#im just waiting for sth similar to this to happen
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egos · 1 year ago
I hate Sarajevooo
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yukongkisser · 1 year ago
thoughts ab the last scene, idk
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so, bcs of that question, i think that this aku isnt from this world, maybe this one is from an alternative universe, just like the man who is def fukuchi. besides, fukuchi's outfit is quite weird, it looks modern???, idfk, but now look at aku's clothes, the style is similar to each other. so we can conclude that they are from the same universe.
maybe, aku is here to stop fukuchi from doing sth. my guesses are: 1, fukuchi is trying to prevent the war that is going to happen, after seeing this world's fukuchi failed. 2, this fukuchi wants to take one order or the book.
1 doesnt seem right to me bcs this aku bothered to even prevent fukuchi from doing sth so he is prob a good moral person (that sounds so weird but hope u get it)
btw, asagiri literally comfirmed that bsd is a multiverse. (we have beast here yk). a popular theory i saw is that this aku is from a world where atsu died for him when they fought with fukuchi, or this is aku from the future
so.... im excited for what will be next, which we have to wait prob less than a year or so
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miss-styles · 2 years ago
Ok wait I have a question if you feel comfortable answering on your blog! I really want to have casual sex, but my dilemma is that I’m a virgin and I would need someone to be very patient reassuring and understanding with me that first time or first few times, but I feel like that’s difficult to find when you’re hooking up especially with men. I really wish I would’ve lost it already so that I would feel more comfortable and experienced having sex with other people. Like although I haven’t ever had sex before, I just think I would really enjoy it because I love intimacy. So idk how to overcome this because I don’t want to be in a relationship rn, but I do want to have sex but still have some level of trust respect and care for each other’s bodies. Thoughts or experiences you wouldn’t mind sharing?
omg i dont know if im seeing this really late but thank you for coming to me with this!
okay so to share my own first time experience... i had just gotten out of a really bad situationship. the situationship was my first time making out with someone and just genuinely having feelings for someone. first love if you will. but we had never had sex. the most we did was just his fingers being on my underwear. after this ended i just started going on dates with random people. realistically i knew like i wasnt ready for a relationship at the time but it was a good distraction for me to put myself out there. after like a month or so.. i went out with this one guy and i reallyyyy liked him. the first time we went out he fingered me in the theater (sorry guys!) and the second time was also similar. the third time i was over at his house and we had sex.
now i will admit that i was so incredibly lucky to have my first time with him. he was so understanding and so nice he didnt make it awkward at all i was just really comfortable through the entire thing. but i can't tell you that everyone youll meet will be the same way and ive definitely had some "bad" (not as good) experiences after that
and also to me sex or virginity has never really been a THING. so i never had a need for my first time to be special or to be with someone i had been dating for a while etc etc. i know for some people sex can be this very special thing but for me it just isnt. and from what i understand you also seem to feel the same way? (correct me if im wrong) so i just felt good to get the first one over with someone i felt comfortable with and it just opened up a whole new world for me. controversial but! like i love having sex. it has made me feel so much more comfortable in my body etc etc.
now my advice would be to (at least for your first time) dont have sex on the first hangout. ofc you can do stuff but just get to know them first and see if you feel comfortable with them. i would also advise that you tell them youre a virgin not in like a weird way but i promise it would make them be more understanding. also definitely discuss what you like (sexually) bc it can get real awkward if you realize your preferences dont align at all.
just overall be open with them. for your first time (and even in the future if you wish) let them know that you wont have sex in the first hangout (and their reactions to these kind of boundaries or their reactions to your preferences can be very telling of their character) and use the first hangout to get to know them to see if youd be comfortable having sex.
and also!! (sorry this is a very long response) awkward things will happen during sex but just laugh through them and i promise it will be fine. i promise you wont be the only one who's embarrassed by sth the other person will have things that they're embarrassed about too. its natural dont stress about it.
i feel like this was a lot of blabbing but i hope it makes sense to you and if you have ANY other questions feel free to come back. i promise i would never judge
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cookiescr · 2 years ago
Like I know I’m not as close with these two like they are w eachother but they/we literally call out everyone who sometimes acts up. Like happens when someone is in a bad mood or whatever and usually we all just talk about it or give cool-down time. So it’s kinda disappointing that I get just the cold treatment. Like Bruh yeah my meltdown a few days ago was not pleasant but still, we had worse. Now one of them just said to me „idm if you continue our show without me, I don’t feel like I will me in the mood to watch for a long time“. I prob overdramatise stuff but I won’t even ask if he’s ok. Im done w this and I’ll cool down after I sleep prop lol. But thanks for listening to this rant
You know the theory the smaller a life is the faster the heartbeat? Like elephants have slow heartbeats and mice super fast. Ur a small mouse
But I do hope that ur health and weight will become better soon, sometimes the mind can trick you into making it worse than it is. Keep the short king goal and you’re set 😎
Oh unfortunate, consider it a not so surprise surprise trip. Since you know it will happen but don’t know when lol
I just go with she/her, pretty basic I guess
Thanks!! And tbh I don’t know much about the clubbing there, like the last time I visited I was barely an adult and shy lol and yeah she will do sth similar like a student exchange, just that u don’t exchange students. She will just get there and be like 😗✌🏽
-O (this looks like 🐤)
Ohhh dang i get you feeling disappointed about that :// hopefully when everything’s cooled y’all can talk and shit and clear up some stuff also have a good sleep and ofc ofc
Ig I just have small mouse heartbeat huh
Oh yeah I’ve definitely had some times where my brain has convinced me I am gonna die which kinda sucks of my brain to do. But ye thank you I hope so as well!
The thing is I also have no idea if it still might happen. My friend’s mom actually borrowed money from me because they lost their atm which is why the trip had to be postponed. But I’m now confused because I sent it via their other atm so idk anymore but also I’m not too worried about them not paying because my friend’s always been the type to not wait for me to ask him to pay. Sometimes I actually forget and he goes hey I borrowed money and I go huh?? And he reminds me kxmdm
Oh ok noted! And ur cool with me using girl sometimes? Like I use girl or bro or man sometimes (shit like “girl/bro what why’d they do that 😭”)
Ohhh well i hope you have fun!! Is it easy to enroll and get like a student visa there :0?
Also jskjsjs i never noticed it looks like a chick
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m1ckeyb3rry · 5 months ago
LMAOO no wait that’s so real Karasu being like “maybe *I* need a ground type then I can compete with yuki and show him I’m the man”
Oh yeah huh I didn’t even register that LMAOSJ er anyways HAHAH wait this can be fake death instance #1 Karasu scared shitless like “oh fuck no is she dead where’d she go damn where’s staraptor when I need it” LMAO the way we both thought about the death instance is so funny I hadn’t even read that part of your response yet truly on the same wavelength!! Bro that’s fr me we keep talking about Karasu and I have to keep reminding myself that hes not the love interest in pursuit
LMAOA I imagine them standing outside the base for the abusers or sth getting ready to go in and otoyas like “woohoo a date with nurse joy here I come!” And readers like “we’re so cooked” but in the end they somehow succeed time to cook up what Tullia and Karasu are doing LMAO wait imagine idk like a sorta filler ep moment maybe when you don’t feel like writing/posting something that super central to the main plot and we get the team split up first we see otoya reader then we get a snippet of Karasu tullia LMAO truly dumbass x dumbass chemical reaction there’s no strong duo than that!!! HAHAH another tally already this is so funny maybe he sends his staraptor out like usual but no one can find them fast enough to help them and they’re just like “hey guys!” Cue the “ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE” LMAO
REAL early gen art >>>> im never getting over the scovillain jumpscare it fr haunts me like what the hell is that…
Omg gojo dynamic from pi I agree that was peak (watch me be one of those people swerving to Karasu)
Ok circling back to birch because I saw the separate post first SO REAL ITS REALLY IS GIVING BIRCH??? Bro even his shirt and pants are kinda reminiscent of aiku colors and like I said the fuckass STUBBLE and the vibes just match too well he definitely would get chased into a tree by some runt pokemon LMAOOOOO retired soccer player Aiku is just Prof birch fr
Yeahhh I thought legendaries might’ve been too much which is why I only kinda considered it as a side plot only but when I was thinking of that I fr thought yk zekroms head is kinda giving karasus hair LMAOOO zapdos also gives really strong chigiri vibes but RAYQUAZA I love rayquaza I remember using its mega really often LMAO
Real an iPad is a more convenient size wise also I’m ngl I am a Google office (??) HATER I remember having to move a doc from word to gdocs and the entire formatting got fucked up and I was like what the fuck just happened????? Like the margins and spacings doubled and shit but wtv….i don’t use it unless i have too google sheets is also ASS bro my dumbass just said “wait is pages not on apple comps/macs” then I remembered that you said you have a windows….the way I already forgot that info from like two seconds ago….
JJK BORUTO crying lowk unless the sequel directly address and includes the current characters I probably won’t bother with anything beyond whatever makes it to my social media feeds either
LOOKING FORWARD TO IT aikulations or not I’ll be ready to laugh
YOU DESERVE IT you truly at the goat of goats wait that’s also so cool that’s essentially what I do when I read (except in reverse order) I lowk wonder how many things we imagine are the same (like small details yk) like I have a very clear visual of what the restaurant they sat in looks like and the outside and the parking lot (buildings and architecture are my greatest enemies in terms of drawing and layout though so I fear I won’t be able to draw it out but maybe I can find a similar looking place?? We’ll see LMAO) but yeah that essentially happens whenever I read stories and books too it’s kinda funny when I see cover art for a book and I’m like oh that’s not what I imagined but ok go off
But OMG???? I will keep my eyes peeled fs but if you’re saying it’s something insane it’ll definitely be something where I lose my mind over so now I’m even more curious LOL also that’s so me I definitely unintentionally pass out more than I should only to wake up and be like haha oh shit
LMAOO tiktok please send a hot audio Mira’s way!!! Im still amazed by bfb though 41k is actually insane for a one shot if anything I feel like that just means your next long fic is just gonna be HUGE wait actually speaking of assuming pursuit is like the pi long fic equivalent for bllk where do hollyhock and peregrine fall on the scale? Just kinda curious LOL not sure if you meant for those to be of the same length or if they’re not like long long if ykwim
Also I’d like you to know that right as I was about to hit send i select all’ed (??) this entire ask and almost deleted it I think if that happened I would’ve passed out
- Karasu anon
THE AIKU BIRCH PARALLEL I WAS CRYINGGGG it was too good 😭 the vibes match up SO well too i can just see niko rescuing him with a random starter pokémon so well LMAOAOA niko the true protagonist of pursuit boruto nagiy/n daughter charles and kurona are just side characters in his adventure
okay ykw is hilarious i just checked yuki’s team and he has an electric type too (manectric) so karasu DEFINITELY needs a ground type because of his electric type ptsd 😭 once he gets garchomp and lucario though he honestly has a good shot at beating yuki just in terms of type match ups though…like talonflame easily takes breloom, honchkrow can deal with alakazam, lucario packs up steelix, garchomp beats noivern and manectric, so the only one left is azumarill and ngl i think one of the birds like staraptor or pidgeot has a decent chance against that KFFJDJSJ so at the end of the day karasu does clutch up 🤩
LMAOO the funniest thing is like because she gets deino relatively early (i think it’ll be her third pokémon??? she’ll catch joltik beforehand) none of karasu’s birds have fully evolved yet so he’s just like WHERE IS MY DAMN STARLY in my mind his birds don’t evolve until he runs away because they need that freedom and consistently tough battling to really be pushed into evolution yk?? but no you’re so right pursuit karasu is so ideal man like nagi’s lucky reader brotherzoned karasu immediately or else he’d be in trouble (jk)
LITERALLY bro otoya’s just thinking about how nurse joy will love him after his (she won’t) meanwhile reader’s like yeah we’re done for but somehow they pull it off (probably thanks to joltik aka undisputed goat of reader’s team) but omg imagine it’s like reader and otoya going through hell trying to save all of these pokémon and then the chapter just cuts to tullia and karasu trying on clothes FJSKDJSJ infernape’s getting a massage karasu’s buying treats for starly it’s truly such a contrast 😭 HELP reader and otoya are subject to an entire lecture from karasu afterwards (mostly otoya because reader told karasu it was his fault) they’re just sitting there like niko after the game against team z LMAOAOAOA
IT HAUNTS ME TOO DW I THINK ABOUT IT QUITE FREQUENTLY AND NEGATIVELY HAHAAHA the early gen art with the water color vibe is so pretty though i love it!!
please it’s okay i’m doing my best not to swerve myself 😟 it’s fine though as long as i give a pi gojo vibe to him too it should be okay i hope…like this is our stressed out bird obsessed big brother DJFJSJS we have to lock in and go crazy for nagi fr
okay wait imagine that pursuit is kind of like a prequel to the main games?? in the sense that reader and nagi and all fix training and the perception of trainers so it’s closer to what it’s like in the game series…and then niko is the protagonist of the games themselves (i can def see him w one of the little zygarde cells as well as zygarde itself) with nagiy/n’s daughter, charles, and kurona as the little trio of rivals ☝🏻 nagiy/n’s daughter getting yveltal (taking after her mother in terms of looking sweet but having demonic team members), kurona getting xerneas, and charles getting nothing (him with a legendary is TERRIFYING)
brooo google suite sucks but it’s more convenient than word because i can access it on my phone without any extra effort 😓 so a bit more convenient than word for that reason but it’s so glitchy and annoying that i just switched to pages straight up LMAOAOAOA
i feel like everyone must picture smth different!! especially because i don’t describe settings to the point that it’s very obvious what you’re supposed to be imagining just general vibes yk…i feel like it’s probably based on your prior experiences?? but if you ever draw or find reference images do send them in hehe i will appreciate it 🤩
AAHHH I’M ASSUMING IT LIVED UP TO THE HYPE pursuit drop last night was crazy fr 😰 given that the mini prologue was 2.5k words alone i think we can predict that the word count is going to be insane 😭 peregrine if i had to guess would be in that 80-100k word count range and hollyhock could be more or less than that really depending on how deep i decide to go with the lore and how much of the in between i decide to show!! if that makes sense LMAOO
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nocturnal-phantoms-fandoms · 10 months ago
No no wait, delete my previous ask 😄 You've already answered
Hi!! :D
Thank you for the ask!!!
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
well if we arent strict on the someone part (one person i could pinpoint) changing my mind - ill say wolfstar. i wasnt shipping them initially when i first entered the fandom (tho it wasnt the english speaking fandom on tumblr or ff.net) and now its my whole personality. i had no idea it exists, or that its even a possibility to ship 2 men together (I was 12 with no critical thinking skills. i knew gay ppl exist but i didnt know its something that can exist in fiction too i guess?) and all the fics there were included sirius x marlene or sirius x dorcas. and one day i completely randomly stumbled upon this ship. and now, after all this time, im here.
aside from that - probably most ships that im into now that arent wolfstar - wolfstarbucks, wolfbucks, prongsfoot, lilypad and jilypad. I cant pinpoint who exactly introduced me to which ship tho - I just know that people in the fandom that I follow talk about those ships and i was like, i see the vision. similar thing in the case of non-marauders ships like Cedric, Fleur/Bill/Tonks or Fleur/Tonks - but here its more like, i dont really care about anyone thats not S or R and thats why i didnt consider any of those ships initially (but I've always liked Tonks).
idk if that counts but somebody (i wont say who. but in this case i can tell who that was) said they canNOT see remus x lily (or they could but it would be disaster for everyone) and that made me realise I could get into that ship too. so ill put it on the list <3
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
I mentioned a couple times I ship prongsfoot, but what I meant is I see why people ship them, and I ship them when in polyships I mentioned, and I do consider Sirius being in love with James (so, unrequired prongsfoot) in most concepts/storylines - but i wish I could get fully into the actual ship bc i feel like this part of the fandom writes them more in characters, and is generally a nice place to be. But I also saw some ppl talk about prongsfoot and james cheating on lily or sth and i know i wont get into that (cheating just squicks me out i guess?)
(this kinda goes for most of my ships that arent my OTP, I think? I like them, but im not into them enought to consider them my OTPs and sometimes I wish I did)
Also femslash ships. I wish I was more into them, and I dont want to excuse or justify why i dont like many femslash ships (there is so much discourse in many fandoms about it and i really dont want to do that). Im just not into them that much - i like them, but i dont read or write just about them, and I wish I did (maybe I will someday). In the case of the marauders fandom - Im not into dorlene or marylily bc those characters (sans Lily) are basically fandom's OCs (and I love that the fandom looked at those characters that were mentioned once in the books and made them quite interesting too. but I dont really care about them bc they are neither S or R and also there is no canon of them for me to fall back to)
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Why are you making me think critically about my blorbos on saturday afternoon </3
I cant pick a fav but im also not going to write an essay on each one
When I did a presentation about my fav ships I mentioned that I loved Steve Roger's arc in his first movie bc he went from "I dont want to kill anyone. I want to fight nazis bc I dont like bullies - I dont care where they come from" to "I'm not going to stop till all of Hydra is dead or captured" after he lost Bucky </3 (but thats just the first movie. and i still pretend endgame didnt happen. so) (also ive read metas that steve's arc was tied to saving/loosing bucky, and i love that from the shipping perspective)
Everyone in the Stranger Things fandom loves Steve Harrington's arc - he went from a background asshole jock to a heroic babysitter working minimum wage whose best friend is a lesbian - and now that he's a fan's favourite he's also most likely to die in the last season
I also read some posts/metas about Remus's arc and his nonlinear healing and learning to take on responsibility and I dont like most elements that his arc consists off but I do find it very interesting.
ask game
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portokali · 3 years ago
there is. definitely a lot to be said about the merits of having the ability to turn off Shipper Brain Mode and enjoy a story without ever demanding a ship be canon or even shipping any of the characters. however there is something about a hint or a promise of romance in works that aren’t explicitly romantic that makes them somehow more tantalizing and interesting. anyway this post is about james and erin derrygirls where i had 0 expectations of their feelings ever being confirmed and simply entertained the idea of them as a what-if-james-likes-erin-lol on a completely different tab that was left open in my brain but when it Was confirmed in s3 and the way it was left unfulfilled but all the same promised absolutely has done numbers to my brain chemistry like the small and tender crushes of two kids living ordinary lives under extraordinary circumstances. something about that yeah.
#like sometimes i feel a lot of Shipping is all abt for the sake of shipping and so u can project a Whatever romantic ideal#which often has nothing to do w the characters presented on screen (or on page etc ykwim) and more abt fandom building a fanon around t#the ship and making it all abt coffeeshop college aus etc... like its more abt inside consumption and deformation of the original ship#to be sth it wasnt meant to in canon but what the fandom wants it to be. i dont rly like this kind of shipping#BUT when i see two blorbos and their love is real it touches my soul...... blease understand#like im SO HAPPY w how little screentime their romance actually takes up its EXACTLY as much as i needed in a story out of derry girls#any more wouldve been too much cause honestly theyre all just losers who dont pull and the story is abt friendship and coming of age anyway#but also..... the jerin story so so good and important to me fr.#no bad tracks. the way it happens so quietly and you can pick their feelings up by SQUINTING? impeccable#the way HE is whipped for HER (a must in a het relationship) but absolutely sees right through her bs and keeps it real always#the way james absolutely Knows and Sees erin for all of her and still oh god oh shit#disintegrating to my bare essentials im gone#cause erin diary girl erin erin the author erin the writer and james you should write that down derrygirl james my best friend james#the i can wait........ like literally so mature of them to realise theyre not mature enough yet but YET theres potential for sth#that they cant just fuck up w their teen bullshit!!!!!1GOSH. FABULOUS!!!!!!#AND the way everyone's parents mirrored the girls in the flashback episode and now erin and james seem to rather grow to be similar to#erin's parents aka a loving marriage and relationship that endured objectively A Lot and provided shelter n family not only to their kids#but also officially unofficially james too james who never knew his dad james whose ma kinda umm doesnt love him. lets be honest.#like theres n o reason for me to be losting my shit so mcuh over them except there IS.#except i am!#the fact that their ship name is jerin? erin with a j?? an absolute w for j community on top of everything#no bad tracks im telling you#the quiet tender kind of love that short of develops as a bytheway as an aside to the main story#as an of course id have a crush on you. of course it would happen. of course it's not going to be the main story#its not the end of it either its not even the beginning not really#you know im such a fool for you....... but now im feeling it even more......... etc#jerin#derry girls#derry girls spoilers
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easy-revenge · 2 years ago
Well, now I'm curious. Why do you think Angel had deeper feelings for Aki? Go crazy
ahahah ur wish is my command ~
now bear with me a lot of this relies on things that are up to interpretation so brace urselves for me reaching and being maybe a tiny bit delusional thanks
so, i will deliberately not talk about the very popular moments that akiangel has, i can do a separate post about them at some point, but i want to focus specifically on angel.
meaning: scenes where their feelings and actions are reciprocated like saving each other, helping each other live longer etc will not be mentioned in this post.
lets take this chronologically:
- bomb devil arc
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angel is the personification of duality. we know he exists as an oxymoron. from his name all the way to his personality.
this for me is the core of what i think angel is as a character. however i wont get into analysing angel's whole internal conflict rn.
(i have a post talking about angel's feelings, the grief and remorse he must feel with no recollection of what brought them on. I'll talk about that in depth some other time bc even though it plays into this part, we'll stray from the subject. i thought it was worth mentioning briefly though)
that's not what i wanted to talk about in this scene. i want to focus on the second part, which happened after reze's death.
in that scene, makima had ordered angel to bring aki with him to the scene. angel disregarded that order and came alone, which led to makima "accusing" him of being kind for sparing aki from the task of killing a girl. angel replies to this with "i am an angel after all".
what gets me the most about this beautiful scene is that as we now know, makima is the control devil. her word is law. even when she's not actively making ppl obey her will, we know her commanding aura makes it difficult for anyone to stray from her orders. despite that, here is angel, casually going against a direct order to keep aki from doing sth he doesn't want to do.
this might not seem like much, but follow my thought process here.
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the infamous scene. contrary to popular belief, im here to talk about the first picture rather than the later two.
the moment between aki letting go of angel's shirt and grabbing his hand, angel gets a flash of the human he was in love with before makima found him.
i used to believe he got that flash bc he thought he was finally approaching his own death (still a valid interpretation), however here rolls a very popular theory about makima's power.
we know who she can control has to do with status, who views her as superior and whatnot. however, at the very end of part 1, we have power breaking her control as she thinks about her moments with denji. in that scene, power is still afraid of makima, so why is makima unable to take control of her?
a lot of ppl have interpreted this as a "weakness" to makima's power. more specifically, that strong feelings have the power to break her control over someone, at least briefly.
rolling with this, we can assume this is what happened with angel in this scene. for just a second he gets to access the memories that makima has locked away. the next question is, what are his strong feelings about in that moment?
we know that angel isn't afraid of death, he's been waiting for it. taking that into consideration, I don't think it was the feelings about his impending death that made makima's hold on him loosen.
i think it was aki. being saved. being cared for. being cared for so unconditionally, by someone who doesn't have two months of his life to spare. by someone who by all means should not care about angel at all.
immediately afterwards, angel is held. held protectively over a chest, against a storm. we don't know how long it's been since angel has been in a situation similar to this but we can assume it's been a long time.
in my potentially delusional opinion, that feels powerful enough to shake makima's control even for a moment.
you might have guessed where im heading with all this.
- gun devil arc:
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here. in this very scene. we see the shock on angel's face as aki gives himself up. the horror of what it can mean, the trigger of memory of what it had meant for him in the past.
in this scene, angel regains all the memories makima took from him, without her permission.
makima doesn't seem swayed by this, but she does comment on it, indicating it wasn't her doing at all.
following my previous logic, strong emotions is once again what pushes makima out of angel's head. this time, quite literally kicks her out. even for a little while.
considering makima's power, how easily she takes complete control of him right after anyway, we can only imagine how strongly angel felt about aki losing himself to her in that moment.
now it's up to anyone to interpret this as whatever they want. it's up to anyone to call me crazy and completely disregard this whole thing since it's thriving on subtext and theory along with analysis powered by hyperfixation.
i personally cannot shake the feeling that there are at least romantic undertones here. there are so many akiangel scenes i didn't talk about in this post, so many very blatant hints that akiangel's bond was never friendship. there was tension from start to finish and there's no other explanation for it.
as for angel specifically, since this post is about his feelings, we know he's been in love before. with a human nonetheless. we know he has the capacity for it. I don't think im reaching to think that caring so deeply and wholeheartedly for a human again could mirror these feelings.
i dont think its too unlikely for him to be in love again. but that's just me.
i was asked to go crazy and crazy i went lmao. my asks are open for more prompts for me to analyze. i have sm more to talk about if anyone wants to hear it.
thanks for the opportunity to get this off my chest heheh <3
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chuuya-centric · 4 years ago
making out hcs
characters: osamu dazai, ranpo edogawa, chuuya nakahara
genre: suggestive
warnings: gn reader, no pronouns used, uhm 🧍 yk it gets a lil steamy and has like mentions of sex ??? but theres def nothing super explicit
↬making out with dazai is always ............ interesting to say the least 🧐 it can happen anywhere, at anytime, and you'll never know until it's too late
↬sometimes it'll start out as a quick peck, and then another, and another, and— hey, is it just you or does each kiss keep getting longer 🤨 when did he slip your coat off ??-?_;?? now his arms r around your waist and .............. o look at that he's got you pressed up against the wall with u gasping for air bc he's barely giving you anytime to breathe
↬speaking of, his kisses always leave u breathless 🧎 he is such a good kisser please lord i just know it 🛐🛐
↬he usually just leaves after these types of makeout sessions (much to your annoyance) 💀💀💀 he likes getting you all worked up and then going right back to work like he didnt just have his tongue down your throat and his leg between ur thighs
↬other times his kisses r slower n more passionate from the get-go and u know exactly where this is ab to lead (these types of make out sessions will often lead to sex tbh, they're always really sensual and smooth and he has no intent of leaving u all high n dry)
↬personally he prefers kissing w (a lot of) tongue, but if ur not into it, he'll understand and "do his best" to take that into account (but dont be surprised if you end up w his tongue in your mouth either way 💀 if you like it ? fantastic 😚💖 if you dont ?? he loves seeing u squeal in disgust and try to push him away in surprise LMFAO)
↬he always somehow tastes like sake with a little bit of mint ?;?_(&?$-_??$&? dont ask me how but he does 🤨🚶 that being said he tastes better than you'd expect and kissing him is a magical experience 🤤
↬ranpo's kisses r sweet like candy
↬jk but he does taste like candy so ig that wasnt an entirely inaccurate statement 😚😚
↬he isn't usually one to initiate the kiss tbh, he prefers when you do it LMAO 💀 but whenever he does, they're most likely to be a quick peck to your lips or cheek (he isn't really a fan of any kinds of pda bc he actually gets embarrassed rlly easily)
↬behind closed doors, however, is a different story 🚶🧑‍🦯 hes a lil more likely to initiate the kiss and whenever he does ............ o lord 🧎🧎🧎 theyre fs a reflection of him
↬ranpo's kisses r very fun and airy, !! and out of these three men here, he's the most likely to laugh and smile and giggle in between kisses
↬making out with him is an experience given to you from the gods PLEASSSKEEEE and it's never awkward bc if sth happens you'll both just laugh ab it and carry on
↬usually makeout sessions start bc u gave him a kiss, but he was feeling clingy (not that he'd ever admit it 💀💀💀) so he pulled you back in for another, and another, and another, and hey look at that, you've been kissing him for the past 15 minutes and now ur both gasping for breath
↬doesn't really mind tongue, enjoys it even 🧏 and when he tastes so sweet, how could you refuse him 🧐❓
↬OH MY GOD HIS FAVOURITE THING IS WHEN let me turn off caps okay his favourite thing is when he's eating his candies or whatever (probably like hard candy tho yk so you cant just bite into that shit immiediately it has to sit and melt a lil idk) and u ask him what flavour it is and he'll pull you into a kiss and let you taste for yourself and take a guess (dont be surprised if you actually end up w the candy afterwards, he doesnt mind sharing so long as it's with you <33)
↬RANPO MAKE OUT WITH ME CHALLENGE ;!_(&!-??&!:?:!&(:!:!_!&;
↬chuuya's kisses r nothing short of rough and passionate
↬his kisses also tend to be v rushed and sloppy however that doesn't mean they're not enjoyable
↬i'd dare call him the middle ground between dazai and ranpo 🤨🧐 kisses aren't like every five minutes (dazai im lookin at you 🤨), but rather spaced out throughout the day as to keep you satisfied
↬once again ............. he is a tongue man. he tastes like a fine (slightly sweet?) red wine nine times out of ten (the other one time he just tasted like straight fuckin mint ??? 😭💀 like ur eyes started watering after and he got really concerned like "babe r u ok 😟” and you were like "yeah but y THE FUCK is your breath so minty" 💀💀)
↬i am so sorry everyone here likes tongue, i'll make more hcs like these feat. mfs who don't like it LMAOO
↬he understands if ur not a fan of tongue, so unlike SOMEONE, he'll actually take your personal preference into account and do his absolute best to keep his tongue to himself 🤒🤒
↬ok so similar to ranpo, chuuya loves sharing his wine w you — thru making out kissing ofc 🧎 never passes up an opportunity to take a (rather large) swig and let it pass between your parted lips (might get a lil carried away and slip u a lil tongue but yk it is what it is 🧑‍🦯🧑‍🦯🧑‍🦯)
↬he actually has a tendency to get carried away regardless tbh 😚 it starts out as jus like a short lil kiss but yk ............ u come back in for another ............... and another — is anyone else seeing a pattern here 🧐🤨❓ these three men r the best kissers in bsd and i do NOT take criticism — and oops, now ur sitting on his desk with him standing in between ur legs as he starts trailing kisses down your neck before he suddenly remembers he still has work to do and he tells you he promises he'll finish what he started later (and oh boy was it worth the wait 😩😩😫🤤🤞)
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mithliya · 2 years ago
Ajfjsjakjdfjs there is a lot about lesbian culture in other countries I did not know about!! Like o_o why with thr nudes thing sjdjskdjsjd
I see though i think that makes sense. I feel like theres always that dumb idea of masculine feminine balance 😭 even though i myself am femme4butch i still dontt liek the whole oooaaga divine balaaance. Also its weird bc I think in USA, while there is that idea of course, there's also the 'lipstick' lesbians or 'fem4fem' stereotype or at least, what straight people think of the Good type of lesbians if it makes sense. Like what we see on tv... Its more appealing to them anyway
I mean my ex(😭 it hurts to say my god) gfs mom was actually a bit confused on whether she (ex) was trans like her brother (ftm) or just masculine, Bc i guess her idea of lesbians was the Lipstick kind.? but then also shes not usa american but latin American. Also she was very supportive and sweet just straight and confused with things gjdks
Still i think we have that too or single feminine lesbians get told how its good theyre not the ugly kind if people find out. I think gay men also have similar expectations put on them like ive read about families being more accepting if their son was the "top" or more manly seeming one in his relationship
Also me too 😭 its sooo weird like to have been pressured since being born+!!! And even my teachers would say omg stop flirtingg with boy classmate. ☹️ (crazy bc a teacher thatt taught us Gender Spectrum actualy said that to me bc i was telling this one boy off or something.. ookay.) And then my mom bringing up babies or grandchildren and then in the next moment telling me sex is evil and i should stay away from boys okay ma'am!!!
But jdjd glad that its not just me. Idk i keep feeling worried, but then I feel like im being stuck up and thinking im the only one in the world whos smart and sane so ill never find anyone. Like relax you are not the chosen one (@ myself of course)
Yeah i hope my family will be accepting andd not kill me fjsksjs and I hopee. I can find love and peace.... but thank you for listening! really I appreciate it bc sometimes it just feels like drowning in loneliness and i cant be myself even among friends andd etc. So. Ur very sweet 😭 mwah mwah thanks again mena
literally i could not tell u why she was showing me her nudes. im guessing it’s bc she wanted to show me that she gained weight and show her body before 😭😭 i felt like she was low-key flirting ngl lmaooo but she kept talking about her gf and that’s often a red flag for me sooo nothing happened there. i told her she shouldn’t sit around waiting for the day when her gf inevitably leaves her for a man n that’s not healthy etc. she’s also extremely self-hating in general and said a doctor told her that her lesbianism & masculinity are bc she doesn’t have enough estrogen in her body / has too much testosterone and that she should be on hormones to be fixed, which she fully believed.
im not keen on femme4femme lool from my experience most of them are weirdly anti-butches and hold misogynistic & lesbophobic beliefs! and i do think ur right that’s the more acceptable combo in the west (two gender conforming conventionally attractive women dating). i also hate the stupid idea that bc im not masculine im meant to be dating a woman who is bc it’ll “balance” us both. they also said when im with more androgynous or feminine women, i become more masculine which is “unnatural” or sth 🫥. also my mom is most in support of me dating women that can pass for men, i feel like she thinks if i won’t be w a man then the thing that’s best is me dating a woman who can be mistaken for a man. i think it’s mostly bc she wants to be socially accepted but it can be exhausting
ALSO the top thing is a whole ass thing in the gulf. there’s many bi & straight men who will literally get away with having gay sex bc they exclusively top 💀 a lot of those tests they use to check if ur gay (so they’ll jail u for it) are specifically testing if ur a bottom. it’s a weird weird phenomenon. and it’s especially weird that there’s this weird culture of even straight men seeking out men bc the society is very sex segregated. im sure some of those men aren’t actually straight but it’s such a prominent thing the way it is in prisons in the US that im sure many of them are. craziest part is this culture is most prominent in saudi of all places
omg when i was little i had mainly male friends bc idk girls thought i was a weirdo that stared too much at them or sth. and i was v close to my male friends, we’d hold hands n all but i think we both thought nothing of it. and my mom would be like “omg soooo cute my daughter has a boyfriend omg 🤗 she looooves the boys omg and they love her!!!” meanwhile im 5 years old and just thinking of it like holding my brother’s hand
manifesting u find ur dream gf soon and that coming out goes smoothly for u 🥺❤️ don’t hesitate to msg me whenever. i love hearing from other lesbians n it’s always heartwarming seeing younger lesbians accept themselves, i somewhat envy it (wish i were that brave & self-aware!!!) but it gives me a lot of hope for our future 🥰🥰🥰
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noona96n · 4 years ago
im gonna try and make sense of the scenes from the MV and the post-credit scene
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this is sort of important. sort of.
one, Shu Yi is not wearing the bracelet. in the beginning, we can see that Shu Yi’s left wrist is bare. in the zoom-out shot, his right wrist is bare. this is the wrist that Shi De puts the bracelet on, and it’s the wrist that he mostly continues to wear the bracelet on. i say this because i see no black/brown strips across his wrist, so yah... but like, it’s quite faraway so idk
two, this is probably their house (by the end of season 2 that is). i assume this is theirs because they’re obviously sleeping in a double bed, the closet is divided into two with two distinct color palettes (light color on the left, darker color on the right). also, there are two chairs on the balcony. these things suggest that two people cohabitate in the same house.
but, for now, i think it belongs to only one of them. it could be Shu yi’s house because it has a similar interior vibe to Shu Yi’s condo/penthouse and it’s just… very Shu Yi, not a lot of color, very sleek and modern. but i also think it’s Shi De’s house, despite the drastic interior difference from the house he shared with his mom, and i’m actually leaning toward it being Shi De’s house. (a bit more explanation to come later on!)
three, the house is a contemporary brutalist architecture style. it’s definitely blocky & geometric, it’s definitely made of poured concrete (the main signatures of brutalism), and it definitely has a contemporary vibe. from the zoom-out shot, we can also see that the interior still largely maintain the original brutalist style and it’s still sleek, modern & contemporary (this will come in handy later on, i swear, it’s not just me nerding out about architecture)
and, before i continue, i just wanna say that i don’t think Shu Yi’s wearing the bracelet anymore… i replayed the MV nearly about a hundred times already, especially the last part, but i can’t really tell because his sleeves are always down and his hand movements are too fast. so, i assume their fighting happens after whatever the fuck that made Shu Yi looks like he’s ready to commit murder in the park and make him take off the bracelet. 
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yes, the park scene and the crying then throwing away bracelet scene are connected because Shu Yi’s wearing the same clothes. i think this is after the 5yrs timeskip but before the bitchslapping (Shi De’s clothes kinda give me a timeskip vibe, idk why, don’t ask me lol) and then someone (probably Zhen Xuan) comes over to Shi De’s side as Shi De’s waiting for Shu Yi in the park. misunderstanding abound! hence the subsequent anger and crying and Shu Yi throwing away the bracelet. 
(Shu Yi fucking throw away the bracelet... so my angsty writing about the bracelet is all for naught *unhinged laughter*)
one of the reasons why i think the house, in the beginning, is Shi De’s is because Shu Yi is clearly still living in his condo/penthouse.
also, in contrast to Shu Yi, Shi De is still wearing the bracelet … even by the time they’re fighting. 
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So, this is the bitchslap scene, in the office. 
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this is definitely after the bitchslap scene. probably inside Shi De’s private office or sth. the glass panels & the interior have a similar design to the office we see in the post-credit scene. but most importantly, their clothes are the same as from the post-credit scene. same suit, same tie, same shirt. i replay this scene many, many times just to make sure. 
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this is once Shu Yi returns home, the very same one from the one at the beginning. and i dare say so because the interior is clearly in the contemporary brutalist style i discussed in the beginning. it’s not practical for office buildings, especially skyscrapers, to be in the brutalist style. and, as we saw in the post-credit, the office buildings are in modern style. so yeah, this is their private residence. (brutalism are usually used in desiging institutional buildings. a couple of the uni buildings in WBL are in brutalist style.)
this happens first because Shu Yi’s still wearing the same clothes and he still has his vest on. he’s holding on to something in his right hand and he throws it away as he walks it and his hands move to unbutton his jacket. 
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so this here probably happens afterward. you can see the notebook on the table in the background. it’s the same notebook that Shu Yi walks out with later on. 
Shu Yi is also holding something in his right hand. i hesitate to say that it’s the bracelet because the pendant looks like a ring, not filled in like the pendant of the bracelet they wear. 
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idk why tf their jackets are suddenly off and why Shi De’s sleeves are even rolled up. 
this scene is also the other reason why i think this house is more likely to belong to Shi De. Shu Yi’s the one walking out with the notebook and documents, so, i assume he’s there to pick up his stuff. idk why tf he’s walking out without his jacket though… and idk why tf his stuff are there to begin with.
also... the fckn disrespect. a punch and then throwing the jacket at Shi De. fckn-
S2 hasn’t aired yet but i already have one major problem: Shu Yi’s violence. this constitute domestic violence and it is not okay. i might have been persuaded if it was just one slap scene but this now includes a slap, a punch, and a jacket being thrown at Shi De. 
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and im pretty sure Shi De’s gonna give back as much as he gets because he literally throws Shu Yi onto the sofa. 
ik this is just entertainment but i still desperately need this shit to be addressed properly.
HOWEVER, i must say that my stance on the violence & aggression can change depending on how Shu Yi & Shi De’s relationship are portrayed as in S2. i might be persuaded to accept it if their relationship is explicitly portrayed as unhealthy and with issues to be resolved. if it’s supposed to be a healthy relationship then nope, no, they need to address the violence. 
(this is like how im able to accept GoT’s incest plot vs me being unable to accept the incest plot in LBC... incest is fckd up and it’s perceived as fckd up even in the GoT universe and it’s a plot device that shows how vile the lannister twins are. in LBC on the other hand... n o p e)
if u read till the end, thank you for entertaining my stream of consciousness... if u have anything to say or see something u'd like to correct, feel free to talk to me about it
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mandoalorian · 4 years ago
hello! how would the characters comfort their s/o who was a frontline health worker (for my own sake im pretending the pandemic or sth similar exists in their universes, and theyre not distancing from each other because they live together) who was getting real tired of everything they have to deal with at work and were exhausted from their shifts
Hi darling -- are you a frontline heath worker? if you are, thank for doing all that you do. I have family who are frontline health workers and I know how exhausting and draining it can be, but you guys are true, REAL heroes. never ever forget that.
Headcanon masterlist
How the Pedro boys would comfort a frontline health worker during the pandemic:
Maxwell Lord
At first, he doesn’t want you to work. He doesn’t want you to go in or risk getting sick. He tells you that he’s more than financially stable enough that you don’t need to do this job and he can provide for you for as long as this pandemic lasts. But when you insist, he’s not going to push you. Because he also takes his job very seriously. When you come home he’ll let you lay your head in his lap and he’ll smooth out your hair. He’ll have the house chefs prepare a meal and he’s bought you the softest, silkiest pajamas money could buy.
Oberyn Martell
Gentle touches. Whispers and words of affirmation. So much praise. “You’re doing so well, I’m so proud of you.” -- and let’s be real, this is Oberyn. He’s gonna comfort you with a lot of kissing and a lot of sex, if that was something you wanted. Very passionate love making because, in his opinion, it’s the LEAST he can do for you.
Frankie Morales
When you leave for work, he gets a little nervous. He understands the dangers of you working with sick people, or how it can be incredibly difficult to socially distance in a healthcare work environment. He doesn’t want you to get sick. So every night when you come home, he’ll run a hot bubble bath for you, light some candles and encourage you to relax and wash the day away. He’ll take your laundry and make sure it’s all clean and dry for tomorrow, and he’ll have your favourite dinner cooked and prepared for when you get out the tub.
Din Djarin
Din flies you out to work every day on the Crest, and he’s always there to pick you up at the end of your shift. He’ll be waiting for you. He’s a man of a few words and I think he would struggle to offer verbal comfort, but, he will hold you for a long period of time. He insists a beskar helmet will help protect you from the virus. And he’ll do absolutely anything and everything in his power to ensure your safety.
Jack Daniels
Oh my goodness, Jack would literally come to work with you. Is it allowed? No. Does he care? Definitely not. And nobody is about to argue with Agent Whiskey. He needs to keep a constant eye on you to make sure people respect your boundaries. It's nice, in a way. You get to sit with him on your lunch breaks and show him how you do your job. He takes a real interest in it, too.
Marcus Pike
Dream boyfriend -- we already know he’s Mr. Perfect and has absolutely no faults. Comforting you comes naturally to him. It’s what he’s best at. Pandemic or not, he will always put your needs before anyone elses.
Javier Peña
Sex and smoking are the two things that help Javier Peña during work related anxiety. But... you struggle a little more. You’re not opposed to the sex because Javi happens to be a very generous lover but you need more than that. You need actual real affection and comfort. And at some point or another, Javier finally sees that. He struggles at first, letting himself get vulnerable, but for you, he does it. Soft cuddles in front of the fireplace with that crocheted blanket draped around your bodies. And his touch alone is enough to make you feel better. You know he’s trying his hardest and that means the world to you.
Marcus Moreno
You and Marcus are both literally superheroes, never failing to save the day. In that sense, you’re both like soulmates. He knows you need to go to work -- it’s what you do, and he would never stop you from doing that, but he’d take some time out from the Heroics so he can make sure both your mental health and physical health remain in good condition. He does everything around the house so you don’t need to, and when you come home from work, he’ll always be by your side to tell you how much he admires you.
Pero Tovar
Sickness is common during this kind of era. But pandemics and lockdowns aren’t really thought of. Upon hearing that there’s a new illness going around, Tovar will be very stern. He doesn’t want you to leave the house. Anything you need, he’s at your beck and call. He’ll ride out on his horse to buy healing gemstones, and potions and special wax melts that are supposed to protect you from the virus. He just absolutely cannot risk the love of his life falling sick. He’s always admired that you go out your way to help others. But he just can’t let you go out to work. He needs you more than he’d care to admit. He needs to know you’re safe and okay. Very protective and possessive, but it’s just his way of showing that he cares about you.
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a-libra-writes · 3 years ago
Hi, your headcanons and generally the stuff you're writing has always helped me when I was going through some hard times so I thought I would share my headcanon with you, hoping that it'll brighten your mood a little bit.
I like to think that Roose married one of Walda's sisters who is kinda lost in her duties of being a wife and how she should behave towards Roose, because of how many children Frey has so no one really bothers to teach them that kind of stuff and they have to figure it out for themselves. So at the beginning of their marriage when Roose had to get off somewhere, she was expected to send him some letters and unlike Walda, she didn't really know what to include in the letter and how to convey it so she just listed the stuff that happened at Dreadfort in a really formal and reserved way which looked as if she was a soldier and not a loving wife. It went like that for a few weeks when one day the maester, she's friends with, pointed that out in horror cause the Lady of Dreadfort is not supposed to write to her husband like she's a soldier or sth. She's so confused cause Roose's letters were similar to hers so she had no idea how they were supposed to look like. The maester tried to explain to her that she should express how she misses, and loves him and awaits his return. The problem was that she did like Roose but wasn't in love with him yet so she didn't feel comfortable with just lying to him like that. She still wrote to Roose in her odd formal manner so when he came back, he immediately expresses his discontent with her lettere (cause he told a servant to read her letter out loud because he's busy with sth and oh boy was he embarrassed and angry that his wife's letters were written in that way. He didn't have to wait long before the rumours appeared about these letters). So he told her that she has to show some affection in that letters and she responded that he never did that either. And there's just an awkward silence cause Roose had never expected that anyone would want him to do sth like that.
It's a bit silly but I like the idea of that kind of confusing situations between them, especially at the beginning of their marriage.
I hope you'll feel better soon!
Im sorry I answered this so late!!! 😭 tumblr has been really stupid with DMs and anon messages for me
also I love letter drama haha. makes me then of when Roose tossed Walda's flowery love letters in the fire without reading them bc he's an ass 😆 im glad he's nicer here LOL. tho he def wouldnt trust a servant with his letters ... he's too sneaky
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rahabs · 4 years ago
Okay. At least you are in a place where if sth would happen now, there are doctors around who can help right? I mean even if that lung specialist isnt there yet and all. Im so fidgeting all the time when nervous or stressed too and wouldnt have any nerve to read or what.. you must be really exhausted too after such a stressful night. I wish there was someone to hug and comfort you now. I was about to send you this virtual hug gif but ugh on anon its not possible to send gifs. So pls imagine that then. 💙
And hopefully you will know soon (in a few hours) what is up with your lungs but i guess until then try taking deep breaths and not think too much about all the possibilites? Cant help it now anyway and probably doesnt help to work yourself up even more i guess? I mean i hope i dont sound rude or anything, thats not my intention to tell you what to think or do or anything. its just what i used to tell myself whenever i was in a similar stressful situation and could basically only wait for doctors to eventually do their thing with diagnosing/treatment etc.
Are there other people around you? To me it always helped trying to distract myself with other people and wondering why they are there etc because they are moving and catch my attention a bit more easily than trying to distract myself with books. But that could also be just me 😅
Anyway i actually didnt intend to write you this entire novel, especially i dont want to bother or stress you with this. Feel free to answer or ignore. I just worry and wish you good luck 🙏💙
Hello, Anon 🖤 You are so sweet and I want to thank you for your kind words! They really helped. I ended up dozing for about four hours because they found something on my chest X-ray that they worried might be a blood clot in my lung. I was put on blood thinners/anti-inflams/something (I was sleepy and stressed but I have the documents somewhere) and they scheduled me for a 10 AM heavy duty lung test where I got to breathe in radioactive dust and get scanned for 30 minutes, but by the time they were able to do that (the people didn’t come in until 10, and I got the initial X-rays done at about 4 or 5 AM) whatever it was had cleared up.
Running theory is blood clot that cleared up due to the meds/care I got by the time the second test rolled around. I feel sore and awful and mentally just very beaten down. I had the ‘VID right before it hit the news in late January/early February 2020 (full-blown couldn’t breathe, couldn’t talk for two months, people were asking me if I had asthma because I would have attacks where I’d crumple over and gasp for breath and even drinking water hurt, and I’ve never had lung issues before that) and they said in the wake of the the pandemic they are seeing an uptick in young women with similar issues, and they said it’s a 50/50 thing so they were very glad I came in so that they could rule anything out.
SO. Yes. By the time they got the final test back (at around… 12.30?) there was nothing life-threatening. But it might have been a blood clot that cleared up (apparently that can happen and my nurse sister confirmed that).
I didn’t have anyone physically (besides the EMTs who were VERY nice and I spent a bunch of time talking with them for the first hour or two before I was put in a privately sectioned curtain room) but I did have my friends that I was texting who have. Really been my rocks tonight and I love them so much and I am so grateful because without them this would have been 🥺 A whole lot worse. A whole lot worse more stressful than it already was. They made a terrifying situation so much more bearable and I was able to put on a Podcast and put my phone up by my ear and sleep (strange… I never usually charge my phone before I go to bed but oddly yesterday I thought “oh… I should really charge my phone” and so by the time paramedics came it was charged enough to get me through 12 hours of being at emergency care) for a little bit.
I am home now (I’m a bit frazzled so I can’t remember if I mentioned that) and getting some rest. I have lots of bread and eggs and some frozen meals so munch on today and I will spend it on the couch probably watching Ink Master or something. But I did want to say thank you for your well-wishes, anon,,, your messages came at a point when I was definitely alone and feeling incredibly stressed and they helped a lot, even if I couldn’t respond to this one until now. Bless you truly and I hope you are very well 🖤
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rewordfully · 5 years ago
Yo would you mind talking about your PhD process and acceptance more in depth? I’m hella interested
sure, but i applied only within the polish education system bc im too poor to get a phd abroad lmao so it might be a bit different from what you might experience
a little intro before i get into the whole thing: poland passed a new education law last year that was supposed to bring polish academia to the ~ western standard ~ which basically means that now the application process is more similar to what you might see in western europe. now there are doctoral schools, you don’t need to have a supervisor before you apply!, the program itself is much more flexible, and you get a neat scholarship throughout the 4 years of the phd. this academic year is the first year the law is in motion so everything was still a little chaotic.
i applied to two programs: one where i actually needed a supervisor beforehand (this is sth that universities can require, but they don’t have to) and i was lucky enough that a friend of mine is a professor there and she agreed to supervise me. this is university A; and the other which is at a university i’ve always wanted to go to, but it just never happened (it also happens to be very well suited to my research interests); this is university B. bear in mind these are not phd positions on research teams/projects. the whole process took 3 months for A and a little over 6 weeks for B. the requirements were: - a research proposal (the problem, methodology, data, expected results, bibliography, significance, the usual stuff)- 2 letters of recommendation (only A)- CV- a cover letter (only B)- certificates for any conference talks, publications, research projects, etc you took part in- your final grade from your MA program (only B)- additional student activity, such as student organisations, student research groups, volunteer work- some sort of confirmation of C1 English and a certificate for a second foreign language at B1/2 level (only A)- and a bunch of other documents which were not strictly academic
i ended up writing two separate research proposals, they took about a month to get done in total. A reviewed my application, then informed me of the points awarded for my proposal (being awarded at least 50% of the total was a requirement for being invited for the interview stage) and invited me for an interview in september (this was still july). B invited me without telling me anything else and i ended up having two interviews on two opposite sides of the country in the span of 3 days. i did both interviews in person.the interviews themselves were the worst part tbh bc i had literally no idea what to expect. i left the interview at A thinking they hated my proposal bc it basically felt like an interrogation, i was asked about the time it would take me to complete my research and whether 4 years was enough, someone asked me about the methodology but she seemed really unimpressed by the whole thing. the interview took about 20 minutes. the interview at B was much more relaxed, even though there were 10 people in the room (!) asking me all kinds of questions, but like i said the atmosphere was much more friendly. we talked mostly about general linguistic things, not so much about the proposal and i think they just wanted to check my general knowledge and whether i would be a good fit for the department, which was fine. that also took about 20 minutes.yesterday i got the results and i placed within the top 3 at both. i also ended up getting maximum points for the interview at A which was honestly a shock bc i really thought i did horrible there. i’m still waiting for the official admission letters and stuff but im super excited that i did it and that i actually get to pick!! 
if you guys have any more questions feel free to ask!
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musgo · 5 years ago
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thank you so much for sending sdcjnskjdn i uhhhh recorded all of these basically immediately after you sent them but then i listened back and felt like i suonded so annoying and went on too long and my pronunciation wasnt very clear so i postponed posting them sdjnvdjs i decided to transcribe what i said (under read more) cause that makes me feel better abt it. 
5. I’ll talk about what I did today
6. I’ll talk about something I’m obsessed with/currently interested in
https://vocaroo.com/i/s0iLq52dlB1y  (the very good video i talk about: https://youtu.be/-6lMD9h_ix4)
19. I’ll talk about something I’m proud of
https://vocaroo.com/i/s0lPPvmwbvbI this ones the most ebarassing cause i decided to have fun and try switching to my alternative, vaguely british-inspired “accent”,,,, also the cohesion ... she just wasnt there.
5. today i went to college. i was really late and i missed the first class. i only attended one class today, cause i only have two classes per day rn - thats definitely gonna change next semester but anyway - the class was really good, the subject is Introduction to Literary Studies (i took a while cause i had to translate it from portuguese) but um yeah the class was about why humans create fiction. why humans.. you know.. how humans...... Human Nature is such that we are unsatisfied with reality and we create other lives and other experiences through fiction. and it’s not necessarily that we don’t like our reality, it could just be that it’s not enough; like, you could rly like your reality but you still have an innate, like.. NEED for experiencing Other Things that you couldnt in your own life. thats basically what the argument was, it was really interesting. and i rly like the teacher, she’s rly cool. so after that class i just had some lunch DELICIOUS the food in my college is so good ugh i love it so much and it’s just 2 reais for         for lunch when you’re a student there and it’s so good i’m.. ugh it’s the best part of college        cause its rly rly rly cheap for us students and it’s really good like It didnt even have to be that good cause it’s so cheap but it’s REALLY GOOD hh     um... yeah i love it  AND THEN after having lunch i went to the library which is a luh--another thing i rly like about my college cause  it’s the biggest library in my university.   so.. i study in the universtiy of são paulo which is one of the biggest universities in brasil .... so.. the campus is like rly huge and .. [i realized i was just explaining what a university is fsr?????? ]  uhhhh yeah i went to my library. [????? MY LIBRARY??? i dont own a library.] and i love my library theres like. i love to just walk around and see.    The Books cause theres like.. so such interesting books. and like books in so many languages... ugh it’s amazing so i went there to actually find some english learning books and i did , cause im trying to teach my sister english andt..    yeah i found this session-- Section. where theres all these    language learning books so theres like             a couple shelves that are like just english learning books and then theres a shelf thats just like japanese learning and then a couple shelves for russian   thens ome korean  some frickin SANSKRIT  latin ancient greek just everything . theeres also like indigenous south american languages which i was really happy to see and im definitely gonna check that out eventually but for today i just took the english ones cause ..  yeah i cant really  i dont really that much time and everyone for all that right now with college ..     AND THEN the rest of my day was that i left my phone!! cause i went to take the bus and  i left my pjhone on the bus stop.      i feel like my entonation is really annoying right now but yeah.. so yeah i left my phone on the bus stop and i was so scared.  i went back to the bus stop    got off the bus [wrong order] and it wasnt there , i went in the building - my college has 3 buildings for the different courses - i went in one of them cause i assumed it would be there because it was the closest to the bus stop so if somebody found my phone on the bus stop they wouldve taken it there and  left it there with the recepcionist or whatever so i went there and it wasnt there so iwas like “oh no its not here . maybe i left it in the bus instead of the bus stop and i just didnt notcie that it like fell from my pocket or sth.” so i took the bus again and went to the terminal which is where it would be if somebody found it in the bus and gave it to someone responsible for that stuff. but it obviously wasnt there. so i went home, very sad, This whole thing lasted like 2 hours and then its like over an hour for me to come home from college cause yk i live in a neighbouring city which is pretty close but its still an hour to an hour and a half everyday to go and ..... to go to and fro. is that how you say that expression idk . ...    and then when i got home!!!! i wnt in the facebook group of my college [course] to see if somebofy had posted something about a lost phone and Yes They Had they posted a photo of my phone and i was like oh thank god so im gonna get it back tomorrow. now im home im looking at my cat. occasionally looking after my nephews and my niece. and thats my day
6. i was sitting here thinking.. trying to think of something   and i remembered that--..............   Cause its rly hard for me to answer these questions where itsj ust one thing and i just..................          i just draw a blank whenever i get these questions but im just gonna say something that happened recently cause it was like : yesterday i found this video on youtube of a    an .. anemone? Swimming     like this starfish touches it and it like Changes Form it Elongates and just starts shaking to like get away. and its amazing it reminded me of how much i like Cnidarians(????)  the phylum .  the group of animals that includes jellyfish and corals, basically.   its just so cool like they alternate like one of the.... oh my gosh my house is so loud uhh...       yeah they like its really crazy i dont actually know a lot about it but i just think its so cool like the corals .. they.. reproduce.. and like.. their offspring sometimes is A Jellyfish . and then the Jellyfish sometimes produce Corals.   cause you look at the two things and they dont rly look that similar but they Are basically one and the same, and theyre Animals both of them just the same.  theyre just like inverted when you think about. its really cool and i didnt know that corals could MOVE like that just Get Out like... DeTach . from their thing and just start Swimming!! i had no idea that was a thing but yeah basically something that im obsessed with is um animals like that. the animals that arent chordates. so like sponges, cnidarians,  frickin ummmm echinoderms. You Can look at My Tags Page i have that stuff listed. i love it cause its so fun when you think about how theyre animals so theyre like closer to us structurally and cellularly than to other things.
19. you know. when people are mad at me for doing something not as fast as one possibly could or somethin like not understanding what they said or doing something a little bit wrong like following instructions a little wrong and you know when its not rly that important and people get mad and me for that and stuff.. i just.. i feel really happy that i'm not like that. cause i feel like most people around me.. they ARE like that like they just get so mad.. they allow themselves to get so mad about small things.. and i dont know i like that im pretty patient and i dont mind having to wait or to instruct someone a few times and correct them until they get it right and teach them and... all that. i dont know like i feel like.. idk im proud of myself for not like picking fights and getting mad at people for things that dont rly matter cause.. idk people around me do that a lot it makes me rly sad like... idk thats something i like abt myself i think i can like I'll feel angry sometimes and dont get me wrong anger is very necessary and its a very good thing when it is like... whats that word? its like... freakin.. deserved [i think the word i was looking for is "warranted"] like be angry at freakin capitalism or sth freakin racism you know set people on fire for that kinda stuff. but for small things on daily life i think people let it get to them too easily. and just create.. idk. it makes me sad so im happy that i dont have a lot of these impulses in these situations and when i do feel peeved from something petty im able to hold back cause im like.. its not worth it its just... this is so small. i'm.... you know? its not worht it.
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