#im tired of hiding in the shadows
lxnarphase · 4 months
where’s my toji spit kink fans at…
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its 12am for me and i have many thoughts about this au where i just traumatise two older sibling sonic characters (and make metal a transgirl dating amy)
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jojotier · 1 year
how do you write a story where the protagonist dies?
not one where the protagonist is fighting you every step of the way- not one where she is begging you to spare her life. I feel like that's easier, because you just set fate in motion, and hey, for the story you want, you can't interfere. it was always going to end like this. like yes I'm mourning you, but the laws of this world I've built dictate that your death is inevitable. Sorry. It will be over soon. Then we can rest.
but what do you do when your protagonist wants to die?
not because of suicidal ideation, because that, too, would be easier to deal with. you show her that life is still worth living. you show her kindness, and love, and even if she still constantly wants to die at least she can see that she might need to work on that, and you can at least promise her that things will be okay. it got better for me, so it's really just common decency to make sure it gets better for you.
but what if your protagonist has lived too long? What if there isn't any getting better because this is better, this is as good as it's going to get, and to live is to repeat a thousand years of illness and stasis?
The win state's long since been reached. She's loved and lost and longs only to go home to the place her mother and her mother's mother and her grandmother's mother has died.
how cruel am I, then, that my first instinct is to deny her?
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lennydark · 9 months
So…. I actually worked a lot end of year. Anyone here ever done five twelve hour shifts then follow it up with 6 sixteen hour shifts? Ever been told you get a break but then it just doesn’t happen.
Here are my most listened to songs through this whole thing
Day 1: You say run (rock version) Day 2: Heartbeat failing by Dead by April Day 3: Dot Your Eyes by Five Finger Death Punch Day 4: XOXO (kisses hugs) by 6arleyhuman Day 5: Caffeine  by jeff Williams Day 6: Kill or be killed by New Years Day Day 7: The Cult of Dionysus by The Orion Experience Day 8: Riot by Hollywood Undead Day 9: Flatline by Blind Channel Day 10: Rage by MoonDiety Day 11: Blissful Overdose  by Sewerslvt
I would have had to do more work but I was just minding my own business and suddenly the floor and the ceiling switched places. I slept the last three days.
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bendrownedbodypillow · 5 months
Worst thing abt shadowing in an emotionally charged setting is that mourners try to touch you
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lavenderspence · 3 days
unexplained sadness | A.H.
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x fem!reader | Word Count: 2.5K
Content warning: pre-established relationship, depression, mental health struggles, mentions of therapy, angst, supportive!aaron
Summary: you've struggled to find a way out from under the darkness for years, but you were thankful he offered the final push you needed.
A/N: I drafted this a few days, contemplating if I should even post it. it's very self-indulgent. I wrote it at a time when I wasn't able to understand my own feelings, and im still not sure how. I think this is the realest my writing has been, but i do think I'm posting this with the most vulnerability as well. I want you all to remember, just in case you're struggling - you're amazing, you're enough and I believe in you. Life is crazy, but it will get better, allow yourself to be patient, and most importantly, take the greatest, most gentle care of yourself 💕
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You looked around, well aware of the amount of relief that should be flooding your body right now. It usually did at the end of a case, where another monster was put to rot in a cage much appropriate for its’ sins. 
But even knowing what you should be feeling, the simple truth was - you weren’t feeling anything at all, and you hadn’t for a while. 
And even when you did feel something, you could never explain it. It was a mess, where many emotions fought a battle, but in the end, all it came down to was an endless void where the darkness and despair of the unexplained won out.
The only thing you could feel at that moment was the pressure of the vest compressing against your chest. It stole the little amount of oxygen in your lungs in favor of an overwhelming amount of hidden sadness. 
Even with the sun high up in the sky and the warmth it was supposed to spread all over your skin, you felt cold - no warmth actually penetrated the top layer of your skin. And the chatter - EMTs, police officers, and outlookers, you couldn’t process anything at all. 
It was like you were standing there, like a statue, a headstone to remind everyone of your presence once upon a time, but not anymore. Physically, you were alive and aware, but mentally, you’ve been fighting a battle you could confidently admit you were losing. 
Your thoughts were deeply wrapped in a cobweb of confusion and melancholy, a never-ending cycle that couldn’t stop repeating itself. It felt like you didn’t exist outside the realm of your own despair. Each day the shadows around you persisted in their pursuit of you, dragging in with them this empty feeling, designed to leave you feeling like a loner. 
The string holding you tethered to the person you’d been before was tinning each day as the distance between you grew bigger and bigger. You no longer even felt her presence at all. For weeks you’ve fought a silent battle against your own mind, and even your body sometimes. 
You tried to hide behind a mask of fake smiles and nights spent around the people you trusted most, hoping you’d feel better, but you never did. You only felt this state you were in, as it gained speed and grew in volume. 
But there was a certain pair of eyes that saw the subtle changes in you, straight into a place even you couldn’t see. Warm chocolate, sometimes shining amber in the sun - somehow strict but also oh so soft. 
You thought you hid it well, but you could never hide yourself from him, and you should have known. 
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Your hotel room was dark and quiet, safe for the gentle light and sound that came from the TV. A movie was playing, an early 2000s song in the background. The duvet felt heavy over your body, and you longed to kick it off in an effort to feel less trapped, but you couldn’t find the strength to. It was like your whole body was paralyzed in a fatal position with your muscles locked and your eyes open but unseeing. 
Case after case came, and each day it got harder. You had to try and perfect a mask you were getting tired of wearing, tired of hiding behind. You couldn’t skip work, lest you wanted to feel like more of a failure than you already did sometimes. 
You felt scared to admit to your struggles, half unsure what your struggles were to begin with, half unwilling to unload on others. You were willing to suffer and fight this on your own until you either had nothing left to fight against or no strength left to fight at all.
Your mind was working overtime, half empty and dark, half full and constantly spinning, you didn’t even process the foreign sound at first. Only it wasn’t so foreign - a series of gentle raps or someone’s knuckles against the door. Knocking. They were just enough to alert you of a newcoming presence but not disturb you or others in any way. 
You didn’t move a muscle. Even when two more knocks followed, even more gentle than the first, all you could do was blink. Even with the soft call of your name that came seconds later, you couldn’t find the strength to answer or even get up. You couldn’t even twitch. 
You stood there frozen in place, in time. Frozen between the walls of a prison of your own mind’s making. 
The knocks stopped, as did the voice calling out your name, maybe finally resigned to the fact you weren’t answering at all. 
Giving up on you the way you’d given up on yourself. 
You would be surprised if you didn’t feel a tiny bit of relief at being left on your own. Too bad the relief didn’t actually last long - just seconds after the lock beeped, signaling it was unlocked, and the door was slowly opening, bathing the room in the hallway light. 
Even with the small, hesitant steps this person took, you were instantly able to tell by the sounds of his feet hitting the wooden floor who it was. 
“Did you know it’s actually illegal to break into someone’s space?” Your voice came out raspy from misuse. You weren’t sure how much time had actually passed since you made it to your room, but if you had to guess, probably several hours had gone by.
“I do know that actually, it’s criminal law 101.” He retorted before you felt the mattress dip close to your feet, “You missed dinner.” He mussed.
A part of you couldn’t handle having a conversation with him, not right now. Not in the complete darkness, and the quiet stretched between you both. 
“I wasn’t hungry.” You answered simply. You waited for him to say something, and you waited and waited, and he wasn’t saying anything. It was like he was looking for the right words to use, so as not to offend you, or set you off. But you wouldn’t feel any of it if he did - just as the night was dark outside and so was your mind. 
“Just spit it out, Hotch.” You finally used a part of his name, unintentionally closing the distance the smallest bit even when you tried to stay away. Maybe subconsciously you knew you could trust him, if a little.  
“You’re not doing well.” 
You didn’t even hesitate. “Wow, way to show you aren't actually a gentleman.”
“I’m not trying to...” You could almost see him shaking his head, so in tune with his reactions from years of working alongside him, “I’m worried about you.” It left him in a whisper, like he was afraid to admit it. 
“I’m okay, there’s no need.” You denied it like it was your biggest defense against his accusations. Except they weren’t that, genuine worry dripped along with his words, but you had a hard time accepting it. You couldn’t, didn’t want to. Being vulnerable, especially in front of him, could cost you a lot, and with the way you’ve been living, you couldn’t afford it.
Even when deep in your heart you trusted him with everything, even yourself. 
You felt him place his hand on the duvet, enclasping his palm around your calf. “You were okay five weeks ago, and you haven’t been since then. I’ve been watching you wear a mark and barely holding yourself from falling apart. I don’t think ‘okay’ applies right now.” 
“I thought we promised not to profile each other.” You muttered brokenly, feeling parts of the mask he was talking about cracking in places. It was like having him so close, peeling your outer layers slowly, and leaving you exposed, finally making your emotional reactions coincide with your lack of understanding. It was like he was exposing all of you both to himself and you too. 
“Not at the expense of suffering in silence, we didn’t.” He answered with conviction, no hesitation. He was making it apparent your wellbeing was more important to him than any promise he might have made to you or others. He was letting you know he was prioritizing your health over everything else. 
He understood you even without you having to say anything. Just by watching you try to swim to the surface of the ocean and still being pushed by the crashing waves, he could already feel that you were struggling. 
He could see you were self-isolating, even when you were being surrounded by people. He picked up on the signs in the subtle subject changes you made whenever someone asked anything about you. You were unwilling to share, even though you loved sharing any little detail about your interest, allowing others to do the same. 
You let Garcia talk about her software and cute animals and allowed Reid to share any little fact with you he could. But even when you listened, it wasn’t hard to see you really weren’t. Staring into spaces or faking an interest, even though he knew you would be interested in the first place, had there not been anything amis to begin with. 
And slowly piece after piece had started falling together, like a puzzle started, yet left abandoned. 
In the darkness of the hotel room, miles away from your home and mere doors down from the rest of your team, a piece deep inside you started longing for the understanding he was offering. It started building up with worry over the reality of the words you knew you needed to say but were too scared to. It started wishing for a new slate, where the overwhelming amount of confusion and empty darkness no longer followed you like a shadow. 
It slowly started coming to terms with the fact that you weren’t enough to fight this on your own and that maybe you needed help to do so.
For the first time in weeks, months, who knew, maybe even years, you wanted to talk about it. You wanted to admit to your state of mind where reality got mangled with your deepest darkest thoughts imaginable, where self-doubt and the feeling of worthlessness took over. Where giving up sounded so much better than trying out again. Where any positivity was instantly turned into negativity whether you liked it or not. 
For the first time you craved being helped, you wanted to understand your own struggles and get better. You wanted to thrive in the life you were leaving instead of settling for simply existing. You wanted to talk, and you wanted to tell him all that. 
You rolled your lips between your teeth before you bit down until you tasted blood. One of your hands barely made it out from underneath the warmth of the duvet before you grabbed into the bedding with a tight fist. 
“I don’t think I’m doing okay, Aaron.” You whispered into the darkness. The bed dipped and groaned as he moved closer, settling just centimeters away from your cocoon this time. You were so busy looking over the skyline that you didn’t even see his hand move until you felt his warm palm overtop your skin. He held onto you, trying to prompt you into releasing the bedding, tapping his fingers in a gentle manner. 
He was offering you comfort without really saying or doing anything. He was letting you try and put your thoughts together before you entrusted him with the truth. 
“One minute I’m good, and the next it feels like I lose all touch with my own self and my feelings - It’s all empty, or an overwhelming amount of sadness I couldn’t begin to even understand. I can’t even grasp what prompts this sudden change. I’ve tried fighting it for so long, years maybe, and each time it comes back, I’m left feeling more hopeless than the last.” You explained in a small voice. 
A wave of relief, if small, rocked your whole body. There was something freeling about saying it out loud, ignoring the fear of admitting that had followed you for years. 
“Have you ever told anyone about it?” His voice was just another shadow in the room. A timbre so calm, quiet, and soothing that you knew he was listening with no reservations and no judgments. Just a pure need to help.
You went to shake your head, but remembered you were both still looking towards the window. “I’ve always played it off as a joke. I’ve never let it sound like I really mean it. Not like I do right now.” It was one of the many truths you’d admitted to that night. Even when you played it off, you knew deep inside it was a small cry for help you didn’t want to. You were unwilling to take the right steps in order to get the help you needed. 
“Why joke about it?” You thought about it for a second, trying to clear out the fog of the past.
“I guess…” Your fingers clenched underneath his own. “I guess I just wanted to see if anyone cared enough to ask if I was serious. They didn’t.” Realistically, you knew you shouldn’t wait on other people or expect them to see something amiss before you looked for help. But a part deep enough inside you wanted the reassurance that someone loved you enough to notice.
“But you want to get help?” He mumbled, still tapping his finger against your own.
“Yes.” You didn’t even have to think about it. You owed yourself that much, and all the help possible you could get.
“Okay.” He exhaled in relief, “As soon as we get back, we’ll start looking, yeah?”
“Yeah.” You whispered. You felt his hand squeeze your own in reassurance. You turned your palm up, enveloped his own hand, and gave him one back, “Thank you, Aaron.”
A few minutes of looking at the starless sky passed before he prompted you to move, if just enough to walk into the bathroom and wash your face - and you did. When you came back, he’d made himself comfortable leaning against the headboard, legs stretched on the mattress. 
He spent the night sleeping in yesterday’s clothes, trying to make sure you were doing okay and weren’t left feeling lonely. 
You knew there was a long path ahead of you - the path to self-understanding and acceptance of your own flaws and struggles, as well as the changes you may need to adapt to moving forward. Something you were undoubtedly going to have a hard time with. Where you’d need to fight against the days when you questioned whether it was worth it. Where you’d slowly have to come to terms with the fact that as long as you were making yourself happy and keeping yourself afloat, there wasn’t anything worth more. 
The path to recovery was never supposed to be easy or linear, but you had him to thank for being the final push. You had to be thankful for each minute of the time he gave you. And each grain of love he showed you in the process. 
You needed the help - for yourself, your past, your present, and your future self. And for every second you spent failing to understand the person you were and the feelings you held onto.
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go6jo · 1 year
(one can only truly feel with their eyes closed) s.gojo
it’s three in the morning and satoru is standing outside your bedroom door, pinching his bottom lip in between his fingers while anxiously awaiting your arrival. you should’ve been back before midnight and there is something unfamiliar stirring inside him, something that is rendering him restless. there is a heavy lump on his throat that is making it hard to swallow and he can feel himself starting to feel sick.
satoru was born bearing the curse of atlas, the world weighing a little too heavy on his shoulders ever since he was little. the body of a child is a frail one and satoru had been too scrawny at the time, bones too fragile to handle all of that weight by himself. he’d fallen on his knees one too many times and had struggled to stand up on his own until he had grown to become something akin to a god, one who barely even knew fear. 
satoru reaches for the phone in the pocket of his sweatpants, waiting for something, a call, a text even - anything to let him know that you’re okay.
however, his head is quick to turn at the sound of heavy footsteps echoing throughout the entire floor when he catches sight of your silhouette emerging from the shadows on the other end of the poorly lit hall. he feels his heart cave in on his chest for you, eyes softening and full of compassion when he notices the sole of your feet dragging laboriously against the floor, weary and sore after being away for so long and having just traveled all the way back here, back to him. 
ten days to be precise. that's how long you’ve been gone. and when you manage to make your way along the seemingly endless corridor, so very tired from your lengthy mission overseas, satoru can visibly see your body cease its fight against gravity as you let yourself collapse into him. he is so quick to guide your arms that had fallen limp by your sides to wrap themselves around him, pulling you closer, craving the proximity after having longed for your touch every day for the past week and a half. he follows it by looping his stronger ones around you, offering you the stability you need, holding you and welcoming you back with a quiet good girl whispered to the crown of your head. 
in the quietude of the moment, while trying to recover from the fretful state he had induced himself into, satoru realizes now that fear has become a constant in his life.
“you’re late” he threads his fingers through your hair, soothing away your fatigue though he thinks he might have just lulled you to sleep because you’re standing so still, breathing so softly. at your lack of response, his hand cups the back of your head tilting it upwards and your lips begin to part, ready to protest but it’s only then, when you meet his gaze, that you become aware of the distress graven on his handsome features, brows furrowed and bottom lip swollen with the indents of his remaining anxiety, teeth merciless as they tried to chew away the nerves in his system.
satoru is always so good at hiding his feelings. he might’ve been terrified out of his mind, but hardly anything gives it away. his voice never wavers when he speaks and his hands have such a steady grip on you that his inner turmoil would’ve almost gone undetected. almost. because concern is so easily discernible in his eyes - his eyes are so honest, as honest as satoru gets. they have always let on more than his words — they’re his biggest strength and yet his biggest weakness, his blindfold keeping any vulnerability from seeping through.
“i know but i'm here” you close your eyes when his thumb rubs the spot between your eyebrows “my flight got delayed and i didn’t wanna wake you up with a phone call”
“i wasn’t sleeping” not until i know you’re safe.
“i’m alright, satoru. im here” you two speak in whispers like two kids sharing a secret, your voice barely audible as you lean your cheek against his chest, a hand rubbing circles over his heart.
a placid wave of silence envelops the two of you in its calm embrace as you take your time to touch, to grab and to squeeze — to let your hands get acquainted with each other’s skin again — you swear you feel him shiver against you, when you caress the skin behind his ear, where you know it’s sensitive.
“let’s get inside, baby.”
you nod against his chest and squeeze him in your arms one last time before you pull away to unlock your bedroom door. you lace your fingers together with his and pull him along, dropping your luggage somewhere in a corner and not even bothering to turn on the lights instead guiding him towards the bed that you’ve shared during so many other nights before — so eager to be cradled in his arms, to drift off in the warmth of his presence. but when satoru drops his head to your shoulder from behind, you halt all movements, stopping in your tracks.
he doesn’t say a word, just moves the palm of his hand gingerly up the skin of your exposed arm, only stopping where the strap of your dress sits on your body, gripping the fabric in his fist, begging to see you, whole. to make sure there is not some invisible force holding you together and that you won't fall apart under his fingers. he still touches you so carefully as if you will.
for a long time now, satoru has worried that the eyes he has relied on throughout his entire life might fail him sooner rather than later. reality can be deceiving and he has grown to harbor a certain skepticism towards it. after all, his best friend had met his demise at his own two hands, had taken his last breath in his arms, however, that unfaithful day in shibuya there he stood, intact - alive. satoru is now imbedded with a constant feeling of uncertainty, doubting what otherwise he would’ve believed to be the undeniable truth.
you lift your hand to rest over his, loosening the grip he has on the fabric of your garment before you slide both straps off your shoulders, letting your dress fall to the ground and revealing your partially nude body to satoru’s prying gaze. he closes his eyes with a sigh that makes the hairs on the back of your neck raise in anticipation. he brushes a few strands away before he presses a kiss to the mound of your neck where your spine protrudes your flesh, where your skin is most tender and delicate, feeling the subtle bumps of your skin against his lips — the way your body reacts to him proof that you’re not just some hallucination. that you’re here. that you’re alive and well. 
he figures he is so much more in tune with his surroundings whenever he’s not looking. his eyes are closed shut yet the way you shudder under him when he runs the tip of his finger up the curve of your spine, the little sounds you make, the gasp that unintentionally escapes your lips when he lays the most gentle of kisses on the shell of your ear — he’d know you anywhere, even with his eyes closed. he knows the way you feel, the way you sound, the way you smell. even blind, his other four senses would still lead him to you.
he touches you until your skin starts feeling feverish under his fingers, wishes you’d just melt into him and would fill in every crevice in his body until he’s so completely covered in you he can barely breathe. and when he needs more, he carries you to bed in his arms then lies you down in the white linen sheets. he reaches for the back of his shirt and tugs it off before taking the spot next to you, yearning for the feeling of his skin against yours.
he kisses your collarbone, left then right, worshiping you whole, paying equal attention to every part of your body, then dips lower to kiss over your sternum. he loves on the freshly inflicted wounds on your skin then proceeds to run his tongue over the newly healed scar that runs diagonally on the flesh of your stomach — your taste, that, too, he has memorized by heart.
“i always come back looking worse than when i left” and it's supposed to be a lighthearted joke because you're smiling and your tone is somewhat playful but it makes satoru wonder if you think he loves you any less because of it.
sometimes it’s hard baring yourself to satoru like this, he knows it. your scar ridden body a striking contrast to his almost pristine, untouched one. however, it’s on nights like this one where you feel closest to him, laying bare your insecurities to him and, in return, he entrusts you with his — more often than not as he impulsively lets them escape his lips in the form of strangled moans against the sweaty skin of your neck, telling you he loves you. don’t ever leave. i don’t know what i’d do if i lost you, too.
“you returned, baby. that’s all that matters.” he utters against your belly then comes to rest on your chest, ear pressed atop your heart.
satoru has grown fond of the sound of your pulse lulling him to sleep, slow and steady. he unwraps his arms from around you, moving his hands up your sides until they settle around your ribs, feeling the way your lungs fill up with air, his head moving up and down, in sync with your heaving chest. he smiles fondly to himself, every heartbeat, every breath you take a reminder of the life flowing inside you.
he looks up, eyes searching for your face after a few minutes have gone by since you stopped playing with his hair. he had wanted to protest but then he takes in the image of you, mouth slightly agape, a subtle frown on your face — an angel lying under him. so fragile, so innocent.
you're sound asleep and satoru is overcome with the intensity of the sheer adoration he feels towards you when he comes to the realization that you had felt so at peace in his arms it had only taken you a couple minutes to doze off. it is as if your body reacts to his presence on its own, telling you that it's okay to let your guard down, that it’s safe around him. to him, there is no bigger privilege than to know his touch brings you such tranquility — that he’s your safe haven.
upon further inspection, however, as his eyes linger on you for a little longer, there’s a cold shiver that makes its way up satoru’s spine when he notices how still you are, barely even moving. apart from the subtle rise and fall of your chest, you’re so inert, so lethargic. so lifeless.
and suddenly it is as if there is not enough oxygen in the room as he finds himself gasping for air, lungs growing heavier by the minute as he starts to drown in mirages of your inanimate body in his arms, hands clammy and fingers digging into the flesh of your ribs instinctively, out of desperation, as if he’s trying to stay afloat.
he calls out your name once, and he would’ve felt bad for waking you up but, right now, he can’t even seem to think straight. he could be so selfish at times still you never resented him for it. so he calls for you again.
you don’t answer at first, his voice too weak to even pull you out of sleep. satoru hoists himself up on the bed, lying sideways next to you, his body looming over yours as he brushes the strands of hair that are sticking to your forehead away from your face — your complexion looks so much paler under the moonlight.
“baby.” he calls in between heavy breaths, eyes frantic searching for something. anything. this time you stir in your sleep, turning around and nuzzling into the crook of his neck as if seeking for the heat of his body on instinct alone. he sighs releasing some of the tension inside him “baby.” though there is still a hint of urgency in his voice.
“im sleepy, satoru” he can barely hear you as you bury yourself deeper into his neck.
“i know, baby. i know” he tries to soothe you, cradling your head closer to him but pulling you away from him just as quick, grabbing your cheeks in between the palms of his hands and gently holding your head up to take a look at you instead. your eyes remain closed, still so heavy with sleep.
“just need you to say my name.” it sounds like a desperate plea.
“satoru.” you barely even manage to mumble as you lean deeper into his touch, lips brushing against the sensitive skin on the inside of his hand. moving only on instinct still, too drowsy to even make sense of what is happening, to notice his agony.
“that’s it.” he pecks you on the lips “again.” he is trailing kisses across your cheeks, his breath heavy on your skin when he begs you in a quivering voice “please."
the feeling of his hands shivering against you it’s what gradually rouses you, opening your eyes only to be met with his wide-eyed gaze, pupils fully blown out in the dark, alert with fear.
you know how he gets, it isn’t the first time this happens yet it never fails to alarm you. you’d seen it in his eyes many times before and you’d seen it again earlier tonight, when you arrived, tenuous yet just waiting for the smallest trigger to so easily turn into something out of control.
it's as if he's suddenly put in a trance and nobody can pull him out of it. his hands start wandering everywhere and in a rather frenetic way, feeling around your skin as if he has gone blind. hands fumbling to hold whatever is within their reach, clenching whatever it is you're wearing in his fists, searching for something that you can’t quite understand.
you never know what to say, you can only hold him in hopes it will pass. you hold him and coddle him, whisper words of reassurance in his ear in hopes that you can be as much of a source of comfort to him as he is to you.
he apologizes afterwards, he always does. apologizes for needing you so much that sometimes it drives him close to insanity. then he always whispers a thank you from under his breath, thank you for letting me rely on you, but he barely ever does, only when he so desperately needs it — when it’s him lending others his strength, being relied on, who says thank you to him.
you sit up in bed, extending your hand towards him, waiting for him to take it. you pick him up when he does and you let a hand wrap around the back of his head, guiding him to rest on your shoulder.
“satoru, satoru, satoru.” you whisper against the shell of his ear while stroking his hair. he thinks he could fall sleep right here, like this.
please, lean on me, too.
i got you, you don’t have to be strong all the time.
 if you let me, i can be strong for the both of us. satoru thinks he knows what you’re trying to tell him.
“i’ll say it as many times as you need.”
once again, he is so overwhelmed by his profound infatuation that it is as if his love has grown a will of its own, as if it has grown fangs when his teeth sink, unwarranted, into the skin of your shoulder, love wishing to seep itself deep into your bloodstream. “want you whole.”
“so greedy.” you wince quietly, nonchalantly against his snowy hair and he runs the tip of his nose up the side of your neck.
he keeps on nibbling on the tender skin of your jaw, as if he’s hungry and trying to prove a point. that if he so wished to, if he was greedy enough, vile enough, he’d devour you full.
“i'm the greediest, baby” for what is love if not greed. is it not wanting to consume the other person and let yourself be consumed in return? for his entire life, satoru has known nothing but an insatiable hunger. always wanting more, always needing more. gluttonous for more, more, more. in the end, he always managed to get what he wants and he doesn’t hold back, you never asked him to either.
he knows he owns you wholly, that you placed your soul, mind and body fully on the palm of his hand and he doesn’t think he could ever settle for less. doesn’t think his hunger would ever be satiated with less than a handful of you.
he places a trail of kisses that goes down to your shoulder again and he pulls away from your skin with one last kiss to the spot where he left a mark. a mark that is so unlike any other in your body. one that comes from love.
“i'm sorry that i need you so much” he envelops you in the tightest of embraces, touching his heart with yours.
he wishes you understand that he’s apologizing for so many other things, too. he’s sorry that he can’t give himself to you the same way you’ve given yourself to him. you’ve always kept your heart so willingly open to him yet it seems that he only ever allows you a glimpse into the heart inside his chest on nights like this, when fear holds him in it’s strong, relentless grip or when he’s falling apart at the feeling of being inside in you, body panting above yours, too lost in his own pleasure. only then does he allow himself to be vulnerable with you, spilling all of his heart's content into your distracted ears — when he thinks you’re far too gone to listen, to truly acknowledge his feelings — but you treasure every single moment of fragility of his, for they are so scarce, listening attentively even when he thinks you don’t.
“say my name one last time” he breathes against your ear.
here, in these sheets, satoru pretends to forget his name and the burden that inescapably comes with it. he forgets the world needs him and lets himself need you instead, just this once. — just this once, he’ll pretend to be the weak one, the one who needs saving and finds a shelter in your arms.
“satoru…” your words are spoken barely above a whisper, like they’re meant just for him.
“again” he connects his lips with yours and holds the back of your neck with one hand, the other resting on your lower back for support as he dips both of you down onto the mattress.
and you say it. again. and then again. not because he asks you to but because satoru knows how to get what he wants. he pries his name out of your lips as he trails open mouthed kisses down the valley of your breasts, forces it out of you in the form a laughter as he nibbles on the inside of your thighs, tickling you with his breath and ultimately earns it in moan that you cry as a prayer when he sinks down on the mattress and makes a home in between your legs — until you're chanting his name over and over again, sobbing that you love him, you love him, you love him.
he smiles to himself, does it half smugly, half earnestly. satoru is now twenty eight and his shoulders a little lighter, the world fitting all too perfectly in this queen sized bed.
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vxlentinescookies · 4 months
One-shot of (Jester) Shadow Milk cookie x (Princess) Fem Reader please 🙏🏻
Plot : The reader hates her kingdom because it ruled by the infamous greedy king (her father), later on her father hired a new jester and eventually the princess and the jester become close friend (they secretly like eachother) but king despise the idea that his daughter being close with the jester and is planning to do something bad.
I need yummy angst with fluff 🙏🏻
Also, we knew that Shadow Milk could easily destroy the kingdom, he's one of the beasts afterall-
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→ ❛A rose in times of war❜
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→ Pairing ; Shadow Milk Cookie x Reader → Quote ; ❛❛Do you trust me, my dearest?❜❜ → Genre ; Drama , Romance → A/N ; Here you go! I hope you enjoy this fic as much as I enjoyed writing it hehe
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Once upon a time, there was a princess, caught in the claws of a greedy little kingdom. Her father, the King of the vast land, was greedy and infamous, often spending large quantities of money in parties and riches that could only amount to showing off his vast wealth. The princess was tired, exhausted of this behavior, so much that his father, in an unlikely act of love, hired the help of a handsome and great Jester, called—
“Shadow Milk Cookie, I know thats you you’re describing in the story…”
“Oh my dear (y/n) cookie, just allow me to have some fun!”
Ahem, long lost in the hills of earthbread, near Beast-Yeast, yet far away from most kingdoms, there would lie a kingdom, characterized for its poverty and power imbalance. Townsfolk would beg for a little bit of food, while the royalty boasted their riches and overabundance, this little kingdom was called Red Clover Kingdom. Ruled by King Clover Cookie, he’d become infamous in the chatter of his subjects and other kingdoms, due to his ruling with an iron fist and greed coating his words. Yet, despite all of this, one thing seemed to be clear, and its that he loved his daughter dearly. You see, the king wasnt always like this, there was a time where the king once was kind and full of life, but since the death of Queen Camellia Cookie, nothing but ruin and darkness had but befallen the kingdom. Consumed by grief, the King changed completely, fully submitting to the darkness in his heart and turning the kingdom into his own little playground, a truth he tried to hide from the Princess, whom he adored with his life as the only remnant of his wife’s legacy. 
Seeing the princess' saddened state, the boredom that leaked into her mind and into her life, the King came to a resolution, and that was bringing forth a jester, a companion for the Princess, said jester, was none other than Shadow Milk Cookie. Having infiltrated the kingdom as an attempt to escape from being locked out again by White Lily Cookie, Shadow Milk Cookie became appointed as the Princess jester, a job he relished in as it allowed him to partake into creating plays and making others laugh, but it also meant that he had to stay at bay, save he want to be found out, which wasnt that fun but he could manage. With that in mind, the relationship between the Princess and Shadow Milk cookie would slowly shift into one of friendship and comfort, as the Princess would find safety and a confidant in the jester.
“Shadow Milk cookie, you’re so funny” The princess would tell the jester once, laughing as he finished another of his puppet plays with expertise. 
“Of course I am, Im a jester after all!” He noted, and the princess couldnt do anything but laugh gently. 
“Of course you are” The princess would say with a smile, looking at the jester before thinking deeply. “And to think that when we met, I wasnt keen on you, you’ve truly surpassed my expectations, jester of mine… And Im grateful of that.”
Of course, the princess wasnt always keen on the jester. Thinking at first that he was a tactic of his father to keep her controlled, she would at first be coarse and harsh on the jester, hiding behind her fan as the poor cookie tried his best to make the royal laugh, but it was difficult. It’d take one specific parody of the royalty, presented only in front of the princess and some of her handmaids, to make the princess finally break into laughter, something that seemed to be unlikely, it seemed to finally have happened. 
“Right, that moment was quite precious, I hold it dear to my heart” Shadow milk cookie said with pride in his voice, holding a hand to his heart while another lifted his hat, and the princess couldnt do anything but giggle at his mannerisms “I mean it! Your laughter breaks my heart now, ahuhu…”
“Oh you silly jester” She’d say warmly, walking towards him to put a hand on his shoulder. “Truly, what would I do without you…”
Those words seemed to take Shadow milk by surprise, as he looked at the princess for long moments before simply smiling and hitting her with another one of his jokes, another parody of the royalty of the dark kingdom, and the Princess would hide her mouth with her fan as she laughed. Things were surely lively in her quarters, since of course, Shadow Milk Cookie couldnt afford to laugh at royalty in front of the king himself, oh no! Of course he couldnt, save he’d be sent away to the dark dungeons of the castle—And then the princess would be all sad and mopey, and that was something he didnt want to happen.
Silently, though, would their relationship deepen the more they spent together, the more they shared moments and laughter, it was something visible and palatable to those around them, the handmaids, the butlers, everyone but them. For the princess would keep on laughing, and the jester would keep on entertaining her. Knowledge of their feelings growing closer and closer together would eventually find the ears of the king, however, and nothing but anger would come from his lips as he thought of what to do. This wasnt meant to happen, he wasnt meant to fall for the princess, nor viceversa, but oh, who was he to say who the princess deserved? Apparently, someone because the next thing he did would be something that would mark the poor princess forever.
“An arranged marriage? B-But, father—”
“No buts! You will marry the prince of the kingdom of Rose Champagne, lest you wish to see that damned Jester suffer!”
With nothing else to say, the poor princess couldnt do anything but go to her room and cry inconsolably, seeing her life go down the drain as the King forced her to take a path she didnt want, to take the hand of someone she didnt love, it was all a nightmare, and as Shadow Milk cookie approached the room for the daily session with his favorite princess, he’d come to see the aftermath of a dark endeavor. 
“Oh Shadow Milk Cookie, my loyal jester!” The princess would cry out as she went to hug the cookie, who, dumbfounded, would hold her in his arms to soothe her. “The king, the king wants to marry me off!!”
“Y-Yes, he wants me rid of someone from another kingdom, and I must abide lest… lest they hurt you…”
The words felt like daggers into his heart, as the cookie simply listened to the poor princess’ laments. And then, only then would darkness and deceit take shape and form inside of the cookie, feeling those old feelings resurface and take shape into the darkest of ways. He consoled the princess, then, the handmaids leaving the room to leave them both be, as the Jester rubbed circles on her back, shushing her down to a small slumber. Oh dearest princess, if only you knew how much this jester has grown to adore you, your smiles, your laughter, your voice and your overall self, then you’d know that somethings are only done in the name of love.
Deceit was the last name of Shadow Milk Cookie, and with the only truth on his lips being his love for the princess, he’d ideate a plan to get her out of there, and into the depths of Beast-Yeast. Carefully would plan a way to turn the handmaids against the king, the butlers, the cooks, the servants and the townspeople, which wasnt hard, as all of them already felt a certain way, less than favorable, about the father of the princess. Then, he’d call upon a riot, a riot to overthrow the king and lead to a better future for both the kingdom and the princess. And while all that happened, he’d steal the princess away, take her somewhere safer, somewhere deep within Beast-Yeast.
“Are you sure this plan will work?” One of the townsfolk asked, looking around the room as the jester, clad in a cloak, only smiled.
“Of course, I’m the princess’ appointed jester after all… Who else would know the castle better than me?”
That would mark a countdown that would end a fateful rainy day, deep into the darkness of the night, when the princess was sleeping, clad in a white dress, would wake to the thunder and the silhouette to someone in the balcony. 
“W-Who’s there…?” She’d ask, sheepishly as Shadow Milk would only open the balcony doors, extending a hand over to her. “S-Shadow Milk Cookie…?”
“My dearest princess, will you accept this jester’s dance this night?” He’d speak, then, with the warmest of smiles and the most devious of gazes. Truly, a meeting for a lifetime.
“W-What are you doing here, my jester?”
“There is no time to lose, princess, a riot is brewing within the townsfolk and the servants of the kingdom, we must make haste and escape while we can…”
“Do you trust me, my dearest?”
Silence would fill the room for long moments, as the princess would think about what to do, who to follow. But deep within her heart, she’d run to Shadow Milk and hold his face in her hands, completing the moment with a loving kiss. It would be returned, gingerly by the jester taken by surprise, as he led them towards the balcony, and in a jump of faith, would they both fall in the middle of the rain into the garden. Roars and wrath would be heard in the kingdom as the beast known as Shadow Milk Cookie would take the princess away, stealing one of the horses from the stable to run into the distance. Loud galloping could be heard from one of the exits of the kingdom, Shadow milk keeping the Princess hidden under a spell of invisibility and the cloak she now carried on.
Legend says that the beast and the princess were never to be seen again, as one of the townsfolk would take over the kingdom as the newly appointed king. Nobody but the king himself, who rotted away in the dungeons would weep for the lost princess, save for a few handmaids, except those who had learnt the true plan Shadow Milk Cookie had for them.
‘I’ll steal (Y/N) away, I’ll bring her into Beast-Yeast, the safest part there is and…’
“Shadow Milk Cookie?”
It had been years since you left the Kingdom, since the titles of princess and jester started becoming meaningless between you both. You called upon him as he turned to look at you, holding his child in your arms in the middle of a clearing in the forest, where the morning dew illuminated you making you seem… angelic. Oh, how could he afford to lose someone like you…
“Yes, my princess?” He’d ask, walking towards you and cupping your face in his hand, he was much taller, much bigger, and yet, he held you like the most precious doll in the world.
“Food is ready, I was going to call you earlier but you seemed so stuck in your thoughts and I didnt want to interrupt that I…” You trailed off, feeling his finger dance around your lips softly. “... I love you”
“I love you too, my dearest”
‘... And I’ll make her my wife.’
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sea-of-dust · 1 year
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Unexpected Affection
Kafka, Stelle,Blade x GN!Reader
Summary: They never really showed this level of affection before...
Notes: 🗿 just gonna cram this in so those two people that unfollowed me come back. Had a werid urge to cram asuka in here he looks like one of those little fluff dogs, dude.
Warnings: suggestive humor and scenes, betrayed audience (IM SORRY 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️),Barely proofread
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She's always showing you affection
Touching your hand if you were to sit across from her. Offering to carry you home if too tired. She's very happy to do things for you!
You think her being like this is almost her way of repaying you for being patient while she's out stellaron hunting
She'd text you whenever she was free she'd love seeing how fast you'd respond. "The missions taking a while, I'm sorry if I'm late" you'd type almost immediately after she sent that "don't worry about it! Stay safe." With a small thumbs up emoji afterword. Her heart melts, you can't be this cute.
She loves greeting you by getting home first and sitting down on the couch. "Long time no see~" "Kafka..." the way you say her name she wishes to record it. Your greeting smile and small sweets you prepare for her always make her warm up a bit.
"How did you know I was coming back?" She'd lean into the hug rubbing your arms with her thumb. "I don't so when you don't come back I just kinda eat those alone-" She takes a bag of those snacks with her now, how could you say something like that with a smile on your face-
The longest time she's been out was two months barely being able to text you. So as soon as the mission was done, she excused herself. Waiting for you to come home so she could great you.
"Kaf-" You couldn't even finish your sentence before she kissed you suddenly, holding your hands pinning one to the wall. She kisses you with an eagerness, almost a need for you. You pull away to catch your breath, she'd fail to hide her want for more almost hearts in her eyes. She goes back in holding your waist as she enjoys the long kisses in between short gasps for air. She'll get her fix of you,slipping her toungue in feeling yours squirm everytime they touch, she really can't get enough of you only backing off when she felt shes had enough. "I prepared dinner for us" she wraps her arms around your shoulders, leading you to the dining table completely decorated.
She pulls out a chair for you as you sit down with her and catch up. "So how was the stellaron?" "Alot more active than usual took too much work" a sigh escapes her lips. You two continue to chatter on while eating.
As soon as you two finish eating, she helps you clean up. She can't take your hands off you while you wash dishes. She slowly rock your waist to sync with her movements. She takes off her gloves to touch your face. "As unprovoked as ever" she mumbles leaning into you "Why yes it takes alot of focus to wash dishes" she smiles at the joke leaning in to kiss you "Why yes the dishes are quite a vicious foe"
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She just likes being near you. You smell nice...also you're able to keep her from turning into the local raccoon.
you would catch her looking at trash, always somehow be there to pull her away last second. "Come on, Stelle!" You drag her away.
She'd like to place small kisses on your cheek whenever you're not paying attention. She almost did this infront of the star rail crew. "The next planet..." You grab her face, holding her there. "heard that place is hotter than 12 volcano" March and Dan Heng would kinda continue to convo with her kinda stuck there
She can't sleep without you nearby. She's like the demon in the dark you run up the stairs from. She'd just stand there in the doorway as the light kinda makes her look like a shadow. "Uhhh Stelle" "..." you're barely awake yet you could tell it was her. You tsk before lifting your blanket lazily. "Come here" she nearly runs into bed with you cuddling into you. "You need a night light...maybe I'll take one from March" you pat her head as she scoots closer to you.
You had a maid run up to you shrieking about someone jumping out of a closet. "I'll go check it out miss I'll contact you if you it's anything serious" you go to check the room walking in and closing the door. You hear something in the closet and peak in only to have the doors fly open, Stelle almost jumping out trying to stop herself realizing who it was. "So you jump scared the room service lady" she nods "....wanna try that on sampo?"
She gets caught up in boxing and actively shows off how good she is. She always looks for you in the audience and shows off her win. "Congrats Stelle, but put him down!"
She won't admit it but she maybe maybe- likes pda. Maybe she does like holding your hand in public or the thought of you kissing her without a care. You'll never get her to say it tho. She just brushes her fingers on yours, occasionally hoping you'd hold onto her hand.
You found her in a trash can as usual but this time one on her head. You looked at her flabbergasted. "Stelle- get that off of your-" you were interrupted by her pulling it up and kiss you. Her tongue slipping in a bit, lowering the trash can down for a bit of privacy. You pull away, "Stelle what the-" she kisses you again before you pull her off gently "wait till we're on the express k?" You blush softly. She pounts a bit but still waits pulling the trashcan lower.
Turns out she forgot when you got back to the express a few days later when she does remmber tho she nearly runs at you slamming your door. "Eh what?" You rub your eyes seeing the raccoon in all of her glory "Stelle?" Your eyes a bit hazy yet you could still tell it was her, she nearly jumps on you immediately taking off her jacket. "Youre always up to something-" she cuts you off putting a finger to your mouth "shush" she smirks teasingly "been waiting for this for a long while now~" her voice is so calm yet you could almost feel mischief radiating off of her.
She kisses you for a long while, only pulling away to catch her breath quickly going back to it moments later. She didn't even care when March came knocking, wondering where she was. If anything, she just became more passionate. She adores your little tired noises every time she does something to fluster you. The infamous rubbing circles in your back always managed to get an embrassed squeak out of you. As soon as you pull her off breathing heavily, she'll notice just how flustered she made you. Her job was complete staying with you that night so she could do it all again in the morning.
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He isn't too open even when in a relationship
You know he loves you he just doesn't say it outloud. You usually have to make moves and he'd slowly respond to those things, he's almost confused. "You're so stiff" you hug him from behind "as stiff as a board~" leaning into him a bit. As you hug him he's not really sure what to do. Does he hug back backward? Does he turn around and hug you? Does he just embrace it? So may questions running through a very straight faced man
The quickest way you flustered him is when you ask about the future while laying your head on his lap. "Blade... you think you might settle down with me when there's no longer stellarons to hunt." He didn't move, but it was clear to see the blush on his face. As he softly pats your head, you could almost hear him mumble a "I want to..."
He offen tries to sneakily hold your hand. "Oh?" He would stay straight faced, holding your hand behind your backs. Gripping your hand a bit tighter sometimes. "Is this your way of being flustered?" "No" he'd squeeze your hand. "Uh huh"
He wants you to braid his hair. He'd sit down with his back facing you, and you'd be so confused. When you finally offered, you could tell he almost ran but didn't wanna embrass himself. "Alright, sit -" he sits with his back turned to you in the same spot as usual. "Oh...so THAT'S what you meant." "What did you think I mean?" "That you were mad at me. " "...." he got his hair braided but still sensed undying guilt
He'd be so confused if you bought him any sort of gift. He's grateful, but... how to use it. "Blade...it's a fake flower, and when ya open it!" You carefully twist off the bud. "It's a chapstick!" He looks down at it, then back at you,"are my lips that crusty. " "No! No! I just got it cause I thought you wanted one! Always notice you staring at mine when I use it" he doesn't tell you, but he's been wondering about indirect kissing via chapstick.
All this thinking of kissing is gonna get in the way of stellron hunting it's too the point Kafka picks up on it and starts teasing him. "Bladie~, you seem flustered." "..." she smirks. "Is it that cute person you're dating!" He's pink trying to hide it, but he's blushing just thinking of you. "Your little play thing surprised you haven't given up on revenge just to stay with them longer." she walks in circles around him, annoying him but fluttering him none the less
He caught you asleep while waiting for him, so he tried to sneak into your arms without waking you. He'd fail...horrendously. you'd feel soft breaths and your arms going around a figure patting your head as you slept. Jokes on him, after you caught him doing this for a multitude of times, you just decided to pretend not to wake. Hopefully, making him feel like he's getting better at this.
He hides his cravings to wanna kiss you, but when he wants them, it's so odvious. He stays around you more often with almost no room for air, his frown deepening and eyes softening almost as if softly begging for something.
When he finally acted on this urge, it was only when you figured it out, kissing his cheek as he turned into a blushing mess. "Oh ho~, it seems someone got a bit excited for that," you smirk teasingly, hugging him. "Did you want one of these too?" His breath was heavy, his hair covering some of his face, but you could tell you had him on the ropes. Suddenly, he cups your face and leans in hesitantly before kissing you, slowly getting more passionate as he grips the clothes near your waist. You softly laugh at this, hearing him scoff, taking this chance you kiss him again in a slightly teasing way as he fully embraces your affection. He gets more egar gripping your clothes a bit tighter as his small kisses turn into deep, long ones with short gaps for air. He'd look so ashamed whenever he pulled away for breath. "If you're tired, we could save it for later." You smirk teasingly. "...just one more," you kiss his cheek. "..." You smirk, kissing his lips. "You're cute whenever you want something, you know"
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shidouryusm · 1 year
Soooooo sami 👉👈 since we are both Hawks girlies we are in agreement that he has the most sensitive wings right? The kind that would quiver and tremble when he cums and if you touch them at any point he's just instantly hard... and if you grip them whilst jerking him off his hips will buck off the bed and he whines. Right???? 🫣
im so sorry it took me this long to finish it. i promise i intended to make them fuck but I got carried away into the plot iiufbiufhwjf. but you ask and i serve baby.
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Hawks may be the one with wings but it was you who made him fly
Hawks x f!reader
synopsis: keigo arrives from a hellish day at work. as his sweet little girlfriend you find a way to relieve him
minors DNI. 18+ content.
word count: 2.4k (it was supposed to be a drabble...sigh)
content: hero au, established relationship, female anatomy!reader, switch!hawks,a little subby hawks but he switches at the end, handjobs, blowjobs, implied penetrative sex at the end, teasing, a bit of edging, titplay, playing with balls, cumeating, idk lmk what i missed.
a.n- well this was nasty and fun to write. this is my first time writing about him so do let me know how do you like it. not proofread well im v tired its 3 am :((
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6:07 pm. The tokyo skyline has painted itself in the inkish blue, the little canvas of twilight already dwindling away while you stand in the middle of the balcony taking it all. you look up into the horizon, eyes hoping to catch a speck of red and yellow to appear that will sweep you out of your waiting game. 
Keigo was supposed to arrive atleast 40 mins prior, considering he gets off of duty today relatively earlier than other days. Promising an evening reserved to enjoy the pacificity of being with you – away from the worldly issues. 
He usually glides through the air, slowly landing on this very balcony, pressing a fleeting kiss on your lips even before his feet touches the ground and stumbles you both inside the house. According to him – it keeps things interesting. whatever he meant. you chuckle lightly thinking about that. 
Your trance of thoughts almost missed out the door knob turning and instead of the grandeur entrance of your boyfriend like some flying peter parker he is, you watch him sluggishly drag his body in. 
“to what do I owe such anticlimatic entrance, darling?”, you ask amusedly, walking inside the house to greet him which soon diffuses as you realise the dark shadows under his eyes and his face worn out by a hundred years. he looks beat up. 
“baby?…”, you voice in worry.
Keigo looks at you, watching him with a hint of concern playing in your eyes. you look so cute like that, he thinks. eyebrows squinted together, head slightly tilted and lips jutted together in confusion on why he’s staring at you like that. your skin looking soft and as tempting to get a feel of, decorated with a purple satin loungewear. 
Keigo takes a step forward, closing the distance. your hands reach his face, stroking from the little stubble in his chin to the swell of his cheek. he melts in your touch, his hands finding your waist and pulling you against his body. Keigo hides his face in your neck, his breath comes out in short huffs, tickling you in the crevice between your shoulder and head. 
“It’s been heck of a day”, he mumbles. pity courses through you when you hear his strained voice. You comb through his slightly unruly locks, scratching the base of his scalp while he holds you flush against his body , letting a hum right against your skin.
“awe..made you work a little too hard, baby?” you coo. One hand still raking through his hair while the other snakes around his waist, going upwards till it brushes against the base of his red, bright feathers.
The feel of your hands against his feathers jolts keigo up, a small grunt leaving his lips, still pressed against your neck. your fingers trail over his back, ghosting over his feathers before you carress them again. 
This time,a small, breathy moan escapes from keigo. his hands on your lower back pulls you in— as if you’re not already just a layer away from being inside his skin. 
You smirk, his reactions turning the cogs in your mind to play with him a bit.
“are you sensitive there, keigo?” you asked amusedly, your finger circling the base, right where his feathers sprout out. his face is hidden against your neck but you could still make out the hint of redness that spreads over the nape. 
Keigo pushes himself against you, the movement causing you to feel his clothed bulge rub against your naked thigh, you let out a soft sigh. you could make out the hardness of his cock even with the clothing.
His dick strains against you and what a good girlfriend like you would do in this situation—of course help him out in his little issue.
You pull him off of you, his eyes are drooping. you press a quick kiss on his lips before looping your arms around his neck. 
You feel his eyes glide downwards, taking in your figure. A flimsy tank top hugs your upper body in the most alluring way possible, your nipples hardened and poking out of the fabric like two peaks, making Keigo’s cock jump in his pants. The matching shorts rides up your thighs, exposing the full expanse of the plush skin under his golden eyes. you look so comfortable…and delectable. 
“should I help you out a little? you look like you could use some” you say, a little giggle passing through your lips. his eyes are still glued on your body and you take this opportunity to slightly tug the base of his feathers, bringing his attention back to you. Keigo hisses at the sensation, his face morphing into a temporary state of pleasure whenever your fingers come in contact with his supple feathers.
“Mhmmmm”, you hear him hum before his lips clash against yours. You stand there, in the middle of your hallway as keigo makes out with you, his lips languidly playing the push or pull with your lips. 
His hand reach down the back of your thigh and he hooks your whole leg around his waist, the position allowing him to rub his cock directly against your core. You moan into the kiss. Wanting more. But most importantly, making him feel wanted even more.
You push him towards the bedroom, both of your linked bodies stumbling under the low lights of the hallway till you reach there.
His body is manhandled onto the mattress, your figure hovering over his, as you keep on planting kisses all over his face, reaching his jaw. your mouth tilts against his while your tongue presses flat on his skin, savouring his taste. Keigo grabs your hips, needing something to ground himself from the sudden dominance you’re showing – not that he’s complaining at all.
“fuck baby…you’re so hot like that”, his voice raspy and laced with yearn. You hum against his jawline, your hands tugging on the tight compression shirt he has, wanting them off his body. 
He obliges. Your eyes drink the way his muscles taut while he pulls the fabric off himself and tosses it somewhere you could care any less about. Your hands lay against his pecks, as your mouth finds his once again. Keigo deepens the kiss, pushing his tongue inside the cavern of your mouth, a dribble of spit escaping from your shared mouth down your chin.
Your hands reaches towards his feathers and your hands softly massages the ends of it, making keigo moan in your mouth. 
“fuck…this will make me-” keigo squirms a little,  his mouth dancing more fiercely with yours. his hands squeezes your ass, making your clothed core grind in circular motions over his crotch, multiplying the sensation by tenfolds in Keigo's and your body.
“Cum? just by playing with your feathers? didn’t know you were that sensitive keigo.” you tug the ruffled plumage and Keigo almost bust a nut. his head falls backwards from the treatment and his hips inadvertently buck against your core. Your pussy lips are planted right over his dick and the way he thrusts himself upwards makes you pulsate. 
You look at him majestically submitting to you, so bare and vulnerable. It stirs a different feeling inside you. 
Top.2 hero for the world yet so weak in the knees for you. Wings so fierce yet so tamed under your touch.
“d-don’t get too ahead, you’ll regret it, darling” you hear keigo warn in between the kisses, his voice still broken and hoarse. 
“oh really? sure.” you use both your hands in work. one tugs the feathers, a little rougher than previous times, while the other hand palms his cock, rubbing the palm of your hand against the head of his cock. Keigo moans unashamedly, having his sensitive feathers played like that.
 “doesn’t look like it though” his little moans vibrates against your skin
That’s what you love about keigo. He may act tough and smug but will not be slightest bit of ashamed to vocalise his feelings during sex. Starting from little grunts to lewd moans – he drawls all of them. The little shake in his voice makes your pussy throb painfully, wanting nothing more than to sink yourself in him and drown yourself in pleasure while holding him tightly within. 
Your hands trail upwards towards the belt of his pants, peeling them out of his skin. His cock is swollen, the veins roped around the shaft popping angrily, hard as it sprung up, slamming against his stomach. The sight already enough for you to gush your arousal on his lap. 
you wrap your hands around his base, feeling his cock twitch upon the feel of your skin. Keigo tenses with the touch, exhaling audible breaths. His hands reach your shoulders, dropping the strap of the thin tank top. 
He could see your tits slightly jiggle from the movements and his mouth wanted nothing more than to wrap itself around your pert buds. 
You move your hands in rhythm – twisting and squeezing your hand in a way that he absolutely loves. A move that always gets him off. Your hands reaches the top of his shaft, his tip is angled beautifully, pre-cum falling of the slit endlessly. You run your thumb against the skin, pressing into the little slit. 
Keigo hisses again, his hands reflexively grabs your hair and tugs it. 
“F-fuck, don’t…”
you smirk at his reaction, smearing the pre-cum around the cockhead, reaching down the frenulum. while your hands work its wonders, his deft ones tugs your tank top down, releasing your tits from the confines. He kneads the soft mounds…pinching and rolling the nipples with his thick fingers.
The whole scene is lewd and pornographic – both of your hands working against each other to pleasure. Yours on his cock, stroking up and down in a steady rythm, occasionally squeezing the tip while his finds your tits to massage and jiggle it under his palm. Straight out of a sex tape.
You fondle his balls. It feels hot and heavy on your hands while you massage them. his muscle tenses, fighting every nerve to not spill his release yet. Stretching the seconds to imprint the feel of your hands. He reaches your shorts, his hands glides under them and reaching your cunt. 
“You’re so wet, baby. Seeing me like this gets you off?” he uses two of his fingers to separate the lips, his middle finger stroking the slit of your pussy all the way to the bundled nerve. he flicks it with one hand, earning a whimper from you. Keigo might get tamed under you momentarily but he still has the power to keep you on your toes as well.
His hands on you feels like heaven but you had a mission to accomplish. You get off his lap, kneeling right in front of him. Resting your hands on his thighs, you sink your mouth in his cock — sending keigo on the brink of orgasm right then and there.
“Oh shit…baby wait…” you move your mouth, your tongue kitten licks the head and moves down. His hands rest on the sides of your head while you bob un and down on his cock. 
“You’re so beautiful, baby. Look at your feathers all ruffled and disheveled. So so pretty.” 
Keigo could feel his heart hammering at your words. He always thought his love for you had reached the threshold way above the earth but you just had to prove it wrong. Looking at you gazing him with the doe eyes, your hands working deft magic to play with him on the edge of release, you were indeed the one with wings. Wings from the above. A descendent of heaven tailored specifically for him. 
“What a perfect little baby I got” he muses. You lay your tongue flat against his shaft, engulfing the whole length in your mouth, the ends of it reaching your throat. Your nose tickling with the untrimmed golden pubic hair decorating his pelvis. You tilt your mouth sideways, sucking more of him while your hands under plays with his balls. They twitch under your hands, begging for the release. You remove your mouth after licking the entirety of his length, his pre-cum smeared sheen on your lips. His wings flap and wraps around you. The sharp ends of the feather trailing the naked body of yours. 
You smirk devilishly before grabbing a handful of his feathers, tugging it from the ends, sending a trail of shock right to his spine which gushed down between his legs. 
Keigo watches you wink at him before licking your bottom lips to get a taste of his pre-cum. The sight breaking the straw that was holding him. With a final twitch, keigo cums. Strings of white rope decorates your palm while you work him through the release, occasionally licking his heavy cum from his opening. 
Keigo feels lightheaded. His body still tingling from the sensation of your hands and mouth. He looks at you giggling, your eyes crinkled with amusement and satisfaction while you lick a handful of his cum off your hand. Fucking hell. 
“do you feel better, babe?” you massage his thighs in hopes of taking care of him. He pulls you back into the bed. A quick kiss pressed against your lips — “well you did take a great care of me, I can’t deny. Certainly the best part about my day” his nose brushed against your cheek and you felt like your heart bloomed a batch of roses, specifically for him. 
“Im glad I could be of help, darling” your hand rakes his hair and you kiss his cheek. You feel his hands wrap around your waist, gilding down to the dips of your hips. 
“thank you so much baby. but…” Keigo turns you around in a split second, grabbing your hips to arch your back. Your ass hiked up in the air for him. His quick fingers tug the elastic of your shorts, peeling it off your skin, displaying your ass in full glory. 
He grabs a handful in his hands, spreading them apart to peek at your pussy lips, slick with your arousal, the gaping hole contracting. waiting for its turn to fucking bust.  
“wouldn’t it be a shame if I didn’t return the favour to you?” Keigo drags his length over the stripe of your pussy. pushing the tip inside slightly, drawing a moan from you.
It’s gonna be a long, fucking night.
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a.n.2-> i just saw that he lives in a public security supply room LMAOAOAOAO more reasons for me to put him in a high rise penthouse where he fucks and lives to his heart’s content.
tagging @pastelle-rabbit because i promised her (here you go sweets), @stsgluver (my baby), if you want to be in my taglist hmu!!!
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girasollake · 2 years
˚♡ ⋆two of cupsੈ♡˳
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pairing: neteyam x fem!mangkwan!reader
!disclaimer! there is pretty much nothing we know about this clan but since i saw they are like ‚spiritual masters’ or something i thought i would use their name because it fits the story!
requested: no
type: angst/fluff
summary: (i am so bad at writing these) the reader is part of the clan you mostly hear about in legends, they are spiritually connected to eywa, more than any other tribe. she has to run away after the sky people destroyed her village and she meets a boy. his energy calls to her and she doesnt know why. both of them are children of clan leaders and both of them need to find a mate due to their age (both are around 18-20), they feel the pull towards each other and dont know that their fate was already written in the stars (its me, im the stars)
warnings: death of a loved one, injuries, mentions of blood and wounds, breakdown, grief, a happy ending
a/n: i hope you guys will like this one because i came up with the whole clan for the sake of the story lmao, but even if you wont like it i still hope you enjoy reading it!// gif is from pinterest, all credits to the owner!
word count: 5,818 
[there may be some errors, because i’m too lazy to check it lol]
╰┈➤ a little glossary:
*Faysawtute! Wiya! - These sky people! Dammit!
** Oel ngati kameie, Olo’eyktan, Tsahik - I see you, Olo’eyktan, Tsahik
***evi - kid(in an affecionate way kinda)
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You weren’t sure how you ended up in that place. The last thing you remember is running away from the sky people who had somehow found your village, the screams of your people started echoing in your brain. You sat up and analyzed your surroundings carefully - the forest around you was vast and mysterious, you have never went into this part of Pandora before. You needed to find your friends, your parents, your ikran, but the only things you could see were trees and bioluminescent plants. A hiss escaped your lips when you stood up, blood was running down your leg and you noticed a big wound it was coming out of, a stab wound. All of this wasn’t unfamiliar, you have fought against the sky people before, but this time they were hungrier for blood than ever, targeting your tribe and searching for you. Your clan had knowledge others didn’t, your people had a special connection to Eywa which presented itself in the fact that your hair was white. You were hiding in the shadows, often migrating and avoiding direct contacts with others, to other tribes yours was just a legend. You almost never engaged, only when it was necessary, and even though you should have gotten rid of the strange enemies from the other planet – your father decided to keep moving and put the fighting behind you. You didn’t blame him, there has been enough bloodshed and there were only 87 of you left, well, now probably less than that.
‘Faysawtute! Wiya!*’ You cursed and pressed on your wound as you walked over to the nearest plant with long leaves.
You tore one of them out of the plant and used it as a bandage, as well as some small vines you found nearby. A faint sound of an animal could be heard in the distance and you were thankful you still had your bow and arrows; your knife however was nowhere in sight. You sat down on the ground, closed your eyes and pressed your palm to the ground, you needed to feel her so that she could lead you to one of the sacred places. A few deep breaths calmed your body down and you opened your eyes rapidly, your ears going down – you felt her. After standing up you started following your gut, you had learned to trust it as much as possible. You tried to stay focused on the energy flowing through your body as well as the one flowing through the forest, but those beautiful plants had caught your eye way too many times for your liking, causing you to lose that focus.  With each step you felt weaker and even more tired, the journey was taking too long, you felt as if you had been walking for eternity. The sun started showing up, soft light reflected in your sleepy eyes and something in the horizon suddenly caught your attention, you stopped in your tracks. A big tree, with white long vines and a strong aura you could see from far away - the source of power. You smiled to yourself and resumed your walk, you couldn’t give up now, she would heal you at last. When you finally reached the tree, you collapsed at the bottom of its trunk. Your hands took one of the vines and connected it to your queue making a tsaheylu. Your pupils dilated as the purest energy of all flowed slowly through your weak body. Next thing you remember was darkness.
A sound of flapping wings caused you to open your eyes. You quickly disconnected from the tree and ran behind one of the larger roots to hide. As you were putting one of your arrows on the bow you heard the stranger approaching you. You stood up and pointed your weapon at them, but this wasn’t an enemy - it was a young Na’vi boy, probably close to your age. His bow was also ready to fire an arrow at you and you could tell he was confused too, because his eyes were scanning your body in a rapid pace. When you finally locked eyes, you lowered your weapon. However, he was still holding his up, cautious of you and your actions. But you knew better, you knew he wouldn’t hurt you; it was visible in his eyes that he was not a killer.
‘Who are you?’ He finally asked. ‘Are you an avatar?’
You tilted your head, confused about the new word he used, ‘What’s an avatar?’
He lowered his bow and hung it on his body, ‘Come.’
You didn’t move.
‘You’re Omaticaya, right?’ A question left your lips.
He nodded and opened his mouth to say something, but he shut it just as quickly.
‘What’s your name, boy?’
He grimaced at the last word, ‘Neteyam.’
‘(y/n)’ You replied.
For a moment you were standing there in silence, contemplating if you should ask for help. After all, you had nowhere to go to.
‘What are you doing here?’ He asked suddenly and stepped closer, which made you take a step back.
‘I got lost.’ You sighed. ‘The sky people found my village and the last thing I can remember is running away.’ You looked up at the tree. ‘I woke up in the forest and followed Eywa’s energy to find one of the sacred places to heal myself.’
‘Heal?’ He tilted his head in confusion once again.
You nodded, ‘I need your help.’ This time it was you who stepped closer. ‘I have to find my parents.’
He nodded, ‘I’ll take you to my grandmother, she’s Tsahik.’
Your ears perked up as you started following him to his ikran, ‘Who is the Olo’eyktan in your clan? Your grandfather?’
‘No, he died before I was born.’ He got on his ikran and offered you his hand. ‘My father is the leader.’
‘Hm.’ You quietly said and wrapped your arms around his chest gently.
You started wondering if you should tell him that you have that in common – being future clan leaders, that is. You knew the pressure, the responsibilities, the expectations and you could talk to him about that, but you wanted to keep that a secret for just a little longer. You could feel his strong energy, there was a certain feeling of calmness radiating from him and you swore it called to you. You have just met him, but he felt like an old friend, someone you never forget.
The ride was pleasant, you were curiously looking around and admiring the view. You thought he would take you to his home, somewhere in the forest, because after all the Omaticaya were a forest clan. It was surprising to say the least, when you landed inside a huge cave in one of the mountains.
‘I thought you were supposed to be tree people?’ You furrowed your eyebrows as you were looking around the village.
Neteyam helped you get down from the animal and softly laughed, ‘We are, but our home was destroyed.’ He looked down. ‘I never got to see it.’
You rested your hand on his arm and rubbed it softly, ‘I’m sorry, Neteyam. I am sure it was very beautiful.’
He sent you a soft smile which you reciprocated. Your eyes were locked with his, but he broke the eye contact due to something or rather someone coming from behind you. You turned around, a man was slowly approaching you, an elderly woman following after him.
‘That is father and grandmother.’ Neteyam stated from behind you.
‘Oel ngati kameie, Olo’eyktan, Tsahik.**’ You made the proper gesture and felt their tough gaze on you.
They greeted you in the same way and then looked at Neteyam. You knew exactly why they were confused just like he had been. It was because of your hair.
‘I come from the Mangkwan People.’ You announced in order to avoid unnecessary questions.
The Tsahik walked over to you and inspected your whole body, especially one part of it.
‘It’s been a while since I saw one of you.’ She said calmly. ‘Where is the rest of your clan?’
‘I don’t know.’ You sighed. ‘That’s why I’m here, I need to find them and I need help.’
She looked at Neteyam’s father who gave her a firm nod.
‘You can stay with us child.’ She informed you. ‘What are you called?’
‘(y/n) te Magte Leta’ite.’ You whispered your full name and the woman gasped softly, but didn’t say anything.
Neteyam exchanged a look with his father, both uncertain about the Tsahik’s reaction. The Olo’eyktan made a gesture towards his son to come closer and he whispered something into his ear. The young heir nodded and turned his attention to you.
‘Come, I’ll show you around.’
After a brief walk through the village, which mostly consisted of you trying not to pay attention to the people whispering as you walked by, you arrived at what you figured would be Neteyam’s home.
‘This is where we sleep. There is not a lot of space but I can give you my own area if you want to rest, I’ll just share with my brother.’
‘Oh, no, it’s okay. I can sleep on the floor, I don’t mind it.’ You chuckled. ‘No, but really, you don’t have to give up your space for me, I’ll be good with anything.’
He smiled at you and his eyes followed your movements as you were admiring the inside.
‘Forgive me for staring at you so much before.’ You turned around to face him. ‘I’ve heard legends about your clan and I was surprised that..’
‘I’m real?’ You softly laughed. ‘It’s okay, I know you don’t see people like me every day.’ Your happy expression faded away.
‘What’s wrong?’ He approached you.
You sat down without looking at him and he did the same, ‘There isn’t many of us left.’ You turned your head to look into his eyes. ‘That’s why you don’t see us often. We always run away, hide in the shadows, we don’t engage in anything… I’m sure your grandmother remembers the times when my clan would happily help others when in need, but times have changed. All I know how to do is run away.’
‘You don’t have to do that anymore, I’m sure your clan would be welcome here. To stay with us.’
You lifted one corner of your mouth, ‘Thanks, tree boy.’
‘Who is that, brother?’ Your focus shifted from the boy sitting next to you to the girls standing in the entrance.
‘(y/n).’ You answered before he could open his mouth. ‘May I know your names?’
‘I’m Kiri and this is Tuk.’ She replied and looked down at the smaller girl hiding behind her leg.
‘Come here, I don’t bite.’ You smiled at them.
They carefully came closer and sat in front of you. Their reaction was similar to everybody else, their eyes weren’t looking into yours, but above. You curiously looked Kiri up and down, there was something in this girl you couldn’t quite put into words, a powerful energy illuminated from her body.
‘Dad wanted to talk to you.’ She said to Neteyam.
‘Oh, okay.’ He quickly stood up. ‘I’ll be right back, treat her nicely, she’s our guest.’
He left their home, your gaze followed him as he got lost in the sea of other Omaticaya people. Meanwhile, Tuk was still taking in your strange looks, a confused frown was on her face.
‘You want to touch it?’ You asked her and she nodded eagerly.
She crawled closer to you and started playing with your hair, ‘It looks like it glows! Does it glow in the dark?’
‘Sometimes.’ You replied with a funny expression on your face.
‘Can you show me? Please!’
‘Maybe one day, okay?’ She nodded in reply.
‘Do you need someone to patch you up?’ Kiri asked.
‘Sorry, what?’ You gave her a confused reply to which she gave a nod towards your bandaged thigh. ‘Oh! I forgot about that. It’s okay, it’s fully healed.’
‘How do you know?’
‘Because Eywa healed me.’ You replied while taking off the leaves and vines, Tuk was still playing with your hair.
‘What?’ Her ears perked up and she sat up straighter. ‘What do you mean by that?’
‘When I connect to the source, such as your big sacred tree, I can transfer Eywa’s power into my body to heal myself.’ You explained like it was nothing. ‘See? All good.’ You showed her your thigh which  now only had a small, faint scar in the place you were stabbed.
You looked up to see her puzzled expression and it took everything in you to not laugh.
‘You need to teach me how to do it.’ She finally whispered.
‘I can try, but it’s a difficult craft. It requires patience, meditation, and strength, spiritual strength. My people start training the moment they connect with Eywa for the first time and it takes years to master it.’ You told her. ‘But I feel that you have all that is needed. I’ll teach you when the time comes.’
‘Really?’ She covered her mouth in shock. ‘Thank you!’
‘It’s nothing.’ You smiled and looked over at Tuk. ‘Are you having fun?’
‘Mhm!’ She exclaimed. ‘Can I braid some of it?’
‘Of course.’ Her smile warmed up your heart.
It’s been a while since you sat down and had your hair done by anyone, so why not let the little kid do it? You shifted your gaze to look outside and saw Neteyam talking to a girl. A light clench could be felt in your heart, why was your body doing that?
‘Is that your brother’s mate?’ You asked and gave a nod towards them.
Kiri turned around to see who you were referring to, ‘He hasn’t chosen yet. Mother is expecting him to do that soon but he keeps postponing it, he says he has to be sure.’ She explained and you felt a relief inside. ‘And that is Nelao, mother thinks she would be the perfect Tsahik, but I disagree.’
‘Why?’ Your curiosity won. ‘She looks nice.’
‘She does, but I just don’t feel like she’s the right fit for my brother.’ She murmured. ‘Nelao overheard my mother talking about her being the new Tsahik. Because of that she’s so certain he will chose her that she doesn’t even leave his side.’
‘You would be a better Tsahik, (y/n).’ Tuk peeped in.
You tilted your head and giggled, ‘I would be, indeed.’ You paused. ‘And I will. Perks of being the daughter of the clan leaders.’
‘Your parents are Tsahik and Olo’eyktan?’ Kiri gasped. ‘Why didn’t you say it before?!’
‘I like being secretive.’ You smiled. ‘Revealing too much information at once isn’t a good idea, trust me.’
‘You can be our Tsahik if you want to.’ Tuk added.
‘Tuk! You can’t say things like that!’ Kiri scolded her sister.
‘Why not?’
‘Well, for once, she may already have someone betrothed to her.’ Kiri explained and turned her attention to you. ‘Do you have someone promised to you?’
You shook your head, ‘No.’
You wanted to add more, but you bit your tongue. Your parents have shown you a few young men to marry, but none of them felt right. You had to feel it inside and you couldn’t choose just because they expected that, it was your decision after all. And it’s not like you didn’t try, you hung out with some of them, talked with them, laughed with them, and yet none of them matched your energy in a way you longed for.
‘See? She can be our Tsahik.’ The little girl muttered and Kiri just rolled her eyes.
‘I’m sorry for my sister.’
‘It’s okay.’ You giggled. ‘Don’t be sorry for her, be grateful that she’s here to make your day more interesting.’
She smiled at you, ‘She sure is.’
‘All done! Do you like it?’ Tuk asked and showed you a few braids she had done.
‘They are perfect! Thank you ‘evi.***’ You gave her a quick hug to show your gratitude.
‘Kiri can you show me where you clean yourselves? I think I need to wash away the dirt.’ You turned to the older sister.
‘Oh my, of course! I’m sorry I should have asked you if you needed anything! Can I offer you some new clothes?’
‘If you’d be so kind.’ You smiled.
The three of you got up and you followed them hastily. On your way out you locked eyes with Neteyam who was still talking to Nelao, he shot you a quick smirk which made you look down and break the eye contact.
After changing and cleaning yourself up you sat down on the edge of the cave. You were taking in the view unfolding in front of your eyes.
‘Where are you mom?’ You whispered and felt someone approach you from behind.
‘We have not had a chance to meet. My name is Neytiri, I am Neteyam’s mother.’ The beautiful woman spoke up.
‘(y/n).’ You smiled and bowed your head to greet her.
‘Can I join you?’ You nodded in approval.
She sat down next to you, ‘Beautiful, isn’t it?’
‘Yes, it’s extraordinary. I love looking at Pandora from above.’ You replied.
‘You have your own ikran?’
‘Yes, but I don’t know where she is. I was hoping to go search for her in the morning with Neteyam if that’s possible?’ You asked and quickly looked down. ‘Or any warrior for that matter, it doesn’t have to be him.’
Neytiri smiled sweetly, ‘I’m sure he would love to help you.’
You shyly raised your head and while looking into her eyes reciprocated the smile. For a moment both of you were sitting there quietly, enjoying the darkness with some glowing plants in the distance. Your ears perked up when you remembered a strange word Neteyam had said to you before.
‘What’s an avatar?’ You asked your companion out of the blue.
She looked at you confused, ‘You don’t know?’
‘No, I am not familiar with that word.’ You answered. ‘Neteyam asked me if I was one and I didn’t know what it meant.’
Neytiri roughly explained to you the concept of the word, she also used the term dream walkers. You also found out that her husband was an avatar before, which surprised you, it’s weird you haven’t noticed his additional fingers.
‘Your husband has a strong spirit, strong heart. I could feel it.’
‘He does.’ She whispered. ‘It’s late, we should head inside.’
You nodded and stood up to follow the woman inside their family home.
When you woke up there was nobody in the tent with you. While you were stretching a big yawn escaped your lips. There was some water left next to you in a small pot, you picked it up and took a few big sips. You wiped your mouth and stood up to go outside and search for any of the familiar faces. You approached Neteyam who was giving some food to his ikran.
‘Hi, did you sleep well?’ He looked at you.
‘Um, yeah, it was a good night.’ You mumbled. ‘Are you going to help me today? With finding my ikran and my people?’
‘Oh! Yes, right, I have this thing here for you.’ He pulled out some sort of device. ‘This goes around your neck and this into your ear. Those are comms we use for communicating. ‘He pointed to the one he was wearing. ‘I’ll show you how they work.’
He installed everything on you and explained step by step to you how to use it. The whole time you tried to stay composed and steady, but his fingers brushing your skin were not helping. After that you both got on his ikran, the first place you wanted to check was the one you woke up at and that’s where you navigated him. You were using your memory and it was hard doing it from above since you were inside the forest while looking for a way out. Neteyam was patient with you, he landed a few times in the wrong places because you thought each could be the right one, thankfully one of them was. You got off the ikran and immediately noticed your blood on the grass. It was faint but because of daylight you could see the trail you were running through that night. You followed the blood with Neteyam by your side.
‘Mom! Dad!’ You shouted into the forest but received no response.
Suddenly a faint ikran roar erupted through the trees. Your ears perked up and you quickly ran towards the sound while making noises to lure in the animal.
‘Wait for me!’ You heard the man shout behind you, but you didn’t stop.
Soon you noticed something blue moving between two trees and you slowly approached it.
‘Ra’ia.’ You whispered and came closer to your ikran.
You noticed she was covered with a net and that was the thing disallowing her to move. You spotted your knife next to her and grabbed it to free the animal. Now everything made sense, they must’ve shot that net at you which caused both of you to fall down, you somehow freed yourself and dropped your knife while running away.
‘I’m sorry I left you Ra’ia.’ You whispered while you were hugging her neck and stroking her skin with one of your hands. ‘Thank you Great Mother for keeping her safe.’
‘Is that your ikran?’ You heard Neteyam’s voice.
‘Yes.’ You nodded. ‘Her name is Ra’ia.’
‘It’s suits her.’
‘Thanks.’ You chuckled. ‘We should check my village now.’
He gave you a nod and started calling for his own animal.
The place was a mess. Your started to feel heavy when you noticed limp bodies of your people laying on the ground. You took a deep breath and wiped away the tears already falling down from your eyes. With each person you examined you felt your heart break even more. However it broke down completely when you noticed your father’s  broken bow, his hand wrapped around the weapon. You swallowed a big lump and took cautious steps towards him.
This can’t be real. He’s okay, he has to be okay.
‘Dad?’ You whispered when you finally reached his side you moved his body, he didn’t move. ‘Dad, come on.’ You cried. ‘Wake up! You can’t do this to me!’ You shouted and started shaking his body.
A pair of arms wrapped around you and started pulling you away.
‘No!’ You shouted. ‘NO!’
Neteyam embraced you in a hug which you were trying to break out of, ‘Let me go! He’s okay! We have to get him help!’
‘I’m sorry, (y/n).’He whispered and held you tighter. ‘There is nothing we can do for him, we need to go.’
You were crying your eyes out, your screams were stopping in your throat along with the tears you were choking on. You don’t know how long Neteyam was trying to calm you down, it could’ve been 20 minutes or 3 hours, you had no idea. His palm was stroking your hair and his chest was wet from your tears, but it was working, he finally managed to help you steady your breath and stop crying.
‘Can you help me bury him?’ You looked up at him with glossy eyes. ‘Please, Neteyam.’
‘Of course.’ He replied and kissed the top of your head gently.
There was a sacred place, a small tree close to your village where you would bury the dead. Neteyam helped you carry your father’s body there, you whispered a quick prayer to him and to Eywa. You connected your queue to the sacred tree and experienced a vision. Instead of seeing your father you saw your mother in some kind of metal home, perhaps a capsule? It was strange and covered in various plants. You gasped and collapsed right into Neteyam’s arms. You looked at him and explained where you think your mother may be.
He widened his eyes, ‘I think I know where that is.’
‘Mom?’ You called out. ‘Mom are you there!?’
You moved closer to the entrance of the shack and looked through the broken window. Your mother was nowhere in sight.
‘She’s not inside, do you know if there is anywhere she could-‘
‘(y/n)?’ You heard your mother’s voice coming from the bushes.
You moved closer to the sound, ‘Mom? Yes, yes mom, it’s me.’
Her fragile silhouette emerged from the plants and she instantly collapsed into your arms, crying.
‘Your father..‘ She cried. ‘He..’
‘I know, ma, I know…’ You started caressing her tangled hair. ‘It’s going to be okay, ma.’
‘You need to find someone to lead the clan, you need to find a mate, daughter. We have to find the others as soon as we can, it is the only way.’ She explained and looked up to rest her sad eyes on Neteyam. ‘Who’s that?’
‘That’s my friend. We’re going to take you to a safe place.’ You explained. ‘The Omaticaya will take care of you, of us.’
‘No, no, we can’t. They are going to be hunting us. They know what we can do and they don’t like it.’ She stammered.
‘They are hunting my people too.’ Neteyam finally spoke up. ‘I can’t guarantee you will be safe in our hideout, but going there is the best thing I can offer you right now.’
‘We have to go, ma.’ You helped her stand up. ‘It’s okay, come on.’
The flight to the Omaticaya camp was peaceful, with no surprises from the enemy, but you felt your mother’s broken energy the whole time and it was draining you. You felt her pain, it was mixing with yours and creating a dreadful combination. There was also her unwillingness to go with you so she complained for most of the ride. When you finally arrived you were greeted by Mo’at, who immediately recognised your mother. She took her away from everyone and they both disappeared in her tent. You sighed and turned around to face Neteyam.
‘Thank you.’ You said. ‘For helping me. With finding my mother, Ra’ia and my..’ You paused, tears were starting to form in your eyes.
‘Hey, hey, you don’t have to thank me for this.’ He took your hand into his, caressing your knuckles softly with his fingers. ‘I’ll help you anytime you need me.’
You smiled up at him, ‘Do you-‘
‘Neteyam!’ A voice called out which made him drop your hand. ‘Is that this new friend of yours everyone is talking about? My name is Nelao.’
She grabbed Neteyam’s arm and hugged it to her body. The sight made your heart feel like a needle was going straight through it. You told her your name and complemented her own.
‘Thank you. Yours is quite unique as well.’ She looked up at Neteyam. ‘Shall we go? You must be hungry!’ She turned to you. ‘You’re welcome to join us, of course.’
You shook your head, ‘Maybe later, but thank you for invitation.’
You started walking away and looked at the man one more time, to your surprise you locked eyes with him once again. Then Nelao pulled him away as they headed to feast with the others. You approached Mo’at’s tent in hopes to find out how your mother was doing.
‘We have to find the rest. My daughter needs a mate, we need a new leader, Mo’at. I cannot believe all of this is happening.’ You heard your mother’s broken voice through the thin tent material. ‘I lost him, it hurts so much.’
‘I know what it feels like. I lost my husband because of these demons too. Your clan is welcome to stay with us when they are found.’ Mo’at spoke up. ‘Accept our help, Leta.’
‘It’s not nice to eavesdrop, you know?’ Neteyam’s voice startled you.
‘And why are you not participating in the feast?’ You tilted your head to the side.
‘I just..’ He paused. ‘Can we talk?’
You nodded, ‘Why didn’t you tell me you are the next Tsahik?’
‘What?’ You asked confused. ‘How-‘
‘I overheard your mother saying it to you before, she wasn’t particularly quiet so it’s not my fault.’
‘Right.’ You gave him a nod and smirked. ‘Do you want to go for a ride?’
‘If I do, will you answer my question?’ He tilted his head.
You shrugged, ‘Come and find out.’
You giggled and started running away to get on your ikran. Neteyam shook his head and followed your steps.
‘Where are we even going?’
‘You’ll see.’ You replied and took off, the man right behind you.
Throughout the flight you were constantly messing with him, whether that would be shoving him from the side or disappearing behind a mountain to scare him. He was pretending to be mad, but you knew he liked it. When you saw your destination you increased your speed. He tried chasing you trying to outrun your ikran, but to no avail.
‘It’s even more beautiful at night.’ You whispered when you landed.
‘It is.’ He replied, but he wasn’t looking at The Spirit Tree.
He was looking at something else or rather someone.
‘Come on, let’s go sit under it.’ You grabbed his hand and ran towards the tree.
For a moment you were just enjoying each other’s presence and looking around at the bioluminescent grass, leaves and vines. Well, you were the one looking around when his gaze was mostly lingering on your form.
‘So?’ He broke the silence which made you sigh.
‘I didn’t want to be defined by that. You out of all people should know the burden this role carries.’ You paused. ‘All the responsibilities, risks, duties… I just… I sometimes wish I wasn’t next in line.’ You looked at your hands. ‘Especially now when my mother urges me to find a mate immediately. Someone to step in for… You know.’
He nodded, ‘Yeah, I know what all of that feels like.’
‘But I can’t just take anyone and I think she doesn’t understand it. I have to feel it inside, it has to feel-‘
‘Right.’ He interrupted you.
‘Exactly!’ You exclaimed. ‘At least you already have someone to mate with.’ You whispered.
‘Huh?’ He raised his eyebrows. ‘Are you talking about Nelao?’
You nodded, ‘She seems really nice. You should be grateful your mom chose someone like that for you.’
‘She is nice, but at the end of the day it is not my mother’s decision.’ He responded. ‘It is mine.’
He raised his palm and rested it on your cheek.
‘And I don’t want Nelao.’
You felt heat going up to your cheeks and his face was slowly getting closer to yours. The kiss was slow and passionate, but most importantly – it felt right.
You were the first to break the kiss, ‘Are you sure about this?’
‘Are you?’ He asked.
You nodded your head eagerly, ‘You know, from the moment I saw you, your energy has called out to me.’
‘My energy?’ He chuckled.
You softly punched his arm, ‘Do not laugh at me! Last time I checked, I was the one seeing and feeling what you don’t.’
‘Oh, and that makes me worse than you?’ He tilted his head playfully.
‘Yes.’ You giggled and connected your lips with his eagerly.
After a while both of you pulled out your queues and observed how they connected with each other. The feeling was almost euphoric, something you have never felt before. You felt Neteyam’s energy, you saw it so vividly in your mind, all of his good and bad sides, everything about him was in front of you like an open book. All of it melted into your own body, your own energy mixed with his as you became one. There was no denying that all of this felt right.
You woke up in the morning only because someone towered over you and their presence was enough to awaken you. You slowly opened your eyes and you felt Neteyam’s arm on your stomach, your back pressed to his chest. When your vision cleared up you looked up and saw your mother’s angry face.
‘Did you mate with this boy!?’ She screamed, which made Neteyam and you quickly sit up.
Jake was standing behind her and guided her to take a step back. Neytiri was also present, but she was behind the two, a small smirk spread out on her face.
‘Answer me, daughter.’
You stood up, your fingers intertwined with Neteyam’s, ‘Yes, mother.’
She scoffed, ‘You were supposed to find someone from our clan!’
‘It is my fault.’ Neteyam spoke up. ‘I was the one to-‘
‘No, it isn’t.’ You shook your head.’ It was all because of Eywa. We met before her and we mated before her.’ You told your mother. ‘From the moment I saw him I knew we were meant to be together, his energy called me, it lured me in and I could not resist. The feeling was stronger than anything else.’
Your mother shook her head, but deep down she knew exactly what you were talking about. She had felt the same thing when she first laid her eyes on your father. She looked up at Jake who just shrugged his arms.
‘There is nothing we can do about it.’ He told her. ‘It is done.’
‘There is nothing wrong with uniting our clans.’ Neytiri spoke up. ‘I must say, I think it’s necessary. Especially in those dark times.’
You smiled at her and she reciprocated the gesture. You turned to your mother with pleading eyes.
‘Please, ma.’
She was looking between the two of you quickly and her gaze finally rested on your mate.
‘Fine.’ She closed her eyes and sighed. ‘At least it’s done now. All we have to do is find the rest of the clan, but I must say, the boy I chose for you will not be very pleased about this.’
‘Ma!’ You scolded her.
‘The boy she chose for you?’ Neteyam asked.
‘She chose like 5 boys for me.’ You chuckled. ‘But they don’t matter anymore, do they?’
‘I guess they don’t.’ He smiled at you.
‘We should head back to the camp.’ Jake said. ‘And please, don’t sneak out in the night, I don’t want your siblings to follow your footsteps.’
‘Yes sir.’ Netayam nodded.
Everyone turned around and started walking towards their ikrans, you and Neteyam following after them.
‘I knew this would happen.’ You heard Neytiri whisper to her husband.
‘Who didn’t?’ He quietly replied.
You chuckled and turned your head to Neteyam. You gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
‘Want to race to the camp?’ You asked and started running to your animal before the man had a chance to process your question.
He shook his head and ran after you. He would always run after you.
© girasollake, 2023
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thank you!! xx
taglist:  @hockeyboysarehot​ @esposadomd​ @astr1dblogs​ @greengarsstuff @black-and-white1​ @softpia​ @writingsbybirdie​ @slythermania​ @mariiyoushi​ @rakwunz​ @hirokosoul​ @goldenchunkycat​ @margoniezniez​ @bluesprings18​ @decaffeinatedmom01​ @swords4mob​  @quietshyashlyn19​ ( if you liked/commented on my post about this fic and you are not here, please check your settings because i couldn’t tag you <3)
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
Things Wukong has definitely said to his kids at some point:
"*child's name* you get that fuzzy little tail of yours back here before I climb up after you!"
"If I have to get up from my meditation you won't like what happens!"
"Now, why would you want to bite your own tail!"
"*screeches in shock* That's it! No more shadow portals in the house! Actually... no more shadow portals in general!"
"Kids, if you're gonna make a mess... at least try to keep it to one room. Please?"
"Don't make me call your other baba! One! Two..."
"*reaches hand out to scruff a kid* Sorry, they missed snack time. I'll be sure to reimburse you for all the food... and the expensive set of dishware..."
No matter the au (im assuming LMK), Wukong is the more authoritive parent. He's a worrier deep down. Macaque is more likely to let the cubs run wild for a bit and since he hears Everything its hard to hide mischief from him. So if Wukong has to call Macaque in, the kids know its *serious*.
So many chaos babies. So few hairs to make clones out of.
I love the idea of a few of the babies inheriting/learning shadow magic from Mac, and Wukong just has to deal with the occassional portal from the kids room-to-fridge.
One of my fave things about monkey parents irl, is that they will grab/hold a baby's tail to stop them from running off to cause mischief. You can see the tired frustration in the mom's eyes. XD
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First time the Celestial Realm invites Wukong and his mate to a fancy dinner, they quickly regret it. Mac brought the Eclipse twins and soon the banquet table was a massacre.
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dead-boys-club · 25 days
†  red string : astarion.
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❥ project: soulmate - red string of fate. ❥ a little menacing, but soft enough. ( pls ignore my tiny plothole, im exhausted. ) ❥ no triggers unless you hate how i write him, tbh. i am dabbling with how he speaks. ❥ for: @blibblubblub - i apologize in advance. ( if i mess up numbers, please let me know - the dyscalculia will absolutely do the jig and fuck me up. )
the trek through the dense forest had been long and tiring, the group barely even taking a moment to breathe as they pushed onward, wanting to cover as much ground as possible. it was only when the sun began to set, casting long shadows over the trees, that you all deciding it was finally time to make camp and rest aching bones. as the others busied themselves amongst their own things, setting up tents and collecting firewood, you found yourself standing near the edge, staring down at your hand in agitation.
there it was - a thin, crimson thread tied neatly around your pinky, glowing faintly with the attachment to your soul. you'd heard of the red string of fate as a child, a myth about a string connecting you to your soulmate, but you'd never imagined you'd actually see it, let alone feel it. the moment you discovered it and just who happened to be on the end of it, you'd kept it to yourself. he seemed to do the same.
the realization had hit you like a tidal wave. this wasn't a myth; it was real, and it was connecting you to astarion. a part of you was beyond thrilled, but another part - one that won in dominance and brought worry and doubt - feared what it may mean for the group, and astarion himself.
you shook off the thoughts and clenched your hand into a fist, the string fading from view, and reached for your gloves. slipping them on, you sighed and shook your head, knowing it was going to be a pain keeping it under wraps but it would have to do for now. the last thing you wanted was to disrupt the already fragile balance of your party or make astarion uncomfortable, especially given his complicated past - you accepted that as his reasoning for not speaking up.
as you walked back and towards the fire, you kept your hand tucked close to your side, forcing up a smile when others glanced your way. astarion raised an eyebrow, expression curious but not overly concerned. you managed to navigate the rest of the evening without any attention, thought you could feel the weight of the string continuing to grow heavier.
days passed, and you continued keeping your little secret hidden, always pulling on gloves or tucking your hands away when he was too close. you tried to convince yourself that it was for the best, for everyone, and the safest way to handle the situation. the more you avoided it, however, the more it gnawed at you. you began to wonder if he had other reasons for denying it - had he already ruled you out on being his soulmate? maybe a rejection would make it easier.
it wasn't long before he started to notice your strange behavior. he was nothing if not observant, and the way you seemed to avoid him didn't escape his attention - of course it didn't. he didn't need to catch the glimpses of the string to know it was there, but you were so quick to cover it up, always some excuse about the cold or an old injury.
one evening, as the two of you sat apart from the group, he finally decided it was time to confront you about your recent change. the firelight flickered across his features as he turned to you, eyes narrowing slightly. 'you've been acting.. different,' he remarked, voice carrying a hint of suspicion, 'what are you hiding?'
you tensed at the forward way of asking, knowing you couldn't just keep avoiding the truth anymore. you took a deep breath and sighed in defeat, lifting your hand to show the string that connected you both by the pinky. his eyes flickered as he glanced to your hand then back at you, confused but also showing something darker, more pained.
'so, you have been hiding it,' he murmured, nodding slowly as if he was simply accepting it all as a cruel joke. the hurt in his eyes was impossible to miss. 'and, you've been hiding it.. because you don't want it. correct?'
'no, that's not-' you began, but the falter in your voice wasn't making it too believable. he cut you off, tone sharp with bitterness.
'you didn't want me to see it because you hate the idea of being bound to a monster, is that it? i'm not exactly what you imagined for a soulmate, it is?' his words were laced with self loathing and distaste, his usual bravado stepped out by the deep insecurities that burned too deeply to ignore, the ones he tried so hard to hide.
you reached out to him, desperate to make him understand, but stopped yourself, not wanting to cross more lines than you already had. 'that's not why i did it. i was.. afraid. i didn't want this to cause trouble for the group, or you. i didn't want to.. force anything on you or be the reason you felt obligated to something.'
astarion's expression softened only slightly, but the pain remained evident. 'so you were protecting me from the truth? or, perhaps, you were protecting yourself from the idea.'
the question hung heavy in the air, and you could see how deeply the possibility of rejection hurt him. so much so that he wasn't giving you a chance to explain. he was used to being treated a certain way, as less than worth it, and the thought the person made for him might feel the same way cut deep to the core.
you shook your head and stepped closer to him. 'i was scared of how it would change things, scared of what it might mean. it's not because i don't want you. i'm not afraid of being with you.'
he searched your gaze, looking for any sign of deception, but was surprised to find none at all. he looked away, eyebrows briefly pulling together before he let himself have the smallest sliver of faith in the words, letting the tension ease from his shoulders slightly.
'then why?' he asked quietly, 'why did you hide it? you knew i would be able to see it.'
'because i didn't want you to feel trapped,' you explained, having a little trouble making eye contact due to admitting something out loud that sounded so.. stupid. 'i know how much you value your freedom, how much you've been through. i wasn't going to be part of a something the world decided you have no choice in.'
the bitterness in his eyes and expression seemed to gradually melt away as you spoke, giving way to something more vulnerable. he glanced down at the string once more, then back up, emotions no longer readable. 'you're a fool,' he said, though without malice, only a strange kind of affection. 'a well-meaning fool.'
you let a out a breath you didn't know you were holding, relief washing over you. you hadn't realized how deep your own fear of rejection seemed to burrow. 'maybe i am' you chuckled weakly, 'but, i meant what i said.. about being with you. i care about you, adore you, more than you know.'
he stared at you for a long moment, gaze intense, as if he were trying to see directly into your soul, wherever that link settled. then, he reached out and collected your hand in his, the red string binding you together growing brighter than before.
'i suppose.. it's not the worst fate in the world,' he said softly, thumb brushing over your knuckles. 'being bound to someone who actually cares.'
looking to him, you couldn't help the soft smile that played on your lips. 'so.. you like me, then?'
his eyes widened slightly at the question, a brief flicker of surprise crossing his face. he recovered rather quickly and squeezed your hand, his usual smirk returning, a hint of something more genuine behind it.
'well, aren't you a perceptive one,' he replied, tone playful but edged with sincerity. 'i suppose i've not made that too obvious. who knows? perhaps i just enjoy the company of someone who can tolerate my presence.'
he paused, softening one more as he looks over you, the teasing tone fading off. 'but, yes.. i do. more than i've shown, it seems.' his smirk is next to fade, allowing something more serious to form. 'it's not easy to trust, let alone care for someone. but you, you're different.. and maybe, just maybe, that scares me more than i'd like to admit.'
'you're afraid of me, then?' it's a light tease, something you say as an attempt to ease the seriousness of everything. reassurance, in your own way.
he lets out a small, self deprecating laugh. 'you can say that,' he answered, shaking his head slightly, 'but, i do like you. and if this string is any indication, it seems we're bound together in more ways than one.'
'we'll figure it out together,' you promised, lifting your pinky to wave it a little.
astarion nodded, a faint smile breaking through the sadness that had clouded his thoughts over the idea. 'together,' he echoed, and for the first time in a very long time, he allowed himself to believe that the connection was something worth embracing.
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lynnlovesthestars · 6 months
Sleep tight.
Pairing: Astarion x OC (Lynn, changeling sorcerer)
Genre: Fluff
Synopsis: The shadowlands are not welcoming and Astarion needs help falling asleep
Warnings: Astarion overthinks the shit out of cuddles.
WC: 1.1k
AN: im sick, so sorry if there's any errors, i wrote this a few nights ago so idk if there's any errors, but covid got my ass. I will get back at answering the headcanons when im going to be able to type without feeling sick- so yeah. I hope u like it
Taglist: @sessils @spacebarbarianweird Masterpost Kofi Patreon
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The night dawned quickly over the tired group, the shadowlands had something in them that drained them of their energy. It could have been the constant fighting- or the gloom- but they were exhausted by the time they set up camp.
It was unsettling when everyone retired to their tents, even the ones known for being the loudest or chattiest were suddenly silent. Some even resorted to keeping their tents open- like Lynn- just enough to have a clue of what was going on outside since the silence took over before they even knew it.
The shadows lingering right at the edge of the small clearing haunted everyone as they tried to get as much rest as possible.
Lynn quickly discarded his clothes in the corner, grabbing his trusted blanket and wrapping it tightly around his body before tucking himself in his bedroll. It was a different type of cold that ran through everyone's body, it was rooted deeply in their bones and eating out as much as possible. They almost thought that the shadow curse was actually eating them alive if it wasn't for the Harper's reassurance before they had left the inn.
Nevertheless it didn't erase that overwhelming cold as they laid to sleep.
Lynn surprisingly didn't take long to chase the exhaustion, despite he didn't fully fall asleep, for the time being, dozing in and out of sleep was enough for him as he tried to picture a peaceful scene in his head.
A roaring fire, a plaid, Astarion clinging to him as they rested close and exchanged delicate kisses. What he imagined as peaceful in his quite stressful life.
Astarion paced back and forth in his tent, his body unable to stop fidgeting as he bit his nails and retraced his steps to find out where he fucked up.
"Shit, shit, shit" He facepalmed as he couldn't help but recall the way Lynn had held him those few times he had fallen asleep in his tent after a feeding.
His whole body was taught, impossible to fall in meditation when his head had other matters to focus on, so when he was thinking again of Lynn, and the way he held him, Astarion decided to give it a shot.
Astarion could never truly move on from it, he held him as if he had been precious, he placed soft kisses on his forehead and he'd gently scrape his nails on Astarion's body, or how his fingers tangled nicely in his curls as he gently massaged his scalp. He didn't know feelings well, but he was sure that was the closest he had even been to feeling loved.
And he wasn't even good at hiding how those pure touches affected him. Nothing could hide the blush on his cheeks or the goosebumps on his skin, the way he's clutch tighter to Lynn as if he was afraid he'd disappear.
He didn't have to feel anything more than whatever people that co-worked felt like, he rumaged as he stood in front of the flap of his tent.
He scoffed at himself as he pushed it open. "It's just making sure he's not dead" He thought. "I'm confirming he doesn't hate me yet" He strode past the rest of the tents to Lynn's, even as he walked he could peak inside, where the changeling was sprawled in his bedroll, his hair spread all over the place as he laid half asleep, staring at the cloudy sky.
The latter didn't notice him coming to a halt in front of the tent. "Lynn?" He kneeled close to the other as he placed his palm on his cheek, earning a 'mh' as the other turned to look at him. Lynn's eyes were glassy with sleep as he laid on his side. "Can I stay here with you?" Astarion managed to ask with an unfamiliar shyness he could hardly tame, while his pallid cheeks suddenlt burnt with heat.
Lynn simply nodded, lifting the duvet- still messily wrapped around him- and the bedroll's flap while his free hand gently grasped at Astarion's wrist and tugged him in. "Come here" He murmured once the elf didn't hesitate to sneak in the cocoon.
The warmth alone could have helped him sleep, but the closeness with Lynn truly had something he couldn't name that relaxed him.
Lynn didn't think it twice, his arms quickly found respite around Astarion's hips and pulled him to his chest, and the moment his naked legs tangled with Lynn's he swore everything was lifted off his back.
Lynn didn't as why Astarion was there or why he pocked him to rest with, he simpley accepted Astarion in the closed space as if it was something normal to do with him, and Astarion knew it wasn't.
Lynn barely allowed anyone to touch him, firmly reminded everyone to respect his personal space, and yet Astarion played by his own rules, just the fact that he was allowed to literally cling to his neck and feed off him was proof enough of it, no matter how many excuses he would recycle to the rest of the group. Astarion already knew back when Lynn had defended him from the gur, or when he had offered to show him what he looked like, that he was getting way too emotionally attached to him, and yet he couldn't help but sigh in the grasp. What sorcery was it? His body felt lighter and slipping in trance was way too easy.
Astarion gently cupped Lynn's cheek again, their noses brushing as the other closed his eyes and Astarion wondered if he could try and steal just one kiss before it was too late.
"Shit, do you need to feed?" Lynn rasped half dazed with low voice, clearly closer to sleep than what he knew.
"No, just wanted to thank you" He smiled while lingering close. Their lips were barely brushing as Lynn peacefully sighed and slowly blinked. "Rest well" He murmured before he closed the distance between them with a peck- although he swore he kissed his forehead- Astarion was left breathless with his eyes wide open.
"Sleep tight" He whispered back as he sunk in his chest and closed his eyes, allowing Lynn's heartbeat to lull him into trance.
It had been such a fleeting kiss that Astarion couldn't help but wonder how Lynn's lips would taste like, how his tender touch would be once they waked , how his eyes would soften once he'd notice how tightly they were holding each other, and how his lips would curly in a smile when he'd see how nicely their legs tangled together, and before he knew he was finally meditating, shielded by Lynn. That's how he knew he was safe, cause for once he didn't struggle or worry. He knew Lynn was going to be there when the sun- or the shadowlands equivalent- rose, he'd be in his hold.
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lizhaoyu · 10 months
Why so shy? PART 1
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A/N: Hey, gays. I'm back with a new fic. I started maining Iso for a little over the week, and I can say that I'm loving him. I haven't been seeing a lot of fanfics for him, so I took it upon myself to make one. Iso might be OOC, and I gave the reader shadow abilities because I'm gay. Enjoy thirsting.
Part 1 (You are here.)
Part 2
Part 3
(Iso x Shy!GN!Reader<3)
That's exactly what you were feeling right now.
You've heard there was a new Valorant Agent coming around, and like the others, you came to greet him with a warm welcome.
But no one really ever said that the new recruit was this attractive.
Currently, the new recruit was greeting Jett and Phoenix who came up to him first.
Meanwhile, you were practically sweating buckets and very much trembling behind Jett.
What do I do??? Should I just walk away now????????, you thought.
"Hey." A smooth sounding voice interrupts your trail of thought.
OH FUCK, you internally died.
You turn to look at the new recruit, taking in his appearance.
Black hair, purple eyes, perfect skin, beautiful lips...
"U-Uh..." You let out. What were you supposed to say to the most attractive person you've ever met????
"I'm Iso." Iso looked directly into your eyes.
"I-I'm..." You stutter, unable to process the fact that he was speaking to you and looking into your eyes.
"Are you alright?" Iso asked, looking concerned.
"Bro, take it easy!" Phoenix ruffles your hair with a laugh. Right, you completely forgot about them. How were you not supposed to forget? A literal angel was in front of you.
"Don't worry, they're just shy." Phoenix grins, giving Iso a thumbs-up.
"I-I'm leaving!" You quickly ran away to hide your flushed face.
IS THAT SERIOUSLY MY FIRST IMPRESSION ON HIM? I'M FUCKED, you thought as your heart raced, your mind was frantic.
You ran quickly into your room, the metal door automatically closing behind you as you pressed a button to lock it.
You jumped in bed, unable to get Iso out of your mind. I mean, how were you supposed to? He looked absolutely astonishing and attractive that you immediately froze on the spot.
How were you supposed to talk to him like this? The moment he spoke to you, your heart immediately started doing cartwheels and your stomach was filled with a whole zoo of butterflies.
Even worse, you were reminded that Brimstone assigned you for the first training with the newbie. You were absolutely fucked.
Iso was to blame for looking like that. He was too attractive and handsome and beautiful and pretty and gorgeous and charming and lovely and delightful and appealing for his own good.
Right now, all you had to do was prepare yourself for Iso.
Last night, you barely had enough sleep. You were mentally preparing to face Iso without stuttering and your face flushing. You can't fuck up the training either, you had to keep up appearances.
You drag yourself out of your room with a tired expression, practically looking like a zombie out and about in the hallways.
You tried fixing your appearance, you really did. After all, you still had to look good despite the lack of sleep, right?
You press the button to open the training room's door, dragging yourself in with a sigh.
"Good morning." You hear Iso's voice beside you.
"Gah!" You jump, unable to process Iso's presence so early in the morning.
"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to surprise you." Iso chuckles.
"N- It's fine...!" You shook your head, trying to compose yourself and prevent your face to flush.
"We didn't get to properly talk yesterday. Again, I'm Iso." Iso gave you a small smile.
"I heard about you from Brimstone. You're supposed to train me, right?" Iso continued.
"Ah-, yes. Should we start or do you want to warm up first?" You gave him a nervous smile. You tried hard not to stutter, really.
"No need. I'm really excited to see your abilities. Brimstone said that I should see for myself." Iso shook his head.
"Let's start. Grab whichever gun you feel comfortable with on the rack, and we'll start with the headshot accuracy training first." You nod, taking a Sheriff. It's one of your best picks, and you were eager to give Iso a great second impression.
Iso nods, standing beside you and taking a Vandal from the table.
TOO CLOSE HSGDGSAFDHASFD, you thought as you walked to the controller and spawning the training dummies.
"R-Right, so... For the first challenge, I need you to shoot the dummies in under 30 seconds. Try to get as much headshots as possible." You held the Sheriff tightly.
"Understood." Iso nods, getting into a stance and aiming his Vandal at the dummies, waiting for your approval to start.
"Begin." You nod to Iso, keeping an eye on his accuracy.
Iso quickly started shooting the targets, finishing them off with great accuracy and speed.
"Did I do good?" Iso looks at you, breaking your trail of thought.
"Oh- yes! Very good." You laugh nervously, checking your timer.
dont blush dont blush dont blush, you thought.
"You destroyed them all in 17.2 seconds, nice!" You smile, pocketing the timer.
"We can start with peer-to-peer ability counter training now... Uh, basically, we 1v1 but like... No shooting each other, haha." You smile awkwardly.
"Do we not use guns?" Iso asks.
"W-Well, we do. But we take out the ammo to prevent any friendly-fire." You look away, your face reddening slightly.
You take out the ammo from your Sheriff. Iso sees this and starts taking out the magazine and ammo out of his Vandal as well.
"A-Anyway... My abilities are shadow-related, much like Omen. We're kinda different, though." You explain.
"Back to the training at hand, I want you to try and counter me and my abilities with your own. Rest assured that I won't hurt you." You smile nervously.
"I understand. Do we start now?" Iso nods.
"Yes, let's start." You nod, standing a few meters away from him.
Iso nods, casting his ability, Contingency, to help himself push forward. He pushed through his wall, hoping to try and disarm you of your weapon.
However, when Iso lunged through his wall, you were nowhere in sight. Iso looked around swiftly, trying to discern your location. Suddenly, Iso feels the muzzle of your Sheriff behind on his nape.
"Right here, Iso." You press the muzzle of your Sheriff gently behind his neck.
"Woah..." Iso mumbles, slowly turning around with his eyes wide, like a cat.
"I- Sorry! I, uh..." You quickly put away the Sheriff, your face flushing.
"How did you do that? That was amazing." Iso asks, his voice showing signs of eagerness.
"Was that one of your abilities? That was awesome." Iso continues.
"I- Y-Yes! I call that one 'Shadow Fusion'. Basically, I merge myself in any type of shadow. You have a shadow under you, so I merged myself with it." You explain, albeit nervously.
"A-Anyway... That's all for today's training. You're free to keep training, though." You nod to Iso, walking back to the table and placing the Sheriff on the table.
"Can we train together again sometime?" Iso asks.
HE WANTS TO TRAIN WITH ME AGAIN? SSGDHAFSDH, your mind raced, your face turning a light shade of red.
"Uh- Yeah! Definitely...!" You nervously nod.
"I have a mission briefing with Brimstone soon, I need to run. Uh, see you!" You came up with an excuse to leave, your mind racing with thoughts of him.
"See you soon." Iso smiles, nodding.
AAAAAAAAAAAAA, you thought as you rushed out of the training room.
That night, not once did Iso ever leave your mind.
(A/N: Hey gaymers, is this story to your liking? Requests are open to request a specific plot for PART 2. I based reader's personality here with me, because I get so shy whenever an Iso is in game with me, lol.)
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cumulo-stratus · 5 months
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spencer doesnt feel like hes anything more than his intelligence, but ethan proves him wrong.
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WARNINGS- angst, internalized homophobia, self esteem issues, crying, mentions of mommy issues
college au!Ethan x college au!spencer reid ][ hurt/comfort ][ masterlist!!
a/n- ok this is actually my first ship fic and im so excited!! i've been obsessed with Ethan x spencer ever since i started writing this! hope y'all enjoy reading as much as i enjoyed writing <3
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there was a soft breeze drifting through the window ruffling the non-existent curtains that no college student was going to spend their little money on. Instead there were some cheap shades provided by the university.
Ethan never minded his small means, his small dorm with a small bed despite being in his junior year. The bed was big enough to fit him and Spencer and that's all he cared about.
but tonight, in the dark room they weren't sitting on top together- no Spencer was hunched over himself his body wracking sob after sob, and ethan’s arms wrapped around him. they left comforting circles on his back, and squeezed spencer tightly against his chest.
the darkened room left both boys faces wailed by shadows, hiding spencers tear track stained cheeks from his best friend.
ethan’s hushed voice was deafening over the silence of the tiny dorm room. He whispered quiet small nothings into spencers ear.
spencers cheek was smushed into his best friends shoulder, and his face was in ethan’s neck, breathing in the familiar scent of his worn university sweatshirt.
spencers knees were pulled to his chest in a self soothing motion, and ethan’s arm wrapped around the ball of spencer in his lap. Spencer also had his arms wrapped tightly around ethan’s waist, white knuckle gripping the back of his sweatshirt.
spencer had never felt worth more than when he was with Ethan. Ethan saw him for more than a 187 IQ or a multiple degree nerd. To Ethan, spencer was a man who had humor, deep empathy, and so so much love to give.
And it was nights like these were sometimes spencer needed a little help remembering that.
after all, thats what best friends are for right?
by two am, spencers body didn’t have any more tears to cry. He was a tired cookie sinking into his best friend’s arms.
“i, im sorry,”
spencer sounded hesitant, voice still shaky and throat still frogged. Ethan only chuckled lightly to himself, causing spencers eyebrows to knit together slightly and his head to perk up from its place on the other boys shoulder at the sound.
“spencer you've nothin to be sorry for” ethan’s soothing drawl lulled spencers worries along with the bashful smile he held for the idiotic genius in front of him.
this caused a small smile to crawl its way onto spencers lips and a blush on his cheeks.
“everyone needs a lil’ reassurance sometimes- even geniuses like you spence,”
spence. only Ethan called him spence. spencer liked when ethan called him that. the only other person who had a nickname for him was his mother, and thats a whole other can of worms filled with mommy issues we dont have time for.
these reassuring words caused the aforementioned smile to grow on his lips a centimeter or two. Spencer had now raised his head to look directly at Ethan. Their faces were so close, they could feel each others breath warming the others’ lips.
Ethan couldn't help but let his eyes drift downwards to spencer’s pink lips, the moment getting the better of him. the young genius was too busy staring into ethan’s beautiful deep brown eyes.
the bearded man tentatively lifted a hand to spencers cheek. he cupped it gently, his thumb rubbing away the tear tracks littering spencers soft cheeks. Ethan could feel the heat rising to his already warm cheeks.
this caused spencer to smile a bit, his eyes crinkling slightly from joy and bashfulness. they reminded themselves of school girls, blushing and grinning for eachother.
Ethan leaned in closer without actually touching spencers face with his, if that was possible. though it was spencer who took the final leap to close the gap.
Spencers lips felt exactly how Ethan had imagined them for months, the kiss feeling electric as they danced. Ethan had been pining for his best friend for months, but this whole experience was new for spencer. He had never really kissed anyone, and he had never really imagined it being with a man. but it felt right. like so many things had just clicked into place and spencer felt at peace in ethan’s arms
finally pulling away air, they both grinned big bashful smiles at each other. “that was nice, i like doing that. i like kissing you.” Spencer the ever logical man of science stated them as facts, though the hearts in his eyes were far from logical.
“can i kiss you again?” Ethan phrased it more like a statement than a question, but the offer still stood. instead of a response, Ethan got a kiss, which i guess one could say is a response. this time neither was caught off guard, and they could enjoy it more.
spencer felt fireworks behind his eyes to say the least.
when the pair reluctantly pulled away for air again, Ethan couldn't help but stare into spencer blown, honey brown pupils. Thais caused spencer to blush, a warmth creeping up his cheeks, blending with the buzzing lingering on his lips left by ethan’s own lips.
“i like you, ethan, like a lot”
ethan chuckled a bit, not at spencers admittance, but at the fact he fel the need to say it. “oh really spence, we practically just made out. but for the record i like you to, like a lot” Ethan had a warm smile fas as he spoke, looking down at spencer, who was still resting the side of his head against ethan’s shoulder.
spencer blushed a little when Ethan called him out, but knew he only meant it lovingly. though lovingly was the only way ethan ever spoke to spencer.
Even before spencer collapsed into his arms crying when he came over to vent about classwork, even before Ethan comforted him with no hesitation, and even before they practically made out. which was why Ethan felt the need to support
“hey spence?”
“you know it’s okay that you kissed a guy, ive known i was into guys since freshman year, its okay.”
spencer looked down, fiddling with his fingers like he always did. Ethan took the opportunity to take spencers hands in his. “hey, honey, look at me, it’s okay.” spencer darted his eyes up to Ethan’s and he said with an obvious frog in his throat “its okay that I kissed you, its okay that im in love with you.”
ethan’s smile was warm at spencer’s words, and he placed a peck on his cheek. “thank you handsome, thats all i wanted to hear.” spencer was even more blushy at the pet name, leaning farther into ethan’s shoulder in the hopes of obscuring his face in the other boys sweater.
“you know if your in love with me, then i think that means we should be boyfriends, right?” Ethan had a playful tone, but the questions till stood.
“i think so too, boyfriend.” spencer spoke joyfully, a smile on his face as he placed one last kiss on his now boyfriends lips.
without any other words said the new couple laid down together. spencer laid with his back resting against his boyfriends chest as he curled in on himself.
Ethan took the opportunity as the big spoon to rest in face in spencers hair, the smell of his hair gel bringing comfort.
Spencer fell asleep to the sound of ethan’s breathing and the feeling of his boyfriend’s warmth against their skin. He felt like more than enough in ethan’s arms, in ethan’s embrace.
The End
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