#im having a totally normal one at *checks clock* 1 in the morning
moxie-girl · 6 months
me: please stop coming up with more cosplay ideas I have enough of them
the adhd demon in my brain (also me): ok but have you considered you could also use this wig/accessory/article of clothing for another character. i know its just a fleeting hyperfixation thatll pass before you get a chance to even wear it to something but cmon. dont u wanna make the rest of the cosplay???
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I have been dealing with sleep issues for so many years, at least since my early teens. I legitimately thought it was just depression fucking with me. And yeah depression played its part. However as i found out several months ago, it was far from the only reason. I snore, all night and very loudly. Someone told me that if you snore really loudly you might have sleep apnea so i talked to my doctor about it. I wasnt totally convinced so we did a take home pulseox monitor test to see if my readings over night might indicate if it was possible. It was very much possible. I am now convinced so i agree to an overnight sleep study in the hospital. the whole shabang. They put electrodes or whatever all over my body and i slept. I got up, checked out. They said ur doc will be in touch with your results and sent me on my way.
In my personal experience, nothing in the medical world works quickly unless death is on the line and sometimes not even then. So i was more than a little surprised and concerned when i got a call from the sleep doctor's office affiliated with the hospital i was tested at only a few hours later. They scheduled me an appointment to come in and discuss next steps and the appointment was so soon, i knew they squeezed me in because no doctors in my area have availability that quickly. I go to the appointment and im very nervous and this very concerned woman started explaining more about sleep apnea and my results.
The average adult stops breathing 3-5 times a night. I stopped breathing 117 times in 1 HOUR.
Do you know what its like to be told you are basically fighting for your life in your sleep every night? Its TERRIFYING. This poor woman was horrified on my behalf and ordered a cpap machine for me. Unfortunately due to the supply chain issues, cpap machines had months long wait list. So when i was laid off work a month later causing me to loose my health insurance, i wasnt even close to getting a machine. So i get a new job and wait the 3 months to get insurance and start the process of finding doctors that my new insurance will cover. So now 5 months after my sleep study i am sitting in another sleep doctors office. I hand this man the papers detailing my sleep study and watch the blood drain from his face while he reads.
If you have never scared a doctor before I wouldn't recommend it.
This poor man sees that i have been waiting to get a cpap machine for 5 months and puts in the order for one. While he is putting in the order he is trying very hard to be casual while asking me questions that boil down to how the fuck do function normally? How can you drive a car without falling asleep at the wheel? I then have to admit that i have been compensating for extreme exhaustion since i was a teenager so its all very normal for me now. I thank him for his time and go about my day.
This doctor let me know that the wait for a cpap now is about 3 weeks so im already happy, like that is sooo much shorter than it was 5 months ago. He says the home health equipment office will call me when my machine comes in.
I got the call from the home health office that same day. Turns out i horrified that sleep doctor so much that he put a rush on my cpap order so i got bumped to the front of the list. I had my machine 2 days later.
I have had this thing for 3 weeks now and i cant describe how amazing i feel. I am used to waking up at least a dozen times a night, now its only once or twice. Im used to having trouble keeping my eyes open long enough to turn off my alarm clock in the morning and i am used to making myself keep moving so i dont instantly fall back asleep. Now i am awake and alert when my alarm goes off. I dont wake up already exhausted anymore. I learned early in my driving life that i have to listen to audiobooks in the car to keep my mind engaged enough to not start to fall asleep at the wheel. For the first time in years i was able to just listen to music in the car and not start nodding off. I haven't needed to take a nap after work even once.
I have been told that i might not notice changes until after the first month with the machine so i am so excited about what else might change because of this machine. I cried actual tears the other day because of it.
It has already changed my day to day life significantly. The machine is so small for the miracle it has already given me. I cant even hear it when its on. I have a fan on at night and the machine is quieter than my fan.
Getting tested is so so worth it. The benefit to your life could be so significant.
I have other things that i need to take care of for my health but taking care of this one has made it easier to work on the others.
If you think you might have it, get tested.
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honeybeeofficial · 2 years
this is my crowning achievement of customer service. i peaked today.
part of opening the store every morning is checking for online printing orders and sorting through the email inbox to process any orders that people submit by email. generally i reply to emails saying "your total will be about $xx, and we can have this done by [time]" and then go ahead and get it into the system, but if it's over a certain dollar amount I will wait for confirmation before i actually start. this email exchange is preserved exactly as it occurred in its natural habitat
Jeff: (sent at 10:49pm) need this by 3pm tomorrow if possible. dinner 11x17 color waterproof paper 50 count. edges of color menus need to be trimmed due to printing won't reach all ends. Call me for questions
Me: (at 9:14am) Hi Jeff, the total to have this order done by this afternoon will be $520. If you would prefer to wait until tomorrow, your order would not be subject to any rush fees and would only be about $445. Please let us know when you would like to pick these up.
(Note 1: Yes, this is extraordinarily expensive for 50 menus. the water resistant material [read: plastic] is PRICEY. Unfortunately for Jeff, above certain thresholds print orders are subject to extra fees if the customer asks to have them done the same day. The clock starts WHEN THE ORDER IS ENTERED INTO THE SYSTEM. There is no way to backdate. The fees scale with the order total, so this particular fee is $75.)
Jeff: Well I sent it last night so it's not that much of a rush and I do a lot of business there. So I think your price hike is unjust
Me: Because you sent your email well after we closed last night, we did not receive it until this morning. I hope you can understand that it is not possible for us to receive or work on orders while we are not here.
Jeff: didnt know you close thought was still 24 hrs well im sorry but im not paying the over priced rate for how much business i do there thats ridiculous
(Note 2: This store was open 24 hours… five years ago.
Note 3: The "lot of business" he mentions is maybe one order every 2–4 months. He tries to fight about the price every time.)
Me: Yes, we have been closed after 8pm on weekdays for a few years now. Our hours can be found online at [website]. As you know from past orders, the water resistant material is some of our most expensive stock. If you would prefer to change the material in order to reduce the cost, on 32lb paper your total would be about $218, or if you would like to use an 80lb cardstock, the total would be about $397. Would you like to change to either of those options?
Jeff: I know the paper is expensive that's what I have now and love it but the over price charge your trying to charge me today is ridiculous. The restaurant business is hard enough
Me: We're glad you like the water resistant material. We have not had any price changes on this material recently; double-sided 11x17 prints on water resistant stock cost $7.96 per sheet plus tax, which is the same price per sheet as your previous orders. I understand the cost may be prohibitive but unfortunately we do not have control over the price of materials, which is why I have suggested alternatives.
Jeff: You have gotten off topic. I don't mind the normal price for this what I don't like is trying to say it's a rush and charge me a lot more. my bad for not knowing your not open all night but waiting til tomorrow will cost more than you know. So please wave the fee for not knowing
Me: Unfortunately because our system applies the fee automatically to same-day orders, I am unable to override it. Would you prefer to order a smaller quantity for now? The fee for 25 menus would be lower, with the total cost being about $257.
(Note 4: The system does not automatically apply the fee, we actually do have to add it manually because our system is ancient. But we get dinged if we ring out orders over the threshold without it. For walk-in orders where we got all the way to the register before realizing the price, we sometimes will bend the rules by adding the fee and then discounting the same amount so the customer doesn't have to pay something we didn't warn them about and we don't get penalized for missing the fee. But if you give this guy an inch, he'll take a mile and then complain about the dirt. I'm going strictly by the book for this one.
Note 5: The entrees on these menus cost $30–50. If waiting until tomorrow would cost "more than I know," then surely getting them today is worth 2 entrees?)
Jeff: Print the menu. And I'll be there by 1145. This will be the last time
(Note 6: he says that every time.
Note 7: He didn't pick them up until 1:30.)
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pinkykitten · 5 years
Hairspray pt. 1
Stranger Things
Billy Hargrove x plus size! female reader
Warning: curse words, body-shaming, things get a lil steamy at the end
Specifics: comedy, angst, fluff, romance, chapter fic, race neutral reader, plus size reader, chubby reader, pictures
People: billy hargrove, nancy wheeler, jonathan byers, heather, your dad, your mother, amber (bully, oc) 
Words: 4,089
Summary: Based on Bell’s 2.5k Challenge, @acciosnapes. Being rich was tough. Your parents expected so much out of you; they expected you to be perfect. Owning practically all of Hawkins, Indiana; they perceived themselves to be above everyone else. Having that thinking made you alone, as you were not allowed to hang out with people beneath you. 4th of July of 1985 holds the fair for Independence day. You had feelings for a certain bad boy and if luck comes your way you may tell him the truth and who knows maybe he’ll even ask you to the fair. During those moments though, you will have to endure top secret evil science labs and experiments. You will uncover Hawkins secrets, make friends and who knows maybe break a couple of rules.
Authors Note: y/f/n = your father’s name
y/m/n = your mother’s name
this is the first part of the chapter fics hairpsray. this is for a challenge and i love this so much. i love writing confident plus size characters and readers. the aesthetic was made by me and the beginning to the end of this fic i got inspired by hairpsray 2007 by the start of the movie all the way to miss baltimore crabs number. i put an amber in here like the movie and some quotes and dialogue is taken from the movie hairspray, lets see if u guys can figure it out. anywho i love this hope u love it and im so happy i did this challenge there will be more so check out for this series and im excited to show u guys. yay! 
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The summer of 1985. It was hot and sticky outside. The cicadas singing as they made their way near you home. You were excited. You were going to, no matter who tried to stop you, get a job.
It very well likely might not have made sense to anyone. You were rich. Grew up with a golden spoon in your mouth. You never knew life to be hard. Every little thing was given to you, whether it be toys, dresses, makeup, you had it all. At least thats what your parents thought. Your father was basically equal with the Mayor. The two helped each other out with smart work and of course the dirty work. Y/f/n thought you didn’t know but you sniffed out the clues and put them together. You knew your father was no innocent man. He played his cards right to get this money, not earn it. And y/m/n, just followed your father around like a lost puppy. You could see the kindness in her sometimes but she always listened to your father. 
What your parents didn’t know was you were searching for something more important. Something that meant a whole lot to you. Money didn’t matter. You didn’t want that life. You wanted to be independent and be able to make mistakes and live life. Your parents always disciplined you on peers. You were not allowed to be with low lives; people who weren't as successful as your family. But all the friends your parents wanted you to love were snobs and thought so highly of themselves. You wanted to get away from that life. Your whole life was planned out for you. You are forever and always this pretty, perfect sweet girl who follows rules even though sometimes you didn’t feel those things. 
You woke up to the sun beating down on your face. You rolled around on your pastel pink king sized bed. Groaning, as you subconsciously hit your alarm clock but noticing you were awoken before its ring. 
“Hmm, thats never happened before.”
You stretch as you jump out of bed to start your first day of work. You would never tell your parents. They would never understand and probably make excuses to stop you. You were going to try to get hired at Hawkins Community Pool. It was a risky decision based on your size. You were plus sized and adored it! You felt on top of the world most times and never cared what anyone thought. But there were times where you did get down from comments but you still pushed ahead and loved yourself. You were willing to give the lifeguard gig a chance and there was a plus side. Your crush Billy Hargrove was there. You just hoped you could entice him enough to give you a go. 
You scrambled to your feet as you raced to your phone. You dialed your best friend Nancy’s number. You had to keep the relationship a secret. If your parents knew about your friendship they probably would flip. You knew about all the secrets of the kids and Hawkins lab. Nancy felt guilty not telling you so she spilled the beans about everything to you. About Eleven, the monsters, scientists. It sounded unreal but you knew Nancy would never lie to you. 
“Hey Nance, are we still on for the mall today?” You asked, twirling the cable with your fingers. 
On the other side you could hear Nancy struggling, “yep we’re still on. Sorry I’m running late to my first day of work.”
“Oh yeah its today. What are you gonna be doing again?”
Nancy made a yelp as the phone was muffled, “sorry I just slipped putting on my dress.” Just as Nancy said that you could hear Jonathan’s voice in the background. 
“No way!” You squealed. “Did you sleep with Jonathan?”
Nancy giggled, “...sorta...kinda...yeah.”
“You naughty girl!”
“Tell him I said hi,” you said.
“Oh my god y/n, you’re unbelievable but I gotta go now.”
“Wait? Are you still coming with me to get my bathing suit?”
“Like I would miss this. Y/n’s first job and pretty much your first time being a independent young lady. Y/n, we’re definitely going to celebrate!” She hanged up the phone and you got dressed for the day. 
You went to the living room and turned on the tv. “Good morning Hawkins, Indiana.” The news man and lady said as they raised their morning cup of coffee to the viewers. 
You skipped around the kitchen finding something to eat. Humming a tune you couldn’t get out of your head as it was a song you made up. 
“I love you Hawkins, and someday when I take to the world, the worlds gonna wake up see. Hawkins and me,” you sang as you were stopped by your father. 
“Why are you so jumpy this morning?” He wore a scowl on his face. 
You shrugged, “nothing in particular dad.” You kissed him on the cheek. Your mother walked in swatting your hand as you were about to make breakfast for yourself. 
“The maids can get it honey,” she said as the maid ran in and got started in cooking you your favorite. 
You rolled your eyes as you got your bag, “you know I think I’ll just eat on the road. I’ll pick up something on the side.”
“Honey, make sure its nothing greasy,” your mother said. “You have to try to back away from foods, remember.”
“You remind me everyday mother.” Your parents always pointed out the fact that you were bigger than most girls your age. They always tried to put you on diets and workouts but nothing worked. It didn’t work because you didn’t want it to work. You were totally fine with your body and wish they could see what you saw. 
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Finishing the rest of your corn dog from the food court you awaited on Nancy by the store. Checking your time you knew Nancy was supposed to be here.  
“C’mon Nance, where are you?”
Finally she showed up from around the corner. Her hair all disheveled. It looks as if she was rushed. 
“Hey there best friend...you okay?” You asked, hugging her as she came up. 
She waved your question off. “It can wait. So what are you thinking of getting? Whats your vision?”
“Well,” you said as you entered into the tiny shop. Women of all sizes were there but you can see the look of disappointment on many of the bigger girls faces. There was barely anything there for them. You looked through the clearance for “Big Girls” it read on the sign. “since I have to make a good impression, I’m going to wear something sexy but also professional. I don’t want to look like no stripper.”
Nancy chuckled, “right. Also isn’t this swimsuit for only this time cause you have to wear their red one while you work there.”
“Correct. Like I said though I want them to see I am trying and I am not going to half-as* it.”
“How bout this one?” Nancy said as she brought out a blue one. It had sequins on it; very beautiful. But it was too sexual. The breast area was very much wide and open. The back showed too much butt. “What do you think about this?”
“Don’t get me wrong its super pretty but like I said; I need to look professional. Plus there’s gonna be kids there.”
“I gotcha. Sorry I maybe just want everyone to pass out when they see my friend.”
“Oh I bet everyone will, even if I don’t wear anything sexual. They’re probably gonna be like agghhh an earthquake when they see me walking in and I’ll respond like, you bet b*tch.”
Nancy laughed. 
“How bout this one?” You pulled out a Hawaiian one. It was pretty but more for old ladies and it was boring. 
“Okay yeah sure...for my nana!”
“Well how do you know me and your nana don’t have the same taste?”
“Look you need something more than that. Like you said, making a statement.”
You bit your lip, “man this harder than I thought. I’m kind scared to be honest about doing this. Like I think the last time I ever got this scared was when they announced the new coke.”
Nancy tried her hardest to hold back a giggle, “why are you scared?”
“Picture this, what if a stranger hands me a blunt and you know I’m curious by nature and I accept it? What in the world will Billy think? He’ll probably think I’m like a druggie 24/7!”
“First off, that is the oddest situation I’ve ever heard of. Second, is this your weird way of saying what if Billy doesn’t like you?”
“No I know he’ll like me sexually but I mean platonically. What if he doesn’t want to be like a normal couple and hang out? What if he’s ashamed to be with me? These are good questions.”
Nancy held your hand, “than he’s the jerk I always thought him to be and you’re too good for him.”
You nodded, “I mean I’m too good for him now but in that moment, if he’s a d*ck then I will be 10 times better than him. So any ways...how was work?”
Nancy rolled her eyes and looks down, “I kinda don’t want to talk about it.”
“What? What happened? Am I gonna have to slap a b*tch?” You became territorial and overprotective of your friend.
“No, no, no its just, the men at work sorta treat me like I’m dumb and that I’m not really of use to this type of work. I guess cause they see me as a woman they think they can take advantage of me. They make fun of myey/n. In front of everyone. Its bull sh*t.” Nancy almost looked as if she wanted to cry.
“Hey its okay. This is your first day. People are going to be jack as*es but you listen to me. Whenever any one has talked about me differently or made fun of me because of my weight or whatever I either laugh with them, ignore them, or say something smart back to them. There are ways that we women can stand up for ourselves without having to insult or hurt someone physically.”
“Its just easier said than done. But I’ve got a lead. A lady called me today about diseased rats. I think that maybe this is my chance to be a journalist like I’ve always wanted to be.”
You clapped her on the back, “atta girl. You take that chance. You take it right in your hand and never let it go. No matter what they tell, or do to you; you have the right, the power. Use it Nancy. Use your voice.”
Nancy smiled and picked out an orange swimsuit. You didn’t care if people called you an actual orange; all you saw was perfection. 
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“How bout this one y/n?”
“Thats the one Nancy. Its perfect!”
“Hey pancake y/n and Nancy drew,” Amber, your arch nemesis. The bully, the b*tch of the town walked up to you two. Her high heels clicked as they met with the floor. Her skirt was so short you could almost see her goodies from up high. Her makeup was too overdone and her blonde hair was as perfect as Tom Cruise’s abs. She snickered as she saw you hold up your swimsuit to pay. “And you’re gonna wear that? Where are you going? To the Hawkins pool?”
“Yes as a matter of fact I am. Thanks for you looking out for me...Amber.” You said as you walked right by her; nudging her lightly. “Now I don’t wanna get there late so if you excuse me-”
“Oh sorry, too skinny of a space?”
“Amber-” Nancy started but you waved a hand out to her. 
“No its okay Nance. She’s right, it was too skinny for my delicious body.” You shrugged. 
Amber motioned closer to you. Her foot stepping on yours. “Are you going to the pool to see Billy?”
You almost forgot. Rumor had it that Amber was going to try all Summer to get with Billy but so far you heard he was single and you sure as he*l were not going to miss the opportunity. 
“Well I mean I will see him whether I want to or not. He kind works there.”
“I’m not talking about that fat-a*s. I’m saying are you doing all this. Wanting to work there just because he’s there?”
“Wow Amber! I didn’t realize you were my mother. Congratulations! Now shall I tell you about all my business?”
Amber snarled, “I swear to God if you try anything with Billy I will hunt you down. If you think for a moment that he would ever like someone like you? You are completely and utterly stupid. Know your place and be careful... you might stop traffic in that.” Amber chuckled as she walked away. Her butt swaying as she tried to show you she was better than you.
“Yeah well I have a better a*s than you!”
Nancy shook her head as she led you to the register, “C’mon y/n, lets just go.” 
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Did that little interaction ever stop you? 
Never! You still went with your plan. Get this job in order to get your Billy. It was plain and simple. And also to prove to yourself and your parents that you can do things on your own and you didn’t need anyone. 
Nancy dropped you off. You got changed in the bathroom and knew it just turned into Billy’s shift. You met with the other kids at the front desk. As they saw you they laughed. “Well, well, well if it isn’t y/n l/n, the rich girl. What can we do you for?”
As you were about to speak one of the boys put his hand up, “I’m sorry but we don’t have any gold bars here at the moment. Maybe you’ll have to ask the President of the United States.”
You glared at the boy and were silent. The boy thought he broke you and you acted very suspicious. Suddenly you laughed, “yeah well maybe I’ll go ask your dad since he seems to pay me every time I’m with him.” You of course knew it wasn’t true. You had never even slept with anyone before heck with his dad. It was all for games. 
The others hollered out loudly at your come back and the boy stood back flushed. 
“Now I want to work here and I think I deserve a resume. I see your sign that you are hiring so what do I have to do here folks?” You clapped your hands. 
A girl named Heather walked by and heard your conversation. “Y/n, right?”
“Thats me.” You shook her hand. 
“Awesome, yeah I remember your call. You wanted a job here?”
“Correct again.”
“Well around here we do things differently. In order to get the job we need to see your walk.”
“My what?”
“Your walk.” The other teens tried to stifle their laughter. “Thats the most important step. We need to see how you walk in order to get to your post.”
“Oh okay for a minute I thought you wanted me to walk on water or something.”
Heather rolled her eyes. “No. I need to see how you do and then we can talk and I can give you a resume.”
“Wait. You’re the one who conducts the interviews around here and stuff like that?”
Heather nodded. Lying.
“Cool so when do I start the walk?”
“Now!” Heather pushed you into the open. 
“Oh okay,” you were shy at first but then conducted yourself. The sun shone on your skin deliciously making your skin glow. You looked at your surroundings. A lot of kids. A chubby kid running, which you knew was a no-no. The other side, near Billy was, “Mrs. Wheeler? What in the world is she doing looking at Billy like that?” You felt anger erupt within you. Yes, you were a little jealous. Even though their relationship was extremely wrong you still felt jealous. You proceeded to walk. Not caring if anything budged out, jiggled, nothing. You felt sexy, beautiful and that’s all that mattered. 
You shook your hips as you walked up to the chair. You had talked to Billy before but never a full out conversation. It was little ones. Billy stood right by the chair, talking to Mrs. Wheeler. As you showed up Billy looked at you straight in the eye. You bit your lip winking at him. Billy then looked all over you, raising his brow. He licked his lips. 
“Hi y/n,” he said all suave; putting his hand out to stop Mrs. Wheeler’s conversation, interrupting her. 
“Hi Billy, hello Mrs. Wheeler.”
Mrs. Wheeler seemed angry so she sat back down in the sun. 
“Well, well, well, what are you doing here?” Billy asked as he leaned against the lifeguard chair. 
“Well I heard y’all were hiring. I saw in the newspaper that they’re making another lifeguard here, coinciding with the first one of course. Heard it gets hectic around here.”
Billy chewed on a toothpick as he came closer to you, smirking. His eyes seeming almost a sea green when it hit the sun. “Yeah it sure does get hectic around here, but I think with you around; things will get more hectic. Trust me.”
“Will it be by your doing?” You got closer as well. Playing his games.
“I don’t know, might be.”
“Got any more bigger girls like me around here?”
“No just the one and only you.”
“Oh so you were looking?” You didn’t mind that he called you bigger or when someone called you fat. It was the truth and you learned to love those words. 
“Is that a bad thing?” Billy asked as his eyes scanned all over you once more. His eyes became lustful. 
“No, I mean you might as well learn what a real woman looks like. I guess I’ll be making history around here. Y/n l/n, the first lifeguard that is really and surely a-”
“Whole lotta woman,” Billy said as his voice came out raspy and more of a moan. 
Your knees were becoming weak. “Thats right.”
“Alright miss making history. Why do you want this job? Aren’t your parents rich? Doesn’t your dad work with the mayor?”
“Yep but I feel as a young lady, I need to learn and live.”
“Don’t worry you’ll learn all those things here; I’ll make sure I’ll teach you.” Billy said as he touched your arm, sending electricity coursing through your veins. 
“So Billy Hargrove will be my lifeguard teacher, huh? Not bad. But...will you ever need to punish me?”
Billy looked shocked as you said that and laughed. He inched closer to you until his plump lips landed on your ear, “only when you’re being a bad girl.”
It took everything out of you not to moan right there. You coughed as you tried to act natural again. Billy got you good. 
“Bashful much?”
“More like turned on,” you muttered not knowing Billy heard as he smiled wide. You turned around and walked straight back to Heather. Your a*s shaking a lot as you walked back making Billy almost have a heart attack. There was no way he was going to go through summer without you. 
“So how’d I do?” You questioned Heather. Excited to hear the news. 
“Well...it was okay.”
“You weren’t supposed to talk to anyone yet.”
“Um, its a community pool. Everyone's talking.” You said. 
“No we mean when you were talking to Billy. You see a lot of the girls here like him. And we can’t have you jeopardizing their chances and scaring Billy if you know what I mean.” Heather said as she winced. 
Billy had wanted to hear the news about you working here and stood nearby; hearing the whole conversation. 
Your eyes widened, “no I’m sorry I don’t know what you mean?”
“Its just with your rich parents and well your weight for another thing we feel as its just too much...stuff for this job requirement.”
“So you’re basically saying I’m too fat and rich for a small summer job?”
Heather tried not to laugh as the other kids in the office did. You rolled your eyes. “And all this walk and stuff, that was fake too I suppose.”
Heather couldn’t control herself. She bursted out laughing. “You’re totally right! And you fell for it!”
You tried your hardest not to let them get to you. Not to cry. But it was difficult. They embarrassed you, hurt your feelings, rejected you because of your weight and life. You felt like you could get nowhere with them. 
You smiled, “thank you for your time guys.”
“Whatever!” Heather waved you off. 
Billy on the other hand was furious. He knew what it mean to be treated differently and to be hurt. He wanted to stand up for you but he was scared he would lose his job. 
You walked away and Billy walked up to Heather. “Hey, why do you have to be so cruel?”
“Says the guy who literally bullys everyone. What makes y/n any different?”
“Maybe its because she’s not a b*tch. Like some people are.” Billy walked away to get back to work but he could not for the life of him stop thinking about you. You clouded his brain all day. 
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You walked home. Thinking about all that was said to you today. You had high hopes of getting the job but now you didn’t know where to go. Crashing onto your bed you cried onto your pillow. Your mother was out shopping with a group of her rich friends and your father was helping the Mayor out with the 4th of July fair. They didn’t care how you felt that day. When someone hurt you. They only cared about themselves. 
Your phone rang and it was Nancy. You sniffled your tears, wiping your face, “hello Nance. Whats up?”
“Hey y/n oh my god you’re not going to believe it! I got a lead on the rats! Me and Jonathan went to go check it out at Mrs. Driscoll. She showed us her basement and all the fertilizer bags had holes in them from the rats. She said that maybe they had rabies and wanted us to notify the public but y/n when I got a good look at these rats it was not like the norm.”
“What do you mean?” You sat up.
“What I mean is that these rats were like having a convulsion. They were acting really strange. Like crazy, I’m gonna investigate more tomorrow and then maybe just maybe the guys at my work will actually take me seriously.”
“You show them! But be careful okay, I don’t want you or Jonathan to loose your jobs. Pursue this story your way.”
“Thanks. Hey what about you? How did things go for your lifeguard summer adventure? And what about Billy? Oh my god did he see you that? He probably had such a big boner-”
“Nancy!” You started to cry again. “I didn’t get the job.”
“What the h*ll do you mean? Do I have to smack a b*tch?”
You chuckled lightly, “no its nothing like that or what I mean is theres nothing you can do. I went in and they pranked me and called me names and pretty much made fun of me saying that I couldn’t work there because I was rich and fat.”
“So? Who the h*ll cares? Jesus, I hate people.”
“Me too, but never you.” You sighed. 
“You know what you do?”
“What Nancy? I tried everything-”
“You try again! Go tomorrow and wear their attire their red swimsuits and show them that you are not playing around. Make them see that you are the woman for the job. You are an amazing person y/n, show them and show Billy.”
You wiped your tears away and got the boost you needed. “You’re right Nance, thanks. I’m gonna keep trying until I have done all that I can.”
“Yeah and if not there is a new mall that you could work at and really anywhere. People would be lucky to have you.”
“Thanks Nancy. You always know how to make me feel better.” You hanged up the phone and got a good nights rest for the next day where you would try your hardest to achieve something you so badly wanted. 
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Tag list: @harrington-lover, @angelgl16, @perfectlybeautifulsuit, @hyehoney, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly, @totally-alexa21, @creamy-pasta-boi, @multireese, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @prentisskelley, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople, @collectiveyou, @wtfisalltherandoms, @dirbel, @eastcoasthaven, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @idontknowwhattocallthisworld (wont let me tag)
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
also if you wanna be tagged in the series hairspray, comment :)
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hi steph!! im looking for some domestic johnlock, could you direct me to some?? i want my heart to burn from the domesticity bahaha
Hi Lovely!!
BWAH OF COURSE I HAVE DOMESTIC JOHNLOCK. A huge list of them in fact, and I just checked my offline list and I can totally update the lists with some new fics I’ve recently filed! :D
See also:
Platonics and Domestics
Platonics & Domestics Pt 2 / Hugs, Cuddles & Kisses Pt. 3 / Tooth-Rotting Fluff Pt. 5 / Love Confessions, Slow Burn & Dev. Rel. Pt. 2 / Established Relationship Pt. 3
Platonics / Bromance / Friendship Pt. 3 
Domestic Johnlock Pt. 4
And When The Night Is Over by Simply Isnt On (K, 329 w., 1 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Platonic Bed Sharing / Not Slash) – Sherlock and John sleep together.
You Should Have Let Me Sleep! by theraggedypond (T, 1,542 w., 1 Ch. || Humour, Sleepy Sherlock, Cranky Sherlock, Domestics) – After a three day case with no sleep and hardly any food, Sherlock is recovering from it by playing comatose. John finds out what happens when you wake up London’s favorite consulting detective.
Happy Birthday John by Starlight05 (K, 1,580 w., 1 Ch. || Humour, Friendship, John’s Birthday, Shopping, 3rd Person POV John) – When an important date comes up, Sherlock finds himself doing something he never has before - shopping! But will he succeed and manage to get his best friend a present?
Baskerville After Dark by Ttime42 (T, 1,921 w., 1 Ch. || THoB, Friendship, Humor, Bed Sharing, Missing Scenes, Cranky John, Cuddles) – John and Sherlock have to share a bed at Baskerville. Gen, but can be preslash.
Nothing Left Untouched by ForeverShippingJohnlock (K+, 2,617 w., 1 Ch. || Friendship, Romance, Bed Sharing, Oblivious Sherlock, Anxious/Worried Sherlock, Grumpy John, Fluff and Cuddles) – Sherlock rearranges the flat. So what if John’s bedroom is now a research library. It’s not like John needs a bedroom, he can share with Sherlock. They’re friends and John has obviously slept in close quarters with men before and it’s not like Sherlock sleeps much anyway. It’ll be fine.
Insomnia by TheSingingGirl (K+, 2,635 w., 1 Ch. || Friendship, Humour, Bed Sharing, Sleepy Sherlock) – Sleep is merely the next frontier in what has become the battle to keep Sherlock alive. It’s because of this that John ends up in bed with a sociopath.
The General Idea by agirlsname (T, 3,022 w., 1 Ch. || Retirement, Promise of Forever / Proposal, POV John, First Kiss, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Soft Sherlock, Idiots in Love, Crying / Emotional Sherlock, Love Confessions) – After twenty years of friendship, John is used to Sherlock acting weirdly. But the news Sherlock finally brings himself to deliver change the carefully built dynamics between them, and John realises it’s time to act.
It’s Just Another Birthday by Vintage Tea Party (K, 3,207 w., 2 Ch. || Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Sherlock’s Birthday, Sherlock 3rd Person POV) – When John makes a birthday cake for Sherlock he thinks its an innocent enough gesture. But nothing is ever normal with Sherlock and this isn’t just another birthday.
Human Body Pillow by Lunavere (K, 4,122 w., 1 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Five and Ones, Sleepy Johnlock, Bed Sharing) – A story about the five times John fell asleep on Sherlock, and the one time Sherlock fell asleep on him.
Sleepless nights by El loopy (T, 5,467 w., 3 Ch. || Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Nightmares, Panic Attack, Worried Sherlock) – Sherlock has a nightmare and John wants to know what it was about. Set during season 1. Three-shot.
On Favors and Keeping Score by Ewebie (G, 7,622 w., 1 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Sick Fic, Fluff, John Whump) –  John woke up to the horribly unpleasant sound of his clock alarm. Which meant he’d slept through his phone’s alarm. And for a moment he glared blearily at the noisemaker before smacking at it with his palm. Ugh, he felt like rubbish. The back of his throat was burning with the irritation that heralded a proper dose, his nose was threatening to drip every few seconds, and he had the uncomfortable flush that normally suggested a fever. Nothing high, just uncomfortable. Nothing deadly, just irritating. Nothing worth calling in sick with, just a full day of discomfort in the face of other people’s discomfort. It was going to be a day where he was forced to bite his tongue from telling people off. “You’re not as sick as I am, so off you pop.” Part 7 of Tumblr Shorts
Sometimes When We Touch by kedgeree (M, 7,755 w., 6 Ch. || Post-TRF, First Kiss/Time, Inappropriate Giggling, Romance, Friends to Lovers, Virgin Sherlock, John Whump, Touching) – John might be touching Sherlock a little more often than is strictly necessary. Sherlock probably hasn’t even noticed. Right…?
You fit me, Sherlock Holmes by orphan_account (G, 10,077 w., 1 Ch. || It’s An Experiment, Bed Sharing, Slow Burn, Fluff and Angst, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, Questionable Science) – An unfortunate series of events leads to John accepting being a part of Sherlock’s study in physical intimacy. As the days pass by, John realizes he might be in for more than he bargained for. He doesn’t entirely mind.
London Gods by a_different_equation (E, 11,092 w., 5 Ch. || American Gods Fusion || Magical Realism, Sex Magic, True Love, PTSD John, First Kiss/Time, Marathon Sex, Sensuality, Genie Sherlock, Human John, Internalized Homophobia, Star-Crossed Lovers, Soul Mates) – Sherlock Holmes is a jinn who does not grant wishes. However, when Dr. John H. Watson, recently returned from the war in Afghanistan, gets into his cab by “accident”, it might not even need magic to grant both men their deepest wish: love.
A Silver Sixpence by _doodle (NC-17, 16,400 w., 2 Ch. || LJ Fic || For a Case / Case Fic, Fake Relationship, Humour, Romance, Marriage Proposal, Awkward Idiots, Cuddling, Touching, Kissing, Love Confessions, Bed Sharing, Friends to Lovers, Fake Until It’s Not, Schmoop and Fluff, Bottomlock) – “John, we need to get married. It’s for a case, not any romantic notions on my part pertaining to our partnership,” Sherlock said, with brutal honesty, and without even looking up.
The Winter Garden by Callie4180 (T, 31,213 w., 13 Ch. || Post-S4, Retirement, Christmas, Slow Burn, Grown-Up Rosie, Parenthood, Rosie’s Cat, Angst with Happy Ending, Holidays, Beekeeping, Magical Realism, Sherlock POV, Sherlock’s Violin, Future Fic, Sussex, Honey, Magical Healing Honey, Love Confessions, Sherlock’s Scar, First Kiss, Touching) – As Sherlock nears the end of his career, he’s given the gift of a cottage in Sussex. The honey from the beehives out back is amazing. Almost… magical.
carrying up his morning tea by darcylindbergh (E, 34,504 w., 5 Ch. || Post S3, Minor Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Wakes/Funerals, Estranged John, Pining Sherlock, Depression/Insecurity, Slow Burn, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Chronic Pain/Injury, Reconciliation, Awkwardness, Loneliness, Scars, Angst With Happy Ending) – His fingers tremble as he dials and he can’t force them steady. Familiar number, even though he hasn’t used it in two years. He isn’t even sure he should be calling it now, but she’d asked. She’d made him promise.
Proving A Point by elldotsee & J_Baillier (E, 186,270 w., 28 Ch. || Me Before You Fusion || Medical Realism, Insecure John, Depression, Romance, Angst, POV John, Sherlock Whump, Serious Illness, Doctor John, Injury Recovery, Assisted Suicide, Sherlock’s Violin, Awkward Sexual Situations, Alcoholism, Drugs, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn, Body Image, Friends to Lovers, Hurt / Comfort, Pain, Big Brother Mycroft, Intimacy, Anxiety, PTSD, Family Issues, Psychological Trauma, John Whump, Case Fics, Loneliness, Pain) – Invalided home from Afghanistan, running out of funds and convinced that his surgical career is over, John Watson accepts a mysterious job offer to provide care and companionship for a disabled person. Little does he know how much hangs in the balance of his performance as he settles into his new life at Musgrave Court.
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mydearsaddiary · 4 years
Little curiosity notes: Hey guys! We’re on chapter 9 now! If everything goes according to plan the story will end in the next chapter! I might do an additional short epilogue after, but the plan is only to continue until chapter 10! Thank you so much for reading until here and as always: Feel free to reach out!
Thank you!
Candy (08/20/2020)
Neil Chapter 9 part 1- First, do no harm
-Cliff- I said as I walked from the back room of the diner I helped to manage now- you’re running low on soda, you know!
-Geez- He said, finishing up cleaning a table and running towards me- I’m awful with this inventory stuff ya know, MC. Mind seeing everything we’re missing?
I smiled, gently hitting him on the head with the papers I was holding- Glad to help.
-Neil coming in today? Just got his new bourbon stash this morning!
-Im sure he’ll pop by later when the nanny is home. How’s everything going with you?
-It’s fine, me and Jane just moved in together- He crossed his arms , blushing a little and giving me that big smile of his.
-So you finally settled down. Next thing you know you’ll have little Conways running around the place
-Maybe in a few years- He turned around when somebody called his name- Alright, duty calls. Have fun in there!
-I always have- I waved at him and returned the back room to count our stock, manage prices, and do basically everything I did at the Ice Box. I enjoyed doing the same job alongside the same people without having the risk. Our past evolved into a better future than most of what the other mob bosses had.
Suddenly, I heard the lock click. My initial shock soon turned into dark memories I wanted to forget. Impulsively I tried open the door only to find out I was actually locked in
-Hey...! Hey!- I knocked on the door- Hey, let me out! Somebody locked me in- I wasn’t scared of enclosed places. It was the sound of the lock clicking and the inability to open it from the inside that haunted me.
I hated being locked in.
-MC- The door opened after a few knocks. Vince was there- Sorry, just came in and thought somebody left it open
-It’s alright-My cheeks were colored red, but besides that I kept my posture- I’ll just do the inventory outside
I opened my eyes, waking up from my sleep. I could feel no sign of light besides the faint, artificial one. I sighed heavily realizing nothing had changed. In my new found experience, not being in the sun for three weeks messes with you head. It makes you tired and empty. A crippling force tells you to accept your fate to remain there.
I sat up, only to find Vera already awake on the mattress besides mine- Did you check the day today?- I asked
-Yeah. The holidays are approaching fast. How are you?
I rubbed my stomach which now had started to show more. Vera had asked the mayor, in one of the times he came in, for new clothes. She had some in the bedroom they used to share. It was refreshing to say the least and her clothes, that were slightly bigger on me, helped me hide my condition from him. It was a light and loose salmon colored shirt that went down until my hip, and a beige skirt that went to my calf, along with white stockings. It was nothing I’d normally wear, but I wasn’t in the position to be picky.
-I feel fine- I said- I don’t feel too sick anymore. I haven’t gotten any movements yet
-How far along are you?
-Hm... I went to the doctor last month... Must be around 13 or 14 weeks.
-It’s still early. Mine didn’t move until about 17 weeks
I looked at her, genuinely surprised- You have kids?
-Oh yes, Frank and I have our children. They’re all grown and moved on to different parts of the country. My oldest one is a little older than you.
-What’s her name?
-His, actually. His name is Robert. He’s 21 now, he got a job out west and comes back to visit when he can.
-Who are the others?
-Oh, May is 18. She’s with her aunt in Florida. I sent her when things got too complicated here. She wouldn’t listen to us.
I chuckled- I know how she feels.
-Then there’s Matt. He’s 16.
-What’s going on with Matt?
-He’s in New York as an apprentice to his grandfather. My ex-husband’s dad. He wants to teach him how to run the business he owns
-Seems like they’ve got it all figured out
-Yes. Well, I know the feeling of having your first kid. I was but a bit older than you are right now. Although- She pointed to her surroundings- I had a more adequate stay
I laughed, but there was no humor in my voice- Adler’s gonna bring our city down under his total power if we don’t do something
-You don’t think your men are trying to save you or figure it out?
-Trying is the key word. Vince...-I sighed, with a heavy heart- Well, Adler shot him... He must be dead right now. That means Cliff and Uncle Charlie must be a mess. On top of it, for my uncle, there’s the fact that I disappeared. That also messes with Neil who, I can’t even imagine what he must be feeling but it’s nothing good. Then Donovan isn’t close enough with them to put everybody’s head together. Julius, Cleo, Sofia and Andrew... Im sure they’re trying to help but...- I sighed- I’m the head of the Ice Box. Im the queen on the chess board. They need me- I said as I realized it myself- I can’t spend any more time waiting for something to happen or counting days.
-You already tried everything, remember?
-Not everything- I got up, exercising my need to move my legs- You know Adler’s schedule better than anyone. When is he out for a long time?
-He’s always at the office from noon to six on weekdays.
-Then thats our time to escape. We’ll wait an hour just to be sure, then leave.
-Yes, but you’re leaving out the important part— How are we gonna leave?
-Last night, before I went to bed, I was looking around your things to see if I could find something useful
-You went through my stuff?!-She said visibly irritated
-If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have found this- I opened my hand to show her the few bobby pins I had in my possession
-How is pinning your hair up helping us?
-Oh Vera, dig a little deeper. It’s for opening the door. I can pick it!
-With those? I think you might be a little too optimistic
-Thankfully- I said cheering up- I had plenty of training sneaking back in my house, and hiding from Momma and Poppa. I have yet to meet a lock that could stop me.
She looked at me for a few seconds and sighed- Alright, I’ll bite. One in the afternoon then.
-Thats right!-I hid it once I heard the door open. They were bringing breakfast down.
We heard Adler leave. We heard everything until there was nothing else to hear. The anticipation was so overwhelming that when Vera’s little clock hit twelve-thirty, we were on out way up the stairs.
I got two bobby pins and started to work on unlocking the door. In a few minutes, it clicked and it opened right up to the now dark living room
-You know- She whispered- For the three weeks you were here, you could’ve tried that sooner.
-I didn’t know you had these!- I whispered too, but in an angrier tone- And you’re welcome!
I pushed the door out slowly, as if someone would head. The dark immensity of the house spread before my eyes. Without a single soul there it seemed peaceful, but in a way that unsettled you, like something was waiting to jump out from the dark. The negativity soon disappeared as I got lost in my thoughts for a second and walked over to the big window, letting the sun hit my face. The warmth of the natural light, warmed up my heart along with it. The joy of finally breaking free made me forget for an instant I had to walk out the front door.
-Miss Granger, let’s go!-Vera hurried me up
-Yeah, right- I walked up to the front of the house. By the door there was a table. I noticed keys on top of it- This is for his Ford, isn’t it?- I grabbed them-Nifty! We just got out escape vehicle
-I can’t drive- She looked at me uncertain
-Well, I’ve been learning- I replied opening the door- Now, let’s scram
I had to go through two Fords to find the one the keys belonged too, within myself we could taste the flavor of freedom.
Opening the door, I made my way in. It was then everything was ruined by a single shot that went right through the window on my side. When I looked back, Adler stood a few yards away with a gun aimed in my direction, along with his two goons.
-Go, Vera! Inside!-I yelled at the top of my lungs closing my door and turning on the car. I stepped on the gas and went as fast as the car would allow me to.
Soon, down the streets of Chicago we went. The bright sun and the streets filled with people would normally be cause for celebration, but my currently situation prevented me from enjoying it. I heard more shots coming our way and noticed that Adler was following us in his own car
To make everything better, Vera was freaking out in the passenger seat
-Woaaaaaaaaah, be careeeful! Waaaait, you’re going tooooo faaaaast!
-Vera!- I yelled back, driving and swerving as much as my experience would allow- If I don’t drive fast he’s gonna catch up to us—Ah!- I yelped when another shot came right in between us, making a hole in the windshield
-You’re gonna kills uuuus!-Her voice got louder and more annoying- I’m not ready to die!- She continued, letting out her “Oh!”s And “Oh my god!”s And her loud screams that were worse than the shots for me. At this point, I tried my best to ignore them since our lives depended on it
She yelled even louder when his car bumped into our rear and sent our bodies forward. I heard continuous shots that shattered our windows and I couldn’t go any faster. I had to think of something quickly, but all the stimulation from the outside made the task harder.
That’s when I saw it and hope ushered back into me. The little red convertible from the corner of my eyes, driving right ahead of us. Vince drove with ease on the wheel, while, surprisingly, our most experienced shooter, Donovan, fired back in the mayor’s direction from the passenger seat.
Seeing them, I let out a relieved little laugh. Fear was substituted with the urge to go faster, so I gained some distance on them. On the other side the trusty green Studebaker had Cliff, Uncle Charlie and Julius in it. Cliff drove, Uncle tried to steal glances my way, and Julius had a pistol, and helped Donovan by firing back. Sometimes Vince would keep one hand on the wheel and use pearl to fire as well. What I thought was going to be hell quickly turned into an exhilarating thrill.
And then, time slowed down as a third car showed up. The darker colored vehicle that belong not just to any man, but to the man I had longed to see all this time— Neil Dresner. I recognized the car but I couldn’t see him since he drove ahead of me. It might seem silly, but the importance of that moment couldn’t be just understood, it had to be felt. The whole world brightened up again just to know he was near. I knew then I wasn’t alone, and I never would be again.
And then everything came back to me in a second, when Vera’s shouting became deafening and another shot came right by us
-We’re going to die! Jesus!- She kept having her panic attacks
-MC!-I heard a voice from Vince in his car- To the docks! Go to the docks!
I nodded, better now that I had a direction in mind,so I sped up towards my new destination.
The city passed by us in a blur, I didn’t allow myself to focus on anything else but getting there. I’m sure everyone else had a plan and in my mind I started formulating the beginning of my own.
I turned into the road that led to the docks and swerving the car faster than it could handle, I stopped abruptly, hitting a few of the many giant boxes piled around, ready to be transported. The side of the car caved in, but we came out unscathed in the front
-What are you thinking?! We could have died! We could hav-
-Vera!- I yelled, looking at her, panting. The adrenaline hadn’t left my body and I knew it wouldn’t for a long time- you’re a chatter-mag bitch- I said in an unusual calm tone, still trying to catch my breath
-Excuse me?-She gave me that look she usually did when she disapproved of something
I was going to reply, but then I heard a car and shots again- Go Vera! Out of the car!- I pushed her out her way and pulled her to hide behind the boxes laid out nearby.
I heard more tires and assumed my gang had arrived to rescue us. I smiled realizing I was right when I saw Vince throwing me my trusty revolver- Let’s take car of em, boss.
-Don’t call me that- I grabbed it, feeling an immense power I hadn’t felt in a long time. I pointed it to my target, my enemies, those who sided with Adler...
...And fired.
Part 2: https://mydearsaddiary.tumblr.com/post/627009903803990016/speakeasy-tonight-fanfic-neil-season-3-chapter-10
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
What grocery store do you shop at the most? We do our grocery shopping at Walmart.  Which stovetop burner do you use the most? The front one on the left side. Do you use a dishwasher or wash dishes by hand? We do both. We rinse off our dishes and they go in the dishwasher. What color is your favorite laundry basket? My hamper is red. What color was your first car? I don’t drive.
What was your first job? I’ve never had one. What is the best job you’ve had? What is the best pharmacy near you? CVS. Do you use public transportion? I did sometimes while in college, but that was it. Which bank do you use? I’m not sharing that. Do you have a credit card? Yeah a few. What is your favorite fast food restaurant? Taco Bell, Burger King, Chick-Fil-A, McDonalds, Jack in the Box. I haven’t wanted fast food in months, but I’m starting to kind of crave it again. What do you want to name your kids? No kids for me. How many tattoos do you have? Zero. What year did you graduate high school? 2008. What chore do you hate the most? I don’t enjoy any chore. What is your favorite shampoo to use? I use a salon on for red dyed hair. How do you remove stains from clothes? Washing them usually does the trick, otherwise we have stain remover stuff. Do you carry pepper spray? No. What highway do you drive on the most? Do you like driving? I don’t drive. What is your favorite radio station? I don’t listen to the radio. What do you use for an alarm clock (phone, stereo, actual clock, etc.)? My phone.  Which department store do you shop at the most? Walmart and Target. Which dollar store is your favorite? I don’t have a favorite. I don’t shop there much, and if I do I just go to the one closest to me. Do you shop at the dollar store often? Nope. What is your favorite gas station? I don’t have one.  Do you burn candles often? I never do even though I have a few. I’m a scardy cat with fire.  How do you relax? I really only can relax when I’m at the beach. I try and do it at home, I wouldn’t really call it relaxing even when doing stuff I like such as these survey or the fact that I spend all day in bed. I don’t know. I just don’t feel relaxed. What’s your favorite app on your phone? I use YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Spotify, Instagram, and Snapchat the most. What do you cook the most? Ramen is all I cook. When was the last time you relaxed in a hot bath? Not since I was a kid. Do you take showers or baths normally? Showers. What is your favorite candle scent? Autumnal ones are great. How much does it cost for you to laundry (if you use a slot machine)? We do our laundry at home. Do you make your bed every day? It’s always made because I don’t sleep under the comforter. If I need a blanket, I just use my throw blanket I have.  How often do you wash your sheets? Like twice a month usually. Do you have any pets? Yep, I have a doggo. Do you have kids? Nooo. Are you married? Nooo. Do you save receipts? I always just throw them in my bag and they build up until I throw them away. Do you use re-usable bags at the grocery store? Yeah. Do you recycle? We recycle plastic and cans. What color is your carpet? Brown. Have you ever burnt yourself with the glue gun? No. Do you write checks? Nope. Ever had a garage sale? No. What have been some of your best garage sale finds? I don’t go to garage sales. What time do you wake up in the morning? Lately it’s been 10 or 11. Are you a morning person? * Im kind of groggy / cranky until I get some tea in me, but I would say Im a decent morning person <<< Same, but I need coffee. I’m a zombie until I’ve had coffee and it’s best no one talks to me until then haha. Are you more of a morning person now than you used to be? I guess. Do you like to read? Yes. What was the first election you voted in? 2008 primaries. Who is on speed dial in your phone? I don’t have speed dial. Do you play games on your phone? Yeah. What phone do you have? An iPhone XR. What was your first phone? Some Cingular flip phone. What kind of computer do you have? MacBook Air. Wall calendar or desk calendar? I just use the one on my phone. If you a read a daily devotional, which one are you using currently? Crosswalk.com, Proverbs31.org, and I also have this app called “first 5″ What is your favorite book? I have many.  What is the strangest food you’ve had? I’m so picky. I don’t think I’ve had anything “strange.” Nothing I’d consider “strange” anyway.  What do you do when the power goes out? Complain about how hot it is mostly, ha. It gets hot fast in my house. Or rather, I get hot fast. Of course, our power tends to go out during summer. I don’t recall the last time it went out during the cold months. Maybe I’d be fine then. Thankfully, we only had 1 power outage this summer, and that was at the start. Does your home have a basement? No. How often do you clean? I personally don’t clean often. I try to keep my room clean, but that’s not much of an issue so it doesn’t require a whole lot. I used to help out more, but I just don’t have the energy or motivation. :/ How often do you go grocery shopping? We do our big grocery shopping trips every 2 weeks, but we make quick trips to the store for a few things as we need them here and there between then.  Ever bought a lottery ticket? Yeah, I’ve bought a couple. Didn’t win a thing. Do you gamble? I’ve gambled a total of 5 times. Not my thing. Not fun losing money, ha. I didn’t strike it big. What does your purse look like? I have a few different ones. Lately; though, I’ve been using my Adidas fannypack. Do you ever sleep on the floor? No. That would be extremely uncomfortable for me. Which room do you stay in the most? Mine. What is your bedtime? I tend to go to bed around 2 or 3, usually. Ever worked two jobs or more at once? I’ve worked zero jobs. Do you live in an apartment, condo, house, or dorm? A house. What does your dream house look like? I mean, my ultimate dream house is a beach house, but that’s big time, never gonna happen dreamin’. So, I’d love to have a 3 or 4 bedroom house, spacious enough for 4 adults and a doggo, wooden floors, and a big backyard for my doggo to play and around in. Describe your dream wedding. I don’t plan on getting married. How often do you go on vacation? We try and go at least once a year, more if we can. What is your favorite type of weather? Fall weather. What do you do when you have a sore throat? Suffer, ha. How often do you go see a doctor? One I see every 3 weeks, another I see once a month. Do you have acid reflux? Yes. Do you snore? No. Are you on birth control? Nope. What kind of toothpaste do you use? Sensodyne.  Do you wear glasses or contacts? Glasses. How often do you wear make-up? Very rarely. Do you put on make-up in the bathroom or the bedroom? My room. Do you have a swimming pool? Nope. What is the first site you go to when you turn on your computer? Crosswalk.com Which email service do you use? Yahoo is my main email, but I do have a gmail account, too. How often do you check your email? Everyday. Keeping the notifications on for my email helps me keep up with it. How old were you when you got your first phone? 16. What was your favorite boy band back in the 90’s? * Backstreet Boys and NSYNC<<< Yep yep. Did you own a Britney Spears album? Yes.
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dreamingoffairys · 7 years
True Beauty (Chapter 2)
AO3: Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Yes, I know. What the fuck Ever? It’s been ages since you’ve posted anything! And wasn’t True Beauty just a oneshot? A oneshot you wrote like...a year ago?
Yes. I did write the original oneshot a year ago. Buuut then I got inspired and ran with it. I edited chapter one, by the way, so if you ever read the original oneshot, you should go click on the link above and re-read chapter one. The edits are super subtle, but important. And if you haven’t read chapter 1, you’re going to need to in order to understand this chapter.
(You can skip this author’s note if you want, but it’s pretty important explaining my intentions with this story. But I get it if you don’t wanna read all that, I’m rambly.)
I’ve had an idea in mind for a long time, and I decided to go for it. I've noticed there's a lot of stories, particularly in this fandom, that portray depression totally wrong. Now, it isn't necessarily the author's fault: depression is a hard thing to write and understand when you haven't experienced it yourself. That's part of why I've decided to write this story. I have depression and anxiety myself, and not only is this story a great coping method, it's also a way to show people who may not fully understand mental illness what it's like being in our heads. I also hope to portray how society treats mentally ill people: especially schools. I'm trying to show the signs you can look out for, how to help a mentally ill person, and how sometimes, people truly are oblivious.
Of course, this means this story is going to be a difficult read at times. The first scene in this chapter could be potentially very triggering, and perhaps there will be more scenes like this, or even more graphic scenes. I'm not going to sugarcoat anything. Things may not have gotten this bad for me, but I've seen it happen to many close to me. Too much media romanticizes mental illness, thinks that a relationship can cure it. News flash: people in relationships may be happier, but nothing can magically cure mental illness. It takes time, a lot of hard work, and potentially medication.
In summary, I'm trying to portray this as realistic as possible. This is a very extreme case, so not everyone who is mentally ill will act like Rogue does, but I figured after a chapter like the first, Rogue's situation is a difficult one. His actions also add to the common misconceptions that depressed people are just lazy or bad students.
I am not perfect in any means, there will likely be some inaccuracies or in some spots it'll be a bit dramatic. But that's to be expected, as no author can write something completely and totally flawless, no matter how informed they are.
Without further ado, Chapter Two of True Beauty: You're Proud, but I'm Getting Nowhere. I hope you enjoy.
Drip. Drip. Drip.
A leaky faucet in a bathroom illuminated only by the sliver of moonlight spills icy cold onto pale skin, scratched like fragile porcelain. The clear purity is disrupted by crimson, the heat disrupting the flow of liquid cold, a dance of fire and ice. Only a hiss of recognition and the dripping of water from rusted pipes whispers through the silence of the night, so late that it was early, a cold dark silence that engulfs those inside it with an almost protective embrace.
A pure white sheet descends on stained silver, staining red until the sharp edge shines in the moonlight, reflecting the eyes of its owner, dark as the thick liquid that flows down his skin. The sheet falls into the still water encased in porcelain, only to be taken away in a swirling pattern, sucked out of sight with a single flush.
The deadly sharpness that glimmers with a strangely appealing beauty is hidden away, concealed by a zipper, then shoved behind piles of meaningless things humans insisted on pampering themselves with. Out of sight, out of mind...and yet, his fingers felt empty without it, twitching in the need to retrieve it again, to feel the weight of guilt and release in his palms, to feel it's sharpened edge bring him to actually  know  pain instead of remembering it.
As he slips out behind the closed door, minding the creaking hinge, the numbness is back, starting at his fingertips and spreading throughout his blood, not hot, not cold, not anything.
As his head hits the sunken, tear stained pillow, his fingers trace the fresh lines that pattern his skin, almost artistic against the paleness of his underarms, a little splash of color to give him  something  to look at, to remind himself he is still moving, that he can feel the slightest bit of something.
His battle scars. For the first time in the dead of night, the corner of his mouth twitches as if to smile. It did not come, only a single tear, but as he pulls black fabric over the visual pain, he does not feel shame, only exhaustion from today’s fight, the enemy he could not defeat. Tomorrow was a new fight, and he would be ready with words of steel and eyes of resolute determination. Tomorrow...is a new chance for renewal.
The day breaks and Sting Eucliffe is awake the moment the sun rises above the horizon, blue eyes wide and body filled with restless energy. He had a reason to dress up today, and a reason to be excited for school, which is a rarity saved for field trips and movie days, which happened maybe twice a semester.
He had a boyfriend.  It was something hard to believe or process, for their school is 97% straight and all of the gay guys are taken. Not only was he in a relationship now, but it was with Rogue. Rogue, whom he’d been crushing on since he’d found out his sexuality, although sometimes it seemed it was even before that. Rogue, who crinkles up his nose when he laughs, whose eyes smile when he scolds you for silly little things, whose laugh could make anyone’s little gay heart melt.
“Sting!” his mother calls from upstairs. “Are you dressed? Normally you’re down by now!”
Sting blinks rapidly and slowly comes to the realization that he’s been dazedly lying on the floor in his boxers daydreaming of Rogue for fifteen minutes. “Fuck whyyyy?!” he whines, cursing his sappy brain and climbing up off the carpet. “Coming Mum!”
He throws on a pink t-shirt, white shorts, his converse, and slides two hair-clips into his hair. By “dress-up” he simply meant wear clothes that showed himself off, like the tightness of this shirt and pants, and then the hair clips for a bit of a cute flare. He skips down the stairs and screeches into the kitchen, taking the wheat toast with butter and cinnamon sugar from his mother’s hands. “Thanks Mum!” he beams.
She chuckles happily as he devours it down, moving to move her husband’s dishes into the sink. “You’re awfully cheerful today.” She smiles at the hairclips, adding, “And you’re dressed all cute… Hmm…” She puts on a fake pondering expression. “Could it be that my little boy is trying to...impress someone?”
“Oho, no need, my dear mother,” Sting grins, setting his plate into the sink. “Already impressed ‘im.”
She laughs, ruffling his hair, to which he loudly protests. “I should've known. I knew you could do it. You two have been so close for so long it was only a matter of time…”
“Yeah, well, I really-wait, how did you know it was Rogue?”
Mrs. Eucliffe laughs joyously. “I just said anyone could’ve seen it coming, didn't I?”
“True,” Sting shrugs, checking the clock on the oven. “Time for me to head out. I hope I can catch Rogue so he doesn’t have to walk alone.”
“You do that, sweetheart,” his mother smiles warmly. “Your father wanted me to tell you to have a good day today and good luck on your test!”
Sting freezes, eyes widening. “Test? Oh  shit .” He bolts out of the house as fast as he can, trying not to show his desperation. His feet hit the sidewalk as he moves in the direction of the High School. He sees a familiar figure slightly up the street from him, shoulders hunched in that same gray sweatshirt as always.
Sting runs up behind him, throwing an arm around him and placing a big, sloppy kiss on his cheek. “Rogue~!” he says cheerfully.
Rogue turns his head sharply, looking over at Sting with wide eyes. “O-Oh, hi.” He blushes shyly, eyes downcast out of embarrassment.
“Hi beautiful,” Sting flirts, kissing Rogue’s cheek again and watching the red flood his cheeks. “How are you this morning?”
“Not good…” Rogue mumbles, and Sting’s face falls. “This is kinda cheesy but...it's better now that you're here with me.”
“I love cheesy,” Sting smiles, brushing Rogue’s hair from his eyes. “I am the  definition  of cheesy, after all.”
“You're the definition of  dork is what you are,” Rogue replies softly, and Sting giggles in response. They were nearing the campus now, and Sting takes Rogue’s hand in his and swings their joined fingers.
A rough voice suddenly sounds in their ears as a group of three other teenagers approaches them. “Hey there, Cheney,” one of them sneers.
Rogue freezes up beside Sting, hands shaking slightly. Sting instantly senses trouble. His eyes narrow as he shoots the trio his scariest glare, jaw set and face turned in a fierce scowl.
The boy gulps. “Wh-Whoa, not trying to start something or anything...just sayin’ hi to a classmate.” The three of them quickly rush off, leaving the couple alone on the sidewalk.
Rogue turns to look at Sting in amazement. “How did you do that…?”
“My scariest glare,” Sting throws an arm around Rogue’s shoulder and continues to walk with him towards the front of the school. “But it also was a little bit of the secret art of ‘Touch My Boyfriend and I’ll Fuck You Up’, which emits a magical aura of fear-”
“Shut up!” Rogue laughs, elbowing Sting in the ribs. Sting’s heart flutters, because like always, Rogue looked beautiful blushing and laughing. There is relief on his features not there before, the pressure those three boys put upon him lifted from his burdened shoulders.
Sting smiles softly, “Don’t you worry, Rogue. I’ve got you.” He squeezes Rogue’s hand tightly. “No matter what happens, I’ve got your back.”
Rogue smiles thinly, “You sure you want to have that job…?” He looks down at his feet, shoes shuffling against the pavement. “You’ve basically just signed yourself up for a world of hurt.”
“I know,” Sting says boldly, staring straight forward. The clear morning sky felt refreshing both on his lungs and his eyes. “I’m prepared to do pretty much anything to get you smiling like that again. I miss it. You look beautiful.”
Rogue flushes again, “Would you stop? We just started dating and you’re already pouring it on like it’s been a year.”
Sting shrugs, “I mean...it almost has been many.”
“Oh, shut up.” Rogue bares the hint of a smile. “You were too cowardly to say anything.”
As they approach the school together, Sting can feel eyes on them, as well as whispers. Instead of shying away, Sting simply stands taller and prouder as if to say:  hell yeah, that’s my boyfriend. I bet you’re jealous .
“I’ll walk you to your first class, okay?” Sting pecks Rogue’s cheek softly, then squeezes his hand.
“Are you showing off right now?” Rogue asks, raising an eyebrow. “I know you can see the people staring.”
“Sorry, am I making you uncomfortable?” Sting looks genuinely concerned, stopping for a moment to look into his eyes.
Rogue looks away shyly, “You know I don’t like people staring at me…”
“I’m sorry,” Sting mumbles, dropping his hand. “I’m excited, that’s all…”
“I know,” Rogue takes Sting’s hand again. “This is fine...let’s just keep walking…”
Sting smiles and squeezes his hand, then starts walking towards Rogue’s class. Rogue leans on Sting slightly, breathing uneasy, eyes drooping. Sting watches Rogue’s expression, seeing the exhaustion written all over his face, both physical and emotional. It must’ve been another bad night… Sting bites his lip, feeling awful and wishing he could’ve helped. I should ask to stay the night again soon...hold him all night so he feels safe…
The bell rings loudly, snapping the couple out of their daze. Sting awkwardly turns to Rogue, “Well uh...yeah. I’ll seeya later...bye…”
To Sting’s surprise, Rogue takes the riskier move. “I love you.”
Sting blushes brightly, ducking his head slightly, “I love you too, Rogue…” His hand hesitates, fingers brushing against Rogue’s palm as he slowly pulls away and walks down the hall alone.
Rogue sat silently in his desk, pencil tapping against his hand to try and calm his nerves. Usually, he would listen to music to calm himself down, but this teacher was rather strict and didn’t allow it. It caused mild turmoil in him, stuck in a weird limbo of trying to find some inner peace on his own while also longing for the rush of sound to block out the foreboding silence.
Rogue wants to smile, but his mind is too full of anxieties to allow that. But he doesn’t let it win today, not yet, at least. Rogue closes his eyes and remembers Sting’s flustered reaction to those powerful three words:  I love you . Rogue said them without even a moment’s hesitation, heart certain and strong. Scared of everything else in his life, this was the one thing Rogue would not shy away from.
Sting meant everything to him. Rogue wanted Sting to know that, he wanted him to see how much love his broken heart could hold. It was bursting at the seams where it had been stitched, ripped long ago by people who did not take care to cherish it. But in this case, Rogue didn’t mind. The warmth of love, like thick blood, flowed like power into his veins, like gasoline finally being pumped into an old, worn down machine. Now all they needed was some happiness to oil the rusted gears.
Easier said than done , Rogue thinks to himself, fidgeting with the sleeve of his favorite sweatshirt, trying to conceal any trace of the mess of bandages stuck to his scarred skin.
The class drags on and on, the class working in almost eerie silence on their worksheets, the only sound besides the click of calculators and the scritch scratch of pencils being a soft  tick...tock...tick...tock . That sound was the only thing keeping Rogue tethered to reality, an echoing sound that resonated in his mind, helping him slow the agitated heartbeat within his chest that would not cease.
His fingers twitched. His eyes were unfocused and empty. His breathing was uneven and shallow. He wanted his music. He needed his music. He needed an escape.
A loud gasp escapes his lips at the sound of someone dropping a pencil, breaking the silence. Rogue sits bolt upright in his seat, loudly dropping his own pencil against the desk. It felt like all eyes were on him when he stood up, legs weak and unable to support his weight, hands and fingers twitching and shaking, eyes darting everywhere, trying to avoid looking at anyone’s face. I have to get out of here. I have to get out of here now.
Mrs. Johanson frowns, standing up and peering over the rim of her glasses. “Is there a problem, Mr. Cheney?”
Something she said made it worse. Rogue wasn’t sure if it was the words, the tone of voice, or the fact she was drawing more and more attention to him, the silence breaking down into pieces, with him the sole source of the chaos.
Rogue tries to speak, tries to stammer out an excuse concerning the bathroom or feeling sick. But the only sound that comes out is a strangled half-sob, and before he knows what is happening, his fingers are hooking around his backpack, and he bolts out the door.
Rogue knows he should’ve left his backpack: now she’d think he was just skipping class for a joyride. But he needed his music...he was not going to leave it behind. Still running, Rogue’s left hand scrambles around in his backpack until his fingers coil around the tangled mess of black wires, fishing out his earbuds from the mess of paper and old wrappers. Dragged out with them, his phone nearly drops to the trash-littered cement below.
Mrs. Johnason stopped chasing him. Rogue would be relieved, but he knows this school too well to be fooled by that. She called the hall patrol, perhaps the on-campus police officer. This wouldn’t be the first time. He had been suspected of drugs once before, because of his weird, spastic freakouts and spacy behavior. But they had found nothing but piles and piles of crumpled pieces of paper, covered in frantic handwriting grouped into incoherent scribbles. Look all they like, but they would never find the source of Rogue’s supposed insanity.
The chaos is all in his head, after all.
Rogue finds himself outside of the art classrooms, one of the quietest, most isolated places in the entire school. There was an old supply shed out of use now, supposed to be locked tight with a coded lock impossible to crack. But desperation had overtaken Rogue one day, and he’d fumbled with the lock until he found the code just by chance. It was one of the few miracles that kept him alive.
Quickly inputting the code now embedded in his mind, 7246 , he pushes open the old, creaky door, and steps inside. The shed looks the same as always: dark with only a single stream of light flowing through the small window near the roof. Cans of old paint, tubs of broken crayons, buckets of painted rocks and cracked busts...the room provides a surprising amount of comfort.
Jamming the earbuds into his ears and turning on his headspace playlist, he sits down amongst the pencil shavings and paint chips and closes his eyes, back hitting the old wooden wall behind him. He didn’t care how long he was here now, didn’t care if they called home to report his absence, didn’t care if people panicked and called the police. They would never find him here, he was sure of it. He was simply a shadow on the wall, melting into the darkness effortlessly. They thought this shed hadn’t been opened in years, and it was their ignorance, that for once, kept him safe.
Rogue breathes in slowly, smelling wood and old paint. He finds it soothing, in a way, to know that creativity used to be born here, amongst the wood shavings and dim sunlight.
Rogue feels a bit of sweat on his brow, the warm, stuffy surroundings catching up with him. Nervously he removes the sweatshirt he always wore, trembling slightly at the sight of the revealed bandages plastered to his underarms. Biting his lip, he reminds himself he is alone here, alone and safe from judgemental, preying eyes.
Usually, Rogue sets an alarm so that he could go to his next class, but today is not one of those days. Instead, he shuts his eyes and lets himself slip into a meditative state, trying to think of nothing as music washes over him and drowns out all of the shit in his mind.
Sting hears whispers and rumors bouncing from mouth to mouth all throughout the hallways. Something about it felt wrong, far too familiar. Normally, Sting only butts into gossip if it was something that interested him (which was not very often: in his point of view, the lives of teenage girls are boring as hell) but there was something about this that felt important.
“Yeah, apparently he just jumped out of his seat, grabbed his backpack, and bolted,” a girl with pink lipstick on smirking lips says to her friend.
“Maybe he really is on drugs,” laughs the friend, rolling her brown eyes. “I mean, I know the school searched him and found nothing, but maybe he does ‘em before he gets to school, then sneaks out at lunch to a dealer somewhere down the street.”
The usual drug rumors did not spike Sting’s interest. He turns away, about to head towards his locker, when a single word stops him in his tracks.
“Yeah, what an emo freak.”
Sting whirls around immediately, mind flashing back to the night before. “- the bullies pull me behind the school and call me a faggot and beat me for being the worthless trashy gay emo piece of shit that I am-!”
Sting immediately gets in their faces, preparing to intimidate and defend, “Who are you talking about?!”
One of the girls yelps and jumps back, but the one with pink lipstick smiles flirtatiously at him. Sting controls the urge to roll his eyes.  Great, another girl fishing for what she knows isn’t there.
“Who? Oh, just that weirdass guy in my first period who’s probably on drugs.”
Sting grits his teeth, his hands curling into fists at his side. This girl is pushing all my buttons...   “What’s his name?”
“Rogue Cheney,” she replied easily. “I thought you’d know that by now, considering half the school’s in a bu-”
Sting growls and grabs the front of her shirt, “Shut the fuck up! Rogue’s not on fucking drugs, okay?! I know this for a fact! Ever consider that your words are what’s causing all this shit?”
She snorts loudly, not looking intimidated in the slightest. “Oh Sting, baby, let me guess.”
“Don’t fucking call me that.” Sting growls, eyes narrowing even more.
“You’re gay for him, aren’t you?” she laughs, acting like this is some sick joke, like she’s trying to insult him. “You could do so much better than trash like th-”
Sting can’t help himself, losing it immediately and punching her straight on the jaw. “MAYBE I FUCKING AM! SO SHUT IT!”
Multiple people scream, stepping back from the scene with wide eyes. A few others whip out their cellphones and start recording. The girl Sting hits falls to the ground, blood streaming out of her split lip, eyes wide in rage.
“YOU BASTARD!” she screams, getting to her feet, trying to wipe the blood off of her face. She springs at him, trying to use her nails to scrape up his face, but he grabs her by the wrist and shoves her back to the ground.
“Don’t you DARE touch me!” Sting shouts, trying to stop the tears from falling.  No one fucking understands...all of these people...they’re just making it worse.  Addressing the crowd, he shouts, “If any of you wanna end up just like her, go ahead, keep talking shit!”
Eyes widen all around the hallway, holding their phones up and continuing to get it all on record. Sting hears shouting and the sound of teachers and hall monitors running towards the scene.
After that, everything is a blur. Dragged to the principal’s office, they sit Sting in a chair in front of the principal’s desk and leave him there. Sting looks down at the dried blood on his fist, cursing his own lack of impulse control. He used to get in trouble all the time before high school for fighting, and he’d been doing so much better since he arrived here. But that bitch’s words had brought him back, and he’d been unable to help himself from shutting her up like many others before her.
Principal Poher peers over his desk at Sting, sighing softly. “Sting Eucliffe...I thought you’d fixed this.”
“So had I,” Sting says softly. He looks up at the principal straight in the eyes. “But I don’t regret it, Sir.”
Poher groans. “Sting, you need to learn that punching people is not the way to solve problems.”
“They did the one thing I can never accept...” Sting does not break eye contact. “Anyone who hurts Rogue deserves it.”
Sting watches as the principal sighs again heavily, leaning back in his chair and looking highly disappointed. “Rogue breaks a lot of school rules as well, Sting. I’m not surprised the school’s talking about him.”
“They bully him,” Sting grits his teeth, “they bully him like we’re back in middle school! It’s immature, rude, and if they would shut their damn mouths then maybe Rogue could actually handle being in class!”
Poher’s expression darkens. “Sting. That is Rogue’s business, not yours. If he’s having a problem, he needs to come talk to us himself.”
“Am I not allowed to defend my best friend? My boyfriend?!” Sting snaps back, anger rising in his chest. “All the anti-bullying stuff around this school says to not be a bystander, to stick up for those in trouble! But once I do that,   I  get in trouble, and nothing changes!”
“What we mean by that is to come tell an authority.” The principal starts filling out a form, not looking at Sting, having given up.
“You just said he has to come tell you himself!” Sting shouts, standing up and shaking angrily.
“Sit down, Sting!” Poher commands, and Sting falls back into his seat with venom in his eyes. Clutching the seat’s armrests with both hands, Sting tries to contain his anger and stop the shaking. “Sting, please listen to me.” Poher’s eyes are fixed upon the boy’s face, and Sting refuses to break eye contact, not backing down. “If someone was bullying Rogue to his face, if someone was physically hurting him, and you came to me with names and evidence, we would put a stop to it. Rogue has not been seen since his little stunt this morning-”
“Wait, what?!” Sting cries, sitting up straighter in the chair. “Rogue’s missing?!”
The principal groans softly, “I shouldn’t have said that. But yes, Rogue is currently missing.”
Sting jumps out of his chair and heads for the door, “I’ve got to find him, he could be in trouble-!” Sting grabs the door and tries to open it, only to realize it’s locked. “Dammit!”
“Sting.” Poher’s voice is surprisingly calm. “You cannot go around punching people anymore, unless it is self-defense. If someone is bullying Rogue, have him come to me. It’s just difficult to take your side of the story as pure fact when you are this riled up and Rogue is missing, breaking school rules. If you both come in later this week, I will have a talk with you.”
Sting hangs his head, shaking violently. “P-Please let me go look for Rogue...likely, he doesn’t want to be found...a-and when he doesn’t want to be found, n-no one’s gonna be able to find him but me...I-I’m the only person he trusts...please…”
Poher sighs softly. “I’m sorry, Sting.” He pushes the form out in front of him. “I’m afraid we have to suspend you for two days for fighting. Stay here, and I’ll call your mom.”
“N-No!” Sting tugs on the door again. “Y-You have to let me out, R-Rogue could be in danger-”
“We have people looking for him now,” the principal says slowly. “I’m calling your mother, Sting. Please sit down and stay as calm as you can. Rogue is going to be alright.”
Sting sinks back into the chair, holding back angry tears. Suspended? Rogue’s going to be alone at school for two days… That is, unless he gets suspended too…
“C-Can I text him…?” Sting whispers, but Poher has already picked up the phone to call Sting’s mother. Biting down on his lip hard, Sting sinks into himself and picks at the dried blood caked onto his fist. Why do all of his attempts to help just make everything worse? Rogue was in a bad place, he couldn’t come to the office himself, he couldn’t tell anyone about the pain he had, about the struggle going on inside his mind. They were basically asking Rogue to do the impossible. People this far gone would never show it, never admit it. They would only hide it inside, hide it until someone they trusted pushed just a bit, and then they’d break into pieces in their hands.
Drowning out the world, Sting buries his face into his hands and tries not to cry. I’m sorry, Rogue...
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Just wondering, how much would motorcycle insurance be monthly for a 16 year old, living in NY, say with a 500-600 cc engine bike?""
Im depressed because i cant get good price on car insurance :(?
I am 21 old male. I passed my driving test 5 months ago and my premium is way too high because I have 3 points on my licence. They were not displaying L plates. I really feel bad because my parents don't drive and I think it would be great to help out with the shooping at least. car insurance is coming up as 3000 and i cant afford. I really want to be there for my parents and drive to work in the early mornings. :( any ideas?
Can I buy a car under my own name and be covered under my parents insurance?
I am currently a college student and considering in buying a car. It will be my first car and I have never had car insurance before. Therefore, my insurance would be really high if I just had insurance by myself as a first time driver. My question is if the car is titled under my name, can I somehow have my parents insure the car under their name and have them add me as a driver on their insurance even though I own the car? Is this legal and normal? Some info: This is in the state of Nevada. I also live with them and they don't mind the liability.""
Business Class car Insurance?
Can some one explain the different classes of car insurance....I have business class1 and my partner uses the car to drive to work - I think they are covered but would like clarification before I ring up insurer tomorrow and check..... Would I need to change the class of insurance and if so to what?
16 year old insurance on a ford torino?
i need to no the price and insurance rate on a 70's model ford torino im 16 live in oklahoma give me your estimate not a website...
Motorcycle insurance question?
I've never been involved in an accident before and I dropped my bike in a parking lot learning 12 o clock wheelies and did a bunch of damage to my bike, maybe even totaling it. What do I tell my insurance company happened? Because they obviously won't cover my bike if they knew I was doing wheelies. Do I just tell them I slipped on some loose gravel and the bike fell or what?""
what to do if you cannot afford health insurance
what to do if you cannot afford health insurance
""What do I look for in a company to insure my quarter horse for loss of use, mortality and surgery?""
If one had an expensive barrel horses what would they look for in a company to insure them. ONly looking for protection on loss of use, death, theft and major surgery. Who are some of the better companies?""
Car insurance rates sports vs regular?
ok i've never owned a car before, im 19 and i've been insured on my parents 3 cars since i was 16, 1 being a 2005 mazda rx8. perfect driving record, no tickets, no fenders. they're going to buy me a car now, and i'm trying to get them to just give me the mazda because they want to sell it any way. They say the insurance rates would be too high. So they want me to get a shitty honda or something (which would be like the same price they would be selling this beautiful mazda for because it has 40k miles on it) So what would be the difference per month i would be paying in insurance if i were to take the mazda (which i guess is defined as a sports car) vs if i were to buy a shitty car that isn't a sports car""
Will alloy wheels effect my insurance and in what ways?
I'm 18 and just bought my first car, (Vauxhall Corsa). It came with wheel trims, and ideally I want alloy wheels: but if it's going to put a lot on my insurance then it might not be worth it. They would be after-market alloys, and the same size as the current wheels. I'm currently paying 2,000 for my car insurance: how much would somebody estimate the new wheels increasing my insurance. Many thanks!""
""In your opinion, who has better idea how make health care insurance affordable - B. Obama or W. Buffet?""
In your opinion, who has better idea how make health care insurance affordable - B. Obama or W. Buffet?""
Why do Norwich union offer really high insurance quotes and then refuse to price match ! am 31 have 4 years no
why do Norwich union offer really high insurance quotes and then refuse to price match ! am 31 have 4 years no claims that claim was due to a car fire so not much risk and their quote is 150 more than anyone else
Local Car Rental Brooklyn NY No license/insurance to practice?
Local Car Rental Brooklyn NY No license/insurance to practice driving I will have a licensed person in the passenger seat, but i need a car just for one hour, to practice my skills and prepare for the exam this is very simple, i need a car to practice driving, i have about 15hrs, need mroe any local car rentals in Brooklyn NY? I do not care so much for the cost, as much as just simplifying the process of renting a car for a measly hour. Thanks""
What is the best insurance company!?
what is the best insurance company for me for my area.
Determining how much car insurance will rise after an accident?
I was in a car accident recently, my fault, and I totaled my car. The truck I hit has only $175 of damages on it. So how will my insurance company determine how much my insurance will go up? Do they just go on how much damage they have to pay for on the other car? Or do they raise it because I'm not a safe driver and I'm now more liable to be in more accidents?""
How much would it cost to insure a used Aston Martin Vantage?
I have decided to get the Aston Martin Vantage (Used). it is around 34000. My salary is around 30,000 a year. I was wondering if insurance is expensive?""
How to switch car insurance in New York State?
I'm currently with geico! I'm thinking to switch to progressive. But my geico police expires on octobre 2013, It this an issue? if I choose to switch car insurance provider do I have to notify the DMV about the Change? Thank you""
""My parents are in the process of putting my name on the car insurance, can i drive it in the meantime?""
My parents are sending the paper work out tomorrow, it'll take a few days for the insurance compant to get it, does this mean I can't drive the car until they get the papers or can I drive it now?""
Should I call my insurance company?
Last fall I hit a raccoon really hard and it ruined my front spoiler and my radiator, the damage was under my deductable so I decided to just buy the parts on my own. Since I don't drive the car in the winter I parked the car over the winter I decided to just put the car into storage and buy the parts in the spring, so I bought the parts, installed them and now I found out that my motor is ruined from the car overheating after I hit the raccoon. and its going to cost a ton of money to get everything fixed on this car. Would I be able to claim something like this even though it happened 6 months ago?""
How much would my car insurance be ?
Im getting a car in a few weeks ( sitron caxo forte) its for free of my girlfriends grandad. I need to know what else its going cost me though, because all the car insurance websites make me fill out to much information and I don't even have the car yet.. I will be 17 in a few weeks and it will be just me driving the car.""
Car insurance help please?
hi well im 30 and just would like to know when i pass my driving test in uk will my insurance be cheap as i am 30 years old or will it still be high as i have no experiance on the road cus i want a golf gti or shall i op for the 1.4 :(
What is an average insurance rate for a house?
How do they figure insurance costs? About how much would annual insurance be for a $70,000 house? Thanks~!""
What is the cost of the insurance for the car i want ?
I want a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 sport im just about to start driving wants the insurance going to cost ?
I don't have liability insurance! My mom drives her car that is insured! Can i drive her car?
I was removed from my parents insurance policy! My mom can drive her car cuz she has insurance. Can i drive her car>?
Car insurance- how do I do it.....?
I am looking for a car to buy but I want to know how much it will cost beore I decide on a car. Is there a way of finding this out without actually having the car yet? I have tried guessing but the search cant find the model or registration year and then it asks for the name that the vehicle is registered to. I am looking at a Nissan Figaro 1.0 automatic, Smart car automatic, peugeot 206 automatic or Mazda 2 (automatic) can anyone help me?""
How much is non owners SR22 insurance in Florida?
My license is suspended because of 12 points in 12 months. I am required to have SR22 non owners insurance and i do not have a vehicle. I don't even know where to begin with all of this. Are there special insurace companies that deal with this sort of thing? Please help!
The affect of points reduction on auto insurance?
I am looking to lower my auto insurance. The state approved defensive driving agencies I have researched offer two possibilities. Option 1. Lower auto premium DD course and Option 2. Points reduction DD course. Option 1 seem to be at the discretion at the auto insurance company but does option 2 also have an affect on insurance? Does point reduction remove traffic violations from your record and therefore results in lower insurance premium due to less violations?
How much does it cost to visit ER without health insurance ?
Just wondering since I visited a hospital's ER couple weeks ago . Have not received any bills yet , I'm 26 yrs old , have a health insurance from blue shield california but the plan has almost $2000 copayment that I have to pay before I can take any benefit ... I visited the ER , did a X-ray , talked to a ER physician ... and that's about it . anyone knows how much I might have to pay for the visit ?""
What's the best and cheapest Insurance Company for Motorcycles?
I want to buy a 2007 Honda CBR1000RR. I live in Georgia. I was quoting online and the prices are insane!!! I could buy a Range Rover with those monthly payments!!!
""Conservatives, what is your overall opinion on insurance companies?""
Particularly: a.) Insurance companies that practice rescission in which a person who has paid into the insurance fund is subsquently denied what he has paid for because the insurance company comes up with an arbitrary reason for denying the needed coverage. b.) Rationing. How do you feel about insurance companies who decide if a procedure is in their best interest and deny to someone a life-saving procedure because it isn't profitable to them in the long run? c.) Denials. Someone who works and wants health insurance and does not qualify for state aid because he actually works for a living and pulls his own weight, but can't find a job with benefits (increasingly common, and why are employers expected to foot the bill for insurance as they don't pay for your car insurance or renter's insurance and this limits job mobility and the ability to start small businesses), and is either outright denied or charged more than his monthly salary? d.) Do you think that if rent, clothing and food cost as much as monthly premiums for people with pre-existing conditions, that we would be in serious trouble? e.) How do you feel about people who had the misfortune to be born with a genetic pre-disposition to an illness, i.e., breast cancer, ovarian cancer, Crohn's Disease, Lou Gehrig's Disease, MS, Alzheimer's, haemophilia, etc. f.) Do you think that an emergency room qualifies as part of preventive, ongoing treatment or that it's not cost effective for sick people to wait until they are at the worst stage to get necessary treatment? g.) Can you explain how several nations, in fact the overwhelming majority, that have universal health care have still remained free, capitalist, prosperous nations, i.e., Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Norway, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Japan, Israel, Singapore, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Finland.....they didn't go communist, and the people do not live in gulag states.""
Buying a motorcycle and insurance?
Might be a weird question. I plan on getting a bike. To get insurance on a bike do you need the title and everytbing under your name first? And if I buy from a dealer, how do I get it home without insurance? You need a bike to get insurance but you need insurance to drive it home from the dealer. How does it work if I make sense.""
How much does it cost to insure a motorcycle?
My age group is 18-25 I have no experiance How much will be insurance on a : Honda CBR125r Kawasaki Ninja 250r Is an older bike better (Learning, and cheap to insure) for a first time buyer/rider? Location: Canada""
what to do if you cannot afford health insurance
what to do if you cannot afford health insurance
Insurance company drug test for a lower rate?
I am clean right now, I just took a drug test today at home and passed. I was just wondering what Farm Bureau Insurance or any car insurance company may test for in a teenager whose parents are looking to get a lower rate? How extensive would the test be? Would they test for LSD or LSA? I AM NOT POSING AS A MINOR! IT'S JUST A QUESTION! WILL PICK BEST ANSWER! thank you for your help! :)""
How much insurance should I have on a 12 year old car?
Should I have full coverage or can I get by on something less?
Car Insurance Question?
I was in a car wreak where it was the other persons fault....already determined by the police. I live in Tennessee by the way and I didnt have insurance at the time..even though I went out and got it an hour later. My question is who is responsible for paying for the damages to the person who hit me? Their insurance is already fixing my car, but the lady who hit me was driving her dads car and she only had liability but not on the car she was driving. Does she call my insurance company to have her dads car fixed even though it was her fault? Whos insurance pays for it? Or is she just outta luck?""
Simple car insurance question:? help?
Hiya, I'm seventeen and 7 months old, I'm working towards my drivers license but I REALLY do want to buy a Hyundai Coupe, either a Hyundai Coupe Siii 2006-8 or the normal s edition, its engine is 1.6 and one costs about 2 grand and the other 4 thousand, how much will be it to ensure, ? average costs? its in insurance group 8p, the siii one, dont give me any sites to go and look and get quotes please, btw, I WILL BE THE SECOND DRIVER, the first driver will be aged 48 and with over 20 years of experience and no history of claims or anything, i have no convictions nothing that could hurt my insurance, just wanna know an average cost, and cheapest thanks""
""%100 liable for totaled vehicle, very low settlement. help please?""
The auto insurance company says i am 100% liable to the damages, received mail from the auto insurance company, it said im responsible for 18000 for the vehicle however they will pay any 3rd party damages i hit a traffic light and rear ended a car . I called them to ask for payment options and they offered me 13000 one time payment and its settled. Why is it so cheap? im very confused""
Car Insurance Quote...?
I've just been reading up on the internet about car insurance quotes and come across this, http://www.saxperience.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-383714.html On there are ALOT of people saying, when it asks for how long you've had your licence its from when you first had your provisional.. is this true??? i bloody hope so cause this would bring down my insurance down A LOT!""
Liability insurance for few days for road test?
How can I get liability insurance for Driver license road test? I will take the test by car of my friend, cause I have no car. Wherever I called, they are saying that you can purchase 6-month insurance policy. Is there any other way? Or can I purchase insurance then after passing test cancel it without cancellation fee? If you know such a insurance companies in North Carolina, US, please let me know.""
""Would like to know what is involved in starting to sell health insurance, part-time for restaurant workers?""
i have no experience, but know the restaurant business very well and know that most have no health insurance, any advise would be helpful, a test is needed and i live in missouri is there an outline for the test and what ins. companies are known for sponsering restaurants for an affordable price""
Does NCD for a motorbike insurance work on a car insurance?
Hi, Does Non Clam Discount earned on motorbike insurance work will work for a futher car insurance? I'm a fresh young driver with no NCD and the first price for a car insurance is 6500 a year, so I can't really own a car with this rate... Is it possible to insure a motorbike (around 600) for like 2-3 years and then used this 2 or 3 years NCD to have the discounts on a car insurance? It could make me save a lot of money if it is possible!""
How would car mileage affect the insurance rate?
Will the rate go higher with higher mileage? (98 Corolla, CA) Thanks!""
""I am leaving for Mexico, what type of auto insurance do I need and where can i get it?
going to mexico for my birthday. i have a 2004 toyota corola and my insurance provider won't cover me down there...any help would be great
For a first time driver who is 28 who is good for cheap car insurance?
In the uk
Is there insurance for a person that doesn't own a car and rental company doesnt provide insurance?
I want to rent a car but the rental place close to me doesn't provide insurance. They said I would have to provide my own. Is there insurance that will cover me while I rent the rental car? And if there is who will provide that for me?
""Silly car insurance cost, why so much?
I am a 40 year old woman who is taking my driving test next week. I have run through some quotes for a car (nothing flash or sporty) and the cheapest I can find is 1450 fully comp. I thought this was some kind of joke but it appears to be true. Why is it so much? I'm not a young person but this has priced me out of affording a car for the foreseeable future. I've just wasted 4 months learning. Why on earth is it so much and why are they getting away with it? It would be cheaper to take the risk and get a fine if I was unlucky enough to be stopped surely? Not going to do that before anyone gets on their high horse but just saying.
Can i keep the insurance money and not fix my car ? can i still buy insurance in future?
I have a BMW 335i which cost around 29k (BUY LAST YEAR with CASH). I was hit by other guy ,he was at fault so their insurance ( B) absolutely must pay to fix my car .Nothing relate to my insurance ( farmer ). they estimate the cost to fix at their shop is 7k while BMW estimate for me is 13k (if there is hidden cost to fix the car, B will have to pay it too,thats the law). I do not want to drive this accident car anymore ,so can i ask them to write me a final check ,for example 15k to cover everything now and in future (for example they accept the deal). i then will sell the damaged car to somebody for cash and buy another one ? my car is still drivable (in my opinion the stucture would cost like 2 k to get it work perfectly,yet if we do not care the look, the cosmetic it will be a super good car to drive) In case i do not sell the car and fix the structure to drive,keep the money , i heard somewhere from yahoo answer that no insurance company will sell you insurance ??? like i can no longer buy farmers insurance if i do not fix my car ??? IS THIS FOR REAL ? ( because i did not make any claim on my insurance FARMER ) Is there any problem with an accident car ( Car title ,etc....) Is it legal in texas to drive a damaged car ? Will they report it to carfax ( i got police report) ..... So that is my case,with your experience Please give me anything that you know about my case, is there any problem with it, does anything will happen in the future Thanks all so much , please help!""
Texas Automobile Insurance?
I got hit by someone else. Their insurance is not providing total cost up front for a rental car while mine is in the shop. I was not at fault. The Insurance carrier is Farmer's Insurance. They said to pay the difference of the rental, and they would reimburse. My understanding by an insurance facilitator at my old company is that if the fault was not yours, then the insurance company has to accommodate you with full pay for the rental car for a comperable vehicle to the one that was damaged. Anyone have any knowledge of the law, and links where I can find out the info? Thank you in advance.""
Medical Insurance Question?!?
I'm 24, and I've been reading a lot of posts online about people who have many health ailments and do not have insurance to get treated or go to the ER then have a massive bill afterwards. I don't understand why these individuals are not hunting around for the cheapest medical insurance they can find prior. There are individual plans out there, directly through the insurance companies, also family plans. You can pick and choose your premiums/deductibles/co-pays, hunt around for what suits your needs best. The single plans especially, can be and most of the time are, affordable. I don't understand why people do not apply for basic health insurance that would cover them in an emergency, or for general routine health-care. Premiums can be as low as 60-100 a month for a single person. Please can someone explain to me why these people are not taking advantage of what is out there? Or even possibly applying for the government assistance plans if they're not employed, especially after an ER visit with no insurance? This is an honest question. Thanks""
What happens after you settle with your insurance company?
My car was stolen Monday morning on July 15 around 3am to 5 am in Richmond CA the car was park right by my parking lot my question is what happend after I settle a payment with my car Insurance and The police find my car after I settle with my insurance?
""I would like to get my insurance license in the state of CA, and I need to know how to start?""
I would like to get my insurance license in the state of CA, and I need to know how to start?""
3 car crash.. I am the insurance companies hunt !!?
Hello .. I would like to listen to your opinios regarding this situation that has turned into a nightmare for me !!! I spent few months in Australia.. I have a full driving license.. I was driving on the M4.. I had 2 cars in front of me .. I was in the last car in the row ( third car ) .. the car in the front ( First car ) has braked suddenly .. The car in the middle ( second car ) hit it causing it much damage .. I could not stop at the right time and i hit the middle car afterwards .. Now .. The man in the middle car has lied to his insurance company and said that he stopped at the right time but when i hit him i made his car jump to the front and hit the front car .. I have now 2 insurance companies chasing me for money and treat me as a hunt because i had no third party property damage at the time of the accident .. My understanding was that the greenslip covers these things but actually they dont .. I have received bills from both companies.. 7000 AUD for the front car and 2000 for the middle car .. The details of repairs in the middle car ( that i hit on a very low speed) shows that damage at the rear of the car cost only 427 AUD and i offered them to pay it .. They refused and threatened me to go to court.. The police did not come at the place of the accident .. What do you think i should do?! How strong will be my situation at the court ?!
Is dental insurance mandatory in Massachusetts ?
Medical insurance is mandatory in Massachusetts, but is the dental insurance also mandatory ?""
Where to get cheap car insurance?
my car insurance rates keep going back and forth and i don't have the money to pay 130.00 a month or 170.00 or whatever they decide to put it at. at first it was 83.15 then it jumped to 170.00 now it is 130.00 can someone please tell me where i can get insurance for at less than 100 dollars?
California bond problems ?
Anyone have a good link that explains this credit crunch with California. Why is California having a hard time funding its bonds. I need a thuro explanation and not the economy is weak, so investors aren't investing capital. If you dont have a link and can explain it yourself that would be fine also.""
""Car insurance help quick, Best answer will be Given!?""
Okay say i set up my car insurance at like 12:00 in the afternoon on a sunday, how long until om covered, straight away, Few days? or.. Please help!""
Which is cheapest car insurance in new york?
i want to buy a car but i know the insurance of the car is very expensive. I will like to know if there is a car insurance that i can afford.
what to do if you cannot afford health insurance
what to do if you cannot afford health insurance
""Would car insurance be cheaper on a Honda Civic, a Chevy Cobalt or a Ford Focus?
They are 2005 model 2 door coupes. I am 25 years old and this will be my first car. I'm going to have to get full coverage insurance and I haven't had my license for that long. Also does it matter what color the car is? Someone told me that red cars have higher insurance(I'm getting a black car by the way). Thanks!!
Whats the best car i can get for around 3000 to 3500? london?
im 18 so one cheap on insurance. I want a fast, reliable car.""
How much is Ontario car insurance for a cheap car (<$1000) for a teen driver with a G2 licence?
I am 17 years old and recently obtained my G2 licence (Ontario) and I want to buy a cheap car (under $1000). However, I don't have a clue how much monthly insurance would be. I would be under my parents' benefits, but I would be primary driver on the vehicle... Any input is appreciated :)""
If my insurance pays off what i owe on my car would it be on my name?
or would if be on my car agency name? i was hit by a 73 male no insurance and well all i have now is for my insurance to cover it and to fix my car is about $7,500 and its a total loss so my mom was told and estimate of what the car might be worth is between 5,000 and 6,000 i have and 2004 Hyundai Elentra. I still owe the agency a year of payment so is the check going to be under my name or the agency. im hoping under my name this way im able to buy a car- cash and keep paying my agency what i owe. bc it sucks to still pay off money even if the 6,000 for the agency and i still have to pay monthly if its not enough to cover the whole amount i owe. HELP""
So many health insurence companys .I need to find a good health insurence I would like your help for a good co
health insurence and dental,with eye glass too .I want my own instade of through a company as a employee""
What is the basic kind of insurance required by California Law?
What kind of insurance covers something like another driver hitting your car door, and then driving off before you could get their license plate # what is comprehensive , and what is collision, ?""
What is insurance expense and preaid insurance ?
A review of the ledger of Khan Company at December 31, 2006, produces the following data pertaining to the preparation of annual adjusting entries. 1. Prepaid Insurance $9,800. The company has separate insurance policies on its buildings and its motor vehicles. Policy B4564 on the building was purchased on July 1, 2005, for $6,000. The policy has a term of 3 years. Policy A2958 on the vehicles was purchased on January 1, 2006, for $4,640. This policy has a term of 2 years.""
Car Insurance 10 pts. best answer!?
What are the parties to an insurance policy. So far i've got policyholder, and underwriter what are some other ones? thanks""
Drive new car on an old insurance policy?
Hi all, I have got fully comp insurance on my car, but I have just sold it. Now I have bought a new one can I drive my new car on my insurance policy without changing it and be covered third party? If the answer is yes will it cause any problems for the person I have just sold my old car to?""
Best choice of car for 18yr old male FOR INSURANCE?
Im looking for a first car, but being a 18yr old male, all the insurance companies just look at that, deem me a Boy racer and whack an extra 600 average to my insurance! (I know this as i did the research.) So im actully asking 2 questions 1) What is the best cheap/cheapest car to run? 2) What is the best insurer to buy from? I dont really mind what sort of car i drive, so long as its not pink.""
If I look for car insurance at the end of the year or month will I save money?
I've heard that if I insure a car at then end of the month or year I should save some money as the insurance companies want to meet there targets. How much am I looking to save if I they give me a deal?
Teenage Car Insurance?
What can we expect for a 16 year old having to pay on a monthly base if he has his OWN insurance (as in not co-insured with the parents). This would be in Texas. I am pretty sure that there is a great difference. Just trying to familarize myself with the whole deal and trying to figure a ballpark amount. Any tips you might have are very much welcome. Thanks!!!
California Speeding ticket and no proof of insurance?
It was dark and raining. I just came off the bay bridge in SF and am positive I was driving below 40 on the bridge and between 40-60 when I got off the bridge. The cop was on 80E past fremont exit. He said I was at 67 in a 50 zone and also did not give me enough time to look for my proof of insurance. He said lets make this easy and quick and cited me for speeding and the no proof of insurance as non-correctable. It this accurate? I don't think his radar reading is accurate. How can I challenge this?
How much health insurance coverage do I get as a military spouse?
I am a newly married Air Force wife. I am currently enrolled for TriCare North Standard coverage for health insurance. Does anybody out there have TriCare North Standard coverage and ...show more
Insurance and financial help?
Here's the deal, I broke something that wasn't mine (on a trip) and was given a bill. I paid for it with my saving account. Why would my parents need a copy of the bill for our insurance co.""
Insurance question (rates)?
if i get into a fender bender in a van for work will it make my insurance rate go up? the cops didnt get my insurance, only my bosses""
How to get a cheap car insurance for young driver?
I have a son who is a teenager. I have a car who I was sharing it with my son but now he bought his own car. He ask me to get a caheper insurance that he can affored but Ive been looking but all of them seem to be above what he is willing to pay, I could help him pay but even its not enough. It there any insurace that cover for cheap or what should I do?""
State Farm Life Insurance... 30 year term? Whole Life? Select Term? Universal?
What insurance should I get? I'm in my late 20's and I'd like to make sure that if anything were to happen to me that my husband and son are left with enough to continue to stay on their feet. The 30 year term is affordable, but the life expectancy of my great grandparents, grandparents and parents, across the board is at least over 65. I'm as healthy as an ox now, but I know that diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol run in my family. I'm very active so I have no signs of any disease related to heart disease. It's a fear that I've had since I was a kid and it's the main reason why I stay active. That being said, what should I get? I already have 2 cars and condo insurances through State Farm so I'd get something like 17% off my car insurance. I'm struggling to figure out which policy to choose. I need some insight.""
What is a good type of health insurance for younger married couple.?
My wife and I are both 20 years old and don't have health or dental insurance which we definitely need. We have had a lot of hospital bills and can't keep up with them. We were denied for medicaid so I am looking for a type of health insurance that will be cheaper but include health and dental benefits. I just wanted to ask you guys before I spend all day researching stuff so if you have any advice that'd be great. Thanks
""Can a licensed driver, drive my car without having insurance?""
#1. I am insured under my parents Allstate Auto Insurance. My boyfriend is a licensed driver but does not have car insurance. If he drives my car and something happened, would Allstate cover it? #2. In a previous state, we were given the option of adding him to the plan or not allowing him to drive any of our vehicles. We signed the agreement that he would not drive our vehicles. Now, in a different state, would that follow us? #3. If he were to get insurance, I was told, a driver can not get insurance unless their name is on the title? Any help is greatly appreciated!""
How much will insurance cost for a 16 year old?
im 16 years old and i wanna get a 1965 mustang and im wondering how much insurance would cost even if under my parent's plan
Looking for best LIC insurance for Child?
Hello, I am new to this insurance/policy stuffs...i am looking for best LIC policy for kids... Please share some sites where i can get basic education about insurance policies... thanks""
How would insurance be on these cars?
first of all plz dont tell me call insurance or that im to young and dont need these cars and should get a camry. i just turned 17 and just got a job at In n Out and by my senior year in highschool which is after this summer i want to get a car and my parents would help me but everytime i ask them they say dont talk about it untill you have 2500$-_- so i was just wondering how much is insurance on these cars i have in mind, first, nissan 350z(any year) honda s2000(any year) mazda miata(1998-2004) and last a scion tc (2004-2008) the car will be under MY MOMS name and i will be put as an additional driver but not main driver or however you put it. can i just have the price ranges it doesnt have to be exact, if it help i live in califronia Orange county anaheim thanks guys""
""Cheap Home Insurance Companies Orlando, Florida?
I used to be insured by Homewise Home Insurance but for some reason they cannot longer insured me and they are transferring me to another insurance company when my renewal comes around and increasing my premium by close to $300. I need to know right away the cheapest home insurance companies in Orlando... help..
240sx insurance?
will the cost of insurance for a 1995 nissan 240sx be high or low?
what to do if you cannot afford health insurance
what to do if you cannot afford health insurance
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