#im not even jokinh
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biohazzrds · 2 years ago
The only reason he has such a slutty waist is for me to hold it
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dragonspleenistasty · 2 years ago
bestie if we were alone in a kitchen together i would stuff you with so much garlic bread you ain't moving for a week
I know I placed a target on my back but akdbajbs wow
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tallytals · 1 year ago
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genuinely i might just read chapter 236 bc i dont know if i can handle this
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lafeef · 2 years ago
Thank you thank you THANK YOU!! I own a pair of these and i wear an XL sits me in between these two silhouettes.
And i see people bigger than me struggle with matching the *ideal* silhouette we’re all dying for! Like it would look SO COOL on a bigger person! It would look AMAZING!
fat fashion is so underrated because people think we dont “fit” the clothes or outline the designer is trying to make. EXCUSES! We can make it GRAND! we can make it BIG! We can SHOW off the material!
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ya im complainiong about them i want the COOL PANTS not the MOM OF THE COOL PANTS
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atlabeth · 1 month ago
I desperately need you to give me some jealous nikolai lanstov I'm not even jokinh
my love mine all mine
lowkey continuation of bad luck and im with you; can be read standalone though!
pairing: nikolai lantsov x fem reader
summary: after your return to ravka, nikolai's resolve is tested at a ball.
a/n: i have saved this ask since september because i knew one day i would get around to it. i love nikolai lantsov and i dont write jealous fics often so here we go!! this is technically a continuation of bad luck and im with you but you can read it separately. i keep going back to these two for some reason lmao?? idk. theyre childhood friends to lovers with so much strife in between and that's so special to me lmao. but yah enjoy i MISSED WRITING FOR HIM<3
wc: 2.8k
warning(s): nikolai is a lil jealous obviously! small bit of angst, mostly fluff, lil steamy at the end.
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Nikolai feels his lip curling, feels his hand tighten on his glass. 
This is a party. A ball, more specifically, but a celebration nonetheless. He should be smiling, mingling, talking up some baron or duke in the name of Ravka’s economy. He is a prince, after all—a bastard, second son of a prince that plans to take the throne at that—and he’s just returned from years at sea. It is in his best interest to do what he does best and talk as much as possible. If anything, he should be arm in arm with the Sun Summoner to boost both their positions. 
But all he can do is stare at you. 
You’re the embodiment of grace. Your practiced smile looks wholly genuine no matter how long you have to keep it up. Your laugh seems to make others smile without even realizing, ringing out clear like church bells. It’s a sound Nikolai knows he would worship to the end of his days, at least. 
You stand in the midst of noblemen and Nikolai only recognizes one—Artem Aslanov, a son of nobles that the two of you spent much of your youth with. He wonders if you remember each other as well. He certainly seems to, the way he stands just a bit too close to you, the way he’s absolutely eager for your attention. Nikolai holds back a scoff. 
The others are likely from various other Ravkan settlements, though one has to be Kaelish, with his almost offensively ginger hair. 
Not that any of it matters, though. Not one of them can tear their eyes away from you as you talk, magnetic with both your words and inherent charm, and they drink up every bit of your presence. 
Something stirs inside Nikolai at the sight. Logically, he knows he has little to worry about—he knows this is your duty as much as it is his, and you care little for any man’s affections but his. 
But Saints, his heart does not want to listen to silly things such as logic. In this moment, Nikolai is reminded of the truth at its barest—you’re a noblewoman of good breeding, quite extravagant wealth, and considerable beauty. Your years at sea have caused you to develop a quick wit and sharp tongue, and it only serves to make you more appealing.
Your flashy return to Ravka has made you perhaps the most desirable lady at court, and Nikolai is forced to realize he no longer has you all to himself anymore. 
Nikolai has planned to come back and take the Lantsov throne for years now, but he can’t help but long for those days again. Teaching you all the ins and outs of the Volkvolny, how to do every sailor’s knot he knows, showing you the misty mountains of the Wandering Isle and the rolling fields of Novyi Zem and the wonderful world outside of Ravka’s courtly constraints. 
Taking over the ships of slavers and clashing blades with drüskelle and watching a thousand sunrises and sunsets together, unbound by anything but tangled up in every part of each other. 
It was almost laughable. You were worried of Nikolai charming others upon your return, and yet here he was, unable to look away from you for even the slightest second because he was jealous of some noble son.
“Your Highness, are you alright?” 
Nikolai turns back to the conversation he is meant to be paying attention to, already offering a smile that he hopes will make up for his utter lack of focus. Of course, he doesn’t really care what this Kerch merchant thinks of him, and Nikolai’s word will probably mean little to his parents at the moment. They’re still quite angry at him for all his Sturmhondish escapades. This man, whose name he has already forgotten, doesn’t seem to know he’s wasting his time. 
“Of course I am,” he says, and he pats him on the shoulder. He means to say more, but then he catches a glance of Artem pulling you to the side, his hand lingering on your waist much too close for comfort. He’s surprised he doesn’t break his glass with how his fingers clench around it even tighter.  
“Then I would be honored for you to consider my—” 
“I apologize, Jansen.” Nikolai ignores the look on his face at both his interruption and being called the wrong name as he drops his hand. “It’s been wonderful chatting with you, but I’m afraid I must take my leave.” 
Nikolai departs before he can get another word out. He’s sure he’ll get an earful later for his ‘disrespect’ but again, he really could not care less. 
He expects to have to weave his way through the crowd, but a path parts for him wherever he moves. Benefits to being a Lantsov prince rather than another privateer on the sea, he supposes. He feels a number of eyes on him as he walks, but he’s focused on one thing and one thing only. 
Artem seems to be as well, seeing as he doesn’t even look up while he continues talking to you. Nikolai doesn’t blame him for being enraptured, but he does wonder what he thinks that boorish smile will do to you. 
Nikolai exclaims your name as he comes up next to you, sliding his arm around your waist like he’s done a thousand times before and claiming his place at your side. “I’ve been looking for you, milaya. You’ve been awfully popular tonight.”
Your gleaming gaze turns to him and Nikolai feels like he can melt. It doesn’t matter how many times you look at him—not even Alina can muster up something to rival your brightness. 
Again, the way you say his name makes him weak at the knees. The poshness of your Ravkan faded while you were at sea around common sailors and vagrants, and though he can tell you’re trying your best to hide it in the name of courtly etiquette, it still bleeds through. He adores your accent, how it shows the woman you’ve become rather than the girl you ran away from. 
“I’ve been looking for you,” you counter as you lean into him. You’ve applied some fanciful perfume, and it’s intoxicating. He has to stop himself from inhaling deeply—he has little shame when it comes to you, but he’s got to have some poise. “You’re the belle of the ball, Mister Prince.” 
“And you’re the apple of everyone’s eye, lapushka,” he says. “Especially mine.” 
Your heartbeat has been steadily increasing ever since he slotted himself at your side, and he can feel it speed even more with his words. It makes Nikolai smile without even fully realizing it. 
He feels Artem’s gaze on him all the while, and Nikolai chooses to ignore it until now. He looks up, making sure his eyes widen cartoonishly and his smile deepens with the same caliber. “Aslanov! I’m so sorry, I didn’t even notice you!” 
“Your Highness,” he says, polite but terse as he bows his head. “It’s good to see you—it has truly been too long.” 
“Oh, no need for titles,” Nikolai admonishes. “We’re all friends here, are we not?”
He puts particular emphasis on that word, and Artem shifts ever so slightly under Nikolai’s gaze. So he makes him nervous—good. 
“We are,” he agrees, and he looks back at you. “We were merely catching up—it has been years since I last had the good fortune to be in your presence.” Artem smiles at you once again, far more genuine than anything he’s given Nikolai. “Of course, I look forward to hearing about everything you learned at university.” 
“I’ve certainly learned a lot,” you say. Very tongue-in-cheek—you don’t even try to hide it. 
Of course. The cover story for Nikolai’s being away from court was his apprenticeships, culminating in his studies at the University of Ketterdam—it would be a shame of the highest order for your parents to admit you ran away to avoid the marriage they’d planned for you, and even more so to admit it had gotten their daughter kidnapped by slavers, so they simply said you joined him there. 
Advancing your studies for a better view, they’d spouted. We want our heir to be well-educated on all matters of the world. Nikolai knows you learned more on the seas by his side than you would have in a classroom staring at endless amounts of books. He only regrets he can’t shout how amazing you’ve been for the past few years from the rooftops. 
“Perhaps we could discuss it privately some time.” Nikolai will give it to him; his smile is a bit more charming this time. He still wants to punch it off him. “You know, my family has only refined our winemaking over the years—we’d have a wonderful time with a bottle of our finest red—”
“Unfortunately, it will have to wait,” Nikolai cuts in before you can respond. He can’t help it—he’s raring to have you to himself, and he doesn’t know how much more he can take of Artem’s flirting. “My parents are eager to speak to you, darling. We’ll see you around, Aslanov.” 
He pulls you away, once again feeling Artem’s eyes on the two of you. He purposefully pulls you closer against him—your warmth against him does wonders to quell the spike of jealousy in his chest.
“You really are impossible,” you say wryly, but you make no move to part from his side as he leads you through the crowd. 
“I’m just making sure he understands the situation,” Nikolai says innocently. 
“We were just talking,” you say. “You know, it has been years.”
“You were,” he agrees. “But our friend here was very interested in trying to be more. Couldn’t you tell?”
You laugh and you place your hand on his chest. “Nikolai Lantsov, are you jealous?”
“He was talking about his family’s vineyard.” He smiles back at you in turn. He can’t help the bit of bravado that trickles in. “For me to be jealous, I’d have to think he had a chance.”
“Saints, you are!” you exclaim. You stop, halting him in turn, and you grin at him with a twinkle in your eye. Again, he smiles subconsciously just at the sight of it. “Nikolai, I cannot believe you!” 
“How?” he asks, cocking his head boyishly. “Have you caught a glimpse of yourself tonight?”
“I’ve looked at myself in the reflection of every glass,” you say dryly. “After all the time spent in sea-faring clothes, it’s very strange to be back in gowns.”
“Then you should know how absolutely stunning you are,” he says. “Breathtaking, showstopping, the very image of perfection…” Nikolai runs his finger over the embroidery on one of your off-the-shoulder sleeves. The rest of his hand lingers on your bare skin, and he longs to remove the barrier his gloves have created. 
“And yet it still doesn’t beat how you look in a privateer’s garb,” Nikolai says. 
He places his hand over yours and brings it up from his chest. He entangles your fingers and uses the grasp to pull you even closer to him, your chests nearly touching. The warmth of your body tempts him to go even further, but he holds back. 
“Really?” you ask. “This gown cost more vlachkas than anyone deserves, took the labor of a small army to create, and weighs as much as you do, and you like me more in that dingy jacket with pants that smell like gunpowder?” 
“Oh, yes,” Nikolai nods. “They don’t just smell like gunpowder—they make your rear look very appealing.” 
You laugh louder than you should and it draws eyes in your direction. You don’t pay them any mind, gaze still locked on Nikolai, as you hit him on the chest. 
“You still have the mind of a sailor, I see,” you drawl. “But I must admit I also miss it. The simplicity, if anything.” 
“Just because I didn’t keep a king’s mantle on deck doesn’t mean I wasn’t outfitted in the same gaudy way,” Nikolai says. “A Lantsov must always be prepared, you know.” 
“Well, I used to hate that blue frock of yours, especially when we first reunited,” you muse. You extract your hand and trail your fingers down his current coat—he shivers at your touch even through the material. “Now I think I prefer it over anything else in your wardrobe.”
He frowns. “You hated my coat?” 
“I hated a lot of things at the time,” you say wryly. Your hand finds its way back to his and you intertwine them together again. “Besides, it’s grown on me.” 
Nikolai chuckles, and the two of you fall silent when you shift and rest your head on his shoulder. You’ve managed to find your way to the edge of the ballroom, and it gives you a little more privacy. You stand together, watching as everyone mingles, half bearing a fake smile and the other half lying through their teeth. He didn’t think the Ravkan court would like to think they had more in common with his lying, cheating, stealing crew than they thought.  
“So,” Nikolai says, finally breaking the silence, “is being back everything you’ve imagined?”
You huff. “Hardly. Everything is so… restrained.” 
He hums in acknowledgement. “Speaking of restrained, have your parents gotten over their fit yet?” 
Your laugh is sharper this time. “Once again, hardly. You’d think I murdered the queen the way they’re treating me.” 
Nikolai expected that, to be honest. He insisted on being by your side in the initial reunion and they didn’t dare act out of turn in front of royalty, but you said the moment you returned to your palace apartment with them, they yelled at you loud enough to be heard in Novyi Zem. 
“They should be thankful,” Nikolai scoffs. “It’s like they don’t even care what nearly happened to you because of their haste to marry you off.” 
“I don’t even like to think about it,” you murmur. He feels you shiver and he pulls you even closer to him. “But I was right—they want me to be who I was before I left. They’re even convinced that they can get me to agree to the marriage they’ve got planned.” 
His frown deepens. “Saints, must I sweep you off your feet in front of all of Ravka to get everyone to realize you’re a taken woman? I am a very good shot, but I’ve only got so many bullets—”
“Nikolai,” you interrupt with a laugh, raising your head to look him in the eye. He’s glad to see the lightness has returned. Your near fate isn’t a subject either of you like to talk about. “You don’t need to worry, and you certainly don’t need to worry about that.” You cup his cheek with your hand and he leans into your touch. “If one thing has stayed the same through all of this, it’s that you’re the only one out there for me. After all the pomp and circumstance you have to perform with Alina is over, you can tell them yourself.” 
“Good,” Nikolai says with a slight smile. “Because I don’t think I can stand to hear Aslanov talk about the grapes his family’s been growing for another second.” 
You laugh again, and you lean in to press a kiss to his lips. Nikolai beats you to it as he covers your hand with his own, using his other to draw you even closer. Practically every part of you is touching as he kisses you like a starving man, with your lips against his and your perfume invading his senses and your soft moan that’s muffled against his mouth. After a night spent away from your side and having to watch other men compete fruitlessly for your affections, he might as well be. 
When you finally pull away, lipstick a mess and pupils dilated and expression nothing less than adoration, it takes everything Nikolai has in him not to take your face in his hands and do it all over again. He wants to mess up your hair, your makeup, kiss your lips until they’re swollen and ravish, worship your body until you can think of nothing but him, say nothing but his name. 
“Nikolai,” you gasp, interrupting his sinful thoughts, “do you want to get out of here for a bit?” 
Whatever restraint he previously had dissolves with your words as he kisses you again, harder this time. You’re water when he’s dying, a lifeboat when he’s drowning, the very air he needs to breathe. Everything has come to a head after such a boring, strength-testing night, and all Nikolai wants is you. 
He brings you even closer with the arm he has around your waist, already starting to pull you along as he heads towards the doorways. He’s sure to stick to the walls, not wanting to draw more attention than necessary when even the flushed warmth of your heated skin through his jacket is enough to drive him crazy. 
Nikolai doesn’t know how he ever spent seven years away from you. He could barely handle half a ball. 
“More than anything,” he breathes. 
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heeleryuta · 3 months ago
not even jokinh when i say im so excited for qt vs big boom aj. wrestling is back
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mangshadow · 1 year ago
okayy, i know everyone hates Arajin because he only fought for Mahoro, but why am i seeing, he is kinda not???
i know im just jokinh about how his type is definitely a cute and small person so he didnt really like Matakara but what if its true tho, he himself saw himself as a small and weak person so he has a soft spot when it comes to little Matakara because he is smaller than him
the reason why he didnt get up when matakara got beaten up was because he saw that Matakara was a big and though guy now so he didnt had the "thing" to protect him, BUT he had the flashback because he still Matakara after all. But when Mahoro was gonna getting crush, do you know what he is seeing? yes, the bully flashback again.
he didnt getting any of Mahoro flashback, he only get child Matakara flashback because Mahoro remind him of little Matakara so he has the urgue to protect her (so what im saying is, he kinda projecting his trauma of not able to protect Matakara through Mahoro who seems smaller than him) and after all today's bucchigiri episode was fire and even tho everyone had a cold feet towards arajin bcs he only fought to protect Mahoro, why not? he is protecting her because she reminds him of little Matakara anyway, and i got the goosebumps when Arajin got all the slice from akutaro (i just know the pain was real af) anyway, at the end im not dissapointed i hyped on bucchigiri since may 2023 and i cant wait to see another thing from this anime🔥🔥🔥
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taiigaatea · 10 months ago
i love nicole ting and weed (IVE NEVER TRIED WEED IM JOKINH)
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ummmmmmmm nicole e <333333 3i lpove womenn... while i was drawing thsi it got corrupted???? i didnt even know that could happen on procreate BUT i managed to save it thankfully (guys im running out of funny things to say help)
this isnt even teh first time ive drawn brownies nicole
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um. old tai art jumpscare. this is from sep1 2022 and its. its Something 😁😁😁🙁😁 i dont think i have the original saved anymore this was from my story archive
community day sucked today i hate bellsprout. whens the tapu lele community day i love them so much (ium joking i know theyre never getting a comuuniety day let me be SILLY)
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fellshish · 1 year ago
if you disappear with no explanation it will be a tumblr tragedy and we will assume you’re dead (JOEKS im jokinh)
Awww that’s sweet ummm not to go too dark don’t worry i am perfectly fine currently but i have people on here i know irl who will probably spread word of my passing if i die before tumblr dies (i hope it’s while i’m doing something really heroic) and then i will count on you guys to go mass kudos my fics and reblog the butthole video in my honour
Oh and also i have (a few) posts queued for even years from now so i’ll keep haunting
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swampwart · 1 year ago
its only been two hours!
if i dont bog myself down with work, i think of you
i cannot escape you, oh i really really dont want to
i wish that dream was real i wish it was fucking real
i cant forgot how you kissed me
i wish you kissed me
i love your lips, i miss when you'd stare at mine wheneber we spoke
i want you back and im so deeply ashamed about this
this is not what i thought it would be
breaking up was suppose to get rid of all these feelings
but now.i feel all of them, just without having you
i cannot have you in my heart like this
i cannot keep ranting to you in brain about jow horrible my emotional life is and how badly i just want to reach over, hold me, rub my spine again and tell me its all going to be okay with such raw confidence it was like god told you or something
ive never dreamed about anyone before, not even him
but you have entered my escape so vividly and in such detail i cannot ignore it
it tricks me into thinking its real life
like you were actually upset i ever made a joke about taking another man's name and you wrapped your arms around me when i told you w out prompt i was only jokinh
in my dream that didnt reassure you either
you asked me "are you crushing on anyone else right now?" and i giggled and said "noo" w a knowing eye and you got nervous and looked to the side and forced out a laugh "noo thats not okay, we need to find you someone" then you took me by the wrist and had me speak to a guy
all i could do was watch you while you laughed at everything he said, and i think i was just happy i was with you
(he didnt even have a face, yet i could see the peak of your cheekbone that causes the depression beneath your eye)
later on i went home w a beautiful girl, tough and thick in every aspect, in a sick way i cannot deny het beauty
she was into me, i think we wanted this to go somewhere,, her friend had set us up and were hung out alone in rug covered room with a mirror and magical beads,, and she spoke with a tough sarcasm that ive gotten used to over the years, i dont think i looked at her long
then you came in, light in your weight and smiling lile ive never seen. Im use to this i think, but something hurt inside so far down and so unimportantly, i just focused on that you were happy. And you began to recount to me the tome you had, laughing the whole time, and i asked you "are you drunk" and in your beautiful, biteless irony you said "nooo maybe judt a little champagne" and we laugjed anf i was so happy to be wuth you, giggling in out own language rven thoigh i hear you speak this way with everyone. In dream and now, shamefully for my own comfort, i will believe it is special when you do it with me
and you held my hand and played with my fingers while you pattered on, and swinging your head this way and that, and in a moments confusion we forgot who we were and you kissed me.
That moment convinced me this dream was real. Your lips left a session on mine that felt so real. I know i felt pressure, i know i did. At that moment,i was convinced it was because we really did kiss. Now i know itd because our last kiss, whenbeer that was, has not left my lips this whole time. That kiss we had, whenvef that was, has traveled through time and told me we are still in embrace.
i was left in a daze after that, and i heard you gasp and laugh and say "oh i forgot!" and take hold of my second hand. But i stared off, with a dopey smile growing all over my face. Thid whole dream I've felt so tired, my eyebags leading the way. But that kiss sparked rhe rest of my physical existence, and golden light rippled along my skin, into my brain, and swayed its way across my eyes. I heard angels singing, the muses, everything that comes witj a golden kiss. I was so happy. And i agreed with you and said "dont worry about it,"
latter on, the girl saw us and was less than impressed. You were layed across your back (your hair was parted in the most stunning way) and playing with my fingers. My exhaustion was back, but it did not matter to me when i was with you. And she asked what my boyfriend was doing here, and i told her "its complicated" while focused entirely on you playing with my hands.
And she told me she doesnt do cheaters, and i told her dont worry about it. I said before you walked into the room i had a boyfriend, so she assumed it was you. I told her "this isnt him," and it confused her more. She sat down and began to do her make up and in a distance, maybe even hurt, but still open manner. And i turned my attention away for a while, sadly my back to you, and i asked her if she knew what polyamory is. And she adjusted in her seat, squinting her eyes as she tried to think, then we spoke at the same time, it isn't / is it, "what the mormans do." I told her that was paligamy and involed religion and stuff we didn't jave here. She nodded along, confused, partly wanting to understand and partly wanting to leave, and i was fine with that.
Then i think someone walked in for you. I think it was him. And then you were gone. You where gone snd i think my dreamself felt there was no point to remember the dream anymore. Now ive woken up, sad, confused, happy, and feeling so stupid.
i cant decide if i want all of this to be real or not. I do, hell i want you so bad, its such a deep seeded need in me, i dont know what to do. But what the hell am i doing. what the hell am i doing. I have a boyfriend, but shit i think its getting rocky. Im makinh mistakes, he is too. And im so scared. And i just want comfort. Like a child i just want to be held and told itsnall going to be okay. And everytime i think about it, im always telling you. Im always telling you.
i miss you so much, i miss you more than anything
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goremet-chef · 2 years ago
my niece is staying over for the weekend and shes real cute and i love her lots but im bad with people so obviously im bad with children too
THAT BEING SAID, she still likes me a lot despite this and now that shes at MY house, my older brother is mostly entertaining her, which. GOOD skfjsf i like to just watch
i asked him i said how are you so good with kids?? cuz we are similar like we're both introverted type deal and he toldme yknow just go along with what they do (this doesnt help me i need like a full written guide and im not even jokinh KSJFS) and then i was like oh yeah youve had siblings for yr whole life
hes 12/11 years older than me so yeah he did help raise me and then i asked like? how was i as a kid? and he said i was quiet and weird
and it made me CRYY because i am still very quiet and very weird SFKJS
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onanay · 1 year ago
Not even jokinh i feel like im talkimh to a wall sometimes and i have another ghosted job application
19 days ago
2 momths ago
8 montjs ago
Fellas should i kill myself
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kyoshiarmor · 5 years ago
Whoever started the theory that Will or El is going to die in season 4 I just wanna talk
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neuroticcvnt · 6 years ago
gets called a hacker for playing spirit,,
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savageboar · 3 years ago
someone stole part of my car's exhaust system can't have shit in st louis
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rodypowderedmilk · 4 years ago
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