barbieb0y · 9 days ago
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another shortened version ... they really wanna catch up with the cn server huh
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hwaslayer · 9 days ago
vivrant thing (jwy) | five.
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—SUMMARY: after getting into a little accident, wooyoung decides to do his sister a favor by pretending to be your date at the company summer party. as soon as the night ends, wooyoung would go back to his usual routine of hanging out with his boys, keeping his distance from committed relationships and being a typical brother to jiwoo. except, the favor comes with more than what wooyoung expects and he finds you occupying his mind more than usual. 
—PAIRING: jung wooyoung x f. reader
—GENRE: (18+ - minors dni) bestfriend’s brother au | fluff, angst, smut
—CHAPTER CONTENT / WARNINGS: cussing, mature language/sexually implied content, crying, chapter is pretty heavily papa-focused, mentions of illness, the talk happens!!, crying, bbygirl is sad and exhausted but wooyoung tries his best, yes im sorry i had to reference the howl/wooyoung thing, small sweet kisses and affectionate acts, very brief mentions of alcohol consumption / intoxication / hangovers, also very brief mentions of wooyoung's past again, more jiwoo vs. wooyoung (bickering not actual arguments lol), lots of apologies from jiwoo lol sorry if i missed anything!
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Something's wrong, and Wooyoung can't figure it out. It's bothering him. As much as he's trying to respect your space, he can't help but worry about you. Especially when you haven't returned any of his texts or calls. He was expecting something, anything by now, so he can't help himself when he sends another text—
wooyoung: are you at work?
you: i'm about to head home.
You only respond because even though you aren't quite ready to face him regarding all of this yet, you don't wanna worry him unnecessarily. But, it still does anyway. Why aren't you at work?
And maybe, he should've asked if it was okay to see you first. It's the anxiety, the panic, within him that isn't letting him rest. He just needed to see you and make sure you were okay after everything that went down. His sister could be a piece of work, and you didn't necessarily have Yeosang to lean onto. Truthfully, you wouldn't be mad if he actually showed up at your door step. He is the comfort you need as much as you'd hate to admit it right now. At the same time, it'd make you a little more sad though, more confused. 
Lo and behold, when you get home from the long night in the hospital, Wooyoung is leaning against the rail; waiting right by your doorstep. You don't question why he's not at work either, but you feel a sense of relief come over you seeing him there. A sense of relief mixed with nervousness. He doesn't say a word, simply cause he's trying to read you. He's trying to figure out if he's the reason why you look so low and tired. If it's his sister, Yeosang. All of the above.
"I don't really have time to talk about this, Wooyoung—" Is all you mutter as you unlock your door and step in.
"Then, we don't have to talk about it right now. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." He slips in and slowly kicks off his shoes, watching the way you drag yourself towards your closet. You're not sure why that's enough to trigger you, but you find yourself starting to tear up. Exhaustion hitting you tough, sadness stemming deep from your gut. Wooyoung can tell, and even if you're trying to be incredibly sneaky about it, he can still hear you quietly sniffing away. "Y/N." He says, forcing you to pause your movements as you continue to cry. "What is it? Whatever it is, let me help."
"Wooyoung, please just go. I need to go back."
"Go back where?" 
"The hospital." You mutter softly.
"The hospital?" He furrows his brows. "Wait, what's going on? Why are you shutting me out?"
"That's a bold question to ask after that everything that's happened." Fuck, Wooyoung thinks. Don't be fucking stupid, Wooyoung.
"You're right, I'm sorry. I'm just—" He pauses, watching as you pack things in your bag before setting it aside and grabbing a new change of clothes. "I'm worried about you."
"Don't be."
"Y/N." He calls you again, and you take this moment to look him in the eye. Everything within you wants to cave when you see him looking down at you the way he is, hand gently tugging at your wrist. He's basically pleading through his eyes, and the only reason why you continue with your next response is because he actually looks like he means it.
"Papa's in the hospital." You softly say.
"W-what?" He stutters. "What happened? He got worse?"
"Kidney infection." Wooyoung sighs. "He's been hiding it, but he's been feeling more than just being tired. The pain got really bad. Super sudden and sharp. He almost went into sepsis cause of the fever he had."
"Shit. Is he okay now?"
"He's stable." You try to brush past him to quickly wash up and change, but he blocks your path.
"Let me take you." You try to move past, yet you're still unsuccessful.
"I'll take you back—"
"Stop it. I don't need you to. I don't need you to do anything for me. I can handle it." Your response almost makes him flinch. Truthfully, he knows he deserves it. He knows it shouldn't have taken him this long to talk to you, to reach out to you. So, he knows. He's fully aware. It doesn't make it sting less, though.
"I fucked up. I acknowledge that and I'm sorry. There's so many things I can tell you when the time is right. But, for now, please don't shut me out and do this alone. I wanna be here for you." He pauses, every inch of his heart slowly shattering the more he sees the tears constantly staining your cheeks. "Please let me be here for you." You nibble on your bottom lip, shifting your attention away from Wooyoung as you wipe at your tears and try to suck it all up, try to regain composure. Before Wooyoung can even reach out to wipe the stragglers away, you step around him and lock yourself in the bathroom, leaving Wooyoung in the middle of your living room area. You give yourself a good 15 minutes to freshen up and change before meeting him outside again. He sits on the arm of your couch, patiently waiting.
"I just need to grab a few more things."
"Do you need me to help pack some stuff up?"
"It's okay." You pack some clothes and the rest of your necessities in case you'll be able to stay the night again, though you know it's probably a long shot. You hate having to be away from Papa, and now [even more than ever], you feel the need to keep him close. You feel the need to make up for not being there when he needed you the most; the guilt eating you alive.
Once you've finished, you grab yourself a bottle of water and turn to Wooyoung who is now waiting for you near the door. He gives you a small, toothless smile, gently grabbing your bag from you before leading the way out of your studio and to the car.
The drive is so, so incredibly quiet, but Wooyoung understands you need this more than anything right now. The only time he spoke a word was when he asked you which hospital you needed to go to. Otherwise, he let you sit in your peace. He'd look over from time to time, itching to hold your hand, kiss your hand or gently massage your head as a way to affectionately reassure you that things would be okay. Instead, he looks back out to the road and adjusts the heat a bit to make sure you're warm enough— hoping it's enough to provide comfort from a distance.
"You sure you don't wanna stop by for food or coffee? Anything? You should eat."
"I can just eat at the hospital."
"Mmkay." Wooyoung says, pulling into the hospital and straight towards the parking garage. When he pulls into a spot on the second floor and shuts off the car, he immediately steps out to grab your things from the trunk. You walk alongside of him towards the main entrance, checking in with the front desk before slapping on your visitor stickers and heading down the hall. It's quite the journey of twists and turns before you get to Papa's room, and a sense of relief washes over you when you finally arrive. He's sleeping in his bed, TV on to one of his favorite cooking shows.
"Papa." You gently rub at his arm to wake him. He looks up at you with sleepy eyes, mustering all his energy to smile back at you and Wooyoung.
"Y/N, Wooyoung."
"How're you feeling?" Wooyoung asks.
"Better. Not the best yet, but better." Wooyoung nods before turning his attention to you. "Why don't you go eat? I'll stay with Papa." Wooyoung looks at you sympathetically. You simply nod in response, tugging Papa's blanket up before you let him know you'll be stepping out for a few minutes.
"Papa, do you need anything right now?" He shakes his head. "I'll be back then, okay? I'm going to get food." Papa nods sleepily. "Wooyoung is here." You turn back to Wooyoung, who is now sitting in the chair next to his bed. "Want anything?"
"I'm good." He gives you a pursed smile, watching you walk out of the room and down to the cafeteria on the other end of the first floor. After grabbing some toast, a bit of egg and bacon, you order a latte to go with your food. You sit at a table near the window and slowly eat away, scrolling through social media and stumbling upon Jiwoo and Hongjoong's pictures. You like all of them, though the two of you hadn't really talked much since the fight, since she left. Despite all of the commotion, you still sent her a text wishing her a safe trip, in which she replied with a heart reaction. 
You left it at that.
It was hurtful, and you were sad you and Jiwoo were like this. But, you were still optimistic that the two of you would return to your usual ways soon. Besides, you still needed to figure out what was going on between you and Wooyoung.
All of this was a mess.
You feel your bottom lip tremble and you press the back of your finger flat beneath your nose to try and prevent yourself from crying in the cafeteria. When you feel the wave pass, you let out a shaky breath before focusing on finishing your food. Meanwhile, Wooyoung continues to watch the TV while Papa lays next to him, in and out of sleep. At least, that's what he thought until Papa breaks the comfortable silence that had fallen between them.
"Wooyoungie." Papa is barely able to make out, his voice hoarse and tired. Wooyoung is surprised to see him awake right now, only being able to imagine how tired he is.
"Mhm?" Wooyoung tugs his blanket up a little more on the side, returning his attention back up to Papa's face afterwards.
"Take care of my Y/N, hm?" He smiles softly. "My body isn't what it used to be. I'm afraid it'll only get weaker, and at some point, my time will come." Wooyoung's heart drops hearing the statement fall from Papa's lips, though, when he faces the reality, it's only the truth. "Take care of her. Please don't leave her alone."
"I will. I promise I won't leave her side, okay?" Papa lets out a content breath, resting his head back against the pillow. "Although, I think I might've messed up with her."
"You didn't." He pulls another tired smile.
"Pretty sure I did." Wooyoung licks his lips. "I was being stupid."
"You needed time, I assume. It happens to the best of us." 
"Did she.. tell you everything?" Wooyoung asks, afraid of the details Papa might know. And he knows, to some extent. You did tell him that dinner with Yeosang was terrible. You did tell him that you drank a little too much after, that you accidentally texted Wooyoung instead of Jiwoo. You did tell him things 'kinda' escalated. 
And then you apologized profusely while you cried at his bedside for not being there because you got into a fight with Jiwoo over the whole thing with Wooyoung. You cried your sorries nonstop; Papa didn't even know what was more painful to endure: you breaking down and sobbing, or his kidneys going outta wack.
"Papa?" You step inside his apartment and slip out of your shoes, a small smile on your face when you see him watering his plants out on his balcony.
"Hey, there she is." He laughs a bit, putting down his watering pot before placing an arm on his lower back. "Was just watering my plants." He winces a bit as he steps inside and plops onto the couch.
"You okay?"
"Ah, my lower back's been bothering me, but it's not too big of a deal. Probably just need to exercise and stretch more."
"You sure? We can go to the hospital just to get it checked out."
"No, no. No need." He sits back and smiles up at you. "I am sure."
"Okay. I'll brew us some tea? I got us a few pastries from your favorite café." You sit the box down on his coffee table and pop it open, revealing a matcha cream pastry and a fruit danish with seasonal berries [which is Papa's favorite].
"Sounds good. Thank you." You smile at him and start heating up some water before seeping bags of green tea. Papa lets out a content sigh as he flips through his TV and starts watching the news while you prep. "So, wanna tell me how dinner with Yeosang went?" You briefly pause, hearing the electric kettle click and automatically shut off. You take two mugs out from his cabinet and pour the tea into each before dipping the green tea bags. You set them aside for another 3 minutes, grabbing two small plates and utensils for the pastries.
"Well, to be straightforward, it was awkward and terrible."
"Awkward and terrible. That bad?"
"I don't even know if we'll even go back to being the same, Papa."
"I'm sure you will. Just give it some time. It's all fresh so it'll feel weird for a little bit." He looks at you and observes the way you avoid eye contact with him, even while you cut the pastries in half. 
"Mhm." You hum.
"Something else happen?"
"Why do you say that?" You pass him his plate and utensils, still avoiding eye contact.
"You're avoiding your old man." He chuckles and you briefly look at him before shaking your head and returning your attention to the matcha cream pastry on your plate. "You were never a liar, so it's easy to tell when you're not exactly telling the truth and covering up."
"I don't know."
"You can tell me when you're ready."
"I am ready. I just don't know how to say it."
"You know I'd never judge you."
"I know, I know." You sit back on your knees before looking up at him. "Hm. After the dinner, I went to the convenience store near my house and drank some soju to get my mind off of dinner with Yeosang. Plus, I dunno, I didn't feel as satisfied so I grabbed some snacks. I got a pretty tipsy again and ended up accidentally texting Wooyoung instead of Jiwoo. He came to my rescue. We hung out at my apartment and um." Your bottom lip pokes out. "Things kinda just.. happened." Papa nods slowly.
"Ahhh." The response is somewhat elongated.
"I know, it's awful."
"No, it's not. But, why do you seem sad or upset about it?"
"Because I dunno where this leads us. We haven't talked. I haven't even told Jiwoo yet either and I know she won't take it well. That'll probably ruin our friendship, too." You sigh. "I'm just losing my friends one by one."
"Don't say that. They love you and care for you as much as you do. Fights will happen but it won't compare to the strong foundations you've built." He pauses. "Where do you want the whole thing with Wooyoung to lead you?" You shrug.
"Is it dumb to say that I like Wooyoung? It all started from the party and—" You let out a frustrated sigh. "I know he probably doesn't feel the same." And that's the issue for you.
"You don't know that. Maybe he needed time to form his thoughts, Y/N." You look at Papa blankly. "People who have feelings will often need time to form their words. It's too deep for them to understand quickly so they dissect carefully. Especially if they don't wanna mess things up. Give him some time before you overthink and start jumping to conclusions. Can you do that for me? Wooyoung wouldn't just leave you without answers like that."
"I guess, ya." Is all you say, shaking it off before you start crying in front of him. "Anyway, tea is ready. I'll go grab it and we can watch your favorite movies?"
"Sounds good to me." He chuckles a bit, though deep down he is a little worried about you. Himself. He's been feeling off lately, and after this, the last thing he wants to do is worry you more. 
He just hopes whatever he's been feeling will pass so it'll be one less thing on your plate.
"She didn't have to tell me specifics." Wooyoung nods. "Do you find yourself feeling any different about her now that time has passed? You can tell me and it'll be safe between us."
"I like her. A lot." He does a slight head tilt. "Wouldn't blame her if she didn't feel the same, though. I handled it poorly."
"My girl's got a big heart." Papa chuckles a bit. "I know she feels the same about you, or else she wouldn't have been sulking over it." He lightly teases, making the heat rise to Wooyoung's cheeks. "Just promise me you'll take care of it. You'll take care of her?"
"I'm sorry. It was my fault in the first place. But, you have my word. I will. I'm gonna make things right after this."
"I trust you." Papa holds out his hand for Wooyoung to take, and he does. He holds it tightly, giving it a squeeze.
"For now, she still needs you, too. Promise me you'll take care of yourself?"
"I know, I should, huh? Might need you to be my personal trainer." Wooyoung laughs a bit.
"I think you're stronger and way more knowledgeable than me."
"Should we arm wrestle when I get a little better?"
"Sure, I'll let you hurt my feelings just once. I deserve it." Papa laughs just before shutting his eyes to rest again. The nurse comes in to give Papa his breakfast and meds, greeting Wooyoung as she sets it up on the table. As soon as she instructs Papa to eat his porridge and take his medicine right after, you walk in and greet her with a small smile on your face. You speak to her to check on any new updates regarding Papa and she reassures you that everything seems to be fine. If he continues to improve and remain stable within the next day or two, she thinks he can go home sooner than later.
"Do you think I can stay here again with him tonight?" You're holding a pastry in a bag and a cold, bottled americano for Wooyoung in your hands. "I-I just don't know if I can leave him alone here." The nurse looks at you sympathetically and shakes her head, her hand on your wrist.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N. I wish I could bend the rules even more for you, but we can't allow visitors to stay for another night. I promise he's in good hands, okay? And as soon as the morning comes, you're more than welcome to come back." You sigh and nod, trying to be understanding of the rules. You knew this would be the outcome, but mentally preparing ahead of time doesn't make you any less sad. Nervous. Anxious.
"No, it's okay. I understand. Thank you." She gives you another sympathetic smile.
"Call me if you need anything, okay? I'm here until visiting hours end tonight." You nod, watching as she walks out, leaving the three of you in the room. You hand Wooyoung his food and drink, pulling the table with Papa's food and medicine over.
"You didn't have to."
"You should eat, too." You look at him before looking at the food and unwrapping it. "Papa, you ready to eat? You gotta take your medicine soon so you can sleep a little more."
"I could eat." You chuckle a bit while Wooyoung helps him sit up properly. 
After Papa eats and drinks his medicine, he continues to fall in and out of sleep due to the exhaustion from everything that happened over the past day and overnight. The pain seems to be managed well, and the treatment plan that the doctor has him on seems to be working. It was caught at a time before things could get too deep and severely irreversible, so you're grateful for that despite the pain Papa had gone through. In between his naps, you and Wooyoung would talk about the show on TV or go on quick walks around the hospital before coming back to the room. The only time Wooyoung leaves your side is to briefly buy some food at the convenience store across the street, grabbing you an egg salad sandwich and some iced tea per your request, and grabbing himself a few other snacks in case you wanted some, too.
Which, as he expected, you ended up stealing his chips and mochi. You only left him with a bite of his favorite strawberry mochi, but he couldn't even be mad when you looked at him with wide-eyes, powder around your lips after taking the majority of the damn thing into your mouth. All he could do was sigh, suppressing the want to tease you and tickle you until you surrender [or kick him in the balls accidentally, whichever comes first].
When evening hits, you make sure Papa gets a good amount of his dinner in before taking his medication and drinking lots of water. It hurts you to leave him alone for the night, but you know he'll be coming home soon and you'll be able to spend as much time as possible with him then. You squeeze his hand and hold back your tears, reassuring him you'll be back in the morning before dragging yourself out of his room when visiting hours ends. Wooyoung trails behind, hand rubbing at your back gently as he guides you back to the car.
The ride back home is equally as silent as the drive over to the hospital, and Wooyoung is having trouble figuring out when he can talk to you about everything going on between you and him. No time ever feels like the right time, but Wooyoung knows he has to do this instead of pushing it off even more. 
"Thank you for driving me and for staying with me today." 
"It's nothing."
"It's a lot, and I really appreciate it." He looks over with a tiny smile before pulling up to your street. It's obvious Wooyoung wants to say more and you know what it is, but the assumption doesn't get solidified until he breaks the silence again; you're not entirely sure how to feel with where this is going.
Anxious? Afraid of what he might actually say to you about everything?
"Y/N." Wooyoung calls for you just as he parks his car and shuts it off. "Can we talk now please? It probably won't feel like the right time, but I'd really like to before the night ends. I don't want another day to pass like this." You look at him, hand tugging on the sleeve of your sweater as you nod.
"Okay." Wooyoung looks at you and gives you a small smile.
"Let me start off by saying I'm sorry about the way things happened. I was fucking stupid and I shouldn't have left you that morning. Truthfully, I just didn't know how to put my feelings into words because it's never been this way for me. I know it sounds cliché, but I really don't know how else to explain it. I just.. I like you. A lot. I have a lot of feelings for you and it was scary for me because it happened quick, and I wasn't sure if you felt the same. I know I should've just said it to avoid all of this in the first place, but clearly I'm bad at it." He chuckles nervously before shaking his head. "Um, anyway—I'm rambling. I'm sorry." He repeats, soft dark brown eyes on you. "Point is, I like you and there's nothing else I've been more sure of. I hope I didn't mess this up already, but I'd understand if you wanted nothing to do with me. I didn't treat you the way you should have been treated that morning, and I'm sorry for making you feel that way in the first place." His voice falls lowly, Wooyoung trying to stomach his nervousness for your response. He watches as you fiddle with your fingers before you look up at him.
"I appreciate the apology. I'm not gonna lie, it was hurtful Wooyoung. And it didn't make it any better that your sister was in my face with the 'i told you so.'" You sigh.
"I'm sorry, I know. That was never my intention, Y/N. And if you wanna do this with me, we can take this slow so that I can show you. Because I never wanna make you feel that way again."
"I feel the same way and I do want this with you, Wooyoung. I'm just scared."
"I know, and that's completely valid. But, I promise you that you can trust me to take care of you from here on out, okay? We don't have to rush into anything and just take it as it comes. But, I'm here with you no matter what. Nothing will change that." You slowly nod, the feelings slightly becoming overwhelming. 
"Okay." Is all you respond with. You're feeling happy, relieved, but also scared, anxious. It might just be everything that's been happening with Papa, but it feels good to know you aren't entirely alone. Because even if you didn't wanna admit it before, you were afraid of being alone. Despite your friends being with you over the years, there was always a sense of loneliness that was hidden in the corner of your mind. Loneliness without your parents. Loneliness without a person, your person. You tried not to look at it this way because you weren't really lacking anywhere and still had love coming from different avenues. But, you also can't lie and say you didn't think about it and how it'd feel to have your parents, or someone to call yours genuinely and wholly.
"And Jiwoo.." Wooyoung does a slight head tilt. "I won't apologize on her behalf, but whatever she said about me, I can't lie and say it isn't true. You know I haven't been the best in the past, but you mean more to me than that and I'm trying to do better this time around. It's not gonna be perfect but know that I'm trying." He lets out a breath. "She'll come around soon, too. I know you're worried about her. You know how Jiwoo is."
"I hope so."
"I'll try and talk to her."
"It's okay. I think I just need to sit her down and open up to her about all of this." He nods.
"We're okay then?"
"Yeah." You manage to push the rest of your feelings back momentarily when Wooyoung leans over to place a chaste kiss on your forehead. For a second, things do feel okay.
"Come on, let's get you upstairs. Been a long day for you." You nod. Wooyoung grabs your bag from the trunk, following closely behind you as you walk up to your studio. You still seem rather quiet and although he's happy the talk is done with and you two are okay, he can tell something else is bothering you. It isn't long before he finds out because as soon as you enter your studio, you let out a heavy sigh and drop your purse to the floor. You stand in the center, suddenly breaking down into your hands when the feeling gets immensely overwhelming, almost unbearable.
"Y/N." Wooyoung says, close to a whisper. He comes from behind and gently wraps his arms around you before turning you to face him. He pries your hands away from your face, thumbs softly coming to wipe your tears away. "Baby, hey. It's gonna be okay." He shushes you as you rest against his chest, crying and wetting his shirt. "Baby." He repeats at a whisper, shushing and cooing you in his arms. "What is it? What's bothering you?" He tenderly kisses your tears away, thumb caressing your cheeks while he looks at you with a small frown on his face.
"What if they didn't get there in time, Woo? What if he had been one minute late—" Wooyoung tuts and rests against the back of the couch, pulling you in between his legs. He continues to wipe your tears away, shaking his head.
"But, none of that happened, okay? None of that happened. You don't need to worry about that because he's still here. He's recovering and you've been there with him every step of the way. That's all that matters. He's gonna get better, he already is. He'll be better tomorrow and the next day, and so on." You sigh, looking at him before nodding. 
"I can't lose him right away."
"You won't. I promise. He's still strong and he'll get through this." He brushes the hair away from your face. "It's gonna be okay." He repeats.
"Don't be, love. Why don't you get comfortable, hm? We can hang out here and watch another Studio Ghibli movie."
"Will you stay?" You ask him softly, watching as he presses a kiss to the surface of your hand.
"Of course I will, Y/N. I'm just gonna grab some stuff from my place, but I'll make it quick and come back."
"Okay." You answer, voice dipping close to a whisper. Wooyoung pulls you closer, pressing a light kiss to your lips before standing. As you grab your pajamas, Wooyoung gets a hot shower started for you, tossing a bit of your lavender epsom salt onto the shower floor to help relax you. He reassures you again that he'll be quick before shutting the bathroom door and heading out. You give yourself time to just be under the hot water, letting it ease and relax your body while you cry out all your worries and concerns— letting them all go so that you can find some peace for the time being.
Maybe the universe will take the rest into its own hands.
After taking your time in the shower, you step out and do your nightly routine— carefully lathering the lotion across your body before working on your skincare. You throw on your red flannel pajama shorts and step into a vintage Disneyland crewneck before walking out to light up some candles and search for a good movie. It's not until about 15 mins later that Wooyoung comes through the door, holding a brown bag in hand; duffle bag slung on his shoulder while he's also [apparently] sporting red flannel pajamas and a black Stussy hoodie.
"Copycat." Wooyoung points to your red flannel pajamas as you watch him show you his own hiding underneath his sweats.
"Excuse, I threw these on first."
"What if I got to my apartment before you stepped out?" Wooyoung cocks a brow up, making you roll your eyes in return. He snorts and rushes to hold you from behind, kissing you on the cheek. "It does look better on you, though."
"I thought so." He chuckles a bit before pointing at the bag. "So, I might've made a pitstop to the McDonald's drive-thru because I was craving a shrimp burger and some fries. I got you the chicken sandwich. With a side order for their special sauce?" He says in a questioning tone. "And fries!"
"How'd you remember?"
"Please, I've only had to do the order for you and Jiwoo a million times over the years." You giggle.
"Thank you, Woo." He sets his bag down and slips out of his sweats to walk around in his flannel pajamas before coming over to you in the living room.
"No problem." He points at your hair. "You can get sick." He crinkles his forehead at you before walking into your bathroom and grabbing your hair dryer hanging off of the organizer you have. He takes one of your wide-toothed combs and plops back onto the couch.
"Wooyoung." You look at him as you take the food out of the bag and set it on the coffee table. "You don't have to dry my hair."
"Well, I know you won't and I don't want you to get sick. I don't mind. Come." He pats the area in between his legs. Once you've set the empty bag aside, he sits you in between his legs before plugging the dryer into your extension cord. He switches it to the low heat setting, taking the blow dryer to your hair as he gently combs through. You set the TV onto Howl's Moving Castle, picking at your fries as Wooyoung continues to patiently dry your hair. "You can eat." He says over the noise. You hold up a fry for him to take in his mouth, continuing his motions until your hair is mostly dry, a few strands still damp but not too wet. "There." He says, shutting it off and gently combing through your hair.
"Thank you." He chuckles before neatly tying the cord the way you had it done earlier and slipping out from behind you to put it back in the bathroom. You've moved back onto the couch with your burger box in hand, pressing play to the movie as Wooyoung sits down.
"Yoooo." He smiles. "This is one of my favorites!" You look at him with your eyes squinted. "What?"
"You know, since you started growing out your hair, I knew you looked like someone but I could never put my finger on who exactly. And now it makes sense."
"What?" He repeats.
"You look like Howl." He blushes and does his high-pitched giggle, making you snort in response.
"You mean that?"
"Shut up. You just wanna hear it."
"I do." He pouts.
"I'll change it."
"I mean go for it, you can always look at him here on your couch." He wiggles his eyebrows.
"Wooyoung." You whine, flipping to Grave of the Fireflies.
"Baby." It's his turn to whine. He'd probably kick his feet and cry about it if he truly wanted to. "Why'd you turn it?! I heard this is hella sad!"
"Then, we'll cry together this time! A core bonding moment." You press play.
"Sassy." He looks at you. "I just wanna remind you that you ate my favorite mochi earlier." Wooyoung reminds you and you sigh.
"I already said sorry!" He laughs.
"I'm just teasing."
"Do you really not wanna watch this?"
"No, I do! I don't mind. I just thought the reminder would help since hours passed." You roll your eyes.
"I'm just gonna buy you another one tomorrow." 
"I'm kidding. Honestly." Wooyoung laughs. "You know what I could take instead?" You cock a brow up.
"Dare I even answer?"
"Too late, I'll take that as an answer." He puckers his lips. "I'll never bring it up again." He says in between. You giggle and succumb to his wants, quickly pecking him on the lips that leaves him smiling in a daze. "I'll never get tired of that." You shake your head and press play, the both of you finally eating away at your food as the movie gets on to a start without interruptions. 
You finish your food within the first 15 minutes, not realizing how hungry you were for good, sloppy comfort food. Wooyoung surprisingly remains quiet for a majority, only making noises and reacting to specific scenes. Eventually, the food coma hits you and you find yourself switching positions until you're snuggled up to Wooyoung. He takes the outer end of the couch while you lay on his chest from the inside. The blanket you leave hanging on the arm of the couch is now draped over you two, Wooyoung's arm around you to keep you close. When the movie hits the last 20 minute mark, Wooyoung starts spilling out his thoughts, but finds that your responses get more and more delayed as time goes on.
"Mhm." You answer late, causing Wooyoung to look down at you. You're damn near falling asleep on him, and it doesn't help that Wooyoung feels incredibly warm. Comfortable. He laughs a bit to himself before gently shaking your shoulder and pressing another kiss to your forehead.
"Falling asleep there?"
"Just wanna rest my eyes for like.. 5 minutes." You mumble, with Wooyoung carrying on to finish the rest of the movie by himself. Suddenly, his phone starts vibrating on the coffee table, making him swoop it up in a haste to avoid waking you up from your so-called 5-min nap.
"Ay!" Wooyoung rests the phone on his ear, regretting it as soon as San's loud ass voice comes through on the other end.
"The fuck are you so loud for?" Wooyoung says lowly, hoping this doesn't wake you.
"Kinda drunk. Wanna head out? We're gonna head to the bars!"
"Uh, nah." Wooyoung looks down while you shift in your position, snugging closer to him. "I'm good."
"What?" San laughs. "You're turning down bar hopping? For what?"
"Just cause. Plus, it's the weekday. You're gonna be so fucked tomorrow."
"Wow, that's new." San snorts. "Are you with Y/N or something?"
"Yeah. She's asleep."
"So, you won't even head out for a bit while she's asleep?"
"No, dude. I'm not gonna leave her." There's a silence that falls between them before San is clearing his throat.
"I get it. Okay then! Well, we'll be at our usuals if you change your mind."
"Probably not. But, have fun and be safe." 
"Thanks!" He says before he mumbles something to the rest of the group and hangs up the call. Wooyoung wraps up the movie and switches it to a college basketball documentary that's playing on the TV, only making it about 15 minutes more before he finds himself getting sleepy.
"Y/N." Wooyoung calls for you before he can fall asleep completely. "Let's get ready for bed so we can sleep." You let out a small whine before rubbing at your face, sitting up as Wooyoung follows suit. You sleepily waddle over to the bathroom to brush and floss your teeth with one eye barely open. You quickly check the clock outside, seeing that it's only about 11pm but it feels late. You feel exhausted. Wooyoung is tossing the trash away before wiping down your coffee table, shutting off the TV before grabbing his things from his bag. You quickly pee and wash your hands before walking over to the bed and letting Wooyoung take over the bathroom. 
The entire studio is dark at this point besides the bathroom light seeping from under the door in the corner, and for once, the dark doesn't seem so frightening, so lonely. 
So cold.
For once, the dark is soothing, is peaceful. For once, the dark is warmth because Wooyoung will be there no matter which direction you turn. You crawl under your covers, scooting towards the inside of your bed to make room for Wooyoung. He takes about 10 minutes before he shuts off the light and heads over to join you. He sheds off his hoodie and tosses it aside, slipping under the covers in his pajama pants and white tee. You continue to face him as he settles, his hand coming to your side to pull you a little closer.
"Yeah, babygirl?"
"You know you don't have to stay at the hospital tomorrow, right? I'd be okay if you just dropped me off." He shakes his head.
"No, I don't mind. I'll stay."
"You sure?" You yawn.
"Mhm. I want to."
"You're gonna be so fired." He laughs.
"I've got hours, don't worry."
"Thank you."
"Stop thanking me, love. I'm only trying to take care of you properly." You sleepily smile at him while he kisses the tip of your nose. "We should probably sleep since we need to be up early tomorrow." You nod, his hand giving your side a squeeze. You initiate the kiss this time, feeling comfortable yet bold enough to give him a goodnight kiss. He holds it for a second longer before parting, chasing after your lips quickly after. You giggle when he starts to repeatedly kiss you and smiling into the kiss, almost having trouble prying himself off of you. "Okay, okay." He laughs. "Goodnight, pretty girl."
"Goodnight, Woo." You welcome yourself into his arms and almost fall asleep immediately, his arms feeling like home to you.
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The next morning comes, and you and Wooyoung are off to the hospital about 30-mins after visiting hours begin. You found it hard to sleep fully throughout the night, anxious and scared a call from the hospital would come through about changes in Papa's status. But, thankfully, none of the sort happened, and Wooyoung did his best to keep you comfortable throughout the night by whispering his reassurances against your head.
Through sweet, gentle touches and squeezes. 
To your relief, Papa looks brighter and more alert when you walk in. He's already slowly going through his oatmeal, the morning news on the TV screen. He smiles when he sees the both of you walk in, loosely hand-in-hand. You happily walk over to Papa and hug him, sitting on the edge of his bed while you place a hand on his forehead.
"How'd you sleep?" You ask, his temp feeling way better than the past days.
"Good! I was in a deep sleep." You laugh.
"No pain or anything?" He shakes his head. "Good. Everything seems to be working. You might be outta here tomorrow!"
"I just might." He chuckles. "The nurse said she was gonna come back and wash me up. Was hoping to get me up and walking around to get some movement in, too."
"That's a good idea. Let's go on a walk later." Wooyoung says as he sits on the chair by his bed. You nod in agreement, watching as Papa continues to eat away at his oatmeal and fruits. 
"Do you need to go home?"
"Mm." Wooyoung looks at his phone. "I was going to just to make some food for us."
"You should go. We'll be fine."
"You sure?"
"Yes." You give him a look, and he can't help but return the look in a playful manner.
"I'll go in a bit, but I'll be quick when I do." He tugs on your hand. "Come sit and relax." You sit in the empty chair next to Wooyoung. You continue to ask Papa about his night and if the doctor visited this morning. He says yes, sharing the optimism from the doctor despite the fact that he'll have to make a few lifestyle changes moving forward. You share in the excitement, agreeing that Papa looks way better and seems to be progressing back to his old self. You and Wooyoung let him know that you'll be there every step of the way, making sure those changes are implemented smoothly. Papa starts to tell you about his dream, and how he was hiking up a tall mountain without any issue. At the end of the trail was a beautiful view of a city, but he couldn't pinpoint where exactly. He describes all the pretty flowers blossoming on his way to the top, the sky clear and blue. He jokes about how he hopes he can make it come true soon, even if its a local hike. You chuckle, telling him he needs to take it easy for awhile until he fully regains strength and he remains stable for a good period. Wooyoung chimes in, volunteering to join him when that time comes.
When the conversation settles, Wooyoung takes this as an opportunity to head out so he can come back right away. He heads back to his apartment to whip up a good lunch and dinner [along with whatever snacks are lying around] to pack up for the two of you to grub on. While he occupies himself with food prep, he calls San to check on him and to ask him how the night went. As expected, his bestfriend is hung over as shit at work, groaning and complaining about how he drank too much and should've paced himself knowing he had work. Wooyoung laughs at him over the phone, giving him his own version of an 'i told you so' before San lowly cusses him out. He asks about you and Papa and if everything seems to be better. Wooyoung lets him know that Papa's improved, and that he was able to talk everything out with you. There's another silence that falls between them and it's because San simply isn't used to this Wooyoung. He's used to the Wooyoung that was a 'lil shit, playing his game and being up and about no matter what the time or day was. He's used to the Wooyoung that wasn't messing with serious relationships and the Wooyoung that had to give the 'i think you should go' talk after every fuck. Or the 'it was never supposed to get this serious' talk when the girls would find themselves talking to him about feelings.
It's just been a long, long time since San has seen this Wooyoung, and quite frankly, he wasn't sure if he would ever see it again. But, don't get him wrong. He is happy for you two, and it's almost like fresh air hearing Wooyoung talk about you the way he does. He's gonna have to get used to seeing less and less of him, and that's fine— as long as Wooyoung was genuinely happy.
RIP to those days, though. It was fun while it lasted!
Once Wooyoung finally finishes whipping up some food and packing it away, he grabs a few other necessities; fully expecting to be with you tonight so that he can help you with Papa's potential release tomorrow. He's glad he told work he'd be out for the week. Even though it was a bit last minute, he does have a shit ton of PTO and sick hours accumulated that he doesn't mind using if it meant he'd be with you.
God, he really fucking likes you. 
So much that Wooyoung finds a 'lil pep in his step walking back to his car, plopping the bag of food right onto his passenger's seat— buckling it up to keep it safe and steady. He blasts his music out of the parking lot, Mr. Donnell Jones coming through on his speakers with U Know What's Up. He sings along until he's rudely interrupted by a call coming through from his sister.
"Damn, Jiwoo. You couldn't call any other time?" Wooyoung clicks his teeth. "What is it?"
"I just got back to my apartment from the airport, jeez. Can I swing by?"
"No. I just left."
"Then do you think you can stop by really quickly? I got you a few things from Japan." Which, as we've learned, is Jiwoo's way of apologizing without having to flat out apologize to her brother. Wooyoung rolls his eyes and lets out a sigh, shaking his head as if she can see him.
"Can't either."
"Why not?"
"Because. I'm on the way to the hospital."
"Uh. For what?"
"Well, while you were too busy being all upsetti-spaghetti, Papa's been in the hospital."
"What? Why didn't Y/N tell me anything?! Oh my god—"
"Jiwoo, if I were her, I would not be thinking about you first either." Wooyoung furrows his brows as he continues to drive off. "Besides, you being the good ol' bestfriend you are, kicked her outta your place, remember? I don't think she necessarily feels like she can come to you right now."
"Fuck." Jiwoo whines, feeling guilty about everything. She knows she was a tad too harsh, and she knows she should've come to you first. But, she was waiting until she could see you in person to apologize for the way she acted. "Which hospital?"
"I'll be there soon with Joong." 
"Don't come if you plan on yelling some more."
"I'm not! I need to see my bestfriend, Wooyoung. You can't have her to yourself."
"Can't hear you—" With that, Wooyoung abruptly ends the call. He drives into the garage and finds a spot on the third level, carrying the bag of food he made in his hand before making the trek over to Papa's room. 
"You're back." Your eyes twinkle when you see him walk in and he can't help but smile.
"That, I am." He presses a kiss to your temple. "I made some food for lunch and dinner. Or else my groceries were gonna go bad."
"Wow, okay chef." You laugh. "Thank you, Woo." 
"Mhm." He responds in a sing-song tone before turning to Papa, who is now coming out of the bathroom with his nurse. "He's up."
"He is!" She answers.
"Am I allowed to take him on a walk and get some steps in?"
"No, please. Go for it. Thank you." The nurse steps aside to let Wooyoung guide Papa and the IV pole out into the hallway. The nurse watches them until they head out, returning her attention back to you once they leave.
"Is that your boyfriend?"
"Mm. A friend that's a boy?" You tease with a small laugh. She gets it though, and she knows. You didn't even have to say it because she can clearly see it through Wooyoung's actions alone.
"Well, he seems to care a lot about you and your grandfather. It's very sweet."
"He is." You give her a toothless smile. "Thank you for taking care of him. I really appreciate it."
"No problem. He's been good, so I'm more than sure he'll be out of here tomorrow." You nod, watching as she walks out of the room. You sit back and look through the bag Wooyoung brought, giggling to yourself when there's a whole bag of sour punch straws and other random snacks surrounding the tupperwares. You pick at the tiny bag of biscoff cookies, nibbling onto one as you sit back and catch up on one of the podcasts you actively follow. 
Just as Wooyoung and Papa come back into the room about 30 minutes later, you scurry off to the bathroom down the hall. At this point, Jiwoo and Hongjoong barely miss you as they turn the corner and approach the room. Wooyoung is helping Papa get situated properly back in the bed post-walk, the two talking about the episode from his cooking show that's currently playing on TV. When he turns towards the door and catches Jiwoo'a figure, he gives her a small nod of acknowledgement.
"Joong, I think an intruder snuck in with you." Jiwoo rolls her eyes while Hongjoong laughs it off, the two of them formally greeting Papa and checking in with him. Jiwoo looks around the room, making sure she hasn't missed you before turning to her brother.
"Where'd she go?"
"Bathroom." Wooyoung gives his sister a particular look. 
"Don't give me that look." She pouts a bit and he shrugs.
"What else am I supposed to do?" Is all he says before you appear in the doorway, pausing in your steps when you noticed the additional visitors in the room.
"Oh. Hi—" Jiwoo comes rushing over, pulling you into the biggest bear hug known to man. At first, you're caught off guard even though this has happened during silly little one-off fights with Jiwoo in the past. But, once you've gotten over the initial feeling, you slowly wrap your arms around her and rest in her hold.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N. I really am so sorry. I shouldn't have done all of that, I shouldn't have yelled and kicked you out— I'm so sorry." She mumbles against you. "You must've felt so alone. I'm sorry. I wanted to wait until I saw you in person again but Wooyoung told me Papa was here so I had to come. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten so angry and said those things—" She continues to repeat until she's basically sobbing in your arms, the three men in the back minding their own business and giving you two space.
"It's fine, Jiwoo. Stop apologizing."
"No, it's not." She pulls back and looks at you with a pout, brushing your hair back. "I treated you so poorly and unfairly and I'm so sorry."
"It's okay. I probably would've reacted the same way if I was in your shoes. It's fine. We're okay."
"Are you sure we are? I promise I'll make it up to you."
"Stop that. You don't need to, okay? I promise we're fine." She lets out a sigh and examines your features, somewhat relieved you don't seem too exhausted or stressed from everything going on.
"Are you and my brother good? Did you talk it out?"
"We did."
"So, is this a thing now?" She points between you and him, and you nod timidly.
"Y-yeah. It is. I hope you're not mad."
"I'm not. I'm only slightly grossed out just cause it's Wooyoung, but I'm not mad. You just let me know if he messes up ever again, okay? I'm sorry, Y/N. And wait, don't think about replacing me with him either." You snort, shaking your head at her. She hugs you tightly again before holding your hand and bringing you to the gift bags she set aside at the corner of the room. She hands you and Papa a gift bag, while shoving Wooyoung's his way. Her and Hongjoong tell you a little bit about the trip, but they don't go into too much detail before they start asking about Papa and how he had been feeling. As the conversation continues, Jiwoo notices the way Wooyoung completely changes around you [in a good way]. He's got you on his lap, hand gently caressing your arm. It looks so natural and so.. meant to be [and so not out of place] that Jiwoo can't even be mad or find a reason to justify her past actions. He cares about you, and you with him.
All she's ever wanted was for you to be happy, for Wooyoung to be genuinely happy. She's not gonna lie— it does melt her heart a bit to see it live.
They hang around for a good hour or so before Jiwoo and Hongjoong give Papa some time to rest; Wooyoung offering to walk them back to the car while you stay behind and sit with him as he falls into an afternoon nap. Hongjoong quickly runs over to the bathroom, leaving Jiwoo and her brother alone momentarily.
"You really care about her." Jiwoo says softly.
"Yeah, I do." He stuffs his hands in his pockets and kicks at the imaginary rocks below his feet.
"Don't fuck this up, okay?" She looks at him. "Seriously, I'll beat your ass if you hurt her."
"I won't, Jiwoo." He says, slightly annoyed. But, he knows she means well and is just being your bestfriend. "Could help if you had a little more hope in me, you know?"
"Okay. I'm sorry." She sighs. "So, what are your plans with her? You haven't asked her out officially, right?"
"Well, that's why I'm gonna take her out on a date once Papa's out and better."
"To where?"
"To mind your own business, that's where." He looks at her with a brow cocked up and she rolls her eyes.
"Idiot." He snorts.
"Actually.. I have a few ideas but there's this one I really like. Think she might have fun and enjoy it with me."
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—TAGLIST: @asjkdk @interweab @woojirang @svintsandghosts @cheolliehugs @persphonesorchid @mxnsxngie @jycas @cowboydk @heyitsmetonid @ldysmfrst @intaksfav @wooyoungsbrat @hyukssunflower @yunhoswrldddd @gotthicbish @thespiffynerd @jaytheatiny @yoonrixx @aurorajoye @i-love-ateez @starrywoo @bitejoongie @thedistractedwriter @dalsuwaha @huachengsbestie01
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damiansgoodgirll · 12 days ago
Hi! i'm from Italy too :) how are you? could I maybe get a Damian priest x reader smut, maybe their engaged and did a little bit of drinking to celebrate their engagement, now she's puking and he's fine (lol). and later in the day when she's okay, they celebrate the engagement in 'other ways?' if you do, thank you so much!
hi from italy sister 🇮🇹💘 im good !
damian priest x reader
likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated!!
‼️mention of alcohol, vomiting, smut, soft!damian, dom!damian, needy reader, overstimulation, aftercare, general smut so stay away kids‼️
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my forever celebration
“i can’t believe i’m so sick…” you whispered. your throat dry and burning as few tears fell from your eyes. damian sitting behind you holding your hair up, laughing at you for being too dramatic.
you just celebrated your engagement with your friends and family and maybe - maybe - you drank a little too much. but if not now, when? hopefully, damian was your first and last husband and hopefully that was your first and last engagement party, so you had every right to celebrate and have fun the way you wanted.
damian drank too but he wasn’t as much wasted as you were. you didn’t know how he did it, being sober after all the beers and cocktails he had but somehow he even managed to drive you back home without causing any car crash.
you, on the other hand, were completely drunk. you mumbled stupid thing during the whole ride back home and even if you tried to be serious, damian couldn’t hold back his laughs.
then you started walking around your house as if you were looking for something in particular but in reality you were just wandering around with nowhere to go. then damian had to catch you when you almost fell from the stairs. to your defence, your heels were too high to be worn inside the house. and lastly, damian was behind you when you ran to the toilet and puked all the alcohol you had in your body.
“i think it was the salmon” you said, referring to the salmon chips you had, making damian laughing even more as one of his hands were gently rubbing your back “don’t laugh…” you tried to be mad but you couldn’t, if you weren’t so drunk, you would probably be laughing too.
“i’m pretty sure it was the tequila you had, or the wine, or the two beers you shared with rhea…wait, maybe it was the margarita you had when you said you weren’t going to drink anymore” damian joked, making you laugh.
as you calmed down, you quickly cleaned the toilet and brushed your teeth while damian got you an aspirin, a glass of water and some snacks for you to eat.
“thank you…” you whispered, taking all he was giving you.
you weren’t even married yet and he was already a perfect husband.
he smiled at you “do you need help changing?”
“please…i’m too tired, i could sleep naked” you huffed, throwing yourself on the bed.
“i wouldn’t mind” he smirked at you as he moved to the closet and grabbed one of his t-shirt, knowing how much you loved wearing his clothes “here…stand up amor” he said and you did as he told you. standing up in front of him, he helped you removing the white dress you were wearing, letting it fall on the floor. his breath caught in his throat as he saw the white lingerie you were wearing underneath the dress. you saw how hesitant he was and before he could do or say something, you brought his hands over your bra, letting him feel the soft material on your skin.
“you’re gonna remove it or not?” you teased him, trying to be in control.
“you’re gonna be the death of me hermosa…” he whispered. his eyes never leaving your face as he seductively moved closer to your body. his hands found the back of your bra and in less than a second you were standing half naked in front of him.
you saw him smiling at you and before you could say anything you saw him taking his t-shirt and put it on your body.
“what?” you wondered, pretty sure you were about to fuck “get naked damian…” you whispered making him laugh.
“you’re drunk baby, and even if i wanted to, not tonight…” he smiled, kissing your lips softly before moving to undress himself and get ready for bed.
you pouted, seeing how he was already laying under the sheets and waiting for you to get in bed next to him.
giving up, you laid next to him. he moved you closer to his body so now your head was laying on his muscular chest.
after vomiting all you had left, you weren’t drunk anymore - maybe your head was hurting a little but you definitely weren’t drunk.
you closed your eyes as you tried to fall back asleep as damian was finishing whatever book he liked to read before sleeping but your mind was still awake, thinking of anything instead of shutting down and sleeping. his heart beat was almost like a lullaby - at least, most of the times - but not tonight, it wasn’t helping the fact that you were laying over his naked chest and all he was wearing was a pair of boxers.
you just finished celebrating with your family and friends and you knew it was unfair to you if damian wasn’t gonna take care of you. you were needy, you were horny, you were sure your panties were drenched and instead of fucking you, damian was reading a book.
the glasses he was wearing made him ten times more attractive and you couldn’t help to smile seeing how attentive he was as he was reading.
half an hour passed and you weren’t tired, not at all. you probably shifted twenty times in bed, trying to slow your arousal down but the ache between your legs started to burn and you were feeling uncomfortable.
your fiancé was very into the book and you felt guilty about disturbing him but he caused the problem and he was going to fix it “damian…” your soft voice called him.
he smiled, looking down at you “si mi vida?”
“fuck me…” you said again, hoping that he would listen to you this time.
he laughed - again - and shook his head no “amor, not tonight…you’re drunk” he smiled at you. he wanted to fuck you, he really wanted to but he didn’t want to take advantage of the situation.
“damian please…it burns” you grabbed his hand and held it over your panties, he could feel how wet you were already “i need it so bad, papi…” you kept eye contact knowing that it always drove him crazy.
damian thought for a second before throwing the book somewhere in the room, his glasses as well and he took a second to pin you down underneath his warm body “promise me you gonna sleep after this?” he whispered making you smile and nod your head “can’t believe you’re so needy tonight” he laughed.
he fucked you good last night, and the night before, and probably the day before too. he was obsessed with you. he was obsessed with your body. he knew your body better than anyone, better than you. he knew how to drive you crazy, how to make you cum in less than five minutes or how to torture and edge you until you’re crying.
“it’s your fault…” you mumbled as his lips softly pressed against your collarbone, leaving soft bites .
he laughed against your neck “my fault?”
“how so?” he moved to look you in the eyes.
“you’re a tease…you undressed me, then you teased me, then you laid half naked next to me and you looked so fucking hot with those glasses…it’s entirely your fault” you whispered as damian was staring attentively at you.
he laughed. a genuine laugh. “then let me fix it for you baby…” he whispered before his hands moved to lift your shirt so your breasts were exposed to his sight “you’re always so beautiful baby” he said taking a good look at you. your eyes were closed and your lips partially opened.
his fingers moved to tease your nipples making them hard and ready for him. a soft whimper escaped your lips, a smirk present on his face.
as his hands moved lower, he gently moved your panties to the side and brought a finger over your folds, feeling how wet you already were “is it all for me?” he asked, already knowing the answer. you frantically nodded, just waiting for his touch.
“take them off please…” you whispered, trying to take your panties off only to be stopped by damian’s hands.
he usually was the one in charge - if you told him to do something he would always do the opposite just to tease you - but tonight he was caving under your touch, seeing how desperate you were already, he didn’t want to tease you to the point where you could ending up upset or mad with him. so he did as you said, quickly removing your panties and leaving your naked pussy under his gaze.
“i’m still not used to this” he whispered, seeing how you were already dripping.
you chuckled “well, get use to it because i’m yours forever…”
damian couldn’t actually believe that he got so lucky to find someone like you. you were everything he ever dreamed of. but due to this hard work and being away from home so often he thought that you would never gave him a real chance and he was very surprised when you were the first one to propose about a relationship. he’s been yours since then.
pressing a soft kiss over your thighs, he knew you were in no mood for teasing.
“dam…papi, i want your dick” you whimpered feeling his lips against the soft of your skin “please…”
“uh uh baby, remember who’s in control” his lips moved closer to your core “i’ll give you what you want really soon, just let me enjoy this first” he whispered laying his tongue over your clit. he had to hold your hips down with his muscular arm cause you couldn’t stop squirming. his movements were slow but steady, alternating from kisses and bites, your clit was already throbbing and stimulated.
“damian…fuck…just like that—please” maybe it was because you were already so horny and wet, but it took you less than five minutes to cum in damian’s mouth. your legs shaking as damian didn’t stop there but he gently brought his middle finger over your entrance, slowly thrusting it “oh fuck…” you moaned, trying to close your legs but damian stopped you from doing so.
“you being a brat…now you take what i give you baby” damian smirked, licking your clit as his finger was moving fast inside of you.
your legs couldn’t stop shaking as the next orgasm was already approaching you. coming with a soft cry, damian’s name left your lips as he softly moved his finger from your dripping hole to his lips, not getting enough of your taste even if he had just licked your clit for about fifteen minutes.
his lips moved delicately over your skin, from your stomach to your breast and back over your neck. making you feel loved and safe.
“i want you papi…” you whimpered, clearly not enough satisfied. damian laughed, seeing how much stamina you had left. he wasn’t going to say no this time, and seeing by his already hardened length in his boxers, you could see he wanted you too.
quickly, he removed the only piece of clothing that was keeping him from being naked and your eyes grew seeing his already swollen red tip. moving between your legs, he brought his shaft between your folds, collecting your juices and teasing your overstimulated clit. groaning at the contact, he knew he was going to explode if he didn’t feel you now.
open your legs a little more, allowing him to adjust himself, you felt his tip stretching you out. thrusting in your core slowly, making you feel every inch of him. groaning in your ear as his lips left wet kisses underneath your ear.
“oh fuck…mhh, fuck damian, i missed you so much” you left a soft whimper once he was fully inside of you. trying to hold a laugh back, he couldn’t actually believe how horny you were since he fucked you less than 24 hours ago.
he gave you time to adjust and when you nodded that he could move, he started thrusting slowly, in and out of you, almost as if he was teasing you.
“you sure you can take it?” damian whispered against your neck. knowing that he already made you cum twice, he didn’t want to hurt you or to make you feel uncomfortable so it was important for him to check in with you.
“fuck yes, faster papi, please…” you nodded, waiting for damian to unleash the animal he was.
he obeyed, just because you looked so pretty as he was making you feel good. naked, under his body while a few tears threatened to spill from your eyes.
thrusting faster, he hit easily your spot, making you clench around his length. damian groaned when he felt how tight you were “fuck hermosa, don’t do that…i warned you” but as soon as you did it again, damian wasted no time in slapping your ass cheek “what did i say? turn around, ass up, face down…”
quickly moving and doing as he said, the new position making you feel ten times more how damian thrusted in you. his hands keeping you steady from your hips so you wouldn’t squirm so much.
“oh shit, like that papi…” you moaned, trying to keep it low but the way he was constantly hitting your spot was making it hard for you to stay calm.
“you coming for me uh?” he whispered in your ear, sending shiver down your spine “i can feel how close you are baby, you coming for your papi?” and the moment his brought one of his fingers over your clit, you couldn’t keep it anymore and with a loud cry you came all over damian’s dick.
“oh fuck, fuck, fuck damian…” you moaned as he kept hitting your spot, sending a burning sensation through your body “shit…” but he wasn’t stopping , because as he said before , you were going to take everything he was willing to give you.
“come one last time around me…” his voice moaned, his rough finger never stopped moving over your swollen clit, making you frantically clench around his shaft as you came for the fourth time that night. a silence cry but audible for damian as he came spilling inside of you.
your own body collapsed into the comfort of the bed and damian, still inside of you, gently moved your body around to turn you. gently removing himself from you, he saw how good his cum mixed with your arousal, leaking from your core and falling over your thighs.
“are you okay pretty girl?” he asked, looking up at you and seeing how peaceful you looked.
“yes, more than okay…” smiling you said.
he took a wipes from his nightstand and gently cleaned all the remaining cum between your legs. throwing it away somewhere in the room, his only priority was you “did i hurt you?”
“no…absolutely not, thank you for that” seeing how happy you were made his heart pound faster “i want you to lay next to me baby”
“as you wish mi amor” gently smiling at you, he moved so you could lay down on his body “are we sleeping naked?” he asked and you nodded yes.
“we are ready for round two tomorrow morning” you tiredly yawned before closing your eyes, making him laugh.
“you’re insatiable, you know that?” he whispered making you say a soft yes before you finally drifted off to sleep.
admiring how peaceful you were, damian closed his eyes too and fell asleep, definitely dreaming of you.
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yelenasdog · 2 years ago
vibrant, saccharine, his ☼ (fwb!mat barzal x fwb!fem reader) 
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genre: filthy smut, fluff, angst with happy ending
summary: pretending is getting harder, for both of them. and after a hard roadie, mat’s not sure if he wants to pretend anymore.
words: 8.7k (WOAH)
warnings: cursing, excessive use of parentheses, friends with benefits arrangement, smut, unprotected piv, oral (f and m receiving), fingering, blood (reader bit lip too hard oops!), pet names (baby, sweetheart, pretty boy), reader is described as having sisters and a dog, food mention, idiots to lovers, misunderstood situation, reader uses she/her pronouns, and i think that’s it.
a/n: when i started this, i originally was just writing a blurb and then it turned into a full ass fic with a plot?? and fwb??? idk man, im nervy to post this since ive never published for nhlers before but oh whale! and ty to @eminems-skittles for reading this for me and checking it over 🤍 love u
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“You played so good, baby.” She breathed, welcoming him home with open arms.
“Not good enough, apparently.” He responded, letting her fingers card through his raven locks. Soft, freshly cut. She loved when he grew it out, but yet again it was him, so anything worked.
She sighed, letting her thumb fall to his cheekbone, knowing what he was referring to. It had been the last stop of the road trip, he’d had a hatty and despite making it to OT, it wasn’t enough in the shootout.
He’d had to wait an entire flight and car ride afterwards to see her, only giving her a brief text when he got off the ice (“We lost. Had a hatty. Fucking Toronto.”) (like she hadn’t stayed up to watch the game) and another when he landed.
And after so long of whatever the two of them had going on, she’d known better than to try to send him some long and winded attempt at a pick me up message. She settled for just responding “I’ll be here.” She didn’t need to say it though, he knew she’d be there.
She always was.
To anyone else it would’ve been sad, how she waited up for him, late nights spent lonely with just her and her dog, as he jetted around North America. In her mind, he was no doubt giving himself away to whatever random puck bunny threw herself his way.
Despite this, she was loyal, even though she had her suspicions about what he did when they were apart. And frankly, it wasn’t a part of the “deal” that they had to be exclusive, and it was none of her business. But truthfully, after so long, she couldn’t count on some washed up juniors player to give her even a fraction of the satisfaction he had.
So, she did this whole routine, whatever this was. She stayed up late watching his games, sitting on her couch in his sweatshirt he left. She wouldn’t admit it out loud, but whenever she wore it, she liked to pretend.
Pretend that she was an obedient girlfriend wearing her loving boyfriends sweater. That as she sat curled up waiting on the corner of the beat up black sofa, 3 coffees in at approximately 1:37 am, she would be rewarded for her efforts come morning time.
That her and said loving boyfriend would lounge around together in bed (after he woke her up in the best way he knew how, showing her how grateful he was. Like I said, she loved when his hair was long enough to tug on, and even though she endlessly made fun of his patchy stubble, she couldn’t deny how delicious it felt burning between her thighs. Especially after they’d spent so long apart.) Then they’d go and grab late brunch, holding hands under the table as they sipped mimosas, which were Mat’s guilty pleasure only her and the waiter knew about, before heading home.
Maybe then they’d FaceTime his mom back in Coquitlam, an early riser with the 3 hour time difference. Mat had felt bad interrupting her morning routine, but she’d never pass up an opportunity to talk to her boy and the girl who she hoped was her future daughter in law.
After they got off the phone, she’d tell him how much she loved his mom, how her cheeks hurt from smiling so much. He’d tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, watching as she leaned into his touch.
“Missed you, Mat.” She’d say, closing her eyes.
“I missed you more.” He’d respond, his voice nearly a whisper. Her eyes would flutter open, and he’d recognize the look in them immediately. He felt his blood rush, and suddenly their proximity, which he’d never get used to, was very obvious.
“Oh yeah?” She asked. “I doubt that.”
He swallowed, his tongue darting out to wet his bottom lip. Her eyes hungrily swept over them, wanting nothing more than to lean forward and capture them with her own.
But patience is a virtue, she supposed.
“Want me to prove it, pretty boy?”
Words failed him, and all he could do was nod. He relaxed into the sofa, watching as she dropped to her knees in front of him. Her hands were on either thigh as he fought the urge to lay his tired head back onto the beat up pleather behind him. It had been too long, he thought. And he’d be damned if he was going to miss out on seeing her do what he’d only imagined in the shower, or over the phone for the past 16 days.
She reached her hands up from the muscle of his thigh up to his tummy, her cold hands shocking him as she reached under his sweatshirt- the same one she’d been wearing before.
Her hands drifted, down, down, down, to the waistband of those damn Lululemon shorts she’d got him for Christmas. He held his breath, watching as they danced around where he needed her most and then-
The doorknob turns, and she’s brought back to reality. Sleep had almost claimed her, iced coffee left abandoned on the coffee table, a ring of condensation already drying on the glass. She attempts to smooth out her hair, hoping that her brief almost-nap hadn’t left her too disheveled.
Not that he’d care.
She stood to greet him as he opened the door, hockey bag, and garment bag, and duffle bag, and backpack, and- God, did he really need all that- and suitcase, dropped unceremoniously as he entered the threshold. He kicked the huge bag to the side, and it landed right under where her keys and her leash for her old mutt, Warrior, hung from the wall.
Above the leash hung a picture of her and her sisters, with her running shoes on the floor beneath it for easy access. They were nearly squished by the gear, and if it had been anyone else’s shit crushing her 160 dollar sneakers, she’d be angry. But the sight of his bag near her shoes was so weirdly domestic, she could’ve cried.
She, yet again, was snapped out of her fantasy by the closing of the heavy door, watching as the man in front of her shuffled forward, immediately allowing himself to be held by her. His head fell to her shoulder, and rather than the usual clash of teeth and shoving to get to her room, (they never went to never his place after a roadie. He needed to be away from the constant reminders of it all for awhile, just to be surrounded by her) she simply dropped a chaste kiss to his temple, letting her arm drop from his hair to his broad shoulders, squeezing once, twice, three times, on either one.
He stood up, and she led him to her room, though he knew the way well enough. Her hand in his felt nice, comforting, even, and he wasn’t going to complain. In the beginning of the arrangement the two of them had, touches like that had been normal. But as time went on, the barely there brushes and gentle caresses stopped all together.
He wanted to say something, wanted to ask her what was wrong, if it was something he did. But when he was off the ice, Mathew Barzal was not a man who liked to push his luck. So he didn’t. He let the touches slip away, and took what he could get from her.
Which right now, was toeing off his shoes, and crawling onto the plush comforter of her bed. It smelled like that sparkly ”fairy dust” shit from Lush he saw sitting on her bathroom counter once, cotton candy and bubblegum infiltrating his senses. That, and her favorite floral perfume he was all too familiar with on her pillow. A combination of scents he usually would find too much, sickly-sweet. But it was her, and that alone made it the most soothing aroma he’d ever known.
Initially when he’d gotten off the ice, the adrenaline had been pumping, and his anger had been rampant. All he’d wanted was to get home to her, have his way with her. To have an outcome he could control.
He’d kept himself relatively calm in the locker room, not having any outbursts towards Ilya, or anyone for that matter. If any of the guys had noticed he was uncharacteristically quiet, they didn’t say anything.
That is, until the bus ride to the airport.
He had been typing out his text to her, (Hatty, lost in OT, Toronto, you know the one), when he had felt a pair of peering eyes. Sitting in the back of the bus, he’d thought he’d done well to avoid such glances, but apparently not.
“Y’know, you shouldn’t be sulking so much.” A certain French-Canadian spoke, the brunette man’s tired eyes lingering over Mat’s hunched over form.
If there was one thing he didn’t need right now, it was more pep talks from Tito. He’d had more than his fill in the locker room. And though he loved the guy, he didn’t need to be told again how he “did everything right” and had a ”killer game”.
Because he knows, and that’s partly why he’s so mad.
Partly. As the other part is the fact that he wants more than anything to come back to NY to her arms. He was exhausted at this point, and rather than having his way with her, he now just wanted to be welcomed home into those ridiculously cozy sheets. He wanted her to light up all those overpriced candles she loved so much from Bath and Bodyworks, and for Warrior to snuggle up by him, stinky dog breath be damned. He wanted her to turn on ”Miracle” in the back as white noise, and laugh as she repeated all the lines from memory. (He may be Canadian, but he can appreciate a heart warming story told by Kurt Russell when he sees one.)
More than anything, though, he wanted her. And not just for an hour or two before he inevitably dragged himself out of those silky sheets that felt heavenly on his back, leaving her sleeping beside him. She looked peaceful in those moments, and he often wondered what she dreamt of. If she was dreaming of him as he did of her.
Bottom line was, Mathew was the victim of a series of unfortunate events. And the man to his left could recognize that it wasn’t just the hockey that was bothering him. (Though, that whole situation did suck pretty bad, he’d admit.)
So when Anthony told him he shouldn’t be sulking, he flashed him a tight lipped smile and a nod, before looking out the window at the Toronto sunset. The oranges and pinks were stunning, and more than anything their vibrancy reminded him of her. The smile she’d give him in her post-orgasm glow, or of the orange blossom on the bottle of perfume on her vanity. Beauvillier’s gaze never faltered, though, recognizing the deep train of thought his close friend was experiencing.
The screen of his phone had begun to darken, the draft of his message just barely visible. Tito’s eyes quickly shifted from the screen and back up to Barzy, opening his mouth and pausing momentarily.
“Who’re you texting?”
Mat quickly turned off the device, the “click” sounding out in the quiet bus cabin, most of the Islanders players catching some shut eye or watching that new Game of Thrones spin off.
Personally, Mat didn’t get the appeal.
“Nobody, just… a friend I’m visiting tonight when we get back.”
Anthony’s eyebrows went up, making a face of understanding as he slowly nodded three times.
“A friend, huh?”
Mathew nods, taking his bottom lip between his teeth and letting it go. “Yup.” He adds softly for good measure, popping the p.
“You visiting a friend after a game like that, this late, hm?” Another pause. ”Must be an important friend.”
“Yeah.” His voice is soft again, compassion coming across his features and he thinks of her again.
“Well“, Anthony starts, popping in his earbuds and opening his phone to his Music app. “I’d say whatever’s going on with this friend seems worth talking to her about.”
Mat‘s head snaps up, and he scoffs, shaking his head.
“I didn’t say that it was a she-“
“You didn’t have to, buddy.” Tito winks in the most annoyingly-Tito way, and chuckles to himself. He then lays his head back onto the navy material behind him. Mat “hmph”s to himself, doing the same. He turns his phone back on again, going to the chat between the two of them. The still blinking cursor seems like it’s mocking him as he runs a hand over his face, hitting send.
If there’s gonna be any deep, emotional shit, it can wait until he’s not 2500 miles away.
7 hours later when he finally crashes through her front door, he swears the relief he feels mixed with the sense of dread it all might be over in an hour, gives him whiplash. But nonetheless, she welcomes him in, and she feels like home.
Warrior watches from the couch, his tail lazily wagging as he observes his owner greeting the man who occasionally slips him bacon from his Starbucks sandwich. His old man (old dog?) body doesn’t find the arrival of the hockey player worthy of leaving his nest on the sofa, as to him that’s all Mathew Barzal is. The bringer of bacon.
To Warrior’s owner, though, he was so much more.
The trek to the bedroom felt like it took an eternity, and as he laid on her bed, he couldn’t help but wonder if it would be a bad idea to push his luck for once. Risk ending it all to gain everything.
She laid down next to him, and he shifted, going from laying with his arms crossed under his head, to one next to her head, the other keeping him stable from his position on top of her.
Her hand crept up to push an unruly lock out of his eyes, and she leaned forward, and he met her halfway. They paused briefly, taking each other in after so long, before finally closing to distance.
He tasted warm, like cinnamon and something she couldn’t place, and she wondered if at the airport he’d gotten one of those pretzels she knew he liked so much. To compliment his psychopath reminiscent black coffee, of course.
His hand went from where it had been cradling her face down to rest on her hip. The soft touch elicited a whimper, and at that he pulled away, resting his forehead against hers.
She recognized that something was off, swimming around in that pretty little head of his. A small frown etched its way onto her face, and she lifted his chin up so he had no choice but to look at her.
“What’s wrong, Mat?”
He took in a shaky breath, looking over to his left, where the TV was on some random wallpaper, a sunset, he realizes. He scoffs, looking back at her.
“Can you just- can we- can I- fuck.” He mutters, slowly falling down so his body weight is nearly on top of her.
“Can you just… hold me?”
She swears she’s never heard him sound so broken.
“Yeah, baby, ’course. C’mere.” She replies softly, allowing him to fully rest on her. It was a miracle that he didn’t fully break down right there, at the feeling of her fingertips dancing over his skin, under his pushed up shirt. His nose was cold against her neck as he dragged it up against her to come to her cheek, pressing a kiss there. His eyes never opened, afraid that if they did, it would all just be another elaborate fantasy he’d created to pass the time.
“Is this a good idea?” Came her voice, cutting through the silence.
He sniffles. “What do you mean?”
“This. Us.” She says, not able to meet his gaze where he’s lifted his head.
“We’re going to get hurt. More than we already have.”
Oh. Oh, fuck this was happening right now. Mat sat up, feeling like a scared teenage boy. Damn you and the way you read people, Beauvillier. Maybe this would’ve been easier from 2500 miles away.
“We don’t have to.”
“What other option do we have?” She said, sounding defeated, like she already knows her answer and she doesn’t like it. “I-I can’t keep doing this no strings attached shit. Not when you do this. Not when you come here all beat up like some sad puppy.”
“I’m sorry,” he said. And he was.
“Don’t be. I should’ve known this would happen.” Her voice was soft, her eyes distant.
“That what would happen?” He questioned. She looked at him like he had two heads.
“That you’d leave, Mat. That this whole pretending bullshit wouldn’t be enough for me.”
He leaned forward again, catching her off guard.
“I’m not leaving you. I’d never leave you.”
She looked away briefly, mentally cursing herself for being so emotional as tears began to well up in her eyes. He fell to her side, forcing her to meet his gaze.
“Do you really want this?” She asked, the tears rolling down her face illuminated a hue of pink from the salt lamp on the bedside table. Mathew reached out a hand, dragging his thumb over the droplet. He hated that she was crying, but fuck, she sure looked pretty while doing it.
His answer came without thought, he’d done enough of that on his way over.
“Yes. I want you in every way, if you’ll have me.”
A small smile came onto the corners of her face, and she nodded, shortly at first, but more exaggerated as they started laughing, a small “yeah?” escaping from Mathew. She responded with the same, and he took that as his sign to reach forward, closing the distance between them.
And like all the times before, they fell into their routine, her hands going down to his hips, lifting the gray material of his shirt over his head. He returned the favor, the two of them moving in sync as she lifted her hips and he gently slid off her shorts. He ran his palms along her bare thighs and she shivered at the feeling, a reaction that didn’t go unnoticed by Mathew.
“I missed you, y/n.” He admitted, running a hand through his, now, unruly hair.
Another vibrant smile came across her face, easing whatever nerves Mat had left over from his confession.
“I missed you more, Mathew.”
He shook his head, dipping down to leave sloppy kisses on her neck. Taken aback, she let a shaky breath escape. He pulled back, satisfied with the response he’d pulled from her.
“Not possible.”
In a moment of boldness (and a slight hope to allow a fantasy to come to life) she challenged him.
“Prove it, then.”
His eyes darkened, then, and he surged forward. Her remaining clothes, which was just his sweatshirt and a flimsy cami, were gone in an instant. She was left in just a pair of black undies, Mat nearly cumming on the spot at the sight, like he’s some horny teenager. His apparel soon joined the growing pile on the floor, as she made a remark about how it wasn’t fair he was still so covered.
She shamelessly raked over his naked form, save for the black boxers, with his firm muscles, sore from the roadie, prominent as ever. She might’ve been drooling, she wasn’t sure. He smirked, the effect he had on her not lost to him.
The two began to kiss again, and there was no other way to describe it other than that it just felt right.
Mathew wasted no time, allowing his hand to trail down and cup her clothed heat, his thumb passing over her clit and past her entrance with a feather light touch. She shivered, her hips lifting up to chase the brief sensation. He pulled her panties to the side, teasing her entrance with his middle finger.
It was immediately covered in her slick, as was the black fabric he’d moved aside. It made him groan just from the sensation alone, making her chuckle at his behavior. Her laugh soon was cut off as he sunk the finger in, giving her no time to adjust, not that she needed it with how ready she was for it, before adding another.
His palm just barely grazed her begging clit as he pumped in and out slowly. And as she continued to lift her hips trying to feel him deeper, push his hand closer to her clit, she fully expected him to push her down and put her in her place.
But this whole thing was about showing him how much he missed her, how much he appreciated her. To show her that he was staying. And him staying meant that he’d have plenty of chances in the future to be an insufferable tease, but right now wasn’t one of those times.
“Matty, please-“ it was more of a breathy whine, not intelligible to an untrained ear. But thankfully for her, that wasn’t Mat.
“You want more, baby?” He questioned, knowing the answer. She nodded, hair splayed around her like a halo on the pillow. She was still illuminated from the TV screen and the salt lamp, making her look like an angel of sorts, not of this world.
“Look at me then, sweetheart. Wanna see that I’m makin’ you feel good.”
Her eyes that met his were glazed over and doe like, and it melted Mat’s insides at just one look. He did his best to push down the mushy feeling that arose, before realizing he didn’t have to anymore. He could feel as sickeningly in love as he wanted, no consequences.
“You’re so beautiful, baby. So needy, fuckin’ perfect girl.” He remarked, adding in a third finger. She let out a borderline pornographic cry, and Mat picked up his pace. His gaze only faltered from her face, contorting in pleasure, back to where he was pumping in and out of her, unable to resist the urge to watch in amazement.
Though her legs were flailing, going from propped up to sliding down and spread, rustling the comforter, she somehow had enough mind to reach a hand down. She attempted to run tight circles around her clit, but not before her hand was pinned to her side by the center above her,
“No, baby. Lemme.”
His range of motion was wider and his thrusts harder as he curled his fingers to perfectly hit that spot inside her that made her see stars, fully trailing his hand over her sex. He repeated the action again, and again, and again- and fuck, she didn’t know how long she’d go on like this but she never wanted the feeling to stop.
He felt her tighten around him, and he picked up his pace, knowing she was almost there.
“Mat!” she managed to get out between strangled moans and panting breaths. He leaned down, kissing below her ear on the one spot he knew drives her crazy. She was halfway thinking, well, less than halfway with her state at the moment, that he would cruelly pull his hand away as she reached her peak. So she clamped her thighs together in an attempt to trap him, subconsciously more than not.
It didn’t stop him from grinding his palm against her like he had been, leaning down to capture her lips with his in a searing kiss.
Everything at once was just so much, the obscene sounds coming from both their mouths and her wet heat, the feeling of Mathew’s bare skin on top of her, the feeling of warmth radiating from his body, and oh my God, after so long it’s fucking finally happening-
He felt as her chest seized and she pulled away from the kiss, her head slamming back before falling to the side. She cried out, her orgasm hitting her like nothing had before.
He found her lips in the chaos beneath him, his hand parting her thighs as she went lax, lazily pumping in and out as she rode out her high. Her slick coated the inside of her thighs, and Mat pulled away momentarily and she whined, like the little brat she was allowing herself to be.
He only smirked, leaning down to kiss on her collarbone, letting his tongue sweep over the seemingly shimmering expanse of skin before him. He moved further down, savoring the taste of her, how it felt to be so close to her. No guards up, no shields, no screening involved.
She moved her ring clad hands to run fingers through his locks, that fucking smile coming across her face. He looked up from where his hands were holding either side of her waist, his fingers digging into the soft flesh just enough to not make it hurt, but to say “I’m here. I’m not leaving.” His chin rested above her bellybutton, and he felt suddenly seen, bashful almost. He continued his trail down in a half assed attempt to hide his face, her breath hitching when he made it to her mound.
Her breath barely returned to her as he skipped over where she thought he was headed, instead opting to take her right leg over his shoulder, moving down the expanse of it to her ankle. He brought his eyes to meet hers, and a tender hand ran up and down the distance of it. He kissed the inside of her ankle, making his way up to the skin where her thigh met her already aching sex.
He lightly nudged his nose against the area, before attaching his lips. He started sucking on the skin there, licking her clean. Satisfied, he moved to the other side, beginning his good work.
“Mat,” she broke her silence, her voice splintered and low, “don’t tease. Please.”
He raised his eyebrows, seemingly in jest.
“I think we’re a little far gone from teasing, eh?” He asked, and truthfully, one mind blowing orgasm later, they were.
She chuckled, rolling her eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever hotshot.”
“New nickname?” He questioned. “I like it.” He huffed, returning to his place between her legs. “But I fucking love this pussy, baby.”
And with that, he dove in. He immediately groaned at what he had found. (Which, obviously, caused her to tug at that perfect head of hair, eliciting another groan.)
If possible, she had become even wetter with the mix of his spit and her nectarine juices. It dripped down his chin, and he wanted to stay there forever. He’d found solace there, he thought. No Maple Leafs, no Tito, no hatty that meant jackshit in the end.
Just her and her consummate being. Vibrant, saccharine. His.
He wasn’t sure how long he spent drawing her closer and closer to the edge, but somewhere between repeated chants of praises and whatnot, he’d slipped.
“Fucking love this cunt, fucking love you-“
He hadn’t realized what he said, and if he had, he didn’t seem to care. But his words alone were enough to rip an unassuming orgasm from her. She didn’t allow herself long enough to think about if he meant to say it or not, or even to ride out the aftershocks rolling through her nerves. She grabbed him by the shoulders, forcing him away from her glistening cunt and up to where she connected their lips.
A small sound of surprise, not reluctance, escaped from where they were joined. Her hands came to cradle either side of his face, and Mat thinks that he might’ve cried from the tender action. He wasn’t sure, but he wasn’t going to ask. Hey, it’d been a long day.
“You mean it?”
He realized what he had said, then, eyes wide and somehow his face even more flushed than before. He considered lying, like when Tito had asked who he was texting and he’d said a friend.
But where would that leave him, he wondered?
“Yeah, I did.” He added after a beat of silence.
And in those few moments nothing had seemed scarier.
Not when he was 18, getting skipped over by teams in the draft, and that voice in the back of his head had told him that, somehow, everyone had collectively decided to skip Mathew Barzal. Not when he was 19 playing in his first game for the Isles, having to follow up Auston Matthews first NHL game where he had four goals. Four. Fuck.
No, all that was topped by this. By the same fear he’d had earlier when he’d been on the bus, or when he’d arrived at her apartment.
But all of that fear was dissolved in a second after her laugh sounded out in the small bedroom, her eyes crinkling at the edges. She pulled him down towards her, and the sound of her laughter pulled a radiant smile from the hockey player that he felt like hadn’t seen the light of day in a long time.
She rolled over on top of his chest, leaning forward and throwing her arms around his neck. His chain was glinting, now, in the light she had previously been bathed in, and it caught her eye as it rested against his milky complexion.
“You looooove me.” She regarded in a sing-song voice, and Mat rolled his eyes despite the smile growing on his face. She leaned down, and Mathew’s grip on her bare hips tightened, all too aware of the wet spot left on his stomach from her leaking sex.
She mirrored his previous movements down his chiseled body, a regular Adonis in his own right. She left open mouthed kisses, the wet patches from them adding to the thin sheen that covered his body. She made her way down to his boxers, the obvious tent making her stifle a laugh. He caught it though, of course, and rolled his eyes for what seemed like the millionth time.
“Laugh it up, babe. Laugh at my misery.” He commented, to which she only shook her head.
“Patience is a virtue, Mathew.”
“You’re one to talk.”
Well, he had a point there.
So rather than talk, she decided she’d put her mouth to good use. She pulled down his boxers at a painstakingly slow rate, watching as his cock slapped up against his stomach. Her mouth watered at the sight, the tip red and weeping, begging to be attended to. He kicked off the boxers, paying no mind to how they slipped onto the floor, forgotten. She didn’t either, as she was sure he had to have some extra in one of his gazillion bags sitting in her entry way.
Her nails scratched down his stomach, angry red lines puffing up and decorating around the expanse of his skin. They were accompanied by freckles and marks and scars that she could have mapped together with her eyes closed. She knew Mathew like the back of her hand. And with that, came knowing how to make him come undone in her hands.
She started leaving small kisses at the base of his shaft, before swiping the bead of precum from his head down to the rest of him. She pumped her hand a few times, and Mathew let out a strangled moan. She thought he couldn’t get any louder, feeling bad for her neighbors at whatever hour in the night it was, but she was quickly proven wrong.
She licked a long stripe from the bottom to his tip, before taking as much of him into her mouth as she could. She bobbed her head a few times, jacking off whatever she couldn’t fit with her hands. She hollowed her cheeks, and the rise and fall of Mathew’s chest quickened. The sound he let out was animalistic, and it sent another wave of arousal through her body. She moaned involuntarily, and the feeling caused Mathew to buck his hips.
“You’re doing so good, baby. ‘M not gonna last with you going at me- shit- like that.”
He brought a large hand down to the side of her face, lightly stroking her cheek. It was a moment of wholesomeness that reminded them what they were now, what he had said.
Mat could tell she was tired, her pace decreasing. The look in her eyes never changed, though. And as he went to speak to tell her it was okay, and she didn’t have to (and because since it had been so long, he was scared he’d bust his load if she wasn’t careful), she pulled off.
A string of saliva followed, and the sight looked like a thumbnail of a shitty porno. Her eyes were droopy and glazed over, and Mat’s hypothesis was proven correct.
“It’s okay, sweetheart. You don’t have to finish. Let me take care of you.” He repeated his sentiment from earlier. She only shook her head, continuing to jack him off with her hand. Oh. He thought. That’s not what I was expecting.
“S’okay, Matty. Wanna make you feel good.”
She ran her thumb over his tip again, her glassy and swollen bottom lip hanging ajar as she concentrated. The moans he was letting slip free could only be described as pathetic, the 190 pound hockey player putty in her hands.
“I’m gonna cum if you don’t, God, baby, shit! I-If you don’t stop.”
And then she pulled her hand off, and he let out a quick breath at the momentary relief, if that was even the right word. But it was short lived, and she managed to hoist herself up, dragging her folds along his cock, before stabilizing herself with hands on his chest. He slid inside of her, and the sounds they both let out echoed off her walls.
She started moving, and then it was “You’re fuckin’ amazing, you know that? So fuckin’ amazing. My girl, my perfect girl.” He rambled, the events of just that day alone scrambling his mind trying to keep up. Similarly to how she felt earlier, everything was just too much for the poor man. She felt like Heaven around him, and he watched in awe from below her as she moved, enamored by the woman he loves.
As she became more and more tired, her movement slowed, reduced to her grinding herself down on his cock. Mat was barely hanging on, trying to make it last as long as possible. He could tell she was close too, as she squeezed him like a vice, and put her energy into picking up her pace.
“Fuck, Matty. Feels s’good. Love you- shit! I love you so much, baby.” She told him, her eyes closed and her face screwed up as she chased her high. But something snapped in Mathew at her confession, and with a quick “fuck” under his breath, he flipped the two of them without ever leaving her.
He was relentless.
He slammed in and out, and at the sudden change in position and pace, she was blindsided. She thrashed around him, her hands everywhere at once. Her hair, his hair, grasping at his shoulders, scratching down his back. She settled for his biceps, as his hands were planted. One on the right side of her head, the other gripping her hip bone so hard, she was sure it’d bruise.
“It’s only ever been you, baby. I promise you.”
“Shit, Mat!” She cried, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. She loosely draped her legs around his middle, allowing him to reach new depths within her. He was fucking her senseless, and they fucking loved it.
“It’ll only ever be you. I love you. Fuck, I love you so much, Y/n.” His hair hung in his eyes as he fought to keep them open. He shook it out of his eyes, wanting to see her as she came in all her glory.
“Love you, Mat. So much, baby. You have no idea.”
His pelvis snapped harder against her, just barely reaching up and grazing her clit in the most exquisite way. The rope in her stomach began to tighten for the third time that night, so close to breaking she could almost taste it.
Actually, she could taste it, she realized. She had been biting down so hard on her bottom lip she could taste the metallic tang on her tongue, and fuck, it was all the more delectable.
“Mat!” It was another exclamation, followed by more babbles. “‘S too much, Matty, can’t do it.” Her voice was small, and despite the nature of the statement, Mat felt his heart flutter.
He shook his head. “Yes, you can, baby. I know you’re tired, but you can do it, Y/n. You’ve got another one in you sweetheart, pull through for me. I’ve got you.”
And never one to disappoint, especially not her Mathew, she did.
She came, and she came hard. But it wasn’t dramatic the way you’d think it’d be, at least not outwardly. Her breathing stopped, her toes curled, and her nails dug into the skin on Barzy’s arms. It wasn’t accompanied by a loud scream, or a drawn out, high pitched moan. It was a breath of relief that left her when she came, her head falling to the side and her eyes closing. A quiet moan of Mat’s name, and she was clamping down on him.
The sweet way his name fell off her tongue, mixed with how she was so damn tight around him as she came, and he was done for. It triggered his own orgasm, and he felt the same feeling of peace wash over him that she had as he spilled into her. He fucked her through it, soft thrusts calming whatever aftershocks they both were experiencing. She had gone limp under him, her eyes opening as she gave him the sweetest smile he’d ever seen.
He stayed in her, lowering himself onto his side, then maneuvering them so she was laying on him. They were a cliché and they knew it, but they couldn’t seem to care. A few moments passed in comfortable silence, before it was broken by Mathew’s scratchy post-sex voice. Swoon.
“So,” he started. She raised a brow, wondering where he was going with this.
“You looooove me, too, then?” He mimicked her tone from earlier, and they broke out in a fit of laughter as she slapped his arm and rolled her eyes.
“Yeah, yeah. I guess you’re alright.” She feigned annoyance, propping herself up on her right arm as she faced the man she loved. Mat scoffed, blowing a strand of hair from his forehead. “Just alright? You’re crazy, lady.”
“But you love me.”
Not a beat passed before “I do.”
She smiled softly, lifting up a hand to run a finger along his jaw. He caught it with his own, never breaking eye contact as he kissed her palm. Again, swoon.
“I know.” She responded, wanting to stay in that moment forever. But, she knew that if she stayed where she was too long, she’d more than likely fall asleep in record time. So, she pressed a chaste kiss to the corner of his mouth, which he turned to catch before she could go, pulling her back for a “real” kiss at his protest.
A petulant child, that’s what he is.
She pressed one more to his lips for good measure, before pulling himself off of him. They both let out disgruntled sounds at the sudden losses, and it took all her energy to sit up on the edge of her bed. She felt a strong jaw on her shoulder, and she leaned into it.
“Where you goin’? Leaving me all alone isn’t very nice.” She could hear the frown in his voice, and even though she knew he was joking, it tugged on her heartstrings that little bit.
“Gotta pee.” She said, standing up and walking towards the connecting bathroom. “Sorry baby, no UTIs for me.”
The frown stayed cemented on his face.
“You should be grateful,” she threw over her shoulder, shutting the door. “No UTIs, more fucking, yeah?”
He chuckled at her bluntness, deciding to go and get her some water and maybe a snack. Shit, he didn’t know. What was he supposed to do? Usually when they fucked before, her or Mat would be out the door as soon as possible, still trying to ward off those pesky feelings. But now, he was allowed to feel said pesky feelings, and he’d be damned if he fucked it up.
So, snack. And water? Yeah, water, for sure. He was hungry and thirsty, why wouldn’t she be. He had no idea the way around her kitchen, nor how to, er, actually make anything, so this would be rough. But, first, a pit stop.
He would have walked butt-ass naked into her kitchen, really, but then he remembered Warrior was out there and he didn’t have a need to traumatize that dog any further than he already was.
(It was one time, okay? He didn’t know she had a dog, he’d been asleep on his bed by the TV when they’d gotten to her place. And at the time, Mat was too preoccupied to notice.)
He looked around on the floor for the offending clothing item, slightly grossed out when he did finally find them. It was only for a minute, tops, is what he told himself, as he pulled on the boxers from earlier in the night.
He tiptoed, for literally no apparent reason, through the dark apartment until he found the bag he was looking for. He grabbed what he needed from it, struggling with the zipper while trying to close it, before giving up. On his way back to her room, he gave Warrior a nod and smile, and he swore the mutt gave one back. Okay, actually, on second thought, he remembered the clock on her microwave saying it was 3:18 AM, so, maybe he didn’t.
It was late and he just had the best sex of his life with the woman he loves. Give him a break. So what if he’s delusional and thinks he can communicate with dogs? At least he’s pretty.
When he gets to her room, he pulls on the newer, clean, pair of boxers, setting the other pair he grabbed from his bag on the bed for her when she got out of the bathroom, along with an Islanders shirt that he’d secretly always wanted to see her in. Too soon? Maybe. But after so long yearning for everything domestic and wholesome and good that he was convinced he didn’t deserve with her, he was indulging a little bit. So sue him.
His next stop, snacks. And water, can’t forget the water.
The water was easy enough, he got lucky. He grabbed her “emotional support cup” as she’d called it before when she thought he wasn’t listening, and went over to the fridge. He got a few ice cubes and put them in, and then went over to her Brita. He stood there, pressing down on the little lever, watching the steady stream of water into the cup. It was almost laughable, how he stood there in the dead silence, concentrating so hard. He was determined not to somehow do something wrong, even though it was just pouring a cup of water. Cute.
He checked the pantry once the cup was full, with the lid safely screwed on top. The rustling about caught the attention of Warrior, who hopped down from where he’d been on the couch, moseying on over.
Mat, who still was slightly wary of Warrior, despite the fact the dog would cause him no harm, shook his head at the mutt.
“Sorry, buddy. I don’t have anything for you.”
He turned his head and gave him puppy dog eyes, pulling out all the stops. Mat sighed, looking back to the pantry. He saw a box of Milkbones, and looked back to Warrior, who was egging him on. (They’re telepathically connected, remember?)
He reached in the box, pulling one out, and tossing it down. Warrior gratefully accepted, taking his treat and waltzing off to his bed to chow down. Mat looked in the pantry, going to close the box, when he sees it, his saving grace.
White bread, hallelujah.
He can do toast. Mathew Barzal is a totally capable 25 year old man who can make toast. So, he takes the bag, going over to the toaster. And-
One look at all those fancy buttons, and he’s tapped out.
Okay, it’s okay, he can remember seeing a vending machine on his way into her apartment. Yeah, he remembers her telling him about having to sign off on some HOA form for it, even though she was just renting. Apparently, her landlord hadn’t signed, which made it her job. Whatever, that’s irrelevant.
He figured that there wouldn’t be anybody out in her hallway at 3:23 AM, so he grabbed his coat with his wallet, shrugging it on over his bare back. His slides were somewhere in his hockey bag and the last thing he wanted to do was stink up her whole place by opening that Pandora’s box. So, barefoot it is.
He does his best to sneak out the apartment, leaving the door ajar as he makes the short walk to the vending machine, grateful his search was over. He let out a long sigh as he stood, wondering what to get her.
For himself he decided on a bag of cool ranch Doritos, and a bag of those tiny cookies. For her, he racked every corner of his brain for potential options, before realizing how long he’s taking, and how long he’d been gone. So, not wanting to waste any more time, he elected for one of everything.
He punched in the numbers and paid, attempting to grab them from the machine. Trying to pick up the few that had fallen, he leaned down. His attention was called elsewhere by the ”click!” of a door a few units down. His head snapped to the source of the sound.
“You’ve got to be shitting me.” He muttered under his breath upon what he saw.
A man probably not much older than himself, suitcase and backpack in tow, donned in, you guessed it, a New York Islanders hoodie a lá number 13.
The man had yet to notice the star player down the hall from him, and Mat was considering just making a run for Y/n’s place. But either way, he would have to go past the man, or the man would have to go past Mat to get to the elevator. Maybe he’d take the stairs? He hoped. Shit, who was he kidding, he’s not taking the stairs.
Starting his walk over, the unnamed Islanders fan lifted his head, stopping in his tracks. His jaw dropped, and if it wasn’t purely because of being in the presence of Mat Barzal, he had a hunch what it was.
Said hunch, was that it was due to the fact Mat Barzal was standing in front of him, in an apartment complex definitely not boujee enough for him to be living in, at 3:25 in the morning, naked, except for boxers and some fancy trench coat, holding several bags of snacks.
Mat would’ve laughed at the guys face, but he thought he wasn’t quite in the position to do so.
“Hey, man. How’s it going?” And a stupid bro nod, was all Mathew could manage.
While he was facing that debacle, Y/n was having one of her own.
After she’d gone to the bathroom, she decided to try to do her nighttime routine, too. She put on her robe from where it had been hanging in her bathroom, beginning her little routine.
When she emerged 10 minutes later, Mat was nowhere to be seen.
His bags were still by the door, albeit one of them hastily thrown open. Was he leaving and had gotten some clothes and an Uber? Did he have last minute regrets? The door to her place was left open, and an overwhelming sadness began to take over her system. As the tears began to well up, she looked over to Warrior, only to notice him chewing on… a milkbone? How the hell did he get a milkbone?
She sniffled, wiping her sleeve under her nose. She sat down on her couch, looking at where her iced coffee from earlier was still sitting, ¾ of the way empty. The tears started to flow freely again after that, and she stood up, deciding that she should at least shut the door. She didn’t need to deal with a robbery, too.
As she stood and turned, she was met with a very discombobulated and very underdressed Mat trying to shove his way through the door.
“Have a good flight, man. Enjoy Miami!” Mat called over his shoulder to what sounded like her neighbor Gian, based off of the “Thanks bro, good luck this season!” she heard back.
She slapped a hand over her mouth, trying to not bust out laughing at the sight in front of her. Hearing her snickering, he looked up gesturing to the bags in his arms.
“Hungry?” He asked, the smile on his face falling when he saw the red around her eyes. He dropped all the snacks on the couch to his right, making his way over to where she stood.
“Hey, hey, why’re you crying? What’s wrong sweetheart?” He questioned, and his sincerity made her smile widely.
“Nah, I’m all good, don’t worry about it. Just thought you’d left, that’s all…” A pause. “But I see now that you just had a case of munchies, apparently.”
He wrapped his arms around her shoulders pulling her towards his chest. His chin rested on her head, and she closed her eyes, inhaling his scent.
“No, baby. God, no, I’m not leaving. I just wanted to do this whole thing right, and I thought you might be hungry, and I tried to make toast- your toaster is really complex by the way,”
She pulled away from him as he rambled, her smile reaching her eyes.
“And I filled your water and set out clothes for you and I really did try, baby. I didn’t mean to fuck anything up, really.”
She giggled again, taking hold of the shoulders of his jacket, shrugging it off. She folded it over the back of a barstool, then turned back towards Mat.
“And Gian?”
“Oh yeah, he’s cool. Ran into him in the hallway and introduced myself. Going to visit some family in Miami.”
She raised an eyebrow, nodding her head in understanding. She stepped closer, wrapping her arms around his middle.
“So, am I gonna have to compete with him for your attention now whenever you come over?”
He reciprocated the action, one hand coming up to rest on her chin.
“I mean, he’s gonna be gone for two weeks, but after that…” he shrugged, trailing off. She hummed, and he smiled at her, leaning forward. He searched her eyes for any remaining upset, unable to find any, before he pressed his lips to hers. It was sweet and gentle, with not a hint of rush or fervor.
When they pulled apart, she was smiling again. Her hands found their way back to his neck.
“And baby, you’re amazing. You didn’t fuck up anything at all, I promise.”
“Promise.” She whispered, leaning in again to connect their lips. She let her tongue sweep over his bottom lip, biting down just barely before pulling away. She pushed down the sleeves of her robe just a bit, exposing her shoulders. Y/n took his hand, and started walking backwards, letting it slowly slip out of hers as she did.
“Come on, hotshot. Come to bed. Snacks will still be there in the morning.”
She smiled again briefly, before walking towards her room, the robe slipping down as she went. Mat stood watching her in total awe, glued in place, until he was knocked out of his trance.
“Hurry up! And lock the door, too, please!”
He had never obliged to anything quicker in his life.
(And as for the snacks, they were not still there in the morning, thanks to a certain mutt who managed to rip open all the packets on the couch. The next morning was spent at the vet, who had told them Warrior would be fine, just fat. The vet had only said this, though, after Mat had consoled a crying Y/n, who was under the impression he was going to be poisoned.
The rest of the day after that? Making up for lost time.)
YO idk if that was good or not i kind of feel like i imagined writing the entire thing and it was a fever dream. but. anyway! if you liked it, be sure to reblog <3 thank u i love u! go eat some protein and drink some water. 
xx, hj
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echantedtoon · 2 months ago
A Lovers' Circle (Poly Haishira x Reader) Ch7 Date Weekend: Sunday
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(Or alternative title- Obligatory anime shopping montage. Just an excuse for Y/n to get to know everyone before the real romance starts. I'm using the chart above as headcannons ages for Sanemi's sibs for a modern au for future reference. Short chapter. 
Warnings for some nudity mentioned but nothing NSFW.
Hearts conquered so far: Mitsuri and Gyomei and secretly Kanae.)
Taglist: @shadyd3ar @jcrml @tengensangel
@miniverse-zen @mysteri0uz
Remember if you want to be added to the taglist lemme know
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Bright sunlight shown down from the sky and illuminated the entire world in a nice warm glow. Soon fall would be hear turning the leaves shades of yellows, reds, oranges, and brown. Cold weather would soon follow after with the spookiest day of the year right around the year before eventually snow would fall and bring with it icy sidewalks and the likelihood of being pelted by snowballs. 
So it was a good idea to get out and enjoy the warm weather while you could.
"Dammit! Im fine!" Obanai scrunched up his face and narrowed his eyes but didn't stop his girlfriend from pushing his bangs from his face to frown at him.
"But what if you get lost?"
"We're going on a hiking trip to see a waterfall and then we're going to the movies," he deadpanned, "It's not like we're going skydiving."
"I know but what if you run into a wolf? Or a wild bear?! "
His hands were held up bluntly. "We'll be fine. It's not the first time we've been in the woods. You go have fun at the mall."
She still frowned at him but didn't argue- Only reach over to give him a big kiss to his forehead leaving a red lipstick mark he'd wipe off later. Right now they were in front of the local park waiting for everyone else to arrive. Most of them were already there, minus Shinobu who needed to wrap up some last minute emails concerning her part time job at an office and Gyomei who was coming by bus after picking up his .. Girlfriend? Did she count as his girlfriend if they've only been on three dates? He guessed they were still just casually dating right now and testing the waters. Y/n seemed like a nice girl or 'unicorn' as Shinobu put it but he still wasn't too sure what to think..She seemed ok at least to him. Maybe that'll change later but who knows?
The sounds of the park around them continued through the air as kids ran around giggling and squealing their little heads off playing. Swings to be swung, slides to slide, and jungle gyms to climb. Lots of little smiles on little cute faces running around playing or toddling after parents walking around. Or in Sanemi's case allowing his little brothers and sisters to be climb all over him where he stood eating an energy bar in one hand while his other arm was slowly lifted up and down with two little boys and one little girl clinging to him. Three of his little siblings with a fourth standing just standing off to the side. The second oldest other than himself. No doubt babysitting a few of their little siblings today.
Kanae was letting one of their other little sisters mess with her hair and admire how pretty she was. She was rather pretty. However the sounds of a little PING sound took his attention off his friends and towards the pocket on Mitsuri's right side as her hand automatically dug out her phone and looked at the screen. 
"It's Shino! She says she's running late so she's just heading to the mall to meet us there."
"Oh. That's convenient." He didn't think they'd be able to leave on their hiking trip until Mrs. Shinazugawa came back to take over her youngest children. "Anything else from Mei?"
She shook and one of her braids smacked against his cheek. "Nope! But the bus should be here soon! Ooh! This is gonna be so much fun!"
Considering if they'll get here already. They were taking so long and it was already painful enough to have to fork over fifty bucks after loosing that stupid game Tengen decided to make them do. Sigh. Oh well still better than loosing a hundred dollars each. He didn't want to lose that too-
Well it's about time!
The tall, unmistakable form of Gyomei walked down the road and started making his way towards them walking slower than normal because of the smaller woman walking next to him holding his arm. You smiled at them all and waved an arm at them all as you got close enough to be heard.
"It's about time you all showed up. I was starting to grow a beard from how long it took."
"My apologies." Gyomei smiled despite his apology. "But we're here now. Is everyone else here?"
"Except Shinobu. She's gonna meet the girls at the mall. We still gotta wait for Sanemi's mom to come back before we leave too-" he gestured behind him at the giggling little kids despite Gyomei obviously not being able to see them. "-but she should be back anytime now. The girls can go ahead and leave." 
"Are you sure?" Mitsuri gave him a puppy eyed look. 
"Yeah. We'll be fine. You girls go enjoy your frilly spa day. Well meet up with you after Sanemi drags us to the movies."
"I promise."
It wasn't him her cupping his face and gifting him a giant smooth to the forehead before excitedly looping an arm around your arm and excitedly began to pull you towards the other girls. In fact you were barely able to shout a goodbye to Gyomei before the unusually strong woman literally dragged you off towards the other girls. They were all there except for Shinobu whom Mitsuri briefed you about meeting you all there, and Kanae who had to wrestle one of Sanemi's baby sisters off her before joining you all there. Mitsuri and Suma both super giddy with excitement.
"This is gonna be great! We're going shopping and then to Salan,Sauna, and Beyond!"
..You blinked. "What's Salon, Sauna, and Beyond?"
As if you had insulted her,her family, her friends, and cat- Suma gasped so loud you jumped as she clutched her turtleneck. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT SALON, SAUNA, AND BEYOND IS?!"
"Um. No? Should I?"
"YES!," She yelled at you waving her arms around, "It's like only the greatest place ever to get your nails done and get pedicures and it has like these REALLY good massages that help melt stress awa- HEY!!"
MAKIO shoved her head aside with a hand with a deadpanned look. "It's a salon and spa with an attaching sauna room and one. It's a pretty popular place to go unwind and relax."
"Oh. I've never been there before."
"Kanae, tell her to stop being mean to me!"
"Ok. Let's calm down now. C'mon. We don't want to end up missing our bus."
Hinatsuru was lightly surprised you didn't run away or show annoyance at the fighting but remained smiling as Kanae hered the still arguing wives towards the bus station where you first arrived with Gyomei. It also turns out the boys were not going to be going with all of you like they did Friday night and all day Saturday when you weren't around. Instead they planned on having a few hours to just bond with the boys as the girls just bonded with each other which includes a nature hike, movie Sanemi insisted on dragging them too, and then they planned to go somewhere to eat before meeting back up with the girls near the end of the day at the sauna. Sounded like a plan. 
The ride to the mall was pretty generic. On the way there you sat by Mitsuri and talked with her about your pets. Her cats and bunnies and your goldfish you named Goldielocks.  It was a peaceful ride up to the ginormous building that was your city's local mall complete with a lot of stores inside. And conveniently waiting for you all in the parking lot was Shinobu, eating what looked like a granola bar while she was waiting for you all to show up by the entrance. It got a raised brow from Makio.
Shinobu shrugged again looking at you all. "You all were taking too long. I got hungry and ate something."
"Too long? It's eight in the morning still!"
"Let's not fight anyone! I wanna swing by CePora's! They have this new Summer's End eye shadow palette I've been wanting!" 
"I think the yellows and oranges would look good on Makio," you added trying to get the group moving, "Let's go in and see if it's still there!" Your arm gestured towards the large building.
Luckily that seemed to have worked and the group ended up being dragged by Mitsuri all the way to the escalator and up to the second floor where she then proceeded to not stop until she was dashing through the automatic front doors of the famous make up chain of stores. It was ok. You got a cute little compact mirror in the shape of a Tanuki so it all worked out before someone directed your group towards the check out and then a few different stores. This time a few clothes stores.
Honestly you were surprised one mall could have five different clothes stores and no one seemed to care. 
Your attention was mainly upon the plethora of outfits Suma and Mitsuri thrusted into your arms and insisted you try on because-
"You'd look even cuter next to Gyomei if you wore these!"
Nice to know that they cared about their friend at leas and you did end up liking a few of the outfits so that was a plus. Until Hinatsuru pointed out something with a gentle hand on your shoulder. 
"Hey. We've been going to all the places we like. It's not fair to Y/n to just drag her everywhere without stopping where she wants to go as our guest. Let's go where she wants." She smiled at you. "Pick wherever you want to go, Y/n."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes! Where do you want to go?"
"Well, there's a bookstore here that has a new recipe book on deserts from Canada I'd really like to get."
"Consider it done!"
It was a nice trip to said bookstore where Mitsuri bought herself at least three romance novels and you think Shinobu got herself a book of space sciences. It was another small thrift store or two before it had occured to you all that it was noon already and you all were very hungry. Mitsuri's immediately reaction was to suggest going to the resident cat cafe, but knowing her appetite Shinobu suggested that you all go to the other mall restaurant that had an all you can eat buffet instead. Yeah. That was probably the better idea considering that Mitsuri had finished off her twelveth plate by 12:45 and about ready to go back for her thirteenth. You weren't even done with your own plate yet but giggled as she looked at you in question before you held up a napkin to her and smiled sweetly.
"Here. You have some gravy on your cheek from the mashed potatoes."
She blinked at the kind gesture but smiled widely. "Thanks!"
It was a mutual agreement that they approved of your gesture by the many smiles you've gotten from them. "So, Y/n. How's your day so far?"
You beamed brightly. "It's been wonderful! I can't remember the last time I've had so much fun!"
"Don't you go to the mall?"
You shook your head. "Only sometimes if I need to pick up something or if I'm shopping with my family. I don't really have a lot of friends who're free or like to go shopping with me."
"You don't have friends?"
"Well...Not a lot. My one friend is usually working and studying hard for his bachelor's and he's already busy enough with his boyfriend so we don't get to hang out as much as we used to."
"AW! That's so sad! It's ok!" You were suddenly grasped up into the arms of one pink haired girl who squeezed you tight enough to make you wheezed and pop a few of your bones as she hugged you to her. "We'll be your friends now! We can go on trips and I can do your nails and-"
"Mitsi! You're suffocating her there!"
Green eyes blinked before looking down at your pale face before she squealed out and pushed you away with a worried look. "Sorry, sorry, sorry! Oh my gosh! Are you ok?!"
You slowly gasped a lungful of air after getting squeezed like a lemon before nodding. "Y-Yeah. I'm ok." 
If you counted being squeezed like an orange ok. But you weren't going to fault her for it especially since she's been so nice to you so far. After a moment of you all just talking, mostly about what they were doing for classes starting Monday tomorrow or what they all did at the beach together yesterday when the waiter stopped by the large table to collect the dirty dishes ..and gave an annoyed dirty look at Mitsuri who was scarfing down the remainder of her thirteenth plate before adding it to the stack he had to take away eventually.
"Eh...Is there anything else I can get you ladies?," he asked despite still eyeing the stack of plates with narrowed eyes. His tone not hiding his annoyance either.
"Can I get some of the devil's food cake on the menu?" Mitsuri beamed up at him widely as his nose wrinkled up. 
"I'm sorry but we're OUT," he bluntly stated before reluctantly grabbing the tall stack of dishes and grunting annoyed. "Can I get anyone else anything?"
Mitsuri blinked giving a glance at the stack of dishes the waiter was forced to carry away before guiltily and ashamedly looking down at her own hands. It caused a chain reaction of glares and frowns from the other girls glaring at him annoyed back.
"No. Just bring us the check."
The waiter seemed annoyed still but relieved to start collecting everyone else's plates adding it to the big pile in his arms before pausing as you gently reached out to gently tug on his sleeve and smiled politely. "May I please have some of the devil's food cake on the menu? Just add it to my part of the check please."
Now this time every gave you wide eyed looks at the audacity of the situation especially when Mitsuri was literally right THERE next to you but the waiter was all too happy to smile at you. "But of course. Give me just a minute to get back to you."
"Thank you very much!"
There was just dumbfounded silence as he walked away after picking up Kanae's dishes and hauling them away from the stunned group as you all sat there stunned other than you who only smiled... Eventually Mitsuri broke the silence with a mumble. 
"I thought they were out."
"What the heck, Y/n?!," Makio demanded as you just smiled at her as she gestured to Mitsuri and you. "She's right there! Did you freaking forget or something?!"
"Oh no. I know exactly what I'm doing."
"Why you-"
"Makio, calm down. We can't stop her from buying her own dessert if she's paying for it herself." Despite Kanae's soft tone, her look was obviously disapproving. "It's not like we can demand someone that they can't eat something."
Makio didn't say anything but she shot you a glare as you still smiled at her and Mitsuri sunk down further into her seat as everyone awkwardly waited for the checks to be delivered along with your dessert. About five minutes later the same waiter returned looking a little less annoyed but still had that blunt tone to him as he placed down at least seven checks for you all and a second later a VERY big delicious smelling, mouth watering, chocolate upon chocolate cake slice in front of you. 
"Here you are, Ma'am."
"Oh thank you! If you wait just a second, I'll give you your tip!" You clasped your hands happily as he smiled at you... Before you bluntly reached over, grabbed the plate, picked it up, and just placed it back down in front of Mitsuri who blinked in surprise. "Look, Mitsuri! They had some after all and what luck we were able to get you the last piece!" Her eyes widened bigger at you. "Aren't you lucky?"
Everyone stared gobsmacked as you just hummed along going to dig around in your purse for a second to pull out a five dollar bill before holding it up to the waiter whom looked like he was slapped across the face. The moment you waved the bill in his face, he glared at you before snatching it from your hand and stomping away from you table. There was another awkward moment as you left the thirty dollars for your part of the meal on the table before you blinked at the wide eyed stares given to you.
"What? Did I get her the wrong cake?"
Instead of an answer you were given a squeal from Mitsuri and then after another bone crushing hug as she hugged you with a large smile. "THANK YOU SO MUCH!  THIS IS LIKE THE NICEST THING A NEW PERSON HAS EVER DONE FOR ME!!"
You smiled wider looking at her. "No need to thank me. You shouldn't be treated badly just because of your appetite." She blinked as you patted her arms. "That guy's a jerk. Forget about him and just enjoy your cake. My treat."
She continued to stare at you before her face turned to a bright red and her hands let go of you to clasp her cheeks. "I-I don't know what to say. Oh my- Such a gesture!"
"You don't have to say anything. Just enjoy yourself. Sorry if I didn't explain it earlier."
"Oh. So that's why you ordered it." 
Makio slowly relaxed as you nodded.... Oblivious to the lovestruck, blushing face Mitsuri was giving you before you slowly got up to excuse yourself to the bathroom and asked them to watch your shopping bags in the meantime. The SECOND you disappeared from sight, Mitsuri slammed a determined palm down on the table and clenched a fist.
"Ok! It's official! Let's do all we can to get her together with Gyomei! She's absolutely perfect!"
"Huh? Where did this come from?"
"Oh..N-No where but we owe it to Mei to try and get him a great girlfriend like he deserves! So let's make her feel welcome! I mean like c'mon! She's literally perfect! She even tipped the waiter so we didn't have to!"
"Are you..blushing?"
"N-NO! I'm just very flattered at the gesture!"
By the time you got back, Mitsuri was already done eating and giddy again especially when you came back. The group gathered up the bags and decided to stop by two more small shops to pick up some pre-ordered stuff Tengen already paid for (a canvas and a box of hard to get paints) before they ushered you back out of the mall and on the street. At least four shopping bags hung from your own arms as Mitsuri held your hand and pulled you along behind her continuing to babble on about...Well you lost track after the part where she told you about how she got into ballet but you politely listened since she seemed so happy now dragging you down the road as cars drove by and people passed by on the sidewalk.
The building they stopped in front of was a smaller building than the mall but still bigger than your house. The sign on the front saying Salon, Sauna, and Beyond. Ah! So this must be the place that they were so excited to go. You allowed Mitsuri to excitedly drag you in after the others and the nice smells of rose air freshener hit your nose along with the cool air from the ac. The inside of the building was mostly white with a few paintings on the wall, some soft looking chairs, and a reception desk where a middle aged woman smiled at you all. Ah. This must've been the waiting area. 
The woman smiled at the group and waved a hand. "Good afternoon. Are you here to book an appointment?"
"I have a reservation for a group under Kocho actually!"
The lady took a moment to rummage around on her desk and look for something.. before nodded and happily looked at Shinobu. "Of course! We have your party booked for our three o clock reservation. If you'll follow me, you can get a locker for your belongings before proceeding to the salon floor."
In an instant Mitsuri looked excitedly at you. "Have you ever been to an onsen before, Y/n?"
You nodded. "My cousin had everyone go to one for her bachelorette party, so I've been to one once."
"Oh you'll love it then! The water is from natural hot springs so it's got minerals that's really good for your skin! But first we're getting our nails done and-"
And off she went again. 
It was ok still. You still were going to have a good time. It was just a small matter of getting a small safe place to put your shoes and bags before following the others to the other section of the salon separate from the onsen addition. Other an an older woman getting highlights in her hair, your group had the entire place to yourselves. 
It was a strange and new but not unpleasant experience there. After all you've never had your nails done let alone had anyone else take a nail file to your nails or had your feet soaked before getting a pedicure for the first time. As said it wasn't a bad experience just new. However you declined the massage offered to you. By the time three hours had passed and everyone had a turn to everything that was offered to them(none of you noticing the second group being escorted towards the onsen), it was time for the onsen according to Suma. There was only one problem however-
"Hey. Um..I don't know how any other way to say this,  but I don't feel comfortable washing with you all before we go to the onsen."
You weren't actually planning on getting into any onsens either and was just going to sit on the edge as they soaked, but you had to bath before going into the onsen and you didn't feel comfortable doing that as a group. Luckily Shinobu seemed very understanding and smiled at you. 
"That's fine. We're not going to make you do something you're not comfortable with so why don't you want outside for about fifteen minutes? We'll all be done by then and you can join us when you're done."
You sighed relieved. "That's great!"
"Good. When you're done just go through the doorway and down the hall. We'll be through the green door."
"Ok! I'll remember that!"
Guess who decided to show up in your life again? Yep that's right. Bad luck.
You had waited outside of the bathing area with the long fluffy white robe and the soap the spa ladies had given you to use and waited about twenty minutes for them all to get done (an extra five minutes just to be sure) before deciding to see if everyone was clear. A quick shout didn't get any response and a careful peek inside revealed that indeed no one else was in the room. Perfect! You were able to scrub down really quick and change into the robe you were given before wrapping a towel around your hair. Now let's see. Shinobu said they'd be in the room down the hall from here through the green door. Perfect! Easiest directions ever!
...or it would've been if you weren't staring at two exactly identical green doors at the end of the hall. 
You stood there dumbfounded staring between the doors again. There was a sign saying which one was the men's section.. unfortunately it had fallen off the wall where it was hung up and for some reason had been kicked to the middle of the hall so you had no idea which door it had been hanging above. Was someone trying to play a joke?! Or did no one notice the sign on the floor?! Or did they just not care and just kick it out of the way?! Either way you were screwed in this situation. Great.
Ultimately you decided to go through the right door. There was no one else in the spa besides yourself, your group, and the employees. The worst you'd do is enter an empty room or run into an employee who you'd just explain that you were were lost, and you might just run into the group. So you didn't think when you pushed open the door. When you stepped inside. When you smiled at first hearing the sloshing sounds of water. When you called out happily.
"Hey! I'm sorry I took so long! I got lost so-"
You froze as at least six heads turned to look at you in the doorway. 
It felt like an eternity to process what you were seeing as your mind just blue screened, but at the same time it felt like someone dropped a boulder into your stomach and jabbed ice into your veins with a syringe. There was definitely a group occupying the onsen in here alright...however it was uh...
They were definitely not girls. 
Six pairs of eyes stared at you. Some frozen in shock, some confusion, and at least in Sanemi's case it was a big 'wtf' look. Speaking of which-
The boys all stared at you from somewhere in the room. Rengoku, Tengen, and Sanemi from in the water. Obanai sitting on the ledge looking wide eyed frozen at you with a towel around his middle and his mask still on his face. And Gyomei and Giyuu standing off to the side looking like they had been having a conversation but stopped when you walked in. However-
"*ahem*" Eventually it was Gyomei who broke the extremely awkward silence by clearing his throat making you jump and calmly gesturing a hand back to the door. "Y/n, I believe you meant to enter through the o-other door."
The door all but slammed behind your quickly disappearing form and the sound of your quickly retreating footsteps left everyone else staring there stunned in the aftermath.. before Tengen snickered body shaking lightly before his entire head was thrown back with his loud booming laughter echoed off the tiled walls.
"HAHAHAHAHA!! Well if she didn't think you were good looking before she does now!," he loudly announced with more laughter that turned into sputters and coughs once Sanemi splashed water into his face.
You didn't mention anything about this to the others. Didn't even answer them when they asked what took you you so long and why your face was burnt red. You only squealed out that you got lost but didn't answer anything else. Thankfully they didn't push it and you were able to try to forget about it..but failed. You were horrified by the time you all left and the guys were literally RIGHT THERE  in the lobby and...
Absolutely chill?
They didn't look the least bit out of the ordinary and just greeted their girlfriends like it was any other day except for Tengen who gave you a deeply amused smile but before he could say anything Obanai kicked his leg hard enough to make him wince. So hopefully he wouldn't be telling anyone else about this- A gentle large hand placed on your shoulder causes you to jump out of your stupor and snap up to a concerned looking Gyomei. 
"Are you alright?," his tone was gentle and concerned. "If you're uncomfortable being around after..*ahem*" His own face dawned a light pink. "I-I can pay for a taxi to take you home."
"N-No! I-It's ok! That was m-m-my fault! Um...How was your hike?" You quickly changed the subject.
Taking the hint he nodded clearing his throat. "I-It was wonderful. The forest was very vibrant with life and the waterfall was especially alive. There's not really anything that sounds quite as powerful as the Earth's own power."
"It sounds beautiful."
"It was."
*Until Sanemi dragged us to that ghost story knock off."
"That is enough!" The sudden shout from the otherwise soft spoken Gyomei was so out of the ordinary that it made everyone turn on the spot in shock and surprise. His face turned down on a frown towards the both of them. "This entire day was supposed to be about spending time with one another not argue over who has better taste in films. Further more you both are being very inconsiderate to make such fools of yourself in front of our guest for this trip. Now will you both please kindly stop going at each other's throats?"
There was a stunned small moment of silence as the both of them slowly relaxed back looking suddenly guilty. After another few seconds Gyomei nodded before looking back to you apologetically. 
"I'm very sorry."
"It's ok. I really don't mind anyways." 
"No. It's not ok. We were supposed to relax today without any fighting. They promised and now-.." He just sighed. "It's getting late and we all have classes and work tomorrow. We should all return home and get a good night's sleep. Do you need me to drop you off?"
You shook your head at him. "No it's ok. I can walk home after I take the bus back." 
"Then allow me to walk you home. It's the least I can do."
After such a kind gesture,how could you say no? That's what lead to you both walking down the street with your arms linked and the sun barely in the sky, and him carrying your bags in his other hand even though you told him he didn't have to but he insisted. It made a warm fluttery feeling go off in your chest that barely let you register saying goodbye to everyone else. And you definitely didn't see the way Mitsuri was giving you the 'first crush' eyes or the very approving look Kanae gave you. Only focusing on the fact that you were home now and the good feelings in your chest didn't go away even when he handed over your bags. 
"Thank you for walking me home."
He smiled. "As I said before it's the least I could do. I'm just happy you had fun with the girls today. I hope Mitsuri and Suma weren't too overwhelming. I know they can be a lot." 
"No they're great! I had so much fun. It's the best time I had for a long time to be honest." 
He chuckled too and looked like he was going to say something but at the same moment and elderly couple smiled at you while walking into the building next to your home. "Oh look, Dear. A young man walking his lady home. How charming. I remember when you used to walk me everywhere-"
"Oh no. He's not my boyfri-..He is?"
The look of surprise on his face as his head turned to you wide eyed. "I am?"
There was a silence other than the chatting older couple just entering into the building and leaving you both alone staring at each other for a long moment. Eventually you looked down at your feet and rubbed your arm.
"I-I mean.. Would you like to be?"
His white eyes widened to the size of plates as he was taken aback before the brightest shade of red came over him as he just.. couldn't believe it. Before a big smile replaced the shock and he nodded. "Y-YES! I mean- *ahem* I would like that very much. However are you sure you'd like to have me for a boyfriend. I will not sugarcoat the obvious." A hand gestured to his face. "I am blind and scarred."
"If I was really shallow to not date because of looks, then I wouldn't have agreed to that first date with you."
"I am seeing other people whom I love and care about very much. .. I'm not going to break up with them or any other outrageous demands."
"I wouldn't even dream of asking you to break up with them! I think they're wonderful people so I couldn't ask you that. And it's not going to be me dating them. I'm going to be dating you and I'm ok with that." You smiled. "You're the first guy I dated that's been completely honest with me and so kind. It makes me feel like I'm the luckiest person in the world."
"I-... Don't speak like that please."
You blinked. "Huh. Why?"
"Be-Because the beauteous genuity of your words only make you sound more beautiful to my mind."
Huh. You were both closer than he remembered. Just a few inches from one another twinkling under the lights. And you blinked at the sudden closeness too. Face going a dim pink and a few chuckles from the moment escaping you. Barely anyone was outside now, too busy inside mingling, eating the food, and enjoying the evening. So it was just you two. Alone out here with nothing but each other for company. His mind felt completely blank and numb but in a good way, compelling him to reach his hands up and cup a cheek of yours something his rational brain wouldn't allow himself to do. Inches away now. You didn't move away.
He stared at the woman in front of him, this silly silly woman with the beautiful voice. If he was watching this as an outsider, he would've laughed at how they were literally just strangers less than a while ago, but right now it didn't seem any of that or anything else mattered. Not even the topic they had been discussing just a few seconds ago. Or removing the hand that now cupped her cheek. Maybe it really was a mutual madness they both shared or some form of chaos in their lives, but right now....With them being so close...And so vulnerable. It was only natural of course-.. It's what soulmates do-.. Of course they would since-...
They kissed.
"Hey. Do you think Gyomei is going to be angry at us still?" Sanemi gave his girlfriend a glum look as she patted his back. 
"Of course not. He's just stressed trying to make a good impression is all. I'm sure he'll be just fine." Her boyfriend didn't look convinced as he gave her a pout. Oh well. She was distracted anyways by the ringing of her phone in her pocket to which she promptly pulled out and automatically held up to her ear. "Hello?"
"Kanae! Quickly I need help!"
She blinked as Gyomei's voice cut through the phone. "Mei? Are you ok? What happened?"
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tothebestofmyabilities · 8 months ago
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@seemoreseymoursbay day 3! OC day
So in the episode 'Bad Tina' Zeke mentions that his dads girlfriend just had a baby, assuming that the dads gf he talks about in early seasons is Cheryl his step mom and that the father of that baby is Zekes dad we can also assume that Zeke has a very young half sibling. And I did go ahead and assume all those things so this is Zekes baby sister Cherish (Cherry for short).
Used the prompt wonder wharf
Im gonna talk some more about her under the cut bc im sure that will devolve into infodumping zeke lore/headcanons and i dont want anyone to get stuck scrolling past a wall of text
Interestingly she's the only oc i have that's part of a different piece of media rather than one of my own projects.
She's a spunky little toddler for sure she's always got tons of energy, she's extremely confident and fearless constantly running off when she sees something that excites her or to ask strangers questions. She has a big sweet tooth but also loves spicy foods, off the top of my head I don't think its been discussed in canon where Zeke is from originally but recently I've been thinking of him and his bio mom as being from louisiana (projection on my part my mom is from louisiana and bc I like Zeke as a chef and the food there is soo good) I love the idea that his mom taught him to cook the local dishes and that he makes them for Cherry. She dresses in a chaotic mix of her own love of bright, clashing rainbow colors and dingey hand-me-downs from Zekes childhood and from their other cousins. I definitely think Zeke has adhd and Cherry does as well.
I tend to draw her/think of her around age 2 1/2- 3 (so when zeke is 16ish) but in canon time she'd still be a newborn. I love the idea of Zeke with a young sibling he's portrayed in the show as being super caring, protective of and loyal to the people be cares about, and good with younger kids all of which read as big brother qualities to me and he's also mentioned wanting siblings hes closer too. (He mentioned having a 44 year old brother in Presto Tina-o but also has said his bio mom was pregnant with him at her prom which is probably just a continuity error with his throway lines but taken at face value makes his dad out to be a gross old creep which is my personal headcanon idk if there's anyone out there who are big fans of Zeke's dad and step mom but my headcanons do not paint them in a nice light so beware of that)
Based on pretty much everything Zeke has ever said about his family I get the impression that the adults in his life are pretty neglectful and irresponsible and definitely not super present (he rarely ever speaks about his dad I hc him having a job that keeps him away from the family most of the time probably something like trucking and Zeke has mentioned Cheryl being an alcoholic I also hc her as much younger than the dad maybe she's a bartender? I definitely see her having a nightlife kind of job also for reference picture her as a redhead with blue eyes and a lot of tattoos that's where cherry gets her eyes and freckles)
I believe with Cherry a lot of parenting responsibilities would be placed on Zeke and while i think he has qualities that are really well suited to that the parentification of an older sibling is not ok and would negatively impact him, I like the idea of him applying for a job at Bob's Burgers bc he needs a more stable way to provide financially than doing odd jobs around town and not only getting a job but also getting a support system and adults who care about him and his sister and their wellbeing. I think Bob would take Zeke under his wing and help him make himself and his education a priority (the belchers helping out with Cherry when they can so he can focus more on school and extra curriculars) and help him get into a culinary school after graduation. Linda would fall completely in love with her (we know how much she loves babies) and basically treat Cherry like she's her own grandbaby. They all babysit her when needed but Louise is her favorite babysitter and maybe person also she really looks up to Louise and likes to imitate her fashion style and the way she speaks, Louise would pretend that this annoys her but not so secretly finds it adorable.
Anyways clearly i could go on and on but ill just cut myself off there hope y'all like her!
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lovesodakid · 7 months ago
sworn to secrecy 6
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chris x fem!reader
1 2 3 4 5
summary: chris and y/n have known each other, pretty much their whole lives. y/n has always had a crush on chris. chris always viewed y/n as ‘nate’s little sister’ until one day, he realized, she wasn’t so little anymore…which nate which. he does not approve of whatsoever. (“brothers best friend trope”)
warnings: underage drinking/drunkness. should be all!!
the ride back to the triplets house seems blurry and hazy as the alcohol continues to consume my senses. the dimly lit streetlights and florescent headlights being the only illumination of the dark night.
“hey, you okay?” nick asks from above me. im laying on my side, head on his lap in the backseat.
“mhm.” i grumble, attempting to sit up.
i rub my head with my right hand, as my left is holding my limp body up.
“hey kid,” chris begins as he turns around in the passenger seat. “maybe slow down on the drinks next time, yeah?”
i let a small laugh escape my lips as i sit up more in the seat. my back now against the back of it.
“are we almost there?” i question. referring to the triplets house, obviously.
“yeah. just ten more minutes.” matt answers, keeping his eyes trained on the empty road ahead of us.
i nod my head in response. memories from the night flooding my brain.
the sound of chris’s fist smacking against christian’s face before he falls to the ground. i wince at the memory.
a year ago, you couldn’t have paid me enough to even take a sip of alcohol. now? i just got completely wasted at my first party. i don’t know what switch has flipped in me lately, but something has definitely changed a lot.
“okay we’re here.” matt says as he unbuckles his seatbelt.
i nod again, unbuckling my own as i open the car door. i plant my feet on the graveled surface of the driveway, i take about two steps before i’m already wobbling. struggling to keep my balance.
“hey-here.” chris says quietly as i feel a warmness coating the exposed part of my waist due to black, slightly cropped shirt covering the top half of my body.
“you got her?” i hear nick question chris as we make our way up the steps of the patio, towards the front door.
“yeah.” he replies, keeping a tight grasp on me to keep me held up and walking.
“here i’ll get the door.” i hear matt rush in front of us, the sound of a lock unlocking filling the silence.
once the door squeaks open, a finger making itself over my lips in a “shush” position. i turn around to face chris behind me, assuming it’s him since the warmth of his left hand has left my waist.
“shh. you gotta be quiet okay? mom and dad are asleep.” he speaks softly, removing his finger from my mouth to grab onto my left shoulder.
i nod my head up and down, matt holding the door open for us to walk in. nick walking behind us, just incase i fall backwards.
my feet slowly approach the threshold of the door, making my way through it. the smell of the house filling my nostrils. the smell i’ve grown fond of. the smell i’ve considered home. the smell i wish my own house smelled of. family dinners every night, family game nights, and grill outs during the summer. my house was nothing like that. instead, it was filled with lingering aroma of alcohol and cigarettes. the alcohol from my dad, cigarettes from my mom. a house filled with pain and suffering. a house where family dinners didn’t exist, just the occasional times where we’d sit together and eat on the couch in silence as a random show took over the tv screen. which only happened once, maybe twice a year at most if i was lucky.
i look down, watching every step i take, making sure i don’t trip over anything as im already struggling to keep myself up and walking.
we all slowly but surely make our way up the squeaky brown staircase. chris keeping a tight grip on me. matt walking in front of us, nick walking behind us.
“okay, i’m going to bed. goodnight guys.” matt says quietly as he makes his way to his bedroom. leaving small creaks throughout the floorboard in his path.
“hey y/n/n, you coming to my room?” nick questions, placing his hand on my shoulder.
i nod as chris slowly loosens his grip on me, allowing nick to take hold to walk me to his room.
“okay, i’m going to bed. let me know if you need anything.” he explains as he begins his way to his room.
“okay, c’mon.” nick slowly walks me to his bedroom. the door making a slight screech sound as it opens.
once we both enter his room, i make my way to his bed, flopping myself down on my back as i stare up at the white, blank ceiling.
“you want some clothes to change into to sleep in?” nick inquires as he starts making his way towards his closet, sliding open the mirrored door.
“mhm.” i hum. wanting to just be comfortable, and out of the clothes that are currently coating my limp self.
“okay, here.” he hands me a set of grey sweatpants, and a random white hoodie he must’ve had for years, small stains here and there. “i’m gonna go brush my teeth while you get dressed.”
he heads to the bathroom, shutting his door behind him. i sit myself up, cursing myself for drinking so much alcohol in the first place. especially for the years i told myself i would never drink.
once i’m finally able to stand up without face planting, i remove the clothes i was wearing to put on the clothes nick lended me. the cotton hoodie and sweatpants immediately comforting my body. the warmness soothing the places that were once freezing.
i throw my clothes somewhere onto nick’s floor before climbing into his bed, pulling the comforter all the way up to my chin. the mattress sinking in, molding the place where my body lays.
my eyes already being extremely heavy, flutter closed as the paralyzing slumber takes over my body.
i blink my eyes multiple times to open them from their sleepy state. i sit up, the comforter of nicks bed slightly falling off the top half of my body, leaving goosebumps in its wake.
i place my feet on the cold flooring, as i stand up to make my way out of his bedroom. turning around to make sure he’s still asleep before turning the knob of his door. creating the small sound of metal rubbing against each other.
i make my way out of his room, only to be met with someone sitting at the island table, scrolling through their phone. sounds coming quietly from the speaker of it as he scrolls through various videos.
i walk around a little more to see the face of who it is. once i’m where i can see his face, he’s already spotted me.
“hey! how you feeling?” he interrogates quietly as he sits his phone face down on the table. ending with a small *thump* sound.
“um-i feel okay.” i answer, shrugging my shoulders. “what time is it?”
he picks his phone back up, reading the time back to me.
“5:03 A.M.” he reads, setting his phone back down.
“oh.” i say, walking towards the fridge to grab any kind of liquid after i noticed how painfully dry my throat had been.
silence fills the air as i open the refrigerator door, grabbing a plastic water bottle. i shut the door as i turn my back to it, facing chris once again.
i twist the plastic lid as it makes a small “pop” sound. taking a quick swig of the drink before placing it down on the marble design of the island.
“so, how was your first party experience?” he asks, staring right dead at me with a sly grin.
“um,” i begin. “it was okay. other than the fact i want to puke right now. and the fact you beat some dudes face in.” i laugh.
he shakes his head side to side before speaking. “well, the dude deserved it.” he says with a shrug of his shoulders.
i nod my head in agreement, crossing my arms.
“why did you do it?” i question him.
his face slightly faltering before he begins speaking.
“i just had my reasons.”
i push my lips into a straight line, raising my eyebrows as i nod.
“you should be getting back to bed. you’re gonna have a nasty hang over. so you should probably get some sleep.” he explains, standing up from his stool.
“goodnight chris.” i tell him, making my way back into nicks room.
“goodnight y/n.” he speaks softly, eyes scanning over my face before walking away with a small rub on my shoulder.
i walk back into nicks room, shutting the door behind me. i stride towards his bed. once i sit down, i get into a position i think is comfortable enough to sleep in, allowing the sleep to take over my body once again.
a/n: sorry this part took so long to get out !! i was dealing with some minor personal things. i also apologize if this is a little more on the boring side. and for the fact its short!!!!
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inkstainedhandswithrings · 8 months ago
TBB s3 ep4 Thoughts!!!
Oooohh starting off strong
Omega immediately wanting to go back because “it’s right”
Crosshair wanting to keep moving, not because he’s scared of going back but because he understands that he can’t help anyone if he’s dead
Ah there he is. The bitch. The Hemcock.
I wanna say Nala Sa deserves to be in prison but idk I’m starting to feel for her
Pretty sure she won’t survive the season though
is that,,,, a reference to yanno,,, shoes hanging from a power line?
hahahahahahah poncho stormtroopers
“You’re the one who wanted to bring… the hound.”
best duo this show has given us
If Hunter was the hesitant but willing dad, Crosshair is the exasperated older brother that was forced to bring his younger sister to the party he was invited to an now has to spent all night watching her
Ey not cool Omega. Someone was using that jacket to advertise their business
“See, isn’t this better?” “No.” “Ugh.”
“I could take out half of them before they even know what happened” 😳😳
Yeah, I believe you sir
Damn fuck how many more clone crushes will I have to be burdened with
Jesus Christ
“That went well” “Stow it”
Scottish Robot ahhahahahahaha
Say what you will about Crosshair, when that dude sat down across from Omega he was ready for a FIGHT
big ol’ softie <3
“You or your dad”
Glad Hunter wasn’t there to hear that
Or Crosshair for that matter
Both would’ve blown their cover
Tbh Crosshair makes a fair point about leaving while they can. The planet is filled with Empirials and they are running out of time
But he also hasn’t been part of a team in a while and maybe he’s forgotten some of what that entails too
Either way, loving how “selfless” and “selfish” are meeting in this ep
Crosshair giving Omega a boost to get over the wall I’m crying
“Shouldn’t we free the other animals too?” “Don’t push it.”
HE IS MY SOULMATE (based on sarcasm. I am vegetarian and I would free those animal friendos in a heartbeat)
The extra head shake and eye roll at that question too, he is already so done I can’t hahahahahahahah
“I hope your take-offs are better than your landings” “we’re about to find out”
Aaaaaaand that just reminded me that Tech was the one who taught her to fly
That fucking shriek when the stormtrooper got blasted by the engine hahahahahaha
Ohohoh altered batch theme after take off? Okayokayokay I see you👀
Jesus Christ, Crosshair trying to prepare Omega for the very real possibility that Hunter and Wrecker are dead?
Like I know it seems cruel and defeatist but it’s actually kind in a way
Managing expectations in order to save her from a worse fall out
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“We crossed the galaxy four times looking for you”
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why did Hunter’s appearance suddenly piss me off
Like Wrecker had a cute line and Hunter had to walk up like
“Um, five actually”
Like idk it felt like he was taking over the moment (which makes sense because he’s her dad but still it just sounded awkward)
Omega just explained that she only got off that planet AND survived so far thanks to Crosshair and all they can do is look all bitchy butt-hurt
Like I expected this from Hunter but why isn’t Wrecker hugging him?
Bc they went looking for Cross before, I thought we were past the straight up hate?
Love how stoically Cross is taking it though
I have to admit, so far this is one of my all time favourites. The comedic timing, the very real story line, the confrontation of previously opposed characters? Wonderful. But the pièce de résistance? Crosshair’s character description rings true again. “Severe and unyielding” Tech had said. I’ve rambled about this a lot recently, but the boiled down version is that when Crosshair commits to something, he commits all the way. Like how he committed to the Empire so hard that he hunted down his brothers. Or when he finally decided the Empire was a bunch of shitbags and shot officer shitbag (I forget his name) in the face. He has now decided to commit to Omega, for whatever reason. And it shows. Because even when she tells him to go, he’s literally only a minute behind her. He lets her employ her own strategies despite his preference and experience. He’s ready to beat up Captain Dickhead (did they even give him a name?) for sitting down across from her. He tells her to get into the ship first while he lays down cover fire.
Crosshair’s next “severe and unyielding” decision is Omega’s safety. And I couldn’t be more excited to see where it goes!
AND I cannot believe how much I suddenly like his character. I was so disinterested in him for like s1 and maybe 90% of s2 but now I am more interested in what becomes of him than I am in what the deal is with Omega’s M-count.
I’m saying it now. These seasons hyper focuses are: Rex, Echo and Crosshair (in that order) (for now, we’ll see)
Thanks to everyone who sat through that, have a good day/night/whatever, friend!
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theslay3d · 2 years ago
Hey! If it’s not a bother could I possibly request Jason x reader he met at camp Jupiter when they were younger? Maybe she went through Lupa’s training with him too???? For the plot maybe it could be him proposing and like he’s nervous so he asks his big sis Thalia for advice and she teases him before eventually telling him to basically just go for it and then he proposes and it’s just super cute and sweet?
Jason Grace x reader
Gender: Neutral im pretty sure
Warnings: none
Word count: 1088
Part 2
A/N his i hope you like!! there's not much on jasons backstory like how much time he spent with Lupa or anything so sorry if im wrong.
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Jason was nervous. He knows he probably shouldn't be this nervous as you guys have known each other for many many years. Ever since Lupa’s training really. You guys just started to date before he disappeared. 
He sighed at how long ago that was. So many years have gone by since that time. He stares at the open box in which the ring was in before closing it and stuffing it into his pocket. How was he supposed to ask you this? 
He got up and walked outside only to notice how much sound there was and how many extra kids were around. He looked around until his eyes connected with his sisters, Thalia. 
He smiled and she walked up to him. “Hey blonde boy” He rolled his eyes at the nicknames Thalia used each time she came to visit. 
“Why are you and the hunters here?” He asked as he stared at all the hunters walking into Artemis’s cabin. 
“What I can't just come by for a visit?” 
“That's not what i meant and you know it” He laughed. 
She sighed and said “Lady Artemis is hunting something near here so she thought it was best we stay here for a night or two” 
He nodded “Well since you're here maybe i can get your advice on something?” 
She narrows her eyes but agrees. He motions for her to go into Zeus’s cabin. She shudders as she walks in “This place still gives me the creeps but i like how you made it more…homely” 
“Thank you?” He questions but sits on the couch he placed in there Thalia follows him and sits besides him. 
“Sooo what did you need?” 
Instead of replying he pulls out the box, opens it then hands it to her. Thalia lets out a small little gasp. “Is this real? Are you proposing to them?” 
He nodded. “Wowww little bro stepping up” They both laughed and Jason said. “I just- I don't know when to do it or how. I bought the ring and thought i had a plan but i dont and im scared” 
“Son of Jupiter all scared” Thalia teases before getting serious. “You want my advice so my advice is to go for it. You may want the “perfect” moment but truthfully there isn't one you just have to go for it. No point in waiting especially for people like us” 
Jason knew she was referring to being a demigod. She was right to. This life there might never be a perfect moment. “Thank you Thalia” 
“Of course Jason” 
They both said goodbye and she walked to the Artemis cabin. Maybe now it was the time to do it. 
***Time Skip***
It was a few days later and time for the date that Jason had planned. He called in a favor with Apollo who got him reservations at a fancy restaurant plus other things. He fixed his collar and breathed in. He got you to come to Camp Half Blood as he said that he would have to stay there for a few days because he was doing something there. 
Someone then knocked on his cabin door. He knew it was you so he made sure he had the ring in his pocket and fixed his hair in the mirror. He breathed in to try and calm his anxiety and opened the door. 
You were standing right there. “Hi” You beamed at him with your bright smile. 
“Hi” he breathed out and shut the door behind him after grabbing his jacket. “You look amazing” 
“Thank you” 
He started to lead you to the edge of camp where he parked the car. Another favor from Apollo. 
He opened your door and you sat down. He smiled at you again before closing your door and walking to the driver's side. He got in and asked “Ready to go?” 
He started to drive and after many minutes of traffic you made it to the restaurant right on time. 
Jason smiled at the waiter and said “Hi i have a reservation under the name Grace” 
The waiter checked the computer then nodded “Right this way” 
He took you to a table that was overlooking a gorgeous view. You both sat down. 
Jason was still nervous and he kept wiping his palms on his pants before he sighed in an attempt to get rid of his nerves. 
You both ordered and ate dinner. Jason is glad he called in that favor as the food here was amazing. Finally it was time for you both leave and instead of taking you to where the car was he got you to follow him into another direction. 
“Where are we going?” You asked as he dragged you by the hand. 
“It's a surprise” He pulled you in front of him and covered your eyes with his hands. “No peeking” 
You laughed but didn't peek. 
He continued to guide you until the path you were on turned more earthy. The scent hit you. It smelled amazing wherever he was taking you. Lots of flowery scents. 
He finally took his hands off of your eyes and revealed a beautiful garden. You let out a breath “It's gorgeous” 
You turned around in a circle after Jason backed off a little. So many different flowers everywhere with a little fountain in the middle. 
You stared at the fountain that was in front of you before you heard Jason clear his throat behind you. You turned and gasped as you saw him down on one knee with a ring in his hand. 
“I uh had a speech but it seems i forgot it now that i'm here” 
You breathed out a laugh and your hands went to your face. 
“I think i've loved you from the first time i saw you even though you tripped me and pushed me down the stairs the first time we met” 
You both laughed and Jason continued. “I'm gonna try to not make this a long speech but honestly you're the best thing that has ever happened to me and I'm glad I met you. Thank you for sticking with me through everything in our crazy life. So Y/n Y/l/n Will you marry me?” 
You nodded as tears escaped your eyes and Jason grabbed your hand and put the ring on. 
You dragged him up and hugged him “I love you so much” “I love you too” 
Thalia was right there wouldn't be the perfect moment but this felt pretty perfect to Jason. 
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aritamargarita · 2 years ago
GOLDEN || 004
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im like way behind on golden…my bad y’all don’t worry im still working on it! attitude was just getting a little TOO spicy—
i find this chapter pretty fun so i hope u guys find it fun too. i may have wrote a lot sorry lol MY BRAIN JUST KEPT GOING ,, ecw brainrot.
i feel like i should make a gif set or something of all the moves used in the future just for reference. deadass be writing them down from 2k22 then looking them up to see it for real lmao
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YOU ALWAYS LIKED ECW. It’s your home away from home. A lot of the things you did were pretty unorthodox, but you found it easy to make things fun around the place.
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Terry Funk, your mentor, always told you to bring whatever you had to the ring. To do your best and leave with nothing less.
Because you brought your best, the crowds of ECW had thought that you indeed, were the best. Every day you’d come into work, Terry would tell you how you’re always “a rising star”. He gave you more credit than any one else did in your wrestling journey, and you couldn’t help but to thank him enough.
After every practice, he’d harshly pat you on the back. He’d tell you there’s things to be worked on, that there’s always things you needed to be working on.
Despite this, you started thinking you truly were a star, a star in a beautiful galaxy millions of miles away from Earth.
Then, there’s that speck of dust, that insignificant, nearly burnt out star. The one that you’d never know if it was a plane or an actual star…
…’s just Tommy Dreamer. You didn’t like Tommy as much. You always thought he was trying to steal your spotlight and gain favor with Terry. He was mentoring him too, which meant the both of you were around each other a lot more. In a way, you two were like brother and sister. Even if you hated being referred to as such.
You absolutely hated how he came in like it was nothing. You came first. You’ve always been first. All of a sudden, he just comes in and tries to take your spot?? Absolutely not.
You knew that Tommy basically had no gimmick, which probably was the gimmick, but you didn’t really care. You found it funny he’s just trying to survive in the cesspool of extreme. He literally only wears a ECW t-shirt and pants. No type of gear, no type of drip!
They called him ‘The Innovator of Violence’. You don’t really see it, but you’ve seen his matches. He’s not terrible, but he couldn’t have been better than you. Sure, he can bleed. So can you!
You’ve bled before! The very first match you’ve had, you emerged victorious with half of your face covered in blood.
Luna Vachon was a rough opponent. She didn’t go easy on you and you were happy she didn’t take the easy route.
She’d toss you around the ring, hit you with kendo sticks and cookie trays, and even try to get you involved with the crowd. You both didn’t really like the crowd sometimes though. ECW fans could easily touch you, so the both of you would retreat right back into the ring.
The crowd immediately shifted gears when you brought out thumbtacks and scattered them across the ring. No one’s ever really seen it before. In fact, you’re the first to do it.
To make things fair, you agreed to land on the thumbtacks. You didn’t really mind, but neither did Luna. She decided to take a bump on them too.
That night, the both of you put on a show that no one would ever forget. The next show that you came out to, standing in the ring to give your final thoughts, you received a standing ovation from the audience, much to your surprise.
Paul Heyman had even shook your hand afterwards, telling you that he was impressed.
You were hopeful to give women’s wrestling a bigger name. Anything they could do, you could do better.
Most of your coworkers praised you after that. They told you how great you looked in the ring and the blood on your face was the cherry on top.
Though your coworkers regarded to you as “shy” and “quiet”, and maybe “too good for hanging out”, you figured they only were saying that because you always declined any after party invites. You’re just not interested.
It’s not that you were too good for it, you’re tired. Just like any other person would be. You’re fine with making friends and maybe going out places with them any other time, but you’re fine with staying in your hotel room for the remainder of the night.
Francine would often tell you what happened after, which makes you either feel left out or glad you didn’t even go.
Well, that’s not very important…
It’s a home show this time and incredibly exciting for you because Terry and Tommy had a match tonight, one that you were involved with. It’s a three-on-two match and if you can recall correctly, it’s against Raven and Cactus Jack..…
You knew of Terry’s issues with Raven, but you also knew of Tommy’s issues with him. The both of them have a lot going on. You’re the only one who doesn’t have any problem with him.
Raven’s strange. He would always stare at you whenever you’re nearby. It kinda made you nervous. The one time you caught him staring, he just smirked and exited out of the ring.
You feel like shit for wanting to know more and you still feel like shit for even engaging with him. It’s just wrong on so many levels. The fact you’re even interested in the enemy makes you want to scream.
You just couldn’t help it! Raven is mysterious.
“Hey. [Name]….”
You’re surprised to hear your name, too busy in your thoughts and adjusting your ring gear. You turn around to see Brian Pillman, holding something in a closed fist.
You should’ve known by his slightly raspy voice that it was him. What’d he want with you this time?
The crazed look in his eyes told you that this was about to be anything but normal. “I just won a fight against a giant pencil. The bookerman told me I did good. Then, I went outside to find this.”
He opens his hand to show you a dead grasshopper. That shit was HUGE.
You’re not entirely sure what to say at first, completely scared shitless at the bug. At this point, you should be used to it. He’s given you many bugs, some alive and some dead.
You’re not exactly ready to question the pencil part. “Thank you.” Even though it’s a strange gesture, you appreciate the thought. “…You sure this isn’t a locust??”
“Nah. Doesn’t taste like a locust.”
How does he know what a locust tastes like….? You don’t really want to question it. Actually, you’re curious to know if he tasted it before he killed it or after he killed it.
He grabs your wrist and you open your hand, letting him press the dead grasshopper into it. You’re not as scared as you thought you’d be, but damn it felt weird in your hand.
“Wow. It’s definitely…..a bug. What’s this about you and a giant pencil, by the way?”
Brian gives you a raspy chuckle. “I’m glad you asked…….”
You almost wish you didn’t ask.
For a moment, he’s serious. He doesn’t have that crazy look in his eye. Brian Pillman actually looks normal. “There’s a meaning behind that. It’s just how booking is these days.”
It’s safe to say you’re shocked he flipped the switch that quickly. It’s impressive. However, as soon as you started thinking that….
He starts to wickedly smile. “And I kicked that pencils ass! It choked me, stabbed me, but I pinned it, for the 1, 2, 3. [Name], I need your help next time. The pencil says it’s got friends. A smoking pink Dixon Ticonderoga. If I get my smoking hot co-worker to help me, we can beat the evil pencils.”
You’re not sure what to dissect first. The fact he called the pencil smoking or the fact he called you smoking. “…Okay.” You willingly agree though. You’ll help Brian fight a pencil. It’s not exactly the craziest thing you’ve ever done, but if he says it has a meaning behind it, then fine.
You don’t have a lot of time though, your match is next and you wanted to be early to ensure Terry wouldn’t get mad at you. “Listen, I’ll talk to you later. Tonight’s really important and I’ve got a match.”
“Can’t wait.” He reaches over and pats your head.“We’re gonna take their graphite.”
Woohoo, taking the pencils graphite! Whatever that means…
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It’s the last match of the night. You walk in front of Terry and Tommy as you three walk towards the ring. Neither of them hold their hands out for any high fives, but you were nice enough to give them some.
One by one you enter the ring. You allow the other two to get in first, so you can wipe your shoes against the apron. Terry proudly nods at your sign of respect and you bend down to enter through the ropes.
The crowd chants your name. Once you get to the center of the ring, you throw your arms out in response. Tommy comes over and stands in front of you on purpose.
“Dude—move!” You complain. “Get your own spotlight!”
“I’ve got one right here!” He shoots back.
“Hey! You two, separate now.” Terry ordered. He doesn’t feel like hearing you two arguing, especially when he’s about to cut a promo.
You two listen, with you leaning on the turnbuckles in the corner and Tommy idly walking around the ring.
Terry takes the microphone from the announcer. “I’ve got just one thing to say. Forever, forever, forever and ever, Cactus Jack, I will remember what happened last time forever, you asshole! Bring it on!”
For whatever reason, they never really let you interfere in the matches until tonight. Everything was about Tommy and Terry. It made you mad and most importantly it made the crowd mad.
Luckily, you’re finally able to do what you do best.
Before he can give the mic away, you motion for him to hand it over. You’ve got some words too. Terry gives it to you. All eyes were on you and you’d hope you don’t fumble. You never do, but sometimes the nerves sneaks up on you.
“How low can you get to try and ruin a legends career? This is Terry Funk! He’s someone to look up to. Someone that everyone in the back should be looking up to. Most importantly, he’s our mentor. It’s right for us to feel angry. We’re pissed. How dare a couple of low lives try and torment him?!”
You take a moment to dramatically catch your breath.
“Tonight, Cactus Jack and Raven, you two are going to pay dearly for what you’ve done. We all know he’s planning on retiring. If this is one of his final matches…then he’ll go out with a bang.”
You kindly hand the mic to the referee. Truth be told, you just wanted to add your two cents in tonight. You retreat to stand in one of the ring corners.
Cactus Jack’s music hits and he comes out alongside Raven. Once they get ringside, they don’t come in of course, instead circling it like sharks.
You can feel a hand brush up against your ankle, trying to go up towards your calf. You jolt, moving away to turn around and see what the hell it was.
Lo-and-behold, it was Raven. He looks up at you, then circles back around as if he hadn’t touched you. Weirdo.
No one was making any sudden moves, which causes Cactus to grab a mic. “Why don’t you stop wasting my fucking time and bring your ass out here?! Come on, Terry!” Cactus & Raven slide into the ring, but Tommy and Terry slide back out.
You don’t entirely leave the ring, instead deciding to stay on the ring apron until one of them had their back turned. You’re gonna get one of them, that’s for sure. Whether it’s Cactus Jack or Raven, someone’s about to get a hurricanrana.
Raven comes over to you. He doesn’t smile, he doesn’t smirk. There’s a neutral look on his face and it makes you smile. He expected you to do something, maybe even slap him, but you’re wise enough to leave it until they’re caught off guard.
Once he turns away from you, you quickly scramble out and climb onto the top turn buckle.
The crowd cheers at you, ready to see what you’ll do. In order for this to work, he needed to turn around again. You whistle to catch his attention.
He turns and you immediately jump off, giving him a hurricanrana and flinging him across the ring. You’re the first to make a move, which causes Tommy to spring into action.
While Cactus is busy looking in awe, Tommy strikes him from behind, knocking him down. The bell rings, signifying the beginning of the match.
Raven’s stunned, crawling over to get up on the ropes for leverage. For some reason, he’s holding his hand out, asking for a mic. There’s no way he’s got something to say after you hit a move on him like that!
“That was….” He falters, still holding onto a rope. “That was nothing. I’m used to having my head in between your legs, so try…again, [Name]!”
The crowd gasps and so do you. Tommy looks at you in confusion and you’re genuinely not sure what to do.
“I-I…” You stutter. You don’t have a mic, but it’s very easy to tell what you’re saying. “No—I don’t even know why he would say that!”
“Terry Funk, you think that protege of yours, you……you think she’s such an angel huh?!”
Raven’s talking too much, a little too much for your own good. He’s so used to having his face in between your legs, right? Well right now, you’re about to shut up him for good.
Because he’s already kneeling, it’s pretty easy for you to come over and kick him down. The mic makes a static noise after he drops it, and you roll him over onto his stomach quickly.
He groans in pain and you roll over on top of him, using your legs to capture him in the Code of Silence. You use one hand to hold your foot in place, doing your best to make the hold tighter.
“You know so much, huh?! HUH?!” You scream. He puts his hand on your leg, trying his best to pry you off. “Tell us what else, Raven! What do you have to say?!” The crowd is still bewildered from what Raven said, but were still cheering you nonetheless.
Raven didn’t make the attempt to tap, but he was doing his hardest to try and get you to release him. He’s already tried prying you off, he squeezed your thigh, tried smacking it, did just about everything in the book. Why did it feel like he was groping you??
You just wouldn’t let him go. Terry finally comes into the ring to try and coax you to get off of Raven. He just wasn’t worth it. The guy needed some fighting chance. “[Name], get off that boy!” He yells, coming over to you two. “He’s done! Let him go!”
He really was. He was on the verge of passing out, his grip on you becoming weaker. He was digging his nails into your skin, leaving indents as he pushed. You were so angry you hadn’t even noticed, and you didn’t even feel it until you came back to Earth.
Terry’s got to pull you off of him. Raven’s hacking and sputtering on the ground and you stretch your legs out a bit. It felt like forever you were holding him like that, but you felt pretty satisfied. Maybe he’ll shut up for the rest of the night.
Terry pats your shoulder, then raises his voice loud enough so you can hear him. “He ain’t worth it. Just relax. If you know he’s lying, let ‘em lie. He’ll get what’s coming to him.”
You nod, backing off and stepping away.
Tommy picks up a nearly unconscious Raven, and the two begin to laying into one another with strikes. Terry goes over to Cactus Jack, dealing with him as well.
It’s obvious they didn’t want you to do the dirty work. All of the men got out of the ring and you look bored as hell. They’re more than likely grabbing chairs, but it doesn’t make it any more fun than it is.
As soon as you see Stevie coming out with a shit ton of other weapons in a shopping cart (more than likely for Raven’s usage only), you take this opportunity to get onto the outer ropes.
Stevie’s cool! You like Stevie. He likes you too. He thought you were one of the nicer ones in the promotion. Unfortunately, when you’re in the ring, you tend to bully him a little bit.
A shame you’d have to do this to him. You wait for a second for him to move away from the shopping cart.
He looks up at you with a smile. Damn. He doesn’t have a clue in the fucking world. You run across the apron and jump off towards him for a Diving Meteora. You two land scarily close to the guardrail. The area surrounding the ring was pretty small, so as soon as you land, you scramble off of him.
“You okay?!” You whisper. You really hope he didn’t hit his head on that metal.
“Fine!” He responds. Good, now you can boast all you please. You grab Stevie by the hair and you turn to look over at the ring. There are a shit ton of weapons sprawled around the mat.
You really can’t even look away for a split second! Raven’s already bleeding, you’ve got Terry who’s definitely about to blade at any second, and then there’s Tommy who’s sliding out the ring to come towards you.
“Put him in the shopping cart!” Tommy yells, dumping out what was in the cart.
“GET IN THE FUCKING CART STEVIE!” You scream. It’s not like he could say no either. You and Tommy were already manhandling him into the shopping cart.
“Sorry!” You whisper, but then get behind the handle and push it down the aisle. You send the cart right into the ring post. After he collided with it, Tommy ends up flipping the cart onto its side, just to add salt in the wound.
It suddenly comes to you that Terry is on his own in the ring. You’re concerned, but notice he’s handling himself pretty well. He used a caution sign to whack Cactus over the head.
You’re not even sure if you want to try and get back in the ring. You don’t want to trip on anything. Then again, maybe there’s something you can grab on the side and whack Stevie with it.
Yes indeed. An ode from the Sandman, there’s a kendo stick lying nearby. With one quick glance to Stevie, you grab the stick, then whack him with it.
That ‘crack!’ sound was so loud, it stunned you and the people sitting nearby for a minute. He’ll be down for a while. Fuck it, you’re getting back into the ring.
There’s no referee. None whatsoever. Raven goes over to pin Terry, but you grab his ankle and pull him off to the best of your ability.
He sluggishly stands up to look at you. You’re quick to the punch, rearing your hand back and slapping him across the face. Raven stumbles, nearly losing his footing.
With the new smear of blood on your hand, you turn it around and lick it off.
As of now, it’s just you and Raven in the ring. You’ve got half a mind to pull him back into the Code of Silence….
Nah. You probably shouldn’t do that. Instead, you’ll target that pretty little head of his. You reach over and pull his hair, then slam him down to the mat.
Raven holds the back of his head, but you don’t give him any time to breathe. You come over and put your foot on each side of his head, then grab his arms and lift him up.
You let him go after a few minutes and he brings his hands back up into his hair, the stinging feeling making him roll around. You lean down, picking up a small tuft of hair that was left behind.
Oops… kinda snatched him bald. You hold it up to the crowd, who cheer in response. What a souvenir!
That’s what he gets for talking. You don’t feel bad. You get down and try to pin him….
AND THERE’S STILL NO REFEREE! What the fuck! You get off of him, resting on your knees. You’re not exactly tired, just exasperated.
Suddenly, something whacks you in the back of the head. You fall face first to the mat, a shot of pain flaring through your head. Cactus somehow had gotten the best of Terry and attempted to save Raven.
He tosses the speed limit sign to the side, then brings you up. Lifting you up fully, he turns you upside down for a hard Scoop Slam.
Once you hit the mat, you roll over in pain. That shit HURT!! Truth be told, you should be used to it at this point but man….
It made it even worse you landed on a stray VCR. You’re definitely going to need a massage after this.
Before either men could try and come for you again, you slide out of the ring. “Tommy! What the fuck are you doing?!” You yell, pointing up towards the ring.
Tommy was too busy going through the weapons on the floor. He wanted to see which was the best one…he’s literally wasting time.
“WHERE’S FUNK?!?!” You scream next, waiting for him to respond.
At first, Tommy’s paying you no mind. Sorting through his options and pulling out a cheese grater. Then he turns to you with a shrug.
Terry was nowhere to be found. More than likely he’s probably on the floor somewhere, but you’re still pretty pissed.
Tommy gets into the ring, taking down Cactus and using the grater on his forehead. Finally, he does something useful. There’s more blood.
You’re used to all of it. Even though it was pretty annoying to get out of clothes, there’s nothing peroxide couldn’t do. Unless someone uses a weapon on you or you blade, you’re not really going to bleed tonight.
Terry gets rolled back into the ring, completely knocked out. There he is! And there’s still no referee, so there’s no way they could get a proper pin fall.
Until Bill Alfonso and Taz just walked out, the both of them in referee gear. No fucking way.
You sigh, resting your head onto the ring apron. It is so hard to keep up sometimes. Cactus goes in for the pin, but Terry kicks out at 2.
You were just about to come and pull him off. Thank goodness he kicked out.
Bill starts to stomp Terry out, then Taz starts pummeling him with punches. Tommy’s in the ring to stop both of them, but Raven gets the jump on him.
…After a few more minutes of that, they just leave. Like, what? Sometimes you don’t understand this show. You wonder if Heyman told them to come out.
The actual referee for this match finally shows up, signifying that this match is coming to a close. Tommy grabs Raven, giving him a DDT onto the chair. Then gets him back up for a Piledriver.
Though you’re finally starting to feel tired, you run and bounce off the ropes to Basement Dropkick Raven onto flat the mat.
Terry crawls in very slowly, battered and bruised. He’ll get the final pin. It’s a slow count, but before you know it, the match is over.
Time of pinfall was 14 minutes. It felt much longer than that. You need a second to catch your breath. Despite it there being a lot happening in just one match…
…you’re more than happy to do it again tomorrow.
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i had to simplify most of the match jesus it was a whole bunch of nothing WHERE ARE DA MOVES AT?! like everyone’s hitting each other with stuff okay cool. now why is bill alfonso & taz showing up LMAO???? im telling you guys ecw is insane. november to remember 1995 was referenced by the by
i was watching this interview and stevie said something like “the promotion is an angle in itself because everyone has something to do with each other”… that was so real. reader only apologizing to him and no one else >>
pillman and reader vs the evil pencils coming soon. they’ll bond a little better i fear
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into-the-blorboverse · 1 year ago
Song Family Dynamics
the Songs are a bit of a mixed family, the household has two dads and a mom as a polycule but they have kids from other relationships too. most of them share the same mom, except the oldest, Andréa.
Andréa is distanced from the family due to some Drama with her father, and she has such a age gap from the rest of her half siblings that she doesn't have a relationship with them. she's not even technically a Song but for convenience we refer to her as that lmao. she and Sammy have interacted more than the rest, being the oldest kids of the group, but Andréa was kind of a mess at the time and Sammy doesn't wanna be like her lmao. sorry girl, thanks for dissuading Sammy from substance abuse with your actions though teehee :)
Sammy takes the role of Oldest Sibling on easily though, even if he technically isn't the oldest. he had his time out of the house when he went to college and everything but he came back to live with the family at some point, there was Family Drama (this is a common thing in this family lmao.. vague drama u know how it is) that he felt he needed to come back to support the twins about. the twins have moved out on their own now but Sammy likes being home with the rest of the family, he has fun getting to help out with the youngest sister, Kai. Kai still sees Sammy as the Cooler Older Brother and he tries his best to keep that opinion in check lmao, of course i'll drive you somewhere no problem!
Sammy and the twins get along well, its always a fun wild time when the three of them are together. Kyri and Emma see him for the dork that he is and will tease him about him being their little big brother :) no fair that they're younger and taller than him...!!! arguments often ensue about things like who is the coolest and it gets loud and heated but they're always joking about it lmao.
Kyri and Emma are basically inseparable and have a bit of separation anxiety, stemming from aforementioned Family Drama TM. they live in an apartment together with their respective partners. the twins... you know the twins!! for some reason im blanking on things to say about them jhsfdh. i feel like the separation anxiety is stronger on Kyri's end, Emma could probably manage more distance but she doesn't mind living with her bro, she knows he needs her. and its never a dull moment with him, they're buddies and best friends!!
Laurence was adopted as a teen (13ish maybe) so he didn't grow up with all of them, Sammy was in college at the time so they don't have the greatest bond, but Sammy tries to reach out nowadays now that he's living in the house with him. he is the most reserved of the whole group but the twins try to draw him out a little, Kyri definitely being a bit more annoying about it lmao. Being the babies of the group Kai and Laurence get along well, they can confide in each other for alot of things. if Kai was like 4 when Laurence came into the family i'm sure that was a funny story to share at preschool, yay im getting a new brother! he's older than me though :)
Kai, or Kai Junior (she's named after one of her dads, yes its true), is da baby. the last teen in the house and can always count on a sibling to give her a ride somewhere, oh her social life is thriving thanks siblings! Kyri likes to call her Kaiju because come on that's a freaking rad nickname!!! he's a little jealous though if only he was Kai Junior..... the family is the most stable now at this point so luckily Kai hasn't had to deal with too much drama first hand (its vague timeline but she was probably pretty young), though she does wish that they would let her in on what happened back in the day. she does wonder about her mysterious oldest sister sometimes too, hm! maybe one day she can bridge that gap, when you're a lil older bb girl.
tbh this family has existed conceptually for a really long time and has went through alot of iterations, the parent trio were like OG ocs that i had with my cousins and it was like. alot of drama nonsense you write when you're a teen so trying to re-contextualize it now can be tricky?? like for example one of the dads was a vampire mob boss of sorts lmao. they were all vampires and were-people. how do you make that work. so some of this is Vague but i do like these lil guys anyway haha they hold a special place in my heart :)
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i-am-terrowin · 2 years ago
dismension 20 neverafter spoilers
so i just rewatched episode 2 with my dad and started thinking about things. ive been avoiding spoilers because i havent watched the third episode yet, so idk if all these things have been said already or not but im gonna say them anyway to get them out of my brain.
so at this point we know that Pinoccios stepmother is also cinderella and snow white's stepmother because the door was in cinderellas house and the mirror told pinoccio to take it back to her with her presumably being his stepmother. The woman in the book wearing the glass armor is also probably cinderlla because of the glass shard that she shoved through the fairy godmother's chest and it would make sense because cinderellas whole thing is the glass slipper. the woman who is probably cinderella was referred to as rosamund's sister and the stepmother and mirror both said that something was following her and that they were her sisters so what if the stepmother is also rosamund's mother. after rosamund fell asleep for a hundred years maybe she started doing some terrible dark magic to keep herself alive long enough to see her daughter and that's why she ate her daughters after cinderella left and killed all of the parents and pinoccio in his backstory shes killing people and eating them to be alive long enough to see her daughter again. and now that rosamund is awake again shes controlling her stepdaughters to find her and she was using pinoccio to find her location out of some sick idea that they might be a normal family again.
aside from that the stories of cinderella, sleeping beauty, and snow white all had prince charming's and based on the fact that all of the stepmother's are the same person, what if prince charming was also the same person. im pretty sure the frog prince was also called prince charming in at least a couple iterations of the story, so what if Gerard was the prince charming in all of those stories in the neverafter. he said he was a bit of a rapscallion or something like that and that's what got him turned into a frog, but what if that was somehow related to the tale of snow white or cinderella. in both of said tales the prince charming goes directly against something that the stepmother wants to happen which could have resulted in her turning him into a frog. now i dont really think that gerard would be rosamund's prince charming because it doesnt really fit with her story line and i think the true love that woke her up was the obsessive protective love of the briar's that wanted to keep her safe finally reaching her lips and it seems like her story is more realizing that her value doesn't revolve around a prince coming to save her and she has to keep herself safe rather than waiting to be saved by someone else, but they may be more connected than they seem. on the other hand gerard is not at all capable of fending for himself so it could be that she finds herself saving her prince instead of the other way around.
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baylardo · 2 years ago
one time i wrote this post halfway out and then was like mmmmm nevermiiiiind and deleted it bc i didnt like my formatting so ive decided to do it AGAIN and just have 0 format hahaha
and im gonna hide this one so i can just be messy and bullet point it but TO PREMISE just MYYYYYYY thoughties on the triplets and nicknames and whatnot hahaha :))))))) just stuff pertaining to names lol,,,,, keep it broad,,,,,,,,,, (YOU GUYS DO WHATEVER!!!!!!! dont stick to this reliably or anything for a guideline i just ponder it every so often LOL)
i actually dont think id considered chakotay naming them when theyre lil salamander nymphs or anything when i'd started the au and jellybeans doing that was SUPER CUTE :) i love Starlight for amelia more than my original idea (which was that kathryn would nickname her that) and i heckiggn ADOREEEEEE him calling philippa Pip. i love both junior AND wanderer for ed im not really set on one or the other hahaha, both make sense.
i think chakotay would be the only one to call philippa Pip and shes VERY fond of him calling her that. (greedily fell in love with this nickname because its the same name John gives to Chiana in farscape and when she asks "why Pip" he explains it's because she's his favorite traveling companion heehee)
with amelia as Starlight im like mmmm MAYBE kathryn would call her that,,, but i think it'd be kinda like using "darling" to her or "precious" :3 definitely chakotay still calls her that though
same with Pip for philippa like MAYBE kathryn slips an "oh, Pip" every so often but its rare or late in the game
most people probably nickname philippa as Peppa
i think alice had the idea one time that amelia would be nicknamed mealybug (meeliebug??? meelie???) i thiiiink by philippa, kinda derogatory but playful, i like that one :)
love that da vinci calls amelia Mia :3 very on brand with her mother
edward is very Ed-zoned by most people, very casual about it, probably doesnt vibe his full name very much lol.
ummmm admittedly i havent read any books pertaining to Chakotay's name culture all that much, supposedly it exists i just havent gotten to it yet, but MAYBE edward would have an inherited name pertaining to that. i'm not sure though. put a pin in that one haha.
ummmm my weird take on kathryn is that (at least in the beginning) she lowkey loathes the shortening of her children's names so she'd pretty strictly refer to them by their full names. like her son having her father's name, philippa (maybe) being the name her and mark had wanted to potentially name a daughter, amelia being AMELIA. like IN TIME i think she'd come around to stuff like Peppa and Ed, but for a long while there's a formality she upholds about her children's names. likeeee idk in some book canon it talks about how kathryn hated when phoebe would call her Kitten (something her father would call her in the Autobio canon,,,,,), shed subsequently call her sister Phoebs which she hated, but there's also the kathryn nicknaming of Goldenbird by her father in Mosaic canon. BUT she always refers to herself as kathryn and rarely do we see any deviation from that,,, likeee with Q calling her Kathy,,,,, and all her silly holodeck names which are equally as lengthy as her own name lol.
philippa HAAAATEEEEES hearing her mother's stern scoldy mother voice call her by her full name, its grating and irritable and doesnt help matters when they quarrel constantly
like they idea that tom calls philippa Pumpkin specifically. :) just as i want to kiss the brain of whoever came up with the idea that he'd call miral Peanut... BRILLIANT... i can see chakotay Also calling philippa Pumpkin though,,,,, head empty on the other two in regards to Tom,,, maybe Honey for amelia idk lol
chakotay gets papa/dad/daddy zoned to the kids, Tom is Tom :) b'elanna is b'elanna
kathryn gets all your typical mom variations but lol i think philippa has AT LEAST once referred to her as Kathryn out of spite <3 maybe amelia calls her captain/admiral more than she should :')
im sure SOMEONE would refer to philippa as Eyebrows,,,,,,,
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livikattt · 2 years ago
daily fun but useless ppau fact #10
I'm putting it under a read more because it's long af (because... my dumbass.... makes a lot of jokes. if u didn't notice.)
chapter one: wish (soraka r)
“Not a single sign that the Rift’s champions, those gods amongst men, had ever been there at all.”
This was a vague reference to Damwon’s championship skins where they had wanted to appear as gods coming down from the heavens, if I remember correctly.
“And Faker would never be enough of a fool to trust someone who once lived in his shadow.”
Faker is (kind of) Zed in this au, so this is secretly a joke. ha ha.
chapter two: you and me (yuumi w) (get it? because meiko's skin is yuumi? i'm not funny ahahahah)
“Hmm,” Jiejie begins, his eyes wandering as he thinks. “I think Meiko would have wished for something to make him an even better support than he already is. Viper probably wished that he’d never miss a shot, and Flandre definitely wished for some magic that’s better than that smoke thing he does. That, or to be able to do this his entire life. Who knows?”
Two out of three isn't bad :)
“But Jiejie,” Scout says, intentionally mispronouncing his name. “How can you even be tired?”
I explained this in the end notes already, but Scout pronounces Jiejie’s name like 姐姐, which means older sister. Credit to my friend that only referred to Jiejie as “big sister” all throughout Worlds 2021. Bro is gonna fail Chinese III.
“Breathe, Yechan. Breathe.”
I’m pretty sure Scout is the only one to be referred to by his real name by his teammates, if you don’t count the introductions in the first EG fic. Generally, I try to avoid their real names, since it starts to feel a bit awkward once I’m writing about Ryu Minseok and not Keria or something. It’s too personal for me.
(Edit a few days later: I forgot about Miky but c’mon, I was not about to refer to him as “Mikyx” the entire fic)
(Edit a few more days later: Gumayusi got full name’d, shit is going down)
(Edit a few more more days later: everyone getting full name'd now this is not a drill)
quick tw for death but when my mom was crying to me about her dad's last wishes i. i kind of. i kind of went "AYO WHAT DID I HAVE MEIKO DO IN ODYWYH TO COMFORT SCOUT I NEED TO KNOW" and just tried to channel whatever he did
im that emotionally constipated kill me
chapter three: end of the line (graves q)
“He plays Teamfight Tactics until he sees stars when he blinks.”
Perhaps in this universe Riot Games is truly a small indie company…
“Scout tries to scream, but without the room to expand his chest, all that comes out is the faintest whine.”
This was tested to make sure it was an accurate depiction. I got sleep paralysis once when my sister was audibly on a call in the room over. I tried to scream. Didn’t work. The sound I made was actually very embarrassing. (it is ok to laugh at me for my sleep paralysis experiences. they are funny in hindsight. for more tips on how to handle sleep paralysis just hmu)
“We’ll go to Europe, then. I’ve heard there’s a retired Summoner that can suppress someone’s abilities. Maybe he’ll be able to suppress the Rift’s blessing as well.”
Some of you (by which i mean aryasage) caught it already, but this is a reference to Caedrel. In a different version, Scout’s response is, “No, he’ll just cancel it.”
chapter four: moonlight vigil (aphelios r)
“He’s not stupid—he knows what sleep deprivation does to people. (He’s read the Russian sleep experiment creepypasta, after all.)”
Somehow I doubt he would have been able to get his hands on that one, but whatever. Either way it’s kind of terrifying, and if it was true, this fic would go in a very different direction. Would not recommend it if you're scared easily or if you spend too much time thinking about everything that could go wrong.
“Telling the whole story to the rest of his team is quite possibly the hardest thing Scout’s ever done, if he ignores the past week or so.”
“You look like shit.”
In a different version, Scout absolutely snaps at Jiejie and then proceeds to verbally and emotionally obliterate him. I kind of wish I had been able to keep it in, since I thought it was kind of fun in a “haha angst goes brrr” kind of way, but it didn’t really fit in with the rest of the chapter.
“Scout sniffs, gratefully accepting the tissue someone hands him. He’s been going through a lot of those lately, despite it being November.”
Is there even a no-nut November equivalent in China??? Either way I thought I was hilarious in the moment.
“Forcibly inducing sleep (aka punching Scout in the head) is out too once Viper mentions brain damage, even if Meiko insists he can fix it.”
They don’t test this theory, but Meiko is 100% confident that his magic can repair brain damage. In the end, they decide it’s not worth finding out.
ppau leak: this comes up later
I spent thirty minutes googling how to meditate just to write this chapter. Worth.
“Scout tries to respond. His body doesn’t move an inch. Somewhat deliriously, he imagines himself as a meme. Aw, shit. Here we go again.”
‘“You need to relax.” Jiejie leans forward, holding two fingers to Scout’s head. “And trust me. Do you trust me?”’
Jiejie quotes Evelynn here for no other reason than He Can.
chapter five: harrowed path (viego e)
“Forgiveness is a bitch, and so am I.”
My English teacher wouldn’t let me use this line in my personal essay, so I put it here instead.
“It’s then that Scout realizes they’ve been moved from the couch to someone’s room, where two twin beds have been haphazardly shoved close to each other.”
no homo [lolrpf shippers I'm looking at u.]
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ducknotinarow · 2 years ago
Ramble About: 2k12 Karai! Specifically, her dealing with her new siblings [Foot!Casey AU basically] xD
| ramble about your muse
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I will be keeping this mostly to the foot!Casey Au cause im living for this whole concept now uwu
At first karai like many kids when new kids are brought into the family hated them. Well more the idea of her father having more kids.
it didn't take long for the three to become close however
Angel is just pure baby and Karai took to being a big sister pretty easy
I like to think Karai helps with doing Angel's hair
that the two have little slumber parties that Casey either is allowed to join or just sort of joins in on
The first time Angel refered to Karai as her big sister she almost cried. She has some family issue all things consider so it was nice.
She tots uses Angel to gag up on Casey cause Angel can get him to agree to anything.
She has "bought" a lot of gifts for Angel over the years
Casey took a bit more to warm up to cause of them having similar tempers and Casey being pretty brash
Karai now feeling she had competition for Shredders approval as well considering she and Casey are the same age (some sexist bullshit too since Casey's a boy I sure she felt her place could be taken at any moment as the heir to Shredders clan.)
With all this pressure one day Shredder snapped at her and she handle it fine in front of everyone but once she could she took off and hid to cry.
Casey came to check on her and manged to cheer her up cause well hes a lovable idiot.
Soon Casey wasn't just a sort of rival but also a source of comfort.
She wasn't alone anymore she had siblings and that kind of changed everything for her.
Casey and Her fight all the time often butting heads ofc but anytime someone wanted to call out Casey as merely being adopted in the clan? they were dealing with Karai.
Casey lives for the fact hes a month older than her and during that month where he is she has to deal with him being the biggest bitch. Since Casey likes to say he's the oldest meanwhile Karai all well im the heir but age matter more apparently XD
Despite all this because Karai is known as a trouble maker rebel as they got older she used to sneak him and her out so they could sneak into hockey games. Especially for his brithday.
Karai, Casey and Angel often would do this as well just sneak out into the town for a bit
If Shredder got mad Karai always took the fall for them all. So to protect the other two and because Shredder would hold back a bit with Karai.
I can see the three of them getting all done up like doing make up get dressed up in street clothes and such to hit the city or just something to do at home.
They likely had a sort of movie night thing to least when younger when they got older not as easy since karai often is busy with foot clan stuff to learn from Shredder.
I feel Shredder dose plan on each kid doing something in the clan when they get older. Karai is still heir but maybe plans Casey being like right hand so the one in charge of missions which is why he gets the mission to play double agent later.
Even if they fight often they do have nice moments here and there so when Casey was given his mission to be double agent so to speak? She was very worried
Casey is a bitch and such but Karai knows he has a good heart as well so she keep tabs on his progress
When she noticed he seemed to be getting closer to Raphael though? She worried not ever thinking he betray them no because eventually Casey was going to have to betray Raph and that may lead to Casey's heart being broken
Often would tease him over this obvious development but it was her way of checking in on him.
Look she knows hes a freak and monster fucker but she can tell Casey clearly caught feelings here.
Karai is known to throw some wins at the turtles in this AU it was away to let Casey have more time because she could tell her brother was actually enjoying his time, buying him a bit more of that before things had to be put to an end
In other words despite all their head butting Karai would do anything for her brother to be happy and her sister of course.
Once Casey's cover is blown and his mission is considered a success? Karai poses Shredder should maybe keep the turtles? Since he hasn't fully decided what to do. Her motive? maybe Casey can still be with Raph somehow.
I never liked this jacket as part of her wardrobe so I have decided it's Casey's and she fucking stole it uwu
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turtleraccoonsoup · 3 months ago
tw dysphoria n other shit that might be triggering
the only possible options are an absent god or a cruel one. if hes actually up there and loves us amd hes actually all powerful then why the fuck would he make anyone go through what trans people go through. worrying for our lives before we can legally drive. living in bodies that cause us agony
i could fucking bind almost completely flat with two sports bras just earlier this fucking year and my tits got bigger and i cant even bind with a tight constricting as fuck bra that makes me feel like im dying and get to where i could before. if i could just get my dad to buy me a fucking binder or some kt tape then id be fine but god fucking hates every one of his stupid mud monkies and i just dont see the fucking point anymore
why cant i just be a cis man. just have a flat chest and a bulge in my jeans and a musky scent and fluffy hair and stubble on my face and hair on my chest and big veiny hands and strong arms. if thats to much to ask i can lower my standards!! i could be a twink nerd whos only about as tall as i am now with shitty hair and acne please please please just let me have this. what did i do? does god hate me? what did i do to piss him off? does he not like that half the time im not sure if hes even there? if hed just show me a fucking sign or let something good happen to me then maybe id believe in him but thats never fucking happened
id rather be an ugly boy than a pretty girl. as an ugly boy i would still be a boy. someones brother or son or boyfriend or dad. i could be that guy for someone. like this im not even gonna be someones sister or daughter, im gonna be dead. im not gonna fucking live at this rate. i promised past me that id get him somewhere he could feel like a person. get him somewhere he doesn't need to escape into fanfiction when he's there. get him somewhere where we can be one person again instead of two. but right fucking now theres me, a fucking man who will sock you in the face and has gone numb to pronoun euphoria and him, the one who sends a red hot shot through my spine every time specifically he is referred to as a guy
sorry for the bloddy ass vent post
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