#im perhaps too picky
dragpinkman · 2 years
online clothes shopping for shorts for 2 hours straight and only bookmarking 1 thing. this is society
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the-lady-stone · 1 year
after healing Taliesin...
LDB: Alright, let's get out of here.
Taliesin: Not dressed like that you aren't!
LDB, changed into something a little more... sexy: Better?
Talesin: Yes b-- (ahem), slay!
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femboty2k · 2 days
-claims to have body diversity in their art-
-proceeds to post the safest "look she's chubby" bodies you've ever seen-
-the other examples are two of the same body type (broad and muscular) and a twig-
yeah good on ya m8 you sure are doin' the most out here drawing TWO chubby women with pear shaped bodies and the smallest amount of stomach you could fit into the pixel count of the image, and then the rest being average/thin bodies.
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jinkiezzsstuff · 7 months
Rivalry To Romance
velvette x f!reader
Summary: You worked in cosmetics at the Vee tower alongside Velvette, unfortunately you’ve never gotten along. You found her obnoxious and she found you to be a pest. However you struggle with yourself on whether you truly hate her or just can’t accept your true emotions.
Warnings: Fem reader, reader throws things again so does velvette, valentinos presence yuck, suggestive but nothing serious. No mention of readers hairtype, bodytype or skin colour, shorter than i originally wanted womp but I think that’s it but lmk
Word count: 2.5k
we need more velvette i love her so much and there’s like no info on her character or back story at least that i could find woomp womp im trying clear up what i have drafted but sheesh im so picky and a perfectionist about it i wish i was a writing machine that it could come directly out of my brain like i see it y’know?
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“I fucking hate her!” You screeched tossing make up across the room at your assistant. “Please, calm down, my head hurts.” Angel whined from your couch as you paced around him, your assistant booking it after the second thing, that being a vase, was thrown.
“I can't, she's intolerable, seriously. A brat.” You grit plopping down onto the cushion beside him. The two of you were in the Vee tower, you being what Velvette would call ‘the shadow of the vees’, you got in on the triangle based on accessibility; for the Vees that is. You were a cosmetic creator and produced varying products for demons of all kinds, not only was it beneficial for Valentino's pornstars but Velvette’s models.
When you were a self employed business it was still very lucrative, and getting around quickly. Gaining the opportunities to work with overlords, sinners you never expected as well as selling and gaining quicker than you could’ve imagined. It wasn’t long until Velvette had caught onto the rage, and that’s how you ended up in the tower working alongside her.
It was terrible from the start; you weren’t some meek little demon, yet Velvette treated you like you were some Imp! You hated her bratty, disrespectful loud mouth and you never failed to let her know.
BIting your nails down too low without realizing, Angel grabbed your hand successfully stopping you, and leaned forward. “Hey listen I know how it is to have a sucky boss. Heh, literally.” Angel snickered to himself while you muttered that she wasn’t your boss. “But if i’m being honest, it sounds like sexual frustration,” He twiddled his fingers at you while a sly smile pulled at his lips.
You gaped at him, head falling forward in disbelief. “You’ve got to be kidding me, hah, no fucking way dude!” You exclaimed, leaning back, you sighed frustrated at the conversation. “Oh shit, gotta go toots, boss is calling. Thanks for letting me up, see ya later.”
You waved by to Angel watching him go. Sitting with your elbows on your knees you stared off into space. Sure you suppose you admired her, sure, she was pretty, occasionally sure you’d check her out admiring how the clothes fit her, but that was purely platonic! Velv was a fashion designer, of course she knows how to accentuate her natural beauty.
And perhaps there were times when you couldn’t quite decide what you felt for her questioning your intentions second guessing your actions. Sometimes as you gazed at her while she worked, you wanted to ease her up a little, relax her from the stress whether that be from praise, a gentle rub or kiss, or something a little more promiscuous; you simply wanted to be her relief.
Other times you wanted to fight her and bitch her out, and then fuck her? You actually didn’t know and it drove you insane, but Angel was the first to spot the way you acted, overly aggressive.
You groaned, frustration emitted from you very clearly as you tugged at your hair. Standing you walk quickly toward Velvette’s and yours’ work sections on the tower's mid floor. Velvette stood at a table when you walked in, she only barely turned her head to you, too busy studying fabrics and colours.
“What’s the pretentious brat got cooking today?” You say walking up beside her looking down at the table. Rolling her eyes she turned to you hand on her hip. “Can you piss off? I’ve got shit to do, real work, not lazing around with a whore.”
Rolling your eyes right back at her, you looked down to the table. “Angels no more of a whore than that filthy moth.” You muttered fingering the fabrics, eyes dancing around the blueprints for an outfit.
“What’re these for?” You ask, meeting her gaze, a bored look plagued her face, but she loosened up slightly at the mention of her work. “These are the new blueprints for our outfits for the upcoming broadcast Vox has planned. He wants to market tech, pornos, clothing and your cosmetics so everything’s gotta be right.”
Velvette looked down harshly at the things laid out in front of her, you could see the gears working in her head as her eyes flicked around the different blueprints, fabrics and rough drafts. You hummed, flicking through a particular set of blueprints that caught your eye. “I’m sure you’ll do great hun, always do.” You muttered absentmindedly, barely focusing on the praise that came from your lips.
Velvette’s head jerked back a bit, eyes watching you. She wasn’t expecting such softly said words to come from you so suddenly, but she definitely didn’t mind it. “Do you want something specific?” Looking toward her you shrugged, trying to ignore the yearning you had to be nearer.
“Just a dress, suppose the only request I have is that I look the part.” You didn’t mean for it to come off sad however, it did, and Velvette felt the rare sting of guilt ping past her heart. She was in fact the one who fought with you the most on who was worthy in the tower, but she always felt you were trying to replace her as “the guru”.
The fight you had earlier was present in your mind as you stood there, it was dumb another thing that sent you spiralling. You stomped off and straight into Angel, thank goodness for that because his presence calmed you surprisingly. The fight was about time slots with models, mainly because one model had been held up by Velvette because she was being a snooty princess again about what the model wore, meanwhile time was ticking on how much time you had to do said model's makeup.
Which ended up spiralling into a screaming cat fight, where you tossed things at her and she tossed them back slinging a slew of colour insults at you as she did so. Normally you and Velvette never apologised but as you stood there beside her looking over stuff you felt as though the moment of peace was close enough to an apology.
“Do you really wanna go to this?” You asked breathing in deeply, catching hints of her perfume that left a warm familiar feeling in your chest. “Hm not really, but we have to.” Picking up navy blue colours, she stacked the square fabrics together.
Swallowing you ask; “What’s your favourite colour?” Stunned Velvettes hands stalled their actions, her eyes meeting yours. You were waiting looking neutrally at her, you simply wanted to know. It was easy to see Voxs was arrays of blues, Val’s pink and red, you fancied emerald and sea greens, and her.. you didn’t know, hot pink?
“I fancy whites, purples, plums…” Trailing off finger to her mouth in thought, she nodded one sternly. “White and plum.” You smile ever so slightly it was a decent conversation for sure. But it definitely didn’t help you inner fight about your feelings for her.
Today was the day of the broadcast, the lot of you ventured to Valentinos floor of the tower, doing it up for a big show. There were tons of tables set up, lighting, cameras; the porn stars were done up thanks to you and Velv, they sat on a plush couch their section was going to be an ‘interview with the stars’ no doubt being entirely fake lies. Angel was a part of the cast, much to your dismay, you’d rather him be far from Valentino, but that wasn’t possible. Another area was new improved tech, with tech nerds ready to present and push the new models Voxtech had made.
Off to the back was Velvette’s section where various manikins stood cladded in Velvette’s best work, there were also models present around waiting to pose with the manikins. Your area felt blander than the rest, your cosmetics sat on varying different platforms that lifted them aesthetically, and you had a few head models with you, cameras focused in on only their eyes and lips for the occasional shot. In the middle of the room was where you, Velvette, Vox and Valentino would be.
The lot of you were going to be standing tall with wide smiles, the only one who was set to talk was Vox, the rest of you were just their to claim name to your things. Velvette was running around taking Sinstagram stories and pictures of everything around, building anticipation and hype for everything to come.
You watched her bounce around every now and again yelling at a worker or model about their place here, before getting back to puttering around. She wore a white dress with hearts at the bottom, and her hair was done up in a classic poof instead of her straightened pigtails. “Admiring the goods?” Angel asks, scaring the shit out of you, gasping you grabbed your chest in shock. “Fuck Angel don’t do that to me, and ye- wait what?”
Angel cackled an accusatory finger pointed to you. “Oh cmon! Even Val knows you’re into her, and that’s him.” You stared in disbelief before shaking your head no rapidly. “How would he even know? We barely spend time near each other, I hate him more than Velv.”
Angel scoffed, crossing two sets of his arms he leant against the wall next to him. “Please Velvette’s always ranting about how annoying you are over the phone, telling Val when Vox is probably too sicka her to hear it! Then she goes off saying how you can’t be nice and how you always make it a mission to come and pester er’ and Val said it’s because you wanted to fuck her!” Angel exclaimed slyly leaning forward into you and than backward away.
“That’s not true, we just can’t get along.” Like the devil heard your words, Velvette skipped up to you three, pulling the two of you into her. “Alright! The bitches! That’s more like it!” Velvette shouted, snapping a picture, Angel defaulted to his actor ways posing lustfully at the camera, meanwhile you just smiled unbelievably at Velvette. Once the picture was taken she wasted no time stepping back and sending off the post with a series of different hashtags.
“You look happy today?” You ask more than say watching Velvette smile around the room. “Of course people have stayed quiet, and not been a dickhead all day. Not to mention Vox and Val aren’t in moods.” You nodded in agreement, eyes casting briefly over to the TV who walked around checking the different cameras while Val smoked in the back.
Angel not so subtly snuck off giving your back a shove closer towards Velvette. Even if you could admit to yourself you felt more than platonic emotions for her, it would be extremely hard to accept it or attempt to make a move when you didn’t even know her sexuality.
She’d never seemed interested in Vox or Valentino, but you’ve not seen her eyeing women either. It made you more uncomfortable to ponder the future of accepting your feelings when you could just be cruel and ignore them. “What’s up with you spacey?” Velvette suddenly asked her phone off facing toward the floor.
You anxiously fiddled with your short dress wondering if now would be a good time to start something. “Nothing Velvette, just nerves i guess.” Velvette rolled her eyes, shaking her head disapprovingly. “You’ll be fine, always are anyways. We don’t do shit, it’s all Vox.”
Fair enough. Although that’s true it didn’t really matter considering it wasn’t what was really bothering you. “Are you straight?” You blurt suddenly, hand jerking upward to cover your mouth. Velvette’s eyebrow raised a ‘huh’ falling from her lips.
With a decision in mind, you couldn’t deny it, knowing that even Val saw something you know how you can’t hide it. The daydreams you have of her warm skin next to yours in the morning, the friendship you wish you had, the desire to have her lipstick smeared against your lips, wanting to post cheesy couple pictures together all over Sinstagram.
“Uhh, yeah, are you straight because I haven’t ever seen you around anybody, like, ahem, that.” You stutter out staring at her trying to gauge every little emotion on her face. “Suppose I could be considered, but i fuck who i want no matter the package.” She finally replied, returning to herself after spacing out, looking calmer than you.
“Would ya fuck me?” Scratching the back of your neck as her eyes scanned your face rapidly, trying to read you, trying to tell if you were serious. “Yeah, if you weren’t such a bitch.” You hum watching her once more, this time she looked a little meeker, shifting from foot to foot, her gaze casted downward.
“And what about love? Y’know not just wanting to have a hook up?” You asked a little apprehension evident in your voice, you craned your neck back trying to distance yourself subconsciously.
Softly you felt Velvettes gentle hand on your shoulder, focusing all your attention on her, you watched as her face turned out to the side, only looking at you through her peripheral. Her other hand crawled up to your other shoulder, before drifting softly to your neck, sending shivers down your spine and straight to your toes.
Velvette was still at fully extended arms length, so you stepped forward, cupping her cheeks gently like she was made of the fragilest material. Now eye to eye the two of you simply stared waiting, while invading eachothers space. Cautiously you leaned forward thankfully being her height, you hand your eyes closed already hoping she’d get the message, and either pull away running or indulge.
You were more than shocked to feel her lipstick covered lips meet with yours, soft yet eager. You kissed her back slowly, trying to convey the emotions and feelings you felt without speaking, the apology you wanted to say but didn’t know how.
Pulling you closer by the neck, you fell into her slightly, wrapping your arms around her like she was your world, fully absorbed in the passionate kiss you were sharing. Just as the kiss turned slightly heated, tongues introducing and slipping past the barrier of eachothers mouth Vox screamed. “You’ve got Velvettes makeup on your face, FUCK, why?! Why?! Five minutes before we’re live!” Jumping apart the two of you looked toward Vox who was already glitching out, meanwhile Val just stood smuggly sucking his pipe.
“Don’t worry he’s just mad that he now owes me one hundred dollars, losers weepers,” Val breathed his smoke wafting around the TV’s head. Velvette threw the bird at Vox before turning to you pulling out a handkerchief. “Weren’t you calling someone geriatric, now you’re pulling out handkerchiefs?” You teased, her hand coming up to wipe her black lipstick that stained your face.
“Oh piss off, or we’re both fired,” She scolded but there was no malice in her words like before making your heart flutter. “So how long before this gets out, our little before the air make out sesh?” You inquire as she handed the cloth to you, you wiping her smeared lipstick just as she did for you. “Based on the vibrations from my phone, not long.”
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askuemki · 5 months
@vivgst new thread <3 (I have the cut so it won't be a pain to scroll lol)
I've never watched Death Note, but I guess Ill just say L is my favorite since we share a name (technically) Honestly? my answer is simple w/ what animal Id be Almost ANY cat (not the flatfaced or folded ear ones though they can have some bad health issues :( ) Like if you're a domestic cat, you have the stuff to survive both in the wild, or in someone's house. You have super scenes of smell, night vision, claws, sharp teeth, AND probably enough smarts to not get eaten by dogs or smth. On the other hand with humans, at least 70% of the population would adore you, and maybe even take you in to pamper you. It would be very easy to get them to do your bidding since you'd be just some animal, and perhaps put above your caretaker's needs. Pets? Affection? Just act all adorable and stuff and they'll give it to you, cling on to them and they'll say they're your human now. On the other hand (or paw) there's the wild cats!! Still very cute. Still very cool. Now your defenses are upped by a ton, and people still find you cute. Though with how shitty environmental conditions are, and with the bigger cats slowly going to extinction :( , I may or may not just stick to domestic cats But hypothetically.. It would be neat to be either a snow leopard, tiger, or a jaguar. I love snow leopards for their big fluffy tails, and it would be cool to be able to roam through snow and stuff, but that seems to get a little boring from time to time. Love tigers for their stripes, I don't think they can roar..?? But that doesn't change anything. Think Tigers and Jaguars are both pretty efficient in survival, but I'd pick Jaguar just for their athletics and HUGE bite force (least from my 1st search). Or maybe, maybe not because there's an outfit/skin or two of Valeria's that are based on jaguars.. (or leopards, but ill go w/ jaguars) im obsessed w/ this woman man hdwhadwjadawnk OH ALSO ON THE TOPIC OF BIRDS??? AS FUN AS IT WOULD BE TO BE A MALE BIRD AND SHAKE YOUR COLORFUL BUM AROUND, THERE WAS A WHOLE ASS WAR W/ EMUS AND AUSTRALIA Honestly who wouldn't wanna be a relative of a dinosaur, but smaller and just as fucking scary Also for vacation.... I don't like going on vacation. I just like being in my sad little room, on the internet or drawing my ass off But, Id love to visit Japan and see their Ghibli Studio museum, it's so cool... Or even just go to a few hotels or smth here and there, I love their stellar technology, I love how everything is so cute or neat there, oh and I especially LOVE the social rules there, I'm a goody-two-shoes at heart and perfectly agree with being "nice"... Like yeah sure I may not like you or the opposite, but at least we can co-exist without biting our heads off (unlike the fucking us) and japan seems open to their culture being explored by others, so I'd totally love to (respectfully) participate in some traditions here and there OR I could visit Europe. Like not even a specific country? Just Europe. Cuz the US is like really fucking big, and a country like France is apparently as big as Texas. And it would be cool to take a week trip just exploring cultures and stuff (well everything except food, I'm a terrible picky eater ugh) Vacation in the US scares me tho, I'm fine where I'm at rn Maybe id be a little open to going to canada.. but bc of how they're treating the Palestine genoside rn maybe like later in life if they redeem themselves, but like the us? Fuck them too I think crocodiles r cute, but I wouldn't wanna go near one :3 Most of my relatives are either in the Philippines or Maryland, I barely know abt them now Never thought I'd be the one to be the gay cousin, ngl
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nanaslutt · 5 months
hi nana!! i want to say that i am somewhat new here and that you're my favorite author!! i really like how you write toji specifically, it feels very unique compared to how most people write him and makes me love toji even more! maybe it comes down to a preference, because i am very picky about how people write some chatacters. i am also very happy you're one of the few people who write for shiu and uraume!! i love these two to death, as well as even the slightest the toji&shiu and sukuna&uraume interactions/mentions :D
but but but! i wanted to say that i really admire and look up to your writing, your posts make me inspired everytime and overall you're a very fun person! i hope you never stop writing, you're very good at it >o<
im very sorry this message is getting too long, but i had a few questions.
1. who is the hardest to write for?
2. what character you will (probably) never write for?
3. are there any writing tips you can share? perhaps it's some tips you've got from someone? or maybe tips you figured out yourself?
i'm sending you my best regards :))
thank you so much :( i’m like you and tend to be really picky about how characters are written so i’m very glad i write toji in a way you like <3 AND YESSS uraume is the loml and shiu is a cutiepie so i have to include them in my stuff ^.^
i find myself being rly into unpopular characters and unpopular ships or pairings which i why u see those kinds of characters for me :3
1. believe it or not, geto. i try to make his personality a mix of his student personality and his cannon adult one, but sometimes ill try to imagine what his personality would be like if he didn’t become a curse user so it sometimes gets hard
2. mahito. i never wanna write for him ever, i despise him and rewatching jjk now im realizing i don’t even think he’s attractive at all
3. hmm the only thing i can suggest is to try and drag out intimate scenes and be descriptive in what the characters are doing (overall) so ur readers are never confused on what their position is or where their hands are lol
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hyperfixat · 10 months
HAIII!!! ive been browsing your blog a lot recently and i love your writing sm!!! i wanted to ask if you'd be interested in writing the brothers (+ datables, luke, and others, if youd like!) living with an mc who is obsessed with plants? like to the point where the HoL has at least a few plants in every room? idk i just think it'd be interesting to see how human world plants behave in the devildom, and if special equipment (think grow lights, nutrient rich soil, etc) would need to be involved! im also picturing mc ordering plants off of (human world) ebay and the sender being confused like "wtf who is this what is the House of Lamentation"
UAAHHH first of all i love the idea of more noticable differences in the human realm vs the devildom and the game (understandably) keeps it more toned down and appealing to the average connoisseur.
like i own a few plants and have a small garden, and they stay alive and well in my house. bcs i live on earth. But. the devildom being soooo different in terms of soil and atmosphere… delectable.
i may make more stuff involving this idea but for now..
moving on (~500 words):
It’s been a rough few weeks in the Devildom, and not for the reasons many may suspect. It’s not the literal demons, rather the environment, more specifically the death that seems to cling to the air. The atmosphere, both in and outside of the House of Lamentation is suffocating.
It’s not like a couple of house plants would fix this issue, but perhaps the placebo of having some fresh living plants from the human realm would help ease the atmosphere.
Eventually you build up the courage to knock on Mammon's door to ask about and if he could get you an indoor plant. You aren’t picky, truly. After a little discussion you leave a victor, with Mammon having assured you he’d get you the best plant he can find.
It’s a dinky thing and looks like broccoli, but you love it. It’s green, a far cry from the toxic purples and deep blues that the Devildom flora holds. It’s home.
And what is Mammon to do when he sees the look on your face when he gave you that plant, but to get you more? He’s a weak demon! (for you alone.)
The others catch on, save for Lucifer (too closed off to associate so intimately with you), and Belphegor (trapped).
It starts small, Asmo presenting you with a bundle of live herbs he had imported from the human realm, assuring that they’d help with getting your beauty sleep. Beelzebub would occasionally gnaw on some of the leaves in your room, so together you grow some lettuce, so he would avoid getting a tummy ache from the inedible plants.
While you were doing some schoolwork for RAD in the library Satan had sat across from you, a large encyclopedia in his hands, detailing all human realm plants and their care and upkeep. He explains that he noticed your interest in keeping plants and is here to offer his assistance with acquiring and maintaining your collection.
Having all the plants around really does help improve your mood. It provides a hobby and a connection to nature that cannot be replicated elsewhere.
Though you may have underestimated how much space your room has, because it’s a battlefield trying to navigate your bedroom without knocking a vase or pot over. It seems your tripping as you try and place a eucalyptus (a gift from Mammon) had gathered some attention from a hallway passerby.
Lucifer stares.
He doesn’t visit your room often, but he’s fairly certain the only human realm plant they had installed was a tree, not whatever jungle you have going on. And jungle is a bit of an understatement.
You’d roped Leviathan into helping you set up some moss and algae tanks, just to add to the green that is your room.
“This is a fire hazard, MC.”
And with that, your greenhouse of a room gets spread throughout the HoL, a few plants in each room. It is a little frustrating to have to walk the whole length of the house when you need to water them and give them the concoction Solomon mixed up for you to help the plants not wither away in the hellish environment.
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yeonjunnieeeelovrr · 13 days
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-a/n: so these have basically been cooking for like almost two years, but uh im stuck in temptation & asm era 😓. also takes lofs of inspo from other fics and just watching their vlogs <3
yj x g/n headcannons + some drabbles ♪(^∇^*)
-- groupie love - Lana del Rey
-I feel like the odds of him being into another idol would def be low, I don't think he'd like the drama that comes with it. So he'd probably fall for someone at a coffee shop to a local store.
-He'd often stop by and sometimes ask for you, sometimes talking about mundane things. Or perhaps a little about his work, or just recommendations for new coffee or fashion tips!
-As your friendship develops he opens up more, about being an idol (whether you knew or not) he'd bring up upcoming projects and even talk about fans he really liked. Or even dance a bit for you
-During all this as your friends, he'd definitely nervous around you. Constantly giggling and rubbing his neck ( biting his lips).
You were standing around, as the morning rush died down and you finally had time to relax. Looking at the time, realizing he was later than usual. 'he might be busy' you say trying to reassure yourself. Until it happened
and again
and again
"is he avoiding me?" you ask out loud. Scratching your hair as you mop the floor, upon that thought the door opens. Revealing yeonjun in a casual outfit, he walks up to you with a small blush on his face.
"can I have your number?" he asked sheepishly, looking away and shoving his phone in your face with the new contact screen on it.
'cute' you think as you type your phone number into his phone with no hesitation .
-He spents time at your apartment bc.. have you seen the txt dorm..
(bonus if you have a pet :3)
-He'll defiantly try to befriend your pet.
-giving it treats and hugging it. pouting if it ignores him.
-on his off days he'll sneak away into your apartment, to laze around and eat your ramen. As well as critique your wardrobe.
'those patterns don't go together' he commented as he laid on your bed eating popcorn. 'I have nothing else thats clean 'jjunie' you pout trying to sift through your parcially empty closet. 'if your so picky about it come pick out mu clothes!' you shout eyeing him.
'fine' he groaned getting up and investigating your closet.
'this one.. and this one' he said giving you shorts and a long sleeve. As you eye him suspiciously.
'fine' you give in and finally wear the outfit and he finally lets you go out into the world, because he'd never let you go out looking unfashionable.
-lots of cute dates!
-around cafes, thrifting, high end fashion stores, and whatever curious stores he can find he'll find any excuse to take you.
-he loves sleeping over at your place, he likes waking up next to you.
(like his vlog from last year 😭)
-he'll take you to k pop stores just to show off their new album 😭
-bonus if you buy it & pull his pc
-He'll either invite you to concerts or you surprise him at them, you probably refuse and just buy the tickets anyway to support him :3
-he'll secret dedicate stuff you to you, like songs if hes asked to reccomend some. And secretly has a bunch of matching items with you.
-matching hoodies, shoes, plushies, phone cases, anything he finds for himself he will buy you one too q(≧▽≦q)
-he'll also buy you promise rings, so it doesn't look like hes taken to the public js wearing a ring /_ \
-and in public he wears sunglasses and a hoodie, no mask bc then he can't kiss you😔
-hes really clingy towards you, finding any excuse to be close to you.
-also he likes good luck kisses before his performances
-he prefers pecks, sometimes more drawn out kisses but he likes bothering you with his kisses.
-he'll share his headphones with you!
-hes very chronically offline 😭, so if you show him something he probably won't get it. (mama a girl behind YOU 💜) but at the same time I feel like he goes on instagram reels... maybe youtube shorts..
-he'll show off new songs he likes to you texting them to you or letting you listen with him
-as well as showing you previews of their new songs
-you like tracing his features, his lips and nose (he giggles bc it tickles)
-he likes being touched, especially being pet on the head. Or just feeling you close
-he defiantly lets his intrusive thoughts win
he giggled to himself as he scrolled through instagram reels, showing you some ones he thought were funny. As you try to laugh along side him, even though you'd seen them before.
'look at this one' he laughed, showing you the video of the cat going across the han river. You forgot to laugh and just smiled, he notices and pouts. 'you don't like this one?'
'oh, I just saw it already. Its a trend' you add poking his cheek and tugging on it. 'your cheek is like mochi' you comment poking it as he pouted. 'nuh uh'
'yes uh' you giggle moving down to watch the reels with him.
'you goof' you utter kissing his cheek and taking his phone. he doesn't mind as you scroll through photos, and take pic .5 pics of him.
A small smile on his face the whole time as he uttered a quiet 'i love you'.
small headcannons (bc i forgot most of the ones i had)
might edit later too :P
also yj solo debut :D (pray for my wallet)
happy b-day (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
thanks you!
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scholastic-dragon · 1 year
Heeeeyyyy :) (I feel like I’m at a drive thru every time I request something)
Can we have some TMNT bayverse fluff where reader is in a relationship with one of the boys already but for some reason there’s a game and they get hella competitive and the prize is a kiss? Up to you whether boyfriend turtle wins the kiss or one of his brothers does, and I’m not picky on who the relationship is with go hog wild :)
Thank you!
*over speaker* welcome to my tumblr page, may I take your order?
I have a fun idea for this one *evil giggle*
I did the prompt and then some
Warnings: the reader and turtles are over 21, there's talk of drinking, Donnie being a little shithead, spelling mistakes
Brotherly Competition
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It was too good an opportunity to pass up.
It was Friday game night at the Lair and you and the boys were sat on the floor playing spin the bottle. Mikey, of course, had brought the game up given that your three -very pretty- roommates also came down to the party.
Quick kisses and giggles were exchanged, perhaps it was also that your roommate had brought some twisted tea.
After about 45 minutes of playing, it was Donnie's turn. Smiling, a little drunkenly, he spun the glass Fanta bottle.
Everyone made fun excited noises until the nose of the bottle stopped at your knee.
Instead of laughing and hooting like the others, the group went silent. Unlike your roommates and the turtles, you weren't single. You and the blue banded hero had recently made things official, so this situation was "awkward".
You tried (and failed) to hide your smile, shrugging and leaning forward on your knees toward the tall nerd.
Mikey - sitting to your left - grabbed your arm, making a face at you. "Y/n," He lightly scolded.
You shrugged his arm off you. "It's just a little peck, Mike, it's not like he's going to use tounge,"
"Don't tempt me," Donnie mused, taking a sip of his twisted tea, licking his lips as he set the can down at his side.
"Leo," Raph spoke up next, sitting on Mikeys other side. Even he had to admit, it was fun to mess and pick on each other, but kissing your brothers partner was a line you did not cross.
Leo, sitting to your right, was typing away on his phone, not even paying attention. At the mention of his name, his brows lifted but his gaze stayed on the screen. "Hmm?"
Raph scoffed, folding his arms across his chest. Mikey was still staring with wide eyes as you leaned forward, crawling on your hands and knees to the center of the circle.
Donnie met you halfway, not even bothering to hide his smirk. His hand came up, cupping your face.
The kiss was hard and passionate, the kind only reserved for closed doors. One that took the air from your lungs, left your face and neck flushed, and made your knees tremble.
When he pulled away a small string of spit connected you as he slipped back into his spot. You wiped your lips with the back of your hand, going back to sitting cross legged in your spot.
Everyone stared with slack jaws and unbelieving eyes.
"Leo." Mikey said exasperated. Finally, the leader looked up, glancing between all the bewildered faces.
"Oh, is it my turn?" Putting his phone into his pocket, he reached forward, grabbing the bottle and spinning it.
While the others glanced to each other, you made eye contact with Donnie, who gave you a not-so-subtle wink.
Given how athletic the boys were, it shouldn't be a surprise that they are exceptional at any sport they tried.
It's the middle of the night, you, your roommates, and the turtles are out in an abandoned park playing basketball. Mikey is destroying your roommates, while Raph and Leo laugh at your side.
"Oh, come on, Mike! This isn't fair!" One of your friends complains, panting heavily.
"How about we make it a challenge?" You tease, seeing how all four brothers perked up. Even Donnie, who was sitting on the sides on his phone.
"Whoever scores the most points wins, it's simple," You smirk at your boyfriend, him recognizing your plan.
"I don't know if ya ever played before, shorty, but-" Raph playfully punched your shoulder.
"I'm in," Donnie stood, interrupting his brother, walking over to the group.
"I'm in as well!' Mikey chimed in. Your roommates agreed as well, nodding enthusiasticly.
"What's the prize?" Donnie asked.
You tapped your chin, fake thinking. "How about a kiss?"
Your roommates made 'ooh' sounds and quickly got into their spots. You glanced a Donnie a moment too long before turning to your boyfriend.
"No hard feelings if I kick your butt?" You ask sweetly, lifting up into your tiptoes, fingers twirling around his mask strings.
"No hard feelings," He leaned in and kissed you. You smiled against his lips, knowing just exactly what he was giving you permission to do.
After quite a long and strenuous game, it shocked the hell out of every one when Leo and Donnie were the last two playing. Every one else bowed out after getting beat or simply being very tired.
Raph and Mikey made bets on who would win, playfully punching your shoulder about the bet you'd made.
But you knew, no matter who won, you'd be happy.
In a last second move, Donnie won the game, cheering and running around the court laughing. Leo, panting, also laughed, giving his brother a high five.
"Told ya," Raph snatched the twenty dollar bill from Mikey's palm, laughing loudly as he stood from the bleachers and walked to the center of the court.
Mikey rolled his eyes but followed him, you jumped down too. It was now only the five of you, because you roommates had called it a night about 20 minutes ago.
"My prize?" Donnie smugly sauntered over to you, eyeing you up and down. Raph and Mikey made faces again, glancing between you three.
"Oh right," You tapped your chin, smiling up at him. "What was it that I promised you again?"
Not responding, Donnie looped an arm around your waist, pulling you close, your hands splaying against his plastron. Leaning down, Donnie pressed a lingering kiss to your lips.
Pulling back and glancing to Mikey, who had a concerned and scared look on his face, you both shrugged.
"Leo, are you really going to allow this?" Raph added on, looking to Leo who was smiling softly and shrugged.
"He won the game,"
"He's kissing your girl!" Raph argued.
Leo rolled his eyes, glancing down at his phone. "We should get back to the lair, we have training in the morning."
Mikey and Raph stuttered, wanting to argue more, but gave up and followed their oldest brothers order.
You and Donnie couldn't hold back your laughter, pressing your face into his neck as he tickled your sides.
"It's nice to know they actually care about our relationships," Donnie mused, kissing your hairline.
"You guys are going to give them a heart attack," Leo smiled approaching you two.
"Oh come on, it's just a bit of fun!" You laugh, turning to face both of them, one arm looped around Donnie's arm.
"Yeah, they tease us all the time, it's just some harmless prank," Donnie piped in.
"We'll tell them eventually," You reason, laughing when Donnie leaned over and pinched your sides.
"Or maybe they'll figure it out themselves!" He laughed.
"yeah," Leo crossed his arms playfully. "I don't think y/n dating the both of us will be their first thoughts,"
"Either way,"You take Leo's hand, kissing his knuckles. "I'm having a lot of fun with you guys,"
"We are too," Leo squeezed your hand, pulling you forward, one hand slipping into your hair and kissing you.
Raph and Mikey watched from a dark alley, eyes blown wide.
"damn it," Raph grumbles, forking over the twenty bucks he took from Mikey earlier.
"Told you so," Mikey sang, shoving the money into his pocket.
"How'd you even guess that anyway?" Raph grumbled, crossing his arms, leaning back against the buildings stone wall.
"I didn't," Mikey smiled, slowly backing away. "Did you know Leo leaves his diary on his nightstand?" Mikey took off like a rocket when he saw Raph's face change.
"You cheater!" Raph chased after his youngest brother, cursing him all the way back to the lair.
@thelaundrybitch @happymoonangel @post-apocalyptic-daydream @m1dnyt3-w0lf @mysticboombox @eveandtheturtles @pheradream-15 @leosgirl82 @sketchy-loo6195
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miso-sopas · 4 months
Hi so got any ninjago x reader recs? Ever since reading Wisps, it has affected my brain chemistry and now i crave for more ninjago x reader content but im picky when finding fics, so got any recommendations?
Hello there! I had fun sorting out my bookmarks and history so recommending fics might be a thing in the future?
Just to note, I am not sure how to really curate your taste so most of these are what I essentially enjoyed reading and been a fan of so forgive me if some (or all 😭 no hard feelings though) aren't your thing.
Let's see...
Honestly Wisps is the *best* so far in my opinion! I don't know if this is pure coincidental but I am also hunting for some ninjago fics to feel emotions again lmao! And I tried my best in remembering what I've read or interested in so hope these are all ok for you!
+ Second best in my opinion is the 'Infinity Series' by Joos according to their quotev because at ao3 it's orphaned [ao3; quotev book 1 & book 2 ]
Unfortunately, the author has stopped updating this fic but going back at it was really enjoyable like in the Wisps. The summary according to the first installment 'Infinite Serenity';
"[Name] has died and became reincarnated in a childhood TV show of hers. She is raised as the adopted daughter of Sensei Wu, training as the Master of Infinity. Once the plot of the show really gets going, a being resurfaces from her. They claim to have revived her and can help her unlock the memories from her previous life. Now, [Name] must rely on this being to help protect Ninjago, and discovers how her past connects with her present." TW: Suicide, self harm, child abuse, some gore and swearing (please pay attention to the tags)
Please please heed the trigger warning, I don't remember much from the content but I definitely recall the author tackling those tags in a respectful way. The love interests are Kai, Nya, Jay, Cole, Morro and platonic with Master Wu and her cousin Lloyd Garmadon. Again, second best recommended fic in my opinion.
+ Next one, this is not one series but user Circus4APsycho8 (they have ao3 and tumblr) in my opinion have the best x reader one-shots from the fandom! My all-time favorite work of theirs is 'Secret Someone' [Highschool AU! Lloyd Garmadon x reader]- this one is really sweet ❣️
Here's these links for their ao3 works and their tumblr ninjago masterlist. All simple yet sweet, I love their writing style.
+ The next one is purely Lloyd Garmadon x Female Reader titled 'Butterfly Effect' by samsea at ao3. I think they're still updating and I am a big fan of hero x civilian pairings and just they're cute and in love.
Summary: "If it was up to Y/n L/n, she would read the summer away, lost in history books and adventure novels, finding excitement in their written words. Meeting Lloyd Garmadon changed her plans. Suddenly, Y/n is living a life she'd only read about; summer romances and cotton candy dates. Perhaps this was a new normal she could get used to. But she's been fated - prophesied - to be with the Green Ninja. And where there's a green ninja, trouble usually follows." Warnings: "The butterfly effect has mature themes such as gore, violence, toxic friendships, sexual themes (no smut) and cussing. the butterfly effect is not intended for younger viewers. Trigger warnings will be placed on chapters as they are needed. if you have any questions or issues please contact me."
Again, heed the warnings but the writing and atmosphere overall is really sweet and for some reason all cuddly and sunny. IDK but maybe I am always soft for Lloyd lmao.
+ If you're up to reading only x reader head cannons then I recommend user mouschiwrites here in tumblr. Their requests are closed now but the head cannons they made are cute and entertaining, like I can definitely see this character doing that y'know. Here's their ninjago masterlist
+ Here's some honorable mentions, I believe they deserve some love too!
In the Shadow (Various love interests) by RoseRain at Quotev
Legend of the Lightspirit (Various love interests) by softie at Quotev
Actually, while finishing my school projects I'm also checking out from another user snazzilystoopid's ninjago recommendation. So far, I am enjoying their second recommended which is 'Element of Wishes' by yourfavoritecloud at quotev BUT this one is an Character x OC one so if it's not up to your alley they have few recommendations. Honestly, I am up to anything as long as it entertained my monkey brain.
Sorry for the long post! Hope these works are okay for your taste but the closest fic that gives off the same vibes as Wisps is the Infinite series. And these are all by my own opinions and the fics I remembered catching my eye. I am very much open to other recommendations or shout-outs.
Side note, there's not much Ninjago fics out there that I might let my monkey brain loose and create one myself LOOOL.
Again, thank you for asking ( I feel honored for being asked by this, I'm a fanfic nerd 🤓)
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mchib · 5 months
I need some Rize and Shuu friendship headcanons!
thank u anon!
i want to say ive never written a fanfic or anything of the sort so im not experienced in that field of writing but i do like do do character analasys and like headcanoning things so feel free to share any opposing views!!
first and foremost i feel like they have a common character flaw that they expect nothing less of an extravagant lifestyle even though both of them attempt to uphold and fulfil this different ways i feel like they would find great company in like luxurious or over the top things and they could perhaps be one of the only people that dont harbor distaste or skeptical feelings towards each other upon learning of the others hobbies. they also have certain tastes and are both picky eaters in their own ways so i imagine a lot of discussions would be had about what characteristics make someone more tasty. that being said i think shuu would continuingly tell rize that shes way too messy and she should invest in self control or at least be more private about her eating habits lolol.
i also feel like they would find solace in each others company talking about like art and philosophy although i imagine shuu already had more than enough people to rant to i think that rize would definitely genuinely listen and engage. if they fought or had a disagreement i imagine one of them being stuck head first in a concrete wall and then shuu would refuse to to her for like a day and call her a barbaric hoodlum behind her back but no real feelings or resentment would comply. i feel like a normal person having a conversation with any of the two would somehow contain an interference of something along the lines of 'woah woah woah you cant say that man thats too far' because they both make pretty morbid jokes but if it were just the two i feel like they would feel as though they could freely speak their mind without anyone wondering how they were raised or what set of events led to such absurd jokes being recited in such grim circumstances.
i feel like shuu would feel sort of be offended meeting rize upon hearing that her insides were used to turn kaneki half ghoul as even when kaneki loses all sanity his and rize's personalities are not compatible in the slightest, and so before learning to get over it he would feel kind of awkward around her because he wants to be mad at her but he knows it wasnt her fault at the same time so hes trying to be civil about it. meanwhile she would think of him as an antisocial snob and try to brag to him about how she made something of herself without being spoon-fed and is able to manage her giant appetite while on the run from the ccg and ghouls alike.
when shuu is like in his terminally ill granny state i feel like she would stay by his side but also be discouraging saying stuff like 'men should suffer in silence' and 'a public execution would be more appealing'. i feel like when they go out together shuu would try really hard to convince her to clean up so they can look fresh as hell and go fancy places but rize always ends up consuming some random homeless guy on the street. rize gives off 'i want to be with the bourgeoiseses' vibes but when they come around she just doesnt want to put in the effort. 'just kick reason to the curb and come with me!' (can you tell i do lyric analasys).
i feel like rize would like use shuu's rich people resources to make stuff like lets pose a hypothetical that ghouls could eat cookies. rize would use shuu's kitchen and ingredients to make the most foul tasting cookies and then put a sticky note on them telling shuu not to touch. then he flips out. rize is also very not used to not having to do dishes or anything in his household so she feels weird about being emptyhanded while others make the food. she'll be trying to hide her pleasure with being treated with such luxury but you can definitely see her grinning at the dinner table. we know she has table etiquette from her and kaneki's date but whats to stop her from completely disregarding all manners when shes in the presence of ghouls? i feel like she'd be kinda gross the first few times over cuz men aint shit but she kind of grows into being at least presentable at dinner.
when they r in the car shuu wants to be passanger princess but he doesnt trust rize behind the wheel. hes not the hero we deserve, but hes all we have right now. irrelevant but if rize was driving she'd like crash on the highway for fun or something. she has a fake license that says something like risse kaminishi from district 12
ok thats all i can think of rn & sorry if i mischaracterized shuu im not nearly as much of an expert on his character but i do enjoy him a lot
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hello bro
can i please know about nieves please i wanna know how their relationship starts, like i know why alejo would be interested in her but im curious why she was interested in him
also i would like to know about how they acted together like the dynamic of their relationship and how this changed alejo
ty ily bye
Nieves and Alejo
Their relationship came about near the end of 2014, Alejo was 18 and Nieves was 20. It was only a few months after Jenifer had broken up with him. Since Alejo turned 18 he was able to go out more, because it was now legal for him to go to clubs and bars, and thats how he met Nieves... kind of. Through meeting new people and being invited to more places, Alejo and Nieves met at a house party held by a mutual friend, or acquaintance, or whatever. (They both knew a lot of people, not necessarily friends, just connections I suppose.)
Nieves is confident and totally unafraid to express herself whether it be though her fashion or through her words. She loved partying almost as much as she loved dressing up, and those parties were the most frequent places anyone could find her. Her personality was funny, witty and charming, and she could make almost anybody feel comfortable around her, hence how she had so many friends. She also received a lot of attention from people who wanted to get with her, romantically or just for the night. She was picky about who she chose to let flirt with her, and despite what a lot of people thought of her, she didn't ever want to have any one-night stands. If she was going to ever submit herself to a boyfriend or girlfriend, she wanted them to be special. Somehow, that's what she seemed to have found in Alejo. She thought that he matched her humour very well, and he had similar ideas of fun, as well as a similar fashion and music taste. If their relationship could be described in one word, it would be adrenaline, the exciting kind.
Just because they partied often isn't to say that they didn't also have their more relaxed, domestic moments, it was just the highlight of their time together. It was, after all, Nieves' favourite pastime, and since Alejo suddenly had all the more freedom to do what he wanted, it might have gone to his head a little bit. Perhaps it was even a distraction for him, but that's for a different post. He sort of admired Nieves in a way. She was so carefree and he wanted to feel that way too, which she helped him with. She encouraged his self-expression a lot and so during this time people would notice that Alejo's outfits were sometimes more detailed or that he would experiment with things like eyeliner and different hairstyles. This was all good stuff, of course, since Alejo had honestly never felt happier about how he looked. In these ways, Nieves was a good influence on him by making him feel more confident etc. She was less of a good influence when it came to regulating things like alcohol intake, among some other substances. She enabled Alejo's over the top behaviours, which even went on to affect other people, like Agustín. Nieves thought that just because she could maintain this sort of lifestyle, anyone else could. She never really imagined that it could go wrong, because to her it was all just fun. To Alejo it was fun, at first. But again, potentially a distraction.
They broke up because of stupid reasons, such as pointless arguments and things like that. It was hard to keep their relationship stable if one or both of them had their emotions heightened so often from being under the influence. They broke up in 2015.
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cielwritings · 5 months
! Fat!Ciel Sebaciel Hcs !
my first non-request post… how do i explain this without it sounding fetishy?
i wrote this mainly because i needed reassurance on myself. this isnt a mildly chubby ciel, or a thick thighed slim waist ciel. this is a fat ciel. he has chubby cheeks, a belly, larger arms.
i just felt down and wanted to write ciel with my body. it’s okay if you envision him differently in this. i aim to comfort people with my body type. because im ciel’s height, it’s easier for me to imagine him with my body. i just wanted to comfort myself and perhaps vent a little
sorry for the long rant ^^’ i feel like i should give reason for not doing a request here. i know some people like themselves a bigger ciel as well, so…
warning: body issues
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We’ll start off bold. Ciel doesn’t like how he looks. He hates it, in fact. Sebastian knows this, as you can’t hide anything from a demon.
Ciel, despite all of this, doesn’t do much about it. “It isn’t my fault I’m like this. My mother fed me too damn much.” he thinks to himself. He feels guilty blaming her the moment after.
Sebastian is gentle with the topic, unlike how he would with other masters or mistresses. Firstly, this boy is delicate. Secondly, he’s still a child. He’s one of the very few adults responsible for what influences him.
Of course, Sebastian gives healthy meals and servings. Ciel isn’t used to this. His brows used to furrow when he was given steak for dinner— he expected pasta and some other form of carb.
Picky eater, much?
Sebastian didn’t mind helping Ciel warm up to new tastes and textures. He’s had to deal with babies up until their senior years, he can handle a little boy like Ciel.
Ciel grows to not mind. He loses some weight as well, though it isn’t noticeable to him. It was around 11 pounds.
He dreads exiting his household or going to the Queen. It’s shameful for the citizens to stare at him, then wonder if he was actually the earl of the manor…
The Queen doesn’t judge. He judges. “I must look like a glutton to her. I bring shame to the Phantomhive name.”
By the end of a long day, he’s so pissed off with others, he nearly cries. He absolutely never cries. Who’s he to cry over some stupid judgement? Even if he was small, he’d be judged for being the earl. Fashion, age, hair, anything. Why was this upsetting him?
Sebastian was quite surprised when he entered Ciel’s work room to see him on the windowsill. While that’s normal, he didn’t expect his eyepatch to be off, tears in his eyes.
“So that’s why the seal was so bright today.” Sebastian thought to himself, looking at his gloved hand. He’d asked Ciel numerous times that day if anything was wrong, to which Ciel shooed him off.
He walked over to Ciel’s side. “Young master, is everything alright? The seal..”
He squints, focusing on his non-contracted eye. It was red. He refrains from sighing as he got onto one knee, eye-level with the boy.
“I will stay here until you’re alright.” he whispers, taking Ciel’s hand in his two hands. He gives it a squeeze, staring at the dimples on his knuckles adoringly.
“You’re aware I cannot lie, correct?” Sebastian spoke, watching as Ciel nervously looked his way. “What if I told you.. you’re stunning. You’re a sight for sore eyes, and that I’m so proud to be your servant.”
His hand moved some hair sticking to the boy’s wet cheek. “No matter how you look or how you are feeling, you’re my master. You will forever be the earl to the Phantomhive’s in my heart.”
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what-is-fanart · 1 year
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Lyrvekka's Journal - Entry: "Giants"
"They seem peaceful, mostly solitary, and very intelligent. The dragons say there are tribes of Giants in the north, perhaps as far as Atmora? From what little I could find out, the males migrate South to warmer climates, and return North when they need to mate. Odahviing says the giants are hairier and tougher, the picky bastard. Perhaps the females are furred?"
So! Lyrvekka keeps detailed journals, and many of the entries look like this. A mix of sketches and theorising, as well as comments on what she knows about them. In this case the interest was in Giants, a creature that there is basically no information on. Im gonna put the screenshots of myself and rikke theorizing on giants too so you can see the thought process.
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Personally i think that these are really good theories on the behaviours and biological mysteries of skyrim giants
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siberat · 6 months
*Slides Monopoly money*
Can I have some Fattytron drabble?
(T/fp, I/dw or E/S I don't mind) Im just thirsting for a fat Mega/tron who's too full yet keeps stuffing himself to get some bot's attention (SW, Rod/dy, Mags or Op im not really picky about ships kek). But yeah, Fattytron being very full-
Never really requested drabbles before so im sorry if it's weirdly worded aaaaaa-
-not Chunkytron ☆
this is a two parter, here is part 1 ! Little bit of a slow start.
Mega/tron x Sound/wave, feeding,
The only sound emanating from the empty room was his grumbling belly. Sure, the mission to retrieve the relic was a bust, but was it really wrong of him to be angry? How hard was it to foil those pesky Auto/bots and their child counterparts? The warlord growled as he busted open a fresh box of energon goodies. He had his supper, consisting of a generous portion of food, and now it was time for dessert.
At least the snacks had been replenished. By who? He didn’t know or care; he just unwrapped the light blue round cake and took a bite. The sweetness soothed his woes, even if just for a moment. Thankfully, he had the whole box to himself.
Cake after cake was devoured, each bite bringing a smile to his lips. His tongue eagerly licked up any cream that smeared over his lips. These treats hinted at vanilla and were ever so moist; it always put Mega/tron in his happy place.
It was simple. Being stuck working in the mines with next to no pay, one could not afford such snacks. Lunch consisted of liquid energon with metal additives; while it did the job, it wasn’t anything to write home about. However, one would occasionally magically appear in his dreary lunch pail. After admiring the pretty light pink color flecked with blue geode crunches, Mega/tronus would unwrap the surprise. It smelled so lovely- he swore the little round ball just reeked of sweetness! And that first bite lit his taste sensors ablaze.
He felt as if his whole frame was lifted out of those mines and into some kind of nirvana. Each bite brought him so much joy! Sadly, like with most things in life, all good things come to an end. After licking his claws clean, there was no more to consume, and he sat there looking at the empty wrapper.
Ok, he also licked the wrapper clean, but who could blame him?
Now, all these treats were gone, making him feel just the same: sad and nothing to look forward to. The evening would be much more productive if he reviewed his battle plans instead. His rumbling belly did not agree, but there were no more of his favorite treats in stock.
You know when you just want to be alone and not bothered by anyone or anything? Yeah, this is how Mega/tron felt. So, when the door opened in this tucked away room that not many mechs used, you could imagine the annoyed look washing over his face as he gave a death glare at whoever dared to enter.
Once the door fully opened, it revealed Sound/wave's long, spindly form.
Great. Just who the Decep/ticon leader wished to catch him pigging out on sweets- it was a super-duper family-size box nonetheless. And yes, he ate them all; their empty wrappers lying around him didn’t leave any doubt about who indulged in them all.
Primus, Sound/wave better not gripe about it!
Instead, the silent warrior respectfully tipped his helm, acknowledging his leader’s presence, then walked to the pantry.
And cue a loud belly grumble. Mega/tron bent forward and curled his arm over his swelled tummy. With brows furrowed, the gray and purple mech cursed himself for not retreating to his personal quarters.
Perhaps he could just get up and leave?
Well, the sound of the other walking back to the table squashed that idea. He tried to shimmy his midsection out of view. Out of the peripheral view of his optics, Mega/tron saw Sound/wave set a large box down and then take a seat.
Couldn’t Sound/wave take a hint? Indeed, he’d not be this oblivious…
Those thin fingers made quick work of ripping the seal from the box and opening it up. His visored helm took a peek, then rubbed his servos together in what can only be imagined as glee. Then, his servos reached into the box and gently lifted out its contents.
And yes, a stupid smiley face appeared on his visor as a large cake was lifted and set on the table.
Large cake.
It was light pink with blue geode crumbles.
And very, very large!
Mega/tron couldn’t help but stare at the gorgeous sight. This was the biggest of his favored treats he had ever seen! Before he knew it, he was licking his lips and reaching out a claw to help himself.
But Sound/wave slapped his hand away and wagged a finger.
How dare he! Mega/tron’s face scrunched as he growled, watching his subordinate grab a fork and stab into his favorite treat. Just how the slag could Sound/wave eat this? He had no freaking mouth!
But that fork traveled his way, and those furrowed optics grew wide in shock. What the slag was going on here? The treat stopped just short of his lips—so close that the warlord could practically taste the sweetness.
And Mega/tron just stared at the communication officer. Was he being serious? Was he wanting to feed him this cake? While the mech may have been unsure, his belly wanted the attention.
A loud, whining gurgle erupted, demanding to be fed.
And Mega/tron had a ferocious appetite!
And that chunk of cake pressed ever so teasingly against his lips. The spindly blue mech made some clicking noises and tilted his helm to the side.
Mega/tron was no dummy. He got the hint. Hearing the other’s engines purr, it was clear Sounwave wished to feed him. And the sound of the warlord's belly grumbling, he wanted to be fed.
Was there a downside to this?
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hystericstar · 10 months
Hii if you wouldn’t mind maybe writing something about revali and a hylian reader! Maybe just do what you want with it im not picky I just love my bird husband ❤️❤️ thank you so much if you decide to take this ask!
You gave me too much power, anon 🤭
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"Hold still, or you'll drop the arrow." Revali's chest was firmly against your back with his wings around you, teaching you how to handle the bow. This happened almost daily for the past week, the only difference being his length buried as deep as it could go inside of you. "C'mon, you were doing so well just a few minutes ago. I know you can do it." He teasingly purred into the crook of your neck.
You groaned, brows furrowed and hands sweaty against the premium wood of the bow. "Can we- can we take a break? Please?" You tried to turn your head to look at him, but a Wing quickly came up and forced your head back to its previous position. “Not until you do it right.”
You sighed, but it only came out as a shaky breath. You raised tone bow back up, moving the arrow back. His hands slipped down to your hips, his breath steady against the shell of your ear. You let go of the arrow, expecting it to fly, only for it to pathetically land on the floor with a bounce.
“You didn’t pull it back nearly far enough!” His chest rumbled against you with a hearty laugh. “Oh, how adorable.”
You huffed in frustration. “Then why didn’t you tell me?” Your tone was harsh yet his response was light. “I thought you knew better.” You stared down at the arrow for a few beats before Revali chimed in again. “Well?” He hummed, not bothering to hide the motion of his hips separating from yours slightly. Brushing off the shiver he gave you, you bent down to grab the arrow. As soon as your hand came into contact with it, he rocked back into you harshly. His grip on your sides kept you from falling forward completely, yet didn’t do much to limit the harsh buckle of your knees.
“Oh! Pardon me! Where you not fully prepared? A good archer is always aware of their surroundings, dove. Perhaps I should be more strict with you?” The cocky bird smirked and let out an airy chuckle, softly berating you beneath him.
Here's an unfinished revali work 😔I'm struggling a bit trying to finish it, but it's something at least
Sorry, short little things coming soon, I Also might design my blog lmao
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