#im in a somewhat similar situation right now in life without some factors and I am really really grateful that my mind isn’t resorting to
bokutoasavillain · 10 months
It’s been three whole years since I’ve had my really bad derealization & depersonalization episodes.. wow I’m really really glad its over
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inhalareexhalare · 6 years
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The menstrual cycle begins. I usually feel pain until the third day at most, but I can move just fine.
Slow, but with fight in it Like embers of honey
It scorches the eyes But is sweet to the palm
Did you know by the way? The faster and the hotter you heat honey, the more you reduce its nutritional value. So yes, while it has a very warm color, its temperature is usually not the same :)
2018-10-23 10:00 Philippines Tuesday
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My daytime journal has been discontinued due to its tendency to take over my whole identity. I somewhat live [a double life], you could say, and I am now exploring my nighttime psyche.
This is my heartfelt "letter" to @neweresth​ (CHECK OUT neweresth IN YOUR DASHBOARD BTW IT WILL ROCK YOUR DORMANT WORLD), who inspires me to keep learning and discover my photographic sense.
True enough, this nighttime journal has been a very big compilation of crunchy insights to my deep-deep-down subconscious, which in my opinion takes a big bite off the whole pie of what makes the self.
I've been anxious about how to teach for a time now. It's like a secret calling, a secret dream that I have that I quietly—and secretly—shut off every time it resurfaces.
The reason is my ineptitude with socializing. Communication, especially verbal, has always been hard for me.
My English teachers throughout my school life (and even outside its premises) have doubted my authorship of countless papers I've written, all due to the fact that I navigate speech poorly, yet apparently write eloquently enough above my age.
That has discouraged me from honing my lesser swords. The possibility of never growing out of anything.
But that's bullshit.
I write because I love. I write because I want to communicate. Communicate!
I write for no one else other than for the truths that live inside me, and they are written for no one else but others who could do with a genuine story that cares about their beautiful and suffering minds.
I am socially inept. I am antisocial, by the world's standards. But that doesn't change what I write for.
I write to learn.
Likewise I will teach to learn.
Maybe I am bad at it. Maybe it takes talent.
But nothing good has ever touched and transformed hearts and minds other than that which has originated from those very things.
Talent is a gift indeed.
But heart even more so; it is both curse and privilege.
The pain that makes us human. The agony that teaches us what is real. The happiness that guides us to what is worth living for.
If I had all power, and all talent, all knowledge, and all beauty. If I had all riches, and all the admiration, and fame, and number of friends--
If I have not love, I am nothing.
PS I really do love movies. If you’re an aspiring writer, or a writer with fluctuating inspiration, do watch The Rewrite. Check out  1 Corinthians 13:2
“And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.” 
2018-10-23 18:07 Philippines Tuesday
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"Keenness, spontaneity, and trusting the moment..."
I entered the room to discover a Thor exploring the wonders of my film-filled laptop.
I took my favorite Nuyorican Poets Cafe book to read and learn. Stepped out to the living room filled with people and stretched my legs to feel at home on the couch. I made a re-friend! :) Yana approached me and asked about the book.
I didn't know she was interested in prose and poetry! She also writes snippets here and there sometimes. I told her to collect them.
I asked for recommendations, since strangely enough, even though I like to write I don't have a wide background when it comes to poetry from the celebrated and the local poets alike.
I don't know why I didn't read them sooner.
Keep learning!
2018-10-23 19:31 Philippines Tuesday
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To Karu:
Sorry for imposing on you last night. I just really do value good sleep. I don't know about you but I can't workout without it, and it also affects the general mood and brain function.
I still don't know what to do about it. Everyone seems to enjoy not sleeping at night, but I don't feel like conforming to it especially since I see its daily effects on me. You can actually join stuff like that if you like. I was thinking that we both need sleep desperately, but I realized that I might have been forcing/pressuring you to go to bed.
Though I do request to have no guests in the late night of this approaching Saturday. I'm going to need tons of energy and also an early alarm since I will be called for work (thank God they allowed me to go to church first)
(Even if I did only request it, that doesn't change what it might have felt to you. So again, I apologize if a part of you was in unease or anything.)
I love you
[25 minutes later]
I would like to kiss you all over, but that will rouse you from sleep.
I love you, and I love you to death.
2018-10-24 06:21 Philippines Wednesday
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From Isla:
"My tita and tito from [the] US are here in the PH right now
"and they said im too young to be in a relationship.
"and gave this vibe like......don't be in one right now.
"i really appreciate the love and support from them ofc
"it's just....medj na-down ako lol" [I was a bit downhearted lol]
To Isla:
I'm assuming they aren't free thinkers, your aunt and uncle hahaha
They probably are right, but if you think about it that observation is only relative to an imaginary concept which is the future
In my opinion, no one is too old, and no one is too young. It's never too late, and it's never too early
There's only now, and a moment's opportunity to come to a decision
There's only now, and a moment's commitment to be true to who you are at this point in time
Only what is existent after all counts as truth :) the future is yet to happen, and both possible and unlikely
Entrusting the sense of reality to tomorrow, in other words, a question mark seems illogical to me
The BEAUTIFUL book you gave me about the deaf-mutes gave me this idea
The future is not a universal or "natural" concept
[Check out Seeing Voices by Oliver Sacks]
And the past is not more real than a memory is. And we all know how nearly inexistent memories are. That's all they are--memories.
From Isla:
"Those are beautiful thoughts. :)
"Reading it really helped me.
"I'm thankful that i have you in my life."
[An hour later]
"Did other people tell you the same thing before? if you don't mind me asking
"Have you ever been so hard on yourself one time in your life, and eventually you stopped it?
What did you do to overcome it?"
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To Isla:
Personally, it takes me a continuous amount of effort to stand up against the self-hatred. Some say it's a lifelong sickness we have as humans, and it seems true to me
(also, writing heals both the writer, and hopefully the reader, so it's mutually a good thing, hopefully hahaha)
It's like the motivation to commit to a vocation
It's not natural to be motivated at every moment of your life, but we seek to make it a habit
Habits form the shape that our thoughts and feelings take. Like my nighttime anxiety. It was developed because I gained the habit of thinking that I am alone and abandoned every time these factors come together: it is nighttime, and I am physically alone
I unconsciously associate the scenery with something from the past that reminds me of a similar situation, but is actually entirely different
In fact it dates back to the time I was still very close to my mother. We still loved each other as I grew up, but not too close as to always be hugging every chance we get
It dates back to when I was a little girl of age 5 at most (since the scenes were from my Atimonan home, and we left that when I entered elementary)
Habits don't die on their own. They cannot be thrown away just like that. But, they can be replaced
If I can create a little nighttime routine, even just cue words or a little ritual, that could change a lot. I just need consistency because some nights I'm too tired and I forget to pray or to practice deep breaths and stuff. And when I find myself alone again, it starts all over; I get anxious as hell
So maybe the first step before changing your habits would be to forgive yourself
We are imperfect, at that is incurable. But we have the potential for growth, and that is at least forgivable. We can learn from our mistakes, so we shouldn't let ourselves down from them.
They are there to give us two options: give up, or try again.
Changing a habit is probably going to take more tries than my fingers can count, but hey we're still alive and breathing, so I presume Life is willing to give us as many chances as we need in a lifetime
Failure is unfortunate, but failure is an important mark of what truly matters to you.
If it's worth more than the self-obsessive need to be successful, and if it means your life and your calling and a better world, it's at least worth trying again, no? :)
When people bring you down, they could be there for a good reason, and that's not to bring you down. Maybe that's hardly what they wanted to do in the first place.
We need to learn to assert our own beliefs and stand up to them. Maybe they think it's all just a whim because they don't understand yet how it matters to you, and what it means to grow up.
Growing up means making mistakes (your relationship is not necessarily a mistake haha), getting up, and learning something new.
Learning something new always requires a new experience.
Learning something new always means stepping out of your comfort zone and into unknown territory.
If you end up hurt, that's fine, we're here for you. What's important is that the lessons are not lost. What you learn is what you grow out into.
So don't ever stop learning. :)
Learn to stand up for what you believe in.
Don't be afraid to share what you have learned!
But never impose beyond your personal right to live. Nothing teaches an individual more than a personal experience.
We each take our own paths, and each take our own lessons in life, in forms that we are ready to understand.
And if advice or conversation cannot help your case with them, then you've done your part.
All you need to do is live your life and live it honestly enough for it to speak for itself
2018-10-24 07:00 Philippines Wednesday
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kendrixtermina · 8 years
Oldham Personality Styles/Traits Test Results
(Clicky Clicky)
For comparision, here’s my results from other typology systems: INTP (LII-Ne), 5w4 sp/sx (548), RULAI, Chaotic Neutral, Lunar, Melancholic, Ravenclaw, Horned Serpent
Idiosyncratic types are tuned in to and sustained by their own feelings and belief systems, whether or not others accept or understand their particular worldview or approach to life. They are self-directed and independent, requiring few close relationships. Though they are inner-directed and follow their own hearts and minds, Idiosyncratic men and women are keen observers of others and particularly sensitive to how other people react to them. They tend to question common beliefs and expectations. They are highly spiritual and do not close their minds to any possibility, always asking what if?' They tend to have a deep inner life, act eccentrically, and live in their own world. They may be interested in the occult or the supernatural and are drawn to abstract and speculative thinking. Fitting into everyday, conventional life can be difficult for Idiosyncratic people. Others may view them as strange, which can be a problem in jobs and relationships. They must live life their own way and sometimes regret they cannot do things in the orthodox fashion. The pressure to conform presents intolerable stress for them. Two key factors affect the quality of Idiosyncratic lives: whether they can find an accepting environment and how well they adapt to others' expectations. Few work settings tolerate eccentricities of behavior, unless the individual has a great deal to offer by way of intelligence or talent. Some Idiosyncratics do well with one ear tuned in to their own personal worlds and one outward to what the boss expects of them. Others, however, have a hard time understanding or accepting authority. Idiosyncratic people do not need other people to give their lives direction or meaning. If they can't find partners who accept their unconventionality, they usually do well on their own. Some are content to experience several relationships in their lives without necessarily finding their one and only.
Everything except the superstitions bit (I’m actually an atheist), though I did have an esoteric phase in my teens and enjoy mythology and random speculation (as just that, stories)
Solitary types have little need of companionship and are most comfortable alone. They do not need interaction with others to enjoy life. Self-possessed and self-controlled, these individuals are alone because they want to be alone, not because they feel left out. Free of the passionate need for others, they can be quite content standing back and watching others. Indeed, they are often gifted observers of nature and of other people. Emotionally, highly Solitary people are even-tempered, calm, dispassionate, unsentimental, and unflappable. They display an apparent indifference to pain and pleasure and are not driven by sexual needs. They are not greatly influenced by either praise or criticism. They function well at work. They get down to work quickly and don't spend much time fraternizing at the water cooler. While they usually do not do well within the political framework of larger companies, when left alone to do their work, they can put their mind to it with unusual concentration. Solitary individuals can be content within relationships as long as their partner accepts their need for solitude. However, even moderately Solitary people may not intuitively comprehend others' feelings or respond to their emotional cues. 'You don't love me!' is a common lament of partners of Solitary people. The more the partner pushes for emotional reactions and a depth of intimate feeling, the greater the stress on the Solitary person. To cope, he or she will retreat. The partner would be better off recognizing signs of caring that are different from the usual I-want-you, I-need-you, l-love-you's.
Ugh that last paragraph, that exact same relationship problem. I don’t often hear the concept of “So introverted even your loved ones sometimes stress you out” in a way that doesn’t conflate it with misanthropy. Like I don’t want to make anyone feel bad or ignored (thats a horrible thing to do) but im not good at this. 
I wouldn’t describe myself as self-controlled or good-at-work (probably due to other traits in the mix) though I can concentrate when the time & subject are right. (otherwise im more on the distractable side tho. or it depends on what it is.) I distinctly remember taking some test/assesment and getting a high score specifically for concentration, i think it was the highest overall (the lowest was motor function. 11 year old me could not catch a ball to save her life.)
As a child or teen I would often start reading at noon and be so concentrated on the book I’d fail to notice the passage of time until my mom came in to get me for supper and asked why I hadn’t turned the light on. 
I don’t think I’m unflappable at all but again it depends on what and the situation and i dont really know what others see, like, I obviously know I have feels but its my own head. 
Serious types are solemn and not given to emotional expression. They are realistically aware of their own capabilities but they are also aware of their limitations. They are not tempted by vanity or self-importance. They hold themselves responsible for their actions. They=re thinkers, analyzers, evaluators, ruminators and will always play things over in their minds before they acting. Serious individuals anticipate problems and when the worst happens, they=re prepared to deal with it. Serious individuals are realists. They see the hard, harsh nature of life clearly. They have no illusions and are incapable of imagining a silver lining. They are no-nonsense people particularly suited to hard times, when their ability to push on can help everyone to survive. They always work hard and provide for others without any sense of heroism or pride in their efforts. Even though they can seem joyless, Serious types are not necessarily unhappy. They take great satisfaction in their view of the universe. They are interested in serious subjects, which they find reassuring, and they find no need to escape into pleasure. Serious people are intensely hard workers, dependable, and trustworthy. They persevere whether or not they are enthusiastic or well rewarded. This can make it all too easy for employers to take advantage of them. They do not expect encouragement or to be treated well by others. Although they are not socially outgoing, once they do connect with others they form very stable, long-term attachments. They tolerate the rough spots in relationships well. They are as critical of others as they are of themselves, but their fault-finding gives them no pleasure. They deeply regret causing any pain . Others who continually insist that they change into optimistic outgoing, happy-go-lucky people cause them great stress but their characteristic cynicism helps them to cope.
ARGH  that “I’d rather see the world as it is than sugercoat it for feelgoodsyness” thing can be so hard to explain to people. I try to be realistic about my abilities & place in the world and aspire toward realism. (and when I’m already stressed out optimism will only serve to make me feel pissed or misunderstood. Unfortunately my mom is the exact opposite, leading to a few regrettable outbursts and isunderstandings, though not major ones. )
The work ethics part doesn’t really apply tho.
Conclusion: Ugh I am such an INTP 5.
I also scored somewhat high for ‘Leisurely’ (Fuck authority sweetheart ~ ) and ‘Vigilant’ (Yay self-sufficiency, though it’s more a horizon to strive for than something I’ve fully realized yet)
That was the 14 trait model tho, the 16 trait one also has this:
·                   Mood swings. Shifts from a moderately upbeat, outgoing, creative character to a withdrawn and sullen depressive one. When in a high state, they can be highly productive, original, humorous, and engaging. During a low state they become self-absorbed, pessimistic, apathetic, and may resort to substance abuse. The mood swings happen regularly in cycles, are similar to bipolar (manic-depression) disorder, but not as extreme in the polarity, and also the mood changes in the Artistic personality are usually more so the result of within the person and not triggered by external circumstances.
·                   Artistic inclinations. People of this style often involve themselves in some sort of creative output. They may go into a state of inspiration where artistic production is strong then fall into an apathetic daze, where it becomes difficult, almost unbearable to create art. Since they have a grasp on many corners of the human personality, they have an advantage at expressing the nuances of a particular viewpoint. Many of the world's great artists have had this character style.
·                   Unpredictability. They may take up new plans, jobs, residences, etc. out of impulse. They despise routine and love improvising, stimulation, and new experiences.
·                   Feeling-oriented. Their impulses and feelings control their lives and dictate their appearance and decisions. They rarely make decisions through a systematic, logical follow-through approach but instead base it on their current mood.
·                   Relationship difficulties. Relationships can be trying for these people. They may become promiscuous, unfaithful, or difficult to handle.
·                   Low self-control. They have a difficulty saying "no" to themselves with their appetite. They may go on shopping sprees, binge on food or drink, give into sexual compulsions, etc. Afterwards, they may feel guilty about it and restrict themselves from pleasure.
·                   Shaky self-confidence. Can swing from delusions of grandeur and superiority, and feeling very confident in oneself, to a loss of self-esteem and hopeless despair.
Aaah now here’s a place for my inner emo child and inner gushy nerd fangirl to find a home. I’d wedge it in lower than ‘Idiosyncratic’ but higher than serious. It actually coexists with the above stuff surprisingly well (It’s called “TiNe” or “5w4″)
On the positive, this personality test is the first (except maybe Divergent, but the tests do give me Erudite nearly as often as Candor depending on how absolute the questions are worded. ) to refrain from outright calling me a NEEERD.
So, thanks oldham? 
Also, now I know the precise kind mad I might end up as if I happened across severe trauma, brain chemistry goof-ups or lovecraftian abominations (Please let it be the latter). That is one interesting tidbit of information.  
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On an application for car insurance does having the use of other vehicles increase or decrease the quote?
I'm filling in an insurance comparison and it asks if I have the use of other vehicles, I can drive my dad's but does it make it more or less expensive?""
When will health insurance become affordable?
If the insurance companies and pharmaceuticals won't reign in costs, then we need to go to socialized medicine. It is ludicrous that insurance costs so much for individuals.""
How to get under someone else's insurance policy?
I'm 22 so my insurance is double the price of my dad's. I want to get on his policy or have him on mine so that my insurance can be cheaper. Does he have to be part owner of my car? Do we have to use the same company?
What is a penalty in MA for driving a car with no insurance?
I was involved in the car accident recently... I was driving in Boston the uninsured car with the New Hampshire registration. But in NH car insurance is not compulsory. The hearing will be held on my case, which is considered to be criminal. If somebody ever been in the similar situation ,plz, share your experience!""
Where can I get babysitting insurance in the UK?
I have scoured the internet but keep being told they won't give me babysitting insurance unless I am a registered childminder. Help please?
What are the charges if you have a suspended licence and no insurance?
well ok my boyfriend was driving with a suspended licence and no insurance..and one night he ran into a street poll..the police came and now he has a court date. i was wondering what are the charges, and could he end up in jail?""
Where to get home insurance.............?
is it always required to purchases a home insurance while buying a home.. or is it required only if we are availing a home loan or is it optional? what does this home insurance actually covers...if we take a home insurance , is it not required to pay the loan back in the event of death of the borrower.. which insurance company provides best home insurance with reasonable rate?""
I need liability insurance?
I'm 20 years old almost 21 and I've had a permit for a year next month on the 14th. I want to get a driver's license asap. I know I need liability insurance in order to get it but how do I do that if I can't get insurance without a license? Everytime I call the dmv they say I have to go in person to have my question answered only problem with that is I live 20 miles from the nearest one and no way to get there in the day time. Someone please help!
Companies that provide cheap car insurance for a 17 year old male?
I have recently passed my driving test and whenever I get a quote from a car insurance company it it always over 3000. I have tried putting myself under my mother's name as an additional driver but I still get the same outcome. I know people who are the same age with same car and have been able to get their insurance for a little over 1000. Are there any companies that will help me to get a lower quote (don't suggest compare websites because they are more expensive). Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Which one is the best health insurance company in USA?
hello All; i am from California; I want a cheap and affordable health insurance for my family. please help me which is the best and low cost health insurance company in USA? Thanks
Car insurance help please!?
I'm 18 and i just finished high school. I dont have a job yet, but i'll be getting one sometime very soon and i really really need to find car insurance. im mostly looking for something that i can pay quarterly. something somewhat cheap too. errr. please help. i only have one car and its a 99 mazda protege.""
Question about auto insurance?
Okay, I'm really stupid when it comes to this stuff, so don't laugh at this. I have a vehicle insured under my name. If my friend is driving it, would she be covered whether I'm present or not? Does it matter at all if she has her own auto insurance?""
Need advice on a life insurance policy for my parents.?
My parents are 67 and 57, and despite being the youngest of 6 children, I am somehow viewed as the most responsible. I have power of attorney over their estates. They trust me more than each other or any of their other children, because they know that I don't care about money for myself. I believe my parents have life insurance policies on themselves, but with the way they manage their finances the policies may very well have lapsed. I would like to open policies on both of them myself. I would like to get coverage for not only death but any life-threatening incidents so I can pick up the slack for them if their coverage is insufficient or doesn't kick in. I already have a policy on myself for $500,000, and I pay only $30/month. I'm sure that it'll be much more expensive for my parents, but this responsibility falls to me. My father is in poor health and probably won't make it another 5 years. When that happens I want to be able to pay off his house and any remaining debt, put on a nice funeral, and make sure that my mom has a financial buffer for retirement. Any advice on bringing up the issue of mortality with my parents, and getting their consent? Also, is there anything that I should know about policies for older people?""
Home Ownwers insurance? Who is cheap?
What company that may not be well known can provide cheap home owners insurance? A link would be appreciated. This will be for the purchase of a existing home buy, which may close this week. Thanks in advance to all responders!""
How much does it cost to insure this car?
Im 17 years old and im planning on buying a car soon and the car i want is a 2002 Acura RSX, but i heard it expensive to insure? I havent been in any accidents no tickets. Iv had my license for more than year. And I live in the state of IL. My dad is planning on putting my name in his insurance as well and i just want to know how much it would cost to insure this car? We have state farm. Oh yeah another question since we are talking about insurnace do they give you an option to pay every month or every six months?""
Can you cancel a car insurance policy and take a new one with a different company the next day?
My girlfriend is currently paying 197 a month for her car insurance, but we did a quote with another company will all legit details and they have quoted her 880 for the year. Can i ring up and cancel her current policy and take out a new with with this other company? or are there issues With doing this""
""I'm sure 5,000 for health insurance will help.. right?
John Mccain thinks we are idiots lol
How is charging insurance based on age and gender NOT discrimination?
Car insurance and health insurance always use your age and gender for a basis on how much your charged along with other factors. How is this not discrimination?
Will my auto insurance increase once I am off my parents policy?
I am currently driving a 2013 Chevy Cruze I just bought. I am a college student so for right now I am under my parents insurance policy and paying around 135 a month for the Cruze. The Cruze is titled under my name and I am the the primary driver. When I am out of school will my rate per month go up a lot when I get my own policy?
What is the lowst 18 year old male car insurance?
What is the lowest car insurance for an 18 year old male in Alabama? I need info for sports cars and non sports cars.
How much would the insurance be?
Hey all! I'm a first time driver, 18 years old and am going to buy my new car in a month's time. I'm also aware that the insurance takes a big bite out of my budget too. I have a 10,000 budget ($15,840) and I want to buy something like a Chevrolet Camaro V6 3.4 or 3.6, a Cadillac CTS 3.6 V6 or some Sort of toyota mr-s, or something similar. about how much would the insurance be for these particular cars? I also live in London.""
Where can I get affordable health insurance?
I am a full time college student, and my school offers insurance, but it is expensive. I need basic health care to cover doctors visits, specialist visits, and x rays. The main reason I need coverage is that my back is messed up from a car accident about a year and a half ago and I can't take the pain anymore. I went to my states website and the insurance they offer is currently not accepting applications. I have looked at tons of sites online, but so far am having no luck. Any advice would be appreciated.""
Why did my car insurance double from last period?
Does it make sense that your auto insurance can double for 1 at fault accident? I just got my renewal documents for my car insurance and my premium doubled from what it was last period. I did have one at fault accident so i knew there would be an increase but I didn't know it could double like that...
How much roughly with motorcycle insurance be for me?
Im 17 and looking to see how much insurance is for when i get my motorbike. Im looking to get a 125CC motorbike second hand nothing fast. How much roughly do you think? Im don't care if the insurance is only for theft and accidents coverage. the bike will be stored in a garage and be locked up.
Quick Car Insurance Question?
Would it be cheaper for me to add onto my parents insurance, rather than have my own policy? I'm a 20 year old male by the way and currently have a quote for $115 a month.""
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Why company cars needs insurance?
Why do business cars needs insurance?
Health insurance coverage or car insurance- accident?
Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury Bodily Injury i am looking for some auto insurance ...can you please clarify me the difference between the above two .. also, when i get into an accident, who will cover for my medical charges .. is it insurance from the car insurance company or from employer's health insurance provider that covers my medical charges? i also have a health coverage from my employer""
""Car fender bender -insurance low balling payment, how to get more money from the insurance company?""
Had a fender bender accident and the other driver was charged, the insurance adjuster said the damage is $1500.00 and gave check (not yet cashed). Took car to repair shop (from the insurance approved list) the estimates were $2000.00 and $2800.00. How and what can be done to get the insurance to pay up more, so I can decide later when and where to get the car repaired? Thanks""
""Just got a quote for 10,000 for my car insurance?!?!?""
i was getting a quote from comparison websites and the cheapest quote i received was 10,000. i also put my mother on the policy who has over 25 years driving experience and also switched to third party. what else could i do to lower the insurance costs.. im buying an audi a3 but is there any other way i could lower the insurance, thanks everyone""
What is the best short term life insurance plan between monthly premium rupees 500 to 800?
What is the best short term life insurance plan between monthly premium rupees 500 to 800?
How does life insurance work?
Me and my fiance been together for 4 years. We have a daughter together. Right now, we're both working to make ends meet. So basically, we need each other. We have rent, car payment, and tons of bills. We was talking the other day about it, that what if one of us passed away, the other one would lose everything. Our daughter is 1, so we wanted to make sure that if anything happened to one of us, our daughter would still be well taken care of and everything will be paid off so they wouldnt have to struggle. So my question here is how does life insurance work. If I was to die, does the money go directly to my family? What if I wanted part of the money to go to my parents? I just want to know some info about it and is it affordable? Thanks in advance.""
Does my car has to have insurance or do I have to have a new insurance for myself in order to drive in NJ?
I'm a bit confused about this issue. I have a permit and I want to do a road test in order to obtain the provisional driver license. The thing is that I heard a lot from people about insurance and now I'm that confused that I don't know what to do. Do I need to have insurance? or does my car need insurance? Can I be under my parents insurance? Would that be cheaper? Could you guys help me figure this out? All I want is to drive legally without any problems, and don't waste money. Could you give me some sources also? Thx ahead""
""If i'm under my dad's car insurance plan, does he need to be there when i buy a car?""
Do i have to give the car dealer any of his info? What do i need to show them to prove i have insurance? I live in california, so insurance in required to drive.""
Affordable dental insurance for dream act kids?
So, my girlfriend is a dream act student who will be going to university next year. recently she had a huge tooth ache and she found out that she had to get a root canal. She had a cavity for over a year because her divorced parents both refused to pay the fee -_-, they kept saying that the other should have to pay, and now a year later its so bad that she has to get a root canal. Root canals are freaken expensive and her parents are probably not going to want to pay for that, so my question is: are there any sort of affordable dental insurance for students on the Dream Act, keep in mind they don't have much money. would any government programs cover her as a dream act student? please give me any information that could help her with getting some sort of insurance. It's like this with her parents for anything that has to do with health care, -_- neither of them ever want to pay.""
How long until you need to get car insurance?
We are buying a car tomorrow, how long do we have until we have to get insurance..is there a time frame.? we live in California if that helps out any..""
What are the costs of an older used car?
I'm not talking too old here, but something about five for six years old used for around $9000 i am looking into. There seem to be quite a few used cars in this price range around here. Now from someone with no experience in buying a vehicle from a dealership, and having average credit, what kind of costs am i looking at if i were to go ahead with this? Is it common for the dealership to provide financing, and what would be my options? I know i'd need a down payment and that there are other fees included, but i was interested in more of my monthly payment options. I could afford roughly 200 a month plus insurance, but is something like this possible? Or would a dealer just laugh at me and tell me to get lost?""
How much would a 17 year old new driver roughly be paying for insurance?????????????????????...
for a reasonable priced small car, maybe push the boat out and go for a slightly sporty hatchback, maybe honda civic 1.6 sport what roughly do new drivers pay any other persons experiences???""
Car insurance??? help?
I have a 2013 Mazda and going to buy a 2014 the same model as the 13 one will my insurance go a little bit more up?
Auto insurance is through the roof?
i have a 1991 jeep wrangler sahara and i pay 230 buck a month on parents insurance what is the cheapest company to go with and y is my bill so high
Are there anyways of lowering my car insurance? 19 Yr Old Male.?
Im a 19 year old male and I have my own suzuki swift sport which I have worked hard for for the last few years. The only thing is my insurance is around 3000 a year (brand new car)........ I dont mind going on my mothers insurance for example, im not worried about not being able to build my own no claims bonus............................. I have done a small amount of research into going onto my mothers policy and it wasn't that much cheaper........................are there and other ways of legal going about this? Thanks for your time, Matt.""
Can I get life insurance on a family member without their consent?
I'm interested in getting a life insurance policy on my mother because unfortunately she will not be around forever and I want to make sure my sister and I are able to take care of financial obligations that would have to be resolved including funeral expenses. Obviously this is a very difficult situation, no one wants to have to plan for a loved one's passing. Anyone know if this is possible? thanks.""
Car insurance? Do they check your credit rating?
I have just phoned to change my insurance over to another car, and was told twice that it was declined - firstly, he said due to the group of insurance, and secondly, I was told that the operator had a system problem. I am a bit concerned as I know my credit rating is bad at the moment, but I am trying to better it, and I don't know if this is why my insurance was declined? I thought that they had to tell you if they carry out a credit search, but nothing was mentioned and I don't particularly want it going against me if it was searched twice. I have paid my insurance for the year, and was going to pay any extra instantly, so there would be no need for a credit search as far as I can see. Does anyone have any more information on whether they credit search you or not for this?""
Motorcycle Insurance question?
I recently bought a motorcycle and i'm just about to buy insurance but i am abit confused, I'm thinking of getting the Third party fire & theft insurance, which means i wont get no claim if I crash my bike but what if the other drive is at fault? Does their insurance cover my damage or what?""
Car Insurance For 16yr old boy?
What is The cheapest car insurance for a 16-18yr old boy that lives in Milwaukie, Oregon?""
Insurance question?
i need insurance and basically what i need to know dose any insurance cover dermatology?
Purchasing insurance to cover maternity leave in California?
Is there any sort of insurance you can buy in California so you can get approximately your regular wages during your unpaid maternity leave? I've heard that state disability doesn't pay too much. And how long can you take off? Some women say they've gotten 3 months off but I don't know what I need to do to get that, and still have approximately my regular income coming in. I'm not pregnant yet, so I could buy something without having a pre-existing condition. Thanks!""
Why am I quoted so high for auto insurance?
Recently I have been shopping around getting online quotes for auto insurance in hopes of getting better rates. Sadly that is not the case. The last three quotes I got were from Farmers, State Farm and met. The quotes for 6 months were absurd. Farmers even quoted me at 8000+ for six months. Seriously? I do live in Detroit, so I am accustomed to higher rates but this is crazy. I have never made an insurance claim. I had one minor traffic ticket 3 years ago(no turn on red). I have had continuous coverage from my current provider for 4 years. What could the problem be. Is it possible to get the insurance companies I quoted with to give me information on why they quoted me at the rates they did. This has been incredibly disheartening. I guess I will stick with my current provider for about 1800 every 6 months.""
How much would Insurance be on this car?
I'm thinking about buying a 1974 Chevy Nova 4 Door sedan and I was wondering how much insurance would be on USAA? I'm a teenager so i'm expecting to be paying around $150 to $175 a month. Anyone who can give me a quote, I would appreciate it.""
Young drivers (17-18) - What is your insurance?
Hey! Im starting driving and shocked at the cost of insurance! Can't get lower than 3000 on a 1999 1.0 Vauxhall Corsa! Must be doing something wrong. So yeah , 3 questions : 1) What is your age? 2) How much is your insurance? 3) What insurance company are you with and what car? Thanks!""
How much is motorcycle insurance per month on average?
The kicker: I'm only 18 and will be on my own policy, not my parents. I am at the top of my class, no tickets or anything, etc. (if any of that helps).""
affordable health insurance illinois
affordable health insurance illinois
Insurance when renting a car? Waste of $$?
I'm 22 yrs old, renting a car from enterprise in 5 wks. On a budget and trying to cut costs, was wondering if the insurance they offer is really necessary, or just a waste of money. I currently have progressive insurance on my vehicle. Can I add this rental to my insurance for a cheaper rate? Or is insurance even an absolute MUST. Realistically, how often is it actually used? Any answers would help! 10 pts""
Car insurance?
i am a first time driver, can anyone advise me on who is best for car insurance?""
Teenager car insurance help?
Okay! I am a 17 year old male who has been driving in total for 2 years and I have unfortunately had 2 accidents. The first occurred in May of last year. I pulled out of a gas station trying to turn left so I had to cross two lanes of oncoming traffic ( I was in an unfamiliar vehicle) I could not see the lane closest to the middle and I went out further then I thought and the oncoming car took off the front bumper. The second accident occurred 04/14 I was driving to school and there was a man ahead of me who had his signal light on for the past 4 miles it was pouring down rain so I looked over to change lanes and when maybe I looked for to long I'm not sure but wheeI turned back the man had come to a complete stop in preparation to turn from a highway onto a dirt road. I slammed on my brakes they locked up I couldn't steer away and I hit him in the rear. My question is. Is this going to keep happening to me? Am I really that bad of a driver? and what insurance company is best for my situation as my parents are removing me from their policy. Any help would be appreciated!
What happens if you can't afford the affordable health insurance?
What happens if you can't afford the affordable health insurance?
Will I be able to drive my mom's car without my name on the insurance?
I live in Canada, and I am listed under my dad's insurance on his car as an occasional driver, but not my moms because it is more costly. My parents are on vacation and left me both vehicles. My dad's car won't start, so I need to drive my mom's to get to and from work. Will I be okay to drive it even if I'm not listed as an occasional driver on her car, but I am on my dads? They both have the same car insurance company""
How much does is a ticket if you are pulled over without registration and insurance in CA?
A girl I just started dating, who has lived in California for a few years, has not registered her vehicle in CA. She drives around with out of state plates, expired stickers, and does not have insurance. How much will it cost her if she get's pulled over. and what other non monetary consequences will she will face. I have stressed the importance getting it registered, siting scenarios such as, what if you are in an accident and are seriously injured or seriously injure someone else, without insurance, who pays for the hospital bills? . For some reason that does not create enough sense of urgency.""
How do I get car insurance for my 1972 VW Van????
I can get basic coverage for my van but not full coverage. Does anyone know where i can get full coverage for this van. I drive this van more than 12000 miles a year
Car insurance?
I heard that you will pay less for auto insurance if you have your license and a clean record even when you nor our family memeber have a car. IS that ture? I mean like you didnt buy a car or insurance when you first get ur license.
""When starting new car insurance, can insurers decline no claims bonus due to 2 motorway speeding convictions?""
Hello, I am trying to arrange vehicle insurance. I have contacted A&L with regards to their car insurance. Basically I have just changed jobs, where I had company cars for the last 6 years with no claims. I asked A&L if they would accept this as no claims, and they said they would if I could provide a letter from my previous employers stating dates, that I was sole user, that I no longer have policy and that it expires within last 3 months etc. I have provided them with the letter which covers all areas requested. They have now replied back to me saying that they can't accept the no claims, as I have 2 SP30 (Motorway speeding) convictions within the last 5 years, which means they will not accept the no claims. Is this acceptable? I though no claims were only relinquished if a claim in made against a policy, not because I have a couple of run-of-the-mill speeding convictions. Thanks in advance, James""
What does convertible term insurance mean?
I have two questions: 1. What does convertible term insurance mean? 2. Is there a term insurance that allows you to pay the same premium forever? Example: My age is 25, my premium at this age is $80/year. Can I still pay the $80/year even if I already 65 years old and older?""
What will happen to my insurance?
My brother was in a car accident in my car - he's not on the insurance. My car was pretty damaged, the other car only scratched and drove away. He gave my auto insurance info to the other driver but there was no police report. Can the other driver make a claim without a police report? I only have liability, can I make a claim against their insurance? I live in NY State. How does this work?""
What is a good long-term health insurance policy for international stays?
I am planning to move to Germany in spring and require acceptable, long-term and affordable coverage. What is a good company and policy for me to look in to? I've seen several offers but only one I could afford because it had a deductible of 10k$. Is there better?""
How much should I pay for car insurance?
I own a 1994 Camry XLE. 215,000 mileage. How much should I pay a month for some decent insurance?""
Is it possible to get very short term car insurance?
My grandfather passed away about a month ago and i inherited his car. I've driven it for a few weeks planning on switching my insurance from one car to another. I have decided I want to insure both cars because no I plan on selling and or trading in both of them. My question is: 1) will my grandfathers old car stay insured until the end of his insurance period? (silly question which I'm sure is a no.) but mostly 2) is there any short term insurance that would last about one month at the most? I'm a college student with very little money, so I was hoping to find something affordable. I live in Pennsylvania""
Health Insurance & Prescriptions?
When my doctor writes me a prescription and I fill it up.... does it show up on my health insurance what precriptions I'm taking?
What is the cheapest insurance for a road trip around europe?
3 guys, age 19, 3 weeks in august, had licenses for a year, driving a small car. Anyone know what company would be the best to look at? And im fed up of looking through comparison websites :P""
What is the best way to compare auto insurance quotes?
I am needing to find new car insurance, and I of course would like to shop around for the best deal. Can anyone recommend a good site that will compile your information and give you multiple accurate quotes from different companies? I am leery to enter my information into a third party database, so confidentiality, professionalism and no spam is a must. Thank you!""
How much is car insurance for a 20 yr old?
20k car paying monthly, want estimated numbers dont give me no depends on your state and what car your driving""
16 year old's Car insurance?
I'm and I have my permit. I turn 16 in may. Im going to get my license (or atleast take the test ) on my 16th birthday. Im not going to buy a car, and im going to just drive my parents cars. What I don't understand is why I have to pay for car insurance, since my parents already insure the car. And the car is ensured for any driver of the car.""
Help! I need medical insurance! ?
I have asthma with a history of mild depression. I am look for an affordable health insurance. I am 19 years old. Please help!
What are the cheapest cars to insure for a 17 year old boy with just 1 month of obtaining a full uk driving?
license my budget for the car is 500-2000 for my first car im going to be looking at getting insured under a parents name with over 20 years of driving experience but they dont want to put no claims down on my insurance so i will be a additional driver. Please give me a big list of cars you suggest within my budget to purchase a car for 500-2000 pounds as i dont have a car yet and need a cheap one for a run around and i need cheap insurance. the insurance has to cost 2500 maximum for the cars you suggest
Can I save money on insurance?
If I get hired as a Medical Assistant, can I use that to my advantage on car insurance and get a discount? I am currently in sales and might get a job offer as a Medical Assistant here soon. I am graduated from an accredited program and have my Certification. Thanks, for your time!""
How to get health insurance for children.?
I'm trying to find info on getting insurance for a child. Does anyone know how a father that is ordered to provide the health care for his child but does not have custody can apply for programs like CHIPS. No insurance is offered through his job and I'm not sure what programs he can apply for since the child does not live with him. We are in Texas. Any info would help. Btw the mother cant qualify because of the new husbands income.
How do you have a baby without insurance?
alright so im not pregnant yet but my question is how do you get insurance and such when i finally get pregnant
Drive without car insurance?
i can't afford car insurance right now... i just have too many other obligations. does anyone else care to comment on what its like to drive without insurance? what happens if you get caught?
affordable health insurance illinois
affordable health insurance illinois
Car insurance check for air bags?
So im planning on getting either Allstate or Farmers Insurance, I'm wondering if they will check for air bags when they look at my car.""
What are some home insurance companies in FL?
I am looking for a list of home insurance companies in FL, or if not a list if anyone can tell me the name of a few? Thank you very much!""
Can I get unemployment benefits after workerscomp?
I have been on workerscomp for over a year. My benefits may be ending soon. I do not think I can continue working with the company because of my injuries. If my benefits end and I decide to quit. Can I file for unemployment benefits? Doesn't your unemployment benefits based on your last salary? If so, I did not have a salary because I was receiving benefits from my workers comp insurance company.""
Comprehensive car insurance ?
My comprehensive car insurance will be expirering next month. At the moment I'm with youi and they are asking $876 to renew it for my 2003 Mitsubishi pejaro. Pls help me to find best and cheapest insurance in Victoria Aus. Tks
Why is my insurance going up?
It is 189 a month now, but in January it's going up to over 400. Is this part of the affordable care act?""
I'm about to get my drivers permit. Do I need insurance?
I'm about to turn 16 in a few months. I just figured out that I need to complete driver education and am in the process of that now. When I do receive my permit in a few weeks do I have to immediately purchase insurance? I'm going to be driving my dads subaru. He will obviously be in the car with me at all times. Do I still need to buy insurance at all?
Can i put my boyfriend on my car insurance?
okay so im finally getting my own car. The thing is its not really mine its going to be mainly for my boyfriend but going under both our names. That being said, i'm going to drive my boyfriends car. I need to know, being a first time driver, if that is even possible. Can i purchase insurance and make it possible to have my boyfriend as well as me under our insurance?""
Cheapest car for a 17 year old girl?
What's the cheapest car to buy and on insurance for a new driver of 17? I've been told an old car with small engine but that's coming out 4,000 on insurance surely that isn't right?""
For a 21 year old what is the cheapest car insurance company in ottawa ontario?
I am 21 years old male and a first time driver, have never been insured, and have my G2. I am looking for the cheapest quote""
Cost of 2005 bmw 745li insurance?
im 16 ill be gettin mine when im 17 whats the average insurance cost for a 2005 bmw 745li
How do I find out how much the insurance settlement check was?
I was in an auto accident and had head injuries. When the insurance company settled, I did not see the settlement check. My lawyer wrote personal 2 checks to me totaling what he said to be the policy limit. I never saw anything that showed what the policy limit was and I feel like he has done something very underhanded. This same lawyer sent me to a doctor for a test and charged me 6,500.00 for an EMG. After I received the bill I went to the doctors office to find out why it was so high but the office was no longer there. My lawyer said that the doctor died in an auto accident I recently found out he is working in another location now. How do I find out what the insurance settlement check was?""
My health insurance paid for medical bills incurred from a car wreck. Can it come after me for reimbursement?
now I have received a settlement from the car insurance. Can the health insurance now collect the money it paid out . If so how long do they have to request the money form me?
Insurance payment to the Hospital.?
Hi, 4 months back, i had been to US from India nd during the stay there, i had to go to Emergency of one of the hospital 4 times. I was carrying the Insurance and the hospital claimed it against the Insurance. After I came back to India, am hearing that the Insurance has rejected the claim ( still dont knw on what basis). Since the travel was business related, my company has taken the insurance for me. Now I am trying to chase the insurance to see why the payment was rejected. Could any 1 please let me know what will be the consequences if the insurance doesnt pay it soon?? Thanks Joe""
Is auto insurance legally required to drive your motorcycle in NYC?
I have tried googling the question, and all I get are all ad junk sites trying to get my personal information for free quotes. I cannot seem to find any legal information as to driving a motorcycle uninsured in NYC. I understand it is mandatory to have auto insurance on your car for liability damages, to other parties as well as medical bills. However, I cannot find any information if this applies to motorcycles as well. Do motorcycles fall under this statute as it is an Auto Vehicle? I am not looking forward to any fines and revoking of my license. Thank you in advance.""
How much does motorcycle insurance cost in California? I'm 20 years old and thinking of getting a bike.?
I'm thinking of getting a Yamaha R6. Still don't know what year? Anyone got any tips of what year i should get?
Car insurance need help?
is not having car insurance in michigan illegal? what are the penalties for getting caught without insurance? is it a good idea to not have insurance? with geico insurance, about how much would we have to pay for car insurance if we have 3 cars and live in upper michigan. there is a no-fault policy here how much would a used, old, small ford car cost in upper michigan?""
Car Insurance on a 2007 Dodge Charger SXT?
I am a 17 year old guy and i was just wondering roughly how much insurance would be on this car. I know its probably really high i just wanted kind of a rough estimate ! -I have my G2 -I completed Drivers Ed -I live in Ontario -The car is used
Will my car insurance go down after having a child?
I am 19 and pay around 250 a month for my car insurance, my girlfriend is due to have a baby in december, how will this affect my car insurance? if at all, Thank You""
Insurance when financing a car ?
What is it called when the dealership , covers your insurance for a day or so and lets you take the car until you get insurance on the car.""
Can my dad by a motorcycle and put it under his insurance for me to drive?
ok im conused about this whole thing i know for a 16 year old motorcycle insurance is crazy. So how would this work my dads been driving all his life(Harley-Davidson) and his insurance is cheap, now for me its gonna be alot of money so can he buy the bike and put it under his name then i just drive it so then it wont be so much $ on me? can this work or is that illegal for me to be driving someone elses bike? is there anyway like i stated above to make my insurance cheaper if this doesnt work?""
""What is the average cost of homeowner's insurance for a home that is appraised at 169,000 and bought for 166k?
Home is in Rhode Island.
Can car insurance co. replace my damage car if they are at fault?
Can car insurance co. replace my damage car if they are at fault?
Can you get rental car insurance without having regular auto insurance!?
I don't own a car, but I plan on renting one real soon. I was just wondering if its required to have some auto insurance already prior to getting CDW for the rental.""
How much is the average car insurance per month?
Ok so im 18 years old, i still live with my parents and im looking to get a car. SO how much would insurance be per month? I plan to get the car in my name so i am wondering if i can get the insurance in my name or will i go under my parents insurance? My parents don't have a car at the moment so if i get my own car under my name can i get insurance in my name even though im still living with them?""
How many of you are paying around $200 for car insurance..?
if so what kind of car do you have..? i am trying to get a car pay it in cash and just pay for the car insurance..
affordable health insurance illinois
affordable health insurance illinois
0 notes
Can I get onto my parents insurance?
"Can I get onto my parents insurance?
I don't have a car yet but i want to buy one in a year... I was wondering if I could join my parents insurance and if yes how much do you think ill have to pay monthly (Progressive) for a '65 Chevy C10 Custom?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What would be more affordable?
a 2003-2004 mustang v6? or a 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? insurance wise. serious answers only please. thanks.
How much does motorcycle insurance cost???
im 20 with a 02 gsxr 600 in NJ
What is the cheapest car insurance for women college students?
19 year old female. 1999 Toyota 4runner
I got my first DWI i ll be getting my license back soon how much will my insurance go up in the state of mo?
in the state of missouri how much will my insurance rates go up after my first dwi? (and LAST)
Can you get insurance if your spouse doesn't have a license?
Can you get insurance if your spouse doesn't have a license in the state of Texas? My husband has been trying to get quotes for insurance but keeps being told I, his wife, need to have a license. At the time that I was living in Florida, you did not need a vehicle license to drive a vespa (moped, scooter, etc.), just a permit. After moving here to Texas and getting married, the DMV denied me a license even though it had been a year of having both a drivers permit and permit to drive my moped, saying I needed to take the Texas Adult Drivers Course, then pass the driving test to receive my Drivers License. Upon finishing the Adult Drivers Course I went into preterm labor and put on bed rest for two months, which is why i haven't done the driving test yet. Is there any way my husband can get his vehicle insured? (if you could please support with websites that would be greatly appreciated)""
Life Insurance?
Can you buy life insurance on anyone? I mean could you buy life insurance on everyone in the nursing homes, then collect the reward? Or quickly buy life insurance on hospitol patients?""
I am 6wks pregnant. Insurance companies wont accept me now. What do I do?
I am afraid to call other places and tell them I am pregnant b/c i know they wont accept me. I need to find a place that will cover me and my baby. I don't know where to start to look. Help please to point me in the right direction.
I put the wrong dettails on car insurance quote!:(?
hi everyone.A year ago i bought a car insurance and when i done the quote i ve put by mistake that i have my licence for 5 years and i only got it for 3 months at the time!now my insurance is due to renewal and as i was looking thru the details on my insurance i noticed that there is a mistake about the years for how long i got my licence.now i found a differente insurance company that is giveng me cheaper quote,i got my licence now for 1 year and 4 months.whats gone happen now with that mistake? PLEASSE HELP! EXCUSSE MY ENGLISH!""
""Delivering fast food, wrong car insurance?""
Hi, i got pulled by the police earlier and they gave me a producer for no insurance. I was delivering fast food for a local takeaway in there car, my car broke last week and my policy covers me for SD&P only, im fully comp and can drive other vehicles, the car i was driving tonight is covered on a personal and business policy with anyone to drive. I didn't know i had to have a different policy to deliver fast food, I only work for them for about 5 hours on the weekend, I am going to take out business cover tomorrow. Will the courts still treat this as driving without insurance (penalty 6-8 points), or would they take in to consideration my situation?""
I got a car accident for the first time.. how much my insurance will go up?
This is first time I caused the accident and I had someone rear me before which came out as it wasnt my fault.... but accident that I caused I hit a school bus thankfully there were ...show more
What happens when a person dies with no life insurance?
80 year old male with no life insurance
How would obamacare affect our family?
We are a middle class family, smack dab in the middle... Hubby's job provides health insurance, but for a family of 3, which we are, it would cost $200 a week for coverage, with high deductible, so! Since hubby is in exceptional health and hasnt had any medical problems (knock on wood!) he continues without health insurance; I remain on my parents plan as I'm 25 (aka under 26yrs old), and we pay for child health plus for my daughter, for a small fee a month, which depends on our income We simply couldn't afford to pay $800 a month for family coverage, so doing it this way saves us, like $600+! So since we don't make enough to pay for hubbys $800 family plan through work, is obamacare basically going to force hubby to get health insurance through his work, even though it's complete garbage? Or will his employer have more affordable family plan that we could afford? Just trying to understand it all better! Thanks in advance! :-)""
Car insurance for teens?
I'm 17 have had my license for about 8 months and hit a car in a parking lot. my car has no damage, the other car has damage to the side. any idea how much my insurance would go up? i know it depends on a lot of factors but in case someone has experienced something similar and can give me an estimate that be great""
Do you get motorcycle insurance before or after you buy it?
Do you get motorcycle insurance before or after you buy it?
What is the cheapest online car insurance for an 18 yr old male?
My stepson needs to get some online insurance today............dont have alot of time to research. What would you say is the cheapest car insurance available on line........monthly payments?
Teen Auto Insurance??????
I am just wondering what the teen drivers or parents of teen drives pay monthly or however you pay for insurance once the teen gets their license? I know there are alot of factors that contribute to how much a teen pays for insuracne but I am just curious. So basically how old are you?...and basically just how much does you or your teen pay for insurance, if they have a car what type? or if you are a parent, are they added on your policy, and still how much do you pay for insurance? Thanks :)""
Car insurance question?????
me and my husband both have a car and have full no claims on both of them however we went to france for a year now we have returned but our uk insurance company are saying our no claims is no good as last year we were in france and they can't read whether we had a claim or not as our policy is in french!! the french company wont translate it to english as it's a french legal document!! so now although we have full no claims we are being penalised for leaving the country for a year!!!! we feel this is discrimination!!!!! we can translate it for them and the english lady in the french office has said it is ok for the uk company to call but of course this is not good enough!! any advice would be great!!!
Small Business Insurance?
I would like to know what is the best resource to help me find health insurance for my small business. Should I just go to an insurance broker or are there organizations (i.e. small business association) that can help me with that? Thanks!!
""If you had an extra car that was paid off and cheap on insurance, would you sell it or keep it for a back up?""
If you had an extra car that was paid off and cheap on insurance, would you sell it or keep it for a back up?""
Does any one know the fees for not having car insurance?
I got pulled over two days ago. I was driving my cousin's van and it doesn't have insurance. i got a ticket for driving without insurance.
Car rental insurance ?
i'm going to rent a car for 3 weeks from avis but there are 4 types of insurance to choose from : (1) Additional Liability Insurance (ALI) (2) Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) (3) Personal Accident Insurance (PAI) (4) Personal Effects Protection (PEP) what does each one mean ? and which is necessary ? note : am not US citizen .
Need new car insurance?
im with nationwide paying 3,400 per 6-months and im looking to pay less than that for 3 vehicles. what insurance companies can i look at for a cheaper rate?""
What amount would you consider affordable for health insurance and how did you arrive at this figure?
What amount would you consider affordable for health insurance and how did you arrive at this figure?
Motorcycle cost monthly?
Hey guys, I have some questions for you. I am 17 years old, and want to buy my first motorcycle (supermoto). I think I have a good idea on what it costs, but i'm just unsure. First off, i'll need to get my license. What'll that cost me? (California). I do have a car license, so getting the motorcycle license should be short and sweet, but i dont know. secondly, i'm going to get some motorcycle gear. I figure I'll be in 500$ with both license and gear (nice used leathers probably). Then i am going to get the bike which costs $4000. Being a supermoto, the insurance should be cheaper right? DRZ400sm if that helps. So between monthly payments and insurance, I should be in... 200$ a month? then gas, social life, blah blah. What do you think I need to be making monthly to make this happen. I bring in 500$ a month, and have 600$ in the bank as of now.""
Is this how liability car insurance works in general and when you grant someone permission to drive your car?
This coverage pays for damage you (or someone driving the car with your permission) may cause to someone else's property. Usually, this means damage to someone else?s car. I called my car insurance and asked them and they said that insurance follows the car rather than a person. So no matter who would be driving it, it would basically be their responsibility. Now, would this also include letting your kid or a family member drive your car? even if they're not in the actual policy? It seems like when that is the case, things get somewhat confusing. I'd love to hear any input from anyone who ever has or currently does work in the car insurance world.""
Can I get onto my parents insurance?
I don't have a car yet but i want to buy one in a year... I was wondering if I could join my parents insurance and if yes how much do you think ill have to pay monthly (Progressive) for a '65 Chevy C10 Custom?
I hit someone car's door when I was parking. How much it will cost?
When I parking. I hit someone's car then she was opening the door. How much should I pay? I have a learner permit and I was practice parking with my friend who is over 21 with drive license. When I practice parking. It was clear on my back but the last time I practice. There is a car just parked back me and I did not notice it. When she open the door. I accidently hit on her door. It is not too bad. A little bit dent. And she said she is going to call the insurance. If it is not too expensive. I will pay. So. I just wonder how much it will cost me. Thanks
""If someone jumps off a building and hits my car, will my insurance cover it, and will my rates go up?""
if someone commits suicide on my car and they have insurance, will their insurance than cover it? if not and my insurance has to cover the damage, will my rates go up?""
Why do insurance companies pay out low payments?
i was expecting a good amount from my fathers life insurance after all he's been paying into their policy for almost 40 yrs. but i get a letter that after paying the funeral home, i will only get 89.00""
Car Insurance Gangsters :(?
Car insurance for me is $7500 for 6 months? That's buying my car twice !! Idk why I didn't wait and be patient. Now I feel like I'm stuck with this car that I just purchased because there's no way I can afford that kind of car insurance. That's just unbelievable. I've been researching and researching and I finally felt like I was ready to start driving. I see people my age on forums saying they only pay $200 a month so I figured I would be paying around there maybe even a bit more but $1000 a month? Smh,, I can't do that. I don't know what to do. Should I try to sell the car I just purchased? I signed the papers and all smh. That's just ridiculous. Almost $1500 a month smh. Idk what to do man, please give me some advice. Maybe there's a not so good insurance company that can insure me for cheap? I don't plan on getting into any accidents. I don't even think I want to drive anymore, that quote has me going nuts right now.""
Car insurance -- will it get on cheaper when I move from Los Angeles to Colorado?
Or is it a myth that it's based on where you live? I currently pay about $100 a month, I think.""
Pulled over with expired car insurance.?
I was pulled over and asked for my car insurance.It turns out it was expired.I didn't notice since I have been up to date with my payments every month and the insurance company never contacted me to remind me. My insurance expired in September. I got a ticket for it. is there something I can do? even if it expired, does it still matter that I kept paying it?""
How much does Toyota Prius insurance range from?
How much does insurance cost on a Toyota Prius
Will a reckless driving ticket affect an insurance premium in Georgia?
My husband recently went through a road block after leaving work (playing music in a bar.) He was honest and said he'd been drinking, even though he waited for a while and had not had that much to drink. He blew .07 over the legal limit. He went to jail for 14 hours. We paid a lot of money and got the charge dropped to reckless driving. This was six months ago and our insurance premium has only gone down (good grades and homeowner's insurance with same company.) We are afraid to ask the insurance company for fear that they might not know. 1. Will that info get sent to them automatically? 2. Is there danger that our bill will go up if we speak to them about it? 3. What percentage might the bill go up once they do find out? We are looking to buy a new car soon, so we can't avoid speaking to the insurance company about it forever!""
How much would car insurance cost me???
Before I start calling for quotes, I would like to know approximately how much Im looking at to get car insurance in my name alone for 1 year. I need to know how much to put aside for it. Im female, 31 years old, I live in Queens, NY, will be buying a used car from a private seller, have NEVER had car insurance in my name, and Ive had my license for about 10 years. Also, why is it that when you request a quote online, they only give you an estimate for a 6-month policy? Does that mean you only pay insurance for 6 months or do you have to pay the 6-month premium 2x in that year? Thanks.""
Is it true that the older you get the more car insurance you pay?
My father lives in california and received his car insurance bill , he's 80 yr old. within the last year never received a ticket of any kind or was in an accident. and now he's paying more. Does that sound right?""
How can we get our own health insurance?
What do we need to do to get our own health insurance and how much is insurance usually?
How much will insurance on a 2006 Mitsubishi Ecplise be?
Im looking into buying one but was just curious on the price of insurance!
Car Insurance Question?
If i have a fully comp insurance policy in my name, can i drive any car on the road, with no limitations ie. engine size, make, model, and does the car which im hoping to drive need to be insured by someone else, or not, thanks in advance""
Can you be arrested for not having proof of insurance?
A friend of mine recently was pulled over for window tint being too dark in kansas. The only windows showing were extended cab part. Front drivers and passengers windows were rolled down. When asked for proof of insurance, he looked in glove box. Did not find most recent card but did find the previous one. The officer proceeded to arrest him for no proof of insurance. The officer also stated that it was a city law for that particular town. Can each city pass their own laws? Can they arrest you for no proof of insurance? Even if that certain town had this law, can they arrest you for that law even if you do not reside in that town/county?""
Is it ok to work for insurance company?
is it ok to work for insurance company?
Where can I find a reputable health insurance broker for Missouri residents looking for individual coverage?
My insurance with my former employer ends May 31 2012 and I need individual coverage as of 6/1/12 and need a reputable broker who can help me negotiate an affordable plan. Suggestions? I've been to individual websites like UHC, Blue Cross etc with outrageous quotes. I'm healthy and don't smoke.""
Temporary car insurance for one day for 17 year old?
it's for a holiday, I believe it would be good driving experience, obviously I would have a qualified driver with me......""
Is a Infiniti G35 Coupe a good car For A Teenager?
I live in Alabama and my parents use Alfa Insurance and i about have them talked into getting me a 2004 Infiniti G35 Coupe and if they do get it for me which they probably will i was wandering if it would be high on insurance and is it a good car for a 16 year old?
What is a good affordable maternity health insurance in Kansas?
My husband just switched jobs and the health ins. provider is too expensive for us to carry. I plan on getting my children on healthwave but I need something for myself. I'm not currently pregnant but am wanting to start trying. I figure I should check into ins. before I make that commitment.
How can I find out previous years car insurance providers?
How can I find out who has provided my car insurance for the previous 5 years. I tend to change them regularly, is there anywhere which keeps a record?""
Would an SUV or a sports car be more expensive for insurance?
Im getting a new car.. and I either want an SUV (Jeep) or a sporty car (Eclipse). Which is cheaper to insure?
How much is gonna cost in Insurance if I buy salvage car here in califonia?
How much is gonna cost in Insurance if I buy salvage car here in califonia?
Rough Maryland motorcycle insurance rates?
Hello, I have two questions. First some info though, I live in Southern Md and am a 24 year old male who currently has a completely clean driving record. Right now I have full coverage with Allstate and am paying around 200/month. My question is how much should I expect my rates to jump if I get lets say a lower powered motorcycle ~$7500. Does the age of the motorcycle have much bearing on the rates? And now my more obscure question...What about an electric motorcycle at $15000? The only reason I thought it might be lower is in general they are simpler to operate, not as powerful, and have few breakable parts. Thank you""
What Insurance companies will cover a pizza delivery driver?
Ok, so I've been trying to find Work as a pizza delivery driver---I was able to find one job delivering pizza--but when I had called my insurance company and told them about the situation--they immediately said We will not cover any accidents you have while on the job delivering pizzas. Have a good day. So, my question is: What insurance policies do cover you for delivering pizzas?""
What is the average cost to repair a lexus car dent?
I recently hit a lexus while i was backing out of a parking lot, there was a medium(not too big or small) dent on the drivers door....i dnt have insurance so what would be the average cost of the rapir. Tghe lady claimed she took her car to lexus to get an estimate and she told me it was going to cost $2000 because she needs a whole new car door (lying *****)....any way, do u think the lexus dealers would be bias of me not having insurance if she told them i dnt? could they be price gauging me?.....please someone answer me with hope!""
Can I get onto my parents insurance?
I don't have a car yet but i want to buy one in a year... I was wondering if I could join my parents insurance and if yes how much do you think ill have to pay monthly (Progressive) for a '65 Chevy C10 Custom?
Best car insurance for 17 yr olds?
been quoted silly money for car insurance...anyone know who is cheapest for 17 yr old 1st time driver????
How much would insurance be on a ford ka?
I am 17 just past my driving test and was wondering round about how much it would cost for a 1998 ford ka 1.3litre engine locked in a garage at night and for social use only. I just want a rough estimate. I have been on gocompare and the prices seem ridiculously high 4,000!!! I know I will have to pay quite a lot round 2,000-2,500 but not 4,000!!! Some of my friends have cars and theres is around 2,000-3,000. thank you for any help""
About how much will ensureance cost me?
Heyy ya'll, I'm 15 (ill be 16 next month) and I'm saving to buy a car next year! My mom says since I'm young they're going to charge me more for insurance, so what I want to know is about how much will they charge me a month since ill be 17 when I buy the the car?""
Will someone elses tickets effect MY car insurance?
recently my friend got two tickets in my car. We went through a police stop and he wasn't wearing a seatbelt in the frontseat of my car while i was driving and got a $37 ticket. I also let him drive my car because it was past my driving curfew since i'm under 18 and it was 2am. He got us pulled over for speeding and got a $294 ticket. no one else can drive my car on my insurance plan so what does that mean for me?
Malpractice Insurance?
How much do Cardiothoracic surgeons have to pay in malpractice insurance. Are there certain rates for different specialties?
No proof of insurance?
I have legal insurance, but my policy was just renewed so I need my new cards that prove i'm insured. They are in the mail I assume, but they won't get here in time before I have to leave on a trip to NV. I tried to go online and just print the cards, but their site has been down for many days and I can't get on to print my cards. So my question is: If for some reason I get pulled over (not saying I have a reason to get pulled over) and I don't have those cards, since I do have insurance does the fine get dismissed? Also, since I cant technically prove I have insurance do they have to take my plate?""
NEED cheap car insurance for 18 year old east london!?
Please please do not say your going to have to pay 4k+ or something stupid, All my mates found car insurances for under 3k!""
Why is health care so expensive in the U.S.?
I know, I know -- look at other yahoo! answers first... But what I'm wondering is, why is it so much MORE expensive? Is health care really of a much lower quality in other countries? Do their governments regulate it more? Thanks in advance. :)""
Can I use European car insurance in the uk ?
Insurance prices in the UK are insane. Can I buy a UK car but get it insured with a European company in a European country (Hungary for example has really cheap car insurance) will this insurance be valid in the UK ?
How would I insure my drivers license?
Hi, I live in Maine and was wondering if its possible (if at all) to insure my drivers license. I don't have a car but live with people who do, it would cost to much to be put on their insurance. So is there insurance out there for just a drivers license so I can drive someone else car.""
Insurance question please?
hi i am a learner and but my partner has a car that is insured on his friends name. my question is my partner states he cannot teach me how to drive or put my name under the insurance because it would cost more and he might get into trouble with the police . i just want to know if this is true and if so like how much would it cost.
What does it cost for $1000000 contractors liability insurance?
what does it cost for $1000000 contractors liability insurance in texas.
How much would an insurance premium rise if you has 2 speeding tickets?
Now, I am considering adding myself to my husbands policy(for his car). I went 15 years without a single ticket, and then this past year I recieved two speeding tickets within 6 months. I was only going 5 mph over on one, and 7 mph on the other. Will the agent factor this in, or is speeding, speeding no matter how fast..It was NOT fast enough to be consdered wreckless driving. Neither of us have ever had an accident...(thank you lord!) Alos- How long does it take for tickets to come off your record? And are they also basing premiums off credit? I have good credit, so could that help the speeding issue?""
""How much would basic homeowner's insurance cost per month on a $100,000 home?""
How much would basic homeowner's insurance cost per month on a $100,000 home?""
Whats the cheapest insurance company?
I need to know the cheapest car insurance to use? I'm an 18 y/o female single living in Portland,OR I graduated Ive never been in a car accident I took drivers Ed The car ...show more""
How much does it cost to insure a new driver?
How much does it cost to insure a new teen driver? My insurance company sent me a sample price, and it was 5,000 for a six month period on a 2010 ford, and 3,000 for a 2008 toyota in the sample, so my question is, how much less would it be to insure a peice of crap car? Like a 91 honda""
How much should I expect to pay for car insurance?
I am a 16 year old male in Texas. Having a sports car, being a male, and a teen, approximately how much am I looking to pay a month? What would be the cheapest insurance to have?""
Collision claim - will your insurance go up?
I hit a pole the other day with the side of my truck. There were no other cars involved and there are just a few scratches and one big dent. If my insurance company (Allstate) pays to fix it under my collision coverage will my rates go up? I know I have to pay the deductable - just wondering if my monthly payments will be higher.
Cop Didn't ask for proof of insurance or registration.?
So i got pulled over for going 28 over the speed limit haha..... It was on a highway and the speed limit was 55 i was going 83 ..... Im from florida and my car and license are all registered in florida but im in georgia right now living with a friend trying to attend college (except i cant find a job cause the worlds slowly dieing lol) But anyways so i get pulled over by this state patrol narcotics douche bag who mind you has no teeth to begin with and in my mind either his mom beat his teeth out of his head or hes a recovering crack head who had lost all of his teeth over the years. Either way he pulls me over and says You were going 83 on a 55 , may i see your license I give him my license he goes back in the car and yeh i was thinking he didnt ask for my proof of insurance or registraion. I would think that he would considering im from out of state. **** Im gonna rant on how this narcotics officer frisked me my question will be at the bottom lol***** So yeh he comes back to the car after running my license and tells me to get out of the car..... I was at this point like .... Ok? So i get out go to the back and he says I asked you to get out cause i see your eyes are red I told him ummm it could be the fact that im allergic to dust and pollen and im driving with the windows down, i rub my eyes cause they itch thusly they get irritated. So i said either its that or the fact that i just got no sleep from the night before and drove my friend up to north carolina. And he then proceeded to ask if he could search my car. Im a month from being 20 and never got pulled over before and ofcourse i said yeh w.e. I smoke cigarettes and when he went to go search my car he comes out freaking out. IS THERE ANY DRUGS IN THE CAR OR ALCOHOL i was like no.... and hes like WELL IF I FIND ONE SEED OF MARIJUANA YOUR GETTING LOCKED UP AND CHARGED 1,100$ ... i was like ok go ahead i dont have anything so thusly he didnt find anything cause i didnt have anything . He finds a vitamin water bottle that wasnt even mine it was my friends girlfriends and he smelt it and said there was alcohol in it...... i was tempted to call him a lunatic and a retard but didnt and just said uhh no thats just vitamin water, so he threw it out and then i went on my marry way with a court date and a crazy speed limit infraction lol. ******* heres the question **** Is it mandatory for a cop to ask for proof of insurance and registration or does it even matter? Thanks for reading if you read the whole thing lol Sean""
Auto insurance question?
Ok, I have a friend who is going out of state for two weeks. I do not have a vehicle that runs and therefore do not carry any auto insurance coverage. My friend is wanting me to take her to the airport and drop her off in her vehicle that she carries insurance on, then she is willing to let me use her car while she is gone, and me come pick her up from the airport when she gets back. My question is, do I need to get me auto insurance for the two weeks she will be gone which seems silly to me, or does her insurance cover me???""
What's the average cost of life insurance? -per month?
What's the average cost of life insurance? -per month?
Cheapest way to get car insurance!?
I recently just passed my driving test and a know car insurance isnt cheap. The cheapest i have been quoted is a little under 5000 on a 1.2 Vauxhal Corsa. I know there is a way if you make one of your parents the main driver on your car and you are a named driver but by doing that its illegal (if you are really the main driver) and if you crash they will not cover you. Is there any other way which isnt illegal to get cheap insurance!? Even anything under 3000 would be defined as cheap for me!
""If you crashed your car into someones, how much would insurance pay out?""
Assuming the cost is 18,000, most of it being for injuries the other party claims to have (<1000 bucks in damage). How much would insurance pay and how much would i have to pay? No damage to my own car. No need for insurance after this because I dont think im going to drive again after hearing the cost.""
Cheapest car insurance company?
i am 27 years old have a pretty good driving record with only 2 violations (speeding, and stop sign) in the past few years. i have a 2000 chevy silverado (strip model, 2 wheel drive, nothing to steal on the inside with 120k on in only worth like 3,000) i only want liability no colision insurence. does anyone know what company through experiance gives the best quotes? i onlly need bear minumum on this truck and only drive it part time.""
Can I get onto my parents insurance?
I don't have a car yet but i want to buy one in a year... I was wondering if I could join my parents insurance and if yes how much do you think ill have to pay monthly (Progressive) for a '65 Chevy C10 Custom?
""If I am added as an added driver to a car, how much will the insurance be? Please see details:?""
If my parents were to get a mini 2004 for example, and they both have no claims and no license points, (so their insurance is about 350 each) how much would it cost to add me (a new driver aged 17) to their car. If one of parents was to be insured, and I was added as a named driver I mean. Roughly speaking. And yes, it would be a new car that my parents hadn't driven before. I am the UK by the way, so I am talking about  not $. Thank you for all contributions!""
""Where can I get free health insurance in San Diego,California?""
I need health insurance, but can not afford any because of bills, and paying off college. I realy have alot of health problems, but have no money to fix them, I need free health insurance fast. Please help.""
What would my insurance be if i got a crotch rocket?
im 17 and have my license for a car. i was thinking about getting my motorcycle license. what i want to know is, how much would the insurance be if i bought a crotch rocket? yes, i know how to ride one.""
I got a speeding ticket in Toronto but did not receive demerit points. Will my insurance rates go up? I am 21.?
I got a speeding ticket in Toronto in the jurisdiction of 4863 2 days ago. I did not receive demerit points as I was only 15 km/h above the limit. Will my insurance rates go up if I plead guilty and pay the fine? I am 21 years old and my parents are currently with Wawanesa. I have a G lisence.
Which insurance companies will have to pay to fix my car? Mine or the other guy?
I had a car accident two days ago. I was hit by other one but police said that's a miner damage. And it seems to be my fault. No police report make. Today, I went to a body shop to estimate the repair. It's about around $2200-3000. It's a lot. kinda scared me actually. No idea should i call my insurance company to tell them or? That's my first time to have a car accident. My insurance has $200 deductible. Can anyone tell me what does that mean?""
HHEELLLPP!!!!! with TEEN car insurance!!!!?
I would like to either add a 17 year old to an insurance policy or get one specifically for him..... i called geico, but they said they dont insure teens!!! What can i do? THANKS""
""%100 liable for totaled vehicle, very low settlement. help please?""
The auto insurance company says i am 100% liable to the damages, received mail from the auto insurance company, it said im responsible for 18000 for the vehicle however they will pay any 3rd party damages i hit a traffic light and rear ended a car . I called them to ask for payment options and they offered me 13000 one time payment and its settled. Why is it so cheap? im very confused""
Life Insurance form help for school?
Does anyone know where I can view a blank life insurance policy format? I have a report for school and need to make a fake life insurance policy.....help!
""Hit and run accident, should insurance pay for my auto damage?
Here is my situation that I'm confused about. About a week ago I went to church and parked my car. Next thing I know is that someone was driving stolen (Yukon) car and has hit the ...show more
Convertible car higher insurance?
lets say there is a 350z Coupe and a 350z Convertible, is the 350z Convertible insurance cost more than the 350z Coupe?""
How much does company car insurance cost for your personal car?
If i was to take out insurance for my car to cover it for company use how much does this usually cost??? i guess every car/individual is different but on average whats the usual cost??? thanks
About how much would it be for car insurance for a 18 year old girl?
About how much would it be for car insurance for a 18 year old girl?
Car insurance?
Is there any insurance company ,other than AMI ,that offers a nil excess option. The premium based on an optional excess of nil is obviously higher, which I understand. AMI is okay ...show more""
How can I make sure my car insurance will be low?
I passed my test in october 2010 and put off getting a car because I could not afford it. I'm thinking about getting a car because I have to travel alot with my placement. 1) What car should I get as my first car that will be cheap to insure? 2) do unemployed people get cheaper car insurance? 3) whats better third party or....? Any advice will be helpful
Where is the cheapest place to get Auto Insurance? In Canada?
New truck - need help.. :D ty
Car Insurance Quote - Looking for afford auto insurance?
Car Insurance Quote does some one know a cheap auto insurance that is dependable I am a good driver please advise.
What is the best/cheapest car insurance for high risk drivers?
What is the best/cheapest car insurance for high risk drivers?
""Im looking for affordable whole life insurance for myself and my husband, we are on a fixed income.?
our ages are male 42 and female 41
About how much will motorcycle insurance cost me?
i am 18 and have been driving for around 1 and a half years (car) and would like to get a motorcycle, i've never missed a payment, have never been in an accident, and have taken the msf course my first bike will most likely be a used kawasaki vulcan 500cc or a used yamaha vstar 650cc""
Whats the best car insurance for teen boys (specific details)?
I am an 18 year old male, african american (if that matters), and i live in a 5 person home. My parents both have cars, my mom a 2000 cadillac deville, and my dad a dodge caravan van. i have straight a's in school and i heard some insurers reward that, so i was wondering what would be the best car insurance for a teen in my position? Thank you for your help :)""
""Why do i pay $400 a month for car insurance, is it cause its my first car?""
Why do i pay $400 a month for car insurance, is it cause its my first car?""
""How do I get health insurance?I am 21 year old female,in college and working full time.?""
My job only offers it once a year,and I missed it.My school has it,but it's only for the school and that hospital,so it's very inconvenient(also very expensive).I don't know how to start to find a plan that will work best for me, as I'm not often sick but know that I need it.Please Help!I'm from colorado if that matters""
What are the best private health insurance plans in Ca. & Florida?....And which state is more affordable?
What are the best private health insurance plans in Ca. & Florida?....And which state is more affordable?
Will my car insurance go up?
Recently I was parked outside of my boyfriend's house and somebody had pulled out of a driveway and hit my car, leaving a big hole in my fender and a bit of a bend in the bumper. I had done absolutely nothing wrong, I wasn't even aware it had happened until somebody said they saw it. Nothing illegal was done on my behalf. They have been nothing but rude to me so I want to put it through my insurance, and I was wondering if MY insurance will go up because of this?""
How much does car insurance approximately cost for teenagers?
I'm 17. Gonna drive a 2012 Hyundai Accent Female 3.0-3.5 GPA I've had my license for about 3 months already.. and my dad still hasn't gotten me car insurance (which frustrates me considering i have my license and he won't let me drive anywhere without any insurance). He won't tell me how much it is monthly. So i'm wondering how much it'd approx. cost for me monthly?
Can I get onto my parents insurance?
I don't have a car yet but i want to buy one in a year... I was wondering if I could join my parents insurance and if yes how much do you think ill have to pay monthly (Progressive) for a '65 Chevy C10 Custom?
0 notes