#im so sorry it took me so long to answer your ask I never made a tuto before I kinda have no idea what im doing😭
nayedoll ¡ 3 days
ik wil je
joost klein x fem!reader
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warnings : fluff, a bit suggestive towards the end but nothing crazy / not proof read
a/n : some parts written in dutch may not be correct since i don’t speak dutch so im sorry in case there r any mistakes.
“When is he coming on stage?” your friend, Jenna, asked as you both entered the venue where Joost’s concert was being held at.
“In two hours I think” you answered, raising your voice a bit to be heard over the loud talking from the people around you. Jenna groaned, already feeling tired at the thought of waiting for so long.
“I cannot believe you convinced me to come this early to a concert just because you have a crush on this dude” she rolled her eyes and you laughed at her reaction.
“Who said I have a crush on him?” you teased, both of you knowing that Joost’s music wasn’t the only thing you liked about him. You had discovered Joost through some friends shortly after having moved to Amsterdam to study abroad. The blonde artist had charmed you since the beginning and it wasn’t long before you found yourself having a little crush on him, one that you deemed as silly and would never act upon.
Although you knew there was no chance of him ever being romantically involved with you, in the back of your mind you secretly hoped for something to happen today at the concert. However you would never try to initiate anything yourself and risk making him uncomfortable by doing so.
“Well if we’re gonna stand for two hours, we should at least try and get to the front” Jenna suggested, took your hand and led you through the crowd at the arena, the air immediately becoming hotter as you pushed through the sweaty bodies of people.
Your decision to come earlier was proven to have paid off, seeing as there weren’t too many people at the venue yet. Eventually, you noticed an empty spot at the front with a direct view of the stage and walked there in a hurry to claim it for yourself and Jenna.
The stage was relatively small, with a big screen in the background that read “joost klein” on it. The strobe lights illuminated the room in various colors and you squeaked in excitement as you turned to face your friend and squeezed her arm.
“So what’s your plan now?” she looked you up and down in a smirk and you made a confused face in response, furrowing your brows.
“My plan? Enjoy the concert I guess?” you replied and watched as disappointment took over her face. “What?” you exclaimed and lightly slapped her shoulder.
“This is the hottest you’ve ever looked and you’re just going to enjoy the concert?”. Her compliment made you laugh, giving you back the confidence you needed after being so anxious all day.
“Well what do you want me to do? Go up there and fuck him?” you joked and Jenna’s face lit up at your words.
“Well I don’t think he’d mind that” she shrugged her shoulders and you playfully slapped her again, chuckling the whole time.
You two chatted as you waited, the venue growing more crowded by the minutes just like the knot in your stomach grew bigger at each passing second. After approximately two and a half hours, the lights finally stopped switching colors and settled on a purple hue, signaling that Joost was about to go on stage.
The familiar intro of Joost’s song, “droom groot” started playing, resulting in people screaming in anticipation. As Joost came out, the screams only intensified and your heartbeat at that moment felt even louder than the bass ringing in your ears.
“Hallo Amsterdam” Joost yelled into the microphone and scanned the crowd in a smile before his eyes lingered on yours. You felt Jenna’s hand playfully pushing you and quickly turned to look at her as she mouthed “told you” with a smug smile.
The rest of the concert went by normally with people dancing and screaming the lyrics to Joost’s songs, who didn’t interact with you much other than shooting continuous glances at your direction. You didn’t think much of them though, seeing as Joost was also interacting a lot with other people at the front.
“Dus dit volgende nummer”so this next song Joost started saying and the crowd quieted down, “is een beetje anders” is a bit different. He suddenly looked much more nervous, slightly fidgeting with his hair.
“Het is romantischer denk ik” it’s more romantic i guess he laughed and some people started cheering, you and Jenna included. “Oké hier gaan we” okay here we go Joost said and the audience erupted into screaming as you recognized the song to be “Ik Wil Je”, one of your personal favorites of his.
You danced along to the song, putting one arm around Jenna as you noticed people hugging and jumping up and down to the beat. The atmosphere was electric and it saddened you that you would have to leave soon and return to everyday responsibilities.
It seemed like you were too caught up in the moment to notice Joost running to your direction with a smug smile. You gasped as he grabbed your hand, intertwining his fingers firmly with yours. He started singing the chorus of the song, all while maintaining eye contact with you.
“Ik wil je, blijf bij me, hou van me, ga nooit meer weg” were the only things you could hear, too focused on Joost to notice all the screams around you. You smiled at him while yelling the lyrics, the immense chemistry between the two of you obvious to everyone in the room.
The moment ended as quickly as it started as Joost let go of your hand reluctantly and backed away slightly. Jenna shook you, bringing you back to reality and you realized just then how shaky your legs had become.
“Dude what the fuck???” she said in a low tone as the music stopped and all you could do was shrug your shoulders and laugh.
The concert came to an end as more and more people started leaving the venue. You were last to exit the building, as Jenna breathed a sigh of relief at the feeling of fresh air the moment you stepped outside.
“Wanna go for drinks?” she suggested and you nodded, letting her lead the way. You ended up at a small bar five minutes away from the venue, sitting at a table near the window, that showed the glistening streets busy with cars and people passing by.
“You know you’re stupid for not getting his number” Jenna broke the silence, taking a shot of her drink.
“What was I supposed to do, jump on stage?” you scoffed and rubbed your fingers anxiously. In all seriousness, you were very bitter about what had happened earlier. You mentally slapped yourself as you realized you could —should— have pursued him more. But then again, if Joost was truly into you, he surely would have tried to make a move on you after the concert. Disappointment took over you at the realization that he probably did this only for the purpose of the show and that this wasn’t some cheesy rom-com.
Jenna sensed your regret and reached for your hand over the table. “Hey” she smiled “he’s just some guy after all, don’t forget that!”. You chuckled at her remark and took a sip of your drink in an attempt to shake off the sad state you were in.
A couple of minutes passed in which you managed to have fun, letting Jenna be the speaker. However your attention on her was soon captured by the glass door opening and five tall men coming in. Your eyes widened as you recognized the last man to be Joost and Jenna seemed to notice, glancing back to see what caused your reaction.
“No fucking way” she exclaimed and you hushed her, burying your face in your hands.
As you lifted your face again, you were met with Joost looking at you, seemingly shocked as well. His friends caught on to his gaze and shared a knowing smirk before one of them, Apson, started singing what sounded like the words to “Ik Wil Je” and teasing Joost. You lowered your gaze, fighting back a grin and you heard Joost laugh before telling his friends to shut up.
“I’m going for a smoke!” Jenna announced somewhat loudly, grabbed her purse and headed for the door. Joost’s eyes flickered awkwardly between you and his friends, who had already taken a seat without telling him. You nodded at the empty chair across from you, encouraging him to approach you which he gladly did.
“Hey” he smiled as he sat down, the orange light that emitted from the small lamp on the table making his dimples visible. He gave you a handshake and you got chills as you felt the familiar warmth of his big palm against yours, for the second time that night.
“Hi” you greeted him before properly introducing yourself to him.
“Pretty name” he remarked and you thanked him, your eyes never leaving his. He was dressed a bit differently from before, still wearing the same pants but with a big hoodie on top.
“Didn’t expect to see you here” you said, switching topics.
“Yeah me neither.” Joost replied, “but I guess things happen for a reason, don’t they?” he added and you furrowed your eyebrows.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I looked for you after the concert ended but i guess you left in a hurry” he went on to explain and you bit your bottom lip to hide your smile.
“Yeah, sorry about that.”
“What are you sorry for?” he asked, laughing.
“Well, I should have searched for you but I just left. Doesn’t that make me kind of an asshole?” you said apologetically.
“A bit.” Joost answered and you scoffed at his bluntness, hitting him playfully on his arm. “But you can always make up for it”. You raised your eyebrows at his smug expression, curious as to what he was insinuating.
“How?” you smirked, rubbing your legs together under the table to cool off the heat you were feeling. Even if his initial comment wasn’t suggestive, the idea had still entered your mind, with newfound desires emerging.
“You’ll have to find out liefje” his tone was a bit dismissive, only adding to the hotness between your thighs. Just then, your phone vibrated with a message from Jenna saying her boyfriend would pick her up and wishing you a fun night.
After hundreds of messages expressing your love and gratitude to have her as a friend, you put your phone down and looked at Joost who questioned the sudden excitement in your face.
“Wanna get out of here?” you asked him with as much confidence as possible. A grin appeared on his face and he nodded eagerly. His excitement only intensified as he watched you get up from your seat and fix your skirt that didn’t leave much to the imagination.
This was the first time you were both directly standing next to each other, finally noticing how much taller he was compared to you. He left briefly to speak to his friends, who cheered him on as quietly as they could.
As you exited the bar, you winced at the cold air against your bare thighs, regretting your decision to wear a leather jacket instead of a long coat.
“I have a car, let’s go” you grabbed Joost’s hand and quickly walked with him to the direction of your car.
“Didn’t know you could drive” Joost said and you chuckled.
“I can do a lot of things” you boasted and felt his eyes lingering on you.
“We’ll see about that.”
On the way to your place, Joost’s hand rested on your exposed thigh as you talked about various things, genuinely enjoying the company of one another. He drew small circles on your skin every now and then, the tingling sensation sending shivers down your spine.
After what felt like hours, you finally reached your place and got out of the car. As you were struggling to find the right key for the door to your house, Joost coming up behind you, caught your attention.
“Ik wil je, blijf bij me” he started singing, his voice just a bit louder than a whisper as he approached you, gently bopping to the song. You laughed before he took your hands, wrapped them around his neck and pushed you closer to him.
“Hou van me, ga nooit meer weg” the last words were hardly heard as Joost impatiently crashed his lips with yours in a slow and passionate kiss. He brought his hands just below your ass, caressing the area there and your fingers found his hair, playing with his blonde locks softly.
You drew back from his face, allowing yourself to breathe. He was slightly flushed with messy hair as he stared down at you with desperation.
“I should have taken you on a date first” Joost admitted, letting out a small chuckle.
“That can be arranged for another time” you kissed his lips softly before finally unlocking the door and dragging him inside, excited for what the night would bring.
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k4pp4-8 ¡ 1 month
Do you have any tips on drawing Enid? She's my fav and you draw her so well! ❤️❤️❤️
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Thank you!!!💜 I'm not the best at explaining but I hope this helps you understand how I draw Enid :DD
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chococolte ¡ 2 months
Your sagau zhongli is my fave! Devotion is soooo good he's so good!! If he were offered a reward, what would he ask for? He definitely deserves good things for being such a dedicated worshipper
word count. 1.6k
୨୧ — ꒰ cw. yandere, unhealthy relationships, possessive & obsessive thoughts/behaviors, sagau + cult au shit, religious themes, g/n reader.
୨୧ — ꒰ a/n. hi guys......... sorry i took so long to write this, and im so happy you like my characterization of him!!!! it means so much to me!!!
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Your praise.
Zhongli has rarely ever wanted. 
When he was young, still arrogant and born of war, Zhongli didn't want— he took. He had no need of envy or desire. What he could not have, he would get in time. Immortality comes with an infinite patience. 
If he was still that god, flippant and self-important, maybe he would demand some sort of compensation. Some sort of recompense for past agony.
For as long as Zhongli's lived, he has never wanted; not in the way a mortal yearns for their lover, or the way a dog longs for its owner until it whines. Never in any way that mattered, never before he met you.
Zhongli has had eons to become used to the loneliness that so often encompasses him. And now, knowing that you breathe the same air as him, he's become rather acquainted with the ever consuming desire to nestle close to you, like ink caressing every pore of canvas. 
His desire runs through him— barking and loud, rapid and frantic— but when faced with you, a whisper, whimpering in the dark crevices of his ribs. At times, he comes close to asking you to hold him, but decorum and propriety keep him in place, tight and tense.
Liyue was built knowing your gaze followed him. Its foundations set, earth molded, and its rivers bent, hoping they would be fit to your liking. His every breath spent chasing after your favor, desiring to be remade in your image, to be exactly what you want him to be. Afraid that, when finally met with you, you will not like what you see.
Zhongli has rarely ever wanted, and rarer still, has he ever feared.
It's a mortal's fear. The fear of their lord displeased with their harvest. A boyish fear, made up of desperation and the fear of disapproval; one he shouldn't feel, one he should feel no familiarity with. One he suspects many have felt when within his own presence.
When you ask him what he would like in return for all of his efforts— a reward, you say— Zhongli feels his breath seized from him.
Zhongli lived much of his early life against you. At every opportunity, he rebelled at what he thought was a cruel god. Imperious and charged with Guizhong’s death, he would have demanded answers. 
For him to have lived while those he cared for perished without a moment's repose, for him to have survived every moment of cruel war when each breath was like a whip against his lungs— he deserved to know, if you were as real as Guizhong so staunchly believed, why he had lived in her place.
Yet, despite centuries of tempered rage, Zhongli has become content to live as nothing more than your servant. 
He tells you he wants for nothing. That all he desires now is the simplicity of being beside you; the escape of your laughter, where there's no need to concern himself with anything other than you. He tells you he only wishes to know how to take care of you better, how to align himself with your tastes and desires.
"I insist," you say, and Zhongli realizes it's a command. His mouth turns dry, and every word settles on his tongue like heavy weights, dead and still.
You stare, and his breath hitches, his heart a swell in his chest. Zhongli thinks of every answer, how your reaction to any could either breathe life into him, or leave him broken. How, for a moment, he amuses himself with the idea of asking for your touch— the cusp of your palm on his cheek, your fingers against his spine; how he could ask, and how you might favor him enough to do so. 
He then thinks of asking you for reassurance. For affirmation of forgiveness for the actions in his youth. To finally have the certainty that he hasn’t failed you, and maybe, the confirmation that you may care for him.
“Forgive me for my impropriety, Your Grace,” Zhongli begins, voice light and breathy. His hand rests on his chest, fighting the urge to dig into his skin, hoping to calm the pounding of his heart. “But… if I may, I was wondering if I had done right by you?”
You sit inertly in silence for a moment, and Zhongli wonders if it’s on purpose, some sort of punishment for daring to ask such a thing. You had no reason to reward him, and he had been blessed enough to hold your attention for longer than a moment. He had no right to ask for your thoughts, not so directly.
He thought he knew that. It was why he followed you, why he made sure your every request was completed to the highest standard. If you mentioned the taste of your tea being too bitter, or sweet, or that you’d rather he prepare something else for you entirely, he would rush to follow your word. Even if he had been the one to brew it, even if it was him who cultivated the leaves, even if he thought it would be to your liking.
All he needed was to be helpful. All he needed was you. Within you, was his salvation— within you, was love itself. Without you, the once great Lord of Geo was but a fragmented elemental wisp of energy, only ever calling your name.
A spike of adrenaline rushes through him, fear and anxiety denying any sense of hope. All he hears is the solitary sound of his heart in his ears. 
“You have only ever done good by me.”
Zhongli’s heart lurches, heat rippling through his body. You say it like it's the most obvious thing in the world, and his mind feels dizzy at the implication. The ground sways, and his feet feel light. 
“You deserve more than that, I think.” You step forward, and Zhongli is so lost within his own thoughts, he takes no notice of your sudden increase in proximity— but his breath still quickens, and red still coats the apples of his cheeks. 
“Kneel,” you whisper, and though you say it so softly, it's as though the sky had been torn asunder with the speed he responds. Zhongli’s mind still feels far away, but he hears your orders as if spoken directly into his ear.
He drops to his knees, no care for whether he does so elegantly enough. All he can focus on is the weight of your gaze, and the way he's the only thing under it.
“Do you want me to praise you?” You trace his jawline with your finger, still speaking in a soft, unhurried tone. “Do you want me to tell you how much of a good boy you are?”
Zhongli inhales sharply, fighting every thought that screams at him to eagerly lean into your hand. He stares up at you, russet lashes fluttering and amber eyes swallowed by adoration and worship. 
“Yes, Your Grace,” he whispers hoarsely. 
Your thumb swipes over his lower lip, and a whine rises to the back of his throat. 
“My good boy.” Zhongli’s entire body shudders, his chest heaving. A shaky breath escapes him. “You've been waiting to hear that for so long, haven't you?”
He whimpers, then nods in a way he hopes doesn’t come across as overeager— quickly bereft of any sense of propriety, or care for whether or not he’s making a fool of himself. All he can concern himself with is how close you are, how easily your scent renders him still, how quickly he borders on senseless. 
You smile at that, and he bites his tongue to stop himself from whimpering. 
“Do you want me to tell you how grateful I am?” Your fingers move across his neck, brushing against his Adam’s Apple, watching it bob as he gulps, trying to keep himself steady and not fall against you. “How you're my favorite?”
An ugly sound rips from Zhongli’s throat, and it's one he's instantly ashamed of. Every part of him feels bare in front of you, laid out messy and without decorum. The mask he’s worn for eons steadily breaks, and every one of his veins and bones scream out for your warmth. 
The Lord of Geo wouldn’t have ever allowed himself to be so vulnerable. He never would have amused himself with the thought of pleading for anything, or kneeling and falling apart because he was treated softly— least of all, of being so desperate to know that you love him; that you favor him. 
Zhongli, now without his Gnosis, is as mortal as the men he used to lord over. And perhaps it’s his newfound mortality that moves him to lean into your hand, frantically trying to meld your fingers against his skin until his flesh is like clay inlaid with your fingertips; hoping that you’ll rebuild him until he fits your desires, and tell him again that he’s proven to have done good by you. 
Every thought is a prayer, another hymn, another psalm.
“Am I? Your favorite?” 
His voice trembles, and breathes into a soft whisper. Zhongli doesn’t mean to sound so desperate— he doesn’t mean to be so greedy— but his soul has never felt so full before. His mind is so mired by your touch and voice that he doesn’t realize his lack of formality, or how he might come across as arrogant. 
He wants only to think of you, and so he does. Nothing else matters.
“Yes.” You chuckle, and his heart speeds up at the sound, fervent. “Why would I want anyone else?”
Zhongli whines, and faintly, through the blur of fanaticism and worship, thinks that no matter what you asked of him, he would do it without hesitation. 
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alastorss ¡ 2 months
we've seen Alastor with deaf reader. but what about Alastor and blind reader?
how confusing it would be for them meeting Alastor for the first time with the radio filter overlaying his voice
and how confusing it would be for our deer man to find out he grew soft spot for reader? bc they find his voice very soothing to listen? since their hearing senses are hightened due to the blindness
so in one of their shared peaceful moments he asks reader if they want to see him. and to answer their startled expression he just brings their hands to lay on his face.. for them to "read" his appearence..
sorry if there are mistakes, Im not eng. love your writing sm, thanks for quality food you bring us, fluff-starved people!
a/n: hiii hun!! i'm so so sorry i took so long to respond to this, but i really wanted to write something for this because aaaaahhhhh that's such a good idea omg 😭❤️ i hope you like it!
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Alastor once believed himself to be the demon of all demons.
He was everything a Sinner wanted to be and everything a Sinner feared in one soul—a package wrapped up pretty with a bowtie. He loved it. Thrived on it.
There was something so delicious about terror.
He played into his horrifying image. Purposefully made his presence known; broadcasted screams for all to hear. Power and fame only made him greedier for souls.
Being the center of attention came naturally for him. As natural as breathing, friends would jest. He attracted eyes wherever he went. Some admiring. Some not.
So it was quite a shock when you bumped right into him on the street and didn't immediately comb him over with your eyes.
"I'm sorry," you quickly stammered out, fiddling with your own sleeves.
Finally, you looked at him, but he could tell you were just looking for the sake of looking. Absently, you stared at him as you waited for a response.
Perhaps you expected him to chew you out. To lay a hand on you or to drag you into the alley so he could kick you until you bled. He could see it in your expression.
His heart uncharacteristically ached.
Instead, he steadied you by the shoulders and fixed a stray lock of hair out of your face.
"Carry on, my dear," he mused.
He was surprised with how pleased he was when you smiled at him. Big and wide—charming, really. He was hooked.
Alastor became a frequent in the area, always keeping his eyes peeled for you so he could take your arm into his and ferry you around. You insisted that you were fine, that you didn't need help, but he denied that those were his intentions. He simply wanted your company.
(And to scare off any other demons who had hit you or spat at you before.)
Eventually, you grew fond of him, too.
You could hear him so clearly—the trail of death and despair he left behind was loud, after all. Screaming souls followed his every move. For some reason, it comforted you.
He never tried playing nasty pranks on you. Never tried sneaking up behind you just to scare you, or hit you just because he could.
Alastor did not feel like a demon anymore.
Sinister and cruel, he thought the words didn't suit him when you were walking hand-in-hand.
For as many lives as he took, he had a soft spot for you.
His very presence brought you ease. You knew no one dared to approach a weak Sinner like you when you had him dangling off your arm. He found ways to fill the silence when you weren't chatting, just assuring you he was there.
"You're too kind to me," you once said to him. "You're not an angel trying to trick me, are you?"
"I am!" He chuckled, feeding into your little joke.
The way you laughed made his heart squeeze in the same way it had when he first met you. For a moment he felt nothing but guilt burn in his stomach.
He was the demon of all demons, but for some reason, he couldn't stand you thinking he was a demon at all.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Ever since convincing you to come to the hotel with him, you've not left his side once.
Not that he was complaining about it.
Surrounded with new people and often jolting out of your own skin whenever they began impromptu musical numbers, Alastor could tell you were entirely out of your element.
You were slowly but surely beginning to open up to your new home and the compatriots that came with it. However, you were always the most relaxed with the Radio Demon's soothing presence. He found himself cherishing the moments that you spent alone.
Conversation was not needed to tell each other how you felt. He appreciated that the most.
It's why he is slightly confused when you open your mouth as if you want to say something before snapping it shut with a loud huff. Again and again, you keep it up, sighing and groaning quietly to yourself.
Finally, Alastor has had enough. "Is something the matter, dear?" He asks, peering up from his newspaper to eye you on the other end of the couch.
"N-No!" You squeak, fumbling around with your hands like a cartoon character. "I just..."
He waits for you to continue, only to be met with deafening silence. Sighing to himself, he sets down his paper and scoots over to your side.
"Go on," he gently urges.
"I don't want to be a bother," you say quietly after a pause of hesitation.
He only stares at you, flabbergasted by the way you start to pull away from him. Stopping you by giving your shoulder a squeeze, he swallows harshly.
Your heart is racing so loud that he can hear it roaring in his own sensitive ears.
"You are never a bother," he quickly assures. "Come now, look at me."
Your brows furrow, unsure of what he wants you to do. You slowly turn your head to him with a confused scrunch of the nose. In all the time that you had known each other, he had never asked you to do something so pointless.
"Look at me," he pushes, hands sliding down your arms to take yours. He tugs you closer and brings your hands up to his face, allowing you to cup his cheeks.
Careful not to nick your skin with his teeth, his smile softens. Your hands roam his face tenderly, subtly squeezing at the fat of his cheeks. With your fingers tracing every part of him, from the bridge of his nose to his brows to the infinite curve of his smile, you relax.
"I'm a monster."
He had always tried to convince you that he wasn't terrible. That he was worthy of having your hands cupping his cheeks. But you could feel it—his smile. His antlers.
He's never felt vulnerable before. For some reason, it feels good to open up to you.
"You're just as pretty as I always imagined," you tell him with a shake of your head. Alastor flushes at your words.
No dishonesty. No fear. Your heart has stopped pounding in your ribcage.
That's right. He was kind to you, even though he was a beast. The demon had always thought that what he wanted most was to be feared, but he was wrong. You knew his heart before his form.
He shifts so he can kiss your fingertips.
"Well? What would you like to say?"
You suddenly freeze up, lips pressed into a thin line. Flustered, you sputter. "Nevermind, please just forget about that!"
"Oh? Keeping secrets from me isn't very nice, darling~" he muses. You groan, pulling your hands back to your own face to hide it.
Alastor only laughs, static crackling in his voice as he does. He leans forward, gently prying your wrists to reveal your face again so he can press his lips to your forehead.
He knows. The way you melt into his arms is enough. No conversation needed.
taglist: @the-lake-is-calling @dragons-and-dwarves-are-nice @averylonelysea @bri22222 @cxrsedwxrlds @amarokofficial @anae-naea-zacheria @for-hearthand-home @fantasy-is-best @angixyc @th3-st4r-gur1 @i-am-nonbinary-bean-deal-with-it @dilemmaiscool @concentratedconcrete @squiword7 @clarakainda @princekeerys @cedarrthefluffylee (send an ask to be added!)
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hughesurdaddy43 ¡ 6 months
Come over
Summary: I'm setting off. But not without my muse
Pairing: Quinn Hughes x fem reader
Note: IM sorry guys this one is actually so long so I cut it in half so the next part Ill post tomorrow & its gonna kill you
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It's been three days since you've last seen Quinn. 72 hours since the two of you shared a kiss. 259,200 seconds of you replaying that moment in your head, over and over again.
Quinn had already left for his away game, and not seeing him in person again after he single handedly took your breath away was driving you crazy.
You sit on your couch, having yet another lazy day after opting out of going into your office today. Your mind is too much in a daze to deal with annoying coworkers who are a little too interested in your friendship with the famous hockey player. With your computer in your lap, you try and focus on an email from your boss that has gone unread for the last four days, and as soon as you start reading the first line, your phone starts to ring.
Quinns name flashes on the screen and you don't hesitate to toss your computer to the side and answer your FaceTime call. He flashes a smile as soon as the call connects. It's dim where he is, and you soon realize that he's on the bus. His under eyes are dark, and his beard is a little more scruffy than usual, but that doesn't stop you from thinking he's still the most handsome man you've ever laid eyes on .
"Shouldn’t you be getting some sleep?" You ask Quinn, raising your eyebrow at him. It's a mom kind of question, one that you know Ellen would ask if she had seen him awake this late at night after he had played, and won a game.
"Couldn’t sleep," He tells you, and you know it's a lie. His poker face never worked on you. You roll your eyes at him letting him continue. "I actually wanted to ask you something."
Your heart does a backflip, which seems like the only thing it's been doing lately.
"Go for it." You tell him.
Before Quinn responds, you watch as he pulls his headphones off and look off in the distance. He's talking to someone on the other side of the phone, so you take another moment to admire him. The way he listens intently to whoever it is he's talking to you, how his eyes don't look away until he's finished talking.
He makes it easy for you to remember all the reasons you fell in love with him.
"What are you doing right now?" He asks once his attention is back on you. You let out a laugh, pulling your phone closer to your face. "I'm waiting for that question you wanted to ask me." You say in a 'duh' tone.
Quinn laughs, following your own actions and pulling his phone closer to his face. You can't help but stare at his lips, reminiscing how they felt against your own.
"Oh yeah, I'm flying you out to Jersey. To watch me and my brothers play. Well," He pauses, "Just Luke actually, Jack's out with an injury, but mom and Luke would love for you to be there."
"That wasn't a question, Quinn. And what about Jim?" You tease, and Quinn smiles again. "Jim is Jim. So, you'll be there?"
You shrug your shoulders, looking over at your computer that still has the email from your boss on the screen.
"I already bought the flight and the hotel, and it's" Another pause, "10:45 right now. Your flight is tomorrow at 9 in the morning, and you'll get to Jersey some time in the evening. I have a driver picking you up." A final pause, Quinn catches his breath. "It's all taken care of." He says softly.
It's times like this, where you remember Quinn has money. Where he's willing to spend a lot of money for you to be anywhere with him, but with the sweet gesture comes curiosity and you can't help but wonder if he's done things like this for her.
A part of you wants to tell him no. You have your own life in Vancouver. Your job, half-assed plans that you'd already made with your friends, you can't always drop everything for Quinn. But he knows you better than he knows hockey. He knows you'll be there.
"I guess I should start packing then, yeah?" His smile grows wider, "Will you text me when you're boarding?" He asks, and you nod your head 'yes'
The both of you stare at each other through your screens. Silently admiring each other. Secretly acknowledging how easy it is for you two to be together.
Once you hang up, you immediately run to your closet. Most of the items hanging up are Quinns. Hoodies, t-shirts, old jersey and even a couple of suits that he's left after late nights and early mornings. "What's mine is his" You think to yourself. You start throwing in a mix of yours and his clothes.
New Jersey is a cold state, something you'd learned the hard way after a failed trip a few years ago. You'd insisted that you didn't need to bring a winter coat on your trip because you already live in a cold climate, you were used to the cold. Quinn reminded you how you were always cold, and that you'd definitely needed to bring your coat, but like a stubborn child, you'd ignored him. "I'll be fine," You had told him, and instead of arguing, he let you figure it out on your own.
You stare at the winter coat hanging up. The winter coat Quinn had ended up buying you because he had gotten tired of you stealing his.
And it's almost like he's listening to your thoughts, sharing your memory even though he's thousands of miles away, because once your phone dings and you look down at your home screen, you see Quinn has reminded you to make sure to bring your winter coat.
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ambcass ¡ 6 months
Can I request Bruce Wayne x kid reader, where the reader is really shy and hardly talks to anyone, and when they meet someone new, the reader hides behind Bruce's leg. The reader is clinging to Bruce, like a lost puppy, but at some point Bruce has to leave and the reader has a full on melt down, crying and screaming. Trying to find Bruce, the reader somehow escapes the manor and tries to look for Bruce, but they get overwhelmed with the people and the cars. Luckily Gordon finds the reader and recognizes, so he calls Bruce. Later Bruce and the whole Family arrive, and Bruce never leaves the reader ever again.
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anyways request pls :)
"And who is this cutie?" a woman wearing a red dress points to you. You were on Bruce's side, lost in a trance before you heard that woman address you. You quickly hid behind Bruce and peeked your head out. Bruce looked behind him and smiled.
"This is ___. They're a bit shy but once you get to know them, they are a bundle of joy." The woman stepped closer and extended her arms.
"Awe, come give me a hug," she said in a warm tone. You backed up, furrowing your eyebrows. Bruce stopped her and started explaining how you didn't come from a great environment before meeting him. The woman pouted but respected your past.
"Poor baby...I'm so sorry," She placed her hands on her chest. "I'll leave you two alone now. I'll see you later Mr. Wayne" She winked at Bruce and then left. You came out of hiding, you held on to his hand. Bruce gave you the "okay" signal, meaning that he was done with this gala, and it was finally time to go home. The two of you walked out of the "palace" and headed to the limo. The windows rolled down, and Alfred was there to greet the two of you. Bruce opened the door and you leaped into the car.
"Alfred, Alfred! Can we please, please, please go home" you whined and shook your legs. Bruce got in the car and closed the door. Alfred giggled and started driving away.
"I take it that your trip was fun?"
"Not even. We have so much in common, the two of us hate galas," Bruce answered and turned towards you. "Isn't that right,___?" You nodded. For you, the ride took so long that you started falling asleep. Your eyes couldn't keep open and eventually, you closed your eyes and fell asleep.
Once you arrived back to the manner, Bruce carried you back. Placing you on your bed until you wake up. Waking up, your vision slowly started to clear up as you walked out of your room.
"B-bruce...," you called out. "Bruce! Where are you?" your heart started to beat faster and faster. You ran down the stairs calling for Bruce and Alfred but no response. Walking back and forth, running in circles through the manner.
You knew it was a bad idea, but you did it anyway. You left the manner to search for him, the both of them. Ran down the hill, heading for the streets, cars were running at 50 mph but you didn't care that you were going to get hurt. You just wanted your dad.
At this point, you're out of breath. You sat down on the side of the crosswalk. Tears flood your eyes. You start hyperventilating. Breathe. You told yourself. Breathe. That's what Dad would want. You felt a tap and jolted up.
"___? What are you doing here? Where's your dad?" A guy in his mid-40s looked down at you. It was Commissioner Gordan. You went to give Gordan a big hug as you sobbed in his arms.
"W-where's Bruce. I can't find him!" you cried out. Gordan stroked your hair, trying to calm you down.
"It's going to be okay, we'll find him...I'll give him a call, alright?" His soft expression made you realize that you were safe. Safe from everything from the outside world. Godan gave Bruce a call and minutes later he arrived. The moment you saw him, you ran towards him and wrapped your arms around his waist.
"What are you doing out of the house?" Bruce asked. You did nothing but ramble countlessly about how much you missed him and Alfred. A person emerges out of the car and speaks,
"Hey sweetie, what can your big brother do to help you feel better?" Your oldest brother, Dick Grayson came out from the car. You took a look in the car and saw the other three. Jason, Tim, and Damian.
"The others are gonna arrive at the manner later. Meanwhile how about us four spend time with our little sister. How does that sound?" Dick asked and you nodded. You entered the car and Bruce followed.
"After today, I won't ever leave my little girl at home alone ever again."
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stuffeddeer ¡ 2 months
okay but..... pathetic yearning beast!stalkerzai... he's so quiet abt his obsession with u making up any excuse to have u around for subordinate purposes and when ur not around him he makes sure he can still keep tabs on u AHHH hes so sad and so smitten
"pathetic" i dont need to hear any more. im on board.
The continuous knocking on your apartment door leaves you anxious, quickly pulling on a comfy sweatshirt before answering the door. A breeze flies into the room, causing you to shiver, before you make eye contact with,
"Why aren't you at work today?" Dazai crosses his arms, an angry expression on his face. Though, the pout he wears causes it to be less intimidating than he'd normally be.
You glance into your apartment briefly, still feeling chilly while exposed to the outside air. "Um... I don't work?"
"You always work."
"Right. Which is why I have today off." Awkwardly, you itch your arm. "Am I… needed, Boss?"
Dazai sighs before walking into your apartment (with no invitation) and closes your own door behind him. "You're freezing."
"I'm slightly chilled," you shrug, brushing off the notion. Any other subordinate wouldn't dare correct the boss of the Port Mafia, but he'd always been more lenient with you - supposedly because you ‘aren’t as dumb’ as the rest. "But that's what the hoodie is for."
Without another word, Dazai plops down onto your couch, making a show of looking around your apartment. It’s tiny - the whole thing barely the size of his office at HQ — and Dazai wonders if you’d rather move in with him. For more space, of course. And he guesses you’d be saving on rent that way, too.
“How do you know where I live?” You ask curiously. Sure, it’s probably somewhere in your files, but your boss never seemed like the type to care.
Shrugging, he murmurs, “It’s my job.”
You want to make this visit quick, but kicking out your boss didn’t seem like a smart idea. “Are you thirsty? Would you like a cup of tea?..”
Yes, Dazai wants to try your tea. Just because you’re his subordinate, and he needs to make sure it’s up to par. What if he needs you to serve tea to some associates in the future? “I’d love one.”
Biting back a sigh, you fill your kettle before placing it on the stove, watching as your old gas stove flickers on. Silence hangs between you two - you had no intention of carrying the conversation when he just barged in uninvited.
Dazai seems to have a similar idea, sitting laxly on your couch and waiting for his tea. You pour one cup, uninterested in making one yourself, before placing it on the coffee table in front of him. “Sugar? Milk?”
“This is fine, thanks.” He takes a sip. Heavenly, he’s sure. Well, all tea tastes the same, but something about it coming from your hands… delectable. It’s as though he can taste the love you must pour into every cup.
Mouth shut, you take a seat on the chair across from him. “May I ask, sir, why are you here? Am I needed?” The question is posed once again as you hope for a quick resolution. Kicking out your boss is wrong, but hopefully he’ll read between the lines and show himself out - the same way he showed himself in.
A long sip of tea permeates the otherwise silent room. He’s doing this on purpose, you’re sure of it.
“…I was worried,” he mumbles into the mug, sound muffled and quiet.
“You should be,” he replies, uninterested in repeating himself. “I needed you today, only to find out you vanished into thin air.”
“I didn’t run, if that’s what you’re implying,” your eyes narrow. You would not be mistaken for a traitor.
“No, no,” he grins. You were at your most entertaining when you became combative. Dazai much prefers you like this rather than subservient. “You took today off.”
Correcting the boss of the Port Mafia was risky, but, “You gave me today off. A month ago, after that mission, you told me to pick a day to relax.”
That’s… true. It was a strenuous mission, and while Dazai made sure to keep you out of the fray, he thought a gift like that would make you feel touched and indebted to him. Annoyingly, he’d nearly forgotten, since Dazai had planned on reneging at the last minute to trap you with him. For your work ethtic, of course.
A pout graces his lips, unhappy at your disappearance from his side. And that he had no rebuttal to it. “Well, I still need you. I made dinner reservations for two accidentally, and the restaurant is rather strict. You need to come with. The meal will be comped, of course."
“Sir, I don’t— “
“Don’t want your job?” His eyes narrow, pout vanishing immediately. You had to go along with it. “I’m sure you don’t mean that, over something as silly as a nice dinner.”
“...Of course, sir.” You tug on the strings of your hoodie, wanting to emphasize that you aren't exactly dressed for something 'nice.' "What time am I expected?"
Dazai has to stop himself from swooning. How adorable. Well, it’s not you that’s adorable, of course. It’s the juxtaposition of such n oversized hoodie on you that he finds adorable, not you yourself. Definitely. “We can leave now, actually. Get changed, please. I wouldn't say there's a dress code, but it's not a 'hoodie' establishment."
Rather than lashing out at him for the snide comment, you choose to bite your tongue and head into your bedroom.
Exhausted was too light a word to describe how you felt. Donned in a 'nice' outfit that was rather uncomfortable, you stood outside in the cold air and harsh breeze as Dazai suggested to the host to let him in. This bastard didn't have reservations for one, much less two.
After the manager is called over and recognizes Dazai, you're quickly ushered in beside him. Dazai pulls out a seat at a secluded table in the back, gesturing for you to sit. "Come."
Without a second thought, you sit in the very seat he'd pulled out, stifling a yawn as he pushes you in. You’re Dazai's best employee - he must keep you close at all times. Which is why he takes advantage of your position as his subordinate to orders you waste your day off in a fancy restaurant across from him. If you want time off of work, you’ll have to spend it with him - just so he can keep an eye on you, of course.
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valley-of-headcanons ¡ 11 months
Heyy! So I just found your stuff and it’s all super cute I love this kind of thing 😊 feel free to decline but do you think you could do a little fluffy one shot type thing where you’re just gaming with Sebastian and then whoops you both fall in love 😳
best gamer of all time || sebastian x reader oneshot
hanging out with your friends is always fun, but gaming alone with him may be your new favorite thing <3
warnings: fluff fluff fluff fluff oh my god, you may suck at this game but you do NOT suck at winning his heart
requested by: @juleboo , this is such an adorable request! i'm sorry this took like forty billion years, life has decided to kick me off my feet, but im doing a lot better so yippeeeee. i hope you enjoy, hopefully it was worth the long wait 🙏
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Hanging out on a Saturday night was a ritual for you, Sebastian, Abigail, and Sam. You all rotate on who's place you hang out at, and tonight was Sebastian's. Abigail was laid out on the couch, Sebastian sitting on his bed, and you and Sam were on the floor. After a very intense game of Jackbox, with a lot of chaotic answers and laughter, it was nearing midnight.
“I cannot believe you put that! That was a direct jab at me and you know it!” Sam said towards Abigail's direction, obviously not actually upset.
“Then clean up the fuckin' pizza boxes in your room! That rat would've become your best friend if your mom didn't find him- wait- what time is it? ... oh shit, my dad is gonna kick my ass!” Abigail said, jumping up at lightning speed and grabbing her bag. “Sorry to kill the party, love you guys, if I get lectured one more time this week I am going to pull out my hair. Bye bye!”
And off she goes, leaving just as chaotic as she came. Sounds about right. The remaining three of you laughed, before Sam stood up and grabbed his things as well. “For some reason Mom wants me to come to church in the morning, she saw some lyrics to one of our songs and she kind of flipped her shit. Soooo, gotta atone for my sins. Have fun you two,” he said, sending a small wink Sebastian's way before making his way up the stairs.
You saw the wink, it definitely caught you off guard. You immediately snapped your head towards Sebastian. “What was that for?” you said with a smirk, which wasn't held for long. It slipped into a smile, moving from the floor to the now empty couch.
Sebastian's expression remained neutral, rolling his eyes. “Sam is always up to something, ignore him. Do you wanna stay and hang for a little while? I don't have anything to do tomorrow,” he said, looking towards the cabinet of games that sat beside his gaming console. He never asked anyone to stay later, especially when it's his night to host. He usually wants everyone out, Sebastian cherishes his alone time.
Butterflies erupted in your stomach when he asked you this, he actually wanted to spend more time with you? You felt so honored and special, of course you were going to stay. “Yeah, what did you wanna do?”
“I bought a game, it's co-op. Wanna try it out? It's a platformer, it seems pretty easy,” he said, walking over to the cabinet and grabbing the case. He made his way back over to you, showing you the back of the case, carefully studying your features. He wanted to make sure you were actually interested, and when your face lit up, he couldn't hold back a smile. It was rare for him, but it was perfect.
“Hell yeah, let's pop this bad boy in!” you said, sitting up excitedly and scooting over so that you two could share the couch. After 'popping that bad boy in', he sat next to you and handed you the controller.
Sebastian put on the tutorial before beginning to show you the controls. He described what to do, but due to your drowsiness from working all day, you just couldn't grasp what the controls were. “Here,” he mumbled, thinking for a moment before carefully putting his hands over yours.
“Alright, shoot with this button, alright?” he said, making sure not to get too close to you. He didn't want to make you uncomfortable, but these little touches were really nice ... he could get used to this.
“Mhm ...” you hummed, although your brain was short-circuiting. Every single thought in your brain was rendered useless in that moment, every place where you two touched felt like it was on fire. You clumsily tried to recreate his movements, shooting when he asked and jumping when he instructed. You learned the controls, but barely.
“Got it?” he said simply, slowly beginning to let go of you. He didn't really want to, but he didn't want to overstep your boundaries. He really cared about you, he didn't want to jeopardize that.
With a hesitant nod of confirmation, you two began the game. It was a mess, you definitely did not grasp the controls whatsoever. However, he enjoyed seeing what kind of trouble you got yourself into. How could you even get up there?
“Okay- when you jump, press the trigger to latch on to that cliff, and do NOT let go-” he tried to explain as you jumped with all of your might ... just to not even touch the cliff. Your body hit the floor with a splat, and you both sat in silence for a few seconds, staring at each other. Small snickers turned into full blown laughter, falling down onto the couch as you both held your faces.
“How the hell am I so stupid?? That was so easy! How the hell did I miss that??” you cackled, wiping the tears that began to fall from your eyes.
“I have no idea but it was one of the best things I've ever seen,” Sebastian's laughter began to quiet as he sat up, his gaze making its way down to you. You looked so perfect in the soft light of the television, so happy from the laughter that was encasing the both of you. He could not stop smiling.
“What?” you said softly, a gigantic grin on your face. You couldn't move, you just wanted to stay in this moment forever.
“... nothing. Just ... capturing this moment,” Sebastian said in a gentle tone, taking a deep breath before looking back at the screen. “You're a ghost now, but you can still help me and eventually I can revive you.”
You slowly sat up, but you had an idea. You slid a little closer to him than you were before, your legs touching. “Alright, I'll be the best fuckin' ghost in town,” you laughed, knowing you were bound to fuck it up but you had no care in the world. This was too fun.
He looked over at your legs touching, smiling even wider before continuing the game. He would ask you to do things as a ghost as you did ... with enough trial and error. He did notice that you kept adjusting and scooting closer and closer. He really liked this.
“Do you know how to freeze someone?" he asked, which you shook your head to. “Let me see this-” he mumbled, wrapping his arm around you, definitely just wanting to help you see the controls. You were essentially sitting in his lap at this point, a soft pink blush creeping onto both of your faces.
His face was so close, pressed almost right up against yours ... you wanted to stay here forever, but you didn't want to say anything that would ruin the moment. Nervous silence held you two for a moment, before he did something that both of you wanted more than anything. He carefully kissed your cheek, before going back to the game as if nothing ever happened.
Your brain melted, a feeling of bliss overtaking your body. You've been waiting for that for ages. You slowly leaned back into his chest as he laid down his controller for a moment. He wrapped his arms around your waist for a moment, giving you a careful squeeze. You reached your arms up around his neck, hugging him back. Neither of you cared about the game anymore.
“Stay here tonight. If you want to,” Sebastian muttered softly, holding your body close to his. He didn't dare let go, and neither did you.
You stayed there that night, you stayed wrapped up in his arms until the daylight and you had to work on your farm. But you hoped one day, you could wake up next to him everyday. Maybe someday, but for now, you had many Saturday nights where you stayed over later than everybody else.
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filmbyjy ¡ 4 months
you may not recognize me and thats because im (kinda) new hehe.. anyway, i've been kinda stalking you- but that's besides the point. i loveee your workss!! keep up the good work <3 idk if asks are open, but if they are, could you write a fluffy fem!reader x bf!niki where the reader comes home from a long day, and niki comforts her?? and if you cant, its totally ok <3
have a nice day!
a/n: this has been in the drafts for a year now💀 so sorry, I am trying to clear the drafts but my schedule is shit and we all know I suck at keeping up with my schedule😍
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it was past 8pm when you had treaded through the front door of your apartment. your body sore from leaning over the tables and wiping it. normally, the cafe you work at was peaceful and was decently packed but after a viral video that practically wowed the internet.
there had been more and more people stopping by everyday. the cafe was decently sized but it was short staffed so sometimes you had to man the cashier, do the dishes, clean the tables and make the drinks. for normal days (before the surge of people), there was about 2 people working per shift, not including the 2 bakers in the kitchen as they were the behind the scenes staff that were required to be there.
with not that many staff per shift, it was hard for you and whoever was working that day to manage the cafe. that also meant more demands from the customers who think they are entitled to make a mess of the space as 'customers are always right'. curse, whoever made that quote.
you were mentally and physically drained. you just needed a good long rest for the rest of the week. however, you couldn't do that. not when your off-days were already used up for visiting your family back in your hometown. if only you could just...take a breather.
"welcome home, baby!" ni-ki slides into the hallway just as you walked towards the living room. you gave him a tired smile.
"hi riki, why aren't you at the dorm?" ni-ki gives you a playful pout.
"already kicking me out? baby, you wound me. i came to see you and you're already pushing me away." he says as he throws his (long) arms around you. "you weren't answering my calls so i assumed it was a long day at work and you didn't charge your phone."
you took out your phone and tried to turn it on but it was indeed dead. "sorry, today was a hectic day. couldn't even get a proper lunch break. there was so many people coming over for the past week."
"yeah, i heard about it. jake hyung talked about wanting to come over and buy some desserts. they did look good but since you know us being celebrities...we could get mobbed."
you hummed, "that's fair. it's a good thing you didn't go. seriously, have never seen such a long queue outside of the cafe in my whole years of working there."
"there was a queue?" he says as he pulls back from the hug.
"yeah, i felt like i was working at some fancy restaurant. oh god, speaking of there are so many karens trying to scam me and gaslight me into thinking i did something wrong when i did nothing wrong." you groaned and buried your head against ni-ki's chest.
he pats your head. "were you the shift manager?"
"usually i am whenever i am working that day."
"mmm, then you could've kicked them out and taught them a lesson."
"trust me, i wanted to but i can't i'll lose my job so i just sucked it up and patiently worked with them and even gave them a free bagel."
"not the free bagels, baby. they'll just come back again for more." ni-ki huffs.
"i know but what am i supposed to do." you sniffled as the tears that unknowingly appeared falls. you were just mad and exhausted. ni-ki obviously heard it so he pulls you back and cups your face.
"hey hey, don't cry. everything will be fine. why don't i run you a bath and then order some of your favourite food, okay?" he wipes the tears that were falling down.
"will cuddles be included?"
"of course. cuddles will be included. now, just lay in bed and i'll get the bath running." he pecks your forehead and goes to move to bedroom. however, you grabbed his wrist.
"carry me to my bedroom?" you pout. ni-ki smiles and scoops you up in his arms. he princess carries you over to your bed and places you gently onto the mattress before going over to the bathroom and getting ready the bathtub.
you had shut your eyes for a bit since you were tired but the exhaustion took a toll on you and you fell asleep for a little. ni-ki shakes you a little. "baby? the bath is ready. go enjoy it, i already placed an order so the food should be on the way soon."
you hummed and went over to the bathroom to remove your clothing and step into the bathtub. you laid your back against the edge of the tub and shut your eyes again. the candle light making everything moody and warm. you were enjoying the comfortable warmth and silence, much better than the bustling sounds at the cafe. this felt nice.
you had spent in the bathroom for about 20 minutes or so before deciding to get out of the tub. you didn't want to your fingers or toes to look like dried prunes so you decided to just get out of the water. you had grabbed the towel and dried yourself off. you could hear a knock at the door.
"baby, i have pyjamas with me. i forgot to leave them inside the bathroom." you opened the door to ni-ki. he had one hand out to hold the pyjama set and the other hand covering his eyes. a very gentleman thing of him to always do if you came out of the shower in just your towel.
you had noticed he too was wearing a pyjama set and it was similar to yours. of course, he loved matching things with you. you grabbed the pyjamas. "mmm, i think you forgot to grab my undergarments."
his ears quickly turned red in embarrassment. "ah, i knew i forget something. i-i'll just leave the room so you could change." and so ni-ki bolts out of the room and shuts the door. you shook your head, laughing a little since he was so adorable.
you changed into the pyjamas after putting on your undergarments and then went out to the living room. there ni-ki was, turning on the tv and searching up your favourite anime to watch together and setting up the food onto the coffee table. you had come up behind him and back hugged him.
"i have the best boyfriend in the world." you say. ni-ki smiles.
"well, let's not forget your boyfriend is one of a kind. where can you get another nishimura riki, member of boy band enhypen, in the world." he boasts. you playfully rolled your eyes and released him.
"that's very humble of you, riki." you playfully say.
"oh, i know. i'm just that hot." ni-ki smirks. you laughed.
"yeah, you are. now, will my hunk of a boyfriend please just cuddle and eat with me?"
"of course, i'll eat with my beautiful and amazing girlfriend any time." he steals a small peck to your lips and settles down on the couch. you gave him a playful gaze and settled right next to him.
after some time, you found yourself tangled with ni-ki. your legs and his long ones were somehow crossed in between in each other as you cuddled like cats laying together.
"oh, it's over?" you say.
"no, it can't be." ni-ki gasps.
a flash to the tv showed 'season 2 coming soon'. it made both you and ni-ki groan. "that's lame. we have to wait for the next season? that's going to take 1-2 years." ni-ki whines.
"they're going to pull another 'Spy Family' thing where there isn't going to have episodes in the next season, i can feel it." you complained.
"boooo. let's watch something else." ni-ki grumbles.
"yeah, let's watch-"
"let's watch, you. you're really pretty." ni-ki says as he stares down at you. ah, this playful and teasing ni-ki is appearing now.
"that wasn't that smooth, riki."
"well, to me it was. besides, this is a signal for you to reward me and i don't know give me a kiss or at least a peck? i am an amazing boyfriend, right?"
you snort, "yes, riki. you are but you're not getting that peck."
"what? why." he pouts.
"because..." you got closer to him and watches you with adorable doe eyes. before you unexpectedly peck him and ran away. ni-ki sits there confused, trying to analyse the situation properly. until he finally digested it.
"hey! get back here!" he yells as he tries to chase after you.
you could've not felt any better.
and being with ni-ki helped it.
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angels-fantasy ¡ 3 months
Congratulations on your followers milestone! Can I ask for the prompt "first fight" with Dabi?
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Scars and All
Dabi/Touya x Reader
Details/Warnings: lowkey toxic relationship, arguing, kinda angsty LMAO i'm sorry i cant help but make dabi angsty. hurt/comfort i think, angst to fluff? dabi is trying, okay? also dabi is called touya in this fic!
Word Count: 957
hello thank you sm for your ask and the congratulations :) i hope you like this, i really like dabi bc 1) hes hot lol and 2) hes such a well written character. also i'm going to start writing in all lowercase bc its what im used to and upper case drives me crazy!!
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loneliness was something that consumed you constantly. it was a scary feeling sometimes, especially because of the things it could drive someone to do.
you wished you didn't feel like this, but you couldn't help it.
before getting into a relationship with touya, you knew of the lifestyle he lived and how much of his time it took up. at first you thought you could handle it, but over time you soon realized that wasn't true. hours of him being gone quickly turned into days, sometimes even weeks and it was driving you crazy. you really wanted to try and continue to sit compliantly and let him do what he wished to do, but you were at your wits end.
sometimes you wondered why you even continued to put up with him, especially when you knew deep down that he'd probably choose to continue committing villainous acts over your relationship.
but you knew the answer to that-it was because you loved him, and sometimes love can make you do crazy things.
so now here you were; sitting on the old couch in your living room. the edges of the fabric having frayed ends and burn marks here and there from the moments touya let his temper get the best of him.
you can't remember how long you've been sitting there anxiously, waiting for your boyfriend to get home, but you felt your heart beat faster when you heard the front door being unlocked.
you wiped your sweaty palms on your pants and took a deep breath, trying to prepare yourself to confront touya, who sighed as he walked through the door and his heavy boots thudding along with each step.
he walked over to you and threw himself down on the couch, placing an arm around your shoulders and pulling you into him. moments like this made it hard to stay mad.
he placed a kiss on your temple, "hey. you miss me?"
you fiddled with your fingers as you leaned further into his chest, "of course i did. i'm glad you're home."
he tilted his head down to look at you, "then how come you don't sound happy, huh?" he asked, squeezing your shoulder as he did so.
you frowned, knowing he'd caught onto your bad mood already. he was way too perceptive sometimes.
"i am happy touya, i promise." you insisted, "it's just..."
"it's just what?"
you sat up from your position and faced him, but it was hard to look him in the eyes. "i just wanted to talk to you about something that's been bothering me."
he looked at you for a moment, expressionless, making you even more nervous until he said, "alright, what is it?"
you took a deep breath.
"you're never home touya, and i miss you." you frowned, "i worry about you and when you're gone for so long i get lonely. i miss spending time with you."
he groaned, "babe, do you not understand why i'm gone? or do i need to tell you, is that it?" he asked.
you regretted this now.
"no, i know why but it's just-"
"if you know why, then why do you fucking ask me?!" he yelled, making you shrink into yourself. you two had bickered over things before and there were even times when you needed space from each other, but touya had never yelled at you like this.
you could feel your eyes prick with tears and the lump in your throat grow, "touya don't yell at me!" you cried.
"i'm yelling at you so you get this through your god damn head!" he snapped, "i can't be here, sitting on my ass like you every fucking day. i have shit i need to do to make my plans happen!"
you gasped at his words. did he really think that's all you did?
"you know damn well i don't just stay at home on my ass, touya! i work too!" you said, tapping his chest with your finger as you pointed it at him.
"i buy the groceries! i make the food! i wash your blood stained clothes! i do everything i can, but you don't know because you're never here!" you yelled, taking a deep breath after so you could continue speaking.
you sighed heavily and spoke softly, your energy gone from yelling. "you're never here touya..." you sniffed, letting the tears run down your cheeks. you brought your hands up to your eyes to wipe them away, "i love you, so i miss you. i just wish you were home more so i don't have to spend my nights all alone."
touya was breathing heavily, but sitting silently as he processed your words. he was perceptive, sure, but he wasn't really good with emotions and dealing with people when they were upset.
feeling guilty, he wrapped his arms around your crying figure and hugged you tightly to his chest. he brought a hand up to your head and stroked it gently, shushing your cries. you stayed like that until your crying had become sniffles with occasional hiccups.
"i'm sorry," he said softly, "i'm sorry i'm always gone. i fucking suck at this, i don't know how to be here for you... but i'm going to do better now, for you, okay? i love you too. i don't say that enough."
you brought your hands away from your face and wrapped your arms around his waist, leaning your head against his beating heart and closing your eyes.
"as long as you try, touya. i know you're not perfect, and that's okay with me. i love you the way you are."
"scars and all?" he asked jokingly, making you giggle.
"scars and all."
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authors note
love ya!
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conniesanchor ¡ 11 months
connie + shy!reader like she had a hard day at work or something and all she wants is a hug but is too afraid to ask
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you were glad that you and conrad had only planned a movie night and not a big date tonight. you probably would have canceled if you had. today had kicked you in the ass. three people yelled at you at work, your manager being one of them. you just needed conrad.
the ten minute drive from your work to your boyfriends house felt like an hour. the five second walk from the bottom of the driveway to the top, felt like twenty minutes. you had never been more relieved in your life when you finally reached the front door. shooting conrad a quick, 'let me in' text, regardless of the fact that he had told you multiple times you could come in on your own.
it was only a few seconds before the blonde had opened the door, "hi, baby," he smiled, moving out of the way in order to let you in. you smiled back, not saying anything as you made your way to his couch and set your bag down on it. he wasn't far behind you, sitting down on the couch and pulling you with him, "hi," he spoke once more.
"hi," you responded. you moved to dig through your bag, trying to get the pajamas that you swore you had packed. when you came to the conclusion that they were, in fact, not in there. "fuck," you mumbled, leaning back onto the couch with a sigh.
"what's the matter?" conrad asked, placing his hand on your knee.
you took a deep breath, afraid that you might start crying if you hadn't, "i forgot my stupid pajamas," you mumbled, running your fingers through your hair. you had said it like it was the end of the world, and conrad couldn't have been more confused as to why.
he looked at you, tilting his head, "it's alright. we can go upstairs, and you can have one of my tee shirts," he said, moving to stand up and offer you a hand to do the same. you nodded, taking his hand and following him up the stairs. conrad sat you down on his bed, opening his closet, "okay. want a sweater or a t-shirt?" the boy asked, turning around to face you.
you looked up at him, and he felt like he could cry when he realized how sad you looked. "just a t-shirt, please. can i have some sweat pants, too?" you requested, softly.
"anything for you." you got dressed into warm clothes when conrad finally decided to bring up the elephant in the room, "now, pretty. why do you look so sad?" he asked. you shook your head, not wanting to give him an answer. "that's okay. im great at guessing games," your boyfriend smiled, "hmm, are you tired?"
you shook your head.
"okay, okay. do you want a hug?" bingo. you nodded, looking up from your lap to make eye contact with him. he chuckled, immediately wrapping his arms around you. "y/n/n, baby. you never have to ask for a hug, you know that." he told you, the words muffled into your hair. "bad day at work?" he asked, earning a nod.
you pulled away after a few minutes, ready to talk, "im sorry, connie. it was just a really long day. i didn't mean to shut you out."
he looked at you like you had three heads, "it's okay. we all have bad days. let's go watch the movies," the boy suggested standing up and pulling you with him.
you watched five minutes of ten things i hate about you before you fell asleep.
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xxkissesforchanniexx ¡ 4 months
What do we think about a enimies to lovers / academic rivals with Jeongin?? But It ends good.. Ive been thinking about and It cant get out of my mind
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𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐝𝐨 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫
Pairing: college student!Jeongin x fem!reader Word count: 2.8k Genre: Fluff 🥰💖 >.> in a sense & Smut 🔥❤️ Warning: enemies to lovers >.>, they in college don't be stupid use protection, use of y/n with you/your, baby bread is jealous, i think i got it all??
A/N: IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG, theres a lot to go through in my requests and my computer wasn't working yesterday so I'll try my best to get all the requests out soon. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT! - Khxndle
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"I can do better." were the words you had grown to dread over the years you'd known Yang Jeongin. It went all the way back to the third grade when you were top of your class, and then Jeongin appeared, and just like that, he was the "smart kid." It wasn't bad necessarily, you had someone to talk to about school, someone who understood, until it was bad, and Yang Jeongin drifted away from you in middle school. That wasn't when you started hating him though, it was that spelling bee of 8th grade year, you were so close, he swore to you it was an "I", it was a "Y" and you blew the competition.
"Bradykinesia." The teacher at the table asked you.
"Definition?" You asked.
"Slower or difficulty moving the limbs."
"Bradykinesia... B-R-A-D-I-K-I-N-E-S-I-A. Bradykinesia."
"Incorrect. Yang Jeongin?"
He smiled, his thin eyes crinkling. "Bradykinesia. B-R-A-D-Y-K-I-N-E-S-I-A. Bradykinesia."
Your eyes widened as you turned to look at Jeongin.
"Correct. Yang Jeongin will continue to the district competition."
You never really spoke to Jeongin after that.
You sighed deeply as you walked into you literature class, second year of college, it had been about four years since you had last seen Jeongin and even longer since you had a friendly interaction. As you sat down and the seats began to fill in the classroom you scanned the room for a bit. The sound of a notebook slamming down to your right made you jump, you turned to see a very cute boy with light brown hair and chubby cheeks.
"Oh, did I startle you?" He laughed lightly. "Sorry." He sat beside you, "I'm Jisung."
You nodded with a small smile, "y/n."
Jisung smiled brightly past you, "Jeongi-"
Your jaw dropped, Yang Jeongin stood at the door, he fixed his glasses and looked at you. "l/n y/n..." He smiled at you with all the care a chainsaw had to wood.
Jisung looked between you and Jeongin. "You know each other?"
Jeongin smiled as he sat on the other side of Jisung, "I know her very well."
It had been several weeks since the start of your literature class with Jeongin, and he was relentless. If you answered incorrectly, he was the first to correct you before the teacher could even say you were wrong, during learning games, it was always him a few points behind you, only to answer the final question faster just to watch your face fall as you placed 2nd. Jisung noticed after a while and asked what the problem was only for Jeongin to reply with a "She's the problem." and you to reply with a "The idiot to your right."
As if your life couldn't get any worse, Jeongin had a wondrous looking 98% on his 6th week report while you had a 97%.
"I can do better, I gave you ample room to pass me." he teased as he waved the paper in your face.
Jisung smiled sheepishly, showing his 74%.
You collected your things and checked your watch.
"Where are you going?" Jisung asked.
"Study date." You said.
"With who?" Jeongin raised a brow.
"Christopher from the theatre department." You picked up your bag.
"Does he even-" Jeongin started.
"He did literature last semester." you smiled. "Plus he's cute."
Jisung bounced his eyebrows comically.
Jeongin bit his lip. "Hm. Okay."
"Anyways, bye bye."
Jeongin looked at the desk for a minute, he could do better than Chris to help you study, who was Christopher anyway?
"Jeongin..." Jisung leaned in and smirked. "I smell the bitter scent of jealousy..."
"You're mad she's going to ask Christopher for help studying,"
"What? No." Jeongin replied quickly,
"Why not just offer to help her?" Jisung tilted his head.
"Who in their right mind helps their rival?" Jeongin grabbed his things and started leaving.
"You know I'm right!" Jisung shouted after him.
"Nuh uh!" Jeongin shouted back.
Come the 12th week check, you and Jeongin were tied. He bristled as you proudly announced your 98% during lunch break, his grade hadn't changed.
"It's thanks to Chan." You smiled to yourself.
"Who is Chan?" Jeongin's brows furrowed.
"Christopher." Jisung said sipping his coffee.
"When did you start calling him Chan?" Jeongin stared at you.
"When did it become your business?" You shot back.
He sucked in a breath and huffed out hopelessly. It wasn't his business, but it bothered him that you were relying on some theatre major.
"Y'know, frat boys are having a party next weekend." Jisung looked at you, "Of course, being the such good friends, Chris and Felix are, I'm sure he's going."
You shrugged. "Don't have time for fra-" Your phone buzzed and you looked at it.
Channie😵‍💫 01:37pm My friend is gonna have a party, be my plus one?
You looked at Jisung. "I might just have time."
Jeongin glanced at your phone and his fist clenched. "I'm going." he said and looked at Jisung.
"Oh my!" Jisung smirked.
"Shut it." You rolled your eyes and smiled at your phone.
"You ready for the test tomorrow?" Jeongin nudged Jisung.
"What test?!" He practically shrieked.
"It's a miracle you have a C." You sighed.
"OH HELP ME STUDY!" He started pulling out books and vocabulary sheets.
"I'll he-" You started.
"Jisung, let me help you, I know the material better." Jeongin smiled at you.
You narrowed your eyes and looked at your phone, quickly replying to Chan:
You 01:43pm Sure :)
The test the following day was difficult, you even saw Jeongin looking confused, but you somehow finished with a 86%. As the students filed out of the class with the lunch bell you sighed.
Jeongin looked over your shoulder, "There isn't ever going to be a day you pass me is there?" He smirked.
You wanted to smack him. "I didn't study as much as I should've."
Jeongin's brows furrowed. "What were you doing with Chri-"
"As I said before, he's cute." You shoved the test into your bag and stood, Jeongin looked at you and opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something.
You looked at him waiting for him to say anything and when he didn't you made a face and left him alone in the classroom. It was when he saw you joining the well built man with dark hair and that stupidly charming accent in the hallway, he knew he was screwed.
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It was the night before the party and you were knee deep in clothes from your closet, searching for an outfit, any outfit.
"You could just go in jeans and tee." Jisung said from where he lie on his stomach on your bed in your apartment, looking up from his phone and kicking his legs.
"You could just look more masculine." You teased, intentionally throwing a hoodie over your shoulder to hit his face.
"Hey!" His eyes narrowed and you chuckled softly. He looked at his phone again and sat up, "I have to go."
"Already? You just got here." You glared at your friend. "Who's gonna help me pick an outfit!?"
"Ask Hyunjin," he sighed, "I have to go see Minho anyway."
"Why?" You raised a brow.
"Who's gonna help me pick an outfit!?" he retorted.
You threw another hoodie at him as he left. You sat on your bed and picked up your phone about to text, Hyunjin to come over when you heard a knock at your door.
You groaned thinking Jisung must've forgotten something, another knock. Who was at your door at 11pm on a Friday without texting you first? "I'm coming!" You shouted as you walked to the door.
You opened it and made a face at the man at the door, his eyes met yours and you started to close the door.
He put his foot between the door and the doorframe. "Can I talk to you?" Jeongin sighed.
"Sure let's talk." You opened the door and pulled out your phone scrolling for Jisung's contact.
He grabbed your phone. "Can you not talk to me without Jisung keeping the peace?"
"I'm being peaceful." You huffed grabbing for your phone.
"Why do you hate me so much?" He asked, holding the phone out of your reach.
"Is that even a question?" You jumped for your phone and he somehow managed to push you back into your apartment, closing the door behind him and keeping you from stumbling.
He stared down at you. "Is it that I have a better grade than you now?"
You pulled away and tried to get your phone again. "No."
"Is it that I annoy you too often?" He held the phone between two fingers as far away from you as he could.
"No." You jumped for it and he grabbed your hand.
"Is it that I'm always in your business?"
"Ooh!" You mocked shock, "You're getting warmer." You said rolling your eyes.
He made a face. "You can't seriously still be on about what happened in middle schoo-"
"So what if I am?!" You snapped.
"It was years ago, what are you five?!" He shouted.
"You know wha-" You started. "Wait! How the hell did you get my addre-" You remembered how quickly Jisung had insisted on leaving. "JISUNG IS IN ON THIS!"
"Listen." Jeongin sighed. "Let me explain."
"What is there to explain?" You stared at him condescendingly, "That you love comparing yourself to me because I'm not as smart as you? That you were so desperate to be "the smartest" that you just had to lie to me and make me look like an idiot? That you just hate the fact that I'm so close to passing you after trying so hard?! No! I know, you really hate the fact that I'm not acting like everyone else and asking you to help me in litera-"
"Yes!" Jeongin yelled. "Why are you going to Christopher as if I can't help you?!"
"Why am I OBLIGATED to ask you for help!?"
"Because-" He hesitated and closed his mouth, breathing deeply for a moment. "Forget it."
"What?" You stared at him.
"I said 'forget it'." He handed you your phone.
You stared at the defeated look on his face and opened your mouth to say something.
He moved for the door before you could get the words out and you grabbed his arm. "Tell me."
He turned to look at you.
You felt your face getting hot as he spoke.
"Don't go with Chris."
"Why?" You muttered, taking a step back.
"If I tell you, will you still go?" He took a step toward you.
"Why?" You asked more persistent than before.
"Because I don't want you too." He whispered, walking closer.
You took another step back and you felt the wall against you back and tensed. "Why?"
"I don't want you to get involved with frats at all." Jeongin rested his hand on the wall beside your head. "I would prefer you sit and read "Things Fall Apart" with me. I would prefer you tell me about your day like you did in elementary school. I would prefer you talk to me, let me explain myself." He looked into your eyes. "I don't want you to get involved with those frats because I want you for myself."
You stared at him with wide eyes.
"I hate it that you would trust Christopher over me. I hate it that you would consider asking someone for help before me." He bit his lip. "Because I like you, I don't want you to be with anyone else."
You opened your mouth to speak.
"No, I'm not finished." He shushed you. "I was stupid in middle school, I was dumber in high school. But I want to try for you, because I know I can do better. I want you to be with me. I want to prove to you I can do better than Chri-"
His eyes widened as you kissed him gently. "You talk too much."
His cheeks went red. "I-"
You raised a brow. "What? I thought you were going to prove you were better than Chan."
Jeongin smiled and kissed you again. "I'm going to prove it. Let me enjoy myself for a minute."
You giggled as he peppered kisses all over you cheeks.
"I'm sorry for how much of an ass I've been."
"Prove it." You said looking up into his eyes.
Your heart skipped a beat at the sly grin on his face, "Come here." He swept you off your feet, "Where's your room?"
"First door on the left.." You whispered.
He carried you in and threw you gently onto the bed before climbing over you. "You're really pretty, you know that?"
You blushed as he leaned down and kissed you deeply, his tongue wrestling with yours before he finally gained entrance to your mouth, groaning softly at the taste of you. His lips moved from yours to your jaw where he bit gently.
You gasped softly.
He smiled against your skin and sat up, tugging at your shirt. "Can I take this off?"
You nodded and looked away as he removed the shirt. "Take off yours?" You gave him the most innocent doll eyes, he rolled his eyes and removed his shirt, before kissing your collar and chest, you squeezed your thighs together at the feeling.
His hands moved behind you. "Up please."
You lifted up a little and he quickly removed your bra, lowering you back down slowly, he took a moment to admire your chest before kissing your breast and working his way to your nipple before taking it into his mouth. You whimpered as he sucked at it, rolling the other between his fingers before switching. He smiled as he saw the way you rubbed your thighs together.
"Up." He grabbed the waistband of your pants as you lifted your hips and pulled them off your legs. He smirked down at you, "Chan ever see you like this?"
"N-no..." You stuttered, covering your mouth.
"Good." He sat got on his knees to admire your pantie clad sex for a moment, looking at the wet spot. "He doesn't ever get to see this, okay?" Jeongin looked at you.
"Okay." You nodded.
He smiled. "Take this off." He tugged at your underwear and you moved to help him remove it. He didn't give you a moment to prepare yourself before his mouth was on you, licking wide stripes of your cunt. You moaned and grabbed his hair. He hummed contentedly into you, the vibrations send sparks through you. He grabbed your thighs and kept them open as he started sucking at you clit, his eyes flicking up to see your face every few moments. He pushed a finger into you.
"Jeongin! Innie!" You squealed tugging at his hair. He moved his finger slowly and tentatively added a second
You moaned and squirmed. His mouth on your clit and his fingers was too much. "I'm going to-"
He pulled away. "No."
You whined. "Why would you do that?!"
"Wanted you to come on me, not in my mouth." He stood again and removed his pants.
Your already red face went redder as he moved over you.
He kissed your cheek gently. "I wanted you for so long..."
"You have me, what are you waiting for?" you muttered, looking down at him, he was decently thick, but he looked so long you felt your stomach turn.
"Oh, nothing." He leaned down to breathe in your ear. "Stop looking at my dick like you want to eat it or I might just make you."
You blushed furiously, "Yang Je-" You moaned, eyes fluttering shut as he pushed into you.
He groaned softly into your neck, "So tight. I'm going to cum if I move..."
"Move." You hissed, opening your eyes to glare at him.
He sucked in a breathe before propping himself up on his elbows. He gave an experimental thrust and smiled as you moaned and wrapped your arms around him. He pulled out again and thrust into you a few more times, before he began moving into you confidently, kissing your throat and muttering sweet nothings into your ear.
"Chan can't do this can he?" He muttered against your lips before kissing you.
You moaned and nodded.
"Only I can make you look like this." He pulled back and gripped your hips, fucking into you harder. "You're not going to the party anymore?"
You shake your head, "N-no, I w-won't go."
He hummed happily and slammed into you faster.
"Innie! Innie! I'm coming!" You gasped out.
"Shit!" He moaned as his hips stuttered. "Can I come inside?"
You nodded mindlessly. "Come inside!"
"I love you." He whispered in your ear, he rubbed your clit and forced you over the edge, you moaned loudly as your walls pulsed around him, nails digging into his back. Jeongin followed close behind, he bit your shoulder to muffle his cry as he came inside you, his hips canting slowly before he fell onto you.
You held him for a moment and whispered. "I love you too."
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fairykazu ¡ 4 months
WISH UPON A STAR FT. SCARAMOUCHE ! cws: best friends, mutual pining, requited, fluff, modern au, teens, gn!reader notes: guess what they wished for. this has been in my drafts since forever. so sorry about that. masterlist | moonflower masterlist taglist: @ainnofinway @lovemari @lily-lmao @aethion
it was friday and it was usually the days where you and scaramouche hang out and relax from school, which is almost always turn into a sleepover. both of you were in his room, underneath a blanket fort. leaning on scaramouche's shoulder, you yawned, "scara, did you know it's going to have a meteor shower tonight?"
he shrugged you off, your head hitting the pillow besides his torso, "really?" he liked how you didn't mind that your head hit the pillow, instead resting nicely on his shoulder. he didn't want you to know that he actually liked it.
you nodded your head, boring your eyes into his indigo lensed ones. he turned around quickly, ignoring your gaze as his ears burned. "when?"
"around 11:50, i think." ignoring his antics, you answered, smiling. "i hope we would see it by then, if your mom lets us."
"don't worry, she will."
he replied quickly as you furrowed your brow, "are you sure? how would we even see them?" as long as you could remember his mother is protective over him, but luckily, not to a point where she's overbearing. regardless, she hates when scaramouche gets rebellious which is bad for her since he likes to rebel whenever he can. you try your best to prevent it, but you end up wrapped into whatever he wants to do.
his answer was blunt, as sharp as a newly forged sword, "sunroof."
you scrunched up your face, scaramouche likes when you do that. it's funny to see your reaction to his seemingly careless replies. "the sun roof? seriously?"
it's clear that you aren't taking him seriously, maybe it's time to amp it up a bit.
he confirmed it and took it a bit further by crawling out of the fort to point up. he could hear the blankets rustle behind him while you crawled out of the fort from the tiny opening. looking where he was pointing at, you wanted to cry. despite his family being rich, his mom liked to spend it rarely, making sure it goes to the right places, which is smart. she is smart but man, how could you guys even see the stars from this one-by-one square?
well, not really one-by-one, but it's big but not big enough to see every star that's possible to see with the human eyes. you wanted to cry but instead you turned around, hearing scaramouche's chuckles. "did you really believe me?"
your frown pressed into a thin smile, "what?" you were in disbelief because not only did he lie, he's laughing at you. wow, rubbing salt in the wound is really cruel.
he liked to pull pranks or jokes on you because your reactions are almost always funny to watch. but seeing the doubt set into your face, it made him feel a bit guilty. so he decided to uplift your spirits instead."im lying! of course, i won't make you watch it from this window because this-" he drew a rectangle with his fingers. "- is too small for you. when it's around the time, let me know and i'll show you how we'd watch it."
"i just know a place."
when he said, 'i just know a place', you didn't expect it to be on the roofs of the house and how you got there? you don't even know nor remember. it kind of just happened within a blink of an eye.
scaramouche was chuckling to himself quietly as you looked at him, dumbfounded. no one in this house ever discovered that he had dug up tunnels and pathways in secret. so of course, he had a pathway to go up the roof. is this really true?
kind of. mikoto figured it out it was him but despite it, she never tattletale on him so it's technically a secret. if you ask him why he did it, he'd just smirk but in reality, he was a devoted liv and maddie fan.
you two sat on the roof, where scaramouche laid out a blanket for the both of you. scaramouche threw up pillows in which you caught, "are you comfortable?"
"as comfortable as a person can be on a roof."
"good enough." scaramouche replied, climbing up and adjusting the corners of the roof. you're just happy that he didn't make you sit on the slanted roof but instead, where he had his hideout on the flattest part of the roof.
you took two of the pillows and set them down. scaramouche immediately hogged both of them as you frowned, "that was two for two of people sitting here..." you pointed to yourself and then him. "two people, scara. me and you."
"...uh huh, i'm following?"
"you're insufferable." you replied as your face lit up. "wait."
"what? what are you doing? you're making me scared."
you pretended to stretch your back as you declined on him, resting full body weight on scaramouche. "humph! what are you doing??"
"you're a hogger, you know that? this is what you get and you can't push me off." you said, expecting him to fight back or roll you off gently. but instead, you hear,
"fine. what time is it?" thank god, he changed the subject because you wouldn't have known how to continue it after he agreed with your antics for once. "around 11:40."
"good, we can wait out here then."
"good..." you glanced everywhere but where he was. "scara, i don't think your roof may not be the safest place for us to stargaze." you said, recalling your complaint from earlier.
scaramouche lifted himself up as he watched for you if you fell, his hand near your head in case you did. "either this or the sunroof."
"thank you for blessing me with the opportunity to see this beautiful night sky, scara!" you replied quickly as he hid his chuckle.
waiting for ten minutes just to pass away is taking forever, scaramouche thought as he annoyed you by poking you. it was easier to just watch paint dry than wait for the incoming meteor shower. but he looked at you while you began to fight back with his poking by poking him back, it was worth it.
"scara! the stars!" you jolted up as scaramouche pulled you back into his embrace. when you turned to his face, he explained, "i don't want you to fall down and die. i don't want to be linked to your death, how would i go to the ivy league colleges now?"
"uh huh."
but did you really care? no... you rested your head against his chest, noticing how his heartbeat was increasing. you wanted to make fun of him, but you didn't want him to notice so was yours; you kept your mouth shut.
you asked, as he was tapping your arm, "scara, isn't the stars so beautiful?"
scaramouche agreed with you but not for reasons you may think. as you looked at the stars, he looked at you.
"wait, scara! wish on the stars."
"that's so childish."
"but i heard they come true!"
"... fine but im not doing it because you said so."
"i know, don't worry."
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koiiiiijiii ¡ 5 months
Heey I loved the joker nsfw scenario you write so goood can I request sth very fluffy for example how each day with him goes, where he takes us on dates and so on?🩷 also you could maybe include some angsty scenarios where we want to watch him at a fight night but he doesn’t want us to see the cruel world he lives in bcs hes so protective and etc
suuure hun!!! sorry that it took me too long to answer, have no idea why ur request displayed in my app only after 6 days so i started to work on it late.
hope you will like it! enjoy🤓🤍
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。‧˚ʚ°ɞ˚‧。 ───
mere mention of apples brought a fond smile to your lips, thinking of Joker's peculiar fondness for everything apple-related. from his shampoo to his gum, his love for the crisp fruit permeated every aspect of his life. you even gift him home fragrance with apple taste. and especially joker liked sweets with apples, all kind of pies, muffins, ice creams and etc, everything with apples. and when you stumbled upon the viral tiktok video featuring the famed apple croissant, you knew it was the perfect choice for your date. you immediately sent a link of that cafĂŠ to Joker. no need to say that date idea was approved in a second.
as you rode the metro toward the new cafe, anticipation for your date with Joker bubbled within you. dressed in your best outfit and with your makeup flawlessly applied, you were ready to make this a day unforgettable, preferably without any distractions from his “colleagues.” or so you thought.
but just as you were lost in thoughts of sugary delights and stolen moments with Joker, a notification from him shattered your reverie. Your smile faltered as you read his message, the words weighing heavily on your heart. “sorry, im in the bar, Wooin said it emergency. don’t wait for me, maybe ask your friends and have fun. i’ll be late. sorry.”
with a sigh, you decided to continue the date alone, and buy that damn apple croissants, unwilling to let Wooin's interference ruin at least your evening. the idea of waiting for your girls seemed futile, knowing they likely had their own plans for evening.
when you entered the cafe, when you were paying for your croissant, you still couldn’t get rid of unpleasant idea. you knew Joker hated it when you stepped into his “work life” and saw him fighting in the actagon. but since Wooin decided to take him away from you so brazenly, you thought that there would be nothing wrong with you grabbing him after this stupid match, and taking a take out bag of croissants with you, you headed to that ill-fated bar.
。‧˚ʚ°ɞ˚‧。 ───
as you walked into the dimly lit bar, the contrast to -at least expected- date was stark. the once vibrant excitement for sharing apple croissant after that damn match had faded, replaced by a sense of disappointment and frustration. the air hung heavy with the stench of alcohol, mingling with the faint undertones of stale sweat and spilled drinks. each step you took seemed to echo against the grimy floor, the stickiness clinging to the soles of your shoes, a tangible reminder of the less-than-inviting atmosphere.
despite your reluctance, you made your way through the crowded space, weaving through intoxicated patrons who stumbled and swayed in a haphazard dance of inebriation. the cacophony of voices, laughter, and clinking glasses assaulted your senses, drowning out any semblance of peace or tranquility.
as you approached the bar, your eyes scanned the dimly lit room, searching for the familiar figure of Joker amidst the chaotic scene. and then, like a sudden chill down your spine, you felt the unwelcome presence of an arm slung over your shoulder.
"hi there, little thing," came Wooin's voice, dripping with an unsettling mixture of familiarity and condescension. words sent a shiver down your spine, his presence a stark reminder of the intrusion upon your plans and the disruption of your evening.
despite the façade of casualness in his tone, there was an underlying tension, silent dislike, Wooin never liked your presence, Joker was distracted, which means he did his job badly. you resisted the urge to shrug off his arm, instead steeling yourself with a forced smile, masking the turmoil brewing beneath the surface.
in that moment, surrounded by the oppressive atmosphere of the bar and the unwelcome company of Wooin, you couldn't help but feel a sense of betrayal, both by Joker's absence and by the intrusion of his colleague into your plans. it was a bitter reminder of the complexities of relationships, the delicate balance between loyalty and disappointment. and then your heart sank. the crowd roared, drawing attention to the center of the bar. to the octagon. people seemed to be chanting someone's name, and it clearly wasn't Joker’s. Even though Joker protected you from this world and did not allow you to appear at his fights, you knew he never lost, so why was the crowd rooting for someone else today? these and other thoughts were constantly running through your head.
as you watched in disbelief, Wooin approached you with a sly grin, his words cutting through the chaos of the bar like a knife. "you see, darling," he began, his voice dripping with malice, "Joker's task tonight is not to win, but to fall." the revelation hit you like a sucker punch to the gut, leaving you reeling with shock and betrayal.
as the fight in the octagon reached its climax, you stood frozen in the midst of the raucous crowd, your heart pounding with a mixture of fear and disbelief. you couldn't tear your eyes away from Joker, his form battered and bruised. Wooin's words echoed in your mind, Joker's gaze found yours across the sea of spectators. In that moment of connection, you saw the pain etched in his eyes, a silent plea for understanding and forgiveness.
as the final blow landed, and Joker stumbled to the ground, you felt a surge of anguish wash over you. it was a bitter pill to swallow, knowing that his fall had been orchestrated not by his opponent's strength, but by the cold calculations of those who saw him as nothing more than a pawn in their game.
。‧˚ʚ°ɞ˚‧。 ───
in the quiet solitude of the changing rooms, you found Joker sitting alone, his hands trembling as he attempted to patch up his wounds. without a word, you approached him, your hands reaching out to gently grasp his own.
in that moment of shared vulnerability, the weight of the world seemed to lift from your shoulders, replaced by a sense of clarity and resolve. and as Wooin's departing footsteps echoed in the distance, leaving you alone with Joker, you knew that this was your chance to confront the truth that lay between you.
with a trembling voice, you said “you know that you always can stop doing.. this..” after thinking a little, you added "and start with something new..." you looked around the small room, meaning all his work in general, "well, less violent". Joker just smiled at you and with a trembling hand reached for the bag that you had brought with you, his fingers brushing against the delicate pastry nestled within. with a bittersweet smile, he took a bite of the apple croissant, savoring the taste of sweetness and redemption that lingered on his lips.
。‧˚ʚ°ɞ˚‧。 ───
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alesbianperson ¡ 9 months
bully!ellie williams x fem!reader pt. 2
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summary: Ever since that project that you both worked on, shes been unreasonably mean to you and you have no idea why.
warnings: light smut (or rather just a light make out); some swearwords; very short
authors note: not proofread!; this is honestly the first time i attemted to write anything sexual so please forgive me if this is absolute shit; also sorry part 2 was taking so long, im losing motivation really quickly
part 1
"You.. heard all that?"
You just nod quietly, your heart pumping inside your chest. Silence fell over the room, leaving you both in awkward tension. Your mind raced as you tried to say something to break the silence, but before you could think of something not totally stupid, Ellie broke it, clearing her throat awkwardly.
"Look. I didn't mean to be like that, and I know it sounds like a stupid fucking excuse, but I didn't know how else to get your attention." She looked at you, her eyes scanning yours for a reaction.
You didn't know how to respond. A million thoughts rushed through your mind, but none of them seemed to come out in words. The ability to move had, so it felt, lost you and everything suddenly felt dizzy.
"Why?" you finally got out, kinda oblivious to the obvious situation. Your question earned a confused look from Ellie. "Why? Cause I fucking like you!", she paused a moment, "Really. Like the 'i can't stop thinking about you' and 'i almost pass out when you look at me' like."
Heat began to rise in your cheeks, and you quickly looked down to hide it. Just before you could open your mouth, Ellie, once again, did it before you. "You don't have to say anything to that, y'know? Let's just forget all that and never talk about it again."
"No," you simply answered, "cause I like the fact that you like me." You paused. "And I like you too." Ellies breath hitched, her eyes sparkling, leaning in closer. "You do?" She smirked, gaining her confidence back. "I do."
With your approval, she closed the gap between you two and started kissing you. Passionate, yet soft, not wanting to take things too far. Your hands found their way around her neck, hers on your waist. You slightly shivered at her touch, whimpering into the kiss which Ellie took as an opportunity to slip her tongue into your mouth, deepening the kiss.
As Ellie slowly moved her leg up between your legs, you gasped and removed your lips from hers. "Too much?" She asked carefully. You quickly shook your head before connecting your lips again, this time less soft, growing more needy. Quickly, Ellie had her leg between yours again, moving it slightly to cause some friction. "Fuck." You moaned into the kiss, causing Ellie to smile against your lips.
But just as she increased her speed: "What the fuck?" Ellie quickly removed her leg from between yours, turning around. Heat began crawling up your face. "Jesse!" Ellie whisper-yelled. But he just stood there, grinning. Brightly. "I hoped this would happen. But please, next time, close the door. Or better: Lock it." This made the whole situation just more embarrassing in your eyes. "As much as I'd love to let you guys.. carry on with what you were doing, the coach wants to speak to you." He continued, facing Ellie.
She shortly looked at you, flashing a smile, before heading out with Jesse, but not without saying: "We need to continue that." And a wink. At you.
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vampirehoon ¡ 20 days
my angel ✫ hwang hyunjin (800+)
(needed) a/n ✫ omg. so sorry for the inactivity on posting but this month had hit me the hardest - being really busy with life, i couldn’t sit down and find time to write so finally i wrote something short and sweet. also im a hyunjin girly rn but enha posts return! also not proof read.
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you would believe your boyfriend’s parents if they said angels paid him a visit when he was born and blessed him with the most perfect face you’ve ever seen. pure strangers, mainly girls, have a hard time missing him if they walk past him because he’s so beautiful.
hyunjin melts everytime you call him beautiful, insisting on it. it’s habit of hyunjin to deny and kiss you when you say those things but when he took you into his arms and held you so you couldn’t move, you knew you were loved.
it’s late at the park and a few couple and friend groups remain on the grass. you wondered if kissing you in public crossed hyunjin’s mind but it seemed everyone was already focused on the sunset.
he smiled before leaning closer into your face and places soft kisses that tickled you. fighting them was pointless but you wanted to only because you knew how pink your cheeks get.
“you sure you’re not referring to yourself, beautiful?” he hums, smushing his lips onto your pink cheeks. he’s lucky he’s beautiful and you’d never want to ruin his pretty face.
he continues to kiss you as you let it happen.
“just accept it hyunjin. you are an angel in disguise.”
you feel hyunjin’s kisses come to a stop and you look over to him, wondering where they went.
hyunjin’s eyes were sparkling, looking back and forth from both of your eyes. it’s as if he was making sure you were watching what he was doing - or going to do.
you could trail your gaze across his face to find his pretty mole under his eye or his long lips that were red and plump, but holding eye contact with him felt more intimate then anything else.
his lips curled into a soft smile as he began to speak softly to you.
“are you aware how angelic you look right now? you can’t convince me your not an angel standing in front of me.” he says as he lets one of his arms release from behind you to take your hair behind your ear.
it’s unfair he can do that to you, makes your heart flutter as if you’ve fallen in love with him all over again.
you look to the side, trying to dismiss his comment.
“you’re just saying that-“
“you’re beautiful y/n.” hyunjin takes your face in his hands and raises your head to look up at him. hearing him say that made you feel warm. if hyunjin was always here to let you know you were beautiful, you could be saved from any sadness or pain.
he won’t be able to ignore his beauty either, so you softly remind him again.
“i love you.”
“i love you.”
meeting his lips and adoring the softness of them felt like heaven. every aspect of him reminded of you of heaven. you two held each other close and shared sweet nothings when you two pulled away.
hyunjin rose your hand to his lips and placed a soft kiss to both. you smiled and adored each one.
“so,” he held your hands in front of him and played with them as he trailed. your laugh adorned the moment.
“what are our plans for tomorrow?” you question why he wonders of plans for tomorrow, it’s not even night time.
“since this day is ending.” he answers but it didn’t seem to satisfy you completely.
you wonder what the two of you can do. it’s always fun going on dates or simply staying inside and being all cozy but it’s hard to decide.
“do we need it planned out?” you ask, wrapping your arms around him and fitting your head under his chin.
hyunjin smiles as you do so and shakes his head softly.
“no, not at all.”
you two hold each other in a hug for a moment before you continue you on with plans.
“well.. i did make one plan.”
hyunjin listens, not daring to break your hug just yet.
“to start calling you my angel.”
hyunjin broke out into the sweetest laugh and you weren’t trying to make him laugh. you didn’t want it to stop so you smiled as he brought his laugh down. he seemed to have something to say as he cleared his throat.
“okay deal.” you smiled hearing him say that. “but..” you sometimes dread but’s.
“you have to let me call you my goddess.”
maybe you would and maybe you would love to kiss him for the rest of the night. you simply shrugged, acting as if that wasn’t an issue. hyunjin senses something and squeezed your soft cheeks.
“my goddess?”
“you are so lucky i’m in love with you hyunjin!” you raise your voice as you burn up and leave his hug to walk away. like a dog, hyunjin follows behind you and takes your hand in his.
“yes. i am very lucky.” is all he had to say to show his innocence in loving you.
getting to be in love with hyunjin is a chance to live in heaven on earth.
𓉸ྀི ©vampirehoon
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