#the tea is that i miss yoosung
marshmallowprotection · 4 months
What do you think the RFA members’ favorite seasons are?
Jaehee loves winter. She loves the idea of sitting in during the evening and watching a movie with someone she loves, and even better than that, she loves letting her footsteps carry her to different recreational winter activities with her partner. Get her some hot chocolate and ice skates, the two of you are about to have the time of your lives. She misses her parents around that time of year, too, but being with you makes her heart ache a little less. Bittersweet but it becomes sweet.
Zen is a sucker for spring. He gets to wear long sleeves if he wants to and he doesn't have worry about it being too hot to handle. It can be hell on his allergies, sure, but who wouldn't love fresh flowers and a staring role in the next big romantic movie? He's a romantic at heart, and that never stops after Valentine's Day. If anything, he gets worse about doting on you and comes up with all kinds of spring activities to do with you. The only downside if paparazzi!
Yoosung loves autumn. You might think he enjoys the spring but in all honesty, he gets tired around the spring because there are so many things to do and take care of at school. He's got the energy for it, but he doesn't have time to do anything else. He loves when school is just getting started, though. He feels so rejuvenated and ready to take on the world. The leaves crunching under his feet, the beanies he gets to wear, and people enjoying how it's cozy outside, not too hot, and not too cold.
Jumin strikes me as a guy who loves wintertime. I can see the appeal of springtime in his heart, but there's something about having those cozy, intimate nights with his partner that get me. He wants to share his time with you after a hard day of work, and what better way to be comfortable than in front of the fire with Elizabeth? You share a few drinks with a smile and talk about everything while snow muffles the rest of the world.
Saeyoung loves summertime. It's his birthday. It's the best time to go on a vacation. It's the best time to go swimming and fishing with your friends! It's the best time to do whatever he wants! Even though it's a scorcher outside, he has a water gun and a penguin robot that makes snow cones. There's something about getting to enjoy when there's a lot of sunshine outside. He can't deny it's his favorite time of year. He deserves to the sun and sky.
V doesn't like when it's hot. He loves to wear layers and hide his body. He hates it when he can't bundle up, he hates it so much, that's why he prefers spring OR autumn. I don't think he has a favorite, but I can see him jumping between the two. Those give him the best chance to take pictures, hike, and do outdoor activities. He won't get a cold and he won't melt into oblivion. He gets to enjoy things without thinking about his insecurities and there's something nice about sharing his enjoyment of the sunshine with you. In the end, he learns to love the springtime more.
Saeran loves spring. I think that was obvious. Summertime is way too hot for him and he can't handle the heat for too long, but he will go outside no matter what. It's just that during the springtime, he gets to watch the flowers bloom and there's cozy rainstorms that help him cozy up to you by a fire. It's not too hot, it's perfect. He wants to have tea in the garden as you share a meal together, that's never changed since he became a free man. He yearns for the springtime.
Vanderwood is hard to get a read on. I know he's not a fan of spring or summer, that much I can tell you. He just doesn't seem like the kind of guy who wants to talk a walk in the part or go on vacation to the beach. He seems like he enjoys the peace and quiet that comes with winter and autumn. I'd argue he likes the time in-between the two the most. Where the world seems to be lulled and it's too cold to do much but it's not hot enough to argue not doing something. He's a mystery like that, never quiet one way or the other.
Rika is an autumn girl. She loves the fall. Her birthday isn't something she likes to enjoy by any means, but she, like most people, enjoys the feeling of crisp weather that isn't too cold. She loves to remember all the times she spent at the park with Sally like that... playing in the tall bundles of leaves and laughing. Those are some of the best memories she has and she doesn't want to let go of them any time soon. A warm tea and a longing gaze out the window at the rest of the world. It's quiet, it's lonely, but it feels like home.
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ynverse · 1 year
bf! yoosung
YOOSUNG x gn! reader | headcanons
a/n: i do not simp for him but lw i folded with some of these ! this is mostly for my oomfie loml hibs <3
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bf! yoosung who begs you to play LOLOL with him and calls it a date
bf! yoosung who always wants to match profile pictures and has a million screenshots of your profiles whenever you agree, all of them in a special album he labeled “y/n <3”
bf! yoosung who always has to be physically touching you so he’s often clinging to you
bf! yoosung who falls asleep on facetime whenever you study together but still manages a sleepy “i love you”
bf! yoosung who perks up immediately whenever you’re mentioned, always bragging about you to everyone and anyone
bf! yoosung who always burrows his face in your neck to hide his blush every time you compliment him, his heart rate increasing so much that he think’s you’ll hear
bf! yoosung who always says goodbye with a kiss on the cheek and a small “i’ll miss you”
bf! yoosung who drops everything as soon as you text so you get his undivided attention
bf! yoosung who buys animal crossing for you both so you can have more realistic e-dates
bf! yoosung who wags his imaginary tail every time you surprise him with a cup of coffee/tea while he’s doing homework, always thanking you with a smile
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littlehouseplant · 1 year
Jumin x reader.
Here we meet, again
It had been two years rsince you joined the RFA, and boy oh boy, the things you’d experienced…
You could ALMOST officially call yourself mrs Han now. You got engaged to Jumin not too long after the party, and things had been going great for the two of you! Sarah and Glam were officially canceled, so no more of that drama! C&R had a few issues after the whole spectacle, but the business’s image quickly restored since the people were apparently so moved by the Love story between the two of you.
“All the girls at school are talking about your two!” Had Yoosung said
“They’re all dreaming about their own love story’s now. Wishing they had a cold guy who only had eyes for them, seriously when do nice guys get a chance !?*_*”
Not only that, the stock prices even went up! The company was doing better than ever!
If you were being honest though, this whole new life was not really easy to get used to… All the attention you got now, headlines, gossip papers.. it could get to you. And the whole rich life! Wow, there was a lot of culture shock in the beginning, but living with Jumin was getting more natural by day. And Jumins dad welcomed you warmly into the family, and you really appreciated that. Now the wedding just had to be planned…
You’d also grown much closer to everyone in the RFA. You often had coffee with Jeahee, saw Zen’s musical, helped Yoosung with studying or supervised Seven while he visited Elizabeth (he could visit her once every few weeks, if Jumin was feeling generous). But everyone really grown fond of you, and the whole RFA was closer than ever.
You slowly sipped your hot morning tea as you looked at the amazing view from the penthouse. You looked at the beautiful landscape. You may think Jumin is a city man, but he really loves nature.
A kiss pressed on your forehead. “Goodmorning, my love.” Jumin wore a blue bathrobe and his hair was slightly messy.He stroke your head, as if you were a cat.. (jk jk) then he sighed. “Ah, being with you always calms my mind”
He had been working overtime lately. You were worried for your fiancé, especially now his eye bags were really noticeable now. “Sweetheart, are you okay?” you asked “you look so tired.. I’m worried about you. You really ought to take a break”
Jumin sat down next to you and mindlessly grabbed your hand. It was a reflex for him now. “If I would be completely honest, I feel…. unpleasant. Is this what people call stress? There is a lot going on at work with a very important business proposal . it takes a while to explain but let’s just say that it tires me.. I just want to be fully focused on you and our wedding.”
You brought your hand up to his cheek. “ I’ll always be there for u you, you know that. Is there anything I could do for you so that you’d feel better?” You smiled as you wiped a strand of hair out of hiss face.
“You’re an angel sent by god, my darling. I’m happy with you just being here.,” he looked at you and lifted his hand to caress your cheek.” I have a flight to catch this afternoon. I know, it’s very sudden and I apologize. It’s a very important meeting I must attent.” He sighed. “But I’ll miss you so terribly.There’s nothing I would want more than to stay by your side right now.” Jumin still found it hard to leave you at times.
“I’ll be here when you get back, as always.”you put your hand on his. “Really, don’t worry. Now go catch your flight !” You send him a reassuring smile.
He sighed and stood up. “You really are such a sweetheart .” He briefly kissed your forehead. “I must get ready then, I’ll see you darling.”
You waved at him as he went back inside and took another sip of your tea. Bzzt, you got a message.
• ag@/n14
• We728:!/9
• M382ts
• Did you miss me.?
You shivered. You hadn’t thought about this unknown person since the planning of the first party, and here he was again.
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obae-me · 2 years
dunno if someone already asked but can you rank your most to least fav characters in Obey me?
I have done this before but I don't mind doing it again! Besides, maybe my tastes have changed a little since the last time I did a list. So here we go! (I'm not going to add Raphael, Thirteen--even though I do love her--and Mephistopheles since I haven't gotten that far in game yet)
Lucifer: He gets my top vote always. Sorry, I can't help it. I am a sucker for any kind of grumpy/serious/sadistic character. Can't stand anyone else but loves you? Gets me every time.
Mammon: This boy has come a long way in my few years of playing Obey Me. I was kinda not into the whole tsundere thing, but the 'I loved you before anyone else did' feeling he gives off has really stuck with me. That and he's just...adorable.
Belphie: I can fix him. Enemies to lovers? Yes please. Plus personally, I feel like I share a lot of personality traits with him, so I relate to him a lot. Sleepy boy who loves the stars is top-tier.
Beel: Big himbo family man, I have to put him near the top. I'm not usually into the athletic types in otome games, but he makes up for that in just pure love and innocence.
Levi: As a gamer and anime lover, I just love Levi in general. I played Mystic Messenger as my first otome game and Yoosung was my first route so nervous and cute video game boys will always have a place in my heart.
Satan: I adore Satan. He's so mature and wise in some aspects and then can pull a full 180 and do anything for cats or cat related things, and even play the most childish of pranks on Lucifer like he's a giddy little kid. Get you a man that can do both.
Simeon: The more I play the game and write about this angel, the more I love him. He's just so wholesome. He loves Luke like a doting mom, teases Lucifer like a little brother, and treats technology like a grandpa. Beautiful character, beautiful man. 10/10.
Diavolo: Himbo #2. I wasn't sure how to feel about him starting out, especially when the whole 'is he really a master manipulator' thing was strong. It might still be going on actually, but I don't care, I see him as just someone who's been sheltered in a castle his whole life and is figuring things alongside everyone else. You know when you have to 'grow up' too fast as a kid and then when you're more of an adult you start doing things to heal your inner child? That's Diavolo. There's a chat in game where all he wants to do is invite everyone to the castle to play hide-and-seek. Need I say more?
Barbatos: A demon butler? Come on. Let's be honest, I never fully left my black butler phase. An extremely powerful demon who spends most of his days making tea and sweets? Amazing.
Asmo: I hate putting him this low on the list, but just as far as character personalities go, I've never been the most into the 'pretty and popular' characters. I think the fandom pulls out the best of his character more than the game does (unless I've just missed some crucial Asmo moments) but he has his tendencies to be super sweet when it counts.
Solomon: I don't hate him, I swear I don't, it's just when I'm forced to make a list, some people are going to be near the bottom! I do love his character though. The mischievous wizard who is also more powerful than some people probably give him credit for. He's great, I want to see more of him.
Luke: My baby, my son, I know he's down here at the bottom, but still my love for him is so great. I don't particularly like children but I will adopt this angel boy. Especially with this last event and he was feeling sleepy, and Lucifer said "now is the time where all good children go to bed" and he fell asleep?? I cry. I will tuck him in.
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About me
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No one asked for this but I felt like I was missing something on my page so here lmao 😭
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♡ Pronouns: She/her
♡ Age: 19
♡ Enneagram type: 9w8 (I think)
♡ Extrovert
♡ Likes: spring, tea, sweets, soft colours, making new friends, long talks, jewelry, turtlenecks!!, getting my nails done, reading, writing, parks, music (all kinds), Barbie movies, stuffed animals, cats, talking (I tend to ramble a lot too lmao)
♡ Dislikes: People who don’t reciprocate my energy + lack of effort, heat, cold, dull colours, assignments and exams, spicy or bitter food, bugs
♡ Some fave characters: Kaeya and Diluc (Genshin), Malleus and Leona (Twisted Wonderland), Dabi (Mha), Dazai and Mori (Bsd), Asmo, Mammon, Simeon and Diavolo (Obey me), Zen, Jumin and Yoosung (Mystic Messenger), Hero (Omori), Sukuna and Gojo (Jjk), Koko (Tokyo Revengers), Rantaro and Ruruka (Danganronpa), Daichi and Kuroo (Haikyuu), Naomichi, Gin and Keiji (Yttd), Wataru, Kuro and Koga (Enstars)
Some of my interests can be found here!
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juminsmysticmc · 3 years
Christmas Shopping
by me @juminsmysticmc
for the 11. December 2021
Pairing: Saeyoung x Mc
Warnings: /
Author's Note: /
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,,I told you that I won’t tell you what I got you!’’ you hissed as Saeyoung, your fiancé, kept stressing you out.
The reason was that Christmas was soon approaching and he had no idea what he could get you.
And so he thought that knowing what you got him, would perhaps help him to find anything.
However, despite you hating surprises since you were no good at keeping them, you were doing a good job at not telling him anything.
,,Oh, look, a coffee set! This might be perfect for Jaehee!’’ you giggled and took the set in your hands.
,,I can make her a box and fill it with coffee and cute stuff! I’ll take this!’’ you nodded.
Saeyoung admired you for your good ideas.
You were no person who just bought presents because you had to, but you deeply thought of everything. You thought about what the person already owned and what they would like for sure.
You made sure to get things done early enough and gave your best to make everything seem perfect and cute.
That’s why Saeyoung loved you deeply.
,,Do you think that Zen will like this beauty serum and the coupon for a beauty massage session?’’ you asked him, making him focus on you once again.
,,Sorry, what?’’ he asked you as he grabbed your hand, noticing that you were freezing.
,,I asked you if you think that Zen will enjoy this present here,’’ you said again, holding his hand too.
He smiled and nodded. ,,Everything about his beauty will make him feel happy,’’ he laughed and you also realized that your question was pointless in the first place.
You just got two presents when the both of you found a bistro where they were selling Christmas tea and warm waffles.
Of course Saeyoung didn’t even need to see your puppy eyes before he bought you the snack and the warm drink, which hopefully would help your hands warm up a bit.
,,We’re only missing Jumin, Yoosung, Saeran, Vanderwood, and my parents… Afterwards, I need to buy some eggs and flour to make some cookies,’’ you told him and tried to keep everything in your memory.
Saeyoung smiled at you as he observed your cheeks slowly returning in color.
In his eyes you did look kind of pale, maybe sick and so his worry was only growing, but the more you talked about presents, the more he was sure and feeling better, thinking that everything was alright.
The Christmas lights made the whole atmosphere so magical as you walked down the street. Saeyoung carried your bags filled with presents as you were holding the bag filled with the groceries you needed.
,,I love the Christmas lights, especially the colorful ones… Maybe one day I will buy some lights and decorate our house,’’ you joked.
And suddenly, Saeyoung had the perfect present for you….
,,I will go out with Jaehee, okay?’’ you called before you stepped out.
And as soon as Saeyoung didn’t see your car anymore, he and his brother quickly began to work on the perfect pre-Christmas present for you.
The trees in the garden were decorated with lights, little Santa Clauses were placed on the veranda, and the house itself was decorated.
Luckily Jaehee knew what Saeyoung planned and so she made you go home after Saeyoung wrote her a message.
Saeyoung knew that he chose the right idea because as soon as you came home, your eyes didn’t stop sparkling.
,,Thank you… that’s so cute…’’ you whined and hugged Saeyoung. It was the most meaningful hug in his eyes…
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gureishi · 4 years
can’t stop you putting roots in my dreamland
Chapter 2 is here! The tension is building~ This chapter is SFW. Again, a reminder: this is a Choi sandwich fic, so please be cautious/skip this one if this pairing isn’t your cup of tea <3 <3
Pairing: Saeran X Reader X Saeyoung
Rating: E; Chapter rating: T
chapter two
A few days passed before you were alone with Saeyoung again.
It wasn’t that you’d been avoiding him, necessarily, but rather than there had been a lot of activity in the bunker over the last couple of days. The RFA had been coming and going—seeing for themselves that the twins were alive, of course, as well as bringing gifts both strange and lovely. Yoosung had brought a good deal of his home cooking and Jaehee had given you an assortment of coffees, while Zen had offered several DVDs of his own performances (which the three of you had already watched, of course—one of them multiple times).
Vanderwood had been around, too, perhaps more than they’d have liked—helping the brothers finish up the last of the clean-up work regarding the agency before leaving for their hometown.
By the time the chaos had died down at the end of each day, you’d fallen into bed with Saeran, exhausted and exhilarated and, most of all, relieved to be sleeping curled around his body once again.
Today, however, Jumin had stolen Saeran away for assistance with the development of his new iteration of the intelligence unit, and the rest of the RFA seemed to be easing back into their regular lives. This left you and Saeyoung, neither of whom had had regular lives to begin with.
As deeply and enthusiastically as you appreciated your friends’ presence, you were also relieved to have peace and quiet for once. The bunker felt bigger than usual after days of company; you noticed that your footsteps echoed in the halls as you walked past the numerous rooms Saeyoung had left empty—because, you thought with a twinge of sadness, he’d never expected to live long enough to fill them.
You made your way to the kitchen. In the two weeks you and Saeran had lived here alone together, you’d begun stocking Saeyoung’s gigantic, empty kitchen. You loved to cook, together and for each other, and doing so had helped you feel grounded recently. Today, there was no Saeran in his adorable apron hovering behind you and pressing surprise kisses to the skin behind your ear as you cooked. Still, you were happy to be doing it.
Today, you were roasting a chicken.
You washed your hands and pulled the six pound chicken you’d bought the day before out of the refrigerator. You put on a playlist of upbeat pop music and chopped up fresh spices, humming to yourself. Drizzling oil over the chicken, you wiggled your hips to the music. It was nice to feel like you had total agency over the simple task before you, to be alone with your thoughts and your music and your chicken.
Except you weren’t alone.
You didn’t hear Saeyoung come up behind you, which shouldn’t have been a surprise—you never could hear either of the brothers moving about the house, which was another unpleasant reminder that they’d led lives that necessitated not being heard.
“Hiya,” he said, and—taken by surprise in spite of everything—you jumped. You spun around, alarmed, and saw him: leaning against the doorframe, a goofy grin on his face. “Did I scare you?”
“Yes!” You held up your oily, parsley-coated hands in defeat. “I’m going to have to put collars with little bells on them on the both of you, I swear.”
Saeyoung laughed, and you recognized the swooping feeling in the bit of your belly; you’d felt it the other day, too, in the car. His laugh was somewhat different than the one you’d come to know (and appreciate, and seek out) in the days you’d first known him, when you’d been at Mint Eye and he’d just been a voice in a phone. It was softer now, and you thought perhaps it was more genuine.
“I wouldn’t mind that,” he said quietly.
Not sure if you’d heard him right, you said nothing, turning back to the chicken. The room felt full of static all of a sudden—sharp and buzzy.
When it was the three of you all together, as it so often was, you didn’t feel this way: like the kitchen had been cast suddenly into a tropical climate, the air thick, hot and sticky. You understood that dynamic, somehow—you, your boyfriend, and his brother. Fine. Being alone with him, though, felt different, somehow—inexplicably dangerous.
Knowing the backs of your ears were red, you liberally slathered the chicken with the parsley, as well as thyme and rosemary and cayenne. You cut open a lemon, perhaps too forcefully, wincing as a little juice squirted onto your cheek.
“What are you doing?” Saeyoung asked, persistent as ever. He had moved closer—you could feel it.
“What does it look like?” you asked. You grabbed half of the lemon and smushed it inside the chicken, as far as it would go.
“I don’t know if you want me to answer that,” he said, chuckling. You saw him in your peripheral vision: he was hovering just behind you, his eyes on your arm which was elbow-deep in the chicken.
“Saeyoung!” you reproached, shaking your head (also with a bit too much force). A lock of hair slipped out of your ponytail and into your eyes. Well, shit.
You pulled your arm out of the chicken and squeezed the other half of the lemon over it. Your hands were covered in chicken juice and lemon and spices; in other words, disgusting. You twitched your head to the side, trying to get rid of the pesky lock of hair. Great. It ended up in your mouth.
“Got it.” Before you could react, Saeyoung had leaned over you, tucking your hair behind your ear with his deft fingers. Your cheek burned where he’d touched you and you caught a whiff of his sweet, spicy scent. Oh god.
“Oh, um. Th-thanks,” you muttered, avoiding his eyes. You were sure he could feel the heat radiating off your cheeks. It was burning you.
You expected him to tease you then, to make a joke about the situation and reaffirm all your notions that he saw you as a lovable but thoroughly non-sexual sister type. 
But he didn’t. Seeming to realize too late what he’d done, he noticeably flinched. He laughed a little awkwardly as he retreated to the opposite corner of the kitchen, as far away from you as he could be.
“Gotta take care of the chef, you know,” he muttered.
Well, that’s even worse. His reaction—the way his face flushed as he slunk away from you—confirmed a fear you didn’t even know you had. He was aware of it, too.
Aware of what, exactly?
You cut up the rest of the lemon with shaky hands and arranged the slices around the chicken in your largest roasting pan (you’d bought this recently, too—Saeyoung had really had nothing here. What did he eat for all those years? you wondered—not for the first time).
“Ahahaha, um. S-so. When is my brother getting home?” Saeyoung asked, acknowledging neither the moment that had just passed nor the abrupt change of subject. You knew for certain, in that moment, that his mind had spun off in the same—totally improbable and illogical—direction that yours had.
And there you both were. Alone together. In the kitchen. Your hands covered in chicken juices. His brother nowhere to be found.
His brother. The love of your life.
“I’m not sure!” you said, too brightly. “Um, you can check my phone, if you want. He’d text if he was on his way home.”
Conscious of the intimacy of this particular offer (and thus regretting it as soon as you’d said it), you turned away again, dusting the last of the herbs over the chicken. You didn’t see Saeyoung’s face as he reached for your phone; didn’t register the look of confusion and longing that passed briefly across his golden eyes, disappearing almost as quickly as it had emerged.
“Do you want me to pretend I don’t know your passcode?” he asked after a moment, his voice a little weak.
“Do you know my passcode?” You spun to face him, unable to help yourself. Hackers.
“J-just to be clear, I didn’t learn it on purpose!” he stammered, his face turning almost as red as his hair. You couldn’t help but find it endearing. Ugh. Why do I live with two hackers?
“Do I even want to know?” You sighed, but you were smiling—how could you not? He looked so hopelessly mortified. You told him the passcode—just in case it made him feel better.
“Y-yeah,” he said, looking down, typing it in. “The day you met Saeran. I know. I saw you put it in one time—by accident, by the way—and my brain just. Remembered it. Sorry.” His voice got quieter and quieter as he spoke. He practically whispered the apology into his chest.
“You saw me put it in?” You couldn’t help laughing, feeling relieved at the sensation. Laughing is good; laughing is normal. Laughing is something you are allowed to do with your boyfriend’s twin brother.
“Saw…in a sense.” He laughed too, finally meeting your eyes. His were brighter than usual, shining behind his glasses.
You shook your head and turned, trying to grab the pan with the chicken in it too fast; perhaps unsurprisingly, you stumbled, missing a step as you tried to keep the heavy pan aloft.
Once again moving faster than you could register, Saeyoung was there. He caught the pan easily with one hand, the other arm wrapping firmly around your shoulders. Your back hit his chest, broader than Saeran’s. For a moment, you stopped breathing.
“You’re gonna give me a heart attack!” he said, his voice surprisingly sharp. He took the weight of the pan from you and you stumbled again, finding yourself pressed harder into him. He felt huge to you in that moment, capable of enveloping you or sweeping you off your feet. His scent filled your nostrils and your head swam.
“S-sorry!” you gasped, wiggling out of his grasp. He pulled away from you quickly, taking the pan to the oven. He looked almost…angry.
You watched his back, your body still overwhelmed by the scent and feel of him. It was the closest you’d ever been. You took a shallow, shaky breath.
“Sorry,” you said again. You didn’t know what else to say.
In that moment, the security system chimed, and you heard the load clanking of the series of doors unlocking themselves. Saeran.
“Oh yeah,” Saeyoung muttered, his back still to you. “Saeran’s almost home.”
“Thanks,” you said, unable to keep the sarcasm out of your voice. “I noticed.”
You had no reason to be short with him, but you felt annoyed all of a sudden. You wished he’d—what, exactly? Not stopped you from falling and probably hurting yourself? You stalked to the sink, drowning the sound of your heartbeat in the hot water rushing over your hands.
You knew you wouldn’t hear Saeran coming into the kitchen, so you didn’t even try to listen for his footsteps. You stayed at the sink, hypnotized by the bubbles floating up from your sudsy hands, ignoring Saeyoung. Waiting.
You felt arms wrapping around your waist and tensed, even recognizing his soft, flowery scent, even knowing intimately the hands that skated across your stomach.
“I’m home, my love,” he murmured into your hair.
Immediately comforted by the sensation of being wrapped up in him, you turned the water off, holding your hands above your head as you rotated in his arms so you could see his face.
“I missed you!” you said, because it was true.
He kissed you softly—with no regard, you noticed, for his brother, whose presence you could still feel like warm rain on your back. His lips tasted of the lip balm you’d bought for him and his arms felt safe. You were comforted, too, by the butterflies in your stomach, by the heat behind your shoulder blades. I love him no less than I ever did.
So why…?
Saeran pulled back, and you saw him register the look in your eyes. You wondered how you must look: anxious? Guilty? He ran a soft finger over your cheek.
“How was your day, princess?”
“It was calm,” you said, only half-lying. It was calm up until the last half hour or so.
“You weren’t lonely?”
You giggled and felt a blush creeping over your cheeks. No.
“No!” said Saeyoung loudly from the corner where he’d been lingering. You snuck a peek at him, and his cheeks were red, too. How suspicious do we seem right now?
But, you reminded yourself firmly, there’s nothing to be suspicious of.
“I helped her made the chicken!” Saeyoung sang, for all the world oblivious to the thoughts swirling helplessly around in your mind.
Saeran raised his eyebrows at you. “Really?” “Of course not.”
Saeran laughed his sweet laugh, ignoring Saeyoung as he insisted that he really had been helpful, going to peer at the chicken in the oven. You took a breath, starting to feel a little calmer. This was normal.
And it kept on being normal as you settled onto the couch with a book, feet kicked up in Saeran’s lap while you waited for the chicken to roast; he propped his laptop on your legs and typed, working on the program Jumin’s team would be using. The feeling of his fingers on the keys, the laptop against your legs, was natural and familiar and wonderful.
And it was normal, too, as you eventually pulled the chicken out of the oven—crisp and golden and smelling deliciously like thyme and lemon. The three of you ate together, as you nearly always did. And Saeran rested his hand on your knee under the table, and you felt warm and full and cozy as you listened to the brothers debate the pros and cons of a programming language you’d never even heard of before.
After dinner, the twins insisted on cleaning up (which generally involved a lot of Saeyoung whining and knocking things over and Saeran intervening and scolding him, taking over the tasks with remarkable patience). You retreated to the living room to flip through streaming channels on the gigantic TV. Saeran had seen essentially no TV or movies in his life and was enthralled by everything; Saeyoung had bizarre tastes and generally couldn’t be trusted— so you’d appointed yourself in charge of picking things to watch, and everyone seemed grateful for the arrangement.
Curling yourself into a more comfortable position, you found a movie that’d come out recently and looked just interesting enough to keep the twins engaged, but just benign enough that you could tune it out. You couldn’t quite put it into words, even to Saeran, but you felt like your head was spinning round and round. You hadn’t gotten to fully process everything that had happened over the past few weeks yet, and suddenly everyone around you was slipping back into normal life, while you felt like you still barely had a grasp on reality.
You heard alarmingly loud splashing from the kitchen and briefly considered intervening on Saeran’s behalf, but stopped yourself. Saeran had a greater capacity to deal with his brother than you gave him credit for—and the two of them were so rarely alone, usually buffered by your presence. It was good for them to have to handle each other one on one, every now and then. And you were so comfortable…
You pulled a blanket over your legs, heavy head dropping into the back of the squishy couch. You heard the boys’ voices as if through a tunnel; it was a comforting feeling, drifting off to the sounds of the playful bickering of people you loved.
People you loved…
Your head swam with images of the two of them, manifested by your tired, blurry mind. Long fingers, calloused from typing; sleepy eyes and messy hair and slightly too-big clothing. Red-headed Saeran and white-haired Saeyoung, but no…that wasn’t right…
“Are you sleeping, sweetheart?” You woke abruptly from your half-slumber to the feeling of Saeran’s lips pressing gently against the skin above your right eyebrow. You head felt fuzzy. What were you just thinking about?
“Are we gonna watch a movie, or…?” Saeyoung’s voice came from the doorway, trailing off as he came into the room; you opened one eye and saw him looking down at you, grinning. “Is the princess of the bunker too sleepy?”
“Don’t wanna be the princess of a bunker,” you mumbled, sitting up and tucking the blanket around your knees. “Get me a home that’s above ground and we can talk about who’s the princess.”
Saeyoung laughed, raucous and warm and familiar, and that too felt normal. Maybe, you thought, that moment today in the kitchen was a fluke, a bizarre heart-stuttering anomaly. Saeran slid onto the couch beside you, coiling up lithe body against yours—catlike, adorable. Immediately, you let your head fall onto his shoulder, and draped an arm over your lap.
“Whaaaat did you pick for us?” Saeyoung sang. He hesitated for a moment, as if trying to decide if there was room for him on Saeran’s other side. There obviously wasn’t; he draped himself over the other arm of the couch—technically next to you and yet as noticeably far away from your body as humanly possible. 
Fine, you thought, a little annoyed. Whatever you have to do.
You summarized the movie you’d picked for them and neither one of them protested—they never did. You often wondered whether you had really excellent taste in movies, or if the twins just liked going along with anything you suggested. You didn’t ask which one it was.
Saeyoung used his phone to dim the lights, and the pretty little LEDs came to life, glowing red and yellow in a string above the TV. For what it had lacked in food (and other basic necessities for being alive), the bunker—even when you’d first moved into it—did have excellent movie lighting.
But the dim lights and the movie’s soft soundtrack and the vague feeling of Saeran’s heartbeat just made everything feel hazy again, and you were finding it difficult to keep your eyes open. In your previous life—which felt like forever ago—you were at night owl; at Mint Eye, you’d slept at odd hours, always half-awake, anticipating one of Ray’s rare and delightful visits. He often came in the middle of the night, as if he had no sense of time—“Yes,” Saeran told you later, “You’re right. He didn’t.”
Now, you felt tired all the time. Though you’d emerged physically unharmed from the events of the previous week—though you were the only resident of the bunker, in fact, who had—your mind bore the scars of everything you’d experienced and witnessed recently. You felt it shutting down easily and often, as if begging you for time to heal.
Saeran’s hair tickled your cheek pleasantly and the lurid room blurred with the sounds of the movie into a miasma of comfortable deliciousness in your mind. Your surroundings were edging away, the soft couch disappearing from beneath you, the sounds and sensations melting into a dream…
Laying in a field, the grass caressing your face…
…someone licking icing off your bottom lip…
…the sweet, inexplicable smell of something baking in the distance…
…a soft hand on your thigh…
…and, suddenly, the jarring sensation of your body shifting as somebody got off the couch. You fell into wakefulness heavily.
“…fell asleep,” you murmured, nuzzling your head into Saeran’s shoulder. “Think I had a dream about you.”
The shoulder beneath your head shifted a little, and something felt different; it was more cushioned than you were used to, and maybe a little bit higher up. The angle of your head felt strange. And wasn’t Saeran on your left side…?
“Probably not about me,” said a voice that most certainly did not belong to your boyfriend. Your eyes flew open.
“Oh,” you said.
You were, irrefutably and inexplicably, curled up against Saeyoung.
“I, uhhh…didn’t mean to surprise you,” he muttered. You lifted your head, only making the situation worse—his face was so close to your own. “We didn’t want to wake you.”
His proximity paralyzed you. You’d certainly never been near him like this before—you could practically count every one of his eyelashes and feel the warm breath from his slightly parted lips as he stared down at you, eyes wide behind his glasses. There was such a strange look on his face, and you needed to move, dammit, but his scent intoxicated you and your muscles felt like jelly.
Up close like this, his face held such an innocence. You’d noticed it before, when he was asleep. Normally, his demeanor vacillated wildly between carefree and closed off—both protective mechanisms, ones you recognized easily. Behind all that, though, there was an almost childlike look to him—a wide-eyed longing, as though he was waiting, with a patience that could be borne only from deep neglect, for someone to offer him comfort.
And as you thought this, it was as if something broke inside you—a string, pulled taut, snapped, and you were overcome by the urge to close the tiny bit of distance between you, to press a searing kiss to the crease that had appeared on his forehead, just between his eyes.
Something must have changed in your expression, because he changed, too. The open and naïve yearning on his face was replaced, in one breathtaking instant, with something new: his eyes darkened, clouded over, as though he was at war with himself.
“Oh,” you said again.
And he flinched, as though that one syllable had dragged him back from the precipice of a cliff. There was a new look on his face now, and this one you recognized at once: it was fear.
He leapt to his feet and you instinctively shifted away from him, too; he stood still, silent, eyes cast downward. You didn’t know why, exactly, but you felt as if you’d done something very wrong.
“Morning, sleepyhead.” 
Saeran appeared from the kitchen, and Saeyoung leapt as if he was expecting an attack. You leaned back into the couch, feeling dizzy.
“You slept through most of the movie,” Saeran told you, making his way back to your side. His expression was soft; did he not feel the overwhelming tension in the room?
“Sorry,” you said, leaning into him, toying aimlessly with the edge of his sleeve. “Didn’t mean to.”
He laughed and ruffled your hair; the gesture felt like swallowing a warm drink.
“You don’t have to apologize for falling asleep,” he said.
“I—” said Saeyoung, and you both turned to him; if he hadn’t noticed his brother’s strange behavior before, Saeran certainly noticed it now. You felt him tense a little; Saeyoung stood as though he was in a war zone rather than his own living room. “I’m gonna go to bed,” he finished, a little stiffly. “It’s late.”
It wasn’t.
“Are you sure?” Saeran’s voice was hesitant; after all they’d been through, you thought, the brothers still had no idea how to comfort each other. And Saeran, of course, didn’t actually know what was wrong with Saeyoung. Technically, neither did you.
Except, said a little voice in the back of your head—a little voice that had been growing steadily louder, against your will, for several days. Except you do know, don’t you?
Saeyoung turned away, muscles taut as if he wished he were running. He muttered a goodnight over his shoulder and slunk into the shadows of the hallway. In an instant, he’d disappeared.
Saeran exhaled slowly. For a moment, neither of you spoke.
“Do you know what…?” he started, fingers drumming against your knee.
“Not really.” Neither true nor false.
“I still don’t…” Saeran’s fingers tapped your leg faster, faster. You stilled them with gentle fingers and he looked up at your gratefully. “I still don’t know how to talk to him,” he admitted.
“You’ll learn,” you said.
He nodded slowly and intertwined his fingers with yours.
“I’ll try tomorrow,” he said thoughtfully. You nuzzled your face into his shoulder, hiding your expression.
Saeran buried his other hand in your hair, running his fingers over your scalp in the way he knew you loved. He brushed through the strands, untangling, smoothing. This was one of the first gestures of intimacy he’d felt comfortable with—brushing your hair and, eventually, playing with it with just his fingers. Usually, this pacified you. But tonight, your thoughts were racing, and though you closed your eyes, you couldn’t slow your heart, hammering violently against your ribs.
You, not Saeran, were the one who needed to try to talk to Saeyoung.
But, muttered that frustratingly insistent voice, which was growing louder by the minute, what on earth will you say?
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red-as-mars · 3 years
Saeyoung Choi x F!MC
Word count: 4K+
Summary: In which Saeyoung meets the girl of his dreams... but she thinks he’s a girl.
A beautiful stranger looks at him from afar. Saeyoung noticed her since the moment she came into Jaehee’s cafe, as she unknowingly sat down at the table next to Saeran. His ears captured the melodic tone of her voice after she stood up to order a bubble milk tea and a waffle, just as he did one hour before. Hearing her laughing with Jaehee makes his curiosity spark, but something is stopping him—the emptiness in his stomach is not normal, not after gulping down several milk teas just to keep himself busy. Suddenly the air conditioner of the cafe is not enough. As he is about to run a hand through his hair, a guy sits right in front of him.
Suddenly, he remembers they are not the only ones in the cafe and that he almost, almost, messes up the wig he spent several minutes putting on—with the help of Saeran, much to the latter’s despise. He changes the route of his hand midair and awkwardly moves to grab his bubble tea, just to notice that there is nothing left. He smiles at the guy in front of him to try and erase whatever weird actions he had done as he thought about the stranger. There’s a light blush covering the guy’s cheeks and he can barely make eye contact with him.
“Noona, do you want me to buy you more bubble tea?” asks Yoosung, suddenly appearing by his side. He is way too happy to monetize from his ‘noona’ to notice how distracted Saeyoung is. He nods without truly understanding what the youngest told him, but he doesn’t care. All his energy is being used on trying to focus on the guy in front of him rather than on the pretty stranger, who is back at the table sipping from her drink.
“Saeyoung, I have been a fan of yours for a long time. Your cosplays are so amazing… and you are… so beautiful… I mean, you have set the bar too high! There’s no way I can go out with other girls knowing that you are my ideal type… so… will you be responsible for my singleness?”, says the guy way too fast for Saeyoung to understand him.
It takes him a moment to realize what he has just been told and, as soon as he gets it, he can’t help but furiously blush. No matter how long he has been cosplaying, hearing things like that still makes him uncomfortable, mostly when he knows that the girl they claim to love was born out of his will to mess up with Yoosung. He never thought that a simple joke could get this far—sure, he used a Tripter bot to gain several followers, but who would have thought that he would remain popular with the bot gone?
Just as the guy he was talking to, others had come to see him… her… and they were patiently waiting for their turn while ordering food and drinks. Even though she was against the idea of holding a LOLOL event in her café, Jaehee now seemed happy with the decent amount of customers giving her money while waiting for a chance to talk with pretty Saeyoung. No matter how embarrassed he was with all the attention, he had to act cool as the customers were focused on everything he said. He remembered Yoosung’s motivation before the event started (“Hyung, I am counting on you!”), and that was enough to encourage him to reply.
“Oh my, what are you talking about? There are plenty of girls more beautiful than me out there. I am nothing in comparison,” he replies in a cheerful, slightly playful, tone. Just as Yoosung comes back with his bubble tea, he manages to hear Saeran chuckle. As his attention moves to his twin, he locks eyes with the pretty stranger and his mind goes blank. There’s a light blush spread across the girl’s cheeks and it only makes her look more gorgeous. He knows she heard him when her lips break into a slight smile. He can’t help but wonder what she’s thinking, “but I really appreciate your words! They mean a lot, so thank you for coming to see me!”
He doesn’t really get embarrassed when posing as a girl, but there are some factors making him feel insecure. He can’t help but feel Jaehee slightly judging him as he unconsciously flirts with the guys. Or Saeran smirking as he writes down things to later tease him. Or Yoosung saying ‘noona’ every time he gets a chance just to remember the guys that they are close. Or how the stranger keeps on glancing at him every 2.35 seconds with a curiosity-filled gaze, making feel trail off mid-sentence. His nervousness is a vicious cycle. The more nervous he gets, the more flirty stuff he says while thinking of the stranger, but… as long as he can look at her, he doesn’t mind.
Even if that means being teased for the rest of his life.
Almost two hours later, the café is empty except for the beautiful stranger who remains seated a few tables away from him. As the number of customers decreased, she stopped gazing at him and instead focused herself on the screen of her computer, headphones covering her ears, as she slightly moved her head to the rhythm of the music. There are no more gazes, no more blushes, no more hearts skipping a beat or two—Saeyoung can’t help but feel like he’s missing something, but can’t he be more silly? Missing something he never had.
They are just strangers who happen to be at the same place at the same time. Tomorrow morning, she will have forgotten about him and keep on going with her life. There’s no way they are randomly meeting again in a city as big as Seoul. She must live near the café, but his apartment is on the other side of the city, near the river. Seeing her again would be more like a miracle.
“I didn’t think a lot of people would be interested in this kind of event,” says Jaehee, finally taking a seat next to Saeran after making drinks non-stop for three hours, “but I think I sold more than average.”
“Never underestimate the power of LOLOL!” says Yoosung, as if he didn’t just monetize from other people’s fantasies in the name of his guild.
“...or a wig…,” adds Saeran, drinking from his cup of black tea.
Saeyoung can’t help but glance at the stranger, but she is too busy on her work to hear what they are saying. He feels slightly relieved, as taking down his wig right now would only make things awkward. He doesn’t mind bearing with the itchiness on his scalp as long as he can keep on looking at her, the way she pouts as her fingers stop smashing the keys, the way her brows furrow as she unconsciously licks her lips, the way her eyes shine after blinking several times… 
All her actions stop as her phone rings. She quickly picks up the call and a warm feeling invades his stomach as he listens to her voice once more. The warmth quickly goes away as he hears her say “I’ll be there in an hour”, collecting her stuff as she thanks Jaehee for her service. Before she reaches the door, she stops and with her, Saeyoung’s heart. What is she doing? Is she missing something? Or… no, that’s not possible. She turns around, takes a napkin from the counter and leaves the café.
Immediately, Saeyoung smashes himself against the table.
“…are you okay?” says Saeran, although his voice holds anything but worry. At this point in his life, Saeran is used to Saeyoung’s sudden actions so he’s rarely surprised by whatever his twin does. Was he okay? Well, he just missed the opportunity to speak with the prettiest girl he has ever seen… He barely manages to give Saeran a thumbs up.
“Oh no, the girl left some stuff…” says Jaehee, slightly worried. Without thinking about it, Saeyoung stands up and the next thing he knows, he’s standing right in front of the table where the beautiful stranger sat. He ignores the suspicious looks of his friends as he looks at what she left: her transportation card and… one of the banners they made for the event, featuring Saeyoung’s most-liked Instagram post. Surprisingly, his face is surrounded by hearts and he can’t stop his cheeks from burning.
Saeran takes the paper from his hands and looks at it, then at him. “...guess she came to see you.”
“What?! But she didn’t come close to her… him!!!” exclaims Yoosung, looking at the banner with his eyes wide open.
“Maybe she was shy. I mean, it is always intimidating to talk to someone you admire,” shares Jaehee knowingly.
Saeyoung is barely listening to them. His mind is focused on the hearts surrounding his face, triggering the memories of their discreet eye contact, the blush on her face as they looked into each other’s eyes from afar… His heart starts beating like crazy, skipping more than a beat. A sudden wave of adrenaline invades his body as he realizes something.
“So… this pretty girl… actually came… to see… me?” he asks, although he already knows the answer. Listening to the confirmation of his friends is enough to give him back his confidence. He puts on his coat as he takes the transportation card and the banner from Saeran’s hands.
“Wait—where are you going? You better not do something weird to her!” exclaims Jaehee.
“What do you mean weird? She’s not going anywhere without her transportation card, so I’m giving it back to her,” he replies as he storms out of the café. Before crossing the door, he adds “It’s just a girl helping out another girl!”
And he ventures into the coldness of the night.
Although there are a few bus stops near Jaehee’s café, Saeyoung is lucky enough to find her at the nearest stop. She’s waiting there with one hand hidden in the pocket of her coat and the other one holding her phone. As he gets closer, he can clearly see several pictures of him on her screen. He suddenly feels hot as he realizes that she’s looking at the pictures he’s tagged at, most of them from today’s event. He feels some warm weight on his stomach, just as if a cat had fallen asleep on his tummy.
He stands right behind her without moving, carefully thinking about the best way to approach her as he doesn’t want to mess up this opportunity. Just as he gathers enough courage to talk to her, a pair of buses arrive and the beautiful stranger looks up from her phone to get in one. Before she can walk closer to her transportation, Saeyoung quickly puts his hand on her shoulder to stop her from going away. She immediately turns around in surprise, red tainting her cheeks as she locks eyes with him.
“Wait—I mean, uhm, sorry if I startled you,” he slightly laughs, trying to compensate for the awkwardness of his actions, “it’s just that you forgot this at the café.”
He gives her the transportation card and as she is about to thank him, he shows her the banner with his face surrounded by the cutest doodles he has ever seen. The pretty stranger stumbles over her words as her cheeks and ears burn red from embarrassment. Before she can justify herself, the bus closes its doors and begins its journey. Saeyoung is in shock. Did he just make her miss her bus? He begins to apologize, but the stranger laughs it off.
“Don’t worry, there’s another one coming in about… ten minutes, I guess? I just have to wait for it,” she says and Saeyoung can’t help but think that her voice sounds ten thousand better when she is talking to him, “Thank you for bringing it to me. I don’t know what I would have done without it.”
That’s a lie, of course. Saeyoung knows it pretty well. She would have to pay the driver in cash and, maybe tomorrow, buy another one at the nearest convenience store. Nothing bad would have happened if she missed the card—someone else could be using it—and that made him feel worse, after making her miss her bus. Yet here she is, smiling gently at him as if somehow she was glad of having to wait some minutes for the next bus.
“I guess I will wait for you, then. I mean, if you don’t mind,” he manages to suggest calmly, although he is nervous inside, “It is already dark and there are not many people left. I would be preoccupied leaving you here.”
He is not saying the truth, but he is not exactly lying. He is just omitting information to avoid looking like a creeper. I want to talk to you for a little bit longer, is what he actually wants to say, but there’s no way he’s actually saying it. Not without blushing extra hard. When she accepts his company, he just stands by her side, trying hard to focus on what to say and not on how fast his heart is beating. She is the first one to talk, formerly introducing each other. Saeyoung can’t help but keep on repeating her name in his mind, enjoying how each letter combines into making the most pleasing sound he has ever heard. 
“I, uh, well- I, ah,” he doesn’t really know how to start talking to her, not when she is looking so endearingly at him, ”I was just wondering why… why didn't you come to take a picture with me… when you were already there…”
The beautiful girl blushes slightly, gazing at her feet.
“I didn’t expect a lot of guys to be there. I thought there would be at least another girl besides you and me, but there wasn’t. Well, except for the owner, I mean,” she admits, playing with her phone in her fingers, “I thought it would be weird to be the only girl approaching you, so I waited until the guys were left to do it, but I got really shy at the end.”
Saeyoung’s heart is beating even faster than before. He can’t believe what he is actually hearing, but even though they just met, he trusts in her words, so his confidence increases.
“Well, you can’t go home without completing your mission, right?” he says while taking her phone away from her fingers and opening the camera. He positions himself beside her and makes a half-heart with his free hand. She looks at him in awe, clearly shocked at his actions, but doesn’t follow him. “Really? You are going to leave my heart waiting? Come on, people are staring at me weirdly.”
And that is enough to make her move. Their fingers faintly touch each other, but that’s enough to send warm waves through his body. He can’t help but wonder if she’s filling it too or if he's just crazy. All his happiness disappears as soon as he sees himself on the screen. He manages to snap the picture before his smile collapses, reminding himself that currently, he’s not yucky Saeyoung, but pretty Saeyoung, and that means the beautiful girl is interested in her, not him. However, there’s something about the glow in her eyes as she thanks him for the picture that makes him decide to ignore it and continue as it is. She asks for her Instagram username before the bus arrives. She’s quick to search herself on his phone, and waves goodbye before the bus departs.
Saeyoung is left alone at the bus station with his phone in his hand, looking at the feed of the girl. Somehow, when he sees her warm smile through her pictures, he doesn’t feel alone anymore.
Saeyoung clicks the notification as soon as it pops into the screen. He contains himself from liking it when he sees her bright smile on the picture and actually refreshes the page waiting for someone to like it before he does it. Once the heart is coloured in red, he goes into the comments and writes the nicest thing he can think of. She’s quick to reply back.
They have been chatting nonstop for a while. They have met a few times, too, but calling it a date is way too much. They were going out not only as friends but as girl friends. Just one girl meeting another girl at the subway station to get lost on the streets of Seoul, walking several miles per day without even noticing. It was just them finding new restaurants to enjoy, going together to get their nails done—and even getting friendship bracelets that they wear all the time. It was like a dream come true… except she still thought he was she.
“Hey, are you even listening?” Saeran’s voice brings him back to the moment. “Of course you aren’t.”
“Yes, I am,” says Saeyoung, although it’s not true. Ever since he met her, he can’t help but keep his phone in his hand, ready to answer her texts, but she hasn’t been pretty active today. 
“...you’re thinking about that girl, right?” he asks, although something about his tone tells him that he already knows the answer. “You shouldn’t hide anymore. You have been talking enough to tell her how you’re feeling. The real you, I mean.”
“It’s not easy. I don’t wanna mess this up,” Saeyoung confesses, gazing down. ”Before I do that… I just wanna know if she likes Saeyoung more than Saeyoung!”
“...what are you even saying?”
“I mean, how am I supposed to know if she likes yucky me more than pretty me? I look gorgeous in a dress, the competition is harsh enough!” his cheeks are burning. It is time to change the topic, “Wanna look into that store?”
“...that’s what I told you before…”
They are looking for new clothes for Saeran since Saeyoung accidentally mixed a red t-shirt into his pale clothes. Saeran is surprisingly picky with the clothing he chooses, so after almost two hours of searching into various shops in Hongdae, Saeyoung decided to take him to Apgujeong. So far they have visited three different stores and Saeran has (thankfully) picked some new clothes for him, although he is still searching for a vest.
As soon as they enter, Saeran starts touching the clothes, feeling the materials as he walks. He stops to pick up around three and, as he is about to enter the changing room, he stops. Saeyoung has been watching his twin so far, trying to calm himself down because of the lack of texts from the pretty girl, so he noticed how Saeran glanced at a shirt several times as he was choosing the clothes. Before Saeran can head back to pick it up, Saeyoung is already giving it to him. Saeran thanks him before disappearing behind the curtains.
Now that he is alone, Saeyoung starts walking around the store looking at the clothes. His style differs from Saeran, so many of the clothes are not appealing to him, yet there are some that he wouldn’t mind trying just for the sake of diversifying his style. As pretty Saeyoung, he dresses fashionable and mature; but as himself, as yucky Saeyoung, he wears whatever is clean—or less dirty, depending on whether he did his laundry or not. He can’t help but wonder what kind of guy the beautiful girl likes… or if she even likes guys. Up until now, he hasn’t really gotten information about that. Whenever he tries to find out if she would be interested in him—the real him—, she just changes the subject or answers back with another question.
He doesn’t know when he ended up in the women section, yet there he is. Standing in front of several accessories that he can’t help but think would look incredible on the beautiful girl. Soon he is busy looking at them all, trying to find the best one for her… but he can’t give her that as if it was nothing… maybe if he… bought two… one for her and one for him…
That would be nice.
He settles up for a pair of necklaces. Saeyoung is smart: he knows that if Saeran sees them, he won’t stop bothering him, so he is quick to go to the cashier to pay for them before Saeran comes out of the changing room. Yet as he gets closer to the cashier to pay, his heart stops as soon as he is greeted.
It is her.
The beautiful stranger is here, in front of him, smiling sweetly even though he is looking as terrible as he always does whenever he is not dressed up as a girl. She doesn’t seem to recognize him, but he keeps her head low as he pays for the necklaces. Oh my, he can’t give it to her now that she has seen them. It would be so obvious…
His face is burning red from embarrassment. He can’t believe that out of all the stores she could be working at, he just happened to come into the one… Then it clicks. Hasn’t she been answering lately because she is working?
“Would you like a bag for your necklaces?” her voice brings him back from his thoughts. He tries to hide his emotions by holding his breath. He says ‘no’ with his head, scared that she might recognize his voice even though he always makes sure to keep it higher than usual when he’s talking to her. There’s no way she’s recognizing him… right?
He slightly bows as soon as he pays, deciding to wait outside for Saeran as he might die from embarrassment if he stays close to her. Just as he is about to exit the shop, his phone rings. He waits until he is outside to answer the call.
“Hello?” he says, looking for the keys to his car.
“Saeyoung?” the voice on the other side makes him freeze.
He turns around and, on the other side of the window, there she is. His sun smiling back at him even though she now recognizes him as a liar. He wants to run away as she approaches him, but it is like his feet are stuck to the floor. He can’t move—and maybe he doesn’t want to. There’s something about her smile, the warm look in her eyes, that stops him from running away and hiding in his room for the rest of his life.
She’s now in front of him, but before he can explain himself… she’s hugging him tightly. 
“Oh my, thank goodness you’re a guy! I felt really insecure whenever we went out because you’re so gorgeous and everyone looks at you in awe. But with your actual appearance, I can be the pretty one of the duo!”, she says brightly, surprisingly relieved.
Saeyoung is at a loss for words. Maybe, just maybe, a few tears are forming in his eyes. Why is she acting like this when he lied to her?
“...did you just call me ugly?” he says, but as much as he wants to sound offended, he can’t hold back a giggle.
“In comparison to me, yes, of course.” she releases him, and suddenly it feels cold outside.
“Can’t deny you’re beautiful,” he mumbles looking at his feet. They stay quiet for a while before Saeyoung gathers the courage to speak again. “I didn’t mean to hide my identity from you. It’s just that you were so happy with pretty Saeyoung that I didn’t want to ruin it.”
“Well, I enjoy it whenever I am around you. My opinion is not based on your appearance, you know,” she says, “To be honest, I kinda already knew you were a guy, but I didn’t want to mention it as I thought you had a good reason to keep it to yourself.”
Saeyoung meets her gaze, slightly leaning his head to the side. “Then why did you just call me now?”
It is now her turn to look away, her cheeks tainted in red. “You looked as if you were about to have a panic attack. I just wanted to let you know I am here for you. After all, we’re friends.”
“I wish we weren’t… Wait, I, uh, I mean…Gaaah!” he can’t believe he just messed up. “It’s just that… I think you’re… extremely pretty and I, well, you know, maybe I like you?”
He is pathetic and he knows it. She just came up to tell him all this beautiful stuff about accepting himself as he is, and he has to mess up? It’s almost as he subconsciously wants to auto-sabotage himself.
“Just maybe? Because I like you a lot,” she says, getting closer to him.
Suddenly his hands are not empty anymore. They had held hands before, but this time it’s different. It may be the fact that she is right in front of him and not by his side, that their chests are one step away from touching it other… or maybe that her thumbs are tracing circles in his palms, sending an electric sensation through his whole body.
“Saeyoung, I really like you. No matter if you're prettier than me or not,” there’s a playful grin on her face as she says so. He gulps, nervous that she is either being honest or playing with him. “For real, I liked you ever since I saw you, but all this time we have been going out… I think I have fallen for you. Really hard. So, please, if you like me, don’t just say maybe.”
There’s hope both in her voice and in her eyes. He can’t think clear anymore, not when she is this close, telling him something he thought he would never get to hear. He wants to tell her how much he likes her, for how long he has been waiting for this moment… but he can’t.
Not when his body is moving on its own, hugging her waist to pull her closer until their faces are a few inches apart. Not when his head is leaning to the side as he closes the gap between them. Not when his eyes close and he feels the warmth of her lips on his own.
Not when love has made him speechless and the only way to show his feelings is with actions.
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saeyoungs-sunflower · 4 years
Can you write the whole RFA of its not to difficult please. If that is to hard can you do Jumin, Zen, and Jaehee please. For an S/O who flinches at quick movement around them like they will get hit. No one had ever hit on purpose it’s just an instinct from having high anxiety. I do that personally and it drives my family nuts. If I could control it I would.
Hello! Thank you for your request, lovely anon. I understand how you feel, I’m the same with loud noises. Honestly I bug could fly past my ear and I’ll jump three feet in the air no joke hahaha. I decided to write these as scenarios as it just seemed more appropriate, I hope they’re okay!
RFA with an MC who flinches easily
“Yoosung, I did it! I passed!”
You came bursting through the door and Yoosung sprung out of his chair, almost tripping over it in his haste to get to you. Your eyes were beaming as you held the exam paper that you were convinced you had failed, and Yoosung’s heart melted and relief washed over him.
You had studied day and night for that exam, and Yoosung had to tell you to go to take it easy on more than one occasion. He understood how important this exam was for you, of course he did. He was also a college student, after all. But you had been losing your spark and it tore him apart from the inside out to see your light dim.
But boy the spark was back, and it was roaring. You both sat at his dining table as he scanned over the document, his mouth dropping over one particular section.
You had got an A.
You didn’t just pass, you got the highest grade and he thought he was going to combust with pride. That’s his girl.
“MC! This is absolutely amazing! You’re incredible,” he cried, raising his arm up swiftly for a high five.
The arm dropped just as quickly when he saw you flinch away from him.
His mind instantly started racing, his blood boiling. Who the fuck had hit you? Who made you so afraid of an innocent high five?  He was going to kill-
“Yoosung, it’s okay! I’m sorry, I didn't mean to do that, it’s just an instinct. You know how I’m always getting spooked by stupid things, it’s like that. Please don't worry, I’m fine.”
You continued to explain and he eventually he understood, and also made a note to try and find more calm ways of expressing his excitement with you. He couldn't bare the thought of you being afraid around him.
You and Jaehee were cleaning up the dishes after breakfast whilst discussing your plans for the day. It had been the first nice day in weeks, and you both knew you had to do something, go out somewhere. But the problem was, you had been at home for so long that you couldn't decide on where to go.
The weather didn't look great for the following weeks either, so you wanted to do something special, but nothing sprung to mind. A crease formed between Jaehee’s eyebrows as she considered the options intently. Cinema, park, shopping-
Then she had a light-bulb moment.
She was so overcome with excitement that she span around to face you quickly enough that she almost missed how you jumped and turned your face away from her.
But she didn't miss it.
Jaehee’s eyes instantly widened as she started to apologise, but you were very quick to turn it down and explained that you were just always on edge due to your anxiety. It was nothing she or anyone else had done, it was just the way you were.
New plan: spa day.
Jaehee felt that you probably needed a relaxing day, and tried to make it a regular thing for you both in the hopes it would ease your nerves.
You and Zen were walking hand-in-hand through the local park, arms swaying slightly as you observed the scenes around you. It was a gorgeous day, and it was strangely nice to see the usually desolate park brimming with energy.
A young boy coyly approached you two, a notebook and pen in hand. He had scuffed up knees and a bandaid on his elbow, and he couldn't bring himself to make eye contact as you both smiled kindly at him, encouraging him to continue.
“I’m sorry to disturb you, Mr Zen…sir, but um…if you wouldn't mind please could sign my notebook? But if you’re too busy I completely understand-!”
Zen chuckled fondly at him, “Don’t be silly, of course I can! What’s your name, buddy?”
You and Zen exchanged looks, a silent conversation that only the two of you could understand. You gave him some space to have a proper conversation with the boy, whilst you went to pet a dog you had spotted moments before.
After the boy had ran back to his mother, a note from Zen in his hand and a grin on his face, Zen noticed a tennis ball on the floor. Picking it up he scanned the park, but couldn't find a notable owner. However, he did see you approaching, waving excitedly.
He couldn't help but smile at you, and a little idea popped into his mind.
“Hey, MC, catch!”
Before you had time to process what he said, Zen threw the ball in your direction. Instinctively, you coiled away and hid your face, a gasp escaping your lips. Luckily, the ball fell just in front of you.
To some, you may have just seemed dramatic or pathetic, but Zen knew you better than that. He was by your side in a flash, “Oh my God, MC I’m so sorry. I wasn’t thinking I just-“
“No, Zen it’s okay! You don't need to apologise, you haven't done anything wrong. I've always been like that, it’s just a weird response I’ve developed. You really don't need to worry.”
He listened carefully whilst you told him more, but still felt bad so he bought you ice cream and promised to give you a heads up next time.
Sitting opposite each other on his balcony, you and and Jumin enjoyed a quiet breakfast in the sun. It was his day off, so you both decided to have a slow, easy-going morning. You both had lie-in and cuddled before eventually dragging yourselves out of bed, both your rumbling stomachs indicating that it was probably time to start the day.
Jumin made pancakes, of course, whilst you cut fruit and made tea for the both of you. The quietness between the both of you was comfortable and pleasant, setting the perfect mood for Jumin’s well needed day off.
Jumin felt perfectly tranquil as he watched your face as you looked over the city, eyes darting from building to building. He found you truly fascinating, and always wondered how you found beauty and wonder in everything you saw.
As he watched you he noticed a fly buzzing around your head, which you hadn't seemed to have acknowledged yet. He didn't want it to break you out of your trance, so he took matters into his own and went to swat the bug away. However, you snapped out of it as he went to do so and instantly covered your face with a small yelp.
Jumin halted, his arm still in the air. The only thing that was racing through his head was confusion, mixed with concern, “My love? What is it?”
You let out a small sigh, the tips of your ears turning a subtle rose colour, “Oh, it’s nothing…Sorry, I couldn't help it. I just panicked for a moment-“
Now it was time for Jumin’s heart rate to pick up, “My God, MC I would never-“
“No no Jumin I know you wouldn’t, you've never done anything to make me believe you would either. It was just instinct, it’s because of my anxiety…”
Whilst he understood, Jumin was still concerned. Was your anxiety really so extreme that you were even on edge when he was there?
You continued your quiet day in, but Jumin also suggested that you talk to a professional about your anxiety. There was a limit to how safe he could make you feel on his own, and he hated thinking that you felt the need to be prepared for the worst at any given moment.
“Saeyoung, I’m home.”
Saeyoung heard you toss your keys on the kitchen table and the front door click shut. He knew your routine now: you would then hang your coat up, kick your shoes off, go to the bedroom, find a hoodie or sweatshirt of his, put it on and then find him to kiss him hello.
Once you had put on your hoodie of choice, you called out to him but he was nowhere to be seen. You assumed he had gone out to the store down the road, so you decided to sit in the living room and wait for him to get back.
Except, Saeyoung was in the house. He was just hiding.
He had tucked himself behind the door of the living room, preparing to pounce at you the moment you walked in. He had an incredibly boring and frustrating day without you, so he wanted to have a little fun when he finally had you to himself.
He heard your soft footsteps grow louder as you padded towards where he was. As soon as he caught a glimpse of your form, he lunged towards you with a loud “RAR”. He aimed to wrap his arms round you and laugh with you, but he was in for a surprise when he found you on the floor. Your face was buried in the crook of your elbow, your other arm held up in the air defensively.
Saeyoung dropped to floor beside you, carefully reaching his arm out for you, “MC, it’s me! It’s Saeyoung, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you this much. Are you okay?”
You slowly recovered from the ordeal, letting out a chuckle as Saeyoung apologised profusely in a panic. You gently shushed him, “Saeyoung, Saeyoung, it’s fine. Sae-SAEYOUNG,” you finally caught his attention, laughing again at the worry written all over his face. You knew he meant no harm.
“I’m absolutely fine, I promise. I’m just constantly on high-alert, I’ve been like that since I was little. I know you were just having fun, and I know you would never hurt me, so don't look so concerned you silly tomato,” you said with a small smile and a wink.
Jumpscaring then became a Saeran-only-prank.
You and V often enjoyed to paint together when you had a free afternoon. You both had your own set ups in the living room, two easels stood proudly next to the large window that overlooked your well-kept garden.
Today, V finished his painting before you, and glanced over to find you lost in concentration, your eyebrows knitting together and your teeth gnawing on your bottom lip.
V’s chest bubbled with adoration as he studied your features, noting every small quirk and mannerism of yours. He quickly decided he wanted to sketch you like this, even if it was quick and rough, he just wanted to capture this moment in the hopes that one day you would see it and see yourself through his eyes.
He was about halfway through his sketch when he glanced up again, noticing that you had picked up the pace and were painting more rapidly, more expressively than before. The way you moved so swiftly and gracefully left him in awe, but he also saw how you misjudged one movement in your concentration, knocking the glass of paint-water with your elbow.
V clocked it before it started to tilt off the side of the table, moving to catch it easily before it could hit the floor. However, his movement was so rapid that you couldn't control the way you flinched away from him or the yelp that escaped your lips.
Before you even had time to explain, V was spurting out apology after apology, and you even noticed the glisten of unshed tears that started to fill his eyes.
“Oh my God, MC, if I’ve ever done anything to make you think I would…I’m so sorry, please, I would never even think about-“
“Oh Jihyun, of course you haven't done anything, and of course I know that you wouldn’t. You’ve been nothing but kind and gentle towards me. This is just something that I picked up when I was young, nobody knows why, it’s absolutely not your fault. In fact, it’s happened so much less since I’ve been with you, so if anything you've helped me.”
The poor man was still pretty shaken up after that, but he could see where you were coming from. He was pretty jumpy himself, to be honest, so he made an effort to make your shared home as tranquil as he could after that day,
He also suggested meditation, which actually ended up helping you both a little bit.
Arguments weren't uncommon for the two of you, and you actually knew to expect that before you became a couple. He’d spent most of his life not having his own voice, so it was natural that he wasn't practised in expressing his wants and needs in the best way all the time. You helped him with this, and he improved very quickly.
Today’s argument was a tad more heated though.
You both had a rough day, so your tolerance for each other was particularly low. He was angry because you had spent the day with Zen, and you were angry because the reason you were with Zen was because he had hit a rough patch in his career and needed support. Basically, he was upset because he couldn't see you, and you were upset because he was upset. You were also upset because you seeing your friends struggle and hurt had its toll on you, and all you needed right now was your boyfriend’s affection and support. But instead, he was yelling at you which only raised your anxiety-level.
Your own anxiety was not something you had discussed with him, since Saeran had only recently recovered and you didn’t want him to have something else to worry about. You knew he needed to know, Saeyoung told you so too, but you just never found a good time to bring it up.
But now it was coming back to bite you in the ass.
Saeran still found it hard to control his emotions, and sometimes said things he didn’t mean when he got especially worked up, like today. His voice rose higher and higher, until something in him snapped.
“If you care about him so much why don’t you just go be his girlfriend instead,” he growled, throwing his arm to point at the door behind you.
The scream ripped through apartment as you crouched on the floor, hugging yourself with one arm and shielding yourself with the other.
Saeran was frozen in place as he looked down at your crumpled form, completely paralysed by your reaction. Saeyoung rushed into the room and was by your side in an instant, having clearly been listening to your argument and readying himself to intervene should things escalate. Which, apparently they did.
Finally understanding the situation, Saeran forcefully tried to swallow the lump forming in his throat, “Jesus Christ, MC. I didn’t…I wouldn’t…I’m sorry I-“
“Saeran, it’s okay. I know you weren't going to hit me. I just…it’s hard to explain.”
“Please — if you don't mind —please explain. I…I want to understand, I want to help…”
You agreed and all three of you sat together on the couch, though Saeran was suddenly aware of his every movement.
You reassured him, he apologised. You both explained properly why you were upset in the first place. You both understood each other.
It was a horrible situation for you both, but you were both stronger for it.
I’m sorry if these are all a bit similar, but I hope they were what you were looking for! Take care anon and thank you again for the request! <33
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joy1579 · 4 years
the RFA with sick MC who nests
okay so while growing up both my parents worked so anytime i was sick i was left home alone to rest. my solution get everything i might need that day together when i have to get up and hunker down in a nest of my own creation. trash can, tissues, thermos of hot tea, medicine, blankets, pillows, phone, phone charger. literally anything i thought i might need because sick me has no energy and wont want to get up to get it later.
so this is the RFA dealing with an MC that does the same thing
-        Called the doctor for a home visit the second he found out you were sick
-        Appreciates you resting
-        Will meticulously dismantle your nest every night (much to your dismay)
-        If he finds you asleep in your nest he’ll carry you to bed and tuck you in
-        Doesn’t understand the behavior and asks why you do it
-        When you explain that it’s a habit from being sick alone a lot he vows to never leave you at home alone when you’re sick
-        Since you said no to the home nurse he decides to play that part instead
-        He works from home and does most of his work while sitting next to you so he can get anything you might need
-        Doesn’t get sick at all. Probably by sheer force of will, or because his nutritionist makes sure his immune system if perfect
-        Finds you completely nested up on the couch asleep
-        He is so worried and sets about un-nesting you
-        Takes your temp, moves to lay you down on the couch, and changes your fever compress
-        Calls his mom to get her special soup recipe (she swears it can cure anything)
-        As you’re eating the homemade soup he’s brushing your hear since its gotten messy while you slept and nested, he doesn’t want you to have to struggle with knots later also he knows it helps you relax
-        Best caretaker ever
-        Until he gets sick too
-        And now you are both nested up on the couch leaning against each other suffering together
-        Seven sends them groceries via delivery and all it has in is weird home remedies he read about on the internet
-        Yoosung tries them all
-        Canned soup and crackers
-        Cuddles your blankets bundle and actively facilitates your nesting (because that’s basicly what he does with his compute when he works
-        Plays youtube videos until you fall asleep
-        Carries you to bed and sets up the more essential parts of your nest before catching up on the work he’s missed by staying with you
-        Doesn’t get sick from you but probably passes out from exhaustion
-        He worked when you slept and took care of you when you didn’t, meaning he legit stayed awake for 4 ½ days straight
-        Now vanderwood has to take care of both of you (vandy is not happy about this and swears if either of you throw up on him he will leave you to die)
-        But he does make the best porridge
-        Thinks you are way too cute
-        He’s got no problem with you nesting as long as you leave room for him to cuddle up next to you
-        He doesn’t care if your sick he isn’t going to miss out on holding you
-        Offers you medicine every five minutes despite the medicines recommendations (look he just wants to help)
-        Kisses you despite you saying he’ll get sick
-        He does get sick but its only for like half a day
-        You’re a bit miffed because you were sick for an entire week and it took him half a day?!?!
-        Has no concept of how to help since he’s never been sick long enough to worry about
-        Gets advice from Jaehee and follows it EXACTLY
-        Looks up recipes for good meals for people who are sick and tries to make them for you
-        (emphasis on tries)
-        Mom mode activate
-        Cooks you homemade porridge with bananas because she herself has a sensitive stomach when sick and knows that helps
-        Doesn’t let you leave bed saying “the body heals best when you rest”
-        So you don’t even get the chance to nest. She’s dismantling your nest before it even starts to form
-        Gives you your medicine on a strict schedule no extra no skipping “those guidelines are there for a reason MC”
-        Wears a mask because she cannot afford to get sick but she isn’t going to leave you to fend for yourself either
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marveloussupernerd · 4 years
Christmas in the Penthouse - Jumin Han
Summary: this takes place after Jumin’s ending in the Christmas DLC. Basically just what you guys did when you got to his penthouse :) not inappropriate tho even though it sounds that way from this description
Merry Christmas to you all, happy holidays if you don’t celebrate Christmas. I love you all so much
“I can’t believe it’s all over. The fundraiser, and we took everything down all in one night!” You smiled at Jaehee and Yoosung. “You two did a great job.”
“I’m glad you came early. It helped a lot!” Yoosung smiled.
Jaehee nodded. “It did. It’s almost 11 at night. I need to be getting to the office. Please tell me when you both get home safely.”
Oh yes, going home. You’d just call another Uber, even though they made you nervous, especially at night. It’d be okay.
“Thank you Jaehee!”
She left, hurrying to get to the office and get right back to work.
“I wish I could make sure you got home okay,” Yoosung pouted.
You shrugged. “That’s okay. I’m going to stay for a little to say goodbye to Jumin after he’s done talking to V.”
“I can’t believe you two...”
Your face was heating up. “We didn’t do anything. But I do like him.”
“Well it looks like they just finished talking. V looks relieved. Hopefully this is good news for the RFA.”
“Yoosung, you did a great job today. Rika would be so proud. Go home and get some rest.” You gave him a hug and said your goodbyes, then made your way to say goodnight to Jumin. V had already left it seemed.
“Jumin, tonight was...” how would you put it into words? “So special. Thank you.”
He was blushing. The lights had just shut off, leaving him illuminated by the moon and a few streetlights. He looked handsome as ever. “I should be the one thanking you. You’ve made this holiday unforgettable.” He tugged lightly on the sleeves of his dress shirt. “Are you going home?”
You tightened your scarf around you. It was cold. “Yeah, I’ll take another Uber.”
His eyes were wide, filled with concern. “Are you sure it’ll be okay?”
You nodded, putting on a smile. “Of course...” you couldn’t look him in the eyes.
“I may have just met you today but I can tell something’s wrong.”
You looked up at him. He was right.
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to,” he grabbed onto your hands gently, moving them slightly to bring warmth back into your fingertips.
“I... that Unknown guy messaged me last night,” you confessed. “And it kinda scared me. He said he wanted to come to the event and when I wouldn’t tell him about it he went on and on about getting his revenge...”
His face fell. He almost looked... angry. But then it was back to normal. “I’ll tell Luciel. Why... why don’t you stay at my penthouse tonight? I have security guards and two bedrooms of course and you could finally meet Elizabeth the 3rd.”
“I’d like that a lot. And then I can go home in the morning,” you nodded.
“Okay. We’ll do that.”
Jumin held your hand the entire way to the penthouse. In Driver Kim’s car, while he called Jaehee, the way up in the elevator. He wouldn’t let you go. He stopped outside of the door to his penthouse. “This is my head of security. This is the RFA coordinator. She’ll be staying here tonight. Her safety is the upmost priority.” He informed the man guarding the door. The guard gave you a polite wave. Jumin still had your hand.
He put on a kettle for tea first. Then he showed you around, taking his time to detail where you could find books or cups or anything you might need. Then you got to meet Elizabeth. He couldn’t find her at first, but the moment you sat down on the couch she joined you, sitting by your side.
You reached your hand out for her to sniff, which she seemed to do approvingly, then gently let her head. “Hi Elizabeth,” you smiled, focusing on the way her eyes closed when you got the perfect spot on her ear.
“She seems to like you,” Jumin smiled, sitting down on the couch next to the cat. “I’m happy to see that. Oh! I didn’t realize you still had your scarf on. I can take that.”
You untied the scarf then handed it to Jumin. And then it hit you. It seemed to hit him at the same time. “You don’t have any clothes to change into.”
“I just realized that as well...” you looked down at your outfit. The event was formal! So of course you were wearing a sweater, and like a fancy suit jacket, and a skirt. And that wasn’t comfy to sleep in. You unbuttoned the jacket and took it off. “It’s okay. This isn’t too bad to sleep in.”
“I’m so sorry. I would offer to get you some new clothes but I don’t think anything is open, especially at this hour on Christmas.” He ran a hand through his hair frustratedly. “I can call Assistant Kang and-“
“No! It’s okay.” You looked up at Jumin, a smile on your face. “I’m okay.”
“I have some pajama pants for me? I could give you those? I have sweatpants too! And shorts? They won’t fit you right but you could wear those if you’d prefer.”
As if you’d turn down the chance to wear Jumin’s clothes. “I’ll take a look if that’s okay.”
Jumin’s closet was huge. Most of it was dress clothes. But there was a part of the rack with some sweaters, like two t-shirts, and sweatpants. “I didn’t realize you wore this kind of stuff. But I guess you can’t wear suits all the time.”
“Yes. Well, this is for gardening. I’ve never worn the pants to be honest.”
You glanced at his line of striped dress shirts, your fingers instinctively reaching to it. “I can’t just wear this?”
His face was so red you thought he was going to faint. “No! No you can’t. That’s not suitable. I can show you my pajamas too. They’re over here,” he grabbed your hand, practically tearing you away from his dress shirts.
“I didn’t realize that would fluster you so much. It’s just a shirt. It was soft,” you told him, a giggle in your throat, as you kneeled down to go through his pajama drawer. Going through his drawer felt wrong. But he didn’t seem to have anything to hide so you assumed it was okay. You pulled out a plaid pair of pants, then teetered back to the closet to snatch a t-shirt. “This is okay though?” You asked, holding it up to him.
He let out a sigh of relief. “Yes. That’s perfect.”
You walked towards his bathroom. “I’m going to get changed. And you should too! I know you practically live in suits but I’ll feel super overdressed if you don’t change.”
He was in a silky set of powder blue and white striped pajamas. You were already on the couch when he entered the living room, your clothes folded neatly and set on the coffee table, Elizabeth in your lap.
He took a seat next to you, trying not to be obvious with how he looked you up and down. He chuckled. “My pants are too long on you.”
You had to roll them a few times for them to fit. It was no secret Jumin was tall. “I like it though. I don’t know, I feel all warm and fuzzy in this.”
He sat close to you, wrapping his arms around you like he had done earlier in the night. He moved close to cuddle you, nuzzling his cheek into your shoulder. “You feel warm and fuzzy too.”
“Can you turn on the tv or something?” You asked. He nodded, turning it on and handing you the remote. “With all the excitement I need something to unwind before I can fall asleep.”
You stayed cuddled with him. He had his phone out, doing some messages for work due to the fundraiser. Every once in a while he’d kiss your cheek or squeeze you tighter so you knew he was still there. You knew you were getting tired. You’d just close your eyes for a minute.
Your phone was vibrating. Nonstop. You opened your eyes, reaching for it. Jumin was still holding you right. “4 missed calls from Zen!? Seriously,” you groaned.
“He found out you were staying here.” Jumin’s voice was low and quiet. He sounded tired.
You picked up the phone. “Zen? I was sleeping”
“Tell me you’re not at his house!?” He sounded like he was spiraling over the phone.
“Yeah, I’m with Jumin right now.” You glanced at him. He was smiling.
“You need to leave. All men are wolves, especially at night. You think he’ll be a gentleman just because it’s Christmas!?” He was half shouting. You had to hold the phone away from your ear.
“Jumin is a perfect gentleman,” you stated simply.
“No! I won’t let you fall for his tricks. I’m coming to pick you up right now.”
“And then what? I stay at your house? But all men are wolves Zenny~” You cooed. Jumin chuckled, pulling you closer even and kissing your head. You looked back at him and winked.
“Ah! I!” The line went silent. “Call me if you need anything! Anything! He’s not right in his head.”
“Okay. Merry Christmas by the way!”
“Merry Christmas Zenny!” Jumin called over the phone. You exploded into laughter. Zen groaned an hung up first.
“It’s time to get you to bed,” Jumin smiled, standing up and stretching. “As cute as your giggles are.”
“But Jumin! You promised you’d say something cute,” you reminded him of his promise earlier during the event.
“Oh! Have I not said anything cute this whole time?”
“You’ve got me there,” you shrugged. “You’re very cute.”
He walked you to your bedroom, stopping at the door. “Here’s your room for the night.”
You had finally had him. He had you. And it sucked to spend time away from him while under the same roof. “We really can’t share? Or just cuddle on the couch and sleep? You’re going to go back all the way to your room?” You crossed your arms.
“I am. Forgive me. I... I would not want to overdo anything tonight. I’m just so happy to have you here that I don’t want to do anything wrong.” He looked awkwardly to the side. “But if you need anything I’m right down the hall.”
“Okay,” your voice was soft. “Good night Jumin. Merry Christmas.”
One of his hands cupped your cheek, pulling your face so close to his that you could feel his every exhale. The other arm settled on your waist, pulling you slightly closer. “Could I give you a good night kiss?” He whispered.
You nodded eagerly. That was all he needed to close the distance, soft lips meeting your own in a slow, but loving kiss. He didn’t stay for too long, afraid of overstaying his welcome. He pressed one more quick kiss to your lips again. “Merry Christmas.”
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sunshinejihyun · 4 years
The Birthday Debacle || Choi Twin’s Birthday 2020
Summary: Saeyoung and Saeran have always celebrated their birthday together since the events of Mint Eye, but there’s one person they didn’t know who also shared a birthday with them
Word Count: 3.9K
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\“We have a problem." Was not something Saeran Choi wanted to hear on the day of his birthday party. But alas, Saeyoung just had to say it, didn't he? "It's also MC's birthday. I totally forgot about it after doing my background check on her but now I just remembered."
Saeran’s hands started to sweat and he could feel his heartbeat speed up; how could he forget his own girlfriend's birthday? Why didn’t he know it in the first place? It’s been three years since they met, why has this never come up before? “You’re telling me that she probably thinks that we’ve forgotten her birthday for three years now? You have got to be kidding me.”
“I’m sorry! But isn’t it her boyfriends job to remember?” Saeyoung threw his hands in the air and walked off. “I’ll start making the cake, if you want to call and let everyone know it’s also MC’s birthday and we should expect to surprise her.” Saeran mumbled a thanks under his breath and pulled out his phone, already dialing Jumin’s number.
“Saeran, I’m going to see you soon, am I not?” Jumin questioned on the end of the line and Saeran felt a bubble of anger rise in his throat. He wasn’t angry at Jumin, he was angry because he never even thought to ask your birthday and now you probably thought no one cared.
“You are, but there’s been a slight change of plans.” Saeran explained to Jumin that it was your birthday as well as his and Saeyoung’s and that he needed Jumin to stall you for a few hours. “Can you just take her to get a new dress or something? Make her pick out a few and then have her wear her favorite one to the party. I’ll send you a new wine I found as compensation.”
Jumin knew the reason that he was asked to take you was simple: you were closest with him aside from Saeran, and knew that you’d be less suspicious of him than anyone else. So, that’s how Jumin found himself taking a detour to your small apartment, waiting out front until you were planning to leave to meet everyone else for the party.
When you stepped outside, your eyes glanced over the car inquisitively before Jumin saw you smile and rush to meet him. “Jumin, what a lovely surprise!” You exclaimed, leaning over and pressing a friendly kiss to his cheek, him doing the same to you.
“I have to admit, the reason I’m here is purely selfish. I just didn’t want to show up to the party alone and I needed your help with something.” Jumin explained before the driver started the car up, driving in the opposite direction of Saeyoung and Saeran’s bunker. “I need your help choosing a new suit to wear. I’m getting tired of the same grey color every time.”
“Oh Jumin, you know I love to help you but isn’t that what your tailor is for? I don’t want to be late for the party.” You pulled out your phone and looked at the time, nervously chewing your lip. “Can’t we do this after?” Jumin was having none of your objections and instead insisted on sitting on his phone, ignoring whenever you would complain about being late.
When you pulled up to the nicest clothing store you’ve ever seen, you saw Jumin eye a gorgeous white, pink, and green floral dress in the window. “That would look nice on you.”
And that’s how you ended up trying on dress after dress while Jumin looked at some dark blue suits. Jumin had deemed himself the fashion police and every time he didn’t like something you had tried on, he just sent you right back in with another dress in your hand.
At the Choi household, chaos had ensued after the fact that it was also your birthday came out. Saeyoung was in the kitchen baking a second cake for you, a little personal one for you and Saeran to share together later. Saeran and Jihyun were going through all the decorations and trying to fix them so they said “Happy birthday Saeyoung and Saeran! And MC!” Jaehee was running around with Yoosung and Zen, trying to pick out a few perfect presents for you since no one had time to shop before.
Finding his brother in the kitchen with vanilla frosting decorating his face, Saeran chuckled. “I think you missed the cake.”
“I was just taste testing it. What if it was bad? We wouldn’t want MC to get sick.” Saeyoung protested and Saeran reached across his brother to dip his finger in the frosting as well.
“Well, it tastes good enough to me.” After standing and watching his twin messily frost the cake for a moment before speaking again. “Hey, thanks.”
Saeyoung stopped his movements, putting down the knife and turning towards his other half. “What on earth are you thanking me for?”
Saeran turned his gaze to the floor, sure that if he looked straight at his brother he wouldn’t be able to explain correctly. “When we were younger, you always promised you’d come back for me. For a long time, I lost any sort of hope that you would. When I was under Rika’s control, there was only hatred left for you, she erased all the good memories from our childhood. But you never gave up on me. You sat silently day after day and waited for me to come around and I just wanted to say thank you. I’m glad you're my brother.”
Saeyoung felt tears well up in his eyes and he hesitantly stepped towards Saeran, wanting to embrace him but needing the confirmation first. Saeran wrapped his arms around his brother tightly for a moment before letting go and clearing his throat. “You should probably finish that cake.” He noted before walking off, presumably in search of something else to do.
Saeyoung Choi was turning 25 this year and finally, he was in a place in his life that he was happy with. He had great friends and his brother back at his side. They were his family, albeit a dysfunctional one, but what family wasn’t? Even MC, who came later than everyone else, fit right in. In his mind, she was his and Saeran’s honorary triplet (except not really, since you and Saeran were together and that would be gross) since they all shared a birthday. That’s why this year needed to be extra special. It was the first year that they were actually celebrating everyone’s birthday together.
Saeran approached his brother for a second time that morning and set a large box down in front of him, away from the cake. “I got this for you. It’s not much but-“
“I love it!” Saeyoung laughed as his brother looked at him exasperatedly.
“You haven’t even opened it, you idiot.” Saeran deadpanned and then gestured for his brother to open the box.
Inside the box was the biggest Longcat pillow Saeyoung had ever seen and he gasped, hugging it tightly to his chest. “It’s perfect,” looking his brother in the eyes, Saeyoung sincerely thanked Saeran. “Wait here for a moment.”
Saeyoung returned with a large book and promptly handed it to Saeran. Turning it over, Saeran smiled softly at the cover. It was a picture of them together on their first birthday, faces both covered with cake and smiling at the other. Inside was every picture Saeyoung could find of them together or Saeran alone and later on, pictures of MC and the rest of the RFA was added in there. “Saeyoung..”
“I know it’s kind of cheesy, but I wanted to show you that no matter what type of childhood we had, we always had each other and there’s so many people who care about you.” Without saying anything, Saeran grabbed his brother tightly, a sob wracking through his whole body.
“Thank you. Seriously.” After straightening up, Saeran wiped his eyes and went to go put the scrapbook in his room, hidden in a safe place so nothing could damage it.
There was a knock on his bedroom door and he smoothed out his sweater, turning to see Yoosung in the doorway. “Hey, MC and Jumin are on their way. We’re all going to hide and surprise her when they walk in.” Saeran nodded and followed Yoosung to the living room silently, crouching behind a chair and feeling utterly guilty about missing your birthday.
Shutting off the lights, Zen announced that you were at the security gate, struggling to answer the question Saeyoung currently had set for security measures. Saeran smiled to himself, remembering the first time he brought you to the bunker and how frustrated you got with the simple question. How when he finally told you, your neck flushed red and you thanked him with a small kiss.
As soon as he heard the door start to rattle, his smile on his face got bigger, just imagining your face and how surprised you’ll be. “Jumin, the lights are off. Are you sure they’re still-“
As you walked in the door, Zen flicked on the lights and everyone jumped out, screaming a variation of “Happy birthday, MC!”
Your hand covered your mouth and tears welled up in your eyes as Saeran hastily made his way towards you, wrapping his arm around your body as you buried your face in his solid chest.”Happy birthday, Saeran. I love you.” You waited a moment before asking, “how did you know?”,voice muffled by his sweater.
“I’m just sorry we didn’t find out sooner, my love. Why wouldn’t you tell me?” One of Saerans hands pushed your hair back from your forehead and he pressed a soft kiss to the exposed skin.
“Because the first year you celebrated your birthday with Saeyoung, was the first time since you reconnected and I wanted you to have that day with your brother. After that, it just felt too late to tell you so I just never bothered.” You explained and turned towards Jumin. “You’re sneaky, Mr. Han. I can’t believe I didn’t figure this out sooner.” Saeran took that moment to truly study you for the first time in about a week, since that was when he saw you last. You were wearing a blue tea dress, small flowery patterns swirling around - one of the three dresses Jumin had gotten you. Your hair was partially up and it showed off more of your neck than normal, and he smiled to himself when he saw a necklace he had gotten for you on your second Valentine’s Day together dangling down the front of your dress.
“Happy birthday, MC!” Saeyoung exclaimed and wrapped his arms around your waist, twirling you around. Saeran smiled at his brother and partner getting along and he mouthed a thank you towards Jumin, who held up his hand in a way to say “no problem.”
When you pulled away from Saeyoung, you made your way around the room with hello’s and thank you’s making sure to ask everyone how they were doing. Saeran loved that about you, the fact that you remembered such intimately personal details about all your friends; it made everyone know you cared and made them care for you even more.
After you finished your conversation with Jaehee, Saeran gently took your hand and pulled you towards the couch, loving the laugh that you let out as he settled you down on his lap. “What do you say we get out of here later? I love all our friends but I’d really just like to spend some time with you, Princess.” You bit your lip and nodded quickly pressing a kiss to his lips and laughing at the blush that settled on his cheeks.
“I would like that, I want to give you your present alone.” Saeran couldn’t help but let his mind wander at that comment and you laughed, smacking his chest. “Not like that, you dork. It’s just not something anyone else needs to see.”
Saeran smirked, lightly peppering your neck with kisses. “Your not helping your case by saying that.”
“You are unbelievable!” You laughed as you squirmed in his grip, Saeran hitting the ticklish spot on your neck.
“MC, we got this for you. Since we didn’t know it was your birthday, we looked for something to suit you. We hope you will find it suitable.” Jaehee handed you a small velvet box and you felt a smile creep onto your face before sneaking a peek at Saeran, who’s smile was almost mirroring your own. Opening the box you gasped as you saw a bracelet with a locket inside it.
Skipping it on your wrist, you felt Zen grab the charm and open it for you, showing you the pictures inside. One side was the group picture you took on the twins first birthday together and on the other, a picture of you and Saeran asleep, you curled in his lap with one of his hands in your hair, the other wrapped protectively around your waist. “This is beautiful. Seriously, thank you guys.” You got up to hug each of your friends and when you got to Saeyoung you pulled out a small box for him. “Happy birthday Saeyoung.”
He opened the box and saw it was a customized HBC and PhD. Pepper keychain to put on his car keys. Laughing he booped you on the nose before pulling you into another hug. “Thanks so much MC.”
After some more gift exchanging from the other members of the RFA, you noticed Saeran’s eyes starting to glass over, a clear sign he was getting overstimulated and needed a break from people for a moment. Grasping his hand, you shook him out of his trance and motioned your head to the front door. “Want to go take a walk?” Smiling gratefully at you, Saeran got up and you wordlessly followed him to his room where he grabbed two sweatshirts, one for him and one for you.
“I know it’s summer but the nights get colder now. I want you to stay warm.” He explained, once again taking hold of your hand and leading you out the door. “Thanks for noticing I needed a break.”
You squeezed his hand gently and he brought your entwined hands up to his lips, pressing a lingering kiss to the top of your hand. “I notice everything about you, Saeran.” You replied honestly, smiling to yourself when you saw a blush dust the tips of his ears. “Can I give you your present now?”
You guys had stopped and sat down at a park bench when you handed him a heavy bag. He looked at you curiously before pulling the paper out and handing the crumpled ball to you, grunting slightly as he pulled out the large picture frame. “It’s… constellations?” He asked, confusion written all over his face.
Laughing, you pointed to the bottom. “Look at the date.”
Saeran’s eyebrows knit together in confusion before a look of realization dawned on his face. “The day we met.”
You nodded, wrapping your arms around one of his, grateful for his sweatshirt he insisted you put on before you left the party. “Those are the constellations in the sky on the exact date, time, and location when we first met.” You explained, looking at his face as he studied the frame carefully, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “I didn’t know what to get you for the longest time, to be honest. You’re picky and I didn’t want to get you anything that wasn’t sentimental, like I got Saeyoung.” You laughed and Saeran pulled you closer to him, pressing a kiss to the side of your head. “But I figured this would be good, since it’s sentimental and something you can always use. Let’s be honest, your room does need something on the walls.” You teased him and your heart swelled when Saeran laughed along with you.
“It’s perfect. Seriously, MC. I couldn’t picture anything better.” Saeran had set down the picture frame and was looking deeply in your eyes, grasping both of your hands. “I’m sorry I don’t have anything for you.”
You shook your head, smiling. “I don’t need anything. Being with you and the rest of our friends are enough. You’re the most important thing to me.” Saeran smiled widely before pulling you into a deep kiss. It was a kiss that said way more than words ever could. It   love and thoughtfulness, hope and adoration. It was the type of kiss you would remember forever. It was the type of kiss that proved to you that true love was real.
“As much as I would like to keep you to myself for the rest of the night, I think we need to get back.” Saeran said, a little out of breath as he pulled away, his forehead still pressed against yours.
You let out a small whine as he laughed and pulled you up, holding you close with one hand and holding the bag with your present in the other. On the way back to the bunker, you spotted an ice cream shop, the lights still shining brightly and you stopped your boyfriend. Pointing to the shop, you smiled as his eyes lit up. “Want some ice cream before we head back?”
“MC, do you even have to ask?” Saeran asked seriously and you laughed out loud before he dragged you inside. “Can I get a strawberry on a cone and a vanilla in a cup?” You smiled at the fact that he remembered your order before you remembered you should stop being impressed. Saeran remembered everything you’ve ever told him, even if you didn’t remember telling him. Of course he did, you were his pride and joy.
No matter how much you insisted, Saeran wouldn’t let you pay for the ice cream. “I have three years of birthdays to make up for, please don’t fight me with this.” He pleaded, taking your hand before walking out the door of the ice cream parlor.
Sneaking a glance at Saeran, you suppressed a giggle as you saw a bit of ice cream on his nose. He looked down at you and as he did, you reached up on your tiptoes, kissing the tip of his nose and promptly cleaning his face of ice cream. “You had ice cream on your nose,” you explained as he looked at you with a bewildered expression.
Saeran silently pressed a kiss to your lips. “You had ice cream on your lips.” He stated, like it was the most mundane thing ever.
The rest of your walk back to the party was quiet, the both of you just enjoying being in the others company. When you got to the door with the security questions, you stepped back, happy to let your boyfriend figure out the answer.
“MC, Saeran! There you are.” Yoosung flocked to your side as soon as you stepped into the front door, linking his arm with yours. “You guys have to blow out your candles on the cake!”
“Well, uh, I actually don’t want cake.” You stayed and when everyone looked at you like you were crazy, you went on to explain. “When Saeran and I were out, we got ice cream.”
“Speak for yourself, Princess. I still want some cake.” Saeran released your hand and kissed the top of your head before heading over to sit by his twin. You went and stood by Jumin and Jihyun, a smile on your face as you watched Saeran and Saeyoung argue over who was going to blow out the candle on which cake.
Once they settled their little debacle (Saeran took the vanilla cake and Saeyoung, the chocolate), you all started to sing happy birthday and you laughed as everyone tried to fit Saeran’s, Saeyoung’s, and your name into the song. As your two birthday twins blew out the candles, you felt a tap on your shoulder and Zen stood before you, a smaller cake with your name written sloppily on it with one candle in the center. You smiled at him and blew it out before returning your attention to the birthday boys who were now both eating their first bite of cake.  
Saeran gestured for you to come by him and you complied, sitting on his lap as he wrapped his arms around you. Jaehee pulled out her camera and you were about to ask why when you felt something sticky on each side of your face.
Saeyoung couldn’t contain the giggles that had bubbled up in his throat at the look on your face and he doubled over, laughing so hard he fell out of the chair. “I’ll give you both five seconds to run.” The twins each looked at the other and then you were pushed out of Saeran’s lap, both of them running to hide. You immediately chased after your boyfriend, quickly catching up to him and pressing your cheek against his, making sure to rub the frosting all over his face as well. He pulled you closer to him, his face close to yours as he whispered. “Happy birthday, MC. I love you.”
“Happy birthday Saeran, I love you too.” You replied before gently kissing him.
“Happy birthday Saeyoung, I love you.” You heard the other twin say to himself and you and Saeran both broke apart with a giggle playing on both of your lips.
“Hey, Jaehee just sent us the pictures she took from the party, do you want to see them?” Saeyoung sat down next to his brother on his bed.
“Sure,” Saeran replied, turning his attention away from the book he was reading. As Saeyoung spread the pictures out in front of the two boys, Saeran smiled at all the pictures that were there. Pictures of him with his brother, Yoosung, you, and every other combination of all of his friends was laid out in front of him.
“What do you think about adding these to your scrapbook?” Saeyoung asked, laughing as he saw his brother's eyes transfixed on the picture of you and him kissing, cake frosting all over both of your faces.
“I think that’s a good idea, but if you don’t mind I think I’d like to keep this one out of it.” Saeran grabbed the picture his eyes hadn’t left. “I’d like to frame this one. Keep it where I can see it no matter what.”
Saeyoung smiled at his lovestruck brother. “Of course.” Patting his brother on the back, Saeyoung removed himself from the bed. “Hey Saeran?”
Looking up at his brother, Saeran answered him quietly. “Yeah?”
“Thanks for being my brother. I can’t wait to celebrate our birthday together next year.” Saeyoung said before leaving the room.
“I can’t wait either,” Saeran whispered, picking up the picture of him and his brother blowing out the cake candles together. “I’m so lucky to have you.”
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cafedanslanuit · 5 years
hcs for main 6 with an mc that can’t sleep unless their significant other is with them in bed and will just stay up until they make it to bed? thank you
sorry for the delay but it’s hereeee
Big issue here because our boy stays up pretty late playing LOLOL
But you can’t sleep unless he’s in bed with you
He’s devastated the first time he realizes is 4 am, your eyes are all puffy but you can’t manage to sleep
He thought you were already asleep!
He tries giving you relaxing tea, really comfortable pillows, but nothing works
So he compromises
He buys one of those tables that fold up and starts gaming in bed
Now, you can sleep and he can keep on playing, yay!
Jaehee knows about all nighters. She’s probably the best example on why you shouldn’t do that
She used to work late at the office, but felt incredibly guilty when it was 1 am and you were still waiting for her
Especially because she knew you had to be on your office by 7 am
At first, she doesn’t think much about it because she can run on little sleep most days
But once, you go out on a quick date at Starbucks. You both sat down and when they called your names, she got up to pick up your orders. When she came back, you were asleep on the table
So, Jaehee had to look for options
Getting rid of her workload wasn’t an option (for now)
So now she stays in bed with you while working on her laptop
Are you sure the light doesn’t bother you, MC? I can work on little light, just tell m– It’s ok, Jaehee.
This one need to have a better schedule
So, needing him by your side to fall asleep is actually pretty good for him
He wants to stay up late practising his lines, but can he miss out on cuddling his princess and getting his beauty sleep
Damn right he can’t
Major snuggler
Once, you go away for a few days and he realises now he can’t fall asleep without you
He makes sure to videocall you until you both fall asleep
Will definitely whisper soft words or sing a pretty lullaby when you’re in his arms
Won’t admit to anyone, but loves being the little spoon too
We’ve reached a predicament
See, Jumin likes going to bed early, sometimes even earlier than you which is great
But he also travels a lot due to his job, so there are nights when he won’t come home at all
He doesn’t notice you can’t fall asleep without him because you don’t tell him, not wanting to bother him
But one time he travels really far, he sees you online at 3:30 a.m. (it’s 9:30 a.m. for him though)
He thinks about texting you, but he thinks maybe you fell asleep with your laptop open, so he doesn’t want to disturb you
But it’s the same the next day
“Is everything alright, love? What are you doing up so late?”
“I’m fine, darling. I got caught up in a movie. It just ended, will go back to bed. Night
It’s one hour later and you’re still online though
He doesn’t want to be a father figure to you, he doesn’t want to force you to go to bed but now he’s worried
He asks Jaehee about it and she says you look tired and have dark circles under your eyes
“My love, I’m in no way trying to tell you when to go to bed, but now I’m worried about your health. Have you been eating? Is the food the chef makes any good? Tell me, please”.
“I’m okay, Jumin. Don’t worry, it’s silly.”
He insists
“It’s just really hard to fall asleep without you here”
You can almost listen to Jumin’s heart breaking
Now, every time he travels and he knows it’s around 11 p.m. on your timezone, he starts a videocall. He’s usually pretty busy and most of the time in a meeting, but he never misses a day. He places the phone so it points to him and keeps on with his meeting, knowing you can fall asleep just by hearing his voice.
It’s the next best thing he can do. And you love him for it.
“Are you coming to bed?” “Not soon, MC, why?” “It’s really hard to fall asleep without you, honey”
Saeyoung.exe is not responding
Saeyoung.exe has stopped working
You see, unlike Yoosung, he can’t just take his laptop to bed. He used several laptops and screens
If Mahoma doesn’t go to the mountain…
He dims the lights, turns on a lamp by his side and pulls the studio coach close to him.
It’s not the same. And most of the time, it doesn’t work out. The coach isn’t as comfortable as your bed, and once you woke up with a killer backpain.
So he tries to change his schedule
And fails miserably
yo, i get him, i can’t be productive or functional in the mornings
So he decides to cuddle up with you at night, ignoring the work he has. Yes, it’s his job and it does pay well, but he can’t have you walking around with pain.
Once you fall asleep, he goes back to hacking
He’s always sure to be there when you wake up in the morning, though. Even if when you do, he has already fallen asleep.
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katfox · 4 years
A friend asked me to do RFA+ Minor trio - mc/reader having over protective brother.
I changed it up a bit to have half with older brothers and half with younger brothers, just for fun I hope they don't mind!
💫 // 💢
Zen - Older Brother
• You bring your brother to one of Zen's shows since he wanted to make sure you're seeing a good guy.
• Your brother is skeptical since Zen has many female fans. But Zen would never do anything to hurt you, he doesn't see anyone but you.
• You tell your brother that Zen is a gentleman and very loyal.
• After the show you bring your brother backstage to meet him.
• Zen hugs you before offering a handshake and dazzling smile to your brother.
• He can see a bit of distrust in your brother's face considering if he should take his hand back or wait.
• They shake hands and your brother starts going in with some questions.
• "What are your intentions with my little sister?" A flustered zen responds with, "W-well I care for (y/n) very much I can't thank her enough for coming into my life and supporting me with her heart."
• "How do you plan to support her?" Zen replies with all seriousness, "I may not be rich or have a fancy place but I will support her with anything that she may need, we may struggle but if I have (y/n) by my side, we can make it through anything."
• Zen looks over to you smiling as he's looking at the most wonderful woman, until he notices how short your skirt is.
• "Jagi that skirt is too short! what if another man looks at you! Men are wolves!!"
• Your brother is a bit put off that he would even be looking down at your body.
• Suddenly laughter fills the air as your brother found Zen's protectiveness similar to his own of you and couldn't help but to let out a few chuckles.
• The awkwardness between everyone starts to dissipate and he slowly approves of the relationship.
Jumin - Older brother
• Jumin made a reservation for dinner as he wanted to meet his fiancee's brother.
• Your brother was surprised to hear that you were suddenly engaged to a man that he nor did the rest of your family know.
• Hes already in a slight mood as he felt left out and had no idea of what Jumin was like. Other than the fact that he was the director of his family's company.
• Of course Jumin would choose one of the nicest restaurants to make a good first impression. Money meant nothing to him anyway.
• Your brother meets you both at the restaurant he hugs you tightly as he hasn't seen you in so long.
• Jumin waits there, standing patiently as you finish your greetings. He smiles seeing you so happy to see your brother again.
• Jumin introduces himself to your brother giving a firm yet warm handshake. He had become nicer since you came into his life.
• "Please order anything you'd like" jumin says confidently but not cocky. Your brother was more curious as to how jumin could propose to you without the blessings of your family.
• "So Jumin... what gives you the right to ask for my sister's hand without asking permission first." Jumin slightly clears his throat before speaking "I can see where you would feel offended, and I sincerely apologize however I can't apologize for my feelings towards this beautifully amazing woman."
• Your brother is taken aback a bit as he was expecting jumin to be a jerk in his response.
"I will take care of her to the most of my ability, I have guards that will protect her as well as the will to keep her happy and smiling for all the years to come." Jumin assured
• Your brother can see how serious jumin is about you and he's never seen you smile this much before. He seems to have softened up to accepting this relationship.
• Eventually becomes the best man at your wedding.
Yoosung - Younger brother
• You had to take your little brother with you as you were always going to yoosung's house and he was upset about it.
• "Yoosung I'm here!" you say, but your brother starts to step in front of you as yoosung rushes over to hug you.
• "She's my sister you can't have her." Yoosung starts to feel a little intimidated before he realizes that he's older than him.
• Yoosung smiles lightly and bends over a bit to meet your brother. "uh- eh.. do you like games? he..heh.." expressing a nervous laugh.
• Your brother scoffs and crosses his arms "you just want to distract me so you can get with my sister."
• "No! that's not it at all. I.." Yoosung becoming more visibly flustered.
• You tell your brother that he should at least give it a try. And he agrees but he's reluctant.
• Yoosung guides you both into his room and starts to set up the game on his laptop for her brother. While he, of course uses his desktop to play.
• Your brother is worried that yoosung will try to take you away from him.
• yoosung teaches him how to play as you sit and watch to see them. Smiling, hopeful that they can work together and grow closer.
• They start playing around with each other and yoosung teaches him almost everything he knows. "Superman Yoosung will show you the way!" You try to hold back a chuckle.
• He starts to feel that yoosung isn't so bad and you can see that your brother is starting to let him in. "Thank goodness!", you think to yourself
• They start to get along and yoosung looks over at you, you shoot him a kind smile and he kinda melts from it.
• Looks like yoosung got another boy hooked on LOLOL.
Seven - Younger brother
• You were out and about with your little brother when you get a phone call.
• "I see you! hehe" You hear on the other end and couldn't help but chuckle at Seven's voice.
• "Where are you god seven?" you say causing your brother to give you a scrunched face as today was supposed to be his day.
• You Eventually excuse yourself before hanging up on your boyfriend and focus on your little brother.
• "Today is my day.. what does he have that I don't have? you never spend time with me anymore!"
• He runs off and you try to find him but he knew how to blend in.
• After about 30 minutes of not being able to find him to contact your boyfriend for help. "Hello meow ~" you hear him answer.
• "My brother! I can't find him!" seven switches his mode to serious as he started looking at all the cameras in the area to help find him.
• He leads you to your brother and you hug your brother tightly "Please don't run away from me again" you manage to mutter.
• He felt bad, "But you're my sister and he's all you talk about. it's not fair."
• You take him by the hand and talk things through as you bring him to seven's bunker.
• The automated system makes him jolt as he wasn't expecting it. It pulls a chuckle out from you.
• Seven notices you're here and he buzzes you both in.
• Your brother's eye open wide seeing all the huge monitors all over before seeing all the bags of HBC. "woah.."
• "Woah is right. I have the rare HBC!!! are you hungry for some? Hahaha!" Seven responds with that cheeky laugh of his.
• "Want to see something cool?" your boyfriend asks before placing an order for your favorite pizza.
• Your brother furrows his brows as he's a bit confused up until seven pulls up camera feeds to watch them make their pizza.
• "No way!" He says as his eyes lit up, he goes to you telling you about it while God seven smiles widely in the background watching you.
• They became best friend since then and now your brother begs you to take him over to Seven's.
Saeran - Older brother
• Your brother wasn't so happy that you just forgave and fell in love with someone who kept you captive in a cult.
• You tell him that it was mostly a misunderstanding and that Saeran is very gentle and sweet.
• He wasn't having that though, he went to the new apartment that the two of you shared to give a piece of his mind.
• Saeran answered a knock at the door only to be greeted with a fist to the face.
• You gasp going to his side trying to check up on him as you scold your brother.
• Your brother felt no sympathy for Saeran thinking that he deserved more than just a punch to the face.
• He couldn't see what you saw in Saeran. He wept a bit as you caress his face gently.
• "N-no.. (y/n) he has a reason to be upset with me after everything I put you through.. please stay by my side"
• You nod softly looking at Saeran lovingly before pleading with your brother to talk things out like adults.
• He agrees to hearing him out over tea that you made.
• There were many things spoken and cleared up, however... he wasn't going to be able to just give and forget as easily as you did.
• Saeran was very thankful that you has such a protective brother in your life and wished he had the same relationship with his own, although he would never admit it out loud.
• Saeran ships a bouquet of flowers to your family with the meaning of forgiveness, starting to make amends.
• Your brother eventually offers to go to therapy with you both to support Saeran in becoming the best he can be.
• Saeran only knew abuse and neglect for the majority of his life and he needed all the care and support he could get.
• It makes you happy that they are accepting each other's presence, slowly letting each other in.
V/Jihyun - Younger brother
• You get a call that Jihyun came back from a trip he had taken, he invites you to his studio as he had a few projects he needed to work on.
• You agreed unconsciously as you missed him so much although you had to watch over your brother since your parents were away on business and couldn't take him along.
• You go tell your brother the news that you'll be visiting jihyun at his quiet place. Your brother wasn't exactly excited to be going to some "boring" art studio.
• He huffs looking at you, "what if I don't want to go..."
• You look at him planning on teasing him a bit. "Well I guess I'll just have to go on my own." You gasp "B-but.. oh no! who will protect me?"
• He jolted up and ran to the door rushing to put on his outerwear. You can't help but to let out a small chuckle before following him.
• You both make your way to Jihyun's studio. You were so excited to see him but you both kept in contact with letters and pictures from his travels in the mail.
• You get to his studio were he was waiting for you at the door, his cool mint eyes beam with happiness as he lays his eyes upon you once again.
• Jihyun greets you with a kiss among your forehead before stepping aside to let you both in.
• Your brother was sticking to you like glue, Jihyun asks if you'd love to help make a new piece to hang in his place.
• You glow with excitement and go to agree before your brother steps in. "No! She'll get dirty in here." he was so cute that neither you or V can hold off from small giggles.
• "That's part of the fun" Jihyun said before bringing them into a tarp covered room with a huge blank canvas.
• He dips his hand in paint before flicking it at the canvas letting the paint smack against it.
• Your brother was surprised that you could make a mess that big and not get in trouble. He scoffs feeling a little jealous before V takes his small hands dipping them into two colors before helping him fling it.
• You smile seeing the crack in your brother's face start to beam with excitement. You look at Jihyun warmly before joining in the fun.
• Your brother had so much fun that he tuckered himself out, leaving the two of you to reconnect since he had been gone.
Vanderwood - Older brother
• Your brother was already in a sour mood. He was comforting you for what seemed like the hundredth time.
• Vanderwood came home to his apartment when you stayed when he went away.
• He was gone for many months on a special mission and there was hardly any contact, especially during the last month.
• You could only think the worst honestly, even though you knew he was a great agent.
• You were crying while your brother consoled you, hugging you tightly and wiping your tears.
• Vanderwood comes up to the room seeing you so sad, with your tear stained cheeks.
• "Babe- why are you crying are you alright?" He says as he drops his things trying to rush to you.
• "I didn't hear from you- I.. I thought that you were.." you say through tears before he cuts you off. "Don't say it, I'm here.. I'm right here"
• Your brother was annoyed that he could act so nonchalant about the whole situation. "A word..", he says wanting to have a chat with vanderwood.
• Your brother waits down stairs for Vanderwood. Once downstairs he couldn't hold back, letting a punch fly against vanderwood's face.
• Vanderwood wasn't too keen on getting punched and responds with a punch to his gut. Your brother kicks vanderwood against the side table, causing the lamp to fall over shattering.
• The noise caught your attention and you rush down stairs to see them fighting. You put yourself in the middle knowing that they would never lay a hand on you.
• You cry, begging them to stop and to just talk things through..
• They talk things through but it ends at an impasse.. You hoped it would go better but you'd consider it better than fighting and being at each other's throat.
• They don't necessarily get along and it will take a long time before he can fully accept your relationship with vanderwood.
If there are any mistakes I apologize! Please let me know and I can fix things.
Also my asks are open so if you want to see anything specific let me know. It can be for one, multiple, or all mysme boys.
Thank you for requesting♡
Thank you so much for reading! xx
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kirishwima · 5 years
sooo, for the cute prompts can I request some domestic life scenarios with the RFA? Have a great day/night ♡
YES, this is exacty what i meant when i asked for cute prompts hehe ^o^ I’ll also add Saeran bc well, i haven’t written anything for him before and he deserves love too!!
* There’s two scenarios for this sweet bean; living with him as students, and living together after graduating.
* As students, his scedhule is a bit hectic-he leaves early for classes, comes back dead tired in the afternoon, and honestly he wants nothing more than to just throw himself over MC and rest his head on their chest, taking in their warmth to recharge from the days’ fatigue.
* He loves to be pampered and cared for-if MC offers to rub his back, or help him study/make him some tea or snacks while studying, he’ll be so happy! 
*He also loves to care for them though, and as a roommate, although often messy, he’s really caring-he’s usually the one cooking most of the meals, and loves to make MC’s favorites (the smile on their face when they eat something he’s cooked makes him twice as happy really), and will absoloutely cuddle them to sleep at night (aka at 3am when he’s done playing LOLOL, and is this kis a FURNACE WHY IS HE SO WARM)
* He loves to go grocery shopping together! He’ll absoloutely try and put MC in the shopping cart and run down the aisles with them until a security guard scolds them for it lmao
* When living together after graduation, he might mellow down a little-the initial jitters are gone, and he’s more comfortable around MC, especially if they move out and get a flat together-this is now their space, one they worked on and decorated together.
* Will absoloutely bring foster animals home, and even if they make a mess he cares for them so much MC finds it absoloutely endearing. Seeing him chase a bunny around begging it to stop pooping is quite freaking funny though and they do film him doing so and send it to the RFA chatroom lmao
* Honestly. Just an absoloutely sweet boyfriend, he’s just so grateful to have a person he loves to come home to everyday
* She’s the one that suggested moving in together, and though excited, she’s a little apprehensive at first
* She’s so used to having her own space and is really rigid about cleanliness even with her busy scedhule, so she’s afraid how she’ll react if e.g MC is a very messy person
* However she eventually learns to compromise, and so does MC-Their house is always clean, even if its’ a little messy at times. Jaehee learns to relax a little, and is just happy to have MC to come home to everyday
* Since they co-own the cafe, they take turns manning the shop and running house chores. She does however love whenever they’re able to go shopping for supplies for the coffee shop together.
* At home she’s always brewing new roasts of coffee or trying out new recipes of cakes and muffins-she loves baking with MC, finding it so adorable whenever they end up with flour on their nose, blushing a furious red if MC tries to feet them bites of the dessert themself. 
* She’s not a cuddler, but loves to hold MC’s hand in hers when going to bed-nowdays she actually finds it impossible to fall asleep without the feel of MCs hand in hers
* She’s almost always the first one up in the mornings, and always brings MC a cup of coffee in bed to wake them up, along with a quick kiss
* They have movie nights once a week, and take turns choosing the film-it’s usually Zen’s musicals whenever it’s Jaehee’s turn, but MC doesn’t mind-not when Jaehee cuddles up with them, resting her back on MCs’ chest as they watch, constantly turning around to MC with wide bright eyes to comment on specific scenes.
* Seeing her smile every day is honestly such a blessing who wouldn’t want to live with her aaaaa
* This boy LOVES living with his SO, loves it!!!
* He is however extremely busy....and often comes home late....
* He’s happy MC is so understanding, but he’s furstrated with himself for not spending more time together even though they live under the same roof
* After deciding to live together, he’ll be willing to move out of his half-basement and into a place they choose together-that house holds many memories for him, yes, both good and bad, but he’s ready to say goodbye to that part of his life to start a new chapter fresh with his beloved.
* He’ll have so much fun going furniture shopping-absoloutely he’ll drag MC down with him on every bed to ‘test how comfortable it is’ 
* MC that’s a lie he’s absoloutely just trying to make sure how durable its springs are RUN-
* Ahem. Anyway yeah creating a place for the two of them to call home is an amazing experience, and he’s very lenient with compromises-he wants MC to be as comfortable as possible in their shared space, especially when he’s often home late leaving MC alone.
* On his free days he absoloutely makes up for his absence, becoming the absoloute boyfriend material-will wake up early and make MC breakfast in bed, waking them up with the sweetest kiss and the smell of freshly baked pancakes, will spend the day pretty much lounging like a big fluffy housecat-he’s s such an active and sporty person, yes, but he’s human too, and we’re lazy by nature lol
* He loves to rest his head on MC’s lap, feel them running their hands through his hair as they watch something on TV. The feel of their hands on him bring him ultimate bliss.
* Honestly just absoloute husband material, if only he had a little more free time lmao
* He’s also a really busy man, but has the blessing of being able to more or less make his own scedhule, considering his position, so he’s sure to never miss dinner time with MC-it’s his own little ritual with them
* He loves to lay in bed with MC in his arms, stroking their hair as they tell each other about their day. He can’t go to bed otherwise.
* If he’s abroad, he’ll skype MC every night and fall asleep with each other on camera, and he’ll make it up to them a thousand times over once he’s back home
* He loves to bring little gifts and surprises for MC when he comes home-from a bouquet of their favorite flowers, to something he saw that reminded him of them
* On days off, he’ll want to do something creative with them-Jumin’s always up for finding new hobbies and learning new things, so he’s eager to share this joy with MC
* ((his current obsession is sculpting-he’s absolotutely working on making a reailstic life-like sculpture of Elizabeth the 3d to place on their home’s entrance))
* Often he’ll cook with MC, trying out new recipes together, ones they picked up from their travels around the world-he’s not afraid of trying new things, and same goes to flavours. He especially enjoys meditarranean cooking, and will search for the best products to cook with.
* Loves to wake up first simply to watch MC as they sleep-their peaceful expression brings the biggest of smiles on his lips MC wake up you’re missing the purest sight in the whole world
* Such a loving husband, perfect bean, 10/10
* When all’s said and done, when both he and his brother are safe and he can finally breathe, he’ll absoloutely refuse to live together with MC in the fort he’s lived in for so long. It’s such a dark and gloomy place, he doesn’t want MC, his bright wonderful MC to live in such a constricting place.
* He’s really a family-oriented person-he’ll want a proper home for him and MC and Saeran to live in, one where their lives can actually finally feel normal.
* LOVES looking for a home with MC, viewing different properties and getting a feel of what suits them and what not-when the real estates agent tells them of homes with rooms perfect to eventually become nurseries, he can’t hide his gleeful smile, how he squeezes MC’s hand at the thought of having a home, a family, children-all he never thought he could have.
* Adjusting to a normal, everyday life is hard at first-he’s so unaccustomed to the most basic of things (like a freaking normal sleep scedhule) but with help he’ll get used to them
* Eventually he can’t fall asleep without feeling MC besides him-if he wakes up and finds the bed empty he panics, thinking of all the worst scenarios. 
* Sometimes he’ll even get up at night to check that Saeran is alright, the fears of his past hard to completely leave behind.
* Learning to cook with MC and Saeran is a challenge he enjoys-it’s almost like a little cooking class, with MC hovering over the twins trying to make sure neither of them chops off a finger cutting onions or set the kitchen on fire by accident.
* If they have a backyard he’ll love tending to it-he doesn’t know much, but Saeran teaches him, and he has so much fun planting different flowers and watching them grow.
* Going to the supermarket with him is like taking a baby to the amusement park. He’s constantly finding candies and weird foods and stuff and tries to discreetly throw them into the shopping cart-it’s almost impossible to tell him no when he finds something he really wants and makes that cute ol’ puppy face as he clings to it ((that ‘it’ is most often Dr. Pepper and a heckton of junk foods))
* It takes a little getting used to, sure, but at the end of the day, living everyday with Seven is nothing short of an experience, and well, a way to make life fun.
* Honestly....he’s so caring and loves to have someone to care for and greet each morning every day with, but he’s been hurt so bad by such a person, that he’s really apprehensive at first.
* It took a long time for him to finally ask MC to move in with him-and even then he’s scared, scared of what they’ll see of him, scared of the power they hold over him-it’s like inviting a vampire into your home, a threat and pleasure all at once, and an offer impossible to take back once it’s been given.
* He’s so scared to love and give himself, worried there’s not much left of him to give-it’ll take a lot of patience and reassurance to allow him to open up again, to find who he really is and show his true feelings.
* When he does open up however-oh man. He loves so much and so strongly, and after starting to live with him, it’s impossible to think of how life was before him. It’s so natural, existing in the same space with him, it was as if there was nothing before him, no life to speak of.
* He loves to care for MC in the smallest of ways-from planting their favorte flowers on the windowsill, to softly humming songs to them when they can’t fall asleep, his hands wrapped around them, their head nestled in the crook of his neck as he rubs soothing circles on their hand.
* V’s a giver by his nature-to love means to give, and with MC he learns that to love is more than that-it’s to share. So he learns to share, to give and be given in return.
* He’s not a great cook, and more often than not something ends up burnt when he attempts to make meals, but he makes the most delicious hot chocolate in the whole world, and in the summer, he loves brewing all kinds of different lemonades, sitting out on the balcony with MC on particularly hot days.
* He’s not one that likes to stay home much-his soul is adventeruous, and he always feel a nagging feeling, the need to go out there and explore, see all there is to see-only now he wants MC beside him, wants to experience all there is with them.
* That doesn’t mean that he hates staying at home though-spending late lazy nights with MC, both in their pyjamas as they curl up on the couch-he’ll often smoke during those nights, be it his pipe or cigarettes, leaning closer to the window as they talk with MC about everything and anything. There’s something vulnerable about the night, and they’re the only person he wants to feel this vulnerability with, the only one he’s not afraid they’ll hurt him with it.
* Eventually he’d like to have a family, if MC also wants to-and even if not, he’d like to at least move into a house with them rather than an apartment, no matter how big or small it is-he’d just like a space with a yard they can plant a garden in, take care of it together. He’ll absoloutely grow fruit trees and herbs, bringing in the fresh produce daily to use for recipes with MC.
* He’s such a big softie and perfect husband material just-give this mint unconditional love p l e a s e
* It also takes a l o t to get Saeran to agree to living together with MC. It’s not that he doesn’t want to-he does, more than anything, to be able to wake up everyday to his beloved’s smile, he’s just...scared. He’s not certain how he’d handle himself in certain situations, and living together with someone means they get to see every part of you, the good and the bad, and he’s afraid of how MC will react to the bad.
* They’ll have to remind him that they have seen the bad and the good, and they’re still here, and always will be. Only when he’s truly reassured of that will he agree, and even then he’ll be really shy and closed off at first.
* A place with a garden would be ideal, or somewhere with a view to a forest or away from the bustle of the city-he likes solace, and laying beneath a tree is the perfect remedy for his stress.
* Eventually he opens up, gets more comfortable around MC, starts to show his true self. The Saeran who’s happy, who is curious about the world, who constantly wants to explore and learn.
* He’ll love taking up a hobby like gardening with MC, will spend entire evenings with them on the couch and a book of botanology open on their laps as they sit with their shoulders touching, pointing to different plants and deciding on what they’d like to grow or not.
* He’ll visit Saeyoung frequently because well, he has to (aka he wants to but refuses to say it)), and will often inivte him back to their place, secretly laughing at his brothers’ jokes, enjoying how comfortably he and MC interact, seeing these two people-his family, in the same space he shares.
* It’s scary, to have a normal life after so long-but it’s what he craved the most, and now that he has it, he’ll never let go of it.
i had so much fun writing these aaa~
-send me mystic messeneger headcanons/prompts for characters to react to!-
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juminsmysticmc · 4 years
Hello, I really like your work, it’s amazing and I would want to see the rfa with an MC who’s really into witchy and spiritual stuff? Thank you!
RFA with a MC who is really into witchy and spiritual stuff
Hey! Thank you for your request and sorry for the long wait! Here you are, I hope you like it! Please tell me your opinion! BTW, my inspirations were Ghost Whisperer, Pinterest and some old movies I once watched!
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When you first came into his penthouse, Jumin Han never imagined that you would like witchy and spiritual stuff.
And he found your love for that to be amazing.
He grew into it with you, loving to watch you cooking, intending to cook something for harmony and love.
Your husband simply loved the little habits you had.
Your rituals, your room.
No one except him, your cat Salem, and his cat Elizabeth the 3rd, was allowed to go in there.
He was amazed how quickly his white cat got used to it. It was as if it was always a part of her and she missed the spiritual stuff.
Once again, you sat in your room, doing something with herbs he couldn’t remember the name of.
He had to chuckle as he watched the room filled with smoke, or what you called it, ,,Magic Sprinkles’’. That’s why the Maid wasn’t allowed in here.
,,Do you need anything else besides the water, my love?’’ he asked you as he watched you mixing the stuff he brought you.
,,No,’’ you simply said.
He knew that whenever you were mixing stuff, you were really concentrating on it.
And perhaps this passion made him fall in love with you.
It took him a long time to get used to your owl.
Even now, after the long duration of your relationship, he still wasn’t used to the big bird in his apartment.
But he knew that the owl was special. Not just to you, but the owl himself.
,,I have to go,’’ you said to Zen as you came out of your room, your long hair waving from one side to the other as you put on your shoes.
,,Where will you go?’’ he asked you as he drank your herbal tea.
,,A soul talked to me again and told me that he had to say goodbye to someone before he could go to paradise,’’ you said and then went out.
Zen, till now, never understood how you could communicate with owls.
But, he loved the way you approached people and could help them.
The white haired boy sat down on his couch as he looked around. The candles were still burning, giving him a mysterious feeling, even though you weren’t home.
The owl moved, making Zen look back as he suddenly felt the weight of it.
,,Well,’’ he began ,,at least you’re not a cat, right?’’ he asked and smiled.
,,Wow, Sister-in-law is amazing,’’ Yoosung’s sister said as both of them observed you reading Yoosung’s mother’s cards.
She never believed in these kinds of things, but ever since Yoosung’s mother was blessed with such a daughter in law, whenever you visited them, you had to read some cards.
And you were always right.
Yoosung observed you with your long black hair as your beautiful hands shuffled the cards.
He loved how every single nail was painted a different color.
Your jewelry around your neck made some little noises as everything suddenly grew silent and the candles began to fackle.
The green makeup made your eyes shine even more in the dark as you explained what you just read from the cards.
,,How does your cat react to her?’’ his sister suddenly asked him.
,,You won’t believe it, but Lisa seems to like her more than me. She even spends days on her shoulder, it’s really amazing.
Whenever her clients come to get their cards read, the cat is the first one by her side,’’ Yoosung laughed and thought about the first time his shy cat left his side for his wonderful wife.
The first few days were kind of hard for Jaehee.
It wasn’t because of the magic book in your room or the herbal smell in the apartment.
It also wasn’t hard getting used to you cooking with ingredients Jaehee had never heard of.
She didn’t have anything against your magic bowl, which helped you to foresee the future.
No, the thing she couldn’t handle at first was the c-fur of your black cat.
Days went by until she could first pat your four legged friend.
Indeed, the pet became her friend and Jaehee thought that the animal itself resembled more of a human being than some people themselves.
Jaehee simply loved to live with you, and the witchy stuff you were into, made her get used to it.
She even began to believe in magic.
Things you told her came true. You even once made her feel better when she was sick with a magical ritual.
And ever since Jaehee met you, she kind of saw the whole world differently…
Saeyoung couldn’t believe what he read in your data back then when he did a background check on you.
You studied herbal medicine and opened a witchy shop a few years after you graduated high school.
You were even Korea's most known witch.
The way you let other people come in and sit down on your comfortable couch, trying to figure out what would await him or who.
He also never liked the amount of old books you had or the candles in your room which were always burning.
He also never believed that you could communicate with spirits on the other side.
So one day he tried to test you.
,,Can you speak to my mother?’’ he asked, making his brother, Saeran, curious too.
You nodded and closed your eyes as you took their hands and said a few words.
Suddenly you began to shake crazily, making Saeyoung feel bad for what he asked you.
But when you suddenly took back your hands and looked at them, you began to cry, making his face become softer.
He now knew that you never lied.
He knew what you saw.
,,Forget your mother. She… she doesn’t even regret… Most of the people I’ve met always regret their wrong doings. She is the first… I mean, I’m so sorry…’’ you whispered and hugged the two brothers, making Saeyoung finally trust you and also making him feel interested in everything you knew about.
28.03.2021// 23:05 MEST
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