#im not even THAT mad at the tweet itself but it’s just…
jrwiyuri · 7 months
Hey, I'm off Twitter so I have no idea why the JRWI fandom is having discourse about grizzly again. Can you explain the situation?
Grizzly used aave stupidly & insensitivity in a now deleted tweet. He did this after receiving months of counseling on how to deal with poc better in JRWI for free. Basically what he always does, silly white boy does something ignorant 🙃
This post has the tweets all in em: https://www.tumblr.com/emizeltucker/734816046256701440/click-to-see-the-first-image-in-full-cancel-your
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leaves-fall-down · 3 months
I’m just very confused on why you guys think Jk Rowling is denying the holocaust. She isn’t denying the holocaust itself.
She said that Trans people weren’t the first ones to be persecuted, and that’s true. The Nazis primarily were against the Jews. She didn’t say that the trans people weren’t targeted at all as far as I know. Im very confused.
Alright. Since you wrote this from what I'm assuming is good faith, I will reply as politely as I can. Sorry if anything comes off as rude, I just have a somewhat blunt way of speaking and talking.
Despite being a best selling author of books with a political message, all of which smack you over the head with it, JKR isn't particularly good at making arguments for her beliefs. So, any confusion is alright, and forgiven, because she herself is a confusing debater.
So, *I* did not say she's denying the entire holocaust. I don't know what other folks are saying, but *I* never said she's denying the entire Holocaust-she was denying the very specific act, an atrocity really, of nazis burning books about trans people. However, denying any atrocity of the Holocaust is still, y'know, bad. To me, denying one aspect of it is just as gross and harmful as denying the whole thing. But that's me and my view.
Second, nowhere in the original tweet is the person in the screenshot that she's replying to saying that trans people were the first victims of the nazis. (see below). They aren't saying that at all, what they're saying is that trans books/research were burned by the nazis (Which. Uh. They were!). In her original post, JKR denied book burnings done by Nazis, specifically books about trans people. Which is verifiable and correct. The nazis did in fact do that. So yes, she's denying an aspect of the holocaust. That is objectively what she's doing.
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Then, later (see below), likely because she was mad at this other girl for pointing out that her tweet is spreading false information (and again, is specifically denying an atrocity of the holocaust), Rowling herself is the one who switches it up from "Uh, nu uh never happened!" to "Well no no I'm just saying they didn't burn all of the books in Germany and that they weren't the first victims!"
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The poster, Alejandra here, calls her out again (see below). Because she never said that! The person there in the original screenshot that she's posting also doesn't say that anywhere in their original tweet!
Then, instead of just apologizing, she decided to move the goalposts and accuse Alejandra of lying, specifically of lying about a point that JKR was the one to switch to, and then used an entirely different tweet to accuse this girl of lying about something she and the screenshotted person never even said. She's doing this because she's embarrassed that someone called her out for denying an atrocity of the holocaust, that's whats going on here.
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Again: the person she was originally responding to didn't say that trans people were the first victims or that every last book on them in Germany was destroyed, and this Alejandra person certainly didn't say that either, so now JKR is quite literally accusing this girl (who she wasn't even originally arguing with!) of lying over a third separate person's tweet, and over a point that JKR herself was the one to switch over to in the first place. Because she's embarrassed and mad that she was called out as a denier of part of the holocaust over her first tweet.
And please don't give me the argument of "oh well technically Alejandra asked where anyone said that, though 🥺". JKR moved the goalposts and accused this girl of lying because she got embarrassed, and then pulled out a third separate person's tweet out, because she's simply embarrassed for being called out as a holocaust atrocity denier. She was so embarrassed and flustered over being a holocaust atrocity denier that she quite literally moved the goalposts of her argument instead of just apologizing for denying part of the holocaust. Like a normal person hopefully would.
If Rowling originally just wanted to argue that trans people weren't the first victims, then she should have posted a response to that second screenshot she had in the first place, instead of the one she originally posted. But we all have eyes here, and can see that what she originally did was deny an atrocity of the holocaust entirely through her original tweet. Everything after came through sheer embarrassment at being called out, and "no I'm just saying trans people weren't the first victims!" is deflection on her end, because she is embarrassed that she was called out and corrected.
TL;DR: JK Rowling is a holocaust atrocity denying bigot. That's it. That's what she's revealed herself as, and when corrected, she simply moved the goalposts instead of apologizing. That's a solid and morally sound reason for anyone to no longer consume her work if transphobia by itself wasn't enough.
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giravolo · 8 months
a tweet i saw this morning made me mad so i went off about volo and im saying it here too.
there IS a reason why volo has a togekiss and hes NOT a bad person like people try to make him out to be!!!
togepi was his first pokemon and he dearly loves it he takes pictures with it and everything. half his team is friendship evo based too.
he shows genuine kindness to the player and has an actual interest in what theyre doing. hes the first person to come looking for you when you get kicked out and i truly believe the only reason this is the only time he sells you items at this point in the game is for the sake of the game not letting you have infinite free items.
hes part of a group of people who are mostly extinct or just gone, and have been replaced by people not native to hisui (old verses imply that the diamond and pearl clans are from a different region, its not just the people of jubilife)
he tells you hes been through very terribly times in his life and has been hurt by it. he seeks out his god only to find what is essentially the devil and is influenced by it, being led astray. but even giratina after being stopped by the player tries to redeem itself in the future, why cant volo do the same.
and once volo is stopped? he STILL cares about the player and their goals, wanting them to finish the hisui dex.
hes not evil, hes just troubled and genuinely has good intentions, he was just led astray by a pokemon that has been through a similar situation, cast away from its peers and left on its lonesome.
so yes, i do think volo deserves to have togekiss.
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the1975attheirverybest · 11 months
Hello I wanted to talk to you about something. Would like to hear your opinion on it because I really respect it. So on Twitter Trumanblack was trening lately and I saw people being mad that truman Black came back.
Here's couple of tweets, to show you the perspective:
,He is escaping the reality through this character. Being sincere and open is the way to live life not hiding behing fictional characters. He needs to grow up and realize where his priorities are.
Ofc, we do not know him. His choice, his life.
what the fuck happened matty. I don't understand what you're doing right now. should have left Truman in the trash. I don't get it.
This. It seems he was used to dealing with difficult emotions through avoiding them in stage character (he admitted to this in an interview recently) & he wanted to ditch the character & embrace the emotions/be sincere things maybe got too raw & real so he is back in charakter
I'm sorry this message is so long. I'm just thinking about it all. Do you think 'matty' is gone and he will be acting and all that in the upcoming tour? Cause I wouldnt like it and it won't be good for him too :/
Again sorry this is so long
No, I mean, this is an interesting topic that I think we should 100% get into to "warm up" for the tour. I bet we'll have even more to say once we start getting content from the first new shows in September. (omg not too far away now aaaahhhh), so everyone feel free to chime in, but basically, here is how I think about it ( this is probs gonna be long. apologies in advance. im gonna add a "keep reading" so i dont destroy y'all feeds).
The first thing we need to remember is that Matty's "Truman Black" persona pre-dates the ATVB tour. He's always been "Truman Black." He's always been a jokester, a meme lord, a bit chaotic, a bit sexy, a pastiche or caricature of himself.
The question, then, is why? Why does he do this?
For several reasons. And he's been nothing but honest with us about them.
From as early on as 23 years old, when ST first started blowing up and the boys cultivated a following, Matty became acutely aware of the spotlight and the way that fans idealized and idolized him. Sexually desired him, saw him as this rockstar figure. And it made him uncomfortable because, well, no real human being could live up to such a fantasy, right? That's really what the song "Love Me" is about. He experienced this during album 1 and instantly wrote about it for album 2. like thats how strongly he felt it. He's more eloquent about it than I can ever be, so I'm going to link you to his explanation of "Love Me."
so, as he's pointing out in his explanation, he plays this kinda ridiculous character to "subvert" expectations. right? even in the mv, he has cardboard cut outs of sex symbols and heart throbs like Harry Styles etc. and he takes his shirt off and stands next to them and makes out with them and all that. Usually, the normal rockstar-fan relationship is that we project our fantasy upon the rockstar and the rockstar accepts it obligingly. But Matty's going "well this is really kinda silly, and it makes me feel sooo disconnected from myself if i turn into this person everyone thinks i am, so what am i gonna do? oh I'll just lean into the silliness." so if he can't do the "fake authenticity" of the cliched rockstar, hes gonna do a very authentic fakeness of being loud, and silly goofy funny messy larger than life, etc.
He explains it here (I've cued it up to the right moment in the video). He's right, if you're a stranger and you know nothing about him and you see him behaving in a Truman-black-esque way, you'd think "wow what an arrogant piece of shit this dude is." BUT if you realize that he's like "i KNOW that you all think of me this way. And YOU (the fans) know that I know that you think that way." we become in on the joke.
You know what im gonna say here. Postmodernism. LMAO. No, but for real. Postmodern art naturally has this "meta" habit. It's art that knows itself as art. It's aware that it's not real. Like movies that are constantly referring to themselves as movies. breaking the experience of illusion for you by constantly reminding you that what you are watching has been filmed and edited. it's not real life. Thats what Matty does with the "rockstar persona" constantly reminding you "it's not real. im just a character made up in all our heads. I'm actually a normal human being but my job is kinda fuckin mental."
So, I think those 4 points, from VERRRYYY early in Matty's career are the genesis of Truman Black. Thats what "Truman Black" is based on.
You could ask, well, if Matty has been this way from the very beginning how come it's such a problem now? how come this whole thing is a new issue??
I think its the perfect storm of this year.
The ATVB show was designed to push the blurry lines between Matty Healy/ Truman Black to their very limits cuz they added extra layers of meta-theatricality to an already meta situation haha. He plays himself in the couch scene, and the raw meat scene, but he's also kind of playing a symbolic version of himself that's supposed to apply to a lot of straight men, but then the show is also about the lines between his personal and his public lives.
Then he goes and does the Truman Black rockstar shit in the second half of the show. So, the tour really could've been called "Matty Healy: At His Very Truman Black-esque" and it would have been accurate. Like he took this concept and stretched it to see how far it could take him.
Then of course you have the podcast thing, the taylor swift thing, the twitter cancelation cycles, etc etc etc.
There were so many new eyes on him. and so much out of context (remember, meta-theatricality needs context. needs the audience to be in on the joke. we have to know 'oh hes making fun of himself being a rockstar') cuz if we don't have the context he really comes off as a guy who's in love with himself and his rockstar status haha.
Now that alllll of this background is out of the way, lets discuss the questions that you've brought up.
Is he Matty or is he Truman Black?
I think lots of people didn't notice that when he threw out the lab coat that was labeled "truman black" in the video, he wasn't serious. he instantly starts doing the robot dance, flipping the camera off with his finger, acting disruptive by riding the trolley thingy. All Truman Black behavior: mischief, breaking rules, etc. so it was a "meta" joke. he tossed the character then acted like the character. a contradiction. ironic. Truman Black's never been gone! he and Matty are intertwined necessarily. you can't separate one from the other.
Is he gonna be acting at all in S...ATVB?
Yes. He will. He's working with Brad Troemel whose sense of humor is very close to Matty's and who loves irony and postmodernism.
Does he use Truman Black to "hide from difficult situations" or to "run from his emotions" or whatever that tweet was saying? no. He uses it to deliver social critique. About masculinity being ridiculous, about our relationship to artists and the fantasy of perfection in Rockstar cliches, about performative wokeness.
Those are the very same beliefs that Matty Healy believes in. hes always criticizing these things in interviews and speeches and stuff. So, no, hes not hiding behind the character to disassociate he IS the same guy, just a slightly less dramatized and exaggerated version.Thats why he doesn't completely turn it on or off at any time. Thats why it's not that he was willing to stop it for a relationship and then start it again when it didn't work out. Thats not how Matty operates at allll.
He didn't throw out his belief that performative wokeness is harmful and stupid, he didn't throw out his belief that leftist masculinity is confusing, he didn't change who he is at his very core just to be mr nice guy, or to be sincere, or to get his dick sucked off by Taylor Swift, or whatever these people think is the reason. He's always been this way; he very likely will always be this way. Thats just how he makes art and how he thinks about the world.
He's always BEEN open to embracing emotions and being sincere. "I love you, don't you mind?" "we're only human we're just like you man" "I'll quote on the road like a twat," "im petrified of being alone, its pathetic," "im just pissed off because you pied me off after your show," "you pick a fight and i'll define it" "i said its cool i was messing but its true," "pretend that i know what it is (i wasn't listening)" "sorry that I quite like seeing myself on the news. im sorry that im someone that i wish i could change, but ive always been the same."
would an emotionally stunted anti-sincerity guy write ANY OF THESE LYRICS? idk, you tell me.
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tkblythofficial · 2 months
I don't understand why some of y'all don't get that R loves T genuinely and doesn't mind her association with him, she's only uncomfortable when said association is used against her bf and her relationship. She said it on tape, she had the most fun during TBOSAS and T is her favorite male lead thus far... she's only liking a few lightheaded posts about HER FRIEND, sharing pictures with HER FRIEND, and liking snowbaird stuff, like c'mon TBOSAS was her project too, she can talk the movie as much as she wants
And before y'all call me R or say im one of her associates, I gotta say im one of her fans who doesn't care about J and I absolutely understand why people are turned off by him. I personally think R could so much better, I didn't like his lack of action when R was going through the hate train...on top of the dodgy age gap. But empathizing with R, I would also be annoyed too if people were creating fantasies around my platonic friend
Does she need to be less on the internet? Yes. Should she stop giving haters the time of her day? Also yes. It is kind of annoying tbh but that's who she is, she'll always be on the internet like a good 'ole Gen Z , but I can't be mad at her for expressing her feelings. We gotta accept now R sees T only as her friend (at least for right know she does) It doesn't mean their connection is any less important. R always hypes up and talks about her friends... haven't y'all see how she talks about Faist?
That’s the issue. There’s many people out there who don’t ship zeglyth and hate J. Those two things aren’t mutually exclusive. Anons had admitted they can’t express their criticism of R/J’s relationship anywhere except for on this blog even though they don’t support zeglyth. I think it’s weird that people say we only hate J because of zeglyth instead of talking about the real problem with their relationship. It’s heavy deflection.
No one here has denied that zeglyth is a friendship (rn). Here’s the thing celebs, not just R, don’t understand: once you put something on the internet, you can’t control the narrative of how the public views it.
I have no problem with R being chronically online but if she’s going to be actively in her own fandom, she has to accept the good, bad and the ugly parts of it. No one likes being perceived or misunderstood but that’s online culture. Not saying it’s right or wrong but that’s the truth.
Also I don’t think R has a problem with the zeglyth ship itself (romantic shipping or not because she was fine pre-Feb), she has more of an issue with people not liking her bf (which is associated with the zeglyth ship unfairly. Many people hate the boar, not just us lol). That’s what her whole meltdown was about in Feb. Ironically, she’s the reason why people started looking into her and J’s relationship.
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If she never tweeted this, her relationship wouldn’t have blown up online. People had no idea who J was at the time and started digging when she called him 29. So again, her being chronically online started people seeing the truth about their relationship. And we thank her for tweeting this lol
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ufonaut · 2 years
mistress alissa ufonaut i just saw someone on twitter unironically say that if they could "ungay" (whatever the fuck this means) a character it would be alan and it made me so mad im shaking. i cant believe people are still this mad about him being gay. whatever
good fucking god i had to momentarily step into the cesspool that is twitter to look this up and literally the first search result is this ridiculously homophobic tweet
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i legitimately cannot even begin to imagine being this homophobic about a fictional character a year after the fact like is this really the conversation we're doomed to have forever? idiots who've never read comics feeling free to express their hatred of gay men under the veneer of 'it's out of character' or whatever the fuck? the level of absolute uncontainable rage i'm feeling here is insane lmao
one of the worst parts is the very obvious fact that they've got the shallowest knowledge of alan and immediately think that makes them experts. a wife and two kids? as in. the kids he didn't want, did not believe were his and then once tried to personally kill? the wife he was practically pressured into marrying and then did not pay any attention to for the subsequent however many years and who's basically become invisible for at least twenty years now? alan & molly's marriage was horrible, he's always been a bad husband and father and at least now there's an actual explanation!
all this and i'm not even counting the literal decades of gaycoding behind him, the decades that dc comics itself acknowledged in the initial press release. not to mention that they're equating being gay with being "weird and messy", like alan's multiple mental breakdowns were all fine and dandy when he was seemingly straight -- it's being gay that's made him "weird and messy", uh huh.
it's like these people have never heard of internalized homophobia, being closeted, the historical treatment of gay men or literally anything resembling the reality of actually being gay. alan being also gay doesn't go against his less than pleasant traits and doesn't suddenly make him some bastion of modern progressive politics or whatever the hell they're implying by the ruining the "crotchety old boomers" vibe comment (already a deranged thing to claim, if you ask me).
anyway. all homophobic people die painfully please. end of transmission
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brianaria711 · 6 months
A Message for Mr. Austin
(Note: Austin Lee Matthews, Before you do something to me, Please read this message below until the end, i know this was all my fault 🤦‍♂️ but this is very important. Also don't worry i will not delete this post unlike the last time in order to showcase how embarrasing i am and served as a lesson to me to not do it again in the future.)
Dear Mr. Austin (@amtrax)
Its me, Brian Aria. remember me from Twitter/X where i tag some Interesting Fanart i found Aswell as the one who helped finished the Character Color Wheel until i acidentally tag a Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth fanart where i didn't realize you rarely hated it (Despite many friends really liked it) ?
Its been 3 Months now that this accident happened and since today is 25th December (aka Christmas Day), i just wanted to say im very sorry because of all the problems that i have done to you over the months including the recent one where i failed doing a kind apology about not doing the same mistakes again aswell as panic deleting it that you suppose to advice me at the same time since i didn't realize i have a big test during that time and i don't know how to do between "didn't want to tag on any art again" or "stop tagging on that same art" which caused me to quickly reply that rushed apology that i mostly seen which i though during that time, the word "Oh, Sorry for that" means i will not tag on that same Terriermon art.
About the last one which was occurred at the near end of September, I actually didn't meant to annoy or tag to any post that contains something inappropiate/bad to you including others (which can be indicate by you or even someone liked my tag before eventually looking at the fanart itself which is unfortunately disabled by Elon which make it harder to see if someone that i tag already seen it before or not) but in the end i realize that sometimes people have different personalities which is the reason why sometimes they wanted it other times they don't. (Which is the reason why some of my friends blocking me for different reasons.)
Second, for the delete tag part, i thought it would make you didn't see that art that you didn't like as i will didn't tag to that Terriermon fanart again as i mentioned before but after you blocked me, i realized that removed the tweet/post that you supposed to complained to me causes more trouble than i thought.
I know the result of the negative impact to me because of this such as blocking my both Twitter/X, Twitch, Discord Account currently couldnt be easily outdone (Which for Unblocking me on Twitter is a bit unlikely right now considering that website current state is still very negative due to Elon and for me i guess, Its half-fitting however it actually isn't considering you are leaving Twitter/X at the End of September.) but For now on, in order to preventing this from happening again, whenever when i see you again on other Social Platforms like this one (Tumblr) or Bluesky (Which they have a mention/tag feature like almost every Social media did), i promise that i will try to stop tagging you on other people fanart (as well as posting anyones art on your Discord) as possible. The reason i made this difficult decision is because of two reasons: 1. we will never know what Fanart that we liked or didn't like it (Just like the recent Terriermon art) & 2. i didn't want to take any risk from being blocked by you again in the future. (I may will also stop tagging other voice Actors like Amanda Winn Lee or even Casey Mongillo to other peoples fanarts because of the same risk that i already mentioned above as well being careful to my friends.)
Again Mr. Austin, Please don't mad at me, If you are still blocking me then thats fine (i guess). But if possible, can you please unblock me from either of your various Social media (like Twitch or even Discord) ?
I would be happy if you have me second chance in order to help me to not repeat my mistakes again since i want to see more amazing posts from you like various arts you have Made over the year's, how you respect LGBT+ (i also love them too), posting some interesting songs and Facts/Lore, as well as asking question that i wanted to know more (i.e. Favorite Valve Games, Do you ever played Azure Striker Gunvolt, etc).
I love your various voice acting roles over the years like Roche from Final Fantasy VII Remake or even become one of the Additional Voices of Halo Infinite as well as Being a fan of Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man (which i also love them because of how cool they are) and im very sad if i didn't see you again especially i live in different country that makes it very hard to see you outside the internet right now.
Because, i may not very good at Social media since my parents didn't teach me on how to do it when i was a kid but when i hear a complaint from someone, i promise that i will do better to improve my mistakes, be more careful, and not do it again. (Just like how you complaint to me on Discord about don't suggest any full games every day.)
Anyways, Happy Holidays and thank you for reading this message until the end, Hopefully your voice acting career including your original project Megaton Girl will be always successful from 2024 and beyond.
(Additional Note: For those who wondering about my Tumblr Account that you posted on X/Twitter few months ago, Yes this is my Official Tumblr Account. Also At the time of this writing and Outside of my communication with you, i spend almost three months doing Hiatus on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram/Threads (except doing few replies to any sports account) since my parents weren't allowed me to reply or mention any of my friends post or even any Voice Actors (except for non-related ones) for three months as a punishment after they seeing that i got blocked by you because of my stupid behavior. I Know i did lose some of my friends such as AudreyStar because of this, but this is the only thing i can do for Mr.  Austin in order to make sure i didn't do that again. What Have I Done...)
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Perhaps I need to re-read TTWHY 🤔 wdym you're surprised Baek, you're just getting better and better and I think people really like these type of chaotic Y/N characters plus soft male leads, we have too many timid weak girlies and dom assholes.
Naaaah I'm not seeing this with my poor tired eyes NO DEATH ALRIGHT. @ Seonghwa, I'm free whenever just so you know 😘
I hope I'll like the cb cause I'm tired of complaining and idk this comeback isn't hitting me that much even though it should :( hopefully at least 2 bsides shake me to the core. Understandable with Maniac, the chorus part was actually catchy for me from the start, but the verses I wasn't keen on. Yeah, I can admit my dislike for some of the songs my faves put out, but I'm also willing to give them a pass and a chance you know? I'm both more critical, but forgiving if that makes sense, hahaha. BUT I'm not gonna pretend to be obsessed. God that tweet I saw it and sent it to my friends it's so fucking dumb, Atinys are peak not like the other girls especially this comeback just hating on people who have different opinions and acting like they're lesser fans because YOU DON'T GET THEIR GENIUS VISION!!!! Also funny they don't want "negativity" yet have no issue shading other artists hmmmm. Are we in Strictland, opinions are prohibited?!
When I first heard DCM first I was too emo to digest everything, but then I was like "uh, that's an SM song for sure..." but it grew one me. I loved the chaos in Christmas Evel like wtffff. I didn't give Hellevator enough credit before, but it's reeeeealllyyyy good! I've been lucky with Skz's titles though I either love, like or accept them hahahah.
Bestie when Jooyeon inevitably cuts his hair you'll not hear from me... also, his maknae position is showing a babyyyyy
My UBER driver Tae you mean? I have NOT seen that before photo 👀
Lol that friend replied to me after a few days and she sounds level-headed, so she's either keeping her cool in front of me or she's being obnoxious on Twitter on purpose? Either way, weirdo behaviour so idk what to do with her
"pls stop me bc this series is burning in my wip and iwill take it out if this continues to happen 😭😭" WAIT which series, what what 👁👁
Bestie run because some 💩⭐'s on Twitter including my fave accs are so mad at people "mocking" Hwa and comparing him to "an ugly fat penguin" they're so pressed and "Tell me you don't know anything about 70s-80s punk fashion and hair" bitch stfu I know all about it I can still laugh a little. Hope Hwa doesn't mind, but people already assumed it's offensive to him and tweet so many overdramatic stuff, no one called him ugly please, they tweet weird sexual assumptions about idols all the time, but this is an issue? 😭
"Fall in love and I'll diagnose you with a problem" - falling in love would already be a huge problem for me lmaooo. I just went with the most interesting fic plots with this one and got PASSIVE.
Ahhhh, Hwa is watching Extraordinary Attorney Woo, I'm in love with this show it's so wholesome no wonder he likes it I LOOOOOOOVE HIM
Also fucking Jackson giving fanfic writers all they need I'm wheezing him and Taehyung and Lisa pole dancing, the fic is writing itself. Btw, have you seen that YT channel, the woman invites idols then gives them food and alcohol, I need someone from Ateez on there soo baaaaad
Do this Will S. quiz I need to check your vibes. I got the least popular result Twelfth Night which I love, I'm also not like the other girls - DV 💖
hi hello!!
Perhaps I need to re-read TTWHY 🤔 wdym you're surprised Baek, you're just getting better and better and I think people really like these type of chaotic Y/N characters plus soft male leads, we have too many timid weak girlies and dom assholes.
pls do let me know of ur ranking changed 🔫 oh best friend im genuinely absolutely so very surprised and intimidated by the liking of this fic bc usually it never reaches this amount it notes and for when it does (usually more than a month) i write my next fic in that time span sO NOW THIS IS VERY OVERWHELMING,, romcoms absolutely !!!!! i think everyone’s a sucker for a romcom at this point and i will do my best to deliver them <33 that IS SO TRUE DOM ASSHOLES 🔫🔫🔫🔫 u will never see a timid weak girlie here, but u will absolutely see an obnoxiously cocky guy <3
Naaaah I'm not seeing this with my poor tired eyes NO DEATH ALRIGHT. @ Seonghwa, I'm free whenever just so you know 😘
JFBWKDJWK I WOULD LIKE TO SAY THERE WILL BE ONE DEATH 🔫 its a fic that comes before the duke universe!! from seonghwa’s schedule and my calculations he’s free monday & 7pm to 8pm so u guys can have a lengthy chat, don’t u worry the room will have nice couches facing each other and snacks and drinks <33
I hope I'll like the cb cause I'm tired of complaining and idk this comeback isn't hitting me that much even though it should :( hopefully at least 2 bsides shake me to the core. Understandable with Maniac, the chorus part was actually catchy for me from the start, but the verses I wasn't keen on. Yeah, I can admit my dislike for some of the songs my faves put out, but I'm also willing to give them a pass and a chance you know? I'm both more critical, but forgiving if that makes sense, hahaha. BUT I'm not gonna pretend to be obsessed. God that tweet I saw it and sent it to my friends it's so fucking dumb, Atinys are peak not like the other girls especially this comeback just hating on people who have different opinions and acting like they're lesser fans because YOU DON'T GET THEIR GENIUS VISION!!!! Also funny they don't want "negativity" yet have no issue shading other artists hmmmm. Are we in Strictland, opinions are prohibited?!
no completely true! being willing to give a song a listen even if it’s not the taste we usually go for! i think thats a better way than just completely dismissing the song (exactly what atinys are doingbffb) YES ABSOLUTELY no pretendsies at all, if u like it, u like, if u don’t, then u don’t <3 BROOO THATS SO SO TRUE THE PICK ME GIRLS 😭😭😭😭 idk wtf is going on in atinyville bc what was that tweet 😭😭
“Atinys are peak not like the other girls especially this comeback just hating on people who have different opinions and acting like they're lesser fans because YOU DON'T GET THEIR GENIUS VISION!!!! Also funny they don't want "negativity" yet have no issue shading other artists hmmmm. Are we in Strictland, opinions are prohibited?!”
IM FUCKING SCREAMING THIS ENTIRE THING ON TOP OF MY LUNGS RIGHT NOW 😭😭😭 “you cant critique them” bro we about to simon cowell this 😭😭😭 no that last part where they want no negativity yet they the first to complain,, twt atinys,,, ive given up on those atinys since fireworks era bc that was a wild time it got so annoying 😭😭
When I first heard DCM first I was too emo to digest everything, but then I was like "uh, that's an SM song for sure..." but it grew one me. I loved the chaos in Christmas Evel like wtffff. I didn't give Hellevator enough credit before, but it's reeeeealllyyyy good! I've been lucky with Skz's titles though I either love, like or accept them hahahah.
LMFAOOOO 100% an sm song 😭😭 i think from dcm album, body rhythm best track, taemins “badi badi!” 😭😭😭 he’s so cute dbdb hellavator for me is their top track nothing can ever top that tbh 🤚🏼🤚🏼 insane vocals as well <3 “accept them” 😭😭
Bestie when Jooyeon inevitably cuts his hair you'll not hear from me... also, his maknae position is showing a babyyyyy
My UBER driver Tae you mean? I have NOT seen that before photo 👀
UBER driver hAH HAH 🔫 it was three days ago bestie 👀 pls go into ur dreams and have some gossip with your uber driver 👀
Lol that friend replied to me after a few days and she sounds level-headed, so she's either keeping her cool in front of me or she's being obnoxious on Twitter on purpose? Either way, weirdo behaviour so idk what to do with her
😭😭😭😭 i believe the first option is the best one bC WHY BE SO UNHINGED ON TWT 😭😭😭😭 weirdo behaviour 😭😭 anyways bestie that toronto concert might come to life <3
"pls stop me bc this series is burning in my wip and iwill take it out if this continues to happen 😭😭" WAIT which series, what what 👁👁
arrange marriage au? 👄👁👄
Bestie run because some 💩⭐'s on Twitter including my fave accs are so mad at people "mocking" Hwa and comparing him to "an ugly fat penguin" they're so pressed and "Tell me you don't know anything about 70s-80s punk fashion and hair" bitch stfu I know all about it I can still laugh a little. Hope Hwa doesn't mind, but people already assumed it's offensive to him and tweet so many overdramatic stuff, no one called him ugly please, they tweet weird sexual assumptions about idols all the time, but this is an issue? 😭
NAURRR WE CAN NEVER EVER HAVE FUN IN THIS ATINYVILLE WHY 😭😭😭 everything just has to be serious, why u offended for the idol himself pls that mans probably looking at the mirror giggling 😭😭 like he won’t troll himself pls fbwkdhdj sTOP NOT THE SEXUAL ASSUMPTIONS KPOP FANS HAVE THIS LUST, L U S T TO ASSUME THEIR FAVS PREFERENCS 😭😭😭
"Fall in love and I'll diagnose you with a problem" - falling in love would already be a huge problem for me lmaooo. I just went with the most interesting fic plots with this one and got PASSIVE.
LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭😭 YOURE A PASSIVE LOVER??? 😭😭 we can tell absolutely <3 i gots
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so i decided i will make quiz of all my y/n’s (excluding khronus + bodyguard + hongjoong’s bc then its too many) so i will put it here if i can finish it before u answer this if Not then THIS IS EMPTY BFBF
Ahhhh, Hwa is watching Extraordinary Attorney Woo, I'm in love with this show it's so wholesome no wonder he likes it I LOOOOOOOVE HIM
PARK TO THE SEONG TO THE HWA ✊🏼 PLSSS I LOVE THAT KDRAMA THE MC IS SO CUTE 😭😭😭 love how the kdrama community is expanding their leads! and not just have the repeated ones and have more diversity in them <3
Also fucking Jackson giving fanfic writers all they need I'm wheezing him and Taehyung and Lisa pole dancing, the fic is writing itself. Btw, have you seen that YT channel, the woman invites idols then gives them food and alcohol, I need someone from Ateez on there soo baaaaad
LMFAOOOO STOPPPP IM GONNA CHANGE THE RYAN FROM BODYGUARD TO JACKSONS FBWKHDWKH i love this side of kpop, yes give us reality 😭😭 I HAVE YES PLS FBWNBDWK want to see who gets drunk first 😭😭
Do this Will S. quiz I need to check your vibes. I got the least popular result Twelfth Night which I love, I'm also not like the other girls - DV 💖
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
Why do people put so much stock in birthday tweets do you think? No disrespect to anyone who does. I know that Jikook have had some lovely/revealing/heartfelt/romantic birthday gestures between them in the past, and believe me I love seeing that, but honestly it's never been a make or break 'sign' of their relationship or relationship health to me. Wishing an SO (or even a family member or extremely close friend) hbd on a social media or public platform is a performative gesture.
The analysis and DRAMA people read into birthday wishes, or lack of them, can dampen the joy and celebration of the birthday. It becomes a countdown, or an expectation and maybe even stressful. No matter what happens or doesn't, people are setting themselves up for dissatisfaction. If Jungkook doesnt post for Jimin's birthday, suddenly everything that is beautiful and intimate seeming about their relationship goes out the window! It's even a bit triggering as an lgbt gal because suddenly the gay relationship has to prove itself with a tweet or here comes trouble. It has to be performed to be believed.
A loved one's birthday shouldn't have to be something done to placate or excite millions of others. It can be a private thing. We probably don't know the half of the nice things Jikook have done on each other's birthdays but we make a huge deal out of the ones we know. Chances are all these boys see each other almost every day. They exchange messages privately and have private social media accounts. I don't require public birthday tidings. What do you think? October MADNESS has got me nervous lol
Sooo I'm going to include their birthday tweets to each other because I think they are super cute here. Jungkooks birthday tweets to Jimin, he did not post for 2020, the second photo is the translation of his 2019 twt. 2013 - 2019.
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Jimins birthday tweets to Jungkook, he posted multiple times a year for some years so he has more lol 2013 - 2021.
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Now here is the thing. Social media's posts are cute. But they do not define the relationship. I have been with my husband for 11 years now. We haven't posted on social media for each other's birthdays or anniversaries since our first year being together. We wished each other those things in person. And anything you do in person is more meaningful anyway. And these posts, from ALL the guys, are for the fans more than they are for each other. Let's not pretend otherwise.
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JK didn't post for anyone's birthdays in 2020, but let's not forget that he probably wished them all a happy birthday and made them feel special on their own time. Jimin told us that he spent his birthday in 2020 with his family, which is why he didn't do a vlive on his birthday. A fan posted later about how she saw what looked like Jimin and JK out with their families that same weekend.
JK didn't post for Tae in 2017 at all for his birthday. "Fans" were upset about this. Only for everyone to find out later that even though he didn't post, they all got together and JK made Tae and the other hyungs a special meal of Ramen for dinner for them to eat together to celebrate. Tae talked about how nice it was and how much it meant to him too.
Tae didn't post in 2020 for Jin or Jimin. Im positive he did something sweet for Jimin as well. And Jin told us about how he organized a bunch of people to call and leave him messages saying happy birthday. Jin told us all about how much that meant to him, how sweet it was and how special it made him feel.
And those are just a FEW examples. It is very very important to remember your boundaries as fans and not create overt expectations on relationships that do not belong to you. Social media does not make or break a friendship. It does not make or break a relationship. Especially when you are posting for 39.5 million fans on Twitter. In fact, I bet the personal messages or time spent together are the only ones these guys care about anyway.
Its okay to enjoy the cute birthday posts. They ARE cute. It's okay to gush over the cute captions on those posts. They ARE cute. It's okay!!! Just don't start thinking that a relationship (no matter platonic, romantic or other) is on the rocks just because someone doesn't post on Twitter on someone's birthday.
So consider this everyone's warnings too, don't send me "omg, something is wrong" asks on Jimin's birthday. Let me just celebrate Jimin. Which is probably what all the members of BTS will be doing too. Thanks for the ask anon, I fully agree with you.
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cookiepuggirl · 3 years
The EM Rainbow thing
Hey guys~
i know this has nothing to do with 19 days, but I really wanna talk about the whole rainbow fiasco in Germany right now and how awesome all the support is that the lgbtq+ community is getting.
So if you have no idea what I’m talking about: Today Germany will play against hungary in the European championship (football/soccer) and since its pride month, they wanted to light the stadium in rainbow colours.
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Now the Hungarian President doesn‘t want this because he is an homophobic asshole ya know? So he made a complain and the whole committee of the championship were like “yeah that’s a political statement so we can’t have that here“ and a big discussion broke out like “is this really a political statement? Isn’t this just a way to celebrate pride month? Isn’t this against freedom of speech? Can they tell a whole country to not light a Stadion in pretty colours because some idiots feel offended by it for some reason?”
And now here is the thing why I wanna talk about it: Germany is not having it guys! Manuel Neuer will still wear his arm bandage with rainbows even tho he was getting kinda in trouble for it.
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Text reads: Neuer will wear his rainbow-captain-bandage again in Hungary game. The German team stands for their values like tolerance and diversity.
and the mayor of Munich (city where the game will take place) is also sending a big fuck you to uefa
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He says since they are not allowed to light the Stadion they will light a windmill that’s standing directly behind the Stadion and will be in every shot with the Stadion together. (Also the townhall will be having pride flags)
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people are also organising: in this tweet everyone is advised to wear a specific colour so that the range will look like a big pride flag. Also pride flags will be given out for free at the game.
im just so happy that there is so much resistance against this stupid decision. I’m just so happy that so many people are speaking against it, not taking it, sending a big fuck you to idiots and hateful people and the most important thing is: a message to all lgbtq+ people. You are a part of us, if they wanna hurt you we gonna fight back, we stand together.
sorry for the wall of text, sorry for using tags that might be not the right ones to use, sorry for rather bad English. This just had to be taken out of my system, I was so mad about this and know I’m so happy. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
EDIT: A lot of people are dissapointed: Because of the pandemic people have to keep distance from each other-so the whole "Rainbow range" Thing didn't work out :/ (It's also raining like crazy)
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You can still see a few rainbow flags in the background (especially when hungarian players are filmed :D)
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Manuel Neuer wearing his rainbow bandage and two big rainbow flags in the german fancurve.
But now to the real cool stuff:
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Someone ran with a rainbow flag over the field. The Windmill did get illuminated but because of the weather it wasn't that easy to see ;__;
Also in front of the stadion and in munich itself: everything is pretty colourful :)
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there also was a rainbow seen on the sky-ain't that something? :D
(yes i'm reaching a little, let me have that lol.)
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Very sadly there were a lot of far right people dressed in black. (Standing close together-not following the covid regulations. great.)
still: Buildings with prideflags were seen, rainbowflags everywhere. Imagine all this in black dressed nazis walking trough a city and there are rainbowflags EVERYWHERE. Lol.
I think it still was pretty cool, a lot of people were "standing together" with lgbtq+ It STILL is a big taboo for football players to come out. So this feels like a hug step in the right direction.
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limelocked · 3 years
Your takes are fucking PIPING hello?? Like I'm not the biggest fan of tales of the smp (I have a minor issue with second-hand embarrassment and like, jesus christ) but the time travel lore has so far been pretty well done? The only implication we have that Karl's effected the main lore in any way is that one tweet abt him destroying the button (which is debatable at best anyway) & him attempting to stop quackity from going to the egg, but like. He's building up his character solo, losing his memory, giving us more time travel lore (w/ the fact that he apparently doesn't choose where he travels to, meaning he can't intentionally change things anyway!!) and giving us glances into the past and future. They're just generally p interesting snapshots, even if they're not told very well, and I think that's neat! It's a great way to get backstory on things like the egg & the dream smp as a whole (especially with Ponk's new farmhouse tying back into the town that went mad).
Honestly, I think it's mainly a fan thing making the time travel not great, because people either blow it out of proportion and make him effect the plot more than he does in their hcs, get mad bc backstory wasn't what they wanted, or try and tie things into the lore in a weird way themselves (like the people saying the egg is the blood god???? What)
i lean into the mic, peeking the audio
“not everything that wants things dead and craves blood thats connected to a character played by technoblade has to be the blood god”
honestly even if i Could watch tales live i think might sit it out because i just find it easier to handle the second hand embarrassment if im watching the vod and can like skip forward or pause for a moment
100% agree that literally most of the “problems” with tales is shit that the fandom itself has made up, its a thing to develop karls own character and a way to involve other people whos characters get shunned from the “main” narrative or who might not have the time/energy to be on the server a lot (corpse my beloved) and while it has the vibe of watching yandere highschool but cartoon instead of Horrible its still just fun imo
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jovishark · 3 years
If it’s that emotionally distressing for you that you can’t even cope w someone liking old content then just delete it? You said in the tag “I won’t delete bc it makes some people happy” but then isn’t that literally the opposite of what you just said? Who gives a shit if someone likes your old content if you openly hate it that much?
i give a shit, because ive been that person who really enjoyed an artists art and came back one day to find it all gone. it sucks! and the more mature part of me is saying 'no wait, if you delete it all, you wont get to laugh about it in a couple years or however long it takes for you to be able to look at it again' but this part of me is just mad that that old (ugly, badly drawn) crap is getting lots of attention but the art i spend whole days on i have to reblog multiple times so anyone sees it
the thing thats distressing me isnt the art itself existing, its the fact that timestamps are so invisible on tumblr that people (young, young people, which is a separate issue) are just now finding it and asking me about it. im not Mad at them, its not their fault and they didnt really do anything that bad. this isnt world ending. but it is incredibly frustrating that i put it on my about page and in my pinned tweet on twitter not to ask me about this stuff. i dont really want to talk about it anymore, i dont want to think about it, and i really hate feeling discouraged because my current art will never be as loved or as popular as the sp stuff. why does that matter so much? because, i was young when i did the fandom stuff, and i assumed just because everyone liked that stuff meant their interest would carry over to anything i did later! it didnt, which now i kind of realize is just the way stuff happens. nobody Needs to like my art, or interact with my posts, or tell me anything. i know that. it doesnt mean that its not frustrating
i know youre not the only one who scrolled by and went 'ugh. shut up. who cares,' and youre right. but i cares! its my blog and its my feelings, and sometimes i get upset when i take the time to try to warn people about what will piss me off and they dont read it. if youve taken the time to send me a message in the last day or so, thank you, because you didnt have to do that and its nice to be talked to. i just wish it wasnt digging up my old ghosts and asking me to make more of them
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sn4kebites · 3 years
hello im Late To The Party lmaooo but i think i've gathered my thoughts enough to form a decent ask 🦥
i honestly feel like the content in the tags is just so ... stagnant. like you go through any x reader tag and it becomes very apparent very quickly that everything is basically just half-assed copy-pasted headcanons that honestly...don't really involve that much thought. and the sad thing is that's what's popular, because its so easily consumable and so easy to mass produce, so ppl see that that type of content gets attention & followers so they start to copy it and it starts a cycle of boring content lmao.
i feel like this was really clear a few months ago where all these blogs under networks started popping up and you genuinely Could Not tell the difference between them...from the same themes to same content to literally the same carrds lmao (on a side note....the fact that so many of them had a "besties" list did not sit right w me lmao.... like it just screamed high school clique and clout chaser to me). like if that's all you're producing i genuinely cannot imagine being proud of your content like that ... and judging by the way so many of the blogs die out within a 2-4 month period . 🥴
and what makes me mad is that whenever we point out these problems and criticize the community all we get in return is "you're just jealous" and "let people read what they want" and a slew of hate anons putting u down to defend their favs. but the thing is, no one is telling them to stop. no one is telling them what they can and can't read—hell, even i end up reading that type of content occasionally because its just, exactly what's on the tin. it's easy. it's consumable.
but what is a problem is that this community settles for mediocrity. they raise the blogs that create this type of content onto a pedastal and act like they're the second coming of shakespeare when literally all they make is "how hq boys hold your hand" and "hq boys as tiktok trends" with no original thought at all.
there's no unique voices, at least not anymore, and i genuinely believe it's because of the burnout that this community has caused for them. writing is a hobby you do for yourself first and foremost, i know that. but there comes a point where when all you do is pour your heart and soul into creating fics and it gets little to no attention at all and that popular blog who made their 12th headcanon list about how hq boys as tiktok trends gets like 1k notes... i don't blame them for leaving :")
i might have more to say that i'm forgetting atm but these are My thoughts [folds hands] . if you made it through all of this JDKALW my apologies 🐌🐌
i feel ppl are so dismissive of it but it's like so genuinely an issue and you cannot talk about it because people will really just call you bitter and it's like man i LIKE blogging. if i hated i wouldn't be here and me thinking about these things is not me being bitter
it's literally just evaluating the way content is percieved and how that has leaked itself into writing. fic writing is a form of meta analysis. when you focus so much on consumability i feel like you lose such a fundamental aspect of it
like.. character building, and plot and development - all of these incredibly important things get lost when people are too bothered to read anything over a thousand words. and it MATTERS because the core of fandom stuff is analysis and characterization and exploring a world anf these concepts and when you completely lose the space for that it's.. frustrating 2 say the least
and it's like.. i LOVE shitposting. i make fake tweets and shit like that because it's so entertaining but it's weirdly depressing to see how quickly those posts tend to circle around like IDK there's just.
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dr3am-t3am · 4 years
quick comment i wanted to make on the fan art issue, that i would’ve put on twitter if it weren't for its stupid character limit
i really really do understand both sides. in all honesty, im not mad at all, bc i think the issue is more with twitter itself than either dream or the artists, but tensions got rlly high last night and i feel for everyone that was affected. i do wanna say tho, the twitter algorithm really puts artists at a h u g e disadvantage. 
to everyone and anyone affected, pls feel free to talk to me? and if you have fan art, feel free to message me w/ it. im v far from anything resembling a big account both here and on twitter, but i will definitely boost ur art if u send it ! we really can't expect ccs to see or boost our art, just from the crappiness of social media algorithms alone, but when artists work together to help each other and such we can still make sure that all of our art is appreciated and loved by the community. love y'all !! <3 <3 <3
more hypothetical discussion and thoughts under the cut
again, i am a fanartist. i am also a fanfic writer, and i started on tumblr, so i know that bc of my experiences, im gonna be a lot less? affected? i guess by limited interactions from ccs. on tumblr, there’s no way you're gonna get noticed by ccs (which is a perk, sometimes) and when you’re a fanfic writer you really dont even ask for positive attention you really just want people to stop giving you negative attention haha
that being said, i understand people’s frustration with dream bc he hasn’t been interacting as much with art. i maintain that this frustration should be more directed to the twitter algorithm, tho. 
(who’s ready for some hypothetical math?)
let’s say that an artist takes 1 hour to make one piece of art. this is honestly, really really dang fast, many detailed full pieces of art take 2-3 hours at least, and many others will take 8, 10, or even more. but we’re gonna give the artist the benefit of the doubt anyways and say that they take 1 hour. 
Now how about stan accounts? Let’s say that they make 5 posts an hour. This is honestly, probably a low ball! Each post takes a few seconds to make, a lot of the time, and plenty of accounts are much more active than posting every 12 minutes. But we’re gonna, again, make this situation the best possible situation for the artist, and let’s say that the stan account only posts 5 times an hour. Even with this situation, for each post that the artist makes, assuming that they @ dream every time, he’s going to see 5 posts by a stan account.
Artists also tend to be very outnumbered on twitter, so let’s say for every artist, there are 10 stan accounts. Let’s assume that they also make 5 posts an hour. So for each artist that shows up in dream’s notifications, he’s going to see 50 posts by stan accounts.
But artists get fatigued! We’re going to go with a high estimate again with 4 fully finished pieces a day. (this is insane! keep in mind, even if we’re lowballing the time put in, this is still 4 hours a day of art. for most artists, their fully finished pieces take 2, 3, 4 hours. four pieces a day would put them at 8-16 hours of work!!). on the other hand, stan account posts take a lot less time to make, and are much less likely to make them fatigued. Therefore, we can assume that the stan accounts, posting 5 times an hour, can stay active for 8 hours a day. 
What does this put us at? For every post that an artist makes with a fully finished piece of art, dream is seeing 100 notifications from stan accounts. This doesn’t even include how dream is more likely to respond to those who interact with his tweets, which is nigh impossible for artists because they cannot make a piece of art to reply to his posts in the ~5 minutes that he will look at the replies to the post he posts. I also made this situation the best possible situation for the artist. In reality, I can only make about one fully finished piece a day, and more often will go two or three days without posting. There are also far more stan accounts than artists, stan accounts are often active for longer than 8 hours and post more than once every 12 minutes. The real ratio might be more like 1 in 200, 300, 400. Just because of the algorithm, artists are pretty dang screwed.
Dream has been making efforts to help with this, such as through the dreamfanart tag! this manages to filter out all of the stan accounts, and when fan artists use it he’s going to be much more likely to see the art. even so, the amount of artists he will actually interact with is very low. it’s just the way the website works, when his notifications are definitely constantly flooded, when artists are so easily drowned out by the literal army of stan accounts on twitter. in the end, it’s really up to artists to hype each other up and support each other. My best advice for if you want more appreciation and interaction are:
1. use the dreamfanart tag! again, this manages to filter out most of the stan account activity, and will help other people to find your art if you’re a relatively new artist
2. self advertise! retweet your own art, reply with your art under people’s posts hyping up artists, dont be afraid to put yourself out there. if you want your voice to be heard in the sound of all these other accounts, you have to be loud!
3. interact with other artists! by helping and hyping up other artists, theyre more likely to do so with you. artists are a pretty small population of dttwt, and we have to support each other to get anywhere. retweet, like, reply to people’s art. follow dttwt artists and support them! 
4. love your art for what you’ve already done. this is the hardest part, especially when you put hours into a piece and see it get like, less than 10 likes. i have been there, and it sucks. but your art is Good. you put your time, effort, and heart into that, and regardless of how other people respond, you did good and im proud of you. <3
a last note: i have to admit, i wasn't the most comfortable with all of the dttwt artists bullying and venting their frustrations at dream, specifically, for “ignoring” fan artists. could he have interacted more? definitely. but i dont think he was by any means trying to “ignore” fan artists. his notifications are swamped, his tl is swamped. twitter works in a way where a day or two after you make a piece of art, it’s pretty much buried and lost forever. last night he was just trying to do a good thing by shouting out some small accounts in the community. fan artists, i am a part of you, and i feel your pain and frustration, but please don’t speak out of a place of anger. it’s far too easy to say something, publicly, that you’ll regret. i do not condone any of the hate sent anywhere, especially to fan artists last night, but let’s all remember to be kind and build each other up, ok? We’re all in this together, ccs, stan accounts, fan artists. we’re all doing this because we love the dteam and the content they make. don’t lose sight of why we’re here in the first place <3 
again, love you guys so much. take care of yourselves! im proud of all of you, fan artists, fanfic writers, any and all creators, as well as those of you who are just here to express your love for the dteam. be kind and support one another, ok? <3 
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moon-yeongjun · 3 years
Beating a Dead Horse || Moon Bros
Summary: September 29, yup i’m back with ridiculously late updates bc i decided to just format these. After Twitter drama blows up due to Mabel tweeting her GoFundMe, Tae tries to get Jun to talk about his feelings. Well. We know how that goes. 
Moon Yeong-tae
hey did u see that buLLSHIT ON TWITTER
Mr. Jun Moon
all of twitter is bullshit tae yah
Moon Yeong-tae
ok but specifically related to us bullshit
Mr. Jun Moon
i try not to read twitter
Moon Yeong-tae
well I read it and that horrible BITCH who trashed our store is asking for donations for her fines ans people are supporting it
Mr. Jun Moon
oh i see That does not surprise me Of course they'd support her she is their fearless hero or w/e
breaking the law is very glamorous these days
Moon Yeong-tae
thats sp stupid im so mad
like she destroyed property?!
Mr. Jun Moon
yes yes but we are terrible people
well i am a terrible person i apologize that you are caught in this mess
this really isnt surprising though these are the same people who voted to keep vampires in our schools so eh what are you gonna do ive accepted it
try not to worry too much tae yah, the important thing is that she will pay the fine and we will repair the store, and this will not happen again
Moon Yeong-tae
ur allowed to be mad hyung
u know that right?
Mr. Jun Moon
what is mad gonna do eh its already been decided
there's nothing i can do besides press charges. i did that. she will pay.
Moon Yeong-tae
mad makes u feel better
u have to get that shit out
Mr. Jun Moon
There is nothing to get out. I am fine. We will be fine, I promise. Eomma and I are going to make sure of that
Moon Yeong-tae
yeah i can tell by ur excessive use of periods that ur totally fine hyung good job u convinced me
Mr. Jun Moon
i use periods all the time, just because you don't like grammar doesnt' meant that I don't find it very useful
Moon Yeong-tae
and now u aren't using them so u can convince me ur fine lol
Mr. Jun Moon
I am working and sometimes i have time to put a period, sometimes i dont stop studying my texts and start studying your maths
Moon Yeong-tae
im not even gonna say it
have fun at work hyung
also dont talk to me when u get home
Mr. Jun Moon
yah what the hell are you talking about
Moon Yeong-tae
I dont want to see u ill punch u in the stupid face
Mr. Jun Moon
what the hell did i do to get punched in the face??
Moon Yeong-tae
nothing u never do anything u just pretend ur fine when I obviously know ur not fucking fine
and I try to help
I try to get u to talk to me or at least help u air out some of that shit in a safe little text convo where its ok to say yeah fuck that bitch but u DONT
like im trying so hard to help
and rn ur probably like oh God I failed if tae yah thinks I need help
but ur a person hyung and people r allowed to be upset and mad
Mr. Jun Moon
I am not thinking that i am thinking Oh Listen to this brat talk about things he has no idea about, lecturing ME like I'm the dongsaeng  Maybe I'm just not upset or mad eh? Maybe you don't know me as well as you think you do. If I got mad, I would think this town owes me something, that's what that would mean, but I don't think that. I don't make that mistake because why would I? This town doesn't even want to help itself, why would they ever help me? I have a job here, that's my purpose. I run this grocery store, and I must provide the service that Swynlake demands and they don't want me to have opinions or to be mad. So I've come to terms with it. I know what they want, and I will be that for them, and that is all there is to it
Moon Yeong-tae
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dykejaskier · 4 years
not sure if you want the jkr post reblogged so im here to share my two cents: an upsetting thought i had some days ago was that a bunch of ppl will most likely keep going to the HP-themeparks and buying those games and further funding that terf's whole entire life despite their 'fuck jkr' -tweets bc of.. nostalgia... like the thing abt death of the author is that it doesn't really work if the author is. Still making money off of the brand, right....? anyway, youre right and you should say it
it's fine but thank you for your cents, i appreciate them in any form!! 🖤
but yeah. and i get that it's a hard thing to let go of, i guess, but like. i was watching someone on youtube talk about this (i genuinely can't remember who rn) and they said "i love harry potter, but i love trans people more" and i need that energy; 'cause the thing is as well that when i see people being hyped about or supporting jkr properties now, it just feels like they're choosing to ignore the transphobia, or simply that they can ignore it. like they'll say the obligatory things denouncing her but... that's not enough. if you love and support trans people, should you not be able to love and support us over a franchise, no matter how nostalgic it is? because i can't ignore the transphobia. when i see harry potter stuff now, i feel mad. i just wish that when people talk about this whole issue, the discourse would be centered around trans people, not how much it sucks you won't get to enjoy one (1) game or whatever.
and you're absolutely right on the death of the author thing! aside from the fact that it relates to a form of literary analysis that says the author's interpretation of a book and/or their biographical context shouldn't hold any weight in looking at the text itself, and not, like, my fave author is a bigot maybe i can ignore that, it just doesn't work, here. she's benefitting from separating her from the work, and again, it's saying to me you care more about the work than trans rights
it just sucks. i wish i could go into the tags on twitter to see more opinions, but i can't, because my and other trans people's (especially women's) mere existence is being debated, and that's hurtful. not to mention the people who buy into her rhetoric. like in regards to her new book, i don't even want to know the very real, potential consequences for trans women in the public. i watched the netflix doc disclosure the other day where someone said, the trans person available to the average person is not the one on the screen but on the streets, and that goes for this, as well
sorry this is so long, i have Many thoughts about this dkskksls but thank you so much for the ask! 🌺
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