#im never letting him into the wild he wouldnt make it
3-aem · 3 months
honestly just wanna give you a hug and a head pat and tell you you’re doing great
my cat has differing opinions and is currently singing a song about them bc i accidentally forgot i put him in the bathroom when i needed to clean a mess 😭😭
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thedeathwitchescats · 11 months
Okay, review time!! If you are one of the oddballs who thinks you cant be critical of something you love I suggest you stop reading now before I ruffle your feathers. Iron flame, second in the empyrean series. I am gonna start with what I was not a fan of and then go into the shit I adored.
1) what in the actual fuck was the pacing of this book?? I can tell you what, it was non existent. There was none. Where I thought there was a lot of filler in the last book there was none in this one. We got snap shots of conversations and then *boom* more plot flew at you. The timeline of this book greatly suffered for it i think bc we end only a couple weeks, if that, after threshing, which happens sometimes in October. This book was actually so wild with times.
2) while it was a spectacular cliff hanger, xaden becoming venin pisses me off. Especially if Rebecca yarros isnt going to have him tell violet. Like if that small tid bit of a conversation we got wasnt him telling vi that he was venin then the entire romantic conflict of this book was rendered pointless and their going to be having the same fucking fight for the rest of the series and at rhat point I give up.
3) I understand that the revolution is trying to take down basgaith and make the world better or whatever the fuck but can someone actually formulate a real plan for me?? Because I feel like their mission is just, giving violet and xaden something to be pissed at each other about.
4) the entirety of cats character. I get that she was set up as a spin on the typical jealous ex. Like having her be bitter about xaden picking violet over her but OH WAIT it wasnt actually about the man it was about the crown, oohh not like other girls. Im a writer too I see the point. I dont care. I think it was trashy. If you wanted her to be a bitter spiteful ex then have her be a bitter spiteful ex, the whole crown thing was shallow.
OKAY haters your time is up now onto the shit that made my heart hurt with joy and sadness
1) xadens arc in this book. I really liked that he went from "transparency is never gonna happen" to losing his fucking mind over violet and giving her everything. I love feral men and he qualifies. I think his arc was really well done and i liked it.
2) I appericiate that violet stuck to her guns for this book. She wouldnt let xaden off without a fight and I loved that. She made him bow and scrape and I was eating it up. It was spectacular.
3) the throne room scene. Violet on the throne. "Im making a temporary point not a lasting vow of maschocism" xaden being feral.
4) that gets its own point actually, just xaden being completely feral this entire book healed a part of my soul.
5) andarna's little speech at the end where she was like "I waited for you violet" made me ugly cry. That was just so hopelessly good I loved it. Andarna in general heals my heart but that part was just *chefs kiss*
6) tarin being completely and utterly ready to eat people this entire book. Just, at every turn "I want lunch their pissing me off " was spectacular
7) every scene their squad was in. Rihannon, violet, sawyer and ridoc are my roman empire. Their bond is so amazing. The fact that they launched a rescue mission for violet. Rihannon being ready to kill xaden at every turn. Ridoc being so platonically and adorably in love with violet. Just- augh happy cries happy cries. I love it all. Their so special tbh.
8) I love xaden actually, just, the whole book every scene hes in lives in my brain.
9) I liked that we saw a small bit of violet being feral this book too. I hope that we get more of that in future books. I want more of violet losing her fucking mind. Hot, badass women covered in blood
10) Liam. Fucking Liam. When violet was kidnapped and Liam was there. Now, do I logically understand that he was a hallucination, yes, do i care?? No. He was a gift from Maleck I will be hearing no critiques on that. It was so fucking sweet and amazing. I love violet and Liam and Liam being dead so horribly breaks my heart. I loved Liam. Liams death lives rent free in my skull.
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holmsister · 4 months
Why I think Kabru was the first child Milsiril took in:
1) it coincided with the Utaya catastrophe and her leaving the Canaries. If she was already in the habit of taking kids in, Idk if she would have been able to still be in the Canaries.
2) it also makes more sense to me in terms of character motivation if leaving the Canaries and taking Kabru in is all one decision. Like. Young Milsiril doesn't seen particularly motherly. Think of how she treats Mithrun - she gives him motivation to live, yes, but she does so by inciting him towards revenge. (This happens BEFORE she takes Kabru in btw im pretty sure its explicitly stated somewhere. I say this because i saw some confusion on the matter). An older, less angry, more disillusioned Milsiril saw what the elves did in Utaya and decided to both stop being an accomplice and try to repair things how she could by helping a victim.
3) ...which also explains why she was so unprepared. Like there's no way around it - it's clear that she is incredibly unprepared to deal with a tallman child, let alone one who is as incredibly traumatised as Kabru was. She also seems to not have a clear idea about tallman growth and maturity rates etc. (She tries to spoonfeed an elementary age kid and thinks Kabru is going thru puberty at 22!) If she had previous experience with short-lived races she would have a clearer idea of such things, if nothing else, thru mere experience. Her lack of knowledge makes a lot more sense if taking Kabru in was an impulsive decision maturated in the context of Utaya, and only after she spent some years with him she was like. Oh actually I like taking care of children. I might want to keep doing it.
4) I know there's the Rin comic in which the other elves seem to imply Milsiril is the go-to for dealing with short-lived races children and also she says she doesn't have space to take anyone else in, but it's possible she started taking in more kids in after she felt like she got her footing with kabru (iirc kabru had already been living with her for a couple years at that point) or, what I'm tending towards, she meant that she couldn't take anyone else *besides Kabru*. Considering the other elves treat Rin as some sort of little wild animal l don't think it would take much for them to consider someone an expert in handling children.
5) there's never any mention of other kids besides Rin in Kabru's memory. It seems weird to me if he spent so much time in the house with those other kids he does not talk/remember them, especially considering how curious and sociable baby kabru was. It might be a facet of elven childcare we don't know, but we see elven families being reasonable sociable in canon at times, i don't see why Kabru wouldnt be allowed to befriend the other kids if they were there.
6) milsiril seemingly dedicates a lot of time to him and only him. This can be explained simply by noting that this is Kabru's memory tho. But still. She keeps track of him in adulthood, has him fully adopted into his family, dedicates personal time to his education and training, and even teaches him some coping mechanisms for his panic and anxiety attacks, like the whole "recite capitals of the world" thing.
I think that Kabru was the first kid she took in, he lived alone with her for a very long time, and only after he was with one foot out of the door (14-16) she started taking in other children, which would be at that point too young to be interesting as friends to a teenager Kabru looking forward to either becoming a Canary or moving out.
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baby-xemnas · 9 months
i love captains-first mates dynamics so much because they are so different and luzo NOT being childhood friends to lovers and instead being love at first sight/only cremate luffy sought out/all that instead of 2 different kinds of growth together that kidkiller and lawbepo had is really so fun
luzo are not a slow burn they are an explosion, luffy waits for nothing, he isnt scared to lose this new and precious friendship he found. idk if theres a fic but there should be where luzo first time is post mihawk. luffy getting a clear confirmation that zoro is his and since he is His why wouldnt he tear into him. yes grave injury may be a turn off but seeing a weakened and vulnerable zoro makes luffy insane (hes alive that placated some of his protective instincts, his worry is settling down) he hates that zoro is hurt but his weak voice makes him hard and zoros proclamation of loyalty is vivid in luffy's mind. that's his right there he doesnt want to wait ..they can be careful right it's fine (zoro is crazy enough to go along you know this)
the way the power balance is so different where luzo are most equal and lawbepo is the least lol
personally i love thinking that out of aaaaalll of them killer is the most mature and savvy when it comes to relationships (because while law got more seriousness in him than the remaining five combined - he is very able to hurt bepo) killer got his cute level headed moments i adore. i love that he can hold kid on a short leash and make him think it was his idea But also just allow kid to do whatever because he adores him
⬆️ being true for all vices but in different ways. killer is indulgence, idk if im overfocusing on their age gap but imo killer somewhat still feels like taking care of kid as a younger brother so that "sure babe" is laced with care, adoration, acute awareness that he is letting a wild horse run free and it will surely break something and hurt itself and "i have a firm hand on your arm so you dont trip, i love you"
bepo sees law as godlike of course captain can do whatever, his word is absolute and he is never wrong. "you are the best thing around and the best thing in my life i love you"
zoro is so hard when luffy is wilding out it stops his brain function. "i will lose all my limbs for you i love you"
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creaturecomfxrts · 7 months
Dipper and Mabel pines headcanons?
FINALLY getting around to answering these! since im better at them, heres some college age headcanons that apply just as much to how i view them in the show!
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transmasc. duh. of course
parents are INCREDIBLY supportive, super understanding. hes on hormone blockers in the show and starts HRT as soon as hes able, getting top surgery and bottom surgery in his early 20s
bisexual! ran into a guy junior year of highschool and went oh GOD. this is wendy 2.0 im going to die
LOVES board games. so much. not just dungeons and dragons and monopoly im talkin everdell, wingspan, cascadia, catan. he loves a good think. he also loves dragging everyone else into playing them with him. he always wins. almost always, anyway
absolutely adores college and everything about it hes a little freak. totally ends up being the president of a few clubs, co creating some, etc. made an occult club AND a hiking club at his college
loves doodling, loves horror. his teachers? not so much. they try not to look at the weird ass creatures he draws on the margins of his very well written homework.
probably goes into something smart. like biochem. or um. stem. im (author) is a liberal arts major all i do is write gay fanfiction.
PSYCHOTIC ASS DORM ROOM. he barely decorated it like a classic college male but has a conspiracy board and thats it. which is full of strange shit hes seen outside of gravity falls. to be fair its very well documented and somewhat neat, just…. strange decor. he lives in a single (introvert)
COVERED in tattoos, but always abides by the suit rule (all tattoos need to be able to be covered by a suit to be professional. he knows this bc hes a neerrrrddd). he has really sick sleeves of runes and other occult like things hes found interesting. he has cipher related tattoos as well and also even got ford to design a few.
he has PROMINENT eye bags. he will never fix his sleep schedule
ended up working as a summer camp counselor for a while right outside if gravity falls! the kids loved him but he couldnt stand the heat and bugs all the time so he only did it for a summer or two
even after turning 21 he doesnt actually drink that much, hes a craft beer enjoyer and likes to make it himelf (Much later in life)
ALWAYS stays in touch with mabel. if anything happens in either of their lives you better BELIEVE theyre already on the phone with eachother
medical marijuana card holder
smokes to help eith his anxiety. it works WONDERS
coffee drinker but actually Does put cream and sugar is coffee. sometimes. other times hes too tired and just thugs it out
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THE number one it girl ever
NUMBER ONE TRANS ALLY EVERRRRRR she loves her brother so much
pansexual!! she loves cool people, thats her motto
went to a fashion design school, is loving it despite drowning in work
began dying her hair in cool ways through highschool, now she always has some of her natural color present but goes a little crazy on the highlights
found out about huge dangley joke earrings. went absolutely crazy. has an entire space on her desk dedicated to her many many earrings. she has babies, knives, bags of doritos, aliens, glow in the dark ones, anything you could imagine.
fantastic at fashion design. stuggled a lot with the fancier stuff but her teachers were floored when they let her go wild on casual comfy wear. she excells in combining fashion and comfort in really exciting and colorful ways.
a party girl through and through, loves clubs, raves, concerts, anything!
video game lover as well, cracked at pvp games.
still boy crazy, just less so (has had like. 10 college boyfriends)
literally the sweetest friend ever. she loves hosting movie nights and tea parties (bc who wouldnt. theyre awesome)
tea drinker, loves floral teas with honey
HATES. black coffee. a starbucks frap girlie 4ever
has been scouted for modeing multiple times and only accepted when it was a commercial with puppies
love love loves making friendshio bracelets. knows all the patterns, all of her friends have a hefty amount of a bunch of different ones because she just keeps making them
anywwy, here you go! i love these two so much, i hope ive done them justice!
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gyllenhaalstories · 2 months
presumed innocent episode 8 word vomit <3
i can't believe this is the finale already oh my god i am so stressed and scared this show has giving me a headache!!! i'm not ready to say goodbye to rusty and barbara and raymond and god this show is GOOD. (psst this one got wild so buckle up)
so it is THE fire poker 😭 there's a chip on the handle, i used it to make a fire. RUSTY YOU STUPID MAN. chicago's falling apart criminals are running loose because the chief deputy prosecutor is too busy fucking and eating pussy. well damn.
then the crab rangoon jesus. WHY IS THIS ALWAYS A ONE STEP FORWARD 10 BILLION STEPS BACK 😭 why can’t one thing go right why can’t they just win one thing.
and like … how can there be a beyond a reasonable doubt thing IM DOUBTING EVERYTHING EVERYTHING IS DOUBTFUL 😭
mya having barbara followed OH OKAY OH 👀 then rusty tracking barbara's car oh no one is trusting anybody in this as they should
HE SHOULD ABSOLUTELY NOT CLOSE NOPE OH MY GOD it should be mya, mya should do the closing statement. rusty make one smart decision challenge FAILED
okay after that i just stopped i stopped working thinking breathing
rusty's closing statement was actually good. he had me in tears. and not just because that temple vein looked particularly beautiful but because woah. woah. from a mumbled speech rehearsed in the garage to this? woah.
i still think mya should have done it, i think that after a while, mya should have been first chair. i wish we could have seen how things went with mya leading the counsel. this was a duel between tommy and rusty, a fight of egos, she could have broken that fight up and it would have shaken tommy. the same way nico came into play and switched things up so easily (what a hero... i hate him a little bit less).
i slapped my thigh so hard that my hand still hurts. oop. but oh god the sigh i sighed. i let go of a breath i ABSOLUTELY knew i was holding.
well... wellllllllllllllll
innocent...... that's a big word...................
oh my god
HE COVERED UP he did the opposite of what i thought!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i thought rusty hit carolyn then barbara cleaned up. like she cleaned kyle's bike. trying to copy what she remembered of the bunny davis case she found in rusty's office. similar not identical. BUT. BUT NO IT WAS THE OPPOSITE
i am shaking i'm shaking so much i have a headache i haven't had this much anxiety in ages i gagged i'm so close to throwing up i couldn't even properly cry i was too shocked oh my god
i can officially say that i called carolyn creepy from the first to the last episode because that woman is CREEPY. the "it's your dad who wont leave me :) i can leave him alone :) but it will be hard because our lives will be intertwined i'm pregnant with your dad's baby :)" the way she said it. the way she said it with such boredom. again. BOREDOM. emptiness. as empty as she was every single time rusty declared his love to her. she's bored with him, she doesn't love him, she never loved him and she made a point in him knowing she was so much better than his wife but oh she wanted his baby? like oh my first son? don't care. rusty? don't care. this baby from an affair? still don't care but i'll pretend i do. she has every right to want a strictly sexual relationship but it was obvious that rusty did not want that and he was emotionally involved and it's very weird to me how she's so bored by this. i just... i don't get it. like what rusty says at the end, how someone can just be unaffected and not even wobble. it's so foreign to me and it makes me feel weirddddd.
carolyn could have insisted it was rusty, isn't she what she does too for a living? LIKE RUSTY she persuades she lies she manipulates the truth LIKE RUSTY DOES she could have lied and switched everything on rusty, she could have insisted she's trying soooooo hard to stay away from him and tonight was the last time they fucked but he is not letting gooooo and she wants this to be over she wants this to be over so bad. jaden would have gotten spooked, she would have hesitated. she was going to her house on a mission but it would have shaken her up. she loves her dad, she loves her family and she wanted to protect her family but to be confronted with the "shit maybe my dad is in the wrong" could have made her hesitate just enough. but to break down the "i'm pregnant with your dad's child so i'm family now" right here and there. FUCK NO. FUCK. i'm sorry but no.
i don't want to end my rambling on carolyn. so i'll keep going :)
SO JADEN OH MY GOD JADEN the hugs, she was so scared. the dissociation talk. she was so scared. she was testing the waters. she was so scared.
i can't even blame rusty for thinking it's barbara because this last episode framed her so well. it framed the family. it framed the whole family and i thought that was so beautifully done. it felt very much so as a them vs rusty. in the end it was a them with rusty. aww.
rusty oh my god rusty. how he just ... how he set things up. how he tied her up. how he cleaned everything. how he did everything so no one would trace it back to barbara. they would trace it back to him so he could take the fall and try to catch himself. he did. i didn't even believe he could anymore but he did.
the last few sequences too. they felt like "oh we know you're losing your mind, here's some flowers and a bird to bring you peace teehee".
i hope raymond enjoys his retirement and spends plenty of time gardening with lorraine and i hope they can be happy and do what retired people do and i hope nothing ever stresses them out. i'm so happy for them. raymond i love you.
in the dinner scene, i was actually scared when rusty was the last one to be shown. but wow what a beautiful ending scene. that stare rusty and barbara exchange...
i was so scared they would butcher the finale, especially with the announcement of a second season. could they have dragged this for like 2 years until a new season? MINIMUM? shows take forever these days. it would have felt so underwhelming and disappointing but i also didn't want them to squish everything into the last five minutes. so when the verdict was revealed about halfway through, i was more hopeful.
this show is amazing. this is... this show is absolutely nerve wracking and amazing. i've said it many times before and i'll say it again: what a spectacular cast. the editing, the trailers, the way everything was intertwined... the way they planted seeds constantly and the way the tension was kept through the entire 8 episodes. we only had one kind of filler episode and that was it which is insane.
jake's acting during this entire episode was out of this fucking world, the closing statement, when he broke down everything to barbara but when he cleaned up the scene and tied carolyn almost wailing as he did so OH MY GOD FUCK OH MY GOD. jake put his whole gyllenussy in his acting and it SHOWS. he came into set each day after training like a beast for the UFC fight on a mission to outdo himself every single time. wow. like. his first show too. like? hello? how does one person have so much talent.
now im laughing at all the theories i had oh i am as dumb as rusty
after the NUMEROUS theories i went through and talked about with friends and people on here, i truly hoped and wanted it to be a team work with barbara involved. so on this one aspect, i am disappointed because i absolutely wanted her to be involved. she was in a way. rusty did not cover up the scene to cover up HIS trail, he did it thinking he was protecting barbara. he wanted to protect HER and this is so... fuck this is what i wanted. i wanted him to wake up and boy did he wake up with that scene and how firmly he stood in his ground to insist that he was protecting everyone. protectiveness. the sabich family is all about protection and they carried that through the entire season. this is phenomenal.
i wanted barbara to be involved and i wanted her to get back at rusty for all the pain he caused her and their family. this man is a fucking cheater and liar and he's a complete idiot and i wanted him to realize that. and ruth's acting when rusty breaks down everything that happened, everything he thought that happened. wow. the emotions the reactions. i was scared ruth's talent would have been wasted if she was not the murderer but i don't think it was wasted at all.
jaden? i'm not even mad at her. i don't blame her. i absolutely adored their connection, i loved how kyle was a mama's boy and she was closer to her dad. i know she killed someone but to even consider it shows just how troubled and impacted she was by her father's actions. just the fact she believed so strongly she needed to do something to stop it because nothing else would work. how she drove, cleaned everything, the breakdown afterwards... the poker too? my god. wow. rusty going straight into protection mode, straight into making sure it was his doing. this was just self defence from his actions, she defended herself and her family and her father. she defended her father from himself. he better take her to disneyland and they better wear matching mickey ears.
on a more personal note that nobody cares about, this show has been so special to me in so many ways. similar to road house, i've kept up with it since the beginning and watching the episodes as soon as possible and so much of my time has revolved around that show and thinking about it. i wrote what are objectively my best fics because of it. i have pushed my limited skills to gif the show. and omg i'm so thankful for daphne because i would have absolutely avoided the finale like the plague if she had not been there!!! <3333
it's bittersweet to see it end but it's been such an incredible ride and this is some of jake's best acting work. perhaps the best of all. presumed innocent!!!!!!!!!! i love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
here's a cookie for reading until the end 🍪
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dnpbeats · 4 months
the Dan is philslion revelation... my mind is blown this is INSANE lore I believe in it 100%
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ANON HI SORRY FOR LETTING THIS SIT!! i know that's what's so wild like... we all know why dan and phil started TALKING but they've never said in depth how dan got phil's attention (like, obviously he was commenting and tweeting him a bunch, but so were other people!). and like, yes it could just be that phil got curious one day bc he recognized dan and clicked on his twitter acc (which ik other ppl have said but im not sure if d&p themselves have said that? but they have also lied multiple times abt how they met so LMAO). but wouldnt it make MORE sense if dan was running a fan account that we know phil regularly interacted with? 😭😭
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quodekash · 1 year
im back.
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hell yeah flute man
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pls my dads are so sweet, i cant deal
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i guess what im trying to say is DID THEY REALLY JUST FU
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what is it with our skyy 2 and introducing me to small children that i get emotionally attached to anD THEN RIPPING THEM AWAY FROM ME
he'll be fine tho, im sure of it. he knows what hes doing. and even if he doesnt, he's got two dads and two uncles to look after him, theyll find him and rescue him in the most overly dramatic way possible
my bet tho: he's just gone back to the village and he's completely safe and yod's trying to radio them to let them know hes safe but their radio isnt working, so he's gonna go into the forest to look for them while the four dudes wander around the forest to find the kid, and then theyll all run into each other and be like "welp we panicked for nothing" and then go back to the village and then theyll kiss their boyfriends and longtae will appear with his 184cm tall boyfriend and theyll all party and celebrate
(that last part is a mere wish, i know my boy doesnt show up at all and im sad about it)
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its totally fine then, theyll find him and he'll be safe and sound
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oh look at that, they did a custody switch
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i think the real thing we should be saying here is: it's already evening and your legs are STILL hurting?
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bro is just chilling
i love this kid so much
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he's saying this terrifying thing about how a wild animal nearly killed him so he climbed a tree and got stuck in it all night, and he's just so chill about it
i just love him so much
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well how the hell are you gonna communicate that with your boyfriends
also: surely patpran are getting close to their one week quota, right? they had one week to get the thing signed, ive forgotten how long they were already there for, but theyve been in a forest for three days so like idk man
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they all probably smell. theyve been wearing those clothes for days in a forest
and pat probably still thinks he can find pran based on his scent, bless his silly idiotic heart
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omg bonding
"why do i feel like you're just insecure and not sure if you're good enough to tell anyone that story?" awh
"you know nothing" "why wouldnt i know? i know how it feels to be insecure, unsure if im good enough" wait hang on
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i wanna hug him so bad
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i know he has it just because pran dropped it in the forest and pat picked it up, but its still the same watch that pat picked up for pran when they were children, all those freaking years ago
i just think its a lovely parallel
i love them so much
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SEE?? you help each other out, you both sacrifice for one another, YOU ARE IN LOVE AND YOU MIGHT NOT BE PERFECT BUT YOU'RE THE DAMN BEST AND GVERYJDHFGB
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COMFORTING DAD PATS (pats like the action of patting, not multiple of the character whose shoulder is being patted. words are hard)
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shoot i ran out of images
just fyi: it took over two hours for me to get from halfway through 2/4 to halfway through 4/4. and i still have a whole episode left go to. this may take like a week to finish
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littleplantfreak · 2 months
you could fill whole posts with your feelings about Ume, you say? why don't you prove it? 👀💖
Em, sweet pumpkin spice latte, i have a reputation (i dont actually) so it's going under the cut because no one should actually have to hear me scream about him for 10 years PLEASE if anyone here thinks im cool dont read this i wanna keep my nonexistent street cred
This is my second time writing about him so im sure its consolidated a bit which is preferred cause earlier it was like,,,,, ten paragraphs more than it is now
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lets start with my favorite manga panel of him that i keep so safe and close to my heart because look! he broke the wall and his arm hangs over the panel and i looove it Satoru nii i can tell you were gonna make him the mc but im sooo glad you didnt because i love himmmm. though sometimes he reminds me of myself when i was younger way too much but this aint about him. ANYWAYS I FORGOT I DONT THINK ANY OTHER PANEL DOES THAT? its and important panel TO ME
When i first saw him with his hair down? instant heart eyes jesus christ ive never drooled over someone so hard which must be why my post with the most notes is me gushing about his hair. Ive always had a thing for hair tho im just a weirdo. Don't even get me started on the reading glasses!!!! i could just scream.
Also ive always had a thing for big guys esp gentle ones and once i learned more about him it was like bullseye bullseye bullseye- with how boxes he ticked but i just wanna climb him and maybe fight him for real but also fight him with my mouth. I wanna take care of him soooooo bad its not even funny. Like i know he's a big caretaker but i wanna pamper him i want that boy loves and cherished ill fight chika for him rn baby you dont have to lift a finger just sit over there right now.
Just heard a country song on the radio called must be doin something right by billy currington or whatever his last name is and went "i could dance with ume to that right now!!!!' also its a really sweet song though i love it.
Also he's hates needles...i hate needles.. we can take turns holding each other's hands for bloodwork and shots!!!
I started writing mainly for him and it was like....a "im not seeing enough content/the content i want" for this character so i put my pants on and did it myself. PRetty much my whole life i didnt like writing but now i do it semi-regularly and im pretty proud of that actually because ive begun to enjoy it? It probably helps that everyone's so sweet and the atmosphere is so chill but also nice and crazy and cool??? I dont have a lot of friends so im sooo soo thrilled to be able to gush with people its not even funny though sometimes im like "Girl you gotta be cooler than this you're not acting chill AT ALL calm down" so anyways i love him but i act like i really cant stand him he makes me so mad im furious at his existence
The scariest thing in the world to me is physically having kids? Like ive had nightmares about it i just dontttt wanna and i can tell he wouldnt push that like he'd be thrilled to adopt too it wouldnt matter but i think i would literally have his kids which is wild!!
Also? when i made that kissing picrew i actually flustered myself and that was crazy too because i don't fluster easy with boys at all but i physically turned red giggling kicking my feet about it every time i looked at it lmaoo you should see how red i get its baaaad im down baaaad
anyways ive alreasdy written too much have some more ume pics
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kindred-spirit-93 · 2 months
hello yall i come with tidings.
cavetown released a cover of mitski's my love mine all mine. drop everything and give it a listen its hauntingly beautiful
i woke up today and chose emotional devastation: been thinking about the apollo cabin all day and severely and irreparably wounded my feels in the process (see under the cut for a lil more)
heres a recipe for falooda bc ive been craving it and my childhood innocence this morning
look at it its so pretty! rose is such an underrated flavour i think
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ill probably make another post, but for now: i came across this and it got me thinking about (and crying for) the apollo kids.
i genuinely have no idea if the chart is canon material or a bunch of headcanons (not that it matters ofc) but yeah im building off of it regardless lol
hilal (still unclaimed by hades) khalil's first and dearest friend at chb is diana (from the foster system) and TIL u can get brainrot from ur own ocs and their fantastical interactions with even more fantastical characters. i hurt all over and regret everything ;-;
anyway they grow very close in the short time they spend together (ill make a seperate post with headcanons and little things for diana bc shes my favourite and id die for her and she deserves concept art too).. also still figuring out their orientations so theres that
hilal grows flowers and learns to braid them into cass's hair (like rapunzels), they giggle while comparing similarities in cuisine (her mortal family is also greek) and pretend to fight over dishes
amir and hilal both love having a buddy during iftar and suhoor; chatting about everything from traditions, favourite foods, and eid fun times. enjoy each others company and swap books regularly.
it was no secret that micheal's features were sharp and that his tongue was sharper, and what with his general bad temper and foul mouth it was expected that the pair wouldnt get along. that was until after some incident where hilal lost it and yelled at him for 10 whole minutes, letting a few strong words 'slip' for emphasis. they reconciled their differences later and although the pair never became friends, they both held the other in high regards. micheal definately teased hilal for having a vocabulary to make a seasoned sailor blush. she decorates his scrapbooks sometimes
will is a baby that hilal adores (shes part of the will protection squad) and the two only grow closer after the premature deaths of their loved ones. but before that they often held tea parties where they talk only in thick accents (southern and british respectively) before dissolving into fits of giggles. in some ways will is hilals brother before nico. she knows him very well (and sees right through his innocent exterior he fools chiron with)
more will: he is absolutely wild and i will not be convinced otherwise. hes loud and playful and very energetic. a bit too much. he also has a lil ponytail (someone draw this pls) and enjoys talking about classics and is very chatty, much to the chagrin of his siblings's ears and hilals amusement & delight. loves using big words but frequently stumbles over them (cuteness overload)
long before being claimed by hades, the apollo kids welcomed her and gave her a space to call her own. and there goes the waterslide.
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saintbehemoth · 1 year
On the topic of Vhagar and Caraxes 💚❤️(see my answered ask from @korovievs)…let’s talk Daemond…
Need to know your thoughts on them. Personally, they give me hives (in a good way?)
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^ veryyy much this LMAO. and very specifically just the chorus from ethel cain's two children in a motel.
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on a more serious note. the second sonism of it all..... i think daemon occupies this idol space in aemond's mind, like this powerful fighter who wields dark sister, this monstrous sceptre who exists on the edges of aemond's world. he surely wouldve grown up with tales of daemon in the stepstones etc, then experiences his fathers rage at daemon and rhaenyra marrying. i think aemond would v much relate to having an older brother who hates him, and who the court percieves as violent and occasionally terrible. of course, unlike daemon, aemond doesnt actually do anything except stalk around (until luke). like hes daemon if daemon was a flop. what alsoooo gets me is how they both try to make themselves copies of visenya - daemon has the sword but aemond has the dragon; daemon has the fighting ability and aemond has.... the hair? (aemond styling himself after daemon...) as i said flop and imo hes painfully aware of how he doesnt measure up, hence his obsession with daemon during the war. destroying your god to become him etc etc
also IM obsessed with the fact that despite daemond's apparent longing for the throne neither of them actually depose of their brothers...... the way they both are misunderstood by the general westeros population oooouughh. something about loyalty. i think aemond would try to make this point to daemon, that they both support their brothers' claims, but daemon would never be able to move past 'but you have rhaenyra. she is your eldest sister. your loyalty should be to her'. even when viserys is dead daemon defaults to rhaenyra (and jace, which ..... ), but when aemond and criston search for aegon he's all like 'i intend to be found' as though aegon's son doesnt exist lmaoooo
like i do think that theyre mirrors of each other and that they would recognise that..... (this being in some au where they fuck). aemond would be like 'this is what i want to be... wild and free' but not really capable of recognising the deep sadness daemon has to him? (imo daemon's always got this... something, he doesnt actually like revel in his position, yk? hes violent, but not like psychopathic gleeful about it, i guess). on the other hand daemon would look at aemond and be like oh my god boy you are pathetic. full of arrogant bluster. i think daemon would still fuck him but there wouldnt be the obsessiveness on his side that aemond would have. like half of the pleasure would be from aemond being viserys son. the other half would be from him liking aemond being a psychotic little baby freak. depends on the dynamics i think there are several good ways. actually rethinking about it the ONE thing about aemond that would actually send daemon crazy (in a bad way) is vhagar. i think he'd be so obsessive about finding out WHAT it is about this boy that's similar to his laena and his father.....
anyway as a ship i dont ever think theyd be 'in love' (see lyrics) but like. theyre the same. except theyre not. except they are, but theyre not 😵‍💫 like i very easily see daemon being aemond's whole world while to daemon his nephew is a like a little pet to amuse him when rhaenyra is upset with him. hmhmmng toxicity <3
even in like a modern/well-adjusted au i think aemond would be like uncle daemon pls like me pls pls pls and daemon is jsut a bit like. and which one are you
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lots of thoughts..... i have more im pretty sure but thats all i can think of for now!!!
thank you for asking i hope this was at least a little bit interesting! would lvoe to talk about them more. kisses kisses
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anxiously-kk · 11 months
ok so i’m about to be reflective and rambly about some of my thoughts on the season so im putting it under a read more incase you want to skip because it is soooo long omg
ok so a lot of criticism on this season has been about The Flip™️ and how it ruined both corys game and the season. but i don’t think it’s that simple. to me there are many moments and choices that get made that helped build into the situation we are in now. flipping the vote on reilly week two which gave matt a huge chip on his shoulder and a wild vendetta against those who wronged her leading him to base so many moves on what she would want. was it good for cirie and izzy at the time i think it was but it did have long term consequences. you could also say that hisam telling his alliance they had to get matt out next but them flipping on hisam instead plus cirie green lighting matt saving jag(this isn’t all on her but she said she regrets not trying to stop him harder so i added it) lead to them forming a super tight bond that has helped them run the back half of the game. you could say leaving cameron (and bowie to an extent) out of the red blindside turning cams focus onto the ladies was unnecessary and it would have been better to include them. maybe that was the smarter play cause cam would have tried to stop it or maybe it made an unnecessary enemy. Maybe if meme hadn’t also been left out of that blindside till the last second cory wouldn’t have been able to get her to go along with the flip.
now in regards to the flip in question by this point that early core group had flipped (and blindsided) their alliance members more than once and cirie told matt she played path to power but not cory which eventually got back to him gave cory a reasonable opinion that they didn’t trust him and could cut him easily just like hisam and red. when you add that info to the fact that jared was acting like a total fool and on some extreme anti-cory shit that week plus izzy saying point blank america needs to go asap i wouldnt have felt secure with them either. now let’s be honest should have flipped that vote at that time even with all that info most likely not in my opinion because izzy at least liked him and was working with him while felicia could never let go of the belief that he was untrustworthy and that hurt him down the road. but would that have got him much further in the game? and would it have stopped the matt nag show? that’s hard to say because you can’t change one variable and assume every other event stays the same you know? like if izzy stayed but cory grew closer to america would they have gotten sketched and cut him earlier, or if he decided to ditch america would she have felt like she couldn’t trust cory and tried to turn people against him, if the blow up didn’t happen that week jared probably wouldn’t have been evicted that same night, so who would have gone in his place and how would that impact the game, if two people who were evicted didn’t have a whole week to chill in the house and put the game on pause would it not have given jatt time to set themselves up as the power structure or would cory have been able to keep momentum going and put together a solid group? instead? so i do think they should have taken out felicia that week probably but i don’t think doing so guarantees better results. i think its physics that’s like every action has an equal and opposite reaction and that’s true here too. this is a living game where people react to what is happening around them. every choice someone makes builds on each other any of those moments that i mentioned could have the right move or they could have backfired but they don’t exist in a vacuum you can’t isolate them from each other because one scenario only exists because of a choice someone else made
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ludinusdaleth · 6 months
I think I'll go for 4, 5 and 24—dealer's choice as to which of Artagan, Ludinus or Ira (or any npc, really. They don't get enough love.)
oh you have no idea the can of warms you've opened, lol.... i will happily do all 3!
this got so long i actually had to put a read more:
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
artagan - it isnt media per say but i really want to set him loose in our own reality and see what he'd do (there have been some hints i think, if half-jokingly said, that hes been here - boy do i think about that often.)
ira - we really should just let him star in his own horror movie. you could put him in a guillermo del toro film, and no one would bat an eye.
ludinus - i want to see how lud would react to faerun. a world so close to his own, but where the weave of magic is directly controlled by a god. there is an odd dichotomy in that faerun is more controlled than exandria and yet breaking that universe's laws are infinitely easier, and i think he would fall into obsession with that.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
so.... im gonna (un)ashamedly plug my playlists for them here.... please ignore that they can go as long as twelve fucking hours.... ill try to narrow down specific songs that REALLY hit about them, though.
artagan - "within you" by david bowie, from labyrinth, is a perfect fit. not only is arti based on jareth but the song's meaning directly ties into him & jester. jareth is terrified of being nothing more than a lost concept, a lost celebrity crush made fae king, as sarah is metaphorically maturing. "how you turn my world, you precious thing/You starve and near exhaust me/Everything I've done, I've done for you/I move the stars for no one..." i mean, c'mon. "family of me" by ben folds, "celebrity status" by mariana's trench, "lapis lazuli" by the oh hellos, and "due west" by kelsey lu also really hit as arti songs for me.
ira - "mad iqs" by i dont know how but they found me is a really good song for ira's hatred of ludinus. "a mask of my own face" by lemon demon is self explanatory and far too specific, due to his fascination with ashton's mask of him, with the song mentioning "dancing with all the bells". he would go wild for and try to emulate "thriller" by michael jackson or "i cant decide" by the scissor sisters.
ludinus - if i did a speedpaint of lud, id set it to "science fiction" by church of the cosmic skull. "and all the people, they stood on their chairs, and they stared, at the man with the silver hair/taken the findings of the science man/raising his hands to the air!/so he's making the minds up of the millions, and they'd never deny that he's right/cause he's taken a prize of many a size/if ever he dies he'll have a tombstone of a very high height". "brutus" by the buttress is ABSOLUTELY a ruby vanguard trio song and i even used it in my art of them before. "all history is vengeance" by brad derrick from the eso soundtrack is what goes through my head at the malleus key. "blood upon the snow" by hozier & "never look away" by vienna teng also really work for him. i think "survivors guilt" by emily axford (yeah, prism) also has lyrics FAR too tailored to him - "i see you in my dreams/young, and brave, and pre-calamity/i will tell you a story/i will be the voice you lost too soon/because even in your absence, even in your death/im still your moon".
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
(i wouldnt say im in the fandoms for all of these, but)
artagan - i think it somewhat obvious he's based off of jareth in labyrinth - his voice is basically david bowie's singing voice. to a lesser but still strong degree he's very much marvel's loki, down to the voice - if, honestly, an infinitely better take on the trickster god. as a past extreme loki fan the pipeline is there for sure.
ira - ashley said she & matt based fearne's story off a guillermo del toro film and i can see that in many fae this go-round, especially ira. he is basically a doug jones character. it's very easy to compare him to creepypastas like the russian sleep experiment or slenderman, too.
ludinus - he has some heavy similarities to emperor belos of owl house, vyrthur of tes, prince nuada from hellboy, and other characters who fit the archetype of a white-haired, ancient, pale elven (or elven passing) man, from a different time, who murders & (in some cases) colonizes to exact vengeance on gods, humans, or similar entities he feels have destroyed those around him. characters clearly in the wrong but who do bring up important topics of the endless cycle of brutality they were caught in, mixed with their privelege in every other circumstance. he also reminds me of mannimarco of tes. they look exactly alike and both shadow run an empire, somewhat in cahoots and yet at odds with a balding white haired pale human man within that same empire. oh! and fëanor from the silmarillion.
thanks for asking! sorry this is so long, floodgates are opened when i discuss men i wish were my fictional partners, lol.
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mirror-is-distured · 1 year
Prove it
Aether x trans!copia
I'm too tired to do tags
"Baby boy you gotta use your words~" aether thrust his fingers back into copia's wet folds, admiring how the slick dripped down and pooled in his palm. "T-too much... need you inside me already.." copia let out a soft moan as the ghouls fingers brushed over a particularly sensitive spot.
"I dont think so... i think i wanna savor you a little more first" aether moved his thumb up to press against copias throbbing clit, sending a shock through the man above him. "Dont you w-want to make your c-cardinal happy? Why dont you be a good ghoul and d-do what your papa s-says." Hes voice faltered as aether froze, staring him down like a feral animal.
"Say that again." The ghoul pulled him finders from copias cunt.
"What? You like it when i call you a good boy eh? why don't you get up here and prove it." Copia teased, his lilting voice falling heavy on aether's ears.
The large ghoul crawled up so he was towering above copia, breath shakey and eyes fuzzy. "I can be good..." aether leaned down and placed a kiss in copias painted lips. Copia had never seen the ghoul like this, so... wild, desprate...
"Please.. please just say im a good boy.." aether stared down into the man's mismatched eyes.
"I dont know if you are, i might need some" copia paused "convincing"
Aether couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed copias hips and flipped him over, panting against his soft skin. "Someone is eager to prove himself?" Copia groaned, muffled by the pillows under him.
"Just wanna be a good boy.. for you.
" aether rubbed the tip of his cock through copias slick, Gathering the glistening substance before gently pushing himself into his cunt. Copia let out a long groan as aether bottomed out inside of him. "So big.." he mumbled between low moans.
Aether pulled out almost all the way before snapping his hips forward, gripping copias hips hard enough to bruise. He set a rough pace, thrusting forwards into copia with enough force to make the bed shake underneath them. "Please just tell me im a good boy... i need it.." he growled, rumbling low in his chest.
"Oh but youre doing so well pretty ghoul, i wouldnt want it to end too quickly~" copia moaned, arching his back so that aethers dick reached deeper into him. Copia couldn't help himself from crying out when aether lowered his hand to circle his swolen clit. The cord inside his stomach tightened and he rolled his hips against aether, his orgasam hurtling towards him like a freight train.
"Fuck aether.. fuck youre gonna m-make me-" he was cut off by a loud moan as he reached his climax, shuddering and panting. "Shit... good boy aether, such a good boy for your Cardinal" his voice shook as every thrust brought him closer to overstimulation. Aether growled, with a final thrust he shot ropes of white hot cum deep inside copias cunt, mixing with his sweet slick.
"Im a good boy.." he murmured, pulling himself out of copias folds. "My good boy" copia chuckled, nuzzling his face into the soft plush of his pillow.
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pesterloglog · 10 months
Jake English, Jane Crocker
Act 6, page 4188
golgothasTerror [GT] began pestering gutsyGumshoe [GG] at 6:05
GT: Jane!
GT: Forgive my botherations. I know this is meant to be a spanking ripsnorter of a day for you and all.
GT: But do you happen to know where the devilfucking dickens mr strider might be?
GG: Oh, that's fine!
GG: I had been meaning to message you sooner actually, but I suppose in all the hubbub today, it plumb slipped my mind.
GG: Which is a shocking fact on its lonesome, considering what I have to tell you!
GT: Egad...
GT: *Loosens collar a bit.*
GG: As for this Strider business, hrmmm. He's an elusive guy Jake. You know that.
GG: I talked to him yesterday. That's as much help as I can be!
GT: Shoot.
GT: I really need to ask him something but hes got his blasted auto responder turned on.
GG: Hoo hoo.
GG: I love that thing. :B
GT: He wouldnt be pleased to hear you say that.
GG: What do you need with him?
GG: Does this have to do with your crazy pen pal project?
GT: It most certainly does and time is of the essence!
GT: Today is the day i have to finish it and send it. Not a day later!
GT: So you see why i am feeling really friggin discombobulated at the moment.
GG: Sorry, J. :(
GG: This would be the birthday present... for your grandmother?
GT: No!
GT: It is for your grandfather simply to be *relayed* to him by my grandmother. A joint gift to him from she and i.
GG: Her and me.
GT: What? Who and you now?
GG: "A joint gift from her and me." Grammar, Jake!
GT: Oh for frigs flipping sake jane this is no time for your prudish pedantry! Leave your bookish malarkey in a dusty old library somewhere. I have an adventure to get on with!
GG: So if I have this straight, the big thing hogging up your plate today is not this marvelous new game which I have invited you to play with me, but finishing a robotic rabbit to give to my dead poppop?
GT: Bingo. *double pistols and a wink*
GG: You are a very strange and silly boy.
GT: Please jane we have addressed this.
GT: I am sending the gift back in time to when they are both alive and about our age.
GT: Or...
GT: Something like that. Something funny is going on here that i have not fully grappled yet but dag nab it if im not gonna see it through.
GG: Well,
GG: Godspeed, then! I do hope you can pull it off.
GT: Are you being fresh with me now?
GG: No!!
GT: Look jane i know youve never believed me and you think everything i say is some big cockamamie goofoff but i think today of all days is when you should start taking some things more seriously.
GT: Especially since i have always had your back. I have always believed in you!
GG: Hey! I have believed in you too.
GG: However, believing somebody isn't the same thing as believing IN somebody.
GG: But that much said...
GG: I think that maybe I am getting ready to believe some of the wild stories I've heard?
GG: Or, if not believe outright, reserve judgment on, at least.
GT: Is that so!
GG: I don't know!
GG: I'm still not sure what to think. But what I wanted to tell you this morning was...
GG: I had a really wild dream last night.
GG: And you were in it.
GT: Oh my. *glasses fog up. fumbles for kerchief.*
GG: Sh! Not like that.
GG: It was so real! I think we were in the game, even though we haven't started playing yet.
GG: I don't know what to make of it. Whether it was a vision of the future, or somewhere that exists now, or if it was just a really lucid dream due to excitement.
GT: What was i doing there?
GG: Um...
GG: Not a heck of a lot!
GG: I really want to tell you all about it, but it will take some time to explain, and we both have things to attend to.
GG: You with your time traveling rabbitwork, and I, my vigilant window gazing!
GT: Too true.
GT: Let us reconvene later and sort out all this shit at a leisurely pace.
GG: Yes, ok, good luck Jake!
GT: Okay you too jane! Bye!
golgothasTerror [GT] ceased pestering gutsyGumshoe [GG]
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sparkcentralis · 2 months
HI 🦑 anon!!!!!!! Sorry for the.. uh... Mis-speciec..ing?
Anyways GLITCH ANONS LETS GOOO!!! And omg u both have such VALID points but dont even get me STARTED on election arc, that video was WILD /pos.
BECAUSE THE WHOLE, THE WHOLE THING THE WHOLE BIT OF ASH DESPISING HER (for funsies probably) WAS JUST SO- like it really brings light to how their dynamics work usually i think cause they'd so do anything for eachother, yet somehow in some way the dynamic (in my understanding) isnt the healthiest, squiddo and ash was always just drawn to eachother but here, oh boy, ash had so much more to do and to care about and what did squiddo have that she continues makes sure everyone knows? Ashswag, she keeps mentioning how much she cared for him yet the way ash seemed and felt more distant (mostly probably due to other things, he doesnt dislike her ofc! Why would he?) but maybe he just..never realised how she felt when he said some things and it really shows in her monologue+collage in the election arc's final voting, she had thought ash was going to vote for HER because she thinks, "why wouldnt he? We're best friende!" But he didnt, and i think the fact that she didnt even bring it up (canonically) to ash to convey how she felt afar from an arrow and a complaint that was drowned out by like, everyone talking in surprise that she just shot ASH, the one person she's constantly going "oh i care for him!".
She just seems to me to be very ready to.. well, do anything for ash, even though this is not the best relationship, she still does, both of them do, i dont doubt that ash would want to do anything to make squiddo happy, its just they barely communicate their feelings (since squiddo was so unsure that ash was actually considering her a friend and not "dead weight", she even thought he might just be using manipulation or smth smth recap thingy during vote) so ash doesnt see what's wrong and squiddo just never brings it up, which makes their relationship FLAWED but left it feeling so much more true, no perfect friendships exist afterall! (Im so not projecting)
Sorry if i seem to be very "looking into the bad sides" core but I lovr glitch duo please-
This is purely based on lifesteal canon vibes from this ONE video, irl they're such besties ong!, but yeah, here's my long as hell thoughts after watching every squiddo video atleast 5 times, save me.
I love having the worst takes on dynamics lets GOOOOOO SQUIDDO MINECRA
- 🟪 (previously 🌱) anon (also dw about the tag just pretend its a mask im wearing for the bit oooooo spooky)
THIS WAS AN INTERESTINF READ..... i respect these takes. Indeed, havinf problems and conflict in relationships are great motivations for character growth.....!! Interesting storylines.... Lifesteal duos tend to have this inner conflict of hurting one another in some way that is somewhat tragic in nature, whether its because its in their nature (devotions.), circumstance, or something of the like.... Its why we love these relationships so much, they're flawed!
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