#im pretty sure hes like tragic as shit tho
fonixen · 7 months
Art trade with @sinistertophat !! For this art trade we decided to draw eachothers fav character!! I got to draw Hal from homestuck 4 them ^-^!!
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sugaroto · 2 years
So funny thing-
Today 2 friends were explaining how dnd goes, and at some point one was telling us about how you gotta respect other's boundaries in the game
For example if someone says they're uncomfortable with kids being killed then your character shouldn't go off and kill children etc
Kinda like how trigger warnings work yknow
And later when I was explaining a little about aftg to him (me and my friend who has read it keep making references to it, so now he wants to read it) so I was like "wanna hear the 32 trigger warnings?"
And I read the list
And at some point the other dude was like "I like how you were telling them about being careful of the dark stuff before and now they're bombarding you with worse stuff"
Yeah they probably didn't see that coming
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el-warverine · 8 days
Slash em Up
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Haha, your what?
Wolverine and Deadpool are having a bonding session over unresolved trauma, as you do. They are attacked by magic telepath robots. Typical night out with the boys.
I put the cool part up there to get your attention, haha did it work? Fuck i crave attention, dont be stingy.
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Oh no, the Robots deploy psychological Warfare.
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Deadpool wants in on that sweet, sweet, tragic anime backstory angst, but his brain is jelly. He has plenty of recent trauma to be tormented with, however, so thats...good?
Wade is looking pretty pathetic, and it doesn't sit right with The Wolverine.
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After he Wolverines all over the place, he Logans all over, too, once again trying to comfort Wade. Wade sees through it tho because truly he hasnt done shit other than be sad, but in typical Anime Protagonist fashion, that's enough motivation to make Wolverine unstoppable. He spent way too much time in Japan.
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Babe, wake up, Wolverine is having an emotion and Deadpool's tiddy is still out!!!
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They get attacked by some cyclops robot thing but i dont care, look at this fucking pose
Babygirl coded
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Wade wants to throw Wolverine and, frankly, valid. If you dont know what a Fastball Special is, it's when some big buff dude throws Wolverine claws first at a target. I'm pretty sure some shit like that happened in California with a hedgehog, and now they're illegal to own there.
Anyway, Wade is sure he can achieve this great feat because Wolverine is just a lil guy. Tee-fuckin-hee.
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Im going to make an entire fucking post about how Wolverine tends to have no issue being thrown or carried around as long as the one doing it is some massive Colossus adjacent motherfucker. The idea that Deadpool or Spiderman could do it irks him.
He identifies as 6' tall your honor.
If you haven't already, you will now notice that Deadpool's suit has a special zipper for easy access.
Next time:
THE CLIMACTIC BATTLE!!! The boys are at the finish line, and once they get the macguffin its time for them to settle who gets the prize.
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nanathott · 1 month
im back!!!!
1. mafia
2. sometimes pregnancy
3. corruption
4. love triangle but only when its too obvious (like the mc has to choose between some shitty love interest who treats them bad and a nice love interest)
5. BAD BOYS W TRAGIC PAST, ur bad person bc ur bad person not bc ur mom died when u were 5
6. “everything was a dream” i did not cry my eyes out just to be a fucking dream
7. lowk A/B/O
8. mary sue
9. stalking/yandere shit
10. bad boy/good girl (i can make some exceptions)
12. pick me girls/boys protagonist (cant stand u)
13. anything dub-con/non-con or incest
14. bully/victim stuff, thats not romantic
almost sure im forgetting something but idk, this is pretty much everything
1) i agree, for the most part this trope is so overdone and exaggerated, i have yet to read a book with the mafia troupe that i love (not ruling it out tho, if i find a book that does it well then W!!
2) anything that ha to do with pregnancy i hate, esp if it’s when the fmc just got to her full potential and has a kid and now she doesn’t do anything but stay at home (absolutly nothing against stay at home mothers, it’s just like… if ur gonna do that troupe with a badass character why not keep her a badass?? why change her character completely??)
3) i sometimes agree, ive read a few good “religious corruption” books where the mc deconstructs her spirituality and it’s usually super heartbreaking and angsty, i like
4) i hate love triangles period
5) REAL ur trauma does not excuse the horrible shit u do to people *cough* any “dark romance” love interest ever *cough*
7) yeah, i’m not a huge fan of this either
8) no idea what this is💪
9) YOU GET ME!!! getting stalked is one of my biggest fears, idgaf if the dude wants to burn down the earth for me, he can burn it down with himself on it!!
10) i kinda like this troupe… but sapphics do it better
11) YES. FUCK.
12) like ur insufferable. someone needs to humble u and quick
13) 100%
14) i also agree 100%
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ageless-soul-au · 9 months
HIHIHI OKAY. i absolutely love flicker. do you accept fanart (might be a silly question but im 16 and want to make sure before i actually draw/send in anything. im here for my boy /lighthearted)
but besides that. ive never seen anyone else actually hc that downfall hero of time DIED AS A KID and i am SO GLAD other people feel the same. like dont get me wrong everyone has their own opinions and none are wrong but. I LOVE FLICKER. i love that the gods didnt quite catch him in time to put him to sleep and he took the sword to ganon and held his own until beast ganon. it makes me do a little happy wiggle.
he was not a "valiant, noble man, tragically lost to evil" he was a misguided child told the world rested on his shoulders and because of that, he was killed. and i LOVE that kind of tragedy
so. flicker supremacy, thank you very much.
Hi hello!!!! Omg you had so many great points, thank you for the enthusiasm!!
Mostly for the 18+ warning, we're trying to keep minors away from the main fics bc there are heavy, potentially triggering topics and NSFW-ish things there. As long as you have your community labels set up right on the blog tho, it should be safe to browse/interact with (though main blogs are different, Kio's is strictly 18+). I'm not your dad etc etc, practice caution online, we really only ask that minors don't read the fic or view the NSFW. We'll still probably be writing ASAU by the time you turn 18 tho so maybe see u on ao3 then?? XD
TLDR, it's up to you if you wanna make art of the lil guy. We appreciate everything that comes our way!
The decision to keep Flicker 9 years old came from a discussion on why the hero failed in the downfall timeline. Bc if things progressed like they had in OoT, then Link would have still won! So what needed to change in order for him not to win? It wasn't bc the player just went out to play basketball instead of beating the game /ref
The sages put Link to sleep bc he wasn't ready to wield the sword. But nothing changed except his size. He was in a 17 year old's body, but his mind hadn't matured any. Somehow he was able to pull it off tho, and everything turned out fine (or... It depends on your definition of fine).
So the sword didn't put Flicker to sleep. He didn't get stronger. And he's a tough kid, but that only goes so far. He also rushed to get to the final boss, which Time didn't do, so Flicker got there underprepared in his haste. He died, then the goddesses went "oh shit, that shouldn't have happened!!" and reset the timeline. And as we know, a reset doesn't mean that the original timeline goes away, now there's just two versions of the story.
Poor lil guy... His Zelda (Aria) and the sages managed to pull it together, but the timeline was still pretty fucked. I can't wait for when we get to what happened to it in the fics, but that won't be for a while. Flicker is still out there tho... In the forest... Doing his little guy things....
Thank u for ur interest! Maybe we'll have gotten to Flicker's point in the story by the time you're 18 hchdhdj
-Kio & Mizu
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nutal · 3 months
man, sometimes I dunno why I come up with stuff in my head, then let my brain beat the shit out of me and tell me that I just suck in general at everything, but im still gonna come up with a pair of headcanons cuz yes, this time abt Eve >:))) (again, it may age as bad as milk but just hear me out and here we go)
So pretty much, kinda like what I said before on an older ask, I'm pretty sure that unlike Lilith, who had a strong desire for independence, Eve was a lot more obedient and dependent on Adam. And that Adam loved her a lot more than Lilith (you could say that Lilith was like a middle/high school crush for him, while with Eve, they had a more truly loving relationship, since Adam now has more experience and is more mature than he was before)
Then, when Eve ate the apple, the both of them (Adam and Eve) fell down to earth and had to suffer there
Tho I am more leaning with the theory of Eve = Roo, what if she wasn't actually evil, even tho she was Roo? Hear me out for a bit:
Basically, when the two went down to earth and stuff, while in Adams point of view (like I said in that older ask), he saw Eve becoming colder and more distant, until she disappeared, in Eve's point of view, she was so ashamed of not listening to Adam's countless warnings to NOT eat the apple (to which, she did eat the apple), that she thought Adam hated her now. With the amount of self pity and self hatred she had for herself, she just disappeared, thinking that he wanted her gone for good, and with that, she also died of grief and being alone, just like Adam did when Eve left him.
Tho on one hand, since Adam didn't ate the apple (which meant he went to heaven by default, but didn't actually have any choice), on the other hand, Eve DID eat the apple (which meant she committed the first sin, so she went to hell, BUT she had free will, so that could've meant that she actually chose to go to hell bc, again, of her self-pity and hated for herself, but also bc of her strong want for revenge against the ones who gave her the apple, aka Lilith and Lucifer)
In her time in hell, she basically let her sins transform into the very monster she thought she was (and actually dreaded to have become), because, again, her intense anger towards Lili and Luci, and with that intense anger, somehow gave her a lot of power (Little did she know, when she ate that specific apple, it caused her to also have a little devil on her shoulder. Roo, the root of all Evil. I mean, what better way to start, then to convince the person who started sin to give in into their own sins, and give them all of the power of the sins itself? Eventually becoming one with each other? :)) (I may of not phrased that well but I tried lol)
And with that, Eve became Roo. The root of all Evil. Wishing that one day, she'll take revenge on Lilith and Lucifer.
Now this is where I start to get into sinner Adam stuff >:)))
Okay, so we prob know that Adam most likely didn't eat the apple? Which meant that he doesn't have any free will and just goes to heaven by default, because again, he got no freedom. boiiiiiiii (ok ok im joking xdd, but u get what I mean)
WHAT IF, when Adam's soul (in hell) eventually reaches to Roo (Eve), she might have actually felt.. even worse?
I think that, if Roo finds that Adam, the one she really loved, died right there, in front of her. Even if Eve let Roo consume her with evil, she still felt something sting inside of her deeply. She even felt.. even ANGRIER at Lucifer for doing this to Adam. She might of seen Adam already move on with another girl (Lute), she still wanted to at least help him out a bit.
So, she revives him with his soul, and he becomes a sinner in hell. Hoping that maybe.. maybe she helped with something. Maybe even helping him see Lute again, even if Eve still loved him on the inside. (its tragic af ik)
Now here's where I think, on how Roo/Eve got defeated.
So, in the very final battle, when Roo/Eve finally manages to reach the Hotel to get revenge, she sees Adam. And Adam sees her.
Adam, instead of wanting to fight her, looked he wanted to forgive her and help her out (may or may not have learned the forgiveness and helping side of things from Charlie XDDDD). Tho Lili and Luci were more reluctant about reasoning with Roo than Adam was at first, they eventually agreed to try their best.
So, together with the help of Lilith and Lucifer to give him a hand (or multiple hands), he tries desperately to reason with her, as Roo is in control now. Lilith and Lucifer would try to reason with her aswell, but it wouldn't work out so well for them.
But then, when Adam told her how much he regretted for not taking care of Eve well enough, that it was NEVER her fault.. suddenly, something clicked inside of Eve, realizing that all this time... Adam NEVER hated her to begin with... and all this time.. she was wallowing in self-pity for NOTHING. That SHE just made him suffer this much all along...
But when Roo is about to try to kill him, with no hesitation or pity whatsoever, suddenly, something deep inside, stop her immediately. Even if Eve indeed, let Roo consume her almost entirely, ever since she went to hell, THIS TIME, she wasn't letting Roo harm Adam. Not even Lilith and Lucifer.
As she was having the most intense internal battle she had ever had in her entire life: Eve between Roo, Eve cries on how much she made Adam suffer, how much she made everyone else around her suffer.. how she let Roo literally become one with her.. and how much she just wallowed herself in self-pity and hatred.. because of HERSELF.
But this time.. she was going to stop all of this. SHE was going to end all of this. By pulling Roo to the grave with her (Eve).
And with enough force from Eve, she rips her whole chest, revealing that she'd taken out her own rib from the inside out with her bare hands (I kinda have the head canon that Eve's rib is basically her pulse, so without it, she dead fr fr)
Adam, Lilith and Lucifer would be in complete shock. Then, Eve would fall to her death.
Adam, even though he was still trying to comprehend on what just fucking happened (bc it was so fucking traumatizing), he tried to catch Eve, only for him to find her body completely lifeless on the ground below. Just motionless and gone.
As he lays there in shock, Lute comes immediately to comfort him, and Adam would just try in Lute's arms.
Lucifer would also come to be next to Adam's side (bc they eventually forgave each other in the course of Adam staying at the hotel, becoming friends again like in Eden), and Lilith would check if Eve was still alive. Realizing she was dead, she would just take a deep breath, and just let her body stay there a little bit, before Lilith picked it up to, at the very least, put it somewhere more peaceful, to pay respect for Eve's death (Lilith ain't that of an asshole man, even if she's a bit biased UnU, bc I low-key also want Eve and Lilith to be deep to make the story 1000x more interesting)
so uhh, ye, just felt like dumping my imaginary stuff upon u cuz I wanna make u even more insane than you already are >:)))))
OH LORD THIS IS BATSHIT INSANE OHMYGODHEKDBDN 😭😭😭 EVE STILL WANTING TO HELP HIM OUT EVEN AFTER KNOWING ADAM’S WITH LUTE NOW AAAAGGHEGDHGHD THE ANGST MAN!! And yeah I def do agree that in terms of relationships, Lilith was a lot more like independent and wanting control while Eve was on the exact opposite end being extremely obedient and like reliant on Adam
ALSO THE ROO EVE STUFF IS VERRY INTERESTING and dude eve wallowing in self hatred man…
and then like, adam trying to catch eve in his arms only for him to just find her lifeless body and lute tryna comfort him and he’s just crying in her arms jesus christ bruh
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zkoh001 · 1 year
"If you think it is my husband you should fear, you are nothing more than a fool."
Im dubbing this the tigermom au, where Misako had a legit reason to leave Lloyd, and it was to put fear of god in the hearts of destinies writers the moment they hear the Garmadon name. (In the meanwhile getting stuck in a time loop/trap)
Honestly I just feel like she COULD be a really cool character, if her abandoning Lloyd with no fair explanation didn't weigh her down. She pretty effortlessly rizzed both sons of god, and is one of the few non EMs shown doing spinjitzu. Also was quite good at it, if we can believe Wu. Tho I think she could do a bit more sass. (She was sassy like twice, and I live for it. Also sassy Lloyd, but that doesn't belong here)
Here are a few scattered ideas:
° When she hears the prophecy, she realises the only way to save her family is to rewrite destiny. Good thing she knows where to do that
° Using her archeology/history background she begins looking for ways to move amongst realms
° She leaves Lloyd at Darkleys (only for a few weeks, she swears) temporarily. Why Darkleys? Well, he probably would be safer with his father idolized rather than despised (see the movie for example)
° I'm not sure of the deets, maybe Travelers tea or some other method, but she leaves for Cloud Kingdom (or perhaps Time blades shenanigans, but honestly, I want her to punch Fenwicks jaw trough his skull.)
° Not looking for a nice chitchat with the people who broke her family, she wreaks havoc amongst the denizens of CK, looking for two specific scrolls
° Eventually they kick her out with joined efforts, and she returns dejected. The worst she expected was Lloyd starting a Garmadon cult amongst the students, not her son all grown up, hanging out with a bunch of teens in pajamas.
° I want to make her showing up more impactful. I want Wu and the ninja to be surprised, I want her to be devastated when she puts two amd two together (she doesn't know about tomorrows tea, so it seems even worse). I want her to mourn the time lost, but still be determined to make it up somehow.
° Note, that while it's not nearly as bad, she still had the attitude, of fighting her way out of her problems over trying to raise Lloyd into not killing his dad. This could be a character flaw to explore, and it could make Lloyd more drawn to her, since her attitude is quite a bit similar to Kai's
Sidenote, I know that sounds like Maya over again, but it does't need it to be similar really. I like to actually make Ray and Mayas kidnapping make sense, with Krux knocking them out with the tea, kidnapping them, and THEN forcing them to stay with the "I know where your babies live" threat.
So while Maya was kidnapped, Misako would have left willingly, albeit, for longer than she meant to.
But let's get to the mom part shall we?
° Honestly, outside of making Misako more interesting, this is a bit self indulgent, because I think Lloyd should have a healthy outlet, since trauma dumping Akita is not really an option now
° Lloyd would be conflicted, not being able to hate her, but still, she was never there
° "You don't have to forgive me"
"It's okay, you didn't mean to..."
"But it still hurts doesn't it? You can let it out"
° I know, it's harder to manage more characters, but I want her to BE there for her son, also let's scrap Wusako, I wanna make her love Garmadon, to the very end, even if it's tragic.
° She won't leave when going gets tough, and she would offer her own fighting skills to help too
Just some fun extras:
° She showed up to the Monastery after some rumors about demigods living there, to examine the place. The spinjitzu brothers found her, she used some incredibly stupid pickup line with fingerguns, and procedeed to steal both their hearts
° She's got rizz that literally only works on these two.
° The spinjitzu brothers would stare down any EM who dares question her presence, and she fucking knows it.
° Will watch with a shit eating grin as Wu lectures, and Garmadon threatens the poor sap
° Since Maya is the overenthusiastic mom, I will make Misako the bad influence mom, who makes her son do dumb shit kids his age should do (and 100% joins in, cause, whose gonna tell her she can't?)
° Lloyd inherited his grandfathers hair, his father's eyes, and his mom's face.
° I just find it funny if Lloyd showed up to CK, and everyone was hostile/angry towards him. And Lloyd being Lloyd would assume it's about his dad, since it always is. Except not now.
° "YOU! I know who you are! You are that woman's son!"
° "...Yeah, he is my fa- wait, what?"
° "Hey, look, looks like your mom made quite a mess for ya"
° " Which only means even more people hate me so thanks MOM."
° Lloyd is the house cat, if he doses off on you, you are not allowed to get up/disturb him (I like to think it started when he was little, but since he is still the youngest mentally, it stuck). The ninja (and his family) strictly enforce this, even on random visitors who fall under the cat-curse. This is not even really Misako related just Cat Lloyd? Cat Lloyd.
° ... Also, I think he should have a ponytail. (Seriously, that hair would be realistically such a hassle while fighting. Pull that hair back, so you can SEE you dingbat)
Just... I mean, Lloyd and Garmadon are already cat coded according to the fanbase, why not give them a feral wildcat mom/wife? She will hiss at anyone who messes with them, don't worry.
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sanguinechaos · 1 year
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cant believe i was so fucking delusional about Flamebringer and Enforcer interacting in some way that it came into existence
actually can we talk about that
listen i already Hortus de Escapismo would be a treat because its a Laterano related event and it involves my wife. actually he got an alter even i knew it i KNEW IT I WAS AN EXALTER TRUTHER AS SOON AS I SAW THAT BOUJEE WINCHESTER 1887 MY FUCKING WIFE IS HOME MY WIFE
and then they dropped the operator records for the Notarial Hall trio and for anyone who has not read those yet tl;dr from somewhat dubiously google translated chinese text:
in Insiders oprecs theres almost an all out brawl over a family heirloom donut recipe. its so funny to me that we all made fun of him cause his halo looked like a donut and he really is Donut Man™
actually his personal donut recipe is so sweet and greasy that the doctor nearly chokes to death on it. im pretty sure if you eat it you can physically feel your arteries popping shut
apparently he likes sweets so much because when they picked him off the streets in some small town bordering siracusa and brought him to laterano they gave him some candy and it just left such an impact on him
do all of you have dead parents is that like a requirement
he has donut pajamas
Executor oprec is kinda cute honestly. this guy is autistic. he has joined the war on autism on the side of the autism. anyway what we learned is that apparently his lack of empathy (as in the sanktas 6th sense) is something hes had from birth and not in fact due to his job as an executor
and also he has always had a black halo and wings. according to the manhua they also dropped his entire extended family has black halo/wings it has absolutely fuck all to do with him being willing to kill sankta if his job necessitates it its just genetic
he doesnt actually have that much of a problem recognizing what people are feeling, its more that he has trouble piecing together cause and effect or what those emotions mean to people. and his parents (before their tragic demise) taught him to like draw shapes on paper matching different emotions to parse it? cute
anyway the other executor that was on a mission with him when he was still a rookie bites the dust and Executor takes it so so so seriously and fucking tries to eat 100 scoops of ice cream because his senpai made a joke and he was just like "okay so that can count as a last will and testament i guess" like babe. babe. he applied for executive gelato funding
and they leave us hanging but i genuinely wonder how many he managed to eat before he probably vomited and couldnt see gelato for the next 3 months
Federico Giallo? no. Federico Gelato
also hes only around ~25 as of Exalter
Enforcer goes around asking various sarkaz about Kazdel cause obviously hes intending to go look for Cecelias dad with her
actual live reaction as soon as i saw 炎客 BEYONCE?! FLAMEBRINGER?!
Flamebringer is a wanted criminal the Notarial Hall has his mugshot on the office notice board (which tells me that there is NO WAY that Executor doesnt KNOW him or about him please i am so delulu rn Lowlight i fucking beg you let them interact kiss. violently suck face, even. "Dino wasnt this a 炎见 post?" if you were paying attention to my Twitter youd know i really like 葬炎见 in that exact order but ill take any combination of just two of them) and also he absolutely does not give a shit he just keeps watering the plants while Enfocer talks at him
Enforcer gets slammed against a wall and maybe choked a little unbelievable and Flamebringer is like "go bug someone else, blood is not for watering flowers" like oof ouch the edge on this guy
Mudmud helps Enfocer in the end tho :)
also he might be like 19 while my conservative estimate was at least 25 i THOUGHT the Notarial staff had law degrees now i get why everyone in Guide Ahead was like "waow, so young :o and already an executor!"
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Am I the only one who is a little sad that the moment Trixie was single she didn't take a second look at Katya and immediately went to the ex? She could've given her a chance. And I wonder how K really feels now that she wants kids. I know she doesn't want them herself, but I'm afraid this will change things between them and I really really hope they don't.
ugh okay first of all: im totally w u and i a 100% see ur point. these have crossed my mind too, and i can easily get to a place where these topics make me sad for a while. but genuinely i dont think we should worry too much abt any of it. at the end all i want is for them to be happy, no matter how that looks like🤝
on a further note, we cant be like *actually* sure abt any of what is going on? like yes it seems pretty clear, and it might as well be exactly as we think it is, its all spelled out, isnt it? its really just that we were the ones who spelled it out, and not T, or any other person who is practicipating in the situation. all im saying is that i wouldnt advise anyone to bet on whats going on w T rn (if for nothing else then just out of respect), and im sure eventually we will hear either a confirmation or a fully different story that will clear things up.
specualtion is free tho, and also pretty interesting, so as long as we keep it kinda hush-hush i think its okay that we entertain ourselves w these anecdotes. like im totally in, and i do think *the* ex is now truly an ex, like that much id even dare to place a bet on. the rest is just questionmarks😭😭😭 like i could see this new guy being actually something, or just a rebound-fling, or just a friend(?). and its also possible that he is the old ex, and then i do have even more questions, but the bar is under a frog's ass after the last guy, so im appriciative towards anyone who is slightly better than him, and it would appear to be a true challenge to be worse than him💀 sooo idk i do believe yall that that guy on the pics is really old KY guy, im just not sure if they r friends or fwb or dating or a secret fourth option? doesnt matter as long as T is okay and having fun. (also, i do think she could have spent some time being single IF she is in a relationship again, but hey, anything is better than how we were around a year ago, no? and as long as a guy doesnt treat her like shit im happy for her!!!) ((and yes. i am really sad miss K got looked over again if thats the case. even if i dont think we will ever get to live in a world they r actually legit dating. in another universe for sure. but in this one? too many hangups. these creatures cant even fucking talk abt the fact that they'd like to hang out more tgthr. like..... be fr😭 they r stooooopid, and thats okay. its sad, its tragic, but its okay, and they have a really special relationship regardless of whether they ever go that far or dont. there is always hope, and even if they fall out now, maybe they need it to break and actually confront the fact that they want to hang out? like there r so many ways for things to go. soooo many. i could sit here and spin this wheel on for hours with no end, i promise. i do think it could have happened in like 2020-2023? maybe even beginning of 24. but as things stand now... eeeh i think it wouldnt be such a clean cut, but they do tend to do things the more complicated way, at least thats how it seems to me. the thing is that they r such complex ppl and they have so many motives that i could make literal lists about what their excuses might be (such as work, but now that T says it doesnt matter that much maybe it changes, or such as age, or what-ifs, or fear of ruining what they have, or thinking that maybe they have missed their chance, new/old confidence issues, mental health states? ...these two...). on the other hand, do we really think K got looked over? Ts literal god? im not so sure, but only time will be able to tell wtf has been going on.))
i see ur concern, and yeah change is fucking scary, especially if such comforting things change. but u see, this could be exactly one of their hangups too. things keep changing no matter what, all we can do is hope they both r okay and happy and nice parts of each other's lives.
i understand that T keeps speaking abt wantimg kids, and sure, pop off! but like, i reaaaally doubt she would be actually having kids this year? like i feel like its maybe a new thing for her to think of having kids as an actual possibility she considers for her future, thus she speaks abt it openly since its one of the things she is interested in now! but like, having a kid is not this quick of a process, even a pregnancy takes 9 months😭😭 and also im pretty sure that her life isnt at a place where she could pick up a kid tomorrow and just go on and be her best self as a parent and i feel like she must be aware of that? T and K would both be at least okay parents, thats for sure!! but like, considering Ts past year... yeah i dont think it will be such a quick happening. once, in a few years, sure! even in 2, why not! but not tomorrow. she'd do fine as a single parent, she'd do fine w a partner, it will be fine, just really not as soon as some ppl r concerned it might be😭 let her just get that birdie first, i think that could be a logical and nice next step!
finally, i really dont think K would have such a problem w children? (even if she did, dont u think shed make an exception for T? im pretty sure she'd do almost anything for/with T.) like she absolutely adores her nephew as far as i know, so im certain she wouldnt delete T's contact info if/when she had a kid. im pretty sure T wouldnt block Ks number either just bc she became a parent, she also seems to know how nice K is to kids despite not necessarily getting them (see: her gifting a lot of money to her nephew's, like, 4th bday? but i could argue that thats a great gift, just more long term great😭). and what if T gets that kid and eventually calls K for help (more likely for herself and not the kid, but this is besides the point), and then K does help, and then they spend even more time together with this newfound excuse, and they realise how well they function as a family, and then they can finally move in together and be lesbians and be disgustingly in love and live happily ever after??? what then???? anyways, my point is that even if they r in a tiny bit of a divitation i highly doubt it would be due to T wanting a kid. i think its more that they both were afraid during T's break that if they reached out more they would annoy the other one, bc "omg what if she needed a break from me too???" (like. T needed a break from her god. and K needed a break from the person who tethers her to this earth. sure jan. emotionally they do have some challenges, thats certain!). and maybe they need to drift a bit apart to then get back together and be even closer (if that is scientifically even possible). things arent as linear and easy as we would like them to be, and since our perspective is and outside one, im pretty sure that from their pov it seems or at least feels sooooo much more complicated. while i just sit on the floor and go "just date ffs its not that hard!!4!4 look back footage of ur faces while u look at eachother!!! thats all u need!!44!", and we r both right! it is very complicated but it could also be manageable. (what i think might be more painful here is if T has the kid w a partner, bc that seems pretty, uh, *certain*, or unchangable, final? obvi its not ***that*** drastic, but it is a bigger deal. so yeah, but i stand by my op that none of this will happen in the blink of an eye, we'll see as it unfolds ig and hope for smth real nice)
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sakamaki-richter · 1 year
@fruit-of-infidelity tagged me in a character inspiration post but i’m saying FUCK THE FORMAT IM RAMBLING ABT MY INSPOS FOR RICHTER BC YOU GAVE ME THE OPPORTUNITY 🫵🫵 (here’s the template for anyone who wants it tho. but i’ll also tag @ask-cordelia-sakamaki — either for your oc, or if you have inspo for cordie that you’d like to share <3 i adore the way you write)
first and foremost. i don’t actually have any real inspiration for the way i write richter??? at least none that i’m conscious of! mostly it’s just i adopt a completely different writing style to convey the way i see richter in my head. however i do have one fanfic author that consistently influences my writing.
eloha on ao3— their writing is so intimate & purposeful and it’s genuinely beautiful to read?? everything is so smooth, & feels very personal no matter what the situation is. (i havent read any of their stuff in a while though; rip </3 )
ANYWAY NOW I GET TO RAMBLE ABT HOW RICHTER IS IN MY HEAD & WHY I WRITE HIM THE WAY THAT I DO. also i probably write him pretty ooc than he is in canon but i truly dont gaf BAHAHHS. /lh
most of the scenes we see of richter are him just being like. raunchy and skeezy. so i don’t particularly change that— i just write it differently than rejet so it at least sounds pretty whenever he’s doing some fucked shit. but i also just adore like. general vampire aesthetics. particularly their speech patterns, and how every movement they make seems buttery smooth its SICKLY. so i write richter that way. <3 like you know he’s big and bad. you know that absolutely nothing good comes from being with him no matter how close you are. but the smooth sway his hand makes when he points. the way he tilts his head so very sweetly whenever he’s asking (telling) you to do something. EUGH i wanna make everything he does sound pretty when you read it none of you understand.
OH ALSO I LIED I DO HAVE A SINGULAR INSPO I JUST REMEMBERED. (there’s surely more, but you know. whatever). august ruthven! from vanitas no carte! you all have seen me yell and scream abt him a lot and how he and richter are the same to me but REALLY. I MEAN IT. he also inspired the version of richter i have in my head <3 because rejet made him and abandoned him and i’m delusional.
i love tragic vampire lords okay. i love vampire royalty i love it when they’re in pain i love it when they hide things & i love love love it when they’re pretty & manipulative. so that’s richter in my head. yeah. ALSO HIHI @fruit-of-infidelity I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT THE WAY YOU WRITE RICHTER MAKES MY BRAIN BRRRR SO YOURE INSPO ALSO 🫂 YOU WRITE HIM VV NICELY AND IM JEALOUS PLS GIMME YOUR BRAIN.
SO IDK IF I REALLY TOOK MUCH INSPIRATION FROM THINGS— but i really just adopt an entirely different writing style and bend the way richter already is in canon. idk when writing him i need to make sure i can capture all his pretty angles. so i can make him look beautiful when his mind is all broken and he’s all hallucinating and delusional. he deserves the best <3
here’s a classic case of whin ignoring the prompt & rambling abt their own thing. oopsie :)
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impofthegasstation · 7 months
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here is a funny little pl oc. uh. more info under cut about himm
basic stuff: he's a young teenager, probably 13? not super sure... he is a guy. he/him. he has albinism (i know his eye colour is unrealistic dw) and he's a bit (incredibly) rude (he's so mean) he's based off spring heeled jack, the old urban legend. he's basically trying to be the sequel lmao.
more detail stuff from here (sorry if any of it is difficult to understand, also it is possible it could change in the future)
he is from a small village which is incredibly superstitious to the point where it affects the everyday life very heavily, he is not superstitious at all though. he is VERY skeptical about everything. these superstitions also ended up affecting him very heavily cuz. he got abandoned by his parents cuz they were scared of him and he ended up being bullied very often by other kids. he's very bitter about all that.
he just had to raise himself, learn everything on his own including stuff about his albinism and how it will affect him, especially since he didn't have any shelter to go to. he never had any friends or anyone who would talk to him in a neutral way, they'd all just mock him or be terrified of him. so he doesn't know how to trust or be kind at all.
he does try to dress as formally as he can, though he's still a dirty ass teen who has no clue how to clean himself. (really wish i was able to show that better in his design but oh well) his clothes are just taken from the trash.
eventually he got really fed up and decided to get revenge on the people by taking full advantage of the village's superstition, by pretending to be an old urban legend - he wouldn't even do any real harm but they'd act like he did! so boom, he's spring heeled jack now and he goes and just. causes mild inconveniences for people and they're fucking shitting themselves. he got pretty athletic because of the entire, 'spring heeled' part. he only ever does it at night, so that it's dark and difficult to see anything. he avoids doing genuinely harmful stuff as much as possible but he'd probably fuck up once or twice because. he has a blow torch or something.. for the fire breathing.
he continues this for literal years and eventually someone in the village sends a letter to the great professor layton and blah blah. layton and luke would have an adventure, iunno where it'd take place in the. time line? is that the word..? anyways, layton would figure out that the scary spooky fucked up gentleman demon is just some kid who's upset and been heavily wronged. jackson would just end up living with layton, because even after the tragic backstory reveal the village would still be scared of him
then like. character arc stuff? iunno, im not that far yet with my thoughts. thanks for reading this tho, feel free to give me ideas if you'd like or whatever. also the name of the game (or ig just his story) would be 'professor layton and the returning legend'
ok bye
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wndaswife · 2 years
in secret and thérèse raquin spoilers under the cut (ik a lot of you are planning on reading it and haven’t yet!! i’ll talk ab the book and the movie here,, and im really really rambling here like a huge huge nerd u can VERY much completely ignore this if u want)
jeeeeesusss fucking christ that movie was so much more than i remember fuck.. that fucking part with thérèse coming and just babbling out “thank you thank you thank you” LIKE SHIT… FUCK
camille is a very unfortunate man but.. and u can stone me for this i would forgive u but he is actually very easy to sympathize with??? like he’s so juvenile and so naive, very unfortunate person like that haircut is just tragic and it’s so icky he’s always sick but im sorry he’s a poor kid, that nativity and constant hopefulness is just… idk
im sorry even as im typing this it sounds so stupid, but in the book he really is just naive, and i find he’s exactly like that in the movie too i feel bad for him
EXCEPT FOR THAT ONE PART IN BED WITH THÉRÈSE that was really shitty but idk was wrong with the ppl putting this movie together because bitch no one was ever supposed to love thérèse or laurent.. i mean u totally can but it wasn’t supposed to be written as them being tragic lovers who just wanna be together n you feel super sorry for them. and i feel like they wrote that in for that exact reason.. doesn’t make it any less stupid and shitty tho. zola probably would’ve rly disliked the way this story was carried out in this movie
and fuck laurent seriously that mf wants to be so profound and mysterious so fucking bad yet he paints most times because he gets a hard on watching naked women like goodbye and im never going to forget the part in the book where he ogled a dead girl in the morgue who literally sewerslided
i really hate that man
gluttonous incapable coward god he’s terrible
i mean,, okay honestly if u never read the book or if you do read it and don’t care about its portrayal it’s not even a terrible movie, it’s not bad at all besides the typical morally questionable acts
the architecture and costumes and lightings and colours were all so beautiful the entire movie, i love watching it and taking everything in i mean it’s rly gorgeous, and ofc so is lizzie so i mean my eyes r rly never off the screen
so that was a huge thumbs up for me , the whole thing is really really pretty
i mean there r obvious things wrong ab the movie, it was written like thérèse is horribly mistreated and did what she did because of the emotional distress she was under, which okay like i said if u didn’t read the book totally totally fine makes sense like okay then she’s a relatively likable character and in that case this story is ab her reactions to her circumstances, a story like that is fine, so don’t get me wrong and think im saying it’s not
but the book and what happened in it from a naturalist perspective meaning that circumstance has little to no effect on someone’s natural way of behaving and reacting- put thérèse in any other environment she would still be the kind of demure person easily set aflame by small passionate sparks, she goes all-in bets everything and cares little about what happens if and when she burns out. that’s why she started the relationship, not solely bc she was neglected or distressed, tho im sure it also had a minor hand in it
in the book it said she was patient and able to stay relaxed n lithe like a cat because of how she had to help her aunt around n camille, and how quiet and in the background she had to be, but that did nothing on her temperament and natural way of being
even if her being quiet and patience changed, say she grew up in a different environment, she would still be one to start a relationship with laurent the same way she did canonically
i do not like how this was changed because it’s taking the whole thing out of context, rly changing all the bases of the characters and the book, and most importantly.. in the movie ur supposed to LIKE them together and see their relationship as romantic
not gonna lie there are only four solid pages in which i liked them together and u BET i came with receipts- page 38-42 (oxford university press edition translated by rothwell bc ik page formatting can differ based on book versions)
to some extent OFC i did feel bad for them in the book like the stuff they went through including thérèse being domestically abused and dozens of other things they went through is not something i’d ever feel apathy towards, but rly not once after finishing the book did i think aw man that end shouldn’t have happened and they were such a good couple
tho that is the response the movie seems to have been looking for
i think what happened at the end of the book was always always always going to happen, just like how laurent and thérèse ending up being super annoyed by each other would have always happened. once they started arguing with each other it was never going to stop and they simultaneously would never be able to live without it. that’s kind of the interesting and maybe to some ppl problematic part of naturalist literature
it’s totally FINE and really like it doesn’t matter that much if u read the book or not, you can enjoy consuming only one, or consuming both and liking only one of them! and you don’t have to care at all that it’s different from the book, the movie is pretty great on its own if you’re not comparing them
but my personal opinion comparing them… not the greatest portrayal of the book (massive things were changed!!!!). the book was rly good but the movie also has its perks too
lizzie is so incredible in this movie, not a single movie of hers that i’ve seen is disappointing, i love seeing films through her eyes and i find they’re all really centered in people and their struggles and motivations etc etc, and i rly love that
i do get pleasure out of watching in secret, it’s a very pretty movie and it’s entertaining to hate laurent and judge their relationship and lizzie is such a talented actress, i love their descent into insanity and their stupidity, it’s a movie i rly do like watching (and none of this is sarcastic i really seriously do like seeing them act like idiots at times, even in the book it was pretty entertaining)
this is a weird review i have to admit bc it seems for a majority of it that im bashing the movie,, ITS A GOOD MOVIE it’s entertaining and has a great cast and it’s pretty the soundtrack is great, so r the aesthetics it’s a great movie, it rly is
but in its portrayal to the book!!! not as good
but that doesn’t mean i don’t enjoy the movie, i do!!!
and here is one more observation i took from comparing the book and the movie: where the book did not go into detail with the sensual relationship between laurent and thérèse like the movie did tho it was still a huge part of the story, the movie also did not go into detail with the relationship that developed between them through the naturalist perspective. thus, in secret is an erotic romantic drama with not many mentions of naturalism and the book is huge on naturalism while talking no more than a collective page of their actual sexual interactions. i think MAYBE the directors n writers of the movie intended for naturalism and overt sexuality to be.. sort of synonymous? which is rly interesting i think. they both played similar roles with these characters (mostly thérèse) who store and shroud their sexualities like precious innate things as one would their natures. i thought that was kind of cool if that was the intention, and even if it wasn’t i think it was inadvertent but very clear statement either way
im not sure ab my options on that yet,, tho i kinda wanna read more about that from somewhere
i want to ask if anyone agrees with innate nature and sexuality being synonymous but idk if anyone has read this far it’s just me rambling like an idiot lmfao
i wish lizzie did more book adaptations it’s so fun to read books her movies are based on and watch her interviews and know she read the book too
it’s just so fun to analyze u know???
i need a literature pal T_T
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hyunverse · 2 years
omfg i cannot imagine a life without fall. that is so tragic. the rory gilmore vibe is definitely there especially bc i live in nyc so you can really get the fall grasp yk ? YEA can we please talk about changbin in the samsung ad bc holy shit. he’s like. legit perfect. aren’t they all tho like isn’t that why we’re all here in the first place 🤭. i cant get enough of them
100% agree i can’t imagine having a s/o rn. tooooo much work and i’m just not mentally there yet yk 😭 the thought is a lot nicer than the reality of it
i can bet money that you would beat me and that i am far from a bowling prodigy 😔. i have no coordination whatsoever. i’m also extremely short with tiny hands and arms (me and felix are twins) so i’d look an absolute fool LMAO. and it is so cute we do the opposites at the same time but still can communicate like just little humans doing cute little human things on our little phones
cute minho pics 100% made my day better. his little pout i’m distraught <///3. this is my second day w an awful migraine idk what my deal is 💔. i hope your day was good tho and you get some good rest tonight love :)) i read some of your hyunjin stuff again before falling asleep last night and i swear i shed a tear. too much fluff for my sick heart hyunjin just makes me SOFT
- 🐈‍⬛
tragic innit 💔 i sound british ANYWAY. waa u live in nyc? that’s sickkkk. how’s life there like? i only ever see nyc people complain abt the rodents on the streets and random people tryna get u to listen to their mixtape 💀 i hope ure not. . . rodent infested? all jokes pls dont hate me </3 the seungmin kinnie in me popped out for a sec.
changbin’s biceps r so big it gives me the urge to sink my teef in them. go absolutely bonkers with it </3
during my last semester, my roommate had a boyfriend, and she would argue with her boyfriend pretty much everyday so it kind of made me not want one. because imagine finishing your assignments at 1am, and arguing with your boyfriend ‘til 4am? and then having to wake up at 6? i don’t think i can handle that. so many of my friends’ boyfriends ended up being a bit controlling too, not letting them go out and have fun with guy friends. (even with other girls around them!) i feel like at this age, i want the freedom to do anything i want, u get me? a boyfriend would definitely stop that.
it’s ok, i bowl funny too. i’m pretty sure the way i bowl the ball isn’t correct but we r all unique ‼️ who cares if im not swinging my arm right? LMAOO. i have long arms but my hands are tiny so i guess we’re matching at that too 😭 i love felix’s tiny hands. especially when they’re compared with hyune’s like. . . he got hyune looking like a whole gorilla 😟
u are my tiny silly little companion in my tiny silly little phone <3 i’m glad minho made u feel better, i hope your day is better today! i’m sorry to hear about your migraine, my love. have you taken painkillers? drink enough water and do take your meals on time or i will fly to nyc and do it for u. (this is a threat.) my day was so slow LMAO i did absolutely nothing! though i did receive exciting news — got a 4.0 gpa and into the dean’s list!! ‘m overjoyed!! spent the day laying as reward. (thats my excuse for being lazy) thank u for reading my fics hehe. comments like that make me wanna keep going :-) i wanna write a oneshot abt playing with his hair!!!
sending u warm hugs ^__^ with much love frm your rin <3
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tizzymcwizzy · 2 years
///okay spoilers for the titans curse cause im gonna be talking about my thoughts overall///
this one's my favorite so far, honestly I was really bored by the slog the first two books had been,, when i was reading them they felt super thirteen year old and it was like draining on my brain dbdhhf I don't know if im fine with it now cause ive gotten used to it or if it's cause the books have just gotten better. i was really impressed and engaged by the story (maybe also cause this was the first entirely new book in this series i read) but i was on the edge of my seat the entire time and percy wasn't as annoying FHFHVJHCFH it's like he's maturing and the story is maturing as the stakes her higher, it's really cool!
also i really just love the way these books will set up stuff that seem pretty insignificant and random, like the lotus casino, that shit made my jaw drop, what a brilliant set up
speaking of casino, im gonna talk about Nico now so major story spoilers time
i was actually gonna make a post about this when i had first started the book, but Nico's attitude and personality really confused me cause he was so kiddish and excitable, all the fanart that i had seen, or just going off his style in general, he had always seemed more standoffish and cynical than this bright kid who talked Percy's head off with questions. and since i had seen one fanart of nico asking a sad percy where his sister was,, and i didn't know much about Bianca or see her in a lot of fanart,, i was pretty sure that was where his cynical side was going to come from. And I REALLY enjoyed this whole plotline, like, the eternal dread of Percy's promise to nico and that eventual conversation at the end, it's so intriguing and honestly it makes me so so excited for the next book. ALSO THAT HADES REVEAL! so so so good. I know Percy and Nico end up as friends at some point but WHOO GOD im excited excited :)))
also im super scared about the whole, Percy's hero story is going to end in tragedy, because all heros are tragic and all the shit Aphrodite said, im scared annabeth is gonna die HDHDHFJF i keep going between NOO RICK WOULDN'T DO THAT? would he? nooo,,,, but would he?? im scared hdhdhhdf Percy's gonna have a rough next two years tho, that im sure of sjhdbfhf
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sammyloomis · 3 years
how about TWDG chars??
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blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
oh minnie for SUREE i love her so much and im still upset she wasnt in the game that long :[ love that for the time she Was there she was just so completely off the shits good for her
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
hmmm might be a tie between clem and vi tbh, maybe even clem edging it out because shes so >:[ but i just wanna squish her cheeks tho she’d probably fuckin stab me
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
BRODYYY BBY GIRL U DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER ;-; im so sorry they did you like that oml
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
molly like girl what was ur deal i need to know what happened to her is she okay?? is she GOOD??
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
minnie again dfghj like idk if shes that “problematic” since i kno a lot of other ppl also like her but she IS pretty pathetic
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
MINNIE AGAIN DFGHJ listen its fun to make the whole “killing her sister” thing even more tragic and even before then her backstory we never find out like damn, i rly love torturing her
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
kenny fghj im sorry im SORRY but i truly cannot stand that man like none of the honest to god antagonists of this series hold a candle to my disdain for him like when he came back for NO REASON in s2 i was LIVID
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hella1975 · 2 years
hi! laika anon here (i really couldve given u at least a little more warning tbh....laika is one of the few songs that has the power to make me cry no matter what mood im in) but music reccs!!- im gonna limit myself to 4 asks here because im REALLY tryna not be overwhelming/annoying.
ok so i def cannot promise anything with the same amount of gut punch that laika has but here are 5 songs that kind of tie into the animal theme-
gus the polar bear from central park (tragically hip): this is very much more rock type sound, but central theme is a captive bear who no longer frightens anyone, i really really love gord downies lyricism i think the man is brilliant tbh (if u vibe a little then "tired as fuck" and "ahead by a century" also hit)
peter the wildboy (ratboys): not about an animal per say but kind of like the way humans strip the beauty from things that are wild(?)
dead dogs (annie dirusso): this one is very much more laying all the cards in front of you. her dog is dead, shes praying and doesnt know why cause she doesnt think its gonna do anything, etc, etc. dirusso has a nice clear tone 2 her voice tho
putting the dog to sleep (the antlers): im not sure how much of this one is literally about putting a dog to sleep vs just metaphor but its pretty um uh its a cool song. yah.
space dog (tori amos): this is the most not fitting to the theme i'd say, its mostly just seemingly nonsense lyrics but i still find tori pretty compelling + yaknow- space dog
laika anon back for p2 of 4: songs about death in general warnings 4 big ouch :| (hope some of these r new 2 u!!)
matthew 25:21 (moutain goats): uhhh wow idk how he makes the like *im mostly talking barely singing not even really rhyming* thing work so well but boy does he ever- if u havnt heard it i dont wanna spoil anything but its so well structured(??) everything fits together so well-
seaweed (mount eerie): from an album about dealing with the loss of his wife it was between this one and real death- but i first heard this song and proceeded to sob for probably an hour.
casimir pulaski day (sufjan): ik fs uve heard this one, sufjan enjoys hurting feelings.
when i met death (right away great captain): less of a personal one, more just incredibly beautiful (imo) i cannot get over how he layers the vocals stg im like vibrating
ok laika anon second to last ask i PROMISE!! these songs are just ones i find powerful/moving imma include potential tws tho because there are some 4 sure
emotional anorexic (svavar knutur): a pretty apt painting of depression and how hard it can be to compare yourself to others, doesnt contain any language explicitly about eds
not an addict + my heart (k's choice): this band is two brothers (lead singer is trans masc) which is cool ASF, sam hadnt come out as trans during the run of most of if not all of k's choice, but you can pick up on the queer elements/themes in the music and its honestly just really beautiful stuff
me and a gun (tori amos): ok big cw here because this song is about tori's sa, its incredibly powerful- just her voice with no other backing music- honestly she is so- i dont really have words for it but i recommend listening to the song if you can
torn again (leonard cohen): cw mention of wrists in a potentially triggering way- i love lenny co- ik hes really not 4 everyone but imo this is him at his best.
nothing but heartache in your social life(gord downie): words words holy shit this man owned words- ide-
bonus picks: sun in my mouth björk, hollow life korn
laika anon LAST ASK WHOOOOO!!!! if u are ever looking to really make urself miserable- two projects i would recommend:
next to normal: you dont even have to watch the musical, pull up the genuis lyrics and read along- or dont tbh its still fuckin' POTENT. family unit made up of a mother, father, sister and an older brother only the mom can see- i have sobbed to this shit on at least 4 occaisons. not to mention the songs have such brilliant layering to them- my holy shit moment is always my psychopharmachologist and me- but i am the one guts the fck out of me
the secret path by gord downie- this is the story of a young boy who was stolen from his family during the (very long) period of time when canada forced its indigenous people into residential schools. downie's voice takes a little getting used to especially as he was pretty deep in the throes of cancer at this point- but god its truly a fucking soul destroying story- and one similar to so many others that have been covered up so effeciently by the canadian government-
laika anon i would like to start by saying that i have been listening to laika on repeat since you told me about it and i quite literally cannot get over it i think about it all the time it's rewritten my brain chemistry i am not okay at all.
thank you so much for these! your taste is exquisite and ive made a note to listen to all of these, but i also made a playlist for the whole laika/two-headed calf vibe and i used a lot of your recs as inspo, so thank you!
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