#im so so slow at playing through things... it's never really a priority to me anymore (sad face)
crescentfool · 11 months
i cant believe i forgot that im a fire emblem enjoyer 🙄 i was reading some of my notifs/tags from that one post about the video game series you've played the longest and oh my god.
i would like to apologize to fire emblem for forgetting that i've played it even though it's probably one of the longest standing series in my life next to pokemon and xenoblade... 💀 (<- they have 565 hours in fire emblem, 170 in awakening, 45 for fates, 75 for sov, and 275 for three houses and perhaps a few hours from feh but we don't talk about that)
anyway. did you know i like fire emblem. and that i like reading tags. i hope you all have swag times with whatever game series makes you happy! 💙
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ozrockbitway · 1 year
Dost thou have any pride month headcanons for 2 fav ships as well?! 0o0 Please, I crave to know more about your favs, whoever they may be ((Happy Pride Month btw!!!))
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me, unprepared for the ask to be thrown back at me once again lsjfdslkf
lmao ship wise I tend to default to everyone is pan in some way bcuz haha multiship go brrr BUT sometimes I step outside of that and smack other headcanons onto characters. anyway poses and throws cardfight boys at you.
I really want to say Raika is gay but that's only bcuz I read a BL and a character reminded me of him lol (student council member, white/silver hair, glasses, and just the vibes in general). This may change later but I'll go with it for now.
He would 100% hide the fact that he's into guys. I feel like he puts pressure on himself to be some cool, strong, reliable guy. He would welcome those who aren't heterosexual but he just has trouble putting it out there himself.
He can mask his crush on Michiru as just a fanboy thing but if you play cards with him then you know it's real. He'd probably come out to card fighters first. Yuyu is probably the first to know. Or Taizo.
It's hard to tell when he came to this realization. I want to say it started with Michiru but maybe not?? I feel like someone would have asked if he liked a girl or something and he just says no and they brush it off as him being a late bloomer or something. By high school he does know what he's into.
I can definitely see Michiru as being pan. He does not care for appearances or gender tbh. He can see your soul and that's all he needs
It just comes to him one day like. Oh I guess I dont mind genders of people :) and then just goes about his day. He really just did a thumbs up at that thought and just kinda went with it. If he's interviewed and asked about it he would probably let it slip lmao. He would tell Danji though. Brings it up out of nowhere too. His homie has to know!
I can also see him being asexual?? I don't think he minds a lil touch but thinking about that intimate moment isn't really his thing. He's not opposed to it but doesn't have the drive ya know??
Remember when Ren said Biwa instead of Miwa? Well he was right on the money there!! Miwa is bi and I love to thank Ren for that hc lol. But I can totally see him into both genders tbh. People pretty and he is weak!!
He probably leans more towards women but I can see him being interest in a guy every now and then.
I feel like he'll be casually open about it?? Like he wouldn't outright say it but he'd make a comment on a guy (coughs Kai coughs) and is just like oh yeah Im into both. I think he would be a little careful around who he says it tho?? Like he would know who he can tell and who not to tell.
tbh I can see him having a lil kid crush on Kai when he was younger but not really knowing about it?? I think just seeing him again after all those years and just molding back together with him sets his heart off though. Homie really said he'd do anything for Kai and he will <3
Kai on the hand is harder to read, but I can see him being demiromantic or maybe even gray sexual. His priority doesn't involve romance just getting through life and playing some silly little card games.
I don't think he ever comes to the realization about it though?? Like mans never sat down and thought about what he's into. He just doesn't care?? If he likes you then he likes you what you guna do about it huh
Miwa probably points it out to them in their relationship lol
ANYWAY he's slow to realize he likes Miwa. I think a part of him knows because he's just so comfortable around him. Like he can always go to Miwa, and Miwa knows what's up without even having to say anything. They got a connection and aside from Ibuki, Miwa knows the most about him.
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deexchanel · 3 years
Word Count:
Pairing: Avengers x BlackFem!Reader
Warning: Swearing, A tipsy reader, Fluff maybe?
Summary: the avengers finally have a break off from avenging the world. The first place they go for vacation? Maui Hawaii.
A/N: You guys liking my content means a lot💜💜. when writing one-shots why don't people put oufits? i wanna see wtf i be wearing since im y/n!😂 I got some long faux locs in my hairrr sooo ykk i had to put it in here🙂
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Y/N stood in the kitchen pouring coconut rum into a drink that she found a recipe for on google. It was called a mermaid cocktail and it looked like something she could get away with, without any of her family members saying something. "I'm so ready to drink this, it looks so good." She mumbled stirring the rum mixture.
She is 23 years old but the team still treats her like a little kid. As of right now, everyone was taking a nap from their huge lunch. All those missions they work was eventually stressing them out so Y/N took it upon herself to plan a vacation for them. She rented out a huge beach house for them. Best idea everr!!
Seeing the smiles on their face made her feel so content with her main priorities being happy. "What are you making?" Loki's voice said from behind her. Y/N gave him a big toothy grin. "Oh, nothingggg!"
"You're up to no good, I know you are." Loki raised an eyebrow at her turquoise-looking drink. "I'm not going to even ask." He sat down at the island, shaking his head. Y/N could feel something was off with him. She put the pitcher in the refrigerator, then sat beside him in the chair.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm thinking Y/N."
"About? We're on vacation Loki, we can think when we're back at the tower doing boring missions." Y/N stared at his jet black hair, having the urge to run her fingers through it.
"No, you can't touch my hair." Loki knew exactly what she was thinking. Y/N pout her bottom lip, squinting her eyes. "That's not what I was going to do. Anyway, what are you thinking about?"
"I feel out of place. I just know they are still mad with me from the events of New York." Loki buries his face in his hands. "I want to go back to Asgard, I know they'll rather want me there than here."
Y/N removed his hands."What makes you think that Loki? If none of wanted you here then I wouldn't have told you about this trip. " She giggled making him let a small smile creep on his face. "You're right where you belong and if anyone isn't happy about you being here then just know that Thor and I are ecstatic to have you here. I'm glad you came, means a lot to me."
"Means a lot to know that you want me here Y/N." Loki's small smile went to a big one. Y/N slowly moved her hand to his hair. He watched her slow movement in amusement "No Y/N." She huff playfully giving up.
"Fine, I'll try another time but I'm happy that I made you smile. You're way easier than Bucky's serious ass. Now that's out the way, it's hot girl summer so no sadness from no oneee!!" Y/N exaggerated getting out of the chair going back over to the refrigerator. She pulled out that now cold pitcher, chugging down the concoction.
"Did I hear Y/N say something about a hot girl summer?" Steve rubbed his eyes while he walked downstairs. Y/N rubbed her mouth from the leftover drink on her lips. Steve furrowed his eyebrows at the now half-empty pitcher. "What's that?"
"Nothing! Don't even stick your nose in it." Y/N put the pitcher back. Steve looked at Loki who just shrugged his shoulders with confusion still written on his face. Y/N placed a rushed kiss on their cheek so they wouldn't smell the amount of alcohol she just consumed. "I'm going to get ready so we can go to the beach. Steve wake everyone up for me please so we can leave in the next 30 minutes."
"Okay Y/N," Steve replied ready to question her but she was already up the stairs. 20 minutes later Y/N had music blasting from the speakers while she ready. From that consumption of alcohol, it kicked in about 10 minutes after she got ready. She was only tipsy, maybe. Y/N couldn't focus because she kept giggling at everything.
"Damn why is everything so funny!" Y/N said getting mad at herself. Her long black faux locs flowed down her back after she struggled to place them in a high ponytail. Meaning she broke 3 hair ties and gave the hell up.
"Y/N we're waiting on you!" Tony yelled up the stairs but Y/N waved him off. She grabbed her purse, pausing the music. Tripping over her feet a bit, she made her way downstairs. Bucky caught a glimpse and instantly spoke up.
"Oh hell no Y/N. Go change."
She waved him off too, purposely ignoring him. "I'm readyyyy". Tony crossed his arms over his chest.
"Yeah, I'm going to have to agree with Barnes. Y/N that isn't a swimsuit, that's two pieces of cloths."
Thor smiled, "I like it Y/N and since I like it, we can leave." He picked up a beach chair but everyone yelled no in protest except Natasha. Thor rolled his eyes sitting the chair down. Loki moved her hair aside, closing the white and blue shirt that she wore.
"Now you need a hair thingy to keep it close."Y/N smacked his hand away lightly, going over to the kitchen to find some chips. "Y/N why aren't you saying anything?" Bucky followed still upset about her outfit.
"Her outfit is fine guys. Let's go because you guys are over exaggerating." Natasha placed her shades on her face. "I got your back Y/N!"
"It's not fine, she's showing too much," Steve said being overprotective. Still not phased, Y/N nodded her head from the kitchen. " That's why you my bitch, thank you!" Everyone was shocked by her choice of words. Bucky grabbed her waist.
"Y/N are you drunk?"
Y/N giggled,"A lady never drinks, she sipssss." She dragged out the s, kissing his nose. Bucky pressed his lips together, getting his answer.
"Guys she's drunk!"
Groans went around the room. Steve was in realization,"Ohhh so that was what she was drinking when I came downstairs earlier."
"And it's hard to keep my cool
When other bitches tryna get with my dude and
When other chickens tryna get in my coop
'Cause you're a one in a million
There ain't no man like you"
Y/N belt out the lyrics to Streets for the 13th time while Bucky held her in his arms while they were in the ocean. They had been at the beach for 30 minutes, and a biker went by playing that song in her speakers. Y/N haven't let go of the song since.
"Y/N if you sing the same lyrics one more time, I swear I'm going to drop you." Bucky scolded while she gripped his shoulder tighter. Y/N placed her head on his chest, the sun was getting rid of her drunkness. She was tired since she didn't take a nap like everyone else plus Bucky's heartbeat and the sound of the oceans was calming her down. "Sorry! It's stuck in my mind."
Steve, Tony, Loki, and Thor played on the beach with water guns. Natasha laid in the sun, getting a tan. Per Y/N's request, Bucky was in the water holding Y/N close. She was surprised that he even agreed to it.
"Yes Y/N?"
"I'm tired."
"I figured, let's get you out the water." Bucky turned around to walk back to the shore. Y/N just snuggled more to his chest. "Bucky?"
Bucky’s voice held slight annoyance, thinking she was playing."What is it Y/N?"
"I'm glad you came on this trip, I know this past year had been so hard on you and I thought this trip would help ease your mind. Plus I got to know you better, that’s a bonus.”
“Yeah at first, I didn’t want to come but I couldn’t turn down seeing you in a bikini.” Bucky laughed making Y/N laugh as well hitting his chest lightly. “Bucky!”
“What? I’m being honest. I just rather for only my eyes to see.”
“You’re such a flirt.”
“You going to have to get used to it. But for real though, this trip made me not think about things that's been haunting my mind. Coming on here was the best idea.”
“I’m glad I could help with that.” She tapped his shoulder for him to stop. He placed Y/N on her feet. “I’ve come up with the best plan though.”
Bucky narrowed his eyes, “What’s the plan?”
Y/N made herself sink underwater. Bucky waited a couple seconds before putting on his best acting voice. “Guys! Guys! Y/N she’s drowning!” Natasha stood at the shore, looking out at the water in concern. The team wasted no time running in the water.
“What happened??!?”
“Oh god, Y/N?!”
Steve was Y/N's victim, he hunched over in her area of the water. Bucky pulled at the ends of his hair keeping the act going. “She was doing alright until I couldn’t hear her anymore.” Y/N lurched up grabbing Steve by the neck, pulling him in the water.
Bucky's face of distress turned into humor. “Steve she got you good!” Both Y/N and Steve appeared out of the water. Y/N was laughing so hard she was clutching her stomach. Loki found it amusing while Tony, Steve, and Thor didn’t.
“That was a good one Y/N.”
“Don’t listen to Loki Y/N. You had us worried!”Thor huffed and Steve nodded his head in agreement.
“Yeah! I thought something really happened to you.”
“I’m sorry guys.” Y/N snorted trying to contain her laughter. “It’s not my fault, it’s Bucky. He came up with the idea. You guys should’ve seen Steve’s face when I came out of the water.”
Steve mocked her laugh, “Ha Ha Ha. It’s not funny.” Bucky held his hand in defense trying not to laugh as well. “It’s not mine! This was all her idea.”
“Capsicle is right, it’s not funny. Don’t scare me like that again.” Tony scolded her, he held out his arms. “Now come give me a hug so I can feel better.” Y/N gave him a hug, that humorous smile not leaving her face. When she tried to pull away, Tony held a grip. She realized.
He laughed leaning forward and they both fell in the water. Soon it turned into a big splashing war between everyone, they were having so much fun.
At 7:28 p.m. both Y/N and Bucky walked back to the beach for dinner. The restaurant they chose for tonight’s dinner was there. Since Y/N is over the planning for the vacation and Bucky is attached to her hip, they were at dinner first.
“I know the wait is going to be minute so sit down while I talk to the hostess.” She reassured him. Bucky looked at her kind of worried because he wasn’t comfortable with crowds yet. She squeezed his hand, “You’re okay.”
Bucky nodded his head reluctantly. Y/N walked off to make sure this restaurant gave them a private table away from the crowd, preferably on the beach. After about 10 minutes of talking, something just told her to turn around. It was some woman that looked around Y/N’s age steadily talking to Bucky even though he looked so uncomfortable.
“Hold on one sec.” Y/N held a finger-walking away, not even waiting on the hostess's response. Y/N quiet appearance kinda scared them both. “Excuse me. Hi!”
The woman looked at Y/N with attitude. “Um, why are you speaking to me?”
Y/N took a deep breath to calm down. “ I’m speaking to you because you’re talking to my boyfriend and you obviously see him uncomfortable.” It was for the sake of the moment. Bucky and Y/N aren’t together, just a few flirts here and there. But since Y/N knew this bitch couldn’t take a hint she said, boyfriend.
“You might have him confused for”
Y/N cut her off, “No I don’t have him confused for no one. That’s my boyfriend so get your desperate ass out of his face before I embarrass you in front of everyone. We don’t want that do we? Now walk away miss.”
The woman turned her nose up walking away without saying another word. Once she was out of sight, Bucky visibly relaxed. “Thank you so much Y/N. She wouldn’t stop talking and my a-anxiety was getting bad because I didn’t know her and...” He shook his leg. Y/N sat beside him giving him a hug.
“Hey hey calm down, it’s okay now. I could see she made you uncomfortable. I wasn’t going to stand there and let her continue to do that.”
“Thank you Y/N.”
“Anything for you Bucky.” Y/N kissed his forehead then she stood up, holding out her hand. “Now let’s go get this table because I did cut the hostess off coming to help you.”
Bucky laughed grabbing her hand. As they walked back over to the stand, realization hit Bucky. He smirked.
“So I’m your boyfriend now?”
Y/N rolled her eyes playfully, “No Bucky, it was in the heat of the moment.”
“What if I was to ask you out?”
“In your dreams Bucky.”
This took longer to write then what it supposed to be.
Hope you guys like it 🥰, I was trying to include a Loki moment because I’m starting to like him more.
Stay slutty my friendsss!
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rhaenyratargeryn · 3 years
A few weeks ago I wrote slutty, slutty Kent x Button fic and then didn’t post it-- but now I’m gonna and reveal myself as a thirsty ho.
title: reciprocity rated: explicit fandom/pairing: Mind Blind (IF) Kent Zarneki x f!Button Wiseman summary: One photo leads to another leads to another... Button could open a gallery with the sheer volume of nudes she possesses of one Kent Zarneki.
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It had started innocently enough. At least, that was the lie I was telling myself because in all honesty, what was innocent about sending your boyfriend a selfie— when that selfie was really just a strategically cut close up of the new strappy bralette you’d bought, peaking out from the unbuttoned V of your Aeon uniform top? Nothing. Absolutely god damn nothing.
The text I sent: new! shockingly comfortable. didn’t want to rip it off as soon as I got home
Kent’s message bubbles were silent, but the “read” notification had gone off. I grinned slyly to myself, getting comfortable back up against my bed pillows. Kent blushed so infrequently, I had made a game of it as much as Glitch, though I had had unprecedented success. Glitch had given me a withering look at the boast.
I mean. It was obvious why I did.
My phone dinged, the notification image showing that in lieu of a text, Kent had sent an image of his own. I clicked the tiny preview and was awarded with a picture much like my own, Kent’s tie loose around his neck, the buttons of his shirt undone to show the pale expanse of skin beneath. I could just barely see the line of his jaw, the smirk ticking up the corner of his lips.
I responded by undoing my own shirt down to my waist, pushing the fabric down around my shoulders and using my arms to help my cleavage look fuller. This was dangerous. Very dangerous, but I shook my head to let my hair cascade down across me, took a few shots and sent the best one.
Are you in bed?
Kent’s reply. Followed shortly by another photo. He had put aside ceremony and fully removed his shirt, revealing he was in bed himself. The dark sheets contrasted against him. All that Aeon training had sculpted and carved him into a lean, but strong figure. He was not bulky, like Grayson, cut more narrowly at his waist which gave his shoulders an even fuller illusion of broadness that made my hands ache to run over them.
Kent Zarneki, in short, was too fucking hot for his own good.
I am
Im taking my clothes off
I assume that is what we are doing?
I sent the three texts in quick succession. The message bubbles in reply were brief.
The image that followed was enough to send a hot pang right down into my stomach. He’d unbuttoned his trousers, using the thumb of his free hand to hold down the band far enough I could see the line of his pelvis and the dark hair that dusted across.
If you want to
I want to
I took off my shirt, throwing it aside without care. I had chosen to wear a high-waisted black skirt that day, which was all the better. I very carefully slid my hand up the cup of my bralette, letting the fabric rise up to show the under curve of my breast, appearing fuller when pressed up into my palm.
I sent it and in a second got a reply.
I smirked. Kent had already been naked from the waist up for some time now. I received a sequence of three images, all of which where very flattering shots of Kent’s own torso and abs.
Seems only fair
I pulled the lacy fabric up and over my head as easily as my shirt, looking down at my own pale breasts, my nipples already hardened in the cool air and in anticipation. Shyness fell over me like a cold shower. Kent had never seen me naked before. What if I was too small? What if I was too big? Was my right breast always that much different from my left? Anxiety panged in my stomach as intense as arousal and despite my delay, Kent’s messages remained silent.
Patient. Waiting.
I could cheat. Brushing my hair over my shoulders, the strands lay perfectly over the tops of my breasts, hiding them from clear view, but not as much as my bralette did. I let the photo catch just the bottom half of my face, my tongue stuck out to the side. Teasing. Taunting. Like it was on purpose, not because I was nervous.
Kent didn’t respond for several minutes. The next image, I felt my mouth go dry. I could very clearly see the outline of his erection, pressing against the groin of his pants and going down the leg.
He wasn’t wearing boxers. Of course he wasn’t. This was Kent Zarneki, a man who was one bad day away from leaving everything and joining a nudist colony.
Is this okay?
It was more than okay. It was super okay. It was, please-send-me-more-now okay.
I relayed as much through the text message and got a photo that sent my heart racing. It was just him. His cheeks flushed, his gray eyes dark and storming, a smug smile half formed on his lips. His dark hair was messy and I nearly groaned with frustration at how badly I wanted to run my fingers through it, tug on it, pull that smirk against my own and kiss it off his face.
The next photo I sent him I hid nothing, cupping my breast in my hand and making as if I was drawing my thumb over my nipple. I showed my face, trying my best to look as effortlessly sexy as him— though no matter what I did, my smile was always more playful than sultry. My cheeks flushed with more than just wanting.
High praise
I replied, trying to remind myself his short responses were normal and not to read into it.
You want praise?
You’re driving me crazy
His words hit me like a sucker punch. His next photo is the second one I didn’t see coming.
No man this gorgeous should ever be blessed in such a way. There were really no words other than “pretty” to describe the flushed skin of his length, not overly long, but definitely blessed where it counted. Or at least where I had heard it counted. It’s all about the girth. My mind supplied in its best Cosmo magazine voice.
The tip was, in all honesty, a very pretty shade of darkened pink, and curved with a sort of perfection that should have been reserved to— I don’t know. Porn stars? Dick models? Do dick models exist? Hand models sure do, and the way his hand was wrapped around himself was enough to make me think he could easily be one of those too.
I snap back and I can practically hear him laugh in my mind.
High praise
Is that an offer or a request?
How could I say no? I definitely didn’t want to. I found the zipper at the top of my skirt and slid it down. I was left in just my panties and hose. I rolled the hose down low on my thighs, sitting up on my knees to take a photo. Hesitating for just a moment, I flicked the camera over to video and let my hand run down over my thigh and then across my hips. I drew my finger over my center, my breath hitching and my hips moving forward as I rolled against my own touch.
I sent it.
And after a moment I got a video in turn. I watched Kent’s hand glide up over his length in slow, languid motions, pausing to rub his palm against the tip of his head. Teasing himself with the lightest touch. His cock flexed and jumped, a tiny gruff sound escaping his lips and reminding me that even though I couldn’t see his face this was Kent. My Kent.
I nearly dropped my cellphone as it began to vibrate, an incoming call displaying on the screen. I laid back, pushing my hose off the rest of the way as I answered. The line was silent before I finally broke it with a breathy- “hey.”
“Are you naked?” Kent’s voice was low, strained, but somehow eager.
I took a quick moment to slide my panties off, kicking them away.
“Now I am.”
Kent took in a deep breath. I let my hand trail between my legs, touching myself in the familiar way I did when I was alone. I traced my index and middle finger up my labia, spreading the soft warm skin, dipping my fingers into the center where I was slick and hot.
“I’m touching myself.” I said, my voice a broken whisper. Kent made a gruff sound of acknowledgement.
“Kent...” I said, “You made me so wet.”
He moaned.
“Is that okay?” I said, teasing him. I appreciated his caution, his check ins, making sure I was enjoying myself.
“Yes. Yes, it’s okay. Tell me.”
“Wow. Six whole words? Be careful, you’ll make me come.”
“That’s the idea.” Kent said, a breathless laugh filtering through his words.
“What about you? Having fun yet, Zarneki?”
Kent made a sound and I heard the rustling of sheets and the faint click of the phone camera shutter. My phone chimed, an image appearing of the head of his cock, wet with pre-cum he was smearing around the tip.
My tongue slid out against my bottom lip.
“Kent, don’t take this the wrong way— but you have such a pretty penis.”
He snorted.
“I’m serious. I want to put it in my mouth, which is not something I thought I’d ever say to any guy. But like? It just looks so appealing.”
“You’re killing me.” Kent said, a groan that sounded almost exasperated coming from his throat. It was hard to tell.
“With my witty charm or because I put a very naughty image in your head?”
I slipped two fingers into my mouth, pursed my lips, made a show of how wet and soft they looked and sent it to Kent.
I felt a burst of pride at his expletive and found my clit with my fingertips, circling in a quicker pace.
“I like listening to you.” I said, thoughtless. I sighed, feeling my whole body warming, “Wish it was closer.”
“...I’m just down the street.” Kent said, trying to play it off like it was a fact and not a very tempting invitation.
“But this is fun. And naughty. And I get a keepsake.”
I heard the question in his voice, almost masked by a small groan. I wondered what his hands were up to.
“The photos. Speaking of which... I wouldn’t mind an after shot.”
“After I make you come all over yourself, Zarneki.”
I heard his breath hitch.
“Only if I get one too.”
“You got it.”
Talking became a non-priority then. The only thing I strained to hear was his breaths, his soft moans, the faint wet sound I sometime thought I heard over the receive— or maybe that was me. I felt flooded, with heat and wanting and need. I pressed harder, worked my palm flat against my clit and stroked my fingers inside, imaging how much further Kent’s slender fingers could reach. Imaging his tongue. That pretty cock.
“Kent.” I whimpered, the involuntary clutch of my walls around my fingers my bodies way of telling me it wanted all of that and more.
“Good?” Kent murmured, a faint reply.
“Yes— I... I just keep imaging if it were you.” I don’t need to explain. I can tell by the way his breathing has fallen into faint rhythmic pants that he got my full meaning and he liked it.
“...me too. I want... I want you.” Kent paused, his next words coming out with earnest sweetness, “I’ll wait as long as you need...  but I’m ready. I want it. This. With you.”
Whatever I was thinking, whatever I wanted to say fuzzed out around the edges as a prickling sensation spread out from where my fingers were rolling and pressing in tandem. I coaxed my climax out, the peak hanging on the edge for a wonderful few tense moments before it fell. I whimpered, the sound coming out louder than I intended.
I heard Kent swear, or say my name or some combination of the two and then his voice pitched up for just a moment, a gasping moan aching from his throat.
I was hot, messy and completely boneless, laying back on my bed and feeling like I could fall asleep right then and there.
But I owed Kent a picture.
I spread myself open, the puffiness, the redness and slickness hopefully all the evidence he needed to see I had most definitely orgasmed. The moment I opened the chat to send it I received his in turn. His cock lolled back against his stomach, a line of cum connecting to the opaque white puddle settled there. There were drops across his chest and a few splatter across his hand.
My walls clutched hard as I thought what it would feel like to lick him clean.
I sent my own photo, the two of us quiet now, content with just listening to the sound of the other breathing through the phone speaker.
“So. Shower photo shoot next?” I said, unable to hide a nervous giggle.
“Give me just a second to get a towel.”
I had been kidding, but the eagerness in Kent’s voice was enough to make me decide to not correct him.
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millllenniawrites · 3 years
fun in the meantime (FO! Poe Dameron x f!OC)
part two of when the stars miss the sun
written with @vampirewithbedsidemanners
words: 2.4k
warnings: dark!ooc!Poe Dameron (if you want specifics, dm me); smut (rough sex, slight dubcon moment, praise, 'good girl' used); prostitution; established relationship (sort of); slow burn (yes the two can coexist leave me alone); redemption arc; Pixar ending; murder; warnings will be added as the series progresses
a/n: i love this story and im so excited to share it with you guys. this one is as cute and soft as it gets before everything gets very very dark (though please do heed the warnings cause it isn't just happy times)
Red woke up alone in sheets that still felt warm and soft like his satin skin. Her Admiral… not that she could let him know how ingrained in her mind he had become over the last three years. Just like every time before, he left her with the taste of him lingering on the edges of her senses, keeping her from the biting, harsh reality of the universe they lived in.
The house was beautiful and grand without being over the top, just as out of place as he was in everything. He’d told her the night before that the house was the only thing he had to his name outside of the Order. She believed it. There was something to him that made her believe that there really wasn't anything else out there for her beautiful, lost man.
She left the safety of his bed, padding across the warm floors and out into the hallway that fed a large central spiral staircase. It extended down all five stories to the basement, where they’d dragged out boxes of files the night before prior to shutting themselves in his office to work.
She hadn’t had the chance to see enough of the beautiful house. Later, when she had a moment, she would explore the place that seemed to be an extension of her Admiral. She would let her hands roam over the banisters, the same way they had caressed across the banded muscles in his thighs as she rode him, giving over her body and heart and soul before she realized that she was.
Red crept silently down his stairs. She followed the sound of fingers on a screen to his office, where they'd spent much of the night before. His uniform jacket was still in a ball on the ground where she'd tossed it after ripping it off him. The papers he'd swept off his desk to make room to lay her on it were still scattered all over the room.
Poe was sat at his desk, hair mussed from sleep. The collar of his threadbare shirt was stretched out, and he played with the edge of it as he studied whatever was on the screen in front of him.
Nothing about him appeared like he was a feared Admiral of the First Order.
When he finally noticed her standing in the doorway, he smiled softly. "Did you sleep okay?"
She padded over to him, easing down into his lap. Something about him put her at ease, when everything about him should have sent her running. Quietly, she threaded her fingers through his hair, tilting his head back so she could gaze into his eyes. “I missed you.” Her admission was quiet, timid, sweet... with no hint of the deadly resistance intel Captain that was actually sitting in his lap.
“Just thought I’d get a head start this morning ‘nd let you sleep.” He’d snuck out of bed before the sun had risen, intending to finish up the packaging of intel that he’d neglected the night before before returning to her. If he had the restraint to resist her, he may have finished the work, but he couldn’t deny himself the little temptations that made him feel alive.
Time had gotten away from him in the early morning hours, as it tended to do.
There was so much more to the war now, and he was no longer the young, energetic try-hard Captain, campaigning for what he believed in no matter the cost.
Things were complicated.
“Come back to bed?” She asked, brushing her lips against his in a soft kiss.
He melted into her touch, softer than he should have been. She could ask him for anything when he was like this, his vulnerable soul left barren for her. “Shouldn’t we finish up?” He murmured, a half-hearted attempt to retain control over himself that he no longer had.
“We should.” She sighed, shifting so she could straddle him. “But I only get you like this for a little longer. That uniform has to go back on eventually.”
“It’s just a uniform.”
“A uniform that keeps me from you.” She kissed his neck as her hands slid under his shirt. Every word fell from her lips like a quiet admission she wasn’t sure she could say, or mean. Not without wrecking everything between them.
“We’ll blow it all to hell. Just need a little more time...”
“I need you.” Her whimpers called him home, her deft fingers tracing his abs under his shirt and bringing the forbidden temptation of her skin flush to his. Her lips on his neck and jaw stole his breath, chasing all thoughts from his mind. “Just a little bit. I’m not ready to give you back.”
“You’re coming with me. You don’t have to. You don’t have to give me back.” His voice was breathy, betraying how touch-starved he truly was.
She kissed him to silence the whimper on his lips, tangling around him. “You don’t belong in the Order.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I do.” She tugged him close. “I do, baby.”
Something changed in his eyes as the words left her lips, his vulnerability swallowed in something darker, clamouring for control. He gripped her hair, tilting her head back and kissing down her neck, rough and forceful. He needed it the way he needed air in his lungs. The wall he erected around his delicate heart shattered in her presence, and he couldn’t afford it. Not now.
He carried her up the stairs, distracting her with kisses and tearing through the thin clothing on her body. There was nothing gentle about it. Gentle sex gave her the space to break down his walls. Gripping her thighs, he flipped her over and pinned her down, lips at her ears.
“I need you loud for me, honey.” He growled, pulling her hips up into his lap and spreading her pulsing center open to make space for him.
“Poe!” She cried out, forgetting what they were for a moment. All that mattered were his callous-rough hands on her skin and the musk of his breath on her neck. He slid in all the way, not needing to get her ready for him, fucking her in the brutal but sweet way that made the room spin.
He lost himself in her moans, the way she thrashed in his arms as she neared the edge. He almost couldn’t hear her pleas for a break over the sound of her begging for more.
“That’s a good girl.” He murmured, too soft for what they were now, his praise painting her lips.
“Your... your good girl.” she gasped, “I’m yours.”
Red fell back into his arms in the bed, still giggling from the accidental tickles. Twisting so she could see his face, she relaxed, bitting her bottom lip. “Civilian life looks good on you.”
"Y'think so?" He gazed down at her. "This is the first time I've given it a try."
“Lucky me.” She grinned, wrapping her arms around him.
"I think I'd wanna be somewhere warmer. Salient has too much winter." He pulled the blankets up over them both before letting her curl up in his arms.
“Ever been to the old capital?” She hummed, drawing on his chest.
"I haven't been to any of them.” And he wouldn’t have the chance to visit one of them now that the Order had destroyed Hosnian.
“Chandrila is like a never ending summer. If this war leaves it untouched, maybe we can go after it all. Just us.”
"You don't wanna be seen with me." The thought of it was so absurd he snorted. He’d been in enough of the propaganda the Order put out that there would never be peace for him.
“No one has to see us. We can take a boat out to the islands and go swimming and fuck and lay out in the sun.”
She could see it. The warm Chandrilan sun on his tan skin, lighting his eyes. His curls in between her fingers and his lips between her legs. Them, laid out in the open, a far cry from the corners they’d been hiding in for three years.
Poe couldn’t help but indulge her. "We wouldn't even need to bring clothes."
“I think clothes on you should be illegal.” She giggled, scooting over onto his chest and straddling his hips.
"Yeah? I don't think that's part of Pryde's plan. You're welcome to talk to him about it when we transfer, though."
“When I’m done with him, it’ll be his first priority.” She grinned mischievously.
He couldn’t help but melt at how sweet she was. “He would be scared of you, if he saw who you really are."
Her smile softened as she eased down into his arms. She knew he meant it as a compliment, but she couldn’t help but worry. Why she gave a shit what he thought of her, she didn’t know. If it was going to wreck the mission, it would have by now. “Do I scare you?” She asked, her gaze as intense as the pounding of her heart in her chest.
"Yeah," he said softly. "But that's a good thing, right? You're supposed to keep your informants in line?"
“Are you still an informant? I thought we were friends.”
“We are. But you’re here to take down the Order. Same as me.” He poked her forehead. “Agent.” He poked himself in the chest. “Informant.”
She copied him, jabbing him in the chest. “Poe, Red. And right now, we’re just two very hot people in bed together. Naked. Enjoying life.”
“It’d be kinda sexy to call you Agent in bed.” He wiggled his eyebrows.
She laughed, shaking her head. “Anything as long as you don’t call me ma’am.”
“Yes ma’am.”
She punched his shoulder lightly. “Poe!”
“Why don’t you like that one? Bad boyfriend?”
“It makes me feel like my mom.” She made a face like she was grossed out by the thought, warm love for her mother radiating through it.
“Gotcha.” He kissed her lightly. “Your whole ‘young and innocent and beautiful’ look doesn’t exactly give off mom-vibes.”
She pouted. “I think I’d make a beautiful mom.”
He smoothed the wrinkle in her brow with his thumb. “You would. Of course you would. I just meant that you wouldn’t attract clients with Mommy kinks.”
She scrunched her nose. “Not mommy kinks. Breeding kinks though. I don’t mind those.”
He was quiet as he thought about it. “I don’t know if that’s my style. It seems pretty... close. Intimate.” He coughed, like that could make him feel less exposed. “I’m never gonna settle down with anyone so I don’t think I’d be able to handle taunting myself with that, y’know?”
She held his face, bringing herself as close as she could to him. “I’m not either. So maybe we can with each other. Right at the end. That’d be one hell of a way to go out.”
This was her job. Her role, for the Resistance. She had to make him comfortable and keep loyal and Poe understood that. But he had no reason to betray her. There was no risk in buying in. In letting her do what she had to. “It would be.”
The bed was more enticing than the rest of the house — or the rest of the universe — as far as they were concerned. A droid rolled in about an hour later, bringing foods that neither of them would see again once they left their little sliver of civilian life.
He drank caf, with milk in it if that was an option. He liked his eggs cooked through and spice with his dinner. Everything was appetizing to him as long as it wasn’t slimy. The more they rolled around and talked and fucked and snacked, the more human he seemed to her. The war was worlds away, set in another time and another life where her and her Admiral were just simple people living simple lives.
He knew what she was doing. The questions she asked and information she gathered, just set her up to move around him as seamlessly as the air he breathed. When they got where they were going.
Her laughter made him dream of quiet afternoons just like this, with a beautiful girl in his bed. Endless summers in her eyes. With her, he almost didn’t need the Chandrila sun.
“How often do you make it out here?” She asked casually, eating a piece of fruit while sprawled out on his bed, her eyes on his bare ass.
“Not often. Less since my promotion. It’s pretty nice though, hey?” He noticed her gaze and tossed a clean sock at her.
“Great view. I could stay here forever.” She grinned, spinning her finger in the air at himself. “Nope. Turn back around.”
Poe twirled around, showing off like he had a part time job at a strip club. He moved from the hips, putting on a show until he caught her eyes.
It was too vulnerable. All of it.
He pulled a face, sticking his ass out and wiggling his hips.
She tossed the sock, hitting him in the ass. “You’re lucky you’re hot.” She giggled, reaching out for him. “Come back to bed. I won’t get to lay around and fuck you all the time when we get back to your ship.”
“It’s not mine. I’m only an Admiral.” He crawled up the bed to her, slotting himself between her thighs. “But I’ll take advantage of this while I have it.” He gripped her hair in his fist, tilting her head back to expose her throat. His gaze trailed down her as he murmured, “So pretty...”
She growled, flipping him over and devouring him. There was something in the way he held her, kissed her, that told her she could ask anything of him and he would. For her, or the resistance, she didn’t care. As long as he was on the right side of the war.
His words echoed back in her head like a problem she had to solve. The ship wasn’t his.
She could fix that.
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rigelmejo · 3 years
march 3/15/2021
im trying to read through tae kim’s grammar guide right now because i’m officially further in the nukemarine LLJ  memrise decks (there’s tae kim grammar guide sections in there) than i am in actually reading the grammar guide. And obviously these example sentences in the memrise deck would teach me more if i CLEARLY understood why they’re like how they are. which i... need to read the grammar guide section to understand lol.
my goal rn with japanese is? to get further in the nukemarine LLJ decks than i did last time. I’ve already mildly accomplished that (have done officially MORE of the tae kim section than before, have NOT redone the 190 common words i did last time i did this though). there are about 400 more cards in this tae kim section (LLJ 4) and then 1000ish cards in the common word section (LLJ 5). I would love to get them done. 
it would be sweet if i could get them done before April 22?/24? whenever Nier Replicant comes out because then I could play that baby in english and japanese! Then Nier Automata! ToT The Entire thing that kicked me back into wanting to study japanese was my old love for certain video games and desperately wanting to know what their stories/characters are like before translation/localization. So it would be cool if I could play them a little ;-; or at least check out lets plays. 
(which, checking out the kh2 lets play has been going pretty well so far... also that part where namine says “we aren’t meant to exist” and roxas says “how could you say such a thing? even if it were true” he says in japanese like “thats brutal/harsh to say. even if its true.” ...great to know that line is equally raw and heartbreaking in japanese lol. KH2′s localization did real good on like equal vibe to original just like ‘less nuanced’ if that makes sense. also thanks to the chinese hanzi i know now watching the KH2 lets play means i can figure out a lot of noun’s writing even though i don’t catch the pronunciation... also i’m catching a lot of words that mean like ‘beautiful/good’ as in like ‘great move’ and ‘dang’ lol.)
i had to stop myself from redoing the chinese flashcards i’ve done in the past! because i get ‘into a zone’ lol. And i really don’t need to waste time redoing those 2000 cards. i also needed to stop myself from doing the hsk 5-6 cards. because realistically? i know half of them, i should just set a lot to ‘ignore’ on the computer but im too lazy, and i’m learning a lot of vocab from reading right now. i don’t need hsk words to pass any test. The words i’m learning right now in reading are a lot more applicable to the actual shows i watch/things i listen to/things i read. its more useful to me to keep reading. and also to not sidetrack my japanese lol. i have read... 39 chapters this month... this month is only half over! hanshe is truly motivating ToT it also helps the story CONSTANTLY ends on cliffhangers so i keep clicking next chapter. who knows, maybe hanshe will help me kick up my reading speed. it already shaved off 10 minutes per 20 pages - now my 20 pages are down to 30 minutes to read, which is better than a few months ago. hanshe has 155 chapters so i HOPE it speeds up my reading lol.
hanshe is increasing my vocab though, its definitely noticeable over time. and hanshe has really good repetition of vocab which helps with learning and later the payoff means i never have to look up the word in future once its learned while it remains useful to me and i keep being reminded of it. after i get bored of hanshe OR i finish it, whichever comes first, its either back to a priest novel or into another pingxie fanfic written by hanshe’s author. The author did one fanfic that’s only 33 chapters so that would be NICE to do after this one lol ToT
summary of what’s turned out to be my studying methods this month:
reading through grammar guides (the one yue-muffin made and tae kim’s). so just grammar explanation reading.
doing nukemarine LLJ decks (in the ACTUAL order they are in the deck to completion - last time i did like 3 per time and never finished any lol. this is bolded because it’s the primary activity i’m prioritizing). so SRS flashcards. it’s working well right now because i can just put this activity in anytime i have downtime, like when i pause shows (since we know me i gotta take a break from a show every 20 minutes lol). i am bafflingly in a flashcard mood and i’m trying to take advantage of it while i got it. 
*when i feel like it: watching kh2 lets play. so some immersion where i look up words. (and when Nier Replicant remaster releases next month I’m likely to at least a tiny bit try to play it in japanese ToT lol we’ll see)
so grammar reading, srs flashcards covering some grammar/listening/reading/vocab, and some optional immersion.
(a note: i gave up on the japaneseaudiolessons for now because i got bored. its a great resource! i just don’t feel like it right now. and from an efficiency perspective, nukemarine LLJ decks cover vocab, grammar, audio, reading - so I don’t need another resource for that right now).
reading through hanshe. so immersion reading, intensive reading looking up unknown words. (unknown words are happening less so its getting less ‘intense’ lol)
listening to Chinese Spoonfed Audio. so listening to audio flashcards. for building up listening comprehension/repetition to pick up some more common words. (i’ve been doing this during daily walks making it much easier for me to consistently do, doing it mainly to supplement the Reading Heavy study i’m doing, i can drop this and pick it up later if i want since its mostly easy background listening)
*I am slowly rereading the grammar guide on www.chinese-grammar.com for explicit grammar clarification. but this is not a high priority, since I sort of implicitly understand a lot of this and i’m not working on fixing production mistakes yet. i just... miss knowing wtf is going on in the grammar lol.
*when i feel like it: Listening Reading The Glass Maiden/Love and Redemption Novel. I’ve done 2-3 hours of it this past week, but i don’t know when or if I’ll just stop. Thankfully l-r is beneficial somewhat even if i switch up books later. i WANT to L-R you have no idea (to Silent Reading and Guardian REALLY badly lol). But its so time intensive, and requires a lot of focus, and i have to really plan to do it for an hour at a time usually. I am so bad at doing stuff for that long consistently. I was in the mood earlier this week! ToT 
*when i feel like it: watching chinese shows raw. I was super in the mood this month because Word of Honor came out, and Killer and Healer came out, and Rattan came out, and I didn’t want to wait for subs. As a result I watched a LOT of raw episodes this month. However, english subs have caught up and since I’m lazy I’m inclined to just watch the subs - especially since youku ITSELF just put english subs on their most-ahead viewing schedule version of the eps on youku vip. so guess who’s buying youuku vip today? -3-)/ That said... even if I stop for a while, if Rattan subs move too slow I’ll probably watch those raw. And as SOON as 2ha’s drama Immortality drops I am highly likely to watch the raws for that since I likely won’t be able to wait. Watching shows is pretty highly dependent on how much I want to watch something and if subs take a while lol. 
so reading, and listening. and a little listening-reading method too. mainly just working on reading, listening, vocab acquisition. chinese is going good - for a few months now i’ve just had the plan ‘read often while looking up unknown words, and add some listening study activity when i have time.’ It’s simple, and its been working well.  later on down the road i’ll need some explicit grammar clarification again, but this is bare bones enough of a study plan at the moment. i’m clearly picking up words and phrases and hanzi at a reasonable pace. its not the Fastest obviously, but it is causing improvement over time and since i’m enjoying it i see no reason to change it up.
ending things
...who knows WHY i am so well focused this month with so much energy... tbh... i track how many chapters i read a month/audio i listen to/show episodes i watch etc, and this month is like as much as 3 other of my usual months combined. also my japanese has been basically ‘dabbling only’ prior to this month.
 although... maybe in part its how i’ve gotten better at reading hanshe? Reading being easier certainly motivates me TO read more. And watching shows was MUCH easier this month (still not ‘easy’ but following the main plot is) which definitely makes me Want to watch more. Also i am... unbelievably motivated by a challenge. I think i got it in my head that i ‘really want to do more of Nukemarine’s LLJ courses and see how much i understand after them’ and now... i really want them DONE. so maybe the current things motivating me will hold out for a while. 
(On the listening-reading front meanwhile, that activity takes SO much concentration its hard to do if i’m tired, BUT i have so many TRANSLATED novels i want to read recently and honestly its fun hearing the chinese narration and audiobook actors so like... i very much Want to do l-r so i can hear them as i read the translation... immovable object of me tired versus how much i’m interested in them lol ToT).
also thank u thank u @a-whump-muffin for sending me those lets plays because honestly it got me so excited again and its so cool to see them!!! <3 <3 and its so much easier to watch them versus committing to playing a whole game myself just yet ToT 
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 3 years
tbh you’re probably right that it’s for the best that gossip girl didn’t touch dan/nate given the way the writers did, well... everything lmao. but! rewatching season 2 and i can’t help but want them to be boyfriends. 🥺 their tiny arc was so good!!! which leads me to the question: if the show WAS going to go there but still maintain its same escapist tone, how do you think the storyline might have gone? (best case, and like, realistic case lol)
haha, i KNOW. god, i know. and i think as the later seasons had everyone behaving weirdly, the dan & nate friendship remained pretty healthy and pure, and i also feel like chace and penn added something to the dynamic? forever thinking about that actors on actors interview of them both where they talk about how they enjoyed all the little scenes d&n had together. 
i feel like d/n could never really have been an endgame ship, if they had been canon, just running off the general theme of like. how much this show always disappoints me dhsklkdfhg. ok but jokes aside, i think this is how it’d go...
under the cut! lmao, RIP.
 after the derena/ nate & catherine stuff in the initial bit of s2 (ick) there would be no natessa/derena. once nate moves in with the humphreys, i think they would eventually start dating. there wouldn’t need to be much build up or slow burn. i think it’d be hilarious if chuck somehow was instrumental in this, because i remember nate & chuck fighting/ not being on good terms? 
so, imagine chuck saying to nate, “why humdrum humphrey anyway? i could help you through whatever you’re going through, always have, always will ;) i know you nathaniel, your sense of pride and how you never want anyone to see you in a situation of weakness. what is it about humphrey that makes you want to play damsel in distress, to be saved by him? do you like him or something?” and nate would just be sarcastic/pissed off but the words would stay stuck in his head. meanwhile, jenny would find some of dan’s writing and call him aside and be like, ‘you left this notebook open - i swear i didn’t mean to read it i was looking for something else - and dan, i legit cannot tell if this love poem is for nate or serena?’ and dan would be like, ‘haha, serena, obviously, i’m super heterosexual, i’m the straightest man in all of new york, why would you ask,’ and jenny wouldn’t buy it, and dan also wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about it. 
they’d get together eventually! it would happen in some hilarious way, i have no idea. they’d try and keep it quiet / off gossip girl, because of nate’s family ,but most of their friends would know. i feel like serena would be annoyed by it, in similar ways that she didn’t like dan/blair but her behaviour wouldn’t be as bad, and she would probably come around. vanessa too i feel would be initially jealous but she would come around quicker. i feel it would be genre wise totally in character to have some sort of chuck & blair try and break up dan & nate nonsense, and i don’t think it’d work. 
rufus, i feel, would not like it, not for homophobic reasons, but, “son. you deserve to be with someone who is willing to be public with you. not someone who is treating you like a dirty little secret.” / “dad, it’s not like that.” / “i’m just worried that you’re making him your family and first priority, and he’s never going to choose you first.” / “nate loves me, dad, i can’t ask him to rock the boat with his family. you don’t understand.” etc etc.
i do think they would either break up in a similar way to the natessa breakup, but i also feel like dan would be more sympathetic to nate’s feeling of owing the family something, and not take it personally (again, i think vanessa was entirely justified in the way she responded to nate’s entire thing, i just feel like dan is a complacent little dude slkahfkldh). i was talking to liz about how im one day going to write a s3 date au  in which nate is telling dan about how he’s going to date a republican to piss off his family and dan is like *judgemental look * you’d date a republican? and then he’s like. nate. if you want to piss off your family that badly, why don’t you just pretend to date me? and yeah, you can see where this is going.
so i think that’d be a fun thing to write re: them getting together, but i think here, this would be a perfect way to get them to break-up. nate is like, dan, what if we went public with my family, and dan is all like ‘omg really bro?’ and then he realises it’s nate’s idea to just cause a scandal, and he’s deeply hurt, because it’s like, ‘you basically just want to use your relationship with me, and well, essentially, use me to solve your problems? i thought we were doing this for us, nate, but clearly we’re doing this for you.’ and nate would be like, ‘that isn’t fair, i have to put my family first,’ and dan’s like ‘sure, you have to. when have they EVER put you first?’ and nate would be like, ‘it’s like how you love jenny more than me. family always comes first’ and dan would be like ‘how dare you compare jenny to those people’ etc etc etc basically it would get very nasty and i see them breaking up in s3. 
s4 is another GAY season like i think it’d make sense if during the d/s/n love triangle nonsense & also just during the milo arc, we have them dating. i feel like the fact that we already have, in canon, dan basically telling nate first (and only nate) that he has a baby is... pretty gay. it’d be cool if juliet’s manipulation of nate (assuming there is a juliet) went along the lines of, ‘you’re still in love with dan humphrey, and you should give dating him another shot.’ so then the whole thing with serena feeling left out and all that is accomplished, and accomplished better than it would be with danessa/ julinate (haha, what a shipname.) 
again, i don’t think they would ever be written as endgame, and i think they would break up again at some point, maybe because of the serena thing. this time wouldn’t be like the other time, because they both know serena is there and is maybe going to date one of them, maybe wants one of them more than the other. and serena was their dream girl at one point (maybe she no longer is.) and dan would definitely be insecure about this i feel because like - why would nate, or anyone really, date him when they could be dating serena? i feel like he’d probably sabotage their relationship on purpose, or something. i really feel like losing milo gives dan, like, the potential for some emotionally terrible life choices.
so, there we go! slots in with show canon reasonably well, i suppose. we still get our dair and everything else. that said! the way i feel about most of these characters most of the time is like. they do not deserve this show. i want to put them in other shows and movies. like. can you imagine serena in some kind of experimental indie coming of age leaving home roadtrip film? that would be SO good. we already talk about the romcom nature of d/b. i just feel like d/n was so... idk. they were such bros, i found it really sweet and fascinating that nate was able to bring out a side of dan that was so... informal? is the best word? 
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txbioglow · 4 years
Hii can i get haikyuu matchup plz 🥺Am Female -Bi/150cm tall/black hair-eyes/ENFP/Slytherin/Cancer sun-Scorpio moon/lawful evil
Am sulky and artistic person.Sometimes i feel like people will leave me. I can be kind*sometimes but very loyal,caring and protective for my family and my loved ones.I get jealous and depressed very easily.
My hobby
-listen too music
-play games
-watch movies/yt
Thankyou so much ! 🧡 ><
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TYPE- matchup  THEATER- b STARRING- yachi hitoka NOTE- hi!!! thank you so much for requesting it means the literally world to me tbh. i tried to capture your personality pretty well, lmk if you like it and if i got it right!! 
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im paring you with yachi !!
so first of all, yachi is a virgo and you’re a cancer! virgos and cancers are both particularly smart and would never try to force a relationship on the other so you would definitely be able to start out right! you’re similarities is truly what makes you so perfect for each other.
where you may see others moving quickly and without care, virgos and cancers are delicate and require commitment. you understand each other and are prepared to give the other what they need in that sense!
as a cancer, you admire the way that yachi is prepared to take it slow! both of you are worriers so why not just unite and worry together?
virgos find a simple interest in cancers. the way they lead with their feelings and do whatever seems best without getting analytical. one of those reasons is because virgos themselves are huge analyzers so to see someone who leads in such an emotional way will draw them to you!
in the end it’s good for both of you as you learn to think things through more and yachi learns it’s okay to not think things through!
virgos are dedicated and cancers admire them for it. as a result, they try to show their gratitude by nurturing the other, taking care of them!
you’re good at reading the energy of the room and as a virgo, yachi isn’t as cut and dry about her feelings as she could possibly be. the reason you benefit, is because  you can tell when something’s wrong and even if hitoka doesn’t want to talk about it, you can offer your general support.
you’re probably not used to others necessarily being there for you, so you have a façade that's’ #no.1 priority is self defense. yachi is good at showing that she’s there for you. she won’t let you go through something alone. she’ll give you comfort.
the two of you see the best in each other, one of the reasons the relationship would really work.
another thing being that the two of you deeply value and appreciate loyalty.
as a slytherin, you have your ambtions and you most certainly aren’t inclined to let go of them. yachi being a hufflepuff means she believes in her values and similar to your ambitions, doesn’t let go of them.
that being said, if you were to ‘team up
you’d be an almost unstoppable pair.
you mentioned, that you get paranoid and scared that people will leave you and have a sense of depression. these things tie into anxiety, something that yachi demonstrates quite regularly. as a result of that, hitoka would never leave you.
she gets how it feels and would try her best to prevent those feelings of abandonment as best she could.
originally, i noticed that the two of you were very similar and sometimes being that similar doesn’t work out. however, i believe that your similarities draw the line just so that you understand each other but still provide diversity.
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“y/n c’mere!” your girlfriend called. so far the only highlight of the cold and bitter morning was that it meant you could stay inside with hitoka all morning. you were currently witnessing her taking over your kitchen.
what she called you in for was a mystery to you but you obliged. however before you could make it in she ambushed you. “close your eyes!” she laughed.
you shut your eyes as yachi leads you into the kitchen. the scent of warm chocolate immediately came to you. it was comforting, made you feel warm inside.
“aaaaand, open them your eyes!” hitoka exclaimed, revealing a steaming pot of hot chocolate and marshmallows in front of you. “i tried... i just thought since it was cold, and i know you like chocolate” your girlfriend rambled, suddenly getting bashful and embarrassed. something you found extremely enticing about her.
“no hitoka-chan it smells amazing!” you assured her, walking over to pour yourself a cup. reaching into the cupboard, grabbing a mug. “you want one too right love?” you asked, to which hitoka blushed, nodding. “oh yeah i couldn’t find the cups... but i would’ve gotten them!”
“hitoka-chan!! it’s okay i promise!” you reassured her, placing down the cups and walking over to her. you placed a kiss on her lips, giving her a warm look.
yachi beamed at you, you brought out the best in her and she loved you so very much. “well i was thinking that we could watch a movie,” hitoka started, “there’s this one i wanted to watch, i think you’d like it!” she suggested.
“i’d like that” you blush, almost spilling your cup. “so would i” yachi smiles at you, seemingly mesmerized.
and so, the two of you spent the rest of the day cuddling up, watching the snow fall outside. all was well in your world.
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warmau · 5 years
Professor!AU Johnny
shout out to the person who asked me to continue this on kofi!  tw: mentions of heartbreak, general angst but it’s still a warmau au so you know it’ll end up ok 
“just forget me like im trying to forget you!” 
the first thing people realize about their new professor is that he’s tall 
and that for such a handsome, young looking guy
he dresses like a grandpa
we’re talking knitted sweater vests and corduroy pants
wood brimmed glasses and shiny oxfords
but none of that matters, because by the end of the first class most people know that it’s going to be a fun semester 
because professor suh ,,,,,,,,,,,, is a goofball
prof. suh teaches introduction to film studies, it’s a core class that all film majors have to take
and if anyone is passionate about films ,,,, well you haven’t met johnny
he especially likes to rave about likes of brian de palma, john carpenter and william friedkin
the 70s horror wave is kinda his jam,,,,,,
also love documentaries and if you were to pluck his headphones (never in his life will he spend money on airpods) off his head you’d probably hear a fleetwood mac album resounding through them
even though,,,,,,this guy is barely even thirty,,,,,,
but anyway back to the fact: 
johnny is the funniest and cornball-est professor there is
in the sweetest kind of way
he’ll go out of his way to organize movie viewings on the quad
ask students to come up to the front of the class and act out a favorite scene of their’s
even bring in his black lab puppy to class and be like 
“if you handed in your essay on time - you can give jordan a pet”
totally got called in with the dean to discuss smuggling animals onto campus and johnny was just like hey,,,,,it worked. no one submitted their essay in late
you can tell he really loves teaching and he really loves film, he just gets so animated when he talks
pointing at his slideshows, rocking excitedly back and forth on his heels when a student gives a deep and insightful comment on a directors work
the absolute look of pride on his face when students present their final projects 
and he can tell they enjoyed their time working on it
got featured in the university newspaper because he wore one of those newsboy caps
and the caption was: film department fashionista professor ~
johnny got a good laugh out of it
but drama professor ten INSISTED the newspaper do a cover on him too 
because johnny? fashion? no,,,,,,,if you wanted fashion, looks, serves then you had to come to him
ten’s assistant professor hendery: all you do is wear black
ten: shuttup i have a masters degree
johnny is friends with all the other professors, no matter the department or the area of interest
he’s on great terms with the engineering departments heartthrob taeyong, the studious physics department head kun, and even the coach for the uni football team jaehyun
he’s basically irresistible - he’s a positivity magnet 
and everyone wants to befriend him
or date him
(several times he’s had to politely refuse advances from students and faculty alike - though the one time a love letter found its way onto his desk he really just,,,,couldn’t find it in his heart to throw it out)
basically the entire campus has a crush, platonic or not 
and everyone just cannot fathom how professor suh is single
“he is suuuuuuch a catch”
you overhear, while pouring yourself some coffee and trying to remember if you sent out the right links for the homework yesterday
“i know, i heard he’s finally interested in dating again.”
“he wasn’t before?”
one of the teachers shrugs
“he just keep rejecting everyone - but there was a rumor of him going around with someone last week-”
you don’t really care for the rest of the conversation
because you know it’s blatantly untrue
you were the person who had been with johnny last week
all you’d done is meet up to discuss a possible group project between your students
nothing more, nothing less
you’d only recently gotten a job at the university teaching in the history department
and johnny had been kind to you since day one
talking to you on campus when you’d bumped into each other, giving you a little rundown of where to find what and who professors could go to in case of emergencies
he’d been bright and welcoming and just like anyone else
you liked him, not in a romantic way or anything - you just could tell he was a good person right off the bat 
after a couple of days you’d run into him after a mandatory meeting for professors 
and you had brought up the fact that you were going to be doing a class on the 70s and johnny had excitedly offered that your class join his for a viewing of the ‘79 film version of ‘mad max’
you’d talked about it over coffee at the campus cafeteria, and to your surprise it had gotten blown out of the water
several people, including students, had asked you about it 
‘are you into him?’
‘you know faculty aren’t allowed to date right?’
‘didn’t you just get here - you should probably slow down...’
more than anything, you were surprised at how everyone thought they had the right to pry into his business
and it had made you wonder 
maybe johnny is too nice for his own good
but either way - you didn’t want to get stuck in any of this drama
keeping this job was your priority, falling in love? you hadn’t thought about it since college
the work day dwindles down, you teach your last class and barely have a chance to let them know about their projects as they all rush out of the door when the period ends
you take a little time putting your things together when you hear the door open
thinking it’s a student, you get ready to see if they have any questions
but instead you see johnny in the doorway
a beige cardigan thrown over his button up shirt and dad fitting jeans
“ah! looks like my students were right - this is your classroom.”
you give a little smile, but ask why he’s ultimately here
johnny doesn’t answer for a second, he looks like he’s collecting himself 
“i just wanted to make sure you’re ok, there have been some rumors floating around and -”
you’re reminded of the dozen or so comments you’ve gotten and the whispering of the other professors and ta’s in the lounge this morning
“oh, i’m ok. i keep telling everyone they’ve taken it the wrong way.”
johnny’s smile softens
“im sorry to cause you so much trouble when this is your first semester teaching here.”
you put a hand up and shake your head, not noticing the way johnny ‘s eyes dull just a bit 
“don’t worry. everyone will know it was simply school stuff when we have the shared class.”
he agrees with a small nod and you think that’s the end of it
when suddenly he walks over and helps collect some of the heavy books on your desk
“let me carry these.”
“oh you don-”
his smile curls up at the corners, the gentle plead leaves you incapable of saying no
and so you watch him gather up the books in his arms and you walk out behind him
yeah, i think he is too kind for his own good.
you and johnny plan to merge your classes on thursday
instead of meeting up, you simply email each other about the arrangements
and everyone seems to forget about the momentary rumor that you and him are anything more than co-workers
but still, even through emails, johnny is charming and sweet
you start to question it too
hovering over his profile picture on the email, the empty ring finger and the way you hear stories everyday about confessions turned down by the film professor
thursday finally rolls around and all the students are beyond happy to be watching a movie rather than doing classwork
johnny cracks jokes about the film while you set up the projector, you get a little jealous seeing how engaging your students are with him
when sometimes you can’t even get them to say a word
he’s a great person and a great teacher, it’s like he was made for this profession 
you muse, before catching yourself mid thought, embarrassed to be thinking about johnny when you’re in the middle of a class
when everything is good to go, johnny gives you a thumbs up and all the student inch forward in their seats as the opening scene plays
you and johnny move toward the back of the room
where he leans up against the wall and you switch the lights off before catching his side profile in the corner of your eye
he’s handsome, it’s undeniable 
but looks are only surface deep, so you wonder if someone so beautiful could also be so kind and caring
johnny turns and you want to pretend you weren’t looking, but it’s too late
the sides of his lips curl up into a smile and he tilts his head, black hair parted perfectly around the frame of his handsome face
“have you seen this movie before?”
he asks in a low voice
“ah, well if you look at the setting the director makes sure to-”
the buzzing of his phone stops him and he excuses him from the room
you think it must be a call from a friend, maybe an appointment reminder 
but when johnny doesn’t come back for almost an hour - you start to worry
half of the class is trying to pretend they’re not on their phones while the other half is engrossed in the film
so you make a quick decision to leave the room for a second and find where he’s gone off too
“no, i don’t want to see you again.”
the voice makes you stop in your tracks
that,,,,,,,,sounds like johnny,,,,,,but,,,,,,,harsher?
“i don’t think you understand what you did to me. do you think i can forgive you? do you really think -”
he’s talking faster, but the pitch is higher 
“stop, i don’t want to hear it. you chose him, you chose him when you slept with him in our bed!”
you freeze, feeling your blood go cold
this isn’t a conversation i should be hearing ,,,,, 
you swallow and want to start backing away, but for some reason your feet are planted
refusing to let you leave
“no, no - just forget me like im trying to forget you!”
at just the right moment, your senses kick in and you manage to turn yourself around and back toward the classroom door
when you step inside, you get spared some glances but the action scene on the screen awards you a clean entrance
you go back to your spot, arms crossed over your chest
was he talking to his ex? it sounded like it,,,,,,but his voice,,,,,
he sounded so broken
johnny doesn’t come back for another couple of minutes
when he does, he enters the room and gives a little smile to students who giggle his way
he sees you and the smile widens  
but you can’t smile back
his voice, the pain you felt in every syllable - they make this happy johnny in front of you feel fake
thankfully the ending credits save you from having to make awkward conversation
you and johnny move toward the front of the room and as you shut down the projector you hear him talking with the students
the same pep, cheer, and happiness that’s always there 
seems duller
or maybe it’s only you who hears the small change 
the rest of the students are reacting and chatting with him as they normally would
and when johnny turns and asks if you want to say anything
you let your students know about their projects, a wave of groans passing through the sea of bodies
you and johnny let the class out a little early, you sort of panic because you think being alone with him will somehow be weird
so you make up an excuse about having coffee with professor ten
you dash through the door, leaving a confused johnny behind and make way for cover in your office
im an adult, why am i acting like some kid who just almost got caught with a secret?!
you reprimand yourself, but still you don’t feel like it would have been a great idea to stay around and chat
like what would you say to him? especially after hearing him ,,,,,, like that
you take cover in your office, closing the door and setting yourself behind your desk
you distract yourself grading some in-class work when your phone lights up with a notification
you think it’s a faculty email so you open it up without another thought
when you see johnny’s names
‘thanks for letting me show the movie to your class! i hope everything is ok, you seemed a little distressed. did professor ten do something to you - let me know~’
the signature on the email is the same one all teachers use in their school emails
you want to answer because you feel bad knowing he’s worried
but at the same time you feel awkward now
am i the only one who knows about his ex? no one has ever brought it up before.......
you pick up your phone and hit reply, but instead of typing anything you just stare at it
whatever, it’s not my business. let’s just forget what i heard and move on.
you lock the screen and go back to grading
the time passes and a couple of days later you find yourself so busy with your classes projects that nothing else manages to cross your mind
you’re rushing down campus with a couple of large display boards when you almost crash head first into someone
“oh sorry - i can’t see over these-”
“here, let me help.”
johnny’s voice reaches you first and then you feel the boards being lifted from your hands
with his tall stature, they look smaller than before
he pouts when you make eye contact and goes
“you never answered my email! are you ok?”
it takes you a second to remember what he’s talking about, but when you do you just make up another excuse
“oh i sent it, maybe it didn’t go through?”
“maybe, you know all the students use up the school wifi.”
you laugh with him and for that split moment it feels like everything is normal
you’re just two coworkers, two friends
but then
“no, no - just forget me like im trying to forget you!”
the words close in on and you abruptly feel the calmness of your situation turn into dread
“i can carry those-”
you start, trying to get away from johnny again, but he simply refuses to let them go
“what room are you in, let me help you.”
you want to insist that you can do it yourself, but panicking you just blurt the number out
you both start your way toward the building and johnny makes casual conversation
but the words you’d overheard nearly overshadow everything he says
why do i care so much? why is it bothering me?
you groan and johnny suddenly asks what’s wrong
you can’t take the feeling and you grab the board back
“sorry - just forgot i need um markers, i have to go!”
your excuse is utter bullshit, you’re sure johnny doesn’t believe you 
but you don’t like the sinking feeling you get around him and so you disappear again and johnny almost calls out 
but even if he did, you wouldn’t hear him over the pained memory of that phone call
at some point you start avoiding him
or at least avoid any contact with him
you don’t want to seem rude, so you just go out of your way to be in any place that he’s not
so he can’t ask you about it and so you don’t have to be faced with knowing that the happy character he plays
isn’t all that happy
you think that’s what bothers you most - the fact that everyone else sees him as this 
positive light, cutely dressed in sweaters over button downs and oxfords
adjusting the glasses on his nose as he flips through a script submitted in one of his classes
but now you just see the pain - the cracking voice - just the visualization of johnny walking into a room
and being faced with something so heartbreakingly cruel that to this day he’s shunned away affection
no wonder he rejects just about anyone - maybe he just can’t trust someone like that again?
“excuse me, can you tell me where the film department is?”
you startle, looking up to see an unfamiliar face
the individual smiles, apologizing politely for scaring you before explaining that they need to see one of the film professors
you have a couple of minutes to spare and even though you don’t want to go to that building 
because of the off chance of bumping into professor suh
you still feel like you can’t just give this person vague directions
so you take the chance and tell them you’ll walk them over
they don’t say much, so you assume they’re either a transfer student or maybe a visiting professor
you swipe your id card to get through the entrance of the building and hold the door open for them to step through behind you
they’re rather plain, you’re not struck by anything about them - just that they’re neat and very mannered
so you don’t expect that once you get off the elevator and lead them into the professor’s lounge 
that their demeanor to change as drastically as it does
because the moment they set eyes on johnny
who you didn’t even notice in the corner 
they lose their posed attitude and run at him with open arms
your confusion is apparent, is this his relative? they don’t look at all like him-
but then it dawns on you
because johnny’s eyes turn cold and his lips thin out into a straight line
“what are you doing here?”
he asks and the tone of voice sets a tension in the room that’s nearly suffocating
“john - don’t be like this! you were so mean on the phone and i thought in person you’d be -”
“you need to leave.”
he’s merciless, motioning to the door with his head 
and catching a glimpse of you, frozen in the corner with shock
the pit of your stomach churns
is that,,,,,,,,,,are they,,,,,,,,,,,,,,his ex?
“oh c’mon, you won’t even talk to me now? after everything we’ve been through? johnny love you know-”
even though his anger is nearly blazing off of him like an open flame
johnny touches them gently - his hands barely grazing their upper-arm as he starts to walk them over to the door
you want to escape, that or just plain disappear 
but you can’t move a muscle 
johnny is nearly two feet away when his ex jerks themselves away
“john - listen to me! you can’t just leave me like this! look - look at this - it’s the ring you got me, we’re still engaged! you can’t just -”
johnny seems to snap, the kindness and the happiness he exudes almost daily is no where to be found
he turns, broad shouldered and standing tall 
if you had never known any other side of him you would have found yourself frightened 
“that ring means one thing, it means you’re a cheater. im sick and fucking tired of you thinking i will ever take you back - get out of my life for good.”
the cursing sounds unnatural in your ears, everything about this johnny is off
he’s harsh and sharp and his energy is just pitch black
but at the same time you can’t blame him
this person has some kind of chip on their shoulder about hurting him and thinking they’ll get off scottfree
it even stirs up an anger in you as well
johnny turns and with one glance you can tell that the rough, pissed off expression on his face is going to turn into devastation 
you don’t want him to breakdown in front of this person so you decide to do something you know you’ll probably come to regret
you intervene, stepping in front of johnny and giving him the fakest smile you can
“oh professor suh did you remember we have papers to grade together, come with me!”
you reach out and touch his wrist, his skin is hot and you tug him out of the room
his ex makes a move toward the door, but you nudge johnny forward and then take the chance to slam the door shut in their face
the sound echoing through the halls and earning you questionable looks on all sides
but you don’t care 
you know johnny needs to go somewhere and be alone and you find that place in the fire escape staircase
dingy and old, but free of students and pesky exes
when you find yourself in the small, dark area you realize you should excuse yourself
and let him maul over the many emotions he must be feeling right now
but when you turn to go, you hear his deep voice softly ask you to stay
he sits down on the steps, large hands cradling his head 
“why can’t they leave me alone?”
“im sorry, i don’t know why.”
you say the only thing you can say even though it makes you feel terrible 
johnny shakes his head, his dark hair falling over his eyes and making it hard to read the expression on his face
although it’s not hard to assume that it’s pained
“you know, i was going to marry that person. i was going to walk down the aisle with someone who - who -”
johnny loses his words 
“who would betray you?”
you finish and he looks up, his eyes ringed red and bristling with haziness 
he chokes back a sound
“someone who doesn’t really love me.”
he shrinks, large shoulders closing in on themselves
you want to comfort him, but you’re not sure 
after all it isn’t as if you and him are particularly close
so you give a small bow as you mutter that you’ll leave him be for now, that he needs his space and you don’t want to invade it
but before you can turn around, johnny rises up off the steps and stops you
for a moment he’s just got a hand on your wrist, holding you in place - maybe he just needs someone to hear him out 
maybe he wants to thank you for getting rid of the person who hurt him so bad
but something twists in the pit of your stomach as he tugs you toward him
and you feel weightless, falling into his arms easily and fitting into the plane of his chest perfectly
“im sorry”
he apologizes, deep voice cracking
“im sorry - i just want to hold -”
you give a weak nod, knowing you should be the bigger person and step away from this 
he’s vulnerable, you’re the only one around, there isn’t any other reason for his actions
but a little voice in your head prods it says
maybe johnny actually trusts you! maybe you’ve made him feel like being open with someone is possible again!
but you refuse to fall into that trap 
johnny is handsome, kind, and didn’t deserve to be cheated on and scarred
and so it’s impossible that he’d ever find healing in you 
“can you close your eyes for a second?”
you freeze at the request - wanting to ask why, but somehow all you end up doing is letting your lashes flutter closed
“im sorry, im so sorr-”
johnny doesn’t even finish his sentence, he presses his lips to yours and you let out a sound of confusion
that he interprets as protest so he pulls away just as fast as he started and tries to stumble over another apology
when you just reach out with your hands and pull him back into you
i don’t care if im just a coping mechanism for him right now, just feeling his lips on mine for that moment - it’s obvious he’s missed affection. he needs this. im just being a good person.
no matter how you reason in your mind, your thoughts melt away when johnny’s hands wrap around your waist and his large body nearly envelops you whole
one hand finds the hem of your shirt - but hesitates and stays on your hip as you tilt your head and johnny groans when your teeth pull at his lip
he’s burning up, his skin gets hotter and hotter as the kiss gets deeper and deeper
and you feel your back against the wall - johnny placing his hands on the surface beside your head as he keeps himself from doing anything you might not want him to
but you’re at a point where you’re willing to take his own hand in yours and move it back onto your body
because johnny suh deserves to be loved and he deserves to have someone that’ll give themselves to him and only him 
and in this moment it’s you - and you want him to know that
“did you hear about the physics quiz for professor qian?”
two voices from below shatter the bubble around you and johnny
disconnecting from each other - you take in a breath and react faster than he can
you open the door to the stairs, scurrying out 
just in time for it to shut behind you as two students round the top stair and find professor suh alone 
staring at the door
they giggle, greeting him and he just nods, speechless and touching the curve of his lips 
“what the hell did i just do?”
you say to yourself, trying to fix your hair as you pass through the campus and back to the parking lot
you thankfully don’t have any classes to teach today so you just book it home and ignore the notifications that litter the screen of your phone
you feel like you’re in high school again - being a giant child about this sticky situation
but you just don’t know what to do now
why did you let yourselves get carried away like that? you work together for gods sake you’re going to have to see each other TOMORROW
you groan into your pillow 
you try to carefully deleting notifications from your work email that have johnny’s name in them
and only feeling worse when they pop up again
you accidentally press on one and it opens
it’s the same profile photo on the email icon, smiling, happy johnny
the same .edu email
everything is the same but the message
‘please don’t hate me’
you take in a breath, tap reply 
‘i don’t, but - what did that all mean?’
‘this isn’t something we should talk about over......’
‘yeah, let’s do it in person.’
 you gather up a bit of your courage and tell yourself it’s ok. mistakes happen, the air will clear up when you face each other
your students don’t notice that you’re jittery 
when you drop the pen you’re holding, they just keep typing away on their laptops
and for the first time as a professor, you’re happy to have no one paying attention to you
when the bell rings and you start walking toward the campus cafe where you’ll be meeting johnny
you feel a mixture of butterflies and sickening poison invade the inside of your stomach
he’s already there, sipping a coffee, wearing a ridiculously long sleeved cardigan and rounded glasses
a student greets him and he gives her the smile you’re so used to seeing
that the image of him curled up with tears on the brink of his eyes just doesn’t seem real anymore
but you saw it. you know you did.
you approach slowly and johnny seems to hesitate between getting up and staying in his seat
“do you want me to get you a coffee?”
he propositions, but you shake your head
“johnny - i mean, professor suh - i hope you know you don’t owe me anything.”
he had been drumming his fingers on his thigh, but he stops
“you don’t owe me any explanations about ,,,,,,,,,,,, that person or about the situation or about,,,,,,,,,,,, why what happened - happened. i just want us to be good colleagues,,,”
your voice trails off when the smile on his face isn’t showing up
it’s just a blank - long stare
“professor suh,,,,,,?”
“did you think i did what i did just because i feel lonely?”
you sit back and look around
“you’ve got it wrong.”
he slips out of the chair and you think he’s about to just leave - but he’s thinking what you’re thinking
which is that you can’t talk about making out with each other when there are about one hundred students within earshot range
so you end up again in the stairwell, not the same one - but it’s the only private place on campus
and the second you’re alone, johnny chucks the cup over his shoulder and wraps his arms around you
your body is pressed, perfectly again, into the shape of his chest
“you’re not a rebound, or a coping mechanism, or any of those things.”
he mumbles, deep voice against the skin of your ear
“you’re the first person ive had an interest in in a long time - i just chose the wrong time to act on it.”
you think you’re making the words up in your head, but they’re really coming out of johnny’s mouth
“i know you said you want to be good colleagues, and i want that too. but outside of work i want-”
 you shift a little, arms coming up to embrace him back
really you’re not even thinking about it - your body just feels safe and comfortable
and it speaks for you as he pulls back 
to look at you with those almost amber like eyes
“i want something more - if you’re ok with it?”
you nod, lips parting a little as he leans in to kiss you again
there isn’t the same desperate, driven by pain feeling as there was yesterday
but it’s still loving and passionate
“but prof - johnny,,,”
you start against the skin of his cheek
and he slows down a little to hear you out
“if i see your ex on campus again, i wont be nice about it now.”
he chuckles
“don’t worry, you have my permission to do your worst.”
you both laugh over it - before kissing again and again and again
until his phone goes off and he picks it up and the head of the film department is frantically asking if he meant to be late to his class or if he got into another accident on his bike
“you bike to work?”
“yes - and ill be picking you up on my bike on our first date.”
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ask-the-party-god · 4 years
SIEG! His name was sieg, I just remembered. -HNK Anon
hi hnk anon! im using this second ask of yours because its shorter, and putting your other one under the readmore to answer more extensively! X)
Okay. So I just got through the prologue, and I have a few things to say.
1. I’ve only had mash kyrielight for a day and a half, but if anything happened to her I would kill everyone in this and then myself!
youre absolutely RIGHT shes such a good girl! i love her and she only gets better and better as the same goes on! speaking of ‘better’ as it goes on, the game starts kind of slow? okay, so- the company that started fgo unsupervised, and they were making a cash-grabby game with less effort than it deserved... around the fourth singularity, though, nasu, the owner of the ip, saw the state of the game, stepped in and went like “nope, youre making this good, or youre not making it, period”, so... yeah he stepped in, put quality standards, lowered the saint quartz cost, added third skills to a lot of lower-star servants that didnt have them, reworked some other servants... also every milestone they include a quality of life change! earlier this year they increased the saint quartz you got from daily missions, then a retroactive change to interludes that gave me like, 100 pieces of it all of sudden... its good, i actually really appreciate them for that X)
2. The leveling up is a bit confusing for me.
yeah, the levelling up is, gacha levelling up, it was a bit weird at first, buuuut:
there are a few different things with exp in the game! you have your mystic code (your clothes, which have special skills), and your master level, both of which increase by just, doing any quest at all! master level determines your ap point limit, how many friends you can have, how many servants and ces you can have in your team at a time, etc... the mystic code level increases the effectivity of your mystic codes skills
theres bond level! this is how ‘close’ you are with your servant, and you raise it by fighting with those servants in your team! levels 1 through 5 unlock new information about them and new flavor text while theyre in your room! levels 6 through 9 give you rewards, like extra saint quartz, apples, etc... and if you get to level 10, you get a specific craft essence! some are like, “as long as the servant has it equipped, everyone in the team gets a buster buff”, but theres specific effects like, heracles gets a stack of 3 guts- which is insaaaaane
theres craft essences! theyre basically ‘buffs’, and levelling them up gives you some extra hp or attack, but ultimately theyre proooobably the least like, necessary thing to level up? still, you get spare craft essences out the wazoo so you probably want to feed the ones with effects you use a lot... anything with default np charge is GREAT for example, as it lets you charge up nukes all that much easier
and finally we get to servants! so you have the normal servant level up, THIS is what youd consider the classic ‘rpg level up’, but instead of levelling them up by fighting, you need items! specially, embers... feeding a servant embers and other spare servants you dont want (low rarity, pls dont feed people gold servants-), you level them up! this is a basic increase of all stats, but theres a level LIMIT! once they reach the level limit, you can ‘ascend them’ to their next stage, usually accompanied with unlocking new skills, and new cool outfits! you can ascend them up to four times, and once theyre at max ascension and max level, you CAN technically feed them holy grails (palingenesis), to break that max level limit to eventually reach 100... this is mostly unnecessary? but if theres a lower-rarity servant you REALLY like, that can put them on par with 4-stars, for example, or giving them a well needed extra boost to hp and attack
finally you have np and skills! skills are just that, servant-specific abilities! evades, healing, debuffs, buffs... levelling up skills reduces their cooldown at level 6 and 10, and generally increases their effect! np level up needs you to have multiple copies of the same servant, you can boost their np to be more damaging or to give you stronger buffs, depending on what it is
so basically, fighting will increase your master and mystic code exp, and your bond level! to actually level up servants, you have to feed them embers (you can farm them in the chaldea gate quests, or simply get them from story missions and free rolls)! to ascend them or level up their skills, you need special materials, which can drop in some free quests in singularities, be sold/drop during events, or drop from other chaldea gate free quests! not all materials are available from the beginning, so i suggest just, going through the story and upgrading your characters as you can, rather than obsessively farming to get them super high up before continuing with it
3. What’s the deal with the unregistered spirit origin currency? Because they are blocking me from getting the servants I want. That leads me to—
oh yeah no, dont worry about that, you are never, ever EVER going to use that X) basically, if you get 5 copies of the SAME 5-star, that is, if you get them to np level 5, and you get a SIXTH copy, which, again... insane odds? you will be given an unregistered spirit origin currency! basically its the way the game has of saying “sorry you keep getting this same servant so much, here, you can CHOOSE which one you want instead”
basically, insurance so you can never get a useless extra 5-star after fully upgrading a previous version of them
you gotta roll the gacha to get servants! its random! there is NO ensuring which one you will get, you just gotta try! well- there ARE occasionally events, like, twice a year, where you get to PICK a free 4-star actually
4. There are currently six servants that I want, everyone else doesn’t matter at the moment. The first is mash (so that’s one down) the second is artotia, third is Jeanne d'ark. Fourth is Jeanne alter, and firth Lancelot! And sixth- I SAW A MAID ALTER WITH A SNIPER RIFLE- WHAT? THATS COOL/FUNNY AS SHIT! I WANT THAT! (Maybe astolfo and uhhh... what was his name with the gray hair, he’s a caster- but that’s for later, the ones I listed are top priority,
lets see, six servants you want! believe me, you WILL get attached to more, but...
mash is obviously in your possession!
artoria is always, by default, in the summoning pool! theres occasionally ‘rate up’ banners, which give certain characters more weight, but ultimately, every saint quartz roll you do always has a chance of summoning her... specially right now, the more of the game you complete, the more servants you will unlock in the summoning pool, so technically shes at her highest drop rate right now
same with jeanne, shes part of the default summoning pool
jeanne ALTER is limited though! she does not appear normally, she can only be summoned when shes on a rate-up banner! i am not sure if she will be on rate-up before this, but the next banner i know she will for SURE be in is in may! oh! but- if you dont get her, there IS a 4-star, summer version that will be FREE this next summer, if you complete the summer event!
i think lancelot is also in the default summon pool!
maid alter is the summer outfit version of artoria X) i am unsure when she is available again honestly :o we had her event rerun not that long ago, so she may not be available for a while...
astolfo is in the default summoning pool AND theyre going to get a 5-star version this next year i believe! so, double stolfo!
sieg is, the free servant you get for the apocrypha event! it happened earlier this year, so i think that means theres a rerun of it still pending! eventually though, they will add a thing where you can replay events you missed and get the free servants from them, so while ideally youd wanna be playing while the event is up, theres a contingency in case you missed someone you REALLY want!
5. Please tell me how the start system works- I’m very new to this and I wanna be invested. Please help-
-HNK Anon
i think thats pretty much all there is! you get saint quartz through the story, by doing interludes, bond-levelling servants, through rewards, etc, as well as summon tickets, and you use those to roll the gacha! free friend currency only gives 3-star and under servants, while saint quartz can give you pretty much anything
theres almost always a ‘banner’ up, which offers ‘rate-up’ servants! the normal summoning pool has all the default servants and the story-locked ones you have unlocked, but the rate-ups can bypass the locks entirely! some servants are limited, so if they seem cool in a banner, you may wanna try to roll!
even if you dont get the servants you want- and believe me... it WILL happen... you WILL get more and more and more cool servants so, dont worry about that X) also a lot of lower-rarity servants are actually really good and can be used for a lot of things, so if you have a favorite, do not be afraid to level them up!
but yeah thats kind of the loop? you do stuff, get sq... roll the gacha for characters you like, level them up, do events... i honestly play mostly for the story, the main story gets really good, and the events are all charming and nice, but id be lying if i said i didnt want some specific servants... most of which are alter egos-
yeah sorry im rambling X) just... ask me anything else you may need! :D
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saintshinsou · 5 years
“LAST TIMES” (1/2)
anonymous: yo can I get a request of overhaul being betrayed and abandoned by his s/o, who like helped free eri but because she still doesn’t trust heroes, joins the league of villains. Basically I want overhaul to get his ass beat for everything he did to eri by the person he loves lmao. (Bonus points if his s/o gives no shits about him after all he did)
authors note: this is so??? obnoxiously long?? IM SO SORRY. there will for sure be the part two where she betrays his ASS but i just wanted to build up, you know?? like THIS is why she’s gonna do what she’s about to do 😤
It wasn’t supposed to go like this, it was supposed to end differently. Overhaul had it all planned out for the two of them since the day he laid eyes on Y/N, step by step, detail after detail. Y/N was doing so well, being so good at following him along the destructive path he laid out for them even if it meant constantly losing pieces of herself along the way. The great cost, the end result of a perfect world Chisaki always promised her, always swayed her into forgiving him — knowing that they’d be happy together once this would all blow over.
She found herself reaching her breaking point soon, though.
With her own quirk, regeneration, came many experiments at Overhaul’s commands. They’d all center around the objective to see how far her quirk could be pushed, how much damage she could take before it would slow down and completely shut down. It was to test if it was a necessary quirk or not, Overhaul had vaguely explained to her when she confronted him one day after a long and painful day of having her body shot at multiple times.
It was proven easy for her to regret using up all her energy to trudge towards his office, slowing down her quirk’s work on healing her wounds in the process and leaving her to dirty the carpet that Chisaki had taken so much pride in having clean.
“We need to see if we really need this sickness on our side or if we should just eliminate it from you.”
Overhaul’s words served like a cd stuck on repeat, throwing her the same useless explanation he had been for the last couple of days with no emotion. Y/N took note of the way his gaze stayed focused on the pools of blood staining his floor while he idly sat at his desk, his priority being that instead of moving to help his significant other bleeding at his side.
“Please. No more, Overhaul.” Y/N pleaded as she weakly fell to her knees, her body completely drained from her futile effort to come here and beg for mercy from her tormenter.
All the claims of eternal love and sweet promises he whispered to her before seemed to mean nothing now when she processed that she going through all this pointless pain because of him. Glancing up at him through her eyelashes when she heard the smallest movement in the office chair, a tiny flame of false hope ignited inside her heart at the idea that he would take her in his arms and tell her that this was it, today was the last experiment day and he’d clean her right up, healing all the wounds that her own body was too weak to fix at the moment.
She was wrong. Extremely wrong.
Y/E/C eyes, sore from crying, helplessly watched Chisaki’s hand make its way for her hair, lovingly leaning into his touch while his fingers played with the strands of her blood and sweat drenched hair. It would be deemed small action to an outsider, something that would usually happen casually in any relationship but not with him. Never with him. This was one of the many actions, a tender moment, that she would cherish forever despite the circumstances; that is, until the next few seconds.
Y/N’s bruised body had slowly continued it’s (now) slow process of healing itself now that she was stable and at peace again, calmed by her boyfriend’s rare gentle touch when she fully relaxed in his hold. It was only a few seconds of bliss before she felt his hand furiously ball up her hair and pull her up to face him in his now rage filled eyes.
Legs struggling to hold her up and healing put on pause once again, she thought against pulling at his wrist since she knew from past experience that that would only worsen the situation at hand. Instead, she fearfully stared back at her boyfriend, waiting for him to explain what was the root of his anger this time and trying to ignore the throbbing pain in her head. Was it really because she was pleading for her life? Because she confessed that it was becoming all too painful?
“I told you to not come into my office until they cleaned off all the blood from you.”
Fingers gripping harder around her hair with strength she’s never experienced before, the words fell off his sharp tongue with little to no emotion in them and his stare never wavered from the mess she made. Y/N swore that if he hadn’t been holding on to her so tightly, his hands would be all over him and scratching the hives that were probably breaking out under his shirt. Not only did he have pools of blood staining his carpet but the blood from her gashes was beginning to spill on his clothes.
Overhaul was livid, using any bit of self-control he still had in his empty shell of a person to not murder her right there and then.
The wretched name that was supposed to be forgotten between them slipped out of her bruised lip by accident. Overhaul’s hold on her and the pain from today’s experiment mixed together far too much, allowing her to speak the name without thinking of the repercussions that always came along with it. Y/N had made sure to avoid it so many times, always stopping herself before it made it past her lips but she was far too tired — her mind didn’t have the energy to recall all the little rules and precautions she had to take in his presence.
“Let’s just make it easier for you already, then.”
It all happened too fast, a blur to her with her weakened senses. Overhaul had tossed her on the floor with all the force he could muster up and pulled the gun out of his desk swiftly, giving her little to not time to process what was going on until she was met with a gun between her eyebrows.
“Would you like me to shoot you with this prototype or would you like me to continuously disassemble your body until your quirk won’t help you anymore?”
Y/N knew him. She knew he wouldn’t resort to any of those options, at least not now but she didn’t want to find out what would happen if it wouldn’t be those two.
“‘No.” Vigorously shaking her head at either option, she ignored the warm sensation of fresh tears spilling from her tired eyes when she felt the barrel of the gun press into her skin.
“So, what should your next move be here then, darling?”
“I...apologize.” It was hesitant, too hesitant for his liking but he just wanted to get this whole mess cleaned up as fast as he could. “I’m extremely sorry for not seeing the bigger picture, Overhaul. Please continue the experiments as long as you please.”
Satisfied, he returned the gun back to its rightful place in his desk and pulled her back on her feet with less hostility this time, leading her back to get bathed and healed up. The last thing she remembered from that night was looking up at his beautiful evil face and passing out in his arms halfway to their room.
She was tired. She was drained. She was pushing her body to dangerous limits she never dreamed of but it was all for him, all for the success he continuously promised her. It seemed as though recently she’d been painfully pushing herself to do a lot of questionable things for him, though. She wasn’t sure how much more she could take from him.
It had just been three weeks since the messy incident in his office, three weeks since her last experiment. Overhaul had claimed that they were unnecessary now, that he had received all the information he needed on her quirk and it’d be a waste of resources and time to continue. They had to focus on the bigger picture now before they ran out of time, he had told his men after delivering the painful conclusion he came to from the experiments to Y/N.
Overhaul’s final decision on her experiments made her regret every crying to him about the pain. ‘I should’ve just taken it’ was the only thought on her mind when the sharp pain from the bullet worked it’s ‘magic’ on her.
“It should be permanent.” Were the only words Chisaki Kai spoke to his significant other after shooting them, excusing himself to attend to other business after patching up her wound for her — the only act of kindness she would get from him today.
She hated him.
She absolutely hated him.
The one and only source of protection she had against his fits of anger was gone, ripped away from her by hands that only sought destruction. Thoughts of leaving him and dropping off the face of the earth clouded her mind while she, ironically, headed to his office in search of more pain killers that he deemed safe enough for her. Sadness was immediately replaced with anger when she thought of how useless she’d be out there in the real world now without her quirk. Even if she ran away, how far could she really get from him and his men with no quirk?
Y/N’s thoughts of escape were halted when someone ran into her, bringing her back to the reality she was forced to call her life. Looking down, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion when she was met with the sight of a child covered in bandages. Upon noticing that she didn’t mean any harm like Overhaul and Chrono did back there, the child frighteningly took Y/N’s gentle hand and looked up at her with pleading eyes.
“What are you doing in here?” Y/N asked the young child, noticing the familiar expression of pain and sadness adorning her young and innocent facial features; a combination of emotions that she herself found a habit for her to feel within these walls.
“Help me.”
Two simple words and Eri’s look of pure fear tiggers at Y/N’s heartstrings. Crouching down to her level, ignoring the pain that was beginning to travel through her body from her wound, she busied herself with wiping away Eri’s tears and squeezing her hand in a comforting way she remembered her own mother doing to her when she was the same age.
Just as she was about to speak up, a pair of loud footsteps made the girls look over to where Chrono and Overhaul entered the hallway. The hatred Y/N had building up for Overhaul only grew when she observed the way Eri clung to her at the sight of her boyfriend.
“Thank you so much for catching the child for me, sweetheart. Would you please hand her over to Chrono so we can continue on with the experiments?”
She knew the romantic pet name and the faux kindness in his voice was all a trick. Overhaul wasn’t an idiot, he had immediately noticed the way that Y/N protectively held Eri and the way she was looking up at him with pure hatred on her face.
“You’re doing experiments...on a child?”
Overhaul had already excused her action of looking at him so disrespectfully but the way she spoke to him, with pure disgust, was beginning to annoy him especially when she had no idea how valuable the child in her hands was. Stepping closer to them, Y/N held onto Eri tighter as if that would make a difference in stopping whatever he had planned for them. Y/N knew each step Overhaul took closer to them was just shortening the amount of time she had before she met up with his wrath again.
The motherly instinct in her just hoped that she would be the only one he’d go after right now even if the lack of quirk on her part put her less at ease.
“You are in no position to question what I’m doing for our future.” Overhaul distastefully looked down at them, gloved fists balling up at his sides when he looked down at the pitiful girl he once fell in love with, noticing how far she had gone from being his perfect, little, obedient Y/N. “She is the key to making this world better—“
“She’s just a kid. What the hell do you need to do experiments on a kid for?” Pushing Eri behind her and standing up to meet Overhaul, she stood in between them to serve as a makeshift shield. ”You’re sick. You’re so fucking sick.”
“I’m starting to think you’re getting a little too comfortable. I’ll need to fix that soon once we get time.” Seizing by the throat, he pushed her weakened body up against the wall, gaining a whimper from Eri as she watched the scene unfold right in front of her. “My love for you will only excuse so much so I’d suggest getting back in line before I murder you with own two hands.”
Overhaul’s words seemed to have not processed within her when she focused on taking him in, instead. It was frightening to think that she was once in love with this man that was currently squeezing her throat so hard that she could barely steal a single breath. The fire in her heart that she once had for him was hastily blown out the moment he wrapped his fingers around her throat, the rose-colored glasses she had for him falling off, as well.
Y/N saw him for what he was now, a horrible human being who had no idea how to show love to anyone especially not her. Their was no future he had planned out for them, it was just a future he had planned out for himself and maybe he would decide if he deemed Y/N worthy of tagging along but she didn’t want that anymore. She didn’t want to prove herself worthy to him anymore.
“Apologize.” Bringing herself back to the scene she was forced to be in, she felt Overhaul’s grip loosen up to give her the opportunity to speak up.
The silence on her part wasn’t working in her favor, whatsoever. Eri and Chrono flinched at the sound of the hard slap bouncing off the hallway’s walls, Y/N’s cheek stained a violent red from the impact with tiny droplets of blood dribbling down her once clean skin. It hurt, it hurt so much but she knew he could do worse if he really wanted to.
“I’m sorry, Overhaul.”
It seemed robotic at this point. Three words that had been so ingrained into her brain from being with him that they just came out whenever he wanted, no genuine sorry-ness ever crossing her mind anymore.
“Now apologize to Eri for causing such a scene in front of her.” Harsh fingers moved from her throat to her chin, forcing her to look over at where Eri was looking at them with tears adorning her flushed cheeks. “She’s only a child, Y/N, how dare you scare her with your vulgar words and a loud tone?”
“I’m sorry, Eri.”
Her name was Eri.
“Go back to our room and finish getting ready. We have a meeting with the league of villain’s leader coming up soon.”
Roughly pushing her to the side, he signaled for Chrono to take Eri now and started heading back towards the experimental room where Y/N had spent her own previous days in. If she didn’t know Overhaul’s true colors, she would think that the scene in front of her was adorable. Chrono was holding Eri in his arms as Overhaul calmly spoke to her, his eyes scrunched up as he smiled down at her even though his words were far from friendly.
“Do you see what you make me do, Eri? If you hadn’t been a brat and ran away, I wouldn’t have to be so mean to my girlfriend. She might hate me now because of you.”
Y/N’s heart broke at the sound of Eri crying at Overhaul’s words, thinking that it was really her fault for everything that was going on when it was actually far from the truth. Cradling her swollen cheek in her hand and thinking back to Eri’s poor face, she came to her decision. She had to leave. She had to leave with Eri, now. If not for herself, at least for Eri.
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ofcdove · 4 years
                                      𝒾𝓃𝓉𝓇𝑜𝒹𝓊𝒸𝒾𝓃𝑔… 𝕕𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕕𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 
          normani. cis-female. she/her.  /  dove darling just pulled up blasting pressing me by rico nasty — that song is so them ! you know, for a twenty three year old actress/musician, i’ve heard they’re really stubborn, but that they make up for it by being so vivacious . if i had to choose three things to describe them, i’d probably say early 2000s r&b playlists, princess cut diamonds, and shiny lipgloss over perfectly lined lips . here’s to hoping they don’t cause too much trouble ! 
Tumblr media
           sup it’s raq and im a failure at  life.  this  is  dove  she’s  my  new  boo  I  hope  y’all  stan  her  like  i do i’ll be poppin into yo dms for plots but like, pls don’t hate me if im slow cause im just... slow skjaf also if you don’t have a plot with my other muse noel  here’s a link to his info and we can discuss both while we’re at it ! thank u for dealing with me 
                                [ 𝕓𝕒𝕤𝕚𝕔𝕤 ― ❝ THAT NATURAL BEAUTY ,  BEAUTY ❞  ]
full  name:  dove  dahlia  darling     
age:  twenty-three years old
date  of  birth:  august  8th
star  sign:  leo
nicknames:  dee,  birdie,  mostly  goes  by  darling  as  a  stage  name 
place  of  birth:   calabasas  ,  california  
currently  living  in:  los angeles , california
voiceclaim:  normani  /  doja  cat 
sexual orientation:  pansexual
TL;DR :   lowkey,  as  soft  as  her  name  implies.  such  an   angel ..... if  you  don’t  know  her  all  that  well. lives  for  her  squeaky  clean  perception  and  would  never  tarnish  that.  to  the  media ,  she’s   quirky,  saccharine,  and  really  down  to earth.  a  sweet  face  with  a  love  of  music.  not  that’s  all  untrue  but -- she  has  a  tendency  to  flake  if  you  aren’t  perfect  her  image.  basically  queen  of  pr  relationships  eye... skgaj  her  career  is   priority  over  most  things.  a  girl  with  big  dreams  from  a  veryy  young  age  who  had  a  little  luck  (  a  lot  of  luck  lowkey )  an  alot  of  work  to  get  where  she  is.  (  she’s...  a  piece  of  work. ) 
                         [ 𝕓𝕒𝕔𝕜𝕘𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕  ― ❝ WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE  ❞ ]  
 folks *claps* lets get started. you’re gonna see alot of  name alliteration just.. deal with it  i like it 
born  august  8th  to  desdemona  and  d’andre  darling ,  dove  darling  is  the  youngest  of  all  four   the  darling .  desdemona  and  d’andre   are  some  of  hollywood’s  favorite  socialites -- both  of  them  coming  from  blue  blooded  hilton-esque /  kardashian   families.  everyone  knows  they’re  wealthy  but  like  why? idk  either  it’s  just  some  good  old  money  that  allowed  the  darlings  to  pursue  things  like  activism,  modeling,  and   writing in  more  recent  generations.  needless  to  say,  dove  twas  thriving  as  a  child.  pretty  spoiled.  really  wouldn’t  ever  need  to  work  a  day  in  her  life  if  she  didn’t  want  to . 
she  went  to  the  best  private  schools  in  calabasas   and  spent  the  majority  of  her  childhood  playing  dress up  in  her  mother’s  expensive  clothing  and  jewelry  collections.  
though ,  at  the  age  of  7  she  hung  around  her  grandmother  more  frequently.    more  colloquially  known  as  just  dallas  --  dallas  darling  was  a  famous  singer  in  the late  70s  to  early  80s.  diana  ross vibes .  with  spending  more  time  with  dallas,  dove  grew  to  love  singing  and  (  probably  more  than  anything  )  preforming. 
it  was  from  the  age  of  8  on  that  dove  wanted  to  be  a  big  time  singer   just  like  her  grandmother  when  she  got  older. 
and  boy ,  did  this  girl  dedicate  her  life  to  this  dream.  her  parents  put  her  in  singing  lessons  and  she ‘d  put  on  little  shows  for  everyone  in  her  family -- perfecting  her  act. 
by  13  she  would  be  signed  to  her  first  record  label . 
didn’t  go  well....  really  the  label  was  as  alot  of  music  labels  are  to  child  stars -- terrible.  she’s  had  a  handful  of  really  bad  experiences  that  she  thought  she could  fight  through  if  it  meant  getting  her  dreams.   just  wanted  to  push  her  as  “the  new  dallas”  and  (  while  she  looks  up  to  her  grandmother )  dove  wanted  to  be  her  own. so  she  never  released  anything,  they  ended  up  dropping  her  within  a  few  weeks. still  persistent  dove  started  uploading  onto  youtube  some  covers  and  a  handful  of  original  songs . never  went  to  college,  literally  spent  her  late  teens  just  in  her  childhood  bedroom  (  which,  idk  is  probably  the  size  of  an  average  apartment  on  it’s  own  side  of  the  house cause  hc  she  probably  had a  long - term  partner  during  this  time  so  wc)  trying  to  make  something  that  people  would  like . 
moo being  the one  that  blew  up  years  later  and  became  a  meme  finally  skyrocketting  her  out  of  her  grandmother’s  shadow. 
at  the  moment  she has  released  2  lps  which  i’ll get  around  to  releasing  but  bigger  hits  include  motivation,  moo,  go  to  town ,  and  tia  tamara .  
        [ 𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕪 ― ❝   A LONG TIME SINCE YOU FELL IN LOVE  ❞ ]  
 ugh,  a  diva.  period. 
but  possibly  in  the  best  way?  i  wouldn’t  say  she’s  a  throw  a  tantrum  for  not  getting  her  way  kind  of  girl  ,  cause  she’ll  just  go  get  it  herself.  a  go  getter. 
will  drop  you  (  with  or  without  reason  or  warning ) and  pretend  you  don’t  exist  for  the  rest  of  her  life.  she’s  just  got  a  tendency  to  stop  caring  about  people  if  she  feels  unimportant  to  them.   
as  down  to  earth  as  a  rich  girl  from  calabasas  can  be. sgkjad 
but  she  loves  a  good  meme, she’s  got  a  good  sense  of  humor  tbh 
a  leo  .  just... periodt. 
definitely  the  girl  to  buy  all  of  her  friends  way  too  expensive  gifts  because  she has........ no  concept  of  why  people  save  money eye skfgjdsa
still  working  out  the  nooks  and  crannies  but  that’s  a  general ........  vibe. 
           [ 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 ― ❝ LET ME BE YOUR MOTIVATION ❞ ]
alright  exes?  good  time.  best  friends  are  great  i’d  lowkey  love  to  see  a  healthy  lil  squad  she’s  apart  of .  friends  ppl  ship  her  with  and  she  just... lets  it  happen  bc  clout .  collaborators.  exes  she  broke  up  with  because  of  their  public  perception. siblings  if  y’all  feeling  like  bringing  an  aj  saudin or  something.  would  love  to  see another  darling.  uhh  crushes?  first  loves ?  anything  my  guys. 
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monzterzack · 5 years
Parallels between Adora and Catra when it comes to Shadow Weaver
I haven't seen anyone mention this but there are outstanding parallels when it comes to shadow Weaver's maternal manipulation on both of them
In Adora's case this happened in episode 1x07 shadow in misticor
And in catras case this is lighted on in 2x06 light spinner
Both of them get manipulated from the maternal aspect of their relationship with SW
Adora is on edge cause she is scared of SW capturing her while Catra is looking for closure and feeling guilty about sending her to beast island
But she tells both the same thing:
"you are just like me"
And both respond the same thing:
"im not like you, you are old and bitter and weak"
But the approach is different
With Adora she is playing nice, she feeds Adora's anxiety of not being good enough, of not been the hero nor the friend her friends need, and on that attachment she had to SW of dissapointing her, she knows Adora haves complicated feelings towards her, that she in some way feels genuine care for her, and she manipulates her making her feel weak and like she needs her
With catra she is cold, distant, she knows she haves the upper hand, she knows catra doesn't think highly of herself, she knows catra is starved for parental love and validation, she is direct and brief, she doesn't need to say sweet words to her, she just needs to give her a reason, and she knows catra is so desperate for some answer that she would bend over backwards whatever she gave her if it meant getting some closure
And then there is the touch aspect
Adora is used to it, she often got praised and touched and got told only the highest of compliments, so when SW touches her it's to try and make her feel a familiarity to it, to make her yearn for that comfort back in the horde
When she touches catra is different, it's slow and careful, she has never show any affection to catra during her entire life, and catra is unfamiliar with it, it takes her some time to get used to it and enjoy the touch (it's heart breaking IMHO how melted she gets by a single caress)
Then theres the kicker
Both Adora and Catra point out how twisted and unhealthy their relationship with SW is, both say it's not good nor was it fair to go through that as kids
But while Adora resolves to cut ties entirely with SW because she haves found a new family and friends to protect her and love her without conditions.... Catra feels she is alone, and her constant failures with hordac had deteriorated her own self esteem
And that's what separates them, Adora takes the healthiest solution, cutting ties with her abusive mother figure, putting the well being of others but specially herself as a priority
Catra accepts the answer SW tells her, she accepts that her lies were a truth and since she is at rock bottom she becomes vulnerable and a bit attached to this new affection, and that helps her feel a bit better, she knows her answer is manipulative but for a second she lets it slide cause she wants some comfort, and even before that, just the idea of gaining a bit of affection from her maternal figure made her succumb to the "last favor" she asked of her
Which makes this 200x times worse when SW takes less than an hour to abandon Catra to search for Adora
And it's WAY MORE PAINFUL when catra doesn't take that long to go back to talk and maybe get more validation (that legit broke me)
But again, the facade comes down, she has been abandoned again, and her heart broken into a million pieces by having been taken advantage on her most vulnerable state
And that's what's different, that's why she was stronger when Adora was in the horde, cause Adora was her rock, no matter how much manipulation she went trought, Adora was always there to help her out, but now she is by herself, and that's why she falls for it so fast
I just think this was.... Really well wrote and feels really emotive
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broadwaycantdie · 5 years
National Best Friends Day! - Newsies (Pride) Month . Day 8
( albert & race ) + ( modernish )
a/n: the best buds which also remind me a lot of me and my best bud so that’s why i picked them :)
it says “modernish” cause im talking about the past but it’s the future (?) like it starts in the past as in the early 2000’s and goes up until today
warnings: none
background: Albert and Race have been friends since kindergarten. They lived in the same neighborhood and were the best of friends. This is how it started as well as how it went throughout the years.
the first day of kindergarten race walked right up to albert who was engaged in looking at the class pet—a lizard—and introduced himself
race asked him to be his best friend and he said yes and he’s kept that promise ever since
their elementary school years consisted of chasing each other around the playground, playing with pokémon cards, riding in the back of each other’s mom’s mini vans, trading happy meal toys, and always going back inside just in time for dinner
as kids they would bike to each other’s house every day, alternating who went to whose house
then they went to middle school
the same middle school, luckily
all throughout elementary school they were in the same class
somehow it just worked out like that
but 6th grade was all different
this was the first time they had separate classes
but luckily by this time they were close enough to not let a thing like that drift them apart
they might not have had every class together
but the ones they did have were wild
god help their teachers
6th grade they shared english, gym, and math
which was great for them
they both struggled in english so they used that class to make jokes and fool around
math was great for race
he’s always been a math wiz
so he let albert copy helped albert with his work
gym was where they SHINED
these boys have always been athletic and competitive
when they were on a team together, they were the dynamic duo who could communicate without words
when they were against each other it was war...friendly war, but war
they went through 7th and 8th grade similarly, growing and changing but keeping their friendship a priority
they spent those days hanging in skateparks, drinking slurpees till their heads went numb, making mixtapes, playing street sports, and going to each other’s houses to watch music videos on youtube
high school started
everything changed in high school
albert got a spot on the hockey team
race became a mathlete
and they lived two very different lives
but that didn’t stop them from being best friends
absolutely nothing could do that
they just had to work harder to spend time together
they had two classes together freshman year
biology—which made dissections interesting—and gym again—which was always great for them, not much others though
sophomore year came and went
race failed his drivers test 6 times so at that point he just gave up
albert got his license first try
so he just drove them both to and from school everyday
which means race spends a lot of time watching him at practice
the matheletes only meet once a week
hockey practice is everyday
but he doesn’t mind that much
he uses that time to practice equations or catch up on homework or just dick around
they spent their first two years hanging out at shops in walking distance of the school, albert teaching race how to play hockey, tutoring at the local library, and falling asleep during movies from school exhaustion
junior year was crazy
they built up a pretty large friend group
but they still kept it close as homies
exams, college, pressure, games, tournaments
everything was crazy
they kept each other going though
by time the ACT roled around they had already been slowly studying for months
they were still both struggling in english
but race helped albert with his math
this time more than just letting him copy
race actually ended up getting a perfect score in math but not much else
and albert finished!
which was a victory in his mind since he fell asleep 5 times
they applied to colleges together
and scholarships
so so so many scholarships
they wanted to pay as little as possible
albert even considered selling an organ to pay for classes
but they just had to do what was needed to be done
they both applied to the same college as to not be separated
and cause it was cheap and they both liked it
they spent that summer driving around the countryside, working at the same restaurant, getting sunburnt at the beach, waiting for acceptance letters, and missing their childhood
senior year was the best and worst year of their lives
they took the easiest possible classes
besides race’s math class cause he’s a genius and a nerd
but other than that they took every basic class and dropped as many as possible
they got free periods, “easy a” electives, and ended up having most of their classes together
they actually had every class together except for one—the period race had math
a miracle by all means
but they didn’t question it
they just quietly thanked whoever was out there and moved on
when they got letters from the only college they applied for they waited to open them together
they screamed when they found out they both got in
and immediately started planning out how their dorms would be set up and what they wanted
albert was now team captain and made it to state with his hockey team
race went on to nationals with the matheletes
they both won their respective events
scholarships rolled in left and right
by time graduation rolled around albert had a full ride on a hockey scholarship and race got huge help from his time in the matheletes and collectively with the rest of his scholarships got nearly a full ride, only having to pay a hundred dollars in total
the day they graduated was so emotional
this was it
they spent every year in school together for the past 13 years and now it was about to be over
after they walked across stage and out the doors of the convention center, they hugged
they hugged so tight for a really long time
neither of them will admit that they cried
but they both did
this wasn’t the end of their friendship
just the end of an era
an era that included staying up late, making jokes no one would understand, signing yearbooks with messages that would be treasured forever, sharing new music, crying from stress, hockey games, varsity quiz competitions, playing video games, breaking albert’s car speakers from playing music too loud, getting mcdonald’s happy meal toys no matter what age they hit, countless birthdays and holidays, gifts that meant so much more than money, and memories they would carry with them until they were dead
but most importantly
the best friendship two guys could ask for
this wasn’t the end
it was just the beginning
now they had their whole lives ahead of them
and they were never going to slow down
their real lives were just starting
and they wouldn’t want to go through it with anyone else
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rollforsleepy · 5 years
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So I’ve been working on this for like three weeks! It’s been a tonne of fun but also a tonne of work. Coming up with five distinct subraces meant a lot of drawing! Oh boy! This started as a re write of the Dryad race because I didn’t think the Dryad race i found online was super playable, but it kinda gotta away from me a bit so I left dryads behind and these are fully homebrewed! The main carry overs from dryads are the +2 wisdom that they all get, and the no metal caveat in the weaponry proficiencies.
I spent some time researching different culture’s mythology on dryads and similar creatures. Wikipedia has a handy list of similar folklores at the end of the dryad entry (im not linking cos tumblr screws w posts w external links, but you can check it out yourself if youre curious). Basically I picked a few and wrote down some notes on each one so each subclass had a distinct feeling to it.
The Deep Forest subclass is based off hamadryads. Super long life, connected to a specific tree (i removed the life or death thing and just made it birthed by a tree, cos having a tree that if cut would killed you seemed unbalanced to me), that sorta thing. Cos they’re based on Oak trees, and Oaks are fairly hardy, I gave them some good survival type stuff. I didn’t want long, unfamiliar names so I changed it from Hamadryad to Deep Forest. Also I really didn’t want them to hark back to dryads and just Hamad had a weird ring to it to me
Gillie Du got to pretty much keep it’s name tho. Originally it’s Ghillie Dhu, and there was nothing wrong w that but i wanted things a bit simple in the name department. Ghillie Dhu is a Scottish fairy who (to drastically summarise him) lives in a marsh and plays tricks on people. As I said earlier, I wasn’t using these sources as gospel, just as flavour affects, so the Gillie Du subrace became a more water based thing with the breathing under water and swim speed.
Desert Walkers probably changed most from their original material. I started with the Salabhanjika, a sculpture found in india that’s always got a tree and a musical instrument in it. I wanted a bit of size range (i had to talk myself out of making one of them Large size cos it got too op, but I wanted to so bad) so they got the Small tag, then because India is a hot country and I already had a sub class more tightly woven in with fruit trees I made it more desert based, giving some good boosts to travelling related skills. I really love playing Small races and I wanna play as one of these now, it feels built for a ranger but I think it could make a kickass wizard tbh
The Maliade are based on the Epimelides, who were a kind of nymph associated with apple trees and sheep. I extended that association to fruit trees and all farm animals cos i didn’t want to cramp anyones roleplaying incase someone really wanted to be a Maliade who’s buddies with a bull and makes three magic dragon fruits every day. There’s no information beyond that on wikipeida, but I didn’t have any subrace who had a close relationship with people, so they got that. I like this one, I think the skills are pretty useful in a lot of small ways
And the Kodama! The Kodama are the only ones who actually got to keep their original name. Kodama are a Japanese spirit that inhabit trees. They can also be seen as Mountain Gods. So these guys got the mountain skills. Spider climb is a great skill, but when coupled with a slower speed I thought they cancel out pretty comfortably to make a balanced race. The Kodama has a brief description on wikipedia, but it’s terrifying, “small, white humanoids with large, rattling heads and mask-like features, with asymmetrical black dots for eyes and mouth, and move similar to bobbleheads.” I took the essence of this (pale skin, dark eyes) and dropped the rest. A lot of people (myself included) like their characters to be sexy, and that ain’t hot to me
Click through to read a transcript of the race if the font above is too small/blurry.
I’m gonna be making more of these and if there’s some interest I’ll start doing some stuff on Patreon, let me know if you thinks that’s something worthwhile. I’ve got a race in the works now that is like a living statue. Super slow but super durable. It’s a bit min/max but could be fun for some campaigns
Nature Spirits
Nature Spirits are a known phenomenon, a wandering essence of the land who appear commonly in the land. Some Nature Spirits are chosen and come into being through a birth touched by the land, some choose the path themselves and give their souls over to the land, some are simply brought into being by the powers of the land. It is a difficult life as a Nature Spirit, your priority is not yourself rather the protection and love of your home land. You have features and traits specific to the type of land you hail from.
Varied Childhoods
Each Nature Spirit is different, some wander far from their home, travelling and researching the world at large to better safeguard the continued life of their land. Others never leave and are rarely if ever seen by a civilised person. Some live in harmony with the people of their land, others seek to drive out humanoid peoples. You path in life is up to you, but the land you are from is your home and your priority.
Nature Spirit Traits
Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom score increases by two.
Languages: You speak Common and Sylvan
Weapon Proficiency: You are proficient with the quaterstaff, club, greatclub, and slings. You cannot use this proficiency to use metal weapons and must use naturally found projectiles (such as wood, stone, nuts) for your sling. If your Class gives you proficiency in any of these weapons the metal caveat no longer applies
Alignment: Nature Spirits can have any alignment, but their loyalty lies with the land that powers them
Choose one from the following Racial Variants
Deep Forest
These spirits emerge from an ancient tree once in the trees lifetime, sometimes living incorporeally their whole lives, other times taking humanoid form to explore their forest in that way. They are ancient, tough, and fast, living the longest of any of their brethren Nature Spirits. Their hair forms as moss does atop their head. They are the least likely to leave their home unless they must.
Age: You age slowly, up to about 1000 years, and you age in time as a human would, at 80 years old you appear 8, at 900 years old you appear as a 90 year old human
Size: Medium
Speed: Your speed is 35ft
Ability Score Increase: Your Strength score increases by one.
The Hard Trek: Rough and difficult terrain does not affect you
Vision: You have Darkvision to a distance of 60ft
Survivalist: You are proficient in the Survival skill
Gillie Du
The Gillie Du find home wherever land meets water, be it ocean, river bank, or a swampy marsh. They are generally cheerful and occasionally make themselves known as a trickster to strangers in their land. Their skin is a dusky green tone but otherwise they appear somewhat elven. They can be born of humanoids, but more often are formed over some time in their land, and very occasionally a humanoid will show such a loyalty to the land that they turn into a Gillie Du. They are comfortable in both water and on land, but prefer land.
Age: You are fully grown at about 40 years old and do not age until your death at about 700 years of age.
Size: Medium
Speed: Your speed is 30ft, and your swim speed is 30ft
Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity score increases by one.
Powerful Lungs: You can hold your breath for fifteen minutes plus a number of minutes equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of zero)
Vision: You have Darkvision to a distance of 60ft
Sleep with Ease: You can cast the Alarm spell once a day without components
Desert Walker
Desert Walkers are born in deserts and find themselves comfortable in a hot climates. They are the most inhuman in appearance, still humanoid but with grey black skin, ears that connect behind their heads, and everlastingly young. Their age, of course, is not reflected in their appearance and they often speak with an experience that startles people. They are soft spoken and have learned from the many cultures they have encountered in their time.
Age: You live up to roughly 200 years, always appearing someone younger than an adult
Size: Small
Speed: You move quickly despite your size. Your speed is 30
Ability Score Increase: Your nomadic lifestyle has caused you to meet with the odd civilisation and learn from many varied cultures. Your Intelligence score increases by one
Inexhaustable: You have advantage against effects that will cause Exhaustion
Fire: You can cast the Cantrip Produce Flame
Musically Gifted: You have proficiency in one musical instrument of your choice
Keep an Eye Out: You have Expertise in the Perception skill
Endurance: You do not need to eat
The Maliade Spirits are the most civilised, often the child of a townsperson who is touched by the powers of nature. They grow up with a community of humanoids in a small town hidden in the forest, or a larger city connected to an expanse of untouched flora. They are Medium size even if their birth parents are Small or Large, their size is determined by their Nature Spirit soul. They are friendly with animals and people alike, used to the constraints of town life as well as the freedom beyond. They are the most normal in appearance, the least likely of their kin to turn heads
Age: You age at the same rate as the average human, and die at roughly 100 years of age
Size: Medium
Speed: Your speed is 30ft
Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma score increases by one.
Language: You can speak to all farm animals
A Good Fruit: Everyday you can create four fruits of your choice, each feeds the average person for a day and restores 2 Hit Points. You cannot use this abiliy again until your next long rest
Find a Ride: At 3rd level you can cast Find Steed once a day, you are restricted to animals that would be normally found in a farm such as a horse, sheep, or cow.
Cook: You are proficient in Cooks Tools
The Kodama are usually the result of a lost traveller or explorer who commits their life to protecting the land they’ve found and accepts the physical changes that entails. They are drawn to the roads and paths through their mountain range, watching and learning the different plants, animals, and humanoids that grow and pass through. They are pale skinned with dark irises and are generally more lean than strong.
Age: You live up to 400 years, aging to appear as a human would in their 60s
Size: Medium
Speed: You’re used to moving carefully across treacherous mounains, as such your speed is 25ft
Ability Score Increase: The mountains are a hard life. Your Constitution score increases by one
Natural Defence: You are more likely to defend yourself than attacked, as such once a day you can cast Barkskin
A Life of Climbing: You are forced to carefully climb your way throug life, leaving you with an ability most professional climbers would marvel at. You can Spiderclimb, climbing across walls and roofs live gravity doesn’t affect you
Sight: You have 30ft of Darkvision
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rogsclogs · 5 years
Some Day One Day (Brian May x Reader); part 4
I’m so sorry it took me so long to post this part, I kept re writing it and was never happy with it, I’m not even sure I’m happy with how it turned out now, but it’s better than it was so that's a start! Let me know your opinions on it! Previous parts can be found under the tag ‘Some day one day’. Enjoy :)
Taglist: @brighter-thanthe-sky @im-a-sheerheartattack @fruityfreddie @discodeacygotmorerhythm @ladylannisterxo (if you want to be added please message me)
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It wasn't a rare sight to witness Brian running around campus like a madwoman holding a thousand different books in one hand and his daily cup of extremely bitter caffeinated beverage in the other, which he would take forever to finish it no matter how cold it got. It was his fuel and he had a very bad habit of relying on coffee to survive more than he relied on food and actual nutrients. 
Then one day out of nowhere he started showing up to school holding an extra cup, pouring sugar and milk in it which was not like him at all and people wondered who in the world he could be getting that extra coffee for. 
After all he’d never gotten along very well with the other professors, besides few exceptions, and his trust had gotten slimmer ever since he’d been cheated on, so he kept to himself whenever he could. He would eat lunch in his office and prepare coursework in the comfort of his apartment while his daughter played with dolls on the wooden floor, that was an ideal afternoon to him. He was rather shy and introvert although his students always brought out the ‘wilder’ and more laidback part of his soul. Still, it was unusual for him to be caring for anyone else’s caffeine needs but his own, but it sort of became an habit of his to motivate Y/N with a steaming hot cup of latte macchiato as she always performed better and he’d learned to make it just how she liked it, with two sugars and some cinnamon on top. Y/N had been staring at his cup of coffee one day, so Brian offered her a sip and then decided he would get her something from the local café each day they met from that point on, and he soon realized that he liked the idea of doing that for her, he liked the routine and he liked the look on her face when she softly thanked him for being so generous and told him that he really didn't have to. He could get used to that.
They found some sort of connection they could work with, he was so patient and soft spoken with her that it was almost impossible to let him down, and any small improvement was celebrated. They met every Monday and Friday after school and he would sometimes drive her home on Fridays because he could see how exhausted she got and didn't want her to ride the bus and fall asleep when no one would go with her.
She finally seemed to be understanding what they spoke about, and even in class her confidence had boosted, and Brian couldn't wipe that stupid lovey smile off his face because he was so proud of how hard she’d been working. Even her classmates noticed a change in her attitude, her friend Joe being one of the firsts who questioned her about it and he didn't even mind when she remained very secretive about it, all he needed to know was that she was happy.
Joe liked Y/N, very much so, and although they had been close friends since they were barely able to walk and even attended sleepovers together on multiple occasions, he’d never had a chance to let her know how he felt about her. He was also fairly scared that she would not reciprocate, he knew the eyes of love and she never wore those around him. All he truly wanted as a friend was to see her happy, even if he wasn't the main reason for her happiness, so he didn't feel right questioning her about her sudden outburst of joy that had been going on lately.
Admittedly, she was more than happy, more than words could even begin to explain and she was scared of admitting to herself where that happiness came from, because she knew very well it was like biting the forbidden fruit.
She felt on cloud nine any time Brian would fix his glasses on his nose to check her homework and then smile right after when he realized she’d gotten it all right, and when he leaned closer to her to show some calculations on a piece of paper she had to collect all her will power not to kiss him right then and there. What she didn't know was that the feeling was very much mutual, and Brian felt awful about himself when he thought about it at night. 
He'd heard stories of college professors falling in love with one of their students and losing their minds for them, and he’d always considered them lowlifes, people who didn’t have their priorities straight, but now he could sort of sympathize and understand where they were coming from. 
One time, while he was looking after his daughter on a lazy Sunday afternoon, he even found himself fantasizing about what Y/N would be like as a step mother, which was really morally awful of him to do, but he couldn't help that. He imagined her laid on the floor playing Barbies with Emily and making the little girl giggle out loud like she often did with him when they had a spare moment to talk about something that didn't revolve around numbers and formulas. He loved those moments, when he got to ask her about her personal interests, what fascinated her about the universe (he was pleased to find that she loved animals and nature as much as he did, she told him that the blooming season always reminded her of how powerful Mother Nature was), what made her heart sparkle with joy. He loved knowing small things about her and, although in the beginning he was wary of her and her intentions, he soon let loose and started telling her some things about himself, some of which he hadn't told a living soul in decades. He told her about that time when he broke his ankle falling from his bicycle when he was five and that time when his mom caught him sneaking out to go to his school dance at sixteen, and Y/N had laughed at his hilarious storytelling techniques (which he’d gained from reading so many bedtime stories to Emily) and everything in the world had felt right for a little while.
He was enjoying tutoring her, maybe a little more than what's considered appropriate, that's why he had a bittersweet feeling lingering on his tongue the day his class finally took the exam that would allow her to get into the degree they so badly wanted, he knew that would probably be the end of their little rendezvouses and he couldn't help but feel disappointed, no matter how immoral it was. 
He would still get to see her if she passed, after all he did teach one of the most important master classes, but it would not be the same and she would probably forget about him. He was terrified of becoming just another one of her teachers, just a person she was forced to interact with when needed. Admittedly, their relationship had never been much more than that, but when they were alone he felt like maybe something bigger than that could come out of it.
Nonetheless, he was rooting for her as he handed the exam papers to his students, and he sent her an encouraging smile which she shily reciprocated.
“Alright class, this is the moment you’ve all been waiting for, you may now begin your test. Do your best and good luck”.
Brian kept an eye on her the whole time, he’d learned to read some of her facial expressions and associate them with a thought running through her mind, like how she scrunched her nose when she couldn't remember a formula or how she picked her skin while working through a problem and when she finally figured out the answer she would put her hair up in a ponytail only to set it free again once she found herself stuck on a question. She would generally play with her hair a lot.
Brian had learned to pick up on less noticeable nuances of her personality, working alongside her helped him with that but it was mostly due to how fond he was of the girl, and he thought it would be useful for him to understand how she was doing, but surprisingly she did not show any signs, at all. She was impassible and firm throughout the exam, and if she hadn’t been blinking he would have thought she was made of stone.
He didn't know how to interpret such a signal, he wasn't used to it and he was scared. Was it a bad sign? Was she struggling? He walked around the classroom a couple of times, trying to spy on her sheet and see how she was doing, but every time he stopped by she would cover up her work with her hands, and he knew he couldn't be too obvious or he would end up in trouble. although no one seemed to notice anything out of the ordinary going on, Joe definitely took notice of the way Brian would slow down as he approached Y/N’s desk and the way his eyes would linger longer than usual.
The students only had 90 minutes to complete the tasks, 90 minutes that would be essential for their future education, and Brian was concerned about the amount of pressure they were being put through, he remembered what it was like to be on their side of the class, to feel like no matter how much you work, it’s never good enough.
He feared those 90 minutes almost as much as they did, and he took a breath of relief that he didn't even know he was holding when they were over.
He watched all the 30 people he’d been working with for months hand in their papers, some looking hopeful and some just looking forward to the moment they could finally step out of the smelly room, and when Y/N finally approached him as well, he was waiting for any kind of signal from her to let him know that everything was good, but nothing came from her, so since they were the only two people left in the room, he gently held onto her forearm before she could walk out to stop her.
“Y/N, how was it? How do you think you did?” He looked softly down at her, wanting to be as careful and encouraging as he possibly could be in such a situation, but Y/N still looked impassible, almost unreachable like her mind was on a whole different planet.
“I did what I could do Mr. May” and then she left. Just like that. 
Brian had to go back home to an empty house later that day, his daughter was at his mom’s place for the entire weekend and all of his friends were out of town so he would have to spend some days on his own, which usually would put him in a great mood but the last thing he needed at that moment was to be left alone with his thoughts.
He went over her words the whole night, wondering what he could have done to help her out. 
He had probably been an awful teacher, he wasn't even able to make someone as bright as her succeed, judging by the tone of her voice she knew she’d done bad and it was his fault to begin with.
He was seriously questioning his worth as a teacher when he heard the phone ring that night.
It was completely unexpected, he was making himself mac and cheese although it was almost midnight because he couldn't be bothered to make himself anything earlier, and he didn't know who could be looking for him at such a late hour. His first thought went to his baby girl, maybe something had happened and his mother was trying to get a hold of him, so he rushed to the phone and picked up.
No answer came from the other side of the line, only irregular breathing and static noise.
“Hello? Who is this?” He was getting fed up with the silence that met all his attempts at sparking a conversation between him and whoever thought calling him at midnight would be fun.
“Alright, I’m hanging-”
“Brian, it’s me” he would have recognized her voice between a million others, but he had to make sure it wasn't just his mind playing tricks on him.
“Y/N? Is it you? Are you okay?” He recalled giving her his number just in case she would ever need him, but he though she would have thrown it out by then, so he was pleasantly surprised to find that she had in fact saved it.
“I’m fine, I just...” He heard her hiccup and sniff from wherever she was and his heart clenched inside his chest.
“You’re clearly not fine, love, what happened?”
“I just wanted to apologize for today, but.... I did pretty terrible and I feel so fucking awful” she didn't even care about being vulgar, she had had to keep up a happy attitude with her parents when she’d come home so now she just needed to let it all out, and somehow Brian understood that.
“Y/N darling calm down, are you sure it was that bad? We worked so hard, YOU worked so hard!” He thought he could be comforting her in a way, but his words only made her sob and whimper louder.
“I know, fuck, I know! That's why I’m so disappointed in myself, my God I’m such a fucking idiot and a failure and-”
Brian couldn't stand the thought of her talking down on herself that way, so he stopped her before she could go any further.
“Y/N, babe, breathe please, everything is going to be all right, I promise”
The sound of his soft voice calling her babe was somehow enough for her to stop sobbing so loudly and to try to regain her breath. She wanted him to call her that for the rest of her life.
“Listen, I was just making myself some mac and cheese because I didn't eat earlier, do you want to come over at my place so we can talk about this in front of a cup of tea? That could make you feel better, right?” He let out the words before he could really think them through, and he hoped she wouldn't take them the wrong way and think he wanted to get his way with her or anything. After a couple of seconds of silence during which Brian questioned all his life choices at once, she finally spoke again.
“I grabbed a pen and paper, what's the address?”
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