#im so tired now my retinas burn gn
sable-roteuth · 6 months
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I guess I can post here again..... have rina.......
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unkn0wnl0v3 · 4 years
November 12 ‘20
I had D for 4 hours today and my loaches came! A solid day:)... im so tired tho. D really rocked my shit my eyes R like blinded now from the strain. But it was so amazing being with him. Being around him. I mean it was on zoom so like yea Not like around around him. But i was there and that was great. And im like i really like him gosh:)(19:11)
I’m probs gonna have fish tags and tc tags so FYI this blog is about how I like fish and how I like my teacher.-. So besides that if ur seeing this and being like “who’s D?” That’s my English teacher and if ur in the Tcc and ur seeing fish it’s cause I’m a fish enthusiast... as U was saying earlier I had a good solid 4+ hours with D. And I’m dead now. Four hours of zoom in a dark room with a bright burning monitor burning ur retinas and having only drank ice coffee and a taco that exploded all over the floor earlier that day in my stomach safe to say by the third hour and a half I had started deteriorating...:)... but then he went “guys I’m really tired lol” and then instead of ending it we talked for another hour wtf!!!!!! But I thouroughly enjoyed it. His company for me is appreciated with or without the non platonic attraction.. I also enjoyed my other company I had a really good friend of mine named Adri, and a girl I’m getting to know named Alexi and a new friend named Adam accompany me in my four hours today. We’re interviewing this famous guy and I’m excited. I mean I’m shy and I was tricked into this but I’m excited.. it’s an opportunity a chance! No one should ever reject a chance!!! Going back to the contents of the discussion I fought with Alex a lot. He told me that Aquarists aren’t real they’re just glorified pet owners but that gay bitch can suck my big cock right fish enthusiasts reading this post!!!! I also talked to D about music. His burger addiction.. where he lives>;)... He talked about how he’s bad at making jokes and that he needs wall decore. I told him I could make him some if he commissioned it and he went “maybe:)” and I was like “:)” besides my intense fish addiction I also do art so yeah it wouldn’t be ugly as hell if he did ask eventually:) (21:19)
I think this is all for today fish lovers and teacher crushers:)
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