#im going to get rotten teeth??
formula-fun · 10 months
Whenever people debate whether Charles should leave Ferrari, it's like, do you even believe in romance???
people will wax poetic about the narrative and then say he should leave in the same breath. If you want that then what's the narrative? if you don't believe in the world it would be stupid to paint it!!! if you dont believe in god, then who are you talking to ???? like
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opia-jpg · 1 year
#i have a light feeling that my mom might be hinting at something#with the whole. mentioning my mood swings and sensory issues and poor social skills and such#i say i'm unsure because she's not one to be subtle in situations like this? so i feel like i'm projecting#but she did suggest (partially related) going to a psychologist#and the thing about me is that i'm very self aware about my many flaws and therefore have decided#that i can't fix them or that it's not that bad as long as *i know* the issue is there#which is starting to sound like an issue in itself? but i feel like im being way too dramatic every time#i know i'm just in a stressful spot in my life and that it will pass in a few months#but i am starting to seriously consider getting an outsider's perspective. just in case#im feeling down *all* the time lately but there's always a reason to blame so i feel like it's just rotten luck and not something within me#there's not enough time but also too much of it for me to make excuses for not being able to do Anything at all and i feel paralyzed#but isn't it just the everyday terror of being in charge of yourself#i wish i could come up with a definite answer but there isn't one and the childish part of me is so frustrated with it#i have a fantasy of violently breaking my arms that doesn't lead anywhere i just feel the urge consistently enough that it's a pattern#(ive never self harmed i know i won't that's why it's just a fantasy)#i crave complete anonymity i crave deep genuine human connection and i don't want to talk to anyone. ever again.#ive talked with at least three different people partially about those thoughts#but talking about it is difficult and like pulling teeth#im clumsy with my words. can't quite find the precise meaning i want. i stutter and hum and mumble#i hate talking but if i don't i will explode#i want to be taken seriously but saying things outloud makes them sound so harsh and i don't know if it is that serious#but it's a pebble of thought that i can't stop turning around in my head over and over and over until im sick#never! ending! story! jesus christ#vent post#← tagging just in case#pretend you've never read it
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supercutszns · 6 months
rotten to the touch; luke castellan
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series masterlist
wc: 3.2k
pairing: pre-tlt luke castellan x f! reader
synopsis: you’re pretty sure you’re an awful person. you’re pretty sure luke castellan is too. and you’re pretty sure you want to make out with him.
warnings: reader is flawed & not the greatest, luke is ... a little dark🫣, small mention of blood, swearing, lots of making out but no explicit nsfw, a bit toxic, & no more more ‘i can fix him’ or ‘i can make him worse’ it’s ‘he can make ME worse’
notes: this is… sluttier than my usual stuff so it’s not as good but i’m trying, feedback is appreciated! also i wonder what cabin we think this reader would be in, let me know where you’d place her im curious :) maybe i’ll write more of her in the future she’s interesting!! and thank you for 100 followers i am so grateful<3 designated song for this fic is crush by ethel cain
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You are a miserable, wicked, asshole of a person, and everybody knows it. Including you.
It’s unclear to you why you turned out this way—every reason to blame never satiates the fury searing your insides. All the campers hate you. The counsellors, too. Even Chiron looks down on the viciousness inside you. You are Camp Half-Blood’s black sheep; a mean, bitter person with no love for the people around you. And it’s not just for show. You know you’re rotten. You know the anger will never go away.
It’s evident in the things you think about other people—the way you pick them apart in your head, toss them aside, because they just don’t see it. This miserable, unforgiving world, with children sleeping on wooden floors because the people who created you think you disposable. Because they can just make more of you. More, more, more, until one of you comes out rotten, born of all the ugliness they have inside them. You are the worst parts of Godly blood. The wrathful parts.
Everyone hates you. Everyone hates a person with an unquenchable anger.
But everyone loves Luke Castellan.
He’s a saint at Camp Half-Blood if there ever was one. Handsome, generous, kind. Goes out of his way to help out the new kids and gives them homes in his cabin. He’s the best swordsman in camp by a mile. Shit, you’d even love Luke Castellan if you didn’t know any better.
But you do, and you don’t, and it’s complicated, okay?
Because there’s something you know about Luke Castellan that nobody else does: he’s miserable and wicked, too.
You see it in his eyes sometimes. The way they look at you at dinner, when you’re picking at your food away from anyone else at your table. Something familiar rises in them, and your stomach twists. His body tenses whenever someone mentions his father, but the smiles he flashes are so charismatic nobody notices. But you do. It’s exciting.
During sword practice, he quips back and forth with the kids and laughs whenever they take a jab at him. He’s light, easy, carefree. But you see how he holds back, the tension in his shoulder, the way the arc of his sword never fully finishes. So you wait until everybody leaves and he’s alone, with the training dummies and the setting sun. And you. Hiding.
He slashes through them and spears through their heads. You see it, the gnashing of his teeth, the sweat curling down his cheeks. There’s something there. A chasm he’s hopeless to fill.
Before you know it, you’re going out of your way to catch him training alone. It’s creepy, you know, and awful, you know, but the more you watch him the more you see a sort of violence scabbed under his skin.
Whenever you see him now, the feeling you get is entirely foreign to you. It’s almost . . . longing.
Wherever she is, you’re pretty sure Aphrodite’s having a cosmic fucking laugh. And you’re sure she’s laughing double tonight.
The Aphrodite cabin is hosting some secret party for the older counsellors. You’re definitely of age to be a counsellor, but you’ve never been made one because that would probably make half the campers drop out. Chiron and Mr. D don’t know what to do with you. You’re sure you’ll be kicked out of camp soon for good.
But you’re here anyways, for a reason you don’t want to admit, and you stay tucked in a corner as the world around you mingles. Luke is on the other side of the room, lovely as always, laughing with a few other counsellors. He brings a drink up to his lips, and you have a startling thought of what it would be like to kiss him. And you’re fucked. You’re so fucked. Because for the first time in your life you want something tangible, something real. You want to hear him and feel him and pry him apart, and a part of you wants him to actually see you, see all the awful things that might make you the same. You feel like a teenage girl with a crush, and it is infuriating.
An Aphrodite girl comes up to you with a foolish smile. “Hey, sorry, you want a drink?”
“Fuck off, you idiot,” you snarl.
You wait for her to leave. She doesn’t. “You know, you don’t have to be so mean all the time,” she says evenly. “If you’re here, you might as well enjoy it. So yes, I want to give you a drink.”
“Have you ever thought that I’m not being mean? Maybe I just am.”
You glare at her. She looks you up and down. “Sure,” she shrugs, walking away. There’s a vivid picture in your mind of her falling through a hole in the cabin floor. It doesn’t soothe you, but at least the fantasy is there.
The night drones on. You’re sick of the smells and the laughs and the heat. And you’re sick of yourself. You can’t believe, underneath all your sourness, you came here to stare at a boy you barely know, and you don’t even know why. He’s fascinating, and you resent him, and he’s also beautiful. But he’s looked back at you all of three times tonight and you’re sick of the way your skin crawls when he does.
Leaving the cabin brings the relief of the cool night air, and the singularity of your body. You are the only one who feels this rage. You are the only one who hates.
To stave off your discomfort you walk around to the back of the cabin, to the crest of the hill facing the water. The stars above twinkle at you in spite. There’s a bitterness in your throat you want to wash down with something worse (maybe you should have taken that drink), but you know it won’t matter. Nothing matters. Those stars and whatever they hide are apparently the only important things in the universe, so why should anyone care about anything?
They stars only get brighter. It’s probably their goal to piss you off. You grunt, “Oh, fuck you,” to them. It’s not enough, never nearly enough to expel the rotten part of you. “Fuck you. Fuck off!” You groan at the sky. Nothing happens. Until:
“I’m guessing you’re not having a fun night.”
You whirl around. It’s hard to see in the dark, but whatever light is left catches a long scar on a cheek. Your stomach knots.
“Yeah, me neither,” Luke Castellan says, hands in his pockets as he meanders towards you.
Even when he’s close enough, you don’t say anything. If you do, you’re afraid it’ll be something ugly. Like I kind of want to make out with you. Are you awful too? I need a lobotomy.
The thoughts almost make you laugh. Been a long time since you’ve been funny.
He nods at the sky. “Those things don’t talk. You do know that, right?” He’s still so captivating, so self-assured, even when there’s no one around but you.
“Gods, you’re the worst,” you scoff. You really mean it, so you can’t look him in the eye.
“Then why have you been staring at me all night?”
It catches you so off-guard that you whip back to face him. He has an eyebrow raised and the itch of a smile that makes you burn with shame. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
He shrugs, leaning against the cabin wall. “I’m not stupid. You’ve been brooding in the corner watching me the second you came in.” He cocks his head to the side, adding, “Actually, you stare at me all the time. At meals and stuff. I really hope you don’t think you’re being subtle.”
You huff. “Okay, if we’re really being honest here, you started that! You do it too! All the time!”
His hands shot up like he was being arrested. “Hey, I never said I minded it. A guy’s . . . just gotta wonder. What’s up with you spying on me when I’m training alone, anyways?”
“You have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“You watch me when there’s nobody else around. I’m not blind. It’s weird. If you want tips you can just ask me. Or if you like what you’re looking at, at least be upfront about it.”
You speak before you can take in that last sentence, or the way his smile took pride in itself when he said it, or how embarrassed you should probably feel. “You didn’t answer my question about why you started staring at me first.”
The anger (shame) blinding you made you forget how close you are to him right now. Close enough to touch, but not enough to see. But almost there. Almost.
“People think you’re mean,” Luke says after a moment, his dark eyes probing you. The words curl out of his mouth slowly, like he’s choosing them all with care. “You’re rude. You never listen to anyone. You judge everything. They all think you’re awful.” Again, he looks you over. “I’m not so sure.”
“If I’m awful, then you’re awful,” you spit before he can say anything else.
He just shrugs. “Well, I guess that’s why I’m not sure.”
It’s irritating, his calmness. He has the same anger you do. How come he can just . . . shove it down? You try to unearth any fury in his eyes, but it’s too far back. Simmering. “Jesus,” you mutter, “You’re worse than me.”
He looks genuinely taken aback by this. His scar deepens when his brows wrinkle. “What?”
“You’re a pretender—that’s what you are.” It’s your turn now, to step closer, to make his skin crawl. “Look at you. Everyone loves you. You’re this perfect golden boy and you’re sweet and attentive and whatever the fuck but you know it’s one giant lie. At least I’m honest, but you just sit pretty and act like you don’t have that . . . thing that I have. Resentment. Insanity. Whatever you want to call it. We’re the same, but I’m the only one getting shit for it.”
Now, you are close enough to really see him. The patterns on the wood behind him frame the vision of his ever-shifting face. You realize that this, like most things are to Luke Castellan, is a challenge. You also can’t remember the last time you saw him lose one.
But when you play, you play to win.
“You don’t know that,” he dares.
“Oh, I do. You’re rotten, Castellan,” you sneer, index finger jabbed into his chest. You can feel his heartbeat if you concentrate. “And you’re not owning up to it, so you’re also a coward.”
However scathing you look, it isn’t enough. If anything it only makes Luke’s manner more playful. Nothing feels playful anymore. Everything, inside and outside of your mind, feels like constant, exhausting war. Maybe that’s why you don’t slap his hand off you when it wraps around your wrist, keeping it pressed to the middle of his chest. His heartbeat thrums through you.
He tilts his face towards you, grinning, “Then why do you want to kiss me?”
All right. What the fuck. It feels like you’ve been electrocuted.
“What the—what are you talking about?” You blunder, but he knows, of course he knows, because there’s something between the two of you that has been formed and understood by eye contact alone. He can probably read your mind. As much as you don’t want to admit it, you’d like to read his just as much.
He cocks his head. “I mean, you did call me pretty,” he teases, and it’s almost endearing. “You’re pretty like this too.” His other hand comes up to your face, and you’re surprised you don’t flinch when his thumb gently smooths the crease in your eyebrows. “Don’t call me a coward, heathen. Then we’ll both be embarrassed.”
The nickname makes you want to fight, but the touch makes you dizzy. “You don’t want to kiss me, Luke,” you say with all the control you have, which, right now, is increasingly sparse.
“You’ve gotta stop telling people what they want,” he muses. The hand on your wrist traces further down your forearm. The one on your face snakes around your hips. “One of your more disagreeable qualities.”
His words fan over you. That fire simmering in his eyes has finally come to the surface.
“One of?” You challenge.
“You let me make out with you and I’ll give you a whole list.”
You snort, hoping it hides the shortness in your breath. “What a charmer you are.”
His lips brush yours. “Well, that’s what makes me so rotten, isn’t it?”
There’s hardly time to unravel if that’s a question or a statement because you grab a fistful of his shirt and he kisses you. Your heart detonates. It is not rotten in the slightest.
His body is warm and firm. You smell the cabin wood and the drink on his breath. It all matters, and none of it does. You’re warm everywhere as he wraps both arms around your back, and the way he kisses is, unfortunately, exactly how you thought he would. Your hands are tentative in his hair. So is your mouth on his. But Luke is so deliberate in the way he kisses that you know he’s thought about this, too. It makes you all the warmer.
His hand takes your jaw and tilts it up. You know your neck is shaky with breath, and you’re pretty sure he’s admiring it. You don’t complain when he presses a kiss to your jaw, then another one, like he’s testing the waters. “You’re so nice like this,” he mutters almost to himself, thumb running across your neck. “If only people could see you.”
“Then they’d see how mean you are too, no?” You huff. “You don’t want that.”
Another kiss to your jaw. “Not yet, sweetheart.”
Whatever feeling is harbouring in your body right now, it’s so fulfilling it almost makes you uncomfortable. You want to reject it. You’re not supposed to want things. Worse, you’re not supposed to get things. Luke starts marking a path down your neck and you are so determined to enjoy this that you’d kiss a fucking baby if someone asked you to. You might as well be a saint.
He bites the pulse point on your neck, sure to leave a mark, and a shudder rips through you. You’re pretty sure the bastard starts laughing. You hit his shoulder in retaliation.
“Easy, heathen,” he reprimands in your ear, and you know he’s still smiling.
“Don’t—don’t call me that.” You hate that you start to smile, too, and that your stomach burgeons with butterflies when he pulls back to look at you.
He touches the corner of your upturned mouth, kiss-bitten and red. His expression is boyish. “Hard to when it makes your face do that,” he goads. “I thought it was impossible for you to smile.”
“Be quiet.” You thread a hand through his camp necklace and bring him closer. You can almost taste his mouth on yours, but he sweeps past you at the last minute.
He gently tugs your earlobe with his teeth and whispers, “Yes ma’am.”
Fuck him. Seriously. You might have to.
It’s a tangle of teeth and hands and smiles kept hidden, as you slip your fingertips beneath his shirt and he does the same, and you’re both angry and greedy and incredibly destructive, but it doesn’t matter yet. Now you’re just teenagers fooling around at the back of a party, and it’s the first good thing either of you have had in a long time. Luke leaves you gasping whenever his mouth hits certain places, maybe too many places, and he teases you accordingly. “So sensitive,” he taunts, pressing his knee between your legs so he can see you squirm. You rake your nails through his scalp and he tilts his head back to groan. It shuts him up for a while.
He bites your neck until you say his name. You trace lines on his stomach till he takes your hand in his own. You’ve been hungry for something your whole life, and you finally have something to sink your teeth into. For better or for worse.
After Hades knows how long, laughter floats out from the front of the cabin. Sounds of feet tripping over each other and muffled goodbyes. You pull away from Luke, chests heaving together. His hair is wild, his shirt crumpled, and he looks entirely satisfied with it. Smug little shit. “Party’s letting out,” you mutter.
“What a damn shame.” His hand rubs your jaw, and it’s too tender a gesture so you angle your head away to peek over the side of the cabin. You barely pay attention to the kids straggling back to their bunks.
“Is now the time you tell me all my horrible qualities?” You ask once you’re ready to look at him again.
He clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “Actually, I came up with more since I said that so I’m pretty sure it’ll take more than one night.” He fakes a wince, “Might have to spread it out for a few days.”
You roll your eyes, “Oh, you ass.”
“I’ll give you one for starters.” You feel like a tornado when he kisses the juncture between your jaw and your neck. “Your hands are too cold.” They’re tucked underneath his shirt right now, pressed against his back. You don’t move them. “And,” he adds, “you’re incredibly crass.”
“Thanks, dipshit.”
“Thank you for proving my point, heathen.”
The commotion at the front gets louder, and you know your time to go undiscovered runs short. “You meet me again tomorrow, and I start telling you the rest?” He raises his brows.
The prospect both repulses and excites you, although perhaps they’re hand-in-hand. You tentatively reach up to trace the scar on his face. A faint, jagged line that holds scripture within it. His eyes flutter shut for a moment. “Even though I’m rotten?” You ask, and there’s an echo of mischief in your voice, too.
He’s got a strange expression when he looks at you. “That’s not true.”
He leans down, angles his head to kiss you. It’s slow, but bitter, and he bites down on your lip until you’re pretty sure there’s blood. “Luke,” you murmur, and he kisses you softer. You lean into him like a hapless, lovesick fool.
After you part, he loosens his grip on you. The bumbling campers have gotten louder. He stares at you, and you see the chasm in his eyes again, brimming with fire. Same as yours. You know you’ll see him tomorrow.
He says, “You’re not rotten. You’re right.”
And damn it, you really do believe him.
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pascals-doll · 4 months
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ellie williams x reader
🫧 happy valentines day to all my beautiful followers | enjoy this vday special 🩷 am i uploading this ar midnight because a bitch had classes and work yes but its valentines (was technically) IM GGONNA WRITE AN ELLIE FIC 🧘‍♀️
🫧 inspired by the song candy by doja cat | bed of roses PT2
🫧 description: fluffy, cute surprises, reader knows how to know paint a bit, just fluff, cute fluff,ellie sings to you (i took the scene from the game because i cherish it sm) smut, SLUT SMUT💋, power dynamic, dom!ellie, sub!reader, you and ellie live together, reader is PUSSYHUNGRY (mmm im so- i would do anything for that tsunami), reader eats out ellie on stairs (you’re welcome), fingering, praises, no use of y/n, use of petnames like doll, mama, and good girl, very little degradation, hair pulling, clit sucking, face grinding, cum eating, just ellie getting eaten so good! enjoy
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She's just like candy, she's so sweet
but you know that it ain't real cherry
know that it ain't real cherry
it was valetines day today which meant ellie got to spoil you rotten; it is very well- deserved.
you would always be very thoughtful with your gifts.
this valentines day, you sneakily woke up around 1 AM and worked until dawn on customizing a wooden workstation that you got her for her artwork.
you knew you had work in the morning but you would do anything for the woman who’s protected you, provided for you, and pleased you.
you painted the workstation very carefully a dark earth-green. you let each coat of paint dry before beginning to carefully paint details on it.
you were going to paint symbols for each of her favorite memories onto it. you took references from her own beautiful drawings.
one of the details you painted were the beginning of Joel’s; now her guitar, painting even the moth.
one of the guitar strings then ran around the whole work-station, dragging the brush till the end.
you began to draw small moths and different flowers with herbs carefully placing them along the string line.
lastly, finishing it up by drawing a silhouette of the both of your bodies intertwined, then painting an outline of ellie’s knife and joel’s gun side by side on the side of her workbench.
once you were done, you carved both of your initials into the side of the workbench.
you transfered all of her essentials from the small broken down drawers; that could barely hold up to her made with so much love customized workstation.
you made your way back into your shared warm bed, careful not to wake up ellie.
sunrise made its way into the sky, ellie waking up now as you now slept.
ellie noticed you got up in the middle of the night, searching for your warmth but she shrugged it off before knocking into slumber again.
ellie got up very quietly, planting a kiss on your head before heading into her work room to get her guitar.
she walked into her art room, stepping as she scans the room. she immediately stopped in her steps, her eyes falling onto your beautiful workstation.
ellie’s heart pounds outside of her chest, tears wanting to form in her hazel eyes as a rush of emotions take over her.
she walks around the small wooden dark-green station, her handing brushing it softly as she takes in your designs.
she couldnt help but think about although you had work sadly on valetines day, you still did this for her.
this was bigger than the world to ellie.
you were the most perfect girl and if one thing was for certain, ellie would be spending an eternity of valetine’s day with you.
I can be your sugar when you're fiendin' for that sweet spot
Put me in your mouth, baby, and eat it 'til your teeth rot
I can be your cherry, apple, pecan,
or your key lime
Baby, I got everything and so much more than she's got
you were now currently at work, you hated how you got called in today.
you asked ellie if she was going to be good with you going to work today, in which she responded by pulling down your panties.
lets just say, you had a very pleasant morning before going into work.
while you were away at work, ellie got to work on her surprise because eating your cum for breakfast wasn’t enough.
she went to almost all the floral shops she could, selling them out of their pink and red roses.
ellie covered the entryway with petals, even the staircase that leads upstairs, and leading all the way up into your room.
the living room, she had a fairy lights hung along with pink lit candles on the ground.
ellie had a huge case of flowers waiting for you, wrapped in the arrangement of your inital.
that was only the downstairs, your room was filled with more surprises.
your shared bed was covered in rose petals, a couple small gifts waiting for you while your surprise gift was tucked away by ellie.
ellie finished up any last miniute preparations before you came home from work.
she changed from her pj shirt and boyshorts from this morning to a flannel with a black-tee and some baggy shorts that exposed her Calvin Klein lining.
She's just like candy, she's so sweet
But you know that it ain't real cherry, know that it ain't real cherry
She's just like candy, she's so sweet (She's so sweet)
But you know that it ain't real, know that it ain't real
you came home a bit exhausted but excited because you picked up a teddy bear that held a heart with the writing “i love u” on it from a street vendor, leaving your job.
once you made it home, beginning to turn the keys to step through your front door.
you open the door to see your beautiful auburn-hair girlfriend.
she was sitting there on your shared loveseat, her beautiful fingers strumming her guitar.
the melodious tone from the strums of her guitar strumming the song your love for each other shares.
she began to sing softly “talking away” your hand cant help but go ovee your mouth as you felt tears begin to form.
the sound of her silky voice singing through your ears, making your heart pound and face hot.
“today’s another day to find you”
you could listen to ellie sing for the rest of your life, tears were already streaming down your face. ellie couldn’t look you in the eyes while she sang because if she did, she wouldn’t be able to finish.
you made her heart go a million miles per minute like a schoolgirl crush.
you made her stomach flutter like she was born with a butterfly nest inside her.
you made her soul shine like the sun after never-ending rain.
ellie finished serenating you, putting her guitar down
she finally looked up at you, clutching a teddy bear with tears streaming down your face.
before ellie could say anything, you ran into her arms; immediately taking you in to her embrace.
this was a feeling words couldn’t express, but only actions.
your heart felt like it was going to pop out of your chest with the clash of ellie’s lips onto yours.
you weren’t alone with ellie barely being able to catch her breath but so desperate for you.
the way your lips moved with such hasty movement but yet still passionately and amorously.
you began to walk towards the staircase, lips not leaving a moment. your eyes slightly opening time to time to make sure you were guiding you and ellie correctly.
“all i wanted-“ you began but were interrupted by her lips again.
“all day was to” ellie pulled away momentarily to let you continue.
“come home to this” you whined out against her lips, your tongue slightly licking over them.
Sugar coated, lies unfolded, you still lick the wrapper
It's addictive, you know this, but you still lick the wrapper
Sugar coated, lies unfolded, you still lick the wrapper
It's addictive, you know this, but you still lick the wrapper
you were fillied with arousal and need to please as you dropped to your knees…on the staircase. you could careless at this given moment.
your hands ran through her back, feeling each crevess of each toned muscle, then coming back around to her arms.
you gave her strong-toned arms a soft squeeze before having them go up to her chest. you needed to have her.
“doll i got a surprise in the room, lets-” ellie begins but you didn’t care.
“no” you said, looking her in the eyes as you unzip and unbutton her shorts “right here, right now” you whine out, pulling down ellie shorts completely.
ellie would be lying if she said you dying to eat her out on each other’s staircase wasn’t the hottest thing, especially on fucking valentine’s day.
it was you, how could she deny you.
“that desperate, mama?” she teases you as you peck her toned abdomen. you gave her a slight whimper as you nod.
she brings herself down to sit on the stairs, grabbing you by your jaw to pull you in for a kiss.
your lips meet again, your hand traveling down into her boxers immediately feeling seeping slick cunt “you drive me insane” you moan out, your mind was so drunk by her.
she had you high on her scent, taste, look, and touch. anything ellie did could have you on your knees, just like this.
your fingers begin to rub her clit in circular motion causing her breathing to hitch and soft moans of content escape her mouth as your lips travel down to her neck.
you begin to suck on the skin as your fingers massaged her clit, slightly putting pressure here and there causing ellie to let out gentle-yet-loud groan.
ellie’s hips began to rise to meet your hand “my beautiful doll-s’good f’me” she mumbled under her breathy moans.
you were sure you left her a purpletrail from her neck leading into her shoulder before going down a couple more steps.
you waste no time in pulling off her boxers, meeting with her wet pussy “s’pretty els, i love you.” you were just completely dazed by ellie at this point, wanting to please her and have her taste on you for days.
“you gonna drool or eat up, doll?” ellie smirks, she knew the effect she had on you and it made you fiend to please her even more.
your hands go to spread her thighs open a bit more before diving your head in between her legs. you met face to face with her juiced pussy, her slick coating your tongue as you lick a stripe.
“ah fuck, doll!” ellie moans out, her hips slightly bucking against your face as her hand had a grip on your hair.
the way you were on your knees on these steps buried into ellie’s pussy, your tongue collects her juices as you begin to swirl your tongue around her clit sucking softly.
she tasted just like candy, you grab her one of her thighs, hooking it up to balance on your shoulder.
the wider angle made her throw her head back “s’fuck doll! just like that. eat it just like that.” her vile voice praising the way you took the way she slopped her pussy against your tongue.
ellie began to work herself towards her orgasm on your tongue, her hand following the movement of your head.
you ate her out like this was your last meal, not wanting to let a single drop “god fuck-y-you’re insane!” she whined out as you worked you fucked her with yout tongue.
ellies stomach stomach flexes, her toned abdomen becoming more prominent as her breathy moans turn into pants and loud gutteral moans as you took your free hand; licking her asshole all the way up to her clit.
“fuck fuck fuck, doll! s’such a good girl” ellie’s hand swore she could’ve pulled your hair our by now but you could careless, the only thing on your mind was making this woman cum.
she deserved the way you ate her with delight, completely letting her use your face for her orgasm.
your nails dig into her thigh as you feel yourself slowly loosing your breath; but you were not leaving till she had came all over your face.
“s’close god! youre such a fuckin’ slut f’me.” her orgasm finally riding out.
“atta girl, lick it all up again.” she praises, pulling you back up from her pussy to her lips, tasting herself momentarily before her hand finds the back of your head guiding you to the white cum-beed that seaped out of her now fucked-out hole.
you licked her from asshole up, completely picking up her cum onto the tip on tongue causing you moan out as your lips were wrapped around her.
once you pulled away meeting her eyes, her cum covering your lips causing your face to glisten lightly.
“you’re a demon” ellie brings you into her embrace on the stairs.
“its not my fault you’re my favorite candy”
She's just like candy, she's so sweet
But you know that it ain't real cherry, know that it ain't real cherry
She's just like candy, she's so sweet
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a/n > part 2 ??? 😇
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dr3c0mix · 5 months
What if i want to bite them (all characters), like. Its love bites <3 like not hard enough to bleed hut enough to leave a mark for a while. Like i love them so much i just cant help it! I would kiss the bite marks after in hopes to make them not hurt as much <3
Darling Gives Them Love Bites <333
My OCs x GN! Reader
Heres a short post from an old request as a little snack before the yan gang!!
CW: biting ofc, nsfw jumpscares sprinkled in, tooth decaying fluff
Adrian is a bit confused and weirded out at first, like why are you biting thats gross youre gross wait why are you stopping you have to bite his other shoulder or else its not symmetrical and itll feel weird come back !!
he needs to get used to it gradually, but once it gets to the point you leave marks on his skin, he's asking for a lil bite every time you two say goodbye so he can have a memento of you
he cums in his pants if you lick the bite oh my god please do it again he begs of you
Brandon thinks it's a game and bites you back, picking you up and throwing you up in the air. You activated some kind of trigger in him that made him go full excited golden retriever.
He bites you back, kissing the area over and over again as revenge
He probably bites more than you to be honest, he's always wanted to bite but held back in case you were uncomfy with it, but now that he knows you're cool with it he's going ham.
Valeth is cooing over you, little duckling bites!! so cute!!!
He praises your bite marks, pointing out the parts that hurt saying things like "If you tried, you could definitely break skin! Good job my duckling!"
Thinks your little teeth are cute, especially your canines, he loves comparing it to his tusks.
He allows, no, encourages to let you nibble on his hand or arm
The horde doesnt let you, kisses are ok, but biting ? no no no
not because they dont like it, they just dont want you putting your mouth on their literally rotten skin
plus they associate biting with eat so thats a bit of a problem
but my oh my they love kisses, give them a bit and maybe just maybe theyd let you nibble a little bit.
dont let them do it back to you especially ribs, they have super sharp teeth that can break bone if they wanted
but like you might be into that so idk man
Wolfie thinks youre being aggressive before you assure him its how you express love, then he starts to do it back or lick you.
It's more of him casually putting a part of your body in his mouth protectively, he doesnt wanna hurt his mate ;-;
he still prefers licks and cuddles tho, anything that involves cuddles are ok for him!!
Doriks cummin buckets im sorry
are you marking him as yours ? please do it some more please! maybe on his ear? arm? dick? chest?
hes all yours !!!
he offers to bite you back, itll eventually turn into very intense sex that ends with the both of you covered head to toe in bite marks
he wants round 2
use it as a reward and hes doing whatever you ask with the speed of a sports car
appears right next to you, neck exposed, waiting eagerly for another bite
kalva is confused but laughs and bites you back, its a little painful because of the beak but he tries his best to be gentle.
he sees it as you trying to preen him and swoons over your 'attempt'
he preens you in order to teach how its really done! its mostly just an excuse to love on you <3
hes very ticklish so expect a flurry of giddly hoots and chirps from him whenever you nibble on him
jasper is crying sobbing rolling on the floor rn
he wants to roleplay with you being a vampire and him being your mortal soulmate
lil guy a bit freaky like that <3
moans so loud when you bite him, he has to apologize
euheheh eghghhh hes so crazy for you and your love bites
doesn't wanna bite back because skin on teeth is not a good sensation for him, but he'll cover your face in kisses to return the favor
The vampires are cooing, swooning, absolutely simping for you
our little mortal is biting us so cute soc ute!!!!
get ready for never ending teasing and kissing
they point out the marks you leave and talk about how much better it would be if you were a vampire like them!
they fake terror over your bites, oh nooo a cute little human is biting me !! so so spooky !!
please let them bite you back
Baron is short circuiting
ohmy oh oh my oh yomhyo-
thank you.
he has to process what just happened for a bit
tries to forget about it but he cant help but want another one when he gets a glimpse of your teeth when you talk or smile at him
stays up and imagines your mouth all over his skin leaving teeth marks everywhere
stayed up that night pumping his cock when he remembers you biting your lip that one time
Caspian makes a big deal out of it
hes literally morticia in the addams family movie
last night you were unhinged, you were like some desperate howling demon, you frightened me
do it again
no please were are you going do it again!!!
"misbehaves" so you can bite him again as punishment
oops! i splashed you with water! you might have to bite me again~
Hallow is yanking his fabric back and scolds you, what if you choked? he'd be worried sick!
gets you a chew fidget instead
doesnt quite understand love bites
please explain to him why eating him means you love him
maybe its because you think hes delicious? awwee thank you! youre delicious too i suppose !
coos over you as he holds you close, thank you for the bite honeypie!!
Ashvan is squealing over how cute it was!!
blushes whenever you do, like very very flustered, his eyes might be covered by soft fur but you can almost see the redness on his face
his ears flatten as he tries to calm his frantically wagging tail
he gets much shyer whenever you smile at him or when you bite into your food during meals
he has to timidly ask for another bite with his index fingers touching together
please give him more biteys!!
Axel tells you to bite harder
try it! hes tough! lets see how strong that jaw of yours is!
*frantically hiding his growing erection*
calls you little kitten or..rat
teases you by poking at your mouth with his finger to get you to bite
he loves it, he thinks its the cutest thing whenever you do it, especially when youre just subconsciously nibbling on him as if he was a chew toy
he makes sure his hands are always washed for you, no more touching dirty stuff carelessly, he gotta take care of himself for you!!
King Alistair is pushing you away and coldly telling you no, but once you two are alone in your shared chambers, away from prying eyes, he softly tells you to continue
of course he loves you, he wants you to be free to express yourself, but please dont do it when people are watching
he has a reputation to uphold! not because he's shy and insecure about showing pda in public or anything...
bites back, definitely bites back!! out of all the ocs i think he bites the most next to Brandon
loves playing predator and prey whenever you two are fooling around together, if he ever leaves marks, hes kissing them softly to let you know he means no harm, he just got a bit carried away because youre just so sweet~!
if you leave marks, hes covering it up in his clothes, but occasionally he heads to he mirror, pulls away the fabric covering your lovebite, and smiles
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diejager · 4 months
Tysm for blessing us with puppy girl reader <33
So I diiiiid see that your requests are open so I humbly request (on my knees fr) kitty girl reader head cannons???? Im partial to ghost or 141 but really whatever u want!!!! (muah)
Kitty hybrid!reader Headcanon
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Pairing: Task Force 141 x cat hybrid!reader
Cw: DARKFIC, DUB-CON/NON0-CON, hybrid, smut, brat!reader, creampie, training, punishment, tell me if I missed any. We: 1.4k
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You were an impulsive act from the team, wanting a little pet that wouldn’t demand too much time and attention, that was a independent pet that would be affectionate enough to pet an play. A puppy would demand to much attention, slobbering and rutting their legs if they had the chance, but a cat, a hissy but sly mess seemed better fit for a family that was always on the move and that would leave for an extended time period on missions, would be the perfect match.
Price made the purchase, but Ghost worked to train you, always the cat person Price knew he was. Ghost picked you up from the pound, a little store for abandoned and forgotten hybrids without a home. That’s where Price decided to find a pet, Ghost was ironically unsurprised, knowing his Captain’s streak of finding strays and feral things. It was a quaint place with warm-coloured walls and a chirpy scenery, everything was simply too calm and too perfect to seem sad and depressed, but he’d seen some hybrids pout and cry in their corners, saddened for being unloved and left to rot alone. 
He was expecting something sad or a ball of joy, but he wasn’t that surprised when the cat he went to pick up was a feisty one, glaring and hissing at him despite the neediness and affection you showed him when he scratched your chin. Chalk it up to Price to pick someone as bratty as the others in the team, he certainly had a type for strays. You fought him all the way back, hissing and baring your teeth at him, yet you turned around so quickly when he scratched and pet you in the right places, turning the wild cat into a docile kitty.
You weren’t hard to tame, you were easy to understand and quite the simpleton, simple needs and little expectations. All you needed was a warm bed, a quiet corner and a few spoils to keep you satisfied on the long run, nothing to extravagant or expensive like Ghost was awaiting. Perhaps it was your history of being left behind that made you ask for less, biding your time before you were abandoned again, ripped away from a life of slight luxury. 
Now that Ghost had reassured you that this would be your permanent home, telling you to ask for more than the minimum, you truly let go of your apprehension. You were still the feisty, little gremlin they picked up, sly and mischievous, but you were quick to ask for attention, patting Gaz’s knee for kisses, scratching Soap’s leg for treats, crawling over Ghost’s lap for caresses and interrupted Price’s work for a quiet place to nap. 
Both Gaz and Soap had a habit of spoiling you more than the others. When you wanted to be spoiled rotten with food, the person you went looking for was Soap, stalking the busy halls for the TF’s rec room, finding Soap lounging on the big couch watching whatever match of football played or movie that streamed. You pawed and meowed at him, forcefully taking your place on his lap and rubbing your face against his stomach. 
Soap was a soft and sympathetic owner, easy to bend to your will if you so much as batted your lashes or asked sweetly for a treat. Perhaps it was the way your tail swayed so softly, your ass perked up tantalisingly teasing, that plump ass of yours calling his name to strike it red. Or maybe it’s the way you cry his name, lips pulled into a pout and brows pinched in irritation when you didn’t get what you wanted from Ghost of Price before you ran to him. 
When you wanted to be pampered with adoration, you searched for Gaz, calling his name while you walked through the TF’s side, ears perked up to catch any sound or indication that you were on the right path. He was someone you liked to cuddle up to, feeling his hand run through your hair and scratch that itch you couldn’t get at the base of your tail —sensitive, but needed. 
Gaz was a rather tender and caring owner, his soft laughter and comforting embrace lulling you to sleep in his lap, tail curled around his calf, arms clinging to his shoulders and face buried under his jaw, nuzzling and breathing in the vanilla and woody scent of his. You would cling onto him for hours on end without letting him move or work, the neglected pet that demanded attention and love. He couldn’t reject you without you pulling a face, teary eyes and flushed cheeks, your ears drooping down and tail depressingly hanging between your legs. And the moment your little fangs poked out from under your lip, biting your bottom one until it threatened to bleed, he’d already agreed to become your bed.
Price was stricter with you than anyone else, more so than Ghost - your handler - was. He had a hard and unmoving hand, mind shielded from your doe eyes and pout, steeled to a T to prevent you from getting your way with him, and his character perfected to accommodate you without spoiling you too much. You were his best girl, but that didn’t mean he’d treat you like a pampered princess, he picked you for your tenacity and feistiness, someone strong and independant. 
Yet here you were, clawing and mewling at him, staring at him with teary eyes and a needy whine to have his attention on you. Fortunately, Price was a generous owner, occasionally letting you do as you wished, climbing onto his lap and somehow, you could nap on his lap and not fall off. If he was too busy to indulge you, he’d give you a harsh stare and order you to sleep on his couch where he left his jacket and a few soft blankets for you after he watched you shiver and whimper in your sleep. It stung his heart to watch his precious kitten shake and cry, suffer from his cold, lonely couch, so he got you whatever he thought you needed to feel cozy and comfortable when he was too busy. 
When you wanted some quiet, but didn’t want to be alone, you looked out for Ghost, your handler was the calmest of the bunch, a source of peace and solace. If you were bored from bothering Price, tired of Gaz’s petting or full from Soap’s stuffing, you ran to him for sleep, not just a short nap. He was the man you often slept with at night, taking up half his bed and cuddling up to him. He often woke up with your face nuzzled up his neck, nails sunken into his shirt and tail curled around his arm, waist or thigh. 
He was kind in his wrong way, letting you go scot free with many mistakes that he would reprimand others for doing: ripping his clothes, staring at his uncovered face, asking for kisses, demanding affection, and taking up his room like you owned it. You’re a little rascal, rubbing your face in all of his stuff and leaving stray furs stuck to his clothes, smothering him with your scent and body, taking up his bed, his sheets and his room as a means of showing off your possession. It amused him, your possessive nature of him and the rest, like the way he collared you in black lace to show people who you belonged to. That pretty neck of yours and the sweet voice that cried whenever he scuffed you too roughly was his.
You were a gem to live with, truly, but when you weren’t, you were a proper brat, one that needed to be punished. Needing a firm hand to put you back in your place with a hard fuck, ignoring your hiss and struggle while he pinned you to the couch. You might whine and fight him, but he knew you liked it - craved it - from the way your little cunt tightened around his cock, milking him dry of all his worth. 
You don’t take well to punishment, clawing and biting at them until someone ties you up prettily, leaving you vulnerable and unable to stop him from exacting your lesson. You have to learn one way or another, they can’t leave you spoiled rotten and keep pampering you if you’re a bad pet. 
Eventually, you’ll calm down and learn your lesson, tired out by four different cocks, holes filled and stretched out and cunt satiated. You were a cock and cum-drunk pet with your holes leaking cum, rolling down your ass and fur matted from being pulled on so much. You mewled tiredly and let them manhandle you as they saw fit, purring at every little touch of soft affection and easily moved to Ghost’s bed at night.
Hopefully, you’d listen to them when you woke up. 
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @im-making-an-effort @daisychainsinknots @0alk0msan @danielle143 @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @randominstake @cassiecasluciluce @hayleybarnesx @shironasumi @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @infpt-zylith @sweetnanah @aldis-nuts @evolutionarry
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softpascalito · 1 month
I To Dig a Grave I Chapter 1 I
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Summary: Twenty-one years after the outbreak, you come to Wyoming looking for something and end up in Jackson after a stranger saves your life.
But he doesn't stay a stranger.
Turns out Joel Miller is looking for something too. It feels like a fresh start. But when bad luck seems to follow you, Joel is the only one to turn to, forcing both of you to confront your feelings about your pasts- and each other.
Pairing: Joel Miller x F!Reader Rating: Explicit / MDNI Word count: 7k+ Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Age Difference, Smut, Explicit Content, Grief/Mourning, Mental Health Issues, Canon-Typical Violence, Chose not to use Archive Warnings, Tags to be added
AO3 LINK // Series Masterlist // Playlist
notes: this work has been quite a while in the making and im very excited to finally share the first chapter! a huge thank you to the wonderful josie for being my beta reader and listening to all my rambling <3
this fic will deal with heavy topics. please note that it doesn't use archive warnings and tags will be added as we go in order to avoid spoilers. each chapter will have detailed warnings in the end notes on ao3.
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Chapter 1 - The Before
‘‘I will be very sad to leave here’, Yves said, suddenly. ‘I have never been happier than I have been in this house.’ ‘I have been very happy too. I wonder if we will ever be so happy again.’’  - Another Country, James Baldwin
You’d been on the run for what felt like weeks but could only have been days when you found the gas station next to an abandoned mall. It had looked promising, the half-rotten advertisements plastered to the walls, reminding your stomach that it had gone far too long without a proper meal, or any meal for that matter.
Maybe if you hadn’t been so starved or so tired, you would’ve heard them coming, the Infected that stormed through the back door practically the moment you slipped into the building. A yell escaped your throat, your hand instinctively reaching for the knife you kept buckled to your leg. You didn't even get the chance to pull it out of its makeshift holster before the creature was on top of you, pinning you to the floor with what felt like inhuman strength.
“Fucking- get off-” you grunted, but even if the thing on top of you had been one that listened to commands, your thin and shaky voice likely wouldn’t have impressed it.
So this was how you were gonna go out. In a town you couldn't even name, somewhere in the snowy mountains of Wyoming, after finally escaping the life you’d been stuck in for so long. You hadn't even made it a month.
For a second, you considered trying to reach for your gun, still tucked into your pants and pressing into your back uncomfortably. You could feel its outline against your skin, a pain shooting through your spine as the Infected seemed to double its effort to reach your neck with its mouth, half-rotten teeth close enough that you could recognize the foul smell of death.
Then, the gun went off. Or you thought it did. The unmistakable sound of a gunshot rang in your ears as the Infected collapsed on top of you. But the feeling of your pistol pressing into your back was still there. It had been a gun. But not yours.
“I got her!” a voice above you bellowed out, an unmistakable southern drawl. “Tommy, give me some cover here, goddammit!”
You hadn't even noticed the second man, who was now aiming his gun at another runner storming towards him. He fired, once, twice, and the Infected let out a howl before its body hit the tiled floor with a thud.
“Hey, you with me?” The man above you leaned down, shoving the Infected that had been on top of you to the side unceremoniously. He was dressed in a worn jacket, jeans and boots, the latter two splattered with blood. His right hand, covered in a weathered leather glove, was stretched out towards you, an invitation to, well, you weren't exactly sure.
“She good?”
The second man approached the pair of you, your eyes flying over to him for a split moment. He was dressed similarly, except that he looked a little younger than his partner. He shouldered his rifle and tucked a loose strand of hair behind his ear. Your gaze flew back to the man in front of you, to the brown eyes that carried an unexpectedly gentle look, not quite matching the gruff way he looked. Shaking slightly, you placed your hand in his, and the next moment, he was pulling you to your feet.
“There you are.”
You nodded, a motion that looked more like your head was jerking on its own accord. But the man seemed to accept it. As the other one stepped towards you, the taller of the two men spoke again.
“You clean?” When no response came, he pressed on, his tone getting a little more impatient. “Did it bite you? Scratch you anywhere?”
The other one gently placed a hand on his chest, forcing your attention onto himself. “Can you walk? Our horses are two houses over, we've got a place where you can rest, get some food-”
“I'm not going anywhere with you,” you blurted out. You'd had your fair share of people, of men offering you ‘help’ and it never stopped there. There was payment, always. In this world, it was stupid to think there wouldn't be, that anyone would help you out of the kindness of their hearts.
“You're not going anywhere else by the looks of it, either,” the man with the gloves muttered, more than loud enough for you to hear. “You won't last a week.”
“I've lasted longer, asshole,” you shot back, suddenly angry at the stranger in front of you. He didn't know you, he didn't know the things you'd gone through to get here. So what if he had saved your life? It didn't give him the right to predict your death.
The other man nudged his ribs, extending his hand to you as well, though it was more of a formality this time. 
“Name’s Tommy. The asshole is my brother Joel.”
He paused for a moment, clearly thinking about how to approach this the right way. “Look, I'm sure you've been traveling for quite some time. We can give you a place to recover. You can leave anytime, I promise.”
You eyed him carefully. It did sound too good to be true. But it also did sound- good. A roof over your head, warm food in your stomach- two things you'd been craving for quite some time.
The man who had introduced himself as Tommy gave a short nod and led the way to the horses, following tracks in the snow the two men had left while coming to your rescue. Joel pulled up the rear and you had a feeling that his eyes were trained on you, watching carefully, maybe for a twitch or anything else out of the ordinary. Again, you weren't sure why, but it made you angry.
“I told you I wasn't bit,” you repeated in his direction as Tommy began untying the horses. 
Joel raised a brow, clearly surprised by the attitude in your voice. “‘ts what they usually say.”
“Well, I'm not,” you replied, turning your back on him and focusing on his brother instead. Tommy pretended not to have heard either of you but somehow you were certain he had.
“C’mon, you can ride with me. It's not too far.”
Not too far turned out to be a good hour, the crisp autumn air making you shiver, and you were thankful for the warmth of both the horse and Tommy. But what the ride lacked in temperature it made up for in views, the sun coming out just as you passed the first sign that read ‘Jackson County’.
You didn't even mind Joel's occasional glances towards you as much, finding that with the sunlight playing in his brown curls, his look screamed less of danger and more of concern. Whether it was concern for Tommy or you or something entirely different, you weren't sure.
The answer came to you in the form of your housing arrangements. After getting over the first shock of riding up a busy mainstreet in what looked like an actual, functioning town, a thing you hadn't thought possible anymore, you had made use of what must have been the first functioning toilet you'd seen in months. You felt like a child being steered through the crowd at a busy carnival, if the food hall, the functioning plumbing and electricity and the music drifting from one of the smaller shops was any indication.
“You know we ain't got any unoccupied places and Maria and mine’s no good with the baby screaming all night,” Tommy muttered urgently and you frowned a little. The two men were standing a few feet away, clearly unaware that you were already back and you awkwardly shoved your hands in your pockets, considering going back inside for a moment. But then Joel opened his mouth and you couldn't help but listen in on their conversation. The older man seemed as much a mystery as the entire scene around you.
Tommy piped up before Joel even had a chance to argue. “It's just for a couple of nights. I’m sure Ellie and you will manage. You take her in, explain the basics and as soon as we got a place, you can go back to shutting yourself off from every goddamn person in this town-”
“I don’t-” Joel interrupted before shaking his head, a low grunt leaving his throat.
“Fine. Until Thursday, no longe-” He broke off at the look on Tommys face, one that was aimed directly at you. You shyly nodded in his direction and closed the distance between you in a few quick steps. 
The younger man cleared his throat, giving you a reassuring smile. “Find everything okay?”
“Yeah, thanks,” you replied politely. You hated how forced the conversation felt, already regretting listening in on it at all.
“Joel here’s gonna get you settled for the night, you let him know if you need anything else. I'll stop by in the morning and introduce you to Maria, she’s-”
“The boss,” Joel finished for him, earning a small glare from Tommy. 
“One of our elected leaders,” he corrected, another smile playing around his lips at the mention of what you assumed must be his wife. “Well, I'll leave ya two to it.”
Joel took you home. He still gave you that look, and with Tommy gone, you could be sure that it was actually aimed towards you. It was like he was still on guard but whether it was of you or something else, you couldn't tell.
“Here's how this is gonna go,” he started as he fumbled with the front door of the house clad in white. “You get a quick check-up, a shower, some fresh clothes- you get the idea.”
“I get the idea,” you repeated as he led you into the hallway, unable to keep yourself from glancing around for a moment, catching a peek of the dining room. “You live here by yourself?”
His question hit you out of nowhere and you stuttered for a moment, racking your brain for a good response, “Just- I was making conversation. Jesus.”
“Right,” Joel nodded, his gaze softening a bit. He placed his bag onto the floor and tapped his right thigh absent-mindedly. “Come on, follow me.”
He took you into the upstairs bathroom that smelled faintly of soap, reminding you that you hadn't had a proper wash in more days than you cared to count. There were a few small containers, mostly re-used mason jars, that were labeled ‘shampoo’ or ‘body wash’, sitting orderly on the small shelf next to the tub.
You felt more than heard Joel shift behind you and turned to meet his gaze. He was still watching, arms crossed, seemingly waiting for something.
“Do I- shower?” you asked softly and he sighed a little at that. 
“I need to check you for bites.” His voice was low but still carried a small note of sternness in it. 
Oh, right.
“I didn't agree to that.”
You could see his hand twitch, the handle of his revolver still sticking out the back of his jeans. “You're bit.”
It was more of a statement than anything else, like he already knew what was waiting for him under your clothes, maybe a bite on your leg, a scratch on your stomach. Joel had dealt with enough people that had been marked for death like that to know the signs of it. The thing was, he was wrong.
“Is this what it is?” you asked, quietly, trying to keep your voice from shaking.
“Excuse me?”
“Is that why you go outside, save people? So you can bring them back here, get them to take their clothes off for you-”
“Whoa-” Joel held up both hands, shaking his head very slowly. “I think we got off on the wrong foot here. I need to check you for bites, it’s protocol.” His voice was still deep, that southern drawl you heard earlier in the gas station still present but somehow softer. His features had shifted, seeming genuinely surprised by the turn of your conversation.
“Now, if you want someone else to do it, I can get a lady and let her look you over. We just want to be sure we don’t bring Infected in, that's all.”
“That's all?” you asked as he kept his eyes trained on you, his hands still up in the air and his expression soft.
“I swear, that's all. If you can show me you're not bit, I'll get you that shower, some food, you name it.”
You gave a small nod at that, your body deflating a little. It had been an incredibly long day and the man in front of you seemed genuine. If he wasn't, you could still try and bail.
Joel turned slightly under the pretense of grabbing a towel from below the sink but you knew he was attempting to give you a bit of privacy- even though he clearly didn’t trust you enough to fully turn his back on you. With shaky hands, you began to strip, holding back a wince as you forced your bruised body to move. The fabric of your shirt clung to your skin, dry blood forcing another whimper out of your throat.
You felt Joel's head snap towards you at that but ignored him, unwilling to give him the satisfaction of showing quite how uncomfortable you felt about going through this with him next to you.
He was quick and professional, his large hands brushing over your skin as he made sure you were clean.
“All good,” he commented shortly when he was satisfied, his shoulders relaxing a bit as he reached for a stack of folded towels. Then, his gaze rested on your head again, more specifically, on your matted hair.
“You want me to get someone to cut that for you? Might be easier than-”
“No,” you quickly piped up. You knew your body was malnourished and likely had a dozen other things wrong with it. You didn’t want to lose your hair too.
Joel nodded, his hand absent-mindedly trailing over a particularly nasty knot. “I think I got some soap conditioner in the closet. You want to give that a try?” 
“Yeah, that’d be great,” you responded curtly and Joel disappeared from the room for a few moments. He came back, as promised, with a soap smelling of jasmine and cotton. 
He didn’t seem as hesitant, now that he knew you weren’t bit. At least that’s what you assumed had caused the shift in him. It didn’t occur to you that it might be the fact that you were sitting on his bathroom tiles, shivering, assuming the worst in him, in men, hell, in society. That you looked like a wounded deer, ready to take off at the slightest notion of danger, no matter how badly you were already bleeding.
Joel was a lot more gentle than you would have expected a man of his build to be. He seemed to know exactly what he was doing, reaching just far enough to cover your entire hair, but never letting any conditioner run down onto your face. It made you wonder if he was a father. Then you remembered his brother had mentioned a girl earlier, Ellie. Still, you knew better than to ask. You’d likely be gone in a few days anyway.
But, there was one question that you couldn’t keep from slipping out of your mouth.
“Why did you think I was bit?”
Joel paused for a moment, his fingers slowing down ever so slightly as he seemed to think about his words.
“You weren’t fighting hard enough. To stay alive, I mean. You were acting like someone who knows that their time is up.”
An uncomfortable silence settled between the two of you. You felt his hand brush over the crown of your head, lathering the matted mess that was your hair with soap in small, circular motions.
“I thought it was,” you whispered, honestly. You couldn't bring yourself to lie to him. But you couldn't bring yourself to explain it either.
He didn’t ask.
Neither of you spoke again until you were curled up in his bed, him insisting to take the couch for the night. He’d fed you some soup, relieved when he saw that your stomach could handle that. He’d warned you that it might not, after getting so used to going days without food. You’d gotten some worn but warm clothes to wear after the shower and now your body was sinking into an actual mattress. It was more than you’d dreamed of just that morning.
Joel paused in the doorway, his hand tapping against his jeans, a habit you had already picked up on. It was like he didn’t know what to do with his hands when they weren’t holding a gun.
“You don’t have to leave,” he said quietly. “You know that, right?”
Your mouth went dry as you tried to keep your tone nonchalant. His expression told you that it wasn't exactly working. “Who said I was leaving?”
“You look like you will.”
Again, a quiet fell over you and you shook your head softly. “What, you were a psychologist before or something?”
He smiled weakly. “Contractor.”
After a short pause, he went on. “I know it's hard to- to trust. When ya first get here. I felt the same.” 
You felt a small breath leave your throat at that. “But it gets better?”
“There's hot water, three meals a day, fair working conditions. I don't think it gets much better out there,” he pointed out softly before giving you a small nod.
“I'll be downstairs if you need anything. Good night.”
27 months later
The almost-empty soap sits on your bathroom shelf, the one that’s screwed to the wall just above the worn-out bathtub. You’ve gotten it refilled every few months, sometimes sooner if you wanted to allow yourself a little treat. It still reminds you of your first day in Jackson, of the safety that you so quickly felt in every room of Joel's house.
You still have some time before you have to head to work and the blue sky promises a cold but clear day so you decided to go and check if you’re in luck with any available refills today. Stock always changes throughout the week and while there’s usually something available, you prefer to get your chosen products if possible.
No such luck.
“Sorry, we’re all out. Think patrols cleared out the store that had these a while ago,” the woman behind the counter says apologetically. “We have some others if you’d like to try a new one, there’s-”
“I’m good,” you quickly insist, giving her a small smile when you notice you may have sounded a little harsh. “I’ll just wait and see if some more comes in.”
In one quick motion, you turn around and head towards the door- only to run face-first into a broad chest draped in a thick, brown coat.
“Whoa.” The deep voice above you immediately sends a gentle warmth through your body and you take a small step back to be able to squint up at the man you bumped into.
“Sorry, Texas, didn't see you there.”
“I told you to stop calling me that,” Joel mutters weakly, fumbling with the small bag he is carrying before handing it over to the woman behind the counter. She thanks him and quickly begins to sort the items he has brought back from patrol. He’s wearing the thick coat you see on him whenever it drops below freezing, his dark boots leaving small pieces of wet mud on the floor of the small store. He’s been doing the creek trails then, most likely.
You’ve rarely been on patrol yourself, focusing your energy more on tasks inside the community. If it hadn’t been for Joel, you know you probably would have taken off in the first few days, maybe stolen some food and been on your way. But he’d gotten you to stay. With him, for a few days. Then they had found space for you in a small guesthouse close to the mainstreet, to be shared with a young woman not unlike yourself that had offered up her vacant bedroom.
You’d taken an instant liking to Lane. Joel had dropped you off at your new home, with the few things you owned, and you and her had both stood in the small kitchen in awkward silence, racking your brains for a good conversation starter. Of course, you’d come up with the one she probably heard every other day.
“I like your hair.”
It wasn’t a lie. Her hair was cut short but thick, and most importantly, it was blue. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d seen colored hair. It seemed to fit her though. The roots were brown and the overall color a little less vibrant than you’d seen in magazines of people before the outbreak. If anything, you liked this more.
“Thanks,” she said lamely, twisting her hand around the small cup she was holding. “Fuck, I’m sorry, I’m the worst at social shit,” she finally blurted out and it looked like she was half glad to admit it and half afraid of your reaction.
“Don’t worry. Me too,” you admitted, a grin spreading over both your faces, the silence seeming a lot more bearable now. She shrugged towards the counter, half a dozen muffins sitting on it. “You like blueberries? A friend let me nick these.”
She paused for a moment, brushing a strand of blue hair behind her ear. “I mean, technically they’re not real blueberries, the ground here is too dry for those. I think they’re called juneberries, but we never call them that.”
You figured she’d be a solid roommate if she’d just met you and was already sharing her sweets. Half an hour later, when you had vomited the blueberry muffins back up in your shared bathroom, Joel’s warning about solid food still ringing in your ears, when she was standing beside you, holding your hair back and handing you a washcloth when you were finished, you knew she’d be more than a roommate. She’d be your friend.
She had also been the one to get you into teaching. You’d been fascinated when she first told you about her job in town, teaching the children of Jackson practically every subject she could. Neither of you had been in school before the outbreak so it was all the more impressive, the way she managed to control a class without the need to get loud or hand out punishments.
You’d taken a liking to the classrooms of Jackson as well, reminiscing on the last summer before the world had gone to shit and the way you’d looked forward to being in school, learning all the things big girls did. Not getting to sit in a classroom, and you didn’t count those at FEDRA as actual classrooms, had been only one of so many things you felt you had missed out on.
So it felt even more special now when, after you got Maria to assign you as teacher alongside Lane, you spent your days in the colorfully decorated classrooms, teaching a variety of subjects and a variety of ages. It was similar to life in Jackson, not without its fair amount of challenges. But, just as Joel had promised the first night, you learned to trust and the more you did, the easier it was to let yourself be. Above all, to let yourself be happy.
Joel steps outside alongside you, his head jerking back towards the small supply store. “Did ya get everything?”
His voice is soft, and you like to imagine that he sounds a little more gentle when speaking to you compared to the others. Not that you see him talking to a lot of people either way. You're pretty sure it's why he prefers the patrols, less people to bother him and less voices to listen to. Even though you had a feeling, about a year after you arrived in Jackson, that he also preferred being paired up with Esther, a pretty woman who took care of the horses and frequented the patrols. Especially those with Joel.
You had almost hoped for them to end up together, to drive the images of Joel alone at his too large dining table out of your head. But they didn't and the images stayed. You had him over for dinner, every other month. It started as a thank-you for helping you through your first days and quickly developed into a rare but regular thing. Ellie or Lane joined you occasionally, happy to get a nice home-cooked dinner and some of the wine Joel usually brought along.
You didn't see too much of him outside of your little gatherings, only the normal occasions that presented themself around town. But it was nice to know that he was there, that he would bring his wine and compliment your cooking and make small-talk and listen to the new developments of your life.
“It makes sense for you to be a teacher,” he’d agreed after you’d updated him on your new position, causing you to raise a brow. 
“What is that supposed to mean? Think I can’t handle myself out on the group patrols?”
His face slowly changed at that, Joel urgently shaking his head, “I didn't mean-”
You cut him off with a small laugh, no longer able to stay serious at how panicked he looked. “I’m messing with you, old man. I know what you meant. I think it makes sense too. I like it.”
His shoulders relaxed slightly as he leaned back against the kitchen counter, grumbling a little under his breath.
It's Joel's voice that brings you back to the present. “I asked if you got everything?”
You shake your head to get rid of the thoughts, then it turns to shaking your head no. “They’re out of conditioner. But it’s fine, I can stretch mine a bit longer and maybe they’ll get some next week.”
“Ya still using the same one?” Joel asks, shoving his hands into the pockets of his coat and you nod. It's sweet that he remembers. It's been over two years, after all.
“Yeah. Liked it, never saw a reason to switch,” you explain lamely. He only gives a short nod, motioning for you to follow as he starts walking. 
You do, though perplexed. “School’s in the other direction.” “Thought your class didn’t start until ten today,” he points out. It never appears to you to ask how or why he knows this. When your steps slow down and your thoughts speed up simultaneously, he nudges you along.
“You want your soap or not?” he grumbles and your face lights up a little at that. 
“You got some?” 
Joel gives another quick nod. “Brought them back a few weeks ago. I would’ve given them to you if I knew ya still used them.”
You trot beside him like a puppy, making your way down Rancher Street and up the flight of stairs that leads to the small house clad in white. The noise of the wind chimes tied to a beam above his front porch drifts over to you, the gentle breeze creating a slow melody.
You haven’t been in his upstairs bathroom for years. It’s odd and it feels too intimate, seeing the place where he brushes his teeth in the morning, where he washes himself after a long day. You don't belong in a space this personal. You don't belong to him.
It felt different when you were curled up on the same white tiles, letting him check your bruised and battered body for signs of Infection. For a split moment, it did feel like you belonged, in a way.
Joel's hand brushes over yours as he hands you the soap, the one smelling of jasmine and cotton and safety. 
The rest of the day is a blur of lessons and grading, but the smell of the soap seems to linger, the comforting feeling in your stomach getting you through the work day. It doesn’t end until seven with you staying behind to tutor some kids for an upcoming exam and then to finish preparing said exam. The smell of food fills the air as you open your front door and you smile as you poke your head into the kitchen, “Smells good.”
Lane is seated at the table, a few papers in front of her. Likely an exam of her own, you think to yourself. Even after the world has ended, finals season still exists.
“My mum made that pasta you like so much today. Figured I'd save you some,” she says, nodding towards the tupperware sitting on the counter.
“You're an angel.” You whistle as you head deeper into the house, putting away your jacket and bag, fishing the soap out of the latter and placing it on the bathroom shelf. It makes you pause for a moment. You give a nod to yourself at the sight of the refilled container and make a silent vow to treat yourself to a nice bath today.
An hour later, your stomach is filled with warm pasta, the bathroom damp with steam and your hair soft, smelling just the way you like it. The clock in the small hallway reminds you that it's already past twelve and the knowledge that tomorrow is another day filled with teaching makes you want to crawl into bed fairly quickly. But you're thirsty.
Lane is still in the kitchen, her blue hair a little messy and crowned with a pair of headphones. The music spills out a bit, enough for you to be able to hear the low, steady humming of a song that seems mildly familiar.
You do remember a few songs from before the Outbreak- mainly the ones they played on the radio. But you know that Lane doesn’t, being a few years younger than you, meaning that she barely has any memories of the before.
You're already in your pajamas, shuffling to the sink to pour yourself a glass of water. Somehow it always tastes better at night. Or maybe your brain is playing tricks on you.
“Hey, you remember Joel is coming over for dinner on Sunday, right?” you ask with your back to your friend. When no response comes, you gulp down the last bit of water and turn around, giving a small wave in the air between you. 
Lane sits up a little more, pushing one side of her headphones back just enough to free her ear. “Hm?”
“Dinner with Joel, Sunday,” you repeat, a yawn escaping you. 
After a moment, she nods. “Right, I remember. We’re out of blueberries again, by the way.”
“I’ll make sure to restock this weekend then,” you agree, already halfway across the room. You give another small wave and finally head to bed. It looks exactly the same way you left it this morning, the blanket tucked into one side, the pillows arranged against the headboard.
“It's so good to be home,” you mutter to yourself as you crawl under the covers, stretching your body a little. Your left hand reaches for your nightstand and finds the book you've been reading, hoping to get just a tiny bit further tonight. With all the work and the winter festival coming up, you’ve barely made progress, the wooden bookmark still sitting near the front. You put it aside, glancing down at the finely carved piece of woodwork for a moment. Joel gave it to you for your first birthday in Jackson. Then you open the book properly, the worn-out spine cracking slightly. Just a couple of minutes.
But your eyes start to droop after just a few pages. After half a chapter, you're in a deep slumber, the book slipping out of your hands and onto the wooden floor below just as the front door slips shut.
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if you enjoyed the chapter, please consider reblogging/sharing and commenting <3
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localkiss · 6 days
Yapping about death island and re4r leon!
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slight nsfw:3 mostly fluff/angst thoughts doe
i want death island (or re4r) leon to like smother me with his weight. I want (need) him to soothe all my worries and frustrations with small pieces of affection.
I know he would subtly be touchy. Hand grabbing onto the hip and rubbing his thumb over the bone.. drooling rn. Wiping your lip if there's a crumb, or under your eye if there's an eyelash. Will go out of his way to make sure you feel comfortable and make sure you eat enough or drink enough water... (ahem I struggle w the second one so much ...)
Would find any excuse to help you get dressed, just to admire you in all of your glory. All the scars, stretch marks, beauty marks, he loves them all. Makes him feel better about his own scars when you dote on them. So he's gonna always dote on you twice fold :33 bc he's just like that.
Death island Leon will always find a way to spoil you rotten. Whether it be with gifts, his time, or finding new ways to make you feel so good you can't walk for days; count on him to always cheer you up! Will always ask if you want anything special for breakfast or if you want cereal. Because he genuinely wants to feel needed and like he's doing something that's helping you. (His ass is getting better at not feeling so down about himself because of his therapy 👍🏻☺️..+Chris is there too!) Take you on dates to the most expensive restaurants, while constantly holding your hand and rubbing his thumb across your smooth knuckles. If y'all are sitting down, he's gonna find a way to put his hand on your thigh. It soothes him, what can he say *wink* *wink*!
Re4r leon... Wheewww. Don't get me started. I think he's not good at expressing himself here and so he just likes to lay in bed with you in silence. Or watch a movie while cuddling you. Smallll things like that really gets him going. I think he would try buying you flowers every week or giving you massages. Things that would also bring the both of you together (whilst also grounding himself with the now!) Because of his depression and ptsd (no therapy AND no Chris💔) he often pushes you away and will just endlessly workout. Like he genuinely feels guilty for not doing anything all day, sometimes if it's with you. Until one day you suggest to like go to the beach and pick up trash, while also enjoying yourself with the scenery. Two birds with one stone !
Both versions just like to see you happy. I know he struggles with feeling like he needs to always be saving somebody or else he's just useless. Doing things with you like skincare, brushing your teeth, eating, showering, help him by a lot. Because he gets to be with you. It's special! Whenever he's away with you, he always pictures you in his mind, right next to him doing said activity.
Maybe I should've included re2 Leon... 💔 My stink, I miss u... (Can you tell who's my fav leon)
I dunno what this post was or why i wrote all of this down. (grrr im gonna get u writers block! Let me finish my fics without getting distracted!!!! 😡) aughhhhhh.
anyways... I just need him to be my savior god damn it😭😭😭!! Let me be the president's daughter getting saved😔 LMAOO im yapping too much.
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ribread03 · 2 months
Matt Sturniolo Head cannons
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matt sturniolo x reader, use of y/n, head cannons, what I think it would be like dating Matt
warning smut talk at these bullets ◈
AN: so this is the first thing Im really putting on the internet that is from my brain lol. I've posted edits on my TikTok that's a fan page for them ri.bead03 (shameless plug here lol). But I hope you enjoy this and even if you don't I still think this is going to be fun lol.
◆ Matt really likes the outdoors so he takes you on hikes and on picnics all of them time just the two of you and nature. Taking you out to public places aren't really his thing.
◆ He loves being around you when your comfortable with who your around and seeing the true side of you. He loves hearing your true laugh and when you smile and show off your teeth.
◆ He really likes cats. All animals really-cats, dogs, fish, deer- but cats really stick out to him. you like to think it's because he relates to them and how sometimes they like to be around people and sometimes they just sleep the day away and don't see anyone at all.
◆ He loves to cuddle. He just likes to be touching or hugging you at all times. It doesn't matter what time or day or where you guys are at he's always asking you if he can hold your hand or hug you.
◆ He cant cook and you think its the cutest thing ever but he hates that he cant provide for you even tho he does in more way than one.
◆ He is always asking to talk and tell you about the way he is feeling and wanting to know what is going on in your life as well. He always wants to know why your upset or why you could be mad at him, wanting to know what he can fix about something he is doing.
◈ Matt is a switch in bed, he loves being the top and having you become a moaning mess unraveling beneath him
◈ Matt loves when you take over in bed becoming possessive and telling him what to do.
◈ Matt loves when you squirt. He loves when you make a mess with your juices praising you when you do. "you did so good for me y/n" "God you're such a good girl I could cum again just from you squirting around me"
◈ When you are the dom to Matt he loves when you ride him, he loves seeing your tits bounce as you ride him. You telling him to hold him orgasm as you ride to your high.
◈ Matt loves when you scream his name, it makes him crazy.
◆ Matt loves driving you around and taking you from store to store, even if he stays in the car he refuses to let you pay when you go out. He is always handing you his card saying "no limit" "go crazy babe". He loves to spoil you rotten.
◆ When Matt goes out to film a Friday video he always makes sure to text you when they get to the parking lot, when they start and stop filming, and when they are on the way home.
◆ (if you read) Matt loves going to the book store with you. He likes the calm atmosphere and calming smell of books. He's always buys the ones you touch even if you put them down he's asking " are you sure princess? I don't mind getting it." He will always take the books from you and carry them around the store for you and all the way out to the car as well.
AN pt. 2: Ok I hope you guys liked that lol. also if you want any of these kinda turned into a fic I will try my best with that lol. let me know what you think, if anything could be improved and what not. OKAY BYE LOVE YOU! thank you for reading :) :)
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snowyvoid · 3 months
im still on my hlvrai is a haunted house bullshit. had time to think about it. now i must propose the idea of the game being alive and vaguely rotten or infected by the science team/the player.
also thinking about the idea of the science team being a virus of sort feeding off of the player's sentience. with all the player slowly becoming less and less aware that he is playing a videogame n whatever, while the science team becomes more "human" and aware.
hey what if black mesa and the game are the same thing and they are collectively a living being (think of a siphonophore) and the science team are its teeth/mouth/stomach. and it needs sentience to keep living. and the science team go and find players to become friends with and feed off of. and in turn the players get to become part of the organism. like a really shitty symbiotic relationship. and this is not to say any of the creatures in this situation are in the wrong, but id like to study that aspect too; i just really like making not very aware things have to deal with being alive.
haunted houses as concepts are weird and wobbly and the best definition i can give is a container with something else that is hostile inside of it. because, if you really think about it, human bodies "house" hostile bacteria that attack the good bacteria, house organs, etc etc just a like generic horror movie haunted house "houses" both ghosts and humans and its own rooms. and the rooms might be the hostile thing, not the ghosts or the humans. the house itself may be hostile to the things inside of it. there is an importance in knowing what each thing thinks of eachother. hey can somebody tell why is my basement breathing and pulsating and if it is a physical manifestation of my houses feelings
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whole-circus · 1 year
hi! since your requests are open, could I ask for some room hdc?? with characters of your choice 🧎‍♀️
please take care of yourself and take your time!!
Creepypastas room headcanons!
➥ Jeff the Killer, Homicidal Liu, Eyeless Jack, Ben Drowned, Clockwork and Hobo Heart
Oh hi and thank you!! Here you go sweetie! If you wanted someone more then feel free to uptade!! :33
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☆ Jeff the Killer
What a stinky men. Im sorry but his room is messy for sure and you can't convince me otherwise! Dirty clothes, empty cans, leftovers, stains..man, hire him a maid or something. Some dead plants and messy grafitties, stolen traffic signs and construction boards! Propably never in his life made bed, and his sheets aren't changed often.
Definitely has many band posters on his walls too! Maybe some vinyls too?? Mostly the black, red and grey colours can be seen. Hates the big light, so usually sits in dark or with small lamp. His drapes 24/7 covered. He is emo and plays loud music.
Smells like cigarettes and like room that hadn't been aired for long time.
☆ Homicidal Liu
Pretty, clean and organized room! The only 'messy' thing could be mugs he forgot to clean (same tho). Im sure he has gramophone and listen some of this old, silly, romantic songs! Also - a lot of plants, maybe even lego flowers? Couple of this aesthetic posters, some gobelins, small paintings. Photos with his friends, S/O! His bed is almost always well made. He have many books, and an easel (what an art hoe of him).
Mostly green, brown and beige colours. He loves natural light and candles, and if the weather is nice then his windows are open.
His room smells like cleaning detergents, soil and candles (usually the flower ones).
☆ Eyeless Jack
Soo..his room is not as clean, but its caused by his wild side. On his walls and furnitures are many straches from his hands (or even teeth!). Otherwise? You don't have to worry about surviving visiting his room, you have high chance to not caught anything! I would say his room is pretty dark, only becasue his walls are in gloomy colours - maybe not black, but gray, green or navy blue (all in dark shades).
Let's pretend that he actually was into medicine before all his tragic events..pls? Propably has some decorations, like skeleton, anatomy-related posters! Also likes to keep his blinds shut, he is pretty hypersensitive in terms to hearing, sight, smell. And maybe..he would have this small, funny fridge in his room, you know - to keep his..food..fresh!
About the smell..maybe a bit of blood? And something rotten? But its not that strong tho!
☆ Ben Drowned
Musty, dusty and rusty room, but we still love him! He would clean once in a while, and he do that very solid..but that doesn't last long - his room gets messy very easly. When he isnt gaming then he is sleeping..pretty productive, huh? Bed is never made, lots of junk food wrappers, empty (or not) cans..
LED lights 25/8! His room is pretty dark, propably never seen the sun. On his walls are posters from movies, anime and games. Has pretty professional gaming set when it comes to computer (I would describe it but i only know that computer need screen and keybord lol). High chance of having some psp gaming corner! Like bean bag pouffe, TV and stuff. Also! Collects figures like funko pops, anime figures, nendoroids. Ben have pretty nice Lego collection too!
His room smells like sweat and energy drinks.
☆ Clockwork
A bit messy, but in this aesthetic way - in other way, chaos under control! You know, some clothes at the floor or on chair..some dirty mugs..and her trash can is a bit too full..but as I said - everything looks pretty planed..! She has many blankets and plushies (she would never admit to that tho) on her bed.
In her room dominates mostly shades of dark green and white! Has many fun stuff in her room - rocks, animal skulls..sorry fellow animal lovers, promise they were found! But also a guitar! Full jewelry holder - and they are all well made! Thats why they are a bit too messy.. And she keeps many fake plants, she sucks at taking care of them. Clockwork has many string lights in various shapes!
Dunno, but I cant really assign smell of her room! Maybe something like dust and coffee?
☆ Hobo Heart
Ahh I miss this pretty boy to be honest! His room is clean, end of the sentence, thats it. I also think that he would have some pet in terrarium or aquarium - lizard, frog or just some fishes. Even if they are small, he treat them with proper respect and like the family members!
Has white walls with paintings and photos of his friends/SO, but most of the decorations are in shade of red. Also vinyls as decorations and posters of his favorite singers/bands (m sorry but he totally looks like somoene listening to Lana Del Ray vibes T^T) - all in this 'aesthetic way'! Simple light bed sheets, and when his bed is made (which is pretty often) he put pillows that have this silly shapes. Like to keep his room natural lightened and loves candles!
His room smells pretty like vanilia, but its not a strong scent.
.•┈••✦ 🖤 ✦••┈•.
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foolstower · 1 year
(Sebastian(stardew valley) x fem!reader)
Comfort smut?? I got a little lost in the sauce with this one.
Your legs grew weaker as you ran. Shadow like creatures chased you endlessly through the tunnels of the cave. Your breath grew ragged, you felt like you had been running for hours. Unarmed and afraid, you thought you could keep going until you found an elevator. But they drew closer with every step. You could feel their claws lightly scratching the surface of your arms and legs before something managed to grab your ankle.
You fell and hit the ground hard. Looking back you saw the familiar face of a friend. His clawed hand gripped your leg tight, enough to bruise.
"Krobus? What's going on?" You rasped out. Still winded from the impact. He looked off, long claws almost punctured your skin, his usual friendly demeanor was long gone and when he spoke you couldn't help but notice his mouth full of sharp, rotten teeth.
"You should've never gone this deep." His voice was distorted and strained. "Now you'll never leave." He groaned as he melted into a pile of black goo. You tried to get up but started to sink into the floor. The same black goo your friend had just melted into was now the entirety of the cave floor. Your feet were the first to go. Black tendrils snaked up you body and desperately tried to pull you under. The panick set in and you cried for help.
"Please!" You sunk further and struggled to stay above the floor. "Help me!!" You sobbed. soon your whole body was one with the cave your head was close to submerging before you cried out one last time.
Your body was wrapped in a warm embrace. A soothing voice muttered above your form and a hand caressed your back. Your face was buried in someone's chest and by the familiar scent of cedar and cigarettes you knew exactly who.
Another nightmare, you concluded. Your body immediately relaxed as your wrapped your arms around your husband's torso. His t-shirt was wet with tears where he cradled your face. His hand drew unknown patterns on your back as you came to.
"Another nightmare?" He asked. You nodded. Ever since getting to the bottom of the caves and pocketing the skull key, you've had night terrors every now and again. Sometimes they were tame, but sometimes they were like this one. More intense. More realistic.
"It was about the cave again." You muttered softly into his chest. "Im tired of this."
A sad smile graced his features. He felt for you, he really did. After pulling countless all-nighters for the same reason he was glad he at least knew how to comfort you. Holding you in his arms always calmed you down.
"You're home now, you're ok." He comforted. You both stayed like that for a long while before you slowly made your way out of the comforting embrace he trapped you in. A puzzled look played across his features as he moved to release you. "Where you goin'?" He asked.
"I'm just gonna grab a water real quick. I'll be back." You smiled before leaving the room. Sebastian stayed in his position, his back was against the headboard and he proceeded to lose himself in his thoughts. What was causing you to have so many nightmares all of a sudden? His heart ached everytime you cried out his name in your sleep. At first he thought it was cute, hearing his name come out in a small mumble, your grip would tighten around him before calming down. But now they were worrisome. Occasionally waking up to you screaming his name or you sobbing at the edge of the bed by yourself. He knew you were exhausted. He felt like shit because he couldn't help you more. He wished he could just take all your pain away.
"Seb? Are you ok?" You asked as you came back in. Sebastians thoughts shown clearly on his face. He was worried, worried about what would happen if this keeps up.
He smiled at you none the less. "I'm fine babe. I should be asking you that question." He softly chided as you crawled back into your spot on the bed. You looked at him with soft eyes. He was always like this. Deflecting your concerns toward him back at you.
"I'm ok now, because of you." You said as you rolled on your side. He chuckled, one of the many qualities he loved about you was your ability to to bounce back from stressful situations. It was a charming quality that made him feel less anxious about things.
"Tomorrow I'm taking that stupid key to the wizard, maybe he can tell me what's up with it." You mentioned. "Im almost positive that's the root of my problems." You explained. Sebastian sighed in slight relief. He's glad you had suspicions of the key as well, he didn't want to suggest that it was the problem just in case it was too far fetched. But ever since you brought it home with you there's been nothing but bad juju around the house.
"I hope that he can help you out. I'm starting to get really worried." He admitted. "It seems like you're getting worse as time goes on, sometimes you scream like you're in pain." He explained as he scooted down the bed to a laying position. He rolled on his side to face you and propped himself up on his elbow. His hand lovingly caressed your cheek. His sad eyes looked at you, gently moving to comb his fingers through you hair. A lone strand escaped and he delicately tucked it behind your ear. You gave a content sigh. No matter how many years you'd been with sebastian, his touch still made your body feel like static.
Your hand came up to grab his, cherishing the feeling of his warm skin. You grabbed his hand that was just playing with the loose strands on your shoulder and brought it to your lips. You kissed the back of it and looked back up at him.
"I love you sebastian. As long as you're with me, I'll feel safe." You whispered. His concerned look softened.
"I love you too. I just wish there was more I could do for you." He said sadly. His hand came down to rest of your waist. You stared up at him for a second before an idea came to mind. Something that always took both of your minds off stressful situations.
"You could help me forget." You stated. He looked at you confused.
"Huh?" Was all that he could utter. You got up from your comfy spot and pressed on his shoulder. Gesturing him to lay on his back. You proceeded to sit in your usual spot on his pelvis. Both of your thighs were exposed and his warm hands didn't hesitate to grip both of them.
"You can help me forget.....you know how." You leaned down to whisper in his ear. His grip tightened a little at that. The scarlet hue you loved so much spread across his cheeks. Both of your arms pinned him down by his shoulers.
"Are you su-" before he could finish his sentence you ground your hips against his. He groaned at the contact and gave you a lustful glare. His erection pushed up against his boxers beneath you wanting nothing more than to feel your skin.
"I'm positive." You smiled. The only thing you wore were one of his t-shirts and your panties. Surely a sight for the beholder. One of his hands snaked under your shirt to play with your exposed nipple. You whined a bit at the contact.
"Sebby.....what do you want to do?" You offered. He thought for a moment before coming to a conclusion.
"I don't want you to do anything.. Just let me take care of you tonight. Ok?" He said as he changed your positioning.
You were now on your back. Your head rested on soft pillows and the silky comforter felt good on your now bare skin. Sebastian kissed a trail from the base of your neck to your inner thigh. His fingers massaged the sides of your hips as he made his journey.
Ecstasy. That's what he'd give you to forget about your troubles. Your loving husband was the only one that could provide you with this. To allow you to indulge in endless pleasures and forget about everything. Even if it was only for a moment. He'd make you whole again.
A moan pushed its way out your lips as sebastians slender fingers pushed themselves into your dripping core. They slightly curved up knowing by now just where to press to entice a cute reaction out of you.
Your hips arched into his palm trying to create more friction as pulled his fingers out agonizingly slow. You pouted. He brought them to his lips and locked eyes with you before sucking the juices off both of them. He seemed more confident tonight. You felt like you could melt with the way he looked at you. He gave a satisfied expression.
"Keep looking at me like that." He instructed. You watched as he positioned himself between your thighs. He had a vice like hold on one of your legs the other stayed on your hip. "Don't look away." He smirked before divulging himself.
You could feel his tongue lick gentle streaks from your entrance to your clit. The continuous motion made you skin feel hot to the touch. His hands spread your thighs open more allowing him more access to suck on it. Sebastian always knew just what to do when eating your cunt. Licking and sucking, the sounds he made were enough to make you cum.
Your hand instinctively grabbed a fistful of his soft hair. Keeping you grounded in reality and keeping the hair out of his face while he worked. You huffed and moaned. A coil in your stomach was about to snap. Just a little more.
"Fuuckk.... you feel so good." Your throaty praise reached his ears. Your free hand played with your own breast and you felt his deep laugh . He began to focus primarily on your clit flicking it until you finally came.
He held his head there for a moment, admiring how you were a gushing mess. Only he was allowed to see this side of you. The messy side. A part of you he never would have known existed had he not asked for it, one night years ago.
He climbed his way up your body and planted a wet kiss on your lips. Through half lidded eyes you could tell he wanted more. You were happy to oblige.
"You ready?" He teased. Pulling his boxers down just enough to expose his member. Thick and hard, you always wondered how it managed to fit inside you. He pulled you closer to him, kissing and biting at your neck as he slipped inside with little to no resistance. He made you feel so full, so satisfied and loved. Breathy moans filled the room, hands groped and nails dug into any flesh that it could. He pounded into you roughly. Wanting you to feel how much he needs you. His hand found its way to your neck and gave a gentle squeeze. Your walls clenched around him causing his thrust to falter before he finally came inside. You could feel his seed fill and spill out of you as he buried himself deeper. You both were a panting mess as your high came down. He pulled out and laid next to you, pulling you into his arms holding you close to his chest.
"I love you y/n....I'll never let anything hurt you." He muttered into your hair. You sighed, perfectly content as long as you were with him.
"I love you too... i know you won't." You said. You still needed to clean up but for now....
You'd rather just stay in this moment with him. For as long as you can.
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lovelikealcoholic · 3 months
Do you think you could do sibling alien stage head cannons?? Like if the alien stage characters had little siblings, how would they act towards them?
i love all the ideas im getting I hope I don't let you guys down, I'm so hungry for Alien Stage content....
im imagining this as you being a child but if you want like a little sibling in the same age range uh I can do that if u ask....
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I feel like he'd cherish his sibling a lot, especially a younger one.  
He loves caressing your head, playing with your hair, 100% 
Or hold your hand and rub circles on the back of it while looking at you with a smile. 
He is always by their side, no matter what. If you're crying, he's there. If he chooses to run away, he takes you with him.  
The way he comforts you is by pressing your head against his chest and running his fingers through your hair before placing a small kiss on it, whispering quietly to help you release all negative emotion. 
He's a bit of a hypocrite when telling you what to do. He wants to send you on the right path in life because you deserve the best in the world, so of course, he's always giving you advice, caressing your head, and telling you via story books. 
He still manages to rub off on you, if you’re a ray of sunshine you have a serious look on your face and people get scared off and you don't mind much as long as you have your brother. 
You’re unafraid of the big dog like aliens who bare their teeth at people. You brainlessly put your head in its mouth or put your forehead to its nose and close your eyes, feeling a connection to it. 
Every time he finishes a song you run up to him which makes him smile, remembering partly who he is doing this for.  
If he ever had a friend to talk to, he’d always mention you, i mean, you’re all he has. 
And in return he would tell you about the people he knew, when you asked about Till he would tell you, but his head would be in the clouds. 
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She doesn't lie to their sibling at all. You will know the situation, and she won't hide anything from you.
You need something? She always has your back. You're spoiled rotten.
She raised you to be tough and headstrong so that you could live your best life when you grow older.
She gets so excited every time she notices you growing older that she shakes or hugs you while jumping and showing you off to everyone. only to her close friends because shes a bit secretive about you.
gets really mad when someone she doesnt like mentions you
Loves to kiss your cheek, mwah mwah mwah! Before biting it playfully.
She wants you to know that you own yourself and don't have to please anyone to be happy! If you do something, it's because you want it!
When she notices that she's rubbing off on you, she squeals and tells her buddies, telling them she's so proud before rubbing your head to mess up your hair because you can't be cooler than her.
She'll hug you whenever you feel down and tell you it's all going to be alright, that no matter what, she was always there, and she'd kick anyone's ass for ya.
she's not a fan of getting all cheesy, so she'll squish your cheeks and tell you to raise your head high.
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He wants you to be independent so he does the worst thing he could possibly do. ignore you.
He thinks it will make you strong, so you'll be capable of handling things if he ever disappears, but it just makes you wish he'll acknowledge you.
You get everything that you want except your brother's attention.
So you do everything to try to impress him, even starting to practice singing and accomplishing every task given to you.
And when you're standing next to your brother in front of your owner, when the alien leaves, he just rubs your head and walks away with a small smile.
When he notices he's rubbing off on you he either frowns because who do you think you are? or he smirks and doesn't say anything.
He never talks with you, only really short talk
Whenever you show that you feel down, tears in your eyes as you call for your brother, he gets a bit angry. You shouldn't be showing that; you won't survive in this world if you do.
He'll probbaly slap you........
He's not good at caring for you; he doesn't know how much it would affect you.
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She'll do anything for you. She wants you to smile always.
Everything she does is for you. She always thinks about you every second, wondering when she'll get to see you.
She buys you many gifts, so don't ask her how she got them; she has her ways.
She sings you to sleep, picks flowers for you, and hugs you daily.
If anyone knew her, they know you're her number one priority.
If you ever feel down, she will sing you your favorite song and gently rock you to sleep, trying not to cry, too, because she's supposed to look strong for her sibling.
When you show similar behavior to her, she smiles and gets so happy she'll tell the whole world, similar to hyuna but she brags to everyone.
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He tries, he really does but he's a bad influence and tries to distance himself from you so you'll be safe.
another part of him is too love sick to have anyother resoponsability
But you dont know that nd so you stick to him as much as you can, showing off anything you made or just anything you learned to impress him.
all he does is nod not even looking your way before saying "yeah great job."
He yells at you only to protect you. he wants you to not be seen with him so you don't SEE how much trouble he is, how horrible he is.
he loves you, but hes let you go for the best........
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sorry if Luka and Till's werent good, if u wan ill remke.... any ideas are welcomed , maybe part 2s
its 2 am........ ill catch up with the other requests soon/..
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jellyfiishatr · 1 year
hellooo! I’m currently hyper fixated on Lackadaisy! So I was wondering if you can do Mordecai x Reader fluff (romantic). Reader is healing Mordecai after a huge fight.
a/n : ofcourse! Im inlove with these Mordecai ones, I've started to become obsessed with him as well 🙌😞
content : teeth-rottening fluff , romance
content warning : bandaging wounds , hint of angst(if you squint real hard)
• ☆☆☆ •
You wake up to the sound of the door creeking open in the middle of the night. Knowing as to who had broken into your house after a long shift; you give a great big sigh before rubbing the tiredness out of your eyes.
Wobbling into the living room, you look to see a black silhouette. You gasp and jump back even though you knew who it was.
Mordecai gives you a blank stare, with sleepy hooded eyes. Your gaze softens as you notice how exhausted he is.
"Apologies for scaring you like that," he sighs. "I meant to head into the bathroom but my legs were about to give out."
Normally he wouldn't admit such weakness, but with you he knew no judgement would come out of you. He admired that of you.
"It's okay, I didn't mean to jump like that." You respond, "I knew it was you, it's just the sleepiness is all."
You notice as to why he's all worn out, of course this was the usual thing for him.
Mordecai coming home in the middle of the night; you waking up to the sound of the door closing, walking in and jumping to his shadow, and bandaging him up before falling asleep on the couch because it was closer.
This time you wanted to make it to the bed, so you dragged him into the bathroom.
He groans as you sit him down in the tub. You run the warm water, and ready the soap.
Humming, he slowly closes his eyes in comfort as you scrub the back of his head.
"mm..- thank you reader," He gently says. In a hushed tone he goes on to say, "I deeply admire you, and am incredibly inlove with you so."
You chuckle to yourself quietly, it's adorable when he tells you sweet nothings when he's sleepy.
You give him a light kiss on his temple. He smiles, turning over to ask for another.
After the bath, you help him get dressed into his pj's. Helping pull his arm through the sleeve and pull the back of it down.
Then it's back to the cuts on his face and his elbows, and bruises scattered on his body. He winces when you put pressure on one of the many on his rib.
"Oh mordecai..-" You say trailing off. You gently smooth over his exposed abdomen, slightly embarrassed he pulls down his shirt.
"I know what you're going to do." Telling you as he gets up. "You're going to bandage me up, and drag me to bed," going on.
"Well, actually bring me to bed this time."
Your smile from earlier falters. Why must he be so stubborn, especially after being so open before? Is it that he slowly wakes up after the bath? Or does he just get embarrassed of being affectionate?
Well whatever it was, you wouldn't let it stop you now. You've gotten so far and you weren't gonna fall back asleep anytime soon. Might as well deal with Mordecai's stubborn antics and get him to bed before he tries something.
"Come on," you tell him getting up from where you were. "Let's get to the bed."
"Let's" he says.
When he's sat down, you pull him to stay up. Pushing away the covers so he can't get comfy under the covers.
Him already knowing what you're about to do, he tries to get up once again.
But he can't.
"I knew it." He looks in your direction.
"You're just as exhausted as I am right now." You say with a smug smirk. "Well more than I am of course." smirk faltering a bit.
"Of course, but it doesn't mean I'm gonna sit here and wait for you to finish bandaging me up when I'm just going to get hurt again."
"Oh well, you're just going to have to." Holding him in place, you finally bandage him up.
Lots of grumbling and groaning, and complaining could be heard from him. But you were too exhausted and so out of it to really care.
Kissing each bandaged wound, you finished and got up to put away the supplies.
"Urgh..-" he groans.
"Ah-ah- don't." You stop him from saying anymore. "You know you're thankful I did that."
He mumbles something under his breath, hearing that you ask him what he said.
Mumbling it once again slightly louder, you ask him one final time.
"Thank you for dealing with my stubbornness, I appreciate what you do for me nightly." He finally says aloud.
"I know," kissing his temple one last time before falling asleep.
He chuckles to himself, (how'd I get so lucky..)
Looking at your sleeping figure, he pulls you into him and pulls the covers onto the both of you. Finally getting comfortable, he slowly sinks into the comfort of the sheets and dozes off to sleep with you.
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philistiniphagottini · 4 months
omg hihi u write for like everything im obsessed with ?
could I please request for dante and “holding shopping bags that are too heavy for the other” from the prompt list (fem reader) ? i need to indulge the idea of him spoiling me on a shopping spree as if he doesn’t struggle to keep his lights on lmfaoo im totally soft for the man
tyty! 🫶
Oh my god hi! Thanks for dropping by :) I got so excited when I read this and I literally couldn't help myself and I just had to write. Thanks for the request.
Wordless Ways To Say I Love You
43. holding shopping bags that are too heavy for them
this is the dynamic i picture in this story
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Dante wasn’t kidding when he said he would take you on a shopping spree. You recalled his exact words: "Shop until you drop, babe." Well, you certainly felt like dropping. You had been at the shopping mall for several hours, browsing through every shop that even caught a hint of your attention. Your boyfriend was more than happy to encourage you along, spoiling you so rotten that you felt your teeth were going to start falling out with how sugary sweet he has been to you, refusing to let you even pay for your own drink.
A wistful sigh blew past your lips as you exited yet another designer clothes shop for the umpteenth time that day. Your feet were starting to ache from the miles you had been walking around in your shoes and your wrists were begging for relief with the amount of shopping bags you held. Your ears were ringing from the countless noises of voices echoing around the shopping district, throngs of children and adults alike scattered in a sea of bodies surrounding you. For the weekend, the crowd wasn’t that bad. Thankfully, you came at a time when there were no important holidays coming up. You could only imagine the nightmarish hellscape it could turn into.
As you lost yourself in a myriad of your own thoughts, you failed to realise Dante sneaking up to you until his cheery voice broke you out of your stupor. Your shoulders tensed before they relaxed when you recognised his familiar voice cooing in your ear.
"Hey, those look heavy" Dante said. "Let me take them off your hands."
You opened your mouth to reply but all that came out was a mild noise of protest as Dante plucked the shopping bags from your grasp. He already had an armful of other bags yet he didn’t seem the least bit perturbed as he added to the pile bundled in his arms. He got a few, quizzical looks from a couple of bystanders passing by but no one seemed to outright question the ridiculous display of strength that he was currently exhibiting.
"I can carry those myself" you argued, placing an idle hand on your hip.
"That’s okay, I got it babe" Dante replied with a smile.
You shook your head, a fond smile tilting your lips as you did a mental count in your head of all the things you had bought today. You took a few steps away from the entrance of the store, Dante following close behind so he didn’t crowd the exit for other patrons. You tapped your chin in thought as a sigh fell from your parted lips. Maybe you went a little overboard today on the spending. You felt a little bad for spending all of Dante’s money when he barely had any to begin with.
"I’m all shopped out Dante" you said with a decisive nod. "I think its time we head home."
"Are you sure? Didn’t you want to get that cute little necklace you saw a few shops ago? You know, the one that complimented your eyes?"
You blanched at that. How the hell did he know that you had been eyeing it? The only reason you had put it back was because the price tag had just been a tad too expensive. It was one of the only things you had said no to during your shopping trip. You swallowed around the awkward lump in your throat as you shook your head.
"I don’t need it. I’ll live."
A small pout tugged at Dante’s lips. "Aww, come on, don’t be like that. Let me by it for you."
You playfully rolled your eyes. "Dante, no. You’ve spent enough."
"It’s never enough if it’s for you" he chimed in a sickly-sweet voice.
"Do you even have enough to pay your bills this month?"
Dante shrugged his shoulders, jostling the countless amounts of bags he carried. "Eh, probably? That’s not the point. Come on, let me buy it for you~"
You pinched the bridge of your nose. You were going to have to start putting this man on a leash just to have some semblance of control over him. You could tell that he was not going to budge and you both could stand here for literal hours arguing back and forth on why he didn’t need to throw his money at you. You didn’t fall in love with him for that reason and he was well aware of that fact. Dante just liked getting you nice things and seeing the bright, beaming smile on your face. You were worth every cent.
"Please?" Dante tried again. "I promise we’ll go home after that."
You huffed loudly. "You’re a lovesick fool."
Dante smiled as he leaned closer to you, his face hovering only mere inches from yours. His blue eyes sparkled playfully, wisps of his snow-white hair tickling your cheek as he grinned.
"Yeah, but I’m your lovesick fool."
Damn, he’s got you there.
"Come on, give me some sugar."
You playfully swatted his shoulder as you leaned up and planted a chaste kiss on his lips, earning you a mix of disdain and adoration from the people around you who just so happened to look in your direction. You could care less about the onlookers. It felt like they all just had faded in the background and all that mattered was the man standing in front of you. Dante pulled away from your cherry red lips with an infectious smile on his face, the twinkle in his eye only intensifying when a pretty dress caught his attention in the window of a shop.
"Hey, that’d look nice on you, pretty girl. Let me buy it for you."
Your shoulders sagged. You’d be lucky if you made it out of here before dark.
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monkayemporor · 8 months
“I didn’t want this!”
Synopsis: fem!Lorenzo (aka possum) and her parent 😱😱😱
Cw: Talks of plastic surgery + reader doesn’t like Lorenzo (at first)
Featuring: Fem!Lorenzo and Gn!Reader
Wc: 660
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“I’m gonna get plastic surgery.”
“Excuse me?”
Looking up from your phone, you were faced with Donna Lorenzo. And her usual shit-eating grin. Under normal circumstances, you would’ve indulged her, but this wasn’t a normal situation. Considering how she wasn’t even supposed to be here.
A few weeks ago, your friend Snuffy had dropped off some kid at your doorstep, explaining how she wanted you to take care of her. Of course, you had vehemently refused. And could anyone blame you? This girl looked like…well something. A freak would be the proper term. 
Rotten teeth, terrible hygiene, and her overall eccentric personality. You were so sure that you wouldn’t be able to deal with her. And what was Snuffy’s excuse? That her job as a pro would keep her too busy. 
“Can’t you just…I don’t know…buy her an apartment or something? You have a shitload of money!”, you had pleaded, but Snuffy had explained she didn’t want to leave Lorenzo alone. 
Sure, you could’ve refused. And if it had been anyone else, you would’ve. But this was Snuffy, your dearest friend. So, against your better judgment, you took Donna Lorenzo in. 
Living with her though, was certainly an…experience. From following you around your place, messing with your stuff, barking like a dog, and mooning over the weirdest boys on your computer. 
“Isn’t he just the best?”, she asked, an image of some gothic-looking boy open on the screen. 
Sipping on your coffee, your nose wrinkled, “Ew. No. Just no.”
Just what was wrong with her?
And now you were here, with Lorenzo proclaiming that she was going to get plastic surgery. 
“So, you want bigger boobs? I thought those were like bad for football or something.”, you said, clearly confused. Lorenzo shook her head and sat next to you, a bit too close for comfort though. 
“Nah, I just wanna get rid of something.”
Vague. You momentarily wondered if you should push for more info. But why bother? She was old enough to get one and it wasn’t like you were the one paying for it.
What would Snuffy say? She would probably want you to ask. Sighing, you placed your phone on the table and looked Lorenzo in the eye.
“Just what exactly do you want to get rid of?”
Silence suddenly filled the space and you noticed the defender avoiding your gaze. Odd.
“Well…”, you trail off, trying to find the right words to say as the teen girl perks up. “You’re not that bad looking. So I don’t see why you need to get plastic surgery.”
Lame. That was the best you could do? Screw it. You never wanted kids in the first place.
Instead of Lorenzo mocking you though, she simply laughed, showing off the golden grills you very much hated. “I’m not sayin' that it was terrible, but it was!”
In defeat, you slumped on the couch. Screw Snuffy. But just as you were about to leave the room, Lorenzo suddenly spoke up.
Well, now this was awkward. What were you supposed to say? No problem? Nahhh. 
“You’re cute looking—like a possum!”, you suddenly blurted out. Why were you doing this?! Just why?! The younger girl tilted her head, “Possum? Ya, mean those ugly rat things?”
“They are not ugly!”
“Are too. And that means you're calling me ugly!”
“Stop putting words in my mouth!”
Arguing with Donna Lorenzo turned out to be quite tiring. And at the end, you were laying on the couch, side-eyeing her, “Look. Just, don’t do it. You’re perfectly fine. And you may be kinda gross, you’re not that gross to need plastic surgery.”
It was quiet for a couple of minutes, you staring up at Lorenzo as she stared right back. Her shit-eating grin was visible, “Dah, fine~”
“Oh.” You weren’t expecting her to listen. Now what? Do you just leave? Or…
“Am I still a possum though?”, Lorenzo asked.
“Definitely yes.”
“You’re weird.”
“Look who’s talking.”
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