#im like i dont care!!! when does it end!!! except running but if u run a mile slow?
fagcrisis · 2 months
i read another bad YA book: when will my suffering end
my dear friend and long time training partner viki is obsessed with the arc of a scythe series by neal shusterman, and she forced me, literally at sword-point to read the first book. it seems that my fate is to forever read bad books about teenagers where nothing really happens
scythe takes place in a world where humanity has defeated death. nanotechnology allows people to stay young forever, or old forever if they so choose, and revives people from every kind of death if their corpse is recoverable. overpopulation becomes a problem though, as humanity cannot leave the planet, and so a special group of people called the Scythes are tasked with "collecting" people to keep the number of people down. scythe faraday chooses two teenagers, citra and rowan to be his apprentices, however there is a deadly challenge awaiting the two at the end of their apprenticeship. only one of them can become a scythe, and their first task will be to collect their fellow apprentice
*i read this book in hungarian so im translating a couple of things on the fly, if i mess anything up dont tell me i doubt any of you care about this book that much
THE WORLDBUILDING is bad. the initial concept is actually fascinating i can never get enough of a post scarcity society, and the way people grapple with a utopia. as a fan of ursula k le guin i think in many cases a real utopia and its ramifications can be a lot more interesting than a dystopic world, but you could have gone the giver route with this and revealed the rot at the core of a world pretending to be perfect.
well, scythe does absolutely none of that. despite the fact that everybody is LITERALLY IMMORTAL, people still work, mostly jobs they dont even like. children go to school and are raised by their birth parents, a man and a woman. gay people exist and so do sentient robots? but neither concepts really get explored deeper than a throwaway mention, and a joke. Now, i think it could be really interesting to explore a society thoroughly frozen in a 21st century late capitalistic state, but scythe does not do that. the book takes place hundreds, possibly even thousands of years into the future and Nothing Has Changed.
I have some lore based gripes with the book, the way the scythes and their reason for existing is just not explained at all, the offhanded genocide mention, and all that but in all fairness im yet to read the second book (i will have to viki is making me) so maybe they explain all of this then.
What really does bother me though, is why do death like this? People kill themselves for fun in the world of scythe, why not just let them die? scythes are explicitly forbidden from killing people who ask them to do so. this is a world where individiual choice has been completely taken away from people, except for a select group of a few hundred who have the absolute power of gods, and cannot even be controlled by the benevolent god-king-mother AI, the thunderhead. why not use the nanobots in peoples bodies to choose who lives or dies? why not limit the number of resurrections somebody can have? why let the scythes choose who they kill and how they kill them? why let them grant immunity to people?
I think much of this book is politically uninteresting and borderline stupid at points, especially the thunderhead. the way its completely unquestioned and thought to be benevolent and perfect above all else is just absolutely crazy, but lets run with it and say it does absolutely know what is best for humanity. why let people do the killing? maybe the second book will pull some insane twist on me that explains everything but i highly doubt it will
one note about the worldbuilding that annoyed me but isnt really significant: shit is just europe and america and whatnot with stupid fucking names. lazy as hell. if u just wanna keep shit as it is, do that. dont call things EuroScand or whatever. Also the racial dynamics are so bad in such an uninteresting way, like the book literally goes "race doesnt exist anymore everyone is like suuuper mixed except for this black dude who is evil and this mystical asian man. but everyone else. super racially ambigous"
THE CHARACTERS are bad also. rowan is so completely uninteresting i skimmed his chapters for lines where anybody else spoke, citra has a tiny bit more depth but not by a lot. their romance just so completely does not work, and listen. i am ready to accept that they were into dying for eachother after hanging out for like a month and kissing one time. i love unreasonable unstoppable romance. they had NO chemistry. they hated each other when they first met, for no reason at all, and then suddenly they were in love. barely spoken to each other for 2 months and then rowan is making a vow to die for her.
scythe faraday and scythe curie are much more interesting people, but scythe faraday goes away for 2/3rds of the book and curie isnt allowed to be anything interesting before citra basically ditches her. the fact they were involved doesnt come out of nowhere, but i would have appreciated a little more on that because it was way more interesting.... why arent the scythes allowed to date each other anyways. seems like an incredibly stupid rule. theyre immortal. theyre not jedi. yet another nonsensical worldbuilding detail
goddard and his crew were one dimensional and boring, it would have been great and interesting if he was actually charming and charismattic and succeeded in winning rowan over, but instead of that happening the book tells you that he is charming and charismatic while only shows him being awful and unpleasant. volta was kind of fun and interesting but his suicide didnt hit hard enough due to the fact that he and rowans friendship barely existed, neal shusterman is bad at writing character relationships jesus christ
THE PLOT AND WRITING were really fucking bad. virtually nothing happens for the majority of this book. citra fleeing the scytheguard should have taken up way more time than it did, as it was one of the only fun and engaging parts of the book. instead of that we get endless scenes of rowan seeing goddard be evil, citra walking around doing nothing and generally things not happening. way more time spent on training sequences than was strictly neccesary, and too little time spent on explaining anything that was happening or characters spending time together.
The chapters didnt flow extremely well, the pov switches were annoying and would happen multiple times on one pages, sometimes in the same paragraph. too many important worldbuilding details were glossed over in favour of scenes of rowans man pain or just kind of random irrelevant bullshit. there were a ton of characters who didnt really end up mattering, because the book was so badly spaced out. i would have loved spending a bit more time with scythe mandela for example who ended up mattering actually a ton for the final couple chapters, but no because rowan needs to be tortured again or something!
Every plot complication and twist was resolved instantly, leaving you no space to try and figure it out for yourself, no tension or anything. the ones that werent were so easy to figure out that it also left you with no tension. scythe faraday dead? no he isnt! citra is cornered by a scythe on the bullet train? dont worry, she has help from a random guy. even the ending was like this. will rowan die because citra was chosen to become a scythe instead of him? dont worry, she gives him immunity and this has no consequences for her whatsoever. they were talking about putting her in forever jail just 5 chapters ago, but its fine she is allowed to become a full fledged scythe. will they at least jail rowan until his immunity is up? dont worry, he is batman now and hes fled due to his perfect skills in everything he is so sexy you guys
VERDICT: dont read this book its bad. really bad. i will be back with the second one though, because viki is making me
@chevengurian ik u enjoy my sufferings here u go
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wrapnrappp · 1 year
does anyone care?? no! but. heres my hypmic body headcanons👍 possibleeee cw for mentions of weight, eds, gender dysphoria, and self harm
ichiro - pretty strong, but most of his muscle is covered up by chub. you can only really see the muscle in his arms. has broad shoulders. tanned and has some light freckles on his shoulders. also i hc him and the rest of the yamadas as half puerto rican👍 has some stretch marks on his arms but they arent super noticeable. has a few scars from when he worked for stairway to heaven. he was considerably scrawnier at that time, but has gained quite a bit of weight & muscle since then. used to have his ears pierced but the holes have closed up now. has a kind of big crooked nose. hes got a little bit of stubble, leg hair, arm hair, a happy trail nd a little bit of chest hair. tbh now that im describing it hes built pretty similarly to rei... hes not a big fan of how much he looks like him.
jiro - the only skinny yamada family member. verryyy lean, a lot stronger than he looks. tanner than ichiro and has more freckles than him. also has a little bit of acne. doesnt have a lot of body hair cause. hes 17 duh. he just has a little happy trail nd some leg hair. tiny boobs, like u almost dont notice them. so he thankfully doesnt have to bind... god knows hed never remember to take his binder off if he did. also the only yamada family member with a flat ass. dude is built like a rectangle. kuko pierced his nose for him (despite ichiros protests). he pierced his eyebrow aswell but that got infected... had to take it out. has a small scar there now.
saburo - shes pretty chubby, kind of pear shaped. carries most of her weight in her thighs and stomach. also has stretch marks on her thighs, love handles, and stomach. has a rounder face with a slight double chin. they dont go outside nearly as often as their brothers, so theyre noticeably paler. also has vitiligo. she has some INSANE eyebags... stays up too late playing video games or arguing with ppl on reddit & 4chan. not a lot of body hair, just a little bit of leg & arm hair nd a small happy trail. they bleached the underside of their hair themself... did a shitty job so its a little fried but its fine. usually has her nails painted black but chews on her nails whenever the polish chips off. their ears are pierced but they never wear anything other than simple black studs. shes completely fine with her body, she might go on estrogen when shes older but like. thats it.
kuko - pretty strong but not like. SUPER bulky yaknow? like even though hes stronger than ichiro his muscles r much smaller than his. no matter how hard he tries dude just CANNOT bulk up. cursed to be a little chihuahua forever. has like. average size boobs. he doesnt like binding at all and he doesnt mind them, hes pretty much fine with them. i hc him as lightskin blasian + hes outside a lot so on top of that hed also tan a bit. has some freckles across his nose & cheeks and on his shoulders. has some scars from his time with stairway to heaven and just from. kuko being kuko nd getting into fights. in addition to his canon piercings, he also has snakebites, medusa piercing, cheek piercings, bridge piercing, tongue piercing, nipple piercings, andddd a navel piercing. yes he did them all (except for the tongue... knew hed fuck that one up REALL bad if he did it) himself yes he is insane yes they all somehow didnt get infected. dont ask too many questions! paints his nails black and they always end up chipping super fast. has sharp canines.
jyushi - superrrr skinny. almost to the point that its concerning... theyre sickly pale, you can faintly see their veins in their hands. they have freckles but they usually cover them up with makeup so u cant see them. always covers their eyebags with makeup as well. they also have a FUCKTON of self harm scars on their arms and thighs... someone get them a better coping mechanism pls theyre running out of room. having body hair makes them dysphoric so they shave regularly, and since theyve been on estrogen (thanks for helping them get on that hitoya !) they dont need to shave as often now. shaves the tails of their eyebrows too. has anophthalmia, so they have no right eye. theyve been ruthlessly bullied for it, so they always hide it. hitoya and kuko r basically the only people who know theyre partially blind. has a lot of piercings but, unlike kuko, actually got them professionally done‼️ has angel bites, spider bites, left eyebrow piercing, right nostril piercing, anddd a navel piercing. always has their nails done, usually painted either black or dark red. them and kuko paint eachothers nails from time to time. has a long, hooked nose. hands r long 2. theyre like those goofy looking long ass dogs.
hitoya - hes got a dad bod. very soft belly, thats where most of his weight is distributed. has kind of high cheekbones but its not obvious cause of the chub. he used to have big boobs but he got top surgery awhile ago so. rip hitoyas fat tits jakurai will miss u guys🪦🕊️ has stretch marks on his stomach and chest. hes darker skinned and i also feel like hed tan very easily. has a couple of beauty marks and freckles on his body. used to have a couple of ear piercings, but the holes r closed up now. occasionally lets jyushi and kuko paint his nails.. even let jyushi do his makeup once for funziez #bestdadevr . hes a pretty hairy dude, like even before transitioning he never shaved... dude was just ALWAYS meant 2 b a bear ig. hands r calloused.
samatoki - his muscles arent super big or anything, but DAMN is he strong. he pretty much always has been, on top of his yakuza work i feel like hed also lift weights nd shit. hes blasian but VERY lightskinned. like. you almost cannot tell. has light freckles on his shoulders, chest, and across his nose & cheeks. also has quite a few scars cause. yakuza. duh. its honestly surprising he doesnt have ANY canonically. had smaller boobs before he got top surgery, i feel like he wouldve gotten it sometime between tdd breakup and mtc forming. dude got his nipples pierced as SOON as he recovered hed been waiting to get those pierced for so long. also has snakebites and a bridge piercing. sometimes paints his nails... used to let nemu paint them when she was around.
jyuto - weak ass twink!!! has veryyyy little muscle. so hes skinny but hes got a little tummy and his thighs touch when he sits. slight pear shape?? yeah. only has a few stretch marks on his inner thighs. dude is like incapable of growing body or facial hair. has a SLIGHT happy trail nd thats about it. hes half french. oui oui baguette bitch. pretty pale and has more of an olive undertone. has a thin, kind of hooked nose. has little red marks on the sides of his nose where his glasses sit... blind bitch!!! has quite a few beauty marks on his face & body.
rio - dude is HUGE. extremely muscular with veryyy broad shoulders, inverted triangle shape basically. surprisingly not that hairy. hes blasian (half african american specifically) and hes def tanned quite a bit and has a lot of freckles since hes outside all the time. has tons of scars from being in the military. prob has some burn scars on his hands too from cooking, hands are also very calloused. hes got a few stretch marks on his arms and pecs. has bushy eyebrows
sasara - hes been chubby for most of his life, but while he was with samatoki he lost an unhealthy amount of weight. started smoking and didnt eat as much. he was struggling overall man rosho dumping him really fucked him up😭 but its ok after he left mcd & got over rosho (no he didnt.) he gained all the weight back and then some. stopped smoking too. his weights pretty evenly distributed with a little more of it going to his belly. his face is pretty round, he also has a double chin. has stretch marks on his love handles, stomach and arms. hes half columbian and tans VERY easily. has quite a few freckles, and a couple beauty marks. also has some scars from his time with samatoki... he hates taking abt them. has a small snub nose, and has smaller hands.
rosho - average weight with slight muscle in her arms and small boobs #transgender. very sharp facial features, much like samatoki. has thicker eyebrows & higher cheekbones, unlike samatoki. she also has dimples in both cheeks. used to have an eyebrow piercing, lip ring, and a couple ear piercings, but took em out #teachermoment. only kept her earlobe piercings. shes darkskin blasian👍👍 has a couple beauty marks on her body. didnt realize she needed glasses until sasara made her try them on... just thought it was normal for everything to be blurry. well surprise surprise rosho you actually need to wear glasses all the time!!! nearsighted loser. she likes her glasses a lot though, has some fun glasses chains that she switches out from time to time. she def has eyebags... grading papers takes a stupidly long amount of time. cannot get a good nights sleep. realized she was trans a bit after she broke up with sasara, shed been questioning it for a very long time beforehand but never rlly did anything abt it cause. strict parents. she doesnt need to worry about them anymore though sooo shes basically fully transitioned now. she still gets dysphoric abt her height sometimes, but sasara makes her feel a little better about it. tells her he actually prefers tall women and that never fails to cheer her up.
rei - ... i dont have that much to say abt him (cause i dont like him). he kinda just looks like an older harrier ichiro👍 hes a little skinnier than ichiro aswell, nd he has broader shoulders. has a fuckton of scars, if u ask him about them hell make up some bullshit story for funsies. his right eye is actually a glass eye.
ramuda - sorry guys but i dont like twink ramuda... ill always b a fat ramuda truther‼️🔥 shes hourglass shaped, most of her weight is in her thighs, boobs, and ass. his face doesnt look THAT different compared to how he looked when he first popped out the test tube, his cheeks are just a little chubbier and he has a slightttt double chin. like. u barely notice it. has stretch marks on her thighs, stomach, love handles, and boobs. has freckles, not from sun exposure though theyve just always been there. he gets sunburnt SO easily... its that pasty ass clone skin. has some surgical scarring that she does not like to talk about, she gets very defensive if u bring it up. he naturally has perfect skin and grows like. no body hair. at all. has her ears pierced, likes wearing all kinds of different cute earrings. has some slight scarring on her fingers from accidentally stabbing them with needles nd shit #fashiondesignermoment. he generally just has "cute" facial features. dont think too hard about how he ended up with boobs it doesnt have to make sense cause bigender transfem ramuda is REAL!!! the party of words is def not a fan of her appearance cause... obvi, the ramuclones dont look like her anymore... but ramuda doesnt really care. he likes how he looks and hes not letting the party of words take that away from him. he loves painting his nails fun colors and is rarely ever seen without makeup on. has painted dice and gentaros nails on multiple occasions (after A LOT of begging)
gentaro - chubby, she basically always has been. has like NO tits or ass tho... its ok babygirl ramuda and dice still love u ❤️ her face is kind of like?? oval shaped?? ive drawn her before butttt. idk how to describe it. she has a couple beauty marks on her face & body. darker skinned but like. lighter than hitoya. has slight eyebags from staying up late to meet deadlines #authorlifestyle. also has a callous on her right ring finger #authorlifestyle. wishes she could socially & medically transition but... kind of cant since. yaknow. shes pretending to be her brother. ramuda and dice r rlly the only people who know shes trans. has a hooked nose and thicker eyebrows. fingers r kinda long compared to the palm of her hand. her nails r rlly nice, like they NEVER break. has very soft skin.
dice - was very scrawny with a surprising amount of muscle, but now that he has a consistent source of food (ramuda and gentaro) hes gained a bit of weight. like have u seen the way he eats how could he NOT. so now he has a soft tummy nd his thighs touch. has stretch marks on his stomach as well. hes blasian‼️ average size boobs iguess... hates bras with a burning passion, only thing u can get him in is a sports bra. he obvi wouldnt shave, so hes got a decent bit of body hair. i dont think hed want to shave even if he could teebeeeh. has snakebites and nipple piercings, and a couple ear piercings. he did some of them himself, and he got the rest done by random ass people at casinos. has NEVER had a piercing get infected (lucky little bastard..). has a couple scars from getting thrown out of casinos nd shit. its not uncommon to see him with a couple bruises from the night before. has sharper canines... so hes kinda got lil fangs.
jakurai - built VERYYY similarly to jyushi, just has a little more muscle. she used to be a lot stronger, but she just. isnt anymore. is naturally a little darker, and she tans well. has slight eyebags. she has a lot of scars that she hates talking about, so she usually tries to cover up. she also just generally doesnt like showing skin. has a couple beauty marks on her face and body. she has her ears pierced, usually wears cross earrings (shes so christian girl autumn). has a gaunt face with high cheekbones. has to wear reading glasses. has really nice nails, theyre a little long. has a callous on her right ring finger #doctormoment. has NO tits and shes totally fine with it, only ever rlly gets dysphoric about her voice.
hifumi - TWINK. hes got a slight hourglass shape, and is a LOT stronger than he looks. dude can even pick doppo up (with a lot of effort and only for a couple seconds, but still!!). if u look up sleeper build he is the first result. he didnt always look like this though, before he got his job at fragrance he was actually a little chubby. pudgy twink if u will. had pretty soft thighs nd a softer belly, and his cheeks were a little chubbier. after he was hired though, his boss rlly got on him abt his weight. so he started working out A LOTTTT so he wouldnt get fired. he enjoys exercise, but despises how much he has to do it to keep his job. liked his old body more (its ok hell get it back when he quits his job). hes half hawaiian and tans very well, also has some freckles. shaves often bcause of his job, but he also just doesnt like having body hair. hes naturally blonde, but he dyed the green parts to match with doppo (i know what u r.) has a belly button piercing and snakebites; has to take the snakebites out for work. has a few self harm scars on his stomach and left thigh, gets very sensitive if you bring them up (high school.. need i explain more?). generally just has VERY conventionally attractive facial features, wears makeup to enhance them. he loves playing around with makeup, begs doppo to let him do his makeup. also enjoys painting his nails! cant use all the fun colors he wants to though cause... work </3 . if it wasnt for his job hed def grow his hair out, his hair used to be longer but he had to cut it for work. hes actually very good at cutting hair, he cuts doppos and his own hair.
doppo - easily the heaviest member of the main hypmic cast, hes a pretty big dude. hes been chubby for his whole life, which he got bullied for quite a bit. this completely destroyed his self esteem, and he ended up developing some... less than healthy coping mechanisms!! yeah, lets just say that... struggles with self harm and binge eating. both of which got A LOT worse when he went to college. living on his own for the first time was extremely stressful, there was a shitton of homework to keep track of, nd he had to try to navigate a decent social life without hifumi... overall was a very bad time for him. ended up gaining a lot of weight through a combo of binging often due to stress anddd generally not having the time or energy to care that much about what he ate. HES FINE NOW THO!!! hifumis helped him get back to normal eating habits thankfully... doesnt rlly binge anymore he just like. sometimes stress eats if work is particularly bad that day. but hes nowhere NEAR as bad as he used to be. its just very, VERY hard for him to lose weight cause of all the medications (almost all mental illness related) hes on. hes more concerned with just eating healthier anyways, doesnt rlly care if he loses weight. ANYWAYSSS... hes kind of pear shaped. dudes thighs have ALWAYS touched, cannot remember a time where they havent. has very soft arms and an even softer belly... hifumi very much enjoys resting his head on doppos belly. vry comfy. for his size his boobs r pretty average. doesnt bind and hasnt gotten top surgery cause most people just mistake his boobs for moobs, he passes perfectly fine. he still doesnt like them, but hifumi has helped him feel a little better about them. his face is pretty round nd he has a double chin. he is a PASTY motherfucker and cannot tan to save his life. gets the nastiest sunburns ever. has a bunch of freckles everywhere, and has stretch marks in basically every place u can get them. also has a lot of self harm scars all over his arms and thighs. has rlly bad eyesight... has had to wear glasses since elementary school #blindbitchclub. hes been on testosterone for awhile so hes a pretty hairy dude. even if he had the time to shave i dont think hed want to. has stubble nd a bit of body hair. bear doppo is so real guys trust💪 has a tongue piercing and his ears pierced. tongue is also a little too big for his mouth, it randomly pokes out sometimes. has the most INSANE eyebags ever like no matter how much sleep he gets they NEVER go away. hifumi calls him his little raccoon (silly). has very chapped lips, he chews on them a lot (nervous habit). is naturally very warm all the time, so he usually sleeps naked (hifumi DEF doesnt mind). has kinda yellow teeth from hygiene neglect (mental illness.).
this is so long fuck😭 if u read all of this thank u. its kind of obvious which characters i like the most based off of how much i wrote... nd i might add more to this later. idk.
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getranched · 10 months
coulddddd we have a rundown of the habitants of the ranch?
Well I'm not sure about every single being who makes this (cosmic nightmare) house a home
But I'm sure we can give you a good rundown!(also PSA this account does deal with unreality so if that kind of thing messes with you be careful)
First up is the Ranch itself! A mimic in its final stage of life! They normally become dungeons or haunted houses but this lovely guy had the (mis)fortune to become a familiar with Moon in around the 1700's I'm pretty sure. And as a fully adult mimic it spawns thousands of baby mimics which end up replacing our furniture and the like.
EREN INTERJECTION i’m eren, OR RIJU, a shapeshifter. i just live here idk. i have a friend who’s a burmese python but he doenst live here. uhmm yeah idk i just eat the food in the fridge and sometimes i’ll throw bits of my fresh kills in there too. idk uhmm yeah im friends w everyone here except for like. FD maybe?? but he doesnt live here i dont think….
tbh i dont really keep up with who comes in and who doesnt HAHA im usually in my room playing with bones or reading when im here at the ranch
Twi interjection! I'm Twilight (or just Marth) i'm just kind of here, and if i'm not, i'm tending to my acnh island Tabantha. (Also this account is being shared between 15 or less people, some are more active than others and their individual accounts are being followed by this one)
Is it really an interjection if everybody’s doing it when nobody else is typing? Who knows! I’m Vivian, local semi-moth humanoid and god/dess of the Lost and the Traveling on occasion. Unlike most local chumps deities, I am a multiversal being, which means I am THE deus ex machina in any given situation, and like to Borrow from other universes. cough cough: ner beskar’gam. Also, I have a sapient AI living in “my” spaceship (which is legally his, don’t tell xem), just for funsies
This is Sky now. I'm not really supposed to be in this galaxy, I crash landed in the front yard on one of my spaceships. I tried apologizing to the landlord but we ended up throwing hands, not my fault. Eventually I stayed at the Ranch tho. Hobbies: leading prison breaks, motorcycle rides, eating lightbulbs for the sake of trolling, antagonizing gods, blasting my friends into space. Ended up adopting a demon cat guy. (Vivian note: this is not the catboy incubus. This is a different demon cat guy) (Sky note: Yeah, my boy is the cat butler, the other catboy is a pain in my ass) (Vivian again: and a pleasure in mine)
This is Luna! I am the goddess of horses and all things related. I spend most of my time as a horse (sometimes a centaur) AND I AM NOT A CHUMP VIVI! anyway I used to run an empire ages ago before it was destroyed, and I got sealed away. I have Twi to thank for breaking my seal! Nowadays I'm restarting my cult (its horse girls mostly rn) and fixing horse races. If you ever see a horse say hello it might be me.
Heyo! I'm saria, local milf. I have deer antlers because some grass god decided it'd be cool to mix the local humans with deer. (to be fair, he was right.) I'm mostly human, though. I stream bloodborne because that game reminds me of my found family and my village. I'm still piecing together what happened to my people, but for now I bake, garden, and play my silly little video game. catch me having tea with a succubus and a doll on tuesdays and shopping with a horse on thursdays.
Hi! I'm Wild! I was Moons first kid after my dog and I accidently ended up in this world, escaped jail, and hid in her man eating garden. Most of the time, I sail the seas of my home world and have the best adventures with the greatest pirate crew u could ever imagine. But, I do come visit home from time to time, too, thanks to my crystal that lets me travel through time and space. Somebody's gotta bedazzle FD's tools and give Moon a headache, ya kno?
Yormp here! I’m not totally sure who I am, I’m working on it. Moon says I’m a creature of my own choice, but I’m not too sure about that. Before I was an omen of war, and my friends called themselves pestilence, conquest, and death. Then I died, some time passed, I don’t remember it all, got cursed to be an otter for a bit, and met Moon. Now? I’m just going to college. Learning a little. If I really do get to choose, I think I’ll choose not to be War reborn this time.
Oh… and uhh. Goose.
Hmmm? OH it's my turn! Hey hey hey! I am (the) Sun Sun Sun and when you're with me everything is fun fun fun!. I'm Moon's counter part. We share a body, we share a mind, we are the same person, but not quite! Much like Moon I am also a clown, but instead of resembling a porcelain doll I have the body of a goat (sorta)! You can think of me as Moon's opposite! We may not agree on much, but we do hold our family very dear to us! I'm also referred to as a father and much like Moon, I don't mind what I'm called! Speaking of Moon, she wants her turn to speak now!
Hello, dearest traveler,
It seems you have found our home. I'm (the) Moon. I am the one that eats many gods in this world. But do not worry, it is strictly business. As of this moment, I have taken the form of a porcelain clown. This body was provided to me by a dear friend. I am also referred to as the father of many Ranch residents. Though I am called a father, and might be referred to as Mr. Vilon, I do not care much for what I am referred to as. Most use she/her.
[Psst. Moon. Don't forget to tell them some house rules!]
Ah yes... While you are here traveler, be sure keep some things in mind:
- Mind your teeth and your belongings, else they might be stolen
- Remember to keep your feet off the grass. The plants get hungry after a certain time.
- Not everything is what it seems. I'm sure you will become familiar with our mimics both big and small.
- Do not assume a door, hallway, or stairwell will take you to the same place twice.
- The void will always listen to your troubles.
- Do not pet the cats. Some are... not the kind that you want the attention of. Or maybe they are. That's up to you.
- And most importantly, remember, that sometimes, it is better to stay lost than to be found.
Enjoy your visit,
The Vilons
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hannahlovesluca · 11 months
So i heard about u doing nijisanji matchups so why not :DD
Nijisanji male matchup pretty plz w cherry on top
Gender:Gender is nothing but a social conCepttTttt(jk cis female but there were times ppl mistook me as a guy once LMAO)
Pronouns:I don't have any in particular,i don't mind any of them as long as its not they/them
Sexuality:....i..don't know actually.Like.Women.But Men.But women.i'll just say bisexual..
Appearance:Shoulder length black hair,i'm kiiinda tall?Im taller than most of my friends.Black fox-like(i think thats what they call them??) Eyes,and i wear literally anything.Like imagine someone in a black turtleneck and some random ass floral button up shirt with the most obnoxious pants ever(for clarification this isnt my attempt at getting in r/builtdifferentfromothergirls i just get cold easily).Oh and im as blind as a bat without my glasses,i only put them on when i wanna put myself in the attractiveness scale for shits and giggles sometimes i wear random jackets i find in my room like that one hot pink jacket i covered in the bee movie stickers for some reason
Idk my ennagram sorry :((
Personality:im pretty laid-back but based on sources(aka my mutuals) i am the embodiment of a living cockroach because of me almost dying like 5 times(vibe checked by god 5 times and he did NOT approve of me...like mf be frfr) i procastinate until like a day before the deadline cause i only work with pressure cause my brains just built like that(rushing calculus my beloved) I LOVE MATHS SO MUCH U CANT IMAGINE(and the cries of my discord besties cause the moment they go back on vc they see the discord whiteboard filled with god knows what) and im preeeeetty confident in myself unless someone genuinely compliments me,if that happens im just gonna disintegrate into dust
Likes:that one meme where the green guy from avengers goes "why is galora",yugioh,jumping into my friends random vc comedically 4 shits and giggles,resident evil,taking care of everyone(and not taking care of myself cause im a self aware hypocrite),DEBATES I LOVE THEM SM THEY GIVE ME SO MUCH ADRENALINE
Dislikes:when someone gets into my persona space toooooo much.oh and the fact that u can divide 91 by 7.literally unreal.and thunder??dunno it sets uncomfy in me i probably offended zeus in my past life or smth
Love language:
I dont know what that is....i mean like,id send whoever i get random memes i found at 3 am,shower thoughts??and hugs??and cuddles??and giving them reassuring words??does that count?
Extra:im bilingual(swedish,russian,korean,german) so i can make ppl say what seems like romantic words when its a deez nuts joke this is a flex btw.i pace around tasks pretty fast,sometimes im too lazy to get up sometimes i go around doing literally everything at once
Im sorry if this is confusing to u this is my first time doing this :((
i pair you with…
Ver Vermillion!
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hear me out…
• you guys will absolutely nerd out over yugioh and will probably end up playfully arguing and malding over the other (i dont know much ab yugioh im sorry 💔💔)
• if you let him nerd out to you and rant to you about the most random things he will immediately fall in love
•likewise if you nerd out/rant to him he will fall in love bc the fact that you confide in him???
• similar to shu yaminerd, he is a huge nerd but hes better at hiding it
• call him a dork. he says he hates it but he loves it.
• youll sit in discord vc, no sound except the little giggles erupting out while you read each others memes and random messages that you just keep on sending
• will randomly whip out the “why is galora” meme to make you laugh out loud in vc with others, on stream, etc even in public
• god, he loves your hair
• your cuddles up in his arms, half-asleep, and hes running his hands thru your hair AHHH
• will also send you hot-takes out of nowhere so you guys can debate on it solely because he knows how much you love it
• “banana pizza is good.”
• “soggy socks feel nice.”
• will also throw you random compliments because he knows its the only thing that will get you
• “are you a hot mom because damn mama you hot.”
• will assist you in sending deez nuts jokes to your friends in korean
• “내 불알을 빨아.”
RUNNERS UP: Shu Yamino, Doppio Dropscythe
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butcherfoxes · 6 months
GRGRGGFGH ok so bioshock right. Well eleanor lamb is from bioshock 2 but the base knowleghe you need of bioshock is that This Motherfucker made a city underwater bc he sucks ass. and used the final pam morals of No Rules Just Right. WELL they discover The Slug That Gives You Superpowers and go hrmm how could we make a profit from this (the city is capitlism world except its worse than captilism bc the guy thought american captilism was Too good to poor people) anyway so they figure out if they put the slug in little girls they can make super power drugs. WELL now they have a bunch of freakish little girls running around and people keep killing the little girls to get the drugs which is No Bueno. so theyre like “hey!! lets take our prisoners and brainwash them so heavily they genuinely cant think of anything Except protecting the girls!” yay! ok so this chick Sofia Lamb comes to rapture to be an awesome psychiatrist who loves to help poor people and also shes a single mom. Well andrew ryan the guy who made the city is like hrm. helping poor people is bad. and has her arrested. and then custody of her daughter Eleanor goes to this other chick who Loses Her Immediately and now shes being taken care of by this other guy whos like man fuck them kids and sells eleanor to the little sister orphanage which is really a sort of factory to make the freak girls. except this is Before they figure out the “brainwash prisoners to protect the girls” so theyre still figuring that out. WELL they figure it out by expirimenting on this one guy Yay! so they do it some more to other guys and As It Turns Out if the brainwash dudes get seperated from their little sister too long they either Die or Go Insane oh fuck! anyway back to subject delta whos the first guy to have that bond and eleanor the first one to. also have that bond. ok so now eleanor is Really attatched to subject delta and calls him her father also shes like 7 years old. anyway so theyre chilling Yayy! except her mother sofia lamb escapes from prison and is like fuck youuu die thats MY daughter. die. forever. and kills subject delta and does Things so that eleanor isnt a little sister anymore shes just a little girl. ok so while delta is dead sofias like hrmm wouldnt it be awesome if we created the perfect person whos super awesome by injecting them with Every Drug? well this goes bad. also sofia is a cult leader now. so sofias like Well eleanor my young daughter should be immune to the drug bc she was exposed to the drug. so actually im going to raise my daughter completely isolated from everyone so she wont be tainted and the cult is going to revolve around this little girl sacrificing herself to be the perfect most special guy in the world. yay! Well 10 years pass eleanor is a Teenager now and figures out how to revive subject delta bc kind of her mom sucks. this is the start of the plot of bioshock 2 Well subject delta goes on this epic journey to save his adoptive daughter and makes Moral Decisions which is to say the player gets to make moral decisions. and this seemingly effects nothign until closer to the end where when (spoilers) delta saves eleanor by turning her into a badass big sister (girls with big knives) u get little Hints of oh ! oh my choices mattered ! bc eleanor will either be viscously murdering everything in her path Including Children and laughing maniacally abt it OR going lalala..dont hurt my dad ok..and i save the children..anyway skip to the end there are like a bunch of endings but the one my profile pic is inspired by is where (more spoilers) subject delta dies but also so does eleanors mom But Also so do all the little sisters but eleanor escaped the city so eleanor is Completely Alone and also she was born and raised in the city so this is her first time on the surface and basically bioshock 2 is like undertale 5 years before undertale
jaw dropp...this sounds so interesting ill likely never get into bioshock but that sounds cool as hell
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borathae · 10 months
chapter 15
Can’t you like it for me?” he says with big puppy eyes.
You look away.
“You’re being emotionally manipulative here.” shut up girl im loving u too much i cant
“You are playing with fire here, Bunny. Try not to burn yourself”, you grumble.
He chuckles and pecks your cheek.
“I like the burn”, he rasps against the shell of your ear, turning to the front afterwards.
SHUT UP IM CANT TAKE IT. try not to lose your shit challenge- mission failed successfully
He treated you so goddamn fucking well that sometimes you still felt the urge to punch him in the face and run away jk in the corner, i'll take that as a compliment
Lately the latter have become more and more. YAY
“Hey kiddo. How are you doing?” he says in a surprisingly deep voice for such a small frame. me with felix and taehyung
“for half a million bucks I expect to have the painter constantly working on it in a metal cage in the middle of my living room or something.” - ........ - a few bystanders had heard you and were now looking at you with weird eyes. SHUT UP THATS SOO ME except my voice would be low and nobody would hear but could be loud too cuz universe makes it louder at times when u dont want anyone to hear shit
although he was stressed and exhausted he never once smelled of alcohol. AHHHH IM SO PROUD OF HIM *gives a big ass hug and a smooch
again a fluffy moment after the tense thank you, her threatening to buy green and purple pillows PLZ that sounds like me trying to threaten my parents by telling them im gonna marry a cat crazy dude
“I’m not asking for it. I am very much anti punishment uwu i love this stupid noodle
He swallows heavily, “a-are we going to make out now?” he asks, grasping for your hips. he is such a cute and horny noodle pls and no u are about to cringe for the rest of your office time
“don’t say that what the hell my cock twitched.”
“I am not going to apologize because I am way too turned on to care.”
He looks from side to side with the tip of his nose rosy.
“What’s with the sudden horniness oh my god?”
“It’s just that I never really saw you work before and it’s kinda doing things to me.” SAME HERE IM FEELING IM WATCHING SOME HOT CEO FROM KDRAMA BUT EVEN BETTER AAAAH
It makes his ass cheeks tense up and forces a quiet whimper from between his lips. SHUT UP SHUT UP HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO MOVE ON FROM THIS MOVE ON WITH MY DAILY LIFE????? VANESSA HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO LIVE LAUGH LOVE IN THESE SITAUTIONS ??
WHY IS SHE CONNECTING THE DOTS SOMETIMES CHARACTERS SHOULD BE DUMB PLEASEEEE also why is there a group of people surrounding kook??? 👀
the whole thing was soo tense i sweated through my shirt now im a stinky kid -_- BUT WE LOVED IT the emotions was captured soo well and he was supportive yet very unsupportive if your brain's going haywire with an anxiety/panic attack
Twirling him threw him straight into subspace. *insert meme i hope i dont fall, her: twirls him kook : oh no mommy
i prayed for her to not go to the mirror AND SHE DID NOO its really the worst thing to do during a panic attack :(
that was soo scary even i felt the uncontrollable demons while reading and thanks it ended on a good note and it was cute.
anyways i wish her a great day next morning(tho the story has ended) cuz them muscles be hurting like a bitch oof
Me reading through all your reactions:
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hahahahha I love how you went on an emotional rollercoaster with this chapter jfdjsf also you quoting so many parts is my weakness hehehe thank you so much for doing that
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faerieorbitars · 2 years
ph also while i was drafting that last post i found this in my drafts and idk i’m feeling a little goofy silly funny. so. heres some thoughts on my self indulgent princes tutu/disney classic fairytales (really though just peter pan) story idea . i’m just gonna post whatever this says mostly unedited
idk if ill actually post this or keep it in my drafts but probably i will post it bc i like when people read my things and give me feedback even if its just for my own enjoyment :) (i did post it teehee)
for anyone whos never watched princess tutu heres the Quickest possible plot summary without spoiling it bc you Should watch it: its abt a town where fairytales come to life, because of a man who died while writing his last book, trapping the hero (the prince) and villain (the raven) in their final battle without an end, so they break out into the town and the prince shatters his heart into pieces to seal the raven away, but losing all his emotions in the process
the story is abt a duck (named duck) who is turned into a girl by the man (drosselmeyer) so that she can turn into princess tutu, a heroine from his story, and find the shards of the prince's shattered heart and return them to him. there are other characters in town who take on roles from the story but most people (duck included) dont seem to realize there even Is a story or that their town is taking part in it- except for those that know the prince (fakir and rue) and very much Dont want the story to continue. thats abt as much as i can say without spoilering the twists but its very good and you should watch it. thank u
anyways . now time to put funny guy in here for no reason . one of the other important story points in pt is that drosselmeyer Loves tragedies. so that combined with this idea that some of the ppl of the town are inadvertently becoming characters In the story gave me this idea that like. the peter and co in the story (slightly more book accurate just way edgy for reasons i will get into in 2 seconds) are completely different from the ones running around gold crown town (basically the disney versions) . and peter from the story is more like some dudes 'dark' version of peter pan where hes malicious or whatever and doesnt actually care abt people . and the tragedy of his story is eventually the lost boys all either grow up or die, tink dies, hook dies (idk what im even gonna do with him LOL), but peter forgets all abt them bc hes so selfish and obsessed with not growing up he never even feels sorrow over losing them so he doesnt even know he should be lonely and sad
but i know my boy so like. hes not like that. he genuinely cares for tink, and the lost boys, thats his family even if he never like says it. which is part of the problem cause like, while the prince has no heart the story has stalled, so everyone is just stuck in the same place in the story, otherwise living out their lives. the raven cannot get out and nobody can meet ill fates bc the story has stopped. but duck/princess tutu returning the prince's heart shards is causing the story to progress . plot points from the story begin to occur and they are quickly hurtling toward the return of the raven and the end of the tale- which btw is ALSO a tragedy. its always going to be a tragedy. things dont end well in the ending drosselmeyer had planned. but bc duck is a good person even once she realizes this she knows that the prince deserves to have his heart back so she keeps looking for the shards
anwyays this is rambling as hell but the idea i had was that at some point while duck is looking for more heart shards, she runs into peter who is, despite being forever an immature obnoxious boy , like genuinely a good kid who tries to do the right thing, so of course even if he doesnt like. know whats going on hes gonna help out! he doesnt know duck is tutu bc thats a secret identity magical girl thing but like, if she ever asks for help he does and they get along very well . he also gets along with tutu who he just thinks is a different person . he has No Idea that gold crown town is trapped in a story or that the story doesnt end well for him Or duck (tutu's fate is that she'll turn into a speck of light and vanish if she confesses her feelings for the prince so. lol)
UNTIL. he meets another character named princess kraehe, a crow prima ballerina, who tells him to stop helping tutu and that theyre all better off if the prince stays heartless forever. she casually drops that tutu is fated to die if the story goes as it is, and hes fated to lose everyone he cares about and be alone forever, and if he doesnt believe her he should seek out the story of the prince and the raven and read it for himself. which he does. and yeah shes right. and when she finds him again and is like hey like even IF nothing happens, wont you have to grow up if the story ends? so arent you in a lose/lose situation here no matter what if you help tutu? hes like yeah ok maybe everything IS better if the story stalls and nothing progresses . i happen to like things exactly as they are
so from that point on hes actively stopping tutu from finding the shards of the prince's heart as much as he can. hes still friendly with duck bc shes great and as far as hes concerned shes basically a lost girl even if she goes to school instead of running away into the woods with him (which is fine but lame) but that also gives him more reason to oppose tutu . whcih is conflicting for duck bc She Is Tutu. he never directly allies himself with kraehe bc shes obviously evil but its still like a mess
and then later on character development happens n blah blah he goes back to helping tutu but like ill save that bc im lazy and also i would have to spoil the twists of the story to get into that so maybe another time. lol
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germposting · 3 years
you know what? im high and watching hunger games and annoyed enough to make a vent post. i hate that cato’s care for clove was entirely erased in the film. and not for some lovey dovey ship nonsense (but i did ship clato as a teen and assumed they were collins’s sneaky way of saying ‘hey while u were focusing on that fake star crossed lovers tragedy, you missed the actual romance over here because it wasnt sparkly enough you for to even notice let alone care about at all) NO my issue with it was the fact that it was one of the SMALLEST glimpses into the realization that “hey, these blood thirsty careers are just kids too. theyre just like peeta and i. if our positions were reversed and i screamed for peeta he would come for me like cato for clove. he would cry for me like that, hed beg me to stay. this kid is a human after all. just like me.” and it STINGS! its SHOCKING! because before this moment katniss hated and feared cato and clove and the rest of the careers. they were not scared children like the rest of the tributes, they were vicious they were frightening and eager to kill. they were not worthy of pity. she sure didnt feel any pity for glimmer or the district four girl when they died via tracker jackers or whatever the district boys name was when she killed him. she was shaken to have killed or to have witnessed their deaths, but overall she didnt feel bad for them. they were evil, they’re from districts that allegedly support the games and pledge allegiance capitol, they train career tributes to slaughter the poorer district children, they make peace keepers, theyre richer, they’re not human.
but here. clove is a frightened little girl screaming for not her partner, but her friend. shes crying and begging and its ugly and its scary to watch and something in katniss clicks. this girl who was pinning her down a second ago and taunting about killing her and rue and peeta. who seemed to be enjoying her time in the games. shes screaming out for help. its jarring to see such a sudden transition, katniss doesn’t know what to make of it.
and then comes cato, running, screaming back for her! he could leave her for dead, there was only ever meant to be one victor anyway right? whats the point in saving her? even if the game makers changed the rules, does cato really care enough about his district partner he was planning on killing anyway? is he really wasting effort trying to save her? why would a career do that, how could he be so human? sure she and peeta were trying to stay alive so they could both go home, but neither of them planned to kill each other. neither of them wanted to kill or trained to kill. they were here by accident, they didn’t choose it.
except… katniss had, hadnt she? she volunteered just like careers do. she volunteered to save her family, who knows why the careers volunteer? she always assumed it was for the glory and the chance to participate in the games right? but who can say? what makes it unique for her to save her sister and mother, when these tributes could be doing the same fucking thing? these career kids could just be scared daughters and sons and children of scared fathers and mothers and parents who just want their kids to have the best chance of fighting in case they do get pulled. and maybe the kids that volunteer have siblings theyre trying to protect and families theyre trying to feed. they have a good shot at winning with that training, if they lose their familys removed from the tribute bowl forever, if they win they get money and shelter and safety for the rest of their family to live with.
and right there as catos crying over the body of his district partner, of someone he couldve grown up with and loved just like peeta and katniss and every other tribute in the game, katniss understands. katniss gets it. its why she mercy kills him at the end, its why she has nightmares of cloves death and not just rues. its because theyre just like her. the district borders dont fucking matter. they are human, they are just trying to get each other home. they care for each other, they dont want the other to die. these career districts arent any better or worse than katniss just because theyre in a higher social class with a bullshit allegiance to the capitol that enslaves them and kills their children every year just as much as districts 5-12. catos human. cloves human. katniss only registers this after the scene where she listens to cato crying as cloves canon booms in the background. suzanne collins put that scene in there for a REASON. to humanize EVERYONE! (like she humanizes the average, working class capitol citizens) cato isnt just an antagonist because hes evil, hes no villain. he and katniss are not enemies. theyre the same. the districts are the same. the capitol citizens are the same. everyone is just… the same.
by cutting this out of the film it diminishes the truth of war like the original novel is saying. that soldier youre fighting is not the enemy. the enemy are the people at the head of the state, seated at soft chairs in billion dollar offices set in mansions moving around armies of thousands like chess pieces on a board. this war is not between you and that soldier. this war is using you like pawn while the real enemies fight with you as their weapons. youre expendable. that soldier is expendable. you are both human, neither of you want to kill each other or watch your comrades die.
THIS is the theme of the hunger games. that war is tragic and unethical and abhorrent. war is fought between those in power and use their citizens as carelessly as bait for fishing. these borders, these stereotypes types, this propaganda you are force fed by the elite is all made up to keep you from banding together. they breed hate within you on arbitrary measures and keep you divided because together you’re strong, but individuals are weak. so they draw up these lines in the sand to make you hate each other because you’re from another district, because you’re from another country, another social class, another bracket, another nothing.
its all made up. its all fake.
cato cries when clove dies. cinna apologizes to katniss for being put into the games. plutarch joins haymatch and other tributes to end the games. ALL the victors join hands at the quarter quell. they are all human. they all care for each other. they join together and overtake the tyrants.
THATS why catos scene over clove is important and why its meaningful that he doesnt go after katniss when it happens even though he could because hes too overwhelmed by his grief. its not something the movie just gets to erase because “its such a short scene, it doesnt matter, we can save time by cutting it even though we literally keep clove shouting for cato in the film and it wouldve taken two more seconds just to show him running to her and crying when her canon goes off.”
the film makes him seem heartless. he doesnt care about anyone, his breakdown at the cornucopia is because he’s gone mad over his instinct to survive and his rationality telling him he’s dead no matter what. thats true in both the film and the book, and while the film has him finally realize hes a pawn, it still strips him of his empathy and humanity and capacity for compassion and love. it revokes katniss’s understanding for ALL the districts, something she doesn’t get until the second film. UGH. its been a decade and im still mad over this.
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yukisnowywriting · 3 years
I Will Always Be With You, Promise.
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Karatachi Kagura x y/n
genre : angst, hurt/comfort, fluff.
warning : suicidal, depression, all that dark stuff
a/n : ayeeeee im back ayeee (no one probably cares but ayeeeee). this is quite OOC cuz my mans got no enough screentime and I just made this to comfort myself with some imaginations so yeah... Enjoy! (i swear theres so little fanfic of kaguraxreader)
I dont know kaguras age so lets just imagine hes 15 (ah... young love)
(btw u could change the chara u imagine if u dont like him or dont know kagura)
Being a rare child thats more smarter and talented than other people in kirigakure was a very great thing, the adults respect you, the mizukage knows of your well being, and its easier to win some quiz or test while ending up number one. A dream like life, atleast for everyone else. For y/n, the expectation of being number one burdens you too much. Especially for you who was still turning into a teenager.
The burden was too much until when you end up number one again, you stopped feeling happy nor proud. Y/n only wanted to spend atleast her teen years with friends your age and having fun.
ah right... you dont have friends your age (typical y/n, sad that im really like this). You only managed to talk to Kagura, well hes only 2 years older... eventhough you feel like hes avoiding you, maybe he hates you too.
guess you have nobody
Kagura POV
..."why is she so cute" (simp-)
Getting to introduce myself and to talk with y/n was the best mistake Ive made. Sad that we dont spend time that much. My heart races too much whenever I talk to her, this is bad for my health.
The way she smiles, walks, runs, everything she does makes my heart flutter...
we've know each other for two years, but it feels like theres a barrier between us that she made, always one step closer and two steps back.
i look at her from afar every time i get a chance to, i feel like im obsessed, but just seeing her blink makes me fall in love all over again.
i feel like at this point i know almost all her cute habits, what is she probably doing at the second, and many more. I wonder if I should... get closer to her.
maybe starting next week. i dont have any schedule next week anyways, and neither y/n
end of pov
one week later
You were just at your normal spot, a high cliff near the ocean, kirigakure sure has a very great view eventhough being called mist village. But today, life was more tougher on the little details than usual with you, and now when you see the ocean, you think 'how peaceful it is, even thy waves move with big heavy strokes, yet always reflected beautiful and peaceful.' and to get to the point, it felt so peaceful, that you felt like.... being in it will have you in peace.
You take on step to the edge, and another, and more follows as your eyes began to be lost of the people youve cared for.
you may have a little crush on that cute yet powerful blonde, and actually tried to convince yourself that the two of you were similar, you came to conclusion that the two of you are not to be compared. Kagura is way better than you, the gods picked him to support. He is just the same as you, a powerful individual, but not like you, he develops himself fastly, even when no one in the village turn to eye him as a person and not of the forth mizukage bloodline, he still grew into a powerful person to protect. How you envy his mind. How you hated that he could do what you cant. How you hated that you hate him so much but each time he sees you he gives you a smile and a compliment that youve always wanted. How he says "your a very exceptional person, not like what they say, your not just a genius, your also a very lovely person". You hate that everything he does makes you want to breathe another day just to see his smile. You hate that the fact that you will break into tears right now and stop the thing your going to right now if he comes up to you.
Just like right now...
As he took every confidence to stand beside you, he walks to your usual spot with the intention of getting more close to you by striking up a conversation and inviting you to spend the day with him.
But the moment he was there, he panicked as he sees you stepping towards the edge abnormally, it looks clear that you were trying to jump, but the waves today were too much for you to go swimming so he knows that whatever you were gonna do, it wasnt gonna be good. He wants to stop you but once he looks at you eyes from afar, he could sense all of your negativity and a little light that whispers your hope of wanting to dissappear from this world. As he stops and stands a few meters behind you, he ask "are you okay?". he seemingly did not catch your attention but know by how you fasten your steps little by little that you were still willing to jump.
He grabs your hand and spins you around, he bends his body a little to meet your eyes with one arm engulfing you in his embrace. "you had a bad day didnt you? do you want to share it with me?" he pulls away giving little space between you and him, as he gives you a warm gentle smile. you just looked down as tears start to escape your eyes, and little sobs break. he once again embraces you and gently tucks your head in his chest. After a few moments, you start to ramble on about what your feeling;
why does it have to be me? why do people carry me oh so high but when i fail, they turn their backs. they appreciate me when Im all correct but even 0.1 mistake can take effect... i dont like this... im still 13, in the last mission, people my age were running around, laughng with their friends. why cant i do that? i dont wanna keep being lcked up in a room reading books, i want to play too! i dont wanna do paperwork everyday! i want to go out relax with friends.... but all im expected to do is- is- learn- win number one- ranked number one- complete missions- and not fail... i dont like this... its to heavy... the pressure is suffocating me... i-i-
I dont wanna die...
she says to the person that embraces her lovingly for the first time. her last sentence was heard to be aa quiver as she continues her quite cries which were never heard before.
Kagura always knew her as a quite yet cheerful person. she brings a big positive energy to thee who is beside her. The moment she introduced herself to him for the first time, her voice was like light that could reassure people of their path and that everythings going to be okay. But he didnt knew that the one in need of the light is the light itself.
He strokes her hair gently as If she was made of glass. And silently snuggles closer to her smaller figure... Then he lets out a soft whisper
"you've went through so much until now. I can't comfort you nor can I help, but for now the only thing i can do is be by your side. We don't talk too much and we don't interact the most, so i think this is too early, but I love you. You did a great job, you've handled so much until this second, you've carried so much until now, even if people are dissatisfied of you, just remember, i will always be proud of you, i will always support you, and i love you"
"you could rest yourself now, even just for a second. Just rest and forget all of the pressure as if it doesn't exist." He continues
"i don't want anyone to hate me- i don't want to disappoint anyone" you wanted to continue but then he says
"even if the world is against you, i will always be by your side. Promise"
Everyone has their own bad side, and everyone makes mistakes, this was just a fanfic to comfort myself and also just me ranting. So this whole fanfic is probably to ooc, if u didn't like it, it's okay, if u like it then I'm glad. I don't see much Kaguraxreader fanfics, and i really need some whether in Wattpad or Tumblr or any other apps,
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everythingsinred · 2 years
Character Opinion Bingo - GA characters:
(Idk if I can request multiple characters but hfnkks here they are 😬)
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he quite obviously, especially at the beginning (of his story), has issues communicating with and talking with people, finding more comfort and familiarity with animals until he meets natsume, who is basically a human cat and his first friend. i almost highlighted “works best as part of a dynamic” bc of this but hes a compelling character on his own so i decided against it. his social anxiety (yes) is easy to project onto but he was done dirty in the manga itself bc his storyline of feeling useless and helpless was entirely unfulfilled. he deserved to rly feel like he was capable of making a difference instead of just filling a head count for the main four. natsume rly tried to make him feel useful but ruka shouldve played a larger role in the end to cement how important he is
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i have complicated feelings abt this girl. i love her potential but the characterization that zoe and i talk abt all the time between ourselves is rly only half canon. i kinda resent her sacrifice and role at the end of the story bc it was all done at the expense of mikans own character development and im ngl i hate that. this might be controversial of me to say but hotaru for most of the story feels more like a catalyst than an actual character. she has pretty static character development and mostly just keeps the story moving (reason mikan goes to alice in the first place, reason mikan goes after z, reason for mikan to return to alice) instead of being more active in the plot. nothing wrong w that kind of character but it just leads to me not being as invested. my fav of her relationships is actually w her brother bc the most growth and change and activeness is visible when she interacts w him, so i think more couldve been done w that maybe 👀 i understand that my feelings abt hotaru are maybe underwhelming but alas. i rly dont dislike her its just that what i love most abt her is half speculation on me and zoes part rather than actual content from the manga lol
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ive said a billion times already that narumi is an enigma to me. on the surface he seems campy and silly and friendly and thats usually what fanfics run with (my own fics are no exception) bc hes great for humor and adds an air of ridiculousness. but the truth is he is DARK! i dont know how i feel abt him half the time bc i dont even get him! hes deceptive and manipulative and even laughs at the abuse happening at the school, esp at the beginning. his relationship w mikan and yuka do humanize him but initially he uses mikan as a device to get to yuka almost like the esp does and he does force himself on yuka at some point. yes he grows to care abt mikan more but the darkness in his character is kinda understated. i think were underselling how fucked up he can be. which doesnt make him a bad character, just a frequently misunderstood one.
and send as many of these as u want! theyre a blast to do!!
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jenlvr01 · 3 years
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Pairing : Jaehyun x Reader
Genre : Greek God Mafia Au !
Warnings : Cursing , mention of drugs and violence.
Summary : Jaehyun Or in The underworld He is Known As The King or people would call him Hades. Ruthless, Cold and a selfish Bastard. One day Everything changed when He laid His Eyes On the most beautiful maiden he has ever seen but The problem is...he doesn’t wanna fall in love.
Notes: Yall i suggest you listen to Bad romance by Lady gaga While Reading this! And also this is my first time posting something on tumblr hehehejais sorry if there is any grammar errors english is not my first language T^T                                                                                                                                             
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  “Damn where the fuck is Jeno” Jaehyun Sighed as He sat on his Gold throne inside the biggest and darkest castle in the underworld. Everybody feared him and would tremble at the mention of his name.
“Hello Your grumpy Highness” Jeno Rolled his Eyes At him as He handed Him a Letter. Jaehyun Looked at Jeno and shook his head.
“You do know i can Take your life right at this very moment if you keep up that attitude of yours” Jaehyun Glared at The poor boy and Jeno just bowed and walked away.
There are Three worlds that exists. The first one is Heaven where all the Gods And Goddesses live. Second Earth where Humans And Some demi Gods Live and Lastly the Underworld Ruled By Jaehyun Where he punishes all the bad people and The Corrupt Gods And Goddesses are thrown.
Jaehyun opened the letter for it to be an invitation to the Heavenly Ball. Jaehyun receives one every year but he never once attended these kind of gatherings and he is always labeled as A VIP guest . He just thinks its a waste of time and silly but this year he wanted to Go For a change
“Hey Mark” he called Mark His Guard and Personal Assistant “Yes Your Highness” he Bowed slightly and was preparing to throw the invitation “Get dressed in The finest suit you Have..we are going to this damn Ball” He stood up and left Mark with a confused Look. “Your highness why are you going?” He asked afraid and was sweating cold sweats
“I wanted to go for a change..besides i wanna see my brothers ” he smirked as he opened the main door.
He dressed in the finest Suit that he had and his slick back hair that made him look 10x more intimidating.
Mark drove him to the venue also looking as dashing as ever. When they arrived at the venue it looked like everybody saw a ghost except for his 3 brothers ofcourse. Mark Followed Jaehyun Quietly at a distance
“FINALLY SOMEONE WENT OUT OF THAT DAMN HELL HOLE AFTER A LONG TIME” Taeyong Screamed Happily while approaching his Brother. Taeyong The God of The sky and Thunder happily approached his brother with champagne. Winwin Just sighed at the sight of Taeyong screaming so loud to the point where everybody had their eyes on them.
“Taeyong I swear to God lower your damn voice” he smacked his Brother at the back of his head
“So What made you attend this event this year My dear brother” he casually approached his brother and took a sip of his champagne.
All the Goddesses had their eyes on Him. Whispering endless thoughts and probably thirsting about how hot he is. Meanwhile all of the Gods Are starting to Fume with anger because all of the Women’s eyes were on him.
“I also dont know i felt like i needed to go here for a change” he took a sip of his champagne.
Johnny The God Of the Sun Approached Jaehyun and His Brothers
“Jaehyun im surprised to see you here my friend” he looked at him with disbelief.
Johnny and Jaehyun along with his brothers are Good Friends And they also run a business along with a few friends In The Underworld.
“Yeah i just went here for an appearance i really cant believe You attend something like this every year” he tsked and looked around the place as His brothers continue chatting With Johnny
Whispers and loud chattering can be heard. Loud music can Be Heard and the sight of Gods And Goddesses Flirting can be seen. The thought of love and flirting has never crossed Jaehyun’s mind. He had too much On his plate to be Even thinking about matters like those.
Jaehyun’s one and only rule? Never fall in Love For It will destroy you. Jaehyun saw what love did to humans and other Gods and Goddesses and he thought it was Stupid.
“Im Gonna go Out Where is The garden?” Jaehyun asked Taeyong and he answered with a smile “go straight then turn left you’ll see a glass door” jaehyun nodded and Mark followed with a glass of wine in his hands.
“Sooo are you enjoying this party your highness?” Mark asked with wiggly eyes brows
“Fuck no This was a wrong decision to come here..How are the transport on the drugs?”
“Its alright the same as usual no need to worry”  as he looked up and saw bright colors and expensive gold on the ground and walls “Good Make sure Nothing Goes Wrong. Tell Jeno To Gather The Team to Monitor the transport we need to be careful this is a huge amount make sure it doesn’t Get stolen” Mark Does a bow and said “yes Your Highness” Jaehyun nodded and dismissed Mark.        He Was faced With A very elegant Glass door The doorknobs made with diamonds and rubies. Slowly he Opened The Door to be greeted by The scent of Hyacinths. He slowly walked over the stone path. He Never really gets to see flowers back in The Underworld because no living thing can survive in the underworld.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 “oh My God What happened to You. You  poor thing let me fix You Up real quick”  You said in a concern voice looking at the dead flowers in the Garden. You placed your hand on top of the flower and used a tiny bit of your powers to heal the flowers. You smiled and giggled at the sight of healthy flowers. Yes You are the Goddess of vegetation and Fertility.                                                                                                                                                                                             You never really wanted to attend these kind of Parties. You Just feel so out of place and uncomfortable with all the people surrounding you and all. The thought of it makes you sick. You sighed as You drank Wine and slowly leaned back onto the tree. It was a nice view. The garden was filled with  many green and colorful Plants. You'd really Rather spend your day here rather than talking to people.                                                                                                                  You Fished out your phone from your Pocket To call Jisung the cupid and Your bestfriend ofc.                                                                                                          “Jisung are you really not gonna attend this event? I have no friends here seriously i was forced By Naeun That's why I'm here” You groaned when you heard Him laugh " I told You You need to stay away from that girl" He laughed even harder when he heard How annoyed You were “ Let me Guess You are either at some random room in the mansion or you are at the garden ”You did a little snap and said “BINGO! I'm at the garden " You chuckled “anyways i need to go get more wine please pick me up later" you can feel him smiling through the phone and said “okay okay ill pick u up bye” he suddenly ended the call and all you could do was stare at the phone with disbelief. "Woah I cant believe this man He suddenly - “ You suddenly turned to your side and bumped into a God...well probably the most handsome God You have ever laid your Eyes on. He shut his eyes shut and sighed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           “Oh my God I'm So sorry" You panicked because he seemed like he was having a bad day and he looked so pissed at the sight of wine staining his Suit  “damn Woman watch where Your Going.” As He opened his eyes you could feel his hot gaze pierce through you skull. “ I'm really so sorry about this......’’ You looked at him and gave him the “what's your name??” Kind of look.                                                                                                                                                       “ You don't know me??” Jaehyun asked because he couldn’t believe it.                “yeah I don't know you so I uh...may I know your name??’’                                                                                                                                                                       he smirked and leaned down to whisper in her ears                                                                                                                                                                        “My name is Jaehyun”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
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thedevilliers · 4 years
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this is less a tutorial and more a semi in-depth explanation on my process while taking screenies. my do’s and don’ts about lightning, angles, text/dialogue, close-ups and other!
as a disclaimer, anyone is free to take their screenies however they want and this is just my personal preference and opinions ♡ everything is under the cut! i did say its LONG so dont say i didnt warn u 😳
i use the nobluv2 and noglo mods by luumia! i recommend them 100000%
1. lightning
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with its exceptions, this being i’m in a room with candles/chandelier/anything that doesnt naturally produce a white light OR ambiance reasons, my setting with screenies is with the ‘Neutral White’ color. this is for me, more visually appealing than just bathing your sim in yellow light.
warmer white:
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poor lit:
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good <3:
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i usually test my lightning before i actually take any screenies so my sim is well-lit but also preventing overexposure bc of the lighting. an example of overexposure is when for example the lighting is SO strong, your sim looks like its ‘shining’
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you can see it here on her chest highlights, her arm and her cheeks. i exaggerated it here so its more obvious. fixing overexposure is HARDER than upping the brightness in a poor-lit screenshot. overexposure and makin sims look like they are SHINING is a crime. JAIL
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the best light ever tbh. just dont get... to carried away
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1.2 outdoor lightning
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this is one a bit trickier depending on your location but USUALLY your screenies would look well dark. again, test lightning before actually shooting screenies! i generally look for a lamp posts that have good lightning and shrink them down so if im taking angled shots, it doesnt get in the way. change the color to neutral white and if its too much lightning, just lower the dimmer:
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2. just no
just no to all this:
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in general, you can ZOOM to the max, and with the scroll-wheel zoom out THREE TIMES. four times we on the edge but its still acceptable. five times and you are goin to JAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
in general i also recommend having a semi-big room so you can move around without any problems. small rooms DO work but chances are while moving around you’re either going to go outside the room, run into a plant in the shot or into another decor item.
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for example, this is a ‘small’ room. while taking photos i have run into the bookshelves for over the shoulder shots like 8000 times. still, doable, but why put myself thru the suffering>?????
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2.2 fill the room
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nothin sadder than, for example, doing a bedroom scene and there just being...a bed. the game comes with so much clutter and theres also a lot of clutter cc to make rooms seem more ‘lived in’. its also a lot more visually appealing than the room being empty.
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3. angles for screenies
my controversial OPINION!!!! i dont care for FULL surroundings shots for more than for a singular panel. THERE I SAID IT!!! usually i show the surroundings/scene setting in ONE panel and then i move on to other angles. again, has exceptions. these being a banquet, party, ball, another sim joins the scene, montages, etc! ANYWHERE that has something happening with multiple people in general.
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for example, i don’t see why repeat the same angle with different poses. i can do it for one panel, but for the next ones? there’s the option of over the shoulder shots,  detail shots, them looking at each other shots, cinammon tography shots........... more than likely your reader already has an idea of where your characters are so showing it in every single panel is not necessary.
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always try and leave a lil breathin room for the heads on top so it isnt all CRAMPED! but this all depends on the pose, if theres a height difference included in said poses and the angle you are taking the screenshot from!
same thing about not just doing...full on surrounding shots for when something is HAPPENING. say, someone is fainting, collapsing...ANYTHIN!! theres so many shot options than just repeating the same angle over and over again. DONT BE SHY!!!! DO VARIETY !!!
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we in photography class now. BUT yes keep these in mind ALSO while taking photos so it isnt just the same angle, same distance just different pose. your sim has a nice outfit? showing it once is enough! every panel? ummmm......... your sim is crying?  do a medium close up/medium shot and not a full body shot!
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3.1 close ups
your close ups and ALL screenies in general, don’t have to be FRONTAL only. they can be right/left side, a lil angled...
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waist/chest level is a good level for a close-up sim wise since if you ZOOM in too much WELL
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4. text/dialogue
i’d recommend any SANS-SERIF fonts. serif fonts are so hard to read even if nice looking. usually a font-size of over 40px+ works and you can add outside stroke and even drop shadow!
i personally use calibri (bold italic) for my screenies, but other subtitle fonts like arial, myriad pro, helvetica...really any sans-serif ones work.
my stroke settings:
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i also wouldn’t recommend putting 4000 word paragraphs in ONE screenie because it’s just visually exhausting. the MAXIMUM i’d do and thats if ABSOLUTELY necessary is FOUR!!!! lines of text. id keep it to three ONLY and thats if your text is the same size as mine. if bigger then two 😳
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yes <3:
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another no-no for readability is INSIDE stroke or adding bevel/emboss to the text. pick bright, contrasting colors to the background or even clothes your characters are wearing so it’s not hard to read.
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something a lil extra i also recommend is if your dialogue has different sentences and one ends and another one starts in the same line, continue it on another line. DOES THIS MAKE SENSE ok lets see:
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the “Yes, maybe I went on [...]” continues on the first line, but to make it a bit easier to read just press enter and move it to the second line so it’s on it’s own line.
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same thing for the "Be nice or [...]” line! it gets cut off to the third line anyways, so just put it in a singular line. final result:
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for me, this is easier to read, less I GUESS ‘immersion breaking’  and easier on the eyes too.
and just other quick things to keep in mind:
will the post be horizontal or vertical? if its vertical, you have to angle and move the camera around keeping in mind you’re going to crop it later. yes, the scenary might be nice if its horizontal, but a lil vertical photo is cute!
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best times for OUTDOOR lightning photos are 2pm-4pm. morning light is a bit too dark, 12 pm is the slightest too bright, but 2pm-4pm is just ENOUGH!!!
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and thats all : ) i THINK i talked about most things screenies wise??? if you have questions, my askbox is always open : ) and remember these are just my opinions : )
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heysatori · 4 years
Hey! I am new to your blog, but I binged everything, hehe, and I think you're amazing! Could you maybe do hcs with Bakusquad and todoroki with a s/o who is scared to let them meet their parents because they're the strict type who think that once you're in a relationship it basically means you intend to marry the person?
Bakusquad and Todoroki with an s/o who has strict parents
Genre: fluff  Pairings: Bakugou x reader, Kirishima x reader, Sero x reader, Kaminari x reader, Mina x reader, Jirou x reader, Shinsou x reader, Todoroki x reader a/n: this took me so long im so sorry but wow this took a lot of energy out of me JFJFSJKFA i hope i got what you wanted anon ! (─‿‿─)♡
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Bakugou Katsuki
you and katsuki have been dating for quite a while now 
he had already invited you to his house and you coincidentally met his parents ! 
he hadnt expected them to be there but they coddled u like there was no tomorrow !! (─‿‿─)♡
they asked u tons of question and u even cooked dinner with masaru ! 
it was a great bonding experience !
katsuki was ofc not happy with this becuz he only wanted u to himself ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐
after dinner he hauled u to his room and demanded cuddles 
after that though, he lowkey expected that u would to introduce him to ur parents too 
just so things are fair and square
but after numerous hints u still havent gotten the clue ! so he just confronts u abt it 
but softly 
“so when am i gonna meet your parents?” 
you kinda turn to him a little hesitantly 
your parents are pretty strict 
they didnt even know you were dating bakugou at all 
all they knew was that you were doing very well at UA 
“uh do you want to meet them?”
“well its just, you met mine, so that means i can meet yours right?”
bakugou looks so tiny like that he justs pouting a little with his arms crossed over his chest
“i mean, theyre really strict baby, im not even allowed to be dating you right now”
bakubabes kinda shocked so he just asks u more questions 
“what do you mean??”
“well if i am to date someone, they want that person to be like my future spouse or something, so its either all or nothing for them”
“tch, me? marry you? in your dreams” 
u alrdy know bakugou is teasing but u hit him nonetheless 
lets just say you both agree to not bring him home for a while 
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Kirishima Eijirou
you had already met kirishima’s mothers a few weeks back during an impromptu outing the mall with his family 
there were lovely of course ! and kirishima is the living proof of all their hard work into making one of the nicest boys in the whole world 
after that though 
kiri had gotten a little hopeful that you’d introduce him to your parents as well 
soon enough he couldnt keep it in and it eventually came out in word vomit 
“huh, you want to meet my parents?” 
kiri just nodded meekly and settled down on your bed, patting the space next to him 
you plop down and pull him into a hug, cradling him against your chest 
“uh listen baby, my parents, theyre not like yours” 
“huh, what do you mean?”
“well theyre kinda strict, they dont even want me dating in the first place, plus if you do meet them, theyre expecting that you’ve already thought out how youre going to ask for my hand in marriage or something like that”
“i mean, i can marry you now if you want?”
you splutter over your words and push kirishima off your chest 
“whaaaaat im serious!!” 
after that you and kirishima have a thorough discussion on why he cant ask you to marry him just yet 
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Sero Hanta 
hes pretty chill about the idea of meeting your parents and you meeting his
he isnt really going to plan anything but if anything happens to happen then he’ll just go with the flow 
his parents had invited you over to dinner after they managed to spot you at a random shopping center
sero was FLUSHED !! but he let it happen, walking a little behind his parents so he could hold your hand 
after that though things are totally chill 
he doesnt really expect to meet your parents 
as he didnt plan you meeting his parents either 
but he does ask you what theyre like ! 
one day while you were cuddling he just looks up at you and asks you, “what are your parents like?”
“theyre pretty traditional”
“what kind of traditional?”
“the ‘are you prepared to marry my child and provide for them for the rest of your life?’ kind of traditional’
sero kinda just wheezes at your answer at your answer and leaves it alone for awhile
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Kaminari Denki
hes kinda insistent on meeting ur parents 
but only because he knows that its like the special bases of relationships 
plus he also wants to meet the wonderful people who created you 
he introduced you to his parents on your 5th month of dating 
cuz he just wants the people he loves the most to interact with each other 
plus with how much he talks about you home, they were also quite eager to meet you
so of course he is kinda gonna be insistent 
one day he runs up to your room and presents a fancy night with you, him, and your parents 
he pushes you in and explains it to you thoroughly !! 
you feel kinda bad to tell him that this might not happen 
“im sorry bug, but im not sure if we can do this with my parents” 
hes shocked ! he sits up a little for a moment but he ends up sagging in sadness after a while 
“but why” 
and hes pouting !! 
you feel so sad about hurting him about this 
“my parents are really strict, they might not approve of you baby, they’ll probably even ask you if youre gonna marry me or something”
“i will marry you though!!” 
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Mina Ashido
like denki she’s a little persistent
she’s just very enthusiastic about you and everything about you
so that includes your home life
she already introduced you to her parents long ago 
so shes pretty expectant 
she always kinda brings it up 
“so when can i meet your parents” is a common phrase you hear from her 
you kinda dismiss her questions and you change the topic after that 
but after a while she gets fed up and confront you about it 
and although you feel bad you still feel a little reluctant to tell her 
you didnt wanna ruin anything just cuz your parents are stupidly strict 
but you decide to tell her anyway 
you explain to her how strict your parents are but she doesnt really get the gist of it 
“what do you mean though?”
“well, they’ll probably ask you if youre ready to marry me or something” 
“of course i am!” 
you fluster at her words 
she cuddles up to u and doesnt let u leave her arms after that
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Jirou Kyouka
shes kinda shy about those things
so she usually just focuses on you and only you 
she never really thought about meeting your parents until the squad (mainly denki and mina) asked about it 
“what do you mean when am i gonna meet their parents?” 
“thats like!! the biggest step in a relationship!! if you dont meet their parents youre probably not gonna be long term!” 
jirou dismisses mina’s statement and leaves to find you 
although it does sound a little ridiculous, she is kinda nervous about that 
was she not enough for your parents?
she finds you in your room and beats around the bush for a while before getting straight to the point, kinda
“so uh you wanna exchange parents?’
“no, sorry, i mean, like, wanna meet my parents and ill meet yours?”
youve heard stories about kyouka’s parents and they sound pretty awesome so in your mind you agree immediately
but the thought of kyouka meeting your annoyingly traditional parents sounded like a nightmare 
“i dont think you’ll like my parents” 
she asks a simple way and you give her a simple answer 
shes totally cool with it cuz yeah she doesnt like overly traditional people 
so you both end up just laying down and cuddling together 
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Shinsou Hitoshi
i dont think he really cares about meeting your parents 
not that he doesnt care about your parents
no hes sure that they are lovely people 
its just that shinsou is a litlte anti social as it is and likes to keep meeting new people to a minimum 
but monoma kinda bugs him on it 
egging him on to take initiative in your relationship for once and make a big step for the both of you 
so one day, shinsou walks up to you begrudgingly with monoma hiding behind a wall nearby 
(this is exactly what it looked like when monoma forced shinsou to gain the courage to ask you out) 
“so, can i uh, meet your parents?” 
you kinda laugh at how he asked it so weirdly 
“where did this come from?”
“monoma said i need to man up and take initiative in our relationship and make a big step so that we can stay together forever” 
you laugh even harder but you cant help but have your heart melt at shinsou’s purpose taking to you now 
it may not seem like it but he really does want to have you around forever 
“theyre pretty strict and traditional baby, you sure you wanna meet them?” 
he turns around and monoma gives him a firm face and a thumbs up 
shinsou turns back around and nods firmly 
you cant help but laugh again at how adorable he looks 
moving to wrap your arms around his neck you give him a small peck on the cheek 
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Todoroki Shouto 
todoorki’s had his fair share of experience when it comes to parents 
so hes not entirely eager to meet your parents 
but he does think about it every now and then 
for sure not everyone is going to be like his father 
but hes got quite a foul mouth and no brain to mouth filter when he does speak 
but he knows respect 
just dont cross his line 
he doesnt really bring up meeting your parents for a while 
iida had asked about it once since it was a formal thing to do when gaining a significant other 
todoroki simply shrugged and said he’ll think about it 
and he did think about it 
later that day after training he approached you, pulling on your arm to bring you closer to him 
he soon pulled you to a stop by the side of the hallway, stepping rather close to you 
“can i meet your parents?”
it was so sudden that you couldnt help your surprise 
neither of you talk much about your parents (except for Rei who you had met a while back) 
“well, I don’t think you’ll like them sweetie” 
“I’m sure they’re lovely” 
“Well, they’re just a tiny bit like your dad, not the abuse, but the uhm, in the traditional sense?” 
todoroki nods firmly and pulls you to stay under his arm as you resume walking back to the dorms 
“well, my mother will be your mother-in-law soon enough so you don’t need to worry”
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fanmoose12 · 3 years
I like to think the first time when Levi and Hanji confessed their feelings it was during a fight. Hanji's going through the mess in her office worried that she's failing as a commander and in a moment of weakness admits she should've been the one to die that day instead of him. She wasnt needed here. Erwin was. Erwin would've known what to do. Levi who had just entered the office to check up on her starts seething with anger & roughly strikes his fist against her table. She looks up at him shocked and teary eyed. 'Wtf hanji? After all we've been through, all you care about is dying like a coward?' She gets up and starts shouting at him. How he doesnt get the pressure shes under. That she feels lonely most of the time. She misses Moblit. She misses who she was. She misses watching the world with both eyes. You feel so distant. Im sick of pretending there's no space between us anymore when there's a vaccuum. Heck you dont even call me four eyes anymore. She stops when he grabs her by the arm and pulls her close. 'Does it matter to you that much?' He isnt looking at her. Shes stunned unable to come up with a diversion. She gives in and accepts it. 'Yes. It does. You were..u were all I was left with Levi. And it feels like I lost you too' He pulls her close meeting her eyes with a look she hasnt seen before. 'U think ur the only one who's miserable? U think I dont see u dying everyday crumbling under this pressure? U think i dont carry the burden of our fallen comrades on my shoulders? U think its easy to love someone who probably blames u for making her life hell? To see myself lose u to this position u hold? I die everyday hanji. I feel like the loneliest man to ever exist. I lost u too that day. Everytime I look at u I see the ghost of who hanji was and how I killed her. Im miserable too hanji but knowing you'd rather choose death than stick with me here......I cant bear the thought" She stares at his face for the first time after that event on the wall. His handsome features strained and drained. She thought his eyes were lifeless then yet now...he looked half dead. She prided herself in being the only one able to read him yet she failed this time. He...loved her? God. This infuriating emotionally constipated man was telling her he loved her missed her. Stupid Levi. Stupid Hanji. They were here. They were alive and together. The world was cruel but so beautiful. They were soldiers who had devoted their hearts to a cause greater than them. But at this moment, she felt like nothing else mattered but this man before her. She was so glad he was alive. So glad he was here with her. She held his face in her hands stroking his cheeks. He looked stunned for a moment before his features relaxed. As though he had heard the rumbling in her head. She let go of his face and took his hand while moving out of the office to her room. She gave him a hesitant look as they reached her door thinking what if theyre not on the same page. What if shes taking it too fast. What if shes misreading the situation. He answered by opening the door and dragging her inside with him. Sitting on the bed he reluctantly took her hand in his 'Hanji..I..' She stopped him by putting a finger on his lips. 'Dont'
She brought his face closer to hers. She could feel her heart beating against her chest and his warm breath on her face. 'Oh God what am I even doing' she thought to herself. As she was fumbling with her actions, Levi smiled and reached towards the back of Hanji's head, pulling her close. "Let me start this time," he said, lips brushing over hers delicately. He pulled her close and pressed his lips to Hanji's, appreciating their fullness. He began giving her small smooches, noticing that both his and Hanji's breathing had increased. Hanji had wrapped her arms around Levi, pulling him closer to guide his mouth deeper into the kisses. It was like a hidden door had been unlocked inside Levi. He became suddenly overwhelmed with the amount of suppressed affection he held for her. So this is how to tell her without words, he thought. "Hanji," Levi whispered, barely audible. He ran his tongue softly along her lips, relishing her taste. Hanji moaned, causing a tingle to run down his spine. "Levi," protested Hanji but he captured her lips with his once more. "Hanji," he whispered as he kissed her deeper and continued to embellish her with kiss after kiss, only allowing her to breathe as he whispered her name over and over. "Hanji...Hanji...Hanji."
With much will power, she pushed him away realizing the situation was bound to get out of control if she didnt. 'Levi wait' He looked up at her with dizzy eyes waiting for her to continue, " Levi....I’m not sure where this life will take us. I dont know how long we'll live. But if we survive...promise me...when we're finally done with our duties in the Survey Corps...You'll...consider living with me in the woods somewhere" Levi smiled and planted a tender kiss on her forehead. "I don't know..." He pulled away to gaze into her imploring stare. "I don't do promises.." Her face fell at his words. 'But I can make an exception in this case. Promise me you'll survive. Promise me that and I'll agree to the forrest deal" Hange beamed at him before giving him a peck on the cheek. "Only if you're with me till the very end"
"Damn it Four Eyes..." he chided mockingly as he reached up for her chin to give her another adoring kiss. For the first time after the battle in Shiganshina, they both didnt feel lonely that night.
anon!!!!!!! wtf this is so good!!!! i was at the edge of my seat and gripping my heart frantically!!! what a rollercoaster of emotions!!! thank you for blessing my eyes with this💕
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ao3gingerswag · 3 years
noooooo you’re telling me you liked catcher in the rye?????? i hate that book with a PASSION holden caulfield is my arch-nemesis and possibly my villain origin story
;~; i know EVERYONE hates catcher in the rye and it makes me so sad!!! i loved that book!!! not to sound like a pretentious dick but i truly feel like people hate it because they dont get it. people are like uuugh holden is so whiney and negative!!! the whole book is just “wow people suck and the world is terrible we should all give up” how fake deep!!
and im like no!! thats not what its about thats literally the opposite of what its about!!! he! has! depression!!!!! its about how hard it is to be a kid in that situation, feeling so overwhelmed with grief every time you see people being cruel or someone who u cant help ;~; but that doesnt mean you dont keep fighting for the world to be better!!
ugh the ending makes me CRY!!! idk if you remember but he’s like “im gonna ‘run away.’ like im just gonna disappear i cant do this anymore.” and hes VERY TRANSPARENTLY TALKING ABOUT COMMITTING SUICIDE!!! like he literally specifically doesnt pack anything/take anything with him because he’s not gonna need anything where he’s going. but before he “leaves” he wants to see his little sister one more time ;~; so he asks her to come meet him at the park!
and she does! except that when she shows up, shes dragging a suitcase with her!! and thats the part where he’s like. u didnt need to bring me anything i dont need any of that stuff where im going (bc hes planning on killing himself ;~;) but his sister is like! its not for u its for me! and hes like ?? what?? and shes like! i want to come with you!!
and he gets SO UPSET hes like you’re not coming with me you’re not fucking coming with me!! whats wrong with you!!!!! and she is just like i love you!! i want to come with you!!!! and hes like jesus christ no you dont dont say that no you dont!!! what about all the shit in your life that you actually like?? and then he starts basically listing all the things she has to live for, like the school play or something that shes supposed to be in next week and cares so much about, but she just keeps being like i dont care about any of that i just want to come with you!!! and finally hes like IM NOT GOING ANYWHERE!!!! IM NOT GOING ANYWHERE OK JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!! jesus christ ill stay here if it means so goddamn much to you as long as you stay here too!!!!!
ooooh god my heart ;~;
theyre both so upset and she wont stop crying so he takes her to the carousel and watches her go up and down and the last scene in the book is her trying to reach this golden ring at the top of the pole that shes never gonna be able to reach. but she keeps trying anyway. and thats a fucking metaphor for happiness and a perfect world babes. and when i read that shit as a depressed 14 year old it sent me into another dimention.
anyway i love catcher in the rye.
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blxetsi · 4 years
Hi! Can I please request modern au hcs for Armin?
tysm for requesting !!
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modern armin arlert dating headcanons
lowercase intended !
college!armin arlert x gn!reader
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- okay so
- i think in a college setting you and armin hit it off really well
- i think you guys wouldve just accidentally kept bumping into each other, whether it be around campus, at some coffee shop, in the library
- it gets so frequent you dont even know if its a coincidence at this point, yet you cant help but hope that you seem him whenever you go out
- after ALWAYS bumping into each other and apologizing before making small talk, armin makes the first move
- mf just says "are you following me ?" to which you reply "are YOU following me ?"
- that night ends in you two exchanging numbers 🤩
- you find out that hes a humanities major, and wants to be a psychologist some day
- you also find out he has a paid internship at a research facility near the university you attend
- hes super sweet but also super humble, so he tries not to keep the subject on himself for very long, just wanting to know more about you
- as you two get closer he gets more touchy (not in a weird way)
- he starts greeting you with hugs now, and likes to have a light grip on your wrist when hes leading you through crowded hallways of the school
- he introduced you to his bestfriends and roommates, mikasa and eren, and they were really accepting !! (they already could tell armin liked you even if he didnt know himself)
- you start developing feelings for him about two months after you exchanged numbers, and you honestly felt really weird
- because this beautiful boy whos so sweet and kind and intelligent is like,, wayyyy out of your league
- armin thinks the exact same thing
- he thinks youre so cool and fun to be around, you always have the best stories to tell and are so welcoming,, its HARD not to fall for someone like you !!
- finally he gets up the courage to ask if you can come to his apartment
- and there he confesses 😳💥‼️
- you sit there shocked for a couple seconds too long because now hes freaking out like "im so sorry i didnt wanna seem creepy i just wanted to tell you how i felt you can leave or i can walk you home- wait you probably wouldnt want that but-"
- you just kind of grab his shoulders and start shaking him. before you tell him you like him too.
- the apples of his cheeks turn pink before he smiles and gives you such a tight hug !!
- hes immediately planning a date with you for when youre both free
- takes you to the local aquarium 🤩 and kisses you in front of the moon jellies (u know those big tanks with the jellyfish that are like glow in the dark ?? and the whole hallway is pitch black except for the lights from the tank ?? yeah ❤️ he kissed you THERE and it was beautiful)
- has chapped lips 😐 sorry i dont make the rules
- has a habit of picking them when hes working or lost in thought
- doesnt mean you stop kissing him tho
- is the kind of guy that will genuinely get worried if you send an "sos" type message. gets out of his own class just to speedwalk (he isnt gonna break the rules and run in the halls 🙄) and come to your class just to see if youre okay
- looks at you like 😐 when you explain you just need him to get you an iced coffee from that shitty coffee place in the cafeteria
- does it anyway even though hes annoyed 😌✨
- will grumble about paying him back for the five dollars he just spent on you while you kiss him over and over again in thanks
- doesnt let you pay him back though smh 🙄
- loves to give back hugs
- will do it while youre working, or while youre doing the dishes
- if youre shorter than him he'll rest his head on your and just smell your hair
- if youre taller than him hes shoving his face inbetween your shoulder blades
- is such a lightweight drunk its not even funny
- none of his friends are tbh 🙄
- the first time you saw him drunk was when eren dragged you guys out to a party their friend was hosting (literally interrupted your cuddle time in armins bed to THROW OFF THE BLANKETS and say "you guys are coming with me 😁👍" and when you two said no he TURNED ON THE LIGHTS and ruined the vibe 😐 fucking asshole)
- anyways you two had to change back into your clothes at 9pm just to go to a shitty party that was gonna get busted by the cops anyways 😔💔
- you couldnt find him through the sea of people, and u got really worried until armin called you
- it was not armin on the other line 😁👍
- he said his name was reiner ?? and he said he was with armin bc he puked while playing beer pong
- the guy tells you where they are and you go to find them. theyre sitting on this couch in a backroom and theres only like,, five people in total there ??
- armin is SOBBING while reiner is trying to get him to drink water
- "reiner you dont get it,,, theyre so beautiful. i cant compete. i dont even think theyd wanna be with me. and you have to see them talk about their major. theyre so smart you dont understand." "okay buddy lets just finish this water okay ?"
- armin is leaning his shoulder on this GIANT of a man just going on about how much he loves you and how amazing he finds you. until you tap his shoulder. and then he realizes youve been listening this entire time. and then he starts crying because he doesnt want you to find him weird. and then you have to explain to him that you two are dating. where he doesnt believe you still.
- eren ends up giving you the keys to his car and saying "ill just call you when i need a ride back" and reiner CARRIES armin to the car 😭😭😭
- hes a real gentleman 😁👍
- that morning armin remembers EVERYTHING and is MORTIFIED
- calls reiner immediately like "did people see me puke ? oh god am i gonna be talked about ?"
- has very vivid dreams and remembers all of them ?? will literally tell you about a dream he had when he was five and WILL NOT forget a detail. its weird
- his family actually doesnt seem like they like you 😳 not because they dont theyre just very,, quiet people...... except for his grandfather
- doesnt even care who you are to armin, will pull you down on the couch with him to tell you about all his research and findings as an archeologist (before he retired)
- if youre ever feeling sad about anything, whether that be stress, family problems, or body image issues, armins taking you to his place 😁👍
- he'll cuddle you and whisper how much he loves you while you two are watching something on his laptop
- has acne scars on his shoulders. dont make fun of him for it pls
- loves getting back scratches though, the tingles make him feel really calm
- if you have like,, makeup brushes and stuff he likes it when you brush his face with them, no product or anything but the tingles he gets from it 🤤
- over time his parents warm up to you quiet a bit, and when his mom shows you baby photos and from him as a kid youre SHOCKED.
- he had this little bob cut from when he was ten to his teens 🥺🥺🥺🥺
- when you two are walking back home or wherever you cant help but go on about how cute he was and how healthy and pretty his hair looked (not that its not healthy or pretty now) and he just giggles before pulling you into his side and kissing your cheek while saying "okay baby, ill grow it out just for you then"
- also loves the petnames baby, angel, and love
- will gladly let you steal his sweaters. has a really nice knit one that his grandma made him before she died. that ones off limits.
- doesnt like to fight, but when he feels like hes in the right he wont hesitate to yell back when youre yelling at him
- just dont yell at him pls, it makes him sad
- it takes him a while (and by a while i mean like 30 minutes at most) before his texting you asking if you guys can talk about it
- its really easy for you two to make up, and immediately hes hugging you and just asking if you wanna do something with him
- also, cuts his own hair ?? and would cut yours if you asked. mikasa vouches for him "yeah he trims my hair all the time. why ?"
- every year on your anniversary hes taking you to the aquarium. and he always kisses you as softly as he did the very first time, in the dark hallway of the moon jellyfish tank ✨
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THATS ITTT !!! thanks again for requesting !! i hope you all enjoyed. remember asks are open !! u dont have to request headcanons either !!! go crazy friends !!
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