#im so good at getting invested in things that have been Over for at least a decade but usually longer
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forecast0ctopus · 1 year ago
Sorry, it's really funny to me that we're watching your Star Trek obsession unfold. It's a great franchise. I love it, and ur artwork is great!
THANKS lmao it was inevitable……… i do think its funny that you say obsession though ive posted it Twice here like. you are not wrong but i think i managed to spare most of you by relegating my Thoughts to my close friends story
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theres too much star trek media though i fear ive condemned myself
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colourstreakgryffin · 1 year ago
Could I please request tanjiro, iguro and kyojuro with like a younger sister or child reader (platonic obviously) who is like nifty from hazbin hotel, so she really likes cleaning but tends to overwork herself?
Thank you so much if you do :)
Oooh! This is interesting but most importantly; you like and/or know Hazbin Hotel?! I am sorry for asking like this but if you do PLEASEEE do suggest a Hazbin Hotel request or a request for Helluva Boss! I don’t mind either! You don’t have to at all, it’s just a wish but I would reaaallly appreciate writing for the shows I am currently in
Kamado Tanjiro
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Tanjiro likes how cute you are. Little, hyperactive, helpful. You’re always running around with a broom or a water bucket to clean something. He doesn’t even need to ask you, you’re just being his little personal maid
Despite the fact, as your older brother, he should be taking care of and cleaning for you. No, you’re the one taking charge and making sure Nezuko’s box is shined to perfection, sweeping up the floors around his bed in the Butterfly Mansion and obsessing over seeing such mess
Tanjiro does worry about you a lot. Whilst the clean freak, caring and energetic demeanour you display is good. There is many negatives of your habits that has his heart aching with concern and his hands on the verge of ripping out his own hair. You’re reckless in your work
Overworking. Cleaning the Butterfly Mansion obsessively and for hours until Shinobu has to bring your exhausted but stubborn form to him so he can care for you, since you’ve been working yourself into the earth. Tanjiro appreciates all the unconditional maid care you’re doing for him, your own sister Nezuko and any home the Kamados refuge in but he can’t stand you risking your health
Overall. Tanjiro does really love you, he loves the cute little red and white maid kimono you wear and he loves how passionate and zesty you are, cleaning, cooking or sewing but he wishes you’d calm it down… not just for him but for yourself. At least; you, him and Nezuko can cook your mother’s recipes to relax
Iguro Obanai
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Obanai finds this… well. He doesn’t know how to feel about your obsessive cleaning love. The fact, you act like some housewife despite being once over his age. You’re a child, you’re the poor innocent little girl he had picked up as his own child, out of pure pity for your position(since it was just like his) and whilst you’re not his biologically, he’s protective
So, he is a lot less tolerant over how hardworking and reckless over your own health you are. That you spend hours on end cleaning and perfecting everything around you. He doesn’t like it at all and he doesn’t mind being either strict or harsh to get his point across. You’re his kid, he can discipline you when he wants
Of course, Obanai isn’t cruel. He is only trying to fix up, what he believes to be, your OCD to save your health so he forces you to stop mopping his floors around 8pm and puts you to bed with no buts allowed. He’ll let you be his little maid and care for the home you share with him but not when it includes putting yourself behind the work
Obanai does like to bond with you over sewing and cooking. Your skillset is of a housewife and whilst he finds it weird that his adoptive kid has housewife mindset, he isn’t going to just stop because he is uncomfortable by mere talents you have. Cooking and sewing are important to your life growing up so he encourages it
Besides the whole overworking thing and how invested in cleaning the Estate you become, he does really like your behaviours. You’re the perfect child; free-spirited, independent, confident. He likes how your trauma hasn’t effected you and he wouldn’t get rid of you, even if your own habits are annoying and concerning
Rengoku Kyojuro
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Oh. How wonderful, now, he has two child houserearers in his life. One, his younger brother Senjuro and now you, his precious adoptive daughter. He finds you the most gorgeous little lively flame to ever exist and he does truly encourage your cleaning habits. It’s good to develop excellent hygiene, as Kyojuro says! However, even Kyojuro has limits to good hygiene practice
At first, he doesn’t really notice it much since he wants to be the most uplifting, sweet, considerate father he possibly can be for you. He doesn’t want to tell you what to do, even when it severely worries him. He doesn’t know how to talk about it but he does have the guts to bring it up and try make some type of compromise
Kyojuro really doesn’t like seeing you up at 1am scrubbing the windows frantically since you spotted some smudges you’re struggling to get out. It’s not healthy and it’s too risky. He loves you a lot and he doesn’t want you to be treated as some slave. You’re not a slave, you’re his babygirl. Even if he just got you, you’re still his and he wants to care for you, not enable a bad habit. Rather it offend you or not. He needs to put his foot down
Kyojuro decides to begin balancing checking up on you to his regular vigorous training. Task you with cleaning like sweeping or scrubbing the outside porch so he can always keep his eye on you and make sure you’re not going to pass out from exhaustion with a bottle of bleach in your hands once more. You’re a child, not a robot
Kyojuro is only being specific and setting down rules for your own sake, not for his. To him, the most important thing to him is his all-knowing, big-eyed little demon. You may stress him out with your cleaning obsession but otherwise, he enjoys cooking with you. It’s very relaxing
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naurimastaur · 2 years ago
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Summary: In which George and Fred devise a plan to trick y/n into admitting their feelings for George
Pairing: George weasley x nonbinary!reader
Tw: my attempt at writing xx
Please don’t take this seriously this one is just for fun!
“Georgie?” Fred called out smacking the back of George’s head in the process. “Are you going to sit there like a stupid git for the rest of your life staring at them, or are you actually going to do something about it?” George sort of fancied his best friend y/n. They were awkward. He was awkward. It was a mess.
“I dunno, I just, what If I ruin everything?” He replied defeated, an almost foreign response coming from the twins, who in their approach to everything, were annoyingly cocky.
“I don’t doubt that,” Fred replied unhelpful. It was in his nature to be a dickhead at all times.“But this is y/n we’re talking about! We’ll just ban them from the burrow or something if they say no.” There was a reason no one went to the twins for advice.
George looked to his brother, deadpan. Fred looked back, grinning.
“ Or,” he suddenly lit up, an idea brewing in his head. “what if we get our hands on some of that amortentia thing? Say we need their help and before you know it theyre all blah blah blah dreamy George smell and we’ll know!!!!” It was almost certainly a failing plan, but it was better than anything George had in mind and sadly he shared his brother’s brain cells. Or lack thereof.
“ OI y/n!” Fred called out. “ George and I are testing out a new product and we would be honoured if you and your royal nose gave it a try. It’s a real business investment!” His accent mocking that of a commercial salesman from the muggle tvs.
“Fred Weasley if you think I’d willingly stick my face anywhere near something you have made, you are a bigger idiot than you make yourself out to be,” they responded. Having been best friends with the twins for five years, they had long learnt their lesson on trust and why exactly not to place it in gingers. They gave one last unimpressed look and walked away.
Fred and George shared a look. Perhaps if they actually thought plans through they wouldn’t be in this position right now.
“ Well hey!” Fred said “ At least they spoke to you! That’s a step!”
“No you git, they spoke to you.”
“ Yes but you look like me so it’s all the same,” Fred replied, once again trying to lighten the mood. “ What if we get Hermione to try it? They won’t suspect anything if it comes from her.” Thus another plan equally as devastating was formed.
It only took a couple of hours of threats and promises no one intended to keep to get Hermione on board. She agreed based on the terms that the twins would leave her alone to revise after. Short time pain for long term gain some would say.
“Hey y,n!” Hermione smiled ever as friendly, walking over to where y/n was in the great hall. “Im sorry to bother you but we’ve been assigned this potion and I can’t seem to figure out the ingredients. I was thinking since you’re a fifth year you might know them?” Hermione was as good at lying as the twins were at making plans.
“ The twins didn’t set you up for this did they?” Y/n replied unconvinced.
“ No! Merlin no! I’m really stressed over this y/n and I really thought you could help me but if you can’t take me seriously I’ll ask elsewhere.” Maybe Hermione wasnt that bad after all.
“Oh no I’m sorry! Of course I’ll help. Alright I smell rain and-,” they paused after seeing a tuft of ginger hair appearing from under one of the tables from the corner of their eye, a pair of brown eyes following, most certainly that of Fred weasley. Hermione, the brightest witch of her age, seemed to have fallen victim to a Weasley scheme. Depressing. Y/n decided they weren’t going to let themself miss out on the fun.
“And?” Hermione near shouted, clearly trying to direct the attention back to herself but forgetting human social skills in the process.
“And-Oh! This last smell is kind of like husky?” They said uncertain. “I totally get why you couldn’t figure it out. I’m so sure I’ve smelt it before though.” Hermione quickly responded with a ‘mhm’, unsure where this was going and uninterested all the same.
“Oh I know! This smells like Snape’s hair! I can almost taste the grease,” they replied with the most genuine smile they could manage. They had nothing against Hermione, but this awkward, subtle form of revenge was far more entertaining than they had anticipated.
Hermione paused, clearly filled with regret and remorse for what she had inserted herself into. “You-.” She exhaled before starting again. ”You know what professor Snape’s hair smells like?” She replied cringing but slightly curious. Maybe she could buy the professor shampoo or something to get on his good side, after all Gryffindor needs all the house points they can get.
“Oh yeah I’ve taken a couple of sniffs before when he wasn’t looking,” y/n grinned. ”Do you think he noticed?” Now Hermione was just disturbed. She stared blankly at y/n before taking the potion from their grasp and walking away. This is what she gets for choosing to socialise instead of revising.
Waiting in the common room was George, an accomplished grin set on his face when Hermione walked in, which slowly faded when he saw her face. Not that that wasn’t his usual reaction when he saw the know-it-all.
“So?” He questioned fishing for a response. “How’d it go?”
Hermione stared blankly back at him.
“Unless you’re professor snape it seems they dont have any interest.”
George was really beginning to regret his existence.
A/n: this was way longer than I had anticipated and was also marinating in the drafts much like the nits in Snape’s hair <3
While you’re here check out a prank to die for
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smartkookiee · 25 days ago
here i come miss 👩‍🏫
i’m going to start saying that Mel and Nam are such a simps for each other and they are so in love, it’s so annoying that i’m not going to shower today 😡
Oc becoming obsessed with jk and thinking about him makes me so happy (ik obsessed is a strong word but i have free will) and let me tell you something, my heart HURTS for Ji-eun, pls god take her pain away and give it to Ash Travino (are you on that side of tiktok? lmao)
also, i will not forgive you if one day i read: major character death in the warnings of a future ch girl 😭 don’t do that to our life-advice queen!!
also2, when i tell you my jaw DROPPED at the ‘good at bowling or good at sex’ part, I LITERALLY DIED (and laughed, who am I trying to lie to?)
now, jk saving oc from jackson is what i call returning to traditional values ☝🏻🙏🏻💖 i would have LOVE to know what jk was thinking watching that interaction, like literally take my money 💵 and spill the tea
also3 (this is the last one promise) my baby Tae being the wingman? not on my bingo card, am i upset? absolutely fucking no
sorry to hear you also had a rough day at school, hope tomorrow goes better 🩷 thank you for such a good chapter!!!
I’m just going to be waiting for your responses every time I drop a chapter now LMAO
Im not on that side of tik tok but I do know what you’re referring too
I can answer this here about when JK pulls y/n away from Jackson:
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— WWNS CH.7 Extra
“Wow it must really bothering you that Y/N is so good.” Jimin teased Jungkook poking at his cheek. Jungkook expression was a little too serious and focussed for bowling.
“I am not.” Jungkook waits for the alley to reset after Jimin’s absolutely terrible throws into the gutter. Jimin and Taehyung really had given up and were only invested in making sure you could beat Jungkook.
“Yeah right. You’re all tense. Chill it’s all in good fun.” Jimin shakes Jungkook’s shoulders trying to get him to chill out. It does get him to smile but Jungkook was still planning to beat you. "Now go, it's your turn."
Jungkook picks up his ball, trying to initially think of something clever to say. You weren't just winning the game, you were also winning this trash talk back and forth. He honestly still couldn't believe your comment earlier, mostly because Taehyung keeps laughing about it.
Jungkook had been so quiet mostly because he was trying to think of a good comeback but was coming up short. He glances around for just a second to see where you ended up at. You were talking to one of the guys that came with your coworkers.
You didn't look exactly thrilled to be talking to this guy, you had a similar look on your face talking to this guy that you did when talking to him. It quickly seemed to shift into a more uncomfortable expression, this guys seemed to have trapped you in this conversation. You were looking around at your coworkers and searching around yourself, probably trying to find any excuse to leave. This guy wasn't budging it seemed.
Jungkook didn't really know what to think. He just was speaking before he knew what he was doing.
“Listen… uhh Jackson.” You started but before you would say something else.
"Y/N." Jungkook called over, he really didn't know where he was going with this. It at least seemed to give you and opening. Which was confirm but your reluctant but relieved face coming over to him.
I hope that sort of satisfies the curiosity???? Not super exciting but gives you an idea.
Taehyung being a wing man is like my favorite thing in this fic so far, and I've got so many ideas to unfold around that
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bluizu · 2 months ago
*jingles key* oooo you wanna tell me about your centrist headcanons oooo *jingles more keys* maybe even your moderates too
chat i have been hypnotized
qui does graffiti, and sometimes does commissions for small businesses (im not talking about walmart /ref)
while qui loves cats, ancap is allergic so qui can't have one in the centricide house. qui instead had a tamagotchi
quir room is a constant mess, except for the bed, which is made every morning for whatever reason
autism and ADHD, unsurprisingly. can you really look at quem and not think that quis a little Yippeeeeeee
also dyslexic asf
he wears round reading glasses, and they make him look like a nerd (affectionate)
while he'd never admit it, he quite likes starbucks
demisexual king
his room is neatly cleaned, but somehow, something is always broken. be it a chair, a lightbulb, something is constantly on disrepair
autistic. duh
his favorite book is actually not the communist manifesto, it's just the one he has the most interlingual copies of. his favorite is state and revolution
he plays the violin on occasion, but he doesn't know many songs so he just makes them up as he goes
he has an old map of the world in his room dating to 1988, for the sole reason of pretending the ussr is still a thing. germany not being united yet is a bonus to him
nothing in his room has ever seen sunlight for more than 15 minutes
actually really good at COD. also a really sore loser. he blames the latter on his roommates
he likes playing dnd for self hatred reasons because he gets to play a character that he finds ""pure"" (almost threw up a bit in my mouth writing that)
mommy issues
his room is very clean, but he fucking REFUSES to clean out his trashcan until ancap yells at him to
obviously gay in denial, i mean have you looked at him
the one i think the least of, probably. that's not saying i think of him little because i rotate the extremists like in the Micheal Wave on every occasion
huge swiftie, but if anyone ever pointed out out he'd fucking kill himself
likes to taunt commie whenever his stocks are up. notably shuts up when they're down
invested in ftx and lost a LOT. well, not a lot comparing to his overall wealth, but well over 500 000$ in that account alone
unsurprisingly, packing heat
Moderate Lee:
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bthump · 6 months ago
What do you think would happen if Griffith not only won the fight, but if the eventuality of his sword straying off the mark and killing Guts, that Griffith considers (and accepts...) before the fight, actually came true? could this be enough to trigger all the events of the Eclipse or do you think he could pick himself up from killing Guts more easily than from being abandoned by him and instead of following the exact same pattern as when Guts leaves, simply become more determined (and more ruthless than ever) to achieve his dream? bonus question: where would Casca be in all this? would she be able to stay by Griffith's side had Guts been killed by him and with seemingly no remorse?
question 2 (im almost done, i promise <3) - had Griffith won without killing Guts (provided Guts didnt try to leave anyway or at least wouldnt manage to sneak out again, since Griffith would probably keep him on a leash afterwards lol), do you think their relationship could still be salvaged or would there be no way for Griffith to forgive him for ever wanting to leave (and no way for Guts to forgive Griffith for forcing him to stay)?
huge fan of all your meta posts, you simply get it, you just get it, and ive been rotating that duel scene and all its possible outcomes in my head to the point of losing my goddamn mind, so. there it is. hope you have a good day!
Thank you! Hope you also have a good day <3 Sorry this took a while to answer, I've been sleepy recently thanks to schedule changes.
What I generally think is that Griffith killing Guts in that duel wouldn't be a behelit-opening event itself, because I feel like there's a reason Griffith had to go through the torture for a year. I definitely think it could also lead to him sleeping with Charlotte and getting caught though, and it would be just as if not more devastating than Guts just leaving, because now Griffith believes that Guts wanted to leave him out of disgust/hatred/resentment/whatever, AND also he just proved him right in the worst way possible.
What I personally envision happening in this scenario is that Griffith gets cold and distant and wraps himself up in his dream to the point of losing all genuine connection with others. He'd also double down on the seeing himself as a monster thing and embody that even more, doing worse and worse things to achieve his goals. Basically becoming Femto and NeoGriffith in spirit, if not literally.
I see this because imo within the griffguts dynamic, Guts basically embodies Griffith's potential to give up his dream and all its associated negative shit like guilt and self loathing, and be emotionally fulfilled without being obsessed with a distant goal. So if Griffith kills him, thematically he's destroying all hope of growing as a person and he can only regress into all his worst traits from there.
As for Casca... this isn't based on any kind of analysis lol, but I think she'd stay for a while and maybe try to draw Griffith's humanity out, but maybe she would leave eventually, falling out of love with Griffith and understanding that even their friendship is over, and wanting distance from him. I don't think she'd hate him for killing Guts, since they're all mercenaries, but I think it would change how she sees him for the worse.
I'd like if she stayed because she has her own emotional investment in the realization of Griffith's dream, or at least her life as a soon to be knighted captain of an army, but unfortunately canonically she is only there because of her feelings for Griffith lol. If I was writing it as a fic though she'd stay because she's got a great life going in Midland, but she'd drift away from Griffith and fall for someone else.
Wrt your second question, I definitely think their relationship could be salvaged, and honestly imo it's a great jumping off point for canon divergence fic. There's drama, there's angst, but there's still potential for a happily ever after. They'd both assume the other hates him, they'd be polite and strained and awkward and only interact professionally, but eventually something could give and they'd realize that they've been in love with each other the entire goddamn time lol. Like if Griffith nearly died for Guts again, eg.
Thanks for the fun questions!
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candy8448 · 7 months ago
The final meshi
(reading the final chapters for the first time)
(Previous post)
Man chapter 95 make me wanna cry
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So much father daughter bonding energy here
I love chilchuck so much
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I love how everyone just misunderstands the question XD
I also lodt how marcille is fine with her fate and is like "yay besties!" With the elves who are gonna imprison her, lol
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Man these pages are gonna make me cry i love them so so so much.
I like how marcille learns that she can't make everyone's lifespans longer just like that so she learned what she had been doing this whole story because of senshi and the others 😭
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Chapter 95 is probably my favorite of these final chapters, it gives us a final impression of all the main cast and what's changed about them.
That last pannel makes me go ajsgskaahaba
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This reminds me of that one pannel of chilchuck i keep seeing
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Even at the end of the manga, kui brings uo interesting things to think about in her world, such as what does chimera meat contain? Would some ingredients be toxic to other races?
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Marcille blushing so much at eating her girlfriend XD
Also i heard so much about chilchuck doing marcille's hair and i thought that maybe it would be a few pages long. I really wanted a bonding between them especially since they've been at eachother's thoats the entire series, but alas, its one page and i was slightly dissapointed. I was hoping we at least got one pannel where we see chilchuck doing her hair
(Dadchuck :D)
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Dang im gonna cry again :(
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Ive never been so sad to see one of these end notes
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Ahh!! this chapter page looks so nice !!
Also dadchuck vibes (im so sorry i keep mentioning it, but i just cannot stop seeing it)
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XD i love the "*please don't acctually do this"
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Also that first pannel on that second page looks so good
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Oooh the first page is so cool
And the second page is so cute!! 💖
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This is hilarious XD: falin's nice greeting, shuro's blush, namari's awkwardness, chilchuck's disgust and marcille's pure, hatered filled deadpan.
(Also like how its just characters from laios' first party)
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Sigh... like brother, like sister
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This pannel is a wonderous piece of art
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ahh dungeon food... delicious in dungeon
I love this series so much, its probably one of my favorites and im so sad to see it go. Totally buying the adventurer's guide once i can buy it (i want to have something physical from this series) so there may be anther post or two of these but that will be after probably a long while
Final thoughts:
But i love kui's detail in her world and characters, there is so much depth and questions in every corner to develop further. The story was syper engaging and i loved every step of the way. I was told that this series was goofy but then goes super serious for the rest, but it actually did an amazing job at switching between comedy and seriousness quickly but im a way that seems completely natural. (I also adore the art style)
She also did an amazing job at making me interested in ALL of the characters. Usually in series they introduce so many characters all of a sudden and dont develop them that well at all, but still expect me to be invested in them, so the series remains just have a ton of scenes of these new characters interacting but are so shallow that i skim super quickly over them, and then i fall out of love with the entire series as a whole and have to drop it because im getting bored, but kuo manages to keep me invested with every character introduced, so im invested in them almost as much as the main cast and love them all (also the character designs are all super creative. You probably saw those posts where people say you cant play the "find the main cast game" with dunmeshi because of how great the designs are.
Man this is such a good series
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goldenpinof · 8 months ago
yooo i totally get where youre coming from wrt feeling like the only person who gives a shit enough to critique these kinds of little things about dnp. it definitely shows that they don't really care for the details, which personally i don't mind w things like the websites (maybe that's just bc i don't have an eye for graphic design!) but when it comes to details that imo make a significantly lesser experience as a viewer and fan, it really can feel really unprofessional on their end.
it's interesting because, on one hand, that's a little bit their charm, sorta scrappy OG youtubers who haven't really changed their formula much but continue to create CoNtEnT because they have an established community who enjoys what they do. but then on the other hand, they often allow that attitude to seep into things like operating their business, overlooking details in editing, weirdness with just about all of the managements theyve been under, the general tone-deafness of cheerfully announcing there will be more us and uk shows and completely brushing over the call for them to at least MENTION the rest of the world that isn't europe or the us.... also i think so often about how garbage their bday livestreams were in terms of production, that would be so unacceptable from literally anyone other than dnp, but because it's them they get away with it lmao. (and yes ultimately those streams were for a good cause and they succeeded in the fundraising, but that can't be an excuse for low quality.)
their unprofessionalism is like a double-edged sword in a way, like i genuinely find them difficult to recommend to other people, not necessarily because i think my friends wouldn't like their sense of humor, but because there ARE creators out there who have similar origins and have done similar things and have improved quality production alongside their growth. and again, i do not necessarily mind scrappiness, but it feels like it's at odds with the amount of money they make and the type of productions they are trying to do with things like the tour. and that's the other thing, they are FULLY CAPABLE of having consistently good production quality to all of their shit, not just the big tours. they just choose not to, and whether or not that's for the sake of image or being control freaks or they really do not care, it ends up making a worse experience for their audience imo.
(but like. im also of the mindset that dan should have done stand-up shows in dingy bars for $10 instead of wad so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
"control freaks"
for the last 2 years i question this statement almost every day. because if they were control freaks, none of this bullshit with promo materials existed.
and it's not about design itself. it's about typos and just wrong names of the venues. my main question is: WHY is it so hard to make things right? because realistically, it's not hard at all.
especially when people are telling you and asking you to fix it. like, how fucking stubborn you should be to brush it off. your work is your public image. and i'm sorry, but it looks like shit. it's so unprofessional, it's painful to look at. and i'm not even talking about videos. i'm talking specifically about danandphiltour.com and promo materials. editing of their videos is a different problem.
production-wise: this time, i have to say that i don't really care. but i get what you mean. there are youtubers who invested in this. dnp didn't. because they don't care, because it works how it is right now.
in conclusion: our loyalty is at fault. if we cared about work details a little bit more and were more serious, maybe, just maybe, we could level up all these things. but it seems like no one cases, and i'm tired of fighting this battle for years. i'm gonna take the L eventually. but the tour got on the way, unfortunately.
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lyretheinstrument · 9 months ago
Finished batch one of tfe season 2 and honestlyyyyyyyhhh..,.
(first batch review and opinions)
(cut to avoid spoilers)
it's rough compared to the first season. I genuinely believe it's not the creators fault and they probably got mega rushed and a ton of budget cuts.
This season was definitely more Terran focused and I don't minddd that?? because it is their show. but I do wish legacy characters got a bit of spotlight. I know prowls coming in batch two so I hope he gets a fair share of screentime. again, I know it’s supposed to focus on the Terrans but I feel that if your gonna include the cybertronians can you try to use them a little more ? otherwise don’t have them at all yk /lighthearted
but personal grievances aside for a moment the writing was ROUGH. I know it's a kids show but almost all the episodes felt weirdly paced, awkward, and babyish?? and the animation downgrade doesn't make it any better.
honestly a lot of it was just really distracting and I couldn't really focus on the story. Also the story itself felt kinda, unfocused? idk maybe that's a personal thing as well. I found it kinda hard to get invested. The Terrans I only really like are twitch thrash and nightshade. jawbreaker is fucking insufferable. I’m sorry.
I noticed a lot of the issues in the episodes could have been easily solved. That is NOTT something u want an audience to feel.. a simple communication or action could have easily prevented an issue in an episode. :/
personal grievances back infront IM SO MAD BEE GOT LIKE ZERO SCREENTIME
Optimus episode was cute tho I like it when characters shit on jawbreaker
I don't mind the cons being villains but if you’re gonna have them as villains can you give them more personality and screentime. also a lot of the decepticons felt bland or out of character.
A fun and interesting plot line we could have had (at least in my opinion) is decepticon infighting. It felt bizarre to me that soundwave and shockwave just fell in line when starscream assumed leadership. IDK!! I feel like the three would be arguing over who would be leader?? Correct me if I’m wrong on this I might he looking at this all wrong. </3
honestly I had like zero interest in spitfire and aftermath but at LEAST aftermath had a new design (GLARES AT SHAMELESS TWITCH RECOLOR).
like I’m not even upset that twitch and spitfire have the same/similar alt modes because it works w them being literal parallels of eachother. I’m just mad it’s just a straight up (lowk ugly) recolor. it just doesn’t work for me personally. Especially bc a good redesign could immediately fix a lot of my issues with it. like make her sharper or give her different patterns and adjust the color placement SOMETHING BRO.
that concludes my disorganized ramble for now. I’m excited to see everyone’s thoughts on the first batch of season two and I remain optimistic for the second half :3
side note:
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cogentsummoner · 27 days ago
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alright i've been enabled to yap, and yap i shall
some things to keep in mind:
i haven't watched rody's movie, the only thing i know about him is he and izuku were gay together.
i don't like bakugo
"otp" is perhaps a bit too strong for how i actually feel- i'm not SUPER invested in the student ships. those are just the ones i like best
a lot of these i don't have a lot of like. actual thoughts on. so im only gonna talk about the ones i wanna talk about
if you do wanna hear specific thoughts on ships i don't talk about. just lmk
okay on with the yapping
izuku/aoyama: man i haven't even gotten to the traitor part in the manga but just on a basic level. the fucking parallels. the themes. the symbolism. aoyama trying to reach out to izuku in his own way. im in fucking shambles fellas.
izuku/shinso: again. the parallels. the themes. their fight was SO fucking good. the fact that izuku GETS IT during the sports festival and he can't say anything. i want them to bond so bad. society if mha actually took place over three years and we got to see shinso in class 2-a
izuku/shouto: man do i need to say anything. you fucking saw the sport festival fight. i just wish they had more time together one on one yknow.
izuku/ochaco: idc if it's basic of me to like them i just think they're cute!! i love how ochaco is inspired by him!! i wish they had had more screentime together!!!
izuku/iida: they have SUCH good chemistry. they're dumbasses in different directions and i think that's beautiful.
izuku/ochaco/himiko: for me the only way izuku/himiko works is if ochaco is also there. very much "my girlfriend ochaco and ochaco's boyfriend izuku" energy
izuku/pony: i just think pony is cute and she should show up more
izuku/melissa: again, you've heard it with aoyama and shinso. the themes. the symbolism. we truly could've had it all. if only melissa was a main cast member. at least we have team up missions volume 1
izuku/momo/jirou: mostly im just like. why is izuku there. that's a lesbian couple he's just third wheeling at that point
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mellohiizz · 3 months ago
going back to ken's a wanted criminal thing
when they arrive back at wato's house, i think ken would try to come up to them, relieved and happy that they were back but would stop at parrot shrinking in on himself, after a few seconds of tensity, wemmbu would drag away from all of them and make a makeshift nest for the both of them, it's been a while since the both of them huddled in one
ken, still feeling guilty over hurting parrot, is slightly reassured by wifies saying that explaining things to parrot might help a little, it won't fix things, but it might start to mend their fractured trust, still feeling awful about it, ken heads to bed early in his room
i like to think that even with all the unfortunate things that have happened, this is when wifies and egg started bonding, with wato pouring the three of them tea and all of them talking to each other until midnight, talking about all sorts of things, things wifies already knew and things he only learned then, he was especially in egg's previous life in the zam empire, egg noticing how invested wifies is in their conversation and enjoying wifies's presence in general, asks wifies if he wanted to exchange letters with him, wifies accepts the offer with no hesitation
the next day would start off a bit tense, even with eggbu's chatter in the background, i think after breakfast ken would try to slowly try to approach parrot and before wemmbu could stop them, parrot stops him first and goes with ken to the backyard to hear them out
ken would try to explain that there were a couple of reasons why they didn't tell him, none of it was because they didn't trust him, one part of it was because they didn't want to scare him off that the both of them knew that he was already anxious around them for being a catfolk and they didn't want to add on to that worry, another part of it was because it was hard to talk about it in the first place, to pass out and wake up finding out that a part of their village was burned down because of them was something that they haven't fully processed, even now, another part was because there was never a good time to bring it up and they were so sorry-
(side note: i had a brain fart about this, but i wanted to put it in somewhere that the omz mask and wifies's creation were related somehow, i'm not sure how yet but it is)
parrot gently lays his forehead over theirs as an attempt at quieting them down for a second, it works and it takes a few more seconds for parrot to reply with the fact that while he is still hurt by ken's actions and he might not fully understand why they didn't tell him sooner, he does forgive them, at least somewhat forgives them, and that he's not gonna leave them and wifies over this and that they're gonna be ok, hopefully, his trust in them is still a bit strained, but he takes another chance with them
(maybe, late at night, when ken, parrot, and wifies are all huddled up with each other, wifies would whisper to parrot that he's saying this so parrot won't get blindsided and also because he trusts him, but he also has a secret that parrot doesn't know, i think parrot would reply with a small nudge at his head as a form of appreciation, he would like to know what it is, but right now he's grateful to not have any surprise revelations right now)
OUVHHHH i love this so much ☹️☹️ justice duo nesting together... i need that. wemmbu making the a nest from whatever he can find, and pulling parrot in with him, basically curling himself up around parrot, covering him up with his wings and all... parrot chirping and softly bonking their heads together as a sign of gratitude... im soft for them in this au, don't talk to me. /silly
also love the idea of the mask and wifies creation was somehow connected. that's very interesting. i wonder if ken knows about that. (assuming that's the secret wifies told parrot about)
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neos-schlond-poofa · 11 months ago
rl donna beneviento hcs
because @scuba-gragas (your acc is NOT linking for some reason) freaked out over one of my edit captions and im like. why not share more sad stuff about donna! and also silly stuff in here too.
repeating this from the edit but due to her tendency to remember numerous timelines, donna has even more of a SEVERE fear of being abandoned by mc and lacks a lot of self confidence in the relationship. she remembers mc being happy with the others, what if they did a better job than her? what if mc goes to them? or perhaps, what if the loop occurs and mc goes to someone else, and donna sees them just act happier? was she easily replacable?
however, sometimes donna DOES express her relationship anxieties and mc always does help out; its not all torment for donna, dont worry. as time goes on she always tries to be more open with mc about her feelings
okay back to sad. i imagine this happens to everyone but in their own way, but donna is a sleep hugger. so when she wakes up the day after the loop, shes hugging a pillow instead of mc and she just sits there for a bit. sometimes, she doesnt really get it, other times, she instantly knows what happened. she hates the feeling of waking up that morning and thinking she has someone in her arms, only to have an empty spot in her bed.
really good at claw machines. when angie was younger, she loved going to the arcade, and so donna mastered the art of claw machines to get angie a bunch of prizes (and sometimes herself).
invested in noise cancelling headphones / earbuds once she got with mc. she wears them a lot everywhere and even went to her first concert with them, it helps her not be overstimulated.
she hates herself for this, but part of her prays that mc stays with miranda after she has to wipe belas memories. she cant stand the thought of hurting her niece again in another loop.
would probably get a sims addiction, but specifically making sims.
plays relaxing video game soundtracks in the store (dani, angie, and mc often update the playlists)
she sells those fake flowers on april fools that shoot water at peoples faces.
loves to watch operas and ballets.
im struggling with wording this but like. when donna realizes the loop has occured she always just takes a bunch of time to prepare herself for whatever is going to happen, but ESPECIALLY knowing she has to murder someone for angie again. shes basically doomed to do this forever until mc gets with miranda; and i KNOW angie sometimes isnt a doll but. lets forget about that!! i just imagine shes always a doll anyways, it makes more sense that way, and either way, a loop where angie is fully human is just a temporary break for one of donna's many problems.
ethel cain stan
hates hospital shows for MANY reasons. she doesnt like seeing the hospitals first of all, she doesnt like seeing when the people die, and she hates the medical inconsistencies.
in loops where bela and mc have a family (sigh), she can't help but literally try to keep her distance. they won't have their family for long, and she cant bear to tell them that (although bela is most definitely aware) or even get attached to their baby, she doesn't want to lose someone close again (although bela does not catch onto this; she tries to get donna involved as opposed to alcina)
owns a typewriter
constantly has a tab of solitaire open on her laptop.
theres a picture of markiplier hidden in her room and she doesnt know it. angie hid it there and has been waiting for donna to find it. thing is? she hid it before the loop started. so it is permanently there for every loop.
always has really cutesy and simplistic halloween costumes she wears in her flower shop for the holiday. her favorite costume is a bee.
loves build-a-bear. it obviously takes her some time to get ready to go there (she often plans out their least busy times), but she loves to make her own plushes for her collection and buy them new clothes. eventually takes mc there for a date and they adopt a bear together.
but outside of that? she really hates getting new ones there during the loops. she gets really attached to them and she hates knowing they're only there for a short time.
kanoodle master.
hates the smell of nail polish
great hugger, even if she doesn't give them out that often.
owns a bunch of retro game consoles and likes to collect them, although she doesn't get much time to play them.
hates the bee movie; angie loves it
while mc obviously does open her eyes, donna still struggles with the concept of even trying to get better because she knows its all just going to loop. yes, she will work on things and they will improve, but certain things will revert back to normal after the loop anyways.
once tried to dance in the rain for fun and ended up getting a cold instead.
alright i think thats it... i might share more in the future but i tried to balance this with silly and sad.
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munsonsboy · 3 months ago
so invested in prism steve + hopper
go read it if you haven't @thorniest-rose and @azrielgreen made such a dark and beautiful fucked up steddie/harringrove universe
I wrote a little something ⭐⭐⭐
since he's the sheriff and it was big news for such a small town, hopper heard about when they moved into town. the boy who walked like he perfected not cutting himself on the ice and sharp things he was stuffed with but whose smile and kind words could melt the biggest glacier. and his parents who liked to pull the disappearing act. who was gone more than not.
the 14 year old retired model and his parents who must be so proud to have such a hard working and over achieving kid.
he thought, 'well they're gonna be trouble.' and the first time he got called to an out of control house party he was proven right. but he wishes he wasn't. jim hopper would do anything to not have been right about Steve Harrington.
he pulled up to the house and that's all he had to do for the kids to book it. beer bottles were forgotten, thrown. blunts were swallowed and kicked on. if you didn't know it was a bunch of teenage kids who should be too young to make such a noise, you'd think it was a herd of elephants running from the house as fast as their thick new born legs can.
hopper waited for most of them to clear out. there's no point in chasing after them, hes known most of these kids all their lives. he's not gonna waste his energy.
after it seems like most of them cleared out, hopper makes his way up to the house and that's when he steps out.
he looks confused, a little lost.
hoppers not gonna let his soft little boy face play with his emotions the way the kid is probably trying for.
and before he could even say anything the kid asks 'whats going on?'
like it's not obvious. all those big hollywood parties probably made him feel invincible and like he could get away with anything. its gonna be one hell of a shock that he can't get away with it anymore here in hoppers town.
'hi, steve right?' a nod. 'im the county sheriff, jim hopper. im not sure how they do it where youre from but here things like drugs and underage drinking are illegal.'
'illegal?' the kid asks, as if he didn't know drugs and underage drinking is illegal. as if he doesn't know the word illegal exsists. that has hopper pause. and now that he stops to collect and pack in his indignation, hopper sees that the kid looks sleep rumpled. hair smashed at one side, eyes squinting and crusted in the corners, sleep pants and tshirt hanging off one skinny shoulder.
too skinny of a shoulder.
'yeah, I got a complaint from the neighbors. said they smelled pot, said they could see everything from the sidewalk. you gotta at least try to keep a low profile if youre gonna be having these types of parties in this neighborhood.'
'oh.' steve nods his head like he understands but his eyes still look confused, a little glassy.
'you high, kid?'
'no. just woke up.' hopper thought so but it still surprises him.
'you were sleeping? during your own house party?'
'the noise is nice.' and hopper shouldn't fall for it. he's a rich hollywood kid and could probably act his ass off for anything. but then he remembers steve's files.
Thirteen. Forty.
he still looks like he could use a couple hours of sleep and a nice hot meal.
steve's looking at hopper like he's waiting to be told what to do and like he needs it.
'well where are your parents?'
steve tilts his head like the question makes no sense, as if it's normal for his parents to not be around and it's common knowledge.
'ok how about this, is everyone cleared out?'
'think so.'
'well wait here, im gonna go make sure.' hopper does. Its a big empty house like he expected. he heads back out and says to steve 'all good, you go inside now, lock the doors and go back to sleep. you got one hell of a clean up in the morning, kid.' the boy gives a soft sad sigh, but nods his head and starts to turn towards the house. 'and no more crazy house parties ok? or at least keep them drug free and quiet, or you're gonna end up seeing a lot of me.' another nod - the bobble head interpretation would be funny if there wasn't something so heart breaking about it - and he does what he's told.
good boy.
hopper takes a look around the yard. it's trashed and the inside was even worse. empty fridge, unlocked liquor cabinets, full pill bottles of the good prescribed stuff that just so happens to be left home and probably refilled when they magically disappear in between each 'work trip'.
he rolls up his sleeves and gets to work. after 5 hours of deep cleaning the yard, an excuse to the office about a personal emergency, hopper makes sure the front and back doors are locked.
they are.
and from that point forward he gets a call from the same neighbor about the raging house party a sleeping boy is hosting and needs controlled at least twice a month.
sometimes more but that's what hoppers here for. god knows no one else is.
the office let's him make his half ass excuses when he disappears after each call out and sometimes he wishes they wouldnt. what if he wasn't helping the kid out? what if he was someone like Forty?
but he's not and he tells himself he won't let someone like that back into steve's life again.
it hurts like a fucking bitch when he can't keep his own promise to himself.
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what-the-fic-khr · 1 year ago
Hiii Bronwyn I hope you are doing well ! :’) I’m wondering if you’d be up for writing something a lil cute and sweet and fun about Squalo discovering that his s/o has their nips pierced?? 👀 absolutely understandable if this doesn’t spark any inspiration tho bc ahdjshdjfhd I am truly just So Down Bad for any squalo content atm💀 thank you for your time and consideration !! 🖤
character/s: superbi squalo, reader-insert (gender-neutral)
word count: 661
warnings: talkin’ about nipple piercings but doesn’t mention body type, so gender neutral. suggestive at the end lol
prompt: squalo learns his partner has nipple piercings
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It was getting too damn hot. God, he needed to invest in a fan or something. This shit was getting ridiculous.
Squalo glanced up shortly to acknowledge you entering his office, grunting lowly before returning to his paperwork.
“D’you need your hair put up?” You hovered around to fiddle with some things after handing him some papers, checking to see if his windows could open any further than they were. The answer was ‘no’.
“Huh? Whatever.”
Wasn’t a refusal, so you shuffled over to carefully pull his hair up. It wasn’t the neatest, not by a long shot, but it got the majority of his hair off of his shoulders and out of his face. His brows furrowed; he didn’t have his jacket on and neither did you, but something hard was brushing against his back when you moved. He dropped it when you stepped away.
“Alrighty, good to go. Good luck with that.”
He grumbled something, nodding shortly. You went to leave with a hum, and he watched you closely, eyeing you over until finally the silhouette of your shirt changed just the slightest.
You did, freezing in the centre of the room. You glanced at him curiously. “Yep? Somethin’ wrong?”
His eyes narrowed at you and you huffed a little at the attention on your chest.
“It’s way too warm for that right now, sorry-“
“Shut up, idiot, that’s not what I’m doing. Stay still.”
You did. You tried, at least, when he stood and rounded his desk to advance on you. You took a physical step back when he brushed a knuckle over one of your nipples, the two of you quiet.
“What the fuck? Since when did-“
“Oh!” You pet your chest with a pleased hum. “I just don’t have them in when I’m doing work, and you usually catch me in uniform. Ain’t no way I’m leaving this place today, so I figured I’d wear them for once. It’s been a while!”
This seemed to get the cogs turning in his head for a few seconds, and you would’ve laughed if not for the surprised noise you made when he reached straight for the hem of your shirt.
“W-Wait, you just said-“
“Show me.”
“What?! Right now?!”
“Is there a problem with that?”
You glanced past him at his window warily before tilting your head back to check his door, listening closely for if anyone was walking by. When silence met your ears you relented and lifted your arms to accomodate for him pulling your button down up and over your chest.
“Cute, right? I spent a lot on them; real crystals and all!” You chimed, proud of your taste in body jewellery. “It’s a shame I can’t wear em’ as often as I used to.”
“Used to?” Squalo’s brows furrowed. He’d been with you for a while now, at least over a year and a half, but had not heard of or seen them once until now.
“Oh, I’ve had ‘em since I could legally get them. So, a pretty long time ago. I just had to stop wearing them for safety when I started doing more physical work.”
Well, it made sense, but god that fucking sucked. They looked good on you.
Squalo slowly lifted his gaze up to you and you smiled, head tilting cutely. “Yep?”
You huffed, stumbling backwards until your back met his door when he pushed you across his room by the chest, leaning in, chest to chest. You gasped a little, Squalo wrapping his fingers around your chin and lifting your head.
“It’s still way too warm, but eventually I gotta get all this sweat off of me. Let me see them better later in the shower after work.”
Your breathing had picked up and your head was getting foggy. You nodded the best you could with his fingers holding your head in place.
“Good. Now get lost.”
“Ah… Sure.”
You needed a drink. A cold one.
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batsplat · 3 months ago
who do u root against 😈😈😈😈
(feel free to ignore hahahah im just a hater who likes [non serious] hating <3)
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bastianini's the main one (if you read my top ten 2024 rider ranking really carefully, you can probably detect a slight hint of it), which is a long-term investment that got cancelled for a while on pity grounds last year (quite unfortunate because I'd geared up to go full hater mode when I saw his pre-season did not match the hype his factory signing was accompanied with but... alas, portimao) but has really come through for me this year. the exact results profile to hit the sweet spot - enough good stuff to piss you off but ultimately a lot of vindication. I still remember some of the things people were saying after misano ii... and the beautiful thing about hating that profile of athlete is that you can sit back and observe. not everything needs a reaction. you know they will eventually come through for you. awful mentality, I am secretly in the casey camp where I dislike athletes who aren't taking this shit seriously enough. he was my highlight of the final race of the season, aleix's comment made me smile for days
ehhh vinales I think I'm sort of over, it's just increasingly felt too mainstream and low-hanging fruit to bully him. if EVERYONE is ragging on him then what's the point y'know. I was an early adopter - I knew in my soul that man was not a serious operator pretty early on as a motogp fan. this is a case where being a tennis fan came through for me once again, took one look at him and went 'lostgen'. so the unravelling of the 2017 title campaign after how crazy the hype was... pretty satisfying. but also I genuinely felt happy for him when he won cota this year, so perhaps war is over. when I watch him hurtle backwards at each start, occasionally I feel a kind of nostalgia-induced warmth in my heart. when a pigeon shits on your windowsill every week, do you not eventually become fond of the pigeon? you know that it will never desert you... there is beauty in the rhythms of life if you know where to look
I have a long-standing antipathy for alex marquez that I can't quite remember the origin point for, maybe the story about him being favoured over teammate alex rins to win his moto3 title? which, again, this is very much hating for fun territory, it's not exactly his fault, but y'know. I've always been fond of rinsy and this is extremely extremely mean but I did enjoy that aragon 2020 comment where he said he looked at the pitboard and was shocked at the name and went "wow another one, marquez, another marquez!!" which is just so obviously bitchy given they used to be teammates. and like. I can't not respect that energy. you just kinda feel he'd been sitting on that one for half a decade (same way miller still *clearly* has a grudge against this guy lmfao bless him). did pause my hating on pity grounds for part of the honda stint but last year was rewarding on that front. ehhh.... raul fernandez is now old enough I can say I've been a hater historically, but honestly at a certain point that one kinda loses its kick. still don't entirely get why he's gotten a two year contract extension. there might also be another child I strongly suspect I will be a long-term hater of but unfortunately I need to wait until he turns 22 before I can publicly pray on his downfall :(( even if sometimes you just Know where this path is leading you
anyway lol none of these are THAT serious. I genuinely think the danger factor makes it tough for me to commit to the same extent, like with all these riders I have watched at least one crash that absolutely terrified me. I don't feel as comfortable hating on someone I know there is a slim but real chance I might watch die on any given sunday. (vinales' austria 2020 double proper spooked me icl.) with men's tennis the guys I hate I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire, but also that shit's more serious. AND way less satisfying when you're hating on a generational talent who's just winning everything, usually the guys I'm a hater of in motogp give me a fair bit to work with
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cannibalismyuri · 2 years ago
People aren’t obligated to reblog your fanfics if they don’t enjoy the writing. You don’t get as much attention because you’re not as known. You haven’t been publishing as long as the “big authors” you pretend to love but then bash them immediately afterwards. It sucks, but you can’t buy people’s affection. You pretend to be more humble than everyone else but then get pissed so easily because you don’t have bragging rights.
i never said everyone has to enjoy my writing. also the Thing is; these big authors have been publishing for longer yeah !! and their writing is absolutely marvelous and i genuinely adore them. but. they also are popular bc they're seen as Better than other creators and put on a pedestal. which is both uncomfortable for them and Highly discouraging for others. and this is due to a cliquey mindset. it Is. as much as u like to pretend it isn't, it rlly rlly is. people can be just friends. there is nothing wrong with supporting ur friends' work more or being more invested in ur friends' work. the problem lies in the fact that many people just disregard other rlly talented creators in favor of the already popular ones (who are popular for a reason. their art / fics / wtv Are really good and i read their stuff too! not trying to put them down here, just trying to lift other people up) which makes for a fandom that is going to die out. and dont u fucking dare bring my fics and my engagement and me into this. maybe i was petty abt that before and i acknowledge that. but i haven't made a single post abt how my fics are getting less engagement in Months. the post i did make and the one ur probably so butthurt abt wasn't even initially abt cliques. it was just saying that we need to rb more and be more vocal of our support of creators in the tags or - wherever. NOT underrated / underappreciated / smaller / less popular creators. i was Very general abt it. creators. period. the talk of cliques came into play when i peer reviewed someone's tags on that post. bc they were extremely real and the problem of less vocal support affects "popular" creators too! ive been noticing that they're also getting less engagement. but mostly the people affected by it are creators in the fandom with no prior popularity. and it is an actual issue. also when the actual fuck have i ever bought someone's affection?? im too broke for that, my dude, i struggle to pay rent most months. and i've Not acted humble or holier than thou. the reason i have so many moots and friends is bc im a genuinely nice person who wants to support and uplift EVERYONE in this fandom. i do have personal beef with people, but im civil to Everyone. thats the reason i have friends. unlike you, i dont send anon hate bc im butthurt over one (1) post <3 hope that fucking helps <3 also the post wasnt even abt ME. bc i genuinely dont give a fuck abt people seeing and liking my writing anymore bc i have Grown Past That and just... adopted a give no fucks mindset. the post was abt the fandom slacking and not appreciating creators (PERIOD.) enough. it was never abt me. also bragging rights? babe nobody's bragging abt how they get more interaction. that's rude asf and entirely out of the question. and those popular writers ur talking abt who Could brag if they wanted to DON'T. bc they aren't despicable human beings who love to put others down. i'm Friends, or at the very least, friendly moots w the writers ur talking abt. and im not trying to put them down. im trying to lift other people up, which is smth u just Don't understand apparently. i even contributed in a whole ass event to shine light on talented, less popular writers in the fandom. bylerficrecweek? u might ive heard of it. it helped, or i like to Think it did, with helping people branch out, but the problem wasn't completely solved. people who are equally as talented as the already popular creators have talked abt their experience with engagement in the exact same post that ur so pissed abt. im going to put tags from various people under the cut so that u can see exactly how much people are affected by the prominent clique problem in the byler fandom. hope u have a good day and u wanna kiss me so bad it makes u look stupid 😚
THIS is the post im talking abt in question, the og post along with denise @bylertruther 's tags. i'm going to be putting screenshots of people's tags on this post with due credit. (to any of the people featured here : if u want me to remove ur tags feel free to say so!)
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via @holyvirgilscriptures
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via @runninguplenorahills
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via @unwisewizard
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via @apatheticlexicographer
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via @fireflywitch
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via @hawkwidows
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via @sandinmybed
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via @katimanki2
ANDDDDD thats it! hope u fucking realized that i was speaking generally and also Many people face this problem. kiss my ass 💋
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