#im so sos sosososos normal. im normal. trust me
uniquezombiedestiny · 2 years
tell me about your blorbos from your brain...
i have this post where i said random stuff about my ocs
so now ill do more of that 👍
update! its 12 am and sun is my mind so so so so much
the sun is so close yet so far from earth. we literally feel its light every day and yet its like millions of miles away from us. then it just becomes night and theres just the moon, reflecting the suns light
ironically i never thought about sun being like the Actual Sun until now but. damn (she is so close yet so far but she could never come to earth) (the moon is only a reflection of the sun. it is still there, just barely. even when she's completely gone shes still reaching out for earth) (also she can be the earth too. a computer monitor and a star both emit light after all. and without a sun? the world ends) (...but the earth mostly represents people outside of unreality - all of x535/l corp but specifically mason, basil, miho, farrow and ex. but most of all mason and ex bc they have the most banger ask responses ever)
(AGH <- obsessing over a literal side character) (does anyone else even think about her. i mean either way i make up for it via this shit but still lmao)
also the opposite: darkness. 'binah' eventually cracks and cracks like glass until becoming a shadow, the opposite of sun.* and sun eventually kills her, finally gaining her power to control unreality. the light consumes the darkness, destroying it. even when she killed her she followed in her footsteps and her goals, and really the goal of unreality - destroying evil. but at this point, she knew that. and thats why she did it, to continue to her legacy and goals
*update! the sun makes shadows appear. hehe. there has always been a thing of unreality being made from peoples minds (which is canon - poussey and miku are able to meet in unreality by thinking of the same place. but you know that lol). 'binah' does bring sun into unreality to punish her for killing angela, which sprouted from paranoia. so she kinda is her shadow, like the dark parts of her mind ig
"i do not want to be in a cell and i do not want to mindlessly kill" <- lol. lmao, even (tbh this just lives in my head just bc. but sun is trapped in unreality and repeatedly killed, so this could totally match that. or she could say its about l corp. "arent you trapped, mindlessly killing others yourself? ill free you.")
also "murder happens all the time. sometimes as a necessity. maybe it does [mean youre a better person]." [!] sun will remember this (she's probably gonna repeat it to him when she eventually gets back to the facility as an arbiter ["arent i the better person for this?"])
im so normal. writing this just feels like this. i hope you understand these autistic swag beams directly from my mind
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risararelywrites · 7 months
im being so normal about this picture of Zendaya guys trust me
Tumblr media
so so so sosososo sooooo so so so normal about this like I barely even want her to strap me at all, honest
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shrimpychipz · 8 months
calbee rambles about his favourite songs cause he’s crazy like that
I Threw Glass at My Friends Eyes and Now I’m on Probation by Destroy boys
I’m not normal about this song i swear on my life
i relate to it but i literally dont its me but it isnt
i like the vibe! The guitar pops off SO GOOD in this song
The lyrics are also sorta funny but they mesh well with the way the singer sings
i swear no one knows this song tho so sad :(
2. You Fuckers Were Asking For This One - boin edit by Rav
(Specifically the boin edit trust me it his different)
also credits to that one bruabba artist who made an edit with this song that’s what got me into this artist
theyre so fire. They fit so good.
And the sample of the singing in the background that eventually ends up syncing with the rap. I ascended.
3. I Just Threw Out The Love Of My Dreams by Weezer
(Yeah im lame like that)
i love scream singing to this song its so me aghhh
how can you resist the fire tune and the funky. Whatever those instruments are sorry idk they just sound good
(That’s all oops i have so many songs to yap a bout but these are the ones im thinking about rn)
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aversiteespabilas · 1 month
I've been summoned yet again!!
I LOVELOVELOVE all the illustrations you've been doing for SL and ROTMR and I've returned to yell at you about it 💗💗
first i wanna talk about the illustration you made for the first chapter of SL. I wanna be not normal about framing real quick, because it struck me as a very specific artistic choice. Our perspective as the audience is placed outside the main setting. Literally. we're peeking through bushes.
we are Not a part of the scene currently unfolding. You could have very easily framed the scene to feel more like Yusuke's pov, but you chose not to. In the written version we're very much reading from Yusuke's perspective, but the audience is never Truly seeing through his eyes, it's not a i/me situation. The audience sort of looks over his shoulder. which, in the illustrated version of the scene, is exactly the position the audience is placed in!
I like that Testuya's gaze isn't on *us, this is a moment between them and them alone. It feels intimate. We're outsiders looking in on a story we have no place in. but ur so gawd darn good at this shit that it doesn't change the power and connection i feel as a viewer. Anyways, all that's to say, I think the connection you made between the two mediums was really neat and very well done. Infinite kudos!! 
NEXT!! the most recent one you did
i mean. WOW. what a way to visualize tension!! I love how the rabbits are framed by the broken glass, it looks like they're trapped. they're walking on glass but scratch that bc the glass is already broken and unless they wanna cut up their toe beans they have to be veryyy careful. 
Also, i love the silly little background yokai they're all so rise coded i love them sosososo much! The little wormy dude? he's literally the love of my life, i'm obsessed with him 
on the topic of background stuff, ny is TRASHED. (referring to the illustration you posted for ROTMR chap. 2) 
I knew there was a ton of rubble and destruction but i don't think i really digested the implications of it all. the purple veins choking metal and concrete? the strong buildings trusted by new yorkers to shelter and protect reduced to unrecognizable rubble?? It evokes such a feeling of horror…and considering possible real world events that may or may not be canon in ROTMR, it hits Really close to home. the whole ordeal is just such a terrible trauma.
on a lighter note, the puppies are adorable as ever! I enjoyed them so much on your cover art for the fic and it's such a treat to see the puppers closer up. I actually love this scene, it's so goofy! poor yuki is concerned for todd's safety on SO many levels 😭😭
Also, i have to bring it up every time, I love the paw shapes 🥺
i love all your shapes but im a BIG fan of the rabbit shapes. They're so rabbity i'm obsessed!!!!!! the ears and the paws get me every time 🥺🙏
and i never mentioned your drawings from a while back, i yelled at Rhin about it at the time but they Just reblogged ur tetsutoshi thingy and i got blown away all over again AWWOOOGA HUF HUF WOOF WOOF WOOF!!!! im never gonna get over it!! All your little spicys are great 😭😭🙏 
I dont think any of us are getting past the furry porn allegations. 💀
And while i'm on the subject of spicy tetsutoshi, the new chapter of H&H was BEYOND phenomenal!! It was SO worth the wait, you put your whole soul into that thing 😭🙏 
I honestly haven't fully collected my thoughts on it, there's so much to digest and think about. I might invade ur ao3 inbox sometime soon but i just wanna let u know that i at least read it
anyways, back into the abyss i go, I'm fully submerged in the sand box, you guys buried me under the sand and placed a makeshift flag on the mountain of sand covering my body. lots of hugs and kisses, until next time!!
- 😎
The way I just JUMPED from my bed this morning when I saw I had an ask from you HIIIII OMG
My Illustration Era is afoot buddy! Listen, I have a to-draw list that lately just keeps getting full of composition and background ideas for specific scenes and what am I supposed to do about it? NOT deliver??
It's just. I feel like I found it, I found a winning formula for creating immersive ambience that involves having at least three layers of objects (foreground, background, and the characters), and it's funny how by adding that bit of distance from the characters, that "obstacle", suddenly the audience acknowledges they're there, like there's a camera they could move in the space. Plus the blur effect, it creates some DELIGHTFUL pictures, and I've been exploring the potential of that method in as many creative ways as I can find with these scenes! Might not be long until I try to tackle landscapes... Myself from a year ago would be so proud...
For SL Chapter 1 my original idea was actually very different. I was thinking of putting the camera well above both of them, inspired by that line that says their ancestors and Grandfather Jotaro are watching them from the wooden beams. In the end I decided against it cause it was a weird angle to find reference for, cause they'd look a bit awkward from above and mostly cause I realized I was particularly interested in showing Tetsuya's face, since in SL this is the lasting impression of Tetsuya that's going to linger throughout the entire fic, and I wanted the viewer to have a clear look at the person we're talking about. The resulting composition was not as "confrontational" as I had originally intended, it actually feels more intimate and warm, although I did make use of sharp light and shadows to create more tension. I feel like it does work in service to the fic as a whole, though 😌 And Rhin also mentioned that "outside looking in" vibe! It plays within the character-centric, present tense third person that Rhin's narration uses, although of course I'm not planning for all the illustrations to be from over Yusuke's shoulder. I'm kind of approaching it like I would movie scenes! This is Yusuke's movie and we'll need to see his face too from time to time adgsffs
Like with the Chapter 5 art! I really really wanted to have a clear view of all three characters, so I was thinking of an interesting and dynamic way to see all of them confronting the oni. Then I got the idea of the broken glass! I was very excited to see what it would look like framed with that transparency. I also had a lot of fun with the little marketplace yokai, finally those weird critter doodles I made on the corners of high school notes can come in handy- Admittedly, it's not exactly the big crowd I was envisioning? But it gets the point across that they're not the only people there.
Regarding ROTMR Chapter 2, oh boy I feel you. With this one I wanted to achieve a sort of contrast between the destruction and the cute comedic puppy rescue moment, which would reflect the duality of that scene and, in a way, the fic itself. I wanted the environment to accurately represent how messed up everything is, cause it really does hit different when you're seeing it in a picture. I actually took reference from the Rise movie, and how New York actually looked during the krang invasion, and was kind of surprised at how much utter destruction is depicted, including the pink/purple goo EVERYWHERE. In contrast with the bleak nighttime setting of the movie, though, this scene is set in broad daylight, so you can see the goo and the buildings and the dusty environment very clearly, but there's also an intended air of calm and you can see a bit of construction going on in the background. The danger has passed, and they're going through the recovery stage now. I'm actually very proud of the puppy designs, they're such cute little goobers, and especially had a lot of fun with the curly haired one- Just a mop hopping across krang rubble don't worry about it.
COME BE SO INCREDIBLY NORMAL ABOUT RABBIT PAWS WITH MEEEE every single time I draw them I imbue in them all the insanity I feel from not being able to touch them. Fantasy is a cruel, cruel mistress my friend.
I'M SO SO HAPPY WITH THAT SPICY TETSUTOSHI, I was taking pose reference from a photograph but dang, I didn't imagine it turning out SO pretty and on-model, I couldn't even decide on which palette to use with it, which is why I just posted two versions. Fun fact, the ref actually didn't have clothing, but I decided to add clothes after the fact cause get this: ruffled clothing actually makes the whole thing so much more sensual. Just trust me on this, it suddenly made everything x10 times better. Listen, the posing gets you in the moment, but the clothing is the story. It tells you where those hands have been before and what they've done. Same with the places where fur is ruffled. This is one of the reasons I don't often draw the strands of fur on my rabbits (even though I love doing it), cause I want them to be purposeful when I do draw them, to really convey that idea of untidyness. AND SO I CONTINUE ON MY QUEST TO DRAW STUFF I WISH TO TOUCH- ahem ahem
Gosh I'm so completely OVERJOYED that you're liking H&H, that one's a bit of a drama fest compared to ROTMR but it's truly a labor of love, I put all the care I possibly can in crafting every chapter. I'm aware my chapters are very chonky and intense, they're full stories more than they are individual scenes; I think that's a style that suits me well, but I also know it's a bit of a daunting task to discuss them in length. Just knowing that you're sticking with us in our madness makes me so warm and fuzzy inside 💕💕💕💕 I treasure every comment and I love you FOREVER!! Pop in anytime so I can infodump at you some more! 🥰
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void-kill · 7 months
i cant find the right beads and im being SOSOSOSOS SO normal about it trust me :))))))
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