#im spending most of my time trying not to make scott look like a damn priest
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character design is my passion (<- said through gritted teeth as i attempt yet another character design)
#it started as a mini project to draw the main cast of CoA as a fun thing to do as i very very slowly work on the fic#but NO#im spending most of my time trying not to make scott look like a damn priest#bc im going for a flowy ethereal kinda vibe#ive done three designs and he just looks like a PRIEST#juno.talks#should probably just rename that “juno complains” ;-;;
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Clone Wars Shadow Warriors
Seas 4
Oh this- just screams edgy ... Whelp
So is Jar Jar an adult, now,? (Asking because before his characteri zation was force of nature to child
Now he seems to have his own personality.
Which is fine if you want to change some details for the sake of a better story, (Or to simply explore a new angle,). Aesthetic
Just. need to make sure I’m holding them to the right standard,
That- was relatively adult,
Aight . . Well-
Did they just call Jar Jar away from Cou-ncil-
. I mean they are clearly trying which is some thing I do give credit for-
Though The Tone Is Robot- Ic-
(Though that might be int- entional since it seems to be hinting that this lady is practicing some kind of mind tricks on him
(Aka, he’s doing it under tox, because we don’t do suspension of choice in dra- mat ic Me- -dia,
Screw my own accou- -ntability - See that was the correct -amount of emotion-
. Okay - Right-
Sus- (pic)
No one noticed the obvious people right there?
Like not even Mr. sus there?
[or are they just so kind that it’s like oh yeah we were just talking hate speech but go right ahead?
Yeah some shit is definitely going on,
For sake of argument* sake, i’m just going to assume that his reaction to toxic behavior
*Account ability-
Any way
I’m still going to try,
Despite you clearly saying you want understood
Because assumed authority - and assuming you know better than a person about themselves
Is totally ok-
- In this society
-[Cries in sad “accountability,” -of- war, ]
In- flue- n -c e
Still an adult-
Imagine it was just a normal necklace and he pulled that shit-
[Ok for the sake of argument I’m going to assume the necklace is symbolism for toxic influence,
Being around it enabling]
It- - His voice voice dropped like - 6 octaves
Also I swear if they try to excuse him for his actions-
Mind over matter -Okay, so they’re not excusing him for his -actions,
Me- an - OK so it’s not naturally evil it just comes down to the users so that dude was still totally responsible,
Didn’t change - much
- Ha-Ha
Actual gas -lighting”
Also persuade, - Okay, good not excusing him from his actions, - Thing
The gaslighting goes deep - Also isn’t the Darkside supposed to be negative over involvement? - Aight- - - A-lone
Oh yeah that’s a great idea let’s just let the dude that just got gaslighted and completely fell forward go back into the person who did it,
(This Jedi Council is fucking brilliant)
Gas- Light- Ing
(Note; Confronting the gas lighter is never the way to do it (Inter- Gen-) (Excluding accountability of the abuser (Gen-break Venting Pro- Ced- u re)
[as you’re usually too angry to let them get a word in edgewise And remain; in control)
With inter- gen productivity, They are possibly given five warnings before Being Kick ed-]
For the sake of argu- ment as well as simplicity-
We’re stick -ing with bas- ic-
If someone’s acting toxic with you, you reflect and you don’t have to hang out with anyone you don’t want to,
This dude is very clearly making it obvious that he’s willing to listen to this person,
And, enabling
See he’s gaslighting him again because he thinks he can get away with it,
With no accoun- tability-
(Or the small bit this society believes in which is jail,”
Is he a Gungan Jedi?
You Don’t
(The repeated Gaslighter who has shown multiple times to be toxic, Was toxic, (And prepared to use any means to subvert the will?
Prize for the most in competent Je di
Like, Serious- (Really had to put those two accoun t- ability- cells to good - use-”
(For matting issue-)
The writer just saving us the effort of him coming downstairs -all feckin- weird, and the obvious “should’ve seen that coming, “
? ha-ha
Oh yeah no the creepy magical stuff wasn’t enough of a fecking clue in-
He snapped out of that quick-
Like didn’t even need a reverse- mind trick
Good for him-
And - actual- nar- rative- -
Wreck-ing -house
Okay, but how do you think this is going to look to the general public like two Jedi,( very good at persuasion - mind tricks’ -just showed up, now they’re leader and said Jedi are wreck-ing one of their minster’s houses-
One who could’ve feign- ed lack of support for the war
Like if this is a set up-
the chips- are about to fall,
Okay, seriously how obviously evil, was this person?
Like we have a weird creepy room, The robots apparently hanging from the chandelier (eck) And the knife
Like if this person ever- went- through a checkpoint
Also, Oh-
(That really does not look good,)
Yeah, she clearly has medical experience,
(Also yeah that’s really going to make it better-”
Oh yeah the senator was seen trying to clean up the evidence-
Well the Jedi ran out full sword’s- a blazing
(Instead of you know the Senator chasing after him, While the peacekeeper stayed behind and tried to tend to the person,]
Great - - Or Not-
Well- tensions just got raised,
Ai. Ght,
(Okay, no way he’s totally not dead but sure-)
That- sucks- - Un- Con-cious
That- doesn’t tell me anything else-
Like; Critical condition?
Li-terally no one else?
(Like don’t get me wrong I’ve been a pretty big Jar-jar fan ever since the change-)
But really, the Senator, the person that spends the most time away from your - planet
That’s the person, they trust the most?
Oh yeah just put on the deadly leaders hat-
The rese-mblance-
Not really?
I mean all humans technically look the same-
Pretty sure Jar jar is a lot scrawn- thin -er
Also if they’re not going to listen to him as him they’re not going to listen to him as he pretends to be their (dead) leader
Also, please don’t go with the liar revealed plot,
Yeah no, they have completely different kind of light. tones,
The face structure-
Co-mpletely different-
OK yeah I’m just gonna go over the fact, that as previously state, I am not a huge fan of the liar revealed plot-
-or lying
(No because it’s- unrealistic- - or there’s anything wrong with it
-people do lie
-maybe because of how overdone and poorly done it’s been,
-With the liar getting off Scott free without any weight
But I really don’t like this plot-
-And the skip button maybe used ad- nausuem- -
[Well- shit [for reference; I was using the skip button ad nausuem when I randomly stopped at the part with Greivous
Things just got a whole lot worse]
[Tumblr Refresh] -
Any Way,
Aww, That’s kind of nice the friendship and reliance the dude has on Other- Half - Yes ‘Boss Leoni’ when someone gets tox you leave- - In a - relation ship-
Also yeah he’s definitely not ‘Boss Leoni’ - He would’ve stayed and tried to take the tox
(Aka Jar-jar is less ena- bling, les- tox- And Doesn’t Take It For Much More. Than He Has To,
(He’s les -s
Dyfun. -c)
Good Job - Also - yeah how’d you manage that - That-
Didn’t get car ried up the chain of com- mand- - Then again Gri- evous has shown to be a pretty shit boss. - So I can’t blame these guys for being like yeah compl- ete stranger I will totally take a nap -right ,now- - You kinda have sticks- - [The rain is really nice,]
[is this the first time we’ve seen them use active particle effects for the camera?
Either way it’s really nice -
electric sticks,
That makes sense
[- bet ter for Figh t- In- g-
Stop one 1v1 -ing- It
Again this is what happens when you 1v1 it and don’t assume accountability- - -
[Don’t fight a metal cyborg with metal sticks when you’re not prepared to take it, full way,)
[I feel like this is supposed to be some big build up but they only shared like one scene where dude was completely silent,]
Die to take someone out with you
Are they actually going to kill off grievous because this isn’t look-ing too - good - Shit-
Dude- is still not dead- - How? - Whelp- - Oh, hey where the fuck did you come from,
I- Ack. Br-u- Tal
- Un - M - Plan-
“ damn it he messed up the script-, -Pal - patine
Prison break-
Also yeah that’s probably like a vacation for him-
Given how toxic these assholes are - Ex- change - Damn Ship per-
Also screw the 150 or how many other sena -tors - Only Amidala - matters - A- ight- - Also, dude knows where everyone’s lair, Is,
Like he pissed off Grievous with -his
Now he’s just chilling in this dude’s sipping earl gray Or- Some Shit-
Getting a little ahead of yourself episode- - O k
Hearing this, Skywalker doesn’t immediately run back shout -ing nope- - - Because, to my knowledge the speaking at room volume,
Not whispering and the distance isn’t enough to -explain it - Ai - - Wel- - There goes one min-ion- - Droids are apparently expensive enough to chastise Grievous over-
But sen-tient - beings are a dime’ a ‘dozen-
(Also gaslighter’s. don’t give a shit about you dear, God,
The Painful dramatic- irony-
*tra- gic- Wh- -Oa
Ai - Ri-
Wh- -elp,
You know if it wasn’t for the exposure earl- ier
I would assume they would think that the Jedi was just killing all their Im-por- tant- elected officials
He’s right. - But dude- that’s pretty ham fisted-
I mean-
How many episodes (and possibly seasons-) do we have to go- - - Anakin- is a dick to lanterns- - Also the random theme of the bots- coming out of nowhere- continues- - St -op- - Wh- elp-
? (He live?)
Good Play-
Oh, yeah, He’s alive we’re not going to bring that up in any mention-able way?
Wh e l- p
Oh - That was -nice-
You deceived everyone and lied to all our people, you’ll make a great leader,
Or a great council/ committee leader considering that they do have an open position , Best
I like that they had one bad ass fall and had it replace-d by Dooku being particularly bad-ass - In his place-
In the trade off near the end really speaks to the frag-ility of war
I thought-
It was pretty al-right Though it really did seem like - they were trying to build up to something but the structure unfortunately just didn’t support it,
Which is unfortunate because they do seem like bits- that could’ve been nice
Like Jar-jar being a constant peacekeeper-
The underwater nations-
Wars be- tween - Those Dude’s
And that general guy - Who seems to be like he was supposed to be this - really big deal
[probably intended to do something massive in the previous arcs,]
But, here, all he did was that one scene,
[Would’ve worked better if he was like this Re- Public Gen- Er Al-
To the shark guy-
And Akbar,
Was just like the resident enforcer-
Or something to do with the prince
I think it would’ve really worked better with the concept of ‘being taken’ under, As well that possibly being a good contrast between Jar Jar binks And Char- If Jar- jar got promoted- With Char being eager at first but then realizing he just can’t- And Jar- Jar being reluctant at first but realizing he can-
[Note; assumed authority is bad, Just- some people are better at using it for venting than others)
Nope boomers vs throw- it-back, boom-
And it really did feel like this episode -should’ve been the split one
Nearing the end- it started to feel like the 1st- part of a second ep-
Which is fine
Just cut- of-
Episode all around being al-right, with just several parts that didn’t make quite sense including the emphasis on the general for that one scene,
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The Silence
Chapter Twelve
Rose was sharpening her knife. It had started to drag the last time she used it when Rick approached her for what she knew was going to be one of the worst conversations of her life.
"Ya alright?" He asked her when he came to a stop.
"Cut the shit... please?" She said sadly. "I know you think I fucked up but nothing bad happened."
"It could have."
"I was armed. He wasn't" Rose shrugged. "I saw the proof that he was sick spilling out of that bucket! You really think I didn't think about it logically? He was sick, unarmed and if he managed to get past me then Eddie was outside..."
"And what if he got past Eddie too?" He growled. "What if he had gotten to Judith?"
"He would never...!" She stopped herself before defending Negan but the look on Rick's face told her he already knew what she was going to say.
"He's gotten to you." Rick looked at her with the look he saved for the times he really needed it, she called it his cop face.
"No..." As much as she tried to hide the uncertainty in her voice she knew it was pointless. "I let a sick man be more comfortable, that's all there is to it Rick. If I really thought anybody could have come to any harm I wouldn't have done it."
The man just stared back at her for a long time looking for any part of her expression that might give away her true feelings. Rick was sure she was starting to soften to the man he wanted kept away from everybody and he couldn't help but feel slightly responsible for it, he had asked her to do just that. How could he be angry at her?
"Shit..." He said under his breath. "Okay." He knelt down in front of her and placed his hand over the one that held her knife. "I trust you, Rose." The sincerity in her eyes told him he could.
"I would never do anything I thought would put Judith in danger." She told him quietly. "Any of you... I fought alongside you!"
"I know." He nodded to her, feeling stupid that he would ever doubt her, she was a strong and capable woman. That was exactly why he trusted her to do it in the first place.
"Rick came to see me yesterday." Was the first thing Negan told Rose.
"Oh yeah?" She asked sitting back in her chair.
"Told me about his day like I'm his fuckin' wife or somethin'.'" He made a sound of disgust. "Kept talkin' about the future you're all creatin' out there." Rose noticed something different in his voice. It wasn't the usual warm tone but empty and her stomach dropped, already knowing what was coming having seen it so many times before. People always ended up here.
He had done so well so far. She stayed silent knowing by now that if he started a conversation he wouldn't need much coaxing.
"I got to thinking' how I'll never be a part of that." He stayed sat on his cot, leaning up against the hard wall one of his long legs bent and the fact that he hadn't come right up to the bars like usual bothered Rose to no end. "I'll never get to just sit outside with a beer, watch people do stupid shit." He paused but it was a heavy one. "I'll never get to have you." He finished.
"Negan..." She started quietly as she stood up at the bars but she just didn't know what to say.
"That day with you..." Negan said softly. "It fuckin' broke me." His voice cracked with the strain of the emotion he was holding in. "The second I got back in this cell I just felt cold, alone... fuckin' hopeless. The silence... it's too much for me, Rose."
"Come here..." She said quietly, not having anything else to say while her heart broke for him. The only thing she could think of doing was touching him, that always made him feel better right? If she could just...
"Im no good for ya." He spoke in the same monotonous way he had when he began this conversation. "Just like I wasn't for Lucille."
"You need to let go Negan. You've been beating yourself up over that stuff for too long."
"I don't want you comin' in here anymore, ya hear me?" He rasped still looking at the wall.
"I don't deserve you spendin' all your time in here. You can deny it all you want but I know you got feelin's for me." He laughed slowly, maliciously. "I've always had the worst luck. So meetin' the girl of my fuckin' dreams in the god damned apocalypse while I'm locked up with no chance of a future with her... that sounds just like fuckin' like me."
"Negan you're bound to feel like this! The worst thing would be to be alone... I'm not leavin' you alone to rot in here."
"So what you gonna do spend the rest of your life pining over me like one of them desperate, lonely, ugly fucks who fall in love with people on death row?" He lazily rolled his head to look at me now. "Cos' that's what I am sweetheart. I'm gonna die here. I give it the big fuck you to Rick and everybody but I know I'm not gettin' out."
"Whether you like it or not Negan... I'll be coming to see you everyday."
"Oh shit! You really are desperate aren't you."
"Stop being an asshole cos you think you can push me away." She said not taking anything he said to heart.
"Go find some normal, boring fuck and stop botherin' me would ya?"
"Funny you should say that... Gabriel's started to look real good."
"I'm fuckin' serious, Rose." She had stupidly thought making a joke would perk him up alittle, the fact that he didn't come back with some snark remark worried her. He was right, this was serious. "I can't give you what you deserve. I'll never be able to."
It went pretty much the same way every single time Rose went to see Negan. He wouldn't eat, she got no reaction from him even when she offered to flash him and she as being serious. No matter what she did he stayed in that deep dark pit of depression she has seen so many others in before, had even helped people get out of. This time she felt helpless.
"He's not eating." Michonne seemed to be making a habit out of searching Rose out and begging her to clean up her and Ricks mess. Rose threw down the trowel she was using and stood up to face her.
"You know what Michonne. Neither am I!
He's depressed! Of course he's fuckin depressed! It's fucking cruel. What do you want me to do for him? Give him a prescription!"
"I don't... I just thought..."
"You thought I have some kind of connection with him right? That's what Rick asked me to do! Make a connection with a imprisoned man but get the third degree off you both when I actually try to help him."
"I get it." Although Michonne looked like she wanted to rip Rose's head off she just walked off.
"You've been talkin' to Michonne." Rose's voice echoed in the cell which felt completely empty. No reply.
"You had a lot to say to her apparently." Rose sighed.
"It's been a week. Are you gonna give up?"
"I miss you."
Silence. Rose squeezed her eyes shut feeling stupid in a hundred different ways for having said that.
"You asked me once... what the worst thing I've ever done is?"
She heard him shuffle and hoped she'd finally got his attention.
"Ask me again again and I'll tell you."
"What's the worst thing you've ever done?" His voice was still flat but at least it was words.
"It was a while after this whole thing started... I was with two other women and there was these guys, four of them." The same dread that always filled her whenever she thought about it came in floods and she had to take a deep breath. "We joined up with them, safety in numbers and all that. One night they were talking to themselves, laughing about stuff and kept looking over at us. I knew straight away something was off, men have that certain look when they're thinking about doing terrible things. I told the other two, Erin and Abi." There name made her eyes fill with tears. "To keep hold of their weapons and I remember thinking first thing in the morning and we're gone."
She looked up to see Negan had turned to face her now.
"But it was already too late. They came over one with a gun and the other three grabbed us. Pinned us down and I fought, I fought so god damn hard and I was lucky. That's all it was. I wasn't any stronger than the others and the guy who came to me was a little smaller. I got away just before he... I stabbed the sick fuck. There I was running away, half naked lucky it was dark so the shots the guy fired after me, missed." She began crying now and she knew it was an accumulation of everything... the loneliness, her unwanted feelings for Negan, the hostility from certain members of the group but most of all the shame and guilt. "I just ran off. I didn't help them!"
All that could be heard was her soft sobs as she tried to control herself. "I got out of the place we were holed up and kept moving until morning. I've no idea how I survived any of it. I was just lucky. That's the only difference between them and me."
"You did what you had to do." His voice made her jump. "I'm so sorry that happened Rose."
"Don't!" She snapped. "Don't feel sorry for me. It's those poor women..."
"I don't know what the hell you hoped would happen by tellin' me that. All it's made me do is get angry that I can't hold you! That it could happen to you again and I'd be locked up in this FUCKING SHIT HOLE!" He raged worse than she'd ever seen him before. "Yeah you stand there like a fuckin' deer in the headlights darlin' cos there's nothing I can do for ya! So just fuckin' leave!"
Rose hesitated, not knowing what to do until she came to a harsh conclusion. "You're right. There's nothin' either of us can do for each other." She said quietly, in defeat. "I thought I could help you. That was so naive of me."
And then she left.
"Rose.." Negan said so quietly she didn't even hear. "Fuckin' shit!" He shouted, enraged that she was carrying around guilt because of some sick fucks and just as angry that he couldn't do anything about it.
Later that day Rose had been doing paroles around the walls having needed to get out. Walking back to her house she was intercepted by Scott, his warm friendly eyes looking concerned.
"Is it all sorted?" He asked.
"What about her?" Rose asked getting frustrated.
"I thought you'd have been told... Maggie turned up at here about ten, fifteen minutes ago... I told Michonne..."
He didn't even finish his sentence before Rose was racing off to the place she knew Maggie would be. The panic pushed her to run even faster knowing all too well what the only reason the woman would have stepped foot in Alexandria.
Chapter Thirteen
So sorry for the cliffhanger but this is close to 2000 words and I don't know if anyone would want a chapter that long.
Thanks as always to anyone who has followed or left comments. It means so much!
#twd negan#negan fanfiction#negan x oc#neganxoc#negan x rose#the silence#the walking dead fanfiction
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Return of The Thing
Sort of. By thing, I mean me. But I love this movie and the meme. Ok, context for this post: - Where I’ve been - Why I left - Whats hip happening - Where I’ve Been:
Long story short, I’ve had real life matters to deal with. Firstly, my entire household contracted COVID. Well, *almost*. We’ve been through constant testing, quarantine zones, and had the ambulance up numerous times. My parents and 2nd oldest sister were hit the hardest. My 3rd oldest sister was positive and asymptomatic. Now something none of us could predict that I would be completely COVID free despite my compromises. Despite that I was in close contact with them all, including the 2nd oldest who contracted it first and accidentally being coughed on a few times lol. I went through the exact same testing and yet nothing. No symptoms. No presence of COVID. And I took no precaution to isolate from my family as I presumed in our small house we’d all get it, so I was more preoccupied with caring for the sick. Ultimately, I’ve either gotten off scott free this time or there’s a chance I may actually either be highly resistant or even immune. Even then, I WILL be having the vaccine as and when my family are eligible. And we all still follow regulations set. I’ve also had other real life obligations, much of it either mundane fixing up my living circumstances to more personal matters. Overall, I have been extremely preoccupied.
A mini update, the stray cat Big has been in our porch a lot more in recent times due to the snow as well as being even more affectionate. And Queefster passed away after a good life and a full tummy. Why I Left:
Aside from COVID, business, and my own health declining, I’ll be blunt. I left because of how disgustingly toxic most fandoms are nowadays, but Hazbin is one of the WORST for it. That includes harassment, death threats, mocking MI and triggering an ED. In fact, I’ve even seen others get rape and death threats. So yes, even if YOU are a decent fan, collectively most of you arent doing any favours. Even some critical blogs seem to be overtly catty in ways no one else seems to pick up on under this ‘look how blunt I am’ look and it’s just... You dont have to be a prick to have your say, to be honest and to disagree with the trending. That’s a few on and off of tumblr, and no one I follow anyways.
In regards to my ‘sensitivities’ - two things: 1) Of course trauma is going to hurt, 2) Im fully aware of kids doing and receiving much of this, which hurts MORE. I have my own lil squids and Im worried of them eventually having to deal with this shit. And no, no one SHOULD have to put up with such rude and poor behaviour. Agree to disagree doesnt live in some people’s realities, but by God harassment and bullying seems ok if YOURE doing it or enticing it. That ISNT ok. Even if it seems like nothing to you it could kill another. I certainly will not take your shit.
On huskerdust I STAND by my words. It’s fucking creepy and there is sexual harassment and obsession. And there are large triggers. I will not go into detail here because Ive done that dance before and I’ll be refining it again. YOU may like it, however it triggers my very real traumas as well as those in my bloodline. Be respectful and keep that shit away from me. And for goodness sake, parents PLEASE dont raise your children to behave as such online. And no, being anon isnt actually fully anonymous. Also to send hate and threats anon is not only traceable but also cowardice. Grow a pair and find a hobby. I avoid my traumas for the most part. I will not allow you to weaponise or diminish my own or others experiences for your fictional based gratification. Likewise, if it becomes canon, I’ll just make an AU where it is not. Simple. You can hate it but Im not your personal circus so go be toxic elsewhere. IF you like HD and follow me, honestly... Youre probably better to unfollow as I am deeply and passionately against it and stolitz, and valvox, and am very vocal on that. Dont mistake my traumas and discomfort as a personal attack - and dont personally attack me over it either. And before anyone claims homophobia, no. This is nothing to do with sexuality. You arent the victim. If you love these pairings with your soul to the point of a ‘stan’, then youre best off unfollowing because I really am too old for extremists and rabid fans more crazed than the infected in REC. Also I never used to hate angel but now... Fans behaviour is abhorrent and hes so over saturated that I honestly really dislike him now. Doesnt mean you have to hate him too, but just bloody respect that angel isnt loved by all, he can be triggering to some as well as toxically enabling [incl. past addicts], a vile homophobic gay stereotype and just overall a lack of knowledge and respect of sex workers as a whole. When you know a lot of the ins and outs and victims, it’s hard to overlook. I respect your triggering ships by avoiding that mess. Respect others. The problem with Viv - and I will elaborate in the future - is that your audience is often a reflection of your work and it’s message/presentation. And most of the fandom Ive met are awful. Honestly, though lonesome I find more comfort keeping distant from fandoms because yall often extremely toxic and petty. Perhaps others have had better experiences than I however Im drawing a line in the sand. For MY sake. I’m annoyed with virtually anyone I sense great potential in that becomes wasted. Im angry at Viv because she can do so much better but is blocking HERSELF. This is from a creative and business mindset. When someone has potential that gets wasted - especially creatively - it burns me. Im just passionate on artistic fields. It doesnt mean I hate them. I hate the waste of full potential.
I’ll state things here people disagree with but encouraging harassment, hate or just being an overall cunt just aint on- It’s like people charade as being this fair being but its all bullshit. Self improve and sod off, I do NOT have time to parent you online.
And obviously there are RL duties I must fulfil. Some in which I will need the publics assistance for if you can spare it. Overall, Im just... Fandoms behaviour generally disgusts me. Disappoints me. We SHOULD be better than this. It’s like listening to bloomin incels rant on fuckin chad or some bullshit pill theory instead of looking to improve themselves too. Honestly... I do mostly acknowledge my own flaws and faults and try to improve each day. It just feels fewer folk see that in themselves and do the same. And that’s coming from an old cunt whos far from fuckin perfect. Also, my fuckin laptop broke so I waited a week for a bloke nearby to fix it. What a fuckin lifesaver, he’s the real mvp!
Also Also, one of you did privately apologise and I appreciate that. I certainly hope we agree to disagree and continue to grow as people on our separate ways. Trust me, I dont forget small acts like this. Even the trauma that caused and the aftermath, please dont think I dont appreciate the apology. However you’re also entitled to know that the forgiveness and healing side may take longer for me due to various factors that occurred - much that few are aware of, including yourself especially. I wish you well and safety.
Hip Happenin Now:
Still busy but slowly visiting. I’ll reply and reblog soon, be patient please. Ive still many things to sort which take priority as well as other things. Im trying to get money n shit for a future and whatnot. Health issues are strong in the blood rn and Im spending extended time with both Big and the other pets to keep up harmony, especially now that Big is accepting slowly that our porch is a welcome shelter for him and he’s free to leave and stay whenever. Trust me, overloaded isnt even the word. Im prepping shit early this year and from now on. Also, my God Ive been dealing with more physical issues as well and had to play doctor. May even need medical interference but holy shit I could never see this coming. Still... It’s... An experience- If you could call it that. Staying more active and healthy. Cat’s nearly clawed my eye out in my sleep (to which I can only presume Billy got too close or hyper) but it’s fortunate placement so Im alright. Most of my body is in pain to the point of absolute normality at this rate. And I plan to make space for a better altar. Future of the Blog:
Errr, it’s my fuckin space so it’s whatever I want really. Ill still have my Viv rants (ie, pros and cons of her work, HH/HB, other shit like that) however I just really dislike most the fandom at this point as well as the poor management and lack of professionalism and attitudes of staff. It’s just draggin me down and making me ill. I also want to showcase more of MY work (from redesigns to projects to some dumb 2am shit), cosplays, fashion, hobbies, spiritual practises - MY. SHIT. I feel like Ive strayed slightly. But I WILL be honest. And damn well will it upset people. And if it does and I’m genuinely ding something wrong/harmful - guide me patiently. Educate me. If it’s like this HD shit where Im not only allowed my opinions but justified on my traumas or mocking my disabilities or features, then just yeet yourself elsewhere. Also some of my gaming shit too. Getting to know folk who interact with my stuff and just... Create my space. For me. Something hopefully others can enjoy. Something that can function as a bit of an art portfolio as well. Critiques and whatnot. But I will continually not stand for anyone’s shit or poor handling of serious matters. You will not cause me to doubt and invalidate my experiences like you have to others. For now, Im tottering but slowly returning. For those who I previously and daily interacted with, I will get back to you. And Im sure you’re patient and understanding of my situation - it’s appreciated. But in terms of any fandom, more so if it’s known to be as hostile, I’d rather keep a healthy boundary between us. That’s for newer folk. Perhaps we may bond further and you’re welcome to try, however I do feel far safer not getting involved into other people’s shit any longer. I will put anon back on but any toxic shit will be reported as well as compiled so at least I have a reference on the actual toxic nature of fandoms. Likewise, Im slowly getting there but god theres a lot of fuckin work. So much that not even my closest friend has heard too much from me until recently. I’ll be returning to the grind for now as I have duties, as well as many demanding felines for my attention. Alongside some physical medical concerns which require additional care, I’ll be popping off now. Im thankful for those who have checked in on me. I will reply shortly. Take care
#im fucking tired#ive hardly had any alcohol lately as well#ive snuck some though but not as much for unwind time sadly#also discovered sourz alcohol and it is wonderful#i made someone laugh until literal pissing themselves though so#im taking bloody pride in that comedy so
0 notes
top 10 teen wolf episodes as rated by me i guess
IN the order from most to least favorite, and i did not include any 6B ones because it isn’t fair for me to use those when the season isn’t finished yet. (EDIT: season is now finished and while none of the 6B episodes made the ranking i did adjust the honorable mentions accordingly.) this is long & i had fun making it
3.19 Letharia Vulpina: ok ok so just like Everyone Knew I Would i did pick this one because of all the prime derek/chris material—that all-important moment where they had their claws and gun trained on each other, being handcuffed to a bench together, derek saving chris’s life despite insisting he wasn’t gonna—BUT there’s literally not a single second of this episode i don’t love. we open with deaton being a total badass and scaring the shit out of some yakuza dudes, then KIRA gets to be a badass, and then there’s a small scott/allison/isaac moment when he’s all laid up (which was my ot3 for a little while in 3A…don’t judge), allison gets to threaten peter with a stun baton on her girlfriend lydia’s behalf, and that doesn’t even BEGIN to get into the absolute delight it is to watch everyone running around trying to deal with all the chaos the notgitsune is causing (we even got to see coach get shot, which was actually pretty funny??). between all of that and the plot twist at the end (that we all saw coming…but hey) that it was really the nogitsune pretending to be stiles all along (and the very…gay…thing going on with him and scott), it’s literally like, the perfect episode. there was even a rain battle at the end i fucking love rainy scenes. PEAK television.
4.12 Smoke & Mirrors: my two favorite characters on the dumb werewolf show are derek hale & scott mccall and this episode is like a great big flashing sign that says “LOOK AT HOW AWESOME DEREK IS AND LOOK AT HOW AWESOME SCOTT IS!!!” because scott finally gets to KICK PETER’S ASS and comes back from something he shouldn’t be able to come back from because he’s SCOTT MCCALL, TRUE ALPHA, and how can we forget my son derek finally achieving the full shift and giving that big old “FUCK YOU” to kate argent. if that wasn’t enough, my third favorite character chris argent gets the second-closest he’s ever come to weeping in this entire series when confronting the sister he can’t kill at the end. also kate is in this episode and she’s the best villain i love her presence onscreen. also peak television.
1.12 Code-Breaker: i love s1 SO FUCKING MUCH bc it was so tightly plotted - it’s like back to the future and holes, it’s one of those things where every line serves a purpose and there’s no spare bits, and tw’s plot becomes such a mess later that it’s honestly really amazing. so code breaker is my favorite one because all the plot stuff comes together really well, and it’s just like well-done overall, there’s that sick backwards shot of allison, chris’s Angst when he realizes his sister is a serial killer, scott trying Really Really Hard and derek being Really Really Done (why don’t they have more scenes together…), stiles and peter cracking me up with the laptop password gag, like…there’s literally no part of this ep that isn’t a delight (also again kate is in it i love kate as a villain). it’s wonderful 10/10
3.14 More Bad Than Good: i had a real hard time with this one vs. the one immediately before it, the first one of 3B, but i love both bc i love watching scott stiles and allison absolutely losing their shit. in the end i like this one better bc 1. you get to watch them beat it and 2. they finally find and rescue malia and i FUCKING LOVE malia, my own daughter, also the scene where she reunites with her dad makes me misty every time. bonus content: watching araya hack off peter’s finger :D :D :D AND this is the first time derek gets to make heart-eyes at braeden. i’m so happy whenever he’s happy!!!
6.05 Radio Silence: this episode is everything i love about 6A all wrapped up in a nice neat lil package. i love 6A bc it totally fucking surprised me by making me like things i did not think i’d like, the biggest being stiles/lydia. and like…this season fuckin SOLD me on it, the way she fights tooth and nail to get him back and the way he’s so patiently waited for her reminds me 2much of claire & ben from @cambionverse and the beginning of me being sold was this ep, when they had the wall between them, and when they finally talked on the radio. and this episode even made peter hale interesting for 30 entire seconds which i thought was impossible—it was cool that he did One Genuinely Selfless Thing by going through the portal to save malia, and later when malia and scott had to take his pain to get at stiles’ keys you could almost imagine for a second he got to pretend someone actually DID care about him, that’s his reward for doing a single selfless thing. it was also stellar to see stiles (and the jeep!!!) again and see him working the problem from the other side it was like getting real sam back after half a season of soulless sam in spn s6 DO NOT call me out for referencing this show
4.05 I.E.D.: go look at these gifsets and read the tags. now come back. …okay okay aside from, That, which i won’t repeat as to avoid two paragraphs of capslock, derek also smiles in this episode. even scott is alarmed by it. HE’S HAPPY i’m happy he’s happy!!!!! i’m happy he loves scott!! i’m happy he spends half the episode trading long lingering looks with his future boyfriend!!!! but if that wasn’t enough this episode KEEPS ON GIVING because at the very end the calaveras show up and bully chris into saying the original code, and forgetting his daughter’s, which is deeply relevant to all my headcanons about the code lowkey being like indoctrination (watch that shit again it’s fucking wild…), and also it’s one of the only times in the series where he looks genuinely freaked out and i love watching his Turmoil™
6.10 Riders on the Storm: this is also everything i love about 6A in one ep, just like, less concentrated, bc there’s also the nazi werewolf (tho even PETER HALE getting judgy @ the nazi was truly a highlight). its got all the Big Damn Reunions, its got STYDIA, its got peter actually being slightly interesting, its got scott mccall: badass. its actually also got lydia martin: badass, which like…About Damn Time. it’s even got chris argent: badass, and it’s also got chris argent: badass smooching on a beautiful lady w/ his hands in her hair!!!! (her: that was so hot! me: GIRL ME TOO) also they thought this was the last stiles ep ever so his goodbyes to everyone were like really sweet & made me emo af
3.22 De-Void: so obviously i love this one because derek’s line when he was under thrall about “you’re NOT my ally you’re a HUNTER” got me into the dumb rarepair i wrote like 60k for so far but also i do genuinely deeply love the sequence where they exorcise the notgitsune from inside stiles’ head—lydia facing her fears in the ruined prom dress is such amazing imagery + im gay for the scott/stiles reunion. bonus content includes chris & allison interaction which breaks my heart (he’s so proud of her!!) and the tense kickass scene in the loft in the opening where the notgitsune (SCARY MOTHERFUCKER) is trying to goad chris into shooting it. i don’t love ALL of this ep bc it has so much thumb twins (& from here down there are no more perfect ones…sad) but i love MOST of it and the parts i do love are fantastic. so. i’ll deal w/ thumb twins
3.06 Motel California: look i know this episode should disturb the fuck out of me bc 1. derek and jennifer bang & in my eyes that isn’t a consensual encounter and 2. all the creepy ass suicides but like…honestly there is something so soothing about motels to me, i’ll put this one on to just chill out anyday. like it is delightfully creepy and i love all the meat to everyone getting hit with their baggage (uh…except the thumb twins), but mostly it’s the #mood i love. i actually even like the derek scenes before the sex starts because he is So Wounded and So Sad (“everyone around me gets hurt” BYE) and they rarely let him actually emote at all so it’s very refreshing
2.03 Ice Pick: this was like…such a perfect & amazing introduction to the new betas like if the new ppl in s4 and beyond had gotten this kind of good introduction (and hadn’t been killed off so quickly…) i would love them about 10x more. it’s got that nice s2 vibe that most ppl are into and i still love erica & boyd w/ all my heart!!! (DONT really love how creepy derek was w/ erica but we’ll blame it on being the alpha.) i also love how fucked up the scene with allison tied to the chair was & the fucking fight between derek’s pack and scott at the end…like scott gets to win a 2-on-1 fight and then derek gets to be mr. cool alpha dude and kick his ass. i LOVE THOSE FIGHT SCENES and bc of this episode “iron” is my derek theme song. so.
HONORABLE MENTIONS aka these were on the original list but didn’t make the cut:
1.11 Formality (aaalllll of derek’s ugly backstory this was when i knew i loved him)
2.10 Fury (the first ep i ever watched live, will always be fond of it for that reason even tho i don’t give 2 shits about matt)
2.11 Battlefield (the theme of doing things bc of the power of love will always get me, it was also the only teen wolf episode i ever made gifs of, back when i knew how to make gifs)
3.12 Lunar Ellipse (for scott becoming a true alpha for REAL + derek’s big ol’ well-deserved fuck-you to jennifer, i didn’t love 3A but this was such prime derek & scott material)
3.13 Anchors (like i said: watching stiles, scott, and allison all COMPLETELY lose their shit, also did you know the anchor allison chose in this ep ws her new code? Interesting)
3.24 The Divine Move (listen...you can laugh at the cheesy sfx ALL you want but when i watched kate argent come back from the dead to menace derek hale like his own worst nightmare come to life LIVE with mine own two eyes i jumped out of my seat and YELLED like everything about that moment was absolutely PERFECT and very few things are ever gonna top it)
4.08 Time of Death (derek learning to use a gun and then getting it on with braeden…bye)
4.11 A Promise to the Dead (not only chris unsticking himself from the wall for allison and scott’s sake but also derek and braeden walking around his loft half-naked in the rain...nice)
5.05 A Novel Approach (the stiles and donovan altercation…the first 15m where he acts with his face without saying a word…enough said)
5.18 The Maid of Gévaudan (i'm bitter about the flashback because i want ALLISON but it was a nice origin story + scott fighting the beast all on his own to save that library full of kids was one of the only truly amazing moments of 5B)
6.08 Blitzkrieg (the sheriff rebuilding stiles’ room and saying goodbye to claudia makes me really for real cry but there’s so much nazi bullshit that i couldn’t justify having the episode as a whole being one of my favs)
6.13 After Images (chris argent absolutely losing his shit the entire ep, fucking love it)
6.19 Broken Glass (derek hale's comeback and he got to spend all of his screentime with chris argent! i seriously considered poking this into the #10 spot but ultimately the sideplot i hated with malia and scott had so much more screentime i can't use it - i can't list an episode i'm always skipping parts of!)
#personal#teen wolf#im scheduling this to go up like not in the middle of the night#so im not like. actly here#dargent#chris argent#derek hale#kate argent#jennifer blake#braeden#draeden#melissa mccall#mcargent#scott mccall#about teen wolf
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Upside Down (part 1)
Intro: Hello and welcome to Kaity’s heart in post form. If you need me, I am currently 600 kilometers deep in the Scotty trashcan, with no sign of escape (not that I want to). So please enjoy all my feelings out in the open. This fic ended up being 7,500 words long so I split it up into multiple parts. Some are long, some are short. All are good. I hope.
Pairing: Scotty x reader (and best friend!Jim Kirk)
Word Count:1,454
Warnings: totally 100% fake engineering everything, (I was too lazy to actually come up with proper terms so I just made up words), eventual injury, swears.
Summary: So basically the starting point for this fic was Scotty x reader who loves engineering as much as he does. So that’s where I went with this fic. You are second-in-command engineer and Scotty one day ends up being in charge, much to your chagrin. You butt heads. Scotty gets hurt. Feelings get hurt (mostly my own). Welcome to my trashcan.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
“So you’re saying you would never have sex with me.”
“James Tiberius Kirk if you were the last person on earth I would copulate with a turtle before I even considered you.” You deadpanned, strapping your tool belt to your hips as you got ready to leave and turned to the frowning Captain who was leaning against the door frame.
“Really funny.” Jim griped sarcastically, and you sauntered up to him, swinging your hips in just the right way, and you saw his eyes fall and he shook his head.
“It’s only funny because it’s true, Jimbo.” You reached up and slapped his cheek twice, flashing a million dollar smile before pushing past him.
“You know, this means I owe Uhura 5 bucks.” Jim called as you made your way to the engineering room.
“That’s your own fault, you idiot.” You called back, laughing as you turned down the next hallway, finally out of his sight.
“Hey, Bobby!” You shouted as you entered the automated doors, instantly smiling at the comforting smell of metal and sound of whirring machinery.
“Lass, what’s with all the yelling?” An unfamiliar voice sounded from somewhere in the room and you leaned over the railing to look down and saw a man in a red shirt looking up at you.
Suddenly, a hard hand clapped you on the shoulder and you nearly jumped out of your skin.
Spinning around you saw Jim again and scowled, taking a few deep breaths to calm your nerves.
“Yeah, Bobby doesn’t work here anymore.” Jim said matter-of-factly.
Your jaw fell open in disbelief, “What!?”
“He had to take sudden leave for… reasons, and this is his replacement. Get up here Scotty!” Jim yelled and you continued to look at him incredulously.
You heard heavy footsteps climb the metal stairs and saw this new man emerge from behind Jim.
“Aye, Jim, I’m in the middle of re-calibrating the central system, whichever lunatic was here last converted the quantum regulator so it only picks up certain wave lengths…” The man started, his hands waving wildly and his thick accent made it hard to understand him, you assumed Scottish.
“The ship only needs to read the wave lengths that it could actually come across. The settings before were set to pick up literally any wavelength, and it was using way too much power.” You interrupted, spinning on the man, your hackles raised at the newcomer.
“Well what if ye come across IgT-3 wavelength? Huh? How are ya gonna go about picking tha’ up?” The man started, stepping towards you.
“Well since that wavelength doESN’T EVEN EXIST ANYMORE, I can say we’re pretty safe.” You snapped, your hands tightening into fists.
“It’s a wavelength, lass, not a damn unicorn!” The man argued and you were about to rip into him when Jim stepped in between you two.
“Alright! That’s enough, you two, you’re going to have to be working together, so you better cut it out!” Jim yelled, but he had a weirdly pleased look on his face.
Jim turned and stepped to the side, indicating to the yelling Scottish man, “Y/N, this is Montgomery Scott, our new chief of engineering. And Scotty,” Jim gestures to you now, “This is Lieutenant Y/N, who was Bobby’s right hand down here for the past two years.”
You reluctantly nodded at Scotty, the defensiveness you felt from before fleeing from you as you took in the older man. He had wispy red-brown hair, brown eyes, and a furrow to his brow that looked like it was permanently part of his face. Overall, he was quite handsome if not soft-looking, like a little bear cub, and you cursed yourself for thinking so as you had just screamed at him.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I do have to get back to running this ship.” Jim said, “Can I trust you guys not to kill each other for at least the rest of your shifts?”
Jim didn’t even let you or Scotty respond before he clapped his hands together, “Good!”
You scowled at Jim as he walked out and he looked back, giving you a wink before disappearing behind the automated doors.
Turning now to Scotty, who was looking at you like you had a third eye, you gave him a weak smile.
“Guess we’re going to be spending a lot of time together.” You shrugged.
“I guess so.” Scotty stuffed his hands into his pockets and swung on his heels.
“We don’t need the EL4-R wavelength detector either.” You said, meeting his eyes with a flash of amusement.
“Well ye better have a good explanation for tha’, lass, because I am pretty stubborn.” Scotty gave you a smirk before turning and walking down the metal stairs, you quickly following behind him, beginning to heatedly defend the system you and Bobby had worked so hard to develop.
“What are you staring at me for? Am I doing something ‘wrong’ again?” You growled as you turned to Scotty and straightened out your shirt, throwing on your worst glare.
It was a week into working with Scotty and things were not going well.
“You’d be much better off making those changes from th’outside, using the computer, rather than crawling up in there, ye might get stuck.” Scotty noted, crossing his arms over his chest and raising an eyebrow as he took in your grease-covered appearance.
“You calling me fat, Mr. Scott?” You leered, pulling off your gloves slowly.
“N-no, not at all, I jus’…” He sputtered, clearly taken aback by the question.
“I went in because a belt was loose, and that is not something you can fix from the outside.” You explained, your voice threaded with bitterness, and stalked back to your workstation, Scotty right on your heels.
“Lass, if we’re going to work together you’re gonna have t’stop being so… SO…” Scotty ranted and you spun on him, fury filling your veins.
“What?! Stop being so what, Mr. Scott?”
“SO DAMN INSUFFERABLE!” Scotty exploded, his arms flailing and his stance became defensive.
“Mr. Scott, this is my ship, and it has been my ship for the past two years, so if I seem insufferable, it’s because you are on MY turf, trying to change the things that I programmed MYSELF. It borders on insulting.”
“Lassie, half of the things yer able to program on this ship wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for me.”
“Well I’m sorry your such a traditionalist, then, because TIMES CHANGE, OLD MAN!” You didn’t mean to call him old, but the insult just slipped out and you tried to apologize immediately, “I-I, didn’t mean that, I’m sor-”
“Get out.” Those two words made you snap your mouth shut with a click of teeth.
You looked up to see Scotty’s expression was impassive and unreadable, his stance straight an unforgiving as he spoke, "Your shift is done for today. You are dismissed.“
"I-I…” You were speechless, you never expected him to get this angry.
But as you met his eyes and saw how serious he was, your anger was renewed. You weren’t going to let him treat you like a child, and if he wanted you to leave, so be it. You stalked passed him, grabbed your jacket, and you left, fairly sure that steam was coming out of your ears.
“Jim, he is intolerable, impossible, I-I can’t work with him.” You seethed, nearly crushing the glass that you held between your fingers.
“You and him are exactly the same.” Jim chuckled, nursing his own drink, and you wanted to wipe the smile off his face.
“We are not. You can’t tell me I am half that stubborn."
"If anything you are double as stubborn as he is. Try to get past that, you guys have so much in common that you should be inseparable.”
You snorted, “Inseparable. HA. Jim, I can barely get through a work day without that man berating me for pressing a key on the keyboard. I can’t wait to leave my shift everyday, just to get away from him.”
Jim shook his head, still smiling that knowing smile he seemed to always wear, his blue eyes sparkling as he looked to you, “Just consider this one thing. On your evening off, away from the ever-insufferable Scotty, you have not stopped talking about him. What does that say?”
You rolled your eyes as Jim stood, patted you on the shoulder, and left.
Was Jim right? You seemed to always be talking about him, most of the time complaining, and your thoughts nearly always roaming to his red-brown hair and kind eyes.
No. You shook your head, dispelling the thoughts. When Bobby was back, everything would return to normal. Everything that had been turned upside down would right itself. Right?
-Thanks for reading! I hope you liked it!-
Permanent Tag list (let me know if you want to be added/removed): @feelmyroarrrr @jefferson-in-the-tardis@anyakinamidala@digitalmoonhowell @trekken81@fandomheadrush@kirkaholic123 @im-the-nerdiest-of-them-a11
Upside Down Tag List (let me know if you want to be tagged in the series): @whatif-animagineblog @youre-on-a-starship
#startrek#startrekimagine#startrekfic#scottyxreader#montgomeeryscott#montgomeryscottxreader#my actual heart in post form#scotty#scottyfluff#kinda angst tho so#scottyangst
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@ all the shippers who have sent me no less than twenty messages in the last 36 hours about vm finally dating: idk why so many of you need my validation and need ME to believe they’re dating too. and i’m not disbelieving because i want to be a ‘bummer’ or want to ‘rain on everyone’s parade’ - i’m disbelieving because THIS HAS ALL HAPPENED BEFORE AND WILL ALL HAPPEN AGAIN. the difference between me and most of you guys is that i didnt just start watching figure skating on feb 16 2014 and i know how vm work, i know how their fandom works and i know this cycle will CONTINUE INTO INFINITUM UNTIL THE END OF TIME.
The Cycle: vm do something cute -> “omg do you guys think they’re finally dating??” -> vm do one more thing cute -> “omg guys i really do think they’re dating now” -> egged on by completely unreliable fan sightings/reports of them kissing/making out somewhere -> “they’re definitely dating now and their friends are just saying they’re not because they want to protect them” -> vm deny they’re dating -> “they’re just lying bc they want to keep things private” -> vm show up with some other person that looks like a gf/bf -> “CALM DOWN GUYS, its prob just a friend, girls and guys can have friends of the opposite sex!” -> vm are definitely dating someone that is not each other -> “i just dont know how they can treat each other this way and be with someone else, it all feels like a lie” -> vm fans are despondent until vm break up with their s/o -> vm do something cute
most of tumblr has been through one cycle of this since 2014 - i’ve been through at least 5 since 2007
“but chelsea,” you protest, “aren’t things DIFFERENT this time? don’t things feel DIFFERENT this time?”
sis it feels different every time thats how you guys get sucked in
“but they’re both single now...and for so long!”
maybe they want to focus on a teeny tiny thing called the olympics coming up in 9 months... idk im just spitballin here
“but they seem so much happier now!”
yes it is amazing what having two years off and not having a coach actively trying to sabotage you will do for ur morale
“but they keep slipping up. scott accidentally almost said they were in love yesterday. tessa paused for 0.03 seconds before answering if they were dating! what does that mean?”
absolutely nothing. i have a laundry list of 5000 other moments in the past ten yrs that have also amounted to absolutely nothing
“but weren’t tatiana and max just like this before they announced they were engaged? why cant that be vm?”
because they’re two different teams and two entirely different dynamics?? if The Cycle hadnt existed, the v/t theory might fly. in any case v/t were constantly photographed on vacation together, whereas the only evidence vm even spend time outside the rink together is one random anon on someone’s blog who you are all so willing and eager to believe over vm’s 100 other friends/coaches/acquaintances who say they’re not dating
“but chelsea if i want to believe they’re together, why cant i?”
ummm feel free, no one is stopping you. just stop harassing me in MY inbox about it and then accuse ME of bullying people. i mean for gods sake
“ok but chelsea if it comes out they are finally dating, are you willing to admit you’re wrong and eat crow?”
look if i’m wrong i will eat crow, peacock, flamingo and any other damn bird you put in front of me
(.......but i’m not)
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