#im telling you she runs away to jack off after this i swear the tone of her voice and the dialogue implies i cant explain it
fizzytoo · 1 year
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worth the singed lips
bonus! TIDDY SHOT!!!!!
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lustbile-archive · 4 years
Wanna Watch?
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Word Count: 3.2k
Summary/Warning: Smut. Yangyang swears that tentacles are hot, just watch one video with him and you’ll see. He promises.… this was supposed to be a blurb but then I got very carried away. and because of that it might be a little rambley at some parts im so sorry
You’d be the first to admit that you and Yangyang had a weird friendship. Your other friends had clocked it, saying that even for best friends, you were way too open with each other.
And they weren’t technically wrong. Something about being around Yangyang deleted your filter, made you say shit that you never thought you’d say to another human being, but in your defense, he was exactly the same way.
It started with a few dirty jokes. It wasn’t anything serious or any different than ones you’d say with or without each other, but you two did encourage each other. It was as if anything one of you said, the other had something to add. It didn’t take long for things to begin to spiral and for your friends to decide that you two together were lethal.
After that day it was like you were attached at the hip. Something about your shared vulgarness made you click and it wasn’t very long after until it went a little far.
It was the first time you stayed over at his place, a bottle of liquor tucked in your bag. Tipsy off a half a bottle each, you both let it slip what turned you on the most. It wasn’t weird at the time, but the next morning there was a tension there.
That tension eventually faded, leading to another sleep over. And another. And another. Each of them somehow leading to some form of sexual conversation.
But the one that happened tonight was different.
Some joke about porn was made. You two sat side by side in your own chairs as you watched him play some game you quickly forgot the name of, and he had deemed it appropriate to mention that it would be kinda hot if the woman he played as were to get fucked by the tentacle monster that she fought.
You started by jokingly scolding him about how, though you weren’t sure exactly in what way, what he said was chauvinistic. But then you followed it with teasing about how he was a weirdo for being into tentacles.
“Oh come on,” he goes on, much louder than he needed to be, “you cannot tell me you’ve never looked at tentacle porn. Not even just because you were curious?”
“What porn I watch is none of your business Yang,” you retort as you push your finger in his face, a bratty giggle bursting from you when he smacks your hand away in irritation.
“So you’re not denying that you’ve seen tentacle porn,” he hums, nodding to himself, “if that’s the case I’m just gonna assume you have.”
You move to retort again, but he quickly interrupts, “actually I’m going to assume that you only watch tentacle porn and it’s something you get off to very often.”
“You think about me getting off a lot Yangyang?” you ask, but you quickly realize maybe the question was a step too far once the words are in the air.
Thankfully, he seems to ignore your question as he suddenly closed his game, the incognito tab he opens immediately after making your mouth run dry.
“How about this,” he starts, his fingers running across the keyboard as he types in the the link to a porn site. You divert your eyes quickly when you see the bars auto fill pop up, the idea of seeing whatever he looked at when he forgot to go incognito making your stomach flip, “let’s just take a little peek and we’ll see who’s right.”
“See who’s right about what?” your voice pitches and your back straightens as you ask.
“About whether or not tentacles are hot,” he turns to you briefly as if he’s explaining a math equation to you, “come on dude keep up.”
“Man I don’t know,” you hesitate, but you quickly notice he already has a video picked out and queued.
“I’m not gonna force you to watch it if you don’t want,” he reassures as he hovers his cursor over the play button, “but I also won’t judge you if you’re curious.”
You gnaw on your bottom lip for a moment as you think, your heart beating faster as the seconds pass, “okay fine just play it before I change my mind.”
And that’s how you got where you are now. You and Yangyang curled into your chairs, eyes wide and curious as a slender woman, with a disproportionately large chest, screams and whines while she’s brutally fucked by a weird tentacle monster.
You feel your face twist in fascination, first at the amount of detail and time that must have went into animating each frame, but then slowly but surely, just how weirdly hot you found yourself finding the video.
Something about the way the multiple tentacles cover her body as they suspend her in the air. One is shoved deep in her mouth, gross gagging noises added as a result, two attached to both of her nipples and another set fucking her open from both holes. It was easily one of the weirdest things you’ve ever seen, but you couldn’t ignore the growing wetness it caused in your underwear.
You try to not let it show in your body language, the idea of Yangyang noticing your arousal and then most likely making fun of you for it making you want to crawl in a hole.
You eyes dart over to him for a moment to try and gauge how he’s feeling. The first thing you notice immediately is the way he curls to block your view of his crotch, the second being the fact that he looks at you as well.
“So… what are you thinking?” he asks slowly.
“I don’t know what are you thinking?” you throw back almost too quickly.
“I… I think you know what I’m thinking,” his words continue to spill out like molasses, his head quickly nodding to the space between his legs with a embarrassed flush to his skin, “I’m asking how you’re feeling.”
“I don’t know,” you double down, your head shaking with a jerk, “I- I don’t know how I’m feeling.”
“It’s okay if you like it-“
“I don’t know if I like it,” you lie, your tone defensive and sharp.
“You do know that you’re not a bad person for liking it right?” He continues to reassure as he tries to keep his patience with you.
You only huff in response, the video still loudly playing as you talk. You try to shift in your seat to create distance between you, but it only makes you aware of how your arousal grows.
“Okay im not gonna lie,” he starts, a joking tone to his voice in the way that tells you he’s trying to ease the tension, “I think it’s hot, but you probably guessed that. I’m just saying I could totallly jack it to this.”
You know it’s a joke, but that doesn’t stop the words from making your face warm and your thighs flex. And even though you try and advert your eyes, you know he is analyzing every move you make.
“Do you maybe…” he trails off as he considers what to say next, “ack, no no it’s weird never mind.”
“What?” you dart up in panic, “is something im doing weird?”
“No no no,” he panics as well, “you’re fine… I was just gonna ask if you... if you maybe wanted to see how much you like it. Like see if you can get off to it?”
It was in this you found out that maybe your friends were right. Maybe you were lethal together, too comfortable and relaxed and willing to do and say the worst in front of each other. If that wasn’t the case there was no way in hell you’d end up where you were now.
If someone had told you that when you first met Yangyang that one night you two would be masturbating to tentacle porn together, you would have told them they lived in a fantasy, that they were just delusional perverts that don’t like people being just friends, but they would have been right.
You felt weirdly eager as you pushed your pajama shorts and underwear to his floor, the air of the room hitting your skin and making you come to the terms of how wet the video had gotten you.
And the fact that Yangyang seemed equally as eager as he pulled himself from the restrains of his sweatpants both put you at ease while putting you incredibly in edge.
You tried to ignore him as he sat next to you. Your eyes taking an iron lock onto his screen as a new video played. It was the same idea, pretty girl with literally any possible hole stuffed with a slimy tentacle getting pleasured in any way possible, the only difference was a slight change in art style.
It took you a moment to get into it, your fingers gently tapping against your clit as you tried to build the courage to touch yourself the same way you do in the safety of your own room, but after one particularly hard thrust from the monster and a desperate cry from the girl, you couldn’t hold back.
Your fingers dipped into your entrance gently as you coated the tips in your arousal, your hips jumping slightly at the friction.
Yangyang tried to ignore you as well, his fist moving slowly as he tried to focus on the scene in front of him, but the way you jerked next to him and the bubbles of noise that slipped unintentionally from your lips, he felt like a starving tiger being tempted with a steak.
You tried to bite your tongue to hold in any moans as your fingers started to roll circles gently on your clit, but with the way you grew wetter and wetter and the rising sensitivity in the bundle of nerves, you couldn’t help the quiet whimpering that rose from you chest.
It wasn’t that you could get off to it, it was actually much easier than you had anticipated. Something about the way the girls in the videos were being stimulated in every way possible had you hot and dripping in your arousal, and maybe your best friend pleasuring himself next to you was making it a million times sexier.
You weren’t alone though. It didn’t take long for Yangyang to lose his internal battle, his eyes straining to his side and his gaming chair rolling back slightly to allow him to watch you from the side. He knew he could crank one out easily to the videos in front of him, he had done it plenty of times before, but if he let the opportunity of watching your chest rise and fall with labored breaths while your fingers moved quickly over your dampened skin pass him by, he’d be kicking himself forever.
He was moving before he could even think, the finger of his free hand working with a mind of his own as they tap gently on the side of your chair. His heart beat sky rockets when you jump, but he only feels himself get harder when he sees it doesn’t stop your rapidly moving hand.
“Say no,” he whispers regardless of his growing need to touch you, “say no cause I cannot ruin this friendship.”
“No offense Yang,” he almost collapses at how winded you sound, but also at the promise that you’re still comfortable enough to shorten his name, “but if what we’re doing now didn’t ruin it, I don’t think anything will.”
“Thank fuck,” he speaks too loudly again as he moves his chair next to yours, his hand brushing against the side of your bare leg as it leans against the arm of your chair, “cause I wanna touch you so bad dude.”
“Hmmmm,” you hum out as his words swirl your brain like a blender, your heart rapidly pumping against your chest. You’d be a liar if you tried to act like the idea didn’t cause a new wave of arousal run over your body. Your answer comes before you can even think of the consequences.
“Please,” the word being your only verbal response before you rip your hand away from your body, your legs falling wider apart as an invitation. Your body jumps in protest as you deny yourself the orgasm that was slowly building, and Yangyang immediately jumps into action to compensate.
The first touch of his fingers is unsure, a hesitation in his muscles as he tries to convince himself that what’s happening is real. He isn’t sure what’s hotter to him in that moment, the way you whimper with a slight pout to your lips when he finally presses his digits to your swollen clit, or the way your eyes remain locked on the animated porn.
He’s battling between the two, when you show him something better. Your hand moves wildly in the air for only a moment, before you're pushing it under his arm. It doesn’t take you much exploring before you find where his hand slowly moves against his length. Your hand swats gently at his in a way that weirdly reminds him of the way you swat at him when he does something he’s not supposed to, and after his brain catches up with your motions, he lets go.
He thinks his heart probably stops when your hand wraps around him, your wrist immediately moving at the same pace as his fingers. His eyes slam shut for a second, a desperate attempt to hold off his orgasm, before they open slightly again.
He tries to do the same as you and keep his eyes trained on the video, and it works a few times, but as you gush and twitch against his unrelentingly moving fingers. He feels like one of his biggest fantasies has come to life in front of him, the whining sound of his name from your lips music to his ears.
You babble and squirm, your orgasm approaching you much faster than it has ever before. There’s something so jarring and new about the video that flashes in front of your eyes, and combining that with your best friend playing you not much differently than he’d played his game not long before made you feel like you were losing your grip on reality.
You’re vaguely aware that your hand flexes around his length, and fear that maybe your hold may be too rough immediately leaving your mind when you hear him let out a pleased groan. The sound also momentarily replaces the fear that filled you from actually looking at the boy that sits next to you, and you feel your head jerking to look at his face scrunched in pleasure.
The wind is knocked from your lungs when your eyes meet his again, neither of your stares faltering like you assumed they would. Instead the eye contact encourages you both, and you feel your hands pick up their pace.
You thank the universe for Yangyang’s reflexes as he finds no trouble in following your antsy jerking hips, his fingers never shifting away from your buzzing clit. He’s also completely unfazed as your thighs clamp around his wrist, and instead his now free hand moves to grab at your knee that’s closest to him, and pull harshly to hold your legs spread.
The angle his body is now turned leaves him leaning on his side, and he shows no hesitation to using the new position to his advantage as he begins thrusting his hips to fuck your fist.
You feel as if there’s another force around you that forces you to stare at one another, your hands and hips becoming frantic as you both inch closer and closer to your finish.
The video had ended moments before, but neither of you move to choose another. Too distracted by the other bodies, both of your breaths pick up right before the point of hyperventilating.
You feel yourself right on the edge, the beginning of your orgasm making your toes curl and your back arch off the back of the chair. Just from the stimulation on your clit, you can feel yourself falling, but when he notices that you’re starting to crumble, his fingers slip down until they push into you making you gasp loudly.
With his middle and ring finger pistoning in you at the same pace as his hips and the heel of his hand digging and rubbing into your clit, you finally start to come. If it wasn’t for his determined pace, your fluttering walls would push him out, but he fights against your body with a deep grunt as he curls the digits to pull against the nerve inside you that makes your eyes roll back into your skull.
With your mouth hanging open, silent moans and squeaking whimpers popping from your throat, he’s sure he stares at a defiled angel. He knew he always found you attractive, even more attractive when you first took his raunchy jokes in stride, but as you come so beautifully around his fingers, he decides you’re the prettiest thing he’s ever seen.
Just watching your come is enough to push him over the edge, but as it makes your muscles tense, your hand flexes and shakes as you hold him. With a few more pulses of his hips, he’s coming with his lip tucked between his teeth and his eyes trained on where you wrap around his fingers, your noise of surprise at the feeling of his come shooting across your hand only making his orgasm stronger.
With shaking legs, he falls back into his chair, his hand pulling from your sensitive skin, and his softening length slipping from your fingers.
Silence falls over the room, the only sound being the angry sound of his computer's fan and your evening breaths. You pull your limbs into your body as you try to get more comfortable in the seat, and as you try to wrap your arms around yourself, you notice the evidence of his orgasm that sticks to the side of your hand.
You’re moving before you can even think about your actions or how weird they could be to the boy next to you, your hand lifting up to your face and you tongue peaking out to lick at the sticky substance. You jerk slightly at the taste, but in a thought of self challenge and a simple ‘fuck it,’ you slide the flat of your tongue up the side of your hand, collecting everything he left behind, before swallowing deeply.
You hear a muffled sound of surprise to your side, the sound making your head whip to the side as you remembered your possible audience. Your heart beats fast as you panic at the idea of him finding your action gross, but as you look you see him in a very similar position.
Yangyang grins around his fingers that were once drenched in your orgasm, but now sit licked clean in his teasing mouth. There’s a slight popping noise as he pulls them hesitantly from his lips, and his devious smile only grows before he speaks.
“Oh so we’re both like gross, gross huh?”
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 4 years
FFT: you jump, i jump jack; pete dunne
This came to my main asks via @vonschweetz​ and it got me thinking... What if I redid Barbie and Pete entirely. And made Barbie a brattier little Omega, more resistant. I still might want to do this, we shall see... It was an interesting take.
Bratty omega meets stubborn as fuck alpha. let the games begin.
Pete Dunne x OFC, Barbie
Uhh... flirtation and banter, bratty omegas and stubborn alphas. It’s cute. Seriously. I might actually try doing something with this.
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Barbie looked from man to man, totally unimpressed. Folding her arms, she cleared her throat when they finally took a break from their whole territorial thing. “Will you two kindly knock it the fuck off? And get lost, your Alpha stink is probably what’s keeping my true Alpha from making himself known.”
“You don’t have an Alpha. You could have me, but you won’t stop being stubborn.”
“I’d clearly be better for you than that asshole. C’mon. Think about it. You and me, baby.”
“All you two idiots are doing is making me dryer than the Sahara desert. Fuck off.” Barbie practically spat the words at the two men and luckily, it was enough to send them away. This time.
… oh but those two twat waffles will be back. They always come back… if I could just hurry and figure out who back here is my true Alpha…
… but what if it’s somebody you don’t want to be mated to?…
… anyone has to be better than Oney Lorcan and fucking Matt Cross… anyone…
Almost as if she’d summoned it, the scent was back again and it was… So heavy. It dominated the air and Barbie breathed in deep. Fanning herself, she leaned back against the brick wall and let her eyes flit around the room, careful to not settle on any particular member of the roster.
It couldn’t be Tyler Bate or Trent Seven.
She knew it wasn’t any of the Undisputed Era, she’d gotten close enough to each man earlier in the week to realize that they were not only not the scent she’d been trying to find, but their scents all actually repulsed her.
None of them had that unique combination of Big Red chewing gum and freshly upturned earth like this scent. And while normally, the scent of dirt did literally nothing for her, in this case it was… Like the most erotic thing she’d ever smelled in her life.
It wasn’t Johnny Gargano, either.
So far, no one she’d tried to get close to matched this particular scent.
Distractedly, Barbie stepped away from the wall and gave in to the urge to follow her nose. As she started to walk down the hall, the scent got heavier and heavier, beckoning her. Turning a corner and entering catering, she managed to collide with Pete Dunne around the same time that the scent suddenly intensified. Pete gripped her arms, a gruff swear coming as he said something to her about watching where she walked, only to trail off in mid sentence.
“It’s you.”
They both said it at the same time, but Dakota called out to her and she bit her lip, staring up at her true Alpha a few seconds, trying to get a read on how the current situation affected him.
She couldn’t. He masked his thoughts on the matter heavily.
Barbie’s face fell and she turned abruptly, hurrying over to Dakota and one or two of the other girls.
Pete blinked and turned to scowl at Tyler, who’d just come up behind him and shoved him playfully. “What was ‘at about, Dunney?”
“I found ‘er.”
“And yer not over there with ‘er why? Who was it?”
“The blonde talkin t’ Dakota and the other girls. Th’ one with curly hair.”
Tyler followed his friends gaze and he gave a low and appreciative whistle as he muttered quietly, “Y’ lucky fuckin bastard. Well don’t let me stop y’. Go on, go to ‘er.”
Pete raised a brow and rolled his eyes, shaking his head.
“Yer an idiot, Dunney.”
“Don’t think she was too happy with th’ realization I’m ‘er Alpha.”
“Or maybe, she took one look at yer grouchy mug and retreated because she thought she pissed y’ off. I mean if y’ gave ‘er the look y’ gave me just now, Dunney…” Tyler pointed out as helpfully as possible, but when Pete shook his head no, Tyler grumbled and shook his head.
“Well, I found him.”
“Seriously? Who? I need to know.”
“It’s Pete Dunne. But I don’t… I really don’t think he was thrilled when he realized what was happening… So.. That’s that.”
“What the hell do you mean that’s that? Pete’s always a grouch, that’s just who he is.”
“This was different. He looked annoyed. Maybe I should just give in to one of the other unmated douchebags who keep offering…” Barbie knew deep down that even as she said it, she’d never go through with it, because when she’d realized it was Pete… Something just clicked for her.
She sighed and shook her head, shoving it all out of her mind for the time being. “C’mon.. Someone in here is staring and it’s kinda creeping me out.” Barbie grabbed hold of Dakota’s arm, practically dragging her out of catering.
She collided with Roderick Strong in the hallway. Swallowing hard, she stared up at him, mumbling an apology. Roderick flashed her a grin and leaned against the doorway, pinning her in. “No need to apologize, darlin. You alright?”
“I’m fine, just.. In a hurry.” Barbie nodded to the doorway he was currently blocking and he chuckled, moving to the side. He caught hold of her wrist and held her there a few seconds the second he saw Pete Dunne staring at her from the doorway of catering.
“If any of these idiots mess with ya, Blondie.. Come find Roddy, alright?”
Barbie pried her wrist loose and gave him a thumbs up before rushing off.
Pete’s fists clenched and Tyler muttered to himself with an amused laugh, “And ‘ere we go.” before quickly grabbing hold of his best friend and starting the process of talking him down from whatever ‘punishment’ Pete was currently doling out to Strong in his head.
Pete growled and took a deep breath.
“What y’ need t’ do, Dunney, is go to ‘er and tell ‘er that whatever she thinks isn’t th’ truth.”
“What I need t’ do, Bate, is go down t’ the ring and call ‘im out. Maybe if I make an example out ‘f him, none of the others will even think about tryin it.”
“And when y’ scare th’ living hell out of ‘er Dunney… what then? Just wait til the next time y’ see Strong lurking around, go over and intervene. That proves yer point without anybody bein afraid or havin t’ die.” Tyler eyed his best friend as he said it.
For once, Pete seemed to agree. Tyler let out a breath and then, they made their way down to the ring for the match they had.
“Clearly, me staying at the hotel while everyone else went out was a stupid idea. I’m so freaking bored!” Barbie was pacing her hotel room, fingers tangled in blonde curls as she tried to keep the worst part of her heat starting at bay.
She eyed the door and then her phone and remembering the annoyed look on Pete’s face earlier, she swore and grabbed the phone, firing off a text.
→ Hey, I’m gonna meet you guys after all.
→ No sense in me locking myself away and saving myself for an Alpha who clearly couldn’t want me less if he tried.
→ It’s that club near the beach, right?
Without waiting on a response, she showered and got out, putting on makeup and digging through her closet. When she saw the skintight little red dress that one of her friends got her as a ‘joke’ she bit her lip and hesitated. She almost passed it over in favor of something casual, her favorite jeans and crop top, but then she thought about it.
She knew who her true Alpha was now. And given that he didn’t seem like he’d be beating down her door anytime soon, was there really any sense in waiting or getting her hopes up?
She tore the tag off the dress and took it into the bathroom, changing into it. Before she could talk herself out of going out and having a fun night, she walked down the stairs and through the lobby.
Just as she went to reach for the handle on the door out of the lobby, Pete stepped in.
“Where th’ hell are y’ going?” Pete blurted it out before he could stop himself from doing so, earning him snickering from both Tyler and Trent.
“Out where?”
“Out. I’m supposed to be meeting someone. Can you kindly remove yourself, sir?” Barbie gazed up at Pete, tapping a stiletto against the floor impatiently.
“Not like ‘at.”
Barbie glanced down at her dress.. Before she could stop herself, she was glancing back up at him with a smirk. “Oh? And you’re gonna stop me how, sir?”
“My name is Pete. Not sir.” Pete was moving closer, Barbie was… beyond well aware of the difference in their height. She swallowed hard and fought to reign herself in because if she didn’t…
It wasn’t going to be pretty.
Self composure was harder than she’d always thought it’d be when she finally found her true Alpha.
She felt her thighs clench.
Pete was eyeing her up, almost as if he were in disbelief that she’d talk back to him.
The thought made her smirk a little, giggling quietly. She cleared her throat. “I’m running late. Either you’re going to do something about what I’m wearing, Alpha, or you’re going to move out of my fucking way.” she said it in her politest tone of voice. Pete edged closer, a hand hesitating before settling on her hip.
He stared her down intently.
Tyler and Trent cleared their throats, exchanging looks and Barbie raised her hand, resting it palm down against the front of Pete’s hoodie, staring at the door they currently blocked intently.
“It looks like I’m gonna have to be the one who walks away.” Barbie said it as she tried to side step Pete.
Pete stood there, watching her walk out of the lobby, his hand in his hair.
“ ‘at went well, Dunney.” Trent broke the silence. Pete’s response was to shove his gear bag at Trent and start to storm out the door. Trent and Tyler shared a look and grumbled. Tyler found a room service attendant and put the bags onto a trolly to be taken up and he caught up to Trent in the parking lot just in time to watch everything as it happened.
Pete caught up to her and tapped her shoulder. Barbie came to a stop and turned, staring up at him with a look of curious amusement in her eyes. “You? I thought we settled this in the lobby, sir.”
“It’s Pete. And we didn’t.” Pete’s tone was firm but quiet. She was migrating closer.. A quick scenting revealed everything and he groaned inwardly as soon as he realized that Tyler had been right back at the arena.
She’d gotten the wrong idea. She had no idea just how blown away he’d been to find out that the vanilla scent he’d been chasing for a while now was her.
Or that he’d noticed her around the time he started to smell mentioned scent and he’d been… attracted, to say the least.
His eyes darted down to the red dress and he cleared his throat. “ Maybe y’ thought I was makin a suggestion, but I was being serious, Omega.”
“My name is Barbie.”
“Barbie.” Pete repeated her name, still gazing down at her intently. Barbie tapped her feet impatiently again, her tongue gliding over her lips to moisten them. Pete’s eyes darted up, settling on her mouth and the attention that the gesture bought to it. He shrugged off his hoodie and thrust it at her.
Barbie eyed the hoodie and then him and she gave a quiet giggle.
“I’m not bein’ funny.”
“No, but… Do you think when you say jump, Alpha… that I’m just gonna ask you how high?”
“Not at all. I’d say it goes both ways.”
“I’m not putting on that hoodie. And why does it matter anyway? What I wear, I mean..” Barbie was moving closer, despite her best efforts to refrain from doing so. Pete gave a satisfied smirk when he felt her body tuck into his. He chuckled and rubbed his chin, trying to think about a response.
Barbie’s phone lit up and started to ring.
“One second.” Barbie answered the phone and she was in the midst of telling Dakota the situation when Pete took the phone and informed Dakota that Barbie wasn’t going to make it.
After ending the call, he held her phone out to her.
“Y’ weren’t in any shape t’ go out alone tonight anyway.”
“Who are you, my father?”
“No, but I am yer Alpha. We both know it.”
Barbie scoffed. “Now you want to claim it.”
“Wanted to earlier. Someone didn’t really give me much time t’ react.”
“The annoyed look on your face was reaction enough.” Barbie stepped away, turning and preparing herself to walk away. She’d never been the kind of girl to just fall in line, follow a rule or an order.
She would’ve kept walking too if Pete hadn’t called out calmly, “ Y’ can keep fighting it.. But y’ know what y’ really feel. I can smell it in yer scent. Fightin is only gonna make it worse on y’.”
“I’m not fighting anything, pal. If you want me, come and get me, Pete.”
Barbie started to slink away and for a split second, because no one was around to see him do it, a smile played on Pete’s lips as he took a deep breath to reign himself in and started to calmly walk after her.
She’d just stepped into the club and was waving at the girls when she felt him pressing into her from behind. “Okay, Barbie. I’ll play yer game. But know that when I play games, I play them t’ win.”
Barbie bit her lip to keep from whimpering and after a second, she managed to reply, “We’ll see, Pete. Think you can handle dancing with me or would that be too much?”
Pete turned her around, pulling her close.
“I don’t dance.”
“This works too..”
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theharlequinwriter · 6 years
He’s Just like you.
Summary :  you and sam have a bad fight causing you to leave not knowing your pregnant and its a couple years later
Word count : 2,720
triggers: swearing.
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“Dean wheres sam”
I stood on my tip toes looking over deans shoulder looking for my tall boyfriend sam.
“He took of with that demon bitch”
I gritted my teeth.
“Ruby”             I hated her more than anything , I knew that she was lying to us about helping dean outta going to hell but of course we couldn’t took a damn angel to save him. I hated how much sam trusted her , I feel like he would chose her over me , so I avoided the question during fights. I sat back on the couch grabbing my food from the brown bag dean had.
“You okay y/n?”
“Im fine why?”
“You seem upset lately maybe a little bitchy”
I pushed deans arm , taking a bite of my burger. We sat watching movies until at least midnight when sam finally came back in the door. Dean and I both turned now looking at sam who stood there as if he had just gotten off work.
“Where were you sam?”
“With ruby babe”
He walked by grabbing his salad pecking me on the cheek. I heard more footsteps and in walks in the demon herself ruby.
“Why the hell are you here demon bitch”
“Watch you’re tone with me hunter skank”
I walked around the couch coming face to face with ruby.
“Lets go bitch”
I pushed her back , sam came grabbing my hand leading me to the kitchen.
“What the hell y/n”
“Really sam”
“You brought her here knowing how I feel about her”
“Shes helping me”
“I can help you sam”
“Not like she can”
“Are you sleeping with the bitch or something”
“What no”
“Then what the hell sam , why am I getting the 3rd degree here”
“Shes helping me y/n more than you or dean ever could”
“Wow sam I stayed with you even after dean went to hell ,I stayed when I found out you’re a demon blood junkie , I stayed even when she came”                                                       “No one asked you too y/n”
His hands now clenching into fist.
“I didnt ask you to stay , you did that all on your own”
“What was I gonna do sam , let you go y2k on everyone and everything?”
“I dont know y/n but it would of been easier if you just left”
“Really why so you could fuck her without feeling guilty after , oh im sorry I mean "helping” you"  
“Actually you know what y/n yes okay yes im fucking ruby ,ya happy now , wanna know why? Cause she doesnt bitch all the time , she doesnt need me to protect her , id rather her have my back at least I can depend on her”
dean yelled stepping between us.
I felt my heart shatter In pieces, I felt tears forming , I didnt want him to see me cry.
I walked away still hearing him yell at dean about how ruby is better for him than me , how maybe I should just go. I went to our room grabbing everything I could , smashing pictures as I walked around the room.
“Okay  sam , hope your happy”
I walked away grabbing my bag and a little money. I gave dean a hug then I walked out the door not looking back.
I finally got to a cheap hotel where I got a single bed for the weekend. I walked inside falling onto the bed tears falling down my face. How could he say that. I took a shower , getting out my phone had a text from dean.
-hey y/n think it finally hit sam your not coming back , he might try call ya Ill let you know if he does anything stupid and dont worry about ruby ill gank her soon-
I didn’t reply i want sam to worry to realize im not going back.
Its been two months since I left, i decided I need to get a apartment in a little town where supernatural things didn’t occur.  I went into the little market buying some food and shampoo oh and pregnancy test.
I got home taking the test , it came back positive only one guy could be the father.
I havent slept with anyone else or even looked at another guy I still loved sam.                    
“Mommy , mommy look”
I got down on knees taking the drawing out of ethans hand.
My son ethan looks just like his father , he has his eyes and hair , his laugh , smile. He makes me miss sam everyday.
“Thats amazing baby , what is it”
Looking at the drawings it was a very tall person with a cape and what look like dogs.
“Its daddy , you said hes saving people from devil dogs , silly mommy”
I put it on the frige placing him in his seat. I gave him his lunch , he always wanted to know about sam ever since he had a play date with a kid who had both his parents. I told him sam was off saving the world from monsters like ghost and devil dogs. He always asked if his daddy was coming home or will he ever see him.
He was so smart for a child his age. After lunch I asked if he wanted to go to the park to play and feed the ducks.
We got in the car buckling ethan into his seat. When got to the park , ethan took off for the swings. I sat on a bench close enough to see but not so close I can’t see my surroundings. Im still a hunter  after all. Ethan was playing tag with some of his friends when another mom came and sat next to me.
“Hey y/n , how are you”
“Im fine susan ,how are you”
“Honestly a little shook up , some fbi agents came to the house asking about murders”
“Oh my thats them”
She pointed her finger over at two men in suits , walking twords us. I brushed my hair into my face , I turned to her but she was already gone. As they got closer I could hear them banter back and forth.
“Excuse me miss may we ask you some questions”
I sat up looking up at the man who spoke.
“Hi sam”
His jaw dropped as I spoke to him , I flashed a smile , I jumped up hugging dean before reaching out offering sam a hug. He pulled me in hugging me tightly his hands rested on my lower back. I pulled away still having the smell of him fill my nose
“So what’s going on , I havent heard about any murders”
Dean spoke when sam just stood  there with a big smile across his face.
“Happend in the 80’s thinking its a wendigo who went quite”
“You guys still gotta gank it nice or not a monsters a monster right”
Dean winked at me before sam cut in.
“So uhh whats new”
“A little this , a litte that”
I didnt tell him about ethan, I didnt need a absent father in his life Sam kept glancing at the ground then back at me.
“We ganked ruby”
“Oh im sorry ”
“Im not ,she was tricking me”
“Oh well cant trust anyone I guess”
“Ive missed you y/n”
“I miss you too sam”
His smile grew bigger.
“Maybe we can get a drink tonight and talk”
“I can’t im sorry”
“Oh you got a boyfriend or something?”
“No ”
Dean now trying to help his brother spoke now giving me his best charm.
“Why dont the three of us go get a drink and talk about getting the band back together”
“Id love to you guys but I cant”
Sam was about to protest when ethan came running from the playground.
“Mommy , mommy I caught a bug”
I picked him up sitting him on my hip.
“Let me see”
He opend his hand showing a dead cricket"
“Its dead hun”
“I know silly mommy , it was scaring lisa so I saved her , like how daddy saved you from monsters”
I kissed his cheek putting him back down , crouching down I grabbed his hand.
“Go say bye we gotta go home”
He smiled running off to say bye, I stood up sam and dean both wide eyed and speechless.  I waved my hand in front of sams face making him snap out of his trance.
“You have a a a a son?”
“Yea his names ethan”
Sam stayed speachless watching ethan run back to us.
Ethan stood by my side , gripping my pant leg tightly. Sam crouched down pulling out his fake fbi badge.
“Hi im sam”
Ethan grabbed his badge.
“Im ethan”
“Tell him your full name ethan”
ethan tucked his head into my leg before looking back at sam smiling.
“My name is Ethan Samuel Winchester”
Sams head shot up looking at me, he stood up trying to figure out what to say.                                        
“Ethan hunny dont forget your toy”
He ran back to the swings where his toy dragon sat in the sand. Sam finally spoke.
“Is he mine?”
“Yes sam , hes your son”
“When did you find out"                    
"Maybe a month and a half after I left”
“Why didnt you call?”
“Didnt think you would care”
I could see tears filling up his eyes. Ethan walked over , picking him up I gave sam and dean quick hugs before walking to my car , shaky and on the verge of tears.
*sams pov*
Dean and I just killed off the 90 year old wendigo. Dean decided we had a crazy day so the bar was the perfect place to go. We sat down at a table near the back , dean ordered 6 shots of whiskey , 3 for each , and two beers one for each. As we drank my mind kept snapping back to y/n and our son.
I snapped out of my day dream to dean cheersing me with his shot.
“So you’re a daddy sam”
“Im not a dad im just the biological father , I wasnt there for anything”
Dean downed his other two shots , so did I. He raised he hand asking for 3
More rounds. We were in the middle of our 3 or was it 5th round with jack when I finally yelled.
“Why the fuck didnt she call me dean? Ya know just be like oh hey sam im pregnant with your child just fyi or a text something”
“You told her to go sam , told her you wanted ruby , that you were cheating on her with ruby , that you wished she left , you made her feel worthless , unloved , unwanted , you were so jacked up on demon blood you didnt care when she walked out the door”
I buried my face in my hands , dean was right , it was my fault she never came back or called , I dont blame her for hiding him from me.
Dean cleared his throat.
“She clearly tells the kid about you”
I looked up at him , feeling tears build behind my eyelids.
“She tells the kid about you I mean you didnt hear him say he saved the girl from the bug like his daddy saved her”
My heart beat hard agianst my chest. I had to see her ,tell her everything. I stood up but dean pushed me back into my seat.
“2 more rounds”
After we drank I felt the room spinning , my thoughts jumbled between y/n and ethan , and more alcohol. I walked outside feeling the cold air hit my face.
I yelled when I heard the sound of wings I turned to see 3 cas’s , he spoke but I couldn’t hear him.
“T-t-t take me to y/n”
Next thing I knew I was infront of a little white house.
*y/n pov*
I ran to the door , it was 2 am who the hell is banging at my door this late. I opened the door to find a very drunk , very sad sam.
He smiled pulling me to his chest.
I took him inside sitting him on the couch handing him a water bottle.
“Sam what are you doing here?”
“This right here ”
He patted his hands on the couch.
“Is where im meant to be”
“Sam please dont”
“Please just listen”
I sat next to him making sure we didnt touch.
“Y/n im so sorry for how I acted , for what I s s s said , ruby was a lying bitch just l l like you said. She tricked me into horrible things I never had sex with her , I never even looked at her like that , I was so junked up on demon blood that I didnt see that you were what I needed , w w what I need baby.”
I saw tears falling from his eyes now when he spoke.
“Baby you are my world , and we have a son ,  , I dont blame you for keeping him from me, but I I can’t , wont miss anymore of his life or yours , I need you back y/n , im so sorry so so so sorry”
He was now full on crying , I could tell dean had gotten him drunk so he could say how he felt. He looked back at me , his eyes blood shot and his     breath smelling of whiskey.
“He has your eyes sam”
“Yeah , he is just like you more and more everyday”
I felt tears falling down my face.
“Sam you can come back but you have to be here , I wont let you hurt ethan”
“I wont ever hurt eaither of you”
His hands grabbed mine pulling me to him so now I was sitting on his lap facing him. He put one of his hands on my lower back while the other rested on my cheek. He closed the gap between us his lips gently touching mine. I kissed back running my hands through his hair making the kiss deeper.
“Ive missed you so much sam”
I helped him upstairs ,letting him sleep in my bed. As I layed next to him , he wrapped his hands around my waist pulling me into his spooning me.
“Does ethan know about me?”
“Yeah he knows you and dean hunting   monsters like ghost and demons but he thinks your a superhero”
I heard his laugh as we fell asleep. I woke up before sam untangling myself from him. I walked downstairs where ethan sat watching his morning cartoons. I called him over to the kitchen sitting him in his chair I went to the frige grabbing things for pancakes.
“Mommy what’s wrong?”
Ethan looked at me smiling
“Nothing baby”
I walked away from my mixing bowl picking ethan up sitting him on my hip. Grabbing my wallet I took the picture of me sam and dean out handing it to him.
“That right there is your uncle dean , hes really brave and the tall guy thats your daddy sam he’s my hero”
Ethan smiled holding the picture, I walked into the kitchen sitting him down on the floor. I heard steps coming from upstairs.
“Ethan hun I have a surprise for you”
His head snapped up looking at me with wonder.
“What is it mommy?”
“I want you to look at that picture real close”
As he squinted his eyes , sam came down standing at the walk way into the kitchen.
“Now ethan look up”
Ethan looked up from the picture , as his eyes met sam , the biggest smile formed across his face.
he ran over grabbing sams legs as sam picked him up.
“Daddy your back!”
Sam hugged him tears falling down his face.  His eyes locked onto mine.
“Daddys home now ethan”
After breakfast dean came over so ethan could know his family. As sam and I did dishes his hands grabbed my hips spining me around so now I was face to face with him.
“Y/n I wanna be a family”
“We are sam”
“I wanna make it offical”
He reached into his pocket pulling out a ring.
“I know its not much but will you marry me ?”
“Yes sam oh my lord yes”
He kissed me , my hands tangled in jis hair as we parted I could hear ethan and dean.
“Ew mommy and daddy are kissing”
“I know right gross”
I smiled at sam , knowing he will always be there for ethan and I
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Qi Flows for Her
Chapter Two
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Previous Chapter
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC x Bucky Barnes  |  Word Count: 5561 Warnings: Swearing
Celine stood on the pinnacle of the pretty bridge, staring out at the beauty of Central Park. Evening was falling, her favourite time of day. Long shadows were beginning to coat the buildings beyond the trees and deepened the ones beneath the foliage. The sound of the water under the bridge soothed her anxiety. The two males with her helped as well.
Peter was full of energy, vitality, and fun. Just like his aura, he bubbled with excitement.
It lifted her spirits.
Bucky, too, took her mind off of the drama which was likely unfolding high above in the tower. One would never know to look at him that he was from a different era. He fit quite well into this one. He laughed and joked with Peter about current sports teams and relevant celebrities. Even with the dark aura which hung around him, he had a soothing presence.
When Peter’s phone rang and he sighed, his aura dimming, she knew he was being called home. The little spider was still in high school and had other obligations. He covered his involvement with the Avengers, and as Spider-Man, by saying he was interning with Tony after having won some sort of scholarship. From what she'd seen of his intelligence, it was a good misdirection.
“It is alright, Peter. I am certain I will be here at least a few days.” If this alliance didn’t work out, she would make sure she got to say goodbye before she left. “Will you do me a favour, little spider?”
“Name it, Celine!”
She touched his cheek. “I would rather people not know about my… preferred food source. Can we keep the vampire comments between us?”
His face fell, the thought sobering, but he nodded. “I understand.”
His emotions rippled through his aura. She could feel his disappointment, both in keeping her secret and in how the others had reacted to her. Cupping his chin, she tilted his face up. “Peter, I am fine.” It wasn’t the first time others had reacted poorly to her.
“It's just… not fair. You’re on our side.”
“Hey, pal.” Bucky laid a hand on Peter’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. Steve and I’ll look after Celine and help her fit in. This isn’t going to go there. This ain’t ending up another battle at the airport.”
“Promise?” He looked to Bucky.
Celine frowned, not really understanding the spiking emotions of the two males or the subtle nuances.
“Promise, pal.”
Peter heaved a sigh but smiled and nodded. “Okay. I’ll see you in a few days. If I’m not home in thirty Aunt May is gonna freak.” He took off at a run with a wave.
“Will he make it alright?” Celine asked.
“Parker?” Bucky chuckled. “He’s the web-slinger. He’ll make it.”
Celine leaned back against the edge of the bridge, resting her hands beside her hips. “What did I miss in that exchange?”
He sighed, leaning beside her. “When things went bad after the accords, it split the team. Steve and I were on one side. Peter was on Tony’s. After, when things settled down, and we all made peace, Peter got real attached to Steve. Pretty sure the kid didn’t want to watch the two of them go at it over you, so when he asked to come with…” Bucky shrugged.
Celine brought a hand to her mouth. “I told Charles… I’m not the right choice for this,” she whispered, shaking her head sadly.
“Hey now, it ain’t like that.” His fingers lightly touched the back of her hand.
She looked up to find his eyes full of kindness. “I can't let Wanda in. I can’t, Bucky. There are… things about me which I do not wish to have known. But I am not a danger to your team.”
“Dollface, I know all about people fuckin’ with your head. If you don’t want her running around upstairs, you ain’t gonna hear me protest.”
“Says the man most suspicious of my arrival.”
“Hey! I… that ain’t fair,” he grumbled, eyes twinkling. “I didn’t know you then.”
“You don’t know me now,” she said, pressing away from the railing and sauntering deeper into the park.
“I know no woman in her right mind would wear shoes like that to walk through the park.”
Grinning over her shoulder, she kicked up a foot. “These old things? You’d be surprised what I can do in a pair of stilettos.” There was an intense spike in his libido which she chose to ignore. This was her team now. She wasn’t going to feed on her team no matter how hungry they made her.
Both super soldiers had stirred something inside her with their initial meeting. The first brush of fingers had jolted through her, built a fire, and brought forth her innate sexuality. They made her hungry with so little effort. Sexual desire was not something she’d felt in many years.
It made her flirty. Too flirty. Dialling it back, Celine tucked her hands in her pockets.
His hand closed around her elbow. “Celine, I meant what I said to Peter. You do belong here. Steve and I will make sure the others see that too.”
She blinked at the determination she found in the set of his jaw. “Thank you, Bucky. I have… difficulty adjusting to new environments.”
“You okay, doll? You seem…” He shook his head.
She pulled her arm gently from his hold and walked on. “I have been a freak of nature since I was twelve. It should not surprise me when people fear and abhor me, but it still does. Peter’s easy acceptance, yours, and Steve’s… it’s unsettling. The only others who have been so accepting are Charles, Rogue, and Logan.”
“You ain’t no better or worse than the next person, Celine. Just cause you’re different doesn’t make you a freak.”
She laughed, the sound full of disbelief. “You do not yet understand, but you will. When you see… when you see what I am… and can say those words, mean those words, then perhaps I will believe you.”
“Celine,” he said, voice full of shock and aura full of sadness.
Turning her head, she smiled, but it did not reach her eyes. “It is alright, Bucky. I am used to being alone. If the team chooses to let me stay without demanding to look through my head, I will fight alongside you. But I do not expect you to be comfortable with me. I am not like you.” She motioned with her chin toward the tower. “Steve approaches.” Not yet willing to find out how badly she’d been rejected, Celine walked the other way to sit on a bench far enough from the two soldiers to give them privacy to speak.
Bucky had not felt this powerless since his time with Hydra.
Celine, this gorgeous, strong woman, one who sustained her own life off the emotions of others, was so clearly fragile and so deeply scarred he wanted nothing more than to drag her into a hug so tight, she would feel safe and protected for the rest of her life.
What had happened in the tower, that shit couldn’t happen again.
“Steve,” he said when the blond stopped at his side. “You rip Tony a new one?”
“Yeah. He’s really got to stop pulling this stuff,” Steve sighed, rubbing a hand over his mouth.
“He come down off his high horse, or he still demanding Wanda vet Celine?”
“Less of a comedown, more of a knocked off. Wanda won’t do it. I guess can’t do it is more the issue. Celine has shields the likes of which Wanda ain’t ever seen before. She’d barely approached Celine’s mind, and Celine noticed.”
“She belongs here, Steve. I promised Parker we’d look after her.”
Steve’s brow arched. “Weren’t you the one saying you didn’t like this idea?”
“Yeah, well, opinions can change. Celine… she needs us.” He didn’t know how he knew, he just did. “She’s… fragile, pal. For all her power, she’s broken inside. She expects us to work with her but not work with her, ya know? Just ghost along on the outskirts of the team.”
Steve glanced her way, noticing how her eyes were closed, her face tilted to the last rays of the sun. She was, truly, incredibly beautiful. Even here in the park, she was drawing eyes. “What she tell you?”
“Just that the only ones who trusted her were Charles, Rogue, and Logan. The fact that you, me, and Peter didn’t bat an eye threw her. She’s apparently used to being alone.”
“What?” Steve couldn’t believe it.
Bucky shrugged. “No matter what happens on this next mission, whatever she reveals herself as, we can’t let it phase us. I got a weird feeling, a gut feeling. She needs us.” His gut feelings back in the day used to be the ones that kept them out of the worst spots of trouble.
“I’m with you, pal.”
“You’d better be, punk.”
They smirked at each other before heading for Celine.
“So, it appears I am not banished from the team after all,” she called out once they were closer.
“Nah, you ain’t getting rid of us that easy.” She opened her eyes once they stood before her, and Bucky had his breath catch. “C’mon. You said you like food. It’s nearly dinner time, and Wanda was cooking tonight.”
She took his outstretched hand. The same jolt from the contact raced up his arm as before when he tugged her to her feet.
“What is the catch, Steve?” she asked once she was upright.
“How do you keep…?” He shook his head, a wry smile spreading across his lips. “Shoot. Am I that easy to read?”
“Like a book, Cap,” she chuckled. “You must be rubbish at poker.”
“Rubbish?” Bucky snickered.
Celine shrugged. “Charles is rather English. Some of his lingo stuck. It means Steve must suck something fierce at cards.”
“Hey, now! I’m not that bad!” the blond super soldier protested.
“Yeah, you are,” Bucky laughed.
“Big jerk.”
“Scrawny punk!”
Celine snickered. “How is this,” she flicked her hand like a game show hostess down Steve’s chest, “scrawny?”
“He was smaller than a flea before he let the Army jack him full of steroids,” Bucky said. “Thought I told you not to do anything stupid?”
“And I told you, you took all the stupid with you. There was no stupid left. Therefore what I did was patriotic.”
She burst out laughing as they crossed the street. “Are you two always like this?”
“Yes,” they said together.
Celine continued to laugh as she turned away from the main doors to the tower.
“That’s the wrong way,” Bucky called out.
She threw a grin over her shoulder. “As I have two such strong men at my disposal, why not get assistance with my luggage?”
Her walk had a distinct tone of sass to it Bucky preferred to the sadness she’d walked in earlier. He glanced at Steve and muttered, “I feel played. Do you feel played?”
“Don’t hate the player!” Celine called as she entered the parking garage.
Squealing tires had Bucky and Steve looking to the left, but Celine was already striding toward her car and never saw him coming until the lights from the speeding vehicle blinded her. She threw up her arms, and her power burst to life around her, but not soon enough to stop the speeding truck from slamming into her side and throwing her through the air.
“Celine!” Bucky and Steve yelled, racing toward her.
“Shit! I’m so sorry!” The driver was out of his vehicle, cellphone in hand.
Ignoring him for the moment, Steve and Bucky knelt to either side of the crumpled form of Celine. Her eyelids fluttered open, and she groaned.
“Doll? You okay? Just lie still. We’ll get some help.” Bucky pressed his hand gingerly down on her shoulder.
“I’m fine,” she said, batting at his hand.
“You just got hit by a truck! You ain’t fine.” Steve glared at the man who was continuing to babble about not seeing her and the coffee he’d spilled in his lap had distracted him.
“Bucky. Steve, I’m fine,” she reiterated, sitting up against Bucky’s pressing hand. “Just help me up.”
They both gaped at her before each took a hand and lifted her gingerly to her feet.
“Broke my favourite pair of shoes,” she muttered.
“That’s it?” Bucky gasped. “A shoe? You got hit by a truck, and it broke your shoe?”
She blinked at him. “Um… yes?”
“Jesus!” He threw up his hands, turned toward the driver and pointed. “Get the fuck out of here, and slow the fuck down!” The man was one he recognized from the tower, though Bucky wasn’t sure which department he was in. “You’re damn lucky she’s enhanced our you likely would have killed her!”
“Yes, sir!” the man scrambled to obey. “I’m really sorry, ma’am!” he shouted as he got in his truck and practically crawled out of the building.
Celine’s knees wobbled, and Steve grabbed her around the waist. “You sure you’re okay? We should let Bruce check you out.”
She patted his shoulders and pulled away. “Totally fine, promise. I’ve been hit with worse, and far harder.” She walked away, stopping only to take her shoes off and place them in a garbage can.
She got three inches shorter, and Bucky could have groaned. There was nothing better in his opinion than a woman with curves who would fit nicely beneath his chin. Celine checked all those boxes. From the look on Steve’s face, he wasn’t the only one who thought so.
She popped the trunk on her nearby car, pulled out two large suitcases and a third smaller one. From inside that one, she tugged a new pair of shoes.
“Do not tell us that one is just shoes.”
She glanced at Steve and smiled a secret smile but didn’t reply as she brushed off her feet and slipped into the new, shorter set of heels. Her pants had torn at the thigh, giving Bucky a flash of delicate flesh, and the back of her jacket was dirty, but she looked relatively unscathed for someone who’d taken a licking by a pick-up truck. “What’s not in your file, Celine?”
Her grip on the strap of the smaller suitcase she’d placed on her shoulder tightened. “Because I channel chi as I do, I am stronger, faster, and can hear better than your average human. I also… live longer.”
“How can you be certain?” Steve asked.
“I have not aged in twenty years.”
“What?” Bucky asked, stunned.
She simply shrugged. “I do not know how it works, or if I will age, or when. But I am very hard to injure.”
The two soldiers exchanged wry smiles. “Shit, doll. You’re more like us than we realized.”
“Except for the whole not needing to eat thing. I’m starving,” Steve chuckled, grabbing up one suitcase.
Bucky took the other. “Me too.”
“I could eat.” She blushed when they both looked at her. “Um, real food. I won’t need to feed for a few days.”
“We should have a mission by then. That work for you?” Steve asked.
Bucky watched something, a flicker of emotion he couldn’t place, spark in her eyes before she hid them behind her lashes.
“Yes, that will be fine.” Celine nodded, shut the trunk of her car, and followed them to the lobby entrance.
She stood within the confines of her suite of rooms and blinked in shock. “Here? This is… here?”
“What? Not up to X-men standards?” Bucky teased.
“We’ll have to tell Tony there’s something better somewhere else.” Steve chuckled.
Horrified, Celine shook her head and walked deeper into the sitting room. “No! That isn't what I meant at all! When I still lived at the Manor, we each have a room, but this is…” She ran out of words and just waved a limp hand.
The main space consisted of a seating area with couches, chairs, and an entertainment center. The wall across from her was all windows with a glass topped desk taking in the view of New York. There was a small kitchenette off to one side, a half fridge, sink, and cabinets. Through the open door, she caught a glimpse of a wide white bed, thick and plush and piled with pillows. A woman would feel like a Queen sleeping among the cloudlike softness promised in all that plush.
Gliding toward the windows, she let her case of shoes fall from her shoulder with a small thump. The walls were decorated in soothing colours. Paintings by various impressionist artists, ones she’d always adored hung around the room. She wondered briefly if Charles had made mention of her preference as it was something he would do.
She touched the soft cotton sheer which hung against the window. “It’s more than I expected.” Celine turned and smiled at the two soldiers standing together across the room. They exchanged a glance, one which she couldn’t decipher before two sets of stunning blue eyes returned to assess her.
“You want to change before dinner, Celine? You’re a bit… mussed.” Steve rubbed a hand over the back of his neck, a light blush of colour rising in his cheeks.
It hit her as being one of the most adorable things she’d ever seen. The big, strong soldier turning shy on her. She nodded, and they moved together before she could say any more to take her cases into the bedroom where she watched them toss them on the bed like they weighed nothing. The action caused the flare of desire to hit her a third time. Their strength was highly attractive.
When her hair fell forward over her shoulder, she glanced at it, noticed the way it was beginning to go from straight to wavy, and took a firm grip on her libido.
Working with these two could prove to be difficult.
She focused on her breathing, calming her rising sensuality and dialled back on her appeal until the wave fell out of her hair. When she looked up, she found them watching her. “What?”
“Something wrong?” Bucky asked.
She took the shades which still rode her head out of her hair and tilted her chin up as she set them on the dresser. “Not that I am aware of. If you gentlemen will excuse me.” She motioned toward the door.
They exchanged another one of those looks before they left, shutting her in the room alone. Clearly, they knew each other very well as that silent form of communication was powerful. Their auras fluctuated in concert with one another, showing deep friendship and loyalty. Steve and Bucky were brothers in the truest sense of the word. Related by blood or not, they were bound together at the deepest level. She’d only ever seen such connection in twins.
Celine walked gingerly across the room, proud of herself for holding it together as well as she had been. She wasn’t fine after getting hit by the truck. She had expended an enormous amount of energy to keep herself safe, but she hadn’t been fast enough. She had lied when she’d said she didn’t need to feed for a few days. She needed to feed now and eating with the team would do nothing but prolong her agony. Tonight, she needed to get out. Hunt. Appease the pain in her middle before anyone noticed.
Opening her case, she pulled out a loose, emerald green dress, stripped off her clothes, and walked naked into the bathroom where she lifted her hair and turned to see her back. Bruises ran the length of her spine and more covered her hip where the truck had connected. “Fuck,” she hissed softly, aware of the powerful ears of the super soldiers beyond the door. This was not good.
Celine pulled the sundress over her head. It floated down around her. Its handkerchief hem swirling in points about her calves. Spaghetti straps held it up, the silk clinging to her curves and highlighting her breasts and returned to the bedroom for a short-sleeved sweater. It didn’t seem to matter what she wore, everything screamed sex due to her nature, but the light cardigan adequately covered the bruises on her upper back. Still, she left her hair down, adding another layer of protection to make it through the next few hours.
Before opening the door, she knelt to the floor and pressed her hand to the carpet, allowing her consciousness to flow down. She sought out anyone nearby she could extract a little chi from to get through dinner, but there was no one close enough except for those upon this floor. The building fairly hummed with life, but there were too many floors between her and them.
Gritting her teeth, Celine pushed to her feet, pasted on a smile, and walked out of the bedroom. She would do dinner, show no weakness, then see about getting out of here for a few hours.
Dinner had been far harder than she'd expected. Especially as she never did get to eat.
Wanda had pulled her aside the moment the three of them appeared, apologizing profusely for her part in what had happened. The contrition and guilt in the Scarlet Witch’s aura proved her words true.
Celine had accepted graciously, assuring Wanda there were no hard feelings. She was merely doing what had been asked of her.
Bruce had approached afterward, having heard from Steve and Bucky about her run-in with the truck. He'd bombarded her with questions, getting rather intense as his excitement in her uniqueness grew.
She was saved by, of all people, Stark, who took her by the elbow and overrode every protest Bruce made.
Tony had tugged her across the room, seating her at the bar where he'd flirted, being both contrite and condescending, his emotions and aura showing what he really felt for her. He was wary. He didn't trust she wasn't there to cause problems. He wasn't sure this alliance would work or was a good idea. And, though he looked at her and lusted, she was inhuman, the term the Avengers had been using for a mutant.
How right he was.
She was inhuman. So far removed from humanity they had now become her food source.
When he grew even more intense than Bruce had been, his snide, backhanded compliments beginning to sting, Celine lightly placed her hand on his, leaned forward and turned on her appeal. “I find you to be a highly condescending, swine of a man. As an empath, it is impossible to lie to me. Your false compliments and fake apology leave a foul taste in my mouth. You do not like, nor trust me. Fine. I am here at the request of Charles. His wishes mean far more to me than yours. You do not wish to take my word for it, but I mean this team no harm. I am here to work with you, but if you continue to work against me, I will not hesitate to knock you on your ass… Iron Man.”
He’d blinked a few times when the fog of lust she’d built around him evaporated, and the words she’d spoken registered. Then, surprisingly, he’d laughed. What negative emotions had warred in his aura changed, and the suspicion disappeared.
“About time you stood up for yourself.” He’d patted her hand and walked away, leaving her seat at the bar in shock.
It had been a test. How in the hell had he managed to make his aura appear so…? Her eyes drifted to the Scarlet Witch.
Wanda looked very guilty.
Rising from the bar stool, Celine stalked through the exterior doors. She was livid! They couldn’t probe her mind, so they devised another test to see if she was what she claimed to be.
How quaint! How contrite! How.... ingenious.
She couldn't stay mad when it truly had been a brilliant bit of manipulation and sighed when she walked to the railing to look out over the dark city. All the life which flowed below called to her. She could practically taste it.
“Natasha,” Celine murmured, not bothering to look at the woman who sidled up beside her.
The redhead studied her for a long moment. “What are you?”
Celine cocked her head. “What do you mean?”
“An Energy Vampire you said, but what you just did to Tony had nothing to do with chi.”
Observant. Spy.
Celine blinked slowly, continuing to hold the muted green gaze of the woman. “He was being rude. I simply set him straight.”
Her brow arched, disbelief coating her features. “Can you mesmerize people like in the vampire legends?”
Celine closed both hands over the guardrail. “Not in the way you are thinking.” She could alter memories of herself for those she'd fed on, and she could whip them into such a frenzied need, such a pool of lust they would walk off the edge of the building if she commanded it, but she could not take over their mind with a look. Once she let them go, their mind was theirs again.
Natasha stepped closer, the suspicion on her turning her aura into a beacon of red, blue, and yellow pulsing light.
Hunger had Celine’s hands clenching.
“I’m telling you right now, you do anything to endanger this team, I’ll gut you like a fish.”
“You are welcome to try, Widow, but you do not yet know who you are up against,” Celine warned.
“Why don’t you tell me then?” The muted green had turned harsh, challenging.
Celine hated being challenged. She knew exactly who she was, but if the Widow was so curious... “My name is Celine Ena. It was given to me by Charles when I was fifteen. It means fiery moon for darkness is my bedmate and the fire of chi my lifeblood.” Her skin began to glow, shimmer with her power as her hair began to curl. “Energy vampire was the moniker give me by the children I grew up with when their fear of me became great.” Natasha’s eyes widened, and Celine knew hers had begun to glimmer and spark with gold as the amber lightened in her irises. “But my chosen name, my X-men name, is known only to a select few.” Leaning down, she whispered near Natasha’s ear.
The redhead stumbled back away from her, and Celine straightened slowly.
“You hurt anyone on this team…” Natasha trailed off.
“Why would I hurt my own team? I have already told you, I do not feed on teammates. Steve, Bucky, and Peter have been most welcoming and kind.”
“And the rest of us?”
“You have shown me only fear and distrust. I will do my job, be here, work as part of this team, but I cannot change the minds of those who see me only as a monster. Who look at me with hate and disgust as you currently do. I am what I am. I had no choice in the matter. Yet, you would see me caged and collared because of something which was not my doing.” Celine sighed. “It matters not. I am here, and until Charles calls me home, I will stay.” She walked away, heading around the side of the building.
“Where are you going?” Natasha called.
“I require a walk. I do not require food.” And she was done dealing with people who saw her as a threat, or an experiment, or a challenge.
“You can’t leave.”
She jerked to a stop and peered through narrowed eyes over her shoulder. “Excuse me?”
“Didn’t Steve tell you? It was the deal made. You won’t let Wanda vet you, you have to stay where we can keep an eye on you. You’re on house arrest, Celine, until we’re satisfied we can trust you.”
She slowly closed her fists. Here, now, was the catch Steve had, indeed, failed to mention. What the hell was she going to do? “I see.” Celine headed back through the doors to the interior of the building and straight for the elevator.
“Celine?” Steve called out, jogging over with a smile on his face. “Where are you going?”
“As I’m being treated like a teenager, I thought I would go sulk in my room like one,” she snapped.
He had the decency to flinch. “Yeah, sorry about that. I meant to tell you, but… stuff happened.”
She shook her head. “I will not say it is fine. It isn’t. You treat me like an enemy. The fox who has snuck into the hen house. I mean none of you harm, yet you persist in testing me, probing at me, treating me as a thing to be mistrusted. I am a person, no matter how much my mutation has taken from me!” When he tried to take her arm, she jerked away, raked her gaze over the group in general, and walked out, getting on the elevator to return to her room.
Only once the doors closed did she lean against the wall and allow the single, heart-wrenching sob to slip from her lips. “Why, Charles? Why did you have to send... me?”
She was so tired of being hated and feared and loathed.
So very tired.
Bucky stormed over to Steve. “What the fuck just happened?”
“I don’t know, but I’m sure as hell going to find out.” Steve glared at Natasha as he stomped across the room. “What did you say to her?”
She didn’t even twitch in the face of his rage. “Standard greeting.”
“In other words, you threatened her. God damn it, Natasha!” Steve barked. “We’re trying to improve relations, not start a war!”
Her face closed down. “I’m not the one you need to be concerned with!”
“Celine is part of this team!”
“She shouldn’t be!” Natasha snarled.
Stunned, Steve took an involuntary step back. “Since when did you become so cynical?”
“Since I found out who she really is!” She pushed past Steve to look at the rest of them. “We should be sending her packing with a thanks, no thanks, back to Xavier.”
“Natalia! What the fuck’s wrong with you? Celine is nice. At least give her a chance,” Bucky stated.
She sneered at him. “You don’t get it.”
“Don’t get what?” asked Steve.
“She’s not just a Qi Manipulator or an Energy Vampire. She’s so much more, and you two are letting her live in the lion’s den!”
“Natalia, ob"yasnis'!” Bucky snapped.
“Explain myself? Sure, Barnes. I’ll explain myself. She’s the one they call Styx!”
The only one to react was Clint who sat straight up. “She’s Styx?”
“What is a Sticks?” asked Thor.
A frustrated growl left Nat’s chest. “None of you read the files on the X-men, did you?”
“I read it, but I don’t remember a Sticks,” Bucky grumbled.
“Nor I,” said Wanda.
“Styx, like the river goddess of ancient Greek mythology. The mutant whose moniker is denoted by that name is said to be called this name because all life flows through her. She is, essentially, the gateway to the afterlife.” Vision recited.
“That’s it?” Steve asked.
“Styx has remained a mystery for most of her existence as an X-men. She prefers to work alone, under cover of darkness. It is said only that she can sweep a building within minutes, leaving behind severely weakened or dead agents in her wake. It is said she can look at a man and see his life, his soul, then she chooses. Life… or death.”
They all turned to look at Scott.
“What?” he shrugged a shoulder. “If she’s so powerful, isn’t it better to have her on our side instead of against it?”
“I can’t believe I’m saying this,” Sam sighed, shaking his head, “but the bug is right. She seems nice enough, maybe a little cool, but we haven’t exactly been welcoming either.”
“She’s lonely.” Wanda looked away when all eyes swung to her. “I could pick up her emotions a little when she was speaking with Tony.”
“Wanda’s right. Celine expected us to turn on her. It’s what everyone does. She said as much when she was with Peter and me in the park. This shit right here,” Bucky motioned to the room, “is fucked up. We’re supposed to a team, but all some of you have done is make her feel like shit. Well done.” Turning on his heel, Bucky walked away.
“Someone’s smitten,” Natasha snorted.
“Nat,” Steve said, waiting for her to look at him. “You’re acting like a bitch.” Her eyes widened as the others gasped. “You got issues? You got insecurities? You got a problem with her being here? Then solve it, because Celine is going to be here for the foreseeable future. Xavier wants this to work, I want this to work, and Stark you were pushing for it too. Stop testing her!” He glared at Tony.
“I’d just feel better if Wanda could…” Tony sighed, flicking a wrist in dismissal. “I’ll fix it.”
“Good.” Steve looked around the room at all the contrite faces. “She’s here. She’s staying. Get it together.” Without another word, he followed Bucky out of the room.  
Next Chapter
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IM SOOO SORRY YALL! Im sorry, sorry, sorry, this month has been so stressed filled, with my grandma moving in, and panic attacks, and school, then I had this chapter written and it DELETED ITSELF!!! Anyways, again, I'm sorry.
Disclaimer: I do not own Markiplier and Jacksepticeye, they belong to themselves. This is not Septiplier. I know this won't, and can't happen.
Triggers! Im sorry I never said these before. There are slight mentions of Panic attacks and dog attacks. Their not super explicit, but if this can be triggering, either leave or read with caution. Stay safe!
I would like to mention some people, who left some lovely notes and helped this story progress:
@bee-wrecker ( Tumblr won't let me mention you )
@Long-dong-silver ( or you )
@Pomelo-chan ( or you )
Some special mentions:
@nightmarejasmine, @whatthefeelsiswrongwithme, and @miss-rose-fiction, thank y'all so much for those lovely comments, they seriously help, and encourage me to keep the story going :)
Mark and Jack were in the living room. Its been about half an hour since their little incident at lunch. Mark had put the dishes in the sink. He didn't want to wash them at the moment, having felt to lazy.
Him and Jack were watching TV, with Jack quietly munching on his cookie, which was once again positioned on his lap. Everything was quiet, peaceful..
When suddenly, Mark sat straight up from his relaxed position on the couch. " CRAP!! " He yells, as he shoots up on to his feet.
Jack jumps in shock and surprise, causing his cookie to tumble off his lap. He looks over at Mark, who's carding his hands through his hair. Before he can sprint off, Jack pipes in.
" Mar-Mark? " Mark pauses for a second, and looks over to Jack. " Whats wrong? " he asks, noticing the panic flitting across his face. " I left Chica outside, shes been out there for hours! " " Who's Chica? " " My dog! "
And with that, he sprints off.
' Dog? ' Jack thinks, a shudder running through him. He doesn't have the best experiences with dogs..
After that thought, he can hear the slight groan from the back door, then the ' clack clack clack ' from the doggos nails. " Oh, Chica, baby girl, I'm so sorry! " Mark says.
' That sure sounds like a big dog.. ' Jack thinks nervously. Jacks suspicions were soon proven correct when Mark comes into the room, fingers hooked onto the puppers collar. Chica soon notices him, and yips excidedly.
Jack freezes up when he notices her attention, and scitters back a few inches. I mean, yes she's cute, but she could hurt, or even KILL him, weather accidentally or not..
When Chica is able to drag Mark fowards a bit, Jack cringes. He grabs the hem of his shirt, and stars wringing it. He casts panicked, fearful glances Mark's way.
Luckily, Mark notices.
" No, Chica, no! Calm down, be good! " Mark says, hoping Chica will listen.
She doesn't. Apparently, she doesn't want to be a good girl.
She yips and barks, clawing and pushing against Mark's hold on her with all her strength. Mark tries to hold onto her. He goes to wrap an arm around her, to hold her still, but his grip lossens for just a second..
And that's when Chica makes her escape.
Jack cries out in terror, and scrambles back on the pillow. He ends up tumbling off the back, wedging himself in between the pillow and the back of the couch.
Chica makes it to the pillow within a second, sniffing and snuffling at the pillow. Jack burrows under the pillow. He presses his hands against his mouth, and shuts his eyes tight, begging himself to please not make any noises. He know Chica can smell him, but he's hoping that if he doesn't make any noises, she won't find him..
Yeah, Chica had other plans. She sticks her nose under the pillow, causing a scream to make its way past his lips. Flashes from when a women sicked her dog on him flashed before his eyes. The howling, the ransed breath, the feeling of teeth digging into him, only escaping because he had a tooth pick to help him climb up mounds of dirt to get to the womens garden..
Its suprising this all happened within a matter of seconds. Mark gets to Chica, and starts scolding her. " No Chica, bad girl! I said no! " Mark says, as he grabs her collar once more. She lays her ears back, and looks up at him, puppy dogs out and ready.
After a moment of holding his stern exterior, it cracks. Mark gives a small smile of fondness, and gives her a quick pat on the head. Mark looks to the pillow, and frowns. He can see small vibrations coming from the pillow, or should he say, from the small Irish borrower hiding under the pillow. He hopes this didn't mess Jack up to much.
" Jack? " No response, though Jack does notice the concern in his tone. " Jack, I'm so sorry about what happened. Chicas strong, and she got away from me. I know your scared, but I swear she wouldn't hurt you. Can you please come out? "
A quiet whimper answers him. With a plan he just came up with to follow, he sits down next to the pillow, slowly. He reaches over, and grips the edge of plush cushion. " Im going to move the pillow now, OK Jack? " No response, Mark took that as a yes.
Jack can feel when the pillow raises up off him, and presses himself into the cushions of the couch.
Chica, now sensing the fear ( which they can. Dogs can tell what your feeling, be it happiness, anger, or sadness. I think they can smell the chemicals that make up your emotions? Idk I read that from somewhere.. ) radiating from Jack, sets her head down on Marks lap.
Mark reaches over, and taps Jack's back. " Hey, it's OK, it's ok buddy. Chica was just excited. She's calm now, look. " Mark says. Jack glances up, and sees Chica staring at him. Her tail is wagging twenty miles a minute, but she doesn't move.
Jack, hesitantly, sits up, but doesnt move from his spot pressed againt the couch cushions. It's a start.
Chica raises her head in interest when Jack sits up, but rests her head back on Mark's lap after a moment. " Good girl.. " Mark mumbles to her, and gently stratches behind her ears. He thought she was going to try and sniff at Jack again there, for a moment. Chica glances up at Mark for a moment, before her attention flicks back to Jack.
" Alright, Jack, I have two choices for you. One, we can keep Chica in here, and you can get to know her. Or, I can put her in my room for now. Which one would you prefer. "
Jack chews on the inside of his cheek. He wants to get to know Chica, he really does, but all he can think of it that other dog, the pain, and fear, and, and..
" Ple-please put her in your room.. " Jack asks quietly, as he lowers he head. Mark nods a bit, even though Jack can't see him do so. " OK, that's OK, good job, thank you for telling me. " Mark says.
He then stands up, and hooks his fingers on Chicas collar. " Come on, Chica. " He says, and she willingly follows. As an after though, Mark grabs her food and water. He situates her in his room, and sets her food and water down where she will see them.
On the way back to the living room, Mark starts thinking. ' Why am I so concerned for Jack? I mean, yes, he's a person, and he's scared, and I HATE seeing people scared, but I just met him.. '
Then he gets back to the living room, sees Jack, and realizes why. Jack had pulled his knees up to his chest while Mark was gone, his head still tilted down. ' It's because he's so.. Small. So vulnerable looking. It makes me want to protect him. '
" Hey, you OK? " Mark asks, ad he stands next to the couch. Jack nods, still not looking up. " Yeah, yeah, I'm fine now. Thanks. "
Mark frowns, knowing that Jack is lying. He wants to ask him what happened, why was he so, so terrified of Chica? What happened to him to cause so much fear?
But he wouldn't. Jack would tell him when he was ready. Hopefully.
" I'm sorry I freaked out on you and your pup, Mark. " Jack says, and he picks his sleeves. " It's fine Jack, really. Anyone would be scared of a giant dog bounded up to them. " Mark says, reassuringly. ' Maybe not that much, but still. '
Jack glances up at him, shock flitting across his features. Mark.. Wasn't mad? Or frustrated with him? He looks back down.
Then an idea comes to Mark. " You know what? I think you deserve something better than that cookie for having to go through such a scare. Hold on a sec. " Mark says, as he walks to the kitchen, leaving a very confused Jack in the living room.
Mark gets to the kitchen, and walks over to the freezer. He opens the door, reaches in, and grabs the container filled with his vanilla ice cream.
With a smile, he sets the ice-cream on ths counter, and grabs the bottle cap that worked as Jack's plate at lunch. Quickly rinsing it out, he gets a spoon, and puts some on to the cap, when he realizes something.
He doesn't have a spoon for Jack. ' Maybe he has one in his pack? ' Mark thinks, as he remembers the small little backpack in his pocket
After putting away the ice cream, he gentle picks up the cap, and walked back into the living room. He sets it down on the table next to the couch, than sits down next to Jack again.
" Question.. Do you have a spoon your backpack? " Mark asks. This catches Jack's attention. He looks up at Mark. " My backpack? Do you have my backpack? " Jack asks. Mark nods, grabs his pack, and hands it to Jack. " Yeah, I found it earlier. "
Jack takes the pack, and lifts that lid that was heald down by a big button he had sewn on. Glancing over the contest, he sighs contently when he sees everything is still in there. With a nod, he says " I have a spoon. I keep stuff like that in here in case I have to find a new home before I can grab all by stuff. " With that, he fishes around his pack, and takes out a spoon.
Mark smiles, and grabs the cap filled with the sweet, sugary desert. " Good, try this! It tastes amazing, I swear. " Mark says, as he gives the ice cream to Jack.
Jack hesitantly takes the ice cream, and sniffs at it for a moment, a habit he learned when he almost ate rat poison. He can feel the chill of the sinking through the plastic.
He then scoops up a small ( Hah, get it?! Small?! ) spoonful, and takes a bite.
A hum of satisfaction makes it's way past his lips. " This is so good! What is it? " Jack asks, as he scoops up a bigger spoon full.
Mark's jaw drops in shock. " You've never had ice cream before?! " Mark asks, purposely exaggerating his shock a bit. Jack gulps down his spoonful, then nods. " Well, your going to get plenty here, let me tell ya! " Mark says, satisfied when he sees Jack smile.
When Jack finishes his ice cream, he looks up at Mark, a sheepish look taking over his features. He holds up his bottle cap, and asks, " Hey, Mark? Can, can I have more? "
Mark nods, and takes the cap from him. " Yeah, sure! " Mark says, as he heads to the kitchen to get the borrower more ice cream.
Thank you all so much for the encouragement you've given me
And for being so patient.
I hope you enjoyed the story, I'm sorry its so bad again. I had major writers block. If anyone could leave some suggestions on what to do with this story, or simply what you want to see, leave a comment here or in my inbox.
You can find chapter one here and chapter two here. If the links don't come up, please tell me :)
If you see any spelling mistakes, or if I wrote Mark wrong, tell me and I'll have it fixed.
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albionscastle · 7 years
Don’t Play With Me
I have no trouble seeing Jack as a semi knight in shining armour type of guy as well as just drop dead sexy with the words when he wants to be.
There’s a part 2 in progress but it’s one I definitely can’t write at work ;)
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Your phone signaled a text message just as you were about to walk into the building. Grabbing at any delay you could, you pulled it from your clutch, stopping just outside the doors.
JL: Harry’s havin a movie night, ye up fer it? YN: Can’t, about to go to a wedding I don’t want to be at. Wish I could though. JL: Why are ye goin if ye don’ wanna be there? YN: Bride is my cousin, I have to go, but my ex is the best man. JL: The fucklump wi’ the kid? The one who ghosted ye?” YN: That’s the jackass. JL: Jesus, that sucks. Where is this shindig, maybe ye can sneak away early and come over.” YN: At the lake. I doubt I’ll make it over. Tell everyone I’m sorry. I should go in, ceremony is about to start. JL: Call me if ye need anything.
You put your phone on silent and took a deep breath, wishing that any one of your friends was here instead of you being alone. But no, you had to be stubborn, preferring to go stag rather than with an obvious pity date. Fuck you really were an idiot sometimes.
Fiddling with your dress the whole ceremony, you were aware of your ex’s eyes on you. You could have shot your friend Lisa for picking the damn thing out for you. Dresses were not your usual wardrobe choice, least of all flowy, romantic numbers with no backs.
“Show that prick what he’s missed out on.” she had cooed earlier that day as she finished your makeup.
That was the problem, you thought, as the day went through its stages. He had winked at you in a way that made your stomach churn. And your family had noticed, every comment being about you showing off for an ungrateful fuckstick you loathed. You would have been better off staying invisible.
At least Jack would have teased you about suddenly being a girl, before handing you a beer and leaving you alone.
Alone and wishing he was the one winking at you in some private joke, and then touching you, and then…
You shook your head, that kind of thinking would do no good. Jack was your friend, nothing more.
Two drinks into the reception your phone vibrated again.
JL: How’s it goin? YN: I may drink myself into oblivion, or hurl. Jury’s still out. JL: Tha’ bad? Is he givin ye grief? YN: NO, I mean he winked at me which was enough to make my skin crawl. My family is being a bit...wearying.
There was a tap on your shoulder as you read his reply, causing you to jump, dropping your phone. Your ex picked it up and you shoved it aside without finishing.
JL: I cannae blame him so much fer winkin at ye, tha dress is stunnin.
You never even saw Jack standing near you at the bar.
“Well you look sexy. If you were trying to rile me up you succeeded.”
“Fuck off, I didn’t wear it to impress you.”
“Could have fooled me, you know I always liked when you showed off those tits. Could have got one that showed off your ass too though.”
God, how had you never seen what a dirtbag he was until after it was all done between you.
“You always were crass. Besides what do you know about my ass? You didn’t touch me below the waist the entire time I knew you.”
You were oblivious to Jack choking on his beer just out of sight.
“Why do you have to be like that babe? We had a good time.”
“You had a good time, I just faked one. Every time.”
His eyes narrowed.
“Sweetheart, you aren’t exactly a prize specimen to be throwing away opportunities.”
“What opportunity would that be? To lay like an inflatable date while you get your rocks off? I’ll pass thanks.”
“I don’t see anyone else stepping up. Come on baby, let’s sneak away for few and you can re acquaint me with that talent tongue of yours.”
You were actually going to throw up.
“I’d rather drink battery acid.”
He took a step forward, reaching his hand toward you and you instinctively stepped back, colliding with a human wall.
“There ye are lass, yer cousin wouldna le me away tae find ye.”
Jack’s voice was somehow in your ear and you stiffened in shock as his body moved flush with your back, the knuckles of one hand gliding up and down your bare arm.
“Jack?” you managed to squeak as his lips brushed over your bare shoulder.
“Who’s yer friend?” his tone told you he knew exactly who you were talking to.
“Not my friend.” You smiled as Jack slid his other hand around your waist. “My ex.”
“Ohhhh, right mate, I shoul be thanking ye then.”
Your ex looked uncomfortable as the - superior-in-every-way - Jack grinned smugly.
“What are you talking about?”
“Well, if ye hadna let her get away, she never would ha ended up wi’ me. I ken a prize when I see one.”
You almost laughed at the angry look on your ex’s face, but any thought of him was quickly eradicated as Jack pressed his mouth to the tender spot below your ear.
“Come and dance wi’ me.” he murmured, tugging you toward the dance floor.
You left your ex without a second thought, following Jack to the centre of the floor and reveling in the feel of his arm around your waist as he pulled you close to him.
“Jack, what are you doing here?”
“I couldna in good conscience leave ye alone wi’ the wolves.”
“What about movie night?”
“Lisa an Harry needed some alone time. An there’s a wee chance she filled me in on the history here.”
“Oh God.” you went bright red.
“Dinna worry, she didna tell me anythin half as bad as wha I just heard.” his voice was tight.
“How much did you hear?”
“All of it, I was ri there. Ye never saw mah text about seein ye in tha dress did ye?”
“I think I got interrupted.”
“Tha ye did, and the bugger is still starin at ye.”
“Fuck him.”
“No mah type love.” Jack winked at you and heat pooled in your belly.
God he was gorgeous. And he was watching you, his blue eyes alight with mischief as you bit your bottom lip against the way he was making you feel.
“Tall, dark and arrogant not your type, Lowden?” you quipped with a laugh.
“Nah lass, curvy and spunky fer me.” he leaned closer, his breath hot against your ear. “Tha dress looks fucking fantastic on ye.”
You shivered as his voice deepened and rolled over you, fingers gliding across the bare skin of your back.
“I almost didn’t wear it, I feel so self-conscious.”
“Don’ be, half the men here can’t keep ther eyes off ye.”
That thought didn’t help, at all.
“Jack.” you whispered, your cheeks burning.
“Tha prick is chompin at the bit to get at ye, an he’s no gonna get close.”
“Thanks Jack, you’re a regular knight in shining armor.”
“Och no, no armor, tha shite chafes.” he laughed. “Yer welcome, wha are friends fer?”
Yeah, friends. That was the big issue wasn’t it? For a moment, as his lips had touched your skin, you had allowed yourself to hope, imagine. For a few minutes you swayed together, silently. You could feel your ex’s eyes boring into your back, making your skin crawl. You shivered and Jack’s hand on the small of your back drew you closer to his warmth.
“So wha happened wi’ tha lump?”
“The usual. He ghosted me after 9 months of dating, never spoke to him again until tonight.”
“Sounds li a real dreamboat.”
“I really know how to pick them.”
“Don’ do that.”
“Do what?”
“Make it sound li it’s yer fault. Man like tha is just rubbish.”
“Guess they all are then.”
“No all of us.”
Your eyes met his, caught in the intensity of his gaze.
“I swear if tha bastard doesna stop lookin at ye like tha I’m gonna deck ‘im one.”
“It’s not worth it Jack.”
“Sure woul make me feel better.” he muttered, his palm sliding up your back to press your body closer to him. His other hand moved your arm to drape around his neck, fingers dancing down your arm, then your side to rest on your rib cage.
You felt your breath catch as his cheek brushed against yours, his thumb rubbing back and forth over the top of your ribs.
“Woman like ye deserves tae be worshipped.” he whispered in your ear, a shiver running up your spine.
“Get off, Lowden,” you huffed. “Stop playing.”
“I’m no plain. If ye were mine I’d make sure ye were screamin mah name wi’ yer fingers pullin out me hair.”
The breath left your body in a whoosh of shock and heat.
“Tha woul just be the start, the whole neighbourhood woul know mah name by the time I was done wi’ ye.”
Your knees began to wobble as Jack’s mouth made contact with your earlobe, tongue darting out to trace the edge near your earring.
“Jack!” you hissed, feeling his smile against your ear. This was taking things too damn far. And not far enough. You were a ball of tension and want, your feelings fluttering all over the damn place.
“Dinnae fret lass, I’ll no embarrass ye in front of yer family. But I cannae guarantee tae keep mah hands off ye when we leave.”
“Jack, be serious, that’s not funny.”
“Do ye see me laughin, lass? I’m takin ye home tonight and ye’ll no be sleepin.”
“You’re pretty damn sure of yourself.”
“Yer cheeks are red, ye’re pantin in me ear and yer heart is poundin. I think we’ve danced around this long enough, don’t ye?”
What could you even say to that? To any of it? You had no idea how things had changed from his earlier playful behaviour. He’d been playing a part, hadn’t he?
“Yer over thinkin, luv. It’s no complicated.”
“Would you be saying any of this if I wasn’t wearing this dress?”
“Actually this whole weddin business put rather a crimp in me plans. I had intended tae have ye on the couch wi’ me as usual, Harry picked ou ‘The Notebook’ tae watch.”
“I hate that movie.”
“Aye, but it’s go that one scene ye know. I was gonna lean over an tell ye how much I wanted tae do that wi’ ye.”
“You’re kidding! Jesus Jack, have you never heard of asking someone out, like on a date?”
His flush told you that he hadn’t thought about doing that and you felt that hopeful flame in your heart sink. He was just like the rest of them, only after you for one thing.
“I’m not some piece of ass that you can tap into whenever you start to get horny.”
“No! Lass it’s no li tha.”
“Save it Jack. You’re just like every man I’ve ever been involved with. You treat me like a piece of meat. It’s ok to sleep with me, act all friendly, but I’m not good enough to be girlfriend material.”
Not wanting to cause a scene you had slid out of Jack’s arms and kept his hand in yours as you led him to the door. Once outside and alone though, you dropped all pretense.
“Go home Jack, forget all of this. You just got carried away with making that asshat jealous. We can talk tomorrow.”
“Please love, it’s no wha ye think, I swear tae ye.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” you said sternly, turning to walk back inside, your heart aching as you listened to him walk away.
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talizorahs · 7 years
Gency 43
thank you toki for the ask!! im going to trawl through all these prompts i swear
ask me?
43. “Squeeze my hand if you can hear me” / Gency
read it on ao3
“ Brrrzt .” The comm crackles and all three of their cleanup team start in surprise. Winston had ordered radio silence until Alpha had infiltrated the rogue processing centre deep in the Russian hinterlands. “We’re - we’re…. brrrrzt …”
“Alpha? Do you read?” Seventy-Six is crisp and clean, but dread sets in over Genji. This wasn’t expected to be an easy mission for the infiltration team. Complications were expected, but not so early in the plan.
“Heavy fire. Need - brrrrzt …. Evac-”
The terrorists weren’t meant to be well-armed, just smart. That is why the one-and-only Jesse McCree had been leading the charge into the chilled plant, rumored to be holed up with prototype Eradicators. Not fully working ones, just prototypes, incapable of firefight.
Perhaps not. Rumors were often wrong. Seventy-Six’s forehead lines deepen as he scowls at his comm like it’s offended him, then scuffs his cheek with his gloved thumb.
“Get a move on, Beta,” he growls, rifle upended over their makeshift cover in the snow. It’s fucking freezing, but they barrel over the hill and towards the distant echoes of gunfire.
Genji’s sword arm is itching for a fight, elected for recon and cleanup today much to his dismay, but it meant Lena got to sit at McCree’s right hand and slip into her old slipstream groove. Seventy-Six is antsy, too, and Lúcio had been oddly quiet during their brief stakeout.
“Get me some eyes down there, Beta. What’s going on? What happened?” Winston sounds urgent, his words hot in their ears, even tucked away safely back at Gibraltar.
“Your intel was wrong,” Seventy-Six answers, cut and dry, despite the high-speed charge he leads through the snow towards their doomed Alpha team. He sounds - angry, almost. “Eradicators are up full force.”
Now, dismay: “Alpha…?”
“On our way to them.” A beat, then Seventy-Six adds more softly, “It’s not an easy job, Winston.” It’s the sort of tone he used to reserve for wounded soldiers and funeral eulogies; the sort of tone he used on Genji once.
Winston doesn’t like it, either. “I didn’t ask for your counsel. Alpha are my responsibility, I’ll deal with them. You do your job, get them out.”
“Hey, guys,” Lúcio interjects, more a whimper than a bang, “we’re approaching. We got this, big guy.” Then, a glance at Seventy-Six, “Sir.”
Sure enough, over the oppressive haze of the snow, a building rises up out of the white, and the sound of gunfire suddenly reaches Genji’s eardrums full force. So does the renewed hiss of the comm in their ears.
“Jack?” Genji’s heart stops with his feet as they enter the outskirts compound: Angela.
Seventy-Six has a hand to his visor, peering through the snow at the concrete highrise of the facility. Looking for entry points, as calm as a soldier. He’s lucky the visor hides his eyes. “Ziegler? We’re here, what’s your status? Where’s McCree?”
“Jack…. I….” She breathes harshly, setting Genji’s heart on edge. “They got out. I think. Escaped the ambush… Those eradicators never were fast.”
There’s still gunfire piercing through the snow, but Genji can’t hear it through the comm on Angela’s end.
“The scientists?”
“Went after the Jesse and Lena.”
“And you? Doctor Ziegler? Are you alright?” She certainly doesn’t sound alright, hence the question slips urgently from Genji’s lips at Seventy-Six’s incompetent silence as he thinks, or perhaps tries to get through the others. It’s not important.
“I…. I was hit. It’s not major - but -”
“Where are you,” demands Genji, without missing a beat.
“Stuck - a little. Jesse tried, but they had to leave me. Promised he’d come back…. But…. they sound occupied. I don’t know - I don’t-”
“I can’t raise them,” Seventy-Six adds, then spares a glance to the two of them, where Lúcio also comes up with nothing but static. At least the snowfall isn’t so bad here they have a clear connection to Angela. Injured, trapped in a firefight, alone, Angela.
Genji’s dread settles into icicles through his heart, much colder than the wind which bites at his joints. That decides for him, and the insistent twitch of his arm for the weight of his sword, to end these men for putting Angela in harm’s way.
“I’m going to get her.”
He’s halfway over the wall, enough to ignore Seventy-Six’s objections, then again over the comms. He blocks him out - literally - and tunes into Angela instead, whose breathing is laboured, harsh and fast, like she’s sweating out a bad fever.
“Angela? I’m coming. Jack and Lúcio - they’ll find the others. You’ll be fine, I promise.”
“Yes, I’m coming.”
She huffs, almost like a laugh, Genji can’t tell over the scratchy texture of the comms. “They…. should have had you. Instead of me. This wouldn’t have happened…. otherwise.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. The information was wrong, they were waiting for you. That’s not your fault, or McCree’s, or Lena’s.”
“Oh… you’re right. You’re always right. About this mission, too, working with Seventy-Six - Jack. You said to me…. about…. bad feelings.”
She’s rambling, trying to keep talking, so Genji speeds up. He’s over the security walls easily, then slips into the building, between the empty shipping crates which previously contained the supposedly inactive Eradicator units. Alpha was tasked to sneak in right through the front door, in with the merchandise, but didn’t count on their cargo wanting the blankets back - by the sounds of it.
With the units compromised, it was then planned for them to go on and take back the scientists, with the threatened life of their oppressive creations. Seventy-Six, Lúcio and Genji were to assist with this once the men were secured.
McCree had it planned to a T. Lena and him were happy with their gunpower, and Angela knew her way around the back of an Eradicator, and a man’s mind. She was their decommissioning and bargaining chip in shutting down these terrorists before more forces could be deployed to the Russian omnics.
A genius. Genji’s appreciation for her skills and work ran for miles, even before he got to his deep admiration for the woman herself. She knew this, of course, and entertained him and the changed man he was. They made good company for each other, in the turmoil Overwatch was as it resurfaced out of the ashes, with some flames rekindled more than others.
“I’m inside, Angela. Run it down with me. Where are you?”
She takes a moment to answer, “… back room, two corridors down. Yes, two. Or three? I don’t - don’t remember. Genji, I don’t remember, it’s…. Three. Must be. We ran from them, as fast as we could but-” She inhales sharply, like she’s been shot, likely what she’s remembering.
Genji grits his teeth, darting down the main corridor, noting easily the signs of battle - scuff marks, shells, bullet holes. A used flashbang. This had been less than three minutes ago and yet, not fast enough.
God damn Seventy-Six. God damn Overwatch. Angela deserved better than trapped in a freezing back room, her comrades forced to leave her, Jack Morrison more concerned about their mission than his friend’s life.
“I hope Jesse and Lena are alright,” she breathes, as Genji stakes out the second corridor to be sure, every room and cupboard in the vicinity. “Jesse was - apologising. He does…. a lot of that now. He reminds me a lot of Reyes, you know?”
That makes Genji wince, so does the splotch of blood as he turns the corner into another stretch of doors. There’s bullet holes in the far wall, scorch marks, and tracks on the floor. The bots had been through here.
“Said he - didn’t want to leave. But I got stuck…. He was already hit, Lena was running out of charge. I…. I had to let them. Couldn’t let them get hurt.”
“The rest of Beta went to find them. You don’t have to worry.”
She seems to deflate at that, albeit shakily.
“Jack will take good care of them. I…. I know he will. Despite all the bad things we say about him. He…. means well, Genji.”
He’s not having this discussion with a half-delirious, likely cold and trapped Angela. Finding her was the first predicament, rescuing her from wherever she was stuck, was another story. The blood trail was leading him deeper into the maze of doors, until eventually he came to it - a door slightly ajar, he could see movement inside, and lights, too. The Caduceus, maybe? Angela must have used it on herself to treat her wound however serious it was.
He reaches for the comfort of his sword over his shurikens, wanting that weight in his hand, so he can replace it with Angela’s hand as they escape this wretched place.
Except - it’s not that simple.
She’s there, alright, trapped in a stand off with two Eradicators at the corner of the room. There’s blood soaked through her white suit, slick on one of her hands which is pressed to her side. Her other hand is curled around her gun, which waveringly points at one Eradicator. The other points its gun at her, orange eyes narrowed, but eerily completely still.
Genji freezes, too.
“It’s… okay. You can come closer. I…. figured it out.” He approaches cautiously, sword trained on the omnic which threatens her life. She’s standing, he realizes, wobbling on her own two feet despite her wound. Sweating, too, and trembling. Bleeding. Smiling at him, like she’s still the doctor and he’s a patient who needs reassuringly. “Prototypes…”
He stops between the two bots. The one Angela has subdued is frozen mid-fight, gun raised to reload, not to attack. The other has come to its defense. There they have stopped, and so has Angela, who this whole time, could not have moved at the risk of her own life.
He dreads so much it eats itself into full blown fear. He has to get her out of here before something happens, before whatever holds them here breaks, and a bullet lodges itself between her eyes.
“The reason they’re so…. dangerous. Is they are self-preserving. Won’t harm let harm come to itself, or each other. Like humans. What we always feared…. being replaced, or bettered.” She coughs out something like a laugh, her raised arm trembling visibly, finger hovering on the trigger of the tiny blaster. “Here… it is. Self-preservation, robot form. They won’t harm me…. unless I shoot the other.”
Now Genji understands: stuck. Injured, too. Cold, uncomfortable. And Seventy-Six too far away to contact for aid, chasing down the others, because he had run off without thinking.
Fear bites at him, shortening his breath. Angela smiles again, painfully.
“It’s… alright. Genji. I’ve had…. had time. To think. I can do it, if you take out the other.”
“No!” he answers immediately, stepping forward, but shying - yet the bots do not make a move, at his movement or raised voice. “No,” he says, again, insistent. “I won’t let them harm you.”
She huffs that strange laugh again. Genji doesn’t like it. “I…. I don’t think you have a choice.”
Genji grinds his jaw in frustration, looking between the two bots, and Angela, who shouldn’t have the strength to waver on her feet for as long as she has. He doesn’t have long before she collapses and the decision is made for him.
The sword bounces in his hand as he looks again with renewed vigor, and the shurikens itch at his wrist. He could time them together, or perhaps with a dash of his sword - either could work, but that’s not good enough to bid Angela’s life on.
“Genji…” she implores gently, at what must have been helpless painted across the green visor. “I am…. alright. I can do this.”
“No,” he answers back, firmly, sparing her a single glance - seeing her fingers tremble and her knees shake can only stir so much fear into his human heart. “I always have a choice. You told me this. That is why I am here, because I had a choice. I chose Overwatch. I chose you. And I choose the same again, now.”
He readies his sword, calls upon the tethers to the spirits, opens himself to the green which pours into the room. He breathes it in like smoke, then with a cry, it happens more quickly than how he ended to Hanzo’s blade all those years ago.
A shout, a flash of green, orange, yellow. A scream, a tangle of limbs, a crash as mangled bots clutter to the floor. Then - nothing.
The dragon releases Genji, and he releases his sword. Angela is crumped on the floor unmoving, one of the ruined bots guns is smoking. Fear takes him, propels him forward to her side, where he takes her hand and her head, cradles her off that cold and awful concrete floor.
“Angela? Angela!” He shakes her, desperate for a response, and there it is as he wishes - the pinch of her face as she shifts minutely in his arms. “Squeeze my hand, Angela.” He needs that confirmation, solid in his metal fingers, so he can move her somewhere safe. “I need to know you can hear me.”
“Can…. can…. Hear you. Genji,” she murmurs back, ever so softly, that he collapses in relief against her. The faceplate comes back on command, so he can touch his forehead to hers and feel the flutter of her breath against his cheek. “Didn’t…. didn’t get me….”
And sure enough, it didn’t. In the wall behind where Angela’s head had been, there was a clean rifle mark. She was solid and breathing in his arms, alive and safe.
“You’re safe,” he breathes in return, sparing a glance to the smoking remains of the omnics, too. Self-preservation - he can’t imagine the calculating drive they hold to stay alive, or how Angela Ziegler still beat them with a hole in her side.
Her hand is still pressed to the wound, so he covers it with his own, pressing down hard. She hisses in pain, shifting uncomfortable in his arms, while he murmurs apologies and tries to figure out the best way to get them both back to the entrance, to find Jack and the others and get out of here.
“S’not…. bad. Genji. M’okay.”
“Slurring at me isn’t a good convincer.”
She chuckles, eyes sliding open to find his face. She smiles again, that reassuring smile he wishes he could wipe off her face, because she’s the injured one, not him. It makes a change, but not one he wishes to get used to.
“Got me there.”
He uses that pause to shift a limp arm around his neck, to get the both of them up off the ground. His other hand stays pushed firmly to her side, to keep that wound well within his reach, and to support her as Genji rises to his feet.
Angela hangs from his side, head drooping, then shifts so her chin lulls into the crook of his shoulder. He wishes at times like these, he were still a men, so she had the warm comfort of his skin as they make this trek back. Of course, she doesn’t seem to mind, settling there all the same, not complaining as Genji starts them at a slow pace back the way he came.
“Thank you,” Angela starts, as they leave the room, Genji not sparing a glance to the destroyed Eradicators behind him, “for rescuing me. And saving my life. I…. I would be surely dead without you.”
“I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself,” he answers equally as earnesty in return.
There’s that huff again, and she raises her head to spare a glance at his face. It’s there, with seemingly the last of her strength, she lifts her chin to plant a kiss on his cheek.
The blush warms his face, and her shy smile warms his heart, setting the gentle pace back to the front door. Seventy-Six and McCree are nowhere in sight in the cargo bay, so Genji deposits them both behind a larger crate, shielded from the wind and snow. Angela curls into his shoulder, breathing slow. He tucks his chin on top of her head, an arm around her shoulders, and his other hand still pressed to her side.
“Winston? Are you there?” Seventy-Six had been able to reach Gibraltar from their trek over here, the long-distance comms should work for Genji from in here.
To his relief, there’s a breathless, immediate answer, “Reading you. We’ve had silence for the past ten minutes, what is going on down there.”
“I have Angela - Doctor Ziegler. She’s injured, we need immediate evac. The others are still unaccounted for. It’s…. just us.”
The gorilla sighs deeply. “I can dispatch a shuttle from Omsk, E.T.A. about six and a half minutes. It can’t stay, not if the zone is still red with Eradicators. I need you all out of there, Genji. Safe and well, too, if possible.”
“I understand. You…. want me to go after the others?”
He sighs again. “I… no. Angela. How is she?”
She stirs at her name, raking in a breath to look at Genji. “Here, Winston. She’s alright, still conscious, but bleeding badly from left side. Laser wound, looks deep. Faced off with two omnics alone.”
“Complicated…. Winston,” she breathes in answer, a hint of a smirk in her voice. “Tell you once we’re all home safe.”
“I’ll hold you to that, Doctor.” Then, to Genji: “You can’t leave her?”
“I could, but the location of the other bots and the others are unknown. Or she could freeze. I…. I don’t know what the best course of action is, Winston.”
“You…. could hook up the Staff,” Angela suggests, curling deeper into Genji’s side as she does. There’s a shiver, a certain glassiness in her eyes he doesn’t like. Of course, the Caduceus is strapped to her back, in favour of the gun in the stand off with the Eradicators. “I can wait. Will… be okay, you two. Promise.”
“Genji, we need the others here. The shuttle’s dispatched, looking at less than six minutes for E.T.A. You all need to get out of….”
The rest of what he says is drowned out by shouting, gunfire, and the unmistakable sound of Jesse’s boots hard on the concrete. Genji starts at the noise, neck craning, and Angela is just as agree to see the rest of her team safe.
“Left! One more!” That’s Seventy-Six, out of breath, but alive.
There’s a hum of soothing music that settles over them both as the voices near - Lúcio boosts the group into the cargo bay, and makes Angela sigh into his side, glad for the relief. If it’s for the appearance of the others, or of Lúcio’s ambient biotic emitters, it’s unclear. Likely both.
Jesse grunts, fires off all six shots in his revolver, and then Lena blinks into existence beside them. As in, completely beside them, on top of Genji’s foot. She stumbles, then falls flat into his lap, and Angela’s, too.
All three of them blink in surprise. Then, Lena splits into a massive grin, and hugs them both with a cry. “You’re both alright! And Angie! Oh, Angie, I’m so glad you’re alive, Genji found you, I’m so relieved-”
Six more shots ring out, cutting Lena off. There’s a crash, deafening in the sudden silence, but it’s definitely a bot which crashes to the ground as metal scatters across the concrete wherever the last of the fight took place.
“That’s the last of them,” Seventy-Six breathes a deep sigh of a relief. “You couldn’t get Angela or Genji up on the comms?” Is his next question, despite Genji’s quarrels before.
“No, sir,” McCree answers, “I’m-”
“They’re hereeeeeeee! Jesse! I found them! Fell over them! Literally!”
Angela’s smile is somehow filled with pain than before as Lena sprawls across them both, grinning like it’s Christmas. Seventy-Six, McCree and Lúcio all appear at once from around the corner of the crate, and the relief is written all over their faces, too.
McCree is holding his arm, but still swaggers like nothing’s wrong. Lúcio hones in on Angela immediately, where Lena gives way, the medic getting to work settling her against the crate with the hum of his music growing in a slow crescendo.
“You found her, then.” Of course, Seventy-Six is ever-short with Genji, in a quiet conversation while the others fuss other Angela. “You were stupid for running off without orders, but I’m fucking glad you found her.”
“Me too.”
“It won’t happen again, will it.”
“Good.” Seventy-Six straightens, then glances out to the snow billowing past the entrance. “Winston, it’s Morrison. Everybody’s secure. We need a ride out of here.”
“Already sorted,” Genji says, with a slight incline of his head. He’s trying not to be smug about it. “I comm’d before, and was about to go and look you for all. Luckily, we all found each other. And are safe.”
“Lucky indeed,” agrees Seventy-Six.
“What about the scientists?” Their absence suddenly flags to Genji, whom they were tasked to capture, not be rescued from. “Did they…?”
“It is, but it was that, or McCree come home without his other arm.” Now Morrison does sound relieved again, that he managed to save all of them - Angela from the omnics, and Jesse from whatever horrors they faced tracking down the last of the bots and their creators. It sounded tense, perhaps as bad as Angela’s ordeal trapped with something not quite human pointing a gun to her head. “I know I made the right choice.” He gives McCree a sparing look as he hovers over Angela now, then gives Genji a nod. “…. Thank you, really. For helping to bring her home.”
“You all did well, given the extreme circumstances,” Winston joins in again over the comm, picking his moment. Genji settles back into the crate, smoothing his hand over Angela’s, who squeezes back as she speaks with the others. “The shuttle should be arriving shortly. Let’s get you all home.”
Genji likes the idea, even if home that night is sat up beside a hospital bad, with a miserably perched Angela on uncomfortable pillows. Returning home to Gibraltar is better, even empty-handed after their mission, because Angela is there and gets time to rest and recover. He doesn’t mind the extra company he gets to keep with her, not one bit.
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kandadiff · 6 years
Missing (15) - Staying hidden is how you win
You were lost so deeply in the flashback that you didn’t notice the 4 men surrounding you all with the signature Candie logo on there clothing. You were grabbed almost and dragged deeper into the forest, dropping your gun. “MAX! ED!” You screamed out but both boys were fighting off more men then those who grabbed you. But you could do this, you trained for this, Jack had made sure all of his pets could fight; some better then others but that was not the point. 
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You squirmed and struggled in there hands until the one that had your leg, his hand slipped and you used that to your advantage. Once both legs were on the floor you slammed the one who held your arms hard into a tree. He grunted and groaned his hands slipping from you for a moment, you tangled your fist in his hair and slammed his face on the bark seeing the tree trunk turning red with his blood, the man behind you tried to grab you by your ponytail but you quickly spun around and kicked him as hard as you could in his chest. He stumbled back into a bramble of bushes and you slammed the guys face into the tree some more until you could no longer hear him breathing. You turned no longer seeing the man you kicked in the bushes and you prematurely smiled ‘maybe he left?’ That was until you heard the unmistakable cocking of a gun, you carefully turned around reaching into you pocket but he shot a warning shot by your feet.
“Don’t even think about it.” The gun he held wasn’t a normal one, you recognized the tranquillizer darts that lined see through chamber. But even still one tranquilizer would fuck you up enough for your capture to be a cake walk and all you had in your pocket was a knife, that wasn't even open. “Looks like I’m the one that gets the bonus check.” Your eyes went from the man to the gun then around you, you could run but which way was back toward Max and Edward? You could scream but Jack could be anywhere and with your luck youd be the first one found...you shivered at what your punishment would be and for the first time in a long time you felt helpless.
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“Hey Asshole” You and the man turned your attention to an angry and pale faced stranger. The stranger grabbed the man roughly and suddenly flinging him to the ground before climbing atop of him. His scarred and brusied hands squeezing around the mans neck and all you could do was stay frozen unsure if the stranger was going to choke you next. You watched the man turn red, then blue then purple as the life faded out of him and in horror the stranger stood up and faced you, he removed the hood that shadowed his face and you felt faint.
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“Romeo!” You ran into his arms throwing yourself on the man you never though you’d see again. So many emotions ran through your head you weren’t sure how to react. Everyone told you he had died, I had told you he had died. He got hurt escaping and died in Maximus’s arms in Gilligan Forrest in Maine, that's where he was still buried, you had visited with everyone you had put flowers on his grave. You mourned the boy you had fallen in love with when you were 15 and you had vowed never to lose someone you had felt so much for again. But here he was, flesh and blood you felt him. He was living and breathing, he was cold but that could be the chilly air and he was skinnier and paler but he was here he was alive and you couldn’t help the tears that ran down your cheeks as you hugged him tightly, not wanting to let him go. “I thought you died; I visited your grave. Romeo how are you here? oh my god did I die? am I in heaven? Did they kill me?” You released him just enough to look at him afraid if you let go all the way he would disappear and you’d wake up realizing that maybe this was all a dream. 
“You’re not in heaven and im really here.” He said with a sad smile. “I’m sorry for lying.”
“Why did you lie?” You said fiercely you hated how mad you sounded but you were emotions flew out of your moth quick when you weren’t sure how to be feeling. “You were alive this whole time? Why did no one tell me?”
“I asked them not to.” He whispered wincing at your harsh tone and you slammed your fist into his chest, but the blow was weak and one made of frustration and sadness rather then anger. You wanted to ask him so many things like where hes been, why did he want everyone to lie and why did he look so beat up, but a sudden noise startled the both of you and he grabbed your arm and barreled through the forest. You followed mostly because you didn’t want to stop touching him, the last time you got separated everyone had told you he had died. What if he really did this time? 
He brought you to an old probably abandoned cabin after about 15 minutes of running. You were out of breath and a little dizzy but walked up the stairs expecting this to be maybe his safe house but he grabbed you and pulled you off the stairs. You looked at him confused but he shook his head and handed you a butterfly knife before pulling open apart of the wood patio revealing a small crawlspace just big enough for a small person or large dog to fit into. “Get in.”
“It’s not big enough for both of us.” You said immedialy and he nodded but you shook your head gripping his hand tightly in yours. “You’re not leaving me here!” You shouted at him but he covered your mouth with his hand. 
“Yes I am, now get in.” You stubbornly tore his hand away and grabbed him by his sweater. 
“Yes! I’m not arguing this, get in!” His tone was harsh but his eyes were full of anguish and concern, “please.” he pleaded “You are- You were always one of the first to be found, I’m hiding you this time so that he won’t find you. You can’t come out unless you see someone you trust with your life.”
“I trust you.” 
He shook his head and his eyes got watery, yours copied his. “I won’t let him hurt you like he hurt me. You have to hide and stay hidden until someone you trust comes by not a moment sooner.” You looked down into the dark hole with small streaks of light coming through the cracks in the wood. “I know its dark and dirty but you have to be brave, If he finds you-” You shook you head not wanting him to finish the words. You knew what would happen if Jack was the one to find you. I knelt by the hole and grabbed for Romeo’s hand.
“I don’t ant to leave you.” Your voice cracked as you spoke and Romeo nodded giving you the lightest peck on you lips but he didn’t say anything. Just watched as you climbed into the hole and curled up while he covered it. You could see the forest floor and you could see Romeo’s sneakers start to run back into the forest and a wave of grief hit you hard. So hard tears left your eyes and streamed down your cheeks, he had left again and like before you had the feeling that that was the last time you’d see him again.
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I had managed to kill another person, I wasn’t sure if she was part of Jack’s crew or another gang who was trying to capture me for the money but I now wore her sweater and pants her shoes were way to big to fit me but her socks were an improvement to my bare feet, still I knew I had a limited time. It had been at least a half an hour since Jack’s hunt had begun and it was only a matter of time before he got his first victim. I hoped he han’t been able to capture anyone yet but knowing Jack he was probably close. I paused hearing the crunching of many footsteps and tried to figure out exactly where they were coming from when I heard a voice.“OH I SWEAR SOME MOTHER FUCKERS SKULLS ARE GOING TO BE BASHED IN TONIGHT!” My heart began to race and for the first time in a week I felt relieved. That brash and deep voice, the hint of a southern drawl, the cursing. It was Negan!
“NEGAN!” I called out despite not knowing who else was near me. “NEGAN!” I waited for a response, the pause felt like an hour rather then a few seconds. 
“KAY?!” It wasn’t just Negan, he was with a group all calling out for me. I smiled trying to focus where they were. “KAY?!”
“I’M HERE!” I called out “CAN YOU FOLLOE MY VOICE?!” 
“I CAN HERE YOU PRINCESS!” It was Negan I moved to my left and the voice sounded closer “KEEP TALKING! FOLLOW MY VOICE TOO!” A chorus of voices chimed up and it sounded like a large group, and I smiled that was until a chilling voice cut through the others.
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“Yeah Kitty cat” I froze at his sound, it seems like so did everything around me. I couldn’t hear the crickets chirping or the wind blowing through the leaves and the voices of The Saviors were coming in dull. “Keep talking, I missed your voice.”
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