#im sorry for archer posting this like just took me out
bahoreal · 2 years
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archer season 13 episode 8
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whumpbug · 2 months
whumperless whump event day 16: say goodbye to filters @whumperless-whump-event
half-conscious / delirious / “you would never say that in your right mind…”
see this post for character information!
caretaker: Simon
whumpee: Archie
cw: drug mention in the sense of anesthesia post-op and also mention of vomit but it doesn't happen in the fic (let me know if i should tag anything)
The woman at the front desk smiled warmly as Simon approached. “Hello dear, how can I help you?”
Simon had his fingers wrapped around the edge of the counter in a white knuckle grip, feeling his breath hitch softly.
“I need to see a patient,” He said quickly.
“Patient’s name?” The woman asked, tapping away at her keyboard.
“Archie-- Archer. Archer Schultz.”
The woman didn’t say anything for a beat, and Simon felt all the breath leave him at once.
“Is he.. he’s fine, right? His work called me. I got here as fast as I could, so he’s okay, right?” He stammered, fingers drumming against the cool tile of the counter.
Simon isn’t even sure why he said it, the words just sort of tumbled out in an anxiety-induced frenzy. He felt like there was a vice around his lungs-- like he couldn’t take in enough air.
He had been in class when Archie’s work called him. Of course, he immediately dropped everything to step out and answer. Simon was Archie’s emergency contact, so the call only really meant one thing. An emergency.
And an emergency it was. 
Apparently, Archie had gone into work that day looking like death, and only lasted about an hour before his co-worker found him on the bathroom floor, covered in vomit, and screaming-- yes, screaming in pain. An ambulance was quickly called, and he was taken to the hospital. That was as far as Simon knew.
And it was killing him.
Usually, whenever Archie was hurt, Simon was right there by his side, doing everything he could to help him. He knew how to take care of Archie like it was breathing. He knew the difference between a “that hurts!” grimace and a “that tickles!” grimace. He knew what flavor of gatorade Archie liked best, and that he was allergic to latex. The fact that such a serious situation happened while Simon wasn’t there to pick up the pieces was sending him into a full-blown panic.
“Ah yes, here he is. He was admitted about an hour ago, yes?”
“Yes.” Simon’s voice came out breathless.
“Well it says here that he was admitted for an emergency appendectomy. But.. hold on a minute.”
Simon quite literally felt like he was going to pass out then and there. He was scrutinizing this poor woman’s face for some kind of information.
“It looks here that the procedure went well! He’s recovering in a post-op room right now, the whole thing only took about half an hour,” She said cheerfully.
The relief that crashed over Simon was dizzying. It almost felt like his knees would buckle then and there, but he steeled himself.
“Can I go see him?” He breathed, drumming his fingers once again.
“Im sorry dear, only immediate family are allowed in post-operative care--”
“I am his family.” Simon’s voice came out harsher than he expected, and he felt a blush creep up on his ears. “I just mean.. I’m his emergency contact. He doesn’t have anyone else nearby.”
The woman adjusted her glasses on her nose and tapped away on her keyboard. “Name?”
“Simon Guevara.”
After a few more clicks, she met Simon with a smile.
“That was my mistake. Your name checks out. He’s in Room 2043 to the left.”
Simon muttered a quick thank you before taking off down the hallway as fast as his legs would take him. His heart was thumping in his chest in time with every step.
Eventually, he stopped in front of the door and took a moment to breathe deeply. He needed to get himself together-- for Archie.
He gently pushed the door open, and his heart clenched at the sigh before him.
Archie was propped up in a hospital bed, tubes sticking out of his arms and he looked adorably out of it, no doubt from all the pain meds they had him on. His hair was an absolute mess-- sticking up in every direction and seemingly defying gravity. 
The most concerning thing, though, were the tear tracks down his face.
“Archie,” Simon breathed, finally closing the distance between them. “I’m here..”
He reached up and cradled Archie’s face, using his other hand to smooth his blond curls.
“S-Simon..” He slurred, before his breath hitched and his face scrunched up and he.. began to bawl. Loudly.
Simon froze. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting from Archie flying high as a kite, but this somehow wasn’t it.
“Hey, hey.. shh.. what’s the matter?” Simon murmured, running his thumb over Archie’s cheek. “It’s alright.. I’m right here..”
A nurse walked in with some folded blankets and greeted Simon politely.
“You must be Simon?” She asked, setting the bundle of fabric on the table beside Archie’s bed.
Simon nodded, absent-mindedly threading a hand through Archie’s locks.
“He’s been asking for you since he woke up. He’s a real mess.” She said, amusement lacing her voice. “Hasn’t stopped crying either. He’s not a big fan of hospitals, is he?”
Simon shook his head and turned back to Archie, who was blinking sleepily and jolting every few seconds with barely-contained sobs. His heart shattered into a million pieces.
Once the nurse left, he stepped closer to the bed and pulled Archie to his chest. He pressed a kiss to the top of his head, feeling protectiveness swirl in his chest.
“S’mon..” He hiccupped. “They took my stomach.. I’m.. n’ver gonna eat again!”
This sent Archie into another round of fitful sobs, and Simon into stifled laughter.
“They didn’t take your stomach, Archie. They took your appendix. You don’t need your appendix. You can still eat whatever you want,” He huffed, a smile playing on his lips.
Archie considered this.
“French fries…?” The words came out as a soft whimper.
“Yes, even french fries. I will treat you to all the french fries you want once you’re feeling better.”
This seemed to placate Archie for the time being. He simply nuzzled closer to Simon, clutching at his shirt and burying his face into his stomach. He let out a stuttering sigh and blinked against the drowsiness coursing through his veins.
“You’re so.. nice..” He whispered.
Simon felt his ears heat up as he continued rubbing wide circles on Archie bare back, courtesy of the scratchy hospital gown.
“M’so lucky..” Archie continued, lifting his groggy eyes up to meet Simon’s. “I was sc’red you weren’t gonna come..”
Simon frowned.
“I’ll always come, Archie. No matter what.”
At this, Archie's face crumpled once again and he pushed it back into the fabric of Simon’s sweater.
“L’ve you, Simon..” He mumbled, words muffled by the position.
Simon went beet-red. “..What?”
Archie lifted his face again and sniffled.
“I love you. You’re.. mmhg.. you’re so nice to me..” He slurred, blinking sleepily.
Simon wasn’t sure if he wanted to laugh or cry. All at once, he realized how deeply he cared about Archie. All the feelings he felt for him were compacted into just one, small word. Simon suddenly understood that he loved Archie too.
But he could say nothing.
“Archie, you’d never say that in your right mind… it’s the drugs talking.”
Archie hummed in disagreement, shaking his head, but it was clear that he had had quite enough of being awake. He stifled a yawn and leaned heavily into Simon’s arms.
Simon gently lowered him back onto the pillows, pulling the blanket up to his chin. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to his forehead before settling into the chair next to the bed. He took Archie’s hand in his own.
Now, with only Archie’s soft, even breathing to fill the silence, Simon had a lot of feelings to work through. He sighed.
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In the form of writing because I couldn't draw it. No Genreaper, just more sad D: A continuation to this post (Oh and sorry for my weird/nonsensical English. I hope you like it nonetheless)
Deathly Still
Silence stilled time. His apology did nothing to reverse what had happened. It stayed in the air, stagnant, along with the scent of blood. Regret oozed from every ends of his body, robbing away his will to move on.
Genji’s unmoving body felt so cold. Colder than Reaper’s decaying skin. Colder than the room that surrounds them. His last words of affection repeated in his mind, a chain that pulled Reaper deep into his heartache.
Heart. Reaper had a heart.
It had been broken. Rebuilt, reshaped. Shattered once again.
Reaper wanted to wake up.
But he was already awake.
Hanzo found them. Winced at the gruesome result of someone’s anger. He saw Death mourning over fate’s cruelty, something that Genji did not deserve.
For a moment the older Shimada saw something that had happened in the past: his brother lying still on the cold floor of their home. And now, to see it happen once again. He walked closer, crimson clung onto his feet. Asked Reaper to let go but the kneeling wraith held Genji like a cage.
“Kill me,” came Death’s solemn request. Hanzo knew what that meant. How nothing mattered anymore for Reaper. How his mind must’ve told him that it was his fault. How he wished to join Genji, to deliver his regret and apology.
And, although Hanzo desired the same, he knew too that Genji did not. So he shook his head in return.
Reaper’s arms around Genji loosened. He laid the body down with every ounce of love, something that was absent from him if not for Genji. “Kill me,” he repeated, request turning into plea. The sorrow expanding in him becoming unbearable and his vision darkened all over again.
At Hanzo’s silence, Reaper suddenly lunged with his claws facing forward. Leaving a trail of darkness that rose in the shape of tendrils. The archer barely dodged the attack as Reaper’s hand connects with the floor. Sharp, sturdy metal dug brutally forming cracks, flinging droplets of blood onto his pale mask.
Reaper missed on purpose, and the message was clear to Hanzo. He would do more than that if not stopped. His boiling anger would burst out of his chest. His shadows that took physical form would tear through concrete. His unbound claws would rip souls from the flesh.
Just like what he did to the Yakuza’s men.
In a suppressed growl, Reaper asked one more time. The Shimada nocks his arrow, bracing himself to heave another burden on his shoulders. Could he even kill Death? He had no form to pierce with arrow, no blood to purge with blade.
What could sever the unkillable, was the dragon.
Energy began to cluster over Hanzo’s left arm. Bright blue light clashed against the darkness and drying crimson. It began to swell in size, forming into two mighty dragons as the bowstring rebounds.
“Let the dragon…”
Hanzo paused, the divine beasts let out a roar that reverberated the walls.
“...release you from your suffering.”
The light burned his eyes, the dragon’s energy overpowering his cells forcing them to permanently decay. Reaper raised his head. Blood that painted his mask like tears turns to dust, taking the mask with it and, for a brief moment between blinding light, Hanzo saw Reaper’s—Gabriel’s—broken visage.
A visage that Genji loved despite its flaws.
Gabriel Reyes stayed deathly still.
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imxthexhandler · 2 years
Where in the world is Ephiny
OOC: So, it’s been a minute.
I didn’t mean to go poof. Just...had a LOT happen.
Below the cut if anyone wants to read, tw: hospitalizations (not me), death (not me), depression, social anxiety (those two me)
My favorite uncle died Saturday. He’d been sick on/off since late last year, this was his second hospitalization, but he was taking an upward turn, so I honestly did think he was going to make it out.
I know he was just tired.
I know he was. I know it’s better he’s not suffering, that he’s no longer sick, he’s no longer hooked up to machines, because I know that’s the last thing he wanted.
But God damn, do I miss him.
Well, anyway, suddenly, last week, my aunt told my mom that if she wanted to come see him, she’d better do it that weekend. So, cue me having to juggle things around, thankfully didn’t buy a ticket for the Ant-Man and the Wasp meet-up event my friends were doing, change my off day, and just...I am very blessed with whom I work for now. Because if I was still at the courthouse? They wouldn’t have allowed it.
So, I did my first overnight babysitting gig in two years. My sister, bless her, was okay with it. I know that was so off from her usual routine, and for someone like her on the autism spectrum, I know it’s a major stress and anxiety trigger. Very proud of her.
So yeah, they took him off the ventilator and the other machines. Per my aunt, he went very quickly and peacefully, my mom got a chance to tell him goodbye, she told him how much I loved him, and my cousin was able to make it in with his daughters.
My parents came back Sunday afternoon. Then, yesterday (I took it off from work because we didn’t know originally when my parents would be back--and honestly, I needed that day), my father’s face swelled up, his tongue too. So he had my mother drive him to the E.R...only to not want to wait there because it was completely filled, and the swelling was finally going down after he took two Zyrtec. So they came home, and my poor mother ended up banging up her knee.
Needless to say, my nerves are shot. I haven’t been sleeping well. I just...I feel everything and nothing all at once.
And I’m sorry I’ve been neglecting everyone on here. I really am sorry. I just haven’t had the drive, and even when I have, I feel like I’m just a horrible partner and writer so why bother? I feel like my partners hate me, and I know y’all don’t (at least, I hope not), it’s just my anxiety talking. I know it’s not true, but it’s like I got this damned imp sitting on my shoulder, whispering in my ear that I’m worthless. In other words, got a lot to talk about at therapy next month.
I’m going to post up some Valentine’s day memes first. If anyone wants something, just hit me up--comment on here, send me an ask, send me an IM. This counts for both romantic AND platonic. Even if our muses have NEVER interacted, hit me up for Amelia to give yours some cookies.
Take care, everyone, happy archer’s day!
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cometmystic · 2 years
-3 : Hisui Oshawott
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(dont look at the typing in the image)im giving myself a handicap for the least favourite list which is making it wayyyyyy harder (more on that later) so were starting weird spicy,,
the arceus folk were always going to struggle because mixing and matching starters is a dangerous game to play,, theres the very distinct feeling that these creatures dont go together, because they Dont; they have different philosophies informing their designs and you cant avoid that. taken away from their original context, decidueye and oshawott are a little too similar geometry wise in a way starter choices within a gen oft never are.
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but hey, ones a samurai, ones an archer, and the other can do the ghostie flames; they fit a little too well thematically for the region not to be picked. what can you do ? ...aside from shrine maiden fennekin line. or a momotarou bulbasaur line. ...thats not what im talking about
what knocks oshawott specifically here is the new final evos. cyndaquil and rowlett march steadily enough towards their final forms; rowletts colours already darken in its middle stage, so the autumn colouring is not a huge shift, and cyndaquil is still becoming upright with flames that envelop it more and more (which hisuian does actually better than vanilla here). oshawotts line is now even less cohesive. it doesnt address a problem with the original that its armour plating is just kind of,, there, haphazardly placed and making it look More naked, but now the drastic colour palette, with less contrast for ease of readability than the original, just make the oshawott line feel that much more unrelated to itself.
i think what kills thiese guys the most is that they stopped at a new final evo. a new second form or, hell, make them variants from the start and call them something else; then i think itd be way more fun
+3 : Snivy
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complete transparency here; this one is mostly personal bias. see the most fun time ive ever had with pokémon, which im becoming increasingly confident is gonna stay that way, was spearheaded by this guy. blowing a kiss at the clouds for drayano
but its not like these designs dont have anything going for them on their own !! the way this frilly, pompous jacket collar design it has grasually grows into a snakey cocoon that engulfs all of its limbs is first of all pretty bold of an idea and second of all really really fun !!
the consistent yellow highlights and eyeshadow elements the designs have do a really good job of communicating what a smug regal air this thing puts on, despite some of that not being quite as present as id like. i mean like the smugleaf jokes certainly didnt come outof nowhere yea ?
thanks for the good times, eden. sorry i never took you and the girls to post game
-2 : Fuecoco
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FUECOCO IS GOOD!! i need to get this out of the way because judging these as lines rather than individually means that sometimes good designs end up getting the short end of the stick. which super is whats going on here
the first thing that strikes me is that it feels like they design a perfectly fine and fun fire croco butremembered it was a spaniard animal, and decided to toss spanish things at it midway through. the use of different words there was deliberate
the second is that... wow where the hell is skeledirge coming from. like the progression from fuecoco to crocalor is perfectly reasonable, and it does its job as a jump to an awkward offputting midstage (compliment), but then,,, the entire head just suddenly crashes straight to a wall unceremoniously, with this unappealing strident geometry to it all, with a thermometer on its face and pencil sharpener on its torso that has Nothing to do with anything the previous evolutions were communicating. the cool things they had going for it were in fact completely abandoned; the silly lil chompy jaws and teeth turn into ugly skin formations, the overt roundness of the creature just becomes a regular crocos with a decreased polycount, and the cool fire headdressings just become this ugly, lampshaded absence. ...doesnt do anything good for me
+2 : Bulbasaur
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i think this ones just the platonic ideal for pokémon evolution. it does EXACTLY what it should do without missing a beat. to the point where im struggling to even talk about it
it starts cute and simple but interesting, cute huge bulb in its back, nice green patterns dotting its body, non standard friendly frog face,, and it grows into this huge, flowering beast with warts with a menacing, yet still cute (in a delightfully off way) face. half lidded eyes, sharp fangs in a wide mouth... and in pokémon stadium it does this
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it just.... i donno !!! its so creature !!!! it communicates itself well, offers something different but still cohesive from its contemporaries, and its like !!! really unique for their first go at a grass starter !!! like,, a poisonous plant dinosaur ? on their first go ?? yes girl !!!!!
the one thing that leaves me wanting about the line is the slight change in body colour; it feels too slight to communicate much to me and it ends up being a bit distracting ? but as you can see, its such a minor thing, and im just saying it to make it seem like i have more to say than i actually do
-1 : Galar
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yeah see theres the handicap i was talking about.
ugh theres just... so much going on here and i really dont want to elaborate much. first of all all the base forms feel so naked. scorbunny is the only one i feel is communicating something worth much with the sports tape designs, but thats so little to begin with,,
then the rest of the evo lines come in and. why does the sobble line go from naked sad lizard to naked spy lizard. why does socrbunny get a stupid ugly jacket and then lose it. why is grookey line so boring.
theres not a single hit here. 9 chances to make me feel anything other than uninspired and despondent and bored, and they missed Every single one. i hate them.
+1 : Popplio
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what id bet is a very surprising pick for anyone who Knows me because i dont think id ever ever ever pick popplio as my starter in lieu of incineroar. but thats incineroar. this is popplio, brionne, and primarina
so this is every principle from bulbasaur lines design executed with utmost elegance and at a higher scale. first of all, its an interesting idea executed in a novel and fun way. its a little seal !!! it goes bwark !!! it has very sillybab paws that dont let it walk right !!! and it evolves very naturally into a graceful otherworldly singer and performer, keeping your attention in how the colour palette enrichens and grows as it evolves, and reiterating every interesting design element it has with each iteration !!! little clown collar into a gorgeous frilly design, silly little ears into magical ethereal hair, stumpy tail into a majestic mermaids tail !!! ws all around !!!!
another strength it has is,, i think brionne is one of few starter midstages i like in its own merits ? often any attachment i have to midstages work more as,, appreciation of a blueprint. like... "wow i see where this is going to go and i cant wait to get there". i mean, by design, theyre supposed to be awkward, a little "incomplete". but brionne, like,,, baillerina !!! the ears are pigtails now !!! look at that earnest but lil weird smile its got !!!! dawww its my friend !!!!
the finally, it has a lot of strengths on a macro level worth pointing out. and these are compliments i extend to gens 6 and 7 as a whole.
firstly, each starter right off the bat offers something very different. different silhouettes, different vibes, completely different target demographics as soon as you get to look at them in the starter selection.
and secondly, theming. i really like how in gen 6 you have the rpg class and in gen 7 you have the circus performer thing going on; it all feels natural and fun, and ties with the previous point to really inform and shape your preference when you pick one of these creatures, while still having them fit together with each other. its what i wish pokémon had more of
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twilight-aus · 4 years
stray kids x camp half blood
so,,, i love stray kids. a lot. i also absolutely adore the percy jackson series,,, do you see where I’m going with this.... yeah so this is my take on where i think stray kids would be at camp half blood!! this is going to split into 4 different parts, with two boys on each post!! first up is chan and minho !!
Bang Chan- child of hermes
chan gives me big luke vibes except he doesn’t resent hermes that much (well a bit, but everyone resents their godly parent just a tiny bit). chan is the oldest kid at camp half blood and is the head of hermes cabin bc he just,,, exudes leadership qualities that he’s essentially chiron’s right hand man and helps him to organise all camp activites and timetables for everyone’s classes. chan’s been there for the longest as well, though he never divulges why he’s been there since he was like 5 years old. he’s the one that all the new kids look towards, especially the ones who haven’t been claimed by their godly parent just yet and when they do, he wishes them well and helps them pack all their stuff before leading them to their new cabin. “chan you’re just taking me to my new cabin please don’t cry it’s not that big of a deal” “oH iM SoRRy i RAiseD yoU sInCE yOu goT hERE?? you think im SCARED to cry nah these are manly tears i’ll cry enough to burst the dam,,, the hoover dam” “okay bye dad” “.... bye kid”. chan is also like,,, the best allrounder because quite frankly,, when you’ve been at camp as long as he has well,,, you get to practice a lot. he leads a lot of the sword practices, especially for the younger kids who just got there but y’all KNOW as soon as he gets an ares kid he just SIGHS and readies himself for how aggressive they’re gonna be, but he secretely relishes it bc,,, well 10 year olds are really boring to spar with. being a kid of hermes,, chan’s fast. like really fast. it’s not like superspeed or anything but it might as well be with how fast he just zips around and he’s also just really quiet when he moves around. Despite being a kid of the trickster god, he spends most of his time trying to stop his kids from pulling dangerous stunts and pranks on Mr D in particular,, tho if it’s funny,,, he might just turn a blind eye to it. so despite being the dad of the camp he has his own precious group of friends which surprises and also doesn’t surprise a lot of people bc he’s so friendly but like,,, a lot of the younger kids are shocked he’s so friendly with changbin and minho bc like,,, to the younger kids these older boys are scary but then they see chan tackle changbin to the ground in a bear hug and they’re like,,, okay damn I guess he really doesn’t care for the infighting between the gods bc they all get along so well ?? so yeah,, head camp councillor chan is just a big softie with a penchant for collecting kids and has a weird friendship group combined of people from different cabins that really shouldn’t work but it does. he loves them all tho.
 lee minho / lee know- child of apollo
oh yeah i’m going there. archer extraordinaire lee minho himself. got claimed by apollo when he was like 8 when he was playing with his friends and he threw something and it was definitely going to miss but guess what,,, it didnt. apollo was like,, alright damn that’s my son guess i ought to get him outta here. next thing he knew, minho was at camp half blood not quite understanding what was going on. chan took him around on his first day and as soon as he saw the archery setup he rushed over and well,,, perfect bullseye every single time that even the rest of the apollo kids were like,,, okay what. so yeah,, he’s the ace of archery but he’s so damn annoying about it?? like no matter how many times chiron has to ask him to teach the kids he’s always just like,,, no they’ll never be as good as me (he does help them eventually bc he’s actually a great teacher and chiron knows it,,, minho just doesn’t like teaching that much,,, but when he sees the younger kids hit a bullseye for the first time he’s so proud of them, especially when they’re not an apollo kid bc he’s just that good at teaching!) minho being naturally talented at archery did not translate well over to healing,,, felix is always makes fun of him bc minho is just so good at being an apollo kid but he really isn’t that good at healing (changbin likes to say it’s because minho is apathetic, he gets hit a lot for that). he,,,, just isn’t good at remembering how to do anything more complex than cleaning a wound and sticking a bandage on it but he is EXTREMELY good at distracting patients and helping the other apollo kids who are good at healing, like if you’ve got a broken leg or smth minho is sure as hell gonna make you laugh and forget about the pain!!! all the new kids are a bit confused when they see minho as the head of the apollo cabin bc they’re like,,, he’s so stoic and handsome,,, and then he pulls a funny face at the younger kids and wiggles his eyebrows and they’re like okay no that makes sense now. minho may seem unapproachable but he’s one of the funniest kids at camp especially among his little group and has even been known to make the Aphrodite kids blush with how handsome and goofy he is. mess with his little brother felix though??? you better sleep with both eyes open bc he might just take one of them out if you only keep one of them open. (you think he’s joking,, and he is,,,, maybe). oh, yeah and he owns three rescue cats that had wandered into the camp by accident. yes they sleep in the cabin with him. Do not question him. (chiron already did and the whole of camp outvoted him so yeah,, the kitties stay)
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jojotichakorn · 3 years
Hello, Archer and the roundtable !
I couldn't appear sooner at the Roundtable bcz I needed time to take in everything and also bcz I had class today. (yes, on Christmas Day : No Holiday for us 🙂)
Yk what ? I'm just gonna stop coming up with theories now . I have never been this wrong in my life and it immensely hurts my ego .
*takes a deep breath* SO , everything about this episode was super fluffy (As we you expected) and i loved it too like most of us so im not gonna talk about that . What i wanna talk about is the one thing that's been bothering me , and you probably have already guessed it : it's Wai . I just don't know how to feel about everything that happened?? I can't seem to make up my mind on Wai's position now? Is he really trying to make up for his asshole-ness or does he have an ulterior motive? And honestly, i still feel like he's gonna flip any moment? I am not saying what he did was not worth anything, it was to some extent , but i feel like there's a but in there somewhere? I wish I'm wrong tho .
It also might be my trust issues but i hope you understand what I'm trying to say ? My apologies if I'm being incoherent but i had to get this out and the safest place for me to do that is here .
Ps. When Operanon said smth like 'leave the roundtable alone' to me in their last ask , my first thought was that i did smth wrong/ I'm being annoying and my anxiety went 📈 while I started mentally checklisting all the things i might have done wrong . It took me an embarrassingly long amount of time to realize that it was perhaps a joke related to me saying smth about flipping tables in my last ask LOL. (Now if I'm still wrong then this is gonna be much too embarrassing for me to handle).
Anyway, @ Operanon, while i appreciate your confidence in your ability to unmask me , i think it might not be as easy as you think. But I'd love to see you try . I'll reveal what i think are everyone's positions at the Roundtable if you are able to correctly deduce any fact about me .
(But out of all the anons i probably reveal the least about myself so unless I forget to press the anonymous button, which has the highest chance of being the reason for my revelation, only Archer has a chance of unmasking me ) *winks*
PPs, When did y'all unmask Reliable Anon ? I only know about Song rec anon? ( And @song rec anon , God i can't believe you thought u aren't part of the roundtable? You are literally the first member? We all love you .)
Also , *gasps dramatically* y'all have a GC i didn't know about ?!?!? I'm wounded.
PPPs. The feminine urge to send memes and cute animal videos to the roundtable ( specially you Archer ) bcz it's my love language and i love y'all.
PPPPs. I think im the youngest of the roundtable and i hope I'm right.
(Sorry for too many PSs Archer. Thank you for putting up with me)
Have a good day (or night) !!
Unreliable Anon
hello, dearest unreliable anon!!
yikes to classes on christmas, fuck whoever made that decision :/ never worry about not appearing too often tho, we all totally understand that life gets in the way!!
also, your theories are valid ok? there are just millions of ways in which something can go. i, however, can't help but be very "i told you so" about the episode being fluffy. i completely understand your feelings about wai, and i still wouldn't put it past him to have ulterior motives (pa-related, perhaps?). we shall see what happens next.
re: p.s. - you are NOT being annoying at all, you are absolutely lovely and delightful and we love that you are here. it was definitely one of operanon's famous puns!
also, i do want to say that if y'all ever want to unmask yourselves and go off anon, you will need to tell me specifically, because otherwise, i would never post your meant-to-be-on-anon asks that you accidentally sent off-anon.
re: p.p.s. - we did not unmask reliable anon, we just know they are australian, which they ended up telling us after i pointed out that they said "do a runner", which is something only specific to a number of english dialects.
and sorry, but we don't have a gc with the roundtable! i only know the true identities of two people out of the entire roundtable, and i am in one group chat, but it's not connected to the roundtable.
re: p.p.p.s. - drop memes into my inbox any time, honestly <3
re: p.p.p.p.s. - that would make you 18 or less *detective senses intensify*
and thank you so much for stopping by, love!! "putting up" is absolutely incorrect, i love talking to you!!
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scatterpatter · 4 years
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So guess who stayed up to finish these and didnt have the patience to wait until tomorrow to post!!!
Some designs for the Smithy Gang for Weapon Fam AU: An smrpg au where Geno is Smithy’s son, leaving him a strange half-Weapon half-Star hybrid... and also leaves him as half-siblings with the entire Smithy Gang because Yes Smithy Adopted Them All, Fight Me
I infodump about their designs versus canon under the cut because they were really fun!!!
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Yari is the oldest of the siblings, and I really wanted to convey “strict older bro” vibes. In canon Yari’s probably the one who intimidated me the most, while most of the other Smithy Gang were Goofballs(which is not a bad thing! It IS a Mario game XD) 
When designing him, my biggest complaint was that it looks like he’s wearing a goddamn diaper, so Stella suggested giving him a kilt instead... AND IT WAS SO GALAXY-BRAINED HOW COULD I SAY NO! I took the kilt look a step further and even added a fly plaid over his shoulder! Straightened the posture, darkened some colors for a more intimidating/sinister look, and tattered up the cape for Drama~ Honestly this one’s my favorite design
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IM SORRY FANDOM, I JUST- I KNOW ITS A JOKE THAT HE DOESNT WEAR CLOTHES BUT I JUST- I JUST WANTED TO GIVE HIM AN OUTFIT ;_; I really wanted to give him something casual but practical: you know something to go adventuring in. You’ll tear space-cape from my cold dead hands. Also some extra curls sticking out because why not! 
Growing up with the Smithy Gang, Geno would obvi have a different palette of clothing to more match them, but when turning “traitor” to help save Star Road, he’d don a more star-like look to get everyone in the Mushroom Kingdom to trust him more
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OUGH. This one gave me the most hell- WHAT IS THAT CANON DESIGN???? The biggest things I kept in mind while coloring was: 1- I wanted more metallic pieces so that he fit the look of the Weapons more and didn’t stick out as much, and 2- wanted to give him more of an archer look- hence the quiver and bracers!
Made his tail more tail-like, de-saturated the colors to something a little more forest-fitting and les eye-straining, smoothed out a lot of the... whatever bumpiness is going on in the original design... went with more a Sonic look for his mouth/cheeks/whatever that hell is supposed to be. Oh! Nearly forgot! Pulled the classic “their eyes are one color in the art, and another color in the game, so I guess they’re heterochromatic now”
This one’s still up to change, I’m not as happy with this as I am with, say, Yari, but I still like what I came up with so far!
The Axems!
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I only drew Red cuz I’m lazy- the rest look about the same, just with slightly different body types like in canon and their respective colors. My biggest beef with the Axems was that they’re clearly supposed to be teenagers(like cuz of the Power Rangers ripoff), but in the game they look like toddlers and... honestly it’s hard to take them seriously XD
So one day when thinking of designs, I thought to a character in FNaF called Lolzhax, who looks roughly like this. I thought to myself “Hey, what if the Axems had a Lolzhax-type of body type?” And I doodled it and... Lo and behind, I think it really works! Also slightly inspired by Axem Rangers X from SMBZ, of course. I wanted them to have that ARX look while still looking something relatively close to canon XD
Green comes to nearly Bowyer’s height, Pink is a little taller than Red, Black is about Geno’s height, and Yellow’s somewhere between Geno and Mack, def closer to Geno in height tho
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The baby of the sibs! This one I admittedly deviated the most from canon design with, but... I like this design, sue me! I wanted something less “a devil in a red bodysuit and green shoes” and more “a rogue machine who actually looks like he’d use knives”. Darkened the palette to reflect the “rogue” goals, and like Bowyer, added a few more mech-ish points to fit the overall group look of “yes we’re weapons not organics”
... I really hope you guys like them, I just really like this au a lot and could make a whole powerpoint on the story potentials itd open up and- >~<
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wifiwuxians · 4 years
Can i get a mf uuuuh 26 with ChengChao?
from this post
a kiss as an apology
(im sorry i was gonna do lighthearted but i was unable. also readmores dont seem to work so im super sorry)
Wang Lingjiao making a fool of herself in front of his mother had let Jiang Cheng know Wen Chao was probably close by, and he had the sneaking suspicion the woman’s presence was simply a distraction. Leaving Wei Wuxian to supervise the situation (perhaps against his better judgement), he rushed outside to find the bratty young master. 
Their last interaction had been pitiful. Naturally Jiang Cheng had sided with Wei Wuxian during the incident on Dusk-creek Mountain, as no matter what history he had with the stupid Wen, he could never agree with his ridiculous indoctrination camp or its ludicrous requirements. He was ashamed of Wen Chao, and he’d said so very loudly. Wei Wuxian holding a sword to his neck perhaps hadn’t been the greatest move, but abandoning him in a cave with a monster had been even worse. 
Wen Chao’s face had wrinkled like a shar-pei’s upon being yelled at by Jiang Cheng, which had only added to his humiliation. When Jiang Cheng dared him to chase after him as he went to seek help for Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, Wen Chao did nothing except shout and angrily wave his arms around. Jiang Cheng was sure he’d wanted to pump him full of arrows, but despite having his archers at the ready, all he’d thrown were insults. 
Now, just as he’d suspected, Wen Chao was by the training fields, bent over the grass growing by the lake as he struggled to get a flame going. Jiang Cheng could make out an entire fleet waiting on the water by the docks. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” He barked, just as the sparks from Wen Chao’s small flame array finally began to burn the grass around him. 
“Well, well, look who’s here to welcome me!” Wen Chao stood up and turned around with his arms outstretched, a twisted grin on his face. His weak flames were slowly beginning to spread. “How nice of you!”
“Are you really going to try to burn down my home all because I lectured you a little?” Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes. He took a step forward to extinguish the flames, but Wen Chao brought his foot down hard and caused them to grow. 
Fire was ruled by emotion, and he was clearly very angry. 
“A little?” Wen Chao stomped his foot again, making the flames double in size. Jiang Cheng had to shield his eyes from the glare they cast. “You humiliated me! You made me look like an idiot in front of everyone!”
“You did that without my help!” Jiang Cheng spat. “Look at you, throwing a tantrum like a child! Every decision you’ve made in the past year is one only an idiot would make!”
Not that Jiang Cheng was being the smartest in that moment, either. Each time he berated Wen Chao, the fire would engulf more of the training fields. It took him a moment to realize it was spreading in a circle, designed to trap him in with a man who the flames wouldn’t burn.
“Go ahead, say something more! I’ll burn that handsome face of yours next!” Wen Chao snarled, showing his gums as if he were a rabid dog. “You’ve always been laughing at me, haven’t you? Laughing at how pathetic I am compared to you, so disciplined and hardworking!”
Jiang Cheng frowned and opened his mouth to protest. He wouldn’t dream of laughing at anyone who was under his level of skill, not when he spent all his time trying to surpass someone else. “I-” “You think I’m weak!” Wen Chao shouted at him before he could fit another word in. 
The flames branched out, reaching the fields’ lookout posts and licking the wood, which was steadily beginning to blacken.
“Who’s weak!?” The twisted grin was back. “Who’s weak now!?”
This brat... Jiang Cheng knew he had to act fast, or the fire would spread to the Pier’s main buildings. The glow it gave off had surely already alerted the Wen fleet, meaning it wouldn’t be long before they stormed his home. 
He rushed at Wen Chao, who now had his head thrown back in a maniacal laugh, and drove his fist clean into his stomach. He doubled over instantly, his eyes wide with shock as he fell limply into Jiang Cheng’s steady grip. 
The flames did not stop burning.
“What have you proved with this? Anyone can start a fire. You’re weak of mind more than anything, aren’t you?” Jiang Cheng muttered. “You hide behind shows of power to make yourself feel better for it. You’re no better than your father.”
Due to the sweltering heat surrounding him, he initially failed to register the hot tears splashing his shoulder. When he did, he felt the beginnings of dread coil in his gut. 
“Why don’t you like me anymore?” 
The punch had immobilized Wen Chao, but it hadn’t yet knocked him out. His voice cracked as if he were nothing more than a boy. Jiang Cheng felt guilty and he hated it. Was that what this was about? Was it even true? (On some level it was, of course, as who could like someone who acted this way? But still...)
He’d only been six years old when he’d first seen Wen Chao, small and weak and clutching his scraped knee as he sobbed by a boulder. 
“What happened?” He’d asked. 
“My brother pushed me off the rock,” Wen Chao had struggled to respond through harsh sniffles.
Even back then, Jiang Cheng had felt a strong desire to look after those weaker than him. He’d felt sorry for Wen Chao, who was nothing more than a frail little thing despite being at least two years older than him. Perhaps it was laughable, a little boy holding hands with an older kid who was crying his eyes out over a scrape. Jiang Cheng’s mother certainly thought so- as did Wen Chao’s father. 
But it hadn’t mattered to Jiang Cheng, because he’d known he was doing the right thing. 
Now he couldn’t help but wonder if he shouldn’t have allowed them to drift, if he somehow should’ve kept Wen Chao by his side. If that would’ve changed this outcome at all, or if Qishan Wen’s history of violence and oppression would’ve sunken its claws into him regardless.
Stupid, pathetic Wen Chao. 
Jiang Cheng brought them both to the burning ground as Jiang disciples poured into the fields from all sides, frantically trying to put out the flames surrounding them. 
He took one look at the now unconscious Wen Chao and felt the guilt constrict around his heart, squeezing it so tightly he thought it would burst. 
Ignoring the shouting of his sect’s disciples, he kissed the top of Wen Chao’s stupid, pathetic head. 
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mousehole5000 · 4 years
 this is it... the final post.... 226 through THE END!!!!!
this shit with mu qing and the river of lava is SOOOO dramatic im loving it
oh my god theyre on a FUCKING bridge of course they are okay let’s go boys
“You’re right. We’re alike. You think me odd, I think you to be rather weird too.” - so what im getting from this is that xie lian and mu qing are the only characters in this book with working gaydar okay yup got it this checks out
god... the fact that xie lian is ready to be like “look mu qing we can just forget about the past it doesnt matter we dont have to be friends i know you dont like me but im not gonna let you die over it” and then mu qing is like “.... god i really do admire you huh”
“You...certainly...are rather amazing. You’re...also...a better person...than me. Long story short, I...very much wanted...to become your f-f-friend.”  - going to think about this for the rest of all time im about to become utterly unintelligible im overcome with emotions
“And, at the end of the white silk band, Feng Xin was gripping Ruoye with one hand while the other was holding on to a steel-faced Mu Qing, and he shouted towards him.” - the fucking IMAGE of this im gonna cry this is everything i could have asked for im so happy also mu qing dangling there like “ welp. guess ill live“
“Feng Xin was almost burnt by that pillar of fire, and he shouted in outrage. “WHAT’S WITH THIS BAND OF DOG SHITS, ATTACKING PEOPLE WHILE THEY’RE DOWN, SO VILE! FUCK YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY!” Xie Lian responded, “IF THEIR ENTIRE FAMILIES ALL LOOK LIKE THAT, YOU SURE YOU WANT TO FUCK THEM??” - theyre so funny!!! and theyre best friends!!! theyre joking together now in the middle of all this i could cry theyre back!!!
“Using sticks as arrows, he held the bow with one hand and used his teeth to bite back the bowstring.” - no clue how practical this is but okay archer boy. hot
i actually have so many little quips between the three of them highlighted but we’d be here all night if i included them all. im literally so delighted by this omg worth the wait
“Each sabre strike slashed to the bone. It wasn’t like Xie Lian had never seen Hua Cheng use the sabre before in the past, but his style had always been easy and leisurely, nonchalant and casual. Rather than say he was handling a weapon, it was more like he was toying with a small knife. Yet those blade marks were filled with killing intent. It was easy to imagine just how skilled the one exchanging blows with him was, and how perilous this battle.” you have no idea how mad i was when i read this and thought we missed witnessing the fight between hc and jw omg
“Behind him, Feng Xin muttered, “Dear fucking god, may all the gods and buddhas grant their blessings, that better absolutely be Crimson Rain Sought Flower, otherwise he’s gonna go mad!” “Stop your rubbish,” Mu Qing berated. “We’re all the gods and buddhas ourselves and we can’t grant shit, just keep up with him! Look at the stumbling way he’s running, he’s gonna trip and fall to his bloody death before he even sees the man!” - okay i know i said no more quips but this is literally too funny i just wanted to read it again
“ However, for whatever reason, that vicious ghost, in its muddled state, took that large group of live mortals under its wing and fled for many days. In the end, they were still surrounded by millions of ghosts, trapped in a dead end, and it was going to be eaten along with those humans.” [...] “That vicious ghost almost made a move against those humans, but for some reason, in the end, it didn’t. It instead used one of its own eyes as the price to forge a blood weapon. That vicious ghost was already forcibly hanging on with its last breath; after digging out its eye it should’ve broken apart completely. Yet somehow something had shocked it, and it instead woke to its senses completely. “ - THIS IS AMAZING ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? IS THIS ALL WE GET ABOUT HIS GHOSTLY LORE?????? HUA CHENGGGGGGGG
“What a terrible offence, his old habit had come out, and he quickly apologized. “I’m sorry! You don’t have to listen to me!” Hua Cheng, however, only smiled happily. “Everything gege tells me is the best advice, so why wouldn’t I listen?” - this isnt the fucking time afjdkfjsdkl they really never stop
“So you can hold the illusion of a perfect Crown Prince of Wuyong to face and dismiss the Jun Wu now. Isn’t that your objective? Did you think I don’t know what you’re thinking?” “THAT’S NOT IT!” Guoshi cried. “Stop getting tied up in right and wrong, victories and defeat, I’VE NEVER THOUGHT THAT WAY BEFORE!” - jun wu only being able to see xie lian as his successor and believing that thats all anyone else sees too... okay
honestly this whole final showdown was a blast i cant put everything in but it was so much fun to read. the DRAMA the LAVA the SHOUTING t
“Hua Cheng had poured too much spiritual power into him. There really was too much, so much that it was completely outside the amount the cursed shackle could withstand.” - okay.... okay... the love you give will set you free... okay....
“With Jun Wu in his grip, he carried both their bodies and forcefully slammed into the incomparably-solid rock wall! He used all of his power in this smash, and in the rumbling and crashing of rocks, he also heard the sound of something breaking.” [...] “A moment later, Jun Wu suddenly asked, “That move. What is it called?” “...” Xie Lian raised his sleeve and wiped away the blood on the side of his face. “Shattering boulders on the chest.” YES!!!!! YES!!!!! xie lian actually lived that life!!!!!! i loved this detail so much
“After a moment of silence, Xie Lian took off the bamboo hat carried on his back, took it in his hand, and covered it over Jun Wu’s face.” - xie lian... good... another detail i love. a hat that protects from the rain, given in a moment of need, even to someone who has caused you hardship... we do not forget the kindness granted to us
“There was gratefulness, there was shame, there was heartache, there was wild joy, but above all else, there was incurable love.” - :pleading: i wish it was just that easy tbh. “i have to tell you about the worst parts of myself” “ive already seen them and i dont care i still love you“ truly the dream
“ It’s been so long since anyone listened to me talk, won’t you stay? Don’t...actually do this. I won’t be able to take it. Twice, it’s been twice already! I really don’t want there to be a third time!!!” - the bit about just wanting someone to listen to him talk... xie lian... :(
emily corpse bride moment.... i knew it had to happen.... butterflies.... death and rebirth.... inevitable
xianle trio bickering about ruoye..... mu qing complaining but not letting anyone else fix it... im so happy
“The Rain Master sat down on the spot, looking like she was going to perform a passing service for her. After all, Xuan Ji was the only one left of the Kingdom of Yushi besides herself.”  - xuan ji you sure the hell were... a character. this little moment tho..... yushi huang... many thoughts
“ Who hasn’t made promises, or swore to the mountains and the seas when they were young? Talking of affection, of love, of forevers. But, the longer I hang around in the world, the more I understand, something like ‘forever’ is impossible. It’s never going to be possible. Having it once was already good enough. No one can truly achieve it. I don’t believe in it anymore.” - jian lan im happy for you bummer it didnt work out with feng xin but yeah that was looooong ago. also this quote me same mood kin but its chill. having it once was already good enough
although yeah tbh if theres anyone who can have a forever like that... it would be a ghost and a god
fasdfjadklfj GOD... pour one out for ling wen.. but is that not the truth of this world? the one can be pardoned for being good at paperwork that no one else wants to do? isnt that the plot of the shawshank redemption?
okay but the fact that all xie lian’s friends come to visit him while he waits for hua cheng is making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.... fengqing coming together to try to get him out of the house but get scared off by his cooking... amazing
“Last time, they spent eight hundred years running towards each other. This time, it only took an instant to fall into each other’s embrace.” - im completely unaffected by this. im not lying i swear (i am lying im very emotionally affected)
okay i love this final wrap up chapter party its so fun. mu qing moving on from the broom thing!!! good for him!! the beggars get their reward!!! the fun ghost city chefs!! SQX!!!! and he xuan is?? here too??? he’s hungry??? fjadlkfjsdl
“The grounds that Feng Xin and Mu Qing had just swept were once again filthy from that giant crowd of muddy feet. Mu Qing gripped his broom, looking like he felt someone had infected him with fleas, and his eyes were wide.” - me when my dad comes into the kitchen when ive just finished washing dishes i get it king
the little folklore bit... fun!!! oh my god its over..... :(
that was really fun i had a blast reading it and on the whole really liked it i WISH soo badly that hua cheng had gotten more outside of being cunty and devoted even tho those are both important i just wish there was more about like how he got by during those 800 years and like did he ever have doubts? what shaped his worldview was it all xie lian or was it his experience as a mortal as well? why is he so mean to e’ming? theres bits and pieces here and there and i know it was already SO long but that really would have been great if there was more about hc cuz tbh by the end, at least for me, the hualian relationship didnt actually feel as fleshed out as the xianle trio relationship like i still liked hualian’s dynamic and it was really sweet how much they clearly really liked each other and  everything but i kind of wish some of the other subplots had been dropped or diminished in favor of more hc development i think that would have been cool
but anyway thats some of my thoughts and i really did enjoy the hell out of book 5 that was a riot and uhhh thanks to everyone who read these or commented *lends you spiritual energy through a high five*
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krissy-kat · 4 years
PJOverse Headcanons Pt 6:-
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 7, Part 8
• The senior year wasn’t fun at all like in those high school dramas that Abbie likes to see, instead it was filled with stress of checking out the best scholarships, applying into colleges and worrying about getting in
• But throughout his senior year, Harley followed Spiderman news religiously
• “You know your celebrity crush on spiderman is worst than your pinning for Peter”
• “Nobody asked you Abbie”
• “Yeah whatever, I came here to tell you I want to go to Camp Half Blood this year because it’s probably your last year and I want to go there with you”
• “Really!”
• “Yeah”
• “Ok I’ll IM Chiron and ask him right away”
• “Calm down it’s getting late, ask him tomorrow”
• About 2 months before summer vacation, Harley receives a IM from MJ
• “Not that I’m complaining but you don’t IM me without a purpose, so what is it”
• “You are right, I trained you well ”
• “So”
• “You complained way too much when Peter stopped coming to Camp”
• “I’m sorry but what does this IM have to do with it ”
• “Let me finish first loser, Peter’s coming to Camp for the first week of Summer and you don’t come to Camp in the first week like ever, so I thought I let you know because I won’t be able to listen you whining about it all summer ”
• “Really!”
• “Yup, I gotta go now talk to you later ”
• “Bye”
• Harley informs Tony about change in plan
• “What urgent business do you have that has to be done in the first week, it’s like every one wants to abandon me that week ”
• “What happened Old Man”
• “Pepper have to Europe to check on branches there, Spiderman is going on a trip with his best friend and now even you aren’t coming that week”
• “Don’t be overdramatic, you’ll be fine and you are acting like we aren’t staying at all, we’ll staying with you in the last week of vacation ”
• “Wait a sec, we”
• “Did I not mention Abbie will be coming too”
• “What do mean Abbie is coming doesn’t she have Roman Camp to go ”
• “We have Exchange programs, so Abbie will be coming this year ”
• “So you are saying during the last week of summer, I’ll have handle not one, not two but three demigods, one of which will be starting high school, one senior year and one college next week, you guys are gonna make all my hair grey with stress of handling 3 overexcited ADHD teenagers”
• “Wait, three”
• “My intern is a demigod too, that’s why you guys won’t be meeting anytime soon”
• “Awww”
• Meanwhile in New York
• “What do mean you told Harley I’ll be coming in the first week”
• “It means exactly what you said ”
• “But MJ, I’m a bi disaster you can’t do that to me”
• “I already did ”
• “B..But”
• In the summer vacation Peter and Gang go to Camp
Summer Vacation
Day 1
• Ned stays in Athena Cabin with Peter
• “So when will I finally get to meet the famous Harley Keener”
• “He told me he’ll be coming in Evening so he’ll here soon” - MJ
• As of on clue, they hear a bantering between 2 voices, one that MJ recognize as of Harley’s
• “I can carry own luggage, I’m 14 not a toddler, you don’t need to carry it for me”
• “But I want to”
• MJ wanted to see how it unfolds, but Ned decided to be his sweet self and help them without even knowing that was Harley
• “Do you guys need any help, my friends and I would love to help you both” - Ned
• “Are new because I don’t remember seeing around last summer ” -Harley
• “He’s Ned, hey Harley, it’s been a long time ” - Peter said with heart eyes
• “Hey Peter ” - Harley
• They stare into each other’s eyes, Abbie couldn’t take the sexual tension and interrupts their longing gaze
• “Harley care to introduce me your friends”
• “Umm.. Yeah, this is Peter, he’s a son of Athena” -Harley
• “Hi” -Peter
• “This is Betty, daughter of Apollo ”
• “Nice to meet you”
• “That is MJ, daughter of Ares ”
• “Sup, loser”
• “That is Flash, son of Aphrodite, I don’t why he’s with them”
• “Ha Ha, very funny ”
• “No seriously I’m really confused last I heard MJ still had a grudge with you and now she is letting you hang out her”
• Abbie controls her laughter at Harley’s lack of tact
• “Well it’s been a whole year and we go to same High school, we can resolve it during the school year, you know ” -Flash
• “Wait a second, you go to same high school as MJ” -Harley
• “Harley we have been going to same school since before High School” -Betty
• “You go to same school too, next you’ll telling me Peter and the new kid go there as well” -Harley
• Betty, Peter, Ned and Flash avoids his stares, and MJ smirks meanwhile Abbie trying her best to not laugh at her brother’s dummbassry
• “Why the hell did I not know about this ” -Harley
• At this Abbie couldn’t control her laughter
• “You truly are a dumbass, let’s go keep the luggage in the Cabin, have dinner and discuss this in tomorrow, so you can recover from the shock ” -Abbie
• “You seem to be a smart person, this dumbass forgot to introduce you ” -MJ
• “I’m Abbie, this Dumbass’s sister”
• “Are you sure” -MJ
• “Unfortunately ” -Abbie
• “I’m right here” -Harley
Day 2
• “Sooo… was anyone of you planning to tell me that you all go to same school” -Harley
• “Don’t look at me, it wasn’t like we ever talked outside of when necessary ” -Flash
• “I thought you would know since you never asked how we knew each other already” -Peter
• “I thought MJ must have told you ” -Betty
• “And I thought everyone knew” -MJ
• “Why?” -Harley
• “Everyone knows, you were to busy staring Peter’s butt to notice” -MJ
• Harley and Peter turned red
• “So what do you guys do here exactly ” -Ned
• “We…. I don’t think even I know what we do exactly, most of time we do our own things and come together during Camp Activities ” -Flash
• “So, like we don’t have any schedule ” -Abbie
• “Well there are cleaning duties, the team that loses in the game are stuck with them” -Betty
• “No other duties” -Abbie
• “Nope” -Betty
• “You Greeks are so disorganized ” -Abbie
• “Of course, you would think that ” -Harley
• “You’re the one talk, Mr-I-can’t-work-without-mess” -Abbie
• “Can we please not have a sibling argument right now ” -Peter
• “I wanted to see that, what happened to you” -MJ
• “There was fight about spiderman in the morning, one his sibling said that she thought spiderman was cool and it escalated from that, Peter was right in middle of it” -Ned
• “Poor Peter” -Betty
• Ned quickly changes the subject
• “So what do you guys mean when you say you do your own things ” - Ned
• “I draw and sometimes spar” -MJ
• “I help out in infirmary and practice Archery ”-Betty
• “I work in Forges on my inventions” -Harley
• “When I came during the freshman year, I used to design the weapons so I spend most my time in Forges too” -Peter
• Flash mumbles something
• “What did he say” -Abbie
• “I do Aphrodite stuff, and spar” -Flash
• “What do you mean Aphrodite stuff” -Ned
• “He means gossiping, makeovers and meddling with others relationship ” -MJ
• “Well I’m pretty good fighter too” -Flash
• “That’s because you are on Instagram all the time and you have to defend yourself against the monster you attract” -MJ
• “Wait, you can do that” -Harley
• “He attracts atleast one monster every week” -Betty
• “It’s really hard to keep up with you guys, do even complete a discussion before jumping to another ” -Abbie
• “No” “Nay” “Nope” “Never” “Who does that” “That’s what you do” they say all at once
• “No wonder why Roman gets irritated while talking to you guys” -Abbie
• “Technically I’m a roman too” -Ned
• “Wait, I thought you were Peter’s half sibling ” -Harley
• “He’s Peter grand-nephew” -Flash
• “Flash, how many times I have to tell you not call him that ” -Peter
• “What are you going to do beat me?” -Flash
• “Maybe, I’ll do that ” -Peter
• “Than I’ll challenge you to a duel” -Flash
• “I accept ”-Peter
• “I got a idea, how about we make it in a team of two” -Flash
• “Why not?” -Peter
• “I’m a Archer, I can’t play so I’m out” -Betty
• “I don’t even have a weapon so I’m out too” -Ned
• “That leaves us with MJ and Harley, I pick MJ” -Flash
• “Sure, why not” -MJ
• “I thought you would team with me, MJ” -Peter
• “He picked me up first ” -MJ
• “But” -Peter
• “No Buts” -Flash
• “Okay we’ll meet here in an hour, if I win you’ll stop calling Ned my grand-nephew and if you win I’ll do the photo you wanted me too” -Peter
• “I agree” -Flash
• Flash and Peter took off into opposite directions and MJ following Flash while Harley follows Peter with Abbie chasing after him
• “Wait, what just happened and what is Ned’s parentage again ” -Abbie
• “Flash and Peter are having an impromptu duel while they team up with MJ and I respectively and one of Ned’s grandparents is child of Minerva, keep up ” -Harley
• “You got all that from the conversation and you still didn’t knew they all go to same school ” -Abbie
• “Yes, now I need go prepare with Peter for the fight” -Harley
• “You really are a dumbass” -Abbie
• Meanwhile
• “You knew Peter would take the bait and team with Harley didn’t you, it was your elaborate matchmaking ” -MJ
• “Maybe, plus I knew he would offer to finally take a picture in spiderman suit with me for my insta and I needed to win that bet” -Flash
• “What if I sabotaged the fight” -MJ
• “You haven’t lost a single fight except the one you and Clarisse fought each other, you don’t want to ruin your reputation ” -Flash
• “Ok, you got me there” -MJ
To be continued
( If you were wondering why I took so much time for Pt 6, I wanted to post it with this post)
Also I’ll be tagging those who want me to undercut, if you want me tag you DM me
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moonguilt · 5 years
please give me more kl headcanons.😔
OKAY people this got WAY out of hand and i wrote 7 pages of an entire au plotline so uh. sorry everybody but it’s gonna be split into at least a couple different postswe’ll call this CHAPTER 1: (chapter 2 can be found HERE)I roleplay on MMORPGs so you’re gonna have to deal with my self indulgent online roleplaying AU. There will be klance but I have to SET THE STAGE first so bear with me. basically this is just multiplayer online video game roleplaying garbage. on that note, enjoy.
hunk and pidge were the first ones to discover the video game “Voltron.” they dicked around on it just to test out the game controls and perhaps get coding ideas for a game they are trying to create, but they ended up kinda enjoying it. the gameplay has its issues but is overall pretty fluid.
hunk plays a rogue. he has to turn the game volume down sometimes because of the gross gorey noises the game makes when he stabs people. he probably would have rerolled as a different class just to escape the gruesome sound effects, but he really likes being able to enter stealth. he says it makes him feel “safe”
pidge plays a mage. hunk is under the impression that it’s because she wants to play a class with high intelligence points, and pidge doesn’t correct him. but really she just likes the idea of turning her enemies into frogs
shiro is hanging out with matt one day and ends up watching pidge play. he wants to be Hip and Cool so he decides to create a trial account and see if he likes it. turns out, he’s TERRIBLE at the actual gameplay (his computer reflexes are Bad and he keeps dying to basic mechanics on literally every boss fight. matt downloads the game and creates a priest out of pity just to help keep shiro alive while he levels)
“this is demeaning for everyone involved”
“you’re the one who has died seven times now to haxus. literally all you have to do is not stand in the fire. you’re a FULLY ARMORED PALADIN TANK how are you dying so quic—wait a minute. shiro. shiro why are you still wearing your level 1 starting gear.”
however, he finds out that the server they’re playing on has a roleplaying community! he figures he doesnt need swift reflexes to roleplay, so he starts dipping his toe into RP and discovers he really likes it. he enjoys writing stories about his heroic character, and enjoys combining those stories with the stories of other people he meets in the game. it’s like collaborative fantasy fiction writing, and it quickly becomes a passion of his
pidge and matt tease him endlessly for it. hunk is an angel and is very supportive of shiro’s new hobby. he is the only one who will listen to shiro gush about his character. unfortunately when shiro designed the character, he did not have a good grasp on roleplay, so the character is goofy looking and has an overly dramatic backstory involving dragons and a lost royal bloodline. hunk kindly chooses not to comment on it, and instead helps him develop new ideas and plots for his character’s adventures
eventually shiro manages to convince hunk to give RP a try. hunk is very careful and does a lot of research on the Voltron universe lore. he reads all the fanmade wiki pages, roleplaying guides on the game forums, etc., until he feels confident he can create a good character. he does (and eventually goes on to be a popular community figure who hosts huge server events and is friends with literally everyone, but that is several months down the line), and he and shiro begin their roleplaying adventures together
hunk gets Really Into It. fast. like faster than shiro. and he takes it SERIOUSLY; he is a total lore nerd & WILL tell you (in a very gentle, caring tone) if your character’s story/actions do not comply with the game’s established lore
“your character’s outfit is so cool! btw tho, I noticed you mentioned your character was born in the castle of lions—just wanted to let you know, it was actually only rediscovered and unlocked about 10 years ago in the game’s timeline, so it wouldn’t really make work for your character to be born there, since they’re 27 D: but if you want I can help you come up with a different birthplace :)”
keith, lance, and allura had thus far managed to resist the voltron bug. they just aren’t into mmorpg stuff, they insist. single-player games, sure, but open-world multi-player? sounds weird
lance falls first. Hunk hits him with the puppy dog eyes and its all over for him
he creates the most ridiculously beautiful character he can
“i dont care about whether my guy is a freaking dps or not, hunk, i need him to have an ass like a kardashian. WHERE IS THE BUTT SLIDER HUNK. i have a NICE ASS and i want it IMMORTALIZED IN PIXEL FORM”
he does, in fact, end up picking dps. hunk shows him the archer class and he lights up like a christmas tree
“i know you always wanted to bone legolas, so”
“i wanted to BE legolas, not BONE him, HUNK”
“sure lance”
allura falls next. her and lance’s weekly “self-care spa sessions” turn into lance rambling about all the wacky stuff he and hunk and shiro got up to that week, and she eventually cracks under the pressure because she Hates when there’s a new fad and she doesn’t understand it
“and then this guy came up to us and started roleplaying with us in ALL LOWER CASE and shiro and i wanted to d i e but hunk was all ‘nooo he’s just a newbie in need of some pointers’ and then spent the next TWENTY FREAKING MINUTES giving this guy tips and tricks about grammar and punctuation–”
within 2 days she has gotten almost halfway through leveling her new druid healer because she is Determined damn it
coran, allura’s uncle, also begins playing shortly thereafter. allura never says why exactly, but it does seem to be a direct result of her influence somehow. he plays a gunslinger class because he’s “always wanted to be a ‘rooting & tooting cowboy,’ as you call it!”
for whatever reason, he is Very Good at the game, like freakishly skilled. everyone is kind of afraid to question it so they just accept it and move on
he and pidge are really the only ones who are focusing on the actual game content anymore, so they start doing high-level raids together and then begin to gain something of a reputation as a terrifying duo in player-versus-player combat.
keith is resilient. he is a notoriously stubborn boy and no amount of puppy dog eyes from hunk or persuasive lectures from shiro will convince him to step outside his comfort zone
but lance, well. lance knows exactly how to get keith to do what he wants
“i bet you just know my character’s way cooler than yours would be”
“?? no. i literally dont care about your character or anybody else's”
“huh. guess i will just always be better at video games than you”
“are you seriously still trying to hold your killbot phantasm score over my head. you got lucky”
“i am the peerless king of video games–”
“are you listening to yourself. do you actually hear the words coming from your mouth.”
“–undefeated because you are too much of a coward–”
“fuck OFF send me the fucking download link you loudmouth”
keith takes. forever. to design his character.
lance is leaning over the back of keith’s chair, giving outrageous suggestions (and blatant lies) that keith pointedly ignores
“keith. keith if you give him neon orange hair it boosts your speed, did you know that?”
“choosing big ears gives you greater perception stats keith”
“keith listen to me, you gain the ability to breathe underwater if you choose a broken nose—OW, what the hell–”
keith takes SO LONG that eventually lance has to leave for dance lessons and when he gets back keith is only JUST finishing up
turns out he took so long because he wanted to use every resource available in the game to make the character look like a carbon copy of himself. the end result would have been impressive if it wasn’t so eerily accurate
“you’re seriously naming him keith kogane.”
“it’s my name!”
“keith it’s a ROLEPLAYING game. you’re supposed to play a ROLE”
“and my role is keith kogane.”
“that doesnt even fit the naming conventions for the humans in this game! hunk would be having a FIT right now if he was here”
“good thing he’s not”
keith selects the warrior class because, as lance repeatedly and petulantly insists, he is a “boring basic bitch fuckboy”
“im the fuckboy?? thats rich coming from a guy who plays an archer because he has a big fat crush on orlando bloom in a blond wig”
“HUNK is spreading LIES okay I do NOT have a cru–”
“i dont know what you see in him. he’s literally just a white lotor”
to be continued :)
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skyystars · 4 years
oc info about all my ethermourne stuff below the cut, if anyones interested! it is. a lot. 
edit: after writing this what the fuck thats so much- if you have any questions about them please dont hesitate to ask but i would not blame you if you took one look at this post and ran HSJDFH there’s like 35 listed and thats still not all of them. zoinks
ethermourne is your typical dnd esque world. theres two kinds of people in the world, commonfolk and enchanted, and enchanted are people that can use various forms of magic. in the current story, a secret underground rebellion is going on against the kingdom, in order to free enchanted and bring justice to the world. theres a million and one characters here so bear w me. all characters belonging to my friends are marked with a *
on the black rock pirate ship,
captain shining - a fierce and protective leader. human. she’d do anything for her crew. commonfolk. damn near unstoppable with a sword. lifelong partner to orion ethermourne
johnathan bramwell - the first mate. human. quiet and reserved but goofy when he opens up. storm mage. lover of the sky- hates being in crowded areas on land. intelligent, loves to read and write letters. eventual boyfriend to nordwood thatch
aspen* (no lastname i dont think?) - boatswain. human. somber and stoic, a bit detached. big on family. half blind. ice mage. acts as a father figure to delphi
calvin - carpenter. old soul. human. does a lot of the heavy lifting for the ship. excellent storyteller. fire mage. usually brings some sort of wisdom or moral to someone on the ship.
nellie - cooper. human. misses her family, but has a heart of gold for the ship. scottish- often times hard to understand. ability to turn invisible. has a crush on tobi
galen* - doctor. timid and polite. wants to help people, will sacrifice his own health and safety to look after someone else. human(?). necromancer. arrived on the ship with enmea and quickly became like a brother to kaido
delphi - gunner. a young girl, easily excitable and a bit of a romantic. human. looks out for the people her age on the ship, acts sisterly to them. able to read a few moments into the future. 
kaido - navigator. young, free spirited, reckless. human. flight and telekinesis. eager to fight or find adventure. causes trouble. protects enmea like a younger sister, and is looked after by galen, who he eventually accepts as an older brother.
enmea* - powder monkey. goblin, steals and bargains with the crew for fun but never means any real harm. witty and sarcastic. illusion and misdirection magic. especially loves to bother bramwell and nordwood with her antics. 
faine* - cook. satyr. loves to be the life of a party. has lived many years and mostly achieved peace but like, loves to dick around. plantaemancer. has a big crush on aspen. 
nordwood percival thatch* - bard. half sun elf. cocky, expensive tastes, confidence, and flirty. magic can summon figures of light/magic to do his bidding/can impact emotions of people in vicinity. hopelessly in love with bramwell.
on land,
artemis ethermourne - the king of the empire. sun elf. main antagonist. commonfolk. younger brother of orion and husband to rietta
orion ethermourne - original leader of the rebellion. sun elf. warlock (jack of all trades), considered one of the most powerful of his time. was publicly executed by his brother when caught. left apprentice muriel in charge. partner of shining.
muriel becker* (murr) - aasimar enchanted. missing his halo due to an incident he doesnt mention. wants to become skilled in magic and art. raven symbolism- along with having his own companion raven, keeha. very tired and stressed. secretly dating amaris.
amaris hayles* (mars) - hunter/scout, commonfolk. drow/moon elf. dry humor, but a lot goes over his head. responsible and caring, looks out for much of the rebellion. doesnt talk much. dating muriel.
chevel troubleice - inventor, commonfolk. human. low self esteem but he’s Trying. interested in alchemy and learns more about magic through his teacher, murr.
evercon archer - enchanted rebel scout. wood elf. air magic. considers himself a loner. nomadic, feigns a know-it-all attitude. doesnt like cities. under technical responsibility of amaris. eventually falls for woodrow.
tuka archer - enchanted rebel worker. wood elf. fire mage. responsible for helping safe travel for other through the woods. fur trader. big social personality, loves people and doesnt care too much what anyone thinks of him. brother to evercon and eventual lover to phinehas.
phinehas* - aasimar. i assume hes enchanted but now im actually not... sure....???? omg. anyway he’s soft, kindhearted and a poet. loves to write and is into theater. level headed for the most part. in love with tuka, ex of murr but on good terms!! theyre still friends
woodrow jace andes* - enchanted tiefling bard. extremely sad but makes jokes to cope. sad jokes. the kind that make everyone else uncomfortable. necromancer. lives in a fucking dragon skeleton which is kind of badass. is embarrassingly soft for evercon.
vaughn hayles* - moon elf. idk if he’s enchanted or nah. protector, guardian, soft spoken. looks after a village, family means a lot to him (despite being unmarried). amaris’ dad.
elena bramwell - human, commonfolk, deceased. was small and determined. bram remembers her fondly, and recalls that she enjoyed music and dance, as well as having a talent for making flowercrowns and storytelling. bramwell’s mother. 
tobi* - tavernkeep. commonfolk. he is liddol and irish and knows how to play the banjo. has a massive crush on nellie. i love him dearly
on the sundancer pirate ship,
captain sylvan skybridge - enchanted human. light magic. is very tired but patient with his crew. false confidence has kept him going for almost a decade and hes not stopping now. only slightly concerned about... everyone on his ship
paige* - first mate. commonfolk witch, able to just barely cast spells and enchant objects. jack-of-all-trades, cunning, and incredibly clever at problem solving. mothers the crew if anyones in need. has a crush on michael.
michael grey* - doctor. commonfolk? enchanted? we just don’t know. a little disillusioned with reality. can see ghosts and has a small gang that follows him everywhere. sylvan and paige are the only crew members hes vaguely familiar with. has a crush on paige. **note: michael has 4 ghosts that follow him but im not listing them here just yet hh
ashton everett* - gunner. commonfolk human. fearless, exhausted of the shenanigans, genuinely just looking for a hot siren girlfriend and dismantling the monarchy. 
oscar* - boatswain. chaotic, will start a fight- but hes pretty terrible at getting himself out of trouble. needs tucked in at night. inseparable from lew.
lew* - boatswain. calm, collected, used to oscar’s antics. helps take care of the ship, has a turtle. 
rhubarb* - cook. human enchanted. plant powers. just trying to get along with everybody. don’t insult his cooking he’s trying his hardest. probably the oldest on the ship.
waverly* - enchanted human. like a bird selkie, can turn into a raven. spends a lot of her time this way. escaped from a traveling circus and joined the crew to help free others like her. 
cloud* - siren. tried to bring down the sundancers crew to prove herself, failed miserably and ended up liking them all. flirts relentlessly but is god awful at it. 
additional notes:
-some of them exist in a modern au, mainly involving bram/nord/mars/murr as a ghost hunting gang who always finds themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. bram and mars form a brotherly bond over time. in modern au elena is discovered to be alive. vaughn winds up falling in love with her (it is very cute).
-i often draw sylvan and captain ryan of the silent requiem. this pirate ship belongs to my friend sept and is placed in her own world, so none of that crew is mine ;w; most of their shenanigans are in a crossover state where a very sylvan begs ryan to teach him what to do as a captain, and ryan looks after him like a son (though he’d fucken deny it). young syl is far too curious for his own good and gets into trouble a lot. sorry dad
creds: galen, aspen, enmea, faine, nord, murr, mars, tobi, phinehas, woodrow, vaughn, and paige are all characters that belong to my friend bee. michael grey belongs to my friend jake. ashton belongs to my friend rueben.  oscar and lew belong to my friend kenzie. rhubarb belongs to my friend pasta. waverly belongs to my friend cal. cloud belongs to my friend sara. 
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Kari’s Marvelous 2k Writing Challenge
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Thank you so much, guys. I honestly didn’t expect this blog to grow the way it has when I started it. I love this fandom and I love reading for these characters as much as I love writing for them, so let’s celebrate with a challenge, shall we?
Since I reached the milestone before my 1 year anniversary I will as open up drabble requests using a prompts list - I’ll make a post about that as soon as I can.
Also, check out and please participate in my Spread the Love event for my 1 year anniversary.
This challenge is for you guys to have fun with. I set the due date a few months in the future to make sure you got plenty of time to complete it.
The prompts for this challenge are all dialogue prompts. They are all a little odd and a little sassy. Cause well I am a little odd and sassy ;) On to the rules and have fun Y'all!
Due Date: June 1st, 2019
Word min: 500 words
Word Max: 6k words
Style: It can be a drabble, one shot or beginning of a series. Do not put in in the middle of an ongoing series since I plan on reading them and don’t want to read 10 parts of something to understand the entry.
Fandom: MCU - mostly
Will you read and reblog my fic?
You betcha :D I am behind on reading for previous challenges so patience is a virtue here
When Do I Post?
Right now. Sign Ups start now and end when there are no more prompts or when the due date rolls around
Genre: Anything you want. You have to be over 18 if you write smut and you always have to warn accordingly! Fluff, angst, AUs, and crack are all welcome.
Limits on what you can write: No Mommy/daddy kinks, no non/dub con, no A/B/O, no merpeople. No half animal anything, please. No mobster aus. No monster porn (this counts Venom and Hulk) No glorification on cheating (it’s okay as a plot device but use it with thought), no wife, s/o (even exes) or actor hate in rpfs! - if you got any questions at any time feel free to send me an ask,
Format: State in your A/N that it is for my (until-theend-oftheline) Kari’s Marvelous 2K Challenge. And use the # Kari’s Marvelous 2K Challenge in the first 5 tags.
Pairing and word count also have to be easy to spot in your header!
Submit: After you posted on Tumblr you have to add yourself and your fic to this doc.  If you don’t do this you will not be added to the masterlist I create when the challenge is over. If you got questions - just ask :D
Doc link it case Tumblr is an ass: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16FmPbXuA6oF23M5qiR5jRCSiUpaW_RiDIPUHG_LziBk/edit?usp=sharing
How do I join?
You pick a prompt and a pairing off the list. Send me the prompt number along with a backup just in case and your pairing of choice. ASKS ONLY!! REPLIES, REBLOGS AND IMS WILL BE IGNORED!
There are no limits on the pairings but I only allow 2 people per prompt so think before you sign up. If you don’t think you will be doing it then don’t take the spot from someone else. For now, 1 person can sign up 3 times (one prompt per story). 
Prompts and people are under the cut.
No male readers - gender neutral are fine otherwise female.
General Fics - character or rpf are both fine.
All genders, skin tones etc. OCs are welcome as well.
Sister/daughter/romantic/friendship reader pairings for following are all fine - just let me know which (I prefer romantic or friendship but no pressure):
Sebastian Stan
Chris Evans
Bradley Cooper
Chris Hemsworth
Robert Downey Jr.
Tom Hiddleston
Elizabeth Olsen
Tom Hardy
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Thor Odinson
Tony Stark
Wanda Maximoff
Sam Wilson
Natasha Romanoff
Clint Barton*
Wade Wilson
Eddie Brock (no monster porn please!)*
Ships (all are allowed as poly with reader too):
Sam x Clint (I don’t know their ship name)
Thor x Valkyrie (also forgot the ship name)
1 “I’ve never been so insulted!” - “You don’t listen much do you?” @jewelswrites-ish (Chris Evans x Reader) / @avengerscompound (Winterhawk)
2 “On a scale of one to Australia. How dangerous are we talking?” @avengerscompound (clintasha) /
3 “When did you become so smart, oh wise one?” - “Since I stopped listening to you.” @writing-mermaid (Tony x sister!reader) /
4 “Seven billion people in the world and you are overreacting because we killed one man.” - “But…” - “Seven billion people! Now shut up and drink your smoothie!” @queen-of-the-avengers (Tony x Reader) /
5 “Oh God. I think I am in love” - “For your sake, I wouldn’t tell her/him that” @docharleythegeekqueen (Winterhawk x Reader) /
6 “Don’t trust him” - “Funny that’s exactly what he said about you” @readitandweepfics (Steve x Reader) /
7 “Children shouldn’t play with guns” - “Who said I was playing”
8 “On a scale of one to ten how bad do you think it would be if….” - “At least twenty” @fangirlfiction (Stucky x Reader) / @queen-of-the-avengers (Tony x Reader)
9 “What’s our exit strategy?” - “Our what?” - “Ohmygod we’re going to die” @acreativelydifferentlove (Steve Rogers x Reader) /
10 “I taught you how to pick locks and this is how you are using that skill?” @messy-random-bitch (Clint Barton) /
11 “What’s the little blinking light mean?” - “It means…. Wait? Blinking?!”
12 “Right now I don’t know if I want to kiss you or push you off the cliff!” - “Can I pick?”  @sweeetmonstrosity  (Sam Wilson x Reader) / @averyrogers83  (winterfalcon x reader)
13 “This is what the third time I crashed my own funeral” - “Fifth” - “Really? That many?”
14 “Bring them home. All of them.” - “But…” - “All. Of. Them.” - “Fine!”
15 “I’m trying to have a serious conversation with you!” - “And I am subtly trying to avoid it.”
16 “What’s with the face?” - “Small fire! I said to set a small fire. Small was important!” @queen-of-the-avengers (Natascha Romanoff x Reader) /
17 “What the hell kinda noise was that?” - “I sneezed.” - “That was NOT a sneeze!” @jewels2876 (Chris Evans x Reader) /
18 “You got blood on your knees. No one goes nowhere and gets blood on their knees.”
19 “Is that blood?” - “No?” - “That’s not a question you’re supposed to answer with another question!” @nekoannie-chan (Steve Rogers x Reader) / @becs-bunker (Stucky x Reader)
20 “Obviously I’ve been gone for way too long. You managed to kill all the houseplants” @awkwardfangirl2014 (Bucky Barnes x Reader) / @queen-of-the-avengers (Tom Hiddleston x Reader)
21 “Don’t you know who I am?” - “Yup. I just don’t care.” @queen-of-the-avengers (Elizabeth Olsen x Reader) /
22 “You’re going to break his heart if you pull a stunt like this” - “He has a heart?”  @keepgrindingwaywardsoul (Bucky Barnes x Reader) /  @yougetkilled-walkitoff (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
23 “Sorry I got a cold and feverish assassin on my lap. I’ll call you back when I convinced him a cold doesn’t mean he is dying.” @keepgrindingwaywardsoul (Bucky Barnes x Reader) /  @acreativelydifferentlove (Steve Rogers x Reader) 
24 “I hate you” - “Why? I’m lovely” @barnesrogersvstheworld (Bucky Barnes x Reader) / @queen-of-the-avengers (Natascha Romanoff x Reader)
25 “You’re one insult away from starting a war” - “That’s presumptuous of you. It already started”
26 “What are you doing in the chandelier?” - “You know. Just hanging out”
27 “Can we please try not to kill anyone today?” - “Well you are no fun”  @kentuckybarnes (Bucky Barnes x Reader) /
28 “You missed!” - “I never m… FUCK!”
29 “You nearly took my head off!” - “I told you to dug didn’t I?!” @raqnorok (Bucky Barnes x Reader) / 
30 “If you weren’t so goddamn annoying I would kiss you right now” - “Well if you weren’t such a pain in the ass…. Wait what?”  @tranquil—heart (Steve Rogers x Reader) / @awkwardfangirl2014  (Chris Evans x Reader)
@ifyougetkilled-walk-it-off @captain-rogers-beard @dolphinpink310 @grace-for-sale @docharleythegeekqueen @rebelslicious @thorne93 @hillywooddestiel @peterman-parker @queen-of-deans-booty @acreativelydifferentlove @emilyevanston @blacktithe7 @becs-bunker @roxyspearing @blacktithe7 @cassiefanfic @readitandweepfics @kayla-of-shield @fangirlextraordinaire @thatfanficstuff @danijimenezv @hopes-archer @marvel_madam08 @averyrogers83 @thelookingglassalice @slowlywithfreedom @awkwardfangirl2014
And a few others cause I love their writing
@jewels2876 @becs-bunker @roxyspearing @barnesrogersvstheworld @sebs-potato @moonbeambucky @tropicalcap @softlybarnes @bucky-at-bedtime @evanstarff @fangirlfiction @i-dont-do-rpfs @avengerscompound 
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coyoteimagines · 6 years
Stressed Out - Star Trek
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A Dr Phlox x reader imagine from Star Trek Enterprise please? :) The reader taking over as acting captain for a time and this puts them under constant stress, not enough sleep and makes the readers and Phloxs new relationship more difficult. Perhaps a scene where the reader apologises to Phlox for being stubborn? Sone fluff please? :)
A tap on your shoulder startled you out of sleep. You blinked a few times before your eyes were able to focus on the shape in front of you. The middle section of your dear doctor. Your eyes travelled sleepily up his form until they made contact with his eyes, currently furrowed with concern.
“Doctor? Why are you on the bridge?” You asked, sitting up straight from your slumped position in the captains chair.
“I am on the bridge because YOU are not in the mess hall.” He said, hands clasped behind his back.
“The mess hall?” You asked. But your eyes went wide a split second later with realization. “Oh my god, what time is it?”
“Almost 2100.” Phlox said softly. The other crewmates around the bridge exchanged a few looks with sad smiles. You groaned, dropped your face into your hands, and massaged your temples for a few moments before looking up at the doctor with a sad smile of your own.
“Im sorry.” You said. You looked at you for another moment before his furrowed brows relaxed and he smiled.
“Good. I know how you can make it up. Come with me.” He unclasped his hands and took a step back from the chair.
“Phlox I can’t I’m-“
“You can. You got off duty almost three hours ago. I’m sure the next in line,” He gestured to a crewmember at the helm “Can handle things for the night.”
The crew number nodded. You made to argue but Phlox held up a hand.
“I will win this argument.” He stated, still smiling. You sighed and shook your head.
“Fine.” You said, putting your hands up in surrender. He offered you a hand and helped you stand. You followed him to the lift calling out to the helmsman.
“If anything happens, call me immediately ok?”
“Aye!” The crewmember responded as the door closed. You moved a hand to massage the back of your neck as the lift moved.
“Im sorry Phlox. I was looking forward to the movie night.”
“No need to apologize Captain.” The doctor playfully bumped his shoulder against yours.
“Acting captain.” You corrected.
“I couldn’t tell. You’ve been at the post for two weeks now and already you are working yourself to death just like any good Starfleet captain. Archer would be proud.”
“Oh come on. Im not that bad am I?” You groaned and turned to him, dropping your hand.
“Shall I give you my medical opinion or my opinion as your boyfriend?”
You smiled. That word was still new to you, but you liked it. And you felt immensely guilty for missing two dates in a row.
“You are not eating. You are not sleeping. You are definitely not recreating.” He reached down to take your hands in his. “And in the most loving and adoring way I can put this, you don’t look good.”
“Thanks” you said with a halfhearted chuckle. You knew it was true. The bags under your red rimmed eyes alone made you look like a zombie from the old Earth stories. And you knew your uniform was a little…rumpled… And your hair…
“I um…” God you WERE tired. “I didn’t expect it to be this hard. I’ve only had to take the chair once or twice before and even then only for a few hours at most. I wasn’t as prepared as I thought I was.”
“If it helps,” Phlox shrugged, “You are doing a wonderful job.”
“Doesn’t feel that way.” You took a deep sigh, feeling two weeks of exhaustion settle deeper into your bones with every moment you remained awake. You leaned forward and let your forehead rest on his shoulder.
“Well it’s true. Though I would imagine your ability to maintain order may be diminished if you lack the ability to even stand up on your own. Which is why as both your doctor and uh…lover, I am prescribing sleep.”
With that he finally waved a hand to open the lift door which had long since arrived on the crew quarters floor. With a hand at the small of your back, he guided you out and down the hallway. When you arrived at your room you opened your door and stepped in. You yawned almost immediately when you saw your bed, still neatly made from almost two days ago.
“When was the last time you slept, other than the nap I caught you in tonight?” He asked, gently pushing you towards the bed.
“Uh… I caught a few hours in the shuttle bay waiting for that ambassador…yesterday I think?”
“You slept in a shuttle?” He spun you around and sat you on the bed. He started to take off your boots but you shooed him away, insisting you could do it yourself.
“I slept near a shuttle.” You confessed. “I sat down on some crates and the next thing I knew I was waking up behind them.”
“That sounds healthy.” He mumbled. You smiled.
“Sarcasm doctor? You are spending too much time with me.”
At this he sat on the bed beside you, neatly clasping his hands in his lap.
“On the contrary my dear. I fear I am not spending enough time with you. Even in your current position, you must promise me to make better time for food, recreation, and sleep.”
You nodded and looked down at the floor.
“Im sorry Phlox. I know Ive made the start of this,” you motioned between the two of you. “a bit bumpy.”
He reached and took your hand. He turned it over in his hand and began tracing the lines in your palm with a finger.
“Denobulans are renowned for their patience my darling. And even if they were not, you are worth being patient for. Just promise me you’ll take better care of yourself? The one place I do NOT want to see more of you is on the medical table. Which is where you will end up if you keep working like this.”
“I promise Ill try.”
“Good” He said, dropping your hand to push a feather light kiss against your temple before he stood.
“Then I shall let you get started on your self-care and then in the morning, we can share a morning meal if that is to your satisfaction.”
You nodded.
“Very well.” He smiled and bowed. “Good night.”
“Good night Phlox. Thank you.” You said as he walked out. You yawned once more and stretched back out onto the bed. Even though the past two weeks had been some of the most stressful of your career, you couldn’t help but smile at the ceiling wondering how you got so lucky to win over such a good man.
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fullnanasun · 6 years
Bullets to arrows Pt.1
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PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 |
Summary: You were a shooter, he was an archer. Bullets are faster than arrows. But who actually shoot first and who got hurt first? Both of you could win easily at games but when it came to love, this was a whole different situation. You knew each other but at the same time you didn't and that was something that hurt both of you.
Requested: No, but I was inspired from a post that requested someone to do a royal Archer!Haechan au
Pairing: Haechan x Reader
Words: 960
Genre: Fluff (i guess?) maybe angst at some point.
Warnings: mentions of guns, probably swearing, my shitty writing.
A/N: The story is supposed to take place at a time where all the dreamies are at school meaning that Mark is a senior, the 00′ line is junior, Chenle and Jisung are both sophomore (it’s a fic so it can happen)
You had been training at target shooting 1 year now. You were one of the few teens that took up this sport, most of them had been doing this for years. But even with just that much training you were able to occupy the first 3 places in every match.
The olders were all saying how good you were and that you should take part in matches that were not held by your club.
Eventually you did, which lead to you taking part in the national shooting games.
You never really thought about winning any of the 3 places, you had gone there for the fun and to have this as an intense training session.
But guess what? YOU GOT FIRST PLACE yeah yeah cliché i know, gotta keep the story going soo...
It was one year after the match that got you the first place in the national games guess what again YOU MADE IT TO THE OLYMPICS TEAM! yehet
There were also people training in archery, but you didn’t really pay attention to them. It was a nice sport but you were too busy with your things.
Until one day a boy in his teens with golden tanned skin, he was probably a few cm shorter than you, walked into the training place.
“Wow he is really cute” you thought looking at him in awe.
The good thing about that was that because you were both students you had the same training days, and you loved that cause you could spent all of your break time just looking at him. You had to admit that he was really good, he almost never scored anything less than 8.
That didnt make you loose your focus, you were determined to  work really hard so you could be able to show your best self when the time for the olympics would come.
Your friends were always asking you to come to see you practice but you never said yes, until one day they were all so down that you thought that this maybe light up their mood. And it actually did. And of course when you told them Chenle screamed in excitement with his cute dolphin laugh.
You had actually not told them anything about the cute™ archery boy whose name you didn’t know. WHAT THE F*CK WHAT WAS HIS NAME?
What surprised you the most was that Renjun went to the boy and greeted  him with a hug. Where did he knew him from? And  why weren’t you informed about his  existance before?
“Haechan!!” you heard your friend call out the boys name.
But wait... you could have sworn his name was Lee Do-something...but Haechan was a really cute name and your own thoughts made you blush.
When you finally took your break your friends were there and you could crack a few jokes here and there...but your mind was one the boy. Renjun need to explain himself you though to your self.
Unfortunately when you went back your place to continue, Haechan took his break and went over to your friends and talked. “I SHOULD HAVE WAITED FOR HIM TO TAKE A BREAK AS WELL” you mentally facepalmed your self.
When practice came to an end you took your hommie Junnie and went home im sorry. He was staying the night cause his parents were  out of town. The others just went home after you snack stop.
Now the two of you alone... you could just strangle him right there, because he knew this boy and he never said anything?? But you were going to be the only suspect so you just let those thoughts leave im funny right?
“So were do you know this archery boy from?” you asked as innocently as you could 
“Who?” Renjun asked because he knew that your question  was not just out of curiosity.
“The boy you greeted in the morning?”
“Oh right you mean Haechan, my best friend since...before i was born? You don’t remember when he would visit with his parents when i first moved here?”
LEE DONGHYUCK!!! Aahh yes...you mentally slapped yourself  you hadn't really talked with him cause everytime he would come visit, you would just let him be with his friend. Their fathers grew in the same neighboor and so did they, but then Renjun’s familly moved.
He brought you back to reality with a snap of his fingers.
“What about him Y/N?”
“Ehmm..oh nothing, i was just curious cause he isn’t from our place and he is definitely not in our school.
“Yeah...okay... now close the light I need to get my beauty sleep” he said in a playfull tone.
You did close the lights and your eyes but your mind needed a little more time.
Haechan's POV
"Hey mum I saw Renjun today! He was there with his friends"
"Oh really?? You haven't seen him since Christmas break, am i right?"
"Actually yes...and I ehmm was thinking to invite him to have a sleepover?" I said scratching the back of my neck
"That would be nice! You can catch up, you don't have to ask, you should know that Donghyuck." she looked at me like she knew what I was thinking.
She looked concerned "Is there anything bothering you? You seem a little out of space, is it about practice?"
"Me? No I'm fine" I wasn't, I left before she could ask more.
He had seen her when Renjun first moved, she was his only friend at that time there, while Haechan was his childhood friend. But they never officially met each other.
This boy had just shoot his arrow right into your heart and it hurt.
God, her target was so perfect that she got his heart right in the middle.
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