harmonysanreads · 6 months
HARMONYYY i just finished the penacony quest and OH MY GOD. the emotional damage wtf... and the murderer 😕 i honestly don’t think anyone could’ve foreseen that
on another note, sunday really does have huge yandere potential !!! (i was swooning the entire time he was on screen im sorry.) he literally isn’t beating the allegations at all. even the other characters comment on how weird it is for him to casually keep a model of the golden hour, because what in the control freak 😭
he seems like he’d play dollhouse with darling. after all, in a place like that, every single aspect of it is under his thumb — literally. having that much control over your circumstances is a reassurance. oh, are the placeholder models crashing? don’t worry dear, he can fix the malfunctions. he can even make them speak more realistically for you. he can give anything to you, even change the layout of the place entirely if you’re bored of it. you want to get back to normal size? well, he can’t quite do that just yet, please understand..
or if he pulls that weird interrogation magic thing on them. darling who just lies through the entire thing, and he uses this to scare them about the death countdown while not mentioning the part that he has the power to really just cancel it in the end. though, the same trick won’t work on them twice. at least the process gets darling to become part of the family in the end.
not to mention the spies he has everywhere. stupid birds watching you in every corner…
idk i just want to hold him and shake him aggressively. out of love, of course.
- 🕯️
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When I tell you I've lost sleep over the thought of just how much more Sunday is probably capable of doing, nonnie.
If he has access to technology and power like this, which are all unrestricted for his personal use moreover, imagine the things he's hiding. And imagine farther the things he had to do to get to where he is today, another dash of spice to the mix. I went back to his scenes and did some thinking. The me-slandering-Sunday is obviously a joke but I really, really hope people just don't focus on the morally-gray and questionable aspects of him and completely disregard his other characteristics now.
If you think about things from his perspective, he really is just trying his best to keep the image of The Family. But the loss of probably the only person he trusted with his heart and the disregard to bring justice to that case from The Family's side, compelled him to put his agenda first (as he himself mentions that he allowed Aventurine to pull that stunt so that it'd lure Gallagher out). What we get from this is, while Sunday is an extremely dedicated member of their faction, he had to learn to be selfish in certain situations to save his and Robin's backs.
The desire to control usually comes from a feeling of helplessness. We can make some speculations based on the current information of why Sunday has these tendencies, I've also seen some people say he has OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) but, we can't be sure until his full lore drops. Another thing to note about Sunday is how lonely he probably is, especially at present. The Family is in chaos, the situation of Robin, external forces' traps, the Charmony festival's deadline and he doesn't even have one person he can sit down with and not question their motives. He really must want to rest just as much as the characters around him are suggesting.
So basically, Sunday is a multi-layered character, just like Aventurine. He's definitely a politician, is what I'll say. Even though he is a control freak whose motives are hard to guess, he's still that little boy fighting for his and Robin's shared dream inside.
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laughaprist · 2 days
oooooh golly
soo…. valley scientists…
been cooking up things for temps past in this au!!!
(this is probably gonna be all over the place and formated weird but please ignore that🙏)
stuff under cut i just didn’t want this to look really long🤑🤑
so, temp and laugh were assigned roommates in university. 
-temp majors in bio + chemistry (double major… freaking nerd…) 
 -he studied bio because he wanted to figure out  why he had that eye, and then chem because potion :o
-laugh is a business major, obviously
now, temp has never really had a friend, hes just a SUPER shy guy. and it doesn’t help that his parents are freaking rich and and always hosting parties and hes too shy to talk to anyone. he usually just sits in the corner and tries not to look at people.
temp warms up to laugh, and eventually asks him if he wants to go to one of these parties because he’s always bored there and needs someone to talk to.
(took a lot for him to do, good job temp!)
and laugh is like “heck yeah!” (hes a business man! what else can he say?) so yeah they go to parties together, yay!
and temps parents! golly!
PENELOPE LEMON (aka temps mom)
-temps mom is just ecstatic that temp has a friend, shes so happy.
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-i have tried to put this into words but i feel like this describes her personality so well in a way i cannot explain
-she’s basically just the super supportive mom, “laugh’s so sweet! im so glad temprist found a friend!”
-uhm can’t figure out how to put this in words as well but here’s something ace said!!!!
“I can imagine like months Later Temprist’s mom is talking about a family dinner that their planning and randomly asks Temprist “Is Laugh coming?” And he’s just sitting there confused before saying “why would he? I thought it was family only” 
“Well he’s practically family sweetie, you need to invite him”
Idk when they would have this discussion because Temprist would still be living at University but maybe a party or something”
i love her so much💔💔 shes too sweet
JAMES LEMON (aka temps dad..)
-genuinely thinks laugh and temp are dating (would never… temp is so aroace…)
-“i think my son is gay”/ref
-he HATES laugh. doesn’t really know how to like get him though (like he wants laugh OUT of here)
-another ace writing because it was a really good (i forgot the word wtf) and explains what james thinks of laugh well 
“Temprist goes to the bathroom and Laugh is left alone 
Temprist father: so, raugh
Laugh: It’s Laugh actually
TF: Tsk tsk tsk, Raugh, talking back to your elders aye
Laugh: no- i just met-
TF: you know I don’t understand how my son could like someone like you
Laugh: huh?
TF: i mean, someone like Temprist, shy, introverted boy who has barley even talked to someone before “Friends” with someone like you, a rambunctious druggie
Laugh: haha, druggie? I mean im not-
TF: I mean, do you ever think that maybe he’s only bringing you here because your his roommate and he feels obligated to, i mean that could always be a possibility, he probably just didn’t want you to think he was getting drunk every night or have you think your getting left out
Casually leaves
Laugh: how the fuck does that make sense- does he hate me that much?
Temprist: Hey Laugh, everything good?
Laugh: hmm? Oh yeah! Im good”
(tf: temprists father, this was before we named him LOL)
ok i think thats all for temps university + parent stuff
hopefully i didn’t forget anything
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suenitos · 4 months
2 and 9
helloooo ><
2. show us a picture of your handwriting?
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send me stuff you would like to see in nov handwriting if you want
9. tell a story about your childhood
tbh im not a super exciting person so i cant really come up with any off the bat.. well i will tell you as a kid i loved summer because of monsoon season and living in the desert back then. one time i went out during a super heavy storm and saw toads just popping out of the ground and all i could do was stare in amazement and run for cover because of the rain. i didnt like freak out or anything but i was a bit scared because wtf those things just came out of the ground??? 😭 bit of a boring story but anything else and its a bit too revealing lol
interesting questions ask game
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gayleafpool · 1 year
I think the vat7k kids would play with water balloons if they were allowed to. And Nuru’s trying to play it like normal and all of the boys have weaponized their balloons. Yong’s just explode, Varian keeps putting rocks in his, and Hugo keeps throwing them and jumping out and beating the absolute shit out of whoever he hit because he refuses to copy anyone. Nuru is more of a freak than all of them but the three of them are the only people who could ever comprehend making water balloon fights a violent sport so she’s just dumbfounded
REAL AS HELL i feel like periodically the four of them would try to do a Normal Fun Activity like swimming at the beach or arts and crafts or something idk but it always turns into violence and chaos cuz they all get bored too fast. nuru would be like wtf at first bc she’s a princess and grew up not rlly being able to do stuff like this BUT once she gets a taste of it she’s INSANE she’s the type of person to say fuck this pussy ass water balloon fight im bringing out the big guns and now somehow they’re all getting dumped off a waterfall
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onlyhereforangst · 2 years
Who fucked the fandom I'm confused? The person who wrote the article?
oh absolutely not, from what i can tell @shelbbswrites is a lovely person & writes about some of my favorite ships & i'd like her to keep writing so i can spiral about jiara in the near future.
as for who fucked the fandom, well. girl. the blog whose gif was linked, @/opponentsheir, is the one who knowingly, willfully fucked the fandom last summer.
it was circa mid-late May 2022 and here was the jiara tumblr fandom, struggling to get through the drought by the scraps of bts we'd scrounge up from filming. blurry ass photos that make you concerned for a tourist's ability to hold their water as they drink, random selfies that tell you next to nothing, and then the occasional "omg this is BIG how does this make sense how does it fit in but omg it's BIG" crumb.
times were rough, bts were tight, and the unsuspecting jiara tumblr fandom was hungry. unbeknownst to us in comes OH who decides. let's have some "fun" let's liven up the jiara fandom because it's clearly dead (false) and idk im bored besties let's play a hehe silly joke! at first, a few handpicked jiara blogs get random anonymous post submissions and each blog has like 2-3 different posts that are all supposed bts leaks. it's never-before-seen photos of what we can only presume are s3 bts. almost all of these blogs were in a jiara discord server together so the photos weren't shared because wtf who is trusting us with these clear leaks we don't want them to stop though. so we sit on these, we get excited, we spiral, all that fandom stuff that we had already. been. doing. but yeah here's a few more bts crumbs to have fun with. then a few weeks later when, to OH's surprise, the fandom hasn't reacted like she wanted, freaked out over her "leaks," hasn't posted them on every platform ever to give her the attention she feels she deserves, she decides oooh let's send more! this isn't sociopathic at all!! and then bam there's a second round of anonymous post submissions followed up by an anon ask sent to one of the blogs saying "you can post them, this is the last you'll get because i've reached my max photoshopping ability do not contact again" (also pardon but how tf are we supposed to contact you if you're anonymous).
ANYWAYS the leaks: we're talking blurry, random characters - sarah, pope, rose, jj and pope, kie, a random dude by a fire, and then jj having his beat-up face held by hands that look just like kie's hands.
and sure enough, we spiral! an actual face hold??? on our screens??? fuck yeah! cannot wait for s3!!! jokes on us we're getting so much more but yeah!!! we're theorizing we're writing whole ass fics we're speculating we've got a discord emoji we've got everything. a few hours later the leaks make it to jiara twt and THEY go wild too. i mean who tf wouldn't? you're starving for content and some mysterious source decides to drop you leaks. like yeah hindsight is 20:20 and who was going to potentially violate an NDA for this, but still.
fastforward several months and now OH is back because i guess she got desperate for attention again and feeling "important" or whatever. she goes on anon and says hey btw those leaks were fake ha ha isn't that funny, here's the photos i used linked here and here and omg isn't this just hilarious bestie such a good time man i love the jiara fandom being active again because god i was so BORED and man i just wanted more fics and edits and omg look it worked i mean i've done it before and i'd do it again (or some shit like that idk i dont have the wherewithal to go look it up and get it 100% correct but yeah, she admitted to doing it for funsies)
rightfully so, the fandom is fucking pissed. it isn't *fun* to get manipulated, it isn't *fun* to get manipulated into making new content???? that we don't get fucking paid to make???????? fuck you?????? you don't manipulate an entire group of people for SHITS AND GIGGLES that's literally sociopathic shit babe, go get help please. so yeah she fucked the entire fandom over Summer 2022 and did it because "i'm bored i want content" like fuck all the way off.
oh and side note: another anonymous poster tried to say oh i know who it is, but also i'm not going to tell you because you guys are clearly mad at her and i don't want you to take it out on her, i know her and it's ok she's ok. like i'm sorry. the fuck? don't insert yourself into this stupid sociopath's deranged manipulative plan. because guess what bitch, we've got detectives in this fandom and while OH never came off anon like the coward she is, the fandom was able to put it together & not only determine her tumblr but also her twt so when she tried a fucking round three several months later with "oh i found these on reddit but the post disappeared hehe" we all saw through that shit a mile away.
in a nutshell, @/opponentsheir fucked the fandom over with her manipulative bullshit & does not deserve a fucking drop of attention from anyone in this fandom.
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chrissdollie · 1 year
talking about each of rory's boyfriends
dean: ugh. ik EVERYONE says this, but s1 dean was just like soo perfect. too good to be true. he was cute, charming, and kind. i think he was a good 1st bf for rory. besides the fact that he freaking dumped her just because she wasnt ready to say "i love you back" and didnt respect her opinion on donna reed. and theres more. s4, took advantage of her and took away her virginity (im not fully blaming him, rory made me really mad too). like dude, he was MARRIED. poor lindsay didn't deserve being treated the way she was also. she just wanted to be with her husband. and then he based their (rory and dean) little relationship on sex. LIKE HUH?? when he was drunk the night before his wedding, he was saying how rory could fix the world, he loved her, and how she was so smart. what happened to that like what.. overall, i think he was great for a while until he wasn't. he also didn't have any character development at all. jess: in case you haven't seen any of my other posts, i am 100% team jess. i could write an essay about why he was the best bf, but i wont. and im not saying he was perfect at all. like ofc not, no one is! but the little things he did were just soo cute even when they weren't together. like buying rory's basket for $90! ughhh i love that episode sm. anyways, i love the fact that they were genuinely great friends before lovers. AND LETS TALK ABOUT SEASON 6. "wHy did you drop out of yAAleE?" iconic. okok so i absolutely adore that he was being totally honest with her. he was just real. like "rory, wtf are you doing?" he got her head back in the game. omg i saw this one post that was saying how when logan bought rory that birkin bag, she thought it was nice but didnt really know how to respond, but when jess gave her a copy of his book, she was really happy. because she has something special with him. ALSO did anyone else notice how jess was the only bf she didnt have sex with?? not really too important, but just wanted to say that. in AYITL, he gave rory the idea to write a book. i feel like he was always there for her. always. as a friend, bf, ex, and then friend again. through her ups and downs, he was there. fight me all you want, they shouldve been endgame. i was a upset when he got all angry when rory didn't want to have sex with him in another person's house. ik that he was moody or wtv but still. AND THE FACT THAT HE JUST LEFT WITHOUT TELLING RORY. im not saying he shouldve stayed (well i kinda am) but i was so mad that he just left her in the dark. also totally not necessary, but here are some of my fav quotes from him. "ernest only has lovely things to say about you", "i love you", "an innocent boy like me should not be raised in an atmosphere like this! i wanna be good, life's just not letting me", "i like this shirt. it brings out my eyes", "it feels like im with rory and youre not", "wanna push me in the lake?", "22.8 miles. do you YAHOO?" i have more in the dungeon logan: 2nd fave bf. he was meh. sometimes he was an absolute jerkk but i do like how he pushed her out of her comfort zone a bit. AND how he tried the whole boyfriend-girlfriend thing because he liked her so much. and personally, when jess went to visit rory in s6 ep8, i think he had a valid reason to be upset. like he literally pulled up to richard and emily's to see rory with a random dude going out. and the first thing she said to him was "when did you get back? i thought you were coming home tomorrow?" i mean i could totally see why he thought something was going on. (but he did overdo it a little. at first it was understandable but as the night went on, he was just being plain rude). on the other hand, he was kinda boring to me. i feel like he didnt really have much of a personality besides being rory's bf. BUT I HATE HATE HATEEEEE that he was hooking up with rory and ENGAGED TO ANOTHER WOMAN in AYITL. its like dean all over again smh. tbh im glad rory didnt end up with him. BUT HES HER BABY DADDY (im pretty sure) LIKE NOOOO anyways, these are just my opinions and feel free to disagree just dont bash me please <3
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necro-hamster · 1 year
9 12 18 22 !! fallout and/or fc5
( this post )
9) worst part of canon
for fc5 i'd have to go w the endings, touched on it in a previous response but i think they both suck ass tbh. i end up just making up my own shit.
for fallout..... well that's a hard one because fallout's canon isn't very good. and has a lot of weird shit in it. i mean honestly i could just broadly gesture at all of it. fo has So Many Problems. but to point out smth specific, the way ghouls are handled comes to mind almost immediately. tons of missed potential and a lot of inconsistencies. wtf was up with the ghoul kid in the fridge?? lil man was NOT in there for 200 years. his ass would've fucking died. they still have to like. eat and stuff. plus it's just weird how 200 years post nuke ppl are still like EWWW AN IRRADIATED PERSON!!! like? bro you're all fucking irradiated. i know about your 11th toe and that weird spot on your butt cheek. you'd think ppl would get used to it by then. i get that obviously hatred of groups like that doesnt just go away over time magically but it just feels unrealistic the way they handle it. also boring.
i guess if you want an easier answer then i think it's stupid that the brotherhood of steel is still going strong on the east coast lol
12) the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
grinding my teeth together. preston garvey for fallout. i will defend him until the day i fucking die. i'm convinced that the reason so many ppl hate his ass and are annoyed by his very presence is bc he's black idc. kiss my ass. he's my best friend.
also!! raul!!!! nobody ever fucking talks abt him but he's my FAVORITE new vegas oc. i think if he looked more fuckable ppl would pay more attention to him honestly 🙄
for fc5. hurk jr. the only reason ppl don't give him as much attention as sharky is because he's fat. idc. i will stand by this until the day i die. but i guess i'll fuck him since everyone else is a coward about it
18) it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
CODSWORTH. it's criminal that bethesda's lazy asses slept on him too!!! he's got SO MUCH potential as a character but they didnt even give him a side quest???? i need yall to integrate him into your sole's story more PLEEEAAAASE. also raul again lol
far cry 5 im absolutely gonna have to say faith, she's so interesting but gets pushed aside so often and it pisses me off to no end. but that's the boring answer. that's the answer everyone expects. so i'm also gonna point out that i think it's super lame how so few ppl actually focus in on the cult and what average ppl were going thru inside of it. because, like, this isnt just Fascist Murderers or Literal Human Traffickers like the other games. they're cult members. many of them are victims of this shit too. obviously some of em were definitely just having fun killing ppl but like there were prolly a ton of ppl who were also just normal folks in desperate need of help and community and they ended up here. please have more discussions abt this shit.
22) your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
for fallout, prolly civilization as a whole? specifically settlements/cities/towns/etc. a lot of ppl focus on being Alone In The Wastes (which is fun and cool) but i rlly like that we see time and time again that society has rebuilt in plenty of places. there's a city on a boat for gods sake. can we talk abt that shit more pls pls pls pls.
for fc5..... god. again my mind just turns toward faith and her craziness. ppl hate talking abt how much of a freak she is. so ig i'll go with the environment. how hope county is a rural place and the way that must've shaped many of the characters, including ocs who are from there. yall dont get it 😩😩😩
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crimsun-n-clover · 6 months
the dalia chronicles continue
this is gonna kill me. this is gonna fucking kill me.
there are these random private personal accounts following me now that are followed by her. by the looks of it, they’re her friends. like i said, they’re private and i’m not risking that shit no matter how much the curiosity is eating me alive.
seeing as i’ve had to hold mickey by the scruff of her neck about all of this, i’m adding this to the evidence pile. if i’ve got feral meddling friends trying to find her, maybe she’s got feral meddling friends trying to find me. not that it’s for sure or even totally likely, but that’s just the impression i’m getting.
dalia is so interesting to me. i’ve just been staring at her posts and the things she says, studying her for my own amusement, and i feel like she’s doing it back. this has never happened before.
is she fucking with me? i feel like she’s fucking with me. i’m fucking with her a little ngl but what do you expect from me yk. i’m used to fucking with people and waiting for a reaction, but she’s not reacting. she’s pushing back. i feel like a bug in a jar what the FUCK DUDE
but at least there’s sticks and leaves n shit in the jar. so i can like. stalk her spotify and pinterest and all that.
i’m so CONFUSED. if i knew her irl this would be so much easier but i would also be fucking insane yk? i’m glad there’s not another weird freak pretty girl in my vicinity because that doesn’t end well for me, but i wish i could interact with her in more ways. why can’t i just stand around looking hot? that’s what i usually do. and it seems like what she does too. and it’s working but we’re not fuckin getting anywhere.
i’m trying to drop hints and push her into saying something. i don’t know what i’m waiting for but i’ll know when it happens. i keep posting on my note stuff about her without saying it’s about her. currently it’s “wtf is wrong with her (i need her so bad)” bc she posted this morning that she bought a blowtorch. i stand by that statement. i’ve posted songs too. it was mechanix by megadeth a couple days back and i can always write that off as a bangin song about sex and cars but i posted the later verse. so. hopefully that fucked with her significantly.
i called my nana for her birthday a couple weeks back and she was on me about not having a girlfriend. 68 year old country baptist woman. up my ass about getting bitches. posted about it and dalia liked it immediately. two hit KO right fuckin there man.
she keeps posting photo sets of herself to songs i like and it’s driving me insane. most gorgeous woman in the world regularly posts these little spreads of artfully done photos. like. amazing lighting and composition. to songs I LIKE. and i have to reply “omg i love this song” or “the contrast on these is so cool” instead of asking her if she wants me on one knee or both because i’m down for whatever she wants
i think she’s mainly into me physically so i’m leaning toward both knees. not that i mind. we don’t know each other well enough for me to be offended by her probable lack of attraction to my personality. plus, i have friends with great personalities i would hook up with and i still don’t want to be anything more than friends. but doesn’t that make this even more confusing??
look. she maybe said that she wanted to make out with me. i’m happy to just be a mouth to her honestly. fine by me. i’d like to think she’s a bit more than that to me, but i know it’s just fascination causing the infatuation. we’re not even friends really. she’s someone my friend put in a group chat because of a shared interest and i had to go off and act like this over it. it could’ve been anyone. i’m just fucking bored and this is the most amusement i’ve gotten in ages and it’s messing with my head.
in fact, im so fuckin bored that when those batshit crazy tarot readings pop up i watch them and sigh dreamily.
bro. if this keeps going im begging that someone sends me to the glue factory
“STOP IT THIS ISNT YOU” —me looking in the mirror after thinking thee most pathetic gay thought imaginable
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selamat-linting · 8 months
overall a mid movie tbh. i mean its got some ideas and themes are there and i sure wouldnt call it a waste of time, but its very... unpolished. rough around the edges. its got something to say though, which is above most horror movie nowadays. there's a tried and true formula to make a blockbuster, some evil escaped, several people must work on stopping it, the characters are all good and likable and the only development is them being more brave and confident after vanquishing the outside monster who is painted as a universal evil with a lot of prayers and faith. its boring and empty.
girl on the third floor tries, although its execution leaves a lot to be desired. its views on feminism are well meaning, despite being aimed at a cishet audience. its got some good advice. i think other than don, the characters are all sympathetic despite the flaws. honestly i feel a little bad for don (disclaimer : im heavily compromised so my opinion on him is not to be trusted) but there's some writing cliches and the camera shots got repetitive at times.
the first half is well, boring. im not gonna lie to you, the first half is entertaining to me personally because i've seen both of my parents diy a house reno. i've helped them construct makeshift furniture, laid out carpets, and fix electrical wiring. im far from a carpenter, or any handyman but i know a thing or two about fixing up houses. seeing don absolutely fucking up a renovation like he'd never step foot on a house is hilarious the way you'd watch a car wreck.
the second half finally gets scary, but its hindered from the first half not showing much information despite talking up at least an hour, so it got to make sure the audience knows what's going on while tying up a satisfying conclusion. it came out rushed. how did they even deal with two dead bodies stuck in the walls of the house? the police would be questioning wtf is going on. however it does answer many of the questions set up in the beginning of the movie. i like sarah :) i think she and her deformed ghost sister is cool.
for the freaks, the house cums as they promised. so many precum and flesh and blood, and the house fucking SQUIRTS!!!! it gushes right out of the electrical socket. so much of the scene where don is destroying the walls and it cuts through to the house spurting various liquids as if its turned on while slowly dying with the abuse is just beautiful. reminiscent of sarah's own life in the brothel. i've watched a bunch of movies lately and girl on the third floor def had one of the better practical effects.
for the freaks of another flavor, yes don pathetically wipes off the floor, vomits, have weird sex dreams, screams, cries, jerks off from daddy kink porn, begs for his life, and fists a house. punk always delivers with his acting. i think someone made a super cut of all the housefucking he did here.
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nom-compos-mentis · 2 years
~ fangirl moment ~
so im done studying for the day, i finished the hrm pdf w 200+ pages so yay me i deserve to rest after days of hardwork 🥹 so im jus chillin rn and i wanted to play stardew but i would jus get addicted so i switched to watching le sserafim leniverse yay and omg i love them so much 🥲 i think they’re like the second girl group that i really love and the first one is twice. i actually came back to kpop bc of new jeans but they’re still a bit new and i only like their songs idk abt their variety but le sserafim members have such good variety. they have great songs and i laugh a lot in their leniverse variety show. they have so much charisma and personality. so my bias is kazuha bc i love her sm she’s literally a goddess and she’s my second after jihyo bc no one can replace her. tho i didnt notice her much before antifragile where she’s like wtf so hot 😭 but overall, in variety i love yunjin she has so much personality and ure jus never gonna get bored at her. idk she’s just naturally charismatic and funny and she’s like so serious performing, im so glad she debuted bc dude she freaking deserves it. next is eunchae which i think the last person who caught my eye but i love her being a maknae, a kid and a competitive one who is like great at games idk she jus feels bubbly and i can see her personality shining. next is sakura which i adore her since izone and her personality is also freaking great. she’s like a perfect human being lol she’s gorgeous, great performer, great charisma and such a great personality. she freaking play games and is competitive as well and idk she’s like a genius and she’s jus really amazing. chaewon is such a great leader, i didnt pay much attention to her on izone but damn did she change for the better like she can caught anyone’s eyes in le sserafim. i swear she’s like a brand new person and this is her concept and she freaking shines. i also love her personality, she’s so cute and competitive but not too competitive but idk she’s adorable but her outside is like so strong. last in kazuha which i didn’t notice her before bc she didnt do much in the first leniverse lol but after antifragile she’s my queen and she’s so cute, she’s kinda the shy and reserved one but when she smiles and all that i love it and im so soft for it. she’s not the best at hangul but she’s so cute esp when she tried to imitate “ready or not” in hangul for rock paper scissors lmao idk man i cant explain my love for her and all of them idk. it’s just my love for her is so much but all the other members shine too and i love all of them 🥹
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cutepimook · 7 years
GOT7 Newscaster AU
They're the morning show, and have a love-hate relationship with it 
At the beginning of the day, everyone is already dead. Wake up time is 2:00 AM, and Youngjae and Yugyeom always whine about their job choices 
First brodcast is at 4:30, and they barely rest during commercial breaks because of changes in script and touch ups and it's hell 
After the first brodcast, there's another at 5:30, and the last is 6:30, but there's always work afterwards. It's a truly hectic job, but it's Their Job so it's okay- most of the time
Jaebum is the floor director, and is part of the unofficial morning hype crew. He doesn't show up on camera, and the rest of them hate him for it
Jaebum knows everyone's coffee orders by heart and massages his poor babies' shoulders when they're half asleep and getting make-up done. A true dad bro
Jinyoung and Yugyeom are the main newscasters, who inform the general public of the things happenin and so forth
Jinyoung does "Word of the Day" and Yugyeom mimicks him with a funny face to lighten it up because literally No One Cares Bro (but Jinyoung is so into it it's cute) 
They do local news, so it's more light hearted in general- no one wants to watch depressing news when they wake up! And Jinyoung and Yugyeom are good at making people at home happy
Yugyeom always asks people at home what they're eating for breakfast, and playfully scolds viewers "you better be eating! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" and it's the cutest thing ever- even though he never eats breakfast, which his twitter followers never fail to point out 
Because of their relaxed broadcasts, funny interactions with each other, and allaround handsomeness, each person (sans Jaebum, who doesn't even use social media) has a mass following on Instagram and Twitter. Jackson and Bambam being the most popular follower count-wise
Mark is the traffic informer guy and Bambam is the meteorologist and both use the green screen, which is next to the front of the building- which has like giant windows instead of walls
Bambam is always interacting with people passing by and he's become a local internet meme- #weatherbamselfie #NewsBam #IDABBEDWITHTHEWEATHERMAN, etc 
Mark is more chill, and knows that nobody really cares about the traffic. Even so, he's no stranger to the mass following on social media. He "doesn't believe" Bambam when he says it's because of his looks (tho he knows it's the truth)  
There's two dogs on set- Coco and Miho. Miho sometimes interrupts Bambam when he's giving a forecast and Bambam ends up both giving the weather and throwing Miho's toy- only for the puppy to come back to him. You can hear laughing in the background 
There was once a bug on the Live Traffic Cam, and the green screen showed it and Mark SCREAMED and will never live it down, ever 
One time Yugyeom couldn't wake up enough to put in his earpiece and ended up fumbling with it on Live Television while Jinyoung laughed at him 
Another time, Jinyoung accidentally said "food fuck" instead of "food truck" and the rest is history
"At least I'm not into foodplay" 
"Oh I heard about this good food fuck that's stationed down the street" 
Bambam wore a black and white stripped turtle neck one day, and will never wear one ever again. Reason: when Yugyeom and Jinyoung transitioned from regular news to the forecast, Yugyeom announced with such a serious tone "And Now, Weather, with The Hamburglar." And Bambam had to be forcibly reminded by Mark that he couldn't tackle a news anchor while they were Live
Mic check usually includes things along the lines of "I want to kill myself, one, two, but first I'll kill Yugyeom, one, two" "I want to go home, one, two, and get away from this abuse, one, two" 
Jinyoung constantly flirts with the makeup artists and Yugyeom fake barfs 24/7 
Sometimes to mess with Yugyeom, Jinyoung and Youngjae bribe the people in the script office with lunch to make slight changes to Yugyeom's script. The shade of red on Yugyeom's face is one of the greatest things on earth
Jinyoung and Yugyeom are the most busy, having to do promo videos and prerecordings, and while the rest of the boys wait for them to finish up, they take Snapchat videos of them with filters and try to make them laugh. Yugyeom is weak
There's a running joke that when Mark does his report, he keeps his left arm glued to his side and only moves his right arm, but barely. Even though he's more free flowing now, when he first started he was so awkward. At random times, one of them (mainly Jackson) will stiffen his arms and waddle around and EVERYONE LOSES IT except Mark ofc 
To mess with both anchors (because what else is there to do, honestly) Mark and Bambam convince the stylists to have Yugyeom and Jinyoung wear matching suits, and it's always too late for the two to change anything and they're always so??? Flustered about it. It's hilariously adorable
One time Bambam forgot about the green screen and wore green pants to work... nobody said anything because everybody's an asshole, and Bambam didn't realize until he saw himself on screen. He was so embarrassed he flattened himself against the wall, but in the end, told the forecast "like a ninja" and only covered his face when he finished 
Being the floor director, Jaebum is constantly moving around the studio, in and out of rooms, up and down different floor levels, and always on his feet. There's a sense of respect for him, because before, during, and after each broadcast he's telling everyone what's happening and waving his arms around and pointing at cameras and making sure everyone has their scripts and earpieces and the field reporters are where they should be- it's crazy for him. Though this doesn't stop the boys from messing with him lol. He's constantly Stressed(tm)
They make it up to him, though, and always treat him to things after each workday is done
Youngjae and Jackson are field reporters, who go out on the street and to local events like fesivals or parades, and the occasional farmers market. The inside workers envy their freedom, but only slightly because of the things they go through 
Youngjae once had to go interview miniature pony handlers, and while he was talking to the camera, Live, a pony came over and PEED ON HIM. It was traumatic
Jackson once got yelled and lectured at by an old lady because his hair was bleached, and took all with a smile, though he was constantly makin eye contact with the camera 
Youngjae was at the beach interviewing a group of surfers, and a really hot dude came over and slung an arm over his shoulder and he Couldn't Stop Messing Up His Lines Holy Crap 
Both Jackson and Youngjae are afraid of the "Runners"- the people who go behind field reporters and yell things like "OH MY GOD IM ON TV" or run by them shirtless or something. Once one of them accidentally crashed into Jackson and he continued his report from the ground
There was a grand openeing to an amusement park, and both Jackson and Youngjae were sent to go and report together. In the script, they had to ride the "FALLEN ANGEL: DEATH DROP" and Jinyoung and Yugyeom from base phisically tore their earpieces out because the screaming was so loud. Jinyoung still whines about his wounded eardrum
Once when Youngjae was out doing a market brodcast, he didn't hear the cameraman say it was Live and couldn't hear the anchors calling for him, and Twitter EXPLODED because he was singing along to the random street musician and "Well, instead of hearing about fruit stands, I think we all would rather like this." 
Youngjae didn't notice until he saw the cameraman crying 
When Jaebum got sick (from when he "visited his parents" aka overworked himself) the studio was IN CHAOS because the stand-in, Jae, was still under the title "floor director-in-training" and holy
Jaebum watched the morning news from his place and almost cried when Yugyeom messed up and looked up to where He usually stood and frowned when it wasn't Him, because He is on His couch and Couldn't be there for Yugyeom :( he got emo over his favorite bub
After the workday, everyone practically ran to Jaebum's apartment, only stopping to say hi to people who recognized them lol, and demanded he get better!!! But jokingly ofc 
They made him soup and treated him like a king for the rest of the day. Youngjae and Jinyoung stayed after everyone else and because of their care, Jaebum was back on his feet in no time. (He wishes he stayed out for longer tho, he loved getting the attention) 
Mark accidentally swore on Live Television because as he was walking to the other side of the green screen, he tripped and fell with a loud "SHIT" and it got so quiet he thought if he laid there long enough he would disappear 
"There seems to be some trouble over at the traffic center, Yugyeom, how was your morning so far?" 
"It was good, though I could have gone for a longer rest. I'm tired." 
"Me too." 
"I think our traffic center is back to normal, what do you think, Mr. Tuan?" 
"I want to die, thank you, and now on 6th street-" 
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roseworth · 4 years
you ever just talk to your friends and be like “oh haha THATS why i hid my interests from you for so long”
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fawnyanz · 4 years
what the heck is even going on with the warrior cats series anymore I stopped reading after firestar died cuz the next series got super confusing and now when ppl talk about warriors I dont even know most of the characters anymore
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ryansjane · 2 years
im so happy astrophile is over lmao what a shitshow, this man tankhun getting friendzoned even in the last ep, im so donee, at least he met a girl at the end but ugh wtf, i wanted him to be with jennie's character
bestie same, what a freaking mess. like I remember when we were speculating that tankhun would either end up with jennie's character or with gun who'd make a cameo LMAOOOOO, the delusion :'))) but more than anything they really managed to create the most useless love triangle of all time & probably the most boring off character. like I've watched almost every off show on this earth & I can tell you that although I've seen worse characters & worse shows, I've never seen an off character with less personality ;_; VERY glad it's over, midnight motel can't come soon enough, I need to cleanse my palate!!!
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saintobio · 3 years
Chapter 11 blew my mind, and now I get the "wtf" plot twist you're talking about lol! This is the first time I'm asking you hehe. I can't believe Eula and Naoya hooked up and they have their own personal hidden agendas that would affect the future of the Gojos akskakwjoahwja OMG. Naoya really stayed in his own dirty habits. I wonder what he's plotting again? I'm sorry if I forgot but can I ask why Eula's been plotting Satoru's downfall and she was really REALLY looking forward for Yuuta's inheritance for the title of the company? Is Naoya plotting something for the mc as well? Implying to what Toji said to him, I still don't know what he's plotting in his mind after Toji said that.
I also love how Toji's been concerned for the mc and he's been aware of what's happening to her life.
Also SERA, my god she's so fucking desperate and delusional what happened to her HAHAHAHAHA she needs a freaking therapist. She really went down bad to the point where she wanna babytrap Gojo and how she's saying she'll kill herself because she can't do it alone. However props to you Gojo for having the balls for trying to break up but at what cost? She's so manipulative and desperate people are disturbing asf. Also why did she panick like, whats wrong? She's so goddamns suspicious.
I wonder what she's plotting for the mc lol she said she's gonna pay for everything and for destroying her supposedly "happily-ever-after".
Nevertheless, thank you for the meal Ai! As always! You can now finally sleep i guess jajskaah have sum good schlep gurl..!
Anonymous said
lmaooo naoya, i dont know what you're planning but it better not hurt mc💀
yn, i hope she's okay, maam's having a heart attack on god then we all just suddenly get a scene change ejndnsnsns, it would be real interesting if she gets hospitalized right then and there while gojo's at the hospital, not only could he find out but he'll be in crossroads. if sera's actually pregnant (not to say if the kid would be gojo's) and if he finds out yn has a fatal heart problem, i wonder what he'll do. one thing is for sure. he would HAVE to choose (well ig he already kinda did, seeing he's already breaking up with sera, FINALLY)
now, sera. fckin SIGH. everything is falling out of her grasp (unsurprisingly) and OF COURSE she blames yn, it's getting boring but nonetheless frustrating with how she refuses to see her faults and chooses to blame everything else. (her sheer audacity my god)
and i don't think she's pregnant (like with her cycle and how she's quick to refuse a pregnancy test) and even if she is, she'll find it hard to fake it. gojo is many things, but he isn't dumb and he isn't gullible (he could run a business empire by himself ffs), plus if he has shoko as the one testing sera, i doubt that shoko would lie and deceive him abt sera being pregnant (plus i don't see her getting cahoots with sera), and would sera even have the money to bribe anyone??? i doubt it, with how many times she complained abt being poor. 🙄
can't wait for sera's downfall uwu
and as much as gojo is an asshole here, im worried abt him. feelings aside, he worked hard for that business and seeing it fail and seeing his step-mom plot against him gets me worried....
@mephiis said
oh shit its getting fucked up 👁👁 like eula and naoya and sera is going to team up to bring downfall of gojo. Now yn saw gojo and sera for pregnancy test 😭😭
For naoya : tf you dick down a 43 years old woman? *wheeze* your taste legit worst.
@atsunflower said
Bruh why do I feel like Naoya is plotting something for the 50 anniversary? And I actually like him???? What did u do to me, miss Saint??
Sera keeps shoing her true colors and ugh, I relate a lot to Y/N, Gojo trying to redeem himself is getting on my nerves. Alsoooo, why do I feel like he is gonna find out about Y/N's condition next chapter??? So so so many questions
Anyways, it was another amazing chapter and I already look forward to the next one. Have an amazing week, Saint <3
Anonymous said
THAT TWIST OMG. I never expected Naoya to be the character who took the limelight. This particular part had me curious
“But this, he decided to turn a blind eye on it for personal reasons. Eula was different—that was all that mattered.”
What were his personal reasons and how is she different? She should drop a master class on how to bag rich men. But fr though, isn’t she mad old 💀 like his moms age. Is she actually that attractive?
Also, why did Naoya ask Toji what he would do if Y/N was his wife and why was he pleased by Tojis answer?
Ik Toji also said that if Y/N had waited a little longer she would have had a bunch of men asking for her hand in marriage, would Toji have been one of them if he wanted to remarry?
Anonymous said
NAOYA WITH GOJO’S STEPMOM I GASPED SO HARD I HAD TO PUT MY PHONE DOWN HELP. everything revealed in that part was so crazy, i seriously wonder who will actually expose gojo for all the shit he’s done 👩🏽‍💻 i think naoya is fully capable of doing it, imagine him exposing gojo at that business anniversary 💀
also y/n buying the shoes for toji IN FRONT OF GOJO LMAO. gojo seemed so childish this chapter it’s so funny to me. anyway gojo is actually trying for y/n…the flashback scene was so shocking, i hate sera for trying to keep him by saying she’d k1ll herself 😐 I KNEW SHE WAS PREGNANT TOO i mean it hasn’t been confirmed but the fact that gojo seriously doesn’t believe her and is taking her w ieri…idk 🏃🏽‍♀️ she might be lying considering that her attitude changed when gojo started questioning her but if she actually is pregnant it’s either gojo’s child or maybe someone else’s. HE TRIED BREAKING UP WITH HER TOO OMG IM NOT READY FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER YOURE SO GOOD AT WRITING ty so much for feeding us <3
Anonymous said
Naoya— I had some suspiscions when I looked at the theories about the plot twist. I knew the Naoya X Stepmom idea would really make me say "Wtf!?". Hah I must admit I forgot about Mei's love for money for a bit there hahah
Welp now I can tell why you couldn't express your agreement on my previous ask about Gojo's dad 😅 He does give off that selfish vibe that even if he adores his side pieces he'll only favor those of his own blood, although discreetly/twisted.
I'm honestly nervous that the two (Toji x Y/N) are starting to think about each other, although their thoughts are still on the platonic side, I can't help but feel that Gojo's chances of getting Y/N back is already at the critical level of 10%.
I know he's sincere with everything now but I can't blame Y/N for not believing his actions at all. Heck I would've started not believing every affection he's shown the moment he declared that I will never be in his heart 🤷🏻‍♀️ Hopefully he'll get through the "veil" she has started to build around her to keep him away 👀
Ohohoh it's evident that she isn't pregnant ( I eat lies for breakfast JK 🤣) but in case she is when Ieiri checked it's probably someone else's, maybe Naoya has something to do with it. He did say he wanted to meet her and to leave the dirty work to him. He seems like he's gonna help Toji get Y/N 🤔 Like she's gon be beneficial for their group, too, yk. But oh well, too late, Y/N saw the scenes at the hospital already and has assumed the worst, oh man, and to think he's been annoyingly sweet throughout this chapter 😅
Also, I wanna trust Ieiri honestly but if she ever reveals that misstres is indeed preggo I have a feeling she's threatened by the fact that mistress might potentially harm Y/N knowing her heart condition but again I hope she's a wise and strong as I see her.
I'm honestly glad like 🥲🤧 that he said those things to Sera, that's a HUGE step hun. But now I feel bad because there's a lot of misunderstandings in their relationship then add to the mix that the mistress lied to baby trap Gojo and Y/N seeing all that and running away without confirming anything 😢
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unfortunately i cannot answer all of ur asks abt naoya’s intentions. wouldn’t it be better to let the story unfold itself? :) everything will make sense soon. i do agree with the reactions abt naoya x eula tho sjndjs remember when i told u guys i have a plot twist 😭 only one person managed to guess but it was a great guess!!
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fatgothgf · 3 years
wwdits s3e9 spoilers but
why am i so upset about colin robinson i cant believe it... i am, like, genuinely still sad about that episode. it blindsided me entirely, im a nandermo girl i was freaking the FUCK out about nandor and guillermo this season sure but i was enjoying laszlo and colins adventures so fucking much ... it made me like both characters more, it gave them both another side of their personalities and it was so cute
and i KNEWWWW, i KNEW when i saw laszlo tear that page out of the book in that episode that it would be foreshadowing something about colin, and i KNEWWWWW something was up when colin couldnt drain people anymore. but. i never expected this! christ. laszlo is not an ass at all, is he. i mean they’re all pieces of shit but. like Everything, Everything laszlo has done this season has been to make colin happy. and it breaks my heart in retrospect.
it feels like something i should have expected, it seems obvious now, but the shit with nandor was such a clever distraction, you assumed the title “farewell” or whatever was about him, not colin. god, and you spend all 3 seasons fucking hating the guy cuz thats his whole character. hes colin fucking robinson. at first i thought it was so stupid they added just a normal boring dude to the household like i never thought i would care about him. in s1 i genuinely wished he wasnt in the show
apparently between then and now i’ve become actually quite attached to him because writing this post is making me CRY. fuck off wwdits like come on. you have nandor not giving a shit about guillermo all season, and now you’ve taken colin robinson away from me after making me love him somehow. and laszlo. laszlo. i cant even start with how sad and amazing what laszlo did was because im actually just sobbing about this now wtf this is a comedy show and colin robinson was the most ridiculous character ever and im mourning his comedic death like a member of my gd family
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