#im not sure it's coherent and im too tired to proofread
teruel-a-witch · 1 year
Sorry for hijacking your meta-writing abilities but I'm at work and I have just had an epiphany. You know what's really, insanely wild about the whole Cath/Billie/Steve problem? That when in 4x02 Steve rants that Cath will need a job, and Danny answers that they'll find her one, despite harping about Catherine’s unmatched abilities in recon and intel, Steve doesn't suggest, NOT EVEN AS A JOKE, no, it doesn't even cross his mind, that they could offer her a job in Five-0. Steve could do it. Later he will. BUT. NOT. HERE. AND. NOW. See, it would've solved any issue: give Cath a job exactly tailored onto her, keep her close to Steve, reinforce their bond. But neither Steve, nor Danny, even suggest it. Or think about it. It's like....dunno, it's like they don't want to break the perfect bubble of intimacy and closeness they've built for themselves. Like Cath would play among them the same role Billie plays between Steve and her. Or maybe I'm seein things.
You are not hijacking anything like I'm ever gonna pass up an opportunity to ramble (especially about my current obsession aka McDanno). You are not seeing things, unless you mean seeing what's actually shown on screen ;).
First, I'm gonna speculate on the reasons the writers wrote it this way and then I'll put my shipping goggles on.
As soon as they made Cath a regular on the show, I thought it's just a matter of time before she would have to join 5-0 just because, well, it's what the show is about.
BUT there were two problems with that, one - they didn't want to make it look like she only got the job because she's Steve's sometimes maybe girlfriend (even tho lbr that is why, not that she's not qualified, of course she is, but she was only considered for the job because of her connection to the boss, that is the definition of nepotism, not to mention they wanted to avoid the implication that she...uh...slept her way to the top) so they had to make it look like she had her own thing and they tried everything before just sticking her on the team.
The second problem, I imagine, is they didn't want to make it look like they immediately replaced Kono with Cath (while Grace was on her maternity leave which was a valid reason for her to be absent the optics are just not great especially after they already sidelined Kono for Lori in S2, since the show was allergic to having more than one woman on the team (had to adhere to the Smurfette Principle I guess).
The Powers That Be and the marketing doesn't care about the show *being* progressive it cares about *appearing* progressive which is why they had to cover their bases, so to speak. They had to go 'See? We have tried everything. We gave her her own job, that didn't work out, and now they are one team member short so it makes sense for her to be there since she is more than qualified, not because she's dating the boss, she's her own woman, hashtag feminism'.
So that's my conjecture/speculation for why it was written like that OUT OF universe.
Now *puts her shipping goggles on* since we don't have to consider the external reasons and only work with what we get on screen, you are absolutely right, it's veeeery curious how neither Steve nor Danny actually want Cath there, because 5-0 is ohana and no matter how much TPTB tried to force it she was never truly part of it.
But more than that, their job is their partnership, it's a Steve-and-Danny thing, of course they didn't want a third wheel to invade their own private little world.
It's absolutely in the same vein with Steve inviting Danny to go fishing to his father's secret spot and refusing to disclose to Cath where he is going. (He needs his very special male bonding time away from wymyn ;))
Steve NEEDS a place where he can escape to from the tiring burden of heteronormativity, Danny doesn't have to see his 'girlfriends' at work every day, this is the time where he can spend as much time as he wants with Steve without anyone invading that, of course they don't want Steve's 'girlfriend' to be there every day taking a giant bite out of their quality time cake.
Cath being there means they both have to be on™ all the time, the performance never stops and they can't relax and be themselves and it's exhausting. Steve prefers to compartmentalize and he was perfectly happy to keep Cath and 5-0 separate.
Not to mention he was perfectly okay with the little amount of time he usually spent with her (tells us everything we need to know, doesn't it, especially compared how him and Danny live in each other's pockets) and if she worked with them it would be like being forced to eat tasteless bran every day instead of only occasionally just to tick a box.
Lastly, I would argue that unlike with Billie, there IS actually a triangle of sorts with Cath - Steve - Danny (Billie - Cath - Steve isn't a real triangle because Steve is clearly not interested in competing with Billie).
Danny definitely doesn't enjoy Cath encroaching on his quality time with Steve, and he *cannot* watch any form of PDA between the two, as evidenced by him literally turning away and/or making a joke every time he has to witness the forced display. Her working with them would mean he would have to suffer through even more of that so of course it wouldn't be his suggestion. Danny may feel like 'the other woman' sometimes but in reality Cath simply couldn't compete with him, if Steve knew he returned his feelings he would have dropped Cath like a hot potato. It's not a real love triangle when the sides are extremely uneven and the choice is obvious.
TL;Dr: you are not so much seeing as perceiving correctly.
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deathbxnny · 1 year
hello!! im the anon that wrote the jingliu’s child idea, so i will request it now (paragraph below is a copy paste i aint writing allat again)
reader being jingliu’s child (like,biologically) and was born some months before jingliu became mara-struck, when jingliu became mara-struck she literally tried to kill her months old baby, so i like to think that jingliu would tell jingyuan to take care of her baby if anything happened to her, so after jingyuan “kills” jingliu, he takes the baby and tries to raise it as his own child, and as they grow up they take after their mother and almost look like their mothers carbon copy, which makes jingyuan remember his mentor
platonic and the character is jing yuan, feel free to mention other characters tho!!
A/N: Hey there Anon! Thank you for resending the request! I really like the idea!<33
Content: Angst, spoilers to Jing Yuan's/Jingliu's backstory?, platonic relationships, hurt/comfort, Reader is described to look like Jingliu, fluff, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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Killing his teacher was one of the hardest things Jing Yuan ever had to do. It was like a part of him was ripped apart in the process too. Like apart of him died with her that day. But the only thing that consoled him and that was left behind from his old mentor, was you, Jingliu's months old child. He was exhausted and absolutely shattered by what happened and yet, he held on just for you. He promised that he would.
It took him a while to learn how to take care of you. Thankfully he wasn't entirely alone in this and some of the female generals, surprisingly including Fu Xuan, helped him out immensely during his first year with you. He was so tired with life during the first few months, but you helped him get through it. Your existence felt like a last gift to him by his mentor and perhaps that's exactly what you were.
Years went by faster than Jing Yuan wanted them to. He never cared for them before, as he never really aged himself. But after you came into his life, he began appreciating every single year you were in it.
He documented everything about you and was proud of every little achievement you made. It didn't matter how mundane it was either. When you first babbled out a call of his name, he practically melted on the spot with pride and love.
As the years went by, he began noticing how similar you looked to your mother. It filled his heart with warmth and nostalgia to see you grow into a near carbon copy of his mentor. He made sure to give you a good and happy life, one that she deserved to have had with you too, if things had gone differently.
Once you were old enough, he began telling you simple stories about your mother, about her bravery and her days of mentoring him. You listened to his words, eagerly leaning to hear every word, as you looked so unbearably similar to her, that he couldn't help but hug you for longer every time he could. He saw you as a gift and he'd make sure to protect you with his life.
A/N: Alright, I haven't been doing well today, so I hope this was coherent and okay! Thank you again for the request!<33
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lunaviee · 1 year
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oikawa word vomit i have too many thoughts…
not proofread at all ermmmm
no warnings i don’t think it’s like 1am okay just let me cook idk
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you’re fresh out of the shower.
it’s late, maybe 11pm? you’re not sure anymore
but that doesn’t matter, what does matter though is getting into the arms of your boyfriend before you freeze to death. and so you quickly do your nightly routine, dry your hair, and get ready for bed
you look at the clock; 12:49 am
your limbs and eyes feel heavy, each movement feels as if it had been weighed down.
and worst of all, you’re cold.
now, this was a problem that could easily be fixed by just getting into bed
so you do just that
you climb into bed, tugging blankets and covers over your body and tucking them under your chin. but it isn’t enough..
your eyes dart to the brown fluffy mess that’s settled next to you, so you scoot and inch closer to oikawa, hoping he’d be awake enough to let you into his warm embrace (he always does)
his cheek is smooshed into the pillow and his mouth is slightly open, soft snores silently escaping
you stare at him for a little bit, fully taking in just how much of a pretty boy he is. but it’s too cold and you’re impatient, so you try and squeeze into his arms without waking him up, shuffling your cold feet under his
well, you fail. oikawa is up and peeking one eye open sleepily, “hey you” he mumbles, his voice thick with sleep and hardly coherent. “you cold?” he questions, a small smirk creeping up his face
you nod, eyes closing as you reach for his arms
“well c’mere then, you dork” you’re pulled into oikawa’s chest and you suddenly can’t stay awake anymore. his embrace is so warm and loving, you don’t think you could ever leave. his heartbeat is steady and he’s rubbing random shapes into your back.
oikawa’s pressing kisses into the crown of your head and now you’re melting. you feel like absolute mush in his grasp but he’s so gentle with you. with each second that passes, the two of you are pressed up against each other, impossibly closer
“i love you”‘s are whispered between the two of you until you’re both fast asleep in a matter of minutes
his arms are wrapped around your torso, one hand unconsciously doodling under your (his) shirt with his knuckles and the other is protectively holding you. every inch of you that was once cold is now flushed with love and tangled with your boyfriend
if it was up to oikawa, he’d stay like this forever.
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p.s. this is ass i don’t care i love oikawa im tired and incredibly stressed, pls bear with me here guys😭
i do want to apologize for the lack of content lately though. this past week has actually been hell for me so uhh the event and other requests may be pushed back a bit sorry </3
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lvlysnakes · 4 years
[ Assistance ] pro hero!Bakugou x Reader
Warnings!: none unless you consider this workplace harassment-
The rays of sunlight broke through in shapes determined by the curtains surrounding your office window, as you sat at the very top floor in the one and only Ground Zero’s agency.
It had become a routine already, being two weeks since your first interview. Being an assistant to someone as important as Bakugou meant a lot, and even if some of your work went completely unnoticed the paycheck certainly made up for that void.
However, as the days progressed, you began to notice Bakugou acting different. It didn't come to your attention until your new coworkers started gossiping amongst themselves about him. You only happened to hear during your trip to the trash can in order to dump a small cup of coffee in that Bakugou had been interacting with the office more. 
According to them, not only had he been leaving his office more, he had been doing some sort of monitoring throughout the hallways to make sure every cubicle was working without fault.
With some thinking it wasn't hard to accept the fact that this was new behavior, despite it only being so early in your acceptance in the office space, you could've never imagined the one and only Ground Zero caring about his employees.
Hell, many of his ex workers and coworkers complained that he was cold, and the type to simply shrug if someone asked to resign. You gave into those ideas, and while shameful, you began to observe those actions of his around the building you and others worked in.
At first, he would simply walk around with a scowl on his face, occasionally leaning into a cubicle slightly to check on them. Then it progressed into more common checks, and getting food during break times with you and others in the office, of course he wouldn't eat it in the same room, but it was equally unusual all the same.
You flushed as you realized you had been lost in thought, your manicured fingers resting atop your keyboard for far too long. 
Thank god nobody called, or else I'm positive I wouldn't have been able to pay attention them through the phone-
Immediately, your eyes widened at seeing a tuft of spiky blonde hair peak out from a cubicle, no work was typed on your laptop, and all you had been doing was daydreaming whilst staring out the window!
Suddenly the phone rung, and just as quickly as you spaced out, you snapped out of the trance and answered the call.
“Hello. Ground Zero Hero Agency, how can I help you?” You attempted at a cheery voice, but it was obvious you felt out of it from the event a few minutes ago.
The conversation proceeded normally, everyone calling either wanted an interview with the one and only or attempted to get a job position despite there being no offers. At times there were few prank calls, but those were fun to fool around with. 
You sighed and glanced towards the window again, the bright beams flexing around you as the curtains swayed with small breezes. Inhaling the smell of your small plants crowding the shelf against your laptop, you relaxed into your seat and tried to resume your thoughts from a second ag-
“Slacking off are we?”
Shit. You heard a gruff voice that could only belong to one person in the whole office. Shouldn't he be busy? Isn’t he a hero? Doesn't he have some maiden to be saving, any damsels in distress?
“N-No! I was doing my job, sir, nothing more nothing less.” You quickly snapped your head up to look at your handsome boss- no need to beat around the bush, he did have such a nice jawline.. and those red eyes-
“So why’d you sound depressed on the phone? Wasn't being cheery part of the job description, dumbass?” He smirked at you as he leaned closer to your face, which was slowly rivaling a rose petal in color.
There was no response you could form.
Was he watching me? You thought, but shook it out of your head quickly. No he doesn't care about us individually.. he must've been warned somehow by someone to be more charitable.. that's why he's been so adamant on social works in the office.
Just as you were about to stutter out a half assed excuse for your call he had witnessed the minute before, he leaned in close to your ear and gave a huff before speaking,
“Don’t let me catch you again.”
You froze and blushed even deeper, if possible, at the small tantalizing statement. As he pulled away you saw him staring at you, slowly but obviously eyeing you up and down.
“Got it?”
He smirked once again before putting on a poker face, not hearing your response, if it was considered one for you were stuttering so much you were sure not a coherent word was uttered.
Did he do this to everyone? You thought, he couldn't, right? It was illegal to act such a way in the workplace.. especially one such as big as Ground Zero’s agency!
You turned back to your laptop, confused as to how you were supposed to continue your day normally after that incident.
Maybe later I can ask if anyone has experienced the same flirtatious behavior from Katsuki. 
hfjdngnskg planning on making a part two for dis bc im vv tired rn but hoped u like it i gues :’^) schools been so hard lawd,, but anywayz lemme not proofread this because i might get too insecure and scrap it--
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