#im never going to forgive him for choosing his guns over his kids.
transtief · 1 month
i dont think im ever going to forgive my dad for voting for trump
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unrationalthinking · 3 years
To The Past Part 1
For this story take places after endgame, wandavision, loki, and the falcon and the winter soldier except because i love the characters tony was able to receive medical attention after he snapped surviving it rogers did return the stones except the soul stone is a soul for a soul so when he returned he had Natasha with him spiderman far from home still happened sort of.
Everyone has obviously made up from civil war Bucky has given Tony his space he needs though he is trying to seek his forgiveness Tony still finds it hard but has come around on the fact he can't blame Bucky for what happened When an old enemy reappears Hydra. Realizing that they if they could change the past they could finally stop them once and for all so the head back to the 1940’s directly after shield was created and after captain crashed the plane to save the world steve also never shaved because he looks much better with the beard bucky did cut his hair steve enjoys his on the run gear more so he still wears his darker colored uniform sam never became the captain and redwing survived
As the team geared up in there uniforms the head back in time the blue prints laid out for camp Lehigh after shield took it over deciding where to enter the building via the time loop they decided they need all the help they could get in this time so they decided that peggy and howard would be first on the list they found a room the was on a lower more secure level near Howards office that would be easiest to get into for the mission. Those going on the mission were Steve, Bucky, Sam, Tony, Thor, Rocket, Groot, Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Wanada, Rhodey, and Shuri. As they geared up the team didn't speak much; they all had a common enemy and a lot of pent up feelings in the past, mostly tony steve and bucky. They all made their way to the center area for time travel hank pym and his family standing work on the computers around Scott and Hope would both be joining them in the past. Hank was proud of Tony he didn't care for Howard but Tony seemed like a good kid alot like Howard but so different at the same time. After hugs where given the all went throw the machine to the 1940’s landing in the abandoned room the choose it had worked they quietly made their way to the door peeking out they didn't see anyone the clock read 11pm but there he Was in his office Howard Stark working with a open bottle of whiskey, Tony and Steve shared a look the tension rising as the watched him work for a few minutes until there was some yelling down the hall and Peggy made her way down the hall with two men, one Tony remembered very well as Edwin Jarvis but the other he had assumed to be Daniel Sousa he had never met him but the limp and the stories he heard he assumed they all sat quietly as the made there way to Howard's office peggy ranting more like yelling at them “I don’t care if he thinks his work is to busy for this he needs to be told something has to be done besides creating a new project or finding steve's body!” as she made her way into Howards office the duct a bit not being seen she had a tear running down her cheek “HOWARD STARK” he looked up fear in his eyes as she rarely said his name like that she crossed her arms as Steve and Tony shared a knowing look about her tone everyone else had to hid there laughs though Daniel seemed to notice a strange noise they duct to stop him from seeing them and he brushed it off a bit peggy continued at howard though “Where were you today?” he Answered in a stutter “i.. I Was here working, why?” She rolled her eyes and said “ And where were you supposed to be today?” Howard took a moment and realized the date being the third year that Steve had died. He made a promise to Peggy to spend the day with her “ah… Peg im so sorry i forgot im such an idiot i should have been there.” she sniffles crying “But you weren't there three years Howard Three years since he died and you couldn't even be there for anyone you hide here working on what?” Howard lowered his head, a tear rolling down his face “I was working on a time machine to go back and stop him from crashing the plane Peg.” Rhodey let a laugh slip thinking about how much Tony was Like His dad only to realize Daniel heard it. Tony and Steve shared a grin realizing he messed up and they could hold it over him. Daniel had pulled his gun sushing everyone but Howard didn't get the hint and asked “Daniel what are you doing?” Daniel responded in a whisper “there is someone in that room right there.” as he pointed. “No there is not. I would have known I'd been here all day.” Howard responded.The avengers realizing Daniel would not let it go decided to pretend they didn't know what was happening when the door opened they were all staring in random directions while some where even whistling. Peggy Jarvis Daniel And Howard opened the door with full surprise as 15 people stood there acting like they didn't see them but Daniel raised his gun Saying “you guys are trespassing on private property hands up!” but the first to respond was Steve taking the time to joke he had recently become quite the jokester spending too much time around Tony, he looked down from
looking at the ceiling and walked to the front of the group “Hey guys so uhm, come here often?” Peggy pulled her gun on Steve “whoever you are, this is a real sick joke showing up as Captain Rodgers on his 3 year mark of his death.” It was Tony who stepped in this time “ alright let's put the guns down and let us explain who and why we are here and captain nice joke I see I'm rubbing off on you.” They all stared in shock for a minute until they decided they were out numbers and dropped their weapons “Start Explaining” Peggy said with her hands on her hips. Thor piped in with “I see why you loved her, Rogers the sas fits you perfectly.” making steve Blush and look at the ground Tony made a vomit action and started to speak “We are the Avengers we are from the future and we came back to deal with Hydra once and for all because they grow to large in the future and almost destroy the world multiple times and end up tainting Shield forcing us to remove Shield.” With that they started not believing it so Toni pulled out his holographic phone and played videos from some of their encounters and they realized they were telling the truth. Peggy looks at Steve once more “are you… are you really here?” staring in shock “yeah sorry i missed our dance, but you found yourself a better partner then me.” As he sends a knowing look at Sousa, making them both blush and Sousa become intimidated, Steve continues “Don’t worry I'm happy for you guys.”
At that Peggy ran to Steve hugging him as an old friend was crying. “We have to get to work, we need to attack Hydra now we know where they are located already, we just need the manpower.” Tony said Breaking the silence and with that Howard spoke “Can we atleast get your names? If we are working together.” Tony nods and introduces everyone pointing as he speaks about people “I am Tony Stark also known as Iron Man your son, Captain Rogers known as Captain America, Thor King of Asgard a different plant God of Thunder, Shuri princess of Wakanda more intelligent than me and you combined, Bruce Banner known as The Hulk or Professor hulk now, Rhody known as war machine also my best friend, Hope Van Dyne known as the Wasp Hank Pym's daughter, Scott long known as Ant-man dating hope pym doesn't like that, Sam Wilson The Falcon Caps Best Friend #2, Rockett he a raccoon that was a test subject in a different galaxy, Groot hes a tree, Wanda also know as scarlett Witch dont fuck with her she hates hydra more then anyone, Natasha Romanoff Known as the Black Widow russian spy likes betting up the super soldiers.” With that there was a pause to take everything in and for Tony to catch a breath as Clint from the venting shaft jumps down and says “I'm Clint Barton American Spy also known as Hawkeye though you will need to speak up sometimes I have a hard time hearing.” as there was another pause as Howard asked “you said sam is the captain's 2nd best friend? I assume I'm the First right?” chuckling a bit Tony responds “no Bucky Barnes is his 1 bestfriend.” Howard pales a bit “ Bucky died though.” at that bucky landed behind but in between Tony and Steve making the 4 people jump not expecting it as he stood a blank stare he always wore on his faces not smiling showed. Tony spoke “And Bucky Barnes also known as caps bestfriend, the now ex winter soldier know known as the white wolf of Wakanda dont fuck with him he could kill all of us in this room currently.” with that bucky smirking at Tony and Howard just looking at him paler than before anyone could respond Howard asked “The winter soldier is you? How did you survive?” bucky froze and then responded “when the 107 was taken i was tested on it helped me survive the fall Hydra found me removed my arm and gave me the super soldier serum.” there was a pause as Shuri walked up to comfort Bucky “after i had healed the scrambled my brain making me forget everything i was and trained to be a cold killer i have the memories but i wasn't in control i remember all the faces of those i killed the innocents and and the murderers i regret it but i had no control over it.” a single tear rolled down his and Tony's check as Tony hugged him finally gave his full forgiveness.
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lupy22 · 4 years
Primitive Instincts
Summary: Another long walk home after a long night of bartending seemed normal for the Reader. Until she has her identity mistaken for someone who has a target on their back. Once the hitman realizes he has the wrong woman he keeps her locked away in his home and she soon realizes that Ubbe is not just a hitman. He's a savage that runs on his primitive instincts. Series Warnings: Kidnapping, violence, sexual tension, smut, nsfw, drinking and drug use, dark!fic, Savage!Ubbe, 
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Something seemed wrong to you. Although you were walking by yourself in the dark, it never bothered you before. But for some reason you felt more alert than usual. You always walked home after a late shift at the bar, and you never felt paranoid. So, you stopped and glanced around. Home wasn't far. You just had a few minutes left and you would be home. But as you continued forward, you noticed a car stopped on the side of the road right next to the liquor store that was obviously closed. There was a man leaning up against it. It didn't scare you, he was just another person who was proabably lost. "Excuse me, Miss. Do you know where the closest hotel is?" The man asked. You couldn't see his face that good. But you could tell he was tall. Before you could even think of a reply a strong force rammed you right into the car. You fell on the concrete and groaned as the world around you began to spin. "Get the rope." You heard a man's voice. Shit. Shit. Shit! Of course you would get kidnapped. The town you lived in was like a fucking ghost town. Everything was spaced out. Closest neighbor was probably 2 miles away. And everyone else from the bar was already too far gone to hear you, even if you could scream. You could feel a pair of hands grab you but you couldn't fight back. Your vision was slowly fading and you knew right then and there, you were fucked. 
*** Everything came back to you when you heard a car door slam shut. Darkness engulfed you and when you shuffled around you felt the rug material rub against you. That bastard locked you in the trunk. Suddenly the trunk popped open and a bright light was beaming down in your face. “Now, don’t make this harder than it has to be.” The stranger from the liquor store spoke in his gravelly voice. “Fuck you.” You spat. “Would, if I could. Trust me.” He shot back. You felt his hands run to your backside and you turned to grip his wrists. “Easy, Princess, just need to see your wallet first. You see, I work for this big secret agency that hires people like me to kill people, no questions asked, just the good old -” He clicked his tongue, “and making them disappear. But the problem is they don’t pay unless I prove to them that you were the right person.” The moment you processed his words you felt tears begin to grow in your eyes. He was going to kill you? No, this had to be a mistake. “There’s a mistake somewhere. I never do anything wrong!” You cried out. You saw him move the flashlight down to your ID. He brought the light back to your face. “Oh, fuck!” He cursed. “What’s wrong, Ubbe?” The other man asked. “It’s not her! We got the wrong woman!” The man you assumed was Ubbe growled and threw your wallet at his chest. “Well, jig is up, let’s just kill her!” The other man pulled out a gun. You crunched up and covered your head with your arm. “No! As tempting as that is, I don’t feel like killing unless there’s money involved.” Ubbe replied. “Well then, Brother, what do you want to do?” Ubbe didn’t answer. Or at least you didn’t get to hear it because he slammed the tip of his flashlight right into your forehead and your vision became nothing but a pit of darkness. *** The next time you woke up you weren’t in the trunk of a car. You woke up on a tiled floor next to a… Toilet? You tried to move but you were handcuffed to the toilet. “What the fuck?” You whispered. Then you heard a loud slam. And another coming from… Somewhere but you were obviously alone in the bathroom and the door was shut. “Oh! Oh!” The sound of another girl crying made you look around. “Oh Ubbe! Yess! Right there!” She moaned. “Yeah, baby girl, just like that.” Ubbe groaned. “Oh, you have got to be shitting me.” You started tugging on the handcuffs. “Ubbe! I-I-I” The girl let out a loud wail and you cringed at the sound. Did she even know that you were handcuffed in the bathroom, being held against your will? Would she still have been moaning and wanting him if she really knew? “Hey! Somebody! Let me out!” You screamed. The door opened behind you and peaked over your shoulder to see Ubbe pulling down a white shirt. He was in a pair of loose grey sweatpants that hung low on his hips. You quickly averted your eyes. “I said Im coming! Fucking take a chill pill.” Ubbe stepped over you and sat on the edge of the tub. “Can you let me out of these cuffs now?” You asked. Ubbe pulled out a cigarette and slid it between his lips. “Not until we have a talk about your attitude and how it needs to change.” You waved your hands so the metal chains would clank against the pipes. “Im chained up in the most uncomfortable position so forgive me for not feeling like a ray of sunshine!” Ubbe lit his cigarette and looked down at you through the cloud of smoke. His eyes were an intense blue and his hair was a dirty blonde. Almost red. And he was… Gorgeous. “So I saved your life do you know what that means?” Ubbe asked as he ashed his cigarette. “That your an idiot for kidnapping the wrong girl?” You replied. Ubbe chuckled. “I’m a lot smarter than you because if I was in your position I would be showing more respect to the man that I owed my life to.” You swallowed the lump that was starting to grow in your throat. “You were the one that fucked up. How is any of that my problem? Besides if you let me go I won’t say a damn thing. I have better things to do than try to have you arrested.” You tried to reason with him. “Im sure you do, but me keeping you here is not because I can. . Well it sort of is but more because you owe me your life.” You scowled. Ubbe took a drag of his cigarette before he flicked it in the sink and crouched down beside you. He suddenly seemed more intimidating up close in your personal space. “I won’t take any of your disrespect. Like it or not, I fucking own you now. And in my home you will behave how I want or there will be consequences.” He threatened. You forced yourself to look at the toilet instead of at those intense blue eyes. His words were making your heart race. But Ubbe wasn’t having it. He reached out and grabbed your chin to make you look back at him. You glared at the handsome criminal. “Im curious, just what kind of consequences would it be? Please say its whips and chains because that just excites me.” You sneered. Ubbe smiled and brushed the pad of his thumb against your bottom lip. “Something you should know, Y/N. I have an older brother who likes to go in some very dark places. He’s taught me quite a few things. For instance, have you ever heard of a spider gag?” You felt whatever sarcastic smirk you had fade quickly. You didn’t know what a spider gag was but from the feral look in is eyes you could tell it wouldn’t be fun for you. Ubbe kept his smile as he focused his eyes on your mouth. “Its a gag that you tie around a woman’s face and instead of having some ball or cloth it has a metal circle that forces the woman’s mouth open. Imagine what could happen to a woman like that? She’d be stuck on her knees for hours.” Your heart pounded with each word that was spoken. Any smart remark you kept at the back of your head was suddenly gone. He wouldn’t… Would he? Ubbe patted your cheek in a condescending kind of way. “Now that’s the look to give off.” "So, what? I'm supposed to just lay here like this?" You questioned. He moved to stand up and even stepped over you. You thought he was going to sit on you or. . . Or something! But what you didn't expect was to watch him lift the toilet seat up. "Oh, you gotta be fucking kidding me!" You growled as you tried to move back and closed your eyes. "What? You scared of my dick or something?" He questioned. You cringed at the sound of him pissing in the toilet. "You better not fucking piss on me!" He chuckled. "Well, if that was your thing. . . " You could feel your face burn. He was one hell of an egotistical pyscho. He flushed the toilet and started washing his hands. "It's a shame, you missed my party. Don't worry there will be others. But until then. . . I'm gonna need you to keep those." He pointed at the handcuffs. "Or you can take these and shove one cuff up your ass while using the other to squish your balls, you fucking pyscho!" You snapped. It got quiet. Deadly quiet. "Okay, your sass is as cute as your ass, but I'm getting tired of it." He reached behind him and pulled out a gun. "You got 3 options here. One, You stop the attitude and keep the handcuffs on like a good girl. Two, you don't and I shoot you and end up having to hide the body (which I really don't want to do). Or Three, I can bend you over and fuck that attitude out of you!" Well then. . . You quickly turned your head and bit your tongue. He chuckled and pulled out a small key. "Now, don't try anything stupid." He warned. The moment you felt one of the handcuffs loosen, you pulled your hand out and quickly rolled over. You barely made it to your feet and you felt his hand pull your wrist back. He didn't tug you back towards him. Oh, no. That would have been too nice! Instead he twisted your arm behind your back and forced you face first into the closest wall. You turned your head to the side as he grabbed your other hand and held them both behind your back. If he wasn't right behind you, you would have kicked yourself away from the wall. But his chest was literally pressing into your back. And from the feeling on your backside, his chest wasn't the only thing pressed against you. "So, are you saying you choose option 3? You want me to bend you over and fuck that attitude out of you?" He grinded his erection into your backside. Your whole body burned and hot tingles flooded between your thighs. Normally you would shot out some witty comeback, most likely one about his size. But from what you felt. . . His cock was nothing to joke about. And he was in sweatpants you practically felt every inch of him between your thighs and. . . And. . . Ohhhh. He positioned himself even closer and you could feel the tips of his erection rub between your legs. Your heart was ready to leap out of your chest. It felt so good. And with every thrust, he made you forget where you were. Your eyes were too busy rolling to the back of your head as the tip of his cock brushed against your clit. "But, now that I think if it. . . If I fuck you, that would be giving you what you want." He pulled away and cuffed your hands behind your arms. You nearly choked on your spit as you felt the cool breeze rush between your thighs. That fucking asshole!!! "Come on, since you wanna try playing Miss Sneaky." He grabbed you by the arm and finally let you out of the bathroom. You forced your eyes around the place. It could be a life saver to know every inch of your surroundings. First thing you noticed was a big wooden door about 10 feet away. There was a railing beside you and thats when you realized that you weren't on the first floor. You walked down 12 steps and came to a landing. If you walked straight you would be in a hallway with 3 more doors. But Ubbe didn't take you straight, he turned and went down 10 more steps. "So, Ubbe. . . You do this often?" You quipped. Ubbe rolled his eyes and walked you into a den area. Red solo cups were everywhere. Everything was trashed. There were all sorts of marijuana paraphernalia all over the tables. Bongs, bowls, and joints in the ashtrays. Fuck, it was like he was a college student or something. "Clean this place up. And don't try to run." He uncuffed your hands and shoved the barrel of his gun in your face. "Do I look like some kind of maid to you? You can't do this!" You argued. Ubbe began pushing miscellaneous objects off the table. The sound of glass shattering made you freeze. He slapped his hand down on the wooden table and looked at you. You didn't move, completely confused as to what he wanted. He lifted his hand up and waved his fingers in a come-here motion. Again. You didn't move. He waved his gun a you pointed at the table. "Come on, Princess. I'm not gonna hurt you." He tapped his hand on the table. You sighed and walked over to the table. He grabbed you by the hips and placed you on the table with little effort. He yanked your legs open and pushed his fingers against your jeans and began rubbing them. You gasped and opened your mouth to spit out some hurtful words but your voice died and the only thing that came out was a moan. Ubbe smiled and dug his teeth in his bottom lip. "I see what the problem is now, you just need a little attitude adjustment." Your hips rolled at his touch. It was as if your body had a mind of its own. Why you were letting him touch you was a something beyond your comprehension. All you could understand was that it felt good. His eyes locked onto yours and he started moving his fingers in fast circles. Please. Don't. Stop. You bucked your hips up and moaned. He leaned down and you thought he was going to kiss you. But his face steered off to the side by your ear. "You look like you're enjoying this. I knew I made you wet the moment I rubbed my dick against you." You didn't pay much attention to his words as you were too busy focusing on the feeling of his fingers rub against you. Your clit was throbbing and with every stroke of his fingers, you could feel your orgasm building up. But this wasn't like you at all. The last guy that tried to touch you without your permission ended up with a broken nose from the cue ball you had used to smash in his face. The only reason you were gonna let this slide was because. . . Because. . . All the muscles in your body began to tighten as he moved his fingers in fast little circles. Your legs trembled and the bottom of your stomach filled with a warm tingling sensation. As you continued rubbing against Ubbe's fingers, the warm tingles traveled down to your trembling thighs and your body clenched tight. You could feel the wet heat flood your panties as your orgasm rippled waves of pleasure. Ubbe moved his fingers away from your sensitive core. "See? I bet you feel much better now." He commented. You scowled and sent him your meanest glare. "Now, you see this mess? Clean it up." He ordered as he stepped away from you. @rekdreams247 @synnersaint @ivars-heathen @kamcrazy123​ @sw-eat-ing @cracraforfandoms​ @rrwilson66 @danicalifornia25​ @bugalouie​ @sconniebelle​ @oddsnendsfanfics​ @romanchronicles @awesome-as-i-wanna-be​ @titty-teetee​ @sodanova​ @manuugxlvis @thelittlefoxxh @girlwhoisfearless​ @demonhunter1616 @laketaj24 @kenzieam @kirah34 @alyhavoc @unicorn-glitter-princess @come-with-me-and-imagine​ @happys-crazy-queen22​ @radi0active-thoughts​ @fuckyou-and-fuckthis @pandainfinitely​ @tomarisela @sebatrash @readsalot73​ @lol-haha-joke​ @wolfyparty​ @2loveeverything2 @missbrightlyred @redheadedtrollop​ @imagine-this-motherfucker​ @thatonepuremoment @readallday24-7 @tonguepopper @pebblesz892​ @allyn-alice @igetcarriedawaywithyou​ @hells-helvig @wish-i-was-a-mermaid​ @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol​ @claryfray1698 @lunarbear93​ @heksesang @tothetardissterek​ @diehardspnfan​ @67chevycamaro​ @lovelynerdytraveler @lisinfleur​ @sydneyforester @amour-quinn @turner-cris​ @keya168 @bookswillfindyouaway​ @funmadonahoghbadassvikings @ivarthefuckboy @breathlesssouls @vikingsmania​ @nyxveracity​ @ivarsrideordie​ @singingunderthestars @sugasosh @awesomerextyphoon​ @earthsmightiestasses @hoeghfabulous @shadowpriestess6​ @lynn-nolastname @taylor-douglas97 @ginger-rae1991 @bappo-no-yeet @in-spades-031 @cutiebubbleboo​ @attorneyl​ @tgrrose​ @dehydrated-and-depressed​ @squirrelacornglitterfarts @captstefanbrant @tephi101​ @observing-unicorns​ @ahhhhkeya​ @djisfantastic​ @morganeiter @neeadinghugs​ @maudjhexx​ @naaladareia @daughterofthenight117​ @mythi-quill @fairies-tell-tales​ @gold-dragon-slayer​ @therealcalicali​ @queenbbarnes​ @two-unbeatable-beaters​ @tootie-fruity​ @mamabearlovr​ @vicmackeybullshxt​ @zoetrope1997​ @plentyoffandoms​ @omarsiglia​ @lisinfleur
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lookbluesoup · 5 years
Fallout OC Interview
@robobrainmurdermysterytheatre and @quinndecker214 tagged me to do this LITERAL AGES ago! Thanks for this and IM SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG it got lost in my drafts I hope it was worth the wait //shot I TAG @nuclearvessel @ronqueesha @tarberrymentats @wild-w4steland-snip3r @daddyfuckinlonglegs @saltsealed @thewookieruns No pressure!!
Choose an OC.
Answer them as that OC.
Tag 5 people to do the same.
1. What is your name? Nathaniel Christian Wright. Maiden name Ronan, if, aha, you like fun-facts.
2. How old are you? You know I lost count somewhere after 240?
3. What do you look like?
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4. Where are you from? Where do you live now? I was born a good ways South of here, spent most of my childhood there. Moved to Boston... before the War. Now I stay with Piper in Diamond City between work, got an infield view and everything! Never would have bet on that the day I woke up in the Vault. I guess life’s funny, hunh? I - ...I’m glad to be there.
5. What was your childhood like? Oh, nothing special, really. My Pa was ex-military, a chaplain. Ma stayed home to tend the house, and raise rambunctious sons. She was - good. I wonder sometimes whether she’d be proud of me, out here.
6. What groups are you friendly with? Are you allied with any factions? Well, I am K i n g of the Castle - a-hem, I mean, General. Yeah, just General. (//Ronnie distantly yells something about the joke not being funny the 80th time)
[[There are rumors of Nate being a leading Railroad Agent, but he absolutely would not admit to that in a casual interview xD]]
7. Tell me about your best friend. Deacon? Hah! What can’t I tell you about him! He’s got a two-dozen kids. Twelve wives. One’s a ghoul. He’s also a synth, but you didn’t hear that from me. Has an extra toe on his left foot. Those sunglasses aren’t a fashion statement, they’re glued to his face. Horrible accident, really. Inoperable. He can speak five languages, including Zetan. I swear, it’s all true! But, ah. He’s a good friend. Better than he knows.
8. Do you have a family? Tell me about them! My son, Shaun, lives here at the Castle. I wish I could bring him to Diamond City, let him make friends with the other kids, try to give him something of the life he might’ve had before the War. But I’ve got enemies. The Minutemen have enemies. Comes with the job. It’s safer for Shaun to be here, out of the limelight. And also, you know, with a barracks full of guns ready at a minute’s notice if there’s trouble. My men are family, too. Hell, I feel closer to the people here than I did most of my own blood in the old world. There’s also my butler, Codsworth. And Natalie, Piper’s little sister - well, she may as well be my little sister, too. But hey, keep that one off the record. Nat’d never forgive me.
9. What about a partner or partners? I’m a happily tethered man, bound for life to one kickass reporter, Mrs. Wright. You may have heard of her. 
10. Have you ever heard of The Brotherhood of Steel? What do you think about them? [Nate seems more guarded] Yeah, I know them. That graveyard across the channel used to be their airship. I wish it had ended differently, but... well, war never changes.
11. Who are your enemies, and why? I suppose that’s a natural follow-up question. Well, most of the Raider gangs will attack on sight. Gunners, too. But we’ve managed to clear a pretty safe stretch between major towns over the past year. Since the Minutemen have established a pro-synth stance, more than a few settlements shut their doors on us. Lost a fair number of volunteers. But no violence so far. Other than that... the remnants of Brotherhood here aren’t fond of me, personally. Why? We parted on bad terms. Lets just - leave it at that. Anyone else out here can tell you the story. There are Institute survivors, too. We tried to get as many noncombatants out as we could the day it fell, but it was a battle. It was messy. A lot haven’t forgiven me for turning on them. [sighs] ...Can you blame them? The Minutemen have kept a running list of Courser sightings since then. So many still aren’t accounted for. Keeps me up at night, sometimes.  
12. What about The Enclave? I’ve heard rumors. None of them good. 13. How do you feel about Super Mutants? Tough bastards. I wish we could help them. I know they don’t all go crazy, and Virgil was making progress on a cure. But I haven’t seen him in years. We’re not - really on speaking terms.
14. Have you ever fought a Deathclaw? More than once, and never unscathed. Not bragging! It’s the truth. Take a look at this, [he rolls back his sleeve to show a massive scar running over his upper arm] Piper and I got pinned down, lizard gutted me and nearly lost me an arm. Also? Ruined my best flannel shirt.
15. What’s the craziest fight you’ve ever been in? Bunker Hill. What a hellscape. Between the Railroad and the Institute, things were hot enough. But somehow the Brotherhood found out, too. It’s a wonder Bunker Hill wasn’t razed to the ground. My Courser escort was killed in a Railroad ambush and the synths we were after escaped. I barely got out alive.
[[Nate actually killed X4-18 and helped the synths escape, but that’s another Railroad secret :’D]] 16. Do you like fighting? No. But I’ll do what I have to to stay alive and protect the people I care about. 17. What’s your weapon of choice? A modified radium rifle. I was a sniper back in my army days, it’s what I’m trained in. But if the fight does get close, this gun’s versatile enough to still be useful. Wish my loadout back in Anchorage did that. I’m fond of the laser musket, too - but you only get one shot, and then everyone will know exactly where you are. Strategically it’s too limited.
18. How do you survive? Your wits, your charm, your skills, brute force, some combination? (a.k.a. what’s your S.P.E.C.I.A.L?) My winning charm, of course! [winks] And trekking all over the Commonwealth keeps me fit for when folks aren’t so interested in talking. Piper keeps the luck for both of us. I’m - pretty sure I’m cursed, actually.
S(6) P(7) E(8) C(11) I(7) A(5) L(2)
19. Have you ever been in a vault? What do you think about them? I suppose I should be grateful, really. If not for the Vaults, I’d have died two centuries ago. I’d never have met Piper, or taught Shaun to play baseball. None of this... none of this at all would have happened. [grimaces] Don’t get me wrong. Vault-tec was fucking insane. The things they did to people in some of those Vaults-? I was uncharacteristically lucky. There’s a reason they call me the Sole Survivor, and it’s not from winning some tv game show about living on an island.
20. How do you beat all the radiation around here? Has it affected you? My Pip-Boy has a Geiger counter built in so I can avoid the worst of it. But sometimes it can’t be helped. I always keep Rad-Away and Rad-X on hand. Other than that, I bring the old vault suit to wear under my clothes if I know exposure’s inevitable. It helps a little. Piper likes to tease me about that, but somehow I think she prefers me with hair and less than six limbs. Plus, my ass looks great in blue. Her words. Not mine. Yes, you can quote that.
21. What’s your favorite wasteland critter? The radstags, no doubt! [motions to Legs Washington] Look at those little extra arms wiggling around. Adorable.
22. What’s your least favorite wasteland critter? Yao guais. They are way too stealthy for something that big. I dunno what they’re eating up in Maine, but Far Harbor was full of them. Big, grumpy ones. And look, have you ever tried to outrun a bear? Don’t.
23. How do you feel about robots? I like the ones that aren’t shooting at me! Codsworth and Ada are friends. Isabel’s eyebot, Sparks? Adorable. I even got this hat from an old Sentry named Ironsides. Those Rust Devils and their junk bots though? I try not to fight them without a lot of backup. Got ambushed by a Succubus once. Not a good time. At all.
24. How many caps do you have on you right now? Why, you planning to rob me? Kidding. About 200, which is a lot for me generally speaking.
25. Nuka Cola or Sunset Sarsaparilla? [Suddenly excited] Wait, does Sunset Sarsaparilla still exist?
26. Do you do chems? Aside from Med-X when I’ve been shot? Not if I can help it.
27. Do you ever think about the Pre-War world? Not as often as in the beginning, but it does happen sometimes. I’ll have dreams where I’m back in my old life, and it’s always... disorienting.
28. What’s your deepest regret? What would you do differently? There are - a lot. I’ll admit it. Sometimes I wonder, if I’d only just - hm... Well. To be honest, I’ve been trying not to linger so much on what I’ve done wrong, and focus on what I can do right for the future instead. Piper taught me that.
29. What’s your biggest achievement? Or what do you hope to achieve?  I’ll always be proud to call myself Mr. Wright. If I can be half the man Piper tells me I am, I’ll consider it a life well lived.
30. What do you want for the future? For yourself? Your friends? The world? Geeze, you could give my wife a run for her money with a loaded question like that! I want... a future where folks don’t have to be afraid of monsters coming after them in the night. I want synths to have a fair chance at living their own lives, as who they are, without pretending. I want Shaun to - be able to grow up. For myself? Everything I need is right here already.
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ruffiorocks · 5 years
Lena isnt the only one who has killed people.
Soo this might be unpopular, but if people are going to harp on about Lena killing Lex id like to remind you of a few other instances you seem to have forgotten about:
1. Kara killed or rather ‘obliterated’ parasite. Parasite was actually the mutated version of an innocent man called Rudy who was taken over by a parasite that corrupted him. Kara made the decision to kill him. Now whether you agree if this was justified or not is up to you,  but the fact is KARA made the decision to KILL a dangerous monster that would have caused all manner of havoc and nearly killed Jonn. But remember that Rudy himself was an innocent.
2, Anyone remember when Alex killed Astra with a KRYPTONITE sword?! Alex didnt have to kill Astra, Astra hesitated when she said she would kill Jonn. Alex could have stabbed her anywhere, like literally anywhere and then Jonn could have gotten out of the way. Again, this is up to you if you think its justified or not. But its still someone being killed. Astra wanted to save Earth, she didnt go about it in the best way but she wasnt your typical bad guy out for themselves. Alex killed her to protect Jonn.
3. I dont know why this one is ignored so much since it happened so recently, but am i the only one who saw Jonn MURDER an unarmed Manchester Black because Manchester taunted him? No just me that saw this happen? Manchester made Jonn see his family and then a white martian, Jonn, a centuries year old alien who has been through some s**t allowed Manchester to get to him, he then morphed into his Martian form in a rage, disarmed Manchester and didnt even hesitate to run him through with that staff! In other words, Jonn disarmed a guy and murdered an unarmed man because he got pissed. This one unlike the others, doesn't actual have any justifiable reason! 
4. Lena shoots Corbin, a man who had a GUN to Alex’s head, Kara is not faster than a gun touching Alex’s head. Adam died as a result of the Harun El, but he made the decision to go ahead with that even after Lena told him no and to go home. Adam was not a child, or a ‘kid’ he was an adult who made an adult and well informed decision. It went to s**t and Lena refused to do it again even when she was told to by Col Haley. You can talk legal ethics and all that jazz, but the fact is the show hasn't got time for logistics, if it did half the show would be in question.  Lex, a man who previously committed mass murders, both before and actually within the court. He killed all his guards, he then attempted to destroy Argo City (a city thriving now because Lena managed to figure out how to make Harun El), he was literally only seconds before trying to kill Kara! Lena knows that the world wont be safe with Lex in it so she makes the painful decision to shoot him. 
7. Remember when Kara went in guns blazing to kill Reign? When she made the decision to kill Reign but f**ked it up so Mon El and Alura died? She had to turn back time so she could save them and change HER DECISION to kill Reign. Shame Lena didnt have a time travel option to undo her mistakes.
6. Does anyone remember when Jonn was so pissed to see a White Martian he put KRYPTONITE hand cuffs on Kara, he had to have been carrying around with him so she couldn't stop him from killing the white martian? Alex and Kara had to beg Jonn not to murder it while it was UNCONCIOUS! No? Just me that remembers this then. Lucky Jonn had Kara there eh? 
7. Just a small one here, but does anyone remember when James, Winn and another CatCo employee were under the effects of Myriad and jumped off a building? Kara couldn't save all three, but she consciously chose to save James and Winn before that other woman. This isn't the same as her CHOOSING to kill Parasite, but Kara still made the decision to grab her friends first. This isnt necessarily a bad act, but it was Kara making a life and death decision for someone else in favor of two of her friends. We all know we would do the same, but that woman still died. 
Sooo how is the only bad one here Lena? Lena kills the DC version of Hitler 2.0 to protect the world, like the others who have all killed someone. But apparently Lena  is evil incarnate? Lex deserved a fair trial? Just like Hitler did? Yeah... no! If you had the chance to kill Hitler you would of. Lena apparently is the only one who is held accountable when she is responsible for a death, but Alex, Jonn and Kara get off Scott free and those deaths are completely forgotten. 
Kara wont ever forgive Lena for killing Lex or for the death of Adam? Well Kara was pissed at Jonn for a while because she thought he killed her aunt, someone she was related to and loved (so not the same as Lex) but when she found out that it was Alex, her own SISTER that killed Astra she was shocked for all of 5 seconds before she hugged Alex and reached out a hand to Jonn who had lied about it. Not sure Lena needs forgiveness from Kara for shooting HER brother anyway. 
Kara was also completely fine with the fact that Lena shot Corbin to save Alex. She even used it as an example when she was defending Lena to the rest of the gang. 
Adams death doesn't actually have bugger all to do with Kara even if she does find out. 
Kara was shocked for all of 5 seconds when Jonn unnecessarily killed an unarmed Manchester Black. When they got back to the hospital that same day she told him he could still be a man of peace and wasnt arsed at all. 
So Kara can forgive Alex for killing a member of her family, she can forgive Jonn for killing Manchester, she can forgive Lena for shooting Corbin who was trying to kill Alex, she can live with the fact she killed Parasite (with NO consequences and an apparent ‘no kill’ rule) and in an alternate time line attempted to kill Reign, but for some unexplained reason KARA wont be able to forgive Lena for shooting the insane, mass murdering, genocidal, psychopath who tried to kill her cousin, tried to kill her, tried to kill her best friend (Lena) had her other friend (James) shot, and attempted genocide again on Argo City that would have killed Kara’s mother and the rest of her race? Yeah..... I see some double standards going on here.
For the record, Lena doesn't need Kara’s forgiveness for the deaths of Lex and Adam. If she faced consequences for those she would be the ONLY one out of all the above to face consequences for killing people. Its lucky that Jonn had Kara around to talk him out of killing the martian, didnt seem to remember that little talk when it came down to Manchester, and Kara didn't seem to remember it either. Its a shame Lena didn't have her best friend to talk her out of killing Lex, but that another story. 
In conclusion, Lena is NOT the only one on this show who has killed/murdered someone. I honesty believe its just because people are looking at Lena expecting bad things to happen, or they hate her and they see nothing but bad things. But the others are all the ‘designated’ heroes so any murder or death they cause is absolutely fine, justifiable and instantly forgotten. They never face any consequences for their actions. Jonn was a civilian who killed another civilian, if Kara was actually doing her ‘JOB’ she should have taken him to the police station/DEO like she does anybody else. But again, logistics. 
For the record, im not saying there weren't reasons for all these deaths, or the above characters are bad, im just stating that it isnt all black and white and they aren't any better than Lena in these cases .
Whether or not what Lena did was right or wrong, the others have essentially done the same or had to be prevented from doing the same. Lena unfortunately didn't have a bestie super to talk her out of it, or the option of time travel to fix it. 
Oh and one last thing in response to “Lena HAD Kryptonite!”
1. Alex shot her SISTER out of the sky with Kryptonite. 
2. Jonn carried around a Kryptonite knife he ‘really liked’ and was disappointed when Kara the kryptonian didnt bring it back with her after a fight?? 
3. Jonn had Kryptonite cuffs he brought to a fight with him purely so he could use them on Kara so she could stop him from killing an unconscious alien. 
Rant over.
As always, discussion welcome, abuse not so much :-) 
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annoyedfanfiction · 6 years
Battle Slaves (1)
Warnings: language, violence and injury, slavery, death, 
Yondu x reader
"You don't know nothin'." Aleta Ogord wasn't used to insubordination. She had come to know the Kree battle slave as one who would obey her, would help her lead, and would have the ability to talk sense into the most wayward of plans and people. She barely recognised the anger in xir eyes now, as xie stood before her, rage lacing through xir very blood.
"What'd ya say ta me?" Aleta Ogord didn't waste time with formality. It wasn't required in the Ravagers. Her First Mate folded xir arms and raised xir head again.
"Ya don' known nothin' 'bout Yondu Udonta." Xie turned on xir heel, not even looking back at xir Captain or Stakar when xie paused. "You two think ya know wha' he did. Think ya know why 'e did it. But if ya think 'e willingly delivered a child to 'er death, 'er suffering, 'er enslavement? Ya don't know nothin' 'bout Yondu Udonta." Xie was gone before her Captain could even think to reply, and all Aleta could do was thank God that xie had waited until they were alone to speak. She pushed Stakar's gun down as the ex-slave disappeared down the hall.
"Don't even think 'bout shootin' ma First Mate." Stakar huffed, but tucked his gun back into his belt anyway.
"Dabria." Xir comm blinked to life in the hallway, and xie flicked it on.
"Kraglin. Have ya got the Terran kid?" The comm crackled, distantly, and Kraglin's confirmation rustled through. "Good. He's our responsibility now. I'm sorry I'm not with ya but I've an allegiance to ma Captain and ma crew. I'd never betray that, even in the smallest way. Just know that I'll always be here for the boy if 'e needs it, and for y'all. I'll do anything I can to convince them of ya innocence, but i's goin' ta be long an' difficult."
"Thank ya, Dabria." Xir door slid open as xir touch found the biomesh pad, and xie sank down onto the bed.
"Take care of 'im, Kraglin. An' the boy. An' ya self. A crew is a family an' don't ya ever let 'em forget that." Xie silenced xir comm and lowered xir head into xir hands. Ravagers didn't cry. Kree battle slaves didn't cry. Xie'd not cried since xie'd been a child, xie didn't even remember how to. So xie kicked an offending jacket across the room, just as the door swung open again.
"Captain." Xie was on xir feet immediately, arm thumping to xir chest, as Aleta deflected the jacket.
"Dabria. Sit." She strolled in, as much in command of herself as her ship, and seated herself in the ragged armchair in the corner. "I know this is hard for ya, an' I canna express 'nuff gratitude for ya loyalty. I canna imagine having to choose between Stakar and my crew. But sometimes we have ta accept tha' the ones we love are wrong."
"I know 'e were wrong, bu' can ya honestly tell me that you an' Stakar ha' never made mistakes? Never broken the code?" Aleta frowned at the floor, her eyes glossed into reminiscence.
"Of course we've. But we don' deal in children. I thought you an' Yondu of all people would know why." Knife to heart. "Special' after Lila." And twist.
"P'raps, but I thought you an' Stakar woulda known why either of us would scoop up a child from the streets wi'out a pause ta deliver 'er to 'er father." The anger Dabria wanted to be in xir voice dissipated when Aleta's hand came down, gently, onto xir knee.
"But why'd 'e agree to the second job?" Aleta was begging xem for an explanation, just like xie begged Yondu.
"'Cause Ego gave it out wit' a gun ta Kraglin's head." And he hasn't handed the boy over. Because the boy wasn't safe on Terra anymore, even once Kraglin was safe. Because Ego knew exactly where he was, and if Yondu didn't take him, someone else would. Aleta sighed, shaking her head.
"I'm sorry, Ria, but they knew what they w're doin'." Yondu's issue was that he had too much heart, even for his brain. Xie smiled, sadly, as xir Captain stood.
"His crew ain't ma responsibility, Cap," xie answered, nodding, making Aleta pause in the doorway. "Yondu mighta been wrong, but I ain't gonna forgive Stakar for this. I know where I stand and why, but ma loyalty to ma crew an' Captain's somethin' tha'll no' waver."
Screaming echoed through xir comm, as it crackled to life, and xie jumped, tightening xir grip on the steering controls.
"The hell's 'appenin'?" It was a child. Lila flashed through xir mind, and disappeared.
"'e won't stop screamin'!" Yondu's voice burst through the comm, as his face popped up in a hologram. "I ain't done nuffin' an' he's convinced I'm gonna eat 'im!"
"Ah, fuck's sake, put tha kid on." The screaming grew louder as a wild-eyed, terrified child appeared in the image. "Hey, sweetie, wha's ya name?" Xir voice was calm, was quiet, just like it had been for Lila. The screaming stopped, but the tears didn't.
"Peter," the boy offered, looking up at xem. "Quill."
"Nice ta meetcha, Peter," xie soothed, kindly, "I'm Ria. S'that blue ass scarin' ya?" Xie could feel Yondu huffing at xem across the galaxy, but Peter nodded, the movement almost imperceptible.
"Said he was gonna eat me." The little box Peter clutched to his chest shifted as the boy shook, but Dabria just smiled.
"Y'ain't gotta worry 'bout tha', Peter." Xir grin widened, displaying a row of jagged but white teeth, only a few silver caps, but one was missing from the top right. "Yondu knows he'll answer ta me fa tha'." Peter giggled, quietly, his tears drying.
"Where 'r you?" he asked, poking a finger at the hologram.
"I'm on anov'a ship," xie answered, happily. "Now, ya lie down an' go ta sleep, kid. Ya've go' a lotta learn t'morrow."
"Will Momma sing me a lullaby?" Peter murmured, sleepily, the hologram shaking as he scrambled into a laying position, still clutching the box to his chest. Not a single word was said, on either side of the connection. Xie hadn't sung to anyone since the Kree dragged xem from xir home planet. The home planet whose name xie hadn't even known until xir appearance had rippled into a new one, and Aleta had breathed out "Skrull". But the song xie knew. Could only hope xir voice would sound alright.
"Not. One. Word." The boy's breathing had evened out, and he seemed to have slipped off, as xie finished, cutting off her comm. Yondu's breathy chuckle was the last thing xie heard.
"Was that the Terran child?" Xie'd heard Aleta enter – xie knew the footsteps of xir crew like the back of xir hand.
"Yes, Cap'n." Xie wouldn't lie to xir Captain. Couldn't. Had no reason to.
"I thought Yondu had already delivered him to Ego." The Captain's voice was cold, and Dabria didn't dare turn to face her.
"Yondu isn't delivering him to Ego. He only took the boy off Terra so that Ego wouldn't know where he was anymore." Xie turned this time, as Aleta sighed, sinking into her seat in the centre of the bridge. Why didn't he say that? Aleta's question didn't even have to leave her mouth before Dabria knew what it would be. The woman practically raised xem, they could almost read each other's minds.
"I don't recall him being given a chance to speak. He couldn't tell the trial that when his mouth was still gagged in the courtroom." Because of Stakar. Xie wouldn't say that. Aleta knows it's there without it touching the air.
"Yondu still took the jobs, and nothing will change that. But perhaps, one day, he can become a Ravager again. Until then, Dabria, your relationship with him, his crew, and the Terran boy will be yours to manage alone." You know not to let it interfere with your crew, don't you, child? Aleta didn't need to say it for Dabria to know what that meant. It was xir's alone, and if it got in the way of xir duties then xir position would no longer be xir's.
"Yes Cap'n."
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dealersofatlanta · 6 years
Part 1: Chapter 4
2013: May 3rd
Ace: age 21
“Nah, make that shit happen. I don’t care how yall do it, just get it done. Yall playing I’ll take them niggas out myself if yall punk asses can’t do it!” I yelled on the phone with my homies Dom and Tyrel. Jade looked over at me. We was sitting at the dinning room, she was writting down shit in her journal. After I saved her from Davis, I took her in, made sure she had a car. Taught her how to drive, how to shoot, defend herself just in case anything happens to me. She went from being my fraile scared Jade to a bad bitch. I taught her what do if anybody came after us, and shit. She know how to kill and take anybody down. That’s my baby. “Sorry baby, business” She nodded. “What you writting?” I asked coming over to her. I kissed on her face. She giggled. “Another song about you” She said. I smiled. “Ah shit not another one” I said rolling my eyes playfully. My text tone went off on my iphone. It was this hoe named La-La. “Business again?” She asked. I quickly nodded. “Yeah, Ima be home late” I told her. She sighed. “This the 3rd time this week, I told you I needed you to come to my open mic night tonight” She stressed to me. “I got work to do, you don’t shit. I got to make sure we straight and protect our home J, shit stop trippin bruh” I said. She got up from the table, and flicked me off. “Fuck you Ace, I don’t do shit, cause you don’t want me to work nigga!” She stomped upstairs. I went into the basement to pick out what gun I wanted to carry today. I ain’t mean to snap at her. She knew I had a bad temper. I had a way with my words, she been knowing this. I went back upstairs. Jade was rushing downstairs with her purse, and keys. “Aye yo where you going?” I asked. She had on a beanie with some booty shorts an tank top, and timbs. “Out nigga” She snapped. “Nah not in them little bitty ass shorts” I snapped. She laughed at me. “J! Im serious” I said sternly. She stuck her middle finger up at me again. “Man, fuck her” I said to myself. I grabbed my keys, and headed out to, setting the alarm before I left.
I head over to the WestSide of Atlanta to see La-La. I had been knowing La-La for a minute. We was fucking around when I first got out of jail. She cool, and we fuck from time to time. She keep an eye out for me on the streets. She like my side bitch, but Jade always will come before her. I knocked on her door. “I ain’t think you would come, with wifey at home and shit” She said to me. I rolled my eyes. “I come over to fuck and to hear whats been going on that’s it keep My shawty out of this” I said. She nodded and started unbuckling my pants.
Afterwards, I laid in the bed smoking a blunt with La-La. “So whats been going on?” I asked her. “Rico, been running his mouth about killing off everybody in the Ace of Spades gang. He trying to take Omari spot anf Jackalls on the eastside” She said. I laughed. “They aint bout to do shit” I said. I passed her the blunt. “Thats all I know for now” She said. I nodded. “Thanks, you a real one” I kissed her. She smiled. “You want something to eat?” She asked. I nodded. “Yeah what you bout to cook? Noodles?” I asked. She smiled. “Shut up, you love me food” She said. I nodded. “True” I said. I went to get in the shower.
Jade: age 20
I sat watching my friend Mia reciting a poem by Mya Angelou. I was nervous, my leg was shaking. “Give it up for Mia Abrams” I stood up and clapped for her. She excitedly got off the stage. “Now give it up for an aspiring singer Jade Marie, singing a cover JoJo- Keep On Keepin On”. I drank some water from my water bottle, and walked up to the stage. I was nervous as hell. I closed my eyes as the song started.
https://youtu.be/EaYCAZuSpPM (Its also on playlist)
You got to keep on keepin on
You got to keep your head up high
You gotta work with what you've got
And someday you will flyyyyy
Poor kids pouring cold water in their cereal
Second hand clothes
Surviving is pivotal
Praying to God at night
That things'll get better soon
I remember when I was in your position
Tried to tell people my story
But no one would really listen
I know times are hard right now
Happiness is hard to find right now
You got to keep on keepin on
You got to keep your head up high
You gotta work with what you've got
And someday you will flyyyyy
You got to keep on keepin on
You got to keep your head up high
You gotta work with what you've got
And someday you will flyyyyy
Lookin out the window to a rose grows in concrete
Dreamin' of the day when you'll be standing on your own feet
Hard to find the good in such a scene so bad (so so sad)
Seein other kids with their Tims on
Fresh with Air Ones, wish I had one
Longin' for a day when you get your chance to shine
Don't worry, there'll come a tiiiiiiime
Young girl sittin' on the steps of her duplex (mmmm)
Why did God choose to make my life so complex
Breathing to the beat of a slow, sad drum
Trouble is her only source of fun
I can almost guarantee you
It'll get better soooooon
After the song ended everyone started clapping. I opened my eyes smiling. “That was amazing Jade Marie everybody” I waved and quickly walked off stage. “See and you were nervous for nothing” Mia said. I laughed. “ I know”. She looked around. “Where’s your man?” She asked. I put on a smile. “He had to work” I told her. She nodded. “Hey my name is Marcus Gardener, I’m a producer in Atlanta, your performance was really good, you have a innocent star quality to you I would like to work with you... is that okay?” He asked. I nodded. “Yes! Yes I mean sure no problem, I will give you my number” I told him. He smiled and nodded. “Girl he was fine” Mia said. I rolled my eyes. “Yes but Im taken” She sucked her teeth in. “Shit then hook me up!” She said. We headed out and went to waffle house, then I headed home. Ace wasn’t home when I got home. It was 1:15 am. I sighed when I walked in. He was notorious for sometimes being gone being in the streets all night. I went upstairs and got settled in, before I could get in I called him to see where he was at. He answered the phone. “Ace where you at?” I asked. He didn’t answer I just heard moaning on the other end. “Ace!?” I yelled. I quickly hung up the phone. I was trying to keep my shit together. I took a shower and got out and I started crying. I couldn’t believe that someone I fully trusted had did this to me. I hesistated calling on if I should call Mia but I called someone else. “Hello?” I heard Omari say. “Hey O, um can I stay over there for awhile?” I asked. “Ace okay? It’s 2am suh you good?” He said. I started crying. “Can I please, I caught Ace cheating and I have no where to go” I cried. He sighed. “Aight I got you” He said. I packed some of my shit and quickly left the house. Omari had 3 houses. He luckly was at the one 15minutes from Ace crib. I pulled into his gates and drove up the drive way. I got out my G- Wagon. Omari was waiting for me at the door. “Hey J” He said hugging me. His girlfriend Naomi was sitting on the staircase. “Hey JJ” She said I softly smiled. They let me stay in the guest house. “Ima get the nigga Ace straight believe that aight. Here’s some xanax man hopefully you can sleep” He said before walking out.
When I woke up the next morning. I got up , and seen I had alot of messages from Ace.
I got up and washed my face before walking into the other house. I seen Ace car outside. I opened the back door into the house. “Man! I fucked up I know!” I heard Ace yelling. Naomi was sitting on the bar stool looking at me. “Well I was hoping you wasn’t going to walk into this” She said. “She been through alot! Why would you get with her to put her through more shit, you always fucking up Ace!” I heard Omari yell. “Oh yeah thats me Ace the fuck up! Man fuck that shit im out!” Ace yelled. “You always walk away Ace, come fix this shit” Omari yelled. Ace walked into the kitchen and looked at me. “J, come out with me real quick” He said. I looked away from him. “Im good Ace” I said to him. “J baby please” He stressed. I got up and went to the guest house door he followed me. “J, I was just fucking her thats it. I don’t love her, like I love you” He stressed. I looked at him and I walked back into the house and closed the door. He banged on the door for a minute. “Ima stay out here all day, all week all month J. I can’t live without you” He said outside the door. Jade don’t open that door I thought to myself. I put my hand on the handle, then took it off. He kept knocking on the door. I took another pill to knock me out. I took pride in listening to him bang and plead outside, I fell asleep listening to Trey Songs “Smartphones”. I woke up to hearing glass break. I got up quickly and seen Ace at the door with his hand bleeding. “Are you crazy!?” I yelled. He had blood leaking from his hand. “Don’t leave me! I need you!” He stressed. His face was red, I can tell he been crying. “Im soo sorry. I’ma come to your music shit, ima take you all over the world. Give me one more chance J baby” He said. I grabbed the first aid kit under the kitchen sink. I washed his hand off and wrapped it up, after putting peroxide on it. He grabbed my face and kissed me, I couldn’t resist him so I kissed him back. I pulled him back. “Ace, if you do this again. I will never forgive you” I said to him. He nodded. “I ain’t fucking up again”.
2months later: July 30th 2013
Omari: age 27
Naomi and I were doing a wedding registry in Neiman Marcus. We had been together for 2 years and I was certain she was it. After the 1st year, I introduced her to my lifestyle. I was scared she would run but she slowly accepted it. She begged me to quit, but then asked me to show her my world. Ace, X and I agreed the women in our lives needed to be protected. I had Naomi trained with Mackel, and X taught her the business, I showed her around. She learned pretty face, after that I wanted to make her my Queen fast. I know it was wrong for me to steal my homies girl but Teej was in jail, and they wasn’t even that serious. “Ooh baby, this is nice. Im adding this” She said. I nodded. “Whatever you want” I spoiled her like no other. I had her leave her job, finish school paying off her tuition. I got her 2 cars. She wanted a Range Rover, and A Merceedes. We was getting married soon, only 3 weeks away.
3 weeks later: August 13th 2013
Naomi: age 24
“You sure?” I asked Doctor O’hara. “Yeah, two heart beats” She said. I looked at the monitor again. “Thats not my heart beat and the baby’s?” I asked. She laughed, and shook her head. “No that’s definitely two babies in there” She said to me. I sighed. Omari is going to fucking flip his shit. “Can I get those to go?” I asked. She nodded. “Sure”. I had been knowing I was pregnant for a while, but wanted to keep it lowkey because of the wedding. I grabbed my evenlope from the doctors and left the building and got into my car. I took out the evenlope and looked at my ultrasound pictures. “Twins?, man what the fuck?” I said out loud. I put the pictures away, I started my car and drove to the venue. I was getting married in 24hours. “Naomi where have you been? We been looking all over for you!” My bestfriends Teddy and Keisha said. The grabbed me and brought me inside. I seen they had through me a mini party. “We bought to get fucked up!” Teddy screamed. My mom was throwing back shots with my aunt Kiki. “Come on drink Mimi!” Teddy yelled. I shook my head. “I dont want to be hungover at my wedding” I lied. Teddy sighed. “Take one shot” He said. I shook my head. He grabbed me into the bathroom in the hotel room of Chataue Elan. “Bitch are you knocked up?” He said. I sighed, and started crying. “Yesss, and Im having twins” I cried. Teddy was in shock. “Bitch what?” He said. I nodded. “I went to the doctors today, Im 13 weeks pregnant, and its 2 babies Teddy, 2 fucking kids at the same time, like what the fuck!” I cried. He snatched my shot out my hand and chugged it. “Honey, Congradulations I guess babies are a blessing. God ain’t giving you nothing you can’t handle” He said to me. I nodded slowly. Teddy didn’t understand. Im marrying Atlantas top organized drug dealer, who has hits on him at the moment then on top of that! Im pregnant with two babies! Twin babies. Like God I see what your doing, Im very blessed but now I’m overwhelmed. I groaned. “I need to see O” I stressed. Teddy shook his head. “He is having his bachelor party wait till tomorrow” He said. I nodded, he brought me back out to the party. “Ima fix you some food” He said. Keish came up to me. “You good?” I nodded. I didn’t want everyone knowing when my baby daddy/husband didn’t even know yet. Teddy passed me a plate of Rotel, and Fried Fish. I inhaled the fish and my stomach turned. I quickly put the plate down and ran to the bathroom to throw up. I heard a knock at the door and seen Jade. I opened the door for her. “You okay Naomi?” She asked. I started crying again. She got a towel and wet it, passing it to me while rubbing my back. “Is it like them wedding jitters or whatever?” She asked. I shook my head. “Im um Im having a baby” I said. She smiled widely. “Oh my gosh congrats girl” She said. I shook my head. “Im not happy about it” I told her. She shrugged. “Why not?” She asked. “Getting married is one thing but im marrying into the game, now you want me to put my babies at risk too?” I said. Her eyes widened. “Twins?” She asked. I nodded. “Well I been knowing Ace since I was 13, and I been around the game so much I got used to the ins and the outs, and you knew O was down when you fell for him, you knew the risk, the one thing you should know is them niggas aint going to ever let shit happen to us or the people they love, yall got this you good” She told me. I wiped my face. “You right” I said. Teddy busted into the bathroom with my mom. Teddy looked at me and sighed. “This is killing my high, I mean my buzz” He said. He walked out the bathroom. “Mimi you good?” She asked. I nodded.
After I threw up, I went to sleep in Jade’s room, since Ace was going to be with O all night. I didn’t want to ruin the mini bachelorette they through me so I just left them to party while I got some sleep. I woke up to my alarm, letting me know it was time to get dressed. My nerves were shot. I been throwing all morning, and crying. “Mimi fucking chill!” Keisha yelled annoyed. “Man fuck this” I got up with my hair pincurled and my make up done. I had on a robe and slippers. I left my make up stylist room and went down to Omaris floor. I heard Rich As Fuck by Lil Wayne blasting. I banged on the door. “Yooo wazzam sis” Ace said. His breath smelled like henny. “Um its bad luck Naomi” X said. I waved him off. “I need to talk to you” I said to O. He looked at me crazy and nodded. He grabbed my hand, and lead me to the balcony. “You look beautiful, but I aint supposed to see you right now, whats up baby, you bout to dip on a nigga?” He asked. I shook my head. “Uhhh I been scared to tell you this but I wanted to say something before the wedding” I said fiddling with my fingers. “What? Baby just say that shit” He said. “Im pregnant” I said. He stepped back a little. “Since when?” He asked. I rolled my eyes. “Since 13 weeks ago nigga! Im pregnant okay, 13 weeks to be exact” I said. He wiped his hand across his face. “Aight okay thats cool, its all good baby” He simply said. I shook my head, and handed him a picture. “Whats this the baby?” He asked analyzing the picture. “Babies and yes” I simply said. He looked at me then the picture, “Babies?” He asked. I nodded and put up the number 2. “Twins” I said. He quickly walked back in and snatched the henny bottle from Ace and started downing the liquor. “Twins!” He yelled. I sighed and nodded. “O please dont make a scene” I calmly stated. He walked back over to me. “So look, we going to figure this out just please get ready so I can marry your beautiful ass, my fucking baby mama” He said to me kissing me. I smiled at him. I nodded and left to go back up to my suite to get dressed. “OMG nigga! We thought you ran, you got 30minutes come on!” Keisha panicked.
X age 18:
“So you want this type of wedding one day or nah?” I asked Heiress. She smiled at me as we danced. “Something quiet, intimate” She simply said. “I can deal with that” I said smiling. She looked at me. “Are you insinuating that you want to marry me Xander Domonic Knight?” She asked. “Ehhhh maybe” I said. She laughed at me. “I love a man that knows what he wants” She simply said. We were dancing to “Must be nice” by Lyfe Jennings. “Okay man, let me go ahead and give this toast” Ace said clickling on Wine Glass. “First off I want to thank my baby J, for being there for me regardless, and to my big bruh, you my nigga man Im happy you found a bitch to hold you down” Ace said. Naomi awkwardly smiled, O shook his head and laughed. The older people shook they head at his speech. “Uh thanks bruh” O said. I tapped on my glass I grabbed off a table. “Uh thanks for that speech Ace., uh Naomi thank you for being down with O, and being a real one by his side, he’s a great dude. An amazing big brother and we love yall and wish yall nothing but love”. O and Naomi lifted their glasses. “Thank yall” Naomi said. O stood up. “I want to thank all yall coming to celebrate our union, I also want to let everyone know that Naomi and I will be welcoming our first kids, twins come 2014” He said. Everyone looked shocked but started clapping including me and Heiress. “Wow” I said. “Congrats nigga!” Ace yelled. He was drunk as fuck. “Congrats yall” We all said. The DJ went back to playing music.
6 months later: January 14th 2014
Over the pass 2 years, Heiress and I had graduated highschool, she went to Georgia State for nursing, and I went to Georgia Tech to major in business, then after that I was going to Cordon Bleu to be a chef, O had moved out to a house in Kennesaw with Naomi since they was starting a family, so I had the whole Mansion to myself. Heiress had wanted a college life before she decided to move in with me, plus her mom wasn’t feeling it. I had got a call from Omari while I was in school. He had left me like 4 missed calls. I pulled up at the spot, where we supplied our shit and did our deals. “What’s going on? I was in the middle of a test when you called” I told O. He had his gun out, along with K.C and was shushing me. He passed me a gun and a bullet proof vest. “Niggas in here robbing us”. He whispered. I heard a silent engine roaring. I looked and seen it was Ace in his Ashton Martin. His door lifted up and he got out the car clocking his gun with his vest already on. “Man the fuck yall out here standing for, niggas messing with our money” Ace walked pass us. K.C shook his head “Shit bout to be messy forreal now”. Ace walked in and I was behind him. We seen niggas in all black stuffing shit in they bags. Ace aint hesitate and started shooting. O was fighting a nigga, K.C and I went upstairs. The men started shooting at us. I shoot back. We had a big shoot out. Finally all the niggas was dead in the spot except one who O had held for questioning. “We need to get this shit out before police show up and set up another spot” I simply said. O nodded. Ace was sitting on the counter eating chips with blood splatter on his face. I shook my head. Homie was crazy. K.C laughed. “You always eating after a shoot out, weird ass” He said. Ace shrugged. “Shit had me hungry” He said. “Who sent you, Ima ask you one more time before I paint these walls with whats left of you?!” O yelled with a machete in his hand. “Jackall” He simply said. “Who is that?” I asked. “The king of East Atlanta” He simply said. “How you find our shit?” O asked. “Jackall said he has connections” O nodded. “We got a snitch in our crew?” He asked him. The nigga shrugged. “I know nothing else just what was told, I swear” He said. “Aight” O said. Before O could untie him, shots rang off killing the nigga. O looked over at Ace. “Nigga, Damn” O said. Ace simply looked at us. “My shawty cooking tonight, I got to be home before she start bitchin, and he was just going to run his mouth anyways. Cops 15 minutes away lets pack shit and head out” Ace said. K.C started laughing. “He’s such a Gemini” He said. I started laughing too, cause he wasn’t lying. We grabbed most of our shit, cleared the place out of any identity, and got the hell on to reload our shit into another safe house to reload. I headed out home, to get cleaned up.
When I got to my crib. I seen Heiress car in the drive way. I had gave her a key to my crib eventhough we don’t live together. I walked inside the house. “Heiri” I called out. “Im in here” She said from my dinning room. I walked in and seen her sitting there with my guns on the table. I sighed. “Why do you have 4 guns?” She asked. I actually had a gun in each room, bathroom and 5 in the kitchen. I shrugged. “Protection, my dad gave them to me” I lied. She slowly nodded. “But there not even normal guns X, what is this like an Ak-47? what about this a pistol? I dont know what you call these other two, are these even registered X. What if the police find these, and theres bodies on these you will go to jail!” She panicked. “Heiress, baby chill man please I been having these it’s okay” I said to her. She folded her arms. “You sure?” She asked. I nodded. “Baby its all good, Just protection” I stated. She slowly nodded her head. “I came over to surprise you by cleaning your big ass house and cooking dinner, Im sorry I got nosey” She told me. I grabbed her and kissed her forehead. “Mi casa su casa” I said to her. She smiled. “You already being a wife to yo man, I love it! I love you!” I said to her. She smirked. I took the guns off the table and took them down to the basement. The basement had a key pad entry. If it didn’t Heiress would have found the drugs that I had in the basement. My trap phone buzzed. “Wazzam?” I answered. “We got more problems X, that Jackall nigga hijacked our stash while we was shooting the niggas in the spot earlier today” K.C said. I sighed. “Shit! We got to put out a hit now, but we wait on O, what he say?” I asked. “Naomi went into early labor, O is busy. I just got to call Ace” He stated. I nodded. “Ace would handle that shit quick” I said. K.C laughed. “Aight, Ima get Ace” He hung up the phone. I heard knocking on the basement door. I ran up the steps. “What’s up?” I asked closing the door behind me. “When are you going to show me what’s down there?” Heiress said. I shrugged. “One day” I simply said. She pouted. “When is that?” She asked. I sighed. “What you cooking?” I asked her. She rolled her eyes. “Whats down there X just tell me!” She said. “My dads business stuff, that’s it” I said. She shrugged, “Well let me look?” She said. Someone knocked on the door. I quickly went to the door to see who it was. It was Ace. “What up bruh bruh?” Ace said dapping me up. He looked at Heiress. “What up Heiress?” He said. She put on a smile coming over to hug Ace. “Hey Ace” She said greeting him. “Lets talk” Ace said. Heiress went back to kitchen. We walked down stairs to the basement. “Whats up?” I asked. “My gang ready to roll, problem is my nigga said he seen TiTi hanging over at the eastside spot where Jackall hide out is” He told me. I looked up at him. “Tiana?” I asked he nodded. “Aint want to shoot up the whole spot killing your blood” He said. I nodded. “Ima handle Tiana” Ace nodded. “I got to get back to the east side and secure my shit on my turf” He simply said. We went back upstairs. “You leaving?” Heiress asked. I nodded. “Tiana shit again” I told her. She rolled her eyes. “Tiana is such a problem but okay go be a big brother, I will see you later” She said kissing me. Ace made a funny face. “Yuck” He said. “You don’t kiss you shawty?” I asked. He smirked. “We do alot but I don’t like seeing yall kiss, but I got to dip and go with Jade to check on MiMi yall coming?” He asked. I nodded remembering O was at the hospital with his wife. “Yeah Ima see yall there” He nodded and got in his car. I drove to Decatur to visit Tiana. She wasn’t answring her phone.
Character Pics:
La-La (Alexis Sky) age 19:
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Heiress: age 18
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rennyji · 3 years
family, friends, enemies, the be natural thing, normal tweets
Its June already...another month in "the situation"...June 1st tweets...
You know, with the exception of one or two cousins, most of my family, maybe because of “the situation”?! Is more loyal (for lack of a better word) to my parents, than me. Such is my revelation over the last 11 years. One cousin I lived close to, in India for a while, -
-he’s around my age, and should be a brother I can tell secrets to, or “hooks me up.”Otherwise, he’s a very sincere/caring individual who is a real asset to our family. “Hook up” as in connect me -
- with my kind of women from his multicultural work establishment at TechnoPark or take me to a “todi shop” , where you get special kind of alcohol and spiced beef in this part of India, so that I can get different taste of life, make a memory, and have life experience. -
-He’s attending to my parents desire of keeping me as an individual who prays all day who needs to talk to someone, when that’s one side or nonexistent side to a guy who’s image is facing life’s obstacles in a leather jacket. -
-At this age and in my freakin’ 20’s, he chooses to be like a parent or uncle worried about what my parents think, or doing what my parents want for me, instead of thinking of what I as an individual need. All instead of being a brother or friend, understanding of me. -
-I think he’d try to talk to me or ask me questions to get information for my parents and this undignified “thing” of a situation-very brotherly.-
-On a different note, I mean, he spends a lot of time knowing his kids, but my parents, no offense to them, don’t listen to me when I speak because they’re in a rush to speak or defend, and they don’t know my likes/interests/hobbies.-
-Until recently, my mother didn’t know my favorite color. She’s stubborn to the point where she won’t try to learn either. They may have recently found out about such things like likes/interests/hobbies through the eavesdropping/stalking situation. -
-I mean, for the sake of a point, while in my very early 30s, it’s only now that I even shared with my mom, and not my dad, that I had two girl friends while in college. Some things like that, you cannot share with Indian parents until things get serious -
-and you want to move to the next chapter/adventure. I love my mom and dad, and would die for them and care for them in old age, but they don’t know much about me. My memories of my mom, for instance, are of her cooking, cleaning, buying me clothes,-
-taking me to doctor appointments when sick, and used to paying tuition, and a lot of yelling - ACTUAL BIG THINGS but nothing that requires a heart, it’s a parents duty. I tried telling her that, but no patience. She’s too busy taking it as an insult. -
-When Ive had any kind of problem in life outside of getting me a tutor for school or whatever when struggling, I’ve been on my own. Never helped me with a problem. It’s culturally not allowed to talk to her about problems with a girl friend, fears you may be struggling with,-
-or the cherry on top: talking about “this situation” and its origins. It’s a hard sad d**che bag thing to say, but if I manage to get my own maid, there wouldn’t be much to reminisce over my mom. -
-My dad is too busy philosophizing about family ideals &preaching. I mean he couldn’t dream of making the religious points I do, or no offense, pray “heart fueled” prayers in the mind over “out-loud” mechanical singing/praying out of thinking that makes him a solid human being. -
-Both my parents need to listen more and talk less. When I share something I like or about myself with my mom, she’ll be like, why are you telling me or will hammer @ something while I’m talking, literally. I mean I tried correcting things with my mom by talking to her about it,-
-but you never get through, although forgivable on both sides as and when needed. On a side note, quality of life in India is understood as how religious you are and your spending power. Me using saved potential rent money on fitness equipment-
-and massage guns makes it seem like I have nothing to complain about. It adds to my family being unable to admit to problems, when I mention things to do with a life of meaning. Stuff like that gives life experience and teaches you what you want. -
-In my girl friend/wife, I need a woman who’s patient, listens, comprehends, and so forth...but back to the point about the cousin...-
-I mean, after a certain age, you want friends in ur family. In India, amongst my family, if a relative does a favor like sit with you for a day in mostly silence, at someone else’s suggestion, that means ur best friends.-
-All these random formalities and awkwardness arises with genuinely good, sincere people. My best friends are people who “do stuff with me or for me” and that I can “confide in.” But I guess that’s where you gotta go out and meet people. -
-Family can’t always be as you desire or expect, as life is complicated in its own respective way for everyone, be it through difficult personalities or cultural formalities. People need to find their kinda people to be friends and family. I’ve heard:
-“Friends are the brothers and sisters God forgot to give us.”
what else, what else....
I don’t understand how the orchestrators overpower or left me under my parents. For that, do they meet all the criteria for their entertainment? Did anyone do psychological background checks on everyone involved for something as massive as this? -
-This could take a toll on my parents when they have to betray their son. This could take a toll on the orchestrators after 11 years of failure and lies. I mean parents’ culture restricts them from letting me live the normal American life required of the “show.”-
-For them, it’s religion all day/everyday(Christian that is). While they’ve been in the country for 11  years & dealt with non Indian people, do they understand things or see things the way I have the potential of doing? Did they understand the depth & severity of this project?-
-&like a lot of minority parents, or parents from elsewhere,or who haven’t been in America's love dovy way of handling things for generations, despite myParent’s undeniable love4me &willingness 2give me everything b4 this, theyd beat me as a child if I misbehaved/got a badGrade.-
-There were instances where my dad, who I don’t see any less &just doing his job cuz of what Im used to, beat me w/a hanger till my legs turn red. But when American entertainment officials come along yrs later, does this kind of history check out w/ ur possible background check?-
-Did the orchestrators do their homework at all? Its amidst this kind of setting, that Ill punch a wall once or throw things twice in 11 years after days of provocation. In our normal lives, do the orchestrators think any of this matters or at least 2 us, as people, as a family?-
-For taking eleven years of my life, when I was at my prime, when friends have mine have become lawyers with beautiful couples and children, if I can take that kind of beating and what you did to me through these years along-
-with personal hardships and growth, wait till you see what I do to you, one by mine. Riches and glamour can’t replace 11 years of torment. -
-Life is great, but between the orchestrators and me, it’s kind of like Jefferson Pierce in final few episodes of Black Lightning against Tobias Whale for killing his father and tormenting his family. Jefferson has a life with super powers. But when he loses them, -
-he faces Tobias in a showdown, where he accepts the possibility of death. I am willing to lose everything and end up on the street to see the orchestrators rot in jail for persisting, carelessly, in what is, my life.-
-The orchestrators messed up my youth, my family, my chance at a 4.0 GPA education, the resulting career opportunities, my health, social opportunities, putting me through the indignity of having my world basically on team on speaking terms against me who they never talk to...-
- all for an America that I once compared to heaven because of its potential for altruism and representation from all over. Do the orchestrators realize what they set up today I had already without them years ago? Way to steal my life on "multiple levels."-
-Enjoy the rest of our time together, orchestrators. U, the orchestrators, cowards, hide behind high end tech &possible authority figures or government contracts, but when we’re face 2face, provoke me in person, I dare you, as urself, &me as me, not you doing ur weird mind cr*p.-
-Let’s see if the orchestrators have the b*lls, before one of us undeniably is guaranteed to go down, whoever it is.
moving on ... what else ...
I’m honestly talking about my family and the situation, because after 11 years, through observations and the situation not ending, I’m convinced no one is actually being honest about me.  (I used the word “observations” in the last sentence.-
-Problem with using that word is that the orchestrators will forge the next setting with things for me to pick up on cuz they’re psychotic and refuse to restore the natural setting and normalcy of my life-natural setting is what I’ve been after for 11 years...)-
-I mean what comes to mind in seeing me without any of this in ur head, while not denying/hiding/ what’s happened to me over these 11+ years?! - THATS THE NATURAL SETTING. ONE directive, ONE instruction...and if taking care of what I’m after was ur goal, this is it, ur done. -
-Doesn’t require resources or effort on anyone’s part. It’s just people being themselves- natural.-mentioned/repeated multiple times in old complaints.) 
so now some normal tweets before I get on with my day...
So apparently, a massage gun isn’t a substitute for foam rolling or stretching...
“Tea tree hair and body moisturizer” leave in conditioner is, I think, the greatest hair gel ever. When my hair was thick and long, I used to use tea tree styling wax, topped off with Sebastian potion 9 leave in conditioner...but I really love the tea tree moisturizer...-
-the tea tree moisturizer...you can use it on ur hair and skin...wish this stuff existed ages ago...
The kiehls blue eagle shave cream provides a smoother shave 4“me” than their lotion...they have another version that I just want to try: the white eagle version-$7 more...I put “me” in quotes, cuz it might work for others...i think different men have different kinds of stubble.-
-There’s this one guy working at a coffee shop I go to, who’s got to be having the smoothest cleanest shave. You see no stubble. But I mean the concept of shave lotions are nice cuz you can just wipe off when done. -
With Shave creams over shave lotions, you gotta wash off, and washing ur face and neck in the sink just gets water everywhere.
“Yogibo Support” is good for reading or looking at your phone on your bed. Google it.
I’ve talked about Punjabis and “ pagdiwalas, “ but that being said, if there are any Guju’s like Ameesha Patel, hit me up.
Best combination of an idea: get the DoorDash dash pass free trial for a month and if you have around a $150 rewards from ur credit card, transfer it to DoorDash gift card. It’ll get you 2 weeks of outside food or restaurant food for breakfast, lunch, dinner. -
-Credit card rewards! Take advantage. Nice to use card with benefits-quite an incentive over cash. That’s how I’ve been ordering food, if that too is part of the “entertainment”, not cuz I’m loaded. Just a regular guy under 11 years of hype. -
-Be natural. React in what comes to mind on seeing me, minus pre-exisitng cr*p in ur head, without hiding/denying the existence of that cr*p.
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