 
You watched them walk away until you couldn't see them anymore before you turned to Marc. He looked at you so softly, almost guilty. The creases around his eyes relaxed with a small turn of his lips. But once he noticed you looking at him his face dropped back into his normal frown.
“Come on, we should head to the hotel,” he said.
 The room had one bed, for some reason Marc could care less. Probably due to the fact, there are way bigger problems to worry about. but for you, sharing a bed with Marc for the first time in years was pretty high up there. 
“Please don't tell me you still kick in your sleep,” Marc said, shrugging off his jacket and leaving him in a tight black t-shirt. You cleared your throat and avoided your gaze so you wouldn't be staring at his arms, opting for kneeling down and opening your suitcase.
“Is this a bad time to tell you I've upgraded to night terrors? I don't think I'll kick but I might scream and punch you.” you laughed nervously, grabbing a pair of sleeping shorts and an old tee shirt.
“When did that start?” Marc asked.
“A while ago, around the time you le-” Your voice faltered as you realized what you said. You turned and saw Marc watching you, his jaw set tight as he looked down.
“Marc I didn't mean-” 
“I'm gonna go shower.” he interrupted. before abruptly standing up and walking to the bathroom, slamming the door shut. You closed your eyes and sighed, ignoring the want to go after him in the shower and instead opting to just change and crawl into bed and hope you'd be asleep before he came out.
Your plan failed.
You were still awake when he came out in nothing but his boxers as he grabbed a bottle of whiskey and walked to your side of the bed before he sat down on the floor and started drinking. You could smell the scent of cedarwood and cinnamon invading your senses. But you welcomed the scent with open arms, along with memories of Marc holding you while you both fell asleep and wearing his favorite jacket when you got the chance. Here was something there a long time ago, a feeling that was more than just friendship. It had been years since then, and you weren't sure Marc had those feelings anymore but you knew you did. In fact, you were almost positive they never left.
“I know you're awake,” Marc grumbled, you cracked open an eye and saw Marc still looking out the window. You sighed in defeat as you threw the cover off your body and climbed out of bed and moved to sit on the cool tile next to Marc. You leaned over and snagged the bottle of whiskey out of his hands, taking a swig for yourself. your face puckered up at the burn as you put it on the table beside you.
“Why are you here Y/n?” Marc asked.
“I told you already, Ammits control would kill-”
“No, why are you here,” Marc repeated. 
There it was, the pieces clicked as you looked at Marc in thought. Why wouldn't he bother to talk to you, let alone look at you? It's because he thought he didn't think he deserved a friend to help him during this or with anything in general. You played with your new necklace in thought before you spoke.
“When I saw you at the shiva a few months ago it stirred a lot of really complicated feelings I've been ignoring for years. I had mostly gotten used to you only being in my life on your own terms, on your schedule never mine. And I thought I was okay with what I really did.” you laughed sadly. “I grieved the time of my life where I had you, I mean actually had you. I mean, hell- I even got a tattoo for it and everything, and then I shoved those emotions away so I didn't think about it and moved on with my life.” You pulled at the collar of your shirt and exposed your collarbone so Marc could see the tattoo.
“We’ll be okay.” he read, he raised his hand so his fingers could ghost over the last words he said to you that night embedded into your skin. You fixed your shirt but put your hand there as if you were protecting the skin.
“And then you cut me off, with no way for me to know you were safe or even alive and it just killed me on the inside and I just kept thinking about if I had a chance to change things, to be able to fix whatever happened with us I would do it in a heartbeat,” you said. “And then Steven called, and I decided I couldn't just sit on the sidelines anymore so I went after you. Because I wanted to, and I think deep down you wanted me there but maybe I was wrong, and maybe I was selfish to do all this without even thinking about how you would've felt but I just wanted you back,” you said hoarsely. “Because a life without you, Marc Spector. is a life I don't want, no matter how stubborn, grouchy, and sometimes just mean you can get.” you finished avoiding looking at Marc in fear to see how he would react. Although, you weren't expecting his large hand to wrap around your wrist and yank you on top of him. You held your breath as your thighs settled on each side of him as he stared at you. His hands are trailing to your waist and settling there.
“I'm sorry if that means anything at this point.” He whispered. you could see the pores on his cheeks, his long eyelashes touching his eyebrows, and his dark brown eyes that kept flicking down to your lips. “You were right, I wanted you with me but I couldn't  allow myself to bring you into a life like this. That's full of death and blood that's on my hands and when I'm not in the best place mentally. You deserve so much more.”
“Marc.” You whispered, your hands cupping his face. “I don't care about what you think I deserve, I just need you, that's all I ever needed.” you said, fervidly gushing from your voice. You leaned forward and placed your forehead against his, Marc sighed in content.
“Just no more secrets, yeah?” you asked, so close to his face you can smell this whiskey and feel the heat from his mouth. The only response you got from him is a nod and tight grips on your hips. You smiled and pulled away,  placing your hands on his shoulder and rubbing at the muscle.
“Let's get some rest.” you mumbled, sleep already gripping at your selfconcius as you dragged yourself up from your spot on Marc's lap and threw yourself into bed. You heard the man above you chuckle. You grabbed his wrist and yanked on him, just as he did to you not long ago and pulled him into bed with you. He grunted on the impact but quickly settled onto the mattress.
“Tomorrow we’ll go find another way to Ammits tomb, I think I know a guy who can help.” You said, but the only response you got was soft snores.
 “God damn it Marc!” you cursed as your lungs gasped for air, Cairos heat and you stumbling and climbing over roofs and ledges had made you a sweaty mess as your medorcore parkour skills were stomped and buried into the ground as you watched Marc fly over rooftops and vault over walls like it was the easiest thing in the world. You went really sure if Marc knew you were behind him, the only reason you knew he left without you this morning was due to the fact he accidentally slammed the door closed this morning which resulted in you scrambling to get into decent clothes made for climbing and running and your bag of gear before you ran out the door after Marc. only finding him once you saw him jump to another rooftop while you were on the busy streets. Only catching up to him when he stopped to talk to a group of men as you jumped right after him but stayed on the other side of the ledge to listen for a moment.
“You killed him? I needed to talk to that guy.” he dropped down off a box. “About dig site actually, but I guess I'm gonna have to talk to you instead.”
“You're too late,” Another man said. “You're not going to find Harrow.” His accent is strong and thick. You heard the sound of metal scratching against the ground and you decided to peek over the ledge. 
“Oh what, are we dancing? Are we fighting? What are we gonna do?” Marc taunted, his arms in front of his face, ready to attack as a man jumped forward and grabbed Marc. he dogged and smacked him into a wall, quickly twisting to kick the second man in the stomach. As a kid, couldn't be older than 15 drag his blade across his back and you winced at the sound of Marcs cry. You scrambled on the ledge, your feet balancing on the six inch margin as you waited for a chance to strike. When one of the men swiped his knife near Marc's face you jumped down on top of him, your leg wrapping around his neck as you brought him down to the ground with you. You grunted as he twisted in your grip his knife ready to stab you in the side before you bent his wrist back, you grabbed the blade before you chucked it off the roof and kicked him away from you. 
You stood up eyeing the man, he wasn't much taller than you so when he came at you, you scratched your nails across his eyes before reeling back your hand and shoving the heel of your hand and slammed it against his nose, making him shout in pain as his eyes watered up. You grinned and slammed your steel toe boot into his ankle to bring him as you turned and sidekicked the tip of your boot into his spine. You grinned triumphantly but the moment died quickly as you felt a hand grip your hair and drag you back. You saw Marc infront of you panting, his eyes wide when he saw your position. 
“If this is a lesson about not pulling my hair back before a fight,” you hissed at the sting of your hair pulling at your scalp. “Message received!”  you bent down and turned in his grip and shoved your elbow into the underside of his chin allowing the grip on your hair to lessen as you stepped back stumbling right into Marc. He placed a hand on your shoulder to balance you before walking up to the man and pressed the knife into his neck. You watched as Marc gazed into his reflection in the knife and shook his head.
“Not now Steven!” Marc shouted, but his eyes rolled back into his head and he lowered the knife. The man pushed Marc away and made a run for it but you sprinted and jumped on his back. Putting his head into lock with your arms until he passed out in your arms. Dropping the man to ground you turned and saw the teenager standing in front of you, holding his knife. Marc was off to the side as he woke up from Steven fronting.
“Don't you dare, kid.” Marc said with irritation. You chose to raise your hands in sign of surrender.
“I won't hurt you, I promise.” you said gently but the kid's glare grew more angry before he threw the knife, gliding through the wind before it sliced through the sleeve of your shirt and cutting open a slicing a small gash on your upper arm. You grimaced in pain as the teen fled down the stairs. Unwrapping the scarf that pushed back your hair from your face you tied it around your arm tightly. 
“Are you alright?” Marc said, his hand holding your arm as he inspected your homemade bandage. You shrugged him off as you went to the stairs the boy went down.
“You go after him up high where you can see, I'm going after him on the street.” You commanded, “I'll follow you!” you yelled as running down the steps and busting open the door. You watched what direction Marc went in before you ran. You ran through the busy traffic and the small market in the town. Rushing out apologies as you shoulder checked people on accident as you kept an eye on the teen. 
You were close to the boy when you felt a hand grab your shoulder, dragging you back. You looked behind you and saw the man whose nose you broke giving you a sick grin, his face smeared with blood as he dragged you back. You were panicking as he dug his fingers into your fresh wound. You shouted in pain before you snatched a vase from a seller's table and smashed it on his head. Once he dropped your arm, you made a bolt for an alley that had a small wall leading up to a dirt road. You looked behind you and saw the man stumbling after you. Bouncing back and forth for a moment before you sprinted down the alley and launched yourself up off a crate your hands gripped the rock and climbed up. When you turned around you saw the man after you with his fingers holding onto your ankle. You twisted in his grip and ended smacking your boot right into his temple, knocking him out and dropping back into the alley. You pulled the rest of your body over the ledge.
“Khonshu, he's just a kid.” you heard Marc debate, you looked up and saw him and the boy a few feet from you. You watched as Marc listened to who you could only assume was Khonshu and picked the kid up from the collar of his shirt and took him to the ledge using his scarf to hold him over. 
“Where's Harrow?” Marc demanded but the kid stayed quiet. “Where is Harrow!” he yelled. The teens face was hard as stone when he pulled his knife out his pocket.
“Praise Ammit.” he proclaimed, raising his knife.
“Dont!” you and Marc yelled at the same time before he sliced the knife through the thin fabric and fell off the cliff.
You covered your mouth as you gasped in shock watching as Marc just held the scaf in his hand before he dropped it. You watched as Marc yelled at Steven for some reason while you bent down and grabbed a brick. You waited until Marc turned to speak to the empty space in an abandoned car. You knew Khonshu was appearing before you threw the brick. The window shattered on impact you stalked over to the car.
“You stupid fucking bird.” you spat. “That was a child! What did you expect to get from that?” your chest heaved, Marc looked at you in shock before he turned his head.
“What did he say?” you asked, but Marc just shook his head.
“What did he say, Marc?” you bit out.
“He said he was an insignificant human.” he mumbled. You laughed in disbelief.
“Remember you old pigeon, without us insignificant humans you wouldn't be able to be in this realm.” you said, glaring at the car before you turned around and sat on a rock.
“Well, if we can't find Harrow's digging crew, we'll have to stop him another way.” Marc said walking over to you, giving you a once over before he turned to Khonshu. 
“What about the other gods,” you asked. “Are they going to sit on the side and allow Ammit to be released?” you watched Marc as he listened to what the god had to say.
“That doesn't sound so bad to me.” Marc said, looking at you. “He said getting an audience with gods means might anger them enough to incase him stone.”
“Sounds like a Christmas miracle to me.” you sighed. “As much as I don't like the bird, you need the armor to stand a chance against Harrow.” 
“What do we do then huh? Any ideas?” Marc asked. 
“Khonshu?” Marc called out.
“What happened?” you asked, getting up.
“He just disappeared.” 
As if on cue, strong wind blew through the air as the sky above you started to darken.
“Holy shit.” you watched in amazement as an eclipse covered the sky making the world around you darken. Marc grabbed your hand and started walking down the steps back into the town's streets.
“That was a bit over the top, don't you think?” Marc asked Khonshu, you tried behind him. “Aren't all the Avatars scattered across the world?”
“It doesn't matter,” you say. “If it's a meeting for the Ennead they can summon you from anywhere with a portal.”
“So, where is mine?” Marc questioned, the sound of rumbling made you and Marc turn around.
“I think we just found it.” you swallowed nervously as you nudged Marc to walk though, your hand on his shoulder as you followed behind him. The long tunnel was pitch black until the very end when it opened into a large room. You gasped in awe.
“My god, we're inside the great Pyramid of Giza.” you whispered.
“Can you and Steven stop geeking out for a second?” Marc huffed as you and Marc walked down the Stairs. One by one you watched gods in their avatars walk through portals. You ignored your shaking hands as you let go of Marc's shoulder to let him walk into the center of the room. You stood off to the side trying to be unnoticed in a room full of powerful beings.
“Khonshu theatrics are unparalleled.” A woman said walking up to Marc, her long black hair complimenting her dark complexion. She was beautiful in every way possible.
“I'm Yatzil, avatar of the goddess of music and love, Hathor.” the woman said, Marc just eyed her suspiciously.
You wanted to smack Marc for not being respectful but you froze when Hathors avatar announced who was present.
“In Attendance, Hourus, Isis, Tefnut, Osiris, and Hathor. To hear the account of Khonshu.” she presented, you watched Marc's eyes glow for a brief second.
“You've been banished once for nearly exposing us, Khonshu. And you know we desire your garishness, your showy mask and weapons.” Osiris spoke, Marc stared at him in confusion. “But manipulate the sky again and we will imprison you in stone.”
“Spare me your self-righteous threats!” Khonshu yelled, Marc's body stiffened. “I was Banished for not abandoning humanity, unlike the rest of you!” Marc flinched once Khonsu stopped speaking through him.
“We have not abandoned humanity, they abandoned us.” Osiris said. “We simply trust our avatars to carry out our purposes without calling undue attention to ourselves.
“Avatars are not enough! We need the might of gods or else we'll lose this realm.”
“The avatars that remain here are simply here to observe. We decided long ago we did not wish to meddle in the affairs of man.” Osiris spoke.
“We will decide the best course of judgment and speak your purpose.” Tefnuts' avatar spoke.
“I call for judgment against Arthur Harrow!” Khonshu exclaimed.
“The charges?” Isis asked.
“Conspiracy to release Ammit!” Khonshu shouted, you saw a tear run down his face and it made your stomach twist in knots.
“That is a heavy accusation, Khonshu.” Osiris warned. “Let us summon the accused.”
Rumbling from the earth below made you body shake, you stumbled back once Arthur Harrow came out of a portal right next to you. Marc's gaze went to you but you waved your hand signaling you were fine.
“So, I see by the presence of Khonshis current makeshift avatar and its sidekick, the purposes of our meeting must be nefarious.” Harrow said, you rolled your eyes at the remark.
“You know exactly why we are here!” Khonshu yelled.
“I do not miss the sound of that voice, but speak old master to the point.” Harrow said.
You listen to Khonshu accuse Harrow of attempting to release Ammit but you watched Harrow act oddly calm and collected.
“I was in the desert. But if visiting the sands were a crime, the line of sinners would be longer than the nile.” Harrow pointed at Marc. “Khonshu vision is obscured by jealousy, paranoia, and-”
“A deceiver!” Khonshu shouted, Marc doubled over in exhaustion. 
“Do not trust the word of a shamed unhinged god and his unwell servant.” Harrow persuaded.
“What do you mean?”
“This is a man who literally does not know his own name, he has passports under the name Marc Specotr and employment records under the name Steven Grant. He speaks to himself, and threaten himself and I have no idea how many personalities he must possess.” Arthur explained, you slowly moved forward once you saw Marc's eye twitch.
“This man is clearly insane!” Harrow exclaimed, and Marc swung his fist back.
“Marc dont!” you yelled as you jumped forward and grabbed his fist, at the same time Osiris used his powers to yank Marc's arm back and make him kneel, your grip on his arm making you go down with him. You wiped the beads of sweat that gathered on his forehead.
“We will not tolerate violence in this chamber!” Osris yelled.
“If you won't listen to a man who is so called “Insane” and  is the avatar of Khonshu, then listen to me!” you shouted. Moving your hands from Marc's arm , you stood up and looked at the gods.
“And who are you?” Osiris asked, you rolled your shoulder back and held his gaze intensely.
“My name is Dr. Y/N L/N and I'm one of the very few who hasn't abandoned the gods,” you said.
“Are you an avatar?” Hathor asked and you shook your head.
“No, I'm not but I have spent the last 15 years of my life reading about your lifes and  running exhibitions to return artifacts from your land that were stolen and sold by black markets back to their proper temples.” you explained, you glared at Harrow for a moment.“Which is how I recognized the scarab that leads to Ammits tomb and when Arthur Harrow took it back after Marc had taken it back to stop Harrow's plan.” you pointed an accusatory finger at the old man. “Do not let Arthur Harrow's faux concern about Marc Spectors well-being fool you, it's his sad attempt to shift the focus off himself.”
You took a few steps forward so you were on the first four steps of the stairs leading to Osiris' seat.
“I understand your mistrust towards Kohnshu, but just because his words are coming from a man who just needs some help does not make Marc Spector an unreliable source. If you let Arthur Harrow go and he gets to Ammits ushabti, millions  of souls will be judged in the Duat before their time.” you concluded.
“I have no pleasure to tell you that this is a deeply troubled man, Khonshu is taking advantage of him the same way he abused me and is using Marc Spectors closest friend to make a story that will feed his own goals.” Harrow glanced at you for a moment.
“Take action now before it's too late.”
“Let us speak to Marc Spector.” Horus demanded, crossing his arms and breaking the bind Osiris used on him. Marc tipped forward, breathing heavily as he looked up.
“Are you unwell?’ he asked.
Marc looked around sporadically, his eyes welling with tears and nodded.
“I am, I am unwell. I need help.” He said, his voice cracking at the end. “But that doesn't change the fact this man is…” Marc pointed, but he dropped his head and you heard a small cry come from him.
“This is a safe space for you to tell us if you feel exploited by khonshu.” Hathor comfated.
“This is not about my feelings! I'm not the one on trial here! This is about how dangerous he is, if you would just listen to us for a second.” Marc begged. 
‘He has committed no offense.” Osiris said. “This matter is concluded.” you watched in shock as the gods left their avatars and went through their portals, going their separate ways. Watching Harrow leave as you jogged down the steps to Marc kneeling form, joining him on the floor you lifted his head.
“Are you okay?” You said, Marc shook his head as his eyes opened clearly.
“I'm so sorry, I tried so hard to convince them I really did.” you apologized, how the gods didn't see how dangerous that man was you will never know.
“Marc? Dr. L/n?” Yatzil called, and both of you turned to look at her.
“There is another way.” she said.
You and Marc looked at each other before you helped him up, Yatzil walked the two of you in a secluded place hidden from sight before you talked.
“Ammit was buried in secret, the location hidden even from the gods.” Yatzil explained. “Ammit had many followers so i didn't know who to trust”
“But someone had to know something?” Marc said, Yatzil nodded in agreement.
“One man. A medjay named Senfu. He was tasked with recording the location of the tomb in case the god changed their minds and decided to show mercy. If you find Senfus sarcophagus, you'll find Ammits tomb.”
“Okay, how do we do that?” You asked. 
“His sarcophagus was stolen and sold on the balck market, I would start there.” Yatzil seguested. You reached out and shook her hand in thanks.
“Thank you Yatzil, I promise you won't regret telling us this.” you said, smiling at her.
“Hathor was touched about your passion for the gods and your friend, don't let anyone take that from you, Y/n.” Yatzil said before walking away into her portal. You turned to look at Marc and grabbed his hand.
“I need to go looking for Senfus sarcophagus.” Marc said but you shook your head.
“Marc you need rest and so do I, but first thing in the morning we will go look I promise.” you said. Marc looked down at you for a moment as if he was going to argue but he just sighed.
“Yeah okay, first thing tomorrow.” he echoed. 
 The walk back to your hotel wasn't long, neither of you spoke as well, too tired and uncomfortable from your wounds and the sweat, blood and dirt plastered to your skin. When you walked in the door to your hotel room you and Marc sat on the bed for a moment. 
“Let me see your arm.” Marc mumbled, too tired  to do anything. You held your arm up to him and let him drag the bloody scarf off, sticky blood making fibers stick to the sensitive skin you winced at the feeling, Marc hummed quietly to himself.
“You definitely need some stitches.” he said before getting up and grabbing his suitcase and pulling out his first aid kit. He came back over to the bed and got his gaze and antiseptic wound spray ready.
“This is gonna sting a little.” he warned.
“I'll consider it a really shitty pregame for the stiches.” you said as Marc gingerly held your arm. You prided yourself at the small laugh you got from him, but it didn't last long as the sting from the spray made you hiss as you curled your hands into fists as he cleaned away the debris in your cut.
He dabbed the wet area dry before he turned and grabbed the needle holder, the needle and some nylon thread.
“You ready?” Marc asked, and you shut eyes tight.
“Yeah I think so.” you whispered.
Marc pushied the point of the needle through the teared skin as fast as possible without messing up the suture. You cringed in your seat as clamped your mouth shut, the sound of your teeth smacking together audible in the otherwise silent room.
“I know sweetheart, you're doing so good just keep breathing yeah?” Marc praised.
“Just talk to me, please? Just distract me.” you begged with tension in your voice.
“Okay, how did you fight like that today? Are you a secret spy or something?” Marc mumbled as he got closer to your arm.
“No,” you scoffed. “I was on a work trip in Greece and stayed late at the place we were cleaning the artifacts we found that day, I ended up getting jumped.” you flinched at the needle pricking your skin again. “When I got home I started going to self defense classes, then it grew to boxing during my free time.”
He pushed the needle through your skin again and you let out a small goran and titled your head back.
“Jeez, When I was getting stabbed by like 30 needles in one go when I got my tattoo it hurt less compared to this single needle.” You joked, Marc smirked a little before he sewed the last suture  and tied it off.
“There you go, good as new.”  he said leaning back, you raised your arm and looked at his work. You looked over at him and froze when you realized how close your faces were. 
“What about you? Any wounds?” you whispered and he shook his head.
“It's mostly bruising, I'll be fine.” he reassured you. 
You stared at him in silence for a moment, his face was covered in dried blood and sweat but he somehow managed to look just as beautiful. His curls were puffed out from the dry heat and all you wanted to do was touch it. When you met his eyes again he was looking at you softly.
“Don't look at me like that.” you said, laughing a little.
“Like what?” Marc said, his tone steady and calm. His half lidded eyes watch you with such intensity you stood up from the burn of it. You debated your next words for a moment.
“Like you actually feel the same as me.” you whispered. “Like you love me.” you stared at him as he stood up from his spot and walked over to you.
“What if I do?” he asked, “What if I told you my feelings for you haven't changed?” his hand came up to cup your cheek before he trailed it down until it reached your chest, his thumb rubbing over your tattoo. You let out a shaky sigh and he stills for a moment before he brought both hands back to your face and pressed his forehead to yours.
“Please don't do this to me.” you said, a broken crack at the last syllable giving away your emotional state. “Don't give me hope that things will be different than last time.”
“I love you.” Marc said, and you sucked in a breath at the confession you have waited over decades for. One that has almost been said by you over the phone, in your dreams, and on that god forsaken night Marc left. Did he want this just as much as you?
“I love you too” you breathed out, almost breathless at the whole situation. Marc pulls you in by the back of your neck and smashes your lips together. Your hands went for his hair, fingers carding through the soft curls. It was messy for a moment, teeth clacking together and kisses that trialed of your each other mouths for a second before you got over the intentional shock allowing you bite marcs bottom lip, then smooth the mark over with your tongue. Marc pulled away to kiss down your jaw and neck before finding his way to your collarbone. Kissing the inked covered skin repeatedly.
“I'm sorry, for leaving.” Marc panted as he kissed across your chest. “I should've been with you this whole time, i'm so sorry.” you pulled him away so you can look at him. His hair was wild thanks to your fingers, his pupils blown, and red swollen lips from kissing you.
“It's okay,” you cooed but Marc shook his head. “I'm serious I forgive you Marc.”
You reached down and grabbed the hem of Marcs shirt before you reached for you own shirt, pulling it off.
“Let's shower?” you asked, “then we need to sleep so were ready for tomorrow.”
“Sounds like a plan to me.” he said, before leaning down and kissing you once more.
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juiceastronaut · 3 years
If I can throw in my two cents about the whole Camila situation:
Honestly what I think is happening is people are projecting their own experiences a little too deeply onto Luz and vilifying Camila because they don't have a great relationship with their parents. I also think people's minds are jumping to the worst-case scenario of what the camp actually is (I don't think the answer is conversion therapy cmon guys this is a kid's show). The overall lesson in the Boiling Isles is that one needs to learn to consider the effect of their actions on others, especially if it's linked to one's creativity. It celebrates being different but also doesn't say that you can act any way you want because you're different. I think a lot of people are closer to Pilot Luz than they realize, and since they haven't gotten that reality check themselves, view these lessons for Luz as an attack on her, and thus an attack on themselves because they haven't learned that lesson yet. But anyway, back to the camp.
I think what's happening is people are getting really hung up about the "Think Inside the Box!" slogan from the first episode, which may seem to directly want to stifle kids' creativity. I think there are two explanations this can fall under, an in-universe one and an out-of-universe one. The in-universe explanation is that maybe the marketing team really sucks and in an attempt to be quirky and creative (look at us we're subverting a popular phrase!) it came off as really bad. The second explanation is, I don't think the Owl House team was thinking that far ahead when constructing the pilot, and how relevant the camp was going to be in later episodes, so they put a little joke in there to both get a laugh out of people, and to quickly solidify that Luz doesn't want to go to that camp and the reason for that. I think some light dismissal of earlier episodes is in order here, because a lot has happened between the pilot and now, and obviously, the reconstruction in Yesterday's Lie is the reality that the crew wants the viewers to go forward with. Maybe the camp wouldn't have even been that bad.
Maybe if Luz actually went she would've had a good time there. I think the more accurate interpretation is...maybe it did suck, but she would've still been able to garner good experiences from it, friends as well, so that going wouldn't have been all that bad, or at least not a living nightmare. Remind you of anyplace? (the answer is school). So maybe Luz would've had the reality check she needed, learning skills and making friends, and still have the camp be an unpleasant experience. I think those can both coexist, and I don't think the camp needs to be literal conversion therapy in order to achieve that. Okay, onto Camila.
Camila isn't perfect. I know people throw around that phrase a lot but I don't think you can find a more apt situation to apply this too. Carmilla, trying her best to do what's right by Luz, sometimes stumbles and does the exact opposite, but doing that out of love for Luz. I fully subscribe to the theory that the camp wasn't really her idea, and more of a suggestion by the school or Luz would have faced expulsion. Again, the pilot didn't really put weight on Luz's actions, but as of the most recent episode its obvious that Luz was close to receiving a very serious consequence by endangering people by bringing snakes and explosives into school. In the first few episodes it was a way to show that Luz was quirky and didn't fit in with the other kids, but as Luz has matured on the Boiling Isles that lets us revisit those scenarios in a different light. I'm sure Luz didn't see anything wrong with what she did, and the framing reflects that, maybe she'll feel differently now after the character growth she's gotten.
Camila loves that Luz is creative, and she loves her daughter for who she is. She even actively engages with Luz in her interests, as seen in Yesterdays's Lie. But as a parent its also Camilas responsibility to raise Luz into a person that can interact with society in a healthy way. Of course, that would be personally tailored to Luz as a person, and she shouldn't try to make Luz fit a certain standard, but that's not what's happening here.
Camila would be enabling Luz if she just allowed her to continue with these high stakes, highly dangerous expressions of "creativity" because Luz was posing a danger to others and to herself. I would actually say Camila would have been a bad parent if she made excuses for Luz's behavior and didn't do anything to curb that. Maybe camp wasn't 100% the best course of action to take, but at least she does something to make sure Luz feels the weight of her actions. I don't even think of the camp as a punishment per se, which is leaps and bounds above what any other parent would do in that situation (I'm under the belief that punishment isn't always the most effective way to facilitate behavior in children). Camila putting her foot down doesn't make her a bad parent, its what a parent should be doing in this situation!
By the end of the episode Yesterdays Lie, Camila's whole life was turned upside down. The person she thought was her daughter actually wasn't her daughter and her actual daughter chose to leave her and is now stuck in a completely different world where she can't reach or even talk to her. I think it's unfair to her to expect her to rationally react to that situation in any capacity. Her daughter left her and she desperately wanted her back, and was/is fearful of losing her again. That's why she made Luz promise to stay when she got back. She doesn't want to lose her again. She blames herself for driving her daughter away, probably for all the above reasons in relation to the camp, maybe for something else entirely.
The thing is, Luz didn't have enough time to explain to her mom what exactly went into her motivations to stay on the Boiling Isles. She wasn't even going to stay there permanently, she was going to go back when camp ended why? For her mom. She didn't want to be away from her any longer than she expected to be away. It was only after the whole Belos thing happened that she was stuck. But she didn't have the time to explain that. So essentially what Camila heard was "Im stuck over here with no way home and I chose that. for myself." Damn I'd get upset too! This whole thing is a misunderstanding I don't for one second think any situation where Camila forces her home to never see her friends again, or Luz being forced to break her promise and stay on the Isles forever is actually going to come to fruition. Luz will probably tell Camila about her time in the Isles and Camila will go "Oh my god I'm so happy you made friends, okay of course you can go back and forth" because I assume they'll have fixed/have another door by then.
In conclusion, Camila is an actual imperfect mother in the most literal sense, instead of saying someone's imperfect but never misstepping when it comes to taking care of her kids. She messes up, doesn't do the right thing because she's working against forces outside of her control or is having a very human reaction to a genuinely stressful situation. People are projecting their own home lives a little too much into Luz's situation which I think leads to people being harsher with Camila than she deserves. She's a good mom, and I think a realistic and complex character. Y'all are just mean.
Also anyone saying that Camila having a flip-flop (la chancla) in her purse is a sign that Luz is being abused...are you on crack? Is it crack you're smoking? No, but it's a haha shout out to the latino community it's not that deep oh my go--
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misscorn · 3 years
Day 7: Future/Post Confession
I can't believe yet another @takaritsuweek has come and gone so fast 😭❤ everyone in this Fandom is so talented and im obsessed with the nostalgia content 💘 please enjoy my last one shot for this week ☺
Onodera Ritsu was being weird, which could only mean one thing: something was wrong and he wasn't talking to Masamune about it.
Masamune had really hoped that things would go smoother after Ritsu confessed, but that was foolish. Masamune was so, undeniably happy, but they weren't perfect people. Both of them still had things to work on, separately and together. One of those things was more readily relying on one another. So, Masamune was determined to find out what was wrong.
Ritsu just seemed a lot more...spacey than usual. And anxious. And maybe a little gloomy? Masamune couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he knew that he didn't like it.
Currently, Ritsu was over at Masamune's apartment, helping to clean up the dishes as the two of them had just finished dinner. Ritsu was at Masamune's place quite frequently and Masamune always brought up the idea of moving in together, but Ritsu hadn't quite come around to it yet, mostly because he knew for a fact that it would affect any work the two of them brought home. Masamune got...distracted easily and Ritsu tended to get swept away. So, for now Ritsu was content with a lot of sleepovers.
Once they finished cleaning, Masamune led Ritsu into the living room by his hand. He sat down unceremoniously on the couch before pulling Ritsu down with him and on to his lap, making Ritsu's face burn red.
I kind of hope he never gets used to this, Masamune thought, loving the sight of Ritsu's adorably embarrassed expression.
"What do you think you're doing?" Ritsu asked, trying to sound scolding, but he only succeeded in sounding nervous.
Masamune wrapped his arms around Ritsu's waist. "I just want to talk and I figured if I have you like this you won't be able to run away." Like how you love to do.
Ritsu couldn't even argue against that logic, but he made a displeased face anyway. "Fine. What is it?"
"Is everything okay with you?" Masamune asked.
"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine." Ritsu said dismissively.
"You just seem like you've had something on your mind lately." Masamune said. "Making me worried."
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you." Ritsu apologized immediately.
"Don't say sorry, there's nothing to be sorry for, I just wanna know if there's something going on." Masamune said, trying to sound reassuring.
Ritsu chewed on his lower lip nervously before he spoke again. "I guess I have been thinking a bit..." He started vaguely.
"What about?" Masamune pressed gently.
"Well, my mom's gotten off my back about An-chan, but not about settling down. She's been trying to set up matchmaking sessions, introducing me to daughters of friends of hers whenever I visit, sending me info about singles events." Ritsu tried not to cringe at the thought of going to one of those. "And I just...I think maybe it's time I tell my parents about you. About us." Ritsu said. "I mean, I know we only started officially d-dating not too long ago, but I feel like we're both kind of in this for the long haul." He laughed nervously. They've both been in this for the past ten years, after all. It was hardly too soon to let his parents be in the know. "So, um, it seems only right to tell them..."
"If you want to tell them then you should." Masamune said.
"You make things sound so simple." Ritsu sighed. "It could go really, really wrong, you know?"
"I know. But the other option is keeping it a secret forever. Which, you can if you want, but it might be difficult to eventually explain to your parents when they visit why you have a longterm male roommate and you both wear matching wedding rings and share a room and take care of a little girl who calls both of you dad."
Ritsu's face flushed at Masamune projection of their future together, his heartbeat picking up in pace. "You want to have a daughter?"
"Someday, I think it'd be nice. But we're not even past the step of me meeting your parents, so I don't think they're going to get grandchildren anytime soon." Masamune planted a quick kiss on Ritsu’s shoulder.
"W-Wait, meeting?! I was just going to tell them, I didn't plan on having you meet them yet!" Ritsu said quickly.
"Ritsu, this is your mom we're talking about. If you tell her I exist she will track me down and interrogate the hell out of me whether you want her to or not." Masamune deadpanned.
Ritsu groaned and slumped against Masamume, knowing that he was right. "Maybe I should just test the waters first? It doesn't seem fair to throw all of us in at once."
Masamune hesitated to agree, subconsciously playing with Ritsu's hair. "I want to be there." He said firmly. "I understand you're worried, but like you said, things could go wrong and I want to be there for you if they do."
"You're only one door away." Ritsu said.
"Too far." Masamune insisted, pressing a kiss to Ritsu's forehead.
Ritsu rolled his eyes, trying hard not to smile. "You're absolutely ridiculous."
"Mhm. Besides, I can't charm the hell out of your parents if I'm busy next door worrying about you."
"Oh, is that your plan? To be all cool and suave until they can't possibly reject our relationship?" Ritsu asked sarcastically.
"Yes, exactly."
Ritsu shook his head before he refocused and took a deep breath. "How's this weekend?"
"I can do this weekend." Masamune said.
"I'll invite them to my place for dinner and hopefully it will be totally boring and uneventful and they won't care about us being together at all."
"Yeah, the woman who has hounded you about marriage for over ten years is going to not care about you being in a romantic relationship." Masamune said sarcastically.
Ritsu groaned loudly.
Masamune chuckled. "What about your dad? How do you think he'll react?"
"No idea, which is honestly worse."
"We'll handle it." Masamune promised and sealed it with a kiss.
"I can't do this, I think I should call them and cancel, tell them I'm sick." Ritsu said as he and Masamune cooked dinner together. Technically it wouldn't be a lie since Ritsu was feeling pretty nauseous.
Ritsu had spent all day yesterday making sure his apartment was spotless and then earlier today he and Masamune had gone grocery shopping together since Ritsu’s options for dinner had been a little slim.
"Oh, yeah, tell your mom that you're sick, I'm sure that will make her stay away instead of making her want to come over more." Masamune said sarcastically.
"You're no help."
"I thought I was being a lot of help, unless you wanna cut the onions." Masamune said, not looking up from the cutting board where he was working on the veggies.
Ritsu huffed and turned away to sit at the kitchen table, putting his head in his hands. He couldn't do this, he was such an idiot for ever thinking that he could. Introducing his parents to Masamune? He had never even mentioned liking men to them! And now suddenly he was going to announce that he had a boyfriend! There was only one way this could go: badly.
"Hey," Masamune said softly, abandoning his cutting station to sit next to him. "Its gonna be okay."
"You don't know that."
"I know, and honestly I'm kind of freaking out too. I don't think there's anything that could prepare me for meeting your parents. I want them to like me, I want them to think I'm a good fit for you because I know they're always going to be a big part of your life. Even if they can be a little overbearing, they love you, and it would kind of really suck if the people who loved you the most hated me." Masamune said. "But, either way I know that no matter what happens we'll still be together and for me that's enough." Masamune placed a comforting hand on Ritsu's knee.
"Even if my mom spends every single family gathering trying to drive you away? Even if she keeps trying to set me up on blind dates? Or, worse, tries to convince my dad to mess with your work?"
"Ritsu, the only thing your mom could do to keep me away from you is put out a hit on me."
"Don't joke about that."
"Oh come on, your parents don't have that many connections." Masamune said. "...right?"
"I really couldn't tell you."
"Jesus Christ." Masamune said, breathing through a laugh. "Look, the point is; we're gonna be okay."
Ritsu placed his hand on top of Masamune's and gave it a squeeze as he slowly nodded. "Okay...okay." He said. "Let's hurry and finish dinner then. My mom likes to get places early."
Masamune smiled softly and stole a swift kiss before happily helping Ritsu in the kitchen once more.
Eventually, there came a knock at the door. "I'll keep an eye on the food while you go get it." Masamune said. Dinner was just nearly done.
Ritsu swallowed hard and nodded, turning to leave the kitchen.
"Wait." Masamune grabbed his hand and kissed him quickly. "For good luck." He winked.
"Y-You're such an idiot." Ritsu scolded before quickly going to the front door and opening it.
Youko and Tatsuo Onodera stood side by side at Ritsu's door. Youko broke out into a smile and threw her arms around Ritsu before anyone could get a word out.
"H-Hi, mom." Ritsu smiled nervously as he hugged her back. "Hi, dad." He said to Tatsuo over Youko's shoulder as he was still being tightly squeezed.
"You feel skinny." Youko said as soon as she pulled away, pouting at her son. Ritsu was not surprised to be scolded instead of greeted, but he knew his mother meant well.
"Well, its a good thing I've invited you over to eat then. Come in." Ritsu said with a sheepish expression, attempting to play it off.
"It smells good." Tatsuo said.
"Ritsu, don't tell me you've left the food unattended for long." Youko said worriedly as they shuffled toward the kitchen.
"No." Ritsu's hands started to shake. "The foods being watched. Right now. B-by my b-boyfriend."
""Boyfriend?!"" Both Youko and Tatsuo exclaimed.
"How long has this been a thing?" Tatsuo asked.
"Oh...ten years or so..."
"Ten YEARS?!" Youko had heard enough, marching into the kitchen with her husband and son following not far behind.
"M-Mom, wait, maybe we should talk a little more-"
"You." Youko pointed accusingly at Masamune. "Are you my son's so called partner?"
"I am. My name is Takano Masamune, it's nice to-"
"Takano? I'm not familiar with that name. What's your family background?" Youko interrupted.
Masamune blinked, glancing between Ritsu and his parents, a little confused by the question. "Uh, my mother is a lawyer and my step father is a doctor, but I'm not on speaking terms with either of them."
"A boy with a troubled family history? Hardly seems like a good choice for a partner." Youko commented to Ritsu.
"Mother! That's incredibly rude!" Ritsu defended Masamune immediately. What was she even going on about?
"What do you do for a living?" Youko asked Masamune.
Masamune played along with her questions as he didn't know what else to do. "I'm the editor in chief for Marukawa Publishing's shoujo manga department: Emerald."
"Emerald? Onodera Ritsu, do you mean to tell me that you are dating your boss?" Youko said, putting her hands on her hips.
"I've heard about the great things you've done for Emerald, Takano." Tatsuo admitted. "But it does seem to be a conflict of interest to be dating a subordinate."
"I've been in love with him since I was twelve! Way before he ever became my boss!" Ritsu said quickly before a realization dawned on him. "Wait...these are the things you're upset about? His family and his job?"
"They're very important things to consider when picking a partner, Ritsu." Youko said. "You know, if you had told me that you were rejecting all those lovely girls because they were girls I could have been setting you up with perfectly charming and handsome men!" Youko pouted.
Ritsu wanted to laugh. And cry. And hug his mom and kiss Masamune and melt into the floor in total relief.
"I'm sorry, but I'll have to object to any matchmaking sessions." Masamune jumped in.
Youko frowned sternly at him. "Just what exactly makes you worthy of my one and only son?"
"I know I'm not the kind of person that you would normally want for Ritsu, but I love him. I've loved him for over ten years and there's nothing that could ever stop me from loving him. I will always, always take care of him and make him happy and if there ever comes a day that I don't then please feel free to come back and snatch him away from me because just like you I think Ritsu only deserves the best. I will always be loyal, reliable, and honest with him. And, if you'd still like to join us for dinner, I can show you that I'm not completely useless around a kitchen."
Youko did not move, nor did her disapproving expression melt away, but Tatsuo stepped forward to put a hand on his wife's shoulder.
"So, ten years huh? That's a long time. Why don't you tell us how this all started?" He smiled as he ushered his wife to sit down.
Ritsu beamed, tearing up a bit.
"Well, I was in our school's library..."
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theautumnisnoble · 3 years
we'll learn to swim in the oceans you made
After listening to Shirtsleeves by Ed Sheeran this scenario immediately came into mind, also heavily inspired by Jenn Im's pregnancy youtube video titled, "We're Pregnant!"
[Also a very big thank you to A (@solhwippedsubs on twt and holdoutandwin on ao3) for beta-reading this. I love you my solhwi fluff confidant!]
Word Count: 2k words
"Wake up!" Sol removes the comforter that was covering his husband's body and started shaking him. "Han Joon Hwi, ireona!"
"Mmm, Sol-ah. Why?" Joon Hwi covered his eyes with his arm to shield them from the rays of sunlight and wondered why the love of his life was forcing him out of their bed so early in the morning.
"Ireona! Jebal.." Joon Hwi immediately shot up as Sol's voice started to crack and he examined her face. Sol teared up and Joon Hwi noticed she was holding something tightly, stick close to snapping into half.
"Babe, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Joon Hwi held both of her arms and looked up at her.
Sol had been so emotional these days, well, more than she usually is. Sol always has been a passionate ball of fury, but Joon Hwi especially had it rough this week. He doesn't find Sol annoying or tiring for any of that matter, but he would wonder why Sol would suddenly cry or get mad at him for absolutely no reason, and if there was, then he avoided asking it as when he did that one time, Sol only got more mad at him. There was also yesterday when Joon Hwi sprayed on himself the perfume that Sol gifted to him on their wedding anniversary last April and Sol suddenly pinched her nose close and walked outside of their bedroom. And now, Sol was in tears, sobbing, at 7 am in the morning.
"Babe.. I'm starting to worry. What's wrong?"
"I told you to be careful!!!" Sol lightly punched his shoulder and bawled.
Joon Hwi raised his arm and wiped her tears using the sleeves of his sweater, pulling on the cloth with his fingers. "What did I do wrong? Calm down for a sec and tell me.."
"Don't tell me to calm down!"
"O-okay." Joon Hwi surrendered for a while and let Sol release all of her emotions. Moments later, her sobs started to simmer down and Joon Hwi opened his arms wide. "C'mere."
Sol bended down and let Joon Hwi's arms circle around her. Her lower body slowly went closer to him and then she sat on his lap, her shoulder against his chest. Joon Hwi wiped down the dampness on her face and caressed her arm. "Now, babe, talk to me, okay? I'm never gonna know what I did wrong if you won't tell me."
Sol faced him and tried to form intelligent words. "Well, you—"
"I'm—" Her mouth started to form into a pout and tears started fall again from her eyes. "Joon Hwi-ah." She released sobs again and buried her face into his neck. Joon Hwi sighed and patted her arm.
"I'm pregnant."
Joon Hwi paused his movements and pulled his head back away, lightly pushing Sol by her shoulders, to let Sol face him. Sol's eyes wandered down to her left hand and Joon Hwi followed them, then he grabbed the stick from her hand.
It was a pregnancy test. Two red-dyed lines. Positive.
Joon Hwi faced Sol, his lips starting to form into a smile. "Babe—"
"I told you to be careful!!" Sol again whimpered, tears still falling.
"W-what? Is it because I—"
"Nevermind!" Sol wiped her tears in a rash way and breathed out to calm herself down. "I-it's actually not your fault." Sol now realized the irrationality of her internal reasoning.
Joon Hwi held back a chuckle and tucked a hair behind his wife's ear.
"Remember April?"
"When we shared a sloppy kiss under the rain?" Joon Hwi tried to lighten the mood by reminding her how they had to walk all the way to the bus stop under the heavy pouring rain, just right after they had their wedding anniversary date at a fine dining restaurant four months ago. It was a funny, but sweet memory.
"No! Before that, when I got diagnosed with PCOS."
It left Sol and Joon Hwi almost hopeless for a child when she was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. But Sol, even before that, was convinced she didn't need to have kids and that she was satisfied with her life with Joon Hwi, content that they'd be that couple with no children. They were already busy with their very time-demanding jobs and Sol— she convinced herself she wouldn't be competent with the whole mothering a child thing. But after knowing her condition, the question, "should I?" turned to "could I?". The condition that would possibly rob her of the choice eventually made her think about how it wouldn't be so bad, because Joon Hwi was there. So after the news of her condition, she decided on one thing.
"A-after that I got off birth control." Joon Hwi nodded and listened to Sol, who was still tearing up a bit, and he also wiped down those tears when he could.
"Then yesterday, when I realized I wasn't on my period yet, I got to read my period calculator and saw that I- I was 16 days late." Sol exhaled for courage.
"Then I bought the pregnancy test." Sol paused and looked at Joon Hwi, and her face looked like she was about to burst again. Her lips were shaking and her eyes were still crystal with tears ready to fall. She was scared.
"You can take it slow, I'll be here. I won't stop listening." Sol released a small smile, tidied her face and tucked in her stray hairs, preparing to tell Joon Hwi more while also now trying to relax herself.
"I didn't know if I should take it though. I mean, everything would change if I was pregnant. But I did wanna know, I wanted to be certain. And it said that I should use my morning pee for it so I waited until morning."
"But you hardly even slept.." Joon Hwi recalls her wife tossing and turning beside him, and then ultimately giving up trying to sleep then went downstairs. He bets on Sol reading up on her cases, which works as an alternative sleeping pill for her.
Ever since she was diagnosed with PCOS, Sol really took effort into having a more healthy lifestyle— like exchanging coffee for matcha, this among other things, and also trying to get some more sleep. So Joon Hwi knew that Sol would definitely try to catch up on sleep.
"I did, a bit." She smiled. "So, after that I took it just earlier. A-and I tested positive." Sol's emotions now returned to her and she closed her eyes, her eyebrows furrowed and tears started to fall again.
"I'm scared." She looked at him. "I don't know if I'm gonna be a good mother. I feel like I should be happy or something, but I'm just really scared." Sol now covered her face with both palms and cried, Joon Hwi pulled her in to embrace her.
"Babe.." He patted her back.
"What if I try my best, and our kid still doesn't love me?" That was it. Sol released another wave of sobs and her body shook against Joon Hwi's embrace.
Sol thought she wasn't ready. Even if it was her choice to get off birth control, she didn't think she would immediately become pregnant. After all, her doctor said it was now almost impossible to be. In her mind, pregnancy would change everything— from how much devotion she has to her work to maybe how her and Joon Hwi's relationship would change, and maybe for the worst. And she didn't like change, her idealistic plans for her future would need to be altered, and she also didn't like how it would most likely change their marriage. She couldn't have that, she couldn't live with a ruined marriage because she didn't want anything to change between Joon Hwi and her, and she also couldn't live with her child possibly having to live through all that. And what if he gets tired of taking care of me? And tons of other doubts and insecurities showered her.
Why does my mind do this? Sol asked herself. Why can't I just be excited? Joon Hwi is the father of this child. I'm sure he's disappointed in me right now.
Joon Hwi pulled away after she calmed down. He wiped her face, again with his already damp shirtsleeves. He placed short kisses on her wet cheeks and cupped her face. "Sol, I believe in you."
Sol melted and her lips turned into a pout, her face still showing fear and uncertainty.
"I'm with you, whatever your decision is. I will be always there for you as I always have. If you arrive to whichever decision, I will give you my opinion but at the end I will always support you. If you don't want to have the baby, I'll still be here. If you want to try and see it through the end, I will be happy and help you every step of the way. I'm your husband Sol-ah. I know you don't trust yourself that much yet, but trust in me. "
Sol put her arms around him and hugged him tight. "I love you Sol. We'll take it slow, step by step. I know you're panicking right now, but there's no rush. We'll do it together. You're never gonna be alone. I'll be there every single step of the way. And I'm sure our kid will love you. You were an amazing older sister to Byeol and you still are, she adores you so I'm sure our kid will, too."
"I love you Joon Hwi. I love you so much. I love you."
"You love me that much?"
Sol pulled away, annoyed. Joon Hwi released a chuckle.
"I love you too."
"You sure I can do it?" Sol asked. "Being a mom? What if I'm going to be too busy for it?"
"We can always ask Byeol to babysit. Or your mom, she has said she already wants a grandchild."
"You always know the solution to things don't you?" Sol rolled her eyes.
"That's why I'm the perfect husband to the ever worrier Eomma Sol."
"Eomma Sol?" Sol raised her voice, taken aback by the sudden nickname.
"And I'm Appa Joon Hwi. " Then Sol bursted out, laughing. Her tears were now drying on her cheeks and she was more relaxed now.
"See? It's cute." I just wanted to see you smile. Joon Hwi thought.
Sol pulled him into a hug again. "You better not regret being a father to our child, Han Joon Hwi-ssi."
Joon Hwi let himself fall into bed, taking down Sol with her. They both laughed and Joon Hwi pulled her into a kiss, tasting the bitterness and sadness of her tears. They made out, feeling at home and Sol, feeling assured and loved by the person in front of her. Joon Hwi kissed her, tasting the ocean, drowning in the one she made.
"I will never regret it. I will fulfill all the promises I made on our wedding day, to be by your side, To support you, to be a loving husband, to be always there to annoy you—" Sol laughed, remembering his one-liner during their exchange of wedding vows. "To always wake and sleep beside you whenever I can, and to never leave your side." They both smiled at each other and Joon Hwi placed a kiss on her forehead. They pull each other close, feeling each other's warmth. And Sol is now close to slumber, fatigued after her nonstop crying.
"I'll be the happiest father to our child. Of course I will, you're the mother, after all."
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s-and-n-writes · 4 years
another long day
crimson and bluebell: part two
Marinette Rossi is tired of everything: from Lila’s constant berating and Madame Rossi’s preferential care of her ‘angel-like’ daughter, to how everyone at school (even Alya) seems to believe her evil stepsister over her.
It’s like she’s Cinderella, except without the fairy godmother and the happy ending. She doesn’t even have a prince.
Or so she thinks.
Between the appearance of a new boy who seems to have captured her heart, and a gala run by her fashion idol Gabriel Agreste, Marinette hopes for an escape the constant ignorance, workload, and bullying she endures, and get a blissful life of her own.
With the help of one tiny god and a meow-velous partner, she might finally get a chance, but not everything is that simple.
They say ladybugs are lucky, so will being the elusive Ladybug bring Marinette the luck she oh-so-desperately needs?
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a/n: so hi again, it’s me, n! im so so so sorry that i didn’t post for a long time, school caught up with me and everything’s getting v stressful these days. regardless, my new year’s resolution is to post more of these, and i’ll actively make an effort to do that hehe, in the meantime, enjoy!
also i’m appalled at the fact that this was 15 pages long and took more than a month to write how are you doing
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Marinette had thought that the whole coffee spill, glass breaking fiasco would be relatively easy to clean.
She was wrong.
It takes her all of 10 minutes to clean up the glass, and another 20 minutes to try and clean up the coffee.
Key word: try.
Marinette ends up at school 30 minutes late, the coffee-stained carpet rolled off to the side at home, effectively ruined. She hasn’t even thought about the cracked glass table yet, which she hid by placing a tissue over top of it after Lila left.
Needless to say, all of this puts a little bit of a damper on her day.
As Marinette walks up the staircase of Francois Dupont, the school she goes to, she spots Alya Cesaire inside. Alya is Marinette’s closest friend, and despite having moved to Paris only a year ago, it feels like Marinette has known her for their entire lives.
“Girl, girl, girl…” Alya sighs as Marinette walks through the doors. It’s a free period, and students litter the area. Marinette spots Lila walking with one of her friends on the other side of the school, and luckily, Lila doesn’t see her.
There’s one good thing about school that Marinette adores: she doesn’t have to see Lila. Lila’s always had Madame Mendeleev for homeroom, and Marinette’s had Madame Bustier. Because of this, their schedules never interact, which allows Marinette to avoid Lila for the duration of the school day.
“I’m so sorry!” Marinette pleads, running up to Alya and shrugging her backpack off her shoulder. “There was a coffee spill, and glass broke, and-OH GOD I MISSED THE MATH TEST!!!”
“Marinette, chill,” Alya laughs. “The math test got rescheduled, but Ms.Bustier is pretty mad about you being late,”
Marinette sighs. “That’s a relief,”
“But you still missed a lot of news~,” Alya says, singing the last word.
Alya aspires to be a journalist, so on the occasions that Marinette wasn’t late, Alya would give her anything and everything interesting she’d dug up that week.
"I know, I know," Marinette sighs, fingers loosely picking at her shirt again. The seams stay intact, but Marinette's mind doesn't. The coffee spill and the glass breaking is constantly on her mind; she's not sure what to do. 
"Nice shirt, girl," Alya smiles, breaking Marinette away from her thoughts. Alya's good at that, and she notices when Marinette lets her mind wander, something that happens a little too often for her tastes. "Did you make it?" 
Marinette bursts into a grin. "Yes! I used that gorgeous thread that Sabine bought last week for my birthday, you know, the one I kept talking about, and it was absolutely amazing! I had to make this! What do you think? Do you like it?" 
The shirt is simple; a white base with flowers of varying sizes lining the edge. Marinette pairs it with her old, pink jeans (the fabric for the flowers on her shirt came from some leftover ones she had when making the jeans) and a dark-gray blazer that Lila used to own. 
"It's beautiful," Alya smiles, "But hey, I’m more excited for you-know-who’s reaction," 
Marinette rolls her eyes, hiding her face as an involuntary blush rises to her face. "Alya! You know I don't like him like that!," 
Alya grins. "Just teasing," 
“Well, anyways, tell me what I missed during lunch, I’m off to the classroom, before Ms. Bustier comes looking for me,” Marinette smiles, turning and running up the stairs. 
“Good luck, girl!” Alya says, waving goodbye and pulling out her phone. 
“Good luck, girl!” Alya says, waving goodbye and pulling out her phone.
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The day passes quickly, and lunch comes sooner than Marinette expects.
She meets Alya outside of Francois Dupont, and they both head to Ville de Soirée, a cafe which isn’t nearly as expensive as the others in the area. They both order their usuals, and sit in one of the booths as they wait for their drinks.
Marinette sighs and leans back. “Ok, ok, tell me,”
Alya, who is most probably on the verge of exploding from her excitement, gears up. “Ok, so you know Nino, right?”
“You mean the boy you’ve been obsessing over since we met him?” Marinette teases. “Oh hey, I might have an inkling,”
Alya blushes, her cheeks tinting rouge. “Shut up,”
Marinette giggles. “Ok, go on,”
“Anyway, Nino texted me yesterday that his parents finally agreed, and he’ll be starting school starting Monday next week!”
“Ah! That’s so exciting! I’m so happy for you!” Marinette laughs. “Now you can actually make a move!”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, I’ll let you play matchmaker when the time comes,” Alya laughs, “there’s also something else, and this one I know you’ll be even happier about,”
The barista interrupts Alya, placing two steaming drinks in front of them. They both reach for their drinks, with Marinette holding the cup in her hand and Alya taking a sip. She grins.
“Nino’s friend, you know, Adrien Agreste, is also coming too,”
She pulls back, looking smug as she tries to read Marinette’s face.
The girl in question sighs, shaking her head. “Who even is Adrien, and why does everyone keep mentioning him to me?”
Alya facepalms, groaning.
“Girl, sometimes I swear you live under a rock,” Alya sighs, shaking her head. “How do you not know who Adrien Agreste is? His ads are literally everywhere!”
Marinette pouts. “Well maybe I just haven’t seen him,”
Alya rolls her eyes and shakes her head. “Ohh no, there’s no way you’ve missed him ,”
She pulls up her phone and momentarily scrolls as Marinette waits.
“Here,” she says, “That’s him,”
The photo on Alya’s screen is from last February, Marinette recognizes. She remembers how Lila bought a copy of the magazine it came in, although she wasn’t allowed to see it.
But the boy is familiar. His face is similar to someone’s, but Marinette can’t pinpoint who it—
He’s Gabriel Agreste’s son.
Marinette leans back.
“That’s Monsieur Agreste’s son! I should’ve known, how could I have missed it when Madame Rossi told us about him?”
Alya squints her eyes. “Wait what?”
“There’s a fashion show that Adrien’s dad is hosting, and the embassy’s holding a huge event to greet all the fashion officials that are coming. Madame Rossi got us all passes to go,” Marinette says.
“That’s the one my mom’s cooking for! It’s next weekend right? She would not stop talking about it all weekend. I can try and score a pass, to you know, keep you company?”
Marinette gasps suddenly, burying her face in her hands, “Ah! I forgot! I won’t be able to go, since Li— I mean I, spilled coffee all over our new carpet,”
Alya raises an eyebrow.
“Fine, fine, I cracked some glass too,” Marinette sighs, face growing redder. “Madame Rossi’s gonna ground me for sure!”
Alya shakes her head. “Somehow I can believe it. You are the clumsiest person I know,”
She nods thoughtfully, fingers closing around the fox necklace on her neck. “Well I can’t deal with the whole glass situation, but maybe I can help with the coffee stuff? Happens to my mom all the time,”
Marinette perks up. “Really? Would you? Oh thank you Alya!”
Alya laughs. “No problem girl, I’ll come by after your shift at the bakery,”
Marinette pauses. After work would be...when Lila comes home.
Alya has always been a fan of Lila, but despite knowing Marinette, she’s only admired Marinette’s less-than-wonderful sister from afar. This means that so far, Marinette has managed to keep Alya and Lila separate.
Does she really want to risk that?
Weighing in the situation, she sighs. Would she rather have a shot at attending a potentially life-changing event, or safely escape Alya meeting Lila?
Knowing the both of them, Marinette remembers, they’d be a deadly combo.
But Marinette really wants to go to the event so, maybe this time, she might just give in.
“Great!” Marinette says, happiness laced with fear. “That’s...great!
Alya nods, smiling, watching as Marinette giggles.
“Now about setting you up with Nino…”
Alya turns away, blushing, “Marinette!”
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Lie-la 😒: sup loser
Lie-la 😒: im going to the mall with my friends after school
Lie-la 😒: if my mom comes in early
Lie-la 😒: you know what to say
Lie-la 😒: type, maribrat. use those lousy fingers.
You: yea, sure lila.
Lie-la 😒: good.
Marinette sighs and pockets her phone. For today, she is safe.
And that’s all she has ever wanted.
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Marinette’s day ends with her feeling happier than when it began. Alya’s coming over to wash out the coffee stain, Lila won’t be there when she gets home, and she’s heading to her shift at the bakery!
It’s normal for work to not be exciting to most people, but for Marinette, it always is. Heading to the Dupain-Cheng bakery is always the highlight of her day, and working there is even better. The owners, Sabine and Tom, are like the parents she never had, what with them spoiling her with all the food they give and teaching her how to bake. Customers even tell Marinette all the time that she looks strikingly similar to Sabine, but she doesn’t see it.
In truth, she’s only ever even thought about becoming a designer because of the Dupain-Chengs, and if it weren’t for their motivation, she’s sure that she would be in a much different place right now.
But that’s not what Marinette worries about right now. Despite school ending early and the bakery being right across the street from where she is, she still manages to be late.
She exchanges a quick goodbye with Alya, who chuckles at her frazzled state, and dashes off towards work.
“I’m here!” she shouts, running into the bakery, the familiar jingle of the store’s door’s bell ringing in her ears. “Sorry!
Sabine laughs as she hands a box of pastries to a customer, waving as they leave. “Just on time. Hello Marinette,”  
Marinette winces as Sabine holds out her apron. “Sorry again, Sabine!”
Tom laughs from the kitchen behind the store, the sound booming through the bakery. “Marinette!”
“Tom!” Marinette says back, her lips curving into a smile.
Sabine eyes Marinette as she ties the apron behind her, quickly joining the older woman behind the counter.
“So?” she asks. “What’s new with you?”
Marinette sighs. “Not much, not much...oh! Madame Rossi has an embassy gathering to welcome a couple of famous people into France. And not just any people, people who work in the fashion industry!”
Sabine nods, smiling at Marinette’s delight. “And why exactly are these people coming?”
“It’s for the Gabriel event. I don’t know when it is, but apparently Gabriel Agreste is holding a huge gala, something about searching for a fashion assistant?,”
Sabine perks up at fashion assistant. “Marinette, you should enter!”
Marinette gasps. “I couldn’t! There’s no way! I mean, my designs are barely adequate, let alone Agreste worthy!”
Sabine shakes her head. “Everyone knows that isn’t true. Don’t put yourself down like that!”
Marinette blushes. “Thanks Sabine,”
The woman smiles. “Well, anyways, are you allowed to go to the embassy event? It’s a great opportunity, you wouldn’t want to miss it,”
“I mean, Madame Rossi did invite me and Lila, but Lila spilled a bunch of coffee on the carpet, and cracked the dining table this morning. It’s all a stunt, she did it on purpose. She’s blaming it on me, which means I’ll get grounded, and I won’t be able to go, and you know there’s nothing I can do about that,”
Sabine sighs, placing a hand on Marinette’s shoulder. “Oh dear. The next time I see Lila, I’ll tell Tom to get that girl and her mother arrested!”
Marinette laughs. “As much as I’d like that, where would I live?”
The rumble of the oven from behind the store dies down, and Tom walks into the main room. The room seems friendlier all at once, his large personality filling the space.
“Here, with us,” he declares proudly. “You’re like a daughter already,”
Marinette giggles, her cheeks growing red. “Alright guys, we’ll see,”
Sabine and Tom laugh as Marinette runs away to help a customer. Their afternoons with Marinette pass by quickly, and while they wish it was longer, you know what they say: time flies when you're having fun.
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By the time Marinette gets off her shift, it’s 5:30 in the evening. Paris’s sky starts to fade from its normal cotton-candy blue to a marmalade orange. The hustle and bustle of the busy streets start to die down, and once she texts her address to Alya, Marinette makes her way to the bus stop.
While her time in the bakery is her favorite time of day, her time on the bus doesn’t prove to be too bad either. She likes the quiet silence, and enjoys her time away from the world around her.
The bus is probably her favorite mode of transportation (but her only one as well). When she volunteered to work at the bakery after school, Madame Rossi decided that ‘the streets were too dark at night for Marinette to walk alone’, and she was given a bus pass.
It was a small and random act of kindness that Marinette wouldn’t ever get again. It was also the only gift she ever got from her adopted mother, and despite not being too fond of Madame Rossi, she did treasure the gift.
Madame Rossi paid for her bus rides until Marinette was actually hired at the bakery. It was then that she decided to have Marinette pay her own bills, an action that most certainly helped Marinette for the future.
The sound of tires skidding against the pathway jolts Marinette out of her thoughts. She turns to see her normal bus waiting in front of her, and grabbing her bus pas, waits in line behind a couple others to get on.
That is, until she sees what’s about to happen.
Marinette watches as a man across the street tries to cross. He’s old, as his grayed hair and aged face tells, but his most identifiable quality is the red Hawaiian shirt he wears, embossed with a white hibiscus floral pattern.
Besides that, there’s also a car coming straight for him, and though it’s a little while away, there’s no doubt that he’ll get hit.
Marinette does the only thing she can think of. She runs.
The street is narrow, and Marinette manages to pull the man across the pathway before the car comes. She huffs, turning to the man to smile.
He has an odd look in his eyes, lips curved into a mysterious smile as Marinette quirks her eyebrow.
“Thank you, young lady,” he nods.
“You’re welcome!” she smiles, turning to look at the bus, which has started leaving. “Goodbye and stay safe, sir!”
The old man watches as Marinette just manages to catch the bus, stopping it and shouldering her backpack as she climbs on.
Marinette seats herself as the bus starts once more, and turns to her window to look for the old man.
But by the time she does, he’s gone.
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Alya gets to Marinette's house at just the right time. When she reaches, Marinette has done a couple of her chores, cleaned up the living room, and put out the carpet in the first floor bathroom. Against the white rug, the coffee stain is obvious, and Marinette sighs as she inspects it.
How were they ever going to get it out?
There’s a knock at the front door, and Marinette knows it’s Alya. Smiling, the girl heads to the living room to open it.
Alya gasps as she sees the house. From the marble kitchen to the hickory-brown wood flooring, everything is pristine and clean, as if the Rossis live in a mansion.
(They don’t, but the house is still fairly big. Marinette sometimes has to clean it all as part of her chores, but luckily that hasn’t happened in a while.)
“Dang girl,” Alya sighs, “you rich or what?”
Marinette nervously laughs, cracking her knuckles. “Uh, I don’t know,”
“I’m joking,” Alya smiles. “But, random thing, where’s Lila?”
“She’s out. Doctor’s appointment for her, um, wrist,”
“Aw, that’s too bad. Tell her I said get better soon!”
Marinette sighs. She doesn’t like lying, but it’s far better than what would happen if she told the truth.
“Yea. Anyway, how are you getting the stain out? I tried all morning, but it was stuck,”
“Just watch me, girl,” Alya smirks. “Before we start though, you already blotted the stain,right?”
Marinette furrows her eyebrows. “Blotted? What do you mean?”
Alya demonstrates with her hands. “Like, did you take a paper towel and try to get as much of the stain out as you could?”
Marinette nods. “Yeah, that’s why I was late this morning,”
Alya nods. “Ok, so now we just have to make the cleaner,”
Marinette raises an eyebrow. “Make? This is getting a little crazy,”
“It’s really not,” Alya laughs, “I’ve done this a thousand times before. My sisters knock over my dad’s coffee way too much,”
Marinette laughs. “Alright then, show me what to do,”
Alya makes her way to the kitchen, filing through multiple cabinets. “Where’s your dish soap?”
“Bottom-left drawer next to the sink,” Marinette points.
“And your white vinegar?”
“Fridge. Anything else you need?”
“Just water,” Alya replies. “Warm, that is. And two cups of it,”
Marinette nods. “Got it,”
Alya takes out a steel bowl from one of the cabinets. “And can I use this?”
Marinette nods again. “Go ahead,”
“Great,” Alya says, pouring a spoon of dish soap followed by a spoon of vinegar. She waits for Marinette to get the water before adding that in as well, and then mixing. “That should do,”
“Work your magic then,” Marinette laughs.
“Just watch and see girl, I totally will,”
Alya finds a cleaning rag from a drawer in the island, and she runs over to the carpet. “Grab yourself a rag, Marinette, and let’s get started!”
Marinette laughs, and runs over to help. The time passes quickly, and by the time the coffee stain is gone and the carpet is dry, two hours have gone by. Their hands are sore and their legs are tired, but both can say that they had fun.
In the midst of it, Marinette almost doesn’t notice when Lila texts her.
— 2 New Messages —
Lie-La 😒: open the back door
Lie-la 😒: im right by my house
“Alya!” Marinette gasps, both sitting on the couch after the carpet was rolled back underneath the dining table. “It’s so late, don’t you have to go at 7?”
Alya tilts her head, confused. “No?”
“Oh well then I must have said it,” Marinette laughs nervously. “Yes that’s right! I’ve got work, haha. Bye!”
Marinette practically pushes Alya to the front door, while Alya looks lost and puzzled.
“Didn’t you already have work?” Alya asks.
“Yep, but gotta save up for uni right? Haha. Haha,”
Alya nods, squinting her eyes as she walks out the door.
“Um, bye? See you at school, girl,” Alya nods, quietly laughing.
“Bye!” Marinette smiles. Once Alya is farther away and out of sight, Marinette runs to open the back door. She can faintly hear the sounds of Lila’s friend’s car pulling into the driveway, so she dashes back upstairs as fast as she can. The last thing she wants to do is talk to Lila, much less be alone in a room with her.
She hopes that Lila won’t try anything while she’s in her room.
Sighing, she smiles when she stops at the attic door, and heads inside.
Before Madame Rossi found her and decided to take her in (how she came to that conclusion, Marinette would never know), the attic was all set to be Lila’s playroom. The entire room was painted pink from head to toe (even the carpet was a light shade of pink). There was a wooden wardrobe for all of Lila’s toys, and a desk with markers, painting supplies, and coloring pencils galore.
But then Marinette came along.
For one reason or another, she was given the attic as her own room. Out went the ideas of toys and tents in the room, and in came Marinette.
Madame Rossi didn’t give her anything. From the age of 2 till the age of 4, she slept on the ground, the lack of a bed present to her each night.
Until Lila outgrew her bed of course, which was then given to Marinette.
It was simple. Since Marinette was smaller than Lila, and slower at growing, she was often given Lila’s old things. All the clothes that Lila didn’t want, Marinette had. From her bed to the old beanbag in her room (one of the only things Lila gave her as decoration) everything was a hand me down from Lila herself.
Marinette sighs, and then flops into the bed. She’s lucky that Lila doesn’t bother if Marinette doesn’t get on her nerves.
Hopefully, until she can get out of this place, she’ll manage without angering Lila too much.
Standing up, Marinette locks herself in the attic, a faint click of the door behind her, and gets out her phone. Opening up Spotify, she starts her playlist, and goes over to the desk.
For the next hour, she does homework and finishes a project, all while sketching out designs for new dresses.
And hey, if she’s lucky, she might just be able to make one for the gala.
Marinette shuffles through her desk drawers, pop music playing through her earbuds. It’s nearly 8 PM and she’s searching for the special gold thread she had bought a couple weeks ago. It cost nearly a month's pay, and she’s been saving it for a special occasion.
With the dress she was sketching, she wanted to know if it was now.
She’s still searching through the drawers on the left side of the desk when she finds a box.
One that she feels might not have been there before.
(Then again, she rarely looks through all her drawers, so there’s always a chance that it could’ve been.)
Marinette feels confused. The box is made of a dark brown wood, and shaped like an octagon. The top of the box is embossed with a red design. Glimmering red circles meet wavy, thin lines, but Marinette is preoccupied with figuring out what the box is for.
In the end, she decides to open it. There can’t be much inside, can there?
Turns out, Marinette is wrong.
The moment she opens it is a frightful one. In that second, there’s a bright flash of light. It swirls around her as Marinette gasps, dropping the box onto the carpet as two solid-black earrings fall out.
That’s not the amazing part of it all though. After a second, Marinette comes face to face with a spotted red creature.
Needless to say, she screams.
“Hi Marinette!” the spotted creature says. “My name is Tikki! It’s nice to meet you!”
“Mouse!” Marinette hollers, “Bug! Bug-mouse! Talking bug mouse!”
Marinette scooches back, her hand grabbing books and papers off her desk as she throws them at Tikki.
“I’m here to help!” Tikki says, dodging the objects. “I’m here to help you!”
“Liar!” Marinette calls, searching for more things to throw. “This must be Lila’s version of a joke ! I can’t believe her!”
She takes her water-bottle from her backpack, and quickly moves to trap Tikki in it.
“It’s ok Marinette, I won’t hurt you,” Tikki smiles. “But if this makes you feel better, then this is ok!”
There’s a pause, and then Marinette sighs and chooses not to answer, leaning back, and quickly grabbing her school tablet off her desk. She points it at Tikki, trying her best to look intimidating.
“Who are you?” Marinette asks, “and what do you want?”
“Like I said, my name’s Tikki! I’m a kwami!” the tiny bug says, (still trapped in the bottle but floating in midair, Marinette notes) “And I want to help you!”
Marinette sighs, lowering her weapon tablet. “Did Lila send you somehow?”
Tikki furrows her forehead in place of her eyebrows. “No? Who’s Lila?”
Marinette bitterly chuckles, standing and throwing her arms into the air. “This. This. This is why you can’t help me. No one can. Anyone who meets Lila thinks she’s an ‘absolute angel’, and no one else knows her. How is someone supposed to help me if no one knows that my problem exists?!”
“Marinette,” Tikki sighs, “I promise you, I can help, if you’ll listen to me. Please let me explain, and then you can decide if you want to trust me or not, ok?”
Marinette pauses, considering the situation, and sits a fair distance away from Tikki, keeping her tablet in her hands.
“Ok,” she responds, facing the little bug. “But you have 5 minutes,”
Tikki smiles again. "And that's all I need,"
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a/n: i resolve to post the next chapter soon lmaoo, thanks for reading! have an absolutely amazing day, you deserve it! 
i’ll be tagging the people that i had tagged before, along with a couple others who liked the previous chapter for this series. if you don’t want to get tagged, i’m very sorry! just shoot me a private message, and i’ll take you off the tags. if you do want to get tagged, just tell me with a private message or an ask and i’ll add you to the taglist. thank you!
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Argo ch. 2
Friday the 13th - Friendship/Romance - Jason Voorhees/OC M/M ship
2084 words, 3rd person POV
I love to hear feedback on my fics so please don't be shy! You can also tell me your thoughts on anon if you don't want your name on your comments!
Cross-posting on FFN under PyroTheWereCat
Meeting Lijah face to face threw off Jason's rhythm for the rest of the day, and for the entire day after. He had no idea what to do with himself. He could go home, but his mother would want progress by now and he did not want to try to explain how he let Lijah go when even he didn't know exactly why he did it. He could start planning the killings of the other counselors, but he couldn't focus long enough to think about that. His mind was stuck on Lijah, and he determined the only way to get unstuck was to see him again. He had to know why he wasn't afraid and treated him so kindly. There had to be some sort of motive.
Darkness fell over the camp that Friday night, and Jason patrolled the outskirts until every last fire went out and all noise had subsided. His blood was on fire, and he could not rest until his curiosity was sated. He quietly crept to the counselor cabins, searching for number five. Would Lijah be alone? Was this a good idea to come here at all? Jason berated himself internally for his interest in this person. This was stupid. Why was he here? He could easily just kill them all and return to his mother as usual. What was different this time?
There, a little distance from the other cabins, Jason saw a large number 5 painted on the side of the building. The lights were off, save for one room where the soft yellow glow spilled out into the woods where Jason stood. He steeled himself, prepared to fight if an ambush awaited him. Not quite ready, but ready enough, he approached the window and peered inside.
Lijah's bedroom was relatively tidy, minus the small heap of dirty clothes in one corner, and some posters with ragged edges and some tears that were taped to the walls. A dresser stood on the right side of the room next to the door, a small radio and some books resting atop it. Above the dresser hung a simple mirror, and it reflected Lijah's slim legs as he lay on the bed on the opposite end of the room. Jason turned his gaze to the left, seeing Lijah in a thin t-shirt and boxer briefs, reading a book on his bed. Was there ever a time he did not look so at peace?
Jason contemplated simply letting himself in, but he felt compelled to avoid scaring Lijah as long as he could. He sighed heavily and knocked on the window, hoping this wasn't the worst decision he could possibly make. Lijah gave a small start at the sound and turned to see who had made it. To Jason's surprise, Lijah's eyes lit up and he smiled as he set the book down and hopped off of the mattress. He lifted the window open and stepped aside for Jason to climb through.
"Hey!" Lijah greeted cheerfully, "I was hoping I'd get to see you again!"
Jason awkwardly clambered into the room, his size proving troublesome for the space provided by the window. He grunted as he heaved himself through, but he managed without Lijah's offered assistance. He closed the window behind him and turned back to Lijah, the closeness of the walls and ceiling emphasizing just how much of a height and width difference there was between them.
"Have a seat!" Lijah insisted, patting the bed, "Make yourself at home. I was just reading a few chapters to make myself tired enough to sleep, but I can stay up to hang out with you."
Jason sank into the mattress, watching Lijah the entire time. Was something wrong with him that he didn't perceive a threat from Jason? Or maybe he was just leading him on and tricking him into trusting him, and then he would turn against him later. Lijah stepped over to his dresser to retrieve one of the books. Jason saw that it was a spiral bound notebook with a pencil jammed in the binding. Lijah brought the notebook to the bed and climbed up to sit next to him, folding his legs underneath himself.
"I figured since you don't talk, this might help if you want to tell me something about yourself or ask me questions," Lijah explained, "Are you comfortable with writing?"
Jason shrugged. It had been a long time since he had written anything, not counting his own name in the dirt yesterday. He was able to read, but he wasn't confident in his spelling or handwriting. He accepted the notebook anyway, having some questions for Lijah that he could not express through body language.
"cant rite good. ELijah college?" he wrote, needing to spell the full name and crossing out the 'E' to get it right.
"Do I go to college?" Lijah checked, and upon Jason's nod, he elaborated, "Yup, I'm on break right now, but I'm going back in the fall for my senior year. I'm studying psychology and sociology. I'm hoping I can get into social work or therapy or something and help a lot of people."
Jason's frustration increased at this declaration. There was no way he was this good. There had to be some dark side to him somewhere.
"What about you?" Lijah asked, "Do you live around here? And, I don't mean to be rude, but how old are you?"
Jason nodded and returned to the notebook.
"live with Mother by camp. im 23."
"Oh, nice, you're only two years older than me!" Lijah commented, "Do you get along well with your mom?"
Jason nodded and pointed to Lijah as a means to ask him the same question.
"I don't live with my parents anymore," Lijah answered, his tone changing very slightly to hint at some discomfort, "They're good people, but I couldn't live in that environment anymore once I started college. I've pretty much been living either at school or at summer camps for the past few years, but I'm looking into apartments for myself so I can have a place to live after I graduate."
There was the lead. Something must have been wrong with Lijah's family life to force him out on his own, and the implication that he didn't have friends to stay with made the mystery all the more enticing. He remembered the female counselor from the day before who had asked to go with Lijah before he and Jason had met.
"frends?" Jason wrote, "girl frend?"
Lijah laughed, and Jason felt a shiver at the sound for some reason.
"I get along with everybody, but I don't really have any close friends," he said, "I haven't dated anyone for a while now either. I've been focusing on myself and getting through school, though also the people I tend to date are...not the best for me."
From what Jason had seen of Lijah from afar, he seemed like he had lots of friends and was close with many people, but now it seemed he was just as alone as Jason himself. He stared at Lijah for a moment, trying to figure him out. It was then that he noticed some tiny details about Lijah's face that he hadn't seen in the woods yesterday.
Lijah had freckles on his nose, and his eyelashes were long. His eyes were a greenish hazel, and crinkled at the corners when he smiled. His usually fluffy brown hair was somewhat damp looking, possibly from a recent shower. Jason couldn't explain it, but Lijah was rather pleasant to look at.
"So you don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but I'm a little curious," Lijah prompted, snapping Jason back to reality, "Why do you wear a hockey mask? Is it good for keeping bugs out of your face?"
Jason tensed. He didn't want Lijah to see his face under the mask. That would surely scare him and make him hate him like everyone else. Jason shook his head and tried to think of an excuse to write down, but all he could think of was,
"i like it."
Lijah nodded upon reading this.
"That's a good, solid reason for anything," he agreed, "I should start living by that a little more, honestly."
Jason relaxed at this, relieved that Lijah accepted that answer. He wasn't sure why, but he was beginning to want Lijah to like him. It was almost like when he was a child and wanted to be friends with the other kids at camp, but this felt different somehow. Lijah didn't have friends of his own either, so they would only have each other if this worked.
Jason did not even think about possibly killing Lijah at this point. He was far too invested in who he was as a person, as well as excited at the possibility of having a real friend, to remember what his mission was. Mother wasn't expecting him back until August. It should be fine.
"Alright, Jason, I'm gonna tell you something and I don't want you to get upset," Lijah began, scratching the back of his head, "But I figure if you wanted to, you could have easily killed me a few times by now, so I think I'm safe. I honestly thought you were gonna kill me yesterday in the woods - we've all heard the stories of the Killer of Crystal Lake or whatever; they warned me of the history of this place when I was hired - but I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and treat everyone the way I'd want to be treated. I figured if I died, I would die putting my best foot forward, and, wouldn't you know it, I did that literally."
Jason blinked. Was that really all he'd needed to not kill people? Someone being nice to him?
"For the record, and I'm sure you know this already, but I'm not scared of you now. People don't have to look a certain way to be good or bad. And, hey, if you helped me out and came to visit me like this, you can't be all bad, can you?"
Either Lijah was too naive for his own good or he was very good in the field he was studying. Perhaps both? Jason wasn't sure. He picked up the pencil again to write,
"can i see u more?"
Lijah read this and nodded.
"I'd love that!" he enthused, "Please, come see me this time of night any night you want. I've got lots of books to read, I've got food in the fridge, you can shower here if you want to...I'm the only one who uses this cabin, so really, I don't mind you being here and making yourself comfortable."
Jason wasn't an expert at body language or understanding people in general, but it was clear to him that Lijah desperately wanted a friend. He felt a twitch at the corners of his mouth, a small smile breaking through. Whatever this was between them, they both wanted it, needed it, and Jason looked forward to exploring an actual friendship with someone his own age. Maybe he could bring Lijah back to Mother and show her that there was someone special in the outside world, someone who cared about everyone.
It was a nice thought, but nice thoughts never lasted long.
Jason and Lijah spent several hours that night getting to know each other. Jason could not believe how easy it was to communicate with him and even more so how easy it was to let his guard down. He found himself having fun, something he couldn't remember the last time it happened. Lijah did grow quite tired after midnight, however, so Jason excused himself through the window to allow Lijah to sleep.
He returned to his temporary campsite in the woods to get some rest as well, wanting to have plenty of energy tomorrow to spend more time with Lijah. He wondered if he had tried to approach the counselors he'd killed differently, if he had a more approachable mask and cleaned up the rest of his appearance, would he have been able to befriend them too? He doubted that notion the instant it materialized in his mind; those counselors weren't like Lijah and would have been afraid of him either way. Lijah was special...Jason could feel it deep within him. Just a few hours with him made Jason reconsider killing anyone this summer.
He hoped Mother would approve.
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Not Alone: Chapter Ten
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-> an apocalyptic series with bnha characters but without quirks because I'm the writer and i can do whatever the fuck i want :3 yo im so sorry for not posting this yesterday i had two softball games and when i got home i just wanted to relax so i hope this makes up for it <3
-> Word Count: 2.1k
-> Warnings: the infected, thas bout it lol
-> Taglist: @5sosfckss @laudthingcat @zphilophobiaz
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Y/n woke up to a wolf paw in her face. Hades kicked slightly in his dream and scratched her cheek. She pushed it away and looked around. She was more comfortable than she had ever been, since before.
Jirou was passed out with her arms around Hades. He loved to snuggle when he slept. Y/n smiled, knowing that he was getting more comfortable in the new space.
The light of day was filtering in through the canvas of the tent. It was small and cozy in the tent and the air had grown stale with the three of them breathing in it.
She stretched and realized what she was wearing. It was a loose t-shirt with the word ‘hide’ on it, the shirt was black and too big for her. She was also wearing jeans with tears and holes on the knees. She felt a bit of a breeze in the back felt around her but to discover holes back there as well. She frowned. She needed her pants back.
“You’re finally up.”
Y/n turned around to see Bakugo smiling at her. He was beautiful. She couldn’t stop herself from gawking at him in his black t-shirt with a skull design and his dark gray sweatpants. His eyes met hers and he noticed the way her eyes traveled his body.
“How come you get pants with no holes?”
He laughed, “We only have so many clothes. The last trip to a mall was three years ago. We share everything.”
Y/n glanced at Mary who was snuggled against a guy holding the little brat, “Everything.”
He turned to see what Y/n was watching and he laughed again, “Not not everything. She’s just really friendly Y/n. She’s like that with everyone. But if you’re interest we have a few girls who’re single.”
“If you’re interested.”
Y/n shook her head, “I don’t know what you mean.” Bakugo laughed at her. He was in on a joke that she was not.
He sighed, “So want to go over the map with me?”
“I told you last night, I don’t know maps. I know where I’ve been by remembering the woods.”
Y/n pointed to the tent, “I need her to stay here and be protected. She’s sixteen. She’s lived a hard life.”
Bakugo made a face that made Y/n laugh, “Yeah I figured she was staying.”
“Her mom and aunt just died, Her other aunt was taken to the breeder farms.”
His red eyes sparkled, “She’s just our kind of girl then.”
She was confused by him, but she didn’t have time to figure him out. She couldn’t get the picture of him playing the guitar in the firelight out of her head. It was almost like there were two of him inside of his body. Sweet Bakugo and Business Bakugo.
Mary came over carrying the monster.
“Andy, what do you have to say to Y/n?”
The boy looked down at the ground and pouted, “Sorry.”
He fidgets with her blouse and looks up to meet Y/n’s frown with a smile.
“Okay thanks.” Bakugo and Mary laughed. “Mary, will you watch Jirou until I get back?”
She leaned up and hugged Y/n, “Be safe Y/n and hurry back.”
Y/n hugged her back. She still hugged like an iron rod. She noticed the waay Mary hugged like a person and she hugged like a robot. She hugged just like Mina and her heart hurt thinking about them.
She turned and opened the tent, “I’m leaving Jirou. You need to stay here and help out okay. They need the extra hands.”
Jirou woke up and instantly gave Y/n a snarl, “No. I’m coming with you.”
Y/n shook her head, “No you need to stay and hang with Mary. I’m taking Bakugo to the farmhouse. I’ll be back in a couple days.”
She layed back down, “Fine.”
Y/n looked at Hades, “You coming or staying?” He stretched out on the sleeping bags and snuggled into Jirou who laughed.
“He likes me better.”
Y/n rolled her eyes, “Traitor. She zipped the tent back up and walked back to Bakugo, whose eyes sparkled in the morning light. “What?”
Bakugo shook his head, amused by Y/n for something, “You’re funny Y/n.”
The walk back down the mountain was less painful and considerably faster than the walk up. Her feet didn’t hurt and Bakugo kept a fast pace. Unlike Jirou, he never spoke.
When they made it back to the meeting tree, they both paused and listened. She led across the open field with a sprint. They made it to the edge of the field and crouched down to look for any signs of life in the driveway. The barn swung open and shut. They’re back. She knew that she sealed the barn door completely when she left. She could hear Bakugo’s breath on the back of her neck as she watched the house silently.
She turned and whispered, “Let me go look first.”
He shook his head and pointed to the barn door. She turned and looked again.
She almost jumped when she saw them. It felt as though they were watching her. As the barn door swung open and shut a pair of eyes watched from inside. Stains of bloody tears streaked the gaunt cheeks below.
Her stomach twists and turns and she backed up but Bakugo put his arm on her to stop her from running away,
“Stay still.” His words made her skin shiver, as his hot breath landed on the back of her neck. Y/n didn’t move. The barn door opened and closed several more times. Then suddenly it opened and the eyes were gone.
She looked up at the loft window to see the thin figure pass by it. The window overlooked the field perfectly. They would be seen. Suddenly she was on the ground, in the hay and wrapped up in Bakugo’s long body. He held her close to him.
The wind played with the hay around them, it whispered to them.
She could feel his heart beating against her chest. They were face to face but her eyes darted around them. She heard footsteps. She heard something else, it was the way an exhale sounded when your throat was a ragged mess.
The infected were near them. She wanted to pull her shirt over her face. She wanted to run. She needed her mask but she had left it behind. Another rule she had broken.
Bakugo stroked his thumb along the back of her neck, where his left hand lay. He was trying to calm her nerves, before she gave away our location. In the gusts of warm wind and the calm silence of the ragged exhales, she heard a sound she didn’t expect. It was the hollering of men and the high moans of the infected.
The footsteps left the hay around us. The moaning and ragged breath became harder to hear, as distance was put between them.
Bakugo whispered into her forehead, “Oh my fucking god.” They laid in silence for a moment. He peeked his up to look around but she pulled him back down.
“One more minute.” He frowned but as she spoke the barn door closed several times hard. A raucous noise filled the air, different types of commotion began after it. “We need to leave now.” She whispered into his throat.
He pulled back a bit and looked at her, almost looking through her with his intensely red eyes. He tilted her chin with his free hand and lightly feathered his lips against mine. His kiss wasn’t intense like Kirishima’s was or soft like Mary’s. It was somewhere in the middle and filled with more of everything. He kissed beside her mouth and whispered into her cheek, “We’re going to crawl from here and then make our way to the forest on the other side from where we came. We don’t want to lead them to the camp.”
He kissed once more just along the side of her lips and let her out of his firm grip. He moved away from her and slithered backwards, away from the farmhouse. She followed him. The hay slicing along her skin gave her small cuts. When they got to the halfway point between the forest and farmhouse, Bakugo stood and hunched over. She did the same, listening intently to every sound.
They made their way into the forest where he broke into a run. She followed him until they reached the bigger trees. He climbed one of them quickly. She looked around and started to feel uncomfortable. She didn’t like to be on the ground without Hades. She climbed the next largest tree and scrambled up the branches until she was as high as he was.
The farmhouse, her farmhouse, was nearly entirely in view. She could see the field she had crossed too many times to count. Pain crept around inside of her as she imagined her bunker and rations and her clean little spaces, all torn apart by the infected.
“So Mina and Kirishima were here with you?” His voice betrayed his lack of hope.
She nodded. She saw a small cluster of men fighting the infected like fools. They would get sick. They would become infected and maybe they would die because not everyone was able to live with running sores and bloody tears.
“God, they should have run.” She recognized one of them. He was the man who shouted the loudest when the man with the evil grin peed on the fire. The man who pulled down her pants.”
“Those men held me captive. They’re the others.”
“Do you know where their camp is?”
“Yup. I’d like to avoid it.”
“What if they have Kirishima and Mina?”
The pain in his eyes hurt Y/n somehow, “I never said I was going to avoid it. I said I’d like to. I’m betting they have Kirishima and Mina.” She took one last look and knew it would be a long time before she ever came back,, if she ever did. She took her last look at the white siding and the small windmill in the front yard waved goodbye to her. As her feet made their way back down the tree, she saw something that made her feel the smallest amount of fear and hope simultaneously. On the ground is a small bandage and above it was a broken branch. She looked deeper into the forest and saw another broken branch. “They got away. They’re this way.” She pointed.
Bakugo looked at the bandage and scoffed, “Y/n that could belong to anyone.”
She shook her head,”No it’s not. It’ll smell like tea tree and the branches,” She pointed to them, “I told Kirishima it was howI always found my way through the woods.”
He bent his face to the ground and sniffed the air around the bandage, “It’s tea tree.” Y/n turned to run, but he grabbed her arm as he stood and pulled her into him. “One thing first.” He put his hands on the small of her back and lifted her into his arms. His lips met hers with desperation and excitement. His tongue slipped into her mouth, caressing hers. He sucked and nibbled on her lower lip as his hand rubbed her back. Suddenly his hands made their way lower and didn’t feel uncomfortable as he cupped her ass and lifted her into him/ He wrapped her legs around him. She was feeling the way she used to when she read the romance novels stored at the cabin. She felt a heat rising low in her belly.
He let her slide down his body, till her feet touched the ground again. Air rushed between them. She opened her eyes, not realizing she had closed them, and looked up into his face.
He grinned, “I’m going to have a hard time staying focused.” Y/n giggled like a schoolgirl. It was the first time that sound had left her lips. He kissed her softly one last time and walked away toward the broken branches and Y/n followed. “I never imagined they were alive. I went back to where they were when I got taken and I couldn’t find them. I knew Kirishima wasn’t very responsible- well neither of us were.” He ran a hand through his blonde shaggy hair.
“Mina told me you guys were pretty bad at paying attention.”
He chuckled and Y/n caught herself staring at his butt. It was round and firm and when he took a step, it moved in a way she enjoyed. She realized when she watched him, that she felt a small amount of guilt. Kirishima kissed her too. Kirishima made her smile and made her laugh.
Bakugo made her scared of him but safe against the world, where as Kirishima made her feel the opposite.
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