#im not built to make a neocities page....
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twinleafsystem · 2 months ago
me looking at my code trying to figure out what broke it
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officiallralsei · 1 year ago
well @memoryheadundefined's mod is helping me and tvmod get the rp archived onto a neocities page. we're still planning to finish out the rp on this site, but as soon as we get the archive running, I'll post a link to the site and be sure to crosspost all our new posts onto it as we write them. you can then set up an rss feed to be notified of new posts on there.
sorry if this is disappointing to any askers who are planning on leaving the site and wanted to participate in the last of this story! im not too keen on setting up a cohost so the best solution re: asks really is to keep the story going on this site. maybe I'll set up a curiouscat or something so you can send stuff in as the plot unfolds, if you really don't want to be using tumblr anymore.
trans rights are human rights. fuck this websites moderation team for making it unsafe for the communities we've built here.
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syrupspinner · 9 months ago
i just completed Hypnospace Outlaw
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i sincerely love how much the sci-fi genre is just explaining how much sci-fi stuff would suck if it was real
the reason you play hypnospace outlaw is the aesthetic and presentation, just so were all on the same page. the reason this game got your attention is because its a passionate parody of web 1.0, and it does an excellent job of that. i can tell this game was made with a deep nostalgia for what made the past special without being blinded from its flaws (like the viruses and general difficulty to navigate).
the only problem is that im 24
well i shouldnt say thats a problem. just because i dont have nostalgia for what theyre throwing back to doesnt mean the game doesnt stand on its own. i didnt grow up with a ps1 or n64 but i still enjoy that specific form of lowpoly modeling, for example. its just unfortunate that i cant have the same hit of nostalgia that people slightly older than me can, yknow? i wish i could enjoy this game as much as them
again, the game was still very enjoyable. the puzzles start out very grounded, introducing you the the world and how it functions very effectively, before ramping it up with more abstract mechanics and compounding techniques needed to find more results. the only problem i found myself stuck on in an unfun way was figuring out how to decrypt sandwich files. its one of those puzzles that make you feel silly for not getting it earlier, but in my defence... who the hell would program something that esoteric
as an aside, i saw people discussing what genre games like this would be. by "games like this" i mean hypnospace outlaw, outer wilds, rain world, animal well, that kinda thing. i dont think applying one genre is effective, but instead its about how they combine the genres of exploration and puzzle. instead of having all the tools to solve a puzzle when youre presented with it, you have to leave and seek out the solution elsewhere. notably, if the game isnt build to accommodate/encourage this, itd be pretty unfun. these games and their open-ended design manage to skillfully mesh both genres together: the exploration is the puzzle
so yeah, i really enjoyed the game! there arent a lot of games where its just fun to explore the world as its presented, and HO does a fantastic job of that even without considering the puzzle design. i love just reading about the characters and their lives in hypnospace. this games greatest strength is just how charming it is, theres really nothing that matches it in that regard
i also found it really inspiring. i love how much personality all the characters fit into their webpages. maybe someday ill move this blog to neocities just so i can evoke something half as impact
oh no this was all a secret advertisement for neocities wasnt it! well, it worked, im not even mad (yes i know about the page builder)
anyway! the game is worth it for the vibes alone, and the puzzles are a really solid foundation that everything is built on. totally worth buying! the only thing is if youre going for completion, please use a guide to find all the pages, some are hidden way too well. totally worth it, though. if you know what the "thanked" achievement is named after, you know it makes it worth it. also, buzz was hilarious, i love pranks on the player
now im going to spoil the ending, stop reading this is you want to not be spoiled about the ending, because im about to spoil it now. after sasuke
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oh my GOD dylan merchant is such a schmuck. maybe ive just lost too much sympathy for venture capitalist techbros, but i cannot spare any positive regard for this guy. like, okay, i get hes the bad guy, but outlaw 1.0 tries sooo hard to make you feel bad for him it wraps back around to being infuriating. the thing is that i have no idea if this is intentional? like, was a guy who let a teenager go to jail and think about how his prank killed 5 innocent people plus his crush apologizing decades later (*after* being caught) with an unfinished video game supposed to be a sincere tug of the heartstrings? "sorry i killed zane before he could stop being an annoying twerp" "sorry i killed rodney, his family smelled like walmart" "sorry i killed mavis, i think that was her name. i got nothing else to say about her" "anyway thanks for playing the 'final' version of the game that killed everyone. you have successfully absolved me of my sins and sent me to heaven. remember to subscribe and hit that bell icon" DUDE how emotionally shallow and self aggrandizing do you have to be you are a child murderer my guy
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izicodes · 2 years ago
hii <3 im new to coding and am choosing a career path for me. i want to start building sites i guess but i have a few questions that i cant even find on google! when we build sites for ourselves, is it able to hold unlimited data like photos, videos, etc?
also, for the ppl who make tumblr blogs, do you actually code every single thing in the html bc omg!! that is a lot. thank u sm! im a compsci baby
Hiya! 💗 That’s great you want to start building websites, it’s really fun! I can totally help with answering your questions!
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Now, in terms of holding “unlimited data” such as media like photos, video, files etc, files depends on several factors. Key thing: A hosting provider is just a site that lets you add your website live online for you - they host you site on the web (that’s how I learnt it). Good examples are GitHub pages, Neocites, Vercel etc.
Hosting Services
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The hosting service you choose plays a crucial role in determining the storage capacity of your website. Shared hosting plans often have limitations on disk space and bandwidth, which means there will be a cap on the amount of data you can store for instance Neocities let’s you store up to 1GB of data on their free plan, anything above that and the site won’t work as they don’t have the storage space for you. However, some hosting providers offer larger storage options or even specialized plans for websites with high data requirements - you’ll just have to pay for extra space.
Storage Upgrades
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Like I mentioned briefly above, some hosting providers allow you to upgrade your storage capacity as your website grows. This can involve increasing the storage allocation or transitioning to a higher-tier hosting plan that offers more resources. Be sure to check with your hosting provider for available options and any associated costs. This more geared towards much bigger projects than small personal projects you’re building.
There’s more such as using CDNs (Content Delivery Networks) to create more space in your primary hosting provider but I’m not too familiar to talk about it.
It's worth noting that while these options can provide ample storage, truly "unlimited" data storage doesn't exist in practical terms. Facebook, Instagram, Amazon all have a limit somewhere and they would either pay for more space or figure out a way to storage their large data for less space.
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Coding everything for Tumblr blogs
I think like the most of us on here, we’re too lazy to code everything and would actually install a theme someone else has made. But for the theme creators, they would code everything in HTML, CSS, JavaScript (if necessary) to build the blog because it is a website and the foundation of web development is those basic 3 (if anything, just HTML to be honest).
A lot of copying and pasting and editing the code, but essentially yeah it’s HTML code with CSS styling and JavaScript functionality to make the blog work. They might add frameworks such as Bootstrap and libraries like jQuery if they wanted! I’m not an expert on Tumblr theme building but I have built websites for work and personal projects and that’s how it is in the basics! 😊
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Hope this helps! There’s more to it but this is as far as I know~! 💗
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elftwink · 1 year ago
am currently working on a neocities site (which i cannot give you the url for yet because im working on the css still and there's no content also it looks ugly still) and oh man does it take me back to ye olde days of custom theme editing on here. i still use a custom theme obvs but back in like 2014/2015ish when i was really into indie rp custom themes were all the rage and you would spend hours editing some character specific image for your bg and then another several hours trying to make the css line up with your image (never at any point did i attempt to actually like. learn html or css. i just read other people's theme codes and edited the parts i could understand and solved problems as they arose. i distinctly remember one time i was using a base that had two sidebars and i only wanted one and deleting the section broke the theme in disastrous ways [bc i had no idea what i was doing] so i literally just made all the elements in the sidebar transparent and moved them off the screen LMAO. the best i ever got was moving from fully built custom themes that i edited to base themes that i built off of)
anyway while im slightly better now (im even reading tutorials! am i following them? sorry i have to go i think someones calling me) i am using a layout builder to build the homepage so it is even more reminding me of mid-2010s tumblr. much like building off a base theme, and definitely easier to understand than tumblr theme building (this time i at least know what all the different pieces of code are doing, even when im not sure how or why, or how to duplicate the effect under slightly different circumstances. but progress is progress!).
a good but annoying thing about the layout that im using is that i havent actually edited the site wide stylesheet, just used internal css on that one page, so when i go to make literally any other page i'll have to start from scratch. this is good because i am learning a lot and i think without doing it this way i would end up with a bunch of useless stuff in the stylesheet that really should be page-specific that i would have to correct with internal or inline css later. annoying because what do you mean i have to make decisions about the sizing and positions of the content? i literally just did that
also im kind of nervous to touch the general stylesheet because im pretty sure what i'll actually want to do is have a couple of stylesheets for different 'sections' of the website, to maintain cohesion between pages of the 'same' type but still allow a lot of fun customization on a per-page basis, but that requires deciding what 'sections' i want on the website and that is a whole other can of worms. but also you can't start without starting so i should probably just try to build a really simple layout and go from there (after all, if it sucks, it's not like i can't just create a new stylesheet, or do the css for each page independently until i hit a groove that's actually worth moving to the stylesheet). but also first i have to finish this goddamn homepage. which means i gotta find a header image that doesn't look ugly as shit
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lonestatus · 1 year ago
hi! i'm doing a presentation on the impact and community of tumblr for my media studies final and i wanted to reach out to my mutuals and fav blogs with some questions that relate to my topic. i would so totally love and appreciate if you could answer some of these for me.
it would be so totally rock and roll and awesome and amazing and i'll literally love you forever and ever and ever! :)
thank you thank you thank you!!!!
the questions:
1. how is tumblr different from other social media platforms?
2. how has the tumblr community affected you as a person/online presence?
3. do you feel more inclined to post more personal or private aspects of your life and or opinions on tumblr rather than other apps? as in do you feel you are less likely to be judged on tumblr than other platforms?
4. what are your favorite aspects of tumblr?
5. what would you do if tumblr got shut down?
6. what are some things that only tumblr bloggers would know/understand?
7. are there certain traditions on tumblr that you think other media sites wouldn't understand?(an example being our site wide celebration of the ides of march)
8. what are some of the largest fandoms/inner communities on tumblr? are you apart of these fandoms/communities? if yes, what is that like for you?
9. do you find tumblr to be educational in terms of academics? among other things such as politics and general life experiences?
10. all in all, how has this app changed your perspective on social media, the world, your life, and so on.
please add anything else you find to be important!!
aww im honored!
To be truthful, I don't spend much time on any other social media, so I don't have much experience! But in comparison with insta and pinterest, there's far less reason to use the for you tab. Obviously staff has pushed it in recent updates, but it still holds true, at least for me. I think a big draw for me is the built-in customization in general, with tools for making personal blog themes and post tools.
Since I don't use anything but Tumblr, It can be a little hard to connect with my peers who use Twitter or Snapchat, as we don't really have many other ways to connect outside of e-mail or text, which I think have fallen off in popularity with the rise of social media.
I think Tumblr satisfies my parasocial needs pretty well! I think because of the customization you can accumulate a following that's pretty chill. And if there are weirdos, you can block them very easily.
I've prattled on and on about about how cool customizing most aspects of your experience here is, but to reassert my love for it: When customization goes; I go.
While I have some experience with HTML, I might not make my own website on Neocities or a similar platform. I would probably make a Pintrest again. But if they make it so you can register an e-mail to a Neocities domain I'd be down.
I think Tumblr users like to self-aggrandize so I think most of our traditions and mechanics could be understood by other platform's users... Though maybe a lack of algorithms? I hear a lot of people talking about for you pages on other social media. But again, Tumblr's pushed the for you tab instead of the dash, so I'm not sure that's going to be a distinction for much longer...
8. I don't participate in fandom so I wouldn't know! That's not to say that I don't ever see anything from fandom, but really I'm not sure if I'm missing out on anything. I'm content with the content I do see. I guess you could say I'm part of the "My friends" fandom ^-^.
9. While there's plenty of academic discussion on Tumblr, I don't think there's a replacement to more genuine methods of education. However, there have been things I've been informed of through Tumblr, such as posts summarizing and linking news articles, scientific journals, etc. and methods of accessing them (such as 12ft). In that regard, I suppose that Tumblr has been a fine source of education and keeping up-to-date, though it's far from perfect.
10. I think being able to curate my experience has helped make me less tolerant of ads, weird posts, and other distractions. But I think the greatest impact it's had on me has been all the friends I've made.
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natural-namjoon · 5 years ago
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Touch me, Tease me, Feel me up
18+ Lucas smut
You had no idea what you were doing here but holy shit you were having so much fun, it was probably 1 in the morning and you were being led by your friends through the crowded streets of São Paulo, you and a couple friends had pooled some savings and booked a spur of the moment vacation in brazil, one of the hottest locations in the world for partying and clubbing. Currently you guys had been club hopping, checking out the diffrent vibes of each one and none of them had spoken to you, they had either a boring crowd or older people.
After a bit of walking around, you all had come accross a brightly lit, building that was painted red, the color of sin, and a large sparkling sign on top of the building read NeoCity. The music coming from inside was pretty good and the men and women walking in were very, very hot. You shared a look with all your friends and then as a unit started heading to the long line.
You guys stood in the line for what felt like forever and slowly the line shortened but as the people were let in it was cut off right before you and your friends were able to get in. Groans of disaproval came from not only your group but the many people behind you. Again you had to wait. After a bit the front door opened and a man came out, he stopped at the front and observed the long line waiting to enter the night club. He turned to talk to the bouncer and before he walked back in he turned as he noticed you and your friends. He stopped and you got a good look at him. Right off the bat you noticed how tall he was, he was huge, and even under his prestine blazer you could tell his arms big and long. He was handsome too, beautiful square jaw and full lips, his eyes were sharp and intense and you felt so exposed as he raked them over your body, clearly checking you out and your friends as well. After a bit he smiled and walked over.
"Well hello ladies, how are we doing tonight?" He asked you guy and you all just nodded and said you were good, just waiting to get in.
"Well I noticed the wait is probably going to be pretty long and I would hate for a gorgeous bunch of girls such as yourselves to wait out here, were its noisy and crowded. Why don't you follow me through our V.I.P. doors? My associates and I will take great care of you" he explained as he unhooked the rope divider and gesturing to the set of double door that was adjacent to the main entrance. You and your friends looked at eachother in disbelief and excitement at his words, but just being cautious you turned and asked him "Thats so nice of you but who exactly are you and your associates?" You asked,
he smirked and leaned down like he was going to whisper in your ear
"We happen to be the owners of this night club." And with that he winked at you and gestured again for you and your friends to follow him, you all just excitedly and nervously followed him through the secluded set of double doors into the loud sexy abyss that was Neo City.
Once inside the tall man turned to you and again gave you that look like he was devouring you with his eyes,
"You can call me Johnny, by the way" he leaned down so you could hear him over the music, he must be American, you thought to yourself. His english was perfect and he didnt have any kind of accent he also didn't really look Brazilian.
" Oh, im Y/N" you introduced yourself and he smirked again and this time he leaned down so close you could feel his breath on your earlobe. It sent a wave of shivers down your body.
"That's a beautiful name." He said then without another word gestured for you to follow him. He led you and your friends up some stairs and onto a sort of open bacony that over looked the rest of the night club, there was couches and table and a few spots on the floor with pillows and stands for drinks. There were a few people ther already, some couples and girls and guys just mingling, all of them though, were extremely attractive.
Johnny had told you and your friends to make yourselves comfortable and he was going to be right back.
You and your friends found a couch with a table close to the railing of the balcony so that you could watch all the people dance. A waiter came by and took your drink orders and promptly returned so you guys could start drinking. You guys started with a round of tequila shots with a salt and lime chaser, after that you got your drink which was a sex on the beach, strong but oh so sweet.
After a bit you looked over and saw that Johnny had retuned but he had 3 other men with him and it looked like they all walked off the page of a Calvin Klein ad as they approached. Johnny walked over and gestured to the men with him,
"Hello ladies I just wanted to introduce you to a couple of my associates, this is Jaehyun," he gestured to a brown haired, gorgeous man who smiled showing a prefect set of dimples
"Hello, Im Jaehyun and I'm so pleased to meet you all," he said in a smooth deep voice
"And this is Ten" Johnny gestured to a smaller man next to him, he had midnight black hair, though he wasnt as tall or built like the other 3 he made up for it in beauty and style. He bowed slightly and greeted you and your friends
"Call me Ten, Johnny wasn't lying when he said you all were a lovely group of gorgeous women" he smiled as you all felt yourselves blush, and lastly Johnny introduced the 3rd man who he claimed was named Lucas and holy shit was this guy hot, like scortching hot. Johnny and the other two were hot but the way Lucas had been staring at you since they walked in had you feeling like your skin was going to melt. Lucas didn't say anything but instead he nodded cooly. After introductions Johnny, Jaehyun and Ten sat on the couch across from your guy's and started chatting with you and your friends.
You tried to focus on what was being said in the conversation but you couldn't quite keep your thoughts straight as Lucas had decided to take a seat on the couch armrest right next to you.
You snuck a glance up at him and he sat there perched like a god, seemingly focused on the coversation but all you could feel was the heat from his large body and smell the sweet yet deep scent of his cologne. You didnt know if you felt dizzy from the alcohol or from your arousal, all you could do was sit and sip your second drink and try to stay upright. Vaguely you heard the guys talk about how they and 17 other men from all over the world owned a share of the club and as a whole they brought the nightclub together and made it what it was. You thought about how that was so many guys and you also vaguely wondered if they were all also as attractive as the 4 in front of you right now and if so when was the next orgy?
A soft touch on your upper arm startled you out if your dirty thoughts, it was lucas gently caressing your arm, he gave a crooked smile at your reaction and his right eyebrow arched a bit, you wondered if he could see down your shirt from his angle.
"I'm Lucas, what is your name? " his voice was deep and smooth, he had a heavy accent to his words unlike Johnny and Jaehyun, Ten had an accent but it wasnt like Lucas's.
"My name is y/n" was all you could breath out.
"Y/n," he repeated, the sound of your name with his accent was so sexy you suddenly had a new appreciation for your own name. He said something else after but it wasnt English, it sounded like Chinese? You cursed yourself for wasting your high school career learning spanish when you could have taken Chinese instead.
Before you could respond you heard one of your favorite songs come on and you jumped up to go look at the dance floor as it was flooded with beautiful bodies. You ran over and watched the people dance, girating and moving along with the heavy bass and addicting rhythm, they were all sweaty and disheveled but they all looked so damn hot.
Finishing up your third drink you felt the warmth of the alcohol spread through your body and the thundering of the heavy base echoed in your pulse and soon you were standing there holding on to the railing, hips swaying to the song, all the sudden you felt a big pair of hands gently grab your hips and from behind, Lucas leaned down to your ear,
"Would you like to dance?" He asked and you turned and nodded exitedly he smiled and lead you down the set of stairs onto the crowded dancefloor. Immediately you let the music take you. Your body was not your own as the mix of drinks and music had you moving your body and without thinking found yourself grinding back onto Lucas's big firm body. Not feeling shy himself, he let his hands run along your body feeling all your curves and lines. It was heavenly. You turned to face him and again was floored by how gorgeous he was, he never took his eyes off of you as you both danced. His eyes were hypnotic, beautiful brown and intense, framed by long lashes, the look in them was primal, like he was ready to devour you at any second and honestly you would have let him. As the song progressed you felt yourself start to get more and more wound up, the feeling of Lucas's soft warm lips on your ear and neck definitely didnt help. Feeling bold you snaked your hand down to his crotch and found a semi-hard suprise in his trousers, you heard his breathy gasp as you gave a little squeeze, he pulled back slightly to meet your eyes and you could tell by the look on his face that it was on.
He leaned down again and with a smooth sexy voice he said something to you in Chinese.  You could see his lovely lips moving but you had no clue what he was saying, but based on the aroused look on his face and the questioning arch of his eyebrow you felt like you knew what he was asking. After a beat you nodded and he smirked, turning he grabbed your hand and led you to diffrent set of stairs towards the back of the club. It led up to a grand set if double doors, after he pulled out a heavy key ring full of keys, he unlocked it and led youbdown a long hallway and eventually into a room that looked like a luxury hotel room. There was a large comfy looking bed, a TV some dressers and an adjoining bathroom. The sound proofing must have been magical because you couldnt hear a sound from outside, had you not known any better you never would have thought you were in a nightclub at that moment. The only sound you hear in the room was the thundering of your hearbeat and the sound of Lucas taking his black blazer off.
You turned around and met his gaze, you felt your breath hitch and your core throb in inticipation as he walked towards you. Slowly, he reached up and caressed your cheek then running his thumb over your bottom lip, he spoke to you again in his language and you just loved the way he was talking to you, you may not of understood him but it was beautiful when he spoke. In response you reached up and planted your lips on his. The kiss quickly went from sweet to needy and his soft lips became more desprate and intense. Feeling brave and not breaking your make out session, you reached up and started to unbutton his shirt, wanting to feel more of him but out of impatience he reached down and just tore the whole damn shirt open, you could hear buttons scatter and bounce all over the floor, you gasped suprised but he just let out the sexiest chuckle then pulled you back in for a kiss this time letting his toungue explore more.
Your ran you hands along his torso and chest, it turned you on how solid he was, clearly he worked out and the feeling if his tight abs and pecs was so nice. Taking some time himself to explore your body you felt him reach down and slowly lift your skirt and with both hands he grabbed your ass, both cheeks fitting prefectly in his big hands, you felt a smile on his lips and he lifted you and walked you over to the bed. Based on the hardness in his pants and the uregency in his kisses you knew he needed you right away but the way he layed you on the bed and gently went to undo the lace of your top, so calm and caring, it drove you crazy.
After removing your top he slid your skirt and underwear off leaving you fully exposed for him and after a bit of marveling at your nude body he leand down and started tasting every inch of you, he started kissing and licking little bits of your neck then making his way to your sensitive breasts, the way his mouth licked and nipped and bit was turning you into a pathetic mewling mess. You were almost begging him for his cock, you wrapped your legs around his waist as he layed on you and proceeded to grind your core against his clothed member. The friction provided some relief but you were still desperate. He groned into your chest and then brought his lips to yours,
"Be patient." He whispered against your lips all you could do was whine in response.
Again be brought his lips down and started teasing the skin on your torso, me moved painfully slow all the way to your navel, you knew where he was headed next and your chest rose and fell fast as you waited patiently, he looked up at you and the sight of you looking down at him deperate and needy made him smile, you wanted to smack him for his cockiness but you needed him to go further so you shimmied your hips under him hoping he would get the hint, but still he stayed watching your reactions, eyebrow arched.
"Lucas," you whined and then without warning his head dipped down and you felt his toungue dive deep in your folds
"Oh FUCK!" your cried both in suprise and at the sudden stimulation to your most sensitive parts.
He was showing no mercy at your sensitive clit, he was eating you out like he was starved, you could feel his tounge brutally attacking your clit, you had to grab on to his soft brown hair for dear life as you screamed his name. After a bit you felt him use his fingers to tease your entrance and you just knew if he used his long fingers you would be completely unraveled. He teased your entrance for a bit with one finger before he again looked up at you making full eye contact as he alowly inserted it all the way. Again he had you throwing all the curse words ever created. His fingers where so big and long you couldnt even imaginge how his cock was. Without warning he added a second finger and proceeded to stretch you out as he pumped his fingers in and out of you while not letting up on his assult on your clit
'this dude is relentless' you thought as you felt your mind melt at the intense pleasure you were feeling.
Faster than you anticipated you felt the pressure build in your stomach and you started to shake, and your felt yourself trying to escape his hold but his hands held your hips down firm and you weren't able to escape as you approached your climax. Without slowing down at all Lucas pushed you over the edge and you came on his toungue and fingers all while screaming his name.
You layed there there trying to catch your breath as Lucas got up and removed his pants and boxers, you loked up and you couldnt help but gasp at how he looked standing there compleatly nude, body sculpeted and lean, arms big and stong and when you looked down and saw your assumtions were right, his dick was long, reaching to his navel as it stood hard and ready, you suddenly forgot that you had just came once and already you craved more of this man who was sex incarnate.
He climed back on the bed and crashed his lips and to yours, you could taste yourself on his lips as his skillfull toungue mingled with yours.
He reached down in between your legs tangled with his and lined his memeber up with your entrance he gazed into your eyes and watched your face contort with pleasure as he pushed himself into you. You swore you could see stars he was so big, he streached you out more than you have ever been before. He grunted and his breath became shaky as he slowly bottomed out in you. He stayed still letting you adjust but you were beyond patience,
" Lucas please, fuck me" you moaned reaching up to grasp his wide shoulders. He moaned in response and then started moving. You could feel every movement as his big manhood stretched and stroked your walls in all the right spots, he filled you so well and for a moment you forgot your own name. His grunts and deep groans were music to your ears as he picked up the pace, pounding deep into you.
Suddenly he pulled out of you and you gasped at the empty feeling he left behind. he leaned back on his knees then pulled you up onto his lap, you straddled his hips as he entered you again and he bucked his hips up, you let out a scream in suprise and pleasure as he was able to reach even deeper from the new position, once he got situated he proceeded to fuck up into you while all you could do was wrap your arms around his neck and hold on for dear life, again for the third time that night this man had your brain melting and you seeing stars and the moon and the whole damn galaxy. All you could do was scream his name over and over, again you felt the coil in your belly as he contiued his animalistic pace. His moans became more frequent which let you know he was close as well. He reached in between you and with his thumb toyed with your clit pushing you faster to your finish, with one last scream of his name you came on his dick but he didnt let up on his pace letting you ride your high for a little longer while he tried to chase his. You decided to help him out and quickly you stopped him and climbed off his lap, laying on your stomach in front of him, taking as much of his cock in your mouth as you could and started to show him how you were also skilled with your tongue.
As you bobbed your head on his length you used your toungue to move and swipe quickly inder the head. He groaned loudly at the new feeling around his cock and he dug his hand in your hair as his climax approached. Finally, throwing his head back with a guttural cry, he came hard. Thick ropes hit your throught as you tried your hardest to swallow it all.
When he came down from his high you took your mouth off his member with a small pop and he looked down and smiled at you. You got up and layed,back down, on the bed. He crawled over to you and took you into his arms and captured your lips with his in a sweet slow kiss. You let yourself relax in his embrace and part of you felt like you should say something but on the other hand you felt content just laying there cuddling in silence. You felt yourself starting to doze off since you were exhausted and Lucas was big and warm wrapped around you, you were pretty relaxed when you felt something on your nipple you looked down and Lucas was brushing his fingers over your breasts groping them slowly, you looked up at him questioningly and he gave you the biggest smile, he almost looked like a silly kid in that moment. All he said was,
Oh lord help you.
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superhumankrp · 5 years ago
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Welcome to NEOCITY, [ Kim Sangyeon  ]!
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[ Ability: Power Mimicry. ]
When touched by others, Sangyeon has the ability to mimic their abilities. He is able to absorb the energy signatures of people and make them his own, allowing him to try all the powers at once. 
Though with gaining powers, he also gains their weaknesses, lowering his skills. The mimicry only last for ten minutes to a half an hour at the most. If held long to any longer can cause mental damage on him. He can only hold one power at a time and those with physical abilities such as shape shifting can cause him a great deal of pain.
How he arrived at Neocity:
For Sangyeon, life was based on plans, he’d plan everything so things would come out as he wanted; just as his parents taught him. Being the first and only son of a Korean father and a Japanese mother, the man was raised as a true leader even though he didn’t have the “proper instincts” like his father. His childhood wasn’t something he would call special, he had in mind that, even though his parents weren’t the most caring and lovable ones, they loved him and idealized a comfortable life where he could have anything he wanted and deserved. His father though made sure to let it clear that it was their reality, he was a strong man that would always protect his family. With his mother by his side. Sangyeon grew with his thoughts and, for him, those were nothing but names; one could do, be or become whoever they wanted to. Strenght was all about training and proving one’s self.
Throughout his life, Kaede trained more than any of his friends, being the first kid who managed to control his powers. For the first time he tried to face an older member, he was defeated, having to stay away from the training grounds for one week. It didn’t stop him from growing stronger. With the help of his mother and own father, he developed greater fighting abilities apart from his fists, they taught him knife throwing, gun management, and martial arts. For him to become a clan leader and protect his family, he needed to develop better abilities than anyone else. The second time he went against an older member, when he was ten years old, he won, being acknowledged by his pack even though there were a few that would try and go against his family.
Aside from being a leader, he was also raised to become the king of the empire the Im family built, bit by bit through the years. His father was a proud man, hurting his ego meant nudging his pride, for that, he would never accept being doubted by anyone. Taking in a criminal case that hadn’t been closed through years, Mr. Im got involved with the Japanese mafia, being killed for defending the “wrong side”.
After receiving the news that his father was murdered when he was fifteen, Sangyeon realized he’d have to grow even faster than all of his friends to soon be in charge of a whole law company and a pack, something that could either make him have a bright future or end up with his life. His mother wasn’t as good as his father in terms of administration, but she dealt well with everything until the male got his university degree with 23 years old, finally being a well respected lower with a major in crimes. When he completed 26, he got a job at the local fire station. His many duties slowly started to take his life away from him, having to deal with something way bigger than attending all his client’s hearings; he had to deal with everything related to the company and protect a whole pack he cared about more than anything. His mother was the one who told him he needed someone, still, Sangyeon had in mind that mating wasn’t something he wanted to do, but he needed company, he needed people to take care of, spoil and receive give out affection, it had always been what he enjoyed the most. Neocity would surely be the answer to his problems
Other Information:
Faceclaim: Ahn Hyo-Seop
Full name: Kim Sangyeon
Nicknames (if any): 
Age: 30
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Neocity Fire Department Captain
Being a natural methodical person, Sangyeon is a man who calculates everything carefully, each and every step he takes. Seeming to be cold-hearted and strict at times, once you get to know him it ain’t hard to notice how truly easy-going he is. He is a very laid back person, and whenever he’s not wearing his suit, he’ll be throwing himself upon his bed to enjoy some ice cream and watch some random TV show on Netflix. His way of caring can be something slightly awkward, as he lived in a house where proving love and care was never important, he thinks that he doesn’t need to express whenever someone becomes important to him, for him, things like that would always be obvious; push him a little bit and he surely will show you all the love he has to share. 
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