#im not in ur home im in a target parking lot
shrimplicitly · 1 year
the corporate world adopting the idea of customers as "guests" is first off insidious but also like. fucking annoying
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mylarena · 2 years
i dont see enough soulmate aus so. inspired by this post by @hyperfixationwizard, soulmate au where drawings and ink on skin show up on ur soulmates skin (not scars bc there would be so fucking much going on with that and im not gonna write abt itdgthfgh)
anyways. soap has always love doodling- with anything. pencil, pen, crayon, marker, whatever he could get his hands on. he’d doodle on anything and everything. the walls (when he was a kid, mainly), paper, cardboard, desks in school, napkins... but by far, his favorite was to draw on his own skin. the thought of his work showing up on someone else, someone he was practically made for and they for him- something that they could share, something that they could keep secret and hold close to their chests- it was enough to make him giddy.
so, he doodled. a pretty flower he saw on his walk to school, curling around his wrist. a bird perched on the bench across from him at the park, taking flight on the back of his hand. the stray cat that hung out on his porch, draped across his thigh. sometimes if he didnt have a notebook with him, messy schematics and notes for devices- no, ma, thats not an explosive, he swears- scrawled on his forearm.
he never sees anything from his soulmate- he checks every single day for any new marks, any words, but he never finds any. still, he keeps drawing. it doesnt usually get to him, the fact that his soulmate doesnt give him responses, but sometimes he cant help but think too much. he wonders if his soulmate likes the drawings, which leads to the thought of them not liking them, or finding them annoying, or if they think theyre bad.
one day, he caves under his thoughts and writes his first question to his soulmate, right under a bundle of primroses- “do you want me to stop?”
he waits anxiously for hours, not knowing if he’ll be able to feel the reply, or if he has to look for it, or if there even will be one-
then he feels it- a sort of pins-and-needles sensation on his left arm. he frantically rolls up his sleeve and his eyes are immediately drawn to the letters that appear on his skin. once the writing stops, he stares with wide eyes at the single word left behind- shaky, smudged, and a bit runny in some spots-
and so he doesnt stop.
he keeps drawing, slowly moving from small little doodles of primroses on his arms and songbirds on his hands to sprawling meadows that wrap around his forearms and ravens spreading their wings across his thighs. sometimes he adds words- always short encouragements, positive quotes, or funny thoughts he has. he never gets responses, but he knows that his soulmate is still around by the occasional ink smudge that appears. anytime one appears, he incorporates them into a drawing. sometimes its a silly little doodle, and other times he spends hours creating beautiful, complex landscapes centered around them.
for years, his soulmate holds their silence. soap doesnt mind. he knows that they appreciate his art and words. at least, thats the thought he holds onto. he never holds it against his soulmate- the whole not-responding thing. hes well aware that he can be a lot to handle; hes heard it constantly from the majority of the people in his life. he just hopes that maybe his soulmate can tolerate him more than most.
he was 14 when things changed.
he had gotten home from school, completely ignoring his parents in the kitchen and opting to power walk to his room. it had been a shitty day; he had overslept and missed the bus, causing him to be late to class, and then some dickwads from the year above him decided that he was a good target to snag lunch money from, (really? stealing a kids lunch money? why would they pick something so fucking cliche? god, get some fresh material,) and to top it all off he got a shit grade on his book report.
as usual, his solution to a bad mood is to draw, get his emotions out on a page instead of letting them linger in his mind. unlike usual, though, he decides to bypass his notebook and instead grabs a pen, chooses a clear spot on his arm.
it took a while, but he finally ran out of steam to continue- it had been nearly two hours since he began. he was about to walk over to his bed and flop face down into his pillow when he felt it- the pins-and-needles of words being written that he had only felt once before. his eyes zeroed in on his arm, right under the drawing he had finished.
“two goldfish are in a tank. one turns to the other and asks, ‘do you know how to drive this thing?’”
soap snorts, more due to the situation than the shitty joke itself- and rushes to grab his pen again. no chance he was letting this opportunity slip by.
“why was the strawberry crying?”
“because he was in a jam.”
and so the night continued like that- they exchanged shitty jokes back and forth for hours that night, up until soap was called for dinner.
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embeanwrites · 4 years
Finding Home Gavin Reed x Reader
Chapter 23
It took Gavin and me a total of 30 minutes to get dressed and head to the hospital my dad was at. I tried calling Connor in the car, but he didn’t answer, which caused me to worry even more.
Gavin was driving and he had one hand firmly on my leg that kept bouncing up and down. How did this happen? I kept asking myself as I stared out the window. I thought he was taking care of himself more. Why did this have to happen now? Right when things were getting better between us. Gavin pulled up to the hospital and stopped the car at the emergency room front doors.  
“Go find Connor. I’ll park and catch up.” I nodded and jumped out of the car, practically running into the hospital. I followed the signs for the surgery waiting room. I looked through the door window and saw Connor sitting in a chair with his eyes forward. When I pushed the door open he quickly looked over and got up. I ran to him and hugged him tightly, trying not to cry. He held me equally as tight.  
“What happened?” My voice was raspy, while my mind was racing the rest of my body was still trying to wake up.
“He got up in the middle of the night for a glass of water and I heard the glass drop from my room. I called the ambulance right away. They’re performing an atherectomy right now.” He pulled out of the hug and I reluctantly let go of him.
“Have…” I paused trying to stop myself from crying. “Have the doctors given you any updates?” I heard the door open again and in a second Gavin’s arms were around me. I grabbed his hands and held them tightly, welcoming the warmth and comfort. I noticed my hands were shaking, so I gripped his hands tighter in an attempt to steady them.  
“No, nothing yet. I have only been here for an hour. The surgery takes about two and recovery is about three hours, but that’s according to averages. I don’t know if it will be shorter or longer.” I nodded. “I didn’t mean to make you rush here. Humans need sleep, (Y/n). You can go home and I can call you the moment I get any update.” Connor said softly, I quickly shook my head.
“No, I’m staying here with you.” He started to argue. “Connor, I’m not budging on this.” I untangled myself from Gavin and turned to look at him. I gently took my hands and cupped his cheeks, running my thumbs across his stubble. “Gavin, you have work in a couple of hours, you should go home and get some rest.”
“I’m staying with you for as long as I can. I’ve run on less sleep before.” He put his hands over mine and gently pulled them down. He squeezed my hands and I nodded, grateful he was willing to stay. Connor sat back down and I sat next to him. I grabbed both of their hands and held them.
I woke up still in the waiting room. I must have fallen asleep at some point. Groaning, I sat up and wiped my mouth. I looked over at Connor.
“Oh my god, Connor. I’m so sorry I drooled on you. You should’ve woken me up.” I looked over to my left where Gavin had been.
“He had to get to the precinct. We both decided it would be best not to wake you.” I nodded and yawned. “There have been no updates, but I expect we will hear something soon.” I laid my head back on Connor’s shoulder.
“Are you scared?” I asked softly.
“The surgery has a high survival rate and the ambulance got to the house in under five minutes. Despite those reassuring facts, I still find myself worried.” Connor whispered. I noticed his LED for the first time since arriving. It was red.
“He’s strong, survived a lot. This won’t be any different.” I tried to reassure him, but I knew he could tell I was equally worried.
Another half-hour passed before a doctor finally came to talk to us. Both us stood up and met him halfway. I had my arm wrapped around Connor’s to keep myself from shaking too much.
“Ma’am, are you a part of the Anderson family?”
“Yes, we’re both his kids,” I answered quickly, the doctor gave Connor’s LED a quick glance, but decided not to say anything.
“He got here just in time. The surgery took longer than expected, but there were no major complications. He’s in recovery now.”
“Can we see him?” I asked.
“He’s resting right now. He’ll be in recovery for a couple of hours and then he’ll be moved to an inpatient room. I can have one of the nurses come to get you when he’s been moved.”
“Thank you, doctor,” Connor said. He gave us a tightlipped smile and walked away. We both sat back down. I felt exhausted but relieved. “Maybe you should go home and get some rest.” I shook my head and pulled out my phone.
“No, I’m not leaving.” I went to my email and sent my students an email.
Hi everyone,
Due to a family emergency, we will not be meeting in person on Tuesday. Instead, I am going to post a movie, and then on Thursday, we will discuss how the themes of the movie apply to what we are learning. Don’t worry, the film’s target audience was kids so we should have no problem discussing it. If you’d like to get ahead the film is “The Iron Giant.”
I will see you all on Thursday,
Dr. (L/n)
I decided to send Gavin an update text while I was on my phone.
Dad’s in recovery, the surgery went well. We’ll be able to see him in a couple of hours.
thats good. how r u feeling
Tired and worried. I canceled my class on Tuesday.
im going to talk to fowler, see if i can get time off
You don’t have to.
i know
on a case, ill stop by on my lunch break text me the rm #
Okay, stay safe
I took a deep breath and looked at Connor, his LED was still red.
“Have you told Fowler?” Connor remained to look forward.
“Yes, I alerted him last night. He put us both on leave so I can stay with Hank while he recovers. Nines has also offered to help cover our cases.” I nodded.
“I'll be there for him too, you don’t have to do this alone. My class is only two days a week and I can do my research from home.”
“I appreciate that, (Y/n).” Connor gently reached over and held my hand, I gave him a small smile and squeezed his hand, hoping to show him that he’s truly not alone in this.
We both sat in silence waiting for the nurse to come get us. After what felt like 10 hours she finally came over and led us to his room.
It was weird seeing dad in a hospital bed. It reminded me of my mom. When she was sick I got so desensitized to hospitals. We were in and out so often that it almost became a second home, a lot of the nurses even knew my name and kept up with my life. However, being here now makes it feel like the first time all over again. I hadn’t realized I had still been holding Connor’s hand until he gave me a light squeeze. Dad looked to be waking up.
“Hey Dad,” I said softly, letting go of Connor’s hand to sit in one of the chairs near him. I reached for his hand and gave it a squeeze.
“Hey kids,” Dad said hoarsely. “Sorry for scaring you two.” I shook my head back and forth quickly, afraid if I tried talking I would start crying again. I looked up at Connor who took the seat across from me.
“We’re just glad you’re okay, Hank,” Connor said softly.
“Connor, I think we’re pass you calling me Hank.”
“We’re just glad you’re okay...dad.” The three of us smiled and my dad gave a light chuckle.
I’ve been staying at the house for about two weeks now. I had only seen Gavin briefly on Tuesdays and Thursdays when he would stop by my office on his lunch break to check in on me. I can tell that everyone around me was walking on eggshells, but I couldn’t bring myself to care. I felt as if I was coasting and I couldn’t seem to break out. Gavin was being extremely understanding of this whole situation. He’d even sent flowers to my office and some flowers to my dad. He also sent a bottle of whiskey that Connor immediately confiscated.
Connor ended up giving up his “room” so I could sleep there while I was helping him with dad. I tried to talk him out of it, but all he really used it for was to store clothes since he didn’t need sleep. He didn’t mind going into stasis on the couch. Connor seemed grateful that I stayed around to relieve some of the burden, besides it was nice being able to spend time with just Connor. I also think dad appreciated me being here to stop Connor from going crazy about his health and what he was eating. I did agree to an extent, but blanched chicken breast with no seasoning, not even a little bit of salt, is crazy.  
Connor and I were sitting on the couch watching some forensics show, that Connor enjoyed picking apart, while dad was resting in the other room. He seemed to be doing a lot better, but I couldn’t bring myself to go back to my apartment except to get clean clothes.
do u wanna come over tonight? connor can handle taking care of ur dad for one night
I don’t know, I have a phone interview tomorrow for my research.
tomorrows saturday
I know, but I’m interviewing Chris and that’s his day off.
u can do a phone interview from my house tho
i know u dont want to leave him yet but its one night and u need a break
ask connor he agrees with me
I bit my lip and looked up at Connor. His brows were furrowed as he rolled his eyes at something the “detective” said on tv. I kicked him softly with my foot to get his attention.
“Do you want me to leave?” I asked tentatively. Connor gave me a gentle look and a small smile. He turned towards me and folded his hands in his lap.
“I think a break is healthy, (Y/n). You only leave the house to go to your class and office hours. I can handle things here. Plus I’m sure you miss Gavin and he misses you.” He said softly. I groaned.
“I don’t like you and Gavin planning things behind my back.” He smiled.
“It’s for your own good. Just go out for one night and come back tomorrow, even if you two decide to just hang out at Gavin’s home. You need to take a break.”
“Just one night,” I whispered looking at my phone.
Pick me up in 30 minutes?
got it pipsqueak. nines is coming over too, something about not wanting to stay at the precinct all night again. is that ok?
Of course!
Some part of me did agree with Connor and Gavin. I was antsy in the house, but I was still worried about not being there when I’m needed. What if something else happened to dad while I was gone? What if Connor needed help and I wasn’t able to get back in time?
“You’re biting your thumb, (Y/n).” Connor’s voice broke through my thoughts and I moved my hand away from my mouth. Connor had begun calling me out whenever I was becoming overly anxious, which was both sweet and annoying.
“Sorry, nerves.” I gave him a wobbly smile.
“He will be fine. I know you’re worried, but I promise I will contact you the moment I fear something may be wrong. He’s been doing really well, it won’t be long until he’s cleared to return to work for desk duty.” Connor put his hand on my shoulder and I nodded.
“I know you’re right. It’s just hard sometimes to turn off that part of my brain.” I gave a nervous chuckle and he nodded his head.
“You should pack a bag, I’m assuming Gavin will be here soon?” I laughed.
“Wow, you sure are in a rush to get rid of me!” Connor rolled his eyes and shook his head. I stood up and stretched.
“Self-care is important, (Y/n).” I waved him off as I headed towards Connor’s room. Grabbing my backpack I filled it with some clothes, a laptop, and my phone charger. I sat down on the bed and fiddled with my bag. The room was just as bare as last time. Once dad was better I wanted to take Connor shopping so he could make the room more his. It would be interesting to see what he would pick out.
Snapping out of my thoughts I put on my backpack and walked back to where Connor was watching tv. I knelt down and started petting Sumo. He was lazing on top of Connor’s feet. I looked up at Connor, he was still entranced by the tv.
“Hey, Con?” I heard him hum. “Once things calm down do you want to go shopping for some decorations for your room? To make it more...you.” He glanced down at me with a small smile.
“I think that could be fun.” I smiled back at him. Things between us felt so natural as a brother and sister duo. Sometimes it felt like we grew up together, I guess for Connor’s case that wasn’t too far apart since he’s only been around for about a year.
“What kind of things do you like? Like what would you want in your room?” His brows furrowed for a moment, but it quickly turned into a smile.
“I would like a lava lamp.” I laughed abruptly, causing Sumo to jump a bit.
“A lava lamp? Connor why?” I said in between laughs, where had he even seen a lava lamp? His face flushed a light blue.
“They look cool. One of the characters in this show has one.” He responded sheepishly. I shook my head and let out another laugh.
“You are the biggest dork I’ve ever met.”
“You’re the one showing her students old movies because she thinks they’re underappreciated.” He teased back.
“Wow, look at you! You’re learning how not to be so uptight all the time.” He frowned.
“I’m better than Nines!” Connor crossed his arms across his chest and huffed in defiance.
“Well, you have had more time as a deviant than him. I’m sure he’ll pass you at some point.” Before Connor could respond my phone went off. “Ah, Gavin’s here. Are you sure you’ll be okay for the night? It’s not too late for me to cancel.” Connor’s expressions soften.
“Everything will be fine. I promise” I nodded and got up.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, text me updates?” I nervously fidgeted with the front door handle.
“Of course, (Y/n).” He gave me a reassuring smile. I took a deep breath and walked to Gavin’s car. Nines was already moving to the backseat, I briefly wondered if he had decided to do that on his own or if Gavin had asked him. Gavin smiled and waved at me. It really had been a while since we’ve relaxed together. I smiled back and got into the car.
“Hey, pipsqueak.” Gavin greeted me, leaning over to give me a kiss on the check.
“Hi Gavin, hi Nines.”
“Hello (Y/n). Thank you for letting me spend some time with you two. I appreciate the break from the precinct.” I nodded, as Gavin started driving.
“Do you always stay at the precinct?” I asked, turning around to look at him. He was sitting up straight with his hands in his lap. As always he looked overly formal.
“Yes, there has been an android apartment complex go up and I have been thinking about getting an apartment there, but as of right now I am perfectly content at the precinct.”
“Except tonight.” I teased, for a brief second his LED flashed yellow and then back to a calm blue.
“If I’m honest I also wanted to check up on you and make sure you’ve been taking care of yourself.” I groaned and closed my eyes.
“Great now I have two overbearing androids worrying about me.” Gavin let out a small chuckle.
“Would you really want it any other way?” Gavin asked. I could hear the smirk in his voice.
“No, I wouldn’t,” I responded softly.
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mysmedrabbles · 5 years
Bi! Yoosung and Male Mc Going Out In Halloween Costumes
requested: by @thedujifuji
a/n: i am....so sorry, im like half laughing half crying this is so incredibly late. enjoy?? this is -gasp- the final in the installment of Bisexual Yoosung Headcannons I have for the moment (unless y’all want to revive him) but its quite poetic to finish one year of this blog on the same type of request as the very first one i ever got, both Bi!Yoosung, both from that lad up there ^ (Yeah! This blog is officially one year old!) anyways, enjoy!~
warnings: electric spookaloo
-extremely sorrowful mod alex
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-as much as you teased Yoosung for being childish, he always denied it, getting increasingly flustered as you called him sickeningly sweet pentnames.
-but halloween- any holiday in fact- he reveled in his immature side, not afraid to act dumb and make fun of anyone who took the holiday seriously
-stocking up on candy to leave on a bowl for any trick or treaters, you get an ominous text from Yoosung from the other side of the store
Yoosung: LOLOL. thoughts?
                          Y/N: good game yeah
Yoosung: okee thank you^^ <3
                          Y/N: ? why;;
-Without giving it too much thought you just shook your head and put the 12.99 mixed value pack of chocolate in your cart
-Little did you know that this boy had just bought the world most elaborate LOLOL couples costume. 
-Giggling like a schoolyard girl on her way to steal ur mans you see him at the checkout counter, then running out of the store and to the car, shoving two ominously large Target bags in the trunk 
-he turns around staring directly at you with the dorkiest grin you've ever seen
-he refuses to tell you what he bought until you guys get home
- “No. No absolutely not,” you step back away from the ornate armor and sword and to the safety of the plain dinosaur onesie you had planned to wear tonight.
- “C’mon pleaaassseee,” Yoosung begs, giving you his famous puppy eyes.
-He’s hard to resist but the imagined heaviness from the costume is enough to look past your boyfriends pleading face, “This looks like something you’d wear to Comic-con not Halloween night!” you argue back halfheartedly.
-Theres no point, as much as you resist you know he’s going to win, he always wins. 
-That night the two of you ready, putting on your LOLOL costumes. 
-As you dump all the candy into a cheap 99 cent bowl to leave out for the kids, you hear Yoosung shuffling out of the bedroom door, armor clanking loudly against the wooden floor
-you almost drop the candy at the sight waiting for you from the bedroom door
-a disgruntled Yoosung, looking tiny against the large form of the armor on him
-he looked close to tears, “I can’t believe it doesn't fiiIIITTT!!!” he whined, looking like the world had failed him. He looked up at you, your face so red from trying to hold in laughter, the obvious lack of sympathy for his predicament evident on your face
-he turns around in a huff, going back into the bedroom, you have half a mind to ditch the outfit altogether and give up on the evening, spend the night at home watching snuff films and gorging yourselves on candy, but the figure of your boyfriend slouched over on the bed sadly taking off his gear makes you think twice.
-you take the hanger from behind the door, and toss the dinosaur hoodie towards your pouty boyfriend
- “What is this?” he asks confused, voice cracking with the threat of tears
- “Your costume. C’mon we’re gonna be late if you dont get dressed”
-making a lot of “im your knight in shining armor jokes,” flustering yoosung even more
-he owns the dinosaur outfit, cheering up quickly, returning back to prancing around you and making you laugh
-swing your joined hands together wildly as you walk down the dark roads
-him trying to scare you by saying “BOO” at odd times, and gets sad when you dont flinch or anything, prompting you to shut up his whining with a kiss, which,,, lets be honest shuts him up right away
-you try to convince him to go into a haunted house with you and only goes in when you tease him about being cute, him trying to prove to you that hes “tough”
-terrified the whole time
-clinging onto your arm the majority of the time and comes near tears when a particular clown jumps out at you with a chainsaw
-having to calm him down with sweets and plenty of kisses afterwards
-after walking around town and passing out some candy, as well as visiting a few shops and the park where you had your first kiss, you decide to head back home
-spend the rest of the night on the couch wrapped up in blankets and eating any Halloween themed food you and yoosung had made earlier.
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so a friend of mine had someone follow her home in her car and it brings up an important point, what should you actually do in this situation, which is especially important to know now that fascists are getting so bold and violent. so, if you think you’re being followed and your in your car these are some tips ive found:
stay calm and slow down, from everything im reading its harder to inconspicuously tail a slow target and this gives you more time to observe their behaviour and think of where to go  while it'll make them more nervous about being noticed
 make four right hand turns to go in a complete loop if possible or on the freeway you can also exit and re-enter the freeway multiple times as a way of checking  to confirm youre being followed because two people making the same mistakes multiple times in a row is extremely unlikely,
DO NOT LEAD THEM TO YOUR HOUSE, if its safe for you to do so, find the nearest police station and go there, if it isn't, find a public place and draw attention to yourself, honk, yell out the window whatever you have to do to make them feel like all the attention is going to get them noticed
Call someone and have them meet with you in a public place away from your house,  make sure you're somewhere with lots of people around where you can make a scene, if you cant find a populated place, dont go walking out across an unpopulated area to meet them,  have ur friend park next to you to avoid walking across the parking lot alone and get in the car with them and leave the doors locked and windows rolled up
most places online are saying to call the cops and that is an option for some people, but for a lot of people it’s not  so i was trying to point out what to do that wasn’t just “ call 911″ but im going off what im finding online so im sure someone out there has more knowledge to add to this so please do because its important information to have
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Hey! Can I request some Connor x reader and their love of cryptids and conspiracies?
• you and connor bond over this shit
• it was kind of the first thing you were able to really talk about with him
• you’d gotten paired together junior year for a project
• and he’d been coming over to your place to work on it for like a week and it was always kinda awkward and tense
• and then one day at school you’re like “are you still coming over after school?” and he gets all uncomfortable
• and basically tells you that his parents think he’s out doing illegal things and hanging with bad people instead of actually doing work
• so he asks if you’d be okay going over to his place to prove to his parents that he really is doing a project
• so ofc you go and cynthia is over the mcfrickin moon that connor has “made a friend”
• (u don’t tell her you’re just partners on a project and will probably never speak again after it’s done)
• so anyway your in connors room, cutting out things you’ve printed and looking around the room
• your eyes land on his desk, which is covered in books and magazines about conspiracy theories, aliens, cryptids, the like
• and you get SO EXCITED
• you stand up so fast it startles connor and you point to the stacks of books and ur like “U LIKE THIS STUFF???”
• bc that shit is YOUR shit
• and connor is kinda freaked out and he’s like “uh,,,, yeah? like, a lot actually”
• poor kid thought you were about to make fun of him for it
• but instead you start talking about your favorite theories, which ones are shit, which ones are definitely true, which cryptids have the most evidence and lore backing them, what your favorite creatures are, etc
• you pinpoint that as the exact moment you became friends
• so anyway
• it’s been over a year since then and you are now best friends
• it’s the week before graduation and you’d said earlier how jealous you were of everyone talking about their senior trips and you didn’t have any plans
• so one day at lunch connor walks over to the table and drops something right in front of you
• you grab it and look up and him, like, super confused. it’s one of those old road maps of the us you can buy in truck stops
• “a map?”
• “open it up”
• so you do
• and you are a m a z e d at what you see
• connor has made notes and annotations and hand-labeled the exact areas of all of the north american cryptids he could find
• “connor… what is this?”
• and he’s got this wide, crooked smile when he tells you “it’s our senior trip”
• so graduation night comes and once it’s all over you go home for the night and finish packing
• early the next morning (like, 4 am) connor comes to pick you up
• he helps you load your bags into the back of his car (which, btw?, is a 90s subaru forester) and off you go on your great cryptid hunting adventure!!
• at every stop you take photos and do touristy shit and stay out overnight in state parks trying to spot the cryptids
• in point pleasant you take pictures with the mothman statue and visit the museum
• you buy matching mothman t-shirt’s and hats and he buys an “i brake for mothman” bumper sticker for his car
• in Cherry Log it’s the same, except with bigfoot memorabilia and a sticker that says “bigfoot is my copilot”
• in Nevada you get alien hats and shirts and a “my other car is a UFO” sticker
• ((you also stay at the clown motel because y i k e s and also why not))
• you stop at every cryptid-related landmark, museum, and gift shop and by the time you get back home you have a vast collection of tacky novelty t shirts and hats, and connors car is COVERED in weird stickers
BONUS:• when it’s late at night and connors had a fight or one of you is feeling Bad, you’ll go for a midnight drive to this clearing in the woods and lay on a blanket staring up at the sky, looking for ufos.
• one night in particular you’re there and connor goes “we’re like, the perfect target out here. we could be the next barney and betty hill”
• and you kinda smile and say “no, because barney and betty were a couple. and also their abduction was terrible. i don’t want that to happen.”
• and connor goes “what about just the first part, then?” and you’re like “wait what”
• connor sits up and you can see he’s kinda blushing and he says “you said you didn’t want their abduction. but the first part, when you said they were a couple…”
• you can see in the moonlight how bright red his face is. it takes you a second.
• then you sit up too and you’re trying SO HARD not to laugh. you look at him and say “connor murphy, are you trying to ask me out? in the nerdiest humanly possible way?”
• and yes. yes he was.
• ofc you accepted bc he’s your cryptid hunting partner and probably no one else would understand the weird shit you do together
• so you say yes and kiss him on the cheek and lay back down beside him
• and you will both swear on your life that that night you saw /something/ in the sky and it definitely wasn’t an airplane
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jikooksama · 7 years
u answered my request for ur fave smut/fluff fics some time back and i really enjoyed them :,) i officially trust ur recommendations and i was wondering if u could rec some of ur fave jikook chaptered fics? preferably happy endings because im a crybaby lmao 💞 thank uuuu
Anonymous said:Hi 👋 I love your blog so much i litteraly check it everyday ! So i was wondering, since you know so many jikook fics, if you could recommend some really good ones, like your favorite ones ? Thank youu 😊Hello! Ahh it’s nice to hear from you again :) I’m so glad you liked them (I always get nervous when people ask for my faves like, are you sure? haha) But of course, I hope these are to both of your likings! And if these aren’t enough, I have recs for a similar ask coming up really soon (think of it as a small way to celebrate the comeback…and my birthday ♡ lolol)**CHAPTERED**Title: A Touch of SinAuthor: petteyRating: ExplicitLength: >100k wordsGenre: Pining, Drama, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, SmutSummary: After his transfer to a quiet seaside town, Jeongguk was prepared to face a year of uneventful CID work, but found himself dealing with a series of strange murders instead.Title: After HoursAuthor: pinkmonnieRating: MatureLength: 50–100k wordsGenre: Slice of Life, Romance, Angst, Fluff, HumorSummary: Jimin has been working at the same place for three years, watching as the world around him moves along in a busy hype. Although he enjoys certain aspects of his job, particularly since Min Yoongi became his manager, over time he gradually felt the usual rhythm begin to weigh him down. Taehyung, his closest friend, comes to Gwanghwamun Starbucks for two reasons - free drinks or food if he’s feeling peckish, and to stare at Yoongi with a lump in his throat. One night, Taehyung brings along a new friend.Title: Dream MakerAuthor: graesun & Polkari SeutaRating: MatureLength: 50–100k wordsGenre: Fluff, Smut, AngstSummary: Oh, dream maker, you heartbreaker / wherever you’re going, I’m going your way. Several days in the lives of Jimin and Jungkook living off instant ramen and lots of kisses.Title: HeartwreckerAuthor: yuuamiRating: MatureLength: 25–50k words*Genre: Romance, Humor, Fluff, AngstSummary: “What if you accidentally fall in love?” Love had always been a literal game to Jeon Jungkook. His targets would be the playing pieces, and their emotions the mere obstacles he had to seduce, manipulate and alter through his acts. Win their hearts? Win the game. Yet when Taehyung asks Jungkook to deal with the relationship of his childhood best friend Park Jimin, Jungkook quickly discovers that “love” isn’t at all as simple as he thought would be…Note: Not completed but I just had to include it :)Title: I’ll Show You How a Real Pro BendsAuthor: melanicRating: MatureLength: 25–50k wordsGenre: Fluff, Humor, SmutSummary: Jung Hoseok, star airbender of the Bulletproof Boys and crowd favourite for this year’s probending championships is injured before a qualifying match. Not to worry though - Jimin and Taehyung are on hand, called in as last minute replacements. Shenanigans ensue.Title: Muscle MemoryAuthor: PinkBTSRating: MatureLength: 50–100k wordsGenre: Slow Burn, Drama, RomanceSummary: Or, the heart never forgets. (AU where Jeongguk’s life starts just when Jimin’s seems to stop)Title: Once Upon a TimeshareAuthor: namakemonoRating: MatureLength: 25–50k wordsGenre: Romance, Humor, SmutSummary: Jungkook is in desperate need of a vacation, but spending two weeks in Namjoon and Hoseok’s timeshare in Okinawa with his recently separated ex of three years was probably (definitely) not what he had in mind.Title: Open Your Heart, I’m Coming HomeAuthor: DeadpanSnarkerRating: MatureLength: 50–100k wordsGenre: Slow Burn, Smut, Slight AngstSummary: ‘Falling for you was my last violent act unforgiven by the gods.’Title: You Broke My Heart (But I Broke it Myself)Author: Rose_gold715Rating: MatureLength: 10–15k wordsGenre: Romance, AngstSummary: Jimin’s fiancé has abandoned him on his wedding day, and Jeon Jungkook, Jimin’s first love and worst heartbreak, is back.**BONUS: ONESHOTS**Title: HimAuthor: PinkBTSRating: MatureLength: 25–50k wordsGenre: Romance, Fluff, AngstSummary: or “I mean a muse,” explained Yoongi, eyes traveling to Hoseok. “Someone that makes you feel the shots. Not only take them.” Jeongguk snorted. “You’re just whipped.” “Maybe,” agreed Yoongi, winking. “But it works.”Title: Start of TimeAuthor: FleureteRating: MatureLength: 25–50k wordsGenre: Drama, Romance, SmutSummary: Perfect student Jeon Jungkook isn’t fond of new kid Park Jimin. He doesn’t care if its irrational, he just can’t stand him or his pretty face. But as Jimin starts to worm his way into his life, everything Jungkook thought he knew about Jimin falls apart around him, and soon he is forced to discern for himself the truth of the mystery surrounding Park Jimin.Title: SwimAuthor: jiminlogyRating: MatureLength: 10–15k wordsGenre: Romance, Fluff, SmutSummary: everything about the summer is temporary but jimin doesn’t want jeongguk to be that. 
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drummingz · 7 years
Tumblr media
(( ask meme under cut !!! ))
200: My crush’s name is: dda;;a nNNy;y199: I was born in: the usa198: I am really: gay197: My cellphone company is: one that i hate196: My eye color is: hazel195: My shoe size is: 5 ½ apparently194: My ring size is: wat193: My height is: 5′1″192: I am allergic to: nothing191: My 1st car was: :)190: My 1st job was: :)189: Last book you read: waarrrrioorr  ca,,attss188: My bed is: decent . my mom got it w/out considering wat i thought was comfy so187: My pet: 4 dogs & 40 guinea pigs186: My best friend: ghsgg i cant decide i hav a lot of best friends 185: My favorite shampoo is: i184: Xbox or ps3: ps3183: Piggy banks are: functional but i only use them for cosmetics182: In my pockets: i dont have pockets atm181: On my calendar: i never mark my calender bc i always forget180: Marriage is: a possibility for the future179: Spongebob can: absorb water178: My mom: is an abusive sack of shit177: The last three songs I bought were? :3c176: Last YouTube video watched: grian build battle175: How many cousins do you have? i prob have more but ive only ever met like 2174: Do you have any siblings? yeah but theyre all half siblings & i never grew up with them173: Are your parents divorced? nah172: Are you taller than your mom? not by a long shot171: Do you play an instrument? i learned recorders in school … and i have a guitar …i dont rly play it tho170: What did you do yesterday? streamed w icey!!!! @god-kit & thn drew a bunch !!![ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: lol hell no168: Luck: kinda167: Fate: kinda166: Yourself: r u joking165: Aliens: yeah164: Heaven: eh163: Hell: eh162: God: kinda161: Horoscopes: kinda . i dont really believe it but its fun to find similarities in urself and ur zodiacs .160: Soul mates: kinda159: Ghosts: yeah158: Gay Marriage: um lmao yeah??? anyone who thinks otherwise pls unfollow me157: War: like ice said i dont believe it should happen but i know it still exists156: Orbs: oworbs?155: Magic: yeah my brothers a witch[ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: both153: Drunk or High: high152: Phone or Online: online151: Red heads or Black haired: i dont have a preference150: Blondes or Brunettes: still dont have a preference149: Hot or cold: cold bc at least u can warm up . its much harder to cool down when ur hot148: Summer or winter: winter147: Autumn or Spring: autumn146: Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate145: Night or Day: both have their ups & downs144: Oranges or Apples: apples i hate oranges143: Curly or Straight hair: i dont have a preference142: McDonalds or Burger King: mcdonalds141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: both140: Mac or PC: PC139: Flip flops or high heals: flips138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: sweet & poor137: Coke or Pepsi: pepsi136: Hillary or Obama: i dont really get super involved in politics so i dont really have a preference135: Burried or cremated: cremated134: Singing or Dancing: singing even tho im bad @ that too133: Coach or Chanel: wh132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: r these celebrities131: Small town or Big city: big city130: Wal-Mart or Target: target bc wal-mart is smely & got rid of littlest pet shops >:(129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: no one bc idk who ben stiller is128: Manicure or Pedicure: i never learned the difference so idk127: East Coast or West Coast: west coast bc west is a better word than east126: Your Birthday or Christmas: christmas125: Chocolate or Flowers: chocolate124: Disney or Six Flags: six flags123: Yankees or Red Sox: plz[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: i dont really have a fleshed out opinion on war i think its bad tho121: George Bush: dont wanna get into politics but i dont like him120: Gay Marriage: im 120% for it but it shouldnt Have to be a law to be a thing lmfao119: The presidential election: needs major improvement118: Abortion: its good for ppl who need or want the option!! pro choice !!!117: MySpace: YourSpace?116: Reality TV: i have a soft spot for reality shows115: Parents: ive never met good parents , only heard of them . good parents r cryptids114: Back stabbers: i hope they choke113: Ebay: its where i got my chowder keychain so its ok i guess112: Facebook: its boring111: Work: dont have an opinion yet110: My Neighbors: i dont trust them109: Gas Prices: i dont have a car so i dont really care108: Designer Clothes: i dont . care . theyre super overpriced tho & cater to skinny people107: College: wish it wasnt so expensive106: Sports: dont care105: My family: hate them104: The future: im not gonna have a future bc of my mom[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: 102: Last time you ate: yesterday101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: 100: Cried in front of someone: 99: Went to a movie theater: december 201698: Took a vacation: uhhh that was literal years ago & we just took a short trip to colorado springs for like a week97: Swam in a pool: i dont remember96: Changed a diaper: never95: Got my nails done: depends94: Went to a wedding: never93: Broke a bone: neVER AND I HOPE IT STAYS THAT WAY92: Got a peircing: april 201691: Broke the law:90: Texted: it depends[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: danny88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my piggies & dogs87: The last movie I saw: a horror movie i dont remember the name of86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: nothing lol my lifes going nowhere85: The thing im not looking forward to: having to suffer through life84: People call me: grizz83: The most difficult thing to do is: be alive82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: no81: My zodiac sign is: scorpio (or virgo , depending on which version you use)80: The first person i talked to today was: icey @god-kit​79: First time you had a crush: first grade78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: icey @god-kit​, danny77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: idk76: Right now I am talking to: no one75: What are you going to do when you grow up: idk74: I have/will get a job: idk73: Tomorrow: idk72: Today: draw71: Next Summer: idk70: Next Weekend: idk69: I have these pets: 4 dogs & 40 guinea pigs68: The worst sound in the world: idk67: The person that makes me cry the most is: my mom i hate her66: People that make you happy: all of my friends65: Last time I cried: two nights ago64: My friends are: the best 63: My computer is: cool ig62: My School: LOL61: My Car: i dont have one60: I lose all respect for people who: are shitty59: The movie I cried at was: inside out58: Your hair color is: brown but its so dark it looks black57: TV shows you watch: we bare bears , chowder56: Favorite web site: sparklecare hospital55: Your dream vacation: idk54: The worst pain I was ever in was: being alive53: How do you like your steak cooked: idk52: My room is: messy51: My favorite celebrity is: no one50: Where would you like to be: in a grave49: Do you want children: maybe idk48: Ever been in love: yeah . and most of them were terrible47: Who’s your best friend: wasnt this question already asked46: More guy friends or girl friends: idk45: One thing that makes you feel great is: my friends being happy 44: One person that you wish you could see right now: danny , icey , panda43: Do you have a 5 year plan: no42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: no41: Have you pre-named your children: no40: Last person I got mad at: idk39: I would like to move to: idk38: I wish I was a professional: artist[ My Favorites ]37: Candy: chocolate36: Vehicle: idk35: President: idk34: State visited: colorado33: Cellphone provider: sprint32: Athlete: idk31: Actor: idk30: Actress: idk29: Singer: owl city28: Band: imagine dragons27: Clothing store: idk26: Grocery store: idk25: TV show: chowder , we bare bears24: Movie: inside out23: Website: sparklecare hospital22: Animal: guinea pigs , bears , dogs21: Theme park: worlds of fun20: Holiday: christmas , halloween19: Sport to watch: idk18: Sport to play: wii tennis17: Magazine: woman’s world but only for the sudoku16: Book: i only ever got into magic tree house , warrior cats , and percy jackson so idk15: Day of the week: thursday14: Beach: idk13: Concert attended: never12: Thing to cook: i cant cook11: Food: spaghetti10: Restaurant: golden corral9: Radio station: idk8: Yankee candle scent: idk7: Perfume: idk6: Flower: idk5: Color: green4: Talk show host: idk3: Comedian: idk2: Dog breed: chow chows1: Did you answer all these truthfully? yeah
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thelifeofhjsc-blog · 7 years
woke up and got ready to go to brunch with my sister and ashley. (our cousin). i really like my dorm room this year. its a lot bigger than the rooms me and jeong had (both years). 
for brunch, we went to the hart and the hunter, this really hipspter restaraunt/cafe kinda place. they serve like fancy wines and definitely a insta worthy place. we caught up on how we’ve all been doing and we had some really nice conversations. one interesting convo we had was about relationships because she and liz both have boyfriends. she was asking why i dont want a boyfriend right now and i was kinda saying how commitment is kindof hard for me at the moment. not like “wanting to be with other boys” kinda thing but as in like feeling like i have to hang out with them most of my free time or like i have to tell them where i am or like what im up to, compared to if i didnt have a thing with anyone, i could just easily be like “i dont have to tell u or anyoneee anything” lalalala HAHA jk but ya know.. 
she was saying how one thing that is so so so so important in a relationship is respect. she said that when you get out of the honeymoon stage and “the super liking eachother” period, its not even communication that will make the relationship last forever. at the end of the day, its respect. and i asked her, “what do you mean by respect? like what are some examples?” and she was saying how its important to find someone who respects your privacy, or respects your time, respects that you need some time with your girl friends,  etc.”  and i was like wow that is so true....... and it made me think.
we then took some pics together outside, and then me and liz went to a cafe to wait for our dad so we can watch a movie together. (my dad had to stay an extra day btw) but anyways, i had the best macaron there. BOMB. i love those so much. and it tasted so so good w my iced americano heheh
we found out that our movie that we wanted to watch was full so we went and ran random errands while waiting for the next one. i went to target to get like some more dorm stuff and daiso to get some random cute stationary stuff. 
we then watched the movie and omg....... that was the best movie ever. i really like that theater ~(CGV CINEMAS) (its a korean theater).  the screen is really big and everyone is like korean and its so cute cause everyone just feels like a family there LOL the movie was really funny and so sad too... but i loved how everyone would laugh together and then they would like cry together in the rly sad parts hehe but anyways, that movie got like 99 on rotten tomatoes and everyone was saying it was a very well made movie. :’)
we then went to go eat sushi at like 9 pm and it was like a pretty lit sushi place LOL. i was like ;abba lets drink”!! and he was like “no” LOL but then he was like ok ill order a beer and then the employee was like “how many glasses?” and my dad was like “one” and i was like “Two!!” LOL.. and then the guy was like ohh can i see ur id? and i was like sure! *takes out id* and my dad was like “does that rly work?? :O” (right in front of the worker) and then while the employee was looking at it, my dad was like to him “dont let her drink if it doesnt work!:)” i was like omg but then the employee just like gave it back and was like “thank you!” so i was like yay and liz just rolled her eyes hahahha 😂 
we ate alot of sushi and then i was thinking about if i wanted to barhop with the ucla crew but i decided to just go back home and rest. but then........ my friend nathan asked if our biola crew wanted to get lit and so spontaneously, we went to the park and we just all smoked our vapes and the dab pen LOL but.. honestly.. we were in the car during one period of time, and he left the door closed, and seriously i never felt like i was going to die so much from all that freaking smoke in the car.. so when we came outside and looked at the car, it looked like it was smoky from a fire or something LOL and then i was like can we go back home.. im so freaking tired and they were like WOW SARAH PARTY POOPER Aand i was like... u right PEACE!! and went to sleep :D (it was fun with them but i was just so tired from being out from morning to night all dayyyy.... hahaha i love them tho
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get to know me tag! i was tagged by @pinkskiesandlovelytimes, aka the sweetest thing on the planet 1. Are you named after someone? Yes. I had a grandfather named Charles who passed away back in 1975.  2. When was the last time you cried? Last week. I was writing about my childhood kitty for an ask game and I had to take a break for a bit. 3. Do you like your handwriting? It can be okay when I’m not in a complete rush. 4. What is your favorite lunch meat? It’s not my favorite thing in the world, but lets go with salami. 5. Do you have kids? Nope. 6. If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself? I’d probably be friends with anybody as long as they weren’t mean lol.  7. Do you use sarcasm? Only with a couple people in my life. 8. Do you still have your tonsils? Yes.  9. Would you bungee jump? The falling sensation makes my stomach feel sad :( 10. What is your favorite kind of cereal? REESES PUFFS, REESES PUFF, PEANUT BUTTER CHOCOLATE FLAVOOOOOORR. 11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? I don’t untie them. Apparently that’s not good for the shape of your shoe or something. 12. Do you think your a strong person? I’m weak as hell in all senses of the word. 13. What is your favorite ice cream? I’m boring: chocolate chip cookie dough 14. What is the first thing you notice about people? If they have a positive influence on their surroundings. 15. What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? I’m a little over my target weight right now. I also have really hairy arms :/ 16. What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? No pants, no shoes, wups. 17. What are you listening to right now? Nothing at the moment but I was listening to Relapsing by Beartooth on the way home from work. 18. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Is blue-gray a crayon color? 19. Favorite smell? Any flavor candle, or thunderstorm smell (you know what I mean), or pine trees. I once went to a theme park that’s outlined by a forest, and I smelled the most amazing combination of fresh hot dogs and pine trees. It’s one of my happiest memories for some reason. 20. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? My mom called me last night to let me know she was in my parking lot. 21. Favorite sport? I don’t really like watching or playing them. 22. Hair color? Medium brown. 23. Eye color? Hazel? I think. 24. Do you wear contacts? No, but I’m interested in getting prescription glasses because I was diagnosed with astigmatism as a kid.   25. Favorite food to eat? Tacos, Spaghetti, anything with garlic involved, pizza, Big Mac, barbecue pork sandwich, crab cake (i’m a mess) 26. Scary movies or comedy? I can only handle scary movies if they’re done well. So I guess comedy. 27. Last movie you watched? I made Hunter watch Suicide Squad. #Charter. 28. What color of shirt are you wearing? Light blue. With Lana’s face on it <3 29. Summer or winter? Probably winter. But summer has it’s perks too because it rains all the time. 30. Hugs or kisses? Depends on the person, lol, but I love both. 31. What book are you currently reading? My coworker just lent me a book literally today. I think it’s called Vanishing Acts. 32. Who do you miss right now? #Charter. 33. What is on your mouse pad? I'm on a laptop, but I would want a really pretty mouse pad. With animals and crap. 34. What is the last tv program you watched? Yu Yu Hakusho <3 35. What is the best sound? RAIN. AAAAAHHHH 36. Rolling Stones or The Beatles? Rolling Stones. I used to get really annoyed with The Beatles when I was younger because I didn’t get the commotion. 37. What is the furthest you’ve ever traveled? Just a couple states away. Hopefully it’ll be Texas and Norway in the near future....  38. Do you have a special talent? I used to dance competitively. I was good as hell, too, I miss being good at something. It gave me a sense of meaning.  39. Where were you born? Same dang city I’m in now, lol.
Are you reading this? Cool. Consider yourself tagged. Also, @angellfallendown @believe-youare-lovely @emptysky-screamin @meowgraine @ohmisbelieverr @spookyjimandtyler @joshsfrend @heyiamnotookay @notconsolation @joncantsleep @acadjonne @stalk-softly @alovelyblur @banhowell @tylernjennajoseph @stillstreetjoshua @joshuadududuuunnn @spookyjazzhands @serenedun @use-ur-glutes @sorry-notsorry-im-a-fangirl @i-hear-a-second-voice @lunaisbandtrash @doebt @turtle-street
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eluu-chan · 7 years
All of them :3
ive missed out the one’s I’ve answered already
200: My crush’s name is: Dia Kurosawa
199: I was born in: 2003
197: My cellphone company is: Virgin Media
196: My eye color is: kinda a blue/green colour
195: My shoe size is: 4
194: My ring size is: uh idk
193: My height is: 5″2
192: I am allergic to: Nuts
191: My 1st car was: N/A
190: My 1st job was: N/A
188: My bed is: beautiful
187: My pet: is adorable I love her
186: My best friend: I dont like choosing a single best friend tho, like I love all of you…
185: My favorite shampoo is:  Tea Tree Head and Shoulders (Mint)
184: Xbox or ps3: I have an Xbox but I really want a ps3/
183: Piggy banks are: cool, I have like 5
182: In my pockets: uh, sweet wrappers, a tissue, and my tablet pen
180: Marriage is: cool :0
179: Spongebob can: uh
178: My mom: is gr8
177: The last three songs I bought were? I don’t buy songs cuz I’m poor, but the last 3 songs I downloaded were: Jingo Jungle (Sago of Tanya the Evil OP), Snow Halation, and To Be Free by Tonight Alive
175: How many cousins do you have? 7
174: Do you have any siblings? Ye
173: Are your parents divorced? Nope, but they aren’t married either soo
172: Are you taller than your mom? Almost!
171: Do you play an instrument? Nope
[ I Believe In ]
168: Luck: yes good
167: Fate: uhm idk, pretty sure it wasn’t fate for me to fall in a river
164: Heaven: I’d like to think there’s a place where people can party when they die
163: Hell: Satanism is fun so sure
162: God: idk tbh
161: Horoscopes: Sure :)
158: Gay Marriage: LOVE IS LOVE
157: War: WAR IS BAD
156: Orbs: ???
155: Magic: Pls let magic be real
[ This or That ]
153: Drunk or High: i aM 14
152: Phone or Online: Online
151: Red heads or Black haired: BOTH IS BEAUTIFUL
150: Blondes or Brunettes: BOTH IS BEAUTIFUL
149: Hot or cold: Cold
148: Summer or winter: Winter
147: Autumn or Spring: Autumn
146: Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
145: Night or Day: Night
144: Oranges or Apples: Oranges!! (But i do prefer apple juice over orange juice)
142: McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds ofc
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Milk chocolate
140: Mac or PC: PC
139: Flip flops or high heels: Flip Flops
138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: ugly and rich because then i can support loads of good charities and feed my weeb addiction
137: Coke or Pepsi: Coke
136: Hillary or Obama: Obama
135: Burried or cremated: Buried
134: Singing or Dancing: bothe are awesome, but probably singing
133: Coach or Chanel: ???
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks:???
131: Small town or Big city: Small town
130: Wal-Mart or Target: uh, whats the English equivalent?? Asda??? Lidl???
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: uh idk tbh
128: Manicure or Pedicure: uh I’ve never had either so
127: East Coast or West Coast: again i am English so
126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas!! Birthday means i get older and gain more responsibility
124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney
123: Yankees or Red Sox: ??
[ Here’s What I Think About ]
122: War: BAD
121: George Bush: its temping to make a joke but i’ll resist
120: Gay Marriage: YES GOOD LOVE IS LOVE
119: The presidential election: orange man is bad
117: MySpace: every 90′s kids emo phase
116: Reality TV: hmm, can be good
115: Parents: some parents are shitty, others are good
114: Back stabbers: pls do not do that to me because i will cry
113: Ebay: i use it to get cheap anime merch yes good
112: Facebook: i would destroy facebook for a single crisp
110: My Neighbors: lol idek who they are
109: Gas Prices: from what I know, they’re pretty bad
108: Designer Clothes: if you can afford them, then yes good
107: College: Better than high school
106: Sports: n o p e
105: My family: eh, alright i guess
[ Last time I ]
103: Hugged someone: TWO WEEKS AGO SOMEONE HUG ME
101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: today!!
100: Cried in front of someone: 13th March
99: Went to a movie theater: oh boi, probably last year sometime
98: Took a vacation: this time last year
97: Swam in a pool: this time last year
96: Changed a diaper: not since my cousins were little
95: Got my nails done: I’ve never had them done
94: Went to a wedding: when i was 8
93: Broke a bone: I’ve never broken a bone
92: Got a peircing: I don’t have any aaa
91: Broke the law: I don’t think I’ve ever broken the law?
90: Texted: hmm a day ago
[ MISC ]
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my bedroom aaa
87: The last movie I saw: original Ghost in the Shell
85: The thing im not looking forward to: i’d rather not say what it is but It’s tomorrow
84: People call me: weeb. mother, elu, eli
83: The most difficult thing to do is: social interaction
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: nope
81: My zodiac sign is: Capricorn
80: The first person i talked to today was: my buddy Ilona
79: First time you had a crush: when i saw Rize from Tokyo Ghoul
78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: idk, i hide lots of things from everyone tbh
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: hmm not long ago
75: What are you going to do when you grow up: be cool
74: I have/will get a job: Yea i need money to live
73: Tomorrow: is gonna be bad
72: Today: was great :0
71: Next Summer: ew heatwaves please no
70: Next Weekend: i will sleep for most of it
68: The worst sound in the world: someone screaming in pain
67: The person that makes me cry the most is: uh, my OTP
66: People that make you happy: ALL MY MUTUALS AND FOLLOWERS
65: Last time I cried: heh, like a few days ago when i was discussing some particularly sad headcanons
63: My computer is: kinda good i suppose
62: My School: is shit
61: My Car: i dont have one (yet)
60: I lose all respect for people who: at extremely homophobic, racist, or sexist
59: The movie I cried at was: i cry at everything
58: Your hair color is: a weird light auburn colour
57: TV shows you watch: a bunch of anime, oo and i watch the download festival coverage each year, and if my mum is watching some drama or soap i’ll probably watch for angst ideas
56: Favorite web site: I’m on it right now
54: The worst pain I was ever in was: umm not sure…
53: How do you like your steak cooked: I don’t like steak aaa
52: My room is: my safe place
51: My favorite celebrity is: this is no secret to anyone who knows me irl, it’s the beautiful Ash Costello
50: Where would you like to be: in bed
49: Do you want children: maybe, adopting would be cool
48: Ever been in love: nope
47: Who’s your best friend: ALL MY MUTUALS
46: More guy friends or girl friends: more girl friends
44: One person that you wish you could see right now: hmm idk, i’m pretty antisocial tho so
43: Do you have a 5 year plan: ha no
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: nope
41: Have you pre-named your children: no
40: Last person I got mad at: my sister
39: I would like to move to: anywhere not in a large city
38: I wish I was a professional: Tattooist
[ My Favorites ]
36: Vehicle: i want a motorbike aa
35: President: Obama
34: State visited: I’ve never been to america
33: Cellphone provider: okay but who actually has an opinion on this??
32: Athlete: Simone Biles
31: Actor: Daniel Radcliffe
30: Actress: Helana Bonham Carter
29: Singer: ASH COSTELLO
28: Band: BABYMETAL, All Time Low, Avenged Sevenfold, My Chemical Romance
27: Clothing store: Primark
26: Grocery store: uh idk, Asda i guess
25: TV show: American Horror Story??
24: Movie: the Blair Witch Project
23: Website: I’m on it rn
22: Animal: Chinchillas and Red Pandas
21: Theme park: aa i’m too scared to go on rollercoasters tho so i dont have a fav
20: Holiday: That time we went away for a weeks with literally everyone in my family
19: Sport to watch: Football
18: Sport to play: i guess volleyball is okay
17: Magazine: Kerrang is gud
16: Book: Lord of the Rings
15: Day of the week: saturday
14: Beach: there are like 30 beaches around her how do you expect me to choose
12: Thing to cook: curry aaa
10: Restaurant: hmm maybe Frankie and Bennies
9: Radio station: Kerrang ofc
8: Yankee candle scent: COTTON
7: Perfume: pure poison
4: Talk show host: Ellen DeGeneres
3: Comedian: hmm not sure tbh
okay I’m actually physically dead now
4 notes · View notes
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"vw free insurance offer
vw free insurance offer
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Whats the cheapest car insurance company?
in your opinion?
""I only have a learners permit, can I get auto insurance with just a learner's permit?""
I only have a learners permit, can I get auto insurance with just a learner's permit?""
How much does it cost to become a named driver under someones car insurance? in the uk?
How much does it cost to become a named driver under someones car insurance? in the uk?
""Open container citation, will my insurance go up?""
i got cited for an open container while parked in my car, im 18, and im in california, and my insurance is all state, how much will it go up??and how much will i be fined for an open container?""
If the 12/31/08 account for prepaid insurance is 3100 and the annual insurance payment is 6000 and this?
payment is made in advance on april 30, 2009, what is the insurance expense and the amount of prepaid insurance on 12/31/09?""
Are Companies Required to Offer Health Insurance?
Are companies with a certain number of employees required to offer health insurance?
Buying insurance online?
If I buy a Progressive insurance plan online, would I be able to print out the proof of insurance online as soon as paid for it with my credit card?""
What's a good short storyline for a car insurance commercial targeted for parents of teens?
OKAY! so i need a good storyline for a school project im doing! Im making a commercial with my friends with video. My topic is CAR INSURANCE and it is targeted at parents. Specifically Parents who have teens on there hands that are just about to drive! PLEASE HELP! thanksss!
Buying Individual Health Insurance Florida?
I am having difficulty finding affordable health insurance here in Florida. Looking for a way to compare various plans.
Question on insurance for a new driver!! (california)?
im sixteen and i just got my license, one of my friends parents told me that i could drive thirty days without insurance, untill they get it fixed. I just wanted to know if thats true or not! i need a quick answer please!!!! ohh and i live in california""
Allstate Insurance? Pricing?
I have a question, If there's 2 people registered under one car, does Allstate bump up the insurance price? Thanks""
Looking for really cheap car insurance in ohio?
i am looking for really cheap car insurance in ohio for people with bad credit
Why has car insurance gone up so much?
Im 18 learning to drive and getting my first car soon but I'm wondering why car insurance has gone up so much?
Where can I get a fair priced car insurance for a first time driver at the age of 17 and Male?
I'm just about to do my second test, I failed the first with only 4 minors but I misjudged a speed limit and got failed for dangerous driving when doing 40 in a 30. I've been looking at a Ford Fiesta 1.4 Zetec 16V that I would really enjoy to have except I can't find insurance anywhere cheaper than 2700 and I think it's ridiculous because I'm not a maniacal driver and I don't see why I should have to pay that much until proven that I will cause that sum of damage. Is there any way I can get a cheaper premium? It's really putting me off driving because the price is just absolutely horrendous. PS UK ONLY PLEASE""
Are there any car insurance companies that you don't have to give your SS# and DOB to get a quote?
If I get a good quote then I will give all of my information to that company.
Car Insurance Toronto: Which car insurance company is cheap ? I am a first time car driver.?
I got a G2 lincence recently. I buy a car. Now i am looking for insurance. can any one recemande which car insurance is cheap. thanks for ur interest.
Do you pay for car insurance before you use it?
i want to switch car insurance but i just paid it for the month. do i get that back?
How much does it cost in America for Pay Per Mile Insurance?
I was curious about the Pay Per Mile Insurance and how is the pricing in America? Let's say I havent had any accidents and I want to get a car for me and I wanted to know how much per mile costs for insurance or if I were going to drive 1,000 miles a month how much will it cost and is there a contract?""
""If my annual premium is 6043.23, what is monthy car insurance cost?""
If my annual premium is 6043.23, what is monthy car insurance cost?""
Honda s2000 insurance cost ?
im sixteen and i live in florida. My parents are buying me a s2000 and i wanted to know about the insurance cost? Would it be cheaper to be added on my parents plan or have a single plan?
What company has the lowest auto insurance rates? I tried looking on wikipedia but I couldn't find it. I'm?
What company has the lowest auto insurance rates? I tried looking on wikipedia but I couldn't find it. I'm?
Uninspected car covered by insurance in MA?
I've been driving my car uninspected for a while now because I haven't had the money (or the time to fix it on my own) and I know it will fail inspection. Does anybody know if my car would be covered by insurance anyways. (I have USAA)
Car insurance increase due to speeding question?
I have geico car insurance and recently was convicted of 2 points for speeding. How much will the insurance be raised if Ive had probation one other time prior?
Insurance for me on a 1973 Dodge Charger?
i know ill probably never get one but im not too good on guesstimating insurance. im an 18yr old male with no accidents or tickets but i understand insurance on older cars is cheaper? can anyone give a rough estimate of what a monthly cost of insurance will be?
Does a salvage title cost more when it comes to getting insurance?
I want to buy a motorcycle. however, it has a salvage title. will the insurance be more? P.S. all i want is liability.""
vw free insurance offer
vw free insurance offer
How much will my car insurance go up after this accident!?
How much will my car insurance go up after this accident!? So, I did something stupid. Pulling into a parking spot, I accidently scrapped against another car. I got out of my car and looked at the damage on the other car. Obviously a lot of my paint was on it (On the drivers side, back door) but it looked like under the paint there were just a few very minor scratches and scuffs. NO Dents at all. Of course, I waited outside until she came out. She was very nice. We exchanged insurance information. How much do you think this will cost me? I live in NYS who I guess has a 'no fault' policy. I am 22 and the car is under my moms name, the insurance under my dads, if that means anything.""
19 Y/O searching for health insurance advice?
I am 19 years old, I will be starting college in late August/early Sept. as a full time student at comm. college. I am not employed and my mother supports me. unfortanatly, she ...show more""
Have you ever heard of a Car Insurance doing this?
Have you ever heard of this before: I know a person who has car insurance with Allstate and they claim the following reason for jacking up their prices every 6 months when you pay the bill for the next 6 months. The Reasons from them are: 1-Because since you have allstate and when anyone else that has allstate also in your area has an accident where them and someone else is involved this will make your payment go up. 2-All insurance companies do this also where if anyone not involved in an accident say at home and someone else with the same insurance company as you have, if they have an accident even if your at home when this happens your payments will go up. My Father has had direct for i don't know how long but a long time and every time someone has a wreck that has direct and he is not involved in it he still pays the same amount he did last time before the other direct insurance people have a wreck. Please also provide the name of your insurance company as I want to make a chart of how many people answered and what insurance company they currently have or had. Thank you I'd greatly appreciate the insurance info that's all I would like for the chart not your name.""
Someone is try to commit car insurance fraud on my mom?
well my mom got in at fault accident she was the only one who was injured the guy who she knocked into was ok no sign of no injury, the guy is suing my moms insurance company (Geico) for possibly more then 10,000 in bodily injury which my mom only has 10,000/ 20,000 in bodily injury, let me say this again the guy is not injured AT ALL!!! The police that wrote up the report at scene will be super great witnesses to the scene the guy was ok, while my poor old mother had get stretched into a ambulance lucky her pip coverage covered her medical bills. Do you guys think he will win his claim with the type witness we have? Also there was a camera that caught the whole scene on video ( so another vital evidence) Is there anyway we can sue this guys for car insurance fraud or can geico do on out behalf?""
Does having a nissan 350z as your first car and a new driver added gonna make the insurance go up?
their are 3 drivers in my family and the insurance is like 200 i think would the bill go way up if a new driver is driving a 350z?
Health insurance in NYC?
I am looking for an insurance that covers medical, dental and vision care. Is there such a thing? As a child I had child health plus, but now I think I make too much for their family health plus. I need dental and vision! Thank you!""
If i cahnge car insurance after 7 days of getting it due i have to pay the full amount??
Heres the deal i got a car and put safe auto on it. i then wrote the postdated check for 7 days from then. well today (5 days after getting my car) i found a lot cheaper insurance. CAn i canel the saufe auto and not have to pay the full amounnt??? or do iahve to essentially pay 2 full months of car insurance????
Born abroad car insurance premiums higher?
I have been gathering quotes for car insurance online on confused and was delighted to see the price down at 615 for once as I have been getting car insurance every year since the age 18 and it has always been over 1000. However, just having a quick check over my details to make sure everything I had entered was correct and then I noticed I had ticked the resident from birth box. I was born in Spain as my mother went over there to work and then had me. I was born in 87 and she took me back home in 88 or 89 roughly. (She is a full British citizen born and raised in UK). As I have no contact with my father and I don't even remember being in Spain or nor can I even speak the language well, I feel fully British and also am regarded as a British citizen. My mum also registered me at a british consulate in april 88, just 6 months after I was born. So I put on the form that I became a resident in 1988. I then calculate the prices again and the insurance quotes shoot up with 955 being the cheapest and the rest going up to 1000. I then think back to all the years I have been paying the insurance and building up my no claims and being the perfect driver with no claims despite having to pay the shocking premiums that young people have to pay and this makes me absolutely livid that my insurance goes up by 340 to 400 based on the fact that I was born in Spain and spent 1 year of my life there and the rest of the 23 years as British Citizen raised here. I am just wondering if I could get away with just going ahead and saying that I was a resident from Birth as I have a baby on the way and really wish that my premiums were a reasonable ammount for once or I should go through it and just demand that they bring the premiums down to the 615 like originally quoted! It just makes me really annoyed that they can get away with this kind of stuff and I really don't like the fact that I am having to pay higher premiums just for the sake of it. Any advice on this?""
Need a quick answer on car insurance?
My first question is, if your car is hit and the other insurance company admits fault - aren't they supposed to come meet YOU to assess damages? Secondly, is an insurance company allowed to deny you whats owed after already admitting fault and after already getting an estimate from a body shop? How do I prevent them from low balling me?""
I have got automatic driving license 2 days go and I`m looking for car insurance?
i just checked with direct gov to understand the insurance policy then i checked the compare sites to get a better deal depending on the car that i will buy , the problem the least ...show more""
Second driver for my parents car insurance?
well im a full time college student so i can't pay for my car insurance at the moment. whats the requirements for putting myself as a second driver to my parents car? ive had one car accident and been cancelled twice in my own name to 2 different car insurance. (family member passed away and i had to use the cash to go abroad) anyways.. will that effect me to putting me as a second driver to my parents car?? .. (with their name on the car) i mean.. my parents will pay for me so i dont see the problem for me getting rejected by the insurance for my prior non payment cancelation. please help me.
Do I need uninsured motorists insurance on my motorcycle if I have it on my car policy?
I was just quoted motorcycle insurance by an agent - She claims that If I have uninsured motorists on my car policy, it will cover me even if I'm on my motorcycle and thus I don't need the coverage on my motorcycle policy, making it VERY cheap. Is this true? Are there any con's to doing this? The difference in price on my motorcycle policy is $280 a year without uninsured motorists, and $950 a year with uninsured motorists.""
16 yr old Insurance question.?
Any guesses on what car insurance would cost every 6 months/ by the year for a 16 year old kid who has already been in a crash, not with another vehicle, what would the insurance cost on a 1994 camaro v6.""
""If healthy foods were more affordable, would health insurance be cheaper?""
It irritates me beyond words that people these days are almost forced to have a poor diet because junk food is more affordable. Then, the health risks associated with eating junk food cause more people in the hospital, more money being shucked at pharmaceutical companies for medicine to treat the diseases cause by poor diets, and health insurance and taxes we all have to pay for regardless of how healthy we try to be. I mean, if a packet of Ramen noodles is 50 cents and an apple is $1.50, the majority of the financially stressed nation is going to reach for the Ramen. I would love to eat mostly raw fruits and veggies all day long, but I simply can't afford that and it makes me feel like the government is forcing me to eat crappy foods in order to survive. Why are healthy foods so expensive? And wouldn't it factor out in the end to reduce the price of healthy foods knowing a lot of money would no longer have to be forked out for doctor's visits?""
How much would it be to give birth in California without insurance?
I live in the sf bay area and I work under the table... I don't have insurance, but I do have a membership at Kaiser Permanente because of my parents before I got married... I'd also like to know how much are sonograms and things that fall in check ups... Thank you""
Looking for a cheap car to insure for a teenager?
I am 16, and have had my license for a few months. Right now I am driving one of my dads cars, a Honda Element, and it is relatively cheap to insure. This in mind, I need a car of my own because he doesn't want me putting too many miles on it. I am wanting to buy a used car, relatively cheap (Max. price of $10,000 but I would like to keep it below $8,000 preferably) with low rates of insurance. I really like a 00-01 Jeep Cherokee, but am flexible. I just want a list of some cars with low insurance rates. Also, don't respond with nothing is cheap for a 16 year old because I know that. I am looking for something cheaper than most.""
Will insurance be cheaper for our 2010 Hyundai Elantra than our 04 Tahoe?
We just bought the Hyundai Elantra yesterday and were looking to see how much of a difference we could expect .
""Buying a car, do I need my own insurance to have the title signed over to me?""
My youth pastor is selling me his 2004 Dodge Stratus, and we're planning on going to the DMV tomorrow morning to have the title signed over. Currently, my mom pays for my car insurance every month, and the car I've been driving is in her name. If I want to put the new car in my name, can my mom still pay for my insurance or do I have to be able to pay for it in order to have the title signed over to me?""
Car insurance and moving?
I'm going to buy a car soon, And then move pretty much right after that...It would be a good idea to get the insurance and plates and stuff before I go, obviously, but what will need to be done once I move? I heard that as long as I live in my parent's house, the insurance would be cheaper, well, I'd be moving out...so I have no idea how to get everything straightened around.""
Does your license get suspended for not paying insurance?
Does your license get suspended for not paying insurance?
How much do teens have to pay for car insurance monthly?
I'm 17 and my mom has esurance. I have a job now and so now I'm allowed to get my license. They won't give us a quote until I actually have my license but I live in Littleton, CO 80123 and I'll be driving a 1997 Subaru Legacy""
""Car accident, not at fault, but no insurance, other driver has no license. what to do?""
my parents got into a car accident with another driver. however, it wasn't their fault. in addition, my parents don't have insurance for that car because they just go it about 2 months ago (used.) but we have 2 other vehicles that are insured. does that mean that our car is technically under the policy? The other driver, who was at fault, HAS NO LICENSE but has an identification card, and has insurance. (her license is probably suspended) what are my parent's options?""
How much does car insurance for a 16 year old male driver cost?
How much does car insurance for a 16 year old male driver cost?
Affordable health insurance plans?
The company where I work has just informed me that they will be canceling our medical benefits at the end of this month. What are some decent plans that I can get on my own that arent too expensive. I was paying $100.00 per month thru my job and would like to keep my premium around the same. I live in Wisconsin. Thanks for any advice.
""A life insurance company sells a $250,000 1-year term life insurance policy to a 20-year-old female?""
for $200. According to the National Vital Statistics Report. 56(9), the probability that the female survives the year is 0.999544. Compute and interpret the expected value of this policy to the insurance company - I also have to find the probability that the company has to pay the female Im suppose to get .000456 but don't know how to get this?""
vw free insurance offer
vw free insurance offer
Insurance for a ten+ year old car?
I am looking to get a 2000ish LS1 Fbody (camaro or trans am for those who dont know) and I was talking to my dad about the insurance rates. Since I am a male under 25 my rates would go up a lot with a sports car like those. However he told me that since the cars are over ten years old, the insurance company probably wouldn't rate it very high just because of the age of the car, even though its a sports car. Does anyone know if thats the way it works? or is he mistaken? Please answer the question without getting into lecturing about young men having sports cars and how its a bad idea. the question could pertain to any older car, I'm not even sure if thats the car that i want. I'm just doing my research. Thanks!!!""
Does child support cover car insurance?
I'm about to drive but my dad keeps telling me that he refuses to pay car insurance because he says it's in the child support. However, my mom is the one who bought my car... Does child support cover car insurance?""
Does the cost of insuring a car go down when you turn 18?
is it worth waiting a couple of months to my eighteenth birthday to get cheaper car insurance? thanks guys!
I did something a bit too late on car insurance?
you know you have to pay every year car insurance , and at the moment I'm a bit tight on money , I phoned up to cancel my insurance so I could get a refund , but I was 8 months already on my insurance , I wanted that money back so I could pay another car insurance, is just I can't go on paying alot every year, they've kept that money now and my plan didn't go right , I feel totally devasted""
Need health insurance for a 6 year old ?
Something afforadable my grandchild no longer can be covered under his old insurance.. help please
Car insurance help. please help me?
I am buying a 2011 camaro 2lt. Now here is what I am thinking. If i put my car under my dad's insurance will my insurance also be lower if i am listen under my dad's insurance and as one of the people who drives the car instead of having the car under my insurance?
Does it cost money to insure a courtesy car with tesco car insurance if I already have a policy with them?
Will tesco insurance charge to transfer my insurance from my original car to the courtesy car while it is being repaired, if so how much is it likely to cost?""
Health insurance coverage or car insurance- accident?
Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury Bodily Injury i am looking for some auto insurance ...can you please clarify me the difference between the above two .. also, when i get into an accident, who will cover for my medical charges .. is it insurance from the car insurance company or from employer's health insurance provider that covers my medical charges? i also have a health coverage from my employer""
Why is there a huge difference in insurance quotes if all info is the same?
I'm shopping around for insurance quotes because I thought my car insurance was too high. Progressive gave me a very low quote, which I was happy about. It was what I thought I should be paying compared to friends I've talked with. All the other quotes from the other insurance companies were in the same price range and very high. I began to worry that Progressive had some incorrect info, so I called them back, we went over all the info again, and everything is right. They even emailed my quote to me and it's all correct. Should I be worried that the quote is so low or is Progressive just being competetive?""
What 7 seat cars have the lowest insurance group rating?
Looking for a new car for our expanding family and want to find something that's low on insurance. The lowest two I've found so far are the Fiat Doblo (Group 3) and the Nissan Cube (Group 4). Does anyone know of any other low insurance 7 seaters? Thank you! :)
Who Have The Best Insurance Rates?
I Hope Im Calling It Right, I Just Got My Drivers License In August, I Dont Have A Car Yet. I Just Wanted To Know For The People Who Have Cars, What The Best Company To Get, When I Do Get A Car. People Tell Me Car Insurance Compnays Go By Age To. Im Only 21 So I Know Is Gonna Be High. But I Juat Wanna Know Whats The Best One To Get And Why For Car Insurance. Thank You To All Who Answers""
Ideas for Cheap car insurance?
17 getting a Suzuki swift. Need CHEAP endurance Anyone know?
Does insurance cost more on a dodge truck with a hemi?
Versus the base 4.7L. The truck is a 2006 if that makes a difference.
What is best in LIfe Insurance?
How to choose the best insurance conpany.. This website says many which one can i prefer http://www.insurance-assurances.110mb.com/
What is the best low cost health insurance for a small business owner with no employees?
I have two daughters, one fifteen years old in high school and the other is 21 and a college student. I am a 49 year old woman and in fair health. My husband is a Vietnam vet in fair health as well and will be eligible for medicare this year, so he will not need this insurance.""
Which is the best homeowners insurance?
i live in california and im getting a home and now i need home insurance which is the best thanks
How can i get very cheap car insurance?
im 17 and i want to buy a small hatchback. ive been considering adding a family member as first driver but i would like ideas on how to make it cheaper with me as a main driver, pleaseeeeee help!!""
Will my dad's car insurance go up if I get my license?
I'm 19 and want to get my license without getting my dad's car insurance going up.
""I need a cheap, reliable and economical car. Any recommendations?
it would help if it could be all round cheap such as... insurance group etc.
Cheap auto insurance?
Ok im 18 with a lience and my papa is thinking of giving me his ford f 150. wat is a super cheap insureance i can get? i dont need all the extra ****. and legally do i even need insurance??
What's the advantage of having an intermediary company (broker) handle my car insurance?
i quoted through the intermediary company (broker) and the total payment was $331. Then i quoted directly with the insurance company and the total payment is $209......????
How do i get health insurance?
How do I get health insurance for myself? My work doesn't offer health insurance. My husband and all his younger siblings (over 18) are now covered under my mother-in-law's insurance from her work.
Why is car insurance so high for young drivers?
I am 18 and currently on my fathers motor trade insurance. This covers me for anything upto 1600cc for social and domestic, you are actually having a laugh 1600cc is a joke! I can drive anything for business purposes. Recently rang the insurance to see if they would insure me on an IVECO DAILY 2.8 turbo diesel, as i was delivering some furniture to my grand parents in malta, about 1000 miles away from the uk, 2000 mile round trip. The answer i got was a blatant no, i didn't even get chance to say .8, anyway i was so pissed off i did the trip. didn't have one accident what so ever, not even a near miss when i drove to malta there and back. explain why they wouldn't insure me i really don't understand. My dads friend who is 53 years old was born not to drive a car, he has an accident atleast once a week because he mentally switches off when he drives. He drove down to germany any rolled his car times on the autobahn and i didn't have a crash or a near miss once in a 3.5 ton van, where is the common sense surely they should coin the people who litterally can't drive?""
Can anyone tell me about affordable life ins. after age 80?
I have a term policy that will expire in two months, and would like to find an insurance co. that has some ins. that is not priced so high that I can't pay the premiums. Thanks for not sending any SPAM !!""
Car insurance on Mitsubishi Eclipse?
Im only 16, almost 17. Female. First time driver. No accidents. We have Geico. The car is a 2007. 47500 miles on it. 2 door. I tried looking online for an insurance calculator.. I just wanna know about how much a month it would be.""
vw free insurance offer
vw free insurance offer
Can My brother and I go under the same car insurance?
Can I get my name in his car too? In other words, could we both have our name under the insurance? Would this raise insurance? What would happen if one of us wrecks it?""
My insurance is going WAY up ?
My BCBS of AL policy was $174 per month for a $3250 Deductible. Now, its $303.40 starting in Jan for a $6350 Deductible. Oh, but I get up to 3 $35 vists per year. This is not affordable. In fact, Im considering going without again after having it for 2013 for the first time in 25 years. I expected an increase of maybe 20-25%. Not 75% and such a jacked up deductible. Im still not sure how the subsidies will work for someone like me who cannot accurately estimate their income for 2014. Honestly, it could be anywhere from $15k to $65k. I made $27k in 2011 & 2012 and will probably make $50-55k for 2013. Am I allowed to estimate my income and then the government kicks in every month for part of it and then when I do my taxes it all gets settled and I either owe them more or they owe me ? If I can keep my income below $30k, I might come out ahead with the new plan but Im not sure Im going to be able to do that. Much depends on the stock market. Heck, if I end up earning $18k, I might get my bronze plan for free. 50 year old male. Will be 51 next year. I found a cheaper plan with Humana for $250 per month but Id have to change Drs. Still have not been able to get thru to the marketplace website. But I was under the impression that Humana & BCBS were all thats available in AL. Another interesting thing, If I happen to earn below $10k one year, the government kicks in ZERO. But If I earn $18k, they pay for it all. How does that make sense ? Is there any way to just buy negotiated rates and not insurance ? I can probably handle even a heart attack if I got the negotiated rates.""
What is the best cat insurance in the uk?
What is the best cat insurance in the UK I can get for my 12 week old kitten?
Motor cycle insurance for an 18 year old using usaa?
How much would insurance be for an 18 year old using USAA? I am going to get a Honda CBR250R for the gas mileage. I live in Southern California in Riverside county. the bike would be my primary transportation and i have a perfect driving record. along with straight A's. please help?
Does a new auto insurance policy cost more if there is a lean on the title?
Does a new auto insurance policy cost more if there is a lean on the title?
Will i have to buy individual health insurance starting 2014?
I have a job I am paying Medicare tax. Is it still mandatory for me to buy individual health insurance starting 2014?
Does my grandmother need car insurance if she doesnt drive...?
She doesn't have a license and hasn't had one in decades. Her children drive her to and from church, grocery stores, etc. in her car bc she has trouble getting in and out of their cars. So, does she HAVE to have inurance? I would imagine if her children have insurance, then she wouldn't need it. Anyone know the rules on this?""
How do I get rid of my car insurance?
I've got insurance on my car, but I am looking to cancel it. And I would like to cancel it without really having to explain myself to the company, seeing as they will want some sort of proof that I've for instance changed to a different company. I will be moving out the country come autumn, and I can't bring the bills with me for when I move away. It will cost too much, and no one will be driving the car anyway. Anyone have any suggestions on how I can cancel it?""
""Renter's insurance, is it worth it?""
I keep on getting these ads from Geico on the renter's insurance packages that they offer. I am renting right now and has one roommate. I've gotten mixed opinions on the renter's insurance, some say it's not worth it some say it is. So what do you guys think? I don't think it's that much money, maybe like $20 a month or something like that?""
Car insurance/old car?
My parents have had this old minivan 2000 Ford windstar since 2001 to current. It is almost defunct- it will take three grand to get back to normal/ run.. Our family doesn't ...show more
The Federal Government Insurance Plan?
If the federal Government has an insurance plan and we pay for it,where is it taken from I mean what tax pays and how much do we pay. and where is the plan located so I can see what there plan is.""
Do you need insurance on a motorcycle in Florida?
I read online that if you own and have the title of the motorcycle you do not need insurance . But i never believe what i read on random websites so I'm asking here. The insurance companies are giving me insane premiums even though i have a clean driving record. My question is,is that accurate that i dont need insurance to ride in Florida.?Thank you everyone in advance.""
""I have been quoted at 683 for car insurance, is this all it will cost?""
I'm 17, male, so I was expecting expensive insurance (not fair lol!) when I put my details in all the others were quoting at around 1,800 but the first one Quinn direct quoted ...show more""
Can I get decent car insurance through Aetna?
I have them as health coverage through work. I just moved from FL to DE and my insurance through Geico DOUBLED!!! I am trying to find a better rate.... any ideas? Thanks
""How do I pick a car that's cheap to insure? I'm in NY and need a cute, reliable 4 door '03-'05 car.
I have been driving a little more than a year and can't afford to spend $500+ a month for insurance so I want a car that's insurance friendly. Thanks.
What car insurance do you like?
Do you LIKE your car insurance company and if so, who do you use? I want to leave Farmers.""
Why is insurance cheaper on american cars than asian cars?
I have a friend who was in accident a while back and the end result is his insurance doubled, and he can only afford to buy an american car rather than asian or german. Why is that in canada insurance cheaper on the american cars? Thank you""
Insurance? what will happen?
ii was diagnosed at 17 i am 19 currently getting medical cause of my parents income and my current diagnosis brain tumor i was wondering if i worked and made my own income would it be my own or family? i am cvred under family cvrage what would happen to the insurance i live in california would i have to purchase my own insurance are there companine who would do that? i will be able tto work i have a physical disability
How much should a 17 year old's car insurance cost in the UK?
i'm 17 and want to drive. i'm a full time college student, which probably doesn't make any difference? right now i'm looking at a 2001 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.6 engine, LS 5dr [AC] Hatchback, which is costing around 999 how much should i expect the insurance to cost for this car? or for a car similar? it will be my first car. Thanks.""
How much would insurance be for a 16 year old in GA?
I'm 16, I own a 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS Sport- 2 door, live in Athens, GA, drive less than 7,000 miles annually, drive to and from work and school 5 days a week... haha. I just want to know how much it would be monthly for car insurance on any of the companies. Any help would be appreciated. :)""
How much do you think my car insurance would be(details inside)?
I am 15, I have taken drivers ed and I have my restricted liscense. I have a 3.8 gpa(I heard you get a discount for that) and I live in Kansas. I am looking at a 1995 Ford Explorer with 168,000 miles. I know you couldn't tell me exactly, but about what do you think my monthly payment would be? Thanks""
What happens if I dont have auto insurance for 2 years?
Hello all I have had a US drivers license for 2 years now. I am going back to school and so I want to get rid of my car as I have no need for one. So If I sell my car and don't have auto insurance for 2 years, when I come back after finishing school and try and get auto insurance will I be treated as a brand new driver? Are my rates going to be really high because I dont have any continuous insurance history at that point? Or will I be treated as a driver who has 4 years of driving history (since I will have had my license for 4 years at that point?) Thanks""
Can someone else insure my car and put me as a driver?
I got a car out the dealer with my stepdads help (co signer) now I'm only 19 & I have a good job I can do my payments with no problem, the only problem is insurance is really a pain because since I'm young & I only have about 3 months with my listener my insurance costs so much a month. I was wondering if my stepdad can just open a new insurance & put me as one of the drivers. Would it be a difference on the paymets ? I'm trying to get the cheapest I can & I need help :/ & the car us under both of our names. Thank you!""
Medical insurance help!!!!!?
Ok so I'm 20 and my insurance is or was IEHP. I am married now and I want to know if this still covers me. I want to go to the clinic and get checked up and get birthcontrol but I'm not sure if its going to cover me. My husband does not have medical insurance either. Can anyone please help!?? :(
What Multiline Insurance Company is the Best?
I need an insurance company that will do all line of insurance. Life, Auto, Home, Disability, Long Term Care and even Financial products. I heard COUNTRY insurance does that but I'm not sure.""
vw free insurance offer
vw free insurance offer
0 notes
bigbrotherorre · 6 years
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RANDY AND KAT ARE BACK BITCHES https://media.giphy.com/media/Y9S9jOb7b1LQA/giphy.gif AND I lived to see a 3-part comp that I can actually do well in?? Oh it's over for these hoes and my dog days are behind me https://media.giphy.com/media/MeHQtCSZ46bRe/giphy.gif
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if i had a heart this week would break it
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Hola did you miss me? So I didnt record or make a goodbye DR because I knew there was justice within this universe. I knew my eviction was unjust and thats why I''m back because I have a vendetta to settle and I'm not going to leave until I'm successful. Yes ladies you heard it here, its time to cut the throat of bitches who thought double crossing me was okay. And newsflash: it isn't a good idea to fuck me over. I hated the amount of bullshit I had to endure when I came back into this house. Everybody said "omg I miss u" but the only people who were genuine about it were Jose, Autumn, Ali, and Dennis the rest these bitches were just being diplomatic. And that just shows true character. So since I'm back im going to go through the current cast list as of right now. Ali: A british legend he has been genuine the whole time throughout this game and I'm going to work with him especially since not only is he easy to convince but he is amazing to talk to. Alivia: I can't trust her and I'm not going to. However I will play a little stupid and just make it look like I want to work with her. She is just such a strong personality that if she rubs me the wrong way I'll fucking lose my shit nonetheless. She is no different then any other floater just trying to ease her braindead gameplay by voting in the majority in every round. She has lacked a backbone throughout this whole game, and its not going to grow anytime soon Ashvika: Inactive and not interesting. In HOS she was overrated, and playing with her in this game just proves that she should've stayed out of this community. The worst floater within this cast, and I'm hoping she gets killed in the early jury. Autumn: Literally a queen within this game. She is so forgiving, and lovable. She understands me so well and I'm not going to turn my back on her. She kept me which wouldve fucked her over if I didnt come back. So now that I'm back im hoping our agendas will align and we can fuck over those people first. Blake: He evicted me, so i'm not going to trust him, and I'm not going to be his little bitch anymore. But I'm going to make it look like I need him more than ever. Because once im through with Zeezo and Bryce I'm going to have to go after Alivia/Lynn or Sammy/John. He is nominated this week against Bryce so i need him to actually be a good gameplayer and make sure he stays this week. Bryce: I cant trust him. Ever since Nicholas Julia I just have to think its either Bryce or Zeezo. So I'm hoping that with this week I can have an easy time evicting him and then its guns out on taking out Zeezo. Dennis: One of the reeasons I was nominated week 6 was because he was petty. But that shows that his emotion = his gameplay.  So since I'm back I can make a good connection with him. If I can keep up with him and if I know how he feels I'll know how he will play. I have no need to betray him, and I'm hoping in creating a trustworthy ally within him. He's active but I dont think he has cemented himself within any group in this game yet. John: I tried to make a f2 with him to secure his vote. Sister voted me out anyways so I'm not going to trust him ever again. Everytime I talk to him about game he just asks all these questions and shit. I see right through his bullshit because I know a snake when I see one. I put too much trust into him, and he backstabbed me. I'm not going to fuel our relationship, but I will be nice for the time being. I need him to evict Bryce this week so I'm just going to be a good guy with him, and then later into the game kill him for the little bitch he is. Jose: I dont talk to him as much as I want to but I still trust him a lot. He is a good ally, but I just hope he shows more of his potential as a player soon. I want to work with him so im going to continue to be honest and transparent with him. Lynn: I guess she's only social with a handful of people like...... gtfo sister is dry as hell still. She evicted me, and like thats cool. I'm not going to work with her and she is totally at the bottom of my totem pole. Randy: A king... who never goes Prejury Sammy: Out of all the people who talked to me when I came back I knew he was the most nervous when it came to talking to me. He loves appeasement, and makes people know that everything he does isnt with the intention of hurting. Its believable kissass, but for right now I'll buy it. Keep on selling it Sammy. Me and him had an interesting conversation because he thinks im going to target him alongside bryce and zeezo. And I told that I'm tunnel visioned onto Bryce and Zeezo and that now is a grace period ffor him to be on my good side. He's going to be a threat nonetheless near the end, but I need to be good with him since I don't see him leaving anytime soon. Zeezo: I think she's the person who framed me, and if she isnt then i guess I just wasted my time. I would love to take her out, and i would love to get my revenge. I will never trust her, and I will make sure she knows I won't stop until she is evicted. Eviction is tomorrow. I'm pushing for Bryce to leave. The votes Blake has to keep him are me, autumn, alivia, sammy, and probably john. I'm going to talk to Dennis, Ali, and Jose tomorrow and hint to them that I'm evicting Bryce and if they want to work with me that would be the best opportunity to do so. After that I will have to win HoH. I need this HoH because if I don't win it. Its probably going to be Zeezo who wins it. And if neither of us wins it then it  gives Zeezo a window of time to change the dynamics of the game to her favor. And whoever wins hoh will fucking waste it on a floater. And the floaters in this game are my lifeline,..... I'm a the Florax..... i speak for the floaters. Thats all you missed right now...... I hope to win hoh and if I dont then prejury here i come again xx  
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i love everyone coming to me to inform me that autumn and ali are voting to keep bryce when i already knew that we were making that decision together :))) i also love hearing the "you and i are on the bottom" speech from everyone who realizes they're not that important in the majority alliance 
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THIS WEEK SUCKS I HATE TWISTS Ali- so fake i thought we were a duo but apparently this decision really is hard for him and hes prob evicting me. i would never have voted him out so im just shocked and upset that he so seemingly easily votes me out. he also makes me feel bad that hes voting me? like what kind of move is that. edit: chose to save me in the end still fake tho. Alivia- I love her so much im so glad our connection is really pulling through and shes choosing me over LAB (unless she isnt in which case choke). my secret weapon <3 edit: i was writing this as eviction happened and while on call alivia tells me she voted me b/c she thinks im going home well i stayed 7-4 so think again you fake f2ing FREAK!! Ashvika- Always so honest with me and i love that and hoping shes still honest that shes with me. shes been not on for a while tho so im scared but im hoping that its nothing to worry about :s Autumn- we never work together and i tried to campaign to her but idk if it worked but either way i cant be mad b/c i never put in the work earlier and i tried to vote her out a bunch so itd be hypocritical LOL Blake- MY KING IM SO SAD WE ARE NOMMED TOGETHER if we hadnt messed up counting we wouldnt be going home. im so sad, someone who i never thought id want gone this early it sucks that these are the final noms :/ Dennis- he has been here with me through the whole eviction and has campaigned for me i literally love him so much like he is REAL and some of these houseguests could take a lesson from the KING himself!! Honestly im gonna listen to some linkin park if i survive just to honor him John- king!! i love him if he saves me, if he doesnt im hurt but hes still a king. like i feel like i  have the most fun convos with him and hes always so funny plus he tells zeezo things and she tells me things so it keeps me informed Jose- depending on the hour a king or a flop. he said he always was keeping me but then i hear he isnt but in the end he is? well at least an hour and half before eviction. he is so wishy washy hes ali but wasnt as close to me so im less  hurt. Lynn- i know shes saving blake so im not hurt shes still a queen <3 lynns world and we're living in it <3 Randy- Julia Nicole rigged for him to come back he wants me out and can choke but he can keep trying cuz I aint leaving Sammy- maybe the fakest person ever. its now like after eviction and HoH so I have some thoughts. he is vague with me the second im nommed talking about hes scared of randy. then he just plans to vote me and doesnt mention it to me??? and i know the whole time and i give him opportunities to talk to me and confess, but no he stays quiet. Then when he sees im safe he msg's zeezo like ahh everyone lied to me, and im like GOOD glad you know how it feels. now after i won hoh he is trying to spin it that he knew i was staying and just wanted to vote me to seem separated from me/zeezo/him trio thats been speculated. like??? he didnt know i was staying and he was just scared of randy!! like just be honest and dont lie to me now that im hoh and ur scared i know you lied already!! idk hes just :@ i was never gonna target him and he threw me under the bus to save himself so quick and easy. Zeezo- the loml. she did so much work to keep me safe. first she came to me with the plan to pretend to be on the fence with ppl so that it would look like we arent close. (something sammy just forgot to do???) and then once she found out sammy was backstabbing me she leaked it to jose and jose was able to convince ali who was able to convince autumn to save me!! she helped me throughout the whole game and i wanna go to the end with her even tho i dont think its mutual... but i love her so much!!
0 notes
bt2018bt2018 · 7 years
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Our >10 Business Ideas = Your $ >> http://ift.tt/2BE1TwH
Click on an image below to zoom in & open photo gallery >>
Bank attract customers by advertising money changing service at the store front
IM NEW label for liquor store
Cupcake Feet
Happy Birthday Candles
Supermarket advise customers to leave heavy items in the trolley at the check out
LEGO Figurine EMMET is included in toy set when staff said it wasn't
Dented Luggage result in backfired advertisement
Supermarket System or Pricing Error result in overcharging customers
The Price Tag below the soda water states $1
 The system reflects $4.29 instead. (customer overcharged)
 Supermarket's Manager acknowledge fault, apologised and refunded me.
The Soda Water label is "SOFT DRINK CAN CONDIMENT."
How many customers are unknowingly overcharged?
The purpose of this observation is not to critic the friendly n professional staff of the supermarket but to identify permanent solutions to prevent similar problems from recurring. 
Woolworths Supermarkets
Toilet Bowl will flush automatically when hands are washed
Wish all supermarket outlets have this Food Rescue Program
Buy sweets to donate to sick children
Bundle Batteries with Electronic Device create customers convenience n productivity
Baby Bib with Monkey sucking on a pacifier
Compare cameras easily on a standardised criteria list
Don't forget to get ur lid when buying plastic boxes from the store
Colour code to categorise medicines on the shelf
Buy the same lid size for large n small coffee cups to cut cafe cost
Hang Display Box on the shelf to prevent theft of electronics
Complementary Colours of Grey n White does not make the sign conspicuous from a distance
Opportunity cost to Mall's mangement due to empty advertising holder
Find the right Knife to cut the right food with colour coding
Restaurant Menu at a single glance
EFTPOS Machine with sign that says AMEX not accepted
Restaurant's Feedback Web Address needed on the table n not on the number stand which would be removed before consumption of the food
Cinema goes the extra mile to help u enjoy ur movie by keeping ur large bags safe
Red for Hot water n Blue for Cold water sink taps
Curved Clothing Hanger
What this departmental store's customer service r all about
Physically test the quality of toothbrush's bristles with this positioning of the samples
Directory that use contrasting colours in its design
Please switch off toilet lights when leaving
Combine the seating space of two nearby restaurants into one to maximise profits
Concave lift buttons r easy on the fingers
Place products on a shelf rather than hooking one by one on a hanger through a small hole, unless u do not rotate stock
What could Western managed supermarket brands learn from this million dollar multinational company to reduce labour cost from hanging small products one by one on a hook to reduce labour cost unless staff does not rotate FOOD stock based on First In, First Out concept? 
Officeworks - QV Melbourne
Above product placement designed n approved by Western Management. 
Check out tis $2.50 coffee for happy hours
Unlimited Combination of Noodle or Rice Types, Vegetables, n Meat for this Food Stall
Opportunity to cut labour cost by stocking chips in its box on the shelf
Chips not in carton box require more time taken to shelf the chips = higher labour cost n less profits for management.
How to shelf mints in the supermarket
If u do not remind customers about the freshness of ur product, they will never know
VIRGIN Mobile rollover your unused calls n text time to the next month
Have a fun time with your baby in a GIANT BARBIE HEEL
Redesigned Luggage Handle cut material cost n is good for the environment
Redesigned luggage by Samsonite
Most Luggage with two "bars" handle
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Departmental store helps make sure ur luggage is in the right size for boarding the cabin
Children Mannequin with FRUITS concept
Cut labour cost on price tagging each product using self service barcode reader system
How could u apply this concept to supermarket?
Cut labour cost required to update price tag daily. 
Stick specials discounted e.g. 20% off yellow tickets only.
Alternatively, just display the dollar amount of price tickets instead of the cents to avoid information clutter = $4+ instead of $4.98
Spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on focus groups or simply trial it on a new outlet.
Swimwear with SHARK FIN concept
Baguette like ur Man. Hard on the outside, Soft on the inside.
How could religions build successful n happy people
Distribute free book or direct people to information on their website 
What could a developed country's town council learn from a developing country's style of shaping a better public environment for its citizens
Kids socialise with each other every weekend at this departmental store
Proceeds from Jockey Scales goes into Children Hospital
Starry Lights among the Plants at this Restaurant
Signage that tells u the size range of the clothing in the departmental store
Donate here today to help sick kids grow up
Beautiful Gift Envelopes from the Postal Office
Conspicuous Nameboard that asks u a question draws u to come into the store
Which design catches your attention and is likely to draw you in? 
A "neutral" and "safe" design that tells u the name of the company to a conspicuous font size?
A "get out of here" design that provokes thinking and curiosity that gives more attention to the sales pitch than the name of the company.
Since long before i was born, the purpose of name board was to help the mailman deliver the letters to its destination and the customer to find place of the store. 
Now with technology, Google maps, or you could reference the location of the store to the building the store is underneath at, etc. to find the place. 
Why not utilise valuable marketing space to deliver a conspicuous, well sized n colourful sales pitch that separate your store from the other shops around u. 
People could always remember your store by your quote than by your brand name that sometimes is a collection of alphabets without deeper meaning. 
Without deeper meaning, people tend to forget the brand name rather than a meaningful quote?
Furthermore, with the overhead placement, well-sized font, people from a reasonable distance and across the street would have their attention and curiosity piqued versus the SAME, SAME and SAME collection of company names that does not motivate people to cross the street and find out more. 
I could tell you more about how APPLE capitalise on being different to be successful, but I leave that for another day. 
Think about how this could apply to your company.
Melbourne - Escape Travel
Restaurant tables in MAHJONG tiles concept
Visual Merchandising with SHADOW concept
Increase Bread Sales by asking customer a question at the supermarket
WHATS NEW section at the departmental store
Free toy with each DVD purchase
Get a Tissue from the Roar of a LION
What r the possibility for made today, sold today tomato pasta with spam (cold)
Conspicuous Design of Carton Boxes for Product Delivery Required
Woolworths - Home
Well designed Carton Boxes for effective product delivery
Color coded shelf labels for spices at the supermarket
LOWEST PRICE GUARANTEE helps to sell products at the departmental store
Increase profit by conspicuously remind customers how much does each product in a pack cost
Restaurant Menu encourage customers to explore new n more food items with pictures for each item
Relay system message with a different colour helps customer read message quickly
Fingerless Gloves that allows u to cover the fingers easily
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How to efficiently locate the right key in a bunch of keys
Gaffe Tape to colour code the most commonly used key
New design allow quicker unlocking of locks
Proposed redesign of locks with keyhole at the front
Current Lock with keyhole at the bottom
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Imagine the lock hanging from the knob on ur locker at ur waist level. 
1. Lift up the lock
2. find the key hole
3. insert key to unlock
1. find the key hole
2. insert key to unlock
Gift for Baby Shower
"Buy now or Cry Later" -- MYER departmental store
Movies Booking Website does not allow u to change showtimes even when seatings are 95 percent full
Melbourne Central | HOYTS
Profits before customers?
Making it difficult for customers to change show times to view seat availability pushes customers to bad seats > frees up good seats > and increase management profits.
Drawing inspiration from car parking lots, would it be possible for customers booking tickets online to view the percentage of seat availability or a mini-map appears when they hover their mouse over each show times?
What could other cinema operators learn from this observation? 
Does management put shareholders first or customers first? Honestly?
Bonnet Cap with changeable decorations using velcro
Bonnet Cap with changeable decorations using velcro
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Simplest way to keep your cables and power board off the floor for easy house mopping
Gaffe tape the power board and cables to the bottom part of the study table and up and away from the floor. Or u can find  desk with a ledge at the bottom or compartment to store ur power board and cables from sight.
Non-Asian Model used in Parenting Book for Asians
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Do the model - dad figure in the photo B (back cover of book) represent the majority of the Asian male population? Answer: No. Does the marketing of this book suggest that Asian women prefer non-Asian partners?
Answer: The non-Asian dad figure in the book confuses me.
For a book sold in Singapore where majority of the population are other races apart from non-Asian; wouldn't it be appropriate to show a Chinese, Malay, or Indian model dad to target the masses? Answer: The masses idolise the minority. Does this show that local women prefer non-Asian men over Singaporean Chinese/Malay/Indian men? Answer: Perhaps. Perhaps the target audience is intended for non-Asian dads and Asian mums. In that case, may I suggest the title of the book to be rephrased?
How to drink cheap liquor in Melbourne CBD
Go to Melbourne Central Mall > Liquorland OR Dan Murphy's at QV mall. Buy the liquor Go to Emporium Mall food court to sit n drink alcohol.
Using Carpet to Up profits from Music n CDs sale
Fans having fun with Ironman suit
Ben's watch Idea
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Default mode: shows the time.
Press and hold button on the side: shows the date (dd/mm)
inspired by Airport Timetable Flip Chart
Slide open Front Window of Cake Display Fridge to allow for easy cleaning
Improve Comics Marketability
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#Singapore., #ChuangYi.,
How do you increase the value of your comic book series?
Notice the beautifully integrated display of pictures on the book spine of the encyclopaedia on display on the shelf? Answer: Yes. It is beautiful. To sell comic books better; create an art piece (picture) on the book spine of the comic book that requires the purchase of several titles to form an image instead of having one picture on each title. Would that encourage readers to keep on buying more comic books? Answer: Yes. Would that make keeping and displaying comic books on your shelf aesthetically pleasing and would impress your friends? Answer: Yes. Benefits / Opportunities: 1) Generate Collectors interest from a visual way instantly (from looking at the book spine) 2) The collection of the comic series is an art piece by itself when placed on the shelves (looking at the art on the book spine) 3) Low cost and Low effort to implement 4) Creates curiosity and desire to purchase next title 5) There is no patent as you can design your art 6) If It works in the sale of the encyclopaedia in the photo A, there must be research, reasoning and justification done before the manufacturing of the encyclopaedia.
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Increased Profits by readjusting the News Headlines to the top and unobstructed part of the magazine
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#Singapore., #ColdStorageSupermarketSingapore.,
Could the publisher adjust the location of the headlines accordingly if she knows that magazine stands would cover one-sixth of the front page
Supermarket's Extendable shelf efficiently use available space to display magazines
Quit fumbling around to scan rewards card at the right supermarket self serve machine
Put the two cards with the barcodes facing outwards (towards u) into one transparent plastic pocket. 
Put the pocket in your wallet or purse. 
When it is time to scan your rewards card, take the plastic pocket containing the cards out. 
Flip the plastic pocket around once and u would have scanned the card without need to fumble around to look for the rewards card and position the rewards barcode the right way up towards the machine's scanner. 
Saves a few seconds per transaction to the supermarket. 
Not much, but think of how many sales you will make per year over your remaining lifespan, your loved ones and circle of influence life span and your future generation?
Time saved can be converted to other enjoyable tasks. 
or use a black masking tape to tape the cards together n you don't even need to buy the expensive plastic pocket that cost $0.50 each
Woolworths Supermarkets
Coles Supermarkets
Sales pitch for drinks, food n alcohol
: Recommended by some guy who has been drinking coffee (insert product name) for thirty years
Do I look delicious ? Try me! :)
Supermarket sales pitch
How to cut building, material cost n create customer's comfort on the bus or tram
Use a single cushion to make a single piece of spacious seating space for two people in a double seater.
How to get people to return the school bag that ur child lost
School bags with names and your home address on it
Improve Restaurant service by asking if customers wants coffee before, with or after meal
SugarBun - CBD - Melbourne | Urbanspoon or other drinks or dessert.
How to increase donations for the homeless
"STOP! (in red font) Could u help me with some change please. Much Appreciated! :)
How to create maximum flexibility with a rubber dildo
360 degrees rotation flexibility if you are able to insert one or two fingers into the dildo to hit that G-SPOT. 
Most dildo goes in straight and out straight. 
The pressure point is at the centre of the vagina. 
The G-spot is NOT at the heart of the vagina. 
By being able to rotate the dildo, you will hit the G-SPOT. 
There r mechanical dildo = Expensive = Electricity = Danger
I don't see this idea replacing existing products, but as an affordable add-on. 
Ergonomic Display of Magazines on shelves
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Edge of shelf blocked part of magazine
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Overstocked Magazine shelves:
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Could the publishers adjust location of headlines on the #magazines accordingly if he/she knows that #magazine stands would cover one-sixth of the front page
Overstocking the magazine's position which leads to the front cover of some of the magazines not shown in full view to the customer; why not take on fewer magazines and charge a higher premium to the publishers who place their magazines on the stand. 
The lost sales opportunities due to poor presentation and overstocking of the magazines affect the publishers. 
The newspaper vendor would only care about bringing as many magazine publishers on board as possible to maximise the seller's profits. 
Does the magazines publishers' sales and marketing team conduct physical survey on the newspaper vendors ascertain and fight for the proper magazine presentation (if they value the product they create) or are they enjoying the comfort of the air-condition in their office?
If a can of #CocaCola costing a dollar could be placed individually with the front of the can in full view of the customer, why couldn't a magazine with higher profit margin per item properly present its product?
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Do you think if the semi-translucent, greenish, newspaper stand holder is replaced by a transparent glass holder, would that improve marketability of the magazines?
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The front cover of the magazines are inclined on the magazine holder stand and are facing the store entrance. It 's hard to view the magazine's front cover when you are exiting the supermarket. Customers entering/exiting the supermarket uses the same entry/exit. 
Best Camping Accessory by AMOK EQUIPMENTS
How to up Magazine Sales
Magazine with red cover or red border on the front page sells better n attract new customers to sign up n buy
Our Ideas, Our Ideas - Retail February 20, 2018 at 02:46PM
0 notes
arasingical · 7 years
So net neutrality huh? 
a really long venting ramble, where i just sound lame cuz we’re probably gonna lose the internet
and obligatory resources:
It doesn’t seem real, but neither did Trump’s election so like theres that. 
maybe it hasnt dawned on me yet that a major decision is being made about one of the most important resources ever made, cuz in my head im like “whats gonna happen, how bad can it be?”. maybe itll just feel like any other day, except ill try to log on, try to see how people are doing and i just cant, and for one or two days its fine, maybe ill even feel like i have more time to myself, but eventually ill know that ill have lost an entire road to the outside world. 
i dont really interact with people online, but if anything i enjoy seeing the things that come out of the connections made over the internet. 
on a more selfish note, how am i going to even keep up with school? literally every course has some internet thing integrated into the lesson plan. i would assume .gov sites would still be available or something? i realize i dont know how any of this works, and it just makes it scarier.
like is this it, am i just gonna be cut off from this part of my life now? it sounds absurdly dumb, but literally the internet is my life. i live here. i wanna say i can survive without constantly being connected to the #interwebs but i really cant. 
cuz really, everyday logging on, i see so many new things, its like walking down a long street in a bustling city but im safe inside my home. while outside my real house is just broke down streets (serious infrastructure issues, they had to take a public survey, everyone agreed shits bad), risk of murder (theres been literal reports within the last couple weeks), and like nothingness. like one or two independent businesses that are just overstuffed dusty lil closets with one disillusioned cashier that just feels like a novelty in this world of brutal efficiency. there is no choice, there is not equal ground, but the internet kinda got us close and now thats threatened. 
the repercussions for this are going to be a shit storm. short term, people are pissed. they thought they had riots during times of peaceful protest, theyre gonna get real riots sure enough. long term, no internet means major dissatisfaction with everyones immediate surroundings. u better improve infrastructure, public safety (the real kind not the racist kind), and even the climate of businesses better shift. cuz it was all well and good if u just go to walmart to get some shopping done and thats it, but without the internet, kids are gonna linger wherever. and theres only so much a boxy lookin all mart type of grey building is gonna do. 
i remember the last place i lived had little to no parks, no places to just sit, and yknow what we did, we hung out in target, walked around the dying and failing mall. that is until we added each other on skype and steam and followed each other on tumblr. no more cops lingering over us (well hi nsa if ur reading this lol) cuz we had nowhere else to go so we just seem a general nuisance. 
and thats how things are outside (cue spongebobs indoors song). entire towns controlled by business moves, gutted and boxed in, it makes people feel like they dont belong outside, but at least we got entire worlds on the internet, o wait welp there it goes i guess??? 
so yknow gonna have a lot off people feeling like theyre standing on 1 sq foot islands with corporate sharks swarming all about cuz there will be no place where people can just be amongst each others creativity without crippling paywalls and the overwhelming sense that every little decision is a business move and ur in a constant chess game with people who’d trade ur soul in for a nickel.  
maybe im just overthinking and being dramatic, and actually i dont know how this works so im mostly fearing the unknown idk. i just dont want my internet taken away. 
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bedbugsheets-blog · 7 years
Bed bug treatment
Bed Bug Management Techniques
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Northeastern Ohio is residence to all sorts of common vacationer attractions like the Rock and Roll Corridor of Fame, Football Hall of Fame, Cuyahoga Valley Nationwide Park, and Lake Erie.  That's why they get so disgusting after 10 years, or so. They are supposed to be thrown away eventually. We discovered some pearched in a nook ABOVE our mattress on the wall…I have found LICE (RID) spray is efficient for direct contact killing. For crowded, multi-tenant settings, lack of cooperation and litter can scale back the effectiveness of treatment, allowing mattress bugs to persist and unfold. You will want repeated attacks on them to lastly get rid of all of them, so be persistent. And spray all of the areas the place they're likely to disguise, like the furnishings near the mattress, the whole bed itself and the perimeter of the walls close to the baseboard. Subsequent use a particular mattress bugs insecticide, following the producer's instructions, to treat all infested areas and kill any remaining mattress bugs.
what do bed bugs look like
These offending bugs are discovered in lots of hotels, motels, inns, and B&Bs in each state and province in North America. Also you should get the BB proof bed cowl and NEVER take away it. We had an exterminator come 6 occasions and nonetheless had them. In some cities akin to New York, companies are bobbing up focusing on preparing rooms for bed bug therapy. As we talked about beforehand, the mattress tends to be the #1 target for bed bugs.
Don't let them offer you a room adjacent to the room the place you discovered mattress bugs (including the rooms above or below it), as bed bugs can simply travel by duct work or wall cracks into adjoining rooms. To the teenager I simply want to say I perceive your embarrassment but it is rather costly to have a complete home handled. Hi Natasha, I learn ur article n while reading it I used to be biten by a large mattress bug.
It is extremely vital to completely discard the bags throughout the vacuum immediately into the thrash bin exterior of your private home to ensure you do not give the bed bugs a chance to re-enter your private home. In mattress, I think they don't a lot crawl on the pores and skin, as use the clothes and bedding to get to the place they'll chunk and sneak away after about 10 to fifteen minutes. By transferring the cardboard's edge alongside cracks and crevices, you may push bed bugs out the place they can be captured or killed. Please inform me what are they andno signs of them in mattress No bites on anybody i've irchy pores and skin at times but no marks. It is unlikely that one can find a mattress bug walking round unless you've the misfortune to be awake when they're crawling over your body or in your hair. Although all small, there were bugs in rooms that no one slept in, in places we never noticed them.
To reclaim your private home from mattress bugs in the shortest doable time, your best choice is to name an exterminator. Im currently dealing with bed bug issues at dwelling especially in my bedroom as a result of we now have outdated mattresses. Infestations with mattress bugs are tough to regulate as a result of they evade pesticides and are excellent at hiding. What makes this activity of discovering and getting rid of bed bugs is that the little buggers can thrive in seemingly neat and orderly rooms.
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