#im not feeling it but hopefully tomorrow ill get more excited
microfeelings · 11 months
Oh yeah I already have tickets for Mutant Mayhem! Tomorrow! 🥰🥰
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haeroniel-doliet · 2 years
God that mood where you both need to do stuff and want to do stuff but both needs are vague and have too many options so you just. Do nothing you want or need to do and realize all the time you had is disappearing. A good time!!!
#haeroniel talks#forget the tag oh well#but for real. had 4 days off work and a ton of real life stuff i both have to get done and have been meaning to get done for a long time#ive pretty much only played video games and called my friends. genuinely not time wasted and i love when i get to do that#and like rn i would love to play more games and spend time with my friends like if one offers you know i never say no#but its also already getting dark and i have to go back to work tomorrow and ive not done everything i promised to have done yknow?#time doesnt feel real and i dont wanna get up even if the anxiety slowly builds to hopefully productive panic#but in the mean time im like ugghh i wanna stop laying around just playing sudoku and watching lame youtube. i wanna play something#(unclear what it is i actually wanna play too many options i kinda wanna play all of them and none huehheh)#im also very sad i havent drawn in ages and any attempt just feels shit. like maybe if i read enough fanfic thatll respark the love.#id love to post something before christmas to get me excited to draw again over the break but who the hell knows if i'll manage#and yeah still have the annoying job related/driving school related/therapy applying/other life admin that really really should be done#im just being grouchy and stuck and need to vent hi tumblr love you all kiss kiss i wish i could function better#i think maybe perhaps. ill concede that driving school and therapy arent priority (important but ive wasted ages on them already)#i think i can do work related things bc theyre sort of fun. i can use my parents help to whack through the life admin and then#maybe i can let myself spend the rest of the evening guilt free either calling my friends and/or playing or if im going totally w drawin
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arolesbianism · 2 months
I'm starting to see ppl talk abt updating their artfight pages and at first I was like what why it's still months away and then it hit me that by months it was two months and now I'm just silently sweating as my anual side project to remake the eternal gales refs and give them all icons comes back to haunt me
#rat rambles#oc posting#well I mean the good news is that all the staliens are already done and Ive already started on the human kids#the bad news is that theres still 5 more refs for me to remake and 9 icons if I decide to commit to that#the only one Ill probably force myself to do is sprinkles since shes the only stalien that doesnt have one and I dont want to leave her out#the human kids might just not get them tho especially since theres other characters Id like to make refs and icons for too#not as many newbies to the field this year which is a good thing since I do not have a lot of space left for new characters lol#Im probably going to take it easy this year in terms of my goals for artfight since last year I crashed and burned Hard#hopefully Ill have the time and motivation to draw a decent amount but if I dont Ill try not to be too broken up about it#especially since Ill probably burn myself out a bit doing the last minute ref rush lol#its not necessary especially since all the guys who needed the new refs most got theirs but Id like for them to be on the same page#I also went ahead and cleaned up my page a lil bit to make my life easier in the future#I should probably update bios and stuff but I dont feel like it Im too tired#tomorrow Im definitely going to need to clean some more as I have been for nearly every day#I mean guess thats why Im here in part#last week of pet sitting tho so soon Ill be back home again#Im not sure if Im excited or dreading it cause while I miss my family I also have been rly enjoying a house to myself#like its not necessary easy to do all the chores and stuff but it's a lot easier to do said chores when Im alone#and Ive actually been waking up at reasonable times too like not having my mom floating around is doing wonders#its almost making me rethink my insistence that I couldnt live alone but I definitely think itd get to me in the long term I need people#I just wish there was a better middleground since having people constantly in the house stresses me out so bad#it leads to me hiding out all day in my room and that's just not good for me#but its not like I could live by myself even if I wanted to#at this rate I dont think Ill ever move out but lets not think abt how much worse that could be for me thats future me's problem
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fearowkenya · 3 months
yapping (positive) about Activities
at some point maybe i will ask my friend to video me climbing a v3 . i have video of myself climbing a v0 or v1 but it feels weird to post it bc i was already above that level at the time .
its kind of strange for me to be excited about Sport. i was rly into cycling when I was living in fl and I'd love to go bike consistently when the weather's nice but the area i live in now has such narrow roads and way fewer bike lanes and significantly steeper hills than when i lived in fl which makes biking harder for me. I'd like have to take my bike onto the metro to commute to somewhere im not terrified of getting hit by a car
maybe ill look into that actually. i know of one specific place that would be good for that but unfortunately it's not even remotely close to me. theres gotta be something closer . in the meantime I could bike to my morning shift , tho the way back tends to be more traffic-y than the way there and the busiest road on that route doesn't have a bike lane I haaaaaate it when theres no bike lane . I gotta look for somewhere safer.
anyway bouldering has been so good for me. it's a puzzle so it keeps the adhd brain engaged while also being a physical activity that encourages me to resort to bug scuttling and mountain goat behavior and i really really like it . my endurance has gotten noticeably better and my grip strength improved a lot!! I can open way more work kids' lunch thermoses without having to put on my clown shoes and jingle over to a stronger coworker.
theres a little weights area at the climbing gym and while i dont see myself going out of my way to Lift my friend did teach me how to set myself up to learn to do pull ups!! which is very exciting because when you're not strong enough to lift your own body weight you use a big silly rubber band and that's fun ! I fear I will lose interest when the novelty wears off. but hopefully it doesnt because my arms are pretty weak and I want to be able to throw children effortlessly into the pool (if they ask me to, obviously) like my stronger coworkers
i gotta do smth about my bad posture & weak core tho :/ im not sure how useful core strength is in bouldering??? it might be and im just not at the skill level where that's relevant yet. who's to say . anyway hopefully I go tomorrow...!!
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bishiglomper · 10 months
I'm straight up not having a good time D<
My blood sugar feels off. I feel low. (Hungry, shakey, blah) but its high. Well. Not high, but its definitely higher than it should be. And I was a dumdum and played my game until uhh after 5am. I'm so gonna regret that. 🙃
Went to put my drink down and missed the shelf. Splashed all over my night time med area.
I hid what was left of my drink in the back of the shelf, on top of a box. Theres like an inch between the cup and the next shelf. Then I stuck a tall bottle in front of it. Hoping the cat wouldn't fish it out and knock it over
But alas. The little bitch is resourceful. As soon as I'm in bed, she does that shit.
My bloodsugar is probably fucked up because I'm just straight up sick. Have been expelling crud all day. It's trying to settle in my chest.
Did find a covid test. T'was negative, so that does make me feel better. Because this weekend is anime convention. 😬 I guess the air quality shit just really do fuck me up.
Also i had an appointment tomorrow out of town but after feeling like i did today, i cancelled. Also my sister is in a bad place mentally, and she wasnt up to going into the out, either..
Also if I have any hope of doing any convention the day after i need to reserve energy. I was excited to hopefully meet/get an autograph from a VA I've always liked but im very meh about it all now. Honestly if the nephew werent so excited to be pikachu again I'd say fuck it...
Bleeehhhh. Hardly anything is more annoying than a normal boring illness. 😒
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citrusluvr · 6 months
01.01.24 - hi?
im not really sure where to start with this blog. i guess im not really sure how to blog? idk. words are weird right?
i guess i should start by wishing everyone a happy new year ! i hope you all have a wonderful 2024 :)
its currently 23:28 and i completely forgot i was going to start blogging this year. towards the end of last year i decided i was going to start emptying my thoughts via tumblr but wanted to wait until the new year to satisfy my brain - something about a new year and a new blog ?? anywho, here i am !
i guess i should probably say a bit about myself lol :) im currently a student in my second year of a-levels - im taking psychology, sociology and maths. (i kinda regret that last one. i love it but its so hard.) my main hobby is knitting, although i feel like ive barely knit recently. the motivation comes in random waves, usually when i have to go to bed so i never really get round to doing it. after i leave college i think im going to try to get an apprenticeship in horticulture, or maybe just find a job in that kind of industry. i worked briefly at a nursery and i really enjoyed it, before continuing with my studies.
speaking of, im back at college on wednesday :/ i still have homework ive been procrastinating for 2 weeks, so ill get that done tomorrow. my exams start in may which suddenly feels really close. after my exams finish in late june im off travelling in mainland europe with my best friend which im looking forward to !! im so excited to go :))
wow this ended up being longer than i expected. hopefully writing into the void will become easier/more natural. im not expecting anyone to see this anyway ! incase anyone is here, ill leave you a song recommendation before i go: victory dance by ezra collective
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Some of my favorite comments I've gotten on Ao3
"Oh great Abby, possessor of The Braincell.I am in love with your fic, that is with" The Abigail Agreste AU
"Oh things are getting more emotionalEvery chapter you write outdoes your last. I can't tell you how excited I get when I get a notification that you posted" The Abigail Agreste AU
"anyway— this is so???? good???? like sjdjsjdj this almost made me cry???? the angst was *chef’s kiss* and legit what I imagine Eli to feel like after the factAND TULIP STOP <3<3<3 PLS I’M IN LOVE" One Year Later
"OMYGOODGODS ITS UP- amazing, fantastic, wonderful, show stopping, breathe taking, never the same- ALSO, I'm very happy my ideas helped so much to build this story :,) I'd love to help more (lemme go see how on earth to turn on co-creation) (EDIT: OKEY I AM NOW CO-CREATEABLE) ANYWAYS SO AMAZINGLY FANTASTIC THAT IT HAS BEEN POSTED DJLHBFVDBVJ" The Arrangement (from @whatsitzface)
"Im begging please release a full story this was my dream!!! You read my mind. I never read a fic this perfect!" The Future, Not a Wish
"Tendría que ser Bow quien descubriera todo de esta forma, solo espero que no esté cerca cuando esas dos tengan un momento más íntimo <3" Melog's Heart (this was my first comment in another language)
"I know absolutely nothing about the show or the characters, but great writing as always Darcy" For a Genius, You Can Be Pretty Stupid (from @whatsitzface)
"The dinner she makes is perfect and I love how you turned the "worrying" trope on it's head. So lovely" Really, Really (from @bacchicly)
"Lovely and sweet. Beautiful work! Merci merci!" At Sunset (from @bacchicly because she is the only one who actually commented on this one and I am grateful)
"BUDDY. This is so sugar." When Paths Cross (from @snailsandpuppy-dogtails)
"Ok, I came back to say, this is a super cute premise and i'm so excited to see what the other two parts are :DI love that in this world profilers who know them both extremely well couldn't figure it tf out because they didn't change how they act around each other." Unintentional Secret (from @snailsandpuppy-dogtails)
"QUEEN OF TOOTH ACHES 👑 "pulled out a little statue of a cat holding a gift box." <--- fucking LOVE it. NOOOOO open the box! "I was expecting her to open the little gift box so she would find the ring box inside" <--- me tooo "She pointed at the little gift box the cat was holding. "Does this open? Did he put anything in it?"" <--- THANKS, JENNA. "Yeah, you were supposed to open it at home." 😂 😂 "No, I'm not proposing to you if you're gonna call me Newbie. Absolutely not." <--Good on you, Luke, stand that sea-saw of a ground. 😆 "I love you," he whispered into her lips." <- Mush. absolute MUSH. Whisper kisses, my weakness. "see you again when I inevitably find the irresistible urge to write Garvez again!" <--- Tomorrow? 😌 😉 Full disclosure I mixed up this and Las Vegas Surprise Wedding and was really confused for a minute." Unintentional Secret (my first essay comment from @snailsandpuppy-dogtails 😌)
"This is both really sweet and devastating. I loved that he was initially reluctant to call her but knew he needed her and the way she comforted him was perfect 💖 the ending was so lovely and hopefully next time she says it Luke will be awake" Many Tear-Stained Cheeks (from @whitecrossgirl)
"took her hand, placing it back on his heart. "This beating heart? It beats only for you."IM SCREAAAAAMING AND CRYIIIING AT THE SAME TIME!! I NEED TO SEE THIS SCENE LIVE ON TV! THE WRITERS DID US DIRTYYYYY😭😭😭😭" Heartbeat
"SHUT THE FRONT DOOR YOU"LL BE IN MY HEART IS FUCKING PERFECT FOR THEM!!!!! That whole plus one bonus section gutted me like a fish lmao I am literally ill with how much I love this, thank you for writing this!!!!!!!" To Sir, With Love (really all of @dungeons-are-too-cold's comments on this fic)
"Mate it is too early in the morning for this amount of feels 😭😭😭 they are such a fantastic duo and Rossi’s transformation from “The fuck is a team” to “These are all my kids” is my favourite thing about his character" To Sir, With Love (from @whitecrossgirl)
"sobbing. crying. shaking. sliding down a wall and poinding my fist on it. THIS IS SO STUNNING. I LOVE IT SO MUCH AND YOUR WRITING IS ABSOLUTELY PERFECT. THANK YOU FOR THIS MAJESTIC FIC." To Sir, With Love
"This was great, loved every minute of it, would snort this." Secrets Exposed (from @snailsandpuppy-dogtails)
"Why are you just the beeeeeest?! You angel you." Secrets Exposed (from @snailsandpuppy-dogtails)
"When you go to hit that kudos button and the red bar pops up. RUDE." Secrets Exposed (from, guess who, @snailsandpuppy-dogtails)
"I know this was a time consuming task and took a lot of work. So thank you for this, it's unique and fun. :)" Secrets Exposed (from @snailsandpuppy-dogtails)
"i'mdonei'mdonei'mdone i'm done i'm done i'm done i'm done. I'm done. I'm done. I'm DONE. wow. just wow. yeah so anyways this is canon now and explains A LOT about jj's faces in the show" Secrets Exposed
"You literally always know what I need in a fic before I even think about it, this is everything!!!!" Partner's Brunch (from @dungeons-are-too-cold)
"U really need to be the main writer of the revival for garvez ✨ my heart is flipping I was lit blushing the whole damn time!!!🥺😍🥰🤭" Two Can Play at This Game
"I really enjoyed this! I can completely see them trying to one up each other like this! (I swear, if the revival does them dirty…)" Two Can Play at This Game (Helsinkibaby on Ao3 left this comment… and they used to post so much amazing stuff, so I totally fangirled upon seeing this. Ao3 Garvezers, I guarantee you've read their stuff.)
"Ok, look, i'm one of those who will not read a pregnancy story, but this: "Well, it's comforting to hear you say that. Because Luke is the father." <---- perfect ending, perfect pacing my friend. And Krystall's voice *chef kiss*" Oh Baby, Oh Baby (from @snailsandpuppy-dogtails)
"Seeing a new story from you makes me happy! Loved the conversation between Penelope and krystal. Looking forward to reading more the last exchange with the was perfect." Oh Baby, Oh Baby
"i almost made a fool of myself while reading this in a mcdonalds" Welcome Home
"#It was a spite request your honor #because they were never friends your honor #certainly not best friends, Adam" (Not) Just a Friend (from @snailsandpuppy-dogtails)
"I am so honored. 😂 I love you I love you I love you. This was excellent. Platonic Morvez! Thank you for playing along with my asinine requests. 💗 💗 💗" Open Ears (from @snailsandpuppy-dogtails)
"I'm sorry I'm writing not having read the fic yet though I've been loving the works you did so far for this pairing but the "sorry it took me more than 24h hours"????? Mate, you've written so many pieces for this otp ate the speed of light what are u talking about??? Take your time, sweetie, do your thing don't feel pressured to do/write/create more than you feel comfortable with, we've been loving it so far just keep doing your thing! Thanks so much for writing for us! Xx" Girls' Night Out (this person thought snails was pressuring me to write and came RUNNING to my defense 😂)
"Oh my days, Luke calling her "Chica" as a term of endearment/pet name was something i wished so much that the writers kept in the show *deep sigh* guess that's one more thing left for the fans/shippers to take over. But i love it tho! 😫❤️" Girls' Night Out
"Luke Alvez's tool kit for keeping Penelope Garcia happy:1. Roxy 2. Allowing her to call him Newbie 3. Ice cream 4. Kevin Lynch's head on a spike (if requested)" Ice Cream and I Love Yous (from @whitecrossgirl)
"omg I'm literally DYING ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!! I'm obsessed with the way you write them, it's so like heartstopper, literally obsessed with the drama" We Fell in Love in October (from @dungeons-are-too-cold)
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reverais · 2 years
listen i didn’t know that tumblr had a tag limit and the whole bunch of my stream-of-consciousness-public-journal-entry is missing so im rewriting everything bc, of all the times, this is not one i want to forget
listen my queue is about to end and im about to drop some very emotionally-driven language formulations. the hell is language formulation even. i just dont know how to put any of this into words
tbh i feel like i havent really come to terms with everything
your girl just went through an unfortunately loss and went back to home for it. and philippines has some funeral customs i still cant wrap my mind around. tbh i feel like i haven’t mourned at all here. most grief ive experienced was from the three days it took to plan getting here
and im already anticipating the most grueling “return to normal” when i get back to canada
like i go back to work literally the day after i land (thank god its wfh tho). but i want to wail. i want to be unable to breathe bc i cried it all out. not just the loss. but the missing of home, the missing of family. again.
god i hate it. i always know its going to be like this whenever i leave home. but it just never seems to get easier. like i cried into my eye mask two days ago. we shouldve gotten drunk. thats why i didn’t cry yesterday. i was kinda elated even. i was like i should go home tomorrow (today) bc the night ended so well. not that tonight didn’t end well. but theres just a certain feeling looming. and i just want to cry it all out already. like rip the bandaid. but not here. not in front of everyone. especially not in front of ma. who also seems to be trying to choke things down.
no time ever feels enough but there’s always that thought of i need to make money, things are waiting for me. and tbh my lifestyle and comfort just isn’t for here no more. but anywhere the family is, i’ll go. no matter the mosquito and ant bites.
not to make this anymore complicated but church, man. i already know there’s something waiting for me there. and i don’t want to hear a second of it. i dont even think i can bring myself to be around people i can genuinely be myself with much less the ones who just orders and tells me what to do. that one is hard to explain as is. but ig thats just another bandaid to rip off when i finally have the guts to
“funny” things is that im this close to cursing god. after how i took in technoblades passing, he really thought to send another one my way. thats just cruel now
theyre all talking about me coming back next year december. and december is the known preferred time now bc not only is there more to do but the weather is nicer. more expensive but a more worthwhile trip. plus i have a list of what to bring back now. chocolates obv, the halloween sales ones esp. water bottles seem to be a current trend but still useful even out of trend anyway. ill try to find books for a particular cousin. and maybe speakers bc they love the bluetooth one. oreas and pringles and candies overall which are honestly cheaper here but whatever they want. the kids love toys still - i haven’t seen that kind of exciting in forever and i want to see it again. these kids got me running around and sweating. dont got their stamina and endurance for heat and itchy grass
all in all i think money goes the furthest here (as is anywhere). ill just buy experiences. ig thats movitation to stay in the deadend job for now. and to commit to pursuing something hopefully better for my future.
its late tho, i need to wake up early. good night.
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videostak · 11 months
p sure my moms drunk tonight T-T or atleast being weird and slurring her speech a lot idk its hard to tell anymore tho i dont kno when she wouldve even got stuff i guess she went w/ my younger sister and her friend to the grocery store so maybe then? idk tho i feel like she didnt but shes def weird she came into my room earlier to try to tell me that she was gonna give me a 50$ a week allowance for the errands i constantly have to do and i was just like umm no we should talk abt this another time. i hate it cause that seems normal enough and soemthing someone would totally accept until u realize its more hush money than anything and her just trying to pay me off to put up w/ the way she is its like annoyyying and also 2 our family is like not doing good on money i mean we’re still getting by but like kinda always  have to be careful and for my mom to just throw that at me is insane. like makes me wonder why shed even do that then next day warn us all that things are gonna be tight w/ money lol and then like if i were to have taken the money (im not going to obv) but if i did she’d then like hold it against me if i ever call her out on her shit like act like i have to be grateful sooo ya. i hate the way my mom is cause like on days like this when i just have to do shit nonstop she praises me endlessly but then the moment i voice my problems she threatens to kick me out and acts like im the most ungrateful slob of all time. genuinely hypocritical like she really tries to gaslight me into thinking i do absolutely nothing around the house anytime i get annoyed that no one helps around and that im the one who gets chewed out for the house being a mess but then once the dust settles and i havent complained for a week or month or so then she tries to give ME big lectures on how grateful she is and how ia always do stuff w/o complaining and how she wants to send me large amounts of cash to keep up the good work it just makes me siiiick. like makes me feel like frowing up. anyways idk me driving and everything like being able to drive my siblings places normal style and also me hoping i can go to the movies w/ my mom like that independence makes it not feel as crushing as it used to. and like ill have to see how this record store thing goes and if not i can find a job somewhere hopefully soon. thinking abt how transparent my moms intentions are sometimes makes me reallly feel sick tho but like ultimately it doesnt seem to affect me as much as it used to like idk it means nothing to me cause i dont have to rely on her and have gotten better at standing my ground more often both w/ her and w/ my dad and realizing how useless it is to pick sides or to even defend someone in dishonest ways etccc excited to watch playtime tomorrow hopefully idk im gonna go to the mall then watch playtime the criteiron dvd then the brazilian one and see if anythings different in like quality n stufff. and also wanna watch lovers live :)
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Fuck and Fucked
Well then, a lot has happened, some good things some bad. Ill update you.
Lets start with the good first, i have my last exam tomorrow (geo and physics) and then I never have to see these fuckers again. Very exciting, right? I have to say that I am thankful that my last couple of week of school havent been hell -I mean, they werent enjoyable but definetly not hell. Severly awkward and uncomfortable, yes, but hellish? No. Im so grateful to the girl group that took me in and made verything more bearable. I wouldnt have gotten through it without them, thats for sure. I have actually laughed-cried a couple of times with them aswell. Theyre great people that deserve great things.
Onto the bad. Yesterday my mom called me before i got home to tell me to meet her in the downstairs bedroom/livingroom/study area. She told me my sister had complained about our dad to CPS and accused him of abuse. She is so dumb. He gets andry sometimes, but he is not abusive. Im honestly so stressed by all of this and I feel this panic and anxiety heaving at my chest. She is so stupid. Does she not understand that dad could be charged, and all of us could be removed from our family. She is so fucking selfish. I talked to her and told her to fix it and she said she would but the worst part is that she isnt even bothered or regretfull at all. She is risking our livelihood and reputation for absoluly nothing. Its dusgusting. My parents have completely given up on her and my dad isnt even angry at her, in fact he is so sick of her he hasnt spoken to her at all. If this goes forward, dad could lose his job and this abuse charge could go on his permenant record and then he cant get a job abroad and move. He (we) would be stuck here, as a criminal.
Im being nice to her now, to keep her in check, and insure that she fixes this. But after this is over, I highly doubt me or anyone else in the family will speak to her again, especially dad.
Despite my problems with my family, they are all i have left. If I lose this too, I will be truly alone, and I dont think I can handle that.
Ps. I know this is silly to say considering the circumstances, but the boy with the same name as that of a south American country (except spelled with a different first letter) stopped talking to me and unfollowed me from instgram a while ago.
Also another unrelated update, my dad started applying to jobs again so hopefully we can move, if this CPS thing gets resolved.
Edit: I just found out that she told her math teacher, who just so happens to be my form tutor, and I have to see him tomorrow morning and all I can do is pretend like I dont know that he knows. I honestly feel so defeated. I just want to die. Luckily, its just 1 more day. Just tomorrow, and then im done for good.
Much love!
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myaquariusheart · 1 year
Yesterday me and Cake started gym and then I had to show her the best Mac and Cheese in the world at the Greyhound. That Mac and Cheese literally make's me so happy when I eat it and I've never felt that about any other food. It's so tasty and I hope no one takes it off the menu. Today Dad took me B&M and I finally got a new carpet for my room but my room doesn't feel complete yet. I still need to sort out my clothes from my laundry bag and I need to put up some pictures on my wall. I have my presentation tomorrow and honestly, inside I am shitting myself big time. I haven't prepared properly or even practiced but I'm hoping I just scrape a pass and I will be happy with that. After that, I need to focus on my dissertation and hopefully be done with all of that. I just finished You so tomorrow Im going to start the second book. I found myself skimming the last few chapters because honestly Joe chats a lot of shit and I can't be bothered with all of it. Like get to the point Joe, we get ur deluded and psychotic but I actually can't be reading it all it's too much. Although I do love the first book I think the last part drags a bit, I never read the second book properly but mostly because it didn't match up with the series on Netflix and I'm pretty sure I was watching it at the same time so my imagination was all messed up with it. So hopefully this time my brain won't get confused. Tomorrow is a new week and I really hope it's going to be a good one. I realised I actually don't work much at the cafe but once Uni is all over I'm going to take up more shifts and hopefully be more active and start gym properly. I'm excited and motivated and it's taken me a long time to be motivated but I think because I'm with someone it's more fun and I'm less shy at the gym. Going gym for me is actually nerve-wracking alone because I do have low confidence and I know no one actually cares but I am super self-conscious of if other people are looking at me and even what they're thinking about me. I need to get over that but it is hard, it's a working progress and hopefully this year I will have some growth. I don't know what I want to do straight away after I graduate but honestly, I'm going to be so proud of myself and hopefully, I can make Mum and Dad proud of me too. I am super bummed I'm not going to get any more financial support from SFE but this is going to help me budget better and hopefully, I can be better at managing my money. I know most of my money gets wasted on clothes and snacks mostly. maybe even vape so I need to try not to lose my vapes as much as that's usually why I constantly need to buy them. I also need to do just a snack shop at the start of the week to stop myself from buying so much daily. I can honestly spend up to £10 a day on snacks and I need to stop. Maybe if I just buy a multi-pack of items it will last longer. I also need to remember to order some more tablets tomorrow. I seriously need to wake up early, I'm aiming for 7am so I can have a wash and then get properly ready for tomorrow. I also need to remember to email Karam my presentation in the morning when I wake up and just take a deep breath and hopefully not have too much anxiety over it. Being confident and not caring and just delivering my presentation needs to be my main priority, I need to get over being shy but I can't help myself, imagine my presentation is rubbish and not good enough? It's just one day and only 10 mins, I can do this and I know ill feel such a weight off my shoulder once it's done. I need to just wake up with a positive mind and energy, but that all comes down to me being on time and getting to uni at a good time. Ideally, I should leave the house at 8-8:30ish so I can get in earlier and go over a few things. Need to stop overthinking but it needs to be done and it's one step closer to finally finishing. Tomorrow I'm also aiming to go the gym but I didn't have time to change my membership, so maybe I can just leave to come home earlier and we can both go in Syd.
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derpy4evr · 2 years
02.01.23, monday, 8:55pm
i know its been a while since i was active here and i know no one cares. but whatever, i really wanna start using tumblr more and using this account as a journal thing. so heres some new stuff that happened!
i found some new bands i like! more specifically arctic monkeys, snow patrol and pierce the veil! my favourite songs from each one are "knee socks", "its beginning to get to me" and "million dollar houses (the painter)".
now im heteroromantic and pansexual
ive learned the whole russian alphabet! not the language yet tho
i made some new friends (i guess?). although we dont talk a lot, we tell each other about our problems and i feel like that strengthens our bond, even if just a little. whatever.
its my birthday soon! ...you know, since its a new year and all and my birthday being in january. but im not that excited about it.
and thats about it! ill come back hopefully tomorrow! or... soon.
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today actually didn't feel so bad. i woke up early and watched some TV for a little bit, and then i set up my new phone. got my gorou cosplay wig and it looks awesome, def worth paying for one that was already styled lol. i had my consult for my hair appointment today and got it booked for the end of the month. i am super excited for my cut, ill finally have the queer mullet ive always wanted (hopefully). then i went to da gym and skipped legs cuz tomorrow im going to start back on my regular routine instead of full body workouts, and ill be starting with legs tomorrow. i stopped by atlantis and got a lil bag to put my friends bday crystals in. got taco bell on the way home for me and my mom, it feels nice to be able to buy her food for once. now im watching more tv waiting for my first evening shift at work to start. also going back to therapy on wednesday, cuz my therapist finally got back to me about rescheduling. adjusting will take time but i have hope that my life will get back to normal
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videostak · 1 year
ordered a cool yabby you king tubby shirt 2day and also ordered a working (hopefully) colecovision :D seller seemed more like sellling actual game stuff and said that the console itself works great and offered me a lower price since i kept viewing the item so we’ll see :D soo narvous abt driving 2mrw its  a p long drive and im gonna have to get up super eaerly but im gonna get mcdonalds breakfast and its gonna be neat i think. like a fun experience for sure :) im excited but like in a first day of school kinda way. like nervous abt how it will go but kno that itll go by normally. its insane feeling this independent tho. i waashed the car today which was good and cleaned out the trash my mom and co would leave inside so thats rly nice. dont kno what i should wear tomorrow tho. its gonna be early mornign but im probably gonna head home like around 10 or so i think. also bid on camera talk by flippers guitar on ebay so im excite to get that if i win but if i dont itll still be cool since ill save money u kno. buuut ya i wanna wear shorts but dont kno probably wont since its gonna be cold in the morning for awhile so i should probably wear breathable pants and like a nice shirt. wore that button up thursday and that was perfect for the weather but dont kno what i should wear 2mrw hmmm will probably decide b4 i go to bed :) hope i pull in a good haul 2mrw cause i do wanna make enough money to be able to go back to college... realized since im gonna get breakfast b4 going and eat in the car that im gonna be litening to zulu nation throwdown while eating and ordering and not while driving -__- still cool tho. excited for comfy morning vibes and going on a lil driving adventure just have to remember to drive safely and rly be alert 100% of thee time. if driving these distances goes well i wanna start practicng in my actual car a stick shift manual car sooooon but like after i get my permit and maybe even license too and not like rn obviously
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shimp-heaven · 2 years
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biborispavlikovsky · 5 years
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