#im in too deep into Imas to just leave them though
elisedonut · 5 months
saw your makio uzuki pfp scrolling through the percy tag and it jumpscared me so bad (in a good way!) i had to check. pls keep up the percyposting i literally onlh care abt one (1) hp character nowadays and it’s him. makio roll 4eva and eva
You know? Fair I think i would be jumpscared too if i suddenly saw an Imas pfp in a harry potter tag fjhsdf
Makio is my SideM boy i drank maple syrup for him back when he got the Canada song
I love Cafe Parade very much Well i love almost all the SideM boys but Cafe Parade is special and Makio is specialx2 also i think he and Soichiro should kiss actually all of cafepara should kiss Poly!CafePara rights
And god mood i feel like any hp character i end up caring about is in someway secretly about what relation they have to Percy idk he's taken over my brain and rewired it a bit
I will keep being annoying about him i promise!
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bigsunflowergang · 1 year
Argument (E1610 Miles)
*I hate [name] soooo reader name isssss Kai(ana) just because I love that name so much. anyways, enjoy!*
Kai and Miles were in her room, laying on her bed. School had just let out for both of them and they both knew it was only a matter of time before Miles had to leave.
they were talking about their days and what all they had to do that week before Kai's phone rang.
"one second babe" she said, answering the phone. "hey twin, wassup"
"say twin," the mystery person started, surprising the hell out of Miles with that deep voice. "you busy right now?"
"yeah, wassup though? what you need?" she asked, furrowing her eyebrows and took the phone off speaker and put it to her ear.
Miles sat and stared at her, now overthinking on what the conversation could possible be about that was so secretive.
"oh, okay yeah," she started, her lips curling up into a smile. "what time? i'll be there fasho" she said, standing up.
Miles's eyes followed her as she went into her closet.
"oh shit, yeah I got the same jacket!" she said, too excitedly for Miles's liking. "bet, tell Jayden nem ima come pick them up, aight?you need a ride too?" she asked before pausing and nodding. "okay. everybody be ready by 8. no fucking later or everybody getting left"
"k, see you later twinny" she said before hanging up the phone. she walked out of her closet, humming before she laid back with Miles.
"okay so tonight- okay wait you remember my friend Malik, right?" she asked him as he stared at her blankly.
"what I look like remem-"
"okay okay anyways, so he got a hotel room for us-"
"let me finish! yes us but like us as in our lil group know? me, him, Jayden, mimi, tiasia, and Wes so boom, ima go pick them up around 8ish andddd yeah. you coming?"
she slowly glared at him, raising an eyebrow.
she scrunched her face up at him, making him scrunch his back up at her.
"the fuck is your problem?"
"ion got one"
"mannnnn aight. you bugging"
"im bugging? nigga you just interrupted me mid sentence to answer another nigga call!"
"I thought it was important!"
"yeah aight, I hear you"
"miles please grow the fuck up"
he gave her a thumbs up and started scrolling on his phone. she groaned, throwing her body onto his. "you mad for real?" she asked and he glared at her before pushing her body off of his and accidentally making her fall on the floor.
"aight fucking smut" she mumbled, rubbing her head in the spot she hit it on the carpet in her room. "you doing too fucking much. ion say shit when you dip out in the middle of us doing shit-"
"yeah because what I have to go do is actually beneficial for the world. you just wanna go out with them smoochies you call friends-"
"don't fucking talk about my friends like that! especially not when they try to include you in the shit we be doing!"
"don't nobody wanna go out and party all the fucking time kaiana! damn, ion know why y'all think that shit so fun" he mumbled, rolling his eyes as she scoffed.
"you act like that's all we do-" "damn near." he cut her off, making her stare at him stupidly.
"so what? you don't want me going to parties? that's-" "ion give a fuck bout what you do on your own time." he cut her off again.
"stop fucking cutting me off Miles!" she yelled, getting frustrated now. "you not making no good points" he said, still scrolling on his phone.
"you're that mad?" she asked and he shrugged.
she nodded her head. "get the fuck out. take that attitude shit the fuck out my house."
he glared at her before chuckling.
she groaned, sighing. "please just tell me the problem Miles. this is our time together and we're arguing over my plans for later"
"that's my problem, kai. every time we finally get some us time, some nigga calls, y'all make plans, and the rest of the time we're together you just talk about those plans. I know shit like this is probably boring to you cause I know how you are, but I just want some alone time with you. to talk about shit other than what function you going to when I leave." he said, making her face soften.
"why couldn't you just say that, Miles? Im sorry, I didn't even realize I be doing that" she slightly pouted, playing with her fingers.
he finally put his phone down, and looked over at her. he opened his arms and she crossed hers. "ion know, you might throw me on the floor again" she muttered, rubbing her head again.
his face fell watching her body language towards him. "cmere ma, lemme make it up to you" he said, making her lay in between his arms.
he rubbed up and down her back before kissing her forehead. "im sorry" he said quietly.
"if you don't want me to go, I won't" she said, burring her face into his neck. he chuckled, shaking his head. "of course I want you to go and have fun. I just don't want it to be the subject of every single conversation from then on, yknow?" he said.
she nodded, sighing. "I really didn't realize..." she mumbled.
"it's fine, ma. im sorry for acting like that"
The end.
*this was ass but the next one gon be better I swear*
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Requested HeadCanons
Request -> Then I would like to request but I cannot choose so : prompt 9 headcannons with Matsukawa / prompt 12 headcannon with Kita / prompt 17 headcannon with Kyoutani, because I feel like asking 3 headcannons is too much I will let you choose which inspires you most ! Obviously if you feel like doing the tree of them, two of them or none of them, it's totally fine !
Characters: Issei Matsukawa and Shinsuke Kita
Prompt Nine (Issei Matsukawa): When people are born, they are assigned a soulmate. They have an original song in their head that only them and their soulmate know. A person just broke into your house and you’re pretty sure they’re here to murder you. They’re humming your song under their breath
Prompt Twelve(Shinsuke Kita): At a party, a round of truth or dare starts, and you’re dared by someone to “go home.” Not one to back down, you comply and leave, though you’re pretty bummed. That is, until the next day you find out everyone at that party died mysteriously. Everyone except the person who dared you to go home
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There was a small thud that woke you up
You shot up from the bed confused and panicked
You got out of bed, grabbing your phone and checked the time
It was 2:22 in the morning
You leaned against your closed bedroom door trying to hear whoever or whatever it was
Whoever it was obviously hurt themselves because a loud “FUCK” rang through the house
Everything went quiet for a couple seconds
You wanted to call the cops but were frozen in fear
You ran to your window, contemplating jumping out of it and running far away from the house and whoever tf was in there
Like a deer caught in headlights your whole body perked up and jerked towards the door when you heard the cock of a gun cut the silence
You were terrified to say the least
You rly thought you were abt to die and mentally said goodbye to your loved ones
But what you thought were your final thoughts were interrupted by a deep voice humming a song only you and your soulmate knew
Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down (BUIUBFBBEYFGI IM SORRY ITS THE FIRST SONG THAT CAME TO MIND GJOEIHIG)
Needless to say you were very confused and conflicted
For all you knew this could be some random stalker that heard you sing it and was trying to lure you out
But it was a bomb ass song
So you subconsciously began to hum with him
But then the humming stops and you hear hurried footsteps run up the stairs
You prepare your lungs to let out the loudest scream you can conjure but are stopped when a tall man swings open the door and smashes his lips to yours.
“I was going to kill you and steal all your stuff, would’ve been a shame to lose my soulmate”
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Did you want to be at this party? No
But did you still go? Yes ofc
Why? Because the rather annoying miya twins dragged your ass to this lame party full of sweaty volleyball players
You sat on a couch, scrolling through your phone
You knew that they brought you so you could be their ride home and now you were just waiting for them to be so busted they want to go home
It was rather loud for a party and the house smelt like something was burning everywhere you want
Since your phone was about to die you pocketed it and just started to people watch
There you saw Kita, holding a red cup and observing the crowd just as you were
You were going to get up and walk toward him but stopped when you hurt someone shout “LETS PLAY TRUTH OR DAY”
There was a mix of boo’s and cheers and you found yourself being dragged into a messy circle of people sitting on the ground
You were smushed between two buff guys known as Bokuto and Iwazuimi (ima simp for the beefy bois)
The game started and there were weird dares and sexual truths and honestly you blanked out
That is until you heard a voice call your name, you looked up to see who it was that called you
And there Kita was, staring right at you
“Um...yeah” all eyes were on you and you just wanted to go home pff
“Truth or dare?” you instantly respond with dare because u didnt want to look like a pussy
“I dare you to go home, now.”
You were confused af????
Like bitch what type of dare was that so you just sit there wide eyed and confused
But then he repeats himself so without another word you just kinda get up and leave
You were supposed to drive the twins home but you decided that they could just ride with any of their friends
So u get home and put some pj’s on and go to sleep bc what else is there to do
Next morning you wake up to a shit ton of messages and emails from news channels
“House Party Ends With Everyone Dead”
You felt your heart drop and you felt like throwing up
But then you get a message on snapchat from none other than Kita
“Are you safe??”
Requests are open!!
Link to writing prompt list: Here
ask me questions!!
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shyrose57 · 3 years
YOO BROTHERS ANON BACK FROM THE DEAD? My phone started to fucking die half way (like extreme lag, keyboard stopped working at times, sudden shut offs, etc) and I was too scared to work on this in fear it'd get deleted. But im fucking back and have a new phone so I was able to finally finish. Plus after I finished the Brothers AU stuff I decided I hated Tip of The Iceburg AU lore and wanted to redo it so held off til I got that mostly done. I'm also trying to redo From Future to Past a lil bit but thats going slowly and decided I already waited way to long. Some other stuff happened as well like falling out of the fandom (Breath of The Wild and Linked Universe I got into and am actually still kinda in) then getting tossed back in but, anyway there's some smaller details I left out of Rans time living in the wild but everything here is the big stuff. 
Keep in mind most of this happens when he's just 13. And he never acknowledges or treats his trauma, leaving it to build and affect him more and more over time. 
When Ran first steps out of Mizu and into the world, he has nothing but a sword at his back and a book with little information on how to survive at his hip. The book really only provides him how to make certain things (like tools) and some basic information (Spiders are passive in daytime, how to farm, and basic information about each nether biome). The book acts more like a brief overview of the overworld and little information on how to survive than an actual survival book. Because of this the book is basically useless, Ran eventually uses it as a way of marking down notes and ripping out papers to cover wounds and tie things. He quickly learns that sleeping in high places (like a tree or a hole in a mountain) is the safest possible place to sleep, as no mobs or people can get him. Though due to the nights of constant screaming from mobs, his own internal fighting, and eventual hunting, he develops insomnia and paranoia. Leaving him unable to close his eyes in fear of being ambushed, believing himself to be forever unsafe and in danger. When he does manage to sleep he keeps his weapons nearby (like in his hand or under his pillow) and jumps awake at the slightest sound. 
He moves around constantly, never staying in one place for more than 2 weeks. He eventually finds a snow biome and after seeing the little amount of mobs and knowing the snow is to deep for any sane human to try to travel through, he decides to stay there for a entire year and a half before moving again. During this time he grows both physically and mentally. He goes from being a small, lithe 5'5 13 year old to being a strong 6'7 15 year old. He also uses this time to come to terms with what happened and swear revenge against Ranbob for everything he's been through and everyone who's died. Even when Ran came to terms with what his brother did, the promise "Ill never abandon you." Continues to ring in his head, which does nothing but fuel his hatred, believing his brother has been lying to him ever since he was a child. While also growing his knowledge on the world and his survival knowledge, becoming an almost perfect survivalist. 
When he was first alone and dealing with all the emotions brought upon him, he finds out he's hunted very suddenly. He first approached Raq (who he didn't know at the time) when he was desperate and fresh out of Mizu, asking him if there's any nearby town or city or really anything. Raq pretends to want to help Ran and let's him stay at his camp, giving him food and a warm place to sleep. But its 2 full days later, deep in the night when Raq finally trys to attack him, aiming to incapacitate him. But Ran is able to escape him and run away but not without a injury. 
During the fight Raq manages to hit him, specifically on his left ear. He manages to cut deep, but not deep enough, leaving the top of his ear just barely hanging on. Ran runs away and actually has a bit of a head start due to him tripping Raq. But Raq manages to follow/track him, due to the blood flowing out of Rans ear. Ran eventually realizes Raq is tracking him by the blood trail he's leaving, so he stops, steals himself, and rips off the remaining part of his ear, barely holding back a yell, then Ran pushes his hand down on the wound and continues to run. Raq finds the ear and simply hums, intrigued by the lengths Ran will go to escape, before turning around, deciding to let Ran escape this time, because he knows he'll see him again. Ran continues to run, terrified and borderline crying due to the fear and pain. For the next 3 days he believes he is still being followed by Raq so he continues to run, never resting until he eventually collapses from exhaustion. His ear eventually heals over but never grows back, it becomes a reminder of the fact he is being constantly hunted by people and will never escape them. 
Ran encounters Raq a total of 32 times during his time living out in the wild. And every time Ran manages to get away, though sometimes more injured than others. Eventually it gets to the point Raq greets Ran like a old friend. After their 3rd encounter Raq starts to bring others with him, eventually he has 5 others helping him hunt Ran. Though Ran grows and is able to either outwit them by using traps or is just simply able to avoid them most of the time. Though he still gets hit at times, once he made a mistake and a trap failed, leading to him getting stabbed and passing out cause blood loss.
The Nether is less than kind to Ran but kinder than the overworld. He gets shot a lot from both ghasts and skeletons. And almost falls into lava multiple times. He gets stabbed and trips more times than he can count. But he actually manages to make acquaintance with the Piglins he meets due to him being polite to them and giving them gold for nothing in return. He actually is close enough to them to get directions for free and is even given resistance potions when Ran states he is leaving and not coming back as a farewell and stay safe gift. He ends up staying in the Nether for much longer than a normal person would and becomes adapt at traversing and surviving in it. It almost becomes his safe spot because the hunters have never followed him into the Nether. He would've lived there if he could, but due to the heat he isn't used too and the fact he just despised Ghasts more than the hunters, and they were everywhere in there, he didn't stay. But would often vist. Eventually he found netherite which he quickly covered his first and only diamond sword with. His sword also had the enchantments, sharpness 2, unbreaking 3, and sweaping edge. Over time and use the enchantments dimmed, only faintly remaining. At this point Ran had to flee his snow biome house due to a sudden attack, leaving behind the materials he needed to fix the enchantments and his sword. So he abandoned using it, but kept it cause it helped him through years of fighting, he can't exactly drop and leave it.
Extra stuff I couldn't find a way to fit in:
-Ran manages to find a village but actually gets kicked out cause he punches the blacksmith for upping the price of an iron sword.
-Ran slowly grows more cold, uncaring, rude, and harsh over time due to trauma. He doesn't realize he became this way due to untreated trauma until he arrives to The Pit where Watson is able to help him start to slowly heal. Which is why he becomes more open and joking in The Pit because he feels safe and loved. 
-When the group leaves The Pit he becomes cold and hard again due to habit. Its his way of subconsciously defending himself.
-His body is covered in scars due to the hunters and his brushes with mobs. 
-Ran knows how to tailor his own clothes and has made many different kinds of clothes, all designed for certain biomes. 
-Ran never farmed, he always hunted.
-Ran never really built anything, instead he preferred to dig into the side of a mountain or make shelter in a cave. Its only in the snow biome did he actually build a house. And even then it was very clearly meant to be a temporary house. Though he did end up living there longer than he intended. 
-He was at first extremely reluctant to kill, but was forced to kill hunters and animals multiple times. To the point he became almost numb to it and wouldn't hesitate to kill if he was threatened. 
-He would sometimes dream about his family only for it to end with them being slaughtered, which really messed him up and he would just lay in bed mindlessly every time it happened. These dreams still happen. 
Also a edit to when the brothers met in the Pit, Ran actually gets his hands on a broken trident accidentally left in the arena (its the front end only, and the middle spike is shorter than the rest due to a error when being made) and ends up tripping Ranbob then stabbing the trident into the ground over him (if that makes sense?), actually trapping Ranbob, with the middle spike just above his throat, leaving him unable to move unless he wants to cut his neck and trapped on the ground. 
Tip of The Iceburg:
So Karl's watch is still damaged. And Isaac is still the one to convince him to seek help from the others. But midway through the meeting Phil speaks up, mentioning how he found a book in a ruined village that had a replica of Karl's Watch etched into the cover, but is in a language he's never seen. After passing it around the table no one recognizes it. Everyone's discouraged until Foolish suggests they look for the other Travelers (what ima call the Tales people) and maybe one of them will know. Eventually, with picture pinning of supposedly who could be in their world, they all split off into groups to look. Ran is still the first found, but when he's shown the book he actually confirms a part of it is in a old enderman language that fell off long ago, he's able to translate half of that section but says that Ranbob, who studied old languages much more thoroughly than Ran can do the rest (cause here their still brothers but nothing in Brothers AU happened). Giving everyone hope. Eventually Ranbob gets found and translates the rest, but a great amount is still untranslated, which is a problem. So now its a journey of finding more people and mixing languages to find out the rest. 
A sudden twist to the story happens when Billiam joins, and due to his experience with the egg is actually able to translate a random page in the back of the book (the egg made its own language to prevent its plans being discovered). Where they find out the egg is what broke Karls watch, because to it humans are nothing but entertainment, and it gets joy seeing them suffer and wants to mess with their lives. When it gets revealed to the rest of the SMP what the page says, everyone gets pissed. And even when its found how to get the Travelers home they refuse to leave until the egg is destroyed, a few are mad at it and want revenge, others are scared and want to try to prevent it from coming into their time. Karl eventually relents and lets them join in making a plan to take down the egg.  
Also have some fluff scenarios with the brothers since its been a while:
-There's two types of resistance potions in their world, fire resistance and water resistance. The latter of which the brothers have memorized how to make. Their friends do not know water resistance exists. Which leads to the brothers pranking their friends by drinking some then jumping into a lake. Giving Watson a heartattack and making Isaac sob. The two quickly reemerge seeing their reactions and calm them and reassure them. After the explanation you can bet they got a talking too and where grounded. 
-Ran teaches Ranbob to fight!
-Ranbob teaches Ran to fish, Ran complains the entire time. 
-Ranbob responds by threatening to teach Ran how to farm. Ran stops complaining after that….mostly
-Everyone has found the brothers either asleep against each other or one asleep on the other at least twice. 
-*insert Arthur get out of the tank meme but instead it's Ranbob trying to get Ran out of a tree so he can greet people.*
-Ran has his first night in years without a nightmare! 
Now something else I'm planning to work on soon: What happened to Ranbob after Ran left Mizu?
I hope me sending stuff is still ok after so long of sending nothing. 
Good to have you back, Brothers Anon! And sorry to hear about your phone, that sounds like it must've a day.
Brothers AU:
I see we're back to Traumatize The Brothers Time, fantastic.
The fact that Ran has these items on him is interesting. Did he just have them with him when he was fleeing? Did he have the time to grab them? Was he preparing ahead? What led to him having these useful tools on hand when he was forced to flee?
How does he fare with mobs, being a mob hybrid himself? I think it's somewhat been implied that he's good with Endermen, but what about others?
How do the gladiator gang go about helping with his insomnia and paranoia, if they are aware of it?
What's it like for him during his time in the snow-biome, since he's there for awhile? Does he make a more-permanent camp/shelter? Do anything particularly interesting?
Poor Ran! That must've been quite the shock for him, and I imagine it didn't help his trust issues.
How does he get to the Nether? Does he have a base there? What do the piglins think of him, and vice versa? How does the Nether life effect him overall?
What happened to those materials left behind? Where they discovered? Does he manage to go back and get them on the roadtrip? Do they visit his homes on the trip?
How does the group react to his sudden change when they're leaving? What kind of clothes does he make? Does he ever make some for the others? Does he enjoy it, or is it just because it's necessary?
How do the fishermen feel about the close call with the trident, and what happens to the weapon?
Tip Of the Iceberg:
I don't remember if this was mentioned before, but was it Karl's watch that caused the issue then? Who wrote the book? Does the egg have a connection with them?
How do they fare with their plans to take down the Egg(and potentially the Eggpire, if that's a thing here)? How do those with previous experience with Egg feel about this, and what part do they play?
Fluff! At long last!
I love how their thought process went to that. 'We can make water resistance potions, lets jump in a lake in front of our friends'.
That sounds like it should be entertaining.
Ranbob knows how to farm?
That's such a funny mental image. 'Ran, get out of the tree, you have to socialize'. 'Hissing'.
Yay, good for him!
Ooo, what?
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Aww I really loved that!! Thank you so much 😭😭 it was so sad!!
I love the repeating of
"I did it for you"
"you did it for yourself!"
Because it's true. He can't handle caring about any more people.
Sidious was very cruel that way. He would have maul get attached to people and then force him to kill them.
He tends to process things like a teenager. Hes just lashing out against the galaxy and obi wan, because he feels he's owed relief and unworthy of moving on.
"remember I am fear, remember I am hunter, remember I am filth, remember I am nothing." I think even though he's crazy in this scene, it really shows us how maul feels about himself.
In the comics it's shown a lot that he was always falling short of the emperor's expectations. He was tortured emotionally and physically.
So having him react to emotional attachment that deep by leaving feels about right, otherwise he knows hell just have to kill them later or watch them be killed.
So in his mind he's doing it to protect them from his master.
Ahh anyway I babbled way too long! Either way I appreciate it! Thank you lolol 😂
Im so glad you liked it tbh I really was crying writing those headcannons, but Totally agree with you! I had even written something similar to what your saying heres it actually copy and pasted:
Sometimes I sit and I think: wow Obi Wan really did loose everyone like i know thats a werid thought and All but I serious sit there and think: he lost his lover, his master, his brother, and if that wasn't enough he lost his enemy. I know that does seem like a lot really but dont your enemies know you best? He knew Maul well and Maul knew Kenobi well. So when Maul dies in Rebels by Kenobi's hand and they have that one momment were Obi-Wan just holds Maul instead of letting him drop to the floor I feel like Obi-wans actually hurt by it because at the end of the day thats just one more person he lost- even if they were enemies- its one more person that lived through the exact same momments and pain he did its one of the only people left that could really emphasize with him.
Dont worry about rambling either! I do the same all the time! And Im always glad to hear it! But I think that whats makes Maul such a great character even if you just watch the Clone wars.
I related to him- no not by killing people- but by getting attached to people and essentially having to let them go good or bad. Who ever that person was understood me in a certain aspect, something others would be able to relate too so easily unless you lived though it with that or those certain people.
And I think alot of people can relate too.
His family aspect is such a diffrent part too, he's middle child- and all though I am not a middle child I understand that as a younger one your suppose to look up to your older siblings- something I never had because they were so much older and essentially "gone all the time" being adults. Maul didnt have that family life- and had high expectations put in place for himself and by his master the closest thing he had to a "parent" but failed. Something yet again personally I relate too and Im sure alot of others do. And then essentially kicking yourself in the ass along with your parents for not meeting expectations.
And Im rambling so. Ima stop there even though I had a shit ton more to say lmao
But Im really glad you liked it! Feel free to submit anything else! Or just wanting to talk! Im all ears!!!
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Hi! My names arthur and im working on improving my word and building my story, which currently has no name haha! I have a myriad of characters who ill try to list out and give brief descriptions of, aether is technically my main character and some of the characters who are up for question are dead in canon. But you can still ask them stuff, itll just be set before death.
When asking characters questions, rememeber to include the name, their age if theres diffrent ages, i dont mind repeated questions, but if you see the question try not to ask it again lol. If you cant find it with a quick scroll just ask it, although i dont know if this blog will even get that big.
He comes in three evolutions lol, technically, theres four but idk if i would count 7 year old aether.
Ages: 13 yo - colder, hasnt gotten used to emotions, there are two to this as well, pre-rev and then post-rev 13 yo aether, remember to specify lol.
16 yo- a bit more out there, still kinda disconnected and figuring things out, a bit more defensive
22 yo- lax, hes sorta figured shit out, hes not going to go grazy, hes just gonna be chill lol.
!The gaggle Ghosts!
Her personality is very, ehhh, becuase i havnt done work with her, and i havnt completly figured out who she is fully yet, shes 18 yo when aether is 22 yo
18 yo- pretty oblivious, somehow still a bit cynical, very nice and sometimes motherly
Few thousand- mean, likes to bully yurei as he huants her, lowkey a simp for yurei but he wont admit that. Kinda cynical and likes to bring others down, generally a bully
19- emotionless, has to be a really strong emotion to make her emote, tends to stray away from other people, likes to be alone, blunt
A few thousand- sweet, warm and welcoming, tries to be very fatherly and a trusted figure, is very busy most of the tiime unfortunatly though.
!The greek gang!
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Argus agapov
16- unstable, pretty baby, protective over friends and family
Mythos agapov
23- whore. He also loves his family, lowkey, hes a trad wife
15/16- timid, intrested in posiosn and acids, generally quiet, likes to eat leaves, scaredy cat
14- germ of phobe, kind of a brat, more just a bitch, will yell at you if he sees your hands were dirty from gardening or something while you’re walking to the sink, other than that hes fine, picky eater
15- disorginized, trys his best, likes to write stuff down, helps plato with his writing and grammar in general, gullible, likes record data, has a nice typewriter with tha good clicky clack
8- sweet baby boi, loves his older brother (socrates), idolizes him even, not a good idea though. He writes down everything socrates does, sometimes he imitates his brother as well.
17- dumb of ass, also just dumb, held back a grade, feral child, bites alot of people, soft aestechic but hed stab as a warning
30- also dumb of ass, loves cars in that ‘mah babeh’ kinda way. Hates motorcycles, he thinks they’re ugly. Chaotic but he utilizes it to be the weird and cool uncle/cousin thing
46- too tired for this shit, is a dad, went out to get milk, jk jk, dissapeared for a hot few years, probably got captured by some gang dunno, it happens. Very serious, would make the dumbest jokes with his brothers with a straight face
50- lowkey the neglected middle child, soft goth lookin ass, loves his kid, tries his best to raise his kid, sometimes gets help from esme
57- proud stay at home dad, buff but does the typically wifely duties, makes sure his children get enough love, nutrience and care
54- very active, the money maker, kinda soft, both her and her husband poseidon are so just in love with their kids, dote on them constantly, very extroverted, always makes time for her kids
51- tired of zeus’ shit, does her best to make sure no one dies, still treats mythos as her ‘little baby boy, tired mom vibes.
!the Eden gang!
Eden is a fictional country that i slapped onto the globe. It is where aether is from, technically aether is apart of the eden gang as well. Everyone here, if they have an age option, the first age option is the age they are when aether is 13, and the second will be when aether is 16 unless stated otherwise
General kyelli
49- fatherly, thinks of most of the gang as his children, calls everyone ‘son’, as a general rule. If you ask for another nickname, he will do his best. Has a bad knee, and is kinda of bad at existing physically
52+- fatherly still, loves almonds, always has a bag of almonds, dont test him. Enjoys travel, might adopt people he meets along the way, still has pains but now he sees doctors, wants to stay active
13- sweet, optimistic, always looks on the brightside and tries to see the good in others. Little heater, understands that sometimes fighting is the only option
16- lively, very loose and relax, can get serious when needed though, always making jokes and trying to lighten up the mood
19- a bit more, mellow. Still quite lively and childish, but with two signifigant-others you have to settle down sometimes
16- lively, more stern than akrano and kinda worried, but ultimatly also very loose and bright
16- serious, seemingly colder towards everyone, gets along great with psycho-lops, makes him new eye-patches to pass time, actually just very monotone and blank most of the time, although she does care
19- she doesnt change much, she got a bit more expressive, likes babysitting howl
16 1/2- always looks determined, actually kinda scared of conflict, likes to help out with healing though, very proficient in it as well, sounds intimidating while talking about how cute puppies and kittens are
19/20- still the same, is considering studying medicine and medical practices to become a doctor.
17- bright, incredibly lively, loves to joke around and tease and sometimes bully the others, targets aether primarily, hangs out with his brother most of the time, he can fight for himself but he likes the backup, especcially since he is kinda glass-jawed, being that hes a twig
17- quiet, intense eyes, always sounds vaugly confused when he speaks, deep voice lol, likes to train, doesnt understand barks need to tease others, likes to read to the children
20- quiet, intense eyes still, more so nervous sounding, slightly paranoid, cluastrophobic and cant stand dusty places, usually in his house or at the docks, doesnt really go anywhere else
17- loud, headstrong, adamant about her opinions, gets along well with bark, she tries alot to be intimidating, not a twig, but not very big, pretty friendly and sociable
!the band of pirates!
A few hundreds of years- kinda bored seeming, loves blood, technically cannibal, but not really since he isnt human, to an extent. Despite being fine on the ocean, he gets very car sick very easily. Actually quite nice, very easily triggerd into violence, especcially by something that could be used as a good murder weapon, blood makes him jittery and more lively
21- calm, too calm, deals with akleas bullshit wonerfully, he just stands there, blank smile on his face as aklea beats the shit outta someone, unintrested in most anything, likes to draw, but hes a much better pastry chef.
!the shakespears!
Midem(pink boi)
33- lively, loves to work with kids, very creative, likes to make things, mainly art, mainly carvings. Often make little minitures of scenes from midens writing, loves his twin, does anything it takes to fund midens intrests. Very loving to those hes close to
33- calmer by alot lmao, pretty introverted but he can hold a long conversation without becoming too drained, enjoys writing and making stories, also makes plays for fun, runs off little sleep cuase he stays up so late to write, and gets up early to write.
9 billion- confused boomer, loves his ‘children’, hates to be hated, always tries to help in anyway he can, despite making them, always curious into what mortals are doing, loves the universe he created and does anything he can to protect it
7 million- sore loser, does get a little salty, ultimatly bounces back and becomes a very good sport, always will adopt tactics, whatever it takes to win within the rules, keeps most all of his trophies from random feats hes done
5 billion - calm, straightforward, tends to disregard others and do things himself, likes to sit on cliffs and watch the ocean
Hes been around since 776 bc- very loud, lively, bright, tries his best to educate people on proper form, workout regime i intesne, doesnt allow others to take it, makes custom workout regimes for free, owns a gym, dude bro but hes nice, baby
Her age technicaly is not accurate, shes like, 2 billion? Since dima was made right after her death. But since her history still lives, ima count it
5 billion but older than ventus- bitter, violent, former god of justice, fucking dead haha, hates mortals, primarily humans
Also not super accurate, hed only be a few centuries of being an active god before being sealed, but since hes technically, concious and has cognitive function hes counted
3 billion- mean lol, likes blood and gets even more violent when it starts getting messy, ‘new’ god of justice, uh, pretty bad at it like the last one, but worse, will kill over slight misdeameanors, everythings a crime smh
24- softspoken, from imperial russia, died young, he no longer feels his face is his own, has a mask that he likes better, has the sickness, but since he was human it killed him, can control it post mortem, is strong enough to be seen, but weak enough he can go invisible and go through solid objects.
More ocs will be added when i remember them, or create new ones, characters i dont really have built at all are not included
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charislcarousel · 3 years
Fruits Basket Season 3 Episode 5 thoughts
Oh no. It’s this one. And I am NOT ready
At least people will realize now why I’ve been simping for Momiji since middle school
And he still has that taste for ice cream. Sooo cute
I love how all anyone can think, even the Sohmas, is wow, dang that kid grew/glowed up
I think it is impossible to have an ugly Sohma, tbh
Aww the hand holding is precious
Kisa is so excited to say hi to Kyo!!!!!! Love that
And Hiro is being a little brat to him as always lol
I love the way how Hiro turns from brat to absolute angel when Kyo leaves and he turns to Kisa
Yes! Barbeque!
Oh my word he’s almost as tall as Yuki
The way Yuki kinda sings Tohru’s name is ADORABLE
Dang, this scene with Kyo and Momiji is deep. Ima need a whole other post to discuss that
Aww they’re all eating dinner together
not Shigure SAYING THAT TO TOHRU DUUUUDE (even though his dialogue makes good food for thought, whyyyyy)
The way his curse just BREAKS
I forgot it was so abrupt
I can’t imagine the panic Akito must be feeling
Poor Momiji too. I hate how lonely this makes him feel. It’s not fair
Though I’m glad he can get away from this toxic environment
Poor Momiji just watching them from the window😭my love, I promise there is still happiness out there for you
Wow, the way he just told Kyo was so dramatic. And the way Kyo looked back at him. Just wow.
My heart breaks for this kid. He knows he can never have Tohru, but he really wants her to be with Kyo at the same time, because he knows only the hope of being with her can possibly save him from the curse
Oh wait he means he’ll hope to find happiness again, he just doesn’t think it will come from where it always did, which makes him feel lonely, but he still has hope
I wish he would at least talk to Haru or something, someone who will still love and care about him even if not bonded anymore
Momiji don’t worry I am coming for you my love I can be ur happiness if u want (you can still get the girl. I’ll be here waiting)
The way he just glows when he hears about Momo😭😊
Aww his mom saying “take care” makes him THAT HAPPY IM CRYING
It makes me a little sad knowing we don’t see a complete resolution to this story, but I do like the hope of a happy future for him, and seeing clues from Another, I think he finds it
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miseryff · 5 years
19. Sit Down
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My weekend spent in Houston,TX was nothing short of litty! Besides the no having sex due to my period, I spent a wonderful three days with Derrick. Now I was back in Long Island and I can not say that I missed the towns that much. It was minutes to noon on Sunday and the only thing on my mind was getting some sleep because I had to go back to work tomorrow. 
Damn, this adulting shit had no pause button.
“Where’s your lil boyfriend at, London Paris?” I rolled my eyes at my dad, and only sipped on my bottled water as we awaited Derrick’s arrival. My dad orchestrated the whole gathering with my mother. The plan was to have Derrick and I have a Sunday brunch so that they could get more acquainted with him. I honestly do not know why they want to be familiar with Derrick so badly. I mean its not like he would be coming around them that often anyways. I was still in the hot seat for flying to Houston against my parent’s wishes though, so I had to play nice and agree to this sit down.
“Chris, leave her alone.” That was my mom coming to my rescue, for once. I side eyed her just as the door bell rang. She must have got some dick last night because she’s been extra kind to me since I pulled up to the crib earlier this morning.  I motioned to get the door but my big ass, dinosaur ass pops was already sprinting down the hall. I fake chuckled before looking over at my mom. She was already staring at me, being all weird. “Ma, you gucci?”
“What do you mean, baby?”
“I mean you being fake nice for some reason. Dad dropped some dick off last--”
“Paris, stop. I am not one of your lil ho friends. Don’t talk to me like that.” I could not hold in my laughter as I looked into her guilty eyes. She was trying so hard to keep her face neutral but shawty was blushing OD. “Ewww, yall need to get back together already--”
“The man of the hour is here!” My sentence was cut short by my father’s extra boisterous voice. I looked over into the doorway and there stood Derrick, looking even more sexy than he did a couple hours ago when he dropped me off at home. He went to his aunt’s house to fake nap and freshen up, since he had about two hours before he needed to be back at my house. This man looked like an advertisement for raw sex and I wanted him. Damn, I wonder I could suck him--
“Paris, hello? You not gonn introduce ya man to my fine ass baby moms? Fine, I’ll do it myself. Lil rude ass.” I blinked a few times before leveling my eyes from the front of Derrick’s grey dress pants, and meeting my father’s eyes. I heard Derrick chuckle as he and my father walked more into the kitchen. “Clean ya mind, ma” Derrick mumbled as he brushed past me lightly.
I could hear Derrick and my mom getting acquainted, so I used this time to pull my dad to the side to set some shit straight. “Yo...”
“Who you yo-ing, lil girl? Run that shit back.” I made the stank face as I watched him undo the wrapper from a yellow Starburst. But I’m the lil girl? “What, Paris? Speak up.”
“Can you not embarrass me today in front of my nigga? You do that a lot and I’m not with it the shits. I don’t even wanna be here for this bullshit mixer brunch, so--”
“When do I ever embarrass you, Paris? You do that job perfectly well  by yourself’ like when you lied about entering a rehab program for the weekend, only to have ya smart ass daddy pop up on ya baecation.” He showed me the yellow Starburst in his mouth before pulling me into a hug when I turned to walk away. “Dadddd...”
“Hush up and hug me back. I ain’t gonn embarrass you, aight?. I can tell you like this kid and he aight so far, so ima be on my best behavior.” Those words placed a tiny smile on my lips so I wrapped him back tightly, snickering when he started whining. “Old ass nigga! I heard a couple bones crack.”
“Fuck outta here, bum!” He pushed me away from him a little too roughly and I caught my balance before punching him in the chest. “Yeaa, talk yo shit now gramps.” I went to punch his bird chest again but my mom saved his slow, tired ass.
“Can yall beasts stop playing in my kitchen? Lets sit and eat before the food gets cold. Waiting on Derrick’s turtle ass all morning and shit.” The loudest laugh left my lips and I walked over to Derrick who was wearing the ‘I ate ass’ face. “Ma, don’t shade my baby. Do you see how he looks? His fine ass had--”
“Yuck.” That was my hating ass pops. “Cmon man, lemme save you from this thirst bucket I call a daughter.” He rudely pushed me out the way and dropped his arm over Derrick’s shoulder as they walked out the kitchen. My jaw hit the floor  once I heard the two roar in laughter. It was then my mom’s laughing that forced me to tear my eyes from the two. “Ya dad has a  man crush Mondaaayy” she sang as she walked around my frozen body. 
“His gay ass!”
Brunch went... well?
We actually ate and there was no shit that popped off. My dad was on his best behavior, as promised, minus the corny attempts to make Derrick laugh. I never thought I would agree with my mom’s opinion ever but she was right, Dad had a MCM... and it was my nigga.
“I fake wish Cae and Carter was here. I gave them money for the mall because I thought it would be a shit show.” I joked as I watched my mom gather up the plates from the table. I would get up and help her but that’s what my lazy ass pops was for. “Really? I was wondering why they was dressed and speeding out the door. They bout to spend off ya money in that mall.” My mom chucked lightly as she continued to stack the plates.
“Dad, go help mom bring the dishes to the kitchen and leave my nigga alone. He can not and will not hook you up on the Js dropping next week. Fuck outta here.”
“Paris, shut ya ass up. Now like I was saying--”
“Chris, I need help for real. Fuck dem shoes.” Derrick and I shared a laugh as we watched my mom staredown my pops. “Really, Alana? You think that glaring shit still work on me?”
No more words came from my moms mouth. The room would have been silent but Derrick and I were being goofy as shit and laughing like a bunch of school girls. Maybe another minute of my mom staring down my pops passed, before we heard his chair scrape against the wooden floors. “Simp ass nigga” I coughed loudly. “Damn, some shit was stuck in my throat.”
Can yall believe my grown ass pops sent me the middle finger? “And one for you too, Derrick. To think I had an ally in this bitch. That’s when they smile in my face...” He sand off key as he followed my mom out of the dining room. More laughter filled the living room and I had to wipe underneath my eye with my tank top because my dad was really a dickhead. Wow.
“Ya pops funny as shit.” Derrick chuckled some more, and then made a face when I pulled him out his seat by his arm. “Where we--”
“Shut up, and hurry up.” I whispered as I ushered him out of the dining room and down the hallway. I could hear my parents conversing in the kitchen and loud laughter as I started up the staircase. “Where we going, Paris?”
“To my room, Derrick. Now shut up.” The slap that was sent to my ass did nothing but make me more wet than I already was. Do yall know how hard it was to sit across from this sexy ass nigga and not be able to feel his dick down my throat? Shiiiidddd.
Once we entered my bedroom I turned the lock and pushed him up against the door. “I’m bout to suck fire out ya dick, just in case you was about to ask me what I’m doing.” I winked at him before dropping to my knees and working on his dress pants. His dick print was pressed up against his pants and I knew his dick wanted nothing more than to find refuge in my mouth.
He said nothing, only took a grip of my jet black hair and guided my head to his already hard dick. Opening my mouth slowly, I deep throat his shit in one try, and felt a feeling of accomplishment once I heard his low grunts. 
Oh yea, he’s mine.
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Paris is crazy.
I don’t remember the last time I did this high school shit; where a shawty snuck me up to her bedroom to get the work. Then again, she just left high school last year so it made sense. My bottom lip sunk into my mouth as I watched her get busy on my dick. I can’t lie, Paris gave the best head I have ever had in my life. Its like she was a pro at this shit and she was tryna suck the brown off my dick. I loved it.
“You like how my dick taste?” I spoke lowly as I tightened my grip on her straight black hair. Paris as a blondie was fire, no debate, But Paris with the jet black hair? Lets just say my dick was never on soft around her. She got it. “I love how your shit tastes. This my shit.” That was another thing I loved about Paris. The raw, NYC lingo. She spoke like a crip nigga but looked like a Hampton socialite. That was a fire ass mix.
Before I knew it both of my hands were are the back on her head and I was face fucking the shit out of her. And best believe mama kept up. No hands, on some Waka Flocka shit. “Yea, this yo shit.” Pulling her back by her hair, I watched as my dick slid out her mouth. “Open up,” a smile touched my lips as I watched her follow my every direction. It did something to me watching her welcome my spit into her mouth. After she licked her lips, she took my dick back into her mouth and finished me off. Pulling her up to stand, I pressed my lips to hers before switching places.
She was now laying with her chest against the door and I quickly pulled her black leggings down her legs. “Im still on my period, babe.”
“I know...” I mumbled as I searched for the condom in my wallet, As soon as I was wrapped up, I hiked her leg up and slid into her wetness with ease. “Fuckk,” we cursed at the same time. 
“You better fuck the shit out of me. And make me cum.”
Oh yea, she mine.
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tj-and-cyrus · 6 years
tj comforts cyrus after he sees andi kiss jonah at open mic night. doesn’t have to be romantic tyrus
but anon, ima make it romantic. anyways uh disregard every interaction between tyrus after the j*ndi kiss; because they get together in this, thanks bye. canon divergence time fellas. I accidentally made this a tad angsty and also sprinkled in jealousy oh no. also its 12am n im too tired to edit tonight ill do it tomorrow on ao3 lmfao.
meet me in the park.
TJ was almost terrified to make eye contact with him. They sat on the swings, as they had weeks before, and a couple times after that. TJ had been excited to see Cyrus come walking over, until he got close enough to see the look on his face. Cyrus had been going off on a ten minute rant about Andi and Jonah kissing back at open mic night in Red Rooster Records. TJ listened intently the whole time, but with every piece of Cyrus’ mind that fell from his lips, his heart sank down a little further.
Cyrus definitely sounded like he was jealous.
“…Why is it weird?” TJ had asked him.
“Maybe because they’re my friends? I don’t know. I’d probably understand if I had actually kissed someone before.” Cyrus stopped talking, and wanted to slap himself for ever opening his mouth.
TJ’s tone didn’t change. “You’ve never kissed anyone before?” 
Why not? You’re too cute for no one to have liked you. I can’t be the only one.
“Is that bad?”
“Well,” Cyrus bit his lip, hesitating. “I did…once. A couple months ago, I think. Amber introduced me to this girl– Iris– and we ended up dating for like a week. We kissed at some point. It was awful, I don’t remember it too well.” He shifted uncomfortably on his swing, his hands gripping the chains rather awkwardly.
Why are they sweating?
“Huh. She never told me any of that.” TJ paused, going back over his memories of ‘mean Amber’, that weren’t too difficult to recall. “Come to think of it, all she did back then was complain about Andi and all of her exes.” Cyrus laughed, and caused a smile to come to TJ’s face. Cyrus noticed, and found himself wishing he could see it more often.
Cyrus’ own smile vanished when TJ spoke up again. “Cyrus? Are you jealous?” His head snapped to meet TJ’s gaze, where he was staring right at him. He shut his eyes so maybe when he opened them, TJ would have disappeared. He opened them after a moment, when he realized that he really didn’t want him to leave. He’d heard that question before. With Buffy, when he first told anyone that he liked a boy. That he liked Jonah. But maybe things had changed since then.
“I think I used to be.” TJ tilted his head at this, confused.
“I guess,” Cyrus paused, and drew in a deep breath. He considered his next words carefully. “…maybe, I thought…I’d be the one to have…Jonah…like…me…back.” He voice grew quieter with each word, and he simultaneously hoped TJ had and hadn’t heard Jonah’s name leave his mouth.
TJ felt frozen. He was relieved, but also could have vomited. Because Cyrus liked a boy. His crush liked a boy.
And it wasn’t him.
“Cool,” A voice in TJ’s brain was screaming at him, berating him for shutting down like he always did. But he almost made himself vulnerable, he made Cyrus vulnerable; and in the end it just fucked everything up.  
Because Cyrus didn’t like him.
I’m an idiot.
“Great story, underdog, but I think I should be going.” He stood up, shoving his hands in his pockets; and turned his back to the swingset, so the other boy wouldn’t see him trying to blink back tears.
Cyrus voice was soft, but it cut so sharply into TJ’s ears that he almost bolted and ran home right there. “TJ…” He knew Amber would be pissed if he did. He’d shared too much of his feelings for Cyrus with her since the day they first hung out at the park. She had been pushing him to say something for weeks now.
TJ could feel his legs shaking now, threatening to give way beneath him. Why couldn’t he handle being open for ten fucking seconds? He hadn’t even said anything, all he had done was ask Cyrus a question.
“TJ,” Cyrus repeated, more serious. The other boy had to force himself to turn around and look him in the eyes. TJ was thankful the dark would be hiding the deep red painting his face right now.  “I don’t like Jonah anymore, if that’s what you’re worried about.” He watched as TJ’s eyes widened.
“How did you–?”
“All four of my parents are shrinks,” Cyrus reminded him, only half joking about it. “I’m going to be honest though, my romantic feelings for people are…really messy,”
“Mine aren’t.” TJ bragged, shrugging his shoulders.
Cyrus raised an eyebrow, and finally got up from his swing. “Oh, they’re not, are they?”
His heartbeat picked up as Cyrus stepped closer to him. “Nope,” He brushed the question off nonchalantly.
As Cyrus got closer, he noticed the thin streaks of water marking the boy’s cheeks. He reached out to put a hand on TJ’s face, and wiped the tear tracks away. “Then what is that?”
TJ could have sworn he went into cardiac arrest when his body maneuvered to connect his lips with Cyrus’. He hadn’t really meant to, but Cyrus didn’t pull away when he did. If anything, he seemed to be holding on for dear life, his hands moving TJ’s shoulders, and then up to his neck.
When the pair broke, TJ was grinning like an idiot. “Nothing much, just everything I never told you about me.” Cyrus scoffed, and flipped TJ’s hood up, pulling the strings so everything but his nose and lips were hidden.
“You’re so stubborn!”
“That’s ridiculous,” TJ laughed, and struggled to pull open his hood so he could see the boy he had just kissed again. “You love me!” Cyrus crossed his arms and tried his best to hide his smile and the butterflies swarming his lungs and stomach.
“Maybe I do, I don’t know!” Cyrus smacked TJ in the arm lightly, and TJ stumbled back like he’d been hit in the gut.
“You like me, you liiike me!” The other boy teased him, running in circles as Cyrus pretended to chase him around. TJ, being the one that was clearly more physically able, ended up catching Cyrus in a hug from behind, to which the smaller boy protested with trying to squirm from his grasp. He gave up when TJ hugged him tighter, and turned to kiss him again.
And this time, it felt right. It wasn’t because Iris liked him, or because other people wanted them to be a couple. Cyrus was doing it for TJ this time. After that night, he was pretty sure he’d do anything for him.
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turtle-steverogers · 6 years
Departed Chap 1
This was originally on my ao3 but i’m impulse posting it here YEET (ima put all the chapters under #departed)
Ship: Slow burn Sprace
Warnings: Domestic Abuse mentions
It had been a long fucking day. Well, a long fucking week really between midterms and work at the Tae Kwon Do studio he instructed at, but today especially had dragged on and Spot Conlon was ready to take a hot shower and sleep. But of course, nothing was ever that simple. His evening plans were quickly squashed by the sound of weak knocking on his apartment door. Spot groaned and pulled himself up from his comfortable position on the couch, reluctantly unbolting the door and opening it. He was about to reprimand the person knocking for bothering him at eleven o’clock on a Friday night, but hastily shut his mouth when he took in the person in front of him.
“Race? What the fuck.” Spot said, his voice coming out a little louder than he meant it to. Antonio “Racetrack” Higgins, his best friend of five years, was standing outside his apartment door, nursing a bloody nose and several hand-shaped bruises on his exposed arms.
Race locked eyes with Spot, his gaze tired and annoyed, “Canya not raise your voice? My head hurts.” He mumbled, then shouldered past Spot and proceeded to kick off his shoes.
“Sorry,” Spot murmured, still trying to grasp the situation as Race gingerly laid himself on the couch, “But uh, you gonna tell me what happened?”
“No, I’ma sleep.” Race grunted.
“Racer, ya can’t just come to my apartment covered in bruises and blood and expect me not ta-”
“Sean, I know. I promise I’ll explain tomorrow, but I’m so exhausted and I really don’t wanna be awake right now.” Race said, his eyes already closed.
“Okay, but you are talkin’ tomorrow,” Spot said, finally moving away from the door, “Also, no sleep yet. Your face is bloody as fuck and you are not sleepin’ on my pillows like that.”
Race groaned and didn’t move, “Spottie…”
“Nope, c’mon, at least clean up,” Spot persisted, “You don’t even gotta get all the way up, just clean off ya face.”
There was a small pause and for a moment Spot wondered if Race had stubbornly started to fake sleep, then he heard a small, “Fine.”
Spot wet a paper towel in the kitchen sink, then quickly retrieved an extra pair of sweatpants from his bedroom.
“Here,” he said, handing both things to Race, who took them lying down, “Clean off and get changed, I’ll grab ya some blankets.”
Race didn’t reply and Spot watched for a moment as he pulled himself into a sitting position, wincing as he did so. He really did look like shit. Blood was covering the front of his shirt and there was a bruise on his jaw that Spot hadn’t seen before.
“Spot, I uhh, I appreciate you checkin’ me out, but could I have some privacy?” Race said, a tired smirk coloring his features.
“Oh,” Spot said, snapping out of his reverie, “Yeah, yeah sorry.”
He left to dig some sheets out of the hallway closet and was just gathering a pillow when he heard a small whimper then, “S-spottie? Couldya help?”
Spot turned to see Race with his jeans halfway off. The sweatpants were crumpled at his side.
“My chest is kinda, uh, bruised and my abilities ta move are compromised…” He continued, not making eye contact with Spot.
“Oh! Yeah, ‘course.” Spot said, making his way over to Race and sitting beside him. He carefully lifted Race’s legs into his lap and pulled off his pants off completely, then began to pull the sweatpants onto his legs.
When they reached his mid thighs, Race cleared his throat, “I can get ‘em from here.” He said, blushing slightly.
“Ya sure?” Spot asked as he watched Race struggle to pull them up farther, “Dude, lemme see your chest.”
Race paused his action, then swiftly pulled the sweatpants up the rest of the way, taking deep breaths after, presumably to stop the pain in his torso.
He paused for a moment, toying with the hem of his shirt before shaking his head, “My chest is fine, well, not entirely fine, but no ribs are broken. I checked. Can I please jus’ sleep?”
Spot sighed, “Fine, I’ll stop houndin’ ya.” He studied Race’s face for a moment longer before standing and grabbing a discarded sweatshirt from the chair nearest to him and handing it to Race.
“Here, so you don’t gotta wear a bloody ass shirt all night.” Race took it, but made no move to put it on, “If ya need anythin’ in the night, just shout. Night Race.”
“Night, Spot.”
The next morning, Spot woke up to the sound of the coffee maker turning on. He climbed out of bed and pulled on a pair of sweats. When he entered the kitchen, Race pulled another mug out of the cabinet.
“You’re movin’ around better,” Spot observed, noticing that Race had changed into the sweatshirt he had given him the night before.
Race only grunted in reply, busying himself in pouring coffee for the two of them. Once he was finished, he handed Spot a mug, then sat himself at the kitchen counter. Spot sat down across from him and worked on adding sugar to his cup.
Spot startled slightly when Race spoke quietly, “It’s never gotten this bad before. I mean, she’s always been harsh in her words and maybe a slap here or there, but she was drunk and I was annoyin’ her I guess and next thing I knew she was comin’ at me with a bottle and...” He trailed off, closing his eyes to compose himself.
Spot looked at him in shock. Race could only be talking about one person- his girlfriend, Melissa. They had been dating for a little over a year and at first, their relationship had seemed perfect. But then, Race would stop coming to group hang-outs, and when he did come, he seemed nervous. He would leave early and never seemed to participate as much as he used to. Spot had suspected this was Melissa’s doing for a while, but he never could have imagined it going this far and never brought it up. Though, given Race’s current condition, he wish he had.
Race continued, “I dunno what to do, Sean. I haven’t been able ta breathe in that relationship for a while, but now I’m suffocatin’.”
“Break up with her, you don’t gotta stay in that situation.” Spot said, softly.
Race looked up for the first time, fear evident in his eyes, “No! No I can’t-that would jus’ be..I mean she’d find me and- no I can’t.”
Spot’s eyes flicked down to Race’s hands, noticing for the first time that they were shaking. Race must have seen Spot looking, because he cleared his throat and gripped his mug tight enough to turn his knuckles white.
“Alright,” Spot sighed, “We can talk more about this later, alright?”
Race didn’t say anything, but he didn’t object, so Spot took that as a yes.
“Are ya hungry? I could make pancakes.” Spot suggested.
Race shrugged, then nodded, “With blueberries?”
Spot scoffed, “‘Course. It’s not like ya’d eat ‘em without.”
Race smiled slightly into his mug, “I hate how well ya know me.”
Spot chuckled lightly and said, “That’s jus’ the price of friendship, buddy,” before turning to his cabinets to get out the ingredients for the pancakes. It was mostly quiet for a few minutes while Spot cooked, save for the sound of their coffee mugs clinking and Race humming to himself. However, the comfortable quiet was interrupted by Race’s phone ringing.
“Shit,” Race muttered to himself.
“S’it Melissa?” Spot questioned, turning around to place the plate full of pancakes on the countertop.
“Yep,” Race said, distractedly. He sighed, then picked up the phone, standing up from his seat at the counter as he did so.
“Yeah?” Race said, meekly into the phone. Immediately, shouting could be heard from the other end of the phone and Spot watched in concern as Race flinched and drew his shoulders up to his ears, “I’m sorry- I said I’m sorry. No- I-I’m out right now. O-okay. Y-yeah. I’ll come back now. I- Melissa, no. I said I’d come-please.”
Spot could feel his heart break as he watched his best friend transform into a stuttering mess. After a few more seconds of Melissa’s audible shouting and Race trying to get a few words in, the call was ended. Race slumped back down in his chair and put his face in his hands.
“I’m not letting you go back there, Race.” Spot said, gently, yet firmly.
“I-” Race cut himself off as his voice cracked, and Spot was surprised to see his shoulders start shaking with what he presumed were tears. He’d only ever seen him cry once before, and they had both been drunk. He jumped into action when Race’s cries turned to sobs, quickly making his way around the counter so he could carefully rub a hand up and down his arm to ground him.
“I-I don’t know w-what ta do, Spottie,” Race choked out.
“We’ll figure this out, Racer, I promise.” Spot said, soothingly, although his heart was in his throat. It scared him to see his best friend breakdown like this.
“I’m scared,” Race whimpered.
“I know, I’m right here.”
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fandomtrash-16 · 6 years
The Demon’s Trap
So I’ve been working on something and I finally finished it! It’s kinda long so read it at your own choice if you want idk. this is basically an intro to my version of the ink demon, his beast form at least. (i have nothing more to say so ima stop while im ahead)
Lost. Lost as hell, in hell.
Henry stumbled, his feet catching on the upturned planks of the old floor; most of which had been broken inwards by something that was clearly much larger than a human. It was unsettling, to say the least. The layers of claw marks, some new and some old, on the nearly desecrated walls that lined the hallway told Henry that this something could still be quite alive.
And if so, he was running right towards it.
At least, he thought he was?
It was nearly impossible to tell. The walls had begun to blend together a while back, and now the twists and turns of adjacent corridors seemed to simply be mirrors of the one Henry was already in. It was disorienting, but then again the blonde hadn’t much time to study his surroundings considering he was being chased- no, hunted, by those freaks with the masks. It was either run or be killed, and he took the chance to run even if he had no clue where he was.
The animator ran past a few more hallways before he finally stopped, leaning his aching body against the wall and gulping down swallows of air, like he were a fish out of the water. Tired, hungry, sore. He didn’t know how much longer he could last like this. He needed this break, but he needed to be somewhere safe even more. Desperately.
But that was the one thing he couldn’t be, not while he was being chased like pray. So all he could do was look around. “It just goes on and on forever, doesn’t it?”
Who was he asking? Himself? Joey? Henry didn’t know.
The creaking of the rotting boards combined with several hushed voices caused the man to tense.
“Shit-!” He muttered, brushing stray strands of blonde hair out of his face. Henry rose, stepping away from the sound. They found him?! How!? He didn’t want to stay and find out, however. The animator began to sprint. Where to? He had no clue. He just had to get out of there.
So he ran. He ran for what seemed like hours, the hallway continuing to twist and turn: like a maze with no exit. He couldn’t tell where he had come from, which halls he’d traveled and which ones were brand new but he didn’t care. He just ran, and he ran for a long time.
So long, that Henry began to think that perhaps he had lost his mind. Maybe he’d been consumed by the ink, or maybe, just maybe, it was all a horrid nightmare. Yes. Yes, perhaps he just fell asleep and this was a dream. But the pain... it felt real. It was real. His exhaustion was real. This was no dream. It was simply a maze of never-ending corridors, one that held no entrance nor exit; as if it were meant as a trap for people. To keep them in.
Perhaps, it was meant to keep them, or something worse, from getting out.
The animator was about to collapse; ready to accept his death in these endless halls. Until that is, the winding maze of corridors finally opened up into a large room. It was a massive ballroom; elegantly decorated with a deep red carpet, barely worn down as if it never had the chance to be the scene of a waltz. Large columns adorned with crimson ribbons held the ceiling up, the balconies adorned with ribbons of similar color; empty planters hanging from each post of their railings. The lights flickered in brightness, fully illuminated one minute, dim the next. They never went out, however, which Henry found more unsettling than if they were to simply flicker on and off. Despite the rest of the rooms untouched state, the walls and columns were torn half to hell.
“Just what were you trying to contain here Joey?” Henry’s voice echoed out, a question to himself and the creature that once, or still, resided here.
Just across the ballroom rested an audio tape on an old half-table, a message painted out thickly on the wall behind in the accursed black venom that ran through the studio. It read: ‘BLOOD, NOT INK’
....in Henry’s handwriting.
He did a double take as the distance between him and the tape closed. That was definitely his handwriting. His, not the normal chicken-scratch of those other people. Were they even people anymore? What happened while he was gone?
He gingerly pressed down the play button on the recorder, listening as the device clicked the tape into place. It was a second or two before the tape began to play if you could even call it that. The only audio the device produced was like radio static combined with a screeching noise- like nails on a chalkboard. If he wasn’t so busy keeping his hands clamped over his ears to prevent bleeding, Henry would’ve slammed an ax right into the recorder. It played on for a minute more before cutting into absolute silence.
Then he heard it.
Breathing. Low and calm.
And one little staticky word.
Henry’s heartbeat rang in his ears as he stepped back from the recorder, his blue opticals never leaving the table. The static noise returned- though this time it lacked the god awful screeching. (Thankfully). Though it made the animator's heart race even faster. Because this time...
It was coming from behind him.
Slowly he turned coming face to face.... with him.
“B-Bendy?” Panic ravaged his voice, exhaustion giving way to fear. The demon raised its head upwards towards the ceiling in an almost wistful manner. Henry stumbled backward as he took in the beast before him. This wasn’t his creation, it couldn’t be! Yet... it was. And he didn’t seem... too... happy.....
Bendy’s jaws clicked together in slight amusement, jagged teeth grinding against each other as if it were the demons attempt at mocking Henry’s fear. His massive talons gripped the floor with an anger unprecedented in his stance; seemingly seeping towards Henry in waves. The poor man hadn’t even realized he’d bumped into the table until the tape landed against the ground with an audible clatter.
Sound crackled through the now damaged tape, though it no longer played the horrid static from before. This time, it was a voice. Unidentifiable yet so damn familiar. A hum against the recorders high pitched whines, fading out, but always returning.
Henry froze. There wasn’t much, but it was there: the bubbly energy of the staticky voice, the perfect forgery of his handwriting, the circumstances of his meeting with the demon. This wasn’t some.. cultist freak’s fever dream.
This was all Bendy’s doing. Wasn’t it?
“The demon...”
“.... call him...”
The recorder cut, leaving only the dying hum of the device.
Static cut through the air once more, but it was different- garbled and low, and coming from the demon.
“S n a g g l e t o o t h”
Bendy seemed to form a smile, his jaw creasing upward in delight as he crawled forwards towards the animator; the low rumble in his throat a hint of what was to come. He snapped his jaws open...
And slammed right into the wall; wood splintering with a jarring crack from the impact. Luckily, Henry had sprinted at the last second, bolting up the barren staircase with zero hesitation- no mind to where he’s going. He didn’t care.
Run, Henry. You heard him.
And run he did, the floor rattling beneath him as the demon shrieked in anger- the same nails on a chalkboard sound as from the tape. Snaggletooth leaped at the balcony, massive talons splintering the wood as he pulled himself upwards, once again lunging for the blonde man. His serrated teeth just barely missed the animator, leaving only a big scratch on his back as the beast’s jaws slammed shut.
This new corridor only had one exit: to a small balcony, the stairs long since collapsed.
“Nonono! Shit!” Henry skid to a stop, facing the creature as it crept ever closer. At least until the crackling sound pulled his attention away. The rotted wood was splintering under their weights, something Snaggletooth took note of- considering he was pressing down evermore with a merciless grin. Thoughts racing, all Henry could think was ‘He doesn’t care if I die, does he?’
With a thunderous crack, the balcony fell, a deep eruptious static sound emitting from the demon.
He was laughing at him.
It was the last thing Henry heard before he hit the floor.
He lay there, vision swirling as a loud ring echoed through his ears. He couldn’t move. All Henry could do was watch as something came into view. It wasn’t the demon, nor did it seem to be a cultist. It was human, a feminine figure whose long blonde hair fell in waves across her back and shoulders. Axe tied across her back, the shirt she wore tattered and torn at the sleeves- much like his own. Her arms and legs were stained with the black ichor Henry had come to despise. But her approach brought something else to light: her mask. It was entirely different from before, a metallic thing in the form of a wolf. It covered her entire face like it was hiding deep secrets behind it.
A wolf in sheep’s clothing, one could say.
She was the last thing Henry would see for a while as everything faded to black.
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smallblanketfort · 7 years
do you have tips on taking notes?
yes!! i have many, so i tried to make it easier for you to navigate :)
L O N G post ahead of you, covering lecture notes and readings notes, from a college senior :)
lecture notes:
i suggest using a notebook and pen, physically writing down. it’s easier to study, and since it’s using your body, you have a much higher retention rate on your side than if you use a laptop.
i have used my laptop for taking notes before. it’s easier to take more notes, word for word, but that’s not always helpful. maybe that’s your style, especially if you enjoy rewriting your notes all pretty and more successfully when you get home. i am not that girl. 
more notes does not always equal better! it’s good for you to listen actively, selecting what is important and what is not. i take very thorough notes. i take a lot of notes. if you need notes for a missed class, i. am. your. girl. that doesn’t mean i write out everything word for word. selecting details, clauses, and images really helps me to not only keep up, but also to memorize later. plus, when you’re typing, it’s easier to type all the words out without really processing the whole meaning. remember that dense notes are harder to study
finally, when you write by hand, you can get more creative with your style. occasionally, i’ll web notes out from one, rather than a traditional outline, bc it makes more sense for the topic
it also helps my anxiety! so much! if i force myself to take great in depth notes, then my mind has to dedicate more brain space to the task at hand than to my anxieties.
stick to one of these though. it really sucks to get into a test and realize you didn’t study half of your notes bc you forgot half were on your laptop. it’s awful lol.
if you use a laptop, get used to how it works first. do u know how much i resent trying to switch from a bullet that is under other bullets (like this one, not filled in) to a main point bullet (the ones filled in). it can be so confusing. also make sure you use a program you like. you can take directly into documents, but i find that i really love evernote, as i can make notebooks for classes, stacks of notebooks for my college, and that i can tag notes with specific classes and topics.
if you’re on paper, for fuck’s sake, divide your notebook into sections for classes. keep it all together. those notebooks with handy dandy dividers are so helpful, and they keep you from carrying around 5 notebooks at once.
i wouldn’t worry too much about highlighters and such in class. there’s just so much going on then. save highlighting and color coding for later, and count it as studying.
don’t worry about traditional outlining styles, with roman numerals or whatever. i take notes very simply. bullets/dashes, subnotes under a broad note. 
do it how it makes sense to you! maybe that includes different bullet styles, different places for different types of information (on a simple level, i start writing chapter numbers and titles as far to the left as i can go, over the margins, in bold and capital letters. i also usually go over these later in a certain color marker)
in some classes it is helpful for me to write the topic along the top of the page in a highlighter (color coding is lovely) the main idea/topic for each page. the classes this was most obviously helpful in were astronomy (COMETS or BLACKHOLES etc) and shakespeare (MUCH ADO ACT 2 or ROMEO etc)
it’s easiest to just note page numbers of referenced complex diagrams, as they are usually in your reading or accessible online
your style might look different in each class. whatever works.
note everything (everything) your professor writes on the board. if it’s important enough for your professor to write it, it’s probably important enough for you to write it.
note examples only if it’s helpful for your memory. however, make light note of things like famous people and their science/psych experiments. but in math and such, note! the! examples! and! reasons! will help you so much.
examples that have emotion, imagery, or sound are going to be more helpful. applicable examples are most helpful. good professors will lecture you accordingly. lazy ones will not.
star anything that the professor stresses or hints will be tested. anything that they say is a major theme or whatever.
note main ideas/points/themes, definitions, conclusions, 
use your tests to help you figure out what you need to know. ask questions about the tests too. in every class i’ve taken, i’m totally shocked at how willingly people ask about exam format and how willingly the professor will tell us how it will work. they want you to succeed.
people learn differently! i suggest taking notes in class and later adding touches that help you. count it as study time too. a warm up, if you will. 
if you’re visual, this might include highlighting, color coding, drawing diagrams, etc.
 if you’re an auditory learner, reading the notes out loud and organizing them accordingly, as well as making up rhymes, rhythms and such, might help you. some auditory learners actually like to record lectures and listen to them later. 
if you learn best through movement, rewriting or making flashcards will be great for you.
sometimes professors go really. fuckin. fast. why. idk? but
dont be afraid to ask them to go back a slide bc i guarantee, you will be the class hero for asking
develop a little bit of shorthand. sometimes i end up using initials, arrows, abbreviations… this is where i got “bc” and “thru” and “u” and such. lol. also, list things vertically, rather than using commas and “and/&/+) it’ll be more clear later
some professors you literally cannot take notes on. it sucks. you’re going to need to do the readings and pick their brains on how the test will be to figure out how to prepare. take home tests are your best friend. thank god for them. seriously. get your butt to church and do some worshipping.
if your professor puts powerpoints online, save the powerpoints, ya never know.
look at inspiration if you want, but remember that notes on studyblr are usually copied from class notes. if you’re too focused on how pretty your notes are, good luck to you
finally, the day before an exam, i review my notes that i have (hopefully) been studying. i like to make a one page cheat sheet / study guide on everything i didn’t remember, leaving out everything i understand, memorized, or want to disregard. 
Tumblr media
reading notes:
ima be real and tell you i hardly ever do reading unless i will be tested on it in class in multiple choice. and im an english student. ye i suck, i know. i dont condone shirking the system but u know what, reading shakespeare or 18th century lit literally makes me want to kill myself. so, im a senior in college, and have barely ever done the reading for a class. the thing is, if you do it right, anything is better than just reading the words on the page and not getting the meaning. dont be a reading zombie. read actively, even if it’s not the actual reading. doing this, i have a 3.9 gpa. so. there’s hope for us yet.
first of all, yall need to do your damn reading. idc how. but due to the fact that a test will be multiple choice, essay answer, a presentation, or a paper, you’re going to not love pulling nothing out of your ass. can be done tho. just be fake deep.
that being said, i’m writing a lot below, but the reality is that if it’s lit, your notes dont have to be longer than a sentence. if it’s a textbook, more.
the same formatting question comes into play here, except it’s should you take notes in your book or in a notebook?
listen i’m always going to be pro notebook, pro physically writing it out as it helps me really get the information into my head, rather than more passively highlighting
i tend to do both, if im willing to mark up a book. i underline and highlight things that stick out to me, and i write them down as well. sometimes when reading literature/essays, if i know the contextual/meaning notes will be interesting to me later, i will copy notes both into my notebook and also less in depth onto post it notes (which also make sweet little flashcards btw), which i will stick into the passage. this is so helpful when a) im reading it again later and b) when we are discussing a passage in class
buy used books. it’s cheaper. until it happens to u, u do NOT UNDERSTAND how EXCITING it is to get a book that has highlights and underlines in it ALREADY. DUDE. my work is basically DONE for me. now take that lightly, bc often different ppl will highlight different pieces of information. however, it is helpful.
look up summaries. do not simply rely on cliffsnotes and sparknotes, esp since professors are very aware of these. google “title of book, summary, chapter notes, whatever youre looking for” and use the blog posts, the book reviews, the papers that come up. does this method probably take a bit longer? maybe? but it’s easier on my tired brain.
if you don’t have time to read your textbook one day and really want to, read the introduction and the conclusion to the chapter, or the first and last sentences to the paragraphs. it’s not great, but it’s something.
like your lectures, note definitions, conclusions, and helpful examples, as well as people and dates. if i’m reading literature and i’m deciding to be a smart student i will keep several logs as well. these logs will make it so. easy. to study for your exam:
updated character lists, including name, relationships, and anything defining and important
scene/chapter summaries, just a sentence summarizing what happened where
any quotes or themes that stand out
i highly highly highly recommend getting your hands on a copy of the well educated mind for note taking on a range of genres. this is what i had to use through high school and while it’s involved, it’s incredibly helpful.
if you’re going to have to cite your notes, note the page number in the margin every time you flip the page
the biggest issue i have with reading is when and where to do it. before or after class? always ask your professor if they do not tell you. where in your notebooks? i always do it on the next blank page bc leaving space stresses me the fuck out. make notes on the top of your pages of corresponding lectures/readings. 
for both lectures and readings i really really really suggest either having something to drink or something to snack on (think fruit, loose nuts, m&ms. small loose things rather than things u bite? idk they just last longer?)
okay i hope this was somewhat helpful even tho it’s an incredibly longwinded post. it seems like a lot, but the reality is that while i take a lot of notes, i don’t make them complicated, i don’t have rules, i just do what feels right in the moment. they’re not at all stressful. just take it easy and do whatever works for you :) 
if anyone has other tips, feel free to reply :)
377 notes · View notes
harryff · 7 years
Chapter Three Bellina.
As she promised Harry did reach out to her more than he admitted. Facetime calls and texts helped with the distance problem. His tour was winding down but that didn’t mean he would be less busy. He tried to shower her with gifts but she adamantly refused gifts that were more than $50. He was to treat her like any regular man and not use his status or money. Making his way to the US from Europe he made a pit stop at her city to see her.
He surprised her by sending her a text to meet him at his hotel room. This week wasn’t a good week she was emotional. The anniversary of her father's death was coming up and as usual she gets emotional anything could make her cry. She fussed internally it was literally  last minute. He requested to spend the whole day with her, and even though she agreed because she wanted to see him too, her emotions were a little unhinged that day.
After practice she made her way to his hotel room. Sitting in the lobby she spent 10 minutes drying her tears and checking her face to make sure she didn't look like the emotional wreck she felt like. Gathering the strength she made her way up to his room her hands shaking in the elevator biting her lip. She was exhausted she packed outfits to change into and things to shower with but at this moment her tights and hoodie was all the energy she could master up her face free of any makeup her skin was pale.
When she knocked on the door his bodyguard reluctantly let her in.
“He's a sleep ima go wake him up”
She interjected “No it's ok”
“He told me to wake him up once you got here”
“No! It's ok let him rest i'll keep busy” she said placing her bag down.
“Ok” he shrugged going back to his room
She spent the next 3 hours stretching looking at her phone switching chairs, snacking at some point she checked in on him. Harry woke up to complete silence looking at his clock he noticed 3 hours had passed he slumped over on the bed he was exhausted and thought  was it really all worth it. Checking his phone he looked to see if Bellina had called him she hadn't.
He dragged his body out of bed to go get ready for her arrival. He showered and changed clothes before emerging from his room. The room was dark only a sliver of light was let in by the curtains. That's where he saw Bellina sitting on the floor her hair curly hid her face, knees to her chest looking down at her phone she looked small.
When he walked towards her she looked up at the glass which betrayed him by showing his reflection.
“Damn i was gonna scare yeh”
“Too slow” she joked back
He squats down behind her “Hello luv”
She bends backward to look at him and smiles “Hi” she said softly she goes back to eyeing traffic.
Harry sat down next to her. She was being cold but not on purpose. She turned to face him and smiled “how are you?” her words so soft he could barely make out what she said which made him get closer
“ ‘M doin’ luvely now tha’re here” he said pushing her hair back her curls were wild they covered her face. “How are you pet?”
“Im ok” she sighed.
“You should have woken me up” he said caressing her cheeks
“I tried to you were dead asleep.”
“You did?”
“I walked in i said your name you were like in deep slumber”
He made a face, he was naturally a light sleeper, how come he didn't hear her walking in
She bit her lip trying to contain her grin
“Oh you cheeky devil” he exclaimed poking her side
She squealed moving away. Which only enticed him to continue. Pulling her close he tickled her sides while she exploded in laughter. When he went towards her ear she laughed hard causing tears to escape. “I'm sorry” she professed. He finally stopped listening to her giggles calm down her body twitching from the tickling sensation.
“I missed yeh pet” he said touching his forehead with hers
Pet a nickname that took her awhile to get to used to . Why would he call her pet? but she chucked it as being a british slang
“Me too Harry” she caressed his neck
He leaned down placing gentle kisses on her lips. She smiled in between kisses. His lips craved more but they had yet to. Standing up he pulled her along with him
“No seriously why didn't you wake me up?”
“I checked on you, you were like in deep sleep cuz i even removed the covers from your face”
He smiled and sat down pulling her down to sit on his lap “so i was thinkin’ we could stay here ’nd just relax. Is that ok with yeh?”
“Yes, how's the tour?”
“Perfect no better feeling than performing” he smiled
She smiled running her fingers through his hair
He reached up and pulled on one of her hair strand which sprung back in formation.
“Yeh ok luv? Yeh look pale.” He said caressing her cheeks a bit more firmly to add color.
She sighed “yea”
“Wha’ is it? tell Harry wha’s bothering yeh”
She laughed “you are weird”
“I wan’to kno’ tho’ i can tell something is wrong”
“Just had a rough week”
“Do yeh want to talk bou’ it?”
She smiled and shook her head. They hadn't had a conversation about parents and siblings they were still in the get to know each other phase.
“Well how's dance luv?”
She shrugged “we are fighting”
“Because he wants to do all these things and be flashy but i don't think it's what's going to get us that championship.”  In frustration she looked up “he quit on me monday walked away wednesday and today we are just fighting over little shit.”
“Aww im sorry luv” he was sympathetic coming from a boy band with 5 different singers
She shook her head “Its ok. I told him suck it up! And he walked away” She giggled
He smiled. “Have yeh eaten?”
“No” she said looking down at her phone Emiliano had sent her a promo picture
“Yeh look great” he said eyeing her phone
“Oh thanks.”
Their bond grew throughout that day they learned things about it each other told secrets.
*A month later*
Harry preparing for his last show walked out on stage he greeted his fans told them how much he loved and a heartfelt message before performing. As he sang his song he scanned the crowd, when he saw Bellina he had to take a double look to make sure it was her. There she sat on the third row smiling at him. If he had known she was coming he would have flown her over the night before.
Giving it his all he sang his heart out. She watched intensively, the women around her screaming his name begging for a chance to touch. Getting up silently she walked away before his show ended he looked over to her seat surprised she wasn't there scanning the crowd he looked frantically, was it all an illusion? she was there she did cheer him on. She did her dance for him.
After the show was over he called her frantically all his calls were being forwarded voicemail a bit of disappointment creeped in he really wanted to see her but now he had to greet his VIP guests. He walked out refreshed waiting for the swarm of excited fans mostly women to flood in. In that crowd she crept in, he hadn't seen her at first they were surrounding him causing a little pandemonium. He was to hug each one of them and take a picture, from the side she grabbed his hand he turned around to face who was to be so bold. There she stood quickly she gave him a hug and handed him a t shirt for him to sign
He smiled at her “What's your name luv?”
She smiled “Bell”
“Bell gorgeous name”  he said signing her shirt.
“Thank you I really like your album you are awesome” she flirted,he smirked “well my time is up thanks again” she said reaching in for a hug with a subtle turn of the head she kissed behind his ear. Grabbing her shirt she walked away. He didn't want her to leave she had to stay they were going to party and he wanted her to be a part of that.Harry immediately looked at his bodyguard who caught on, he stopped Bellina at the door
“You know I can't let you go”
“I have a flight”  she looked back at Harry who was busy with his fans
She stepped forward and he blocked her with his body
“I have a flight to catch!” she stressed
“Well you should have known better, look just come to go to the club will be there in about 2 hours then sneak away” he bargained
“Fine where do I go now?”
“Go with Derek” he instructed
When she got to the club he lingered around so that she wouldn't leave 2 hours turned into 3 after midnight they flooded in Harry and his close friends with a few stragglers .3 hours she spent entertaining conversations she didn't care to have and  searching for flight tickets he had ruined her plans. When he got there he asked for her whereabouts . She blended into the crowd perfectly you barely would notice her. They searched for awhile before the body guard spotted her “there she is!”
“Where?” he looked
“By the edge”
She was looking like she was flirting, however she wasn't her companion was just overzealous. Slowly working the room she made her way to him an earshot away he called her. She ignored him her newest companion was a comedic they laughed at his jokes. Harry called to her again trying to play cool,the people around them couldn't know what he was doing but it was apparent she was ignoring him because whomever she was talking to turned to face him so he knew she heard him.
“Can yeh go get her please ‘nd have her seat next to me ‘nd tell her don' move” he begged Katie
“Yes no problem”
As she spoke to the stranger Katie intercepted  “Hi! haven' seen yeh in a while could yeg come wit’ please, I’m sorry i have to take her”
“No its cool i'll catch up with her” he smirked
She smiled
Katie shoved her on the couch and sat done next to her
“Harry wants yeh to stay put so anyway tell me how have yeh been?”
“Good” she said, “what about you?”
“Great!”  they chatted for awhile before Katie left her side
This time it was him to ignore her. She sat playing with her fingers and phone he would glance over from time to time make sure she was still around. Another stranger invaded her space and occupied her time she was glad she crossed her legs and turned to face him
“May I?” he asked before sitting down next to her
“Yea absolutely” she said moving a little
“Hi I'm Chris” he said sticking his hand out
“Bell” she smiled shaking his hand
“So do you know the one direction guy?” he said motioning towards Harry
She shrugged “not really, just a fan do you?”
“Nah so what brings you here?”
“Oh ok what's the occasion?” he inquired
“Success” she smiled
“I'll drink to that” he said raising his glass
When Harry looked over she was leaning on her elbow on her knee he couldn’t see her face. He noticed a man sitting next to her giving her she attention he longed to do himself. He made a face before walking over. At this point him and Bell looked more like a couple, than two strangers.
He plopped down next to her she knew who it was without turning her head but she had to acknowledge him or it would look suspicious because even Chris noticed.
She turned to face him “Oh I congratulations on your success!” she said giving him a side hug “proud of you”
“Congrats men!” Chris said shaking his hand “Thanks” Harry smugly greeted him
Bellina then turned her attention back to Chris
Who held a questioning look “I thought you were a fan?”
“I am but he is occupied with other girls their flocking towards him see?” she said pointing out three women heading their way. Harry clenched his jaw hearing her comment
“You're right so back to my organization it's non profit, we do stuff for kids in the rural areas”
“Oh really? interesting!”
When the girls reached Harry invited them to sit down which meant he moved closer to Bellina, but she was good at ignoring him, so good that when he put his hand on her back she didn't flinch. Not even when he started caressing it and slid it to the side and grabbed her, her ticklish spot. Instead she sat up and readjusted she was too good at this.
The conversation between her and Chris died down eventually
“Well it was nice chatting with you. You think we can exchange numbers?”
“Uh sure” she said uneasy, it was just a conversation she would hate to let him down
Harry clenched his jaw when he read out his number to her
When she looked at her phone she had 3 hours remaining to get to the airport to catch her next flight
“Oh I have to leave!” she said standing abruptly
“Oh really?”  
“Yea flight to catch”
“Ok well maybe I can walk you out?”
“Ok” she said thinking nothing of it
“Congrats again!” she said turning to face him
Before she could get out the door Harry was already texting her  
Harry: don't go
Bellina: I have to I already missed my first flight I can't miss this one
Harry: don't go pet,
Harry:  please
Bellina: Harry I can't miss my flight
Harry: you can take my jet or let me buy you another one
Bellina: no that's not how it works you know that, we'll meet again
Harry: what's the purpose of the damn rules if I no one can know we are dating, let me buy you ticket  
Bellina: no we made these rules together H you have to stick to them, I'm sorry I have to go but I'm glad I got to see you
He was angry with her, he didn't respond. Angry that she ignored him so well that other men would flock to her side without him interjecting and stopping that whole motion, mad that she was unfazed with his presence. He didn't like to be ignored, not like that it drove him mad.
After that incident Harry and Bellina didn't talk much although she reached out to him he wasn't in the mood he felt rejected by her and was in no mood to have conversations. He was letting his ego get the best of him. Which only caused Bellina to retreat back and not pressure him, she was only doing what they agreed upon. In public under no circumstances were they to act like they knew each other the relationship hadn't even gotten a status, he was still weary and he didn't want a title or social media to ruin things.
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queerafterthought · 7 years
Everything is a lie. Everything. I don’t know what to belive anymore and I don’t trust anyone anymore. No matter what I do he’ll find a way to make it worse. He always goes for the gut where it’ll hurt. He knows I’ll think about it non stop it’ll eat away at me. He can say the worst things to me make me feel like I’m nothing but everyone sees me as an immature child and I’m always wrong. Just cause he said so. If i cant sit down with someone and have an “adult conversion” 10 mins after they just told me I was insane cause I had to go to a mental hospital for bpd and tell me I’m evil. Told me id never be anything never have any power threatened to put me on the street call the police on me. He said i have no friends. They were never mine they’re his. And he has the power to make them not like me. And now after i thought that things would be different this time it seems like its going to be the same. He controls the situation and i have no power and it wont take long until everyone thinks im in the wrong. And im not saying that i didnt do my fair share of bad things that culminated into where im at now but for the people i considered to be my closest friends here say that my actions are childish and immature when all I asked for is space and to stop being harassed and forced into conversation with someone who broke my heart and makes me feel worthless and tried to put me out on the street makes me feel like shit. Like I don’t matter. My feelings dont matter and they never will. And now I’m doubting everything positive that was said to me recently cause now I feel like they were all lies. But like he said they’re not my friends they never were. And I can’t help to think that if they never saw me again it wouldn’t change their lives at all. This isn’t what I wanted. I tried to fix it. I tried to forget all the things he said in the past tell my brain to forget that he didn’t mean it. But I couldn’t and over time I grew to resent him for how he made me feel. Get mad at me because I couldn’t get over that fact that he called me a horrible girlfriend and that if he saw me getting jumped he wouldn’t help me cause I didn’t believe that our friends jumped him because they clearly didnt. Im pretty sure if he had actually gotten jumped he wouldnt have went over to their house 4 days later and gotten drunk with them. And i mean like i said im not so dense to see that I did do some wrong things too. But I never actually tried to hurt his feelings and make him feel bad. I have to work on some anger issues I’m aware. Even though I feel like no one believes me I have been looking for another psychiatrist and therapist just want a specific one. And I feel like I should be comfortable with who I’m talking to and shouldn’t have to compromise on that. I know it’ll take some time to find what I’m looking for but it doesn’t mean I’m not looking. I want to get re medicated cause the meds I have now make me feel like shit. Like sometimes I feel like ima pass out other times I’m a zombie and anything in between. He brings up how they “used to work” and I remember the days he was talking about. I thought they worked too. But they didn’t stop the thoughts or the urges of what I wanted to do to myself they just made me numb I got so disconnected from everything and everyone that anyone who reached out to me I clung to them to stay sane. I know because of this I made some mistakes did some things I know I shouldn’t have done but I wasn’t trying to hurt him or be bad I just wanted to maintain one of the only friendships I had left back at home. But it doesn’t matter cause the friendship got lost all of them did. I don’t have friends back at home anymore not really. I have people that I disconnected from because my dissociative habits got the better of me and I spent most of my time back at home trying to remember what day it was and where the time went and what I was doing (which was nothing) trying so hard to cling to reality but end up cooped up in my room for weeks at a time only leaving it to go to work or the bathroom or eat. I’m not excusing my behavior but I could tell the meds were losing their placebo affect and we’re not meshing with my body. They told me this might happen but I was already bound to come back to memphis at this point and I thought that if I took what I needed when I was too deep in my emotions it would help a little but I was wrong if anything I think it made it worse cause they weren’t reacting well with my body and taking them irregularly can’t be any better. But I was still trying. Really hard. Trying to keep everything together keep my emotions in check because it got to the point where I didn’t feel comfortable expressing myself or my emotions to him. If i wasn’t happy it made him mad. But it’s hard when everything in your brain is pushing you to feel your emotions so strong and even when I tried my hardest I would still be really mad and upset over the words he said to me and I couldn’t forget them. Those words cut so deep that it changed how I felt and so my actions became synonymous. I started to act colder because I was hurt and I felt like he didn’t deserve for me to be sweet or nice because he never understood how much he hurt me everytime. I can’t get over hearing those things be said to me by someone I loved and get over it in 10 mins when he’s ready talk and forget it ever happened and change nothing. I deserve to be able to talk about things when I’m ready and I shouldn’t be forced to or made to feel like a child because it’s not on his terms. Just because he said sorry. I remember when he told me that when I said I’m sorry it didn’t mean shit. And the part that fucks me up the most is that no one told me this in person. They talked about it behind my back but to my face they tell me I’m strong and I’m doing the right thing for me and I shouldn’t have to talk to him if I don’t want to and I deserve my space. Why am I immature? Is it because I took everthing in the house that was mine and put it in the back room so i could look after my things because i was afraid they’d be thrown out? That i sleep on the floor for the moment cause i dont want him to use the fact that i slept in his bed aginst me? Because he told me that they were his property and I can’t sleep in it. That I don’t feel comfortable enough to inhabit another room besides in the very back because he’s made points to tell me that this is “his house ” and give me ultimatums threating to kick me out because I wasn’t here to put my name on the lease so he has the power to (something he told me id never have) even though I pay to live here too but I’ve never truly felt like i was apart of this house no matter how much I tried to decorate and make it feel like our home but it never was mine the whole time I felt like I was paying him to live here not the landlord. Is it because when he told me to pack up my dollar tree shit and get out i took him seriously? Is it because i burned pictures of us and gifts because it was too hard to look at and be reminded of how far my relationship had fallen? By no means does this scenario alone make me want to kill myself but it adds the notion that I believe I am a burden that no one truly wishes to deal with which does make me want to end this sad life i live. He publicly tries to push my buttons make me seen crazy to people. Some people believe him. Through everything the thing that hurts my feelings the most is that everyone still talks to him. If someone treated my friends like this i wouldnt talk to them invite them places when i know they are mentally manipulating and abusing my friend. His feelings and inclusion means more than me and my feelings. He can harrass me in the streets at bars convince people to not talk to me but when he is screaming in my face to the point where he needs to be physically pulled away because I didn’t want to talk to him it’s still my fault. The cops said so too. Tried to get a restraining order and I can’t. Cause even the cops take his side. And my friends were there witnessed it and just pretend like nothing happened or do nothing. I wouldn’t be friends with someone who treated my friends like that so cruelly. I don’t talk to people that my friends have issues with. The most superficial and petty reasons why they would be hurt if i even said hi. And i know they would never say it but i would hurt their feelings. So why cant i be hurt by the fact that no one stopped talking to him. When they see how he treats me. I do what i do for them out of respect and support but they can’t do the same when I’m clearly being harassed. she died i always said it should have been me. Everyone liked her better. She was better than me. Im just a knockoff. If she were still alive my niece and nephew would still be together and my nephew wouldnt be getting abused regularly with us not being able to do anything about it cause the court decided that his asshole sperm donor has more paternal rights than his family who raised him but this pimple on the asscrack of socieity who was never in his life can swoop in and literally snatch him out of school and move him away and we only get to see him 1 weekend out of the month. That 3 days out of the whole fucking month that he doesnt get beat. He has anxiety attacks. Hes 6. When he realizes he has to go back to his “dad” he starts hyperventilating and we have to try to calm him down so he can breathe. I can already tell hes gonna grow up with issues and it breaks my heart that he might grow up to be anything like me in that regard. Meanwhile my niece has had her only immediate family cruelly taken from her by snakes in people skin. Her father was never in her life either. I fear that soon mine won’t be either. My dad won’t tell me everything even though I tell him to tell me I know he holds some stuff back. I think the cancer is spreading and all I think about is how long left I have with him. My grandmother is in the stages of dementia. Soon she won’t remember me I’ll lose the last grandparent I have but not from death. When I was still in the relationship he would tell me I bring home burdens that weigh him down. But he says sorry so I shouldn’t believe the nasty things he says even though he’s said them more than once on different occasions. I just feel so lied to It wouldn’t matter. It doesnt matter. I don’t matter. Honestly I don’t think i ever did But I have to do this I have to stay strong for her. She left me 2 children to take care of. A part of her and I’ll be damned if I fuck it up. I can fuck up my life but not theirs
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ያ ድምጹ (That Voice)
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  The next day in her apartment’s lab, Anika was looking at the blended blood sample of her last victims through a magnify glass and took some notes. “No trace of any diseases found. This is good for feeding. The others will be happy.” She took off her white lab coat and gloves placing them on the counter before leaving the room. Anika played her stereo to hear Nina Simone’s ‘Sinnerman’. She let her hair down out of its ponytail to massage her scalp as she moved around her apartment to the instruments that surrounded her in the room. She wore small biker shorts with an over sized white crop top. She moved her hips and arms to the sway of Ms. Simone’s vocals, singing every word.
“Don't you see I need you, rock? Good Lord, Lord All on that day So I run to the river It was bleedin', I run to the sea It was bleedin', I run to the sea It was bleedin', all on that day So I run to the river It was boilin', I run to the sea It was boilin', I run to the sea It was boilin', all on that day.”
     Anika imagined herself as she was there when she performed this song live back in 1965 when her mother was still alive. Queen Kamili loved this song and whenever the ladies heard it, they couldn’t help but move. They always ended up doing their tribe’s dance moves. Anika moved around in such a full force as she imagined the last few minutes she had with her mother. She felt her soul become stronger within every move like she did whenever she was with her mother. When the song came to an end, she felt tears draining from her eyes, looked into the mirror across from her and saw the gold tears fall. She tossed her hair out of her face and sat on her knees looking at her reflection. 
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  She heard a cough and when she turned, she saw her third eldest sister, Princess Eshe Maraki of Season Beginning’s. She wore her fluffy afro with pride, a bedazzled sequin top with a purple strapless bra , bangles up her arm, matching hoops and a purple fluorite stone around her neck with low ride cuffed jeans and matching stiletto boots. “Hello, beautiful baby sister. Why must you cry whenever you hear that tune?” Anika stood on shaky legs but Eshe caught her. “Why are you here, Eshe” she asked as Eshe wiped her tears away. “I am here to visit you, love. I see you are still not over our Queen’s death.” 
“How can I be over it when I am the reason she is gone?” She held Anika’s head onto her lap and started to twirl the braids in her hair. “Dear Anika, none of us all saw this coming and besides you were no where near the scene of the crime. You did nothing wrong.” Anika tried to get up but Eshe pushed her back down. “Listen, Anika. Our women have only one rule and that is never blame ourselves or others for the death of our people. We have to stay strong in our mother’s memory. I know you and I are not close as yourself and Zoya but trust me when I say that you are not to blame. The attack was fast and before we could stop it, it was all over with. Mother is back in her tomb at peace with our Goddess Genat.”
“She was not supposed to die, Eshe. We are im-mortal for a reason. We do not die like the human beings.” Eshe let out a small chuckle and said “this is true but things happen all for a good reason even if they started out terrible. The tribe in question will be punished soon once we find them. Do not worry and once we find the heart and a cure, you will be our queen. You will wear that crown with pride and joy like our mother wants and imagined for you.” Anika closed her eyes and took in her sister’s sweet scent. It was true they weren’t close but when they made up, there were already sweet memories. Eshe was traveling the world so much she barely checked on her sisters. She honestly blamed her mother’s death on her because she was not there to stop it. As her sweet sister fell sleep in her lap, she watched her and caressed her cheek. Eshe lied her head back looking up to the ceiling with gold tears of her own. “inē it’ebik’ishalehu ina k’alihini it’ebik’alehu, ihiti ānīka (I promise our queen that I will protect you and I shall keep my promise, sister Anika.)”, she said as she soon drifted off as well, all to Nina Simones’ ‘Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood’.
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    In his apartment across town, Malcolm looked at his house phone that was staring him the face. He sat on the couch and just staring at white phone like it owed him money. It had been a whole three days since he met ‘Anne’ but he still didn’t call her. He was scared. Of what he didn’t know why but he just knew he shouldn’t. What if she was busy? What if she wasn’t really feeling him like that? He had called plenty of females, all the time actually so why was he being such a wimp, he thought. His train of thought was interrupted when the phone rung. He got up and answered.
      “What’s up, nigga? You called her yet?” It was Shane of course. Mal took the cordless phone to his couch. “Shane, why and how are you always in my fucking business?” Shane rolled his eyes as he watched Martin reruns. “Da fuck you waiting for, Mal? It ain’t like she gonna call ya ass. She don’t even have your number.” Malcolm thought about it but maybe too hard because he felt he was brain was about to strain. He placed two fingers on his forehead moving them clockwise. “Shane, you my dogg but I don’t need no lecture from you, my nigga. Ima call when I am ready. I’ll call you later.”. He hung up and felt something, like a certain urge. He looked at the phone number he copied on a sheet of paper as soon as he got home and picked up the phone dialed the numbers. “13235558794″ he said and held the phone to his ear leaning on the couch. He waited for the dial tone and it kept ringing he was about to give up but then he heard…
“Hello”, Anika answered as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. He thought she even sound more beautiful like she did in person. She looked around to see that Eshe was gone and so were the containers. She repeated. “Hello? Is anyone there?” He cleared his throat and said “is Anne there?” Her voice eased to his eardrums. “Yeah. Hi, Mal. How’s it going’?” He smiled and leaned his head back relieved. “Good. Were you sleep?”
She yawned and said “yeah but it’s okay.” 
“Sorry I haven’t called. I’ve been hella busy.” She laughed and said “it’s coo, Malcolm. I figured as much. I’ve had my hands tied, too. So, how you been though?” He became more relaxed and said “I was stressed but now I ain’t anymore. But, what about you?” She lied in bed now and said “nothing much. School and stuff.”
    He was quiet for a little, trying to think of what to say next. “So, what you got goin’ on for the rest of the week?” She took a breath and said “nothing much. What about you?”
“Same as you. You not hanging with you friends.?”
    She had to come up with a lie and fast. “Oh, they actually went back home to Texas. They were only visiting, remember.” He smiled and asked “I know this is sudden but would you like to hang out today or tomorrow? I would uh..” He cleared his throat and said “I would really like to see you again.” She looked around in a very paranoid state of mind and asked “why you wanna see me?” He chuckled nervously and said “well, I would like us to be friends and I was always raised that to be a friend, we should build a connection.” The last time she did something like this, her sisters found out and had to take him out; he ended up being take out. But for some, something told her to say …
“Okay. Tomorrow will be fine.”
He smiled. “Great and where would you like to meet?”
“You know where Fox Hills is at?”
“Yes, of course. What time?”
   He leaned in and said “cool, I’ll see you then.” She nodded and hung up slowly, dropping the phone. Anika sat there in bed thinking out loud. “What in all of Ethiopia am I doing? I must be foolish to think that this will end well. So, why am I fine with this? I am the leader of a royal tribe for mother’s sake. I can not go. I must not.”
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    She lied on the cold golden floor in a sacred temple somewhere in deep Ethiopia but she wore a white gown that hugged her figure and her hair in two braids and matching afro puffs. She wore a gold head piece on her forehead as as she sat up to take in her surroundings. The walls were a white marble and the ceiling was high with a gold chandelier. “lijē, inikwani dehina met’achihu (My child, welcome home.)”, she heard a sweet woman’s voice but saw no one around. “selami. yeti nehi (Hello. Where are you?)”, she asked but no answer. She walked around the room that suddenly faded in as she saw furniture fading in. A king sized bed with black silk sheets with millions of golden throw pillows. There was also a vanity table and a huge wardrobe with two matching lions on each side of the bed. She looked in the mirror to see her mother in a shimmery gold and white gown with a crown that resembled Queen Nefertiti's crown but white and gold. Anika turned to her and felt tears drop down. “nigisiti imayē? (My Queen Mother?)”
  “le’inē minimi iniba, lijē. inē lezele’ālemi wisit’i bebētemenihi wisit’i nenyi. inē huligīzē izīhi inoralehu. inē beberikata sewochi dehina nenyi. (No tears for me, my child. I am in our palace for all of eternity. I will always be here. I am safe and loved by many.)”, Queen Kamili opened her arms to her beloved daughter with a warm smile. Anika ran to her arms with so much emotion she couldn’t think right. “imayē, bet’ami āzenishalehu. (Mother, I miss you dearly.)”, she said not wanting to let go. The queen gave a light laugh and held her closer. “Ah, Anika my love. You have a lot to learn. I am amazed that you have not visited me earlier. (ānī, fik’irē. bizu yemīmaruti negeri ālewoti. k’edemi biyē silaligobenyehubinyi desitenya nenyi)”, Kamili said as she rubbed her child’s back.
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     Anika looked at her with baffled eyes. “What do you mean, mother?” Queen smiled and said “follow me, dear Anika.” They left the royal palace and walked to a secluded ocean where the water was clear and aqua and the rocks were a magenta shade caused by the sunset. “Our people were the first to be on earth ever. The bible say that there was an “Adam and Eve”. No, there was Adam, Eve, Amani and Fassil, Yonas and Nyala but we were separate for a purpose. You see, there is their God and we have our Goddess, Genat. Genat created our kind on the other side of the world because their God couldn’t handle our power. He hated the idea of beings more powerful than him.”, Queen Kamili stated as the dug their toes in the warm toffee sand.    Anika said “so, mother. We were able to populate with the male species?” Kamili smiled and said “yes, but only beings like us. Strong, resourceful, and highly intelligent. We used to be guarded by the royal family, the Sahle tribe. They were are protectors and partners before the Serwit tribe. But we had our difference in 1708 due to some issue we do not wish to discuss.” Anika looked on the water with her arms in front then to her mother. “Mother, why am I here?”    Kamili looked at her daughter with caring eyes. “the man, you will befriend. He is a good man. He is not like the others we have fed to our kind. Someone I like for you. You need to relax a little, my child. That young man is something special.” Anika turned to her mother and asked “what about the others? What would they think of this issue?” Kamili held Anika’s shoulders and said “ānite merīhi nehi. inesu melikami yihonalu. (You are their leader. They will be fine.)” She smiled and Anika hugged her again. “inē ānichīni iwedachiḫwalehu. (I love you, mother.)” “lijēni iwedachiḫwalehu. kuratenya ina gezhī ādirigenyi. (I love you, my child. Make me proud and rule.) 
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    Anika woke up the next day to realize it was all a dream. Her eyes looked to the sun and she thought of what her mother said and smiled. “Maybe I should give him a chance. As a friend of course.”, she said aloud then saw the time on her clock. It was eleven am and she had to meet Malcolm across Los Angeles at Fox Hills mall. “For the love Genat” she yelled as she ran to the shower then looked inside her closet for something to wear; a paid of Adidas biker shorts, plain red turtleneck crop top, and red converse with a red & black flannel. She wore her hair in high ponytail with two braids out, grabbed her keys and was on her way.
[Elevators (Me & You) by OutKast plays]
   She pulled into the crowded parking lot and parked in a spot by the food court. She realized that they never said where to actually meet but when she looked up, Malcolm sat at a nearby table. He wore a pair of red sweats with a black sweater and black Kswiss. He saw her and smiled with a lip bite. He stood as he approached her and said “hey, hope you don’t mind but I just came from class.” She nodded and said “it’s okay. I literally just threw anything on.” He looked her up and down. “You like fly to me, Annie”, he gave a warm smile and she felt hers coming in slowly. They began walking through the mall looking at all the customers running around. “So, Annie. I wanted to actually apologize for not calling. It’s been really busy lately” he said with his arms crossed, looking down at her.
     She waved him off and said “it’s fine, Mal. Really. I’ve been busy, too.” He looked down at her, watching her with close eyes again. He watched her lips move as they talked every sweet word. Her eyes were like dark chocolate covered orbs that had a shine to them. Her skin was smooth as if it was touched by A God them self; any God. Her body was a vision that he would to take in all of eternity. She was overall a piece of art and he couldn’t help but just stare. She looked up at him and smiled. “You aight up there”, she asked him. He nodded and chuckled. “Yeah, I’m fine. So, do you have any relatives?” She looked at him then ahead.
“Yeah, I’m the baby of seven women.”
“Whoa. So, no brothers.”
    She shook her head. “Nope, what about you?” He smiled and said “I’m actually the youngest of a bunch of men. Just imagine the fights.” He laughed as she looked at him. He was a very handsome man with amazing dark skin, a smile that can make anyone do anything. His arms were tone but not too overbearing. His eyes were like the dark sands that surrounded her royal Ethiopian palace. ‘Why am I thinking like this’ she thought to herself. ‘He is of the human male species and I am an immortal princess who is two hundred years old and also feeds off his brothers’. He looked at her and asked “are you okay, Annie?” She looked at him and said “I’m fine. Just hungry.”
“Well, since we just walkin’ around, let’s hit Denny’s then.”
   She smiled and nodded. “We can meet up there.” He nodded once and said “I’ll see ya there. Right down the street, aight?” She smiled. “Okay, Mal.” They walked away each other slowly and surely. He got in his car and couldn’t help but smile as he made his way to Denny’s. He pulled into the parking lot and as he waited his brother called.
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“This Mal”, Malcolm said. His brother let out a deep breath and said “hello, Malcolm.”
“Hey, Sal. How’s it going?”
  Sal was in his loft in New York city. He was also an attorney; probably the best damned one in all of his law firm. “How is Los Angeles treating you”, he asked his baby brother as he entered his lavish loft. He slipped out his gray tailored coat and placed it on the coat rack before settling in his wooden lounge chair. “It’s cool out here. How is New York , big bro?”
“Fine. Same old. Same old. Have you talk to the other brothers?”
“Nah, why what’s up?”
   Sal loosened his tie and said “we will be all going to T’s place for our monthly family gathering. Dad’s wishes before he passed.” Malcolm totally forgot about it until now. His brothers liked to visit him more than anything due to their father’s death. He was scarred after the fact and went through a tough battle with depression. They usually liked to talk about his progress in person but Malcolm never could face him because it felt like they were secretly judging him. “Oh yeah. Okay then. Just lettin’ you know now. I am fine. I am stable.” Sal poured a cup of whiskey into his chilled glass at his kitchen counter. “Yes, I know but it was our father’s wish since you are the last of us. So, we will be there and discuss whatever.” Sal sipped the whiskey and said “aaaah. Smooth. Little brother, we are doing this because we care about your well being. You must stay strong for all of us. We are a team.” Malcolm felt a tear and wiped it with his thumb. “I know, man. I know.”
   He turned his head to see Annie’s car pull up to a nearby spot. “Hey, Sal. I’m gonna call when I get back, man.” They said their goodbyes and Mal hopped out to stand by Annie’s door; she smiled and opened her door. They walked in side by side and went to sit at table with two chairs across from each other. He ordered them two chocolate milkshakes and as Anika watched the waitress walk away, she turned back to see Malcolm looking at her. “What”, she asked with a chuckle. He smiled at her and said “nothing. I just feel like, we met before. Is that weird?” She looked into his face still trying to read his mind but she couldn’t. “No, it ain’t. Why do think we met before?”
“Not sure but I feel like maybe in the past we did.” She took a deep breath and felt as if she needed to change the subject. “So, Malcolm. How was your classes today?” The waitress came back with their milkshakes and asked “are you ready to order?” She looked from her menu then at the rose quartz stone on her chain then at the name tag; Idna . “Uh, yes. I’ll just take a cheeseburger with no tomato.”
“I’ll have the same.”
   The waiter took the menus and at went to the back. She excused herself to go to the ladies room but before she did, she saw Idna the older white woman go inside. Anika walked in and said “really, sister Ife.” Ife transformed back into herself and smiled. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself and besides, he is kinda cute.” Anika rolled her eyes then asked “how on Genat’s green earth did you know we were here?” Ife looked to the stall, pointed but when Princess Anika went to go open it, no one was inside. When she turned, she saw Chereka standing right behind her as she screamed. “Damn it, warrior Che. Will you please stop that? If I was a human, that would have killed me.” Chereka laughed and apologized. “Any who. Why are with that, young man”, Chereka asked her with a raised brow. Anika walked around her and asked “who is the leader of this tribe, again?” Ife said “you are, Princess Anika.”
“Exactly. So I should not have to explain, my self sister. Anyways, have you heard from the other sisters?”
“Yes, sister Faizah is in Hawaii and have took over two hundred men in the past two years for feeding. Sister Jamila is in Florida and had sent back fifty while sisters Kia and Eshe are back in Brooklyn, New York taking rappers out. And sister Zoya is back home tending to the sick.”
  Anika nodded and smiled. “Very good, sister. Let them all know they can rest for now. We have plenty to feed off of for years to come. We need our women to socialize more to seem the less suspicious. You two go back to Texas and have fun.” They heard a toilet flush and a woman walked out to see them with her terrified eyes. Ife transformed back into Idna and looked at Anika as Chereka guarded the door. Ife and Anika’s eyes glowed gold as they lifted their right hands and they said “yetewededikewini yesemachiwini negeri ātirisa. irisiwo bedehina yinoruwotali (Forget what you have heard, dear woman. For you are safe)”. The woman’s mind was completely cleared as Chereka pretended she was going to the stall. Anika said in her hood voice “that skirt is nice as hell, giiiirl”. The woman thanked her as she swung her hair and left. Anika looked to her sister and asked “ihiti āyi’īni be’āfi meficha k’wanik’wa kemenagerachini befīti megenyeti ālichalinimi (You could not check the room before we spoke  in their native tongue, Sister Ife?)”. Ife looked to her sister and smiled; Anika patted her shoulder and left back to the table.
  Malcolm sat there, patiently waiting while tapping his fingers along the table. “Is everything okay”, he thought to himself. He was starting to think more. “I have never been this protective before so why am I now? What is so different.” He felt something behind him and turned to see Annie walking back. She sat and their milkshakes finally came. She took the straw out, placed it inside hers and swirled the straw around before taking a sip. “I have to her hear talk”, he thought. “Annie, what do you like doing besides being at home?” She looked up at him and said “I like reading. I have a tall bookcase back at my place filled with books. I’ve been reading a lot of books since I was little.”
“For almost two hundred years now” she said to herself in her head.
  “What do you like reading? Anything in particular?”
She smiled after taking another sip. “I, uh, really like fantasy, poetry, science fiction, anything that will make me want to stay up for hours in my pajamas and just read all day. What about you?” Malcolm sipped his and said “I like to paint and sculpt. I also am a photographer. I just take randoms pictures of certain areas around LA.”  She was so interested in him. It was like he was not at all like the other men she had dealt with. He was … different; the food came and they ate. “So, how long have you been into art for?”
“Since I was younger. My father was  also into and taught me a few things.”
   “What about your mother?” Malcolm looked at her, away then back at her and said “I never knew my mother. My father remarried a lot so my brothers and I have different moms. I heard she passed when she gave birth to me.” Anika looked up at him with saddened eyes; she felt awful for bringing this up to him. “I, I’m sorry, Mal. I didn’t-”. He held up his left hand and said “it’s okay, Annie. You just asked a question and I decided to be honest with the answer. We good. Don’t trip.” He smiled and she returned a small one. “So, Annie. I was thinkin’ if you would like to go hang out sometimes. We can go to the beach or something. You can read and I can just take photos all day.”
  “When will you like to go” she asked with a smile. “Are you free tomorrow afternoon? I have a pretty tight schedule for next week but I would really like to sew you again”, that smile he gave her tugged at her heart strings. She felt like the world was in that smile and she couldn’t help but say..
“I’m down. Wanna meet there?”
“I was thinking. I can pick you up. We can get to know each other more.”
   She didn’t usually let humans near her home but for some reason, she was fine with him coming to her. What was happening? “Sure. Call me tomorrow and I’ll give you the address.” They sat with smiles on their faces and eventually ended up back home. Anika kicked her shoes off and looked upon her bookcase to see what to read; her heart chose “Romeo and Juliet.” She made a cup of tea, sat in the middle of her bed with legs crossed and opened to Scene II; Capulet’s Garden.
“Juliet. Well, do not swear: although I joy in thee, I have no joy of this contract to-night; It is too rash, too unadvis’d, too sudden; Too like the lightning, which doth cease to be Ere one can say It lightens. Sweet, good night! This bud of love, by summer’s ripening breath, May prove a beauteous flower when next we meet. Good night, good night! as sweet repose and rest Come to thy heart as that within my breast!”
  She continued to read as her eyes became heavy and looked to her clock that was eight pm, now was midnight. She placed her finished cup and bookmarked novel on her bed side table and lied her head on her pillow until her eyes had shut into a deep slumber.
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    Her eyes opened to a stream of pink and blue shaded water beneath her feet. She wore the same garment from the last she saw her mother. Queen Kamili was picking her child’s afro puffs with a golden pick. “widē lijē. zarēwinu irefiti newoti (My sweet child. Have you enjoyed your rest today)?” Anika smiled up to her mother and said “āwo, nigisiti. āmeseginalehu (Yes, I have. Thank you, Queen Mother.)” Queen Kamili said “be’irigit’i yihi liji be’irigit’i yeteleye newi, negeri gini t’atiwoni belayu layi mech’emeri āyichilimi (This child is indeed different but I can not seem to put my finger on it.)”. They sat as she continued to put an ancient oil in Anika’s hair.
  “li‘iliti ānīka, yezīhi gosa merī talak’i neshi ina ānite lezelalemi inidemitalifi āwik’alehu. āhuni mayeti ichilalehu. bek’iribu, ānite ina lēlochu inidegena yemebazati ina hizibochachini ke’inya gari inidegena līnoruti yichilalu. inēni inidefet’erinyi lēlochini desitenya tihonalehi. ye’irisiwo wibeti ina t͟s’ega irisiwo kemīyawik’uti belayi lēlochini yanesasutali. (Princess Anika, you are a great leader of this tribe and I know you will lead for all of eternity. I can see it now. Soon, you and the others will be able to reproduce again and our people may live again along with us. You will make others happy like you have made me. Your beauty and grace will inspire others more than you know.)”, Kamili said as she rested her hands on her child’s chin. Anika looked at her mother and fell into her hands; feeling safe and wanted in her warm touch.
    Meanwhile at Malcolm’s, he was in a pair of his painter jeans and shirtless with his feet on a plastic tarp covering the whole floor underneath him. He seem to not be tired as he began working on a new piece; too eager for what God knows what. He stood in front of canvas that started from the top of his ceiling to the floor. He stared at the beginning of his new creation and thought that even though it was not nearly done, he knew it will be beautiful once finished. He looked into the painting and smiled at what he knew will be breathtaking.
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TAGGED LOVES♥: @muse-of-mbaku @im5ftbutmythroat66 @chaneajoyyy @melanin-samii@theunsweetenedtruth @doux-ciel @unicornluvin8765 @vikkidc @wakandantings @thadelightfulone @mzamethystp@simbiann @tropicalsun10 @babydoll756 @notoriouslynay @vminax @quinsly @pinkdemolition @quietstorm-73 @chaoticcashfancroissant @bugngiz @chocolatedippedinhoney @yafavcocoa @lostgalaxies
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thefruitsofloveff · 8 years
Chapter 16
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4 weeks later 
Wednesday 8:20 pm
“Listen. I’m not playing we have to get up early and I don’t wanna hear shit about I’m sleepy or I can’t get up. Go get your ass in that bed and don’t get up. If i see you up again Ima beat your ass!!”
I hollered up the stairs to Trent. While Sanaa was already sleep, Trent ass was still up trying to get his ass whooped. Our flight was at 3:40 in the damn morning. Hell I was trying to get my own damn self to sleep, but been running around making sure the kids bags were packed and so was ours. King ran out to the store so Trent has been testing me. Usually King gets him in line, but when he’s not around he tries and test the waters.
I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen, I began cleaning up and putting the food from tonight. Turning around I jumped at the presence of Lourdes.
“What the fuck Lo?”
She laughed, shrugging her shoulders and sitting at the breakfast bar.
“Bitch what? Why you so jumpy?”
I smacked my teeth and continued with the task at hand. Afterwards, I grabbed my bowl of salad and glass of wine and sat at the bar beside her.
“You ready for your trip”.
I exhaled nodding my head.
“Yes I’m ready. Now this damn process and the hectic running around is what I’m not here for”.
She smiled, nodding her head and looking around the kitchen.
“Yo, I gotta tell you something?”.
I sat up straight, turning my whole body towards her.
“Girl spill the Tea”
She exhaled and nodded.
“Ok girl so.... Me and Terrence been fucking around”.
I began choking on my wine. Looking at her wide eye I covered my mouth with my fist and continued coughing. Out of all the shit I though she was gonna say. This definitely didn’t come to mind.
“What!!!? Nah you playing”.
She laughed and shook her head.
“How the fuck did that even occur “
She sat up straight, throwing her hair over her shoulder and clearing her throat.
“Well a few weeks ago he came to get his wallet. We got the kicking it. He asked me out to brunch then we came back. While we sitting BAM! nigga throws his lips at me. He was talking about it don’t matter, ain’t nobody got to know. So I was like, I mean ain’t no harm in fucking a nigga for fun and for free.... until this morning”.
I looked at her with wide eyes. I mean I was totally baffled that she done fucked a nigga in my house, but that’s neither here nor here, I’m trynna see what’s up with this hoe.
“This morning I been a little sick. Like I couldn’t move out the damn bed. So I took a test and I’m pregnant”.
I grabbed my mouth but not even that could muffle my loud ass scream.
“Get yo ass in the bed Trent. Matter fact stay there. I’m coming up with my belt”.
I listened for his footsteps then looked back at Lourdes. I couldn’t believe my fucking ears. I was shocked as shit. 
“Wow Lourdes... Did you tell him?”.
She smacked her teeth and shook her head.
“No. I’m thinking I can just get a a-”
“Hol’ up Hol’ up. Just like that’s your child, that’s his too. And yes I’m pro choice. You don’t know how he’ll feel about this. Shit he might want it. Just talk to him before you jump out the window on some dumb shit”.
She nodded playing with her fingers. Pulling her into a hug I rubbed up and down her back.
“I got ya back no matter what bitch”.
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I exhaled, running my hands over my face and taking my shirt off. A nigga was really tired, just ready to get in the bed. We gotta be up in 5 hours and I been running all day. I smiled at the view of Tiana already in the bed, kicking my joggers off I pulled the sheets back and climbed into the bed.
I allowed my dick to rest on her butt, pulling her closer and adding a little hump to it. I listened as she lowly snicked then turning around to face me. As she tried I shook my head, turning her back around. Pulling my member from my briefs, I lifted the large T-shirt that she had on. Running it on her back, small moans of pleasure left her lips.
I laughed, kissing her neck and lightly sucking on it.
“Stop playing”.
She mumbled. I smiled to myself, grabbing the base and allowing her to toot her ass up a little more. I slowly eased my dick into her opening. My mouth dropped as her warm insides gripped me nicely. As I pumped she let out moans in between. I felt as he juices begin to run down dick.
Holding my arm around her waist tightly I pumped harder and faster.
“Ah shit King!!”.
She screamed. I smiled, biting down on her ear, trying to focus on the good nut that was building up. We stayed in the same position the whole time. Reaching her arm back, she placed it around my neck, Leaning upward she kissed me deeply still moaning against my lips.
“Im about to nut”.
“Let it go baby”.
She mumbled sexily, throwing her ass back harder. I squeezed my eyes shut, pumping harder. The only sound heard was our skin clapping against each other and Tiana’s moans.
Sweat ran down my forehead. Slapping her thigh, I held tighter, finally busting, I kept stroking through my orgasm. My breathing began to slow down, laughing i turned her towards me and pecked her lips.
“I love you”.
She mumbled. I smiled resting my forehead on hers.
“I love you too baby”.
2:00 am
I yawn, gently getting Titan dressed in his sleep. After beat Tiana’s wall’s down, I went straight to sleep. It’s the perfect remedy for a good night sleep. I zipped up my own jacket, then placed Titan in his and picked him up. Grabbing his suitcase, I quietly walked downstairs and placed him on the couch.
“Baby Ya’ll ready”.
I called up the  stairs as quietly as possible.
I nodded, to myself grabbing Trent and Sanaa’s bag and walking out to the car. Starting it up, I placed the bags in the trunk and closed it. Running back in the house, I laughed as Trent rubbed his sleepy eyes. Holding his iPad tightly, I went and grabbed Titan. Picking them both up, I walked them out to the car ans strapped them in. Shit I was I could sleep through this whole damn process.
Running back in the house, I smiled as Tiana walked down the stairs with her luggage in hand. Letting her and Sanaa walk out, I then closed the door and armed the house. Exhaling, I left out the house and hopped in the whip.
“You ready baby?”.
She adjusted herself in the seat, putting her travel pillow around her neck and nodded. Nodding my head, I pulled off into the dark morning.
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10 am 
I exhaled, sitting patiently and waiting for Terrence. I had texted him to come over and he told me he was on the way. I’m still so nervous about telling him. I feel I should have been smarter, I should have been on some form of birth control. Shit I should have been using protection. After waiting for another 20 minutes, I almost jumped out my skin when I heard the doorbell ring. My hands began to get clammy and my breathing picked up. Calming myself down, I got up from the couch and walked to the door. Opening it, he walked in smiling. Planting a kiss on my cheek he took his jacket off, throwing it on the back of the dinning room chair.
“Wassup baby?”.
I shrugged, following him into the kitchen. Watching him go into the fridge.
“Yo King and them leave yet”.
“Yeah, they left earlier this morning. They won’t get there until tomorrow morning around 5 our time”.
He nodded grabbing a glass and filling it with water. Taking a deep breath I calmed my nerves once more and sat at the bar.
“Terrence... I gotta tell you something”.
He burped, grabbing his chest in the process and nodding his head.
I closed my eyes, reminding myself to not beat around the bush and just get straight to the point.
“I took a pregnancy test yesterday... It came back positive”.
He stood there starring at me. Laughing lowly he continued back to drinking his 
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