#im gonna go get drunk now peace out
dckweed · 10 months
summary: In which bob floyd gets himself into a bit of a pickle and calls on his hot, recently single neighbor to help him out, the situation is mutually beneficial..in more ways than one.
warnings: fake dating, violence, domestic violence mentioned, nicknames, slowburn, eventual smut.
this is an x reader fic where reader is referred to as sunshine or sunny as a nickname, also i know the moodboard is a lil wonky no one say anything im gonna fix it! i made it on my phone half asleep lmao.
comment below for taglist!
wordcount: 2260
The music was soft in the background for once, his friends laughter the loudest thing in the room. Bob couldn’t help but to laugh along with them as he took a swig of his third beer of the night, a little more than tipsy but not completely drunk. He knew he was a lightweight, and this was the only time he ever preferred to drink, in the comfort of his own home surrounded by people he trusted. His friends were all gathered around his coffee table, some of them on the couch, some of them sprawled on the floor as they laughed and goofed off, the NHL game they had all gathered to watch together no longer a top priority. 
Bradley and Natasha had been talking about the blind dates they had been on recently, set up by each other, each of them pointing out the flaws in the others choosing with racious laughter as they knocked back their alcohol and made a mess of Bob’s coffee table as they playfully fought each other, Bradley flipping over the bowl of potato chips that was sat out as he kicked his leg across the table from the floor to hit his friend. Bob laughs at the scene, not minding the mess because the situation was just so funny and he was for once in his life, enjoying being in the moment. 
“Look what you did, numbnuts! You spilled all the chips!” Hangman shouts, tossing his couch pillow at them from where he lay on the love seat across from Bob. Bradley catches it mid-air and tosses it back to Jake, a terrible throw and a clear enough window into how drunk he is because it doesn’t get any air and knocks clear into the row of open bud lights, knocking them over and causing what was left to slosh out onto the floor. Javy groans, slipping out of the chair he was sat in to pick up the bottles as Bob gets up to get a towel to sop up the wet beer from his outrageously expensive rug so his little shih tzu, Cosie wouldn’t go licking it up when he passed out tonight. 
He was only gone for a few moments but by the time he came back the subject of dating had suddenly been turned to him. He shakes his head, trying not to think to hard about how he was way more than tipsy by that point because the whole room started to spin when he did that. “No, not dating right now.” He says, kneeling down to start cleaning up the mess as Javy comes back from throwing away the bottles. 
Jake scoffs from next to him taking a long drag of his own beer, and Bob braces himself for whats coming next. “Of course not,” He says, a small bit of disdain in his tone, but Bob knew it was all just friendly teasing, even if it did hurt him. Even if he was so tired of constantly hearing from everyone about how he needed to get out into the dating pool. Truthfully, he was tired of being single, but he didn’t need these jack offs meddling in his love life the way Natasha had been doing with her blind dates with girlfriends she’d made off base. It just didn’t work out for him, it never did. 
But god, he was tired of hearing it from Jake about how he was ‘too afraid of girls’ to actually go out and date one, they were grown ass adults, weren’t they? Why did it matter what he did with his personal life outside of work and the friend group? He didn’t like to date around, he liked relationships. Besides, he wasn’t afraid of girls either. That one was starting to piss him off, wither away at that self control that his mama swore he was born with too much of. Not that any of them needed to know that..so why then, did he feel like proving them all wrong?
He knew in the back of his drunk mind that his next choice of words was not a good one to make, and he had just dug himself into a terribly deep hole that would haunt him for the rest of his life (good god he would probably have to change placements if they ever fucking found out, or better yet, retire from the navy altogether). But Lord help him, he opened his mouth anyway and let the words out. 
“I don’t think my girlfriend would like me seeing other people.” He says, taking a kind of sick pleasure in hearing Jake snort beer out of his nose as he sits up so quickly he falls off of the couch, his words catching the attention of his other friends too. “What?” He asks, looking around at all of their gaping faces. He regretted his lie immediately. “Is it so hard to picture me with a girlfriend? I am capable of getting one, you know.” A dig at Jake just for the fucking fun of it. 
There was a long moment of silence before all of their voices were flooding his ears at once, questions coming from all directions. It was almost as if the news had shocked them sober. 
What did I just do? 
Sunshine Y/L/N, was many things, a bitch, a whore, a liar, a psycho (all depending on which of her ex-boyfriends and family members you asked),..but a fool was not one of them. You were not foolish enough to let a man raise a hand to you and cower away and accept his apology because you thought you deserved it or because it would placate him. And so when the asshole you had been in the midst of arguing with because he swore to god that you were fucking the bouncer at work (you would never, you weren’t in to bald men who looked like broke versions of mr. clean) cocked his arm back and slapped you across the face so hard that blood splattered from your nose, you clenched a fist and let all hell break loose. 
You had screamed, and screamed and screamed and had thrown anything that you could get hands on, drawing blood on his forehead as an empty flower vase shattered against the wall that she shared with her neighbor. “Look what you did, you crazy bitch!” He yelled, holding a hand to his forehead, offended that you had dared to retaliate against him. 
You sucked in a deep breath, fists clenching. There was nothing you hated more than being called crazy. You were not crazy. You were not fucking crazy. “Get out.” You breathed, a surprisingly steady hand pointing towards the door that was being banged on from an outside source. The man looks at you as if you were a bull with three heads. “Are you deaf? I said get the fuck OUT!” You had bellowed, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and dragging him to the door, it took all of three seconds to throw open the chain locking the door before tossing the sorry fucker out, straight into your neighbor, Bob, who had very obviously been banging on the door. 
“Woah-” The tall, lanky man had said, catching the rat bastard who had been flung out at him. He pushes him off of him, noticing the blood on his face and looks at you, the blood streaming from your nose. “Are you okay?” He asks, his immediate thought on his neighbor as watched the guy storm off towards the stairwell at the end of the hallway. 
You sniffed, jaw clinched as you nod, watching the jerkoff walk away before running back inside. Bob follows as you yank open the window in the living room before running back down a hallway, to the bedroom he assumed. Bob had looked around at the mess of glass and blood splatters on the floor, wondering what the fuck had taken pace. He had heard yelling, and glass shattering and had run over trying to open the door. “Mother fucker, DON’T YOU EVER COME BACK HERE!” You scream, tossing a heap of clothes out of the window and down onto the street, Bob heard a mans yell and knew they must’ve landed directly on the offending asshole. “Stupid fucking son of a fucking bitch.” 
“Um, Sunny,” Bob says, placing a gentle hand on your slender shoulder. You were shaking, with fear or anger he isn’t sure but he wants to help. “Are you okay?” He doesn’t know what else to ask, what else to do. He’d never been in this kind of situation before. 
He watches you raise a hand and use the back of it to wipe your bloody nose before turning around to face him, your friendly neighbor whose dog you often watched when he had to work overnights at the base or when he had been on his deployment for the uranium mission. Blood smeared across your upper lip and cheek as you look up at him, eyes watery and full of an emotion he couldn’t quite decipher. The smile on your face is terrifyingly sexy. “Just peachy, bobby,” You whispered, blinking the tears in your eyes away as you set your shoulders squarely. “My step-daddy didn’t raise no fucking bitch, a man like him wants to hit me, he better be prepared for me to hit him back ten times fucking harder.” 
Bob didn’t know what to say, so he resulted for saying a simple okay and stayed around to help you clean up the mess that littered your normally spotless living room. He had even ordered you pizza while you were in the bathroom cleaning up your face, paying for it without telling you because he knew you would argue. He knew you made good money in your line of work, he knew you liked paying for your own things, but he was a gentleman nonetheless and wanted to take care of a neighbor who was clearly in some kind of need of support. He had stayed until you had fallen asleep, silently letting himself out of your apartment and the pair of you hadn’t crossed paths until a week later, granted, you hadn’t left your apartment much (you couldn’t very well go to work with a bruise on your face, it certainly wouldn’t bode well with your bosses nor with your customers) for your paths to have crossed to begin with. 
You were surprised to say the least when a knock sounded on your apartment door early in the morning on Saturday, and even moreso when you opened to find none other than your adorable next door neighbor (and, in a way, your savior) standing in your doorframe, hands in the pockets of his jeans and a cute little crease in between his eyebrows as he looked up at you from where he was looking at his shoes. “Hey Bob, everything okay?” You ask, wiping the sweat away from your forehead. You had been doing an intense pilates session in your living room, a good way to keep you limber and fit for your job. “Are you going on deployment or something? Do you need me to take Cosie?”
“No, no..” Bob shakes his head, he felt stupid for coming over here, for not just immediately fessing up to his friends about his dumb lie. He should just turn around and go back to his apartment and call it a day, and he was going to until his fuckin’ phone buzzed in his pocket and he was reminded of why he had told the damn lie in the first place. “Um, actually, do you think I could come in? I have a favor to ask of you, and it’s..a big one.” 
You were confused but allowed him to come in nonetheless, shutting and locking the door behind him as he did. What could he possibly need from you that wasn’t watching his dog while he was away? You couldn’t say you weren’t keen to find out, you were bored out of your mind and you couldn’t help but wonder what he needed from you of all people. Bob had literally seen you at your worst last week, and yet here he was inside of your apartment with his hands awkwardly shoved into the front pockets of his boot cut jeans, his pretty eyes flitting about, finding anything to look at that wasn’t your breasts that were pushed up in your slightly too small lulu lemon top. 
“What’s up, Bobby?” You asked, headed to your kitchen that over looked the living room. You grabbed a bottle of water out of your slowly emptying fridge and twisted open the cap, taking a hefty sip. 
“Um..” He says, his lips pursing as his eyebrows furrow together somehow even deeper. He blows air out of his nose and finally looks up at you, taking his hands out of his pockets only to place them on his hips, awkwardly. “I need you to be my girlfriend.” He says and you snort your water out of your nose on accident, choking on it at the first mention of the words as you tried to process them. “Oh fuck-” 
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cutecatlov3r · 1 year
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my character ai bots:
atsumu miya:
your annoying ass roommate- atsumu answered the door, in his boxers. his hair was all messy, sweat ran down his face lightly. “who are ya?”
he’s drunk- “‘m… Atsumu Miya. yer really pretty ya know? im a er- marine biologist” he slurred. “man shut up, you play volleyball!” one of his friends interrupted. “tch! shuddup, will ya?! tryna act cool!”
kotaro bokuto:
emo mode- “im so stupid…everyone should just stop passing the ball to me!!” he announced, sulking.
he’s spiderman- all was well until he took a glance out the window, seeing a villain. “crap! I-i mean uh I gotta go run to the bathroom!”
your his fan- after the game, you walked down and greeted him, asking to sign your shirt, sheepishly.
koshi sugawara:
he’s your son’s teacher- you walked into the classroom, hugging your boy, the teacher smiled at you. “ah, are you his sister?” he asked, kindly.
he’s jealous- “what were you and hinata talking about?” he asked, his voice sounding innocent. but his hand tightened on your thigh just a bit.
your his coworker- “let me help you” he went behind you, his body pressing against your back, one arm grabbing the item, other grazing your hip.
shoyo hinata:
he hit you w a ball- “are you okay? I’m sorry hehhhh, I didn’t see where I was landing my spike” he extended his hand out to you, sheepishly.
he can fix you- “you’ve been running from love your whole life. give me one chance and I promise that I can make the pain better” he had your hands in his, looking with pleading eyes.
he got sick- …it was a sad moment for the karasuno team. shoyo got sick in the middle of a game and their team had lost the chance to win nationals. he may only be a first year and he will have more chances to win but he wanted to with this year really bad.
kenma kozume:
streaming wars- you and him are friends, having a little rivalry when it comes to being liked in the gaming community. only for views, not really hating each other.
rivals- as soon as Kenma met you he despised you. he couldn't stand you, all he wanted was to sit in peace. usually he doesn't mind being around loud people but you... he never wanted to be around you.
he hates brats- right now you two were getting ready to record, you whined the whole time as he was fixing the camera. he rolled his eyes. he put his hand over your mouth, other gripping your hair tightly. “can you just shut the hell up?”
cat hybrid- walking along the streets at night it was pouring rain. you sighed, walking in the rain, forgetting your umbrella at work. while walking you hear something. “meow”
tetsuro kuroo:
helping you study- he hits your head with the rolled newspaper article again. this has been going on ever since you went over to his home an hour ago. “wrong answer”
hajime iwaizumi:
scolding you- “i told your dumbass he was bad news, you never wanna listen to me” he reminded, shrugging his shoulders, looking as you packed you ex boyfriend’s things.
yuu nishinoya:
he’s drunk- “noooo because likeeeee why the hell was I sooo delusional? i never had a chance with kiiiyoko *hic* she was always gonna be tanaka’s girl” he slurred, laughing.
keiji akaashi:
he loves feeding you- he grabs your chin, prying your mouth open with his thumb, feeling your soft lips. “eat”
the pretty setter- you were watching the volleyball game of your school, fukurodani. while watching, you saw the most handsome guy you’ve ever seen.
kei tsukishima:
he hates you(?)- you and Tsukishima weren’t even friends. he didn’t like you… he thought your attractiveness was annoying. when he kissed you a few months ago it was off to you. then when you woke up in his bed almost every weekend. if he hated you so much why did he sleep with you?
toru oikawa:
kageyama tobio:
osamu miya:
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guys I will be adding more soon, please leave some suggestions tho ! <3
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leewritestoomuch · 6 months
Omg i’m so glad you are taking rock lee requests not that many people write for him! if you are up to it can you write a drunk rock lee smut we don’t see him drunk much in the show but maybe he accidentally drinks again when he’s an adult and he just comes home super horny and needy as hell 🫣
Drunk Rock Lee
Warning: NSFW, penetration, mention of violence
Let’s assume there are previous discussion of consent regarding being under the influence since Im not writing a prequel lol
“Lee?” You ask from the hallway of your shared home as the door opens and closes, rather loudly. Usually your boyfriend is loud, enthusiastic, but this time you hear stumbling and hiccups of your name. You rush to the entrance of your home, going to help him walk, praying the entire time he didn’t try to beat you up or destroy the entryway to your home, if not the entire house.
As you were hoping and wishing for peace, Lee tackled you to the ground. You flinch, knowing what’s coming, but it doesn’t come. Instead, his hips roll against yours, desperate pleas leaving his mouth. Within mere seconds, he cried out desperately and a dark spot soaked its way into the spandex of his jumpsuit.
He pants heavily, clawing at your pants. You, being, admittedly, now turned on from how quickly he’d come his pants, helped him to take off your own pants and enter you. He was quick with it, desperately whimpering out your name as he began to thrust in and out.
He brought his hand down to rub your clit in circles, mumbling about how good you look, how much he loves you, etc. between his moans. You clamp your own hand over your mouth, his fast pace getting to you. Every snap of his hips drives his cock further into you than before.
His whimpers of your name cause your stomach to tie into knots, heat pooling there. The friction burns perfectly. And the lewd sounds of his balls and hips slamming against you cause your toes to curl, your eyes to roll back as you close them.
His cock twitches inside you, and soon he spills his load inside of you, white painting your insides but he’s not stopping even after as he brings you to your climax. You cum finally, legs shaking as his hands keep them apart even as you try to close them.
“Don’t push me awayyyy.” He whines, pushing your hips down as he bursts again, practically screaming out your name this time as he fills you up perfectly. You pant as he sloppily kisses you, tongue darting around your mouth likes he’s still desperate for more of you.
His hips, previously still beside involuntary jerking, now move intentionally, slowing driving into you again. As you gasp, he giggles, hiccuping.
“You feel so good. I need you. I can’t…” he hiccups again, “live without you. You’re so beautiful. You’re perfect. Please… please let me hear you.”
As you let your moans out, he desperately writhes, cock twitching intensely inside of you.
“I can’t stop, too good… you’re too good. I’m gonna cum again! Too perfect! Too tight!” His voice is thinner and shaky as he slams his hips into you, spilling white deep into you. The sensation spurs on your orgasm, clenching around him as he groans, shaking with you.
He pulls out of you, passing out suddenly beside you.
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iravinirattu · 1 year
ik im late but im playing through kaveh's hangout event and. the haikaveh brainrot is real
since these losers can't do it themselves i am here to offer my translation services ‼️
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al haitham you liar. we are in a library using our indoor voices you did NOT hear us.
and even if you did mr. "i hate small talk" why'd u walk over hmm?? hmm??
"dont mind if i ignore you, i've got my earphones in" <- applies to everyone except kaveh
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"okay now that i've gotten him distracted tell me what's wrong so i can discreetly fix it"
mans literally sent kaveh away to boost his confidence a bit + find out if he was okay.
"you annoted those books with such long and beautiful notes that eveyone hated lolol anyways check out those shelfs where there's a book with someone appreciating ur notes"
i can't get over how many exceptions al haitham makes for kaveh. he's not heartless and cruel in the way i often see him portrayed... but at the same time his entire demeanor is "i respect you as a person but won't go out of my way to do things for you unless it benefits me"
like he's one of the only characters who isn't super super close with the traveler, at least that's how i see it in the voicelines! he respects them as a friend, would consider doing things for them if they asked, but that's about it really!
but KAVEH. for someone who enjoys a peaceful life and has such a rational and efficient way of working it theoretically makes no sense for him to do all the things he does for kaveh.
like sure "maybe the cheering up kaveh is just to avoid having to deal with him drunk later", but that's too roundabout of a demeanor to be al haitham's style. plus, if he really didn't want to deal with a drunk kaveh, he could just kick him out.
but he doesn't because he cares, and kaveh does not understand that because he has created a vision of what he thinks al haitham is in his head, and in that vision he, kaveh, has no value so why would haitham have him around?? clearly he's got ulterior motives.
and they won't move further until kaveh lets go of that vision, and he can only do that if he truly realises his own worth, and until then haitham's gonna have to keep pushing him towards that from the shadows.
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"he overworks himself, it's not healthy. he forgets the practicality of his ideals when he starts something, thinking he can pull through it, but reality hits him halfway. he can keep his ideals, that's fine, but i wish he was a bit more realistic about them."
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"and despite all of the above, despite wanting to uphold his artistic integrity, he still puts everyone's needs before his own."
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"his approach is too contradictory, and hence people don't see his talent. there are those who's resolve is so brash they are seen as confident and unshakable; and yet he who is more talented than them all falls behind because he's so easy to take advantage of."
al haitham taught me two new words today lol
irascible - someone with a quick temper
paragon - something viewed as a standard
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"if he wants things to change he needs to find a balance between compromise and resolve. there is no way to please everyone, but instead of accepting this, he thinks he can nullify it if he takes all the burden instead."
kaveh's altruism stems from his own self-hatred, moreso than his desire to help others. and while doing a good deed puts a smile on his face, the melancholy guilt that trips him when he doesn't is far greater.
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"if they are his ideals then i have no right to say anything about them. but he hurts himself so much as a result of that and i wish he would love himself a bit more."
al haitham has a great deal of respect for kaveh, not just as a scholar but as a person. and it's hard watching someone like that dig their own grave, and there's nothing you can do but wait in the sidelines, because they won't believe anything you say.
al haitham is constantly bickering with kaveh to get him to feel a little, challenge his ideals, find a way to make them work without sacrificing himself in return.
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"at this poing talking to him is no use, he's convinced himself that his life only has purpose if it's in the hands of others. all people face hardships in life, but he seems to believe he deserves all he gets and more"
and then after kaveh is back he gives him space to talk about things that make him happy, and more importantly, appreciate himself.
how to tell kaveh i want to listen to his silly lil rants without sounding like a sap - al haitham's brain, probably
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al haitham knowing all of kaveh's little buttons, and pressing the right ones after determining his mood, so he can show kaveh he loves him but still sound like a bitch.
"you did so well. i am so proud, and i hope you are proud of yourself too."
and sometimes he does click the wrong one, but then immediately goes back on it, becomes soft(er than usual), offers reassurance, changes the topic, and so on
we saw this in the parade of providence event, when kaveh got legitimately upset at one of haitham's remarks and he immediately went into I HAVE UPSET MY BF recovery mode.
and what i love the most in all this is KAVEH'S DUMBASS IS SO OBLIVIOUS TO THIS LMAOOO
but also it's sad because the reason he's oblivious is because he doesn't think he's worth being cared for like that.
haikaveh's whole vibe is "i love you, but i'd much rather you love yourself first" and "i'm your one and only, your only exception, the one you'd break all your rules for" and i love it.
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foggyforest4169 · 1 year
'𝚂𝚒𝚌𝚔' 𝙼𝚊𝚕𝚎!𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚡 𝙹𝚘𝚑𝚗 '𝚜𝚘𝚊𝚙' 𝙼𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚜𝚑
A/N: It's Johnny boy's time to shine! I thought we should give ghost a rest and if you were sick, realistically he'd tell probably tell you to man up.
Summery: You have the man flu and Johnny takes care of you
Squeaky clean: Where are you? 7:30
Squeaky clean: Pick up the phone babe 9:56
Squeaky clean: Oi are you dead? 12:17
Fuck me, I feel like absolute shit. I read through the messages with bagged half-lidded eyes. It was 1pm on a Tuesday and I'd just woken up after a restless night of throwing up, constant aches and fever-induced dreams.
To be honest I wasn't shocked to see all the messages... ah shit I didn't tell Price... oh well fuck it. I ignored the banging pain in my head and opened my phone, squinting my eyes to avoid the blaring light and type a quick reply
Me: Dont get your knickers in a twist Im alive
Me: Im sick. Just woke up
I couldn't help but smirk, I swear this man reads my messages within a nanosecond. Before I could even Reply to him, he'd already sent a message
Squeaky clean: I'll be over in 5
Me: Wait no no you're at work
Read. that fucking Scottish bastard left me on read, although it did bring me comfort to know that someone cared for me. I laid my phone on the beside table as I felt my head throb... fucking hell... I rolled over and closed my eyes to try block out the light... soon the door open and I heard the big Scottish Mohawk man slowly creep in... a soft smile on his face while I shivered under the blanket
" Johnny... you should *cough cough*... fuck....... go back to work... i don't want to get you sick..." I said as he ignored you and came closer... feeling your forehead before rubbing your cheek
"Shut up, you're my boyfriend... I'm not gonna leave you here sick now ill go get you a cup of tea so you can take them paracetamol" He said with a smile as he bad his way yo the little kitchen in your room and put the kettle on
"Soap I-"
"And don't you dare try to retaliate you look like shite now just relax... have you eaten?" He said with a stern voice while you nodded your head and let out a low yes. He just nodded and soon he came over with a perfect cup of tea, just the way you liked it.
"Thank you Johnny" You said with a soft smile as you took the tablets and drunk the tea. Once you were you were done you said something a bit unexpected
"Honey... can I... can we cuddle" You muttered as you saw the smile grow on Soap's face. You weren't a touchy person unless it was him so without hesitation he nodded and opened his arms. You crawled in and buried your face into his shoulder while he laid you down and rubbed your head, smiling as he liked your touch... it was warm and sweet, unusual but pleasant,
And with his warm touch and comfort, you feel to sleep in him... softly snoring and drooling while he scrolled on his phone and held you, making sure you were comfortable and finally getting some rest. He could tell by the dark heavy bags that dragged down your eyes and all though he's seen you in worst condition with wounds and blood covering you, he hated seeing you like this; so exhausted and weak. It wasn't like you to get ill so he was gonna be here and care for you, making sure you get better.
He gave Price a text and since you two had no up coming missions he allowed a week sick leave. So now he sorted everything for you he rested easy, scrolling on his phone and rubbing the back of your head, his hands softly running through your hair. Soon enough you were both asleep, holding each other close and allowing a moment of peace in between the chaos of being sick. You two were remained peaceful until around 1am where you woke up and had to run to the bathroom, throwing up in the toilet, holding onto the bowl tightly as the stomach acid burnt your throat. The putrid taste of vomit in your mouth as you sat against the wall, your breath heavy after spilling all the contents in your stomach.
"Handsome... are you okay, why are you up at 1am?" Soap said as you looked up at him and just rested your head in your knees trying to gain some sort of energy, your head throbbing while your eyes shut to try block light out.
"I just threw up... sorry did i wake you?"
"No no it's okay come on, wash your mouth out and I'll go make you some soup with some bread" He said as he knelled down and kissed your head, rubbing the back of it. He helped you up and then left to go make soup, leaving you to wash your mouth to try spit all of the acid and get rid of the horrid taste remaining in your mouth. Then you made your way to the kitchen, sitting down at the table while you watched your boyfriend make you some soup and bread. A soft smile on his face while he served you your soup.
"There we are baby, eat up and then we can go back to the couch" He smiled as you saw the pills and some flat lemonade for after. Johnny washed up and you slowly ate enjoying the sweet creaminess of the chicken soup, dipping the bread into it and enjoying your meal until you finished, taking small sips of the water while you took the pills to stop the pounding in your head. Once you were done you went up behind Soap and gave him a gentle hug, using the strength you had.
"Thank you love, now come back to the couch you can do that in the morning" You said as you gently kissed his neck while he smiled and nodded, both of you going back the couch, cuddling close as he gently rubbed your head while you held him tightly, soon falling asleep again, feeling comfortable and warm while your sweet boyfriend held you close.
"I love you handsome" You said sleepily as you started to fall asleep
"I love you too" He replied and kissed your head
A/N : Hope you enjoyed this, this has been in my drafts for a while now so that's why there's a little shift from first person to second person. Also the song of the story is just a nice relaxing song I didn't know i could fit it into the story. Anyway have a great day, bye!
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p1nkm1lkslug · 6 days
More of my head canons for my OC (Samara) :3
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(They r in formal attire)
Takes care of hair,since becoming a proxy her self expression is limited so she does take control where they can (wears different clothes, changes her hairstyle)
Big on self expression,has had a fuck ton of piercings
At some point she will end up shaving her head (not exactly sure when I'll end up making this comic legit since it's hard with school and what not but hopefully I can begin planning in winter)
has a tiny toothgap, and use to have a smiley piercing but it kept falling out and was overall fucking up his mouth so they stopped
Gets overwhelmed in loud places and overall avoids people in general, she has a few she likes but still prefers solitude
She can't handle kids, but that doesn't mean she hates them, specifically Sally, I head canon that Sally overall avoids as many adult in the mansion as possible, she can tolerate SOME of the women but absolutely non of the men, Sam just kinda broke down in her room knowing a kid was stuck in this hellish home
Not really close with many in the mansion but her relationship with the creeps is more:
Jane/clockwork: civil, might go for a drink or two and exchange childhood memories drunk in the bathroom but that's it, they kinda have a very "we're in a home full of gross men, we gotta stick together" Relationship so they all just make peace
Dina/Nina: nice, she finds them sweet and overall kind compared to others, they aren't close either but Sam has no issue chatting with them, it's not everyday you get a normal conversation
Jill: estranged and one sided besties situation, Sam doesn't hate her but Jill can't read the room and girlypop can only take so much of her personal space being intruded before she gets angry (y'all are not genderbent will and jack 🗣️🙏)
Zero: "I can't tell if I wanna fuck you or rip your head off" "Both, both is good"
Anne: awkward, it's literally just "scary intj who hates men and is very violent" X "infp who is also violent and is so fucking done"
Masky: ugly hoe stfu kys 😍
Hoodie: alright relationship, bro is tryna get down and dirty and bbg just wants to be held for once 😭
Toby: do you love me because of the way I am or because you need a rebound since your ex girlfriend cheated on you with another killer ( Jane x Natalie 🔛🔝)
Jeff: your are such a sick scummy asshole, I need to know what happened to you. She feels for Jeff in the way you feel for a stray cat that is scared like "what happened that made you, you"
Ben/other gamer pastas: funny, now pass the blunt
Will: bitch I get you wanna be edgy and that you didn't have many friends but THAT IS NOT A REASON TO GO TO THE UNDERWORLD AND BECOME A KILLER (also you deserve better friends then a manipulative clown)
Ej/Dr smiley: casual conversation over doing a victims autopsy
Issac: no I'm not gonna help you track down your ex bff just cus your dead tf? (She in fact spent the next month helping Issac find jack and only at the last minute did the dumb fuck realize that she could have introduced them when her and Issac first met)
Frankie: hi, I'm Saul Goodman, did you know your have rights?, well nowhere does it say that you need to bottle up your feelings (she has heard him sobbing about amy)
LJ: I can't wait till your bitch ass looses those fuck ass acrylic nails, I'm gonna be swinging left and right mf
im so tired now-
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quarktrinity · 9 months
quark watches star trek season 2 episode 15
i wanna burn kirks green shirt. i hate it. show me the tummy NOW!!
"i was making a little joke, sir" "extremely little, ensign" spock ily
hate to see kirk leave but love to watch him go
was so focused on the banter i forgot that this show has a plot
kirk is so passive aggressive sometimes. i want him carnally
kirks ass = amazing
weird ringing in the background, hard to focus on the dialogue its so distracting
"storagecompartmentsstoragecompartments?" "whatwhat?" kirk ily
spock is a know-it-all
Plot Grain
kirk is so sassy in this episode
uhura almost walks directly into kirks tummy. i wouldnt have stopped if i were her
weird space salesmen is giving rogueport vibes
lil fuzzball...
these are evil arent they
i thought currency didnt exist in star trek? theyre clearly exchanging currency here
uhura ily
This Grain Is Very Important
kirks fussy. baby needs a nap
the klingons are up to somethin
did the klingons send the tribble
"let me ASSURE you that my INTENTIONS ARE PEACEFUL." ok buddy
"my dear ~captain koloth~" kirk stop flirting with everyone who wants to kill you
hm i wonder which political event the writers were thinking about. perhaps. the cold war? no way
there are more tribbles now
spock is not immune to tribble calming powers
i want more side shots of kirk im obsessed with his tum tum
tribble mitosis
william shatners been getting pretty mumbly lately
return of space rogueport salesman
ok it appears the klingons dont know or care about the tribbles
nevermind they actively dislike them
the tribble economy is in shambles
klingon is passive aggressively praising/criticizing kirk in the most homoerotic way
klingon sounds drunk
scotty can handle klingon dude dissing kirk but dissing the enterprise is too far. kirk was right, the enterprise really is a beautiful lady and we love her
Were Fighting Now
weirdly long fight scene
"i wanna know who started it" vice principle isnt a good look on you kirk
thought kirk was gonna smack scottys ass for a sec there. woulda been in character
scotty recalls the kirk criticisms verbatim
kirks fussy again
this is too many tribbles
mccoy likes tribbles more than spock
spock likes tribbles more than mccoy
make out already
kirk sits his ass on a tribble
Far Too Many Tribbles
"theyre born pregnant" what
tribbles are canonically bisexual
kirk is too cranky for tribbles
tribbles are an invasive species
This Too Is About The Cold War
yeah this is just way too many tribbles. its just too much
the tribbles are Problematic
kirk gets a tidal wave of tribbles dumped on him. i love this show
someone help kirk hes drowning in tribbles
dont yell at kirk hes drowning in tribbles
kirk is drowning in dead tribbles
i envy the prop person who got to drop tribbles on william shatners head
everyones pissed at kirk today
tribbles are klingonphobic
oh no! a sovie- i mean klingon spy!
"its been impregnated with a vahrus"
i think kirk just forced this dude into slave labor
does teleporting tribbles into a klingon ship count as biological warfare
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kiki-widow · 2 years
Names (kitten, Mistress), spanking, chocking, nipple play, Oral (r resieving), p in v, no protection
Wanda (bottom) x g!p (top)
Y/N Pov It was a wonderful day. I wake up besides my beautiful girlfriend. We cuddle like an hour and then we changed our clothes and separated our ways because I needed to train with my sister and Wanda needed to go on an Meeting. After I finished training with Nat I walked in the kitchen where I found Wanda and Vision Talking and cooking. I sad hello and grabbed a bottle of water.  Then I sat on the couch and watched a movie. Many times I cached how vision got closer to Wanda and that made my blood boil. Vision was ever since he was there flirting with my Girlfriend. He called her darling and would always come to her when she had a nightmare. And every time I'm there with her and had the urge to hit him. But in the situation I couldn't. After sometime I watched how Vision got behind Wanda and put his hands on her hips. And That made me walk to them. "Vision get of off my girlfriend." "Baby don't worry." "Yea Y/N don't worry. We just have a little fun." "Yes I can see that. Now back of." And with that I pulled Wanda to me and walked with her in our shared bedroom. When the door closed I pushed her against the wall and put my hand around her neck. Then I squeezed it and growled in her ear. "You are mine. Got it Kitten?"
  She moaned and nodded her head. Then I squeezed her neck again and said "Words Kitten." "Y-Yes Misstres" Then I leaned down and kissed her with many tounge and I laid her on the bed and said "Now I'm gonna show you who you belong to kitten." "Okay Mistress." I hummed and ripped Wanda's T-shirt of. She moaned at my action. I saw that she had a purple bra on which made me horny and hard. "You look beautiful." I husked and kissed her neck. Then down to her breasts and down to her stomach which makes her muscles clench. Then I opened her bra and kissed over her breasts and sucked on her nippels which makes her moan. I sucked so long on it. You could mean that you can get milk out. After I was finished I pulled her jeans down and saw a matching thong on it. I kissed over her tights and up to her clothed core. "Pleas Mistress." "Oh Kitten you need to get a punishment for your behavior." I pulled her Thong of off her and walked to the closet. "What are you doing Mistress?" Then I walked over to her with some robes back. I turned her around and put the robes on her ankles and hands. Than I gave her a kiss on her back and asked "what's our save word baby?" "R-Red." "good." Than I pulled my shirt over my head and pulled my belt out of my pants. "now I will hit your nice ass with my belt and I want you to thank me and count for each one. Redy slut?" "Yes Mistress." And then I hit her ass. "One Mistress." * Spank * "T-Two Mistress." I did 15 Spanks and then smoothed her ass checks.
  Wanda Pov "You did so well baby girl. All nice and red for Mistress." I moaned at her dirty talk. Then she undid the robes and turned me on my back. The first thing I saw is that she was in only her boxer shorts. And I saw in them a big bulge. That made my mouth watering. " You know what to do kitten. " I loved when she called me that. Then I pulled her Boxer shorts down and sucked the tip of her dick. Then licked on the side of it and put the whole length in my mouth. She moaned and put her hands in my hair. "Yeah suck Mistress cock, like the good little slut you are." I moaned and then she came in my mouth I sucked her dick dry and drunk all her cum. then she pulled me up by my hair and kissed me hard. "Go on all four Kitten." I did what she said and she pushed her whole length in my pussy. I moaned. "Your Pussy is so wet for me Kitten." "All for you Mistress. Go faster pls." "As you wish." She goes on an inhuman peace and kept on with the dirty talk. "I FEEL YOU CLENCHING AROUND ME KITTEN." "SO TIGH." "Im about to cum Mistress." "Then cum with me baby. NOW!" And then she came in me and I came around her dick. She pulled put of me and laid next to me. "Are you alright Baby?" She asked in her normal cute voice. "Yeah just Tired." "Sleep Baby." She said and kissed my head. "I Love you and only you." I said "I Love you too." And with that I go to sleep.
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isaactheterrible · 1 year
could you write about sniper and demo bragging to each other about how many cryptids they’ve seen,, and then eventually arguing about which cryptids are real or not? I think it would be swag,, also I like your header
Thank you so much! (Also this request is freaking awesome, I hope I did a good job).
Demo + Sniper: The Cryptid Discussion
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Sniper didn't like the cold. But it was simply one of these nights. The wind blew cold air that invaded his van and the road outside was freezing. He hated these nights, cold and alone, desperately holding onto a far-too-thin blanket for any semblance of warmth.
But tonight was bound to be different. To Mundy's surprise the Scotts Man, Tavish had decided to come on by, probably looking for his drinking buddy for the night. The tall man came in , closing the door quickly but carefully as to not damage the two bottles of whiskey he was holding, one in each hand.
"Nice place ye got here, the cobwebs are a nice touch." Said Tavish as he made himself at home, sitting down on Sniper's table. To his dismay it appears his drinking buddy seemed tense, paying little mind to the Scotts man.
"What's up Mundy? Not in a talkative mood are ye? C'mon sit down lad, I got a story to tell ye." He insisted, gesturing to the seat beside him. Mundy did as he was told which Demo took as a signal to start his story.
"Well ye see, I reunited with an old friend recently, I was visiting me mum and I decided to go out with some lads I hadn't seen for a minute, the lot of us went out to get pissed (drunk) and next thing we know we're out on some dock, so I open me eyes to take a look around and you'll never guess what I saw! There's freaking Morag out in the water!"
"Morag?" Sniper asked clearly confused
"Ye know dirty dark brown skin, long neck, serpentine head, 20 feet long, Morag!" He said looking almost baffled at Sniper's ignorance
"Wait, is that some kind of cryptid you have over in Scotland?" Sniper tried to clarify
"Aye, I guess it makes sense ye wouldn't know 'im. I've seen 'im before, back when I had both me eyes, I was a wee (young) lad back then tho. In me paw's (father's) boat, the damn thing swam around us like it was gonna attack us! Gave me a bloody heart attack! Almost peed meself!" Demo joked
"Ye know I understand if ye don't believe me or think I was just a wee lad or drunk. Most people think I'm full of it." Demo said, looking down at his whisky, appearing a bit ashamed to have said his story aloud.
"Don't worry I believe ya mate. I... I've had my own fair share of... Bizarre experiences." Mundy said tensing up a bit.
"I used to go hunting with my ma when I was younger but one time I decided to go out alone, ya see in Australia there is the myth of the Yowie. You see it's said that out in the Australian wilderness there is a large hairy dumb bipedal creature, kinda like bigfoot. A big but harmless cryptid, a gentle giant but I know the truth. It ain't stupid and it sure as shit ain't peaceful."
The pain in Sniper's voice was evident but Demoman knew Mundy had difficulties talking about things like these, maybe if it was later in the night or maybe if the pair was drunker they could talk about it but not now, not like this.
"Ye know, Morag ain't the only spook I've come across." Demo joked, receiving a hesitant chuckle from Sniper.
"Ya seen any other creepy critters?"
"Have ye heard of the Alien Big Cats?" Demoman asked playfully
"Spooky motherfuckers, black cats the size of cows! They killed me mum's sheep." Demo proclaimed proudly
"You sure it wasn't a wolf or hell even a panther?" Asked sniper
"Panther? In Scotland? Ha! Don't make me laugh lad, these spooks ain't no panther and they sure as hell ain't no wolf. I've seen 'em stalking their prey with their biddy yellow little eyes... They attacked me friend Jean!"
"Ah is she alright?"
"Nah she died, it was cancer tho not them damn cats. She fought 'em off! Hit 'em with her cane! They didn't know who they were messin with!"
"I'm sorry for your loss mate." Sniper said awkwardly, not really knowing how to console someone.
"Is alright lad, Jean was a strong lady, fought it to the very end, those damn cats never stood a chance! Attacking a woman with a cane! Those damn felines!" Demo joked
"Hehe, damn cats. Ya know me and my dad got attacked by a cryptid once. The two of us were returning home from the cinema when a damn 6ft tall lizard came at us! We had to hole up in a damn public loo (toilet)! Waiting for that thing to get bored and leave!" Sniper explained
"That's not a cryptid, that's a damn Komodo Dragon!" Demo complained
"Says the guy who lost sheep to a glorified bobcat!" Sniper responded angrily
"I told ye already it ain't no bobcat, it's an alien!"
"Bollocks! What, these animals build their own spaceship to travel to earth? To do what exactly? Eat some sheep and get beaten up with canes?" Mundy argued
Demo looked away shyly, failing to come up with a witty comeback or an intelligent argument. Sniper had to admit it, it made him ashamed to hurt his friend, even if his friend started it. He didn't mean to put Demo in a difficult position.
"Ya know, I was young when the lizard attacked us. My dad probably told me it was the Megalavia to make me feel better, it was probably a croc or something." Sniper said, trying to improve his friend's mood.
"I thought these only existed in Florida." Demo joked
"Maybe they're an old-wives tale. A myth." Sniper said, a sly smile on his face, showing off his crooked teeth
"Ha! that'd explain how big these bastards get! Toothy fucks!"
"You're a good sport, mate."
Did y'all spot the ICP reference?
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omg-gojo · 4 months
"What did you just said?!" Lee screamed covering his mouth when he realiced.
"We are getting married in the five nations peace cruise next month" he says as calm as he say it the first time. "We can make the arrengements with Kakashi. Unless, you... do not want to?"
To be honest when Rock Lee said i will marry you in any place at any time even right here and right now an event so important as THE event of the year, he would even dare to said of the decade, didn't crossed his mind for a second. But it didn't stop him from feeling light headed, warm spreading in his cheeks and butterflies filling his stomach.
"Of course i want to marry you! I won't step out of my word to you" he murmurs reminding himself that they are still here, in the cementery afterhours. He's been waiting here, like the first plan was. He looked at the gray plate above the grass. Just Neji as or witness for our vows, blood instead of rings because nobody should know and a passioned night at his place, so Gaara could pack his things and make his way back to Suna. "It's just that when you told me about mantaening the secrecy of our nuptial, doing it in a place with the most important people of all five nations was not in my list"
"It's not like they are invited anyway" Gaara expressed while crossing his arms.
Lee frowned in confussion "i don't follow..."
"We'll have our own wedding in the cruise while the rest of the guests are at the party" he kept explaining "in the middle of the celebration we'll slipt away for a few moments, get married and go back to the event without anybody noticing. Everybody would be so drunk not even the council nor the rest of people there could guess what just happened" a little smirked scape from the corner of his lips, that for anybody else would look like a grimace, but for Lee wasn't.
"Hmm, i don't know. I think you'll enjoy more the fact that you're doing it just under their noses than us ACTUALLY getting married" Lee joked while taking his lovers hands to pull him closer.
"It would only be a plus to it" exhaled. While remembered the words of Temari when he told her about his plan. Of course their families where the only ones that will know, eventually, right now just Temari. You imprudent rugrat! you maybe wear the hat of the Kazekage but you are still act like a child! No. Not that. Marriage is something you enjoy in a unique special way. No, im not talking about sex! Is a promise! to both of you and your families, that you'll be by each other side for the rest of your lifes taking care of what you'll built. So...are you gonna make it right?
....Or are you gonna do the Uchiha way? He squirmed at the mere thought. Right, he's gonna make it right, Lee deserved that. He squized Lee's hands for comfort "...One Day Suna will know the name of my husband, i'll prepare everything for that. But for now I wanna give you a wedding we and our families wont forget."
"Our families..." Lee's eyes went wide and shine as the moon above them. He won't leave his family for you, he will make you part of his.
"It'll mark a new beginning for the world and for us. Marry me" told him almost begging while getting closer to the tearing face of the leaf shinobi.
"Yes" Lee smiled.
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"Remember, Metal, no weapons!" "Yes, Papa!" but seal rolls are not weapons
"Shit kiddo, we are gonna be late!" "I literally can teleport us there, uncle"
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dballzposting · 8 months
okay this is gonna sound maybe kinda wild but i need you to bear with me here. on account of i just had this thought but i have hit post limit and you're the only person i can trust with this
videl is a whiskey drinker. you know this, i know this, everyone knows this. it doesn't affect her. she's been sneaking a little bit ever since she was big enough to reach the bottle, bc Dad said it was a Real Man's Drink and she had something to prove.
Videl does not drink to excess, but even drunk videl is not that much different from normal videl. maybe a little floppier. maybe a little less testy. whatever.
but gohan?
gohan starts with wine. it's a low alcohol content. it's refined, it's classy, it fits the image of the future he wants. and, most importantly, he wouldn't feel embarrassed if his mom found out he had a glass of wine. She wouldn't be happy about him drinking alcohol, but she would Understand.
wrong fucking move.
he has one glass. He hates the way it makes him feel. The control he's fought so hard for slips away. he melts into Dionysus' bestial embrace.
all of a sudden his instincts kick in and he's fighting for control silently in his own mind. Stone-faced and wild-eyed, he sits alone in his dark bedroom. And when Videl opens the door, he makes unblinking eye contact. For several moments, her heart freezes and she understands that her husband is truly half-alien; something wretched from beyond the stars lurks in his chest.
he says, with no emotion expressed, 'we're alive, you and I.'
and her heart resumes
she walks up to the bed and sits on her knees next to gohan. she softly touches his face, and he gently, reverently, takes her forearm in his mouth like a dog.
she strokes his hair with her other hand, and he lets go. he looks up at her with sad, sad eyes. he speaks again
'I want to hunt a rabbit. not like a man, with guns and traps and ki, but like a quick and clever creature. the claws on my hands and the teeth in my mouth.'
and then, in the dim light of the hallway, videl looks at the nightstand and sees a cup and a bottle with just enough wine missing to deduce he has had one (1) glass of Sauvignon Blanc.
and after cooking up the steak she was saving for after she won the poker tournament tomorrow to sate gohan's bloodhunger, she puts him to bed and calls up Chi-Chi.
(I don't have an ending for this i just think that most aliens in dbz, saiyans especially, have a really low alcohol tolerance for reasons that would take forever to explain, and that gohan especially would be weird bc he has had so much training specifically to deal with his instincts and emotions, and that alcohol would interfere with the execution of that training but not the understanding of it)
thank you if you took the time to read this!
thank you if you took the time to read this!
Hey I think I need to answer this now like right now becos it was sent tonight and there is no way that this will be permissible tomorrow.
OK WElll let's see here let's break this down. Have no fear audience members we will get throuhg thsi
OK first of all
im sleepy let me think about this one.
You Have Hit Post Limit Yet Again.
Videl drinks whiskey the same way she smokes cigars ok got it. She's always been able to detect on some level the vacancy in her father where his spine should be so she's always known that titles like "Real Man" were empty aesthetics and that she herself captured the REAL ideals without having to boast it. But at some point she has to say something to give people something to listen to when their eyes fail them. She drinks that whiskey and she doesn't need to but she's damn good at it
Wine "fits the image of the future [Gohan] wants" ... It's a future that has the luxury to build itself on levels of social games like aesthetics and class and propriety ... it has the luxury of peace. Plus it's a fun fruity color. Lol.
He's had to fight for control and this control just puts its hat on and walks out the frontal cortex at the slightest flavor of alcohol. Like Ok I'm out. Bye
OK like actually everything about Gohan & Videl's relationship and interactions is completely the notion of Wearing Class on top of Beastliness. A dapper hat and bloody fangs. Vampires in the city. Complex mammalian social interactions being the most phylogenetically recent adaption to the nervous system and it necessarily has communications with the "lower" systems and making sense of the whole system is what makes us human. In my earlier post today I almost said something about Videl marrying the knives of intellect with the force of shadows but i coudnt figure out how to phrase it. I still can't. My point is that I think that this ask will cohere going forward but let's find out
He would sit there stone faced in the dark willing the moment to pass that is so Goahn ...
She literally would understand perfectly and she would give him her arm. He's an alien and something beyond the stars lurks unarticulated yet thriving in his being and she would see that and duely freeze as a human ought but she would feel like "FINALLY something that fucking MAKES SENSE" like she would get it
Because she KNOOOWS that she's gonna win the poker tournamnet. Gonna be honest. I think that it's gonna be Krillin's lucky night. Unless it's a woman-only tournament. Then I'm thinking that Bulma almost wins until A18 smoothly takes over at the last second. But Videl wins the other times. We just can't all be winners allof the time....
She's cooking the steak and he's pacing like a sad dog miserably musing that "it's not gonna be enough" and she has to be like "Look how red it is. Look how warm. Pretend it's fresh-killed." and Gohan remebers when he was a little boy when he was surviving in the wild, there was this dickhead dinosaur who always tried to get at him and Gohan would slice off a bit of its tail and eat it every time he won the fight. And the dinosaur kept trying. And Gohan almsot felt bad about it but now he's understasnding more than ever that winning or losing are just the outcomes of the NECESSARY NEED TO HUNT, it was righteous and essential that he and that dinosaur continuously engaged with each other and the dinosaur had no choice by nature. so he doesnt feel bad anymore in fact he feels thrilled at having partaken. And he feels big for winning. And he eats the steak and Videl offers that red wine goes good with red meat and he says NO PLEASE NO GOD. NO
OK like yes in the dragon ball that we see on screen it would track for Videl to call Chichi on the phone and garner a light commiseration re: Alien Husbands without actually disclosing any details at all, and even gather some productive insight or info. BUT The Chichi that I know is like "Laura" by Billy Joel and everything is about her feelings and so we honestly wanna keep her as far from the genuine lived experience of others as possible.
I'll believe you about the alcohol thign.
Also I'm gonna interject and say that Feeling your Feelings w/o judgement and w/o needing to take action about them is so imporatant and I wish that Gohan wouldnt fight himself down so much.
But I get it like he's more than an animal he's an alien and there's nothing more primal than being the improbable lovechild of a human and an alien and he will never know if what he is feeling is "acceptable" or "alien and fucked up" and he fears it all same
EVERYBIODY SLEEP TIGHT or WAKE UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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twice-inamillion · 2 years
Plan to rescue Mina
Part 142(TIS)
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Everyone is basically done eating, the girls are playing mafia and you are getting the courage to announce the good news to everyone.
“Girls, can I have a bit of your time? I want to talk about something important” you say. Some girls quiet down while others continue since they are drunk. “Everyone be quiet” says Jihyo. After that no one talks and everyone gives you their full attention.
“I just wanted to say that a few days ago I sent Mina’s mother a couple of pictures like I always do. I also sent Mina some as well hoping that she might see it. Well, it happen to turn out that she did see the pictures on her phone. Usually it would just say “delivered” and the status would not change. But now it says “read” and I know for a fact she saw it.”
The girls talks amongst themselves, trying to understand the situation. When they are finally done, some of them speak up. “Did she respond back” said Tzuyu. “No she didn’t, but it shows that she has her phone with her and that she might be done with whatever treatment her mom said she was going to take her for” you say. “What are you planning on doing now?”said nayeon.
You didn’t have a plan in mind but knew that Ari and Hina needed her parents. “I’m going to Japan and look for her” you say with enthusiasm. ”How are you going to do that? Is JYP going to let you go and just leave your work behind?” said jeongyeon. “Uhh hmm … I just gonna have to ask him for some time off and hope that he approves it” you say. “I’m going to Japan for work this upcoming Monday, I can ask JYP that you can be my manger that comes with me” says Sana. “You’re right we can ask manger unnie if she’s willing to switch with you. She probably will say yes” said chaeyoung. “I can take care of the girls when you are gone. You just have to confirm it with manger” said Jihyo.
“I would be happy to go with you sana. That would be a great help” as you hold Sana’s hands together. “Im thankful for everyone that is trying to help. I am definitely going to find Mina and bring her back” you say in front of the group. “Okay, it’s decided. Let’s get this plan going and bring Mina back” yells Jihyo.
Everyone helps clean the kitchen and dining area, Jihyo and Dahyun take the girls back to take a shower. The rest of the girls go and take a shower. Momo has already knocked out in the living room couch and sana helps nayeon to her room since she’s drunk.
You go back to your room and message manger unnie and ask her to switch. Even though she hasn’t said yes you are confident that she will switch with you. You look at your phone for a reply, but decided to prepare a suitcase just in case. After that you take a shower and head straight to bed after an exciting day. You hope that manger unnie replies quickly to make changes in arrangements.
As you stare at your phone and wait for a reply you fall asleep. Some peace and quiet is much needed, but that wasn’t going to last. In the background your doorknob turns slowly and closes right after that. The sound of the squeaky doorknob wakes you up and you see a shadow get close to you. A piece of clothing falls to the ground and you ask. Is that you Chaeyoung??
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Previous Chapter 141 Next Chapter 143
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gengenbelches111 · 7 months
cyno belching and vomiting headcannons cause im obsessed with him~<3
Cyno  headcannons~
Puppy talk
Swear words
Well  cyno is a drinker..and he drinks whenever he plays TCG.
He plays TCG almost every sing day,which involves drinking with Kaveh,
Tighnari,and Alhaitham.
Cyno can hold his liquor unlike kaveh and Tighnari.But,he gets SUPER gassy when he is drunk.
He would be in the middle of choosing a good card to beat Alhaitham with,
But is interrupted by one of his out bursting burps and just sighs and continuously chooses his cards.
Now,if he burps near tighnari,he would usually say something like “damn” or “nice one” becasue tighnari is a Fennec fox,he is immune to gasses.
In front of kaveh,well he rather not do..only because Kaveh is a SEVERE 
Germaphob,so anything considered “nasty” he will give the person a whole lecture on why not to do that.
Whenever he burps infront of Alhaitham,Cyno would tend to say”and that was for the fucking card you played”And of coarse,Alhaitham would try to do better than Cyno when it comes to burping.
Cyno feels guilty if he ever burps in front of collei.Only because he thinks woman wont be on that side of men,And when collei ask Tighnari if cyno ever burps,cyno would flee the facility!~
Now Cyno’s normal burps,he would just pat his stomach in relief.and move on.They usually last for about 3 seconds,But if he drinks anything Carbonated,they tend to be 5 seconds and sometimes make his stomach clear!
He is one of those people when ever they havent ate anything,they would burp in queasiness.he would burp if he only had one thing for breakfast,and feel nauseous that entire day~
He would also burp whenever someone is either talking to loud or long to make them stop talking lol.
Cyno doesnt joke about burping but whenever he does,it would be because someone else did it..he would say something like “damn that was a fucking lion” or “that needs to get checked out ahah” just to lighten the mood!
When cyno has a stomach ache,his burps would be super big and long,somtimes wet!
The would be airy a bit when he gets the first stomach cramp,but when the pain continues to throb in his gut,they become long,loud,and super painful to let out.
Quick Story of Cyno’s Stomach aches~!
One peaceful day in Ghandarvaville,Cyno roams around like the bear he is.He had some of Kaveh’s Fried Chicken the night before .He was pretty gassy in his sleep,letting out belches that would spring up when he got up to go use the bathroom or drink something and even sitting up in general!
He was standing as Stoic and quit as he would,until a shiver ran down his back,a gut wrenching pain hit his stomach.Cyno didnt know what to do but just say “fuck it” and moved on with the day.Its 7PM and its time for cyno to meet with tighnari for one of their little meet and greets to congratulate collei and her first paycheck (230 mora!)}-Cyno was happy that collei got what she desired,and He had a good time their,Cyno didnt want to go home because he knew he would feel sick if he walked their and had the feeling that he needed to vomit,so,he asked tighnari if he could spend the night.of course,he said yes.Cyno washed up and got in bed with Tighnari.Tighnari was reading,until he saw cyno..he saw how he looked,hot..but in a manner of sickness..
He began to trembly ask “cyno?are you alright?”
Cyno felt sticky and replied huffing and puffing “huff..yeah..im..im ok..just a small cold..”
Tighnari felt bad the moment he said a “cold”
Well,your not coughing,or sniffing,what hurts?”he asked politely,cyno opened his mouth just to swallow thickly and shut his eyes closed.Tighnari knew he was gonna vomit.He brought a bucket to cyno’s warm chunky thighs,he was hesitant and pushed away the bucket”im not gonna throw up” he said with a sickly voice.Tighnari frowned and continued to rub Cyno’s back.
“You dont look to great,what did you eat to make you feel this?”
Cyno started to speak “well..|hurk|..i..ate some of..kaveh’s-”
He stops just to let out a long hostile belch with a record of 6 seconds!tighnari was shocked and laughed as he told cyno to take his time~.Cyno finished telling tighnari what made him gassy and sick to his stomach.Tighnari was sad and placed his hand on cyno’s belly,”aww,it doesnt feel great at all”he said drooping his ears with a heart brokened manner.Cyno let out more burps as tighnari asked him question about his belly.Tighnari thought his burps were super painful to hear and quickly patted his back.cyno began to gag.Tighnari was so close to forcing the vomit up cyno’s throat when collei burst in the room to tell them what she brought with the mora,as cyno let out a painful loud moan as he began to cry due to the pain
collei was frightened and screamed “WHAT THE HELL ARE YALL DOING?!”
Tighnari twitched due to the loud noises and told collei to never curse in front of him whenever he is clearly focusing on something.collei apologizes and still asks what was happening.
Tighnari sighed as he said”Cyno has a stomach bug from Kaveh’s food..he’s gonna need some time”
Collei’s eyes lit up wth a surprising manner on her face,”oh!i remember kaveh’s chicken!it made me have diarrhea for DAYS:(“she said loudly,Cyno groans as he heard collei ruins the moment.
Tighnari wasnt pleased with her and told her to go to bed and forget about it.Collei went to her room to watch tv until she was tired.Cyno gagged for about 4 minutes,tighnari was getting sleepy,as he was trying to tell cyno something,a stream of vomit came flushing out his mouth again and again,Flowing like a jug of water upside down,it kept flushing out of his mouth,and surprisingly,it already filled halfway of the bucket,he stopped to breathe as he wheezed for air,Tighnari was super shocked just to see cyno vomit practically water!he turned to him and said”are you ok?and,how much water did you have today”
Cyno,still wheezing for air,said with a wet heavy voice..”about,4 jugs-”and lets out the fourth jug with gross stomach fluids.tighnari didnt know what to say after a gallon of water flushed out of cyno’s mouth.it was a yellowish pale color,and the smell was very unharming..in fact,it had no smell.
Cyno belched a few times and said he was done.
Tighnari rubbed cyno’s belly all night,helping him push belches up when he needed to.~
Headcannons by :gengenbelches~
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jinkicake · 2 years
Heard this rly cute catboy asmr and now I’m stuck on catboy kazuha😒just a pretty boy who’s so polite and patient despite the cat that he’s hiding dead birds under the porch and will disappear for 12 hours and show up with dinner and no explanation as to where he was. He’s independent and likes to touch stuff so he will make a big ass pillow fort in the middle of the living room, like he made blueprints and got boxes and chairs. thinking about living so peaceful w your relaxing catboy until he goes into heat and he’s a demon😞 like imagine he’s like “uwu can I breed you🥺” and you say yes bc Duh he looks so cute all teary eyes and begging like that, you can’t help but want to tease him😌 calling him pretty as asking if he’s your good boy but he’s slowly loosing the grip he had on his sanity. Like he probably feels bad about asking so he wants to let you take the lead but you’re taking so long just grinding up against him and kissing his neck he has no choice😞 so he mutters out a quick “excuse me, but I can’t take it anymore” and pins you down to slip inside. Now hear me out,,, that summer event where he got drunk and was moaning out “more please” has me absolutely convinced he’s in top ten prettiest moaners in teyvat!! When he’s finally inside his voice gets all serious and gravely and he lets out the prettiest moan ever like he has to ik he does!! He’s pounding into you like he’s trying to knock you up first try💀 and just telling you that you’re such a good master being so obedient for him, and telling you how he’s gunna fill you up and keep going until his body can’t anymore. And honestly rip bc it would happen in like a split second like one minute he’s being so behaved and sitting still the next moment he has your face shoved in the pillows asking if he’s allowed to cum inside bc he’s been so good☺️ sgshsh feel like he would know his heat is coming in a few days and not say a word, like this was definitely calculated💀 he made sure to steal a few hoodies and sweaters to put in his pillow fort and have the ac turned on but alas you caught him red handed😔 mc would sleep like a baby and wake up completely energized while you’re fighting for your like to open your eyelids 😭😭😭 he’s a menace in every genre!!
... CATBOY?! STOP- I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and imagine it's like cute satan cat boy-
I feel like catboy kazuha would be independent and leave you for weeks on end and then come back and be sooooo clingy.... like you might suffocate because of his cuddling lmao
he's sick in heat T T IT IS ALL A FRONT. I know his cutesy act only lasts so long before his restraint snaps and he's pounding into you with the only thing on his mind being to b r e e d loooooll
i still remember the summer event and remember watching that cutscene over and over again just to hear him (i didnt even finish the event bc i was so lazy T T) HIS VOICE ACTOR IS LITERALLY MAHITO AND HARUUUU FROM FREE LIKEEEE OFC HES GONNA HAVE SOME OF THE PRETTIEST MOANS IN THE GAME AHHHHHHHHH (not mentioned - runner ups- : kaeya and diluc and miss lisa)
i like the passion from kazuha like yes.... kiss and fuck like im going to be k!lled by miss shogun the next day- and the way he can switch up on you is INSANE. i like the duality like i enjoy that in a character.... it's boring sometimes when they're strictly dominant like why not be both!! kazuha gets it!!
i enjoy kazuha in every genre.... that much is now clear to me!!! i need to get him onhis next rerun like i need him soooo bad you dont understand T T but miss shenhe is end of 3.5 and i need her BAD so idk how im going to pull both since i heard that kazuha is 3.6 but it will happen it will happen!!!
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lowlyroach · 9 months
1092) another cigarette, please
hang out with the rest of our friends
the ferris wheel is still there.
we find ways to spend our time
eating too much
my stomach is wrathfully full
i tell Grant im tired of eating
we go to the Garden of the Gods
but You're not here.
You're not here.
we go to an artsy place
walk around for a few hours
we didn't finish the mystery game
everyone was hungry
except me
but why is that stranger wearing Your face?
neck starts its tics
brain itches
Grant is feeling similarly
ive got bad brain. he says
me too.
why was that stranger wearing Your face?
when we get back to the hotel
he wants to go outside
i know why.
can i join you?
so we
smoke cigarettes
that's what You told me to do, right?
that one time?
would You hate me for thinking of that?
i forgot your wording, but i remembered just now while typing
i told Grant about it
let's die a little faster.
we talk about You
and You
and You
and the ferris wheel
and how i was
sexually abused by my brother
ive never said that out loud before
its mostly glossed over
not for lack of caring
i havent posted that poem yet
and he talks about
his ex (pseudo ex?)
his You, in a way.
that lives up here
do you think it ever stops?
no. he replies
the look in his eyes
he knows.
yeah, i know.
cigarettes, a pause
more cigarettes
i suck them down like candy
throat burns
lungs burn
more cigarettes, please
will i finally get cancer
like i wished for at 18?
i flatten the earth as i smoke
is it to distract myself from You,
as we talk about You?
we're both shivering but we
keep standing in the snow
until it hurts
feet are numb
more cigarettes, please
im shivering madly
another cigarette, please
i still haven't seen Her face
i guess i could show you
(how do you forget that)
only if it won't make it hurt.
nah, i check everyday, just to see if it says 'Married'
yeah, She's pretty.
look at Her! She's everything. i'd kill for Her, i'd do anything
look at Her! look at Her! wow.
something about freezing makes you think less
your mind can't focus on anything else
his new boyfriend is a serious downgrade
he's got a new boyfriend? that's good, i hope he's happy
he's so fucked up for what he did to you.
i just hope he's happy.
(never find peace. never? why did you say that to me?)
we went on a double date, at the fair
ah, the F word
cmon man...
now we're here and there's the wheel right there, staring at me.
i can't get away from it.
you gonna bang Kat?
no. im not interested in women anymore.
i thought you werent interested in men, anymore?
i dont think im interested in anybody
you're both gonna be super drunk, did you take that into account?
yeah. i dont think itll change much.
it feels good to freeze and the only thing
you can warm your hands with, is a cigarette
it feels like being homeless, that feels right
i give it a try and yeah,
he's right.
i leave half of the conversation in my head
ive never been one for speaking my mind
half of the meanings, the clarifications, the answers, the questions
left behind
i tell him. (You'd hate me for it)
things ive never mentioned to anyone
he tells me
things he's never mentioned to anyone
that damn wheel is still there
i want to get a ferris wheel tattoo
you-. Yeah, i don't blame you.
and why were You on that strangers face?
why was that stranger wearing Your face?
why did i keep seeing Her around this place?
we go inside and i watched
Princess Mononoke
with Grant
originally i canceled my plans with him
to watch it with You.
but where were You?
where were You?
where were
where were
i want to bury my hands in the snow till they cant move
what does that feel like?
is that a sensation worth experiencing?
can i put cigarettes out on my own skin?
another cigarette, please
ash it down till it burns my mouth
i'm getting ready to scream.
i smell like ten cigarettes.
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rin-and-jade · 9 months
Hiii! I hope you had a great year or at least you had fun and felt that you're alive, safe and loved :) the holydays are coming and I cant shake the feeling that I must wish you a peaceful one :'D I hate holydays :')
So. I dont know if you can remember me. Im that person who's told you about all my struggles regarding studying and having issues with controlling my attention and how I couldn't manage to pass an exam bc of my dissociation/ time processing i think a year ago i've written you that message... (I managed to pass the second one and it was great actually) but I wanted to ask you something. If you have the knowledge and/ or experience of course. At first I must point out i've been diagnosed with bpd, I dont know if this is a trait of it or if its DID... but. im having trouble with identifying whether this kind of problem is among others with DID or if Im just strictly borderline (maybe its just denial) and so. is it something thats related to bordeline if im not seeing this personalities as being "present" as I am? Like, i cant say they have ever been there at least as always as long as I am most of the time. I feel like they are always just standing behind me looking after me but at the same time letting me doing all the work. Sure. there are times when some dude is taking over to do the physical chores or the dude whos taking over just to have fun and get drunk (she's here right now cuz im tipsy and tried to "have fun") or when im in nature the hippy one comes near just to show me how important it is just being alive and appreciating nature.... but I dont feel like they are some separeted beings from me. As I was saying, they let me do all the work. I happen sometimes to have emotional amnesia and doing things without having control but they arent here! Does it make sense? Sometimes they speak to me and try to make themselves understood but only in those moments when im not aware as though they're sneaky and trying to hide from me... I doesnt seem fair, thats all.. and im really trying to make peace with them and whenever the persecutor comes into action im telling him to go fuck himself and try to be a bully with somebody else not with the persons who suffered. I mean why doesnt he try to come when we actually need him? For example when somebody is mean to us and we need to stop let ourselves be the black sheep or even when we feel verbally atacked? So im trying to get reasonable with him at that part. But there arent any signs that they really exist... they are somewhere deep I cant acces anything. And im thinking. I must have a to much active imagination. I given my sorrows and anxieties names, personalities overall. I feel guilty bc I dont want to seem like a bad person just for trying to find out what is going on in my dissociated mind (i dissociate a lot. So much that i cant understand my current life).... I dont want to seem like i pretend that I am someone or more likely somebodies that I am not.
So to summerize this: is it something common to find yourself that you lack the life activity around you of your personalities? They are only coming when its something urgent like remembering stuff at work or something that puts us in danger for not being neurotypicals, or when we need to remember what we studyied, what our names is, or how old are we (dont even get me started we sometimes guess wrong :'). ) when we have stuff to do and I feel like shit and I cant handle. What do you think? Sorry for the long message Im only trying to figure this out. Maybe you'll have a clue what im talking about because im getting the feeling that im too drunk to write concise (also this is not my first language)
Im gonna sign with two initials so you'll know from now on if we ever have other questions to ask you with L. (shes always trying to help shes the flower power one) and E. (shes just plain bold and very brave at everything she does)
Again im wishing you a wonderful day/night and a peaceful holyday ( ・ω・)♡♡♡♤♤♤
Wait.. i KNOW you, it’s the brisk break method i ever told because sometimes focusing for too long depletes people’s energy faster and some other tips! Im so glad you actually passed because I’ve been sat here thinking if theres a change in your studies after seeing your ask being answered.
Would you pour me a glass too here as i say some stuffs,, also im having a great holiday, merry xmas.
I would admit that when we talk about alternate personalities between BPD and DID, its bit hard to actually discern which is which because it’s broad and everyone has it uniquely (aka will never be the same, thus cannot rule out easily) so.. hm. I have a way to explain and guide to your conclusion:
These two mental conditions fall into the same dissociative spectrum with different severity, thus why it may have similarities and could even overlap which will be harder to tell which belongs to what. That being said, the similarities with these two would be: some level of identity separation/disconnection, has normal and emotinal amnesia, automatic responses by dissociating to keep oneself from danger, and some inconsistencies with yourself.
The difference settles on the severity, how its triggered, and what related symptoms are commonly associated with the disorder.
As a bpd holder i can clearly tell apart which is from the disorder or not; you will have some sense of alternation, with this it won’t be as bad and you are aware that it’s part of you (which not always the case for did) + it doesn’t necessarily involve a shift in age, worldview or how you see yourself physically and more limited to states, percievings, and feelings. The critics are also in first-person for e.g. “this is so fricking stupid of me to say __ before, why did i do that???” That won’t apply to did.
Thats for one, though i want to keep it short so in general i want to say that bpd is from “idk which version of me is the actual me and i have a hard time finding and sticking to an authentic one” while did is “idk who i am and i thought i like this which turns out untrue after a few hours and i barely have got a sense of myself which makes me get stumped whenever i got asked something” kind of thing.
Things that are more bpd related: have struggles maintaining relations, mood swingy, fear of abandonment, emotional impermanence, anxious, very susceptible to amygdala hijacking
Things that are more did related: shifted sense of time, significant memory gaps, problems with memory consolidation and recall, frequent dissociation, feeling out of body, feeling not like yourself, inconsistent preferences
I cannot vouch if this is a yes or no about the question, coming from a system myself. So i hope you can do a bit more digging and use my insight to further help you, also feel free to contact me via DMs if it’s stull confusing. For now, i advice you to read more resources and take my words into account,
See you later!
- j
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