#legacy of minerva! ned
krissy-kat · 4 years
PJOverse Headcanons Pt 6:-
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 7, Part 8
• The senior year wasn’t fun at all like in those high school dramas that Abbie likes to see, instead it was filled with stress of checking out the best scholarships, applying into colleges and worrying about getting in
• But throughout his senior year, Harley followed Spiderman news religiously
• “You know your celebrity crush on spiderman is worst than your pinning for Peter”
• “Nobody asked you Abbie”
• “Yeah whatever, I came here to tell you I want to go to Camp Half Blood this year because it’s probably your last year and I want to go there with you”
• “Really!”
• “Yeah”
• “Ok I’ll IM Chiron and ask him right away”
• “Calm down it’s getting late, ask him tomorrow”
• About 2 months before summer vacation, Harley receives a IM from MJ
• “Not that I’m complaining but you don’t IM me without a purpose, so what is it”
• “You are right, I trained you well ”
• “So”
• “You complained way too much when Peter stopped coming to Camp”
• “I’m sorry but what does this IM have to do with it ”
• “Let me finish first loser, Peter’s coming to Camp for the first week of Summer and you don’t come to Camp in the first week like ever, so I thought I let you know because I won’t be able to listen you whining about it all summer ”
• “Really!”
• “Yup, I gotta go now talk to you later ”
• “Bye”
• Harley informs Tony about change in plan
• “What urgent business do you have that has to be done in the first week, it’s like every one wants to abandon me that week ”
• “What happened Old Man”
• “Pepper have to Europe to check on branches there, Spiderman is going on a trip with his best friend and now even you aren’t coming that week”
• “Don’t be overdramatic, you’ll be fine and you are acting like we aren’t staying at all, we’ll staying with you in the last week of vacation ”
• “Wait a sec, we”
• “Did I not mention Abbie will be coming too”
• “What do mean Abbie is coming doesn’t she have Roman Camp to go ”
• “We have Exchange programs, so Abbie will be coming this year ”
• “So you are saying during the last week of summer, I’ll have handle not one, not two but three demigods, one of which will be starting high school, one senior year and one college next week, you guys are gonna make all my hair grey with stress of handling 3 overexcited ADHD teenagers”
• “Wait, three”
• “My intern is a demigod too, that’s why you guys won’t be meeting anytime soon”
• “Awww”
• Meanwhile in New York
• “What do mean you told Harley I’ll be coming in the first week”
• “It means exactly what you said ”
• “But MJ, I’m a bi disaster you can’t do that to me”
• “I already did ”
• “B..But”
• In the summer vacation Peter and Gang go to Camp
Summer Vacation
Day 1
• Ned stays in Athena Cabin with Peter
• “So when will I finally get to meet the famous Harley Keener”
• “He told me he’ll be coming in Evening so he’ll here soon” - MJ
• As of on clue, they hear a bantering between 2 voices, one that MJ recognize as of Harley’s
• “I can carry own luggage, I’m 14 not a toddler, you don’t need to carry it for me”
• “But I want to”
• MJ wanted to see how it unfolds, but Ned decided to be his sweet self and help them without even knowing that was Harley
• “Do you guys need any help, my friends and I would love to help you both” - Ned
• “Are new because I don’t remember seeing around last summer ” -Harley
• “He’s Ned, hey Harley, it’s been a long time ” - Peter said with heart eyes
• “Hey Peter ” - Harley
• They stare into each other’s eyes, Abbie couldn’t take the sexual tension and interrupts their longing gaze
• “Harley care to introduce me your friends”
• “Umm.. Yeah, this is Peter, he’s a son of Athena” -Harley
• “Hi” -Peter
• “This is Betty, daughter of Apollo ”
• “Nice to meet you”
• “That is MJ, daughter of Ares ”
• “Sup, loser”
• “That is Flash, son of Aphrodite, I don’t why he’s with them”
• “Ha Ha, very funny ”
• “No seriously I’m really confused last I heard MJ still had a grudge with you and now she is letting you hang out her”
• Abbie controls her laughter at Harley’s lack of tact
• “Well it’s been a whole year and we go to same High school, we can resolve it during the school year, you know ” -Flash
• “Wait a second, you go to same high school as MJ” -Harley
• “Harley we have been going to same school since before High School” -Betty
• “You go to same school too, next you’ll telling me Peter and the new kid go there as well” -Harley
• Betty, Peter, Ned and Flash avoids his stares, and MJ smirks meanwhile Abbie trying her best to not laugh at her brother’s dummbassry
• “Why the hell did I not know about this ” -Harley
• At this Abbie couldn’t control her laughter
• “You truly are a dumbass, let’s go keep the luggage in the Cabin, have dinner and discuss this in tomorrow, so you can recover from the shock ” -Abbie
• “You seem to be a smart person, this dumbass forgot to introduce you ” -MJ
• “I’m Abbie, this Dumbass’s sister”
• “Are you sure” -MJ
• “Unfortunately ” -Abbie
• “I’m right here” -Harley
Day 2
• “Sooo… was anyone of you planning to tell me that you all go to same school” -Harley
• “Don’t look at me, it wasn’t like we ever talked outside of when necessary ” -Flash
• “I thought you would know since you never asked how we knew each other already” -Peter
• “I thought MJ must have told you ” -Betty
• “And I thought everyone knew” -MJ
• “Why?” -Harley
• “Everyone knows, you were to busy staring Peter’s butt to notice” -MJ
• Harley and Peter turned red
• “So what do you guys do here exactly ” -Ned
• “We…. I don’t think even I know what we do exactly, most of time we do our own things and come together during Camp Activities ” -Flash
• “So, like we don’t have any schedule ” -Abbie
• “Well there are cleaning duties, the team that loses in the game are stuck with them” -Betty
• “No other duties” -Abbie
• “Nope” -Betty
• “You Greeks are so disorganized ” -Abbie
• “Of course, you would think that ” -Harley
• “You’re the one talk, Mr-I-can’t-work-without-mess” -Abbie
• “Can we please not have a sibling argument right now ” -Peter
• “I wanted to see that, what happened to you” -MJ
• “There was fight about spiderman in the morning, one his sibling said that she thought spiderman was cool and it escalated from that, Peter was right in middle of it” -Ned
• “Poor Peter” -Betty
• Ned quickly changes the subject
• “So what do you guys mean when you say you do your own things ” - Ned
• “I draw and sometimes spar” -MJ
• “I help out in infirmary and practice Archery ”-Betty
• “I work in Forges on my inventions” -Harley
• “When I came during the freshman year, I used to design the weapons so I spend most my time in Forges too” -Peter
• Flash mumbles something
• “What did he say” -Abbie
• “I do Aphrodite stuff, and spar” -Flash
• “What do you mean Aphrodite stuff” -Ned
• “He means gossiping, makeovers and meddling with others relationship ” -MJ
• “Well I’m pretty good fighter too” -Flash
• “That’s because you are on Instagram all the time and you have to defend yourself against the monster you attract” -MJ
• “Wait, you can do that” -Harley
• “He attracts atleast one monster every week” -Betty
• “It’s really hard to keep up with you guys, do even complete a discussion before jumping to another ” -Abbie
• “No” “Nay” “Nope” “Never” “Who does that” “That’s what you do” they say all at once
• “No wonder why Roman gets irritated while talking to you guys” -Abbie
• “Technically I’m a roman too” -Ned
• “Wait, I thought you were Peter’s half sibling ” -Harley
• “He’s Peter grand-nephew” -Flash
• “Flash, how many times I have to tell you not call him that ” -Peter
• “What are you going to do beat me?” -Flash
• “Maybe, I’ll do that ” -Peter
• “Than I’ll challenge you to a duel” -Flash
• “I accept ”-Peter
• “I got a idea, how about we make it in a team of two” -Flash
• “Why not?” -Peter
• “I’m a Archer, I can’t play so I’m out” -Betty
• “I don’t even have a weapon so I’m out too” -Ned
• “That leaves us with MJ and Harley, I pick MJ” -Flash
• “Sure, why not” -MJ
• “I thought you would team with me, MJ” -Peter
• “He picked me up first ” -MJ
• “But” -Peter
• “No Buts” -Flash
• “Okay we’ll meet here in an hour, if I win you’ll stop calling Ned my grand-nephew and if you win I’ll do the photo you wanted me too” -Peter
• “I agree” -Flash
• Flash and Peter took off into opposite directions and MJ following Flash while Harley follows Peter with Abbie chasing after him
• “Wait, what just happened and what is Ned’s parentage again ” -Abbie
• “Flash and Peter are having an impromptu duel while they team up with MJ and I respectively and one of Ned’s grandparents is child of Minerva, keep up ” -Harley
• “You got all that from the conversation and you still didn’t knew they all go to same school ” -Abbie
• “Yes, now I need go prepare with Peter for the fight” -Harley
• “You really are a dumbass” -Abbie
• Meanwhile
• “You knew Peter would take the bait and team with Harley didn’t you, it was your elaborate matchmaking ” -MJ
• “Maybe, plus I knew he would offer to finally take a picture in spiderman suit with me for my insta and I needed to win that bet” -Flash
• “What if I sabotaged the fight” -MJ
• “You haven’t lost a single fight except the one you and Clarisse fought each other, you don’t want to ruin your reputation ” -Flash
• “Ok, you got me there” -MJ
To be continued
( If you were wondering why I took so much time for Pt 6, I wanted to post it with this post)
Also I’ll be tagging those who want me to undercut, if you want me tag you DM me
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plasticbattleaxe · 5 years
thoughts on the amnesty finale
! warning big spoilers !
that intro went HARD AS SHIT GRIFFIN
like the atmostphere of the amnesty theme in a minor key getting progressivly more alien? the corrupted, creepy wrongness of the voice editing? so well executed
the foreshadowing of beacon getting closer to his final purpose being able to pop the bubbles and stuff? excellent
on the subject of beacon what a little shit i love him “Wayynnnne Newwwton” what a perfect representation of the ‘little shit’ friend
travis roll over a 5 challenge
the worldbuilding!!!!! that scifi setting of a cyber punk future slowly rotting... 
griffin really has a habit of turning his “fantasy” stories scifi right at the end though huh
the organic matter pods were such a good visual, almost matrix-esque, and imagining Jane forming in one of those things and then disolving?  jesus christ dude
its so wild to think that griffin has just been sitting on this backstory for so long and how much stuff actually played into it like remember that line from the tree arc where Indrid says to duck “all those futures changed when you saved that goat man” like holy shit what would have happened if duck hadnt saved billy
billy???????? BILLY!!!!!!!!
 god not focus on duck but damn what a fucking badass - beacon carving his way through the room just absolutely WRECKING all of those tanks is so cool he has come so far from duck “im just a regular guy’ newton  
thacker connecting with the hive mind and essentially telling a millions of year old entity to essentially get fucked is so him excellent job clint
beacon achieving his purpose made me so irrationally bittersweet like on one hand im like “fuckin superb you funky little sword” and on the other “no sir dont take him away thats my emotional support bastard”
billy using slang and talking as though hes a modern day teenager was buckwild like has he just been chilling with jake and pidgeon while we werent looking 
griffin you also have a thing for “characters making a huge decision right at the finale” huh
thacker essentially having psychic skype session with mama is so funny imagine being mama and being woken in the middle of the night cause this asshole you have a psychic link with keeps asking you to bring him gorp
the quell personified and seeking out thacker is such a rewarding redemption arc. good for her 
aubrey willing to stay with dani no matter where she goes :’)
“hi honey-” “OH MY GOD”
aubrey running across a feild with flowers spreading behind her is some ghibli movie shit and i really cannot wait to see art of it
aubrey in cannon carrying around a hiking bags worth of shampoo to keep her hair red? thats bisexual energy
i love the aubrey dani interactions theyre always so genuinly sweet and endearing - dani saying “im hungry” and aubrey immediately just  “ight ima make a tree i guess”
griffin hesitiating when he describes dani kissing aubrey to make it less wieird was also very good like theres an audible second of silence before he says “on the cheek”
“this is only the beginining” travis this was the third time i cried this episode 
the music!!!!!!!!!!! was so good!!!!!!!!!!! here!!!!!!!!!!
duck going to help the forrest fires in brazil was so cool cause its true to character but also true to justins values :)
“honey-” HONEY?
okay i literally did a double take here because (im guessing griffin also thought this) that Juno and Duck would end up together. I’m totally on board with minerva it was just really out of the blue 
justins monolgue here was so good it was really heart wrenching and a beautiful conclusion to ducks arc
Griffin throwing in some subtle sternclay. like. we see you dude.
amnesty lodge sunset reprise is officially my new favourite song from the entire TAZ ost INCLUDING BALANCE 
Mama finally being able to pursue her art in proper now that she has a chance to follow her own dreams instead of keeping the world safe
Barclay not being afraid of who will recognise him
Jake, keith and hollis kicking it again :)
kirby maintaining neds legacy at the crytonomica
ned :(
oh fuck ned :(
at this point i was sobbing because this was all so bittersweet like Neds legacy, the gang seeing eachother again, the gentle music. it was like you were in that moment with them
my favourite moment in this whole season was the last visual. mama standing on the deck in the cool night air, the sun setting behind her as she walks down to meet her friends and see the future she worked so hard for - all the while the gentle strum of the guitar plays in the background? beautiful. so fuckign beautiful 
im so thankful for the mcelroys giving us this treasure of a story and im so glad i got to see it unfold 
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anomalousresources · 5 years
For the fic title meme, "Into the Woods"?
Of all the strange and wild things the residents of Kepler and Sylvain find among the trees—magic, monsters, memories—the unlikeliest discovery might just be themselves.
chapter one: into the woods without delay
Juno, Duck, and Minerva arrive in the Amazon. Although this forest is a continent removed from their own, something in the trees still feels like home. (Maybe it’s the people. Maybe a presence can change a place.) Back in West Virginia, Leo sees muddled flashes through the red of Indrid’s old glasses; Dr. Drake listens as a familiar tune, warped and distorted, calls down from the Greenbank Telescope. Together they keep vigil over the Monongahela National Forest. With every walk the first and last Chosen Ones take in the woods, the shadows seems to tighten around them—even with the arrival of an unexpected ally.
(Maybe an absence can change a place, too.)
chapter two: but careful not to lose the way
Comfortably lost in the far reaches of Sylvain, Thacker and the Quell explore a patch of forest that neither of them remember existing before now. Their hike is broken up by the in-and-out fade of Thacker’s psychic connection, bringing intermittent snatches of conversation from Mama. On the other side, she works with the Hornets and residents of Amnesty Lodge to organize an event for the grand opening of the Hornets’ Nest Action Park: an “adventure hike” reminiscent of an old program from Kepler Expeditions. Hollis says they’d like to tip their hat to KepX for being the closest source of quasi-organized action around during their childhood. Barclay says the last thing Thacker needs is a legacy, although he says it with a grin. Nobody says that as they stake out the route through the woods, the memories that brought them each to this point seem to solidify in the air. (But over in Sylvain, it’s not the past that Thacker and his companion find among the trees—it’s the future.)
chapter three: into the woods, who knows what may
On the outskirts of a ruined town, Aubrey and Sylvain craft a forest. It’s slow work—a tree is one thing, or even a hundred trees, but there’s a whole ecosystem to balance here, a complex web of life and growth and death. It’s draining. It’s exhilarating. It’s what Aubrey is meant to do, but more than that, it’s what she wants to do. (Even if sometimes she has to remind herself of that.) While the environment slowly comes back together, its people begin to return. Houses are rebuilt, and bit by bit, so is a society. But as Janelle, Alexandra, and Dani help the newcomers and returning residents piece their lives back together, Aubrey gets the sneaking suspicion that perhaps Sylvain is trying to teach her a lesson. Again.
chapter four: be lurking on the journey?
Ned Chicane is gone. Pigeon knows this, because she was the one who killed him. But here at the end of days, with Sheriff Owens, Detective Meghan, and Deputy Dewey, there’s a moment where she swears someone else is fighting beside them. When Earth lives on, so does Pigeon. In her dreams she sees a city, a city bearing Ned’s name on an alien planet that is lost beyond her reach. You are gonna get there, Zeke told her. This wasn’t what he meant, but it’s what she needs, and eventually she persuades him to accompany her to the site of the old gateway. The place where she…the place where the world did end, at least for her and Ned. But Pigeon and Zeke aren’t the only ones working their way through the Monongahela to the arch’s clearing. Kirby has been having dreams, too. And he thinks he knows what they mean.
(rated T for Spookiness and some intense conversations; canon-compliant major character death; but also; canon compliant major character death?; I’ll let you interpret that tag as you will; post-finale but also a little bit pre-finale; so many characters & relationships; basically it’s just All The Found Families; everyone takes a hike through some trees; sometimes the forest is a spooky place but that’s mostly just because we are spooky beings; character studies; not everything is fine but it will be eventually; [duck newton voice] and now I’m gonna grow)
Thank you! I got a little too invested in thinking about this and now I might have to actually write it someday, whoops. [send me a made-up fic title and I’ll tell you what I would write to go with it]
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krissy-kat · 4 years
PJOverse Headcanons Pt 5
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3, Part 4, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
• Peter started his Junior year with both his Best Friends knowing his secret identity
• Peter was totally shocked when Flash came and apologised to him for being an Asshole before the school even started
• Peter accepted his apology, because he's Peter what else did you except from him.
• During Study Hall
• "Did you do something at Camp that I should know about? "
• "Don't look at me like that, this is all on him, I have nothing to do with it, this time at least"
• "What do you mean this time? "
• "I might have beaten him in front of whole Camp in a duel when we were 13"
• " Why? "
• "He started bullying you that year, Ok"
• "Aww, you do care"
• "Tell that to anyone, and they won't find your body "
• "Why do I don't doubt that, that's exactly what would happen, isn't it"
• "Good, you shouldn't "
• "Guys, I'm feeling left out, What Camp are you talking about, is it the one that Peter has gone in freshman year and refuses to tell me about and what do exactly mean when you say a duel"
• "We forgot Ned was here, didn't we"
• "We totally did"
• "Should we tell him about it or not"
• "It's your choice, Peter, but if he goes babbling about it to everyone than I'll have to kill him "
• "You guys are scaring me"
• Peter tell him everything, MJ adding a comment here and there
• "Wow you guys are just like Roman except they have like whole city for them instead of just Camp"
• "How the hell did you know about Romans we didn't even tell you about them yet"
• "Peter you remember my Grandmother who passed during middle school "
• "How could I not, you were absolutely wrecked when it happened you were really close "
• "Yeah, she was a Daughter of Minerva and she would tell me about New Rome and Camp Jupiter while putting me to bed " Ned said with a sad smile
• "But she never told me about Greek demigods though "
• "We kinda didn't knew about each other until few years ago"
• "So since you're a legacy of Minerva, can you see through the Mist" asks MJ
• "Not Clearly but if I focus I could "
• MJ takes out her pencil and turns it into Mace, Ned jumps out of his chair in fear, Flash suppressed his laughter across the room at the scene
• "Stop scaring him, MJ"
• "You are no fun"
• During Lunch, Flash comes and sits with them
• "So you could see through the Mist huh, demigod or mortal? "
• "Neither, I'm a Legacy, my grandmother was a daughter of Minerva "
• "Doesn't that make you like Peter's grand-nephew since Athena and Minerva are counterparts of each other"
• "Omg, Flash I didn't need to that Ned's my grand-nephew, never ever mention that ever again "
• "Why do you even care about Ned being demigod or Mortal?" asks MJ
• "I don't, Betty does, she has this huge crush on Ned but won't make a move because usually mortal and demigod's relationship go up into flames when they discover the truth"
• "How do you even know about her crush?"
• "Peter, I'm son of Aphrodite, I know these things and their pinning for each other almost, keyword almost, beats yours and Harley's "
• Ned was as red as tomato and to distract them from him he asked "Who's Harley?"
• "Peter didn't tell you about Harley" -Flash
• "Of course, he didn't " -MJ
• " Harley's the guy on whom Peter has the biggest crush on, Liz was nothing in comparison to Harley"- Flash
• "T..that's not true and how do you know about Liz" -Peter
• "Again, son of Aphrodite, I know these things and you kind of don't have any subtlety " -Flash
• "He's not wrong, the whole Camp knew about you pinning for Harley and him pinning for you " -MJ
• "No they didn't and he was not " -Peter
• "Yes, they did and he so was" -Flash
• "What proof do you have?" -Peter
• "Wait a second " Flash leaves the table and comes back with Betty
• "Hi guys, hey Ned" -Betty
• "Hi Betty" -Ned with heart eyes
• "Betty we need to prove Peter something and we need your help" -Flash
• "I'll try to help you as best I can" -Betty
• "Peter needs a proof that everyone in Camp knew about his crush and Harley was crushing on him too" -MJ
• "Both of your pinning was obvious to everyone but each other " -Betty
• "Told you " -Flash
• "Ok, whatever It's not like it's gonna work out I won't be going to Camp and he might not come to Camp since he would be starting College next year " -Peter
• "I don't want to be rude or something but does Ned knows " -Betty
• "Y..Yeah, I'm legacy of Minerva" -Ned
• "Oh! Since when do you knew about us " -Betty
• "We told him this morning " -Peter
• "So that's why he was scared shitless during Study Hall when Michelle made her Mace appear, to be honest it was real funny how he jumped out of the chair" -Flash
• "Told you it was funny" -MJ
• They started arguing and before they knew it lunch was over
• From the next day, Flash and Betty came over to sit with them during lunch and nobody said a thing about change in seating arrangements, they were usually way to busy arguing about something to even mention
• Ned finally asked Betty out after a month, they have been dating ever since
• Six months into school Flash discovered Peter's identity by accident
• Peter and Flash both have AP Chem after lunch so they go to class together
• One such day Peter's spider sense started going crazy while going to class
• "Flash you go to class, I need to go right now"
• "Wait Peter, where are you running to"
• Peter doesn't answer so Flash decided to follow him to the back alley of school and finds him changing into Spidersuit
• "Oh my God! You're Spiderman "
• "Shit! Flash I need to go, please don't tell anyone, we'll talk about it later"
• Flash was shook, his kinda-friend was his hero, so he just said "Ok"
• Flash goes back to his class but was still is in a daze
• Flash was still out of it when Betty asks whether he's Ok and he blurts out "Peter is Spiderman" to Betty and started hyperventilating
• Betty tries to calm Flash down and promises she won't tell anyone.
• Peter was back for the last period, after the class was over Peter finds Flash to talk
• "Would it be Ok if talk about it in my apartment, my aunt won't back before 6"
• "Ok"
• "Ned and MJ will be joining us too"
• " I need to tell you something "
• "Tell me in the apartment "
• "Ikindatoldbetty"
• "What? "
• " I kinda told Betty, I'm sorry I was still in a daze and blurted out to her, don't worry she promised she won't tell anyone "
• "Ok... you find Betty and meet us outside, we'll talk about it in the apartment "
• The walk back was super awkward and no one said a word
• Even after reaching the destination nobody uttered a single word for 5 mins before Betty couldn't handle it
• "Sooo... Peter's Spiderman "
• "Yeah" -Peter
• "And Ned and MJ already knew" -Betty
• "He didn't realise I was waiting for him in his room when he came in and removed his mask" -Ned
• "I realized he was Spiderman when he saved us from the cyclops " -MJ
• "Wait a sec, I was there too, why didn't I realise that " -Flash
• "Because you turned into a overexcited puppy whenever someone even mentions Spiderman " -MJ
• "Ok, maybe I do that" -Flash
• "Why didn't I knew about it" - Ned
• "You never asked how I realized it that when you asked how I found out" -MJ
• "Yeah, Ok" -Ned
• "Flash found out about it on accident " -Betty
• "In my defence he didn't even give me a excuse and started running so I followed him" -Flash
• "That sounds like Peter" -MJ
• "I know but heeey " -Peter
• "And Flash blurted out to me on accident" -Betty
• " I'm still sorry about that, I didn't mean to" -Flash
• "She as well as find about it now than later, to be honest Peter you are shit at hiding your identity, she was bound to find out sooner than later " -MJ
• "Again, I know but heeey" -Peter
• "So what do you both do exactly " -Betty
• "Good question, I'm Peter's guy in chair" -Ned
• "And I make excuses for him because these losers are shit at lying " -MJ
• "Peter, you can always come to me when you get injuries then, I hope you don't but you're bound to, I can help with my dad's healing power" -Betty
• "Thanks Betty, I have super healing but if I get a serious injury and my AI doesn't snitch to Mr Stark, I sure will " -Peter
• "If there's a way I could help, I would love to" -Flash
• "You could help me with excuses, whenever someone questions them, you can charm speak them, what don't look at me like that, I know you don't use it that much but you still have it" -MJ
• "How the hell did you know that " -Flash
• "Dude, she's MJ she knows everything " -Ned
• "Also, it doesn't hurt that I have been going to Camp since I was 9, I know almost everything like for example I know Drew refuses to teach you how to Charmspeak that's why Piper comes for a week from New Rome every summer with her girlfriend Annabeth " -MJ
( I know every one ships percabeth but I'm pipabeth trash, so sue me)
• "Wait they are dating, I thought they were best friends " -Peter
• "They started dating the year you stopped coming, but they did have heart eyes for each other way before that you were just way to busy giving Harley heart eyes yourself " -Betty
• "Not you too, can we please not talk about my crush on Harley " -Peter
• "That won't be fun at all, so no" -MJ
• " I hope you guys know that I'm really confused whenever you start talking about Camp randomly " -Ned
• "That reminds me, I IMed Chiron, a few days ago and convinced him to let Ned visit the camp but he said since you are a legacy he can't allow you to stay for more than a week" -Betty
• "Aww Babe, really " -Ned
• "Peter, why don't you also come for a week, I'm pretty sure Stark would be delighted to hear that you want to take a break from moonlighting as a superhero on your own" -MJ
• "But..." -Peter
• "Come on Peter, do it for me, your best friend and your guy in chair" -Ned
• "Ok, Ok, I'll come but stop giving me the puppy eyes" -Peter
• After discussing for an hour they finally decided that Ned and Peter should come to Camp in the first week of summer holidays
( I wasn't going to write Part 5 for a week at least but then @flowersofparkner said it was her favourite AU making me feel inspired and I had to write it)
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