#im midway through S4 and im terrified.
heph · 2 months
Feeling incredibly ill about James Wilson today. Thinking about the scene where Bonnie revealed that she was the one who jumped him, that Wilson genuinely believed that they were going out as friends.
Does that apply to all of his other marriages? It feels as if Wilson doesn't know what he wants, and that he just want whatever his partner wants. He follows women like a puppy all the way into marriage and it's just so AGHHH
There's no corner of himself he won't sacrifice for the sake of others, he desires nothing but to give people pieces of himself until there's nothing left -- but that's not true, because he smiles and enjoys his time without any barriers when he's with House. But is that a symptom of giving himself to House or is that just who he is?
He constantly is second to others, constantly lets House take the lead (though he's still in charge, because House is completely submissive to him lol) and it feels like he just becomes whatever people need him to be, in the moment. And I think that is incredibly sad.
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itwasmagic · 4 years
tagged by: @sarahsjeffery (thank u this one was very fun! sorry i’m late)
rules: pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. don’t cheat. tag some people
lost girl
who is your favorite character in 2?
regina mills
who is your least favorite character in 1?
oh noooo why did i pick this order...... massimo,,, wait no!! hades for what he did to tamsin and aife and trick and well everyone??? but also what the fuck was rainer get out of here i block out all of s4
what is your favorite episode of 4?
i liked there’s a mummy on main street bc of the car scenes and getting more backstory of the twins and hope
what is your favorite season of 5?
i thinnnkk season 2
who is your favorite couple in 3?
tara and willow
who is your favorite couple in 2?
emma and regina
what is your favorite episode of 1?
okay every question about lost girl is gonna make me emotional i love the kenzi scale and fae-ge against the machine!!  
what is your favorite episode of 5?
maybe the masquerade ep for the costumes or like the one where they did that play of lilith im not good with ep titles and stuff when i watch on netflix bc they all blur into one
what is your favorite season of 2?
probably s1 intense sq and no beards,, yes
how long have you watched 1?
i think s2 started while i was midway through s1 so for about 9 years
how did you become interested in 3?
OHH THIS IS A STORY well i was 2.5yo when it started and a lady my dad worked with used to love it and talk about it so apparently being an annoying toddler learning to talk i kept bugging my dad about it (even tho i probably had no clue what it was about) but my ever sensible mam was like u literally cannot watch this show with a toddler it will TERRIFY her but then when i was about 3-4 he finally let me watch it and i was obsessssssed and anyone who has met me irl i feel like if you watched it you’d just be like “oh,, ,this is why she’s that way” bc i was raised on it i’m dramatic and blunt i can’t help it but that’s also why i had not much memory of the first couple of seasons so i needed a rewatch badly
who is your favorite actor in 4?
i dont know all the cast that well but from what i’ve seen i love kaylee and her love of theatre
which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
you’re really gonna make me pick between lost girl and ouat (sorry i love caos but it doesn’t even come close),,,, probably lost girl bc i met most of my fandom friends from that show, i have a tattoo, the cons were my absolute fav and even though i didn’t love the plots of s4 and 5 as a whole they had really good stand alone episodes but ouat i feel fell flat in a lot of ways and i was watching it purely for swan queen
which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?
i’ve probably rewatched 1 more but 3 was longer running/had many more episodes
if you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
probably none they all have not good stories lol
would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
oh my god yessss imagine buffy turning up at the salvatore school going after some ripper vamp with no humanity and hope jumping in like u don’t have to do this alone!! and oz becoming part of the pack!!
pair two characters in 1. who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?
okay lost girl has gone in almost every direction possible but man do i want kenzi/evony to be a thing no one attaccc me that scene where kenzi, nate and evony go out for dinner in table for fae sent me 
overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
uhhh i think coas is probably more focused
which has better theme music, 2 or 4?
i think ouat’s is maybe more iconic to me
tagging: @sopheirion @bidoctor @softhizzie @mareyshelley (sorry if you’ve already done it bc im so late)
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