#im only four eps in but it’s real
four-of-cups · 27 days
so i’m starting 911 at the start of s2 and here are my thoughts so far (just hit e4) (spoilers ahoy):
i’m sorry was eddie really just introduced shirtless with everyone talking openly about how hot he is? in the middle of a scene that centred buck and his reactions. was he really just lit up in lights that said ‘this man is hot and desirable’ while the camera panned to buck to see what kind of feelings he was having about it?
they go from semi-rivals to being inseparable real fast huh
why is buck even with eddie when he picks up his kid post earthquake? why do we get a long buck reaction shot? not that i’m complaining…
‘they’re not my type’ conspicuous glance at buck. okay eddie. I see you.
again, why is buck at the hospital with him? they’ve known each other three days?
okay now buck is researching programs for eddie’s kid. okay, okay so he’s already completely gone on this guy.
aaand his sister literally calls him out for having a crush.
aaaaaaand he found someone to help eddie and his kid I can’t. he’s parenting. already. they’re soulmates.
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raygirlramblings · 11 months
Did what they did with Jade and Pey'j in Captain Laserhawk bother you, too?
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All these muppets going ‘lol the Rayman fandom must be so upset about Laserhawk’ and NO.
In the first trailer for Laserhawk Rayman was an EASTER EGG. We didn’t even know if he’d have a role with speaking lines until the second trailer. AND WE WERE OK WITH THAT! If baby bean was just a background element to expand the world we would have been happy for the crumbs. But no! Our boy got a full speaking role with a CHARACTER ARC IN A SIX EPISODE SHOW. He got BACKSTORY and RELEVANCE TO THE PLOT. And he DIDN’T GET KILLED OFF.
All that for a character we were expecting to get NOTHING from.
But JADE?!
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They were front and centre from the first trailer. They were established as being as central as Dolph and Bullfrog and WHAT DID IT GET THEM.
Jade gets taken out in ep 2 of 6, and Pey’j goes down the next episode.
At LEAST Pey’j went down being exactly what I expected him to be. A kind protector trying to make the world better. Trying to stop conflict. Trying not to take his pain and suffering from the loss of a girl he loved deeply out on an unfair world. He died a noble if pointless death and from Bullfrog’s expression alone we can see how much it hurt.
JADE GOT NOTHING. Jade died when we barely knew her. We needed more of her. We wanted to see her shine, see more of this wonderful awkward tomboy with a gentle heart. We needed to see how she interacted with others. She DESERVED BETTER. SHE DIDN'T EVEN GET ANY FINAL WORDS.
In a show where I watched my favourite childhood character swearing, wielding guns and doing sushi and blow off a hookers back THIS JADE AND PEY’J SCENE IS WHAT MADE ME CRINGE.
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I am willing to forgive so much from this show. So much of it was a wonderful, ridiculous, beautifully animated rollercoaster.
But implying any kind of romantic sentiment between these two characters only to kill one of them off in the same episode was so damn weird. It was wrong on so many levels. There was NOTHING WRONG with their older mentor/young ward relationship. It could have been great. I don’t understand why they did this. It didn’t add pressure or gravitas to the situation, we KNOW Pey’j would do anything for Jade, HE DOESN’T HAVE TO HAVE A CRUSH ON HER FOR THAT TO BE REAL.
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And seeing Jade and Pey’j in Dolph’s VR dream sequence just felt so hollow. We needed at least an episode to establish any kind of team energy from these four, but we didn’t so seeing Jade give Dolph a pep talk about relaxing more came off as flakey and not good enough for a character who deserved better. They didn’t even establish what Jade and Pey’j were supposed to bring to the team. Pey’j is just ‘the tech guy’ in the same episode he dies. Jade has to play a femme fatale against her type but we don’t even get to see her being her best. To quote Rayman ‘IT’S NOT FAIR’.
Oh boy.
I feel a little better getting that anger out. I’m just sad. I’m sad we lost them. They deserved better.
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koolkitty9 · 2 months
LET ME FINALLY GIVE MY THOUGHTS ON THIS SCENE RIGHT HERE. Hi I am obsessed with this scene for absolutely no reason. I have MANY THOUGHTS on it and I want to share my analysis on this entire minute scene. It has been almost EIGHT YEARS NOW since it aired (Sorry some of this got formatted weird by Tumblr hhhhh)
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Right here, you can see the moment where Yumoto's heart just drops into his stomach and he realizes he MAY actually lose for the first time ever as a Battle Lover (Which would be A VERY INTERESTING THING to see!)
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Now why do they show him in the past? It shows that this is a REAL fear of his, losing Gora is such a big deal to him. This MAY have happened before at home but as a child, this scene takes place during the events we saw with the tiny Beppu bros in ep 10. Where he was left alone
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Starting off with this, WHERE is this coming from? Well, Sailor Moon S1Ep1, we see Usagi having an attack JUST like this, and it is a defensive attack, which I believe Yumoto's own attack was based on. Wombat MUST have known about this, I believe he NEVER thought it would occur
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The others are confused at this new power (Power #5 for Yumoto in s2) meanwhile, the twins are horrified/even MORE angry at him. Aki tells Haru to not falter and Haru tries to shoot Yumoto in the chest to stop/fatally injure him at this point
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Atsushi mentions Yumoto has stronger emotions compared to the VEPPer (He shames them btw), we learn in the OVA, Yumoto's powers are loved based, we DO get hints of in ep9 when Yumoto performs his Love Sprinkle attack. En notes that the twins underestimated how strong Yumoto is
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To me, this is just a VERY extreme panic attack but since his powers are with love, it is amplified due to his love for Gora. Kinshiro notes that both past and current Yumoto are merging. I HC that Yumoto was always destined to become Scarlet, so this moment has taken him back to the time when he was a child and this has somehow made itself known in the universe. This could be a result from the alien technology (or could just be nothing and Im looking too deep into a single line)
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Everyone isn't sure WHAT is going on, Ryuu tells him to get a grip after he learns Yumoto is "Losing himself to fear" and tries to touch him. As we see when Haru tried to hit Yumoto, this power is actively protecting Yumoto while doing damage to anyone who tries to hurt him. I actually find this to be SUPER interesting
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It's more interesting when he calms down after the twins realize how strong he is, I believe this is his true anger over the entire situation. By this point Yumoto is sick of it, he has been fighting these two for so long over his own brother. He has almost been killed and now He's ready to do the same to them. When the boys all come running to stop Yumoto, they all have different expressions (Can't see Io's :(( ) The twins though, are horrified as they know if they get hit, THEY ARE DONE FOR! (It's finEEEE)
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En's first thought is to grab Yumoto to try to calm him down somewhat by grounding him back to reality
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Atsushi (just like a mom as Yumoto says about him) gently grabs Yumoto's face and tries to get him to look at him, while also shielding him from either himself or another attack from the twins. You can actually see him and Io pulling Yumoto closer to them
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Ryuu and Wombat don't add much, BUT Ryuu does actually support Yumoto's head when they all fall onto the ground. Which Yumoto's head SHOULD be in Ryuu's lap (In theory).
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As for the dark place? Yumoto probably experienced a severe form of tunnel vision along with the influence of his powers. IMO, He was so overwhelmed with the thought of losing his only family forever that he forgot about his found family as well.
adding to how Yumoto is being held, Ryuu seems to have Yumoto's forearms pinned, Io has his arms around Yumoto's chest, and En and Atsushi I CAN'T really see where they're grabbing at but it but it does show you even with their strength it takes all four of them to subdue Yumoto
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And uhhh I think that's it really for this scene...for now... Once Yumoto remembers how he's loved by his friends and he's not alone, he transforms into his highest form to date :)))) also these frames of him are pretty lol this scene had a lot of gorgeous frames OKAY BYE!
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I didnt fit ALL I wanted to talk about but ANOTHER TIME! OKAY BYE FOR REALSIES
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tatsugiriroll · 4 months
watched the first two eps of travel season!! I was going to make a nice pleasant informational post about what was in them but then I realized people are going to make up shit to get mad at anyway because That’s Online Activism, Right? so here’s what I bothered to put down, with a side of salt
“I don’t want to watch two guys eat food I’ll NEVER be able to afford!!!” the first two places they went to, they got fried chicken for two and four bucks respectively. Next fake outrage claim please
the sauces looked really good. I want to try cheese mustard..
I’ve never watched Andrew in other shows before. I enjoy his calm vibe.
their “brick” camera is fun and cute
i want the ceramic tiger from the flea market.
I didn’t know the magpie was the national bird Or that it was a “tooth fairy” of sorts. excellent because I love magpies
im not a big noodle guy but man those noodles looked very good
isn’t it so weird that Steven (the guy whose passion is food and cooking) gets so much hate for eating a bunch on his shows but when Shane and Ryan go to Knott’s Berry Farm (again) and eat themselves sick it’s so great and fun? 🤔 Weird I wonder what the difference is
gonna be real I like Steven and Andrew’s traveling show vibe more than Shane and Ryan’s. Shane and Ryan honestly feel like they’re always straining to be The Funny Guys™️ viewers Want them to be, making jokes and fucking around and only Sometimes getting to be genuine and insightful; Andrew and Steven have a much more laid back repertoire going. instead of just jokes they’re talking about what they love about traveling
I want to try hotteok so bad wtf…
poor Steven spiceboy… doing Ryan’s I Am Not My Fear bit….
Andrew relatable about pets
I’ve also really been wanting to try tonkatsu. For someone with my (autistic, anxious) eating habits watching other ppl try this stuff can help get me excited
I LOVE places that let you put post-its on the walls
Andrew has the same outlook on spicy food as me like how annoying… stop being so spice already …
Steven’s wife bringing him homemade kimchi… sweet :’3
I enjoyed it. I want to see what else they do!! I hope there’s a dessert episode !!
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sleepanonymous · 4 days
Im actually so curious now on what you mean by early lore being a mess/the reasons why not being safe to get into. Is there anything you can safely say? Guess im nosy about drama lol go ahead and delete this if you dont feel comfortable answering i totally understand
Sorry it took so long to answer this ask, Anon. So 😅 the thing is I’m always scared I’ll mess up someone’s perception of Sleep Token’s lore when I mention this. I’ve talked about it a couple times, I think? Just not in depth. I’ve personally always been more interested in the irl lore versus the mythological lore behind Sleep Token, but I know it’s a huge factor in a lot of fan’s enjoyment. Keep Reading cut for their mental wellbeing.
The concept of the deity Sleep and the lore surrounding the band was a collaborative effort between Vessel, II, and who I call the band’s old “manager.” Not exactly sure what his official title would have been. He attempted to take full credit for the band’s early lore and their costumes/aesthetic in a Reddit post a while back. I used to think he was actually the one giving the interview in the “All Good In the Hood” article for Sundowning, but the supposed timelines don’t add up anymore, and I believe the band parted with the original manager around 2017 after the Two EP was released and Basick lost the band. That’s another rabbit hole, actually, because I've heard everything from Sleep Token was dropped to Basick went under (which they haven’t? They still have signed artists?).
I’ve always taken what the manager has said with a good helping of salt (I say as I vaguely gesture to the “garden variety, self-important dickhead” insult and him stating Vessel isn’t a real metalhead), but I don’t not believe that he had anything to do with the lore or the band’s formation from 2015-2017, and I also strongly believe the anonymity aspect came from him as well. TBH I’d love to get more facts about the formation of Sleep Token because I have a million questions but I highly doubt any of it will come to light, and even if it does it’ll be long after the band has split up.
Anyways! Back to the Vessel’s name is not technically Vessel part of this post: Vessel is essentially the moniker that fans gave him (or literally Him). It was established that the band members were “vessels” for the deity Sleep, and were numbered one through four via roman numerals. The idea is they have no identities, no personalities, and their only purpose is to serve Sleep (play music). You can see that aspect in older rituals, where III and the original IV would stand still on stage until their cues to play their guitars. Fans began referring to Vessel as such because, I’m assuming, it was too confusing for him not to have a name and to only use the pronoun Him.
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TBB s3 ep4 Thoughts!!!
Oooohh starting off strong
Omega immediately wanting to go back because “it’s right”
Crosshair wanting to keep moving, not because he’s scared of going back but because he understands that he can’t help anyone if he’s dead
Ah there he is. The bitch. The Hemcock.
I wanna say Nala Sa deserves to be in prison but idk I’m starting to feel for her
Pretty sure she won’t survive the season though
is that,,,, a reference to yanno,,, shoes hanging from a power line?
hahahahahahah poncho stormtroopers
“You’re the one who wanted to bring… the hound.”
best duo this show has given us
If Hunter was the hesitant but willing dad, Crosshair is the exasperated older brother that was forced to bring his younger sister to the party he was invited to an now has to spent all night watching her
Ey not cool Omega. Someone was using that jacket to advertise their business
“See, isn’t this better?” “No.” “Ugh.”
“I could take out half of them before they even know what happened” 😳😳
Yeah, I believe you sir
Damn fuck how many more clone crushes will I have to be burdened with
Jesus Christ
“That went well” “Stow it”
Scottish Robot ahhahahahahaha
Say what you will about Crosshair, when that dude sat down across from Omega he was ready for a FIGHT
big ol’ softie <3
“You or your dad”
Glad Hunter wasn’t there to hear that
Or Crosshair for that matter
Both would’ve blown their cover
Tbh Crosshair makes a fair point about leaving while they can. The planet is filled with Empirials and they are running out of time
But he also hasn’t been part of a team in a while and maybe he’s forgotten some of what that entails too
Either way, loving how “selfless” and “selfish” are meeting in this ep
Crosshair giving Omega a boost to get over the wall I’m crying
“Shouldn’t we free the other animals too?” “Don’t push it.”
HE IS MY SOULMATE (based on sarcasm. I am vegetarian and I would free those animal friendos in a heartbeat)
The extra head shake and eye roll at that question too, he is already so done I can’t hahahahahahahah
“I hope your take-offs are better than your landings” “we’re about to find out”
Aaaaaaand that just reminded me that Tech was the one who taught her to fly
That fucking shriek when the stormtrooper got blasted by the engine hahahahahaha
Ohohoh altered batch theme after take off? Okayokayokay I see you👀
Jesus Christ, Crosshair trying to prepare Omega for the very real possibility that Hunter and Wrecker are dead?
Like I know it seems cruel and defeatist but it’s actually kind in a way
Managing expectations in order to save her from a worse fall out
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“We crossed the galaxy four times looking for you”
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why did Hunter’s appearance suddenly piss me off
Like Wrecker had a cute line and Hunter had to walk up like
“Um, five actually”
Like idk it felt like he was taking over the moment (which makes sense because he’s her dad but still it just sounded awkward)
Omega just explained that she only got off that planet AND survived so far thanks to Crosshair and all they can do is look all bitchy butt-hurt
Like I expected this from Hunter but why isn’t Wrecker hugging him?
Bc they went looking for Cross before, I thought we were past the straight up hate?
Love how stoically Cross is taking it though
I have to admit, so far this is one of my all time favourites. The comedic timing, the very real story line, the confrontation of previously opposed characters? Wonderful. But the pièce de résistance? Crosshair’s character description rings true again. “Severe and unyielding” Tech had said. I’ve rambled about this a lot recently, but the boiled down version is that when Crosshair commits to something, he commits all the way. Like how he committed to the Empire so hard that he hunted down his brothers. Or when he finally decided the Empire was a bunch of shitbags and shot officer shitbag (I forget his name) in the face. He has now decided to commit to Omega, for whatever reason. And it shows. Because even when she tells him to go, he’s literally only a minute behind her. He lets her employ her own strategies despite his preference and experience. He’s ready to beat up Captain Dickhead (did they even give him a name?) for sitting down across from her. He tells her to get into the ship first while he lays down cover fire.
Crosshair’s next “severe and unyielding” decision is Omega’s safety. And I couldn’t be more excited to see where it goes!
AND I cannot believe how much I suddenly like his character. I was so disinterested in him for like s1 and maybe 90% of s2 but now I am more interested in what becomes of him than I am in what the deal is with Omega’s M-count.
I’m saying it now. These seasons hyper focuses are: Rex, Echo and Crosshair (in that order) (for now, we’ll see)
Thanks to everyone who sat through that, have a good day/night/whatever, friend!
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biolizardboils · 8 months
so heads up! im popping a LOT of Prime Season 3 posts into the queue--they'll start coming out one week from now, on January 22nd! if you can see this post and haven't watched it yet, here's some tags to block: #prime spoilers, #sonic prime spoilers, #sonic prime s3 spoilers, #sonic prime season 3 spoilers.
got all that? great! here's my final unorganized little rambles about the show:
shoutout to Rusty Rose's Birdie, who only appears in the very first and very last eps for some reason 😭 her speech about it not being her power source came outta nowhere too, but i loved the message behind it
when everyone arrives at the Grim, just before the ep ends, Nine starts breathing heavily and it. instantly reminded me of Movie!Tails when the bar was calling them freaks. fuck. its a nice reminder of where Nine's coming from
speaking of Nine his poses getting more unhinged over time!! hell yeah
i love that the final fight(s) felt like a kid smashing 3 different Lego sets together, real Robot Pirate Island shit
i laughed a little too hard when the Grim's dome started closing in cus Nine's citadel-thing already reminded me of a thing that happened in Fortnite once, but hell naw they had to add The Storm too sdfghj
METAL BIG DESTROYED ME LJKHGFDV im SO glad i wasnt spoiled about it!!! a while in i started finding it creepy instead of funny, which is an added bonus
i was spoiled about the Advance flashback and its clashing sprites though. the utter whiplash of seeing that without warning mightve made me choke on my hot cheeto puffs. someone's already remade it btw, check it out
i fistpumped at the small reprise of "me beauty" gfhjk ill miss you so much Dread
we're four years into the 2020's and Sonic has nearly died an agonizingly slow death 3 times in 3 different continuities! and dare i say it was delicious every time >:)
unless Word of God says otherwise I'm gonna assume that the giant shadow at the end was The Return Of Metal Big lpoihgfds
So... Twitter, huh? My spoiler filters there had some leaks, and I saw some discussion out of context that... actually made me kinda scared to finish the show. But then I did, and had fun with it just like the other two seasons, and I remembered that Twitter gets high-strung about things that don't matter so much, and that giving it sway over how much I enjoy things is silly lol.
Yes, I think the last season could've been paced differently so it wasn't 5 episodes of the same Final Boss Fight. Yes, I think the writing switches jarringly between gearing for a young new audience and for a seasoned old one. Yes, I think the 2D flashbacks look and move worse than what fans constantly make for free. Yes, I think the final episode doesn't do nearly as much housekeeping as it should (does the Shatterverse still exist or not??). Yes, I think declaring the show is canon to the games or whatever they said probably wasn't the best idea. And yes, I think Black Rose should've had a shoulder-parrot!Birdie to match the other Amys. All valid critiques! All sensible things to think when you've been around the Sonic bush!
But I swear to god, people on Twitter act like these things spoil the whole package. Where's the nuance? Why does every opinion there become an absolute worth tearing others down for? Is it the character limit? I bet it's the character limit.
There's so much I love about this show that were infeasible for the Sonic brand just 3-4 years ago. Externalizing the characters' facets to explore them in-depth. Said exploration spanning multiple episodes instead of being one-and-done. The sheer amount of genuine Sonadow food (and I don't actively do shipping, so me adding it here should hold a lot of weight). The snappy, playful, yet blistering fight scenes that, dare I say, feel like a successful TV-budget Spider-Verse. It was all so much fun!
But I guess stuff like Green Hill being the gang's "home" is a big deal-breaker?? Like?? I thought that was silly too, but not worth ratio'ing people with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse over? Get well soon, I guess??
Rambling over, shout-out to the entire country of Canada for giving me the most fun I've had with a Sonic show since X! I'm gonna go figure out how to address all this as The End lol
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ozimagines · 5 months
The theater kid in me is about to come out in a way only an English professor could appreciate but
kirk whatshisname always plays minor roles in other shows, a few episodes on The Walking Dead and that one time on White Collar. Both times my man was a grade-A ASSHOLE. My boo thing was stone cold and also??? His voice is so deep like. damn.
He’s almost always an asshole and I love than bc Miguel is just the kindest soul ever. His eyes are so kind I’m 99% sure that makes sense. His accent is so soft and he’s so soft and he’s my lil guy okay leave my man alone
It’s such a drastic contrast and I think it’s proof his actor is just. mwah. Perfection.
also I started watching OZ when I was 14 and my parents told me I couldn’t bc there were penises so being the good child I was I finished s3 within the next week. Now whenever I talk abt it I always say “but I only watched one eps, ofc” and they know I’ve watched the whole thing it’s just so funny to pretend I didn’t.
I’m 16 btw. I regret nothing and everything(good lord there were pee pees everywhere what the fart)
LOL I’m gonna address every part of this but can I just say thank you for making me smile this early in the morning!
First of all, no one ever has to apologize for going full theatre kid on my page. I am, as Funky Frog Bait calls it, “theatre kid syndrome gone terminal”😂.
Second, Kirk Acevedo was the whole reason I watched Oz. I watched Band of Brothers first and fell in love with him as Joe Toye. I searched his IMDB page and this came up. Didn’t think much of it; just wanted to see him. Then I saw Harold Perrineau! And I was like Michael, from Lost! Then I saw Ernie Hudson! And J.K. Simmons! And Dean Winters! And B.D. Wong, Rita Moreno, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, and so many others. Just a star studded cast. (To say nothing of Luke Perry, Luis Guzman, David Zayas and so on). Then I found people on Oz. Otto Sanchez, Lee Tergeson, Terry Kinney, Eamonn Walker, and others! (I know they were all known but still they were new to me!) Every character feels so real.
Im reminded of a story Kirk Acevedo told about his daughter. He said he was watching TV with her when she asked him why the heroes on TV never looked like them. He told himself he’d play hero characters when he could… even though he admits the villains are fun to play.😂 Love him. Even though Miguel Alvarez is far from your typical hero, he’s not your typical gang banger either. He’s complex. And you’re right, with very kind eyes. Wish he got a better ending. But hey, that’s why fanfiction writers are here!😂
My parents monitored everything I watched until I turned 18. I remember, four months after my eighteenth birthday, I had decided I wanted to watch Oz and I made a whole proposal to my parents about why I should watch the show. (Think Turning Red when she tries to get her parents to let her go to the 4 Town concert🤣). I finished my proposal and my mom was like… “you’re 18 , do what you want, lol”. So it was actually the first show I watched as an adult. That was about six years ago. I’ve been a fan ever since.
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Just some fun set and off set pics of our favorite guys❤️❤️❤️
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angelhummel · 1 year
okay so in honor of pride month, i have something i wanna get off my chest for real. sorry if this is super long
I have a tendency to go outside of tumblr spaces when looking at glee content — something i frequently regret. but in my time in those spaces, i often the most delusional take ever. it is basically, “kurt was always kinda pushy towards finn. so did he actually DESERVE to be called a slur??? 🤔🤔🤔 let’s discuss.” this shit boils my blood to no end and while it’s obvious why, i feel the incessant need to defend my boy kurt at all costs.
for one, he wasn’t any more pushy than any other character in the show. i mean for god’s sake, rachel quite literally THREW herself at finn as early as the first episode and i guess that’s fine??? what kurt did was virtually no different bc all the characters do weird, out of pocket shit throughout the show. it really only bothered finn bc kurt is a boy and finn is OVERLY bothered by the prospect of a boy having a crush on him. (more specifically that its kurt — he just simply dislikes kurt being attracted potentially straight guys. thats why he took so much issue to kurt singing with sam. it’s always been about his personal issues with kurt)
moving on to the actual scene in question, so much of what flop accused kurt of was grossly unfair to him. like he says something along the lines of “im scared to even take a shower when youre around,” implying that kurt is some ‘predatory gay’. which is ironic, bc we learn from kurt himself that he never showered after gym JUST to avoid be labelled as something like that. at no point did kurt’s advances move towards remotely ANYTHING sexual in nature, finn just instead assumed that of him
finally, i do believe that flop WANTED to call kurt a slur. he knew that kurt wouldnt call him out for it and you can tell from his tone that that had been building up inside of him for awhile. he wanted something that would push kurt away/scare him. he just went for the cruelest method possible in the moment.
so all this was to basically say that flop hudson sucks and that kurt did not deserve any of the shit that he endured. he was pretty much taught by his peers that it is inappropriate and unacceptable for him to have the same wants and desires that literally any teenager would have simply bc he was gay.
thank you for tuning into my rant. this has been stewing for awhile lmao
lmao yesterday i saw a gifset where cory as finn was doing some good fun acting and i stared at him for like a minute going "if i focus on the cory of it all, can i trick myself into liking finn even a little bit?"
the answer was already no, but if it hadn't been, this ask wouldve set me straight. thank you <3
i've definitely talked about that before tho bc omg. finn has the nerve to call anyone else pushy. i know its not like it'd happened in the show already but. this is the boy setting up a whole kissing booth to manipulate quinn into kissing him aksljfsdlk. or the way he got drunk at the wedding reception in s4 and was hounding rachel. that literally gives me the heebie jeebies lmao sorry to be dramatic about it but i hate it
and god yeah it just breaks my heart bc we know that kurt is always walking on eggshells around these people anyway. and literally 2x04 has become one of my least favorite episodes bc of how hard it is to watch as a kurt stan lmao. sorry it has like two iconic songs but finchel are so fucking manipulative and awful and i've had several rants about this episode before aljsfdlks but basically boils down to them literally making kurt feel like he's committing a crime by asking sam to sing a duet with him and isolating him to an unhealthy degree
and then wanna act all :O four eps later when kurt is like "im getting tf out of here to go to school with people who are nice to me" aslkfdslfjsd
anyway literally just search "2x04 anti finn" on my blog and you will find more posts than you would ever care to read lmao
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about the movie, i have ... a lot of mixed feelings, and its been a very long time since i even used this blog, but i need to ramble into the void about it.
first of all, i am actually really happy that there is new material, and i cried when i knew it was on the cinemas in my country and i cried non stop for a very long time, and i was happy while watching the movie, but it was lacking, to say the least, it was a bad movie. so its a bit infuriating to see so much praise going to it, when ...
first of all, its really frustrating that after four year all we get is one movie that doesnt even reaches 90 minutes (i do not know how it went i didnt read anything about the production or whatever went backstage, and tbh i dont think i care, 4 years is a lot of time, considering that the first three seasons were released one year apart from each other, and the fourth season even though it took them 3 years there was covid and ... there were in total 24 or 25 episodes. not 86 minutes)
i know im gonna say something that has already been said, but its very odd that it was a movie and not one full season?? theres no argument that would make it make sense to me why, for the love of god, they decided to make this arc a movie. theres so much to be said about it idek where to begin
if im correct, this game goes from the chpater 249 to 322 (i did not read the manga), and i do not like being the nerd but... all the four seasons, in total, are 85 episodes, meaning they adapted 249chapters to create those 85 episodes. so the 73 (from 249 to 322) chapters couldve been adapted into a whole season of 24 episodes !! its really odd that they chose to do a movie when there was so much material that couldve, and shouldve, been adapted.
this is a game that was awaited since the first season, it was the second practice match karasuno had, and it was a goal since the beginning, to play against nakome in a national tournament. the fact that they spent the time that would be like 4 episodes on this is mind blowing. the game against shiratorizawa was 10 episodes, the game agains (the game in the first season again dateko goes on for 2 episodes!!!) THE FIRST GAME AGAINST AOBA JOHSAI STARTS SOMEWHERE ON THE 19 EPISODE AND GOES ON UNTIL 24 !!!!!!!! BE FOR REAL BE FOR REAL PLS YES IT WAS AN IMPORTANT GAME BUT THERES NO COMPARASION
the flashbacks were interesting and i was rll glad i saw them but bc everything was so rushed, it just felt like chunks that they had to put there somewhere in the middle of the game. and while throughout the series it was works wonderfully and its really fluid, in the movie every time i was about to get inti the game there was a flashback....
one of the reasons why i love haikyuu is because they dont focus just on one character or one team (one of my favorite episodes is even winners and losers, season 1, ep 16): in this anime, because its volleyball, theres no need to have a villain, the motivation is always to win, and maybe the character has a reason or maybe it doesn't, but that doesnt matter. and they could paint the other teams as villains, but that would be cheap and tbh overdone, they are not the big bad wolves trying to takee away the victory of the main character, they are just highschool students that want to play and to win to keep on playing. so the fact that they only focused on kenma, and kuroo ig, really took away some of the charm of haikyuu.
there were very few memorable moments, sure the final kenma pov was cool af, the shot of kenma and hinata with a knife was amazing, and the animation of kenma putting hinata on a cage was also cool. and i did like the way kenma looked kinda... sad?? when hinata started to be down, but ..... it just wasn't enough.
it wasn't enough to the overall quality haikyuu as as a whole, and tbh i dont even think it was a good movie
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I feel killer invasive, but im doing a biography on Wilbur for a assignment in school. wanna proofread anyone?
what i have so far:
Wilbur Soot is an english musician and Minecraft Youtuber/Streamer. Popular for his part in the “Dream smp” and his position in the indie rock band “Lovejoy”, With 1,622,433 Followers and 1,212,540 monthly listeners on spotify. But before that, he had his own channel of music, was a former member of a channel called “Soot House”, and is the creator of the infamous “Editor Wilbur ARG”. It was Wilbur's presence as Lead editor and Co-Founder in 2017 in the comedy channel “Soot House” that began his rise to fame. His music career started in 2018, writing comedy songs, his first EP in 2019 being 13 minutes (four tracks/songs) long called “Maybe I was Boring”. The most impactfull thing(s) Wilbur has done, would be in my opinion, His release of “Your City Gave Me Asthma” and supporting and creating several Fundraisers for multiple occasions and events. The main Fundraisers would be Stand Up To Cancer, The Sarcoma Foundation of America, and The WilburSoot Pride Fundraiser. These fundraisers are now over, having been able to successfully raise and distribute the money to those in need. “Jubilee Line” from the album “Your City Gave Me Asthma” is about all the pollution in the London underground transit system and how many take their lives and are ignored by the many commuters. He said in a Twitch stream once, “after experiencing people take their lives on the London underground only to receive disgruntled groans by commuters who will now be late for whatever it is they’re going to, one becomes quite jaded to the human condition in general. I guess this last line was me putting blame on the city rather than those commuters or the poor people who committed suicide.”  
soooooo.....yeah. also i dunno if anyone knows but wikipeadea says his real name is William Patrick Spencer Gold
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literaila · 5 months
Honestly same... Im either binge watching four seasons in one sitting or I only ever get two eps in and my attention span snaps and im done.
Id you're talking about Loid Forger, he is the most intelligent yet absolutely obvious man I've ever met in my life. I'm gonna propose to him
oh my gosh i just remembered that i only responded to this in my head. it’s a wild time
real. or restarting shows and watching like ten minutes and then moving on. big kicker for me.
yeah, he’s actually just… so so so stupid. like the stupidest. but that’s okay! me too babe (minus the fact that i am not carrying a firearm on me at all times but whatever)
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erielake · 7 months
tag people you'd like to get to know better!
tagged by @hylfystt <3
LAST SONG: moderation - florence + the machine feeling very personally relieved that it wasn't a doja or a grimes song bc those problematic girlies have unfortunately been on repeat lately 😔
CURRENTLY WATCHING: like three shows at once lmfao. Actually, actually watching - fargo season 4 (but I've had like no free time for any television so i've stopped at like ep four) constantly rewatching true detective season 1 as background noise ((comfort television)) and LMFAO. monk 😔
THREE SHIPS: girl, these are all gonna be ocxcanon ships (sorry girl i simply do not care! :D) jackie/danse - girl im so crazy for this one yall. i love u danse your so pathetic and such a loser and jackie you are also pathetic but in such a different way. florence/alistair - I AM MENTALLY ILL about them. she is so fucked in the head and he makes her feel normal. she would die for him. he'd like her to live for him instead ough OUGH. zosia/iron bull - okay. newest ship. but i've got the iron bull brainrot 🥴 (the halsin to bull pipeline is so real, and I'm the only one that it's ever happened to.) she's mean. Like SO mean. he thinks that's really hot :)
FAVORITE COLOR: blue <3 (but like pale, baby blue)
CURRENTLY CONSUMING: watered down cranberry juice + black tea with honey
FIRST SHIP: katniss/peeta. frankly just reread thg for some school stuff and i am still SO normal about them. like. regular.
PLACE OF BIRTH: new york (state -- i am not cool enough to be a 'new yorker')
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single (and entering my femcel era) <- THIS IS A JOKE.
LAST MOVIE: i'm not even gonna lie to you i think the last movie i watched in full was fnaf(?) in october? (crazy) NO that's a lie. nightcrawler actually.
CURRENTLY WORKING ON: girl u know it's larkin
tagging: @lavampira @gwaha @leondaltons @thirtybythirty @brazilianauntie <3
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I have gotten two of my friends interested in Tsuma just by spamming GIFs so can confirm the Cutest Old Man In Media strategy has a high success rate... ON THAT NOTE. Very strong list of cuties... I Must Agree... Ikegami may be At Least A Little heinous but can't argue with that reasoning...
AND OK LISTEN. Some things I tell you are meant to be locked away in the vault never to be spoken of again... Tsutsumi's retirement is one of those... [just kidding it's fine LMAO he can do whatever makes him happy But I Will Cry I'm Sorry WE GET LIKE ONE MAINLINE GAME EVERY FOUR YEARS WHAT IF JO NEVER COMES BACK AAAA] BUT YES. YEAH. Very curious how he might do as a director...
DJKLGHJKLSDHLKS NO THAT'S THE FUNNIEST THING because I will generally just mention something in passing without actually recommending it but you'll go for it anyway😭😭😭NOT COMPLAINING. NOT COMPLAINING IN THE SLIGHTEST you have my deepest gratitude after A Lifetime of having my recommendations fall through and not being able to talk about stuff I'm into I cannot say this enough 😭😭😭😭😭but of course, definitely checking out the movie when I can :] I wish I could've watched before responding but busy day... oh well...
Speaking of! Kagerou Touge here and Tonbi here. They're both a bit less than three hours and split into two parts sooooo up to you <3 I don't remember enough about Tonbi to summarize it any better than what's on the page and It Is Best I Leave Kagerou A Surprise From Start To Finish. Bali Big Brother has been a bitch for years though unfortunately😩no subs may or may not be better than the machine-translated subs I had to work with
AGREED ON EVERYTHING ABOUT ATR NO NOTES NO ADDITIONS... YOU GET ME... KUROMI/MY MELODY-CORE SO REAL I felt like stopping and pointing whenever you could see their charms😭😭😭big fan... huge even... also the visual direction was Overall really good it is such a pretty anime and goes So Hard with the rain motif... SPEAKING OF THE FINALE WHICH I LOVED FOR THOSE SAME REASONS AS WELL Akira imagining breaking into a run to kiss Kondo on the cheek in the "date" ep but when she actually does it in real life it's a hug... as friends... broooooooo 😭😭😭😭😭
can't believe you're just hoarding keisuke gifs from me 😭 yes ive seen all of the show but STILL BUT REGARDLESS I'M GLAD YOU GOT OTHERS ON BOARD truly love this show a lot for keisuke... even beyond him tho not only is the cast really lovely but again i really love where the story went and how it all culminated in its last episodes..
and LISTEN Yes Ikegami Is A Lil Rank. Comes With Being A Yakuza but i do not have many options out of the charas ive seen tsutsumi play 😔 we been through this ttm is either very heinous or very serious in his films.... have to be careful..... plus i still think him smiling so much during the filming of the movie was cute, he's just a little silly to me 😔
but if tsutsumi isn't due to come back cause of his career, i gotta be the one to rip the bandaid off an assume jo prob won't return after this game. which either means 1.) joins the graveyard of tsutsumi charas 2.) He Somehow Gets Out Just Fine ???? And Just Does His Own Thing ???? Alone ???? either way... very intrigued to see what LaD8 has in store with that in mind...
there's some evil parasite in my brain that makes me immensely interested in things- like i accidentally went down a rabbit hole on The Superman Curse after someone made an aside comment about the latest flash movie DO NOT mention things to me because i will investigate it thoroughly... AND IM GLAD I DO CAUSE I FIND GEMS LIKE THESE !!!!!!!!! with that said i hope you enjoy the movie if you get to it !! (❁´◡`❁)
AND SPEAKING OF EPIC THANK YOU SO MUCH !!! i wouldn't mind with auto-generated subs tbh.... i've worked with less honestly BUT for now i'll see to watchin these two tonight ||ヽ(* ̄▽ ̄*)ノミ|Ю
I REALLY LOVED THE RAIN THEME OF AtR. like Yeah That's On The Label BUT STILL it really fit the title so well... AND YAYA THE PARALLEL IN THE DATE EP FANTASY VS THE FINAL EP REALITY.... cinema.. LITERAL cinema i LOVE so so much the direction the anime went with their relationship... i said it enough but it's just so refreshing and great to see...
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princefado · 1 year
hirogaru sky ep 19 discussion, also talking about previous seasons (specifically kirakira and delipre)
when i say my jaw DROPPED at the reveal of tsubasa and ageha's finishing move...... also the irony of tsubasa being like 'it wasnt that cool ):' while my jaw was STILL ON THE GROUND
this development of this season has been SUCH an improvement over the last. i really liked all the characters from delipre, i am still the world's #1 rosemary stan, but the plot and character dynamics never really came together in a satisfying way.
the team dynamic for this season is a lot stronger, and i like that they've essentially split them into fighting pairs while still maintaining their friendship as a group, it just makes a lot more sense. ageha and tsubasa are ALREADY one of my favorite dynamics of all the seasons ive watched, theyre so so so cute.
also, due to the lack of a midseason precure leak, im actually like... not sure there's gonna be one?? and i think its probably a good thing there will be no midseason cure!
amane was a fine enough character but her becoming a precure was just not really that satisfying overall, considering we never even learned how she became a villain in the first place. and her getting added to the roster meant even LESS time to develop everyone else in an already extremely bloated roster. like, seriously, there were four precures, three fairies, all the cookingdom fighters, not to mention the villains were fighting for screentime and development too
compare it to kirakira a la mode which also had a large cast, and i think was much stronger because it made the choice to pair a lot of its characters off with eachother in their development, so it didn't ever feel like they were fighting for screentime. in delipre, it felt like they either had to fit all four leads into one episode, or they only focused on one, so you never really got the sense of there being any real intimacy between members.
im not sure of the exact production schedule for precure but i have to assume delipre was either in development in 2021 or 2022 and obviously the pandemic CANNOT have helped. so i dont really blame like, any of the staff. obviously also precure has like, one fucking week of a break a year, so that's not healthy for the series either. but it's good to see that the series still has a spark to it.
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thehare1234 · 3 months
Weekly TV Roundup
Looking at this list of show the genres, vibes, stories are really all over the place and there are definitely some I'm enjoying more than others. It's also been fun to see what other people are saying (at least for the shows currently airing)....honestly a lot of angst this week
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QL Shows
🦋My Marvelous Dream Is You (Ep 6): I like that we got more of the backstory on this episode and like I feel like I understand how we got to the point we have with Kim and Wan. Like I suspected, they already know they like each other (or at least Wan does) but other things are getting in the way. Honestly this show is a little emotionally exhausting especially cause it's just so much angst and there's not a lot of happier scenes or lighthearted scenes to cut the tension. I'm usually pretty ok with that because I'm hoping the payoff will be good but because this episode was so long it felt like a lot. Also I can't believe the "I saw you with someone else and assumed things" miscommunication happened 3 TIMES! Although I guess with Kim and Marwin it's exactly what it looks like? I did like teenage Kim and Wan and sort of the realization of like "am I gay?". Anyways this whole situation is such a mess but I still think the story is progressing but they're reallllyyyy committed to the angsty slow burn...
💍Wedding Plan (Ep 2): Ok y’all I’m living for this friendship and lil family unit between Lom, Marine and Yiwa…this is definitely going to be angsty for namnuea but that’s a part of the point of the story…this kiss was wild like « oh you want to get me to talk… I guess 😔 we have to kiss 😉 ». These two got the chemistry in my opinion…I’m excited to see the rest of the show but I know it’s gonna be a lot of angst and confusion for a while longer
🌊 Love Sea (Ep 2): well damn…that was a wild first half…but honestly it felt like the right progression..I like the themes that the show is exploring and feel like it’s continuing strongly. The GL side pairing I think I need a little more convincing on lol but I’m sure we’ll get that
✨ We Are (Ep 11): This was probably one of my favourite episodes it was a shot of sugar to my veins…I’m really coming around to all the couples and like seeing them become more established…always fun to have the obligatory scene where all the friends get together to do something :)… I think Phum and Fangs childhoods and backstories shaping how they act is really interesting, I also like how each person in the friend group feels like they have a distinctive personality and how they all mesh together. It continues to amaze me how in shock everyone is when they find out someone is dating tho
🥟 She loves to cook she loves to eat (Ep 13-16): AHHHHHH love love love everything here….we got friendship and supporting people and cute girlfriend moments and vegetable picking dates and ahhhh. In all seriousness, I was waiting for their first real conflict and how they handle it and it was so well done I just 😭😭😭😭
🏡 Knock Knock Boys (Ep 4): Another great episode! So much fun and I love the core four and the progression of their relationships but also the side characters! Truly a chaotic end at the party but hey….it happens….Im glad we got the Thanwa/Peak kiss reveal :). Only thing is I feel like the subs on this are sometimes a bit off so I’m missing some of the story but the parts I do get are great! I’m intrigued to see where this goes, especially now that Jane is here hehehe
🎬 At 25:00 in Akasaka (Ep 9): What a devastating episode…I’m really hoping all this angst is leading up to a satisfying happy ending…I feel like the two might mirror the final scene of the drama they’re filming where it seems like they will part ways only for at the last second to be together. I just need Hayama to smile and for Shirasaki to call him Asami again 😭 but yeah this whole episode I was just watching like 😣😵😵😵😵
💟Wandee Goodday (Ep 7): so many questions, so much confusion…I’m liking reading everyone’s theories for this episode because I too am sort of lost on what each character is doing?? Idk like it just seems out of character for Yak to punch Dr.Ter and just for Dee’s actions the whole time? Or at least it just doesn’t feel like his character has progressed at all? Also I feel like both Dee and Yaks family traumas or past trauma have been hinted at or sort of showed but still haven’t really been touched on at all? And we’re over halfway done the show! Also the breakup scene and the kiss scene just didn’t hit for me like I wanted them too…I think this episode was the best when Yak and Dee were flirting with each other because they do have the chemistry but the actual storyline I am confused…I’m intrigued where they go from here! I saw someone saying the kiss could have been a dream sequence and honestly I hope so 😭 but I doubt it….
🍒Cherry Magic Anime (Ep 7-9): Kurosawas date song? Spectacular. I don’t know what else to say I think this show is nailing the story, and like I’m glad we’re getting into Kurosawa and Adachi dating era hehe…and Adachi becoming more comfortable…ended on the angst tho :( at the end of the day, if Cherry Magic has 0 fans, then I’m dead so
👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩Two of Us (Ep 3): 1/3 of this episode was just that dance/kissing scene and I loved it…listen this is just 15 minutes of pure silliness and women being in love so I can’t be mad…I’m also really believing the chemistry between the actresses which is fun! I lowkey was bored watching Deep Night but I’ll keep watching these twooo
🧍‍♂️My Stand In (Ep 9): This was a wild episode from start to finish….like the sneeze plot line…I knew it was going to happen but I still was not prepared…I think I like the idea of Joe returning to his own body but I honestly feel like the preview for next week might be a fakeout? Or something will be wrong with his body because they didn’t show it at all and idk it just seems like the trailer is misleading us in some way…Ming meditating was hilarious like he really has just stayed an asshole this whole time and you know what? Joe deserves better and has the better options but he doesn’t want them…he wants to live in his lil toxic bubble and I’m ok with them ending there. I think I’m aiming for a happy ending in the sense that Joe and Ming are together but not like a utopia ending where all their problems are gone or the toxicity is just brushed under the rug? We will see how they do it
🌅Sunset x Vibes (Ep 1): started this one on a whim like I don’t even know MosBank like that but people seem to love them? This was a decent first episode…I’ll have to see how it keeps going because I’m not fully convinced yet…the girls from love senior are here and looking stunning as always so that I really enjoyed like I think that dynamic will be fun 🤩
🥘What did you eat yesterday? (The Movie)- wow wow wow, this series/story just keeps getting better…I feel like in a lot of queer stories we either get families who are completely opposed and cut someone off, or stories where parents are extremely accepting and it’s more of a cathartic/feel good experience. I feel like there less stories of that sort of middle area of acceptance, where you still feel love but not as though you can be your full self. It just feels so different to follow an established couple who’s older and queer and working through life. Everything feels so real I guess and I love a big big romance and getting together but I also just love the beauty in the mundane, the fact we’ve seen these two grow over time and have entered their world. Time for season 2!
Other Shows
📝Bridgerton (Ep 4): tee hehehehe I finished it just in time for the next part to drop (all according to plan)…listen, the end of this episode was spoiled for me immediately but it still had IMPACT…I can’t believe give me everything was the song choice in that moment…Colin is the best, he figures out what he wants and goes for it no mind games or waiting around. Also Francesca and Lord Kilmartin are genuinely so cute like him getting the music for her 😭😭😭 also my heart still aches for Eloise/Cressida ship but I know it’s not going to happen (just give me something gay bridgerton)😔 I’m sort of nervous for part two because we’ve already had the feelings admission so now I feel it will just be a lot of angst and I’m not readyyyy
👽 3 Body Problem (Ep 6): I thought this was a really solid episode. While this is a sci-fi alien show, I think in reality it’s more a show about humanity. It’s showing how people respond to crises and the range of emotions for something like this. The battle with the San-Ti is not for another 400 years, so a lot of the plot is peoples individual struggles/grappling with this reality. It’s showing how people are put into morally grey situations and have different reasons for pursuing the same goal. I think the riots/despair of the general population at the news of aliens juxtaposed with the more quiet sadness of Will coming to terms with his cancer and his final moments is really well done. The end scene with Will i thought was really moving (maybe I’m just a sucker for video games by Lana Del Rey)…I’m not prepared for the cliffhanger that’s gonna come at the end of the season 😭
🪶Little Bird (Ep 5): this was probably the saddest episode yet, the acting is really strong in this show…and each episode learning about a different character in the family and seeing just how many people were affected by what was basically a one day decision, and the trauma from that. After every episode of this show I need a moment to sort of just sit and process it, and I think that’s the point. We’ve made it to the last episode, and will see how the story is completed
Degrassi (Ep 83-84): This was a 2-parter season 5 opener and a Manny-centered episode. I think this was a pretty realistic portrayal of someone's pictures/videos being shared and just how painful that experience can be, and just was well done. Glad Emma and Manny have a ride or die friendship.
This week was so busy I didn’t even watch my love mix up 😭 but I’ll catch up next week. Also I’ve been seeing this Love Bully show? Might have to check out…
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